Greetings from the Team of MIND CARE AND MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES PVT LTD HEG Neurofeedback (HEG-NFB) HEG Neurofeedback uses advanced Near Infrared Spectroscopy (nIRS) and Real-Time Brain Computer Interface (rtBCI) technologies to voluntarily improve regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in the Prefrontal Cortex, the CEO of the brain. This technology ensures to provide optimum nutrition to the brain in the form of improved oxygenated blood flow enriching neuronal functioning, vis-Ă vis cognitive and psycho-behavioral control. Neurofeedback Training is like aerobic exercise and weight-lifting training for the brain. Gradually the brain cells are strengthened to reach maximum functional brain competence improving performance on a daily basis, be it Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) or Academics. Voluntarily increasing rCBF with the aid of NEG-NFB modality over a period of time improves regional Cerebral Blood Oxygenation (rCBO2 levels), which correspond well with improved neuro-behavioral and higher cognitive functions like attention, concentration, memory, executive functions like planning and organization, problem-solving, and decision-making. Pre- and Post-session infrared images of the trainee showing increased levels of rCBF and rCBO2 with maximization of blood levels across the Prefrontal Cortex
The unique Prefrontal Cortex Training afforded by HEG Neurofeedback through the processes of angiogenesis (increased rate of formation of new capillary networks accommodating enhanced blood flow) and synaptogenesis (increased rate of formation of new neural networks) improves structural and functional capacity of the brain manifold.
Human Neuron showing action formation in response to brain-stimulation provided through HEG Neurofeedback
Dr. Robert Coben in 2006 studied efficacy of HEG Neurofeedback for 28 children on Autism Spectrum. Just in 20 training sessions of HEG-NFB, 90% of the children under study showed clinically significant improvements across crucial developmental parameters: 42% reduction in autistic symptoms on ATEC 43% reduction in social interaction deficits 47% reduction in communication deficits 44% reduction in sensory/cognitive deficits 39% reduction in behavior deficits Statistically significant (p < .05) improvements in neuro-behavioral and cognitive functioning Significant increases in White and Gray Matter Volume after 40 training sessions of HEG Neurofeedback (J. Ghaziri, et al, 2012)
In an another path-breaking study by Dr. Hershel Toomim, pioneer of HEG Neurofeedback, 180 autistic students between age 6 and 18 years underwent 40 HEG-NFB training sessions. By the end of the training program, 86% of the students had shown significant improvements in their GPA (mean improvement of 0.94 on 4 point GPA scale).
In 2012, American Academy of Pediatrics reached the conclusion that HEG Neurofeedback is a Level 1 Evidence-based Practice for attention and hyperactivity issues among children. The Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences of Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology, Stanford University, and Omneuron Inc, USA showed that control over brain-activation is possible using real-time Neurofeedback to alleviate pathological symptoms that emanate from the brain or central nervous system (2005) A team of neuroscientists at the University of Montreal, Canada (2012) showed that HEG Neurofeedback enhances white and gray matter densities across
Cerebral Cortex and in turn improves neuro-cognitive and behavioral functioning among children.
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