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Where do you start? Here are a few ques�ons to help you get some focus around your thoughts - remember, this is your legacy – it’s what feels right for you.

What are your core values? Your key guiding principles, the founda�ons of your belief system that serve as “filters” in your decision making as you go through life.


What is your purpose? What gets you out of bed in the morning and fills you with energy?

Where do you want to be and what do you want to do? Figure out what drives you. Otherwise, you are just aimlessly heading nowhere.

Are you being you? Be authen�c! Be genuine! Be you! Play to your strengths and accept your weaknesses – it’s ok to be vulnerable!

Be grateful! Have gra�tude for everything the Universe brings you -even the nega�ve. Believe that nega�ves are leading you to be�er things. Get rid of self-limi�ng beliefs as you can do whatever you set your mind to do.

Believe If you believe you can, you can! If you believe you can’t, you can’t! So why would you choose a nega�ve!

Ignite your legacy and live with inten�on

Our legacy will be how we interacted and influenced others through acts of though�ulness, kindness, and posi�vity.

Don’t leave words of kindness or love unsaid! Don’t be busy being busy and fail to see the needs of those close to you!

Be posi�ve and live a life of gra�tude. Posi�vity and gra�tude are infec�ous. Share those feelings with others. Leave a legacy of kindness and live with inten�on. Why wait!

Love, Moira www.theelitewellnessgroup.com Elite Wellness

Moira Carmenate, The Elite Wellness Group


Forget coun�ng calories! Think about what you are ea�ng and drinking!


Ea�ng clean means ea�ng foods that are good for you. It’s not rocket science and deep down we all really know when we are ea�ng foods that are not good for us, but we carry on regardless.

Ea�ng clean is all about balance. Focus on fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and control your por�on sizes. It’s also about hydra�on. Think of a plant that doesn’t get enough water, it withers and dies. We humans need water to hydrate us and yet most of us don’t drink enough.

The benefits of Ea�ng Clean and drinking plenty of water:

You will be healthier, your eyes will be brighter, your skin will glow, you will speed up your metabolism and have loads more energy – so what’s stopping you.

Where do you start?

Eat o�en! Now behave! Eat foods that are good for you o�en! Not nibbling away on crisps, salted peanuts, biscuits!

Feeling the need to nibble – like a squirrel, graze on nuts – not salted or fried and in modera�on!

Be mindful about your meals and plan ahead. Planning your meal op�ons makes your shopping more focused to what you need, and you will be less tempted to pick up random items.

The Ea�ng Clean principles include:

Eat six small meals per day Eat breakfast Eat lean protein Eat two servings of healthy fats Include fibre in your ea�ng plan from fruits and vegetables Control your por�on sizes Drink 2 to 3 litres of water every day

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