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Breakfast kickstarts your day and boosts your metabolism. First thing in the morning your blood sugar is low, and breakfast gives the boost needed to make your muscles work and help fire up your brain.

But don’t be reaching for cookies donuts as you dash out of the door!


In line with your Ea�ng Clean plan, be mindful of what you are ea�ng and why. Fibre keeps you feeling full longer and nothing be�er than a bowl of healthy grains with low fat milk or porridges. Or what about a low-fat yoghurt smoothie with fruits and a teaspoon of bran or grains. Remember to drink a couple of glasses of water.

Lean Protein includes:

Greek Yoghurt Skinless breast of chicken or turkey Low fat co�age cheese White fish Salmon Lean beef Lean pork Tofu Beans, len�ls and peas

Protein helps regulate your blood sugars and keeps you feeling full as well as suppor�ng body func�ons like cell maintenance, muscle building and �ssue repair. Lean protein has less than 10 grams of total fat and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol In a 4 oz serving. As a key part of your ea�ng plan it helps stop hunger pangs and is a healthy addi�on to your diet.

Healthy fats include:

Olive oil Fish – salmon, trout, tuna, herrings, mackerel, sardines Nuts – almonds, walnuts, pecans Avocados Seeds – hemp, pumpkin, flaxseeds

Stay Hydrated

Simple - drink 2-3 litres of water per day – but most of us don’t!

Keeping hydrated is essen�al for every organ and �ssue in your body to func�on properly. Most of us are dehydrated a lot of the �me and this leads to chronic fa�gue, headaches and brain fog.

Our bodies are made up of around 60% of water and drinking enough ensures that bodily waste is flushed out, your temperature is regulated and your brain func�ons.

Crea�ng healthy hydra�on habits is essen�al for all of these body func�ons to operate at their op�mum level.

Drink at least one glass of water before every meal

Ul�mately, you need to create an Ea�ng Clean plan that works for you – a plan you can s�ck to and just think – no calorie coun�ng

Moira Carmenate www.theelitewellnessgroup.com

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