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Aargh! Mood Swings

Aargh! Mood Swings

Moira Carmenate

5. Substance abuse: The use of drugs or alcohol can alter brain chemistry and contribute to mood swings. Intoxication and withdrawal from substances can also lead to significant shifts in mood.


6. Medications: Some medications, including certain anti-de pressants, antipsychotics, and steroids, may have mood-altering side effects. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you suspect your medications may be affecting your mood.

7. Chronic medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, chronic pain, and neurological disorders, can impact mood regulation and contribute to mood swings.

8. Environmental factors: Environmental factors like extreme weather conditions, seasonal changes, or expo sure to toxins can influence mood and potentially lead to mood swings.

It's worth noting that occasional mood swings are a normal part of life, but if mood swings become persistent, severe, or interfere with daily functioning, it's important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or mental health professional. They can assess the underlying causes and provide appropriate treatment or interventions.

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