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Love Your Heart

Love Your Heart

Moira Carmenate, The Elite Wellness Group




Valentine’s day falls on 14th February every year and love it or hate it, it isn’t going away. For centuries it has been a religious celebration, an ancient ritual day and in some places a commercial holiday. In recent years it has been commercialised as a day romantically celebrated with the exchange of gifts, flowers, and chocolates.

Mind you, it hasn’t always been celebrated with flowers, chocolates, and romance. On 14th February 1929, Al Capone arranged for his gang to kill a group of men in Chicago during Prohibition, and this became known as the Valentine’s Day Massacre.

Different cultures around the world celebrate in different ways. In some parts of the world, Valentine’s Day is observed as a day of love and that love is for everyone. Celebrating love between friends and families with gifts to acknowledge kind acts of appreciation.

This type of celebration reminds us to be grateful for those around us and show how much we care, even if it’s making them a cup of tea or just acknowledging your gratitude for their existence.

But what about you? What about your love for yourself?

I hear you say -that’s selfish. It’s not selfish, it’s essential.

When you give yourself permission to take care of yourself, to put yourself first, you will live your life in a more positive manner.

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha

How can you love others if you can’t love yourself?

The Law of Attraction starts with us. We attract what we believe. We will be loved if we believe we are lovable.

So, what about self-love? What is it?

Firstly, to understand and experience self-love, you need to control and stop the negative thoughts that drain your energy and stop you moving forward in life. The more you allow negative thoughts to consume you, the stronger they become, blocking everything in your path.

You may recognise some of these negative actions and thoughts:

Beating yourself up when you make even a small mistake

Constantly apologising for who you are

Reminding yourself about your flaws

Engaging in self-destructive activities showing your lack of self-worth

Not considering your needs as a priority

Aways finding reasons to talk yourself out of your dreams as if you are not worthy

Clinging to people who do not have your best interests at heart

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