November 2012 Ohio Beverage Monthly

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November 2012





Reinventing the Draught


Respect for the Queen


Taking a Shine to Moonshine

nOvemBer 12

20 FeATureS


20 2012 HOLIDAY gIFT guIDe The Beverage network presents its annual round-up of valueadded products.

50 BrAnD prOFILe: JurA Jura Scotch whisky offers a new expression and a fall promotional contest. 52 BrAnD prOFILe: mASTer OF mIXeS master of mixes delivers a premium portfolio of mixers based on classic cocktails.

4 puBLISHer'S meSSAge 6 SuperInTenDenT OF OHIO LIQuOr cOnTrOL repOrT 7 meSSAge FrOm THe OLBA eXecuTIve DIrecTOr 8 LegAL ISSueS 11 LAST cALL

36 36 reInvenTIng THe DrAugHT eXperIence Heineken uSA grows its portfolio of upscale, international beers. 42 reSpecT FOr THe Queen chardonnay continues to be America’s #1 white wine; the secret to selling it is selection.

13 evenTS & BeneFITS 15 TAkIng cAre OF BuSIneSS 17 THeBArBLOgger.cOm

56 56 TAkIng A SHIne TO wHITe wHISkeY with sales of this rebel spirit taking off, suppliers and resellers consider how to offer it.

59 SHOppIng neTwOrk 63 wHOLeSALe prIce LIST 73 vIOLATIOnS

nOvemBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY 3


publisher's message BY pHILIp A. crAIg

philip A. craig, publisher


elcome back to The Ohio Beverage monthly! we start off this month with Bruce Stevenson’s column on page 6. Bruce explains how Alcohol Beverage manufacturing is growing in Ohio and with the holidays fast approaching also tells you about holiday specials and packaging. On page 8, Dave raber recaps the Do's And Don'ts of Liquor Law seminar that was presented at the 2012 Buckeye Bar expo. In my column this month I write about the possibility of mandatory ignition interlocks in Ohio and how you can stay informed on the issue. Be sure to read the details on page 7.

chuck Deibel, author of the Last call column, writes this month about pricing and product mix on page 11. molly mckee is proud to announce that the 1st Annual northeast Ohio Bar expo will be held on April 22, 2013 at windows On The river in cleveland, Ohio on page 13. new this month on page 15 Dr. Steven Austin Stovall, a professor at wilmington college, who writes about how to deal with employee romances in his column "Taking care Of Business".

ALcOHOL BeverAge mAnuFAcTurIng IS grOwIng In OHIO Our Bar Blogger, Barry chandler, explains the only way for bars and restaurants to deal with review sites on page 18. As always, thank you for reading this month's issue, and remember that simply reading Ohio Beverage monthly keeps you ahead of your competition!

Ohio Beverage monthly volume 3, no 11 (ISSn 1065-9846)


philip A. craig

general counsel

Jacob c. evans, esq.

eDITOrIAL editor In chief

ArT & DeSIgn Art Director graphic Designer Assistant Designer Ohio Art Director

April 22, 2013

Windows On The River Cleveland, Ohio

Larry Lee Dana Buonincontri Josue romero megan w. Jordan

prInT & prODucTIOn print Services manager

Lee Stringham 410.519.7034

ADverTISIng Ohio Ad Sales

national & regional Ad Sales

Sales promotion manager

william goddard 614.241.2222 Jody Slone-Spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 Jessica roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117

OperATIOnS circulation

Northeast Ohio Bar Expo!

molly k. mckee

Finance & Accounting

Sylvia prince Seth niessen randye Benvenisti

Ohio Beverage Journal (ISSn 1065-9846) november 2012, vol. 3 no.11 postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage monthly, 37 w. Broad St, Suite 480, columbus, OH 43215 Ohio Beverage monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.

nATIOnAL cOverAge, LOcAL ADvAnTAge

The Beverage network publications are serviced by Beverage media group, Inc., 116 John Street, 23rd Floor, new York, nY 10038. Telephone: (212) 571-3232 FAX: (212) 571-4443.

4 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY nOvemBer 2012



holidAy Ay A

2 4 1






Maker’s Mark



The signature red wax that seals every bottle of Maker’s Mark is a festive theme for this set which includes a 750ml bottle of Maker’s Mark and two red-wax-dipped glasses. 6

Canadian Club In a box decked with sprigs of holly, a bottle of Canadian Club is matched with a stacked set of rocks glasses.

Effen Cucumber



Jim Beam ‘Tis the season to give boldly with the Jim Beam set featuring sportsthemed glasses.


This stand-out set features a 750ml bottle of Knob Creek and two doublepaneled glasses.

Vodka fans will enjoy the sleek clear-front carton showcasing a bottle of Effen Cucumber and a wrapped cocktail glass.


Knob Creek



Kamora A branded glass mug is the perfect companion to Kamora Coffee Liqueur for making warm holiday cocktails.



For lovers of Irish whiskey, Kilbeggan comes packaged with a set of branded rocks glasses.


Cruzan 9 A 750ml bottle of Cruzan 9 Spiced Rum with two etched glasses in a box dressed up for the season with holiday lights.

Courvoisier Rosé Fun is within this pink-hued box with a bottle of Courvoisier Rosé and matching carafe.


Dekuyper A candy cane made for adults, this treat is filled with 50ml sample sized holiday flavor favorites.

Availability may vary by market. Check with your local distributor for more information and pricing.

Holiday Vap Nov2.indd 1

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OHIO mAnuFAcTurerS & HOLIDAY SpIrITS evidence Of Ohio’s great Business environment BY Bruce D. STevenSOn, SuperInTenDenT OHIO DIvISIOn OF LIQuOr cOnTrOL

Spirituous liquor manufacturing in Ohio has experienced the most significant growth that started just this year. At the end of 2011, there were 13 distilleries and only two micro-distilleries.

Bruce D. Stevenson,, Superintendent

mADe In OHIO: To find evidence of Ohio’s great business environment and improving economy, one need look no further than our state’s strong growth in alcohol beverage manufacturing. There are currently 75 breweries operating in Ohio with a dozen pending applications for new businesses. more than a dozen new breweries have opened in Ohio each of the past two years. many of those are small, craft breweries making unique products that consistently receive high marks in tasting competitions all over the world. Ohio’s wine industry is also doing very well, with 174 wineries producing word-class wines, and applications for 11 new wineries pending. This industry has added more than 20 new businesses in each of the past two years. 6 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY nOvemBer 2012

TO FInD evIDence OF OHIO’S greAT BuSIneSS envIrOnmenT AnD ImprOvIng ecOnOmY, One neeD LOOk nO FurTHer THAn Our STATe’S STrOng grOwTH In ALcOHOL BeverAge mAnuFAcTurIng. Thanks to legislation supported by Ohio’s common Sense Initiative, Ohio now has a dozen micro-distilleries and pending applications for 11 more. They produce a relatively small quantity of spirits (less than 10,000 gallons per year), but the quality is second to none. These innovative companies are always coming out with new items made from locally sourced ingredients. we just listed two new items from one local microdistillery, watershed Distillery in columbus, which recently unveiled their new Bourbon and Bourbon Barrel gin. we are very proud of all of the quality Ohio-made products, and

excited about new businesses and the jobs and economic growth they bring to Ohio. HOLIDAY SpIrITS: Specialty gift items are a longstanding holiday tradition in the liquor industry, and for 2012, we’ve selected 70 specialty spirituous liquor items and gift packs (40,000 cases worth) for Ohioans celebrating the season or looking for unique holiday gift ideas. There are 50 holiday gift packs available, totaling more than 25,000 cases of different types and brands. These are the same quality spirits we carry year-round, but the gift packs include distinctive accessories and other collectibles such as glasses, snifters, shakers, flasks, and decanters most of which at no additional cost. Twenty different holiday giftwrap spirituous liquor items, totaling more than 12,000 cases, are also available. prices range from approximately $12.00 to $140.00. Quantities are limited, so distribution of holiday items to the 460 contract Liquor Agencies is determined by past sales and special requests for particular products. please contact the Division at (614) 644-2380 for more information, or visit the website at gov/liqr.




They are very good at what they do and highly regarded.

Phil Craig, Executive Director


s you know, the prospect of mandatory ignition interlocks in Ohio is possible. However, as with most onerous issues, if it comes, it will be by a federal mandate in a transportation bill. Your national affiliate, the American Beverage Association (ABL) is working to arm each of you with information to discuss with your member of congress. Soon, the OLBA will receive the product of a study conducted by John Dunham & Associates which describes the economic impact of our industry (supplier, wholesaler, on and off-premise retailer) to the country, each state and to every congressional district in America. John Dunham & Associates (JDA) is a highly regarded firm that has been retained over the years by some of the country’s top trade associations and Fortune 500 companies.

It is a sneaky way to invite customers to stay home even when they have established a habit of being responsible consumers of adult beverages. The JDA report will be updated on a regular basis and can be accessed from the ABL website when the report is added. The information contained will be presented in a very “viewer friendly” manner that can accompany you on a meeting with your member of congress. Here are some interesting facts: • “Establishments that sell alcohol in the United States employ as many as 1,449,850 people . . . and generate 761,670 jobs in supplier and ancillary industries.” • “Those well paying jobs average $32,170 in wages and benefits.” • “In 2011 the industry was responsible for as much as $184.71 billion in total economic activity throughout the country.” • “Nationally, the

industry and its employees pay over $16.30 billion in federal taxes and $14.71 billion in state and local taxes.” 1. ABL in league with the OLBA and affiliates around the country are engaged in this kind of research because this next battle over ignition interlock devices is for all the marbles. Not only will these devices be a very difficult obstacle for all drivers but also will artificially decrease the BAC from .08 to somewhere below that national standard. It is a sneaky way to invite customers to stay home even when they have established a habit of being responsible consumers of adult beverages. The OLBA is against that and will continue to represent members at the national and state level on this issue. Because we all know that hurting hospitality hurts America. Keep joining the OLBA fight to party responsibly! 1. Economic Impact of Ignition Interlock and Legal BAC Laws, 2012. John Dunham and Associates, Inc. August 10,2012.

NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage monthly 7


BUCKEYE BAR EXPO 2012 Do’s and Don’ts of Liquor Law Recap By Dave Raber


must be ingress and egress from the existing permit premises; 3) the proposed area for expansion is “clearly defined” meaning there has to be something that makes the expansion permanent. The seminar included a question and answer session covering firearms and growlers. The firearms law prohibits a person from possessing a firearm in any room in which any person is consuming liquor in a permit premises for which a D permit has been issued, with certain exemptions. The firearms law was modified last year with an exemption to allow a concealed carry licensee to possess a firearm in a room in which a person is consuming beer or intoxicating liquor in any D permit premises as long as the concealed carry licensee is not consuming any alcohol products or under the influence Dave Raber, OLBA Legal Co-Counsel of alcohol or drugs. The penalty for a person who violates this Jones, presented an overview by knowingly carrying or having of the Ohio agencies that work a firearm concealed on the together to regulate the alcohol offender’s person or concealed beverage industry in Ohio. The ready at hand is a third degree roles of the Ohio Department of felony. When the seminar ended, Commerce, Division of Liquor attendees were able to ask any Control, the Ohio Department one on one specific question of Public Safety, the Liquor regarding their business. Mr. Jones explained C1 permit Control Commission and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office holders who also have been were reviewed. There were also issued a class D8 permit may many issues Mr. Jones reviewed sell “growlers” of beer only. The permit holder may dispense for permit holders. He reminded all permit holders beer from containers that have to renew their permits at the a capacity equal or greater than February, June or October five and one-sixth gallons into renewal time. If a permit holder glass growlers, a glass container receives a Cancellation for not exceeding one gallon, for off Failure to Renew letter or Tax premises consumption. The new Non-Renewal Order from the law prohibits beer growlers to be Division of Liquor Control, these consumed on the D8 premises. issues must be addressed prior The beer growlers must be to the annual renewal date. If cleaned immediately before a permit holder fails to act being filled, securely resealed, timely, then a loss of operating marked and transported in the privileges will result and filing same manner which the current an appeal and obtaining a stay wine law commonly referred to order from the Liquor Control as “Merlot to go” provides. Knowing, understanding, Commission will be necessary. reviewing the Expansion and diminution of constantly a permit premises was covered. regulations and listening to how All such requests must be made the regulations are enforced those who enforce in writing. When expanding a from patio area to your premises you them is essential to operating must: 1) verify tenancy of the a successful liquor permit proposed expansion area; 2) business. he OLBA held its annual Buckeye Bar Expo in Columbus, Ohio on September 17, 2012. One item on the agenda was a seminar that benefited all liquor permit holders in attendance. The Seminar was entitled Do’s and Don’ts of Liquor Law; “Don't let ignorance of the law be an excuse for not following it.” The Chief of Investigations and Compliance from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control, Gary

8 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012



Just In Time . . . (production Time willing)! BY JAcOB c. evAnS


iming is everything . . . . and hopefully you are reading this BeFOre casting your november 2012 ballot! while I certainly have my personal opinions on all of the issues on the ballot this november (which I am sure comes as a shock to those of you that know me!), please find following some information on some of the issues that will are on your ballot. State Issue 1: This issue is to convene a constitutional convention for the revision, alteration or amending of the state constitution. This issue is on the ballot as the Ohio constitution of 1912 called for the issue of a constitutional convention to be on the ballot every 20 years (1932, 1952, 1972, 1992, 2012, 2032, etc.) All four previous constitutional convention issues on the ballot have failed. In addition, the Ohio general Assembly passed a bill creating a constitutional modernization commission, which would, in lieu of a convention, review and make suggested changes to the constitution. If a constitutional convention is called for due to the passage of State Issue 1, the Ohio constitutional modernization commission shall report to the general Assembly its recommendations with respect to the organization of a convention and report to the convention its recommendations with respect to amendment(s) to the constitution. It should be noted that HB 188 to create the Ohio constitutional modernization

commission was passed with overwhelmingly bipartisan support.

TImIng IS everYTHIng . . . . AnD HOpeFuLLY YOu Are reADIng THIS BeFOre cASTIng YOur nOvemBer 2012 BALLOT State Issue 2: Issue 2 creates commission of non-elected officials to draw legislative and congressional districts. It has been near impossible to not have heard information regarding State Issue 2 and the battle over whether to move the drawing of legislative and congressional districts away from the current Apportionment Board to the proposed statefunded commission. regardless of which side you tend to believe, almost everyone appears to be in agreement that neither the current system nor the proposed system is a perfect solution. Those arguing for a YeS vote (i.e. asking for the constitution to be amended to allow for the proposed system) believe that Issue 2 “brings the process of drawing legislative districts out of the shadows, creating an independent citizens nonpartisan commission that must meet entirely in public” (Argument and explanation in Favor of State Issue 2). Those asking for a nO vote (asking for the amendment to be rejected the current process remain in place) state that

Jacob evans, OLBA Legal co-counsel

passage of Issue 2 “ removes the right of Ohio voters to have a voice in determining state legislative and congressional district lines and gives this authority to a new unelected bureaucratic commission.” (Argument and explanation in Opposition to State Issue 2). In addition to the above two State Issues, there are of course elections for president, uS Senate, congressional Offices, Ohio House of representatives, Ohio Senate, county commissioners and on and on. In short, this election cycle, like every general election for president, has the full slate of candidates. These are offices and issues that impact your life: from the way you live to the way you work. The right to vote is a precious privilege that I implore everyone to use. I am sure you have heard it before, but if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain!

nOvemBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY 9


prImA perLA LA PROSECCO FROM FX MAGNER Prima Perla Prosecco DOC continues its meteoric rise, posting 30% year-to-date growth in the U.S. market. The Italian bubbly is poised to finish 2012 celebrating its third consecutive year of double-digit growth. Its secret to success is simple—Prima Perla Prosecco looks like a $50 bottle, tastes like a $20 bottle but sells at a value. Imported by FX Magner.

HArAsZtHY FAmILY ceLLArs INTRODUCES AMADOR COUNTY ZINFANDEL Vallejo Haraszthy’s two great, greatgrandfathers, General Vallejo and Agoston Haraszthy, were Sonoma legends, making some of California’s first wines. The family continues the tradition today with their latest release, a 2009 Amador County Zinfandel from the Shenandoah Valley. Blended with 7% Mourvedre for added depth and roundess, the wine is luscious with jammy red fruit flavors. Oak-aged for 14 months.

BIG rAcK VODKA IS FOR THE AMERICAN OUTDOORSMAN Big Rack Premium Vodka, new from Berniko, was created in the heart of Kentucky as a tribute to lovers of the outdoors. Big Rack appeals to climbers, hikers, soldiers, explorers, fisherman and any who want to be one with nature. The brand kicked off sales in October in Texas, but is now rolling out to more markets.

SRP: $9.99


SRP: $19.99

KAHLÚA BRINGS HOLIDAY CHEER WITH LIMITED EDITION GINGERBREAD Kahlúa is heralding in the holidays with the latest entry to its limited-edition holiday lineup, Kahlúa Gingerbread, joining indulgent Kahlúa Peppermint Mocha. The Gingerbread expression offers notes of nutmeg, gingerbread, cinnamon and clove blended with Kahlúa’s classic combination of 100% Arabica coffee and sugarcane rum. SRP: $17.99

sAntero BRINGS FRESH FLAVORS TO MOSCATO With the trends of Moscato and flavors still red-hot, it makes sense to combine the two, as Santero has done with these four light, sweet, frizzante Moscatos infused with fruit juice. The line-up includes tropical flavors like Pineapple, Coconut and Peach and Strawberry. All are ideal alone or mixed in a wine cocktail and offer the pleasure of sparkling wine with a lower alcohol content.

HIrAm wALKer ENTERS DESSERT FLAVOR CATEGORY WITH WHIPPED CREAM LIQUEUR Hiram Walker has released a new flavored liqueur, Whipped Cream, a perfect choice for dessert-like mixed cocktails. “Hiram Walker Whipped Cream is the only nationally available whipped flavor in the cordials segment,” says Sarah Sercia, brand manager for Hiram Walker, Pernod Ricard USA. The neckers include drink recipes highlighting the liqueur’s natural pairing with other Pernod Ricard premium brands. SRP: $9.99

10 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY nOvemBer 2012

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pricing and product mix


s a lower cost percentage always a good thing? many operators think that no matter what, it’s desirable to have a lower cost percentage. what’s a good pour cost percentage? Of our over 100 clients in the columbus, Ohio area and our overall average is about a 27.5% for liquor wine and beer. with bottle beer being higher and liquor being lower. remember with liquor there are several variables to consider. The first one is the product itself and its cost to you. Then you have to consider the portion size of the serving. To compare your selling price to the customer to another bar, you would really have to know what their serving size is or you would have to know what their revenue per ounce calculation is. knowing that number allows you to make an “Apples to apples” comparison even if your pour sizes are different. And then you have to consider any specials or Happy Hour pricing you might choose to utilize. In our business, liquor should be priced so that there is value for the customer and an appropriate increase in pricing as the quality of the liquor increases. But to maintain the same lower percentages for the higher priced products as they exist in the well categories would price the product out of reach for most people. Let’s take a look. As you group your products into their selling price categories; such as well, call, Top, premium and Deluxe (you can have more or less, depending on your pricing structure), your revenue per ounce should increase with each step up. Here are two examples using Ideal unit revenue.


Bar A pc% Bar B pc % well $ $2.73 13.1% $2.32 9.4% call $ $3.84 14.3% $2.71 19.9%

BY cHuck DeIBeL

Top $ $4.56 18.1% $2.81 29.2% prem. $5.06 24.2% $2.90 37.1% The overall ideal liquor cost percentage for bar A is 19.5% and the overall liquor cost percentage for Bar B is 26.8% Both bars have appropriate step increases in their pricing structure. These numbers provide a blending of all the products sold in each price grouping. clearly, Bar B provides a better value for the customer and is much more competitive. Bar B sells a lot more of their liquor in shots, while Bar A sells a lot of martini’s and specialty drinks.

mAnY OperATOrS THInk THAT nO mATTer wHAT, IT’S DeSIrABLe TO HAve A LOwer cOST percenTAge If Bar B sold 100 drinks at the well price group, their sales would be $348 ($2.32 x 1.5 x 100). The costs would be $32.71 and profit would be $315.29. On the other hand if they sold 100 drinks at the call price level, the sales would increase to $406.50, the costs would be $80.89 and the profit would be $325.61. So the bar would make more money. However, by upselling in the current pricing model the bar would actually lose money by selling 100 drinks at the Top pricing group. This means the bar operator needs to increase their pricing at that price group. Sales of 100 drinks at the Top pricing group would be $421.50, but costs would be $123.07 and the net profit would be below the profit of the well pricing group by about $17. If either of the bars above had the call pricing average below the well pricing average as an example, that

chuck Deibel

would indicate that either the well is too expensive or the call pricing group is too cheap. Bar A has a standard pour size of 1.25 ounces and Bar B is 1.50. 50% of all bars use 1.50 oz as their standard pour size and 40% use 1.25 oz here in Ohio. Oftentimes costs are increased and operators don’t react quickly enough to change their prices and get their cost percentages out of synch. In either instance, if the bartenders are able to up sell the customer to a higher quality drink, the bar will make more money, even though it’s pour cost percentage will increase. This will occur as along as the number of drinks sold doesn’t decrease as the guest spends more money on each drink. In other words, if they want 5 grey goose martini’s versus 5 kamchatka martini’s So make sure your pricing is set at the correct level in relation to each other pricing group so you don’t become upside down as you sell your drinks! Take care and we will see you soon. Feel free to write me at deibel@ with questions. See you next month!

nOvemBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY 11

1:10:52 PM





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IMPORTED BY MEDCO ATLANTIC INC 718.616.0005 Distributed by Tramonte & Sons 513.770.5501



1ST ANNUAL NORTHEAST OHIO BAR EXPO! At Windows On The River In Cleveland on April 22, 2013

Molly McKee, OLBA Management Team


uckeye Bar Expo planners are proud to announce that they will be hosting the first ever Northeast Ohio Bar Expo in Cleveland on April 22, 2013. We’ve heard from vendors and attendees alike that they would like us to bring a show to the Cleveland area, so we are giving them what they asked for! The event will be held at Windows on the River in the PowerhouseNautica Entertainment Complex. The Powerhouse building was constructed a century ago to provide electricity for Cleveland’s electric rail and street car system. It was renovated in the 1980s and the building’s unique architecture and various event spaces have made this a popular venue for many weddings and corporate events. The Powerhouse building is also home to the Greater Cleveland Aquarium and is a short walk from many restaurants and bars located in the Flats of Cleveland. Most importantly, it’s an ideal location for the Bar Expo. The Flats of Cleveland is a popular destination because of the wide variety of entertainment

options. With almost $2 billion in private and public funds spent on the revitalization of The Flats, business is booming. The opening of the Horseshoe Casino in downtown Cleveland offers even more entertainment options with over 96,000 square feet of gaming action. The Northeast Ohio Bar Expo will offer permit holders to network while sampling the newest products about to hit the market. In addition, there will be educational sessions and entertainment to add to the experience. A Techniques of Alcohol Management server training course will be offered

to generate revenue and traffic for bar and tavern owners.

To sign up to attend or exhibit, call 800-6785995 today!

Booth spaces for the Northeast Ohio Bar Expo will be available on a first come first served basis and interested vendors are encouraged to reserve their space now. General admission will be $10 at the door and tickets can also be purchased ahead of time. Don’t miss Cleveland’s very own Bar Expo; plan your

Windows on the River (center) in the PowerhouseNautica Entertainment Complex in Cleveland, Ohio for any who are interested, as well as, several seminars. Many vendors will also be offering samples of their products and demonstrating new techniques

visit today! To sign up to attend or exhibit, call 800-678-5995 today!

NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 13




Absinthe and cream come together in the new Absente La Crème. Created in Provence, France, La Crème offers a modern twist by infusing the traditional wormwood flavor profile with subtle notes of mint and lemon in a creamy liqueur. Absente La Crème is an inspired addition to any contemporary bar. 34 proof.

Bronco Wine Company has tapped into the popularity of the sweet Moscato category by introducing Allure Peach, and also producing all three Allure wines in new 187ml mini-bottles. Allure Bubbly Pink Moscato, Bubbly White Moscato and Bubbly Peach are all lively California wines that make good stocking stuffers or party favors. Allure Peach and the mini-bottles are available in 4-packs.

eVAn wILLIAms ADDS FLAVOR WITH PEPPERMINT CHOCOLATE EGG NOG Heaven Hill has launched Evan Williams Peppermint Chocolate Egg Nog, the first flavored companion to their Original Southern Egg Nog. The new Egg Nog is made with real Evan Williams Bourbon, and is packaged in the familiar square bottle, but with a red neck and cap instead of the standard green. Recommended chilled or in a variety of holiday cocktails. 30 proof.

SRP: $31.99


SRP: $11.99




Ya Mastiha Liqueur is an exotic blend of flavors for life’s everyday celebrations. With aromas of pine, evergreen and juniper berry, Ya Mastiha is made from the sap of the Mastic tree from Chios, Greece. Distilled four times, Ya is finished with a splash of natural cane sugar. Can be enjoyed on the rocks, as a chilled shot or as a premium mixer. 60 proof.

Imperial Brands is introducing three new Sobieski Vodka flavors: Black Cherry, Toasted Coconut and Lemon Meringue. In 2011, Sobieski reached the one million case milestone, and it continues to be a top growth vodka brand. These new flavors are all-natural and 70-proof. Sobieski Vodka is holding media events to introduce the flavors to the trade.

Brewery Ommegang and Duvel Moortgat have released a long-anticipated collaboration brew named Duvel Rustica. This beer is a Belgian-style Golden Ale with 8.5% ABV, and like Duvel Golden Ale, is brewed with fine pils malts and Styrian Golding hops from Slovenia. The collaboration captures the balance of classic Duvel Belgian Golden Ale and the rustic fruitiness that characterizes Ommegang.

SRP: $32.99

SRP: $10.99

SRP: $13.49

14 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY nOvemBer 2012

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TAkIng cAre OF BuSIneSS

empLOYee rOmAnceS

cupID’S BeHInD THe BAr! BY Dr. Steven Austin Stovall


t happens. employees will become attracted to one another. And it’s also inevitable that a bartender will get involved with a customer. Or worse, a manager becomes romantically entangled with an associate. what should you do? what people do outside of work shouldn’t matter as long as it doesn’t affect performance, right? can’t you just simply laugh the whole thing off as people just being people?

another tend to spend less time being productive. They spend inordinate amount of time talking to each other rather than serving customers. They may take extralong breaks or find excuses to leave work early. These are all behaviors you can address. Your goal is to ensure job performance and the general working environment does not suffer during and after the relationship.

empLOYeeS wILL BecOme ATTrAcTeD TO One AnOTHer. AnD IT’S ALSO InevITABLe THAT A BArTenDer wILL geT InvOLveD wITH A cuSTOmer. THe pOwer ISSue Dr. Steven Austin Stovall

These are tough questions and not so easy to quickly answer. part of us wants to pretend we don’t see what is going on. Or, if we have suspicions, we don’t want to question the couple for fear of making a false assumption. perhaps they really are just close friends, and nothing more. LOOk THe OTHer wAY? First, you should not completely ignore an employee romance. Determine your stance and stick to it. Like the vast majority of companies, putting in place a policy that expressly forbids romances between associates probably won’t prevent them. But some firms insert a statement in the employee handbook along the lines of “romantic relationships between employees are not prohibited, however those relationships between supervisor and his or her associates are strongly discouraged and could result in termination.” Beyond that, it’s a matter of keeping an eye on things. As you might suspect, typically associates involved romantically with one

unlike dating between employees, when a manager is involved with one of his or her direct reports, a whole different set of issues come into play. Obviously, a manager holds intrinsic power over employees through compensation, promotions, hours worked, performance appraisals, and the assignment of popular projects and responsibilities. coworkers may feel preferential treatment may be at play when an employee frequently gets betters shifts or the romantically involved employee is suddenly driving a new car. If you have reasonable suspicions that a romantic relationship has begun between a supervisor and his or her employee, you can ask them if a relationship beyond that of coworker exists and how it will affect performance of their jobs. Tactful questioning is acceptable because you still have a business to run. However, make sure your inquiry is professional and private. In other words, don’t ask them in front of other employees. TIpS FOr mAnAgIng empLOYee rOmAnceS Once you accept the fact that

employees will date one another then you have to find ways to manage the situation so it doesn’t turn into something unpleasant. • Determine your policy. Realize that there is a difference between a relationship among two employees and one between an associate and his or her supervisor. • Don’t joke about it. It’s easy, and some would say more comfortable, to laugh off of a romantic liaison between associates. Don’t get pulled into that behavior as well. If you act similarly, employees will see that as your unofficial approval of the courtship. • Maintain professionalism. Ensure that you continue to run your business as you would under any other circumstance. The couple may ask, or even plead, to work together on certain projects. If you normally would pair them up, continue to do so, but monitor their behavior. • Take immediate action. Once you become aware of a relationship between a boss and his or her employee, sit down with them right away and remind them of your policy. If a shift change is in order, make it swift. Others in the building will be watching to see what you do. • Keep an eye on performance. If behaviors of the enamored couple reach a point where their own performance (or that of their coworkers) is hindered, take steps to ensure it doesn’t continue. • Document discussions. Record something along the lines of, “both parties were told to be careful of their behavior at work. public displays of affection remain prohibited and they understand their job performance should continue to progress in a professional manner.” • Watch for the breakup. Inevitably, some employee relationships go sour. when they do, character assassinations fly between the couple and their respective friends. Be careful they don’t go too far. And be prepared for possible (though rare) violence between parties and claims of sexual harassment. Steven Austin Stovall is professor of management at wilmington college in Ohio. He is also a consultant and trainer specializing in management and marketing issues. He can be reached at steven_stovall@

nOvemBer 2012 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY 15

1:10:57 PM

bythenumbers Facts & Stats Highlighting Recent Trends and Benchmarks

3 Drinks/Week…

According to a study in the British Medical Journal, women who regularly consume more than 3 alcoholic beverages a week for at least 10 years are 52 % less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis compared to nondrinkers. This positive effect may be explained by the ability of alcohol to lower the body’s immune response.

$20+ Wine Rockin’

According to Symphony IRI, for 2012 through September 9, wines priced $20 and over were the fastest-growing price segment of the market by volume, rising 18.4%. The $15-$20, $11-$15 and $8-$11 segments followed, in that order, while wines below $5 declined during the period. Overall, d o m est ic t able w in es gr ew 3. 3% by volume (Oregon up 15.9%). Imports dipped 2.3%. (but New Zealand was up 24%).

62 Steps

Peter Mondavi Sr. of Charles Krug Winery in Napa Valley walks up 31 steps to his office twice a day. He turns 98 this month.

Cool 1 Million

New Zealand is known for its Sauvignon Blanc, but the nation is now ex-

porting more than 1,000,000 cases per year of Pinot Noir.

31.7% & 38.2%

Domestic red blends currently account for approximately 8.4% of all domestic wine sold in the Nielsen Channel. In the past year alone, red blends have increased 31.7% to more than 2.4 million cases, which follows a +38.2% increase from 2010 to 2011.


The Rhône Valley wine region celebrated growth during 2011 in the U.S. with increases of 17% in volume and 27% in value, with the majority of Rhône wines priced in the $10-$20 range.

Meet the 57%

Women make up 52% of the adult population, but they purchase 57% of the wine consumed in the United States, according to Wine Institute.

Spirits in Control

Following a 3.25% gain in 2011, spirit sales volume in control states posted a 4.6% gain through the six-month period ending June 2012. Biggest gainers: Irish whiskey (+20.3%), vodka (+6.9%), cordials and liqueurs (+5.9%) and tequila (+6.2%). The largest volume gains were seen in Pennsylvania (+6.1% ) and Utah (+6.4%).

Still #1

Santa Margherita is the biggest-selling wine brand in the $20-and-up category in the U.S., according to Symphony IRI data, tallying sales of $26.7 million from June 2011 to June 2012. The iconic Pinot Grigio label dwarfed the #2 brand in the category, Sonoma-Cutrer, which had sales of $12.7 million over the same period.

16 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

Nov12 By The Numbers.indd 1

10/11/12 11:32:13 AM


The ONLY Way for Bars and Restaurants By Barry CHandler


’ve not been a shrinking violet when it comes to my reviews on review sites like Yelp and Tripadvisor and that could be partly driven by seemingly endless amounts of misinformation about how review sites work and what you should do as a business owner. As I’ve mentioned before, review sites are a part of the decision making process for customers whether you agree with their presence or not. One



: , -

11:32:13 AM

of the first things a customer sees when they Google your business is the corresponding star ratings and reviews from the likes of Yelp, Google Local, Foursquare etc. There is no denying that these ratings make a difference. Harvard even published the results of a study showing that Yelp actually contributes to revenue increases for a business. So, whatever you believe or choose to believe, and there’s no end to the conspiracy theories, how you choose to deal with review sites will determine your ultimate result. This is no time for the ostrich theory. Instead, here are a few ways to face your review site fears head on: Find your business on review

sites like Yelp, Tripadvisor, Google Local by typing the business name into the search box. Cry just a little when you realize that all your years of hard work has only earned you 2/5 stars. Compose yourself and then proceed to step 2.

We all screw up, but its how we handle the apology and remedy that makes the longest lasting impression. As the owner of the business, you are permitted to “Claim” the listing page so that you can make any edits to opening times, location etc. You can’t delete reviews but you can now respond to them as the owner. Claiming the page may require you to submit a scanned utility bill or take an automated phone call to verify you are who you say. Now that you have claimed your page, you can reply to reviews as the verified owner and I recommend you do. We all screw up, but its how we handle the apology and remedy that makes the longest lasting impression. Thank customers for their positive reviews, acknowledge where improvements could have been made and avoid a pi**ing contest with reviewers to see who has the last word. If someone had a bad experience, deal with it by addressing their points one by one and extending a personal invitation to invite them back to give you another chance. Many times, our clients have had their reviews changed by customers after realizing that they hadn’t given the business a fair chance the first time.

Never never never allow your staff, friends or family to “seed” your review pages with glowing reviews, extolling your virtues and announcing that God himself would have dined there. It’s not hard to spot a fake review. If you have fake reviews on your profile, report them by clicking on the “report for review” link on each site. Check the sites regularly (minimum weekly) for new reviews and reply to each one. Cream rises to the top and those businesses that not only take care of their customers while in the business but also when they’re on a computer will be rewarded with loyalty and repeat business. Most bar/ restaurant owners will never take the time to follow these steps so you’ll already be at an advantage. Add the URL or logos of review sites to your marketing collateral such as bills, menus, business cards so that customers are reminded to review you. Don’t force them or make them feel uncomfortable if they’re not interested. If service is stellar or indeed abysmal, you can be sure they’ll rush to give their feedback. Use review sites to improve your business. Whether you agree with the reviews or not, 99 times out of 100, they are real experiences from customers who care enough to leave a review, care enough to give you a chance to redeem yourself or care enough to let everyone else know what they can expect. This isn’t rocket science. The businesses with the best service, best experiences and best food will ALWAYS have the best ratings. Without exception. If your business doesn’t have the ratings you think it deserves, the problem may not be with the review sites. NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 17

photograph courtesy of ????????????

NASWB – Cleveland 216-654-9494 Valley View, Ohio 44125 NASWB – Columbus 641-885-7676 Worthington, Ohio 43085

18 OHIO BeverAge mOnTHLY nOvemBer 2012


Oct12 Sh

At the very heart of the Dalmore collection is the King Alexander III. Crafted to honour the act of saving Scotland’s King in 1263, this is a unique marriage of specially selected whiskies aged in six different cask types. The result is a luxurious spirit that has power and elegance in equal measure. | I SHINE

© 2012 The Dalmore and The Stag Device are registered trademarks of Whyte & Mackay Limited. The Dalmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky 40% Alc./Vol. (80 proof), Imported by Whyte & Mackay Americas, North Miami, FL – Drink in moderation.

T H E D A L M O R E .C O M



Good things come in all sorts of packages—from tin canisters and window boxes to velvet bags and leather display stands— often accompanied by simpatico tools and glassware.


he holidays—through habit and tradition alike—

As grabby as special packages appear, it is important

have Americans gearing up for gift-giving.* In

to make sure that fresh goods make it out the door

anticipation, suppliers, distributors and retailers are

before January. Keeping smaller and/or less expensive

eager to catch shoppers’ attention with a fresh crop

items near the register can spur impulse sales. Definitely

of pre-packaged bottles of every imaginable shape, size,

make sure your sales staff can speak informatively

color and flavor. Some sport complementary glassware,

and cheerfully regarding what is in each gift pack. For

other accessories and recipes; in still other cases, the

example, cross-referencing a boxed bottle with what’s

package itself can be a keepsake. What holiday- themed

on the shelf can help a hesitant customer green-light a

gift items have in common, however, is both festive

gift-boxed liqueur for “someone who likes flavors.” And

visual appeal and serious added-value. For time-pressed

suggesting a package that has tools needed to whip

shoppers, gift-packed wine and spirits can be just what

up cocktails could swing the pendulum for someone

Santa ordered.

shopping for a budding mixologist.

The trick for most retailers, naturally, is deciding which

In most cases, holiday gift packaging is built around

items to carry—and where to put them. Here, variety

popular brands. That makes sense. Gift items are often

is key; it is important to stock gift packs that present

more about comfort than experimentation. Proven

a range of wine and spirit types, at a variety of price

winners in fresh outfits. That’s a recipe for added sales

points, featuring add-ons that present both fanciful and

and happy customers, which make all the frenetic work of

functional add-ons.

the holiday season worthwhile. ■



*Note: Availability and pricing for gift packs will vary; check with your local sales reps to gauge what is available in your market.



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1 For Speyside single malt fans, The Glenlivet offers 12 Year Old with 50mls of The Glenlivet 15 Year Old and 18 Year Old. 2 The Wild Turkey American Honey gift set comes with a tap, so fans can easily “freeze, tap, shoot.” 3 Encased in a glitzy silver box, Hpnotiq is presented with two glasses. 4 Indulge in lightly peated Jura Superstition single malt, which also includes a sample of Diurach’s Own 16 Year Old. 5 Chivas Regal 12 Year Old stands out in a Dan Funderburgh decorative gift tin. 6 The Bar10der ( is the utility tool for the cocktail set, packing 10 mixology essentials into one sleek design. 7 A bottle of 1800 Silver comes with a Cocomo cocktail trial pack (mini 1800 Coconut Tequila and can of pineapple juice). 8 A blend of Benedictine liqueur and Cognac, B&B is accompanied by two branded rocks glasses. 9 A bottle of Chivas 12 Year Old and two glasses comes in a gift set that can be personalized in Spanish or English. 10 A 750ml bottle of Hennessy V.S. shines in a star-patterned gift box meant to represent the constellation of the Rabbit. 11 Alexander makes art with its Platinum Grappa bottle and matching gift tin. 12 Enjoy a selection from the Molinari portfolio including a 750ml bottle of Sambuca Extra and minis with Molinari Caffé. 13 From Russia with love: this Russian Standard three-bottle set features Platinum, Gold and original Vodkas. 14 A shiny silver exterior holds Van Gogh Double Espresso vodka and smaller sizes of other assorted Van Gogh flavored vodkas. 15 Pop open this box with Cinzano Prosecco for a festive holiday fête.








8 10


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1 Unlock wine mysteries with the Riedel Key to Wine set: five glass shapes to enhance specific varietals. 2 Champagne Barons de Rothschild Brut comes packaged in luxurious black. 3 A branded flask accompanies a bottle of Four Roses Small Batch Bourbon. 4 This gift box proudly houses a magnum of Mionetto Prosecco Brut. 5 DFV Wines’ Irony Pinot Noir carries a gift bag on the necker. 6 Camus VS Cognac is joined by two snifters. 7 Cardenal Mendoza Solera Brandy comes in a sleek and simple box with two snifters. 8 The Bulldog Gin gift set includes a branded cocktail shaker. 9 A black and gold tin keeps Sandeman Founder’s Reserve Porto safe. 10 Saké glasses and a bottle of Gekkekian Black & Gold Saké are housed in style. 11 A leaning package with Pisa Liqueur and glassware offers a new slant on nut liqueurs. 12 A stacked black package features Patrón XO Café with a companion bottle of new Patrón Café Dark Cocoa. 13 Highland Park Single Malt Scotch channels the Lord of Thunder with Thor, the first release in the Valhalla Collection. 14 A formidable 1.75L bottle of Johnnie Walker Black is ready for bar display. 15 Sobieski presents a large-format 1.75L bottle with a brushed stainless steel 5 oz. flask.

16 17 19 20 18


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16 This set includes two selections from Marques Casa Concha portfolio. 17 Nicholas Feuillatte Brut is housed in a whimsical limited-edition canister. 18 Gozio Amaretto is boxed with a set of glasses. 19 Tito’s Handmade Vodka is always gift-worthy in a branded velvet gift bag. 20 Add a little honey to the holidays with Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur in a graphic canister featuring a drink recipe. 21 Camus Cognac XO Elegance makes a statement in its box with glassware. 22 Ron Abuelo 12 Year Old is presented in a supple box. 23 Three premium sakés come in the TY KU Premium Saké Collection set. 24 A black presentation box with picture window features Camus Extra Cognac. 25 Pisco Portón offers a 750ml bottle of pisco and premium crystal tulip glasses. 26 For the Cabernet lover, make the gift of 337 Cabernet Sauvignon from DFV Wines. 27 Chilean treasures come in this noir box featuring two Casillero del Diablo wines. 28 A 750ml bottle of Crown Royal Black and two rocks glasses for holiday fun and beyond. 29 Barney’s creative ambassador Simon Doonan designed this limited-edition tambourine ornament that comes paired with Chandon Blanc de Noirs in the Share Some Sparkle set. 30 This gold-hued gift includes a bottle of Courvoisier VSOP and a set of snifters. 31 The Valdo Prosecco box is a perfect host gift for holiday parties.


5 1 4








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1 Mondoro Asti in a bright, eye-catching box. 2 The gift packaging of the Ron Viejo de Caldas set is playful and inside there’s a bottle and glassware. 3 A branded leather base helps make this selection of three offerings of Rhum J.M. stand out on the shelf. 4 Two branded rocks glasses accompany a bottle of McCormick’s Irish Cream Liqueur. 5 A handsome box holds a selection of Fever Tree bitters and tonics. 6 The Carpineto set presents a duo of Dogajolo Bianco and Rosso. 7 A large format bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey for fans of the sweet twist from the makers of the Tennessee Sipping Whiskey original. 8 Louis Royer XO and glass come in a set. 9 Rhum Barbancourt is paired with a hand-painted cocktail glass. 10 The RumChata holiday set includes a branded cocktail shaker. 11 Amarula Cream Liqueur from South Africa comes in a clever lantern package, perfect for lighting up winter nights. 12 A decorative canister makes a nice presentation for Molly’s Irish Cream. 13 Rum Jumbie offers a bottle of Pineapple Splash and four flavored mini bottles. 14 It’s not the holidays without Egg Nog, from McCormick complete with glassware. 15 A trio of red and white Cesari wine selections from Verona. 16 The Absente set includes the tools to enjoy absinthe in classic style. 17 The Forest Glen box of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay is practically gift-wrapped. 18 An offering of very small batch Jefferson’s Bourbon and glassware.


2 3




7 8





1 Snow Queen Vodka in fairytale winter packaging with a shaker set. 2 A magnum of Pertinace “Macarini” Barbaresco is handsomely boxed with two wine glasses. 3 A simple dark blue box encases Brugal 1888, a mature sipping rum aged in American and European oak. 4 For the Bloody Mary lover: a 1.75L bottle of Three Olives Vodka accompanied by a bottle of Cholula hot sauce. 5 The iridescent blue box displays Bombay Sapphire and coupe. 6 From Tequila Avión a collection of Silver, Añejo, and Reposado. 7 Get bit by the Tarantula Azul set which has a bottle of Tarantula and double shot glasses. 8 Caribou Crossing Blended Canadian Whisky comes in a decorative box and sack. 9 St. Germain’s Apéritif Set includes a bottle of sparkling wine and St. Germain for easy entertaining. 10 This box opens up to reveal an engraved bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label and glasses. 11 The Van Gogh Blue set offers a full-size Blue and a selection of flavored mini vodkas. 12 Inside the blue velveteen box is a flock-adorned bottle of Skyy Vodka, benefiting amfAR.


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1 Saint-Hilaire Brut in a fun and festive striped gift bag. 2 The eye-catching U’luvka Vodka box includes a set of ornate shot glasses. 3 Hpnotiq Harmonie in a glitzy box comes with two glasses. 4 Nicolas Feuilllatte Brut Rosé in a pink and black box. 5 A shimmery pink box hints at the Champagne Barons de Rothschild Rosé inside. 6 Casa Noble Reposado Tequila in a Santana collector’s set with iconic album artwork on tulip glasses. 7 Fresh packaging for Mionetto Sergio Rosé. 8 A set with The Dalmore 12 Year Old comes with a 50ml sample of Cigar Malt Reserve. 9 This playful set features Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream and branded double shot glasses. 10 Limited-edition Absolut Unique is a colorful addition to any collection. 11 Corvo’s 2012 Sicilian gift box presents a bottles of Insolia and Nero d’Avola. 12 London-based designer Claire Coles teamed with Perrier-Jouët to create this satin bag that can keep a bottle of Perrier-Jouët Rosé chilled for two hours. 13 Ron Abuelo 7 Años Rum is matched with two glasses. 14 This Crown Royal set includes a bottle and branded flask. 15 A pretty pink box for Lucien Albrecht Brut Rosé. 16 The collector’s set of Casa Noble Blanco Tequila includes tulip glasses with eye-catching Santana cover art.


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1 The Martell VSOP Cognac gift pack has two branded snifters included. 2 A bottle of Fragoli and two flutes are packaged together in red. 3 Hine Rare VSOP Cognac and a pair of tasting glasses. 4 A playful box houses a bottle of Hardy VS Cognac and glass. 5 A bottle of Blackbeard Rum and a branded flask. 6 Celebrate the season with a 1.75L bottle of Beefeater packaged with a Yeoman Warder pourer in a package designed after a London phone booth. 7 This red tin declares the contents Delicioso: a bottle of Kahlúa. 8 The Guinness Winter Selection Pack features new Guinness Generous Ale. 9 A refreshing pack of Capel Pisco also comes with a mango mixer. 10 A unique wooden enclosure for Pyrat Rum makes a statement. 11 Buchanan’s 18 Year Old comes with a gratis mp3 speaker. 12 John B. Stetson Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey comes in a gift tin with rocks glass. 13 O’Mara’s Irish Country Cream is ready for seasonal enjoyment with two glasses. 14 Belvedere (Red) Special Edition bottle brings together iconic vodka packaging and the (Red) hue with 50% of proceeds going to the Global Fund. 15 A playful holiday box features a bottle of Grand Marnier with complimentary branded ornaments. 16 A bottle of Cognac Frapin XO comes with a set of tulip glassware. 17 An artful box holds Strega Liquore and glassware. 18 The Ricossa set presents bottles of Moscato d’Asti and Casorzo sparkling red.


5 1 3 4



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15 17

1 This canister screams Jameson and makes for an easy gifting. 2 The Bitter Truth presents the Cocktail Bitters Traveler’s Set featuring three bitters options. 3 A bottle of Toschi Lemoncello in a playful box comes with two decorative ceramic glasses. 4 A special bottle of Tanqueray Gin needs no adornment. 5 Lucid Absinthe presents the Balancier set, allowing for hands-free absinthe enjoyment. 6 An artfully decorated tin holds a bottle of Averna. 7 A sample of King Alexander III accompanies The Dalmore 15 Year Old in this handsome set. 8 Wemyss Malts shares this bottle of 12 Year Old Single Cask Islay Scotch Whisky. 9 Jägermeister comes in a set with two shot glasses. 10 Another example of a limited-edition Absolut Unique bottle, with a decidedly turquoise tone. 11 Buchanan’s 12 Year Old is in a set with two tumblers. 12 Cristal, the spirit of Colombia, comes with branded glasses. 13 Handcraft Chardonnay comes with a gift bag for easy holiday favors. 14 Pallini Limoncello offers a lemon-decorated set with glasses. 15 Merry’s Irish Cream and glassware are perfect for the season. 16 10 Year Old Speyburn Single Malt comes with a branded flask. 17 The Agavero package includes a complimentary cocktail glass. 18 The Moët Twinkle box with handle is both festive and practical, keeping Champagne chilled for two hours.


2 1




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15 13

1 Anna de Cordoníu Brut Cava is wrapped in winter white. 2 “Yaquén” in the Mapuche language means “to share a drink with a friend,” which strikes a nice tone for gifting. 3 Seco Herrerano, the national spirit of Panama, comes with a collectible glass. 4 Veev Açai Spirit comes with a branded pitcher for entertaining. 5 Tuaca Liqueur makes for great shots, and comes ready for action. 6 A timeless pairing of Ketel One Vodka and a set of rocks glasses. 7 Double the bubbles: Martini & Rossi’s tote pack has both Asti and Asti Rosé. 8 Cointreau invites the making of artful cocktails with a bottle and coupe glass. 9 Fans of Patrón will love this pack featuring a 750ml bottle of Patrón Añejo and holiday ornaments shaped like the Patrón bee. 10 Villa Massa Limoncello and a frosted glass are together in this holiday set. 11 Two Italian-designed glasses etched with the iconic Disaronno image come with a bottle and recipe suggestions. 12 Champagne Gosset Celebris Blanc de Blancs Extra Brut is presented in a sleek leather gift case. 13 Enjoy a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream with two branded mugs. 14 A design by Claire Coles can be seen on the box and flutes that accompany Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque. 15 A bottle of Appleton Estate Jamaican Rum is packaged with bottle-shaped ice trays. 16 Decorative packaging for Excellia Añejo Tequila.

‘Tis the season for family traditions e Fresh Mad

Made Right Right

Chocol Ch C Chocolate hhoooco ocol coollat colate late atte aate

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Enjoy E nnjoy jooyy a glass gla g llass aasssss of of ool old ld fashioned ld fasshhi hioonneeedd C Cheer. Ch Cheer hheer eerrr.. Crafted C Craft Cr rafted affted ftttedd with wit w i h the ith tthhe he fi fines ffine finest in t ffr fresh res rresh esshh dda dairy dair air aai iry ry innngre iingredients, ng gredients, g redients, reedie dieents di ents, ntss,, the th th same ssaame aam mee way m wa we w we’ve w ’’ve vvee aalwa always al alw lw way aays y m made ma de iit ~ mad made m ade dee right! rrig iigh ght! Now available illab ilable abl ble le in in three thre tthhr hree delicious delicious flavors: fflla laavors: vors Original Original, Original riginal Chocolate Chocolat ate and aannndd new nneew Pumpkin Pum umpk pkkiin Spice. 300% 30% % Alcohol Alco A coohool ol by Vol Volu Vo Vol olum umee. P Pro rrodu odduce cedd an ce and nd Bott ttlledd by MS SW Walker alk Inc., Somervill m rvv lle, MA. MA A Please enjoyy responsibly. Pl resspo si l

Patrick Libonate, Director, On-Premise and Draught Strategy, Heineken USA


M.S. Walker’s Gary Shaw, Harvey Allen and Michael Brody



hen Donal Dennehys arrived in New York from his native Ireland, he was horrified at the quality of most draught beer. “Much of it tasted terrible because it was pumped with air from the bars’ dusty basements and the lines were all filthy, not to mention the glasses,” recalls Dennehys, who today operates Mr. Dennehys, a bar in New York’s West Village neighborhood which has built a stellar reputation for quality draught beer. “It took awhile for people to trust draught beer again, and the major brewers are just catching up to the game in terms of quality.”

One supplier leading this charge— not just in the quality of its own draught program, but in upgrading the draught beer experience in general—is Heineken USA. “I only work with suppliers that work with me,” Dennehys states, “and in the last few years Heineken has worked tirelessly when it comes to attention to detail, right down to the glass itself.”


The Premiumization of Draught Heineken’s goal is no less than changing the American mindset about draught. The company’s large-scale effort began as part of an internal program called Passion for Beer, inaugurated to educate every person at Heineken about beer ingredients, the brewing process, pouring and presentation. It was so successful, they rolled it out to the trade, teaching the on-premise how to build better draught systems and deliver a superior consumer experience. “A draught beer should be a higher quality experience than popping the crown off a bottle,” says Patrick Libonate, Director, On-Premise and Draught Strategy, Heineken USA. “Yet in the average bar, you’ll see a million mistakes and the retailer isn’t the only one to blame—suppliers and distributors are at fault as well.” While wine interest and education exploded in the 1980s and ’90s and the category developed an upscale image, beer has remain commoditized, says Libonate. “The common American practice of serving beer in pitchers is laughable in Europe,” says Libonate. “The idea that you would put a large quantity of beer in a plastic container and pour it out over time when it will be flat and likely too warm is far from ideal. There are laws in Belgium and the U.K. about not pouring certain beers in the wrong glassware—that is how sacred draught beer is in Europe.” The most common error Libonate sees is dirty glassware. Between leftover lipstick from a previous customer and cleaning agent residue, glasses are frequently detracting from the taste of the beer. “This is a primary reason that a patron would not order another beer or would not come back to the establishment—it costs op-

erators a lot of business they don’t even realize.” Using the right kind of cleaning agents, investing in the highest-quality washers—even hand-checking the glasses before they are used again—are not insignificant investments, but ones that will pay off in sales. “We are working to help operators understand that it’s worth spending the money on the right equipment,” says Libonate. Glassware is tricky for licensees, Libonate acknowledges: “We realize that operators have a limited amount of space and they can’t take on glassware from every supplier. But we still want them to understand the value of doing it the right way. Our message is all about quality over quantity.” Presentation is everything, Dennehys insists: “The glass you serve the beer in makes a hell of a difference. If I go into an establishment and I see improper glassware, beer not holding its head, I won’t drink it and order a bottle instead.” While Heineken is still collecting feedback on its initiative in the U.S.— and plans to study a base of 50 accounts where the Passion for Beer program is in place—they have been able to obtain preliminary sales data which shows that not only are Heineken sales on the rise in participating bars, but all beer sales are up, Libonate reports: “That is the real advantage for the retailer—they are making more money.”

Driving Traffic Heineken’s target consumer is primarily male, age 27 to 33 and well traveled, with a higher-than-average income for their

demographic and an “openness to new experiences.” Freddy Heineken himself, the genius brewer/marketer that grew the company into the world’s third largest brewer, set out to build a highly social aspect into the Heineken experience—in other words, it wasn’t a beer to be used for drinking away problems, but for gathering friends and inspiring interesting conversation. “Our messaging reflects that,” says Libonate. “We want to buck the trend of beer advertising, by featuring high-energy music and adventurous unique imagery. It’s not for everyone, but we really do believe its right for our consumer.” What better way to speak to this consumer than by teaming up with James Bond. As part of a global partnership, Heineken has engaged in a large scale advertising and digital campaign around the 23rd Bond movie release. “Bond embodies so much of who we see our consumer to be—a man of the world,” says Libonate. To drive retail traffic, Heineken developed a digital app called Spysight that consumers can download on their smart phones and use in participating accounts in order to win prizes. Promoting food and beer pairing has been another way to engage consumers for Heineken. “You’ll hear from many experts how beer blows wine away when it comes to complementing food,” says Libonate. What started with the Newcastle brand (a particularly excellent beer for food) now extends throughout the portfolio, and Heineken is building an even more elaborate food pairing strategy to allow sales reps to create impactful activations


on-premise like working with operators to develop specific recipes around different beers, and hosting expert-led beer and food dinners.

Beyond the Green Bottle Strongbow Cider, the number one cider in the UK, is the most recent addition to the Heineken USA portfolio, and is representative of the company’s forwardthinking agenda: “We want to be the leaders in upscale and we are making efforts to stay on top of trends and offer new things—the cider draught potential is enormous here and the category is growing,” says Libonate. Also targeting the on-premise, Amstel Wheat Beer on draught was launched a year ago in nine markets in select accounts. Wheat beer is one of the more popular styles today, and Amstel’s version tastes very different from Amstel Light which is a lager/pilsner style. Newcastle is still relatively new to the portfolio—acquired five years ago—and has been a big hit on-premise. Interestingly, consumers often mistake it for a craft beer (even though its an import) thanks to its “quirky, fun vibe which is unlike a lot of stodgy imports,” Libonate believes. Some of the most impressive growth in Heineken USA’s portfolio is coming from the Mexican portfolio, led by Dos Equis Lager and Amber. “Our great ad campaign has had a lot to do with that, but it’s really the quality of the beer that is the growth driver.” Dennehys took a chance on Dos Equis this summer and was surprised by the fantastic reaction:


“Mexican beer on draught is rare, particularly in an Irish pub, but as soon as we put it in, we had to reorder.” Tecate, whose target market is the MexicanAmerican consumer, just unveiled Tecate Michelada, the first-ever michelada in a can format. (Recent ads in English are evidence of the brand reaching out to a broader market).

Riding the Upscale Wave All news in the beer world these days seems to revolve around the craft movement, which is indeed growing by leaps and bounds. Rather than fear the movement’s growing market share, Libonate sees it as overwhelmingly positive for the industry—and for Heineken. “What craft beers have done for this country in the last decade is amazing, and the upside for us is that upscale beer consumers are increasingly seeking quality.” While in the past it was a choice between Miller, Coors and Bud, consumers now have hundreds of choices, and they are much more curious about—and have

higher expectations for—their beer. So, more than the craft revolution, what Libonate sees is a quality evolution: “Yes, they seek local, cute stories, but end of day, beer drinkers are seeking quality. That is the most important thing.” Seasonal releases and limited edition bottlings have been a way for Heineken to offer the specialist, artisanal feel and variety that consumers have come to appreciate, thanks to craft movement. Dennehys has been particularly impressed with Newcastle’s seasonal portfolio: the Summer Ale was one of his biggest hits during the warm weather, and he has just put in the fall release, Werewolf, with good response. Trade and consumers can only expect to see more along these innovative lines from Heineken, Libonate promises: “A generation ago, people knew what they wanted when they went into a bar, but that is really shifting, particularly with the Millennial consumer. The U.S. consumer is not slowing down in its thirst for new and unique beer experiences.” ■

hol•i•day; what you celebrate after the biggest 90 days of your year

We know November and December are as important to you as those months are to us. At Pernod Ricard USA, our portfolio of premium brands, exciting holiday promotions and innovative VAPs are sure to make your season bright. Cheers to your hard work this holiday season.

©2012 Pernod Ricard USA, Purchase, NY 10577



“The brand is about style and substance,” says JC Iglesias, Chivas Regal U.S. Brand Director. “Working with renowned designers

Chivas Regal has a long history of working with leading

expresses the brand’s creativity, luxury and craftsmanship.”

designers and this year has again partnered with New York illustrator Dan Funderburgh for a unique and luxurious

Last year Chivas Regal was proud to partner with iconic luxury

contemporary gift tin design, providing an element of elegance

brand Christian Lacroix for its 18 Year Old blend, creating an

and style to its 12 Year Old blend.

audacious and innovative design inspired by the history of Chivas Regal. These designers and their elegant tin packaging,

Funderburgh’s design is inspired by the famous heraldic lion symbol

rich in style and regality, perfectly match the luxurious Scotch

featured on all Chivas packaging and the rich textured whisky within.

whisky it beholds.

The result is contemporary, bold, masculine and luxurious.

©2012 Imported by Chivas Bros. Import Co., Purchase, NY

espect for the Queen Chardonnay Remains America’s #1 White Wine; When it Comes to Selling it, the Secret is Selection BY DAVID LINCOLN ROSS


owadays many merchants sing the praises of sweet Moscato, zeroing in on the varietal’s soaring growth rate, albeit on a small but growing base. Meanwhile, sommeliers near and far ardently talk up the bff (“best food-friendly”) appeal of Riesling and Albariño and Grüner Veltliner. But let’s get real here.

Year in, year out, it’s Chardonnay that accounts for a monumental one-offive bottles of wine sold in the United States, according to the California-based wine research firm Gomberg, Frederikson & Associates. Despite the perennial ABC (Anything But Chardonnay) litany trumpeted by numerous wine critics and beverage buyers (who may all be numbed, it’s true, from tasting far too many Chardonnays), this variety has nevertheless charmed both discerning and amateur palates across the globe like no other noble white grape in history. Old world, new world; Dijon clone or Wente; oaked or un-oaked; aged or youthful… make no mistake: Chardonnay remains the Queen of White Wines, and she corners consumer cash!

Combating Boredom Some retailers, restaurateurs and hoteliers wonder, however: Has Chardonnay’s ubiquity bred complacency, even a certain degree of contempt in the wine trade? A number of industry executives believe this to be the case, contending that too many merchants devote only perfunctory attention to the world’s best-selling varietal. “In wine geekdom, many industry professionals have declared Chardonnay is dead; but it is still the number-one choice. It’s important for operators to remember Chardonnay still has a very strong guest preference,” says Dan Hoffman, director of beverage specifications for Marriott International. Hoffman adds that during 2011 and 2012, Marriott’s American guests have been drinking more Chardonnay as a percentage of total wine sales, with Sonoma-Cutrer and Clos du Bois as its two best-sellers. “Chardonnay dwarfs all the other categories, certainly by dollar volume,” says Jasper Russo, director of wine marketing at Sigel’s, a 12-store group based in Dallas, TX. “We sell everything from $7.99 imported and domestic screwtops to $400 bottles of Grand Cru white Burgundy.” Russo says great selection backed by instore tastings are the most effective tools to interest customers in Chardonnays of all styles and prices.

Big as it already is, Chardonnay seems to be strengthening its grip on mainstream wine in America. Donna Hood Crecco, senior director at the Chicago-based hospitality research firm Technomic Inc., reports, “The incidence of Chardonnay offerings on chain restaurant beverage menus has increased 4.4% from the first six months of 2011 to the first quarter of 2012.” At Cool Springs, a wine and spirits store in Franklin, TN, an affluent suburb of Nashville, General Manager Philip Thompson says: “It’s such an important varietal. Chardonnay has a major presence in our market. It’s the number-one choice during summer.” Thompson cites

Oak-Free & Proud: Chamisal Vineyards

Chamisal Vineyards was the first winery in the Edna Valley region of California’s Central Coast, planted in 1973 (known then as Domaine Alfred). The winery was also among the state’s first to champion an oakless style of Chardonnay, thanks to winemaker Fintan du Fresne. When he arrived in 2006, after working many harvests in his native New Zealand, his suggestion to craft a stainless steel-aged Chardonnay was laughed at. “There was a perception at the time that Chardonnay had no character of its own; it was a product of what the winemaker did with it,” says du Fresne. “I set out to destroy that myth by fermenting at cool temperatures with special yeasts and eliminating oak and malolactic fermentation. Our Stainless Chardonnay is completely unadulterated and captures the essence of the grape.” It has also become the winery’s best-selling wine and helped to propel an oak-free trend that many Chardonnay producers have followed. Citrusy, mineralrich and fuller-bodied than you might expect for a wine with no malolactic fermentation or oak, Chamisal’s Stainless Chardonnay retails for approximately $15 to $18.

Kendall-Jackson, Sebastiani and magnums of Yellow Tail and Woodbridge as the category’s best sellers. Beyond these staples, a broad selection across all price points and styles plus ongoing staff training translate into Cool Springs’ ability to upsell customers to new and different styles of Chardonnay.

Putting Variety to Work Emily Wines, wine director for Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, a San Franciscobased company comprised of 56 hotels and 54 restaurants in 24 cities, says, “I see a trend among our guests and customers going away from over-oaked, highalcohol Chardonnays to leaner, more understated bottlings, especially those from Napa Valley.” Her comment serves as an important reminder that it has become unrealistic to discuss the category of Chardonnay without clarifying the style(s) at hand. While oaky-buttery-rich monsters are still being produced in California (and are still adored by a core of loyal imbibers), Chardonnay’s astounding ability to take on multiple personalities gives it a power of stylistic diversity few other grape varieties possess. Noting the evolution apparent in California Chardonnay, Katie Bundschu, partner at Gundlach-Bundschu Winery in Sonoma Valley, says: “Chardonnay is a huge category with broad appeal and diverse styles, and that in itself is an exciting change from the days of homogenous, oak-driven California Chards.” Her experience in working with accounts in many states leads her to add, “Many top retail and restaurant accounts are trending toward a fresher style that uses less malolactic and less new oak. [Malolactic treatment during vinification adds rich, buttery flavors to Chardonnay wines.] The most important thing is to offer your customers a choice of styles that display unique characters— and then be able to help people decide what they prefer. California Chardonnay producers have come a long way in offering wines that showcase unique

Chardonnay vineyard sites and winemaking styles, and we should celebrate and explore that range of options,” notes Bundschu. Joy Sterling of Iron Horse Vineyards in Sonoma’s Green Valley (which produces as many as seven separate Chardonnays in a vintage) shares her formula for selling: “The single most important way to promote Chardonnay is with a knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff—on-premise, off-premise or at the winery. The beauty of Chardonnay is that it is a conversation. Do you like dry? Do you like oaky? As you

What’s your ‘go to’ Chard? We asked some experienced retailers to share what they recommend with success when customers ask simply, “What’s a good Chardonnay under $15?” Here are their “go to” bottles: BENZIGER, CARNEROS; $12.99

One of the last remaining family-run wineries in California. This Chardonnay is developed, concentrated and complex with layers of pineapple, stone fruit, and sweet citrus. — Corinne Bermon Bauer Wine & Spirits Boston, MA BOGLE, CALIFORNIA; $10.99

Bogle products show a great level of consistency and their Chardonnay has a nice balance of fruit and oak. Green apple and pear with a touch of acidity and a cool richness fills your mouth. — Jason Lee NJWineSeller Cranford, NJ

know, once you are in conversation, you are in a selling situation.”

Artists and Appellations Sketching a vivid way to describe the principal styles of French Chardonnay to the trade as well as to consumers, Martin Sinkoff, director of marketing for the fine wine division of Frederick S. Wildman & Sons, Ltd., thinks Burgundy’s appellations can best be grasped using parallels to famous artists.


When customers ask where KJ is, I walk over to the shelf and show them the KJ but point to this and say, “I know you like KJ, but did you ever try this Chardonnay from Northern Italy? It’s awesome! Very bright and elegant, and everyone who buys this wine comes back for more.” Most of the time they like the idea of something different and grab a bottle. — Art Laurenti Laurenti’s Shop Rite Wine & Spirits Hamilton, NJ CHATEAU STE. MICHELLE, COLUMBIA VALLEY; $12.99

I work with the managers in ten stores, and I enjoy the chance to engage customers walking the wine aisles. In my experience, I know that a recommendation of Chateau Ste. Michelle will always be well recieved. It has a nice richness from the sur lie barrel aging but yet the bright fruit stands out. Balance is the key with this wine. — Donny Sanders Spirits Unlimited (Corporate) Toms River, NJ

Says Sinkoff, whose firm imports a wide selection of Burgundian wines from Christian Moreau Père & Fils, Domaine Faively and Olivier Leflaive, among others: “Imagine Chablis like a Giacometti sculpture. It’s edgy, a bit austere, and steely like the artist’s stick-like works in metal; this comparison conveys the character of Chablis’s un-oaked, essentially minerally character. Or consider a great Côte de Beaune as if it’s a portrait by Raphael, the famed Renaissance painter. His art is of unimpeach-


A versatile, food-friendly French Chardonnay that combines a streak of minerality with balanced acidity and purity of flavor. — Ben Crumlich Fairgrounds Wine & Spirits, Danbury, CT GLEN CARLOU, SOUTH AFRICA; $14

This is one of our favorite values under $15. It resembles California’s Sonoma Coast style but without the price. Stylistically it’s rich and creamy with a smooth lingering finish. A very exciting demonstration of all South Africa has to offer. — Jamie Ruth Decanted Wines Naples, FL JACQUES CHARLET “LA CROCHETTE” MACON-VILLAGES; $13.99

The un-oaked style of Chardonnay is still relatively new to our customers. It gives us an op-

portunity to break the stereotype of extra buttery and heavy wines. This is a great example of an unoaked Chardonnay from southern Burgundy. Crisp and vibrant, this wine shines with ripe pear and mild citrus notes, moderate acidity and lingering finish. It’s the go-to wine for seafood, light appetizers and chicken dishes. On the other hand, one of our best sellers in the “oaky” style is Folie à Deux from the Russian River Valley. This $15.99 Chardonnay is full-bodied and lush; a wellcrafted and balanced wine. — Howard Solomon Bootleggers Liquor Outlet Northfield, NJ JOSEPH DROUHIN SAINT-VÉRAN; $14.99

Pure Chardonnay from the Burgundy region of France. This Joseph Drouhin is a great example of an un-oaked Chardonnay from a place that gives it a clean and crisp signature. Its full of ripe pear fruit and has great acidity that makes it go great with a wide range of food, like fish, chicken or tapas. An incredible value! — John Sano Wollaston Wine & Spirits Quincy, MA

able quality, classic, traditional, and long-lived; and that is exactly like a Premier or Grand Cru white Burgundy. Finally, for the Chardonnay wines of the Mâconnais: Recall a colorful Rubens nude, here’s a style of wine that is just like one of those lovely ladies pictured on a velvet divan: full-bodied, fun and sexy.” Given this metaphorical framework, perhaps a big, oaky, buttery California Chardonnay would equate to Picasso in a bottle. The real point, of course, is


Rich and tropical. It strikes a great balance between acidity and oak. Great with food or by itself as a cocktail wine. A real crowd-pleaser. — Magid Nazari Ludwig’s Fine Wine San Anselmo, CA ROBERT MONDAVI PRIVATE SELECTION, CENTRAL COAST; $11.19

This is a great Chardonnay for the price. It has a lightly fruity essence with a smoky oak undertone. It really goes great with a nice salmon dish. — Alex Patel Elephant Discount Wine & Liquor Kearny, NJ SEAN MINOR “FOUR BEARS,” CENTRAL COAST; $16.49

It’s a little more than $15, but one of my new favorites is the

that selling Chardonnay today means embracing its diversity. One wine drinker’s “too big” is another’s “just right.” For some people, the riper the fruit the better, while others are looking for nuances beyond fruit. So the trick, then, for both on- and off-premise merchants is to offer as many styles of Chardonnay as possible. When it comes to Chardonnay, more is more, so to speak. Feature more Chardonnays in your in-store tastings or wine-by-the-glass promotions.

Sean Minor “Four Bears” bottling. This beautifully balanced Chardonnay shows a touch of apple and pear with some soft notes of tropical fruit. The oak is very pleasant without being overpowering. Enjoy it wine with seafood, cream sauces, pasta, chicken, sautéed veggies, even tapas. — Zach Padilla The Liquor Store & Wine Loft Jackson Hole, WY SIMMONET-FEBVRE CHABLIS; $11.99

If I can establish that the customer is not looking for a Chardonnay all tarted-up with oak, I recommend the SimmonetFebvre Chablis. Crisp, un-oaked Chardonnay with distinct mineral tones, this is a classic match for shellfish, and a stellar value. Many Americans are fed up with oaky fruit-bombs, but they don't insist on ABC. — Peter Meier Bayway World of Liquor Elizabeth, NJ ST. FRANCIS, SONOMA COUNTY; $11.99

Showcase various brands in your catalogs, on your menus, in your email promotions and newsletters. And always, always, don’t forget staff tastings and training. As big as Chardonnay is already, with a bit more attention and focus on all its palatable permutations, this versatile grape is more than capable of delivering barrels full of steady sales and profits. Chardonnay success is all about selection—and it never was much of a secret in the first place. ■

It is round, and balanced. Neither too oaky nor too fruity like so many other bargain California Chardonnays. — Ian Reilly Post Wine & Spirits Syosset, NY TALBOTT “KALI HART,” MONTEREY; $16.99

If someone is shopping for a wine in the $15 range, we have had great success recommending Talbot Kali Hart Chardonnay; it is just a little more expensive and we often put on special for $14.99. We tell our customers it is an easy-drinking, soft, round Chardonnay that everyone likes and they’ll not be disappointed. — Doug Cibuls Lake Buy-Rite Liquor Ronkonkoma NY TRES PALACIOS RESERVE, CHILE; $10.99

This may be the best-value Chardonnay in the store. Exotic aromas of poached pear, peach skin, truffle and white pepper. A smoky note builds with air and

carries onto the palate, adding complexity to the fresh orchard and pit fruit flavors. Manages to be dense and lively at once, finishing with very good clarity. A striking resemblance to Grand Cru white Burgundy. A steal at the asking price. — Ned Morello Westchester Wine Warehouse White Plains, NY WENTE “MORNING FOG,” LIVERMORE VALLEY; $10.95

Most people who say they don’t like Chardonnay have been drinking the wrong type and just need to discover the style they prefer and move on from there. First you need to determine what they like in a Chard. If it’s big, with butter and oak, then Wente Morning Fog. Or perhaps they prefer more fruit and acidity? Foxglove Central Coast Chardonnay ($12.95) would be a good match. — Bill Vnenchak Liquor Outlet Wine Cellars Boonton, NJ

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Heineken, the #1 European import in the U.S.,1 will leverage its 15-year relationship with the James Bond franchise2 by maximizing the holiday retail impact surrounding the launch of the upcoming Bond film, Skyfall.

HEINEKEN AND THE HOLIDAYS—ANOTHER PERFECT PAIR Heineken is an important part of shoppers’ holiday occasions: • Thanksgiving and Christmas are the 3rd- and 4th-highest-volume weeks all year.1 • Heineken outperforms the competition during the holidays, with a 146% lift when on feature and display in December.1 • Consumers are willing to pay more for premium beer,3 so be sure to leverage the trade-up opportunity with Heineken during the holidays.

LEGENDARY HOLIDAY PROGRAM Highlight a variety of in-store features to drive traffic and sales during the busy holiday period with upscale Heineken and James Bond–themed displays and a DraughtKegTM Value-Added Pack.

1. ACNielsen Data, Total US Food, four weeks ending 12/31/11. 2. Nash Information Services, LLC, “The Numbers: Movie Franchises.” Accessed November 14, 2011. 3. NextLevel Marketing, February 2011 VIBE study, “502 On-Premise Chain Consumers.” Brewed in Holland. Imported by Heineken USA Inc., New York, NY. ©2012 HEINEKEN® Lager Beer.






CO ONTACT YOUR HEIN NEKEN REPR RESEENTA ATIV VE FO OR MORE INFORM MATIO ON!! 1. Nielsen Data, Total U.S. Food, 4 weeks ending 12/31/11. 2. The Guardian (London), September 11, 2007.

Brewed in Holland. Imported by Heineken USA Inc., New York, NY. ©2012 HEINEKEN® Lager Beer. Skyfall © 2012 Danjaq, United Artists, CPII . 007 and related James Bond Trademarks, TM Danjaq.


Isle of Superstition Jura Scotch Whisky on Fall Promotion and New Expression BY CARA McILWAINE


ff the west coast of Scotland, the small isle of Jura is shrouded in superstition. The island is home to fewer than 200 people, and about 5,000 deer. There are superstitions about when to cut peat, how to position haystacks and, not surprisingly, how to consume whisky. In fact superstition is not just a feature of island lore, but also a whisky in the award-winning Isle of Jura single malt portfolio. After a successful UK promotion, this fall the Finding Superstition Sweepstakes has sought to capture American imaginations. Fans of legal drinking age who visit jurawhisky. com/superstitionsUSA are invited to register as a Diurach and search for 13 “superstitions” hidden around the site. “Diurach” is the Gaelic world for a person of Jura. Jura single malt enthusiasts and curious travelers alike have the opportunity to register to be an honorary islander and receive news and special exclusive access to Jura. The competition runs through November 9th with a grand prize winner selected randomly from those that locate all 13 “superstitions” to win a five-day, fournight trip for two to experience the isle of Jura. Weekly prize drawings offer participants Jura merchandise. Coinciding with the Finding Superstition Sweepstakes, “we have a national window initiative using contest creative featuring Superstition,” says Dawn Lambert, Americas marketing director at Whyte & Mackay. “The idea

was to promote with the windows in a lead-up to Halloween, in September and October.” Windows displays in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Miami, New York and New Jersey invoke a sense of Jura and celebrate the ways superstition contributes to the unique single malts. Off-premise accounts are promoting the sweepstakes with entry forms, as are on-premise bars and restaurants that carry Jura.


❂ 10 YO Origin, with a bottle showing the traditional Celtic symbol for birth. ❂ Superstition, which is lightly peated and comes in a bottle sporting an Ankh cross. ❂ 16 YO Diurachs’ Own, the chosen whisky of the people of Jura. ❂ Prophecy, a profoundly peated whisky inspired by the legend of the Campbell family on Jura. ❂ New 21 YO, finished in sherry casks.

New Kid on the Block Jura’s core range of whiskies includes Origin 10 YO; Superstition; Diurachs’ Own 16 YO; and Prophecy. But a new addition is being added—21 YO echoes the classic bottling which was made for Jura’s bicentennial and released in 2010. Notes of maraschino cherries, licorice and citrus fruits come through, while the finish is of bittersweet chocolate and walnuts. 21 YO was awarded a gold medal at the 2012 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Lambert says that the first shipments are arriving this month. The new 21YO is a fitting addition to the Jura range, where every bottling has special significance for the island and its people. The spirit of the distillery’s founding in 1810 lives on in every drop. “The largest markets for Jura are, unsurprisingly, California, New York and New Jersey, and we are ahead overall in the U.S. over last year,” says Lambert. The diversity in offerings means that there is a flavor profile to suit most Scotch fans. Jura, its Diurachs and its Scotch whiskies are uniquely touched by prophecies and superstitions. One superstition holds that the Jura whiskies promise good fortune to those that enjoy a dram—particularly if one knocks wood before partaking. And good fortune and fine whiskies are a winning combination every time. ■



This 21YO expression is an exclusive addition to the Jura family and embraces many characteristics of our classic 200th anniversary bottling. The spirit of 1810, the year of the distillery’s founding, lives on in every precious drop. Vintage sherry casks have provided this spirit with an exceptional finish of soft marzipan, crushed walnuts and bitter chocolate while succulent maraschino cherries, citrus fruit and soft liquorice complete this memorable masterpiece. The judges of the 2012 San Francisco World Spirits Competition agreed, awarding it a Gold Medal. Jura 21YO is a must-have for whisky enthusiasts, so place your order today. If you’d like to discover more about Jura, its whisky and its history, why not visit

In A World Of Its Own

Diurachs is the Gaelic name for the people of Jura. To become an honorary Diurach visit

© 2012 Jura is a registered trademark of Whyte & Mackay Limited. Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 44% alc./vol. (88 proof), Imported by Whyte & Mackay Americas, North Miami, FL, Always drink in moderation.


Like Homemade Master of Mixes Delivers a Premium Portfolio Based on Classic Cocktail Preparations BY CARA McILWAINE


here is no higher standard for mixology than “from scratch.” American Beverage Marketers believes that their Master of Mixes brand should adhere as close to a “scratch” version as possible, and the proof is in the mix. “We know that top bartenders pride themselves on sourcing fresh fruit, and Master of Mixes uses the same premium juices, as well as natural sweetening agents in our products,” says Theresa Martin, marketing manager at American Beverage Marketers (ABM). Master of Mixes is able to source the best possible fruit varieties and ensure they are picked only at peak ripeness. “Our customers are confident they can mix premium cocktails just like ‘from scratch’ faster and with less hassle,” says Martin.

Ask For Real Fruit Not only does Master of Mixes offer a wide variety of mixes, but the flavors can include as much as 96% juice (tomato and lemon for Bloody Mary). Consumers could be enjoying a mix made with Granny Smith apples, coconuts sourced from the Dominican Republic, Alphonse mangos from India or California strawberries. “We have great sources

for our fruit, like key limes from a small coastal growing region in Mexico that we hand-harvest,” adds Martin. Master of Mixes cocktail mixers are crafted using “a gentle-processing method that ensures the fruit is never overcooked and maximizes flavor,” says Martin. The resulting flavor is “true to the fruit, and that is very important to ABM.” Consistently ranked as America’s top cocktail mix brand, Master of Mixes has 20.8% category market share according to Nielsen data. From Bloody Mary (Classic and 5 Pepper Extra Spicy versions) and Margarita to Mai Tai, Sour Apple, Cosmopolitan and Manhattan, the portfolio includes 16 enticing flavor options in the 1L size and eight in 1.75L size. “We do see regional diversity in how flavors sell. For instance, Old Fashioned sells well in Wisconsin and Arizona. Our core flavors [Margarita, Bloody Mary, Sweet & Sour, Strawberry and Piña Colada] sell consistently well from coast to coast,” explains Martin. ABM also watches trends, and last year added Master of Mixes Lite flavor options, with no added sugar, in Sweet n’ Sour, Margarita and Strawberry. “In the fall and winter months, Bloody


Cocktail Essentials

1 Liter Mixers

1.75 Liter Mixers

Mary and Martini mixes rise in sales. Margaritas tend to be strong sellers year-round, but summer is their biggest season,” says Martin.

Premium Packaging The packaging for Master of Mixes products is an integral feature for the ABM team. “The labels all feature mouthwatering prepared cocktails and decorative gold foil accents—Master of Mixes stands out on the shelf,” says Martin. The PET bottle is preferred by consumers and easy to grip. Master of Mixes Cocktail Essentials, which offer high-quality finishing bar staples including Lime Juice, Simple Syrup, Grenadine Syrup and newest addition Agave Nectar, are in sleek, angular bottles with color-coated metal closures. “Cocktail Essentials was introduced in 2006, to help at-home bartenders make even more cocktails,” Martin says. Retailers who carry Master of Mixes have access to a very useful Retail Selling Guide. In addition to useful category analysis and packaging innovation information, ABM offers shelf management tips, a comprehensive flavor by flavor primer and POS guidance. Martin recounts, “During field work, we noticed how strong the impact of the Master of Mixes story was when conveyed in person. But we are limited in how many accounts we can communicate with that way. The Retail Selling Guide was created to reach a wider audience, and help retailers in selling our products to consumers.” All Master of Mixes options combine premium fruit juices, purées and essential oils. “The people behind Master of Mixes are passionate about being the ‘Truly Premium’ option from aroma to first sip to the finish,” says Martin. ■


Garden Party

Aimee Olexy, Owner, Talula’s Garden, Philadelphia BY ALIA AKKAM

Pennsylvania native Aimee Olexy elevated Philadelphia’s BYOB scene when she opened the Society Hill restaurant Django back in 2001. Today, in partnership with Stephen Starr, she brings seasonal-minded dining to new heights at Talula’s Garden. Here, sustainable wine and sophisticated cocktails are just as important as the farmers’ market greens and artisanal cheese. THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: Philadelphia is known for BYOB restaurants yet there are many vibrant wine lists and cocktail menus as well. How do you approach your beverage program? AIMEE OLEXY: I sit down and think about what we want to serve, what customers are interested in and what is current. I love talking to producers, asking them how we can begin serving their wine. TBN: What is the inspiration for selecting your wines? AO: My starting ground comes from personal experiences, because as a restaurant, we want to share the personality of our team and staff. Traveling to different regions like the southwest of France, California and New York has inspired my knowledge. I would keep scrapbooks from my travels to vineyards and turn to them when I wanted to have their wines on our menu. TBN: Do you see your wine list as a platform for earth-conscious wines?

AO: As with our food, we want to bring producers that practice good farming to the forefront. We want our wines to be a catalyst of tableside discussion between both the guests and our staff. TBN: What are some of the wines you have introduced that seem to be especially popular with your diners? AO: The Millbrook Cabernet Franc from New York is a great varietal and appellation; the family farmed wines from the tiny producer Va La Vineyards in Pennsylvania; and the Soos Creek “Sundance” from Columbia Valley, Washington, which has great texture and juiciness. I also want to return faith back to the elegance of Chardonnay with two great wines on our list: Lioco from Sonoma and Bergstrom Old Stones from the Willamette Valley. TBN: Anything new you’re excited about? AO: Wines from Georgia and Greece. There are some great food-friendly wines coming out of these regions, bringing value back to the guest as well.

TBN: Any cocktails on the fall menu you are particularly excited about? AO: The Loner. It is a take on a Cranberry Smash featuring wonderful handharvested cranberries from New Jersey with rye, black walnut bitters and fresh fruit. We also have our version of a Sidecar with local Art in the Age’s [ginger] Snap, brandy and a cinnamonsugar rim. The Haymaker, a muddled pear cooler, is also a great representation of fall, featuring pear vodka with citrus and clove. TBN: For a restaurant that is so wine-centric how do you encourage guests to enter cocktail territory? AO: Like everything we do, we keep things changing, which reflects our inspiration to the guests. We believe in the elegance of our cocktails and try to keep them simply understated. One example is The Purist, our margarita made with tequila, lime, agave and spiced salt, full of freshness and flavor.

TBN: Beyond the wine list, you also have devised a cocktail menu that pays mind to the seasons. How do you think your wine knowledge has helped inform your cocktails?

TBN: How do you think the definition of hospitality has evolved since you first embarked on Django?

AO: Just as with wine, cocktails should have real punch and make an impact: full flavored, higher alcohol with a more petite serving. We create them to be foodfriendly and exciting to the palate; lots of high acid and juicy fruit with freshness.

AO: My principle is to connect with the staff and our diners. Their stories, travels and palates inform our view of hospitality. Through our menus we are constantly creating a strong connection and sense of dialogue. ■

taking a






oonshine, at its roots, was simply a term for illegal booze made by unlicensed distillers, historically in the Appalachian region of the South. It was mostly made from corn, unaged for quick distribution and consumption. Today, this clear spirit’s rather colorful (and shady) history makes it ripe for perhaps the most authentic marketing in the spirits business—and a fine target for drinkers seeking something truly novel. Legal moonshine (a contradiction in terms) is commonly sold as unaged white whiskey or “white dog,” though it’s little surprise that many producers prefer the more illicit description. Joe Baker, proprietor of Ole Smoky Moonshine, explains: “We call our product moonshine because we make it the same way families have always done it here in Tennessee. They called it moonshine so that’s what we know to call it.” Southern states have a built-in appreciation for moonshine as part of their culture. Appalachian-born brands like Popcorn Sutton, Stillhouse, Catdaddy, Midnight Moon, Georgia Moon, Virginia Lightning and Ole Smoky draw from

their collective family and regional recipes, with stories of fast cars and jail terms adding to their allure. Liquor Barn, located off Interstate 75 in Caryville, TN, proclaims itself as “moonshine headquarters” on billboards that attract tourists and locals by the carload. Moonshine sales there are second only to bourbon; Popcorn Sutton is the top-selling brand, followed by Ole Smoky, says manager Patrick Silcox. “Everybody’s looking to buy moonshine. Some of it’s the marketing, some want to just buy a souvenir and many just want to know what it tastes like,” says Silcox. His customers range from 2170 years old, male and female, though the women tend to prefer the flavors.

Silcox tastes a lot of moonshine, and says you can tell a good one by its smooth sip and “the way it heats up your stomach, like a bourbon.” He insists the difference in flavors between moonshine brands is palpable—more so than vodka, because of the various recipes. Ole Smoky has corn sweetness, Goodtime (from Georgia) has notes of cane sugar, and Popcorn Sutton “tastes like something you would get in the back woods.” In Missouri, Steve Drda at Randall’s Wine and Spirits (which has four locations in the St. Louis area) sees the trend already reaching a plateau after a summer spike: “We have 22 SKUs of white whiskey; plain does slightly better than flavored, with cherry being the best selling of the flavors. Personally, I think the white whiskey sales will die off sooner than later,” he says. Ron Vaughn from Denver’s Argonaut Wine & Liquor is not ready to say moonshine has peaked. He cites the “bad boy image” of moonshine as a sales benefit: “Our sales are probably double what they were last year; while on a small base, it’s still a 100% increase. The new TV show

Now that white whiskey is legal, producers are tapping the allure of moonshine while ramping up production. Pictured here: scenes from Ole Smoky, the first licensed distillery in the history of East Tennessee. Opposite page: an Ole Smoky White Manhattan.

Moonshiners [Discovery Channel] and the movie Lawless [based on Matt Bondurant’s 2008 novel The Wettest County in the World] have certainly increased interest.”

Upscaling the Downhome Recipe By any name, modern moonshine qualifies as a craft spirit, made attentively, often in small batches. Like vodka and gin, white whiskey can be bottled and sold quickly— no aging required. This also gives craft distillers a chance to show their skills and highlight regional flavor (dare we say terroir?) without the barrel—like Tuthilltown’s Hudson New York Corn Whiskey made from local state corn, and Death’s Door White Whiskey, made from hard red winter wheat harvested from Washington Island, WI. Many of these craft distillers are experimenting with grains and processes to create products unlike anything on


the market. One unique distinction in the moonshine distillation process is the addition of sugar into the mash prior to fermentation. MB Roland Distillery’s True Kentucky Shine uses this process with white corn to create notes of citrus and apple peel. They also make two corn whiskies, White Dog and Black Dog, the latter using corn that is “dark fired” in a small tobacco barn that gives the final product a smoky flavor similar to Islay Scotch whiskies. Corsair Distillery set up shop in Kentucky to produce Wry Moon unaged Kentucky whiskey, pot-distilled from 100% rye. When the laws changed in Tennessee, they expanded their operation to Nashville. Utah’s High West Distillery makes an unaged oat whiskey they compare to a blanco tequila; Western Oat Silver Whiskey has a mash bill containing 85% oats and 15% barley malt. They also produce OMG Pure Rye, made from 80% rye

sele c t i o n

and 20% malted rye. And Woodinville Whiskey Company in Washington makes Headlong White Dog Whiskey from a bourbon mash bill of corn, wheat and malted barley.

Category Expansion Though the TTB does not recognize unaged white whiskey as a category, research firms like Technomic track corn whiskey, which grew 60% in 2011 to reach 80,000 9L cases nationally. Midnight Moon posted the largest gain, going from 7,000 to 30,000 cases in 2011. But the shelves are getting crowded, and this isn’t necessarily going to be an easy point of entry. Joy Richard, bar and beverage manager at Boston-based Franklin Restaurant Group, says “I think distilleries are going to have to pull out all the stops when it comes to offering interesting options.” Flavors are already playing a major role in the moonshine genre. Midnight Moon

MOONSHINE Marvin “Popcorn” Sutton died by his own hand in 2009 rather than go to prison for selling untaxed liquor. Right before his death, he sold his recipe to former motocross racer Jamey Grosser, who in 2010 partnered with Hank Williams Jr. to legally produce Popcorn Sutton Tennessee White Whiskey.

and Ole Smoky use mason-jar-shaped packaging to showcase assorted fruits. Philadelphia Distilling’s XXX SHINE has added a salted caramel flavor to its original 88.8 proof blend of hand-selected American corn distilled three (XXX) times in a copper pot still. Even established brands have begun to introduce white whiskies, mainly as a way to showcase the aged versions in their infancy. Buffalo Trace makes a 125 proof corn, rye and barley White Dog Mash #1. In addition to their value-priced 80 proof Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey, Heaven Hill introduced a new series called Trybox. These New Make white whiskies are taken straight off the still and bottled at 125 proof—a chance for consumers to try known aged whiskies in their pre-barrel raw stage. For example, Trybox original New Make would become Evan Williams Straight Bourbon; and the Rye New Make would become Rittenhouse Rye.

Marketing Moonshine When it comes to telling moonshine’s story to prospective consumers, the spirit’s hard-edged reputation seems to have real staying power. Marvin “Popcorn” Sutton, who died in 2009 by his own hand rather than spend 18 months in prison for selling untaxed whiskey, was known as the most famous moonshiner in the moonshining capital of Cocke County, TN. He epitomized everything people loved—and hated—about illegal distilling. A natural born marketer, he published a book, Me and My Likker, and was featured in the cult hit documentary This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I’ll Ever Make. Right before his death, he met Jamey Grosser, a former motorcross racer, and sold his moon-

BY ANY NAME, MODERN MOONSHINE QUALIFIES AS A CRAFT SPIRIT, MADE ATTENTIVELY, OFTEN IN SMALL BATCHES. shine recipe. Hank Williams Jr. joined as a partner and they set up a distillery in Nashville, recreating the famous Popcorn Sutton moonshine as a legal Tennessee White Whiskey. Piedmont Distillers out of North Carolina (makers of Catdaddy Spiced Moonshine and Midnight Moon) had a 200% increase in sales in the first half of 2012 to 50,000 9L cases. Founder Joe Mihalek—the first craft distiller to introduce a legal moonshine, Catdaddy, in 2005—admits people were skeptical in the beginning. But a partnership with legendary moonshiner and professional driver Junior Johnson in 2007 not only secured his family recipe, but the marketing muscle of NASCAR fans. As legend goes, the sport came about in the 1930s, when moonshiners began engineering their cars to go faster and outrun the police. Junior Johnson was one of the early adopters of NASCAR, and the first track was built in his hometown of Wilkesboro, North Carolina.

The line of Junior Johnson’s allnatural Midnight Moon Fruit Inclusions was introduced in 2010. Made from original 100-proof Midnight Moon, real pieces of fruit are infused in traditional moonshine jars, adding to the homegrown appeal. Flavors include Apple Pie, Cherry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cranberry and Blackberry. When Tennessee began allowing spirits production across new counties in 2009, a group of local families joined together to create Ole Smoky Moonshine. With recipes passed down for generations, the 100-proof line includes a traditional corn whiskey for sipping (made from 80% corn and the rest secret); White Lightnin’, a smoother version made for cocktails; and fruit infusions Apple Pie and Cherry, as well as seasonal flavors available only at the distillery (Blueberry, Grape Hunch Punch, Lemon Drop, Pink Lemonade, Strawberry). Despite the popularity of vodka, it’s a difficult leap of faith for many consumers to try white whiskey. With stronger flavors and often higher proofs, it’s also hard pigeonhole white whiskey and moonshine into a one-taste-fits-all category. Like aged whiskies, there are many aspects of ingredients, origin and technique that go in to the final product. As we progress in the golden age of American whiskey, education and exploration are on the rise, which should help buoy the already rising tide of white whiskey. ■


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NOveMBer 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 63

6060E Maker’s Mark 6060L Maker’s Mark 6064B Maker’s Mark 46 9617B Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute 9627B Rare Breed 9674B Woodford Reserve 9674D Woodford Reserve 9674L Woodford Reserve 9679B Woodford Reserve Season Oak 9670B Woodstone Micro-Bourbon

$ 14.60 90.0 $ 35.20 90.0 $ 32.55 94.0 $ 77.80 101.0 $ 30.85 110.0 $ 30.00 90.4 $ 59.85 90.4 $ 34.15 90.4 $ 77.95 100.4 $ 88.20 94.0

Tennessee Whiskey 0066B Jack Daniel's Black 0066D Jack Daniel's Black 0066E Jack Daniel's Black 0066L Jack Daniel's Black 2110B Jack Daniel's Green 2110D Jack Daniel's Green 3513B Gentleman Jack 3513D Gentleman Jack 3513L Gentleman Jack 3515B George Bickel Old 48 3515B George Rickel Old #8 3523B George Dickol 12 3524B Geo. Dickel Barrel Select 4988B Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988L Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988D Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4997B Jack Daniel's Single Barrel 8307B Prichards Tenn Whiskey

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

19.50 42.15 14.45 30.30 16.90 33.65 26.50 48.50 35.05 15.90 15.90 20.20 20.20 19.50 30.30 42.15 35.65 34.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 94.0 80.0

Rye Whiskey 0090B Old Overholt 1503B Bulleit 95 Rye 5117B Jim Beam 8308B Richards Rye Whiskey 9631B Wild Turkey Rye Whiskey 9633B Wild Turkey Russels Reserve Wild Turkey Rye 81 9641B

$ 13.20 $ 20.20 $ 17.60 $ 43.05 $ 15.15 $ 31.70 $ 19.35

80.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 101.0 90.0 81.0

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Blended Whiskey 0026D Old Thompson 0026L Old Thompson 0113B Kessler 0113D Kessler 0113L Kessler Beam's Eight Star 0122B 0122D Beam's Eight Slar 0122L Beam's Eight Star 0152B Seagram's 7 Crown 0152D Seagram's 7 Crown Seagram's 7 Crown 0152L 0199D Senator's Club 0199L Senator's Club 1477B Brewriver I Got Friends Wh Blended 2100D Calvert Exlra 2137D Imperial 3701L Gold Award 3972D Hailer's S.R.S. 3972L Halters S.R.S. 4089D Guckenheimer 4089L Guckenheimer 5260B J Johnson Mid Moon Hall Fa 5262B J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry 5266B Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb 5378B Kessler Traveler Mccormick 6343L 9668B Ohio Blended Whiskey 8887B Seagram's 7 Traveler 8890B Seagram's 7 Dark Honey

Whiskey 0281B Jameson $ 18.65 80.0 0281D Jameson $ 39.75 80.0 Jameson $ 28.95 80.0 0281B Bushmills $ 20.15 80.0 0282B 0282L Bushmills $ 28.00 80.0 0908B Black Bust( $ 21.60 80.0 Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt $ 58.65 80.0 1519B 1520B Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt $ 25.10 80.0 $ 9.10 80.0 2074B Clonlarf 2268B Connema Ra Single Malt $ 29.10 80.0 3003B Feckin $ 13.15 80.0 $ 14.80 90.0 4895B Irishman Original Clan 5075B Jameson Gold $ 64.90 80.0 Jameson Vintage Res. $261.15 92.0 5079B 5081B Jameson 18 Yr. $ 86.70 80.0 5083B Jameson 12 Yr. $ 41.35 80.0 Jameson Tin $ 18.65 80.0 5085B 5212B John Power & Son Gold $ 16.00 80.0 Kilbeggan $ 18.90 80.0 5384B 5388B Knappogue Castle 12 $ 30.60 80.0 6574B Midleton $117.20 80.0 Michael Collins Blended $ 21.25 80.0 6576B 7721L Paddy $ 28.05 80.0 8294B Powers $ 20.60 80.0 6383B Redbreast $ 43.05 80.0 8384B Redbreast 12 $ 77.95 92.0 8476B Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey $ 34.35 90.0 9026B Slane Castle $ 20.35 80.0 9317B Tullamore Dew $ 18.65 80.0 9317L Tullamore Dew $ 28.05 80.0

64 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

Canadian Whiskey 0076B Seagrams Vo 0076D Seagrams Vo 0076L Seagrams Vo 0169D Lord Calvert 0170B Mcmaster's 0170D Mcmaster's 0170L Mcmaster's 0174B Canadian Mist 0174D Canadian Mist 0174L Canadian Mist 0175D Macnaughton 0176B Canadian Club 0176D Canadian Club 0176E Canadian Club 0176L Canadian Club 0189B Black Velvet 0189D Black Velvet 0189E Black Velvet 0189L Black Velvet 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 0920B Black Velvet Reserve 0920D Black Velvet Reserve 1542B C C Dock 57 Blackberry 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv. 1704D Canadian Bay 1704D Canadian Bay 1716B Canada House 1716D Canada House 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 1730D Canadian Gold 1730L Canadian Gold 1731B Can. Club Sherry Cask 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 1735D Canadian Ltd. 1735L Canadian Ltd. 1748B Canadian Mist Traveler 1749D Canadian Reserve 2055B Classic 12 2389B Crown Royal Black 2389D Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask No.16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 4699L Northern Light James Foxe 5073D 7726D Paramount 8050B Pendleton 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V.0. Gold Seagram's V.0. Traveler 8923B 9648B Windsor Traveler 9652B Windsor Supreme 9652D Windsor Supreme 9652L Windsor Supreme Wiser's Deluxe 9656B

$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.50 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 16.65 $ 1165 $ 22.30 $ 9.25 $ 16.75 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 15.85 $ 16.85 $ 13.60 $ 8.70 $ 6.60 $ 12.75 $ 14.05 $ 11.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 15.85 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 48.75 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Scotch Whiskey 0201B Pinch 15 Yr. 0202B Dewar's 0202D Dewar's 0202E Dewar's 0202L Dewar's Johnnie Walker Red 0204B 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 0204L Johnnle Walker Red 0206D Usher's Green 0208B Lauder's Lauder's 0208D Lauder's 0208L 0212B Grant's 0212D Grant's 0213D Old Smuggler 0213L Odsmuggler 0215B Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215D Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215L Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0225B Cully Sark 0225D Culty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 0238B J&B Rare 0238D J&B Rare 0238L J&B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 0239D Grand Macnish 0239L Grand Macnish 0241D Highland Mist 0241L Highland Mist 0246D Inver House 0246L Inver House 0249D J.W. Dant 0253B Ballanline's

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

29.70 21.25 37.95 21.15 27.35 21.90 43.25 28.25 22.25 8.30 18.00 10.65 14.40 32.15 19.50 11.95 25.60 59.85 38.55 16.85 33.55 21.10 12.55 34.25 70.25 43.90 18.95 40.65 24.05 7.30 16.95 10.60 17.10 10.45 17.10 11.00 10.80 15.15

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0

1490B Buchanan Deluxe 1491B Buchanan Special Reserve 1655E Makers Mark 200Ml 2004B Chiv Regal Salute 21 Yr 2005B Chiv Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr. 2052D Clan Macgregor 2052L Clan Macgregor 2078B Clynelish 2226B Collingwood Canadian 2488B Dalmore 1981 Amoroso 2489B Dalmore 1263 King Alex Iii 2490B Dalmore 18 2493B Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve 2672B Dewar'sfounders Reserve 2673B Dewar's Signature 2674B Dewar's Sp. Res. 12 Yr. 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr. 3609B Glen Grant 5145B John Barr Red 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5225B Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 Anniv. 5229B Johnnie Waiker Gold 5406B King Robert II 6395B Mclvor 7980D Passport 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8853D Scoresby 9081B Springbank 10 9188B Famous Grouse 80 9188D Famous Grouse 80

$ 26.35 $ 66.75 $ 7.90 $ 156.85 $ 200.10 $ 51.80 $ 17.10 $ 10.60 $ 49.85 $ 22.12 $ 1198.30 $ 200.10 $ 143.35 $ 108.50 $ 51.10 $ 189.75 $ 29.10 $ 25.40 $ 38.70 $ 6.90 $ 210.65 $ 36.85 $ 81.70 $ 12.35 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 16.20 $ 9.75 $ 17.45 $ 50.05 $ 19.50 $ 38.00

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0

Single Malt / Scotch 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr. 0020B Aberlour Abunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 0032B Aberfeldy 21 0103B Ardmore 0107B Ardbeg 10 Yr. 0114B Ardbeg UIGEADAIL 0375B Auchenloshan3wood 0377B Auchenlashan Classic 0379B Auchroisk 0493B Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. 0497B 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. 1481B Bowmore Legend 1488B Bunnahebhain 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks 1751B Caol Ila 12-Yr. 1759B Cardhu 2355B Cragganmore 2491B Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. 2495B Dalmore 12 Yr. Dalwhinnie 2498B 2500B Dalwhinnie Distill Edition 3606B Glenliddich 12 Yr. Reserve 3607B Glen Garioch 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr. 3615B Glen Spey 3619B Glenfiddich Malt Master 3620B Glenfiddich Solera 15 Yr. 3625B Glenfiddich Ancient 18 Yr. 3632B Glenfarclas 17 Yr. 3634B Glenfiddich 15 Distillery Ed. 3635B Glenfarclas 21 Yr. 3639B Glenlivet 25 Yr. 3640B Glenlivet 18 Yr. 3641B Glenlivet 12 Yr. 3641D Glenhivel 3641L Glenlivel12 Yr. 3643B Glenlivet Archive 21 Yr. 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Year Old 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. 3647B Glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. 3649B Glenmorangielasanla 3654B Glenlivelldadurratriumph 3655B Glenmorangie Finealta 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3658B Glenmorangtenectar D'or 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve 3699B Glenrothes 4291B Highland Park 4296B Highland Park 18 5207B J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch Johnnie Walker Green 5231B 5507B Lagavulin Distillers Ed. 5508B Lagavulin Laphroaig 18 5542B 5543B Lephroaigcask Strength Laphroalg 5544B 6012B Macallan Cask Strenglh 6013B Macallan 12 Yr. Macallan 12 Yr. 6013D 6013E Macallan 12 Yr. Macallan 18 Yr. 6016B 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. 6016B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. Macallan Shackleton Rare 6019B 6024B Macallan Anniversary 6025B Macallan 30 Yr. 6344B Mcclellands Islay 6346B Mcclellands Highland 6747B Oban Distillers Ed. 6748B Oban 7700B Oyo Whiskey 8306B Prichards Single Malt Whsk 8983B Singleton

$ 32.60 86.0 $ 60.50 119.4 $ 44.10 80.0 $ 128.95 80.0 $ 36.10 92.0 $ 38.70 92.0 $ 64.90 108.0 $ 51.80 86.0 $ 26.50 80.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 59.65 95.0 $ 44.90 86.0 $ 137.55 86.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 49.10 86.0 $ 37.75 86.0 $ 50.85 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.75 80.0 $ 56.10 66.0 $ 65.90 86.0 $ 35.20 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 50.85 86.0 $ 162.55 86.0 $ 69.25 86.0 $ 46.55 80.0 $ 67.50 86.0 $ 69.65 86.0 $ 36.75 102.0 $ 80.45 86.0 $ 322.25 86.0 $ 73.60 86.0 $ 36.10 80.0 $ 72.90 80.0 $ 45.50 80.0 $ 130.30 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 44.80 80.0 $ 56.15 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 69.25 86.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 40.45 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 36.95 86.0 $ 63.20 86.0 $ 44.55 111.6 $ 55.35 86.0 $ 86.90 86.0 $ 71.35 86.0 $ 70.40 96.0 $ 57.20 115.6 $ 44.00 86.0 $ 73.60 117.6 $ 47.45 86.0 $ 94.75 86.0 $ 47.55 86.0 $ 156.50 86.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 69.75 86.0 $ 147.75 86.0 $ 697.35 86.0 $1,482.50 86.0 $ 20.85 80.0 $ 20.65 80.0 $ 78.20 86.0 $ 63.25 86.0 $ 39.85 92.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0

9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9607B 9657B 9671B

Speyburn Speyburn Braden Orach Talisker Talisker Distiller Edition Tamdhu Tamdhu Tomatin Scotch 12 Wild Scotsman Black Label Wild Scotsman Royal Lochnagr Wisers 18 Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky

$ 21.25 $ 16.90 $ 56.45 $ 60.65 $ 10.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 58.15 $33.65 $ 20.90 $ 103.95

86.0 80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 92.0 80.0 93.0

$ 23.90 $ 17.75 $ 10.10 $34.60 $ 17.75

90.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 80.0

Other Whiskey 0876B Bernheim Original Wheat 1840B Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine 3526B Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 4868B Ikkomon Shochu 5255B Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon Brandy 0051B Alize Cognac Vs 0084B Ansac Vs Cognac 0089B Bela Osa 0341B Asbach Uralt Brandy 0453B Metaxa Five Star Brandy 0456B Courvoisier Vsop Cognac 4Yr 0461B Hennessy V S 0461D Hennessy V S 0461E Hennessy V S 0461L Hennessy V S 0462B Martell Vs Cognac 0463B Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463D Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463E Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463L Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0464B St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0464D St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0469B Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469D 0469L Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0470B Christian Brothers Brandy 0470D Christian Brothers Brandy 0470L Christian Brothers Brandy 0479B Lairds Apple Jack 6Yr 0480B Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480D Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480L Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0481B Coronet Vsq 0481D Coronet Vsq 0481L Coronet Vsq 0482B Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482D Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482L Paramount Blackberry Brndy Paramount Cherry Brandy 0483B 0483D Paramount Cherry Brandy 0488B Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488D Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488L Paramount Apricot Brandy Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy 0490B 0668B Arrow Blackbrry Bdy 0682B Dek Apricot Bdy 0696B Paramount Peach Bdy 0711B Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy Navip Slivovitz 8Yr 0863B 0874B Remy Martin Louis X111 0877L Bertagnolli Grappino 1577B Calvados Bld Grnd Appl Bdy 1618E Christian Brothers Amber 200Ml 1623B Conjure Cognac 1623E Conjure Cognac 1625E Courvoisier Vs 200Ml 2Yr 1629E E & J Vs 2 200Ml 1630E E & J Vsop 200Ml 1642E Hennessy Vsop 200Ml 1644E Hennessy Vs Flask 1665E Paul Masson Vs 200 3Yr 1666E Paul Masson Vsop 200Ml 4Yr 1669E Remy Martin Vs 200Ml 1670E Remy Martin Vsop 200Ml 1671E Remy Martin 1738 Accor 2018B Christian Bros Frost White 2020B Christian Bro Grn Rsv Vsop 2023B Christian Bro Honey 2265B Conjure Cognac 2327B Courvoisier C 2335B Courvoisier Xo Cognac 2348B Courvoisier Exclusif 4Yr 2349B Courvoisier 12 2350B Courvoisier 21 Don Pedro Reserva Especial 2728B 2850B Dujardin Vsop 2871B E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871D E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871L E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2873B E & J 2873D E & J 2873L E & J 2875B E & J Superior Rs Vsop Traveler 2876B E & J Traveler Bdy 2877B E & J Xo 2954B Excellentia Gold Sliv Brandy 4011B Hardy Vs 4074B Hennessy Black 4074L Hennessy Black 4076B Hennessy Richard 4080B Hennessy Paradis 4084E Hennessy V S 200Ml

$ 16.90 80.0 $ 16.00 80.0 $ 7.05 80.0 $ 24.05 80.0 $ 18.65 76.0 $ 29.00 80.0 $ 27.80 80.0 $ 64.20 80.0 $ 24.00 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 35.20 80.0 $ 78.15 80.0 $ 27.75 80.0 $ 47.25 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 21.45 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 19.90 80.0 $ 12.80 80.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 12.80 80.0 $ 15.15 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 51.05 80.0 $ 33.40 80.0 $ 7.75 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 11.90 80.0 $ 9.90 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.50 75.0 $ 9.90 75.0 $ 10.85 75.0 $ 9.90 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.50 75.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 8.20 60.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 9.90 75.0 $ 6.45 70.0 $ 18.25 100.0 $2093.20 80.0 $ 15.40 84.0 $ 36.75 80.0 $ 2.95 80.0 $ 27.10 80.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 6.40 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.15 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 7.70 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.30 80.0 $ 8.50 80.0 $ 9.40 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 10.60 70.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 29.90 80.0 $ 210.60 80.0 $ 24.00 80.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 219.35 80.0 $ 5.80 80.0 $ 19.85 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 10.50 80.0 $ 21.65 80.0 $ 12.35 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 10.35 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 22.40 80.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 44.65 86.0 $3209.85 86.0 $ 688.65 86.0 $ 7.95 80.0

NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 65

4087B Hennessy Vs Historic 4092B Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4092L Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4103B Hennessy X O 4944B J C Cognac Vsop 4998B Jacque Cardin Grape France 5001B Poli Po Traminar Grappa 5486B Korbel 5486D Korbel 5509B Lairds Apple Brandy 100 5510B Lairds Rare Apple Brandy 5512B Lairds Old Apple Brandy 90Mo 5532B Landy Vs Cognac 5871B Leroux Polish Blackberry 6072L Manastirka 6095B Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 6259B Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 6267B Martell Xo 12Yr 6270B Martell Vsop 6525B Meukow V.S. 6545B Metaxa Amphora 7 Star 6603B Moletto Grappa D'nebbiolo 6615L Montenegro Lozova Rakija 7816B Paramount Ginger Brandy 7976B Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7976D Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7993B Presidente Brandy 8354B Raynal Napoleon Vsop 8386B Remy Martin Extra 8389B Remy Martin 1738 Accord 8394B Remy Martin Xo Excellence 8405B Remy Martin Vs Grand Cru 8648B Salignac 9736B Zuta Osa

$ 27.35 $ 45.70 $ 64.70 $156.50 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 23.75 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 20.40 $ 35.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.05 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 23.65 $ 112.85 $121.60 $ 31.75 $ 20.40 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 9.90 $ 8.15 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $130.30 $ 29.10 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.40 $ 7.10 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 13.25 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.20 $ 8.85 $ 14.95 $ 15.15 $ 30.15 $ 28.85 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.40 $ 7.15 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.45 $ 7.15 $ 21.25 $ 5.75 $ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 26.45 $ 16.90 $ 28.00 $ 15.15 $ 6.45 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.35 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 13.35 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.70 $ 17.10 $ 12.55 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 13.60 $ 8.00 $ 9.65 $ 19.35 $ 25.60 $ 24.75 $ 8.15

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0

Gin 0193L Aristocrat Gin 0303D Fleischmanns Gin 0304D Crystal Palace Gin 0304L Crystal Palace Gin 0305B Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305D Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305E Seagrams Extra Dry Gin Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305L 0308B Gordons Gin 0308D Gordons Gin 0308L Gordons Gin 0313B Beefeater Gin Beefeater Gin 0313D 0313E Beefeater Gin 0313L Beefeater Gin 0319D Paramount 90 Gin 0319L Paramount 90 Gin 0320D Calvert Gin 0322B Bombay Gin 0322D Bombay Gin 0322L Bombay Gin 0326B Tanqueray Gin 0326D Tanqueray Gin 0326E Tanqueray Gin 0326L Tanqueray Gin 0327D Glenmore Gin 0327L Glenmore Gin 0329D Booths Gin 0330D Hallers Gin 0330L Hallers Gin 0339B Gilbeys Gin 0339D Gilbeys Gin 0339L Gilbeys Gin 0340L Senators Club Gin 4Yr 0563D Barton Gin 0563L Barton Gin 0962B Bluecoat Gin Bombardier Military 1324B 1327B Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327D Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327L Bombay Sapphire Gin 1369B Boodles British Gin 1476B Brewriver East End Dry Gin 1495B Brokers Gin 1522B Burnetts Gin Traveler 1659E Paramount Gin 1660E New Amsterdam 200Ml 1673E Seagrams Extra Dry 200 1680E Tanqueray Gin 200Ml 1760B Caorunn Gin 3555B Gilbeys Gin Traveler 3728B Nolets Silver Gin 3780B Gordons Traveler 4073B Hendrick's Gin 4073D Hendrick's Gin 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6062B Magellan 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6379L Mc Cormick Gin Meiers No 94 Gin 6444D 6621B Monopolowa Vienna Dry Gin 6690L Mr Boston English Mrkt Gin 6716B New Amsterdam Gin 6716D New Amsterdam Gin New Amsterdam Gin 6716L 7868D Paramount Gin 80 7868L Paramount Gin 80 8235B Pinnacle Gin 8235D Pinnacle Gin Plymouth Gin 8274B 8436B Right Gin 8883B Seagrams Apple Twst Gin

66 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

8889B Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8889D Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8900B Seagram Extra Dry Gn Trv 8902B Seagram's Grape Gin 8905B Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905D Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905L Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8914B Seagrams Orange Twist Gin 8995B Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995D Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995L Burnetts White Satin Gin 9072B Smooth Ambler Greenbrier 9153B Tanqueray No 10 9157B Tanqueray Rangpur 9195L 3 Islands Gin 9356L Undo's Gin 9504B Watershed Distillery Gin 9529D Well Gin 9529L Well Gin 9604B Whitley Neill Gin 9669B Woodstone Creek Gin 9669E Woodstone Creek Gin

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

10.80 20.55 8.15 6.30 8.15 17.95 8.20 8.15 6.45 15.35 10.60 25.60 25.60 19.40 4.55 20.70 24.65 13.05 7.90 10.75 28.70 5.70

94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 92.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0

Rum 0065B Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065D Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065L Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0077B Admiral Nelson Cherry 0094B Appleton Estate Extra 12Yr 0095B Appleton White Rum 0096B Appleton Estate Reserve 0097B Appleton Special Gold Rum 0098B Appleton Estate 21 0099B Appleton Vx 0099D Appleton Vx 0197L Aristocrat Rum 0355B Atlantico 0390B Bacardi 8 Rum 8Yr 0392B Bacardi Arctic Grape 0394B Bacardi Big Apple Bacardi Gold Reserve 0397B 0400B Bacardi Coco Rum 0401B Bacardi Select Rum 0401L Bacardi Select Rum 0402B Bacardi Gold Traveler 0405B Bacardi Dragonberry 0405D Bacardi Dragonberry 0412B Bacardi Limon Rum 0412D Bacardi Limon Rum 0412L Bacardi Limon Rum 0420B Bacardi O Rum 0420L Bacardi O Rum 0422B Bacardi Oakheart 0425B Bacardi Peach Red 0432B Bacardi Razz Rum 0439B Bacardi Superior Traveler 0441B Bacardi Grand Melon 0444E Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak 0447B Bacardi Torched Cherry 0448B Bacardi Rock Coconut 0501D Mr Boston Light 0501L Mr Boston Light 0502D Mr Boston Dark 0502L Mr Boston Dark 0510B Bacardi 151 Rum 0510L Bacardi 151 Rum 0512B Bacardi Gold Rum 0512D Bacardi Gold Rum 0512L Bacardi Gold Rum 0524B Barbancourt Res. Speciale 0536D Ronrico Gold Rum 0536L Ronrico Gold Rum 0537B Ronrico Silver Rum 0537D Ronrico Silver Rum 0537L Ronrico Silver Rum 0539B Myers Original Dark Rum 0539D Myers Original Dark Rum 0539L Myers Original Dark Rum 0544B Bacardi Superior Light 0544D Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Superior Light 0544E 0544L Bacardi Superior Light 0547B Bacardi Wolf Berry 0869B Bacardi Anejo 0899B Black Beard Spiced Rum Blackheart Prem Spiced Rum 0947B 0965D Bocador White Rum Florida 0965L Bocador White Rum Florida 1010B 10 Cane Rum 1010E 10 Cane Rum Brugal Anejo Rum 1494B 1550L Calico Jack Spiced Rum 1565B Cabana Cachaca 1578B Calypso Spiced Rum 1656E Lady Bligh Spiced 1755B Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755D Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755E Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755L Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1757B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1757D Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1758B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl 1761B Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1762B Captain Morgan Traveler Rum 1763B Captain Morgan Lime Bite 1766L Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont 1768B Captain Morgan Slvr Spice 1769B Captain Morgan Pvt Stock

$ 6.45 70.0 $ 13.60 70.0 $ 8.85 70.0 $ 6.45 60.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 13.25 80.0 $ 60.00 86.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 7.50 70.0 $ 14.80 80.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 17.65 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.00 70.0 $ 13.20 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 4.95 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 17.65 151.0 $ 22.80 151.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 12.05 80.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 19.35 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 15.70 80.0 $ 22.85 80.0 $ 20.05 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 8.80 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 15.85 80.0 $ 12.50 86.0 $ 11.65 93.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 10.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 8.80 70.0 $ 13.45 80.0 $ 12.70 70.0 $ 3.80 72.5 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 28.45 70.0 $ 8.75 70.0 $ 18.30 70.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 31.65 100.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 17.70 94.6 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 17.55 90.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 20.10 80.0

1772L Captain Morgan Tattoo $ 17.75 70.0 1827D Castillo Gold Label $ 16.30 80.0 1827L Castillo Gold Label $ 8.65 80.0 1829B Castillo Silver Rum $ 7.05 80.0 1829D Castillo Silver Rum $ 16.30 80.0 1829L Castillo Silver Rum $ 8.65 80.0 1838B Castillo Spiced Rum $ 6.50 70.0 1838L Castillo Spiced Rum $ 8.65 70.0 2067B Clement Creole Shrubb $ 29.95 80.0 2069B Clement Vsop $ 34.30 80.0 2315B Coruba Spiced $ 4.25 80.0 2388B Crusoe Organic Spiced Rum $ 29.45 151.0 2398L Cruzan 151 Prf Rum $ 17.45 151.0 2400L Cruzan Black Cherry $ 6.80 55.0 2401L Cruzan Bananna $ 6.80 55.0 2402L Cruzan Pineapple $ 6.80 55.0 2403L Cruzan Blackstrap $ 14.25 80.0 2415B Cruzan Estate Diamond $ 14.95 80.0 2416L Cruzan Mango $ 6.80 55.0 2417B Cruzan Estate Sngl Brl Rum $ 18.45 80.0 2418B Cruzan Junkanu Citris $ 9.85 70.0 2419L Cruzan Coconut $ 6.80 55.0 2421L Cruzan Vanilla $ 6.80 55.0 2422B Cruzan Estate Dark $ 9.90 80.0 2423B Cruzan Estate Light $ 9.90 80.0 2423D Cruzan Estate Light $ 14.55 80.0 2424L Cruzan Guava $ 6.80 55.0 2425B Cruzan 9 $ 10.10 80.0 2734B Don Q Cristal $ 9.65 80.0 2936B English Harbour $ 23.00 80.0 2943B Erie Island Silver Rum $ 21.95 80.0 3787B Goslings Black Seal $ 13.90 80.0 5209B John Mcculloch Rum $ 22.10 80.0 5488B Kraken Black Spiced $ 16.90 94.0 5488D Kraken Black Spiced $ 24.95 94.0 5493L Lady Bligh Banana $ 8.00 48.0 5495L Lady Bligh Cherry $ 8.00 48.0 5498B Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler $ 7.30 72.5 5499B Lady Bligh Spiced $ 7.30 72.5 5499D Lady Bligh Spiced $ 14.45 72.5 5499L Lady Bligh Spiced $ 8.85 72.5 5500L Lady Bligh Coconut $ 8.00 48.0 5502L Lady Bligh Mango $ 8.00 48.0 Lady Bligh Pineapple $ 8.00 48.0 5503L 5504L Lady Bligh Vanilla $ 8.00 48.0 5505B Lady Bligh 151 Rum $ 13.40 151.0 6068B Malibu Black $ 14.30 70.0 6069B Malibu Rum $ 13.40 48.0 Malibu Rum $ 22.30 48.0 6069D 6069L Malibu Rum $ 16.70 48.0 6071B Malibu Red $ 14.30 70.0 6360D Mc Cormick Rum $ 14.05 80.0 6360L Mc Cormick Rum $ 8.05 80.0 Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 14.45 80.0 6441D 6441L Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 8.25 80.0 6442D Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 14.45 80.0 6442L Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 8.25 80.0 6643D Montego Bay Silver $ 14.05 80.0 Mt Gay Xtra Old Rum $ 17.40 86.0 6651B 6652B Mt Gay Eclipse $ 16.00 80.0 6652D Mt Gay Eclipse $ 26.70 80.0 6653B Mt Gay Eclipse Silver $ 13.40 80.0 6654B Mt Gay Black $ 21.25 80.0 Myers's Platinum $ 9.25 80.0 6699L 7692B Oronoco Platinum Reserve $ 34.40 80.0 7722B Panama Jack Spiced $ 25.40 70.0 7730L Paramount 151 $ 19.35 151.0 7788L Paramount Dragon Fruit $ 10.60 80.0 Paramount Gold Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7835B 7835D Paramount Gold Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7835L Paramount Gold Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7836B Paramount White Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7836D Paramount White Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7836L Paramount White Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7839L Paramount Whipt Creme $ 10.60 80.0 8326B Pyrat X O Reserve $ 21.85 80.0 8330B Pucker Citrus Squeeze $ 10.80 70.0 8331B Pucker Grape Gone Wild $ 10.80 70.0 8332B Pucker Sour Apple Sass $ 10.80 70.0 8333B Pucker Wild Cherry Tease $ 10.80 70.0 8474B Rogue Dark Rum $ 27.35 80.0 8475B Rogue $ 27.35 80.0 8498B Ron Matusalem Classico $ 16.90 80.0 8500B Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva $ 13.40 80.0 $ 7.85 80.0 8502B Ron Matusalem Platino 8533D Ronrico Clipper Spiced Rum $ 14.05 70.0 8645B Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 15.15 92.0 8645D Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 28.40 92.0 8645L Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 19.35 92.0 Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr $ 15.15 92.0 8646B 8881B Seagrams Brazil Citrus Rum $ 3.45 70.0 8882B Seagrams Brazilian $ 3.45 80.0 9065B Spiced Jack No 94 $ 13.20 94.0 9229B Tommy Bahama Golden Sun $ 9.15 80.0 Tommy Bahama White Sand $ 9.15 80.0 9230B 9307L Trader Vics Priv Sel Silvr $ 10.60 80.0 9357L Undo's Rum $ 20.60 80.0 9358L Undo's Spiced Rum $22.30 80.0 9530D Well Rum $ 14.65 88.0 Well Rum $ 8.30 88.0 9530L 9570B Whaler's Vanilla $ 6.20 60.0 9675B Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof $ 16.00 126.0 9711L Ypioca Cachaca Crystal $15.30 78.0 9729B Zaya Rum $ 25.60 80.0 Scotch 0018B Aberlour 18 Yr 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr Sm

$ 86.65 $ 36.10

86.0 86.0

$ 54.55 119.0 0020B Aberlour A'bunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 12 Yr $ 44.10 80.0 0032B Aberfeldy 21 Yr $150.00 80.0 0103B Ardmore Scotch $ 26.70 92.0 0107B Ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt $ 43.05 92.0 111B Ardbeg Galileo $82.35 98.0 1474B Bowmore 12 Yr $ 39.55 80.0 0201B Pinch - Haig 15 Yr $ 29.70 80.0 0202B Dewars $ 19.40 80.0 0202D Dewars $41.45 80.0 0202E Dewars $ 21.15 80.0 0202L Dewars $ 27.35 80.0 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 21.15 80.0 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 42.40 80.0 0204L Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 27.35 80.0 0206D Ushers Green Stripe $ 22.25 80.0 0208B Lauders 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0208D Lauders 3 Yr $ 17.10 80.0 0208L Lauders 3 Yr $ 10.35 80.0 0212B Grants Stand Fast $ 14.25 80.0 0212D Grants Stand Fast $ 31.90 80.0 0213D Old Smuggler $ 18.80 80.0 0213L Old Smuggler $ 11.45 80.0 0215B Chivas Regal $ 25.60 80.0 0215D Chivas Regal $ 58.10 80.0 0215L Chivas Regal $ 38.55 80.0 0225B Cutty Sark $ 16.85 80.0 0225D Cutty Sark $ 33.55 80.0 0225L Cutty Sark $ 21.10 80.0 0227B White Horse $ 12.55 80.0 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 33.35 80.0 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 69.15 80.0 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 43.00 80.0 0238B J & B Rare $ 18.95 80.0 0238D J & B Rare $ 36.35 80.0 0238L J & B Rare $ 23.70 80.0 0239B Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0239D Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 17.50 80.0 0239L Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 10.60 80.0 0241D Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 16.65 80.0 0241L Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 9.75 80.0 0246D Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 16.50 80.0 0246L Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 10.45 80.0 J W Dant Scotch $ 9.85 80.0 0249D 0253B Ballantines $ 14.30 80.0 0281B Jameson Irish Whsky $ 22.25 80.0 0281D Jameson Irish Whsky $ 46.75 80.0 0281L Jameson Irish Whsky $ 30.70 80.0 Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 17.55 80.0 0282B 0282L Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 28.90 80.0 0375B Auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms $ 49.20 86.0 0377B Auchentoshan Classic Sms $ 24.75 80.0 0493B Balvenie Single 15Yr $ 64.90 95.6 Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask $ 54.40 86.0 0496B 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr $ 48.30 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr $147.75 86.0 0908B Black Bush Irish Whsky $ 31.00 80.0 1481B Bowmore Legend Sms $ 23.00 80.0 Bunnahabhain Red Seal $ 87.80 80.0 1486B 1488B Bunnahabhain 12 Yr $ 47.45 80.0 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch $ 29.85 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt $ 58.65 80.0 Bushmills 10 Yr Irish $ 35.45 80.0 1520B 1636E Glenfiddich 45 Combo $ 42.80 82.0 1648E Jameson Irish Whsky $ 6.80 80.0 1751B Caol Ila 12 Yr Scotch $ 44.30 86.0 2004B Chivas Royal Salute 21Yr $191.40 80.0 $218.90 80.0 2005B Chivas Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr $ 43.05 80.0 2052D Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 17.20 80.0 2052L Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 10.70 80.0 2074B Clontarf Classic Blend $ 17.60 80.0 2078B Clynelish $ 31.05 92.0 2261B Concannon Irish Whiskey $ 19.50 80.0 2355B Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr $ 48.30 80.0 2491B Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr $ 117.60 90.0 2495B Dalmore 12 $ 36.10 80.0 2498B Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr 52.70 86.0 2673B Dewar's Signature $189.75 86.0 2674B Dewars Spec Rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch $ 26.45 80.0 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr $ 23.90 80.0 3003B Feckin Irish Whsky $ 16.90 80.0 3606B Glenfiddich Spec Res 12 Yr $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 3607B Glen Garioch 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr $ 46.60 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Soler Rsv 15 Yr $ 43.95 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancnt Rsv 18 Yr $ 60.50 86.0 3633B Glenfiddich Grand Reserva $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15Yr Distly Edition 3640B Glenlivet 18 Year $ 60.50 86.0 3641B Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 31.75 80.0 3641D Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 68.55 80.0 3641L Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 86 21 Yr 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Yr $ 34.35 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr $ 41.35 80.0 3647B Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr $ 47.40 112.4 3649B Glenmorangie Lasanta $ 43.05 92.0 $ 15.50 89.2 3650E Glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml 3654B Glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 $ 69.25 96.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 43.05 92.0 3658B Glenmorangie Nectar D Or $ 56.15 92.0 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 38.80 80.0 3699B Glenrothes Scotch $ 67.75 86.0 4291B Highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr $ 37.85 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18Y $107.00 86.0 4895B Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 17.65 80.0 4895L Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 26.90 80.0 5075B Jameson Gold $ 56.15 80.0

NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 67

5079B Jameson Vintage Res. 5081B Jameson 18 Yr 5083B Jameson 12 Yr 5145B John Barr Red 5145D John Barr Red 5207B J. Mcdougals Bladnoch 5212B John Power & Son Irish Gld 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5222B Johnnie Walker Double Black 5225B Johnny Walker Blk 100 Annivesary 5229B Johnnie Walker Gold 18 Yr 5230B Johnie Walker Swing 5231B Johnnie Walker Grn 5384B Kilbeggan 5507B Lagavaulin Distillers Ed. 5508B Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr 5542B Laphroaig 18 Yr 5543B Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr 5544B Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr 6012B Macallan Cask Strength Sms 6013B Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt 6013D Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt 6016B Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr 6018B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr 6024B Macallan 25 Yr 6025B Macallan 30 Yr 6344B Mcclellands Islay 6346B Mcclellands Highlnd 6395B Mcivor Scotch 6574B Midleton 6576B Michael Collins Blended 6747B Oban Distillers Addition 6748B Oban Single Malt 14 7480B Old Pulteney 12 Yr 7721L Paddy Irish Whiskey 7980D Passport Scotch 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8480B Rogue Malt Whiskey 8383B Redbreast Irish Whiskey 12 Yr 8853D Scoresby Scotch 8983B Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr 9026B Slane Castle Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr 9063B 9064B Speyburn Bradan Orach 9145B Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr 9150B Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr 9188B Famous Grouse Famous Grouse 9188D 9317B Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9317L Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9605B Wild Scotsman 15 Yr 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label

$ 173.90 $ 77.95 $ 36.95 $ 11.40 $ 16.15 $ 77.45 $ 18.65 $ 203.95 $ 39.50 $ 36.85 $ 74.50 $ 37.90 $ 50.50 $ 14.30 $ 86.90 $ 71.35 $ 61.60 $ 55.45 $ 41.35 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 131.20 $ 34.35 $ 76.20 $ 686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 125.95 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 72.90 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 51.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 27.35 $ 29.35

92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 111.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0

$ 17.05 $ 18.65 $ 25.60 $ 13.40 $ 37.40 $ 9.50 $ 15.55 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 38.70 $ 15.80 $ 38.70 $ 30.00 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 10.80 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 28.20 $ 21.25 $ 23.90 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 38.45 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 15.15 $ 17.75 $ 10.70 $ 43.30 $ 36.05 $ 17.85 $ 33.65 $ 13.75 $ 23.50 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 51.80 $ 26.65 $ 43.90 $ 55.55 $ 45.65 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Tequila 0038L Agavales Tequila Gold 110 0039B Agavero Orange Tequila 0040B Agave Loco 0048B Agavales Gold 80 0050B Alien Tequila Silver 0093L Aqui Vamos Teq Blanco 0371B Asombroso Silver 0372B Avion Anejo 0373B Avion Reposado 0374B Avion Silver 0487B Baluarte Tequila 1544B Cabo Wabo Anejo 1545B Cabo Wabo Blanco 1546B Cabo Wabo Reposado 1628E Cuervo Especial Silver 200 1662E Patron Anejo 1664E Patron Silver 200Ml 1674E Sauza Hornitos Plata 1676E Patron Reposado 1810B Casa Noble Crystal 1846B Cazadores Anejo 1847B Cazadores Blanco 1848B Cazadores Reposado 1857B Centenario Plata 1858B Centenario Reposado 1859B Centenario Rosangel 1860B Centenario Tenampa Azul 1861B Chamucos Blanco Esp Teq 1862B Chamucos Reposado Esp Teq 2280B Corazon Tequila Anjeo 2281B Corazon Blanco 2282B Corazon Reposado 2306B Coronado Tequila 2317B Corzo Reposado 2318B Corzo Silver 2410B Cuervo Especial 2410D Cuervo Especial 2410E Cuervo Especial 2410L Cuervo Especial 2411B 1800 Reposado Teq 2411D 1800 Reposado Teq 2411L 1800 Reposado Teq 2721B Don Julio Anejo 2721E Don Julio Anejo 2722B Don Julio Blanco 2722D Don Julio Blanco 2724B Don Julio Reposado 2725B Don Julio Real 2726B Don Julio 70Th Anniversary 2760B Dos Lunas Silver 2761B Dos Manos Blanco 2883B El Arco Anejo

68 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

2884B El Arco Blanco 2885B El Arco Reposado 2891B El Caballo Estrella Mixto 2894B 1800 Coconut Tequila 2899B El Charro Reposado 2900B El Charro Silver 2903B 1800 Tequila Silver 2903D 1800 Tequila Silver 2903L 1800 Tequila Silver 2905B 1800 Select Silver 2907B El Grado Blanco 2908B 1800 Collection Extra Anejo 2909B El Mayor Anejo 2910B El Mayor Blanco 2911B El Mayor Reposado 2914B El Jimador Anejo 2916B El Jimador Blanco 2916D El Jimador Blanco 2917B El Jimador Reposado 2917D El Jimador Reposado 2926B El Toro Gold 2926D El Toro Gold 2926L El Toro Gold 2927B El Toro Silver 2927D El Toro Silver 2927L El Toro Silver 2937B Espolon Blanco 2940B Espolon Reposado 2996B Familia Camarena Reposado 2997B Familia Camarena Silver 3521L Gavilan Gold Tequila 3522L Gavilan White Tequila 3820B Gran Patron Platinum Teq 4109B Herradura Anejo 4114B Herradura Reposado 4115B Herradura Silver 5240L Cuervo Black Medallion 5243B Cuervo Tradicional 5244B 1800 Anejo 5247B Cuervo Especial Silver 5247D Cuervo Especial Silver 5247E Cuervo Especial Silver 5247L Cuervo Especial Silver 5249L Juarez Silver Juarez Gold 5250L 5253B Cuervo Platino 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5291B Kah Anejo 5292B Kah Blanco Kah Anejo 5291B 5293B Kah Reposado 5497D La Prima White 5497L La Prima White 5501B La Prima Gold Teq La Prima Gold Teq 5501D 5501L La Prima Gold Teq 6001B Luna Nueva Anejo 6002B Luna Nueva Reposado 6003B Luna Nueva Silver Lunazul Blanco 6004B 6005B Lunazul Reposado 6058B Maestro Dobel 6110B Margaritaville Island Lime 6112B Margaritaville Trop Tanger Margaritaville Last Mango 6117B 6118B Margaritaville Teq Silver 6119B Margaritaville Teq Gold 6119D Margaritaville Teq Gold 6345L Matador Gold Teq 6570L Mi Cosecha Gold Teq 6580B Milagro Silver 6582B Milagro Teq Sbr Anejo 6584B Milagro Anejo 6585B Milagro Reposado 6586B Milagro Sbr Rep 6588B Milagro Sbr Silver 6642B Monte Alban Tequila 6645L Montezuma Blue 6647L Montezuma White - Mexico 6649L Montezuma Gold – Mexico 6731B 901 Silver Tequila 6863B Voodoo Tiki Anejo 6864B Voodootiki Blue Dragon 6865B Voodootiki Desert Rose 6866B Voodootiki Green Dragon 6867B Voodootiki Platinum 6868B Voodootiki Raposado 7978B Partida Tequila Reposado 7979B Partida Blanco 7982B Patron Anejo 7982D Patron Anejo 7984B Patron Silver 7984D Patron Silver 7985B Patron Reposado 8063B Pepe Lopez Gold 8280B Porfidio Plata 8281B Porfidio Silver 8440D Rio Grande Silver 8440L Rio Grande Silver 8442L Rio Grande Gold 8717B Cien Anos Blanco 8718B Cien Anos Reposado 8719B Sauza Blanco 8719L Sauza Blanco 8719D Sauza Silver 8721B Sauza Tres Gen Plata Teq. 8722B Sauza Tres Gener Anejo 8723B Sauza Extra Gold 8723D Sauza Extra Gold 8723L Sauza Extra Gold

$ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $ 24.60 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 21.75 $ 1556.30 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 14.70 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 10.80 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $ 9.35 $ 9.35 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 17.05 $ 18.60 $ 25.60 $ 17.85 $ 33.65 $ 5.35 $ 23.50 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 53.75 $ 40.05 $ 53.75 $ 47.95 $ 15.95 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 15.95 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 5.10 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 21.80 $ 10.25 $ 12.00 $ 23.85 $ 40.25 $ 19.75 $ 25.60 $ 28.65 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.85 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 24.00 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 23.20 $ 19.55 $ 51.80 $ 63.05 $ 43.95 $ 94.75 $ 45.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 14.05 $ 17.65 $ 26.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 14.05 $ 26.40 $ 17.65

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8724B Sauza Tres Gen Reposado $31.10 80.0 8727B Sauza Conmemorativo $ 17.60 80.0 8733B Sauza Hornitos Anejo $ 22.00 80.0 8734B Sauza Hornitos Plata $ 19.35 80.0 8734D Sauza Hornitos Plata $ 30.15 80.0 8737B Sauza Blue Silver $ 16.95 80.0 8739L Sauza Giro Silver $ 9.30 80.0 8860B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 1 Yr $ 17.35 80.0 8861B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 3 Yr $ 35.85 80.0 8862B Scorpian Mezcal Reposado $ 14.85 80.0 8863B Scorpian Mezcal Silver $ 16.15 80.0 8931B Senor Frogs Plata $ 8.60 80.0 8932B Senor Frogs Reposado $ 10.30 80.0 8942B Semential Silver Teq $ 38.45 80.0 9089B Suavecito Blanco $ 38.70 70.0 9169B Tarantula Azul $ 15.00 70.0 9170B Tarantula Reposado $ 7.80 80.0 9171B Tarantula Lime $ 8.05 70.0 9172B Tarantula Stawberry $ 8.05 70.0 9173B Sauza Hornitos Reposado $ 21.10 80.0 9176B Tequila Reposado $ 23.20 80.0 9177B Tequila Silver $ 21.50 80.0 9178B Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez $ 43.05 80.0 9179B Teq Ocho Reposado Las Pomez $ 33.35 80.0 9180B Teq Ocho Anejo Ext El Vegl $130.35 80.0 9181B Teq Ocho Anejo San Augustn $51.80 80.0 9184B Tequila 30 - 30 Reposado $ 11.80 80.0 9185B Tanted Cocoa Tequila $ 34.35 80.0 9187B Tanted Jalepeno Tequila $34.35 80.0 9189B Tanteo Tropical Tequila $34.35 80.0 9199L 3 Island White Tequila $ 5.50 80.0 9222B Tierra's Anejo $ 14.00 80.0 9223B Tierra's Blanco $ 25.80 80.0 9224B Tierra's Reposado $ 14.65 80.0 9252L Tortilla Silver $ 8.35 80.0 9253L Tortilla Gold $ 8.35 80.0 9308B Tres Rios Silver $ 16.75 80.0 9309B Tres Rios Reposado $ 20.15 80.0 9363B Two Fingers Tequila Gold $ 12.55 80.0 9364B Two Fingers Tequila White $ 11.65 80.0 9358L Undo's Tequila $25.50 80.0 9531D Well Tequila $ 16.85 88.0 9531L Well Tequila $ 10.00 88.0 9737B Zapopan Reposado $ 7.65 80.0 Vodka 0024B Absolut Grapevine $ 16.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 0027B Absolut Wild Tea 0028B Absolut Citron $ 16.90 80.0 0028D Absolut Citron $ 31.05 80.0 0028L Absolut Citron $ 25.45 80.0 0034B Alchemia Chocolate $ 14.75 80.0 $ 12.20 80.0 0036B Absolut Kurant Vdk 0042B Absolut Apeach $ 16.90 80.0 0042L Absolut Apeach $ 17.25 80.0 0046B Absolut Cherry Kran $ 16.90 80.0 0049B Absolut Orient Apple $ 16.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 0052B Absolut Berri Acai 0054B Absolut 100 Black $ 21.25 100.0 0054L Absolut 100 Black $ 17.60 100.0 0056B Absolut San Francisco $ 16.90 80.0 0057B Absolut 80 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 31.05 80.0 0057D Absolut 80 0057E Absolut 80 $ 18.90 80.0 0057L Absolut 80 $ 25.45 80.0 0060B Absolut Pears $ 16.90 80.0 0060L Absolut Pears $ 15.35 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 0061B Absolut Peppar Vdk 0062B Absolut Ruby Red $ 16.90 80.0 0062L Absolut Ruby Red $ 18.40 80.0 0063E Absolut Mini Bar $ 6.75 80.0 0064B Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 16.90 80.0 $ 31.05 80.0 0064D Absolut Mandrin Vdk 0064L Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 25.45 80.0 0068B Absolut Raspberri $ 16.90 80.0 0069B Absolut Vanila $ 16.90 80.0 0069L Absolut Vanila $ 25.45 80.0 $ 42.20 80.0 0070L Absolut & Citron Twin Pack 0074B Absolut Mango $ 16.90 80.0 0194D Aristocrat $ 11.85 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0450B Backon $18.30 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0737B Paramount Cherry $ 5.35 65.0 0737D Paramount Cherry $ 16.35 65.0 0737L Paramount Cherry $ 10.60 65.0 0832B Belvedere Bldy Mary $ 22.15 80.0 0834B Belvedere Pink Grapefruit $ 22.15 80.0 0835B Belvedere Black Raspberry $ 30.85 80.0 0836B Belvedere Vdk $ 26.15 80.0 0836D Belvedere Vdk $ 46.75 80.0 0836L Belvedere Vdk $ 34.15 80.0 0838B Belvedere Vdk $ 30.85 80.0 0838D Belvedere Vdk $ 46.75 80.0 0840B Belvedere Ix $ 18.35 80.0 0841B Belvedere Cytrus $ 22.15 80.0 0842B Belvedere Orange $ 16.50 80.0 0846B Belvedere Intense $ 26.80 100.0 0847B Belvedere Intense Unfiltered $ 23.85 80.0 0853B Belvedere Lemon Tea $ 22.15 80.0 0946B Blavod The Black $ 15.30 80.0 0953B Blue Angel Vodka $ 8.90 80.0 0958B Blue Ice Vdk $ 14.30 80.0 0958D Blue Ice Vdk $ 24.95 80.0 1337B Bombora Vdk $ 10.80 80.0 1390B Bombora Vdk $ 9.00 80.0 1390L Boomerang $ 6.40 80.0 1426B Boru Original Vdk $ 9.80 80.0

1426D Boru Original Vdk 1475B Brewriver AJ Henkel 1479B Brewriver DL Billingheimer 1483B Boyd & Blair 1523B Burnetts Espresso 1525B Burnetts 1525D Burnetts 1525L Burnetts 1526B Burnetts Pink Lemonade 1527B Burnetts Raspberry 1528B Burnett's Vanilla 1529B Burnett's Fruit Punch 1530B Burnetts Sour Apple 1531B Burnetts Cherry 1533B Burnetts Blueberry 1534B Burnetts Strawberry 1536B Burnetts Orange Creme Vodka 1537B Burnetts Sugar Cookie 1539B Burnetts Watermelon 1540B Burnetts Whipped Cream 1605E Absolut 200 ML 1611E Burnetts Vodka 1640E Grey Goose 200Ml 1641E Grey Goose L'orange 1643E Grey Goose Le Citron 1661E Paramount 100 Vodka 1675E Skyy 200 1676E Smirnoff 100 1677E Sobiekski 200 ML 1678E Svedka Traveler 200 1852B Chambord Flavored Vodka 2009B Chopin 2009D Chopin 2011B Chopin Wheat Vodka 2012B Chopin Rye Vodka 2048B Ciroc Super Premium 2048D Ciroc Super Premium 2048L Ciroc Super Premium 2050B Ciroc Coconut 2050L Ciroc Coconut 2051B Ciroc Peach 2051L Ciroc Peach 2053B Ciroc Red Berry 2053D Ciroc Red Berry 2053L Ciroc Red Berry 2358L Crav Vodka 2385B Cristall Signature Series 2392D Crown Russe 80 Proof Vdk 2392L Crown Russe 2444B Crystal Head 2444D Crystal Head 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vodka 2456B Cupcake Devils Food Vodka 2457B Cupcake Frosting Vodka 2458B Cupcake Original Vodka 2452B Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2452D Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2658B Denaka 2659B Denaka Black Cherry Double Cross Vodka 2778B 2782B Downunder 2893B Ed Hardy 2895B Effen Cucumber 2896B Effen Black Cherry 2897B Effen 2898B Effen Raspberry 2952B Everclear 3011B Finlandia 80 3011D Finlandia 80 Finlandia 80 3011L 3014B Finlandia Grapefruit 3016B Firefly Sweet Tea 3016D Firefly Sweet Tea 3019B Finlandia Mango Fusion Finlandia Tangerine Fusion 3020B 3023B Firestarter Vodka 3025B Firefly Mint Tea 3026B Firefly Raspberry Tea Vdk 3028B Firefly Skinny Tea Finlandia Rasperry 3031B 3035B 4 Orange Vodka 3086B Frozen Ghost Vodka 3072L 42 Below Pure 3079B 44 North Huckleberry Vodka 3080B 44 North North Rainer Vodka 3084B Fris 3084D Fris 3084L Fris 3088B Fuzzy 3089B Fris Blueberry Vodka 3097B Galens 3579B Gilbey’s Trvlr 80 3586B Gilbey's Vdk 100 3586D Gilbey's Vdk 100 3691B Godiva Chocolate 3692B Godiva Chocolate 3783B Gordons Traveler 3888B Grand Touring Vodka 3907B Grey Goose 3907D Grey Goose 3907L Grey Goose 3909B Grey Goose La Poire 3910B Grey Goose L'orange 3912B Grey Goose Le Citron 3919E Grey Goose 50Ml Multi-Pack 3968B Hammer & Sickle Vdk 3971B Hangar One Straight 3973B Hangar One Chipotle Chili 3975B Hangar One Kaffir Lime Vdk 3976B Hangar One Mandarin

$ 18.85 $ 24.85 $ 19.85 $ 14.60 $ 5.15 $ 7.30 $ 13.60 $ 9.75 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 4.50 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 6.10 $ 2.95 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 5.75 $ 4.20 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 $ 2.45 $ 3.30 $ 16.55 $ 23.90 $ 42.40 $ 21.25 $ 30.00 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 31.30 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 33.05 $ 8.70 $ 11.75 $ 6.95 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 6.45 $ 5.40 $ 30.85 $ 7.40 $ 23.85 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 14.90 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 19.30 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 17.70 $ 9.70 $ 12.55 $ 19.50 $ 5.80 $ 9.10 $ 15.15 $ 12.55 $ 10.90 $ 15.60 $ 17.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.70 $ 13.40 $ 7.40 $ 8.20 $ 14.10 $ 26.35 $ 14.10 $ 8.20 $ 9.90 $ 21.05 $ 58.95 $ 34.15 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 13.65 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60

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NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 69

3977B Hangar One Blueberry 4869B Iceburg Vdk 5000D Gilbey's Vdk 80 5000L Gilbey's Vdk 80 5004D Crystal Vdk 80 5004L Crystal Vdk 80 5013D Fleischmann Royal 5015D Wolfschmidt 5015L Wolfschmidt 5016B Smirnoff #57 100 5016D Smirnoff #57 100 5016L Smirnoff #57 100 5018B Gordons 80 5018D Gordons 80 5018L Gordons 80 5020B Paramount 80 5020D Paramount 80 5020L Paramount 80 5021B Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021D Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021E Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021L Smirnoff No. 21 80 5025D Mr Boston Riva 100 5028D Barton Vdk 5028L Barton Vdk 5029B Barton Traveler 5030L Hallers 80 5033L Tamirov 100 5036D Nikolai 5036L Nikolai 5038B Paramount 100 5038D Paramount 100 5038L Paramount 100 5039B Paramount 90 5039D Paramount 90 5039L Paramount 90 5040B Popov 80 5040D Popov 80 5040L Popov 80 5074B James River Plant Sweet Vodka 5090B Jean Marc Xo Vdk 5106B Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5106D Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5107B Jeremiah Weed Peach Tea John Mcculloch 5210B 5258B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon 5261B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Apple Pie 5308B Kamchatka 80 5308D Kamchatka 80 Kamchatka 80 5308L 5309B Kamchatka 90 5309D Kamchatka 90 5310L Kamchatka Cherry 5311L Kamchatka Grape Kamchatka Traveler 5313B 5382B Ketel One 5382D Ketel One 5382E Ketel One 5382L Ketel One Ketel One Citroen 5383D 5383L Ketel One Citroen 5385L Ketel One Oranje 5386B Khortytsa Honey Pepper 5387B Khortytsa Platinum Korski Traveler 5489B 5490B Korski 5490D Korski 5490L Korski 5492B Kutskoua Level 5882B 5966B Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher Van 5967B Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg 5968B Lil Blk Drs Classic 5969B Lil Blk Drs Pineapp Hony Luksusowa 6008B 6008D Luksusowa 5013L Fleischmann Royal 80 Proof 6391D Mc Cormick 6391L Mc Cormick Medea 6428B 6460L Meier's Vdk Plastic 6591B Kru Vodka 6620B Monopolowa Potato Moon Mountain Vodka 6659B 6660B Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus 6661B Moon Mtn Wild Raspberry 6718D New Amsterdam Vodka 6718L New Amsterdam Vodka 6741B Ocean Vodka 7336L Mr Boston Vodka 7698B Oyo 7699B Oyo Honey Vanilla Bean 7701B Oyo Stone Fruit 7716B Nutliquor Peanut Butter 7728L Paramount Orange Flv Vdk 7834L Para Ultra Bubble 7834D Para Ultra Bubble 7837L Paramount Vanilla 7846D Paramount Grape 7846L Paramount Grape 7897L Paramount Sweet Tea 7921B Paramount 100 Trvlr 7990B Peachka 7991B Pearl 7992B Pearl Pomegranate 7994B Pearl Cucumber Vdk 7995B Pearl Blueberry Vdk 7996B Pearl Coconut Vdk 7997B Pearl Plum 8074B Peureux

70 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

$ 25.60 $ 6.00 $ 14.70 $ 9.15 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 11.65 $ 14.50 $ 8.05 $ 13.00 $ 26.35 $ 17.70 $ 8.20 $ 16.25 $ 9.70 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.85 $ 11.40 $ 20.20 $ 7.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.60 $ 11.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.00 $ 6.85 $ 4.95 $ 13.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.05 $ 17.10 $ 10.60 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 7.10 $ 6.90 $ 13.65 $ 8.05 $ 17.00 $ 23.60 $ 16.95 $ 12.70 $ 11.30 $ 11.90 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 6.45 $ 13.65 $ 7.85 $ 8.90 $ 16.20 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 6.45 $ 21.05 $ 41.25 $ 20.70 $ 28.95 $ 41.25 $ 29.85 $ 29.85 $ 14.10 $ 15.20 $ 6.45 $ 6.45 $ 12.70 $ 7.10 $ 8.90 $ 19.05 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.10 $ 23.20 $ 6.80 $ 13.30 $ 7.65 $ 16.15 $ 7.40 $ 16.85 $ 7.85 $ 7.55 $ 7.55 $ 6.60 $ 18.80 $ 13.25 $ 23.90 $ 6.75 $ 27.90 $ 28.85 $ 28.70 $ 30.80 $ 10.60 $ 10.60 $ 8.75 $ 5.05 $ 15.35 $ 10.60 $ 5.55 $ 8.85 $ 3.30 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 5.20 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 16.50

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Pinnacle Key Lim Whip 8231B 8232B Pinnacle Atomic Hots 8233B Pinnacle Cookie Dough 8234B Pinnacle Coconut 8236B Pinnacle Cake 8237B Pinnacle Cotton Candy 8238B Pinnacle Citrus 8239B Pinnacle Berry 8240B Pinnacle Butterscotch 8241B Pinnacle Le Double Expresso 8242B Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber 8243B Pinnacle 8243D Pinnacle 8243L Pinnacle 8244B Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8244D Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8245B Pinnacle Raspberry 8246B Pinnacle Grape 8248B Pinnacle Mango 8250B Pinnacle Vanilla 8251B Pinnacle Tropical Punch 8252B Pinnacle 100 8253B Pinnacle Whipped 8253D Pinnacle Whipped 8254B Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8254D Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8255B Pinnacle Orange Whipped 8256B Pinnacle Gummy 8257B Pinnacle Marshmallow 8283B Players Extreme Caramel 8283L Players Extreme Carame; 8285B Players Extrm Cherry Vdk 8285L Players Emtrm Cherry Vdk 8291B Popov Traveler 8293B Prairie Organic Kosher Vdk 8295B Pravda 8321B Proof 105 8323B Purus 8325B Proof 110 8334B Pucker Lemonad Lust Vdk 8336B Pucker Raspbry Rave Vdk 8338B Rain Organics 8338D Rain Organics 8413B Reyka Vdk 8488B Rokk Citrus 8490B Rokk Orange 8492B Rokk 8627D Ruskova Genuine Russian Vd 8631B Russian Standard Original 8631D Russian Standard Original 8854B Skinnygirl Bare Naked Vdk 8855B Skinnygirl Cucumber Vdk 8856B Skinnygirl Island Coconut 8857B Skinnygirl Tangerine Vdk Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880B 8880D Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880L Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8884B Seagrams Apple 8885B Seagrams Black Cherry Seagrams Citrus 8886B 8896D Skol 8896L Skol 8908B Seagrams Rasberry 8910B Seagram's Sweet Tea Seagrams Platinum 8915B 8915D Seagrams Platinum 8930L Senators Club Vdk 8934B Severka 8937B Seven Brothers Vodka Skyy Infusions Coconut 9005L 9006L Skyy Infusions Blood Orang 9007L Skyy Infusions Dragon Fruit 9008E Skyy Infusions Rainbow Pac 9009L Skyy Infusion Pineapple Skyy Infusion Passionfruit 9010L 9011L Skyy Infusion Raspberry 9012B Skyy 9012D Skyy 9012E Skyy Skyy 9012L 9014D Skyy Infusion Citrus 9014L Skyy Infusion Citrus 9016L Skyy Infusion Cherry Skyy Infusions Ginger Vdk 9017L 9018L Skyy Infusion Grape 9022B Smirnoff Black Cherry 9024B Smirnoff Blueberry 9024L Smirnoff Blueberry 9025B Smirnoff Cranberry 9027B Smirnoff Dark Roasted Espr 9028B Smirnoff Melontwist 9029B Smirnoff Lime 9030E Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack 9032B Smirnoff Silver 9032D Smirnoff Silver 9032L Smirnoff Silver 9033B Smirnoff Greenapple 9033L Smirnoff Greenapple 9034B Smirnoff Citrus 9034D Smirnoff Citrus 9034L Smirnoff Citrus 9035B Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist 9036B Smirnoff Traveler 9037B Smirnoff Passion Fruit 9038B Smirnoff Orange 9038D Smirnoff Orange 9038L Smirnoff Orange 9039B Smirnoff Raspberry 9039D Smirnoff Raspberry 9039L Smirnoff Raspberry

$ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.95 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 6.75 $ 11.40 $ 11.45 $ 11.15 $ 19.35 $ 14.05 $ 11.45 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 13.20 $ 11.45 $ 18.80 $ 11.45 $ 18.80 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 8.15 $ 7.35 $ 8.15 $12.05 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 8.10 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 9.35 $ 4.95 $ 4.95 $ 4.95 $ 17.95 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 4.80 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.15 $ 7.15 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 5.00 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 14.20 $ 24.05 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 10.10 $ 17.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.70 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60

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9040B 9040D 9040L 9041B 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9069B 9070B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9079L 9093B 9114B 9116L 9122B 9124B 9125B 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9132B 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155b 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B

Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Vanilla Smirnoff Strawberry Smirnoff Pear Twist Smirnoff Pineapple Twist Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced Root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski Vdk(Glass) Sobieski Vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Sobieski Raspberry Sobieski Raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Square One Cucumber Square One Organic Vodka Smooth Ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Spirit of the Tsars Stawski Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Salted Karamel Stolichnaya Hot Vdk Stolichnaya Sticki Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Choc Razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv Vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd Ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Cranberi Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya Elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya Gala Applik Vd Stoli White Pomegranik Vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Svedka Colada Vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad Vdk Sweet Carolina Rasp Tea Vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Svedka Raspberry Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Citron Vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka Grape Vodka Svedka Cherry Teton Glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of Russia Ultra 3 Islands Vodka 3 Islands Vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive Rootbeer 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive Vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot Espresso 360 3 Olives Rangtang

$ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 11.50 $ 13.00 $ 9.75 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 13.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $159.60 $ 8.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.45 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 25.45 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 23.40 $ 11.25 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 12.20 $ 51.80 $ 15.15 $ 31.90 $ 25.45 $ 12.20 $ 16.90 $ 9.40 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 15.15 $ 25.45 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 14.95 $ 25.45 $ 9.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 6.90 $ 5.00 $ 10.80 $ 11.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.90 $ 9.85 $ 16.85 $ 16.90 $ 98.85 $ 6.40 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 19.30 $ 18.95 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 14.10 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90

70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0

9227D 3 Olives Rangtang $ 16.45 70.0 9228B 360 Double Chocolate $ 12.50 70.0 9232B Tito's Handmade $ 16.00 80.0 9232D Tito's Handmade $ 28.40 80.0 9232L Tito's Handmade $ 21.10 80.0 9235B 3 Olive Dude Vodka $ 16.90 70.0 9235D 3 Olive Dude Vodka $ 24.95 70.0 9236B 360 Mandarin Orange $ 12.50 70.0 9238B 3 Olive Smores $ 16.90 70.0 9360L Undo's Vodka $19.10 80.0 9367B Ultimat Vdk $ 34.30 80.0 9370B U V Cake Vodka $ 9.90 60.0 9371B U V Blue Raspberry $ 9.90 60.0 9371D U V Blue Raspberry $16.20 60.0 9372B U V $ 8.15 80.0 9372D U V $ 16.20 80.0 9372L U V $ 10.60 80.0 9373B U V Grape Vdk $ 9.90 60.0 9374B U V Pink Lemonade $ 9.90 60.0 9375B U V Cherry $ 9.90 60.0 9376B U V 103 $ 7.75 103.0 9377B U V Coconut Vdk $ 5.30 60.0 9378B Ursus Punch $ 2.80 60.0 9380B Uv Sweet Green Tea $ 5.30 60.0 9381B Ursus Blue Raspberry $ 5.05 80.0 9382B Ursus Original $ 4.20 80.0 9385B Vampyre Red $ 11.85 80.0 9428B Vesica Vodka $ 9.90 80.0 9445B Van Gogh Acia Blueberry $ 16.00 70.0 9446B Van Gogh Dutch Caramel $ 10.40 70.0 9448B Van Gogh Double Espresso $ 16.00 70.0 9449B Van Gogh Espresso $ 16.00 70.0 9450D Vikingfjord $ 17.95 80.0 9456B Van Gogh $ 14.30 80.0 9456D Van Gogh $ 18.35 80.0 9738B Zodiac $ 9.20 80.0 9467B Voli Vodka Lyte $ 21.30 60.0 9472B $ 17.60 Vox 80.0 9472D Vox $ 33.45 80.0 9472L Vox $ 22.00 80.0 9488L Wasabe Brand Sake Vodka $13.90 70.0 9505B Watershed Distillery Vodka $ 22.00 80.0 9521B Wave Blue Raspberry Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 9522B Wave Pink Lemonade Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 Wave Whipped Cream Vodka $ 7.30 60.0 9523B 9532D Well Vodka $ 12.90 88.0 9532L Well Vodka $ 7.60 88.0 9565B White Diamond $ 6.10 80.0 Cincinnati Micro-Vodka 9672B $ 17.55 80.0 Cincinnati Vodka 100 $ 32.10 100.0 9673B 9732B Zubrowka Bison Vodka $ 16.90 80.0 9738B Zodiac $ 18.65 80.0 Cordial 0017B Achaia Clauss Ouzo 0029B Absente Liqueur 0041B Di Saronno Amaretto Di Saronno Amaretto 0041L 0053B Amaretto Gozio 0071B Amarito Amaretto 0124B Root 0125B Snap Barenjager Honey & Bourbon 0549B 0551B Paramount Rock & Rye 0552B Barenjager Honey Liqueur 0557D Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0557L Barton Long Island Ice Tea Benedictine D.O.M. 0565B 0580L Paramount Sloe Gin 0583L Dek Sloe Gin Cordial 0600B B & B D O M Cordial 0608B Drambuie Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark 0662B 0664B Dek Creme De Menthe Green 0666B Dek Creme De Cacao White 0672B Paramount Crem D Men White 0673B Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark Paramount Anisette 0674B 0675B Paramount Crem D Men Green 0691B Dek Creme De Menthe White 0701B Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit 0705B Getreide Kummel 0707B Campari Aperitivo Italy 0717B Paramount Triple Sec 0717D Paramount Triple Sec 0717L Paramount Triple Sec 0721B Southern Comfort 0798B Becherovka 0881B Pernod Anis –France 0887B Tia Maria Coffee 0893B Kahlua Coffee 0893D Kahlua Coffee 0893L Kahlua Coffee 0910B Black Duck Cranberry 0948B Blackmaker Rootbeer 1188B Bols Blue Curacao 1501B Buckeye Raspberry Liquor 1501B Buckeye Blackberry Liquor 1637E Grand Marnier Rouge 1783B Caravella Limoncello Orig 1784B Caravella Orangecello 1815B Casoni Lemoncello 1840B Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine 1851B Cedilla Liqueur De Acai 1853B Celtic Crossing Liqueur 1855B Chambord Royale Cord 1914B Chartreuse Green 2098B Grand Marn Cordon Rouge

$ 15.15 92.0 $ 35.20 110.0 $ 19.40 56.0 $ 25.55 56.0 $ 10.40 48.0 $ 5.55 56.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 11.30 50.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 13.25 75.0 $ 7.55 75.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 10.00 50.0 $ 4.85 60.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 23.90 48.0 $ 7.05 50.0 $ 14.40 50.0 $ 7.40 50.0 $ 14.05 70.0 $14.75 76.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 19.50 53.0 $ 14.30 43.0 $ 31.00 43.0 $ 23.70 43.0 $ 16.00 43.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 12.10 48.0 $ 16.50 48.0 $ 15.70 48.0 $ 10.30 80.0 $ 18.65 64.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 22.00 62.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 30.00 50.0 $ 17.95 60.0 $ 29.85 46.0 $ 52.10 110.0 $ 30.40 80.0

NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 71

2098D Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098L Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2101B Galliano L'autentico 2108B Irish Mist 2274B Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq 2405B Licor 43 2405L Licor 43 2503B Danny Devitos Limoncello 2528B Dek Blue Curacao Cordial 2529B Dek Creme De Banana Cord 2566B Dek Creme De Almond Cord 2605B Dek Hazelnut Cord 2613L Dek Orange Curacao Cordial 2614B Dek Peach Brandy 2624B Dek Triple Sec Cord 2624L Dek Triple Sec Cord 2644B Dek 03 Orange 2645B Dek Melon Cordial 2649B Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial 2652B Romana Black 2690B Cointreau Liqueur 2690L Cointreau Liqueur 2691B Cointreau Noir 2788B Drambuie 15 Year 2797B Grand Marnier Cherry 2944B Evan Williams Cherry Resv 2950B Evan Williams Honey Resv 3024B Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 3077B Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry 3092B Amaretto Di Amore 3093B Gantous & Abouraad 3602B Glaros Ouzo 3630B Glengoyne 10 3821B Grangala Triple Orange 3851B Grand Marnier Centcinquant 3852B Grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr 3860B Grand Muriel Orange Liquer 3864B Grande Absente 3902B Green Moon 4000B Harlem Liqueur 4003B Harlequin 3602B Glaros Ouzo 4914B Isle Of Jura Superstition 5054D Jagermeister 5054L Jagermeister 5105B Jeremiah Weed Liqueur Juarez Triple Sec 5251L 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5303B Kahlua Especial Coffee 5315B Kamora Coffee Lqr 5559B Lazzaroni Amaretto Liquer Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq 5560B 5566B Leblon Cachaca 5571B Le Tourment Vert 6000B Lucid Absinthe 6334B Mata Hari Absinthe Bohemia Metaxa Ouzo Greece 6567B 6705L Nassau Royale 6708B Navan 80 6720L N Y Long Island Iced Tea 6734B 99 Apples 99 Bananas 6735B 6736B 99 Grapes 6739B 99 Peaches 7713B Number 12 Ouzo 7715B Nv La Fee Absinthe Verte Pallini Limoncello 7723B 7724B Pallini Limoncello Gift 7729B Paramount Amaretto 7729D Paramount Amaretto 7729L Paramount Amaretto Paramount Creme De Banana 7735B 7824L Paramount Sour Apple 7870D Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7870L Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7901B Paramount Melon Patron Citronge 7981B 7986B Patron X O Cafe 8228B Pimms Cup #1 Gin Sling Eng Pitu Cachaca 8249L 8282B Plomari Quzo Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn 8302B 8324L Punch Abruzzo 8639B Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq 8670B Sambuca Di Amore 8673B Sambuca Romana 8852L Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 8892B Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 9055B Southern Comfort Blk Cherr 9056B Southern Comfort & Lime 9078B Solerno Blood Orange 9214B Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp 9311B Tuaca Demi Sec 9354B Ty Ku Super Premium Soju 9410B Veev Acai Liqueur 9630B Wild Turkey American Honey 9630L Wild Turkey American Honey 9707B Yokaichi Mugi 9733B Zwack

$ 59.80 $ 43.90 $ 25.60 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 13.75 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 12.30 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 41.15 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $ 36.50 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.00 $ 33.25 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 39.60 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 11.15 $ 6.05 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.95 $ 8.50 $ 16.90 $ 12.55 $ 20.20 $ 16.90 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 8.40 $ 20.70 $ 7.55 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 19.60 $ 13.10 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 3.40 $ 21.25 $ 23.00 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 7.30 $ 11.65 $ 20.90 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 14.05 $ 14.05 $29.35 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 18.40 $ 25.60 $ 18.40 $ 23.70 $ 19.20 $ 19.65

80.0 80.0 84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 70.0 55.0 80.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.25 $ 12.30 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 21.05

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0

Schnapps 0010B After Shock Cinnamon 0676B Arrow Peppermint 0681L Dek Peppermint Snp 0697D Paramount Peppermint Snp 0697L Paramount Peppermint 0917B Black Haus Blackberry Snp

72 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

0917L Black Haus Blackberry Snp 1130B Bols Gold Strike Cinnamon Snp 2588L Dek Hot Damn Snp 2619B Dek Peppermnt 100 2620L Dek Peachtree Schnapp 2625B Dek Old Tavern Rootbeer 2776B Dr Mcgillicuddys Vanilla 2782B Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt 3017B Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3017L Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3709B Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 3709L Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 3736B 99 Blackberries 3737B 99 Black Cherries 4863B Ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp 4870B Il Tramonto 5922B Lightning 101 Cinnamon 6006B Luxardo Maraschino 6009B Luxardo Triplum 6011B Luxardo Amareto 6335B Masteron's Straight Rye 6735B 99 Bananas 7762L Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp 7862B Paramount Peach Sch 7862L Paramount Peach Sch 8263B Pisco Porton 8632B Rumple Minze Berry 8633B Rumple Minze Pepmt 8633L Rumple Minze Pepmt 9054B Southern Comfort 100 9082B So Co Fiery Pepper 9727B Yukon Jack 9727D Yukon Jack 9727L Yukon Jack

$ 26.80 $ 16.05 $ 12.30 $ 11.20 $ 12.30 $ 5.65 $ 6.10 $ 10.80 $ 16.90 $ 21.95 $ 20.45 $ 26.80 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 16.90 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 25.40 $ 26.30 $ 20.65 $ 55.85 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 31.35 $ 8.70 $ 21.05 $ 26.80 $ 18.40 $ 12.15 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.85

80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 80.0 78.0 54.0 90.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

$ 11.75 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 10.80 $ 22.30 $ 11.25 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 14.95 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 18.45 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.75 $ 8.75 $ 18.45 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.60 $ 12.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.50 $ 32.60 $ 7.30 $ 14.05 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 7.50 $ 14.30 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

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Canadian 0076B Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076D Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076L Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0169D Lord Calvert 3 Yr 0170B Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170D Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170L Mc Masters 3 Yr 0174B Canadian Mist Cndn 0174D Canadian Mist Cndn 0174L Canadian Mist Cndn 0175D Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr 0176B Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176D Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176E Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176L Canadian Club 6 Yr 0189B Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189D Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189E Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189L 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 3 Yr 0920B Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 0920D Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk 1627E Crown Royal 200Ml 1704D Canadian Bay Whsky 1704L Canadian Bay Whsky 1716B Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1716D Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 Yr 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr 1730D Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1730L Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1731B Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 3Yr 1733D Canadian Hunter 1735D Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1735L Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1748B Canadian Mist Trvlr 2055B Canadian Club Classic 12Yr 2389B Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask #16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve Forty Creek Barrel Select 3071B 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 3 Yr 4699L Northern Light 3 Yr 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount Canadian 8050B Pendleton Canadian 8051B Pendleton Rye 1910 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V O Gold 8 Yr 8923B Seagrams V O Cndn Trv 6 Yr 9084B Spicebox Cndn Spiced Whsky 9648B Windsor Supreme Traveler 3Yr 9652B Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652D Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652L Windsor Supreme 3 Yr

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES For the Record LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES (Orders Issued September 2012) ASHTABULA: Maggie A Lillis dba Coconut’s Tropical Grill: allowed consumption of alcohol after hours of which permit allows - $300 or 3 days CLARK: MJ Lucky Dog I LLC dba Legends Sports Pub & Grille Unit J & K & Patio: allowed underage employee to sell liquor $1,200 or 6 days CLERMONT: Rinky Dink LLC: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor $1,500 or 7 days Ralph’s COLUMBIANA: Crystal Lounge LLC dba Ralph’s Crystal Lounge: sold liquor in violation of code, allowed person other than that named on permit to operate business - $400 or 4 days CUYAHOGA: Miro Enterprises Inc dba S&S Lounge: gave away alcoholic beverages in connection with operation of business, allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $600 or 6 days; Pink Slips Inc: allowed consumption of alcohol after time which

permit allows - $400 or 4 days; Scoreboard Tavern Inc dba Scoreboard Tavern: allowed illegal gambling on premises $1,200 or 6 days; G C & E Inc dba Wing Warehouse: kept liquor in an original container that had been refilled - $300 or 3 days; YBY Inc dba Charlie’s Place: allowed consumption of alcohol past time which permit allows - $600 or 6 days DELAWARE: JHDW LLC dba Our Place Pub: allowed gambling on premises $1,500 or 6 days FRANKLIN: After Hours Sports Club Inc dba Hours Sports After Club: premises were in insanitary conditions $600 or 3 days; Fitzwillys Inc dba Fitzwilly’s Pub: premises were in insanitary conditions $300 or 3 days; Friends Inc: of Beechwood allowed consumption of alcohol past the time permit allows - $800 or permit revoked; Jose Luis Martinez dba 20 20 Night Club Ohio: allowed consumption of alcohol past the time allowed by permit, premises were in insanitary conditions $700 or 7 days; Mondell & Barbara Jean LLC: inhibited an agent from conducting an investigation, premises were in insanitary

conditions - $600 or 6 days; Quezadiaz Inc: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor, sold an unlimited amount of alcohol for a fixed price - $2,000 or 15 days; Ristorante Lombardi Inc dba Fairweathers: allowed consumption of alcohol past the time permit allows - $300 or 3 days; STAK9710 LLC dba Papa Joe’s Pizza and Pub & Patio: purchased beer for resale in violation of code, allowed consumption of alcohol past time which permit allowed - $500 or 5 days; True Vizions LTD: allowed consumption of alcohol past the time which permit allows - $500 or 5 days; Uncle Mikey’s Old Timers Bar Inc: allowed consumption of alcohol past the time which permit allows, inhibited an agent from making an investigation, allowed drug possession on premises, failed to obtain a valid retail food license $2,000 or permit revoked; VBC Entertainment LLC dba Southbend Tavern: kept pre-mixed alcoholic beverage in a container without showing the label or percentage of alcohol - $300 or 3 days; 2203 N. Hight Inc dba Scarlet & Grays Café 1st Floor: possessed alcoholic beverage in original container that had been refilled - $300 or 3 days NOVEMBER 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 73

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES HAMILTON: Village Tavern II Inc dba Longworths: allowed the sale of alcohol while premises was under suspension $500 or permit revoked LAKE: George Eisenhart Jr dba Striker’s Lounge: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $750 or 6 days LUCAS: Dahcene LLC dba Bill’s Bar & Grill: allowed consumption of alcohol past when permit allows, inhibited an agent from conducting an investigation, failed to display permit in a conspicuous place $1,200 or 10 days; Li L Sheba Corp dba Li L Sheba: allowed improper conduct on premises $1,500 or permit revoked MAHONING: Albert Cambert dba Vista Lounge: premises were in insanitary conditions - $300 or 3 days; Bram’s Beverage Inc dba Coconut Grove: premises were in insanitary conditions $200 or 2 days; Clark’s Bar & Billiards Inc dba Clark’s Bar 1st Floor: beverages being sold were not kept in potable condition $500 or 5 days; Country Fair Inc dba Country Fair Food Stores: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $1,000 or 8 days; Donny Guy Gaetano dba Borderline 74 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY NOVEMBER 2012

Bar & Grille 1st Floor & Basement & Patio: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor - $1,000 or 5 days; High C’s Carry Out Inc dba Mighty Ducks: sold liquor in an original container that had been refilled - $400 or 4 days; Lincoln & Elm Association Inc: allowed consumption of alcohol by a minor $750 or 6 days; Toto LLC dba Mickey’s: allowed consumption of alcohol by minors - $2,500 or 15 days MARION: Belov Co. dba Crossroads: Marion inhibited an agent from conducting an investigation - $800 or 8 days MEDINA: Artie LLC dba The Grille & Volleyball Courts: allowed alcohol consumption past the hours allowed by permit $300 or 3 days PORTAGE: Main and Meridian Tavern LLC dba Cimmaron Lounge: sold intoxication liquor without permit - $300 or 3 days; RICHLAND: Sorrenti dba Brothers Inc Goodfellows Pizzeria: allowed improper conduct on premises $1,000 or 10 days; VFW Post 9943 Mohican: sold alcohol to a non-member of their organization,

engaged in improper conduct - $800 or 7 days SCIOTO: Mona West LLC: inhibited an agent from conducting an investigation, allowed consumption of alcohol after permit allows, premises were in insanitary conditions $500 or 5 days STARK: AL Post 0166 Charles C Weybrecht: sold alcohol to a non-member of their organization $300 or 3 days; Thomas N Berbari Jr dba Tommy B’s Diamond Nite Club: allowed consumption of alcohol past time which permit allows - $400 or 4 days SUMMIT: Bodale Inc: gave away free beer upon premises - $500 or 5 days; Telsat Inc dba Solaire 1st Floor Front West only & 2nd Floor: possessed liquor in container that had been refilled $300 or 3 days; T Salem Enterprises LLC: sold liquor without a permit, allowed consumption of alcohol by minors $1,450 or 10 days TRUMBULL: Killin Time LLC dba Killin Time: sold unregistered liquor - $100 or 1 day
























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