August 2012
RUM also
Category Expands for Every Palate
The Other Blanc
B:8.75 in T:8.25 in S:7.75 in
CHOCOLAT KOKONUT AN ORIGINAL TWIST ON THE RICHEST FLAVORS. What happens when you combine a vodka with 50 years of experience in successful flavor innovation with two of the hottest trending tastes? It’s a deliciously tropical creation, pairing the popular taste of chocolate spirits with the huge (and still growing) taste of coconut. It’s new Stoli Chocolat Kokonut. Another original from the most original. .com
STOLICHNAYA® CHOCOLAT KOKONUT™. Chocolate coconut flavored premium vodka. 37.5% Alc./Vol. Distilled from grain. William Grant & Sons, Inc. New York, NY. © 2012 Spirits International, B.V.
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Rim glass with liquid chocolate, add ingredients to shaker and chill. Fine-strain into glass and serve.
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Stoli CHOCOLAT KOKONUT MArtini 2 parts Stoli® Chocolat Kokonut™ 2 parts coconut water
auguST 12
20 feaTureS
20 THe WIde WOrLd Of rum Light, dark, flavored, spiced— rum offers many ways to please.
36 IS cOrk STILL THe TOP STOPPer? amidst image, function and environmental concerns, the wine closure debate continues.
4 PuBLISHer'S meSSage
40 TaSTIng cOrner: THe OTHer BLanc despite relative obscurity, chenin Blanc has a bright future according to diverse advocates.
7 meSSage frOm THe OLBa eXecuTIve dIrecTOr
8 LegaL ISSueS 11 LaST caLL 13 evenTS & BenefITS 17 THeBarBLOgger.cOm
28 cOrdIaLLY YOurS The original flavored spirits hustle to keep pace. 34 SPeakeaSY: rOBerT furnISS-rOe Bacardi’s north america President talks about the everexpanding spirits market.
6 SuPerInTendenT Of OHIO LIQuOr cOnTrOL rePOrT
51 SHOPPIng neTWOrk 54 WHOLeSaLe PrIce LIST
auguST 2012 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY 3
Publisher's message BY PHILIP a. craIg
Philip a. craig, Publisher
ello and welcome back
to The Ohio Beverage monthly!
We start off this month with Bruce Stevenson’s column on page 6. Bruce recaps the 2012 fiscal year for the Ohio division of Liquor control and explains how this was a hugely successful year. On page 8, dave raber covers the Smoke free Workplace act which is something that all bar owners should be familiar with. my column this month clears up any confusion regarding the new opportunity to partner with charities. Be sure to read the details on page 7. chuck deibel, author of the
Last call column, talks this month to bar owners who are considering opening their second or third bar or who are already managing multiple bars on page 11. The 11th annual Buckeye Bar expo is fast approaching on September 17th ! remember, if you are an OLBa member you'll get free admission! get all the details on page 13!
Ohio Beverage monthly volume 3, no 7 (ISSn 1065-9846)
Philip a. craig
general counsel
Jacob c. evans, esq.
edITOrIaL editor In chief
molly k. mckee
arT & deSIgn
THe 11TH annuaL BuckeYe Bar eXPO IS faST aPPrOacHIng On SePTemBer 17TH ! finally, our Bar Blogger, Barry chandler, tells you on page 18 what exactly social media for bars is all about. Thank you for reading this month's issue, and remember that simply reading Ohio Beverage monthly keeps you ahead of your competition!
art director graphic designer assistant designer Ohio art director
Larry Lee dana Buonincontri Josue romero megan W. Jordan
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national & regional ad Sales
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OPeraTIOnS circulation finance & accounting
Sylvia Prince Seth niessen randye Benvenisti
Ohio Beverage Journal (ISSn 1065-9846) July 2012, vol. 3 no.7 Postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage monthly, 37 W. Broad St, Suite 480, columbus, OH 43215 Ohio Beverage monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.
September 17, 2012
naTIOnaL cOverage, LOcaL advanTage
The Beverage network Publications are serviced by Beverage media group, Inc., 116 John Street, 23rd floor, new York, nY 10038. Telephone: (212) 571-3232 faX: (212) 571-4443.
4 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
Monday, September 17th , k c o R c i s s a l Featuring C With ...
o i t a P e h T n O y t r a P e n i h S r o n i a R , m p 12:30 - 6:30 583 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215
OHIO dIvISIOn Of LIQuOr cOnTrOL fiscal Year 2012 Highlights
BY Bruce d. STevenSOn, SuPerInTendenT OHIO dIvISIOn Of LIQuOr cOnTrOL
Bruce d. Stevenson,, Superintendent
iscal Year 2012 was an extraordinary year for the Ohio division of Liquor control. We experienced many significant and positive changes in the industry, and achieved record sales and profits. Our accomplishments reflect the division’s renewed mission to move at the speed of business by modernizing operations for improved efficiency, providing exemplary service to its customers and stakeholders, and taking a common sense approach to regulations helping Ohio businesses grow and create jobs. The dollar sales of spirituous liquor reached a record level in fiscal Year (fY) 2012, totaling $825 million. This was an increase of 7%, exceeding last year’s total by $54 million. division’s net profit was of $251.4 million, an increase of more than $14 million. This achievement is due in part to our focus on better inventory management and improved customer service to meet the needs of Ohio consumers. Tastes have become more sophisticated, and Ohioans are buying more premium products, including the many new flavored items. The most exciting news is a 6 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
positive indicator for Ohio’s economy, showing that Ohioans are again patronizing restaurants and entertainment businesses. after decreasing three of the past four years, wholesale purchases by retail permit holders such as restaurants, bars and clubs experienced a significant increase of more than 5%. Total wholesale sales reached $252 million, exceeding last year by $13.4 million.
fIScaL Year 2012 WaS an eXTraOrdInarY Year fOr THe OHIO dIvISIOn Of LIQuOr cOnTrOL another positive for Ohio is that dollar sales grew at a higher rate than consumption. We sold a total of 11.7 million gallons of spirituous liquor, an increase of only about 4% over the previous year. While our dollar sales were at an all-time high, consumption is still less than during the 1980’s. There were significant improvements to Ohio’s liquor regulations in fY 2012 spearheaded by Ohio’s common Sense Initiative. as a result, Ohio businesses will be more competitive. The division continues to play a key role in helping businesses understand and implement these changes. Here are some of the highlights: micro-distilleries (a-3a Permit): The restrictions on the number of licenses for spirituous liquor manufacturers that produce less than 10,000 gallons per year were eliminated. micro-distilleries can now offer visitors a taste of their products, and sell limited quantities for carryout. many of the new manufacturers are
local businesses operated by Ohio artisans, passionate about their craft and want to share it with niche audiences looking for unique, quality products. Some prefer to use locally-sourced agricultural ingredients in their products, creating a secondary market for local growers. craft Breweries (a-1 Permit): Small craft breweries no longer need an additional and expensive permit to sell their products by the glass at their facility. draft beer can be sold for carryout in “growlers” (a one gallon reusable glass container) by grocery and convenience stores that hold permits to sell tasting samples. contract Liquor agencies: many contract liquor agencies can host events offering limited tasting samples of spirituous liquor, providing a venue for manufacturers to introduce new products to customers in a safe, controlled environment. Permit Transfers: Businesses designated as economic development projects can now more easily obtain retail licenses with the elimination of restrictions on permit transfers. By taking a fresh look at regulations and our operations, Ohio is a leader and example of what government can do to affect positive change and help improve the economic future for its stakeholders. In the coming year, we look forward to working with JobsOhio as the state’s liquor profits are used to bring jobs to Ohio. Business friendly regulations, managing alcohol consumption with safety in mind and our commitment to excellent customer service will help create jobs and keep Ohio moving in the right direction.
here is a lot of talk out there about how the new charitable ticket game works. So let’s talk about it. In the simplest manner possible, a participant in the ticket game, which benefits charities in Ohio, will make 6% of the gross amount of each “deal” or box of tickets. That doesn’t sound like anything greater than what we get from the lottery. But in fact, we are getting a large portion of the net on the project. Let’s say a deal (box of tickets) has gross receipts of $3,199. The bar will receive $191.94 for one box of tickets. It is very possible that an average bar will process two or more boxes a week. You can do the math. Participating in this game will give you the ability to replace expenses and make your business more profitable. In addition, we will be helping a cause that is worthy of
support. We will be telling you all along about the charities that have helped us get here. These are the groups with which we should work. How this process works will be a discussion we will have on an ongoing basis. This game has a process attached to it that will require you to pay attention to details.
There is a lot of talk out there about how the new charitable ticket game works. So let’s talk about it. The most important thing is to get started. When you are approached by your vending company to participate in the charitable program, get involved. This is totally legal and makes money for you and
Phil Craig, Executive Director
a worthy charity. When you are approached about becoming involved . . . get involved. Ask all of the important questions. But get started! This is the best program we have been able to get for you in years. Get involved. If you have any questions on this program give us a call at the OLBA offices at 800-6785995.
We would like to pay a special thanks to the charitable organizations that worked so hard in conjunction with all of our partners to achieve this victory. Thanks to all of you: •Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio •Crime Victim Services (CASA of Allen & Putnam Counties) •CASA for Clermont Kids •The Mentoring Center of Coshocton County •Family and Community Resource Center •CASA for Clermont Kids •Voices for Ohio’s Children •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eric-Seneca Counties •Ohio Children’s Foundation •Friends of CASA for Kids of Geauga County •Council on Child Abuse of Southern Ohio •Adopt a Class •CASA of Henry County •People First of Ohio •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Licking and Perry Counties •Elyria Charities
•Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center •Youngstown Hearing and Speech Center •RePlay for Kids •Meigs County Council on Aging •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Zanesville •Ottawa County Court Appointed Special Advocates Program •Family and Community Services •Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Central Ohio •14th Street Community Center •Community Services of Stark County •Greenleaf Family Center •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Summit and Medina •Northeast Ohio Adoption Services •Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Central Ohio •Boys and Girls Club of Orrville •Creston Community Service Club •CASA Program of Wood County •ViaQuest Foundation
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage monthly 7
SMOKE FREE WORKPLACE ACT Important For All Permit Holders! By Dave Raber
he Ohio Supreme Court ruled last month that the Smoke Free Workplace Act is a valid exercise of the state’s police power by Ohio voters and does not amount to a regulatory taking. In 2006, Ohio voters passed a ballot initiative that prohibited proprietors of public places of employment from allowing smoking in their establishments. This, of
Dave Raber, OLBA Legal Co-Counsel
course, included privately owned bars. The Ohio Department of Health “ODH” and its designees are charged with the enforcement of the Smoke Free Workplace Act. ODH filed a complaint against a bar in Columbus seeking injunctive relief ordering the bar to comply with the Smoke Free Workplace Act and pay all outstanding fines. The bar had received nine notices of violations. The bar prevailed in the common pleas court, but the court of appeals reversed. In reviewing the issue, the Ohio Supreme Court found that Ohio voters have a legitimate purpose in protecting the general welfare and health of Ohio citizens and workforce from the dangers of secondhand smoke in enclosed public places. The Court concluded that requiring proprietors of public places and places of employments to take reasonable steps to prevent smoking on their premises by posting "no smoking" signs, removing ashtrays, and requesting patrons to stop smoking is rationally related to the stated objective of Smoke Free Workplace Act.
The bar cited for violating the law argued that the Smoke Free Workplace Act is not being enforced against actual smokers themselves; furthermore, the evidence revealed that ODH had not received a complaint against an individual smoker. However, the Court stated the evidence established that, during on-site visits, ODH investigators did not witness the bar owners or their employees ask patrons to stop smoking or remove the makeshift ashtrays being used. Under these facts, it is not unreasonable or arbitrary to hold responsible the proprietors of public places and places of employment for their failure to comply with the Smoke Free Act. The bar also argued that the Smoke Free Workplace Act is unconstitutional because it effects a regulatory taking without just compensation. Specifically, the bar argued the law allows the confiscation a of proprietor's control over its indoor air. The Court was not persuaded by this argument and concluded: “the ‘taking’ of appellants' indoor air space is not the type of taking contemplated by either the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or the Ohio Constitution ***. The goal of this legislation is to protect the health of the workers and other citizens of Ohio. It does so by regulating proprietors of public places and places of employment in a minimally invasive way.” Bar owners must protect their businesses and make certain that they and their employees take affirmative steps to prohibit smoking on their premises. As all permit holders are aware, when their annual renewal is up, their local legislative authority could object to the renewal of the liquor permit under a disregard of law theory, if the permit holder fails to comply with the Smoke Free Workplace Act and allow patrons to smoke on the permit premises.
8 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
OLBa WOrkIng On YOur BeHaLf not Just Law changes BY JacOB c. evanS
get many calls about a “recent” law change and how it may or may not impact your business . . . however, many times it is not a law change, but a revision to a rule. Once a bill is passed and becomes law, the rules process begins to add any additional clarification that may be required for the application of the law. Oftentimes, laws are the skeleton to a certain function and the rules act as the muscles. rules provide many of the details that clarify the law: they cannot conflict with law nor can they exceed the scope of the law they amplify. In the case of your business, many of the processes that the division of Liquor control follows regarding the issuance of your permits or the pricing of alcohol or the manner in which you can or cannot advertise certain products are rules. most recently, there were several rules under consideration that do have an impact on your business. The OLBa weighed in on several of them. They range from the review of the smoking ban, to the requirements on restrooms within a liquor permit establishment, to the pricing of wine, and finally, “bugs in a bottle” requirements. It should be clear that we cannot undo the smoking ban through the rules or that we can wipe out
the pricing structure of beer and wine by changing the rules. The LaW clearly states there will be a smoking ban and that there will be a mark up on beer and wine. Through the rules though, we can clearly articulate the InTenT of each law. This means that we can make clear that the definition of “outdoor” patio need not have the additional requirement that the wall cover no more than 50% of the surface area of the outside, or that the international no smoking sign is not simply a statement that smoking is not allowed within the permit premises, but that it can also serve as a notice that if you have lit up it is a statement from the bar owner that the person should cease smoking.
mOST recenTLY, THere Were SeveraL ruLeS under cOnSIderaTIOn THaT dO Have an ImPacT On YOur BuSIneSS The point is, just because there is not a bill moving in the Legislature, it does not mean the OLBa is not continually working on your behalf.
Jacob evans, OLBa Legal co-counsel
rules are required to be reviewed every 5 years at a minimum and the OLBa continues to follow those rules and offer insight and testimony on the impact and the concerns our members may have. The OLBa is always at the ready to answer your questions and provide answers to the issues you encounter as a bar owner. Please do not hesitate to contact the State Office if we can ever be of help . . . 1-800678-5995!
auguST 2012 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY 9
The newest additions to the Smirnoff Flavored Vodka portfolio are Iced Cake and Kissed Caramel, joining the successful Whipped Cream and Fluffed Marshmallow flavors. Crafted from top-selling Smirnoff No. 21, both new flavors are sweet and creamy—Iced Cake offers flavors of vanilla cake and light icing, while Kissed Caramel has a rich, caramel finish. Both work well over ice or as mixers.
Robert Hall Winery’s Sauvignon Blanc maximizes freshness and preserves varietal flavor thanks to grapes that are handharvested in cool morning temperatures. The resulting wine is a vivid straw-green, and greets the senses with tropical fruit and green apple aromas plus hints of toasted almond. On the palate, the wine displays bright flavors of lemongrass, pear and lime, with medium body and crisp acidity. Marketed by Domaine Napa Wine Company.
Exclusiv Vodka has launched Exclusiv Rosé Vodka, which combines Exclusiv’s own sweet Rosé Moscato wine and their awardwinning vodka, creating the world’s first rosé vodka. Imported from Moldova by Serge Imports LLC, Serge Christov said, “We found the best possible tasting combination using our flavored vodka, raspberry vodka and combined that with our Rosé Moscato wine.” 64 proof.
SRP: $15.99
SRP 750ml: $9.99
The newest addition to the Knob Creek portfolio is Knob Creek Rye. As bartenders and consumers want more cocktail options, Knob Creek Rye is an entry that offers diverse serving choices. Handcrafted in small batches and aged for nine years in barrel, this 120 proof Rye showcases mature Knob Creek flavor with vanilla and spices.
Punzoné introduces the first imported Italian line of ultra-premium vodka and vodkainfused cocktails. Punzoné incorporates simple fresh organic ingredients from Italy’s Piemonte region. Punzoné Vodka smoothly balances Italian wheat with pristine waters from the Italian Alps. Originale, combining vodka, red sangria and blood orange, and Lemoncino, blending vodka, white sangria and lemon, are ready to drink—just add ice.
Kobrand recently introduced Bodega Alta Vista Argentine wines, at multiple price points. Alta Vista Classic features fruit forward Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay; Alta Vista Premium includes high-elevation Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon and Torrontes; Terroir Selection offers a blend of estate fruit from four high altitude vineyards; and the Single Vineyard wines showcase old vine Malbecs. Alto is a luxury benchmark, only produced in the best years.
SRP: $46.99
SRP 1L: $42.99; Originale/Lemoncino $37.99
SRP: $11.99 - $89.99
10 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
AUG_2012_NPP.indd 1
7/10/12 3:22:46 PM
mulitple Bar management BY cHuck deIBeL
any operators question whether they should or shouldn’t open a 2nd or 3rd location. There are many factors to consider and I am not going to go into all of them. I will discuss the reporting issues and how to solve them regarding the issues of ensuring your sales and inventory are being properly accounted for. first and foremost you must create a separate budget for each store. They will have different customer bases and product mixes. We started one multi unit operator a few years back and their goal was to hit a 30% liquor cost percentage across the board. after we started they found out the between their 10 stores, the store with the lowest overall ideal percentage was about a 24% and the store with the highest overall cost percentage was about a 36%. This more than proved how inefficient managing the financial performance by a “one size fits all” number was for this group. They now strive to hit 98% efficiency ratings each week for all of their stores. and they usually accomplish that feat. This has saved the company close to $500k per year for all of its locations. for those of you familiar with the concept of actual vs Ideal cost percentages, you understand how inaccurate doing this is. It’s a recipe for financial disaster. each store must be measured against its own unique ideal percentage or its efficiency rating (Bevinco rating). many operators will feel they have a “handle” on things when they have only one place, maybe even two; but as you migrate into a multiple bar ownership situation, just how do you stay on top of things? How successful operators handle this issue is to put in independent systems in place to track the sales and inventory in a manner that allows you to get the information easily.
This is where a company like Bevinco comes in as a positive benefit. many might argue whether or not they need the services of a company like Bevinco to take the inventory and doing the sales and inventory analysis, when often the owner is doing it themselves; but it’s hard to argue with the time savings benefit of having an independent company taking this task over.
eacH STOre muST Be meaSured agaInST ITS OWn unIQue IdeaL PercenTage Or ITS effIcIencY raTIng (BevIncO raTIng). The independent reporting that Bevinco offers of not only the variance reports which track the inventory used and compares it to the inventory that’s sold to ensure you are as efficient as possible, but also the inventory ordering report that makes ordering a snap, thus freeing up your time or a manager you might hire. Bevinco is paid by the hour, and isn’t on a bonus program. Having an independent person doing this function ensures the accuracy for the numbers. This Intelipar ordering report cuts down unnecessary ordering and too high of stock levels, which ties up too much cash in inventory that’s not turning over. It also does a wonderful job of keeping you stocked with enough inventory to reduce the chance of running out of items. These reports can be emailed to you or your manager on that same day, allowing you to order from a remote location. Bevinco also provides you with your own web site to access your reports at any time. The site will group the performance of all your
chuck deibel
stores together, thus allowing you to create some healthy competition between your managers. Our clients use this access point to incentivize its’ management team and make store comparisons that are easy and relevant. If you are an owner considering multiple store ownership or are already one; please don’t’ hesitate to give us a call or send us an email at See you soon!
When you did your inventory last week, how many shots of crown royal were you missing? How many pints of draft beer were you missing? If you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to Our clients do know how much.
auguST 2012 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY 11
3:22:46 PM
Wines for a New Generation Fresh Trio from Diageo Chateau & Estate Wines Targets a Younger Audience BY krisTEN BiElEr
ny retailer or restaurateur can tell you the wine drinking public is changing. Americans are drinking more wine than ever, so market opportunities abound, but the most important and coveted demographic is the new LDA drinker, and engaging these new consumers—who have a greater affinity for wine than previous generations—requires a new approach. “Consumers find shopping the wine category overwhelming,” says Diageo Innovation Brand Manager Nicole Lockwood. “There are so many choices, particularly for someone for whom wine is a beverage, not a hobby. They want to have fun with wine brands that fit their lifestyle. Impulse buyers often make purchase decisions based on labels. Today, many wine consumers are looking for branding that is lighthearted fun. Something that makes them smile, think, or feels relevant to their life and interests.” Characterized by a willingness to experiment, they respond enthusiastically to non-traditional packaging, new taste profiles and innovative blends. “We realize that younger wine drinkers are far less influenced by wine traditions and ‘rules,’” says Greg Kryder, Diageo Chateau & Estate President. “We have
a large population of wine buyers that turned 21 after the millennium. They grew up with wine as part of their families’ lifestyle, and they are fearless in their selections. For instance, millennial men are turning to interesting wines on the same occasions, and with the same regularity that they may order craft beer. We aim to create wines that fire that enthusiasm and satisfy that curiosity.”
stark raving With precisely those men in mind, winemaker John Kane of Rosenblum Cellars created Stark Raving, a line of wines whose “retro-futuristic” label aims to “convey a sense of time-hopping irreverence toward history and culture.” Stark Raving Red is a big, juicy, novel blend of Tannat, Zinfandel and other red varietals; Stark Raving White is a full-bodied blend of Chardonnay and Moscato. By August, Kane plans to add an Argentine Malbec and French Cabernet to the line-up. “As male millennial consumers enter the wine category, they typically look for bolder wine offerings, as they also enjoy craft beer, whiskey, bourbon and bold food flavors,” says Lockwood. “These young men are at place in life where they are fully independent and
new generation
stark raving
Butterfly kiss
SRP: $12-$14
SRP: $11-$13
SRP: $12-$14
are exploring their personal passions, making long time life decisions and setting goals. Stark Raving was created to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit—a spirit which can appear crazy or obsessive to others.”
Butterfly kiss Female new LDA drinkers will enjoy Butterfly Kiss, created by winemaker Jason Dodge. Launching with a Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Pink Pinot Grigio, and soon to be joined by a Moscato, Butterfly Kiss offerings are bright, delicate and aromatic with just a hint of sweetness. The iridescent holographic printing technique used for the labels makes the butterfly’s wings appear to shimmer with movement. “The majority of wine shoppers are women—there is a growing opportunity to create wine brands and label designs for them,” explains Lockwood. “With Butterfly Kiss, we wanted to create something that is a visual treat as well as lovely to sip after a long day.”
rose‘N’Blum At Rosenblum, John Kane makes big, bold Zinfandels and Rhônes. However, he noticed that a number of women in his life preferred something lighter, whiter and a little sweeter. This inspired a side project called Rose‘N’Blum. “It’s just a little play on words to show our softer side,” says Lockwood. “These luscious white and pink wines are light and fragrant—the perfect sip for summer, for a night out with the girls, or dinner in with take-out.” The labels employ thermochromatic inks—when chilled to perfection the large roses on the label “bloom” to a more vibrant pink and orange, with delicate shading and line art. “It injects a note of fun when sharing with friends,” adds Lockwood. n
12 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
AUG12_DiageoWines_Profile.indd 4
7/11/12 4:18:44 PM
2012 BuckeYe Bar eXPO don't miss This exciting, fun-filled event!
, -
, ,
molly mckee, OLBa management Team
f you haven't done so already, mark your calendars for the 11th annual Buckeye Bar expo, which will be held at The Bluestone on monday, September 17th. renovated to accommodate concerts and other events, The Bluestone is a spacious old church located at 583 e. Broad Street in columbus. The expo features all of the latest products and promotions from suppliers of the alcohol beverage industry. Owners and their employees are welcome to sample the products as well as, attend seminars to learn about innovative techniques to further their business's success. furthermore, there will be all new entertainment at this year's show and multiple bars throughout the facility. Several new seminars, tailored to bar and/or restaurant owner('s) and their staff, will be offered at this year's expo. Topics include alcohol management, marketing strategies and ways to increase sales. "Techniques of alcohol management" will be presented by max Sorensen and will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tam teaches servers to be more responsible in their day-to-day activities. additionally, they will learn the scientific processes that occur when a person becomes intoxicated and how Ohio Law dictates what the acceptable responses are for certain situations. "The do's and don'ts of Liquor Law" will be presented by The Ohio
division of Liquor control and will be from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. don't let ignorance of the law be an excuse for not following it. This always popular and informative seminar will allow you to determine what is legal and what is not. "Turn Your Bouncer Into a Host" will be presented by robert c. Smith and will be from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Typically, security guards' duties include checking identification at the door, preventing intoxicated guests from entering the bar and resolving fights between guests. This training session will equip attendees with useful strategies to modify the way they hire, train, use and discipline their security employees in order to create a more cohesive and successful workforce.
SeveraL neW SemInarS, TaILOred TO Bar and/Or reSTauranT OWner('S) and THeIr STaff, WILL Be Offered aT THIS Year'S eXPO. "emerging Trends in the Bar and restaurant Industry" will be presented by Barry chandler, Quinn allen, and chuck deibel and will be from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join Barry chandler of, as he moderates a panel of experts from the Ohio Beverage monthly. discover and discuss the latest trends in social media, security, charitable gaming, menu selection, and inventory control. "Increase Sales from Behind the Bar and Beyond" will be presented by dr. Steven Stovall and will be from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. discover new tactics that can increase your bar's sales through suggestive selling techniques. These techniques can be taught to every member of your staff, from your bartenders to your managers. "marketing Techniques and
Promotions for Today’s customer" will be presented by dr. angela mitchell and will be from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. dr. mitchell will aid you in understanding strategies that will help you get into the heads of today's twenty-something's. after this seminar, you'll be speaking their language, and in turn, selling them more products before you know it. In addition to the numerous seminars the expo is presenting, there will also be entertainment that kicks off with the Party on the Patio at 12:30 p.m. running concurrently with the expo, The Party on the Patio will host musical entertainment, door prizes, and everyone's favorite event: the search for Ohio's favorite Bartender. This year we have four bands that are all incredibly talented and play a wide range of music so that everyone can listen to something they enjoy. chillin Sun is an aggressive hard rock band that has shared the stage with Shinedown, fuel, Breaking Benjamin, and Saliva. Luxury Brown is an eclectic band that plays a variety of music styles including dance, jazz, r&B, pop, motown, and more. mr. miyagi is an 80's rock band that covers ac/dc, kiss, Black Sabbath, aerosmith, Journey, and van Halen. Blukuda is a high-energy cover band playing anything from current rock/pop to popular bar classics that will be sure to keep the dance floor filled. Hotel accommodations for The Buckeye Bar expo have been made at the Holiday Inn columbus downtown - capitol Square. The hotel is within walking distance of the Bluestone. reservations can be made by calling 614-221-3281. mention the O.L.B.a. for the standard room rate of $94.00. although Booth Space is limited, there are still booth positions available. If you are interested in exhibiting or attending, you should call (800)-678-5995 or visit Tickets for The Buckeye Bar expo are just $10 and we hope to see you there!
auguST 2012 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY 13
4:18:44 PM
U.S. Proves World Class USBG & Diageo Search for America’s Best Bartender to Compete on International Stage By CArA McIlWAIne 1
his year marks the first time an American is in the mix of the Diageo Reserve World Class international cocktail program, now in its fourth year. After a two-month, nationwide search for America’s top bartenders, conducted with the United States Bartenders’ Guild, 20 finalists traveled to New York on June 19th to compete. Finalists came from cities including Las Vegas, Seattle, Cleveland, Miami, New York, Santa Fe, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Chicago, Portland, OR; and Guttenberg, NJ. The U.S. competitors started a grueling day at 8am, showcasing their cocktail skills using top Diageo brands in four categories and judged by cocktail luminaries Jim Meehan, Tony Abou-Ganim, Julie Reiner, Steve Olson and USBG National President David Nepove. Nathan Burdette of Cleveland, OH was recognized in the Classics with a Twist category; James Menite of New York received highest marks in the Spice Market category; in Food Pairing, the winner was Sother Teague of New York; and in the Ritual Theater category, Steve Schneider of New York put on a literally electric performance with a cocktail inspired by Thomas Edison.
de Janeiro, Brazil July 8 th–13 th with top bartender talent representing some 50 countries. Mark Schulte, Diageo’s SVP of customer marketing, commented on Richard Gomez, “We know that his supreme talent, cocktail knowledge and mixology skills will make the United States proud when representing our country at the international competition in Brazil.” Richard Gomez traveled to Rio where he and his peers spent five days participating in a series of challenges judged by some of the most respected in the industry. The Global Diageo World Class Bartender of 2012 was decided after we went to press; we will report on the winner in the September issue. ■
After the individual category winners were announced, the USBG named Richard Gomez of Portland, OR, the first ever Diageo World Class U.S. Ambassador. Throughout the evening celebration, guests enjoyed cocktails made with Diageo Reserve brands Don Julio, Johnnie Walker, Zacapa, Tanqueray, Ketel One, Bulleit Bourbon and Cîroc. After winning, Gomez said, “This is an unbelievable opportunity and I can’t express how excited I am.” He added, “My fellow participants are an amazing illustration of American mixology talent and I am truly honored.”
1. Gary Regan, Jim Meehan, Dale DeGroff, Richard Gomez, Steve Olson, David Nepove, Julie Reiner, Angus Winchester and Tony Abu-Ganim 2. Mark Schulte, Diageo SVP of customer marketing 3. The 20 Diageo World Class U.S. Finalists 4. Finalist Alexander Velez (right) conducts his bottle service presentation for judge Tony Abou-Ganim 5. Brooke Kaderabek, Beth Williams, Marie Prokopets, Jennifer Buell Germe and Becky MacGregor, all of Diageo
Going Global The Global Final of Diageo Reserve World Class 2012 took place in Rio
14 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
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7/11/12 3:48:33 PM
September 17th
Trade Show 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
FEATURES ALL THE NEW PRODUCTS AND PROMOTIONS FROM SUPPLIERS OF THE ALCOHOL BEVERAGE INDUSTRY! Attendees will be able to sample the new products, as well as, learn about innovative new techniques to help their businesses succeed!
Entertainment 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
PARTY ON THE PATIO! COME FOR THE TRADE SHOW, STAY FOR THE FUN! Enjoy music on the patio from 80’s rockers Mr. Miyagi; Jazz, R&B, Dance, Motown and More With Luxury Brown; Classic Rock, Pop and Rock from Blu Kuda and check out Chillin Sun, featuring Kenny Kanowski Former Steelheart Guitarist!
Educational Seminars 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Emerging Trends in the Bar and Restaurant Industry 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Do’s and Don’ts of Liquor Law 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Increasing Sales From Behind the Bar and Beyond 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Presented by: Max Sorensen, OLBA State TAM Coordinator
Presented by: Bruce Stevenson (Invited), Ohio Division of Liquor Control
Turn Your Bouncer Into A Host 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Presented by: Robert C. Smith, Nightclub Security Consultants
At 5
Presented by Barry Chandler,
Presented by: Dr. Steven Stovall, Wilmington College
Marketing Techniques and Promotions for Today’s Customer 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Presented by: Dr. Angela Mitchell, Wilmington College
583 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215
3:48:33 PM
First unveiled at the Texas Package Store Convention last August, Lunés Sparkling Moscato has now sold almost 70,000 cases in 20 U.S. markets. The nose is fresh and peachy, and the blend with natural fruit essences makes Lunés slightly sweet. The unique “Collio” bottle has clear labeling and coordinated Stelvin screwcaps. Colorful cartons make excellent stacked displays. Moscato flavors include mango, peach and strawberry.
Domaine Laurier Brut is an award-winning, affordable and traditionally-made California sparkling wine. “Using the traditional méthode champenoise process to make Champagne results in a sparkling wine that has that wonderful, toasty aroma and fine bead. We also preserve the nuances provided by the Chardonnay grape so that the wine has the added fruit, depth and complexity that are hallmarks of Chardonnay wines,” said winemaker Bob Stashak.
mArnIer-LApostoLLe -LApostoLLe INTRODUCES GRAND MARNIER CHERRY Marnier-Lapostolle is unveiling Grand Marnier Cherry in September, a limited-edition expression for the holiday season. Grand Marnier Cherry is a blend of the same fine Cognacs used to craft Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, as well as the iconic orange spirit the brand is known for, and also incorporates the essence of European Griottes cherries. The result is a lush, yet balanced marriage of orange and cherry flavors mellowed by Cognac.
SRP: $11
SRP: $41.99
World Elite Spirits has introduced the recipient of the Best Vodka award at the 2012 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. Platinka Original Vodka is coming to select U.S. markets. The 40% ABV spirit comes from the Brest Distillery in Belarus, using 100% rye ingredients and undergoing additional filtration steps.
Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum has released the very rare limited-edition 50 Year-Old Jamaica Rum—Jamaica Independence Reserve—celebrating the 50th anniversary of Jamaica’s independence. This is a blend of rums aged for a minimum of 50 years in hand-selected oak barrels. Only 800 bottles are available worldwide, with 70 for the U.S. market, from Kobrand Spirits.
The makers of Veev Açai Spirit are rolling out VitaFrute Superfruit Cocktails this month. VitaFrute is offered in three flavors, Organic Lemonade, Margarita and Organic Cosmopolitan, all made with Veev and other fresh ingredients like all-natural lemon, lime and cranberry juices and agave. Each cocktail is under 125 calories per serving and 30 proof. / 770-744-4455
SRP: $19.99
SRP: $5,000
SRP: $14.99
16 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
AUG_2012_NPP.indd 3
7/10/12 3:22:53 PM
SOcIaL medIa fOr BarS What Is It really about?
here seems to be ongoing confusion as to just how social media should be used by bar and restaurant owners, managers and marketers. In this article, I want to elaborate on this further and explain what it is. Before I do that though, I can’t help but wonder at what point did it become a natural choice to try and spam as many people as possible with messages written in capital letters with poor grammar
and non-existent punctuation? It can’t be just the fact that there is a built in audience on social media and that if you shout to enough people, “someone” will hear it and take action, because if that was the case, newspaper circulation wouldn’t be in decline and by the same measure, if you as a business owner ever saw a crowd of people in the street, you would run up to them and scream: “$2 drafTS 5-7Pm, $1 PBrs, ncaa game TOnIgHT, YeaHHHH!!!!!”, but you don’t. at least I hope you don’t. no, I think the answer is a mixture of laziness, misinformation and pure speculative marketing. conversely, those businesses that actually use social media transparently, informatively and appropriately can often attribute sales and success to it. So why isn’t everyone doing it that way? Let’s break down what “doing it the right way” actually means.
BY BarrY cHandLer educaTIOn first off, social media channels like facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc were not designed for use by business. not for a second. They all sprung up to serve the needs of ordinary folks like you and me. Business use came second to this initial goal of making life easier or more interesting for a customer. To capture the hearts, minds and dollars of our customers, we must therefore appeal to them. not advertise to them, not spam them, not shout at them, not call them names, not confuse them by linking different social media accounts together. no. We must appeal.
THOSe BuSIneSSeS THaT acTuaLLY uSe SOcIaL medIa TranSParenTLY, InfOrmaTIveLY and aPPrOPrIaTeLY can OfTen aTTrIBuTe SaLeS and SucceSS TO IT That means we share with them politely, sparingly, and appropriately, the best things about the bar or restaurant. a picture of a certain dish that is a customer favorite, a video of the band that rocked there over the weekend, a picture of the beautiful enclosed patio, a video of your specialty cocktail being mixed. need I go on? educate, don’t alienate. Your customers are smart and if you provide the dots, they’ll join them themselves. now I’m not saying you can never tell people what price things are or how they can buy from you, but I am saying that the difference in engagement between the two styles of posts can be staggering. remember, every time someone clicks “Like” or they comment or share a post, more than 150 more people (their friends) see it too. So think of social media posts as viral messages that serve to educate
your fans and their friends. enTerTaInmenT Think of a bar or restaurant as an entertainment hub. They are places you go to eat, drink, enjoy the company of others, listen to music, play pool, the list goes on. So why would social media be any different. Your facebook, Twitter, Instagram pages are extensions of your brands and should be treated that way. keep your business “top of mind” with your customers by entertaining them during the day with clever posts, funny pictures, add-your-caption posts and entertaining content consistent with your brand. That extra minute a day that your fans spend being entertained by you could make the difference when it comes to making a dining decision so don’t take this suggestion lightly. engagemenT engagement breeds engagement, which breeds business. make your facebook and Twitter posts open ended occasionally to solicit a response. Think about it, if you post a statement, you’re not giving anyone a reason to reply or click “like” or comment. You know what happens when you occasionally ask your fans to “click Like if…..”? They click Like! It’s not rocket science, just don’t wear it out. Social media interactions are like a bank account, you can;t keep taking out, you have to put something on every now and again, so engage with your customers. run promotions that attract entries and viral shares. keep to facebook’s Promotion guidelines when doing so and you’ll help increase customer loyalty and “top-of-mind” buy in from your fans when you do run a monthly or weekly contest. So there you have my three e’s of what you should be doing on your social media channels. anything different, I’d consider carefully if its in the best interest of your customer. keep them happy and they’ll keep you happy.
auguST 2012 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY 17
3:22:53 PM
Presents The 2012 Retailer of the Year Awards to ABL Members
the “RetaileR of the YeaR” awaRds weRe pResented to RetaileRs acRoss vaRious states at the aBl 2012 annual convention. “It’s always inspiring to hear about the great accomplishments our members are making in their home towns, and we’re fortunate that Brown-Forman continues to support the retail tier by recognizing great retailers throughout the country,”
“Congratulations to the BrownForman Retailers of the Year. We are proud to honor them at the ABL’s 10th Annual Convention. Their dedication to our industry and local communities deserves to be recognized.”
“At Brown-Forman, we have found the Retailer of the Year program to be a great way to recognize ABL retailers for their place of distinction in the retail business and for work in their communities as influential citizens.”
John D. Bodnovich, Executive Director, ABL
Chuck Ferrar President, ABL
Ralph Aguera VP, Trade Relations, Brown-Forman
Each year ABL receives nominees from state affiliates to be named “Retailer of the Year” from the state or region. Retailers are selected by each state affiliate based on their all-around performance and for involvement in industry and community activities during the preceding year.
The 2012 Award Winners: GEORGIA
Savannah cHuck fountAin Habersham Beverage Warehouse
Linthicum Vernon Snyder Snyder’s Willow Grove restaurant
Anchorage BrAndon VAil Gold rush discount liquor Anchorage loGAn rAmmell/ roBert W. ScHAffer the Avenue Bar ARKANSAS
Little Rock cHriStopHer enGleBy Grapevine Wines & Spirits
Homer Glen timotHy dixon kenwood liquors Peru BoB StuBler illinois Valley Super Bowl INDIANA
Seymour JAck HildretH Hildreth’s liquor mart East Chicago dAn BecerrA iii charlie’s tuna tap
Grand Junction BrAndi pollock fisher’s liquor Barn
Louisville Jerry roGerS party mart
Hanover doulot kApoor Arundel Wine & Spirits MASSACHUSSETTS
Somerville BenJAmin Weiner Sav-mor Spirits MISSISSIPPI
Canton mitcH tyner Harry t’s Wholesale Wine & liquor MONTANA
Harlowton HArry klock Stockman Bar NEW YORK
Brooklyn HoWArd coHen tops liquor
New York State numerous former licensees Watertown Scott Allen Allen’s liquors & Wines SOUTH CAROLINA
Myrtle Beach eArl BrAndt BB Beverages TEXAS
San Antonio JoHn HerrmAnn WB liquors VIRGINIA
Newport News BArry dAViS the Alley
Photograph courtesy of ????????????
Tuscaloosa Jon Alford Houndstooth Sports Bar
Oshkosh pAt purtell terry’s Bar
18 OHIO Beverage mOnTHLY auguST 2012
1_ Brown Forman_Aug12.indd 4
7/13/12 11:42:52 AM
A L I T T L E B I T O F H O N E Y.
FLY STRAIGHT. DRINK RESPONSIBLY. JACK DANIEL’S and TENNESSEE HONEY are trademarks owned by Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. © 2012 JACK DANIEL’S. Whiskey Specialty, 35% ALC./VOL. (70 Proof). Produced and bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery, Lynchburg, Tennessee, U.S.A. * Source: AC Nielsen, New Spirits Brands Past 12-mo Dollar & 9L Case Sales, Ending 3.3.12
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Light, dark, flavored, spiced, rum has many ways to please
um has a dark, often tempestuous history. Before there was a United States there was rum. Rum was used as a currency in the means of international trade. The distillation of rum and the transportation of its base raw materials fueled countries’ coffers and their revolutions. The dark side of rum was the slave trade; rum slaked the thirst of sailors, presidents, kings and even the slaves who cut the cane. Rum was and still is a liquor of historic proportions. Beer has a long history of being brewed but would sour on long sea journeys. Wine was spoiled by heat and humidity when transported to the New World. Rum could be stored for decades without fail, carrying this spirit into the modern age.
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Suddenly and with fervor, 21st-century rum is being perceived as serious of a spirit as bourbon and Scotch. You don’t have to cover up rum with cola any longer. Rum is a flavor-driven beverage. Now, with the explosion of flavored rums, it has a very important place behind the bar—for all seasons, not just summer.
FLAVORS, BARRELS & BLENDING Bacardi, the venerable brand from Puerto Rico, remains a category flag-waver, making vast quantities of rum available to an emerging, thirsty market. As an ingredient, Bacardi is indispensible in flavor-driven, modern versions of cocktailian pleasures such as the Mojito and the timeless Cuba Libre (Rum and Coke). As a bellwether of rum overall, it is useful to note that Bacardi has pioneered flavored rums as well. With OakHeart Spiced Rum plus flavors such as Limón, Peach Red, Black Razz, O (orange), Big Apple, Melon (watermelon), Cóco (coconut), Wolf Berry (blueberry) and Dragon Berry (strawberry, infused with the trendy dragon fruit), Bacardi has the range to sustain any mixologist’s dreams far beyond the typical. Bacardi also makes miniscule quantities of their seriously delicious 1873 Solera Rum. One key to rum’s modern renaissance is found in the barrels. Rum casks from the production of bourbon have transformed the former “kill-devil” to a drink of great elegance. There are very specific rules pertaining to the use of bourbon oak; casks can only be used once to age bourbon and are then sold to rum distilleries. Abuelo from Panama is one producer that has excelled in using ex-bourbon barrels. Ron Abuelo Anejo Reserva Especial and Ron Abuelo 7 Años Reserva Superior both “play well with others” in cocktails. The “only in a snifter without ice” Ron Abuelo 12 Años Gran Reserva, is as elegant as the finest whisky from Scotland or Kentucky.
Opposite: Appleton Estate’s The Communal Rum Punch / Clockwise top: Bacardi’s Mojitos, Denizen’s Herengracht Negroni, Captain Morgan’s Mojito Redux
Venerable brands like Ron Barceló from the Dominican Republic utilize both new oak and bourbonoak for aging. These rums are expertly blended to give a creamy, tight mouthfeel and a lengthy finish. Blending is another means to a finer end product for rum distillers. Denizen Rum is a carefully blended combination of 15 pot-still distilled rums in three distinctive styles from Jamaica and Trinidad. These exotic individual rums are then blended in Amsterdam. Denizen is brightly flavored and glows in the glass with tropical aromatics.
have disappeared, giving consumers another quality choice for authentically produced Caribbean rum. For historical authenticity, look no further than the Jamaican brand of Appleton Estate, handcrafting distinctive rums since 1749. Magnificent in a snifter with a splash of coconut water or in a punch, Appleton Estate is Jamaican rum personified. Distilled from local sugar cane, then aged in ex-bourbon casks, Appleton Estate Rum is boldly flavored in a most modern style, rich with caramelized sugar notes. Malibu is continuing their profitable trend of flavoring rums with tropical fruits
The distinctive Pyrat Rum is a blend of nine different Caribbean rums, aged for 15 years in a mix of French Limousin oak and toasted American oak. Pyrat is lovely in the mouth, creamy and pure at the same time. The squat bottle is reminiscent of early bottles that swashbucklers and sailors alike stowed away below deck of their vessels to make the journey somewhat more bearable. Pyrat was initially released a few decades ago but it was nearly unavailable outside of the Caribbean due to the extremely small production. Now with the acquisition by a new parent company, Patrón, shortages
like mango, coconut and citrus. The most recent offering, Malibu Black, is a bit less sweet and a bit higher in alcohol, for a drier-finishing rum. It mixes well with other spirits.
SPICED RUM: GIMMICK OR TREND? The distillers of Captain Morgan, long known for their 80 proof spiced version, are adapting to consumer demand for strength along with edgey flavor. Captain Morgan Black rolls in at 100 proof, powerfully laced with a proprietary blend of Caribbean spices evocative of the islands.
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What accounts most for stylistic differences between rum from Jamaica, Puerto Rico, etc.? Jamaican rum is fat, thick, full-
How are flavored rums made? Flavored rum is made with flavoring agents—sometimes natural but often artificial, for cost-efficiency, not unlike the bulk of flavored vodkas.
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How/when in the production process do they add spice to create spiced rums? The spices (typically baking spices such as cinnamon, vanilla and/or ginger) go in at the end—unless it is a very expensive spiced rum, then they go in at the beginning of aging. Siesta Key is one producer doing it the old-fashioned way.
How does dark rum get its color? True, dark rum can achieve its color from the cask, through oxidation, but in this day and age where cask aging costs more money, it is often from added caramel or other coloring agents. Gold, or amber, rums—stylistically midway between light and dark rums—gain their color via barrel aging.
bodied and oily on the tongue. Puerto Rican Rum is more akin to vodka in mouthfeel; it is mostly clear and tends to have less rum flavor. Barbados rum is Englishstyled, fermented from cane juice; rich and almost sappy in the mouth. Rum from Martinique is crisp, aromatic and very refreshing; the flavor of the cane is in the forefront of the mouth. Rums from Panama tend to be thicker and richer than rums from Guadeloupe or Martinique. Burnt sugar and ex-bourbon barrels give Panamanian rums signature aromatics of white flowers, toasted oak, vanilla and treacle syrup. Rums from the French islands tend to be cane-sugar-forward; their oak is usually from France, previously used for aging Cognac. Central American rums use predominantly ex-bourbon oak in their aging process. American rum from the U.S. Virgin Islands tends to be industrial; sugar beets are utilized (in addition to molasses) as a base material because these ingredients are less expensive than freshly cut cane. Making rum from sugar cane is a time-consuming and laborintensive process, but as is so often the case with fine spirits, the final product is stylistically distinct, and to aficionados such rum is worthy of a higher tab.
Captain Morgan is extremely mixable in many Tiki-bar-style concoctions. It is also is absolutely sublime in hot buttered rum or as a lively aperitif with fresh lime juice and seltzer. Sailor Jerry, distilled in St. Croix, is a 92 proof spiced rum that plays well in mixed drinks or alone on the rocks in a tall glass. It is most recognizable for the sour cherry, savory cinnamon and freshly scraped nutmeg flavors that are woven through this very recognizable brand. Sailor Jerry is not overly sweet and is quite refreshing, especially with seltzer and lime. Blackheart, from Heaven Hill in Kentucky, is a distinctive spiced rum that rolls in at a palate-warming 93 proof. The warmth of this spirit is offset by the creamy elegance of careful blending. Blackheart is laced with sweet vanilla that meets nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon and hot chilies. Marvelous mixed with coconut-water ice, a splash of simple syrup and a hit of fresh lime juice, the Blackheart will shake up the preconceived notion that spiced rum only means candy-sweet concoctions. Admiral Nelson, also from Heaven Hill, is known for a massive 101 proof spiced rum as well as creamier, thicker 70 proof offerings. Both are wonderful in a classic hot toddy, hot buttered rum, a lively piña colada or even a spiced rum and tonic. Domestic producer Siesta Key in Sarasota, FL, makes a small-batch spiced rum that speaks clearly of the quality of the local Florida-grown sugar cane. Flavors of vanilla, nutmeg and allspice evoke a very tropical feel with the backbone of handcrafted rum.
RUM PARADE Rum is only getting more popular as time goes on, in all varieties and formats, from a simple molasses-based spiced quaff to sophisticated sugar-cane spirits as serious as the world’s finest digestifs. Here is a roundup of other rums of distinction on the U.S. market:
selec tion
BANKS Caribbean
BRUGAL Dominican Republic
CALICHE Puerto Rico
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~ Brugal makes both light and dark rum, both of which are easily mixable. Extremely popular and flavor-driven. ~ Cockspur 12 Bajan Crafted Rum is as serious as Scotch. Barbados used to be the world leader for sugar cane. Now the cane fields have sprouted mansions, but Cockspur still farms their own cane. ~ Cruzan is the rum from the Virgin Islands; you’ll find it on every backbar in the islands. It is made from cane molasses and yields a bold flavor; their white rum is the most popular version. ~ Don Q is a huge player; they make dark and flavored rums, both very mixable. Ideal for a rum punch or a planter’s punch. ~ Kraken delivers an irresistible blend of spice flavors and vanilla overtones, plus brilliant marketing and a hip bottle; it mixes well and has a bit more alcohol than many of the others. ~ Martí Mojito Rum, pre-blended with lime and mint, is popular with the 21- to 30-year-old set, on the rocks or blended with fruit juice. ~ Ron Matusalem is produced in the time-consuming solera method, like Sherry, whereby barrels used to draw rum for bottling are replenished with rum from younger barrels. Old-fashioned and extremely flavorful. Another solera rum of note is the 1796 bottling of Santa Teresa, made in Venezuela.
~ Vizcaya is Cuban-styled; a cigar rum if you will. Excellent mixed into a mojito or enjoyed in a snifter, this rum is rich, thick and flavor-driven. ~ Caribaya, from the Virgin Islands, is best known for their coconut rum. Caribaya is the staple of every sailboat’s galley in the islands. Fabulous with cola in a Coconut Cuba Libre. ~ Brinley Gold Shipwreck Rum is made in St. Kitts from molasses then aged in ex-bourbon oak for four years. Infused with local spices, this is a most authentic and delicious version of spiced rum. ~ Blackwell Rum is a class act. Classic Jamaican rum nose of charred wood, creamy oak and vanilla notes. Esoteric and rare, it is fabulous by itself in a glass with coconut-water ice. ~ Dzama, in Madagascar, distills a broad range of rums from aged to spiced. Very full-bodied and friendly in cocktails that use tropical fruits; powerful in the glass as exotic aromas of pie spices combine with deeper notes of candy sugar syrup. ~ Original Bartenders Coconut Rum is an easy-to-use flavored rum; extremely versatile in tropical concoctions. ~ Rum Jumbie is a sugar-cane-based infused rum from the Caribbean. Offering robust flavors such as coconut, Rum Jumbie makes the work of being a bartender even easier, with authentic aromatics and character.
~ Banks Rum is a very sophisticated blended rum that hails from several different Caribbean nations. Banks White Rum is built with several different rums, each with its own distinctive character; the final result resonates with the exotic aromatics. ~ Flor de Cana, from Nicaragua, is a gorgeous mouthful of pure and natural ingredients, including singleestate sugar cane. They use un-airconditioned rick-houses to patiently age their consistently aromatic and carefully crafted rums. ~ Dominican Club—featuring Silver, Gold and Añejo expressions—is making a strong bid to raise the profile of rum from the Dominican Republic. ~ Caliche Rum, from Puerto Rico, is made in the old style, meaning this is a rum with great flavor. Crystal-clear but full-bodied and almost creamy on the palate, Caliche is able to stand alone or mix well.
CACHAÇA: NOW OFFICIAL April 9, 2012, was a landmark date for spirits: In an accord signed by U.S. trade representatives, the U.S. pledged to recognize Cachaça as a distinctive Brazilian product. No longer will Cachaça be termed “Brazilian rum.” While similar to other sugar-based distillieries, it is now recognized as a product that has its own distinctive terroir and provenance.
selec tion
CARIBAYA Virgin Islands
CRUZAN 9 Virgin Islands
DENIZEN Jamaica / Trinidad
DOMINICAN CLUB Dominican Republic
DZAMA Madagascar
FLOR DE CANA Nicaragua
JUMBIE Caribbean
Original Sauza -rita ®
t t t t
DBO GSP[FO MJNFBEF can Sauza® Blue Silver Tequila DBO XBUFS bottle light beer
STEPS Pour limeade and beer into a pitcher with ice. Fill limeade can with Sauza® Blue Silver Tequila and pour into pitcher. Finally, add a can of water, stir and serve! MAKES 9 DELICIOUS DRINKS
FOR A SMOOTHER, FRESHER TASTE Sauza® Blue Tequila, 40% alc./vol. ©2012 Sauza Tequila Import Company, Deerfield, IL.
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elements other than ethanol and methyl at the end of the aging period. This minimum concentration accounts for the cask-aged Rhum Agricole’s bouquet. Rhum Martinique “Vieux” (extra-aged rum): Rum that has been aged in oak casks within the production area and for at least three uninterrupted years. Capacity of barrels must be under 650 liters. The rum must also contain at least 325 grams per 100 liter of pure alcohol of volatile elements other than ethanol and methyl at the end of the three years. This minimum concentration, higher than the one imposed to caskaged rum, guarantees an even richer bouquet for the extra-aged Rhum Agricole. Whatever category the rum may be, no rum with the designation of origin “Martinique” can be sold with an alcoholic concentration lower than 40%. Rhum J.M is a gorgeous example. Esoteric and highly aromatic, with notes of white flowers and citrus peel, J.M is still handmade with freshly crushed cane from their estate on Martinique.
Rhum Martinique “Élevé Sous Bois” (cask-aged rum): Rum that has been aged in oak barrels within the production area and for at least 12 uninterrupted months. The rum must also contain at least 250 grams per 100 liter of pure alcohol of volatile
Rhum “Blanc” Martinique (white rum): colorless rum which has been laid still for at least three months and not more than three months if it has been aged in oak barrels.
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Rum from Martinique, made from freshly cut sugar cane, is known as Rhum Agricole. Martinique has now earned an official appellation status, similar to the AOC regions for growing and fermenting grapes in France. By law, spirits carrying one of the following designations to be called Rhum Agricole:
Rhum J.M. plantation in the Martinique town of Macouba
Culturally, Cachaça is more than just a panacea of the underclass; Cachaça is the national drink of Brazil. It is also part of the national identity. The Caipirinha is Brazil’s national cocktail, made with Cachaça, sugar (preferably raw cane sugar) and freshly cut limes. Protecting the name Cachaça is very important to the cultural preservation of the uniquely Brazilian method of distillation. During production of Cachaça the distiller is allowed to add sugar to the blend, forcing up the alcohol levels. If more than six grams of sugar are used, the end result must be labeled Sweet Cachaça by law. Cachaça is traditionally aged in a diverse array of wood, such as traditional oak, but also in woods found only in Brazil. These include umburana, ipê, cedar, balsam, jatobá, freijó and jequitibá. Different varieties of native wood impart different unique and indigenous flavors. Cachaça runs the gamut from high-power, firedriven moonshine to highly elegant and cherished spirits, not unlike the finest Cognac or Scotch whisky. At present, the U.S. market has a limited selection, but Leblon Cachaça (SRP $30) is available in all 50 states. Leblon’s master distiller, Gilles Merlet, uses techniques from his native France, including alembic batch-distillation and aging in Cognac casks. A new expression, Maison Leblon Reserva Especial, is reaching the U.S. in August. Higher-end Cachaças have been slow to hit the market. Sao Cachaça is one of a growing number of Eco-Cert (Certified Organic) Cachaça brands in Brazil. Rich in the mouth with sharp notes of bitter chocolate and citrus rind, this Cachaça speaks clearly of the quality of the ingredients. Avuá Cachaça is the only brand of the liquor made by a woman in Brazil; she does two expressions using indigenous Brazilian wood. As a market sign of how hot Cachaça is expected to become, Diageo has recently purchased the Ypioca brand from Brazil for $453 million. ■
selec tion
MARTI West Indies
PYRAT Caribbean
RON BARCELO Dominican Republic
RON MATUSALEM Dominican Republic
VIZCAYA Dominican Republic
Cordials are all about focused intense flavor, which is why they have long enjoyed a role in cocktails, where a judicious amount can go a long way, creating interplay with other elements. Shown here, a selection from Cointreau: Beverly Hills Hotel Margarita (left) and MargaDita.
ho is the cordial drinker? It’s a trick question, of course, since, unlike nearly all other spirit categories, there’s something for every drinker among the many flavored products offered today. And different subsets of consumers continue to find something that sparks interest. Experimental early adopters rapidly took on such recent innovations as St.Germain and Domaine de Canton. Young legal-age drinkers continue to make Jägermeister their shot of choice. Cocktail enthusiasts have welcomed the revival of bittered Italian brands Campari, Averna and Aperol. Holiday entertainers still stock up on Baileys, Kahlúa and Drambuie. And whatever the demographic, age, sex or situation, chances are there’s a cordial or liqueur that hits the sweet spot. Despite (or perhaps because of) this “something for everyone” state of the business, the category and all its myriad off-shoots—creams, coffees, herbals, sours, schnapps, puckers—are coming under increased market pressure: from flavored
vodkas and rums; from honey- and cherryflavored whiskies; from beverages like Skinnygirl that blur the line between ready-to-drink, liqueur and spirit; from high-quality syrups; and from on-premise trends that eschew overly sweet or artificially flavored brands. “While there is plenty of innovation throughout the industry, liqueurs are on the cutting edge of product development,” says Heaven Hill’s corporate communications manager Josh Hafer. “But it’s important to note the vast makeup of this segment. From amaros to aperitifs to fusion liqueurs, it is often the case that products within a similar sub-segment are not competing against each other. That said, producing products that are meaningful to
their audience is the paramount issue for all liqueurs.” Overall, the broad category of cordials and liqueurs rose 2.6% in volume in 2011 to 21.5 million 9-liter cases. Domestics grew 4.5%, while imports just ticked up slightly by 1%, according to Chicagobased Technomic’s Adult Beverage Resource Group. Of the four price categories, premium ($15-$26.99) and value ($14.99 and under) retained the majority of volume in 2011, with the premium tier expanding 4.5%. High-end ($27-$39.99) and superpremium ($40+) products grew slightly. Full lines of cordials and liqueurs accounted for the largest share of the business, although it’s a slowly decreasing share, as consumers opt for lower-proof flavored spirits instead. As restaurant beverage consultant David Commer says, “The growth of flavored, especially lower-proof spirits, shows that for all the talk of craft cocktails, consumers like to have things solved for them.” Being able to pour a
1 part HIRAM WALKER® Whipped Cream 1½ parts HIRAM WALKER® Triple-Sec 1½ parts cranberry juice ½ part fresh lime juice Shake all ingredients in shaker and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist.
HIRAM WALKER® Whipped Cream. Imitation Liqueur. 35% Alc./Vol. (70 Proof) ©2012 Pernod Ricard USA, Purchase, NY
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7/9/12 3:08 PM
Cordiiallly You ours
Marie Brizard’s Anisette Pink Mary
lightly flavored but slightly sweet spirit directly into an iced glass in many cases removes the demand for some traditional liqueurs.
Gettting Com mpetiitive
Increasing customer interest in flavored spirits has become a challenge for liqueurs at retail, according to Michael Bradley, buyer for the two Crazy Bruce Discount Liquors in Connecticut. “A lot of the decrease in sales of cordials is going to the flavored vodka sales—especially those cookie and cake and other new ones,” says Bradley. “Those vodka trend drinkers used to be the flavored cordial drinkers, who bought peach and sour apple and all those flavors in cordials and schnapps.” Whiskey specialties achieved the largest volume gain last year, a new classification that takes into account American and Canadian flavored brands which have exploded. In fact, without those being included, cordials and liqueurs might have dipped badly last year. Still, the industry keeps churning out new, unusual flavor combinations and iterations hoping to catch lightning in a bottle. Case in point: OR-G, introduced last summer, is blend of French vodka and natural persimmon, papaya, mango and lime juices. Its appeal extends beyond the exotic ingredients; it is being marketed as a “sensual experience.” Like most recent launches, the flavor profile is designed for versatility, as in on its own or mixed in cocktails.
selec tion
They are also bringing old favorites back. In June, Marnier-Lapostelle announced the limited release of what’s now called Grand Marnier Cherry, a modern version of the long disappeared Cherry Marnier. (For a sampling of the latest new brands, see sidebar.) Southern Comfort has returned as well with a new flavor, following up last year’s release of the “love it or hate it” Tabasco-infused Fiery Pepper with Bold Black Cherry, designed to be consumed in long drinks rather than as shots, says U.S. Brand Director Jason Kempf. Southern Comfort has an advantage in the current market in that it’s seen by consumers as a primary ingredient in drinks, needing only ice or a mixer. Perhaps that’s why the various line extensions have been able to find placement in chain restaurant accounts, which has been much more difficult post-recession. For instance, Chevy’s Fresh Mex, a national chain of Mexican casual dining restaurants, features Fiery
Pepper in their “Bloody Maria” cocktail. Sweet heat, it seems, may be a new area of exploration; Beam Global’s DeKuyper is readying a chocolate-chile flavored entrant in its Crave line. Commer says major restaurant chains are being pickier about taking on new flavors: “They are more likely to decide to feature a specific drink before taking on a cordial. If they’re not featuring it in a drink, they’re not bringing it in—it has to have a reason to be there.” They also are shedding full lines of liqueurs that were once essential bar ingredients, rather than keep such an extensive and non-performing inventory, he notes. But there are openings; the giant Applebee’s chain recently listed Margarita and Sangria specialties employing DeKuyper’s Razzmatazz. As well as onpremise placements, getting consumers to understand how to use cordials at home is essential, says Gary Ross, director of cordials and rums for DeKuyper supplier Beam Global. “The biggest challenge for us and the category is reminding consumers that a cordial is a key ingredient in a quality cocktail—one they can make at home themselves,” he says.
On n-Prem misee Pla ays Keyy Ro ole
As Rob Cooper of St.-Germain points out, suppliers routinely count on customers learning about new brands on-premise before they’re willing to buy at retail, but that few people are actually making elaborate cocktails at home.
Confectionary flavors are the #1 growth driver in the vodka category.1 SMIRNOFF®, the #1 vodka in the US,2 now offers you two new ways to sweeten your profits. Available Sept. 1st
Please Drink Responsibly. SMIRNOFF Iced Cake & Kissed Caramel Flavored Vodkas. Distilled From Grain. 30% Alc/Vol. ©2012 The Smirnoff Co., Norwalk, CT. 1 IRI, Total US Food & Drug, 52 w/e March 18, 2012 2 IRI, 52 w/e March 2012
30% Alc/Vol.
Sizes: 50 ml, 750 ml,1 L & 1.75 L
What Will Be The Next Breakout que eur r? Liq
efore St.-Germain, Canton and RumChata, three recent success stories, there was PAMA, Alizé and Hpnotiq— all brands that burst onto the spirits scene, enjoying rapid growth, and staying relevant with a significant fan base. Current consumer demand for more and more flavors means at the very least that new brands and extensions will continue for the foreseeable future. Here are a few of the most recent releases entering the wild, wild west of cordials and liqueurs: Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur has introduced the brand’s first line extension, Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon, a blend of premium honey liqueur and Kentucky bourbon. Both Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon and Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur differentiate themselves from the growing competition by being made with pure, natural honey and no artificial flavors, handcrafted by one of Germany’s oldest family owned companies, Schwarze & Schlichte. Two recent success stories from the Patrón Spirits Company—Patrón XO Café and Citronage Orange— have shown steady growth at the high end for the past five years. Now the company offers the premium-priced Patrón XO Café Dark Cocoa, a blend of silver tequila with coffee and chocolate flavors bottled at 60 proof. The success of other creams has spurred the creation of Forbidden Secret American Cream Liqueur, a blend of pure American dairy cream, Jailers Premium Tennessee Whiskey, dark chocolate and robust espresso. Then there are brands like Le Sutra, a quartet of sparkling, fruit-flavored liqueurs (blueberry, strawberry, peach and grape) “infused with vodka,” further blurring the spirit/liqueur lines. The flavors can be sipped over ice or mixed with sparkling wine, vodka, Cognac, tequila or rum.
Industry pioneer Hiram Walker continues to mine flavor opportunities both traditional and modern; recent introductions include Watermelon Sour Schnapps and Whipped Cream Imitation Liqueur. The latter is perfect for delicious dessert-like cocktails; both are tasty chilled and straight up as well. Heaven Hill recently launched Mariposa Agave Nectar Liqueur in select markets, looking to capitalize on the growing bartender preference for agave syrup as a drink sweetener. It’s a mixture of agave nectar, tequila and vodka, with hints of rose oil and gardenia. Sweet Revenge is a 77 proof liqueur called “the Original Wild Strawberry Sour Mash.” According to the makers, it’s “a show-stopping shade of pink, but don’t be fooled by her rosy appearance—though she’s sweet and juicy upfront, she’s got a raw, rockin’, highproof finish.” Sweet Revenge is meant to be served as a shot or on the rocks. Killepitsch is a recent entry into the herbal bitters category, an 84 proof German liqueur made with more than 90 herbs, spices and fruits, created in the 1950s and borne of a pledge made in a bomb shelter during WWII by the creator to have a special drink (locally, a ‘pitsch’) with a friend afterwards if they both survived. From the heart of Italy’s Veneto region comes Antica Sambuca, originated in 1868, and made by distilling the infusion of anise stars with sweet orange, Turkish rose, iris, coriander and cardamom. To produce Antica Black, Calabrian licorice is infused into 60% ABV alcohol at room temperature for three weeks before added to the basic Antica Classic. Also from Italy, Pisa, a nut liqueur made from hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios, is now sold in seven states and expanding, according to importer Vision Wine & Spirits.
Kempf echoes this: “On-premise is still where recruitment happens, and a lot of cordials and liqueurs aim to become the bartender’s best friend in their quest to make a drink more interesting. Now there’s much more competition around that then ever before.” Cream liqueurs have taken on new life lately through the energy of new entrants patterned after industry leader Baileys, even though on-premise their consumption has plummeted. Molly’s—a blend of fresh Irish dairy cream (comprising a third of each bottle), aged Irish whiskey and a touch of chocolate—has seen significant growth since arriving in America, largely on the power of samplings. Also noteworthy are two rum-based achievers: Tres Leches and RumChata. Tres Leches is a Caribbean triple cream modeled after the Latin dessert of the same name. RumChata, which has surged to approximately 60,000 case sales in a few years, is also rum-based, but with a flavor reminiscent of the Mexican almond drink called horchata (as well as rice pudding and Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal).
Exttensio ons Galo oree
Michael Bradley of Crazy Bruce points out that most line extensions are tools to keep consumers from straying to other brands. Kahlúa, for example, is now sold in mocha, hazelnut, French vanilla, peppermint mocha and higherproof Especial, as well as a line of readyto-drink products and, most recently, iced coffee with alcohol. The Godiva line of rich chocolate liqueurs also now includes five iterations: original dark chocolate, white chocolate, mocha, milk chocolate and caramel milk chocolate. Trying to revive brands with line extensions is also seen as a way to return buzz to a product that’s already made its mark. With Harmonie—a blend of French vodka, infused natural fruits, flowers and Cognac—Hpnotiq adds a vibrant violet sister to the iconic blue original. “It follows Hpnotiq very closely from a marketing standpoint,” says
Heaven Hill’s Hafer. “But the introduction was four times larger than our expectations. This clear success raised the tide for the franchise. Hpnotiq Original benefited greatly.” Other subcategories have become more competitive; for many years among orange liqueurs the choice was between value-brand triple secs and high-end icons like Cointreau and Grand Marnier. But the growth of the alternate brands like Gran Gala showed the way for DeKuyper’s Brazilian orange O3 and the return of the Belgian, Cognac-based Mandarine Napoléon. Many brands have targeted bartenders and the cocktail culture as older consumers and occasions disappear. Drambuie is a good example; at the recent Tales of the Cockail, the brand offered $10,000 for the best cocktail recipes designed to be served on tap. The whisky-based cordial has slowly seen its share shrink, as have other formerly popular after-dinner drinks. Yet as Bradley of Crazy Bruce points out, “There still are the staples—Kahlúa, Baileys, Amaretto di Saronno—those sales are fine, though probably 60 percent of those sales for us are in the November-December holiday season.” Jägermeister is a consistent seller year ’round: now the #1 selling imported liqueur in the United States and eighth largest premium spirit in the world, the brand recently unveiled its first-ever television advertising campaign in the U.S., featuring varied sporting legends that speak to the 21-29 year-old male demographic. But as Kate Laufer, director of public relations at Sidney Frank Importing Company points out, there’s also major growth in honey-flavored spirit volume, up 137% by the end of 2011 according to Nielsen. Even though this new category is driven by whiskey flavors, “the honey category is on fire, which is great for the original honey, Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur,” says Laufer. Bärenjäger’s first-ever line extension, Bärenjäger Honey & Bourbon, hit the market nationally in the spring of 2012. “Feedback to date has been exceptional,” she notes. Regional trends have often driven new products onto the scene. In Georgia and South Carolina, where he operates four stores, Lock Reddic, CEO of Green’s Discount Beverage, has been seeing an uptick in cordials and shooters, with brands like Dr. McGillicuddy’s Fireball growing fast enough to challenge Jägermeister. That category is showing great customer curiosity and robust sales in his stores. And then there’s pumpkin. Like seasonal beers brewed with the gourd, some retailers witness a boomlet each fall when pumpkin cordials and, recently, pumpkin creams like Fulton’s Harvest Pumpkin Cream Liqueur become available. It’s a sign that current drink technology and trends have combined to create a range of products for every palate and wallet. The days of the behemoth cordial brands may be on the way out, but an endless range of presentations, flavor combinations and styles is only beginning. ■
Bacardi’s Robert Furniss-Roe Regional President, North America The Beverage Network sat down recently with Robert Furniss-Roe to discuss how the ever-expanding spirits market has become more challenging than ever.
ON INNOVATION THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: As Bacardi celebrates 150 years in business as an industry leader, where do you see opportunities going forward? ROBERT FURNISS-ROE: What characterizes us best is our very focused portfolio; we are not all things to all people. There are some categories in which we don’t play—and who knows, maybe one day we might. That said, the obvious opportunity would be American whiskey. However, if you look across the U.S. spirits market, the largest categories—from a growth perspective—are vodka, rum and tequila. We have very large positions in all three, as well as a very large position in Scotch. So we are in the right categories, and we are always looking to expand. And that’s why we supported the idea of taking on distribution of a new Cognac, for example, with newly launched D’Ussé. We’re all about substance. We don’t throw a hundred products against the wall every year. We try to be very fo-
cused; we try to be very deliberate, and we try to do it for the long term. When we go to the retailers—whether they’re in the on-premise or the off-premise—with a new product, the marketing package with it is complete. We’re not keen on just filling retailer shelves and then leaving them with the responsibility to see what’s going to work. Like everywhere in the world, one of the reasons people relate to good spirits brands is because it’s an affordable luxury. There will always be a place for quality. People are willing to pay for that, if it’s a notch above the average. TBN: There has been an explosion of new products and line extensions in general in recent years. How does Bacardi stay in front of the pack? RF-R: We support retailers by building brand equity for the long term and by encouraging trade-up. One of the things that should resonate with our friends in retail is that we believe in the long-term premiumization of the business, that it is important to encourage consumers to
be more connoisseurs. Also, we are very interested in sell-through, rather than sell-in. I think some of our competitors still talk the language of sell-in. I think it’s far more useful to look at consumer pull, and to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer. Our industry faces the challenge of how confusing we are to the consumer. We like to focus on helping consumers better navigate and understand our products on the shelf. TBN: Sometimes that is easier said than done. What sort of approaches are working for Bacardi? R F-R: It’s all about education. The world we live in is changing; consumers are better informed. It’s critical that the retailer keep up with the information flow because the consumer is likely to have done research prior to purchasing a product. We’re increasing our focus on point of decision and how to adapt our offer to different environments. We’re able to deliver different learning experiences according to what people are looking for.
A Conversation With Industry Professionals
At the other end of the spectrum, a lot of what we do in the digital space involves short films that educate the consumer around the history and heritage of the brand. We’ve had an amazing response to the things we’ve done there like offering consumers vintage items (Tshirts, etc.) in exchange for which they view a film to gain a bit of brand knowledge/education.
ON FLAVOR TBN: Flavor variations have become an important source of growth for many categories, including rum. Bacardi was a pioneer in this regard, and most recently introduced Bacardi Wolf Berry and Black Razz. Where do you see flavored spirits heading? RF-R: Instead of launching flavors that people already know, we try to bring things that will appeal to the Millennial consumers who have been brought up in this environment of choice. They are more cosmopolitan, more connected than ever before. We go through a thought process: what are the combinations, the level of flavor and intensity of a product that will deliver the best finished drink to the consumer? Black Razz uses a particular fruit only grown in Mexico: sapote. The flavor is more subtle, more interesting because it’s a fusion, between fruit and exotic flavor. For our spiced rum, OakHeart, we
focused on the liquid, on trying to create spiced rum with a smokiness, from barrels that are over-charred to deliver that differentiating hint. As the leaders in the rum category, we had to come up with something that was proven to be preferred by more people. We’ve taken the idea of spiced rum to the next level. Grey Goose Cherry Noir was done with a huge amount of thought and care to stay true to the French origins of Grey Goose. It is important to develop a product that has the right balance that’s ideal for making a selection of drinks rather than having an overpowering flavoring element. Reaction to that has been fantastic so far.
ON DISTINCTIVE SPIRITS TBN: Bacardi is unveiling a new-tomarket Cognac, D’Ussé. Why the decision to take a position like that right now? RF-R: We fell in love with the brand. The rest of the category is about old royalty; D’Ussé is about new royalty. The Cognac category is a bit dusty, backward looking, not attentive to trade. D’Ussé has a fresh approach. It has Cognac credentials, but with a very different bottle and symbol. Amazing liquid, very sophisticated, refined, smooth. It won’t be pushed out everywhere, retailing for $50 a bottle.
TBN: With Cazadores and Corzo, Bacardi has an important stake in the tequila world. Do you see the superpremium segment decreasing or increasing in overall importance? RF-R: It is a large category, and still growing. Cazadores is all about authenticity, made in the highlands in a very quirky, old fashioned way. It represents the heart of the tradition of old Mexico. Those are our strengths—that sense of authenticity and that sense of craftsmanship. Corzo is more about sleekness, design, and its striking packaging. It’s an approachable liquid, more refined. Bottom line: the future for premium spirits is positive in the U.S.— no exception in the tequila business. TBN: Any other thoughts on what you think people are looking for in spirits? RF-R: There is a relentless pursuit of novelty, entertainment and new products. But, again, what we believe in is not innovating on the massive scale, but doing a few things really well and properly thought out. What people look for is solidity, substance, and value. There’s a reason why Bacardi has been around for 150 years. Bacardi is the “one bottle bar”—it’s made expressly to be a product that doesn’t dominate and doesn’t disappear. Enough body to bring the spirits feel but not too much flavor to overpower a cocktail. Our Light products are an example of innovation with a purpose: great taste with 95 calories a serving. It’s the brand you trust (Bacardi) coming out with the innovation you’re looking for: calorie control. Not a new idea but it’s been done in a good way. We are re-inventing the products to make them more natural and better-tasting. People have high expectations in that area of innovation—we want to be sure that we are delivering. ■
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o uncork, or to unscrew? That is a question that continues to stir up waves in the wine industry. As cork taint prompted many winemakers to explore alternative closures in the 1990s, screwcaps and synthetic corks have became more widespread. The impact was certainly felt: Between 2000 and 2005, the global demand for wine corks dropped about 20%, according to a 2006 World Wildlife Fund report. But factors such as environmental impact, the aging of wine under screwcap, branding and consumer attitudes are reshaping the conversation, and the $4 billion closure market remains divided. Overall, cork still reigns. And according to Peter Weber of the Cork Quality Council, cork is on the rise. “We’ve seen a pretty solid increase in the percentage of cork finished wines in the ‘premium’ segment of domestic production. For us, that is wine brands averaging over $6,” he says. The council asserts sales for the 4-week period ending January 7, 2012, showed the highest percent of business mix in favor of cork closures seen during a two-year survey of sales by closure. The 2012 figure was 62%; over the same period in 2010 it was 53%. There are several levels of natural cork and the price depends on the
type of cork. Cork is recyclable and biodegradable as well as a renewable resource; the outer bark is stripped from cork oak trees and regenerates without damage to the tree. Cork taint, however, remains a problem. And while many factors can contribute to it, cork usually takes the blame. Sir George Fistonich, founder and owner of Villa Maria Estates in New Zealand, notes that their move to screwcap was directly related to cork taint. “The decision to seal all Villa Maria wines with screwcaps was made in 2001 as an estimated 1.4 billion bottles of wine globally were ruined by cork taint each year at the time; [it was] a risk to wine
quality that we were no longer prepared to tolerate,” he says. Perhaps even more significantly, Villa Maria had plenty of company in abandoning cork. The New Zealand Screwcap Wine Seal Initiative, launched in 2001, boasted 50+ members. Today, you’d be hard-pressed to find a corkfinished New Zealand wine in the U.S. Fistonich has had nothing but positive experiences with screwcaps, including aging. He says, “Numerous comparison tastings of aged wines sealed with screwcap versus cork highlighted the inconsistency of wines aging under cork, with oxidation and cork-taint being the main issues. Screwcaps remove these variables, ensuring consistency and quality of our wines.”
PLASTIC OPTIONS Synthetic cork producers also point to cork taint. “The average rate of cork taint is still around 3%,” says Jeff Slater, global director of marketing for Nomacorc. “The oxidation or reduction issue is another 3%, so that’s an almost 6% failure rate. What industry accepts a 6% failure rate?” Nomacorc, a synthetic
cork producer, accounts for more than half of the world’s synthetic closure market; as of May 2010 more than one in ten 750ml wine bottles sold worldwide were sealed with a Nomacorc. Started in 2000 by a Belgian entrepreneur and wine lover, the firm’s recyclable “corc” is made from a low-density LTDE plastic, used in milk cartons and dry cleaning bags. Ultimately Slater accepts that cork will remain the dominant closure. “People still like the romance and ceremony of opening the bottle,” he says. Glass stoppers are a newer entry to the closure arena. The glass stopper is sealed with resin and is recyclable, and the price is similar to a top-quality natural cork. While common in Germany and Austria, the 2003 Whitehall Lane Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa was the first wine in the world to be sealed with the Alcoa Vino Seal (also known as Vino Lok), and the winery continues to use what they call “glass corks.” Calera Wine Co. of Hollister, CA, also uses the Vino Seal for some of their bottlings. One of the latest additions to the cork-alternative lineup is the Zork closure from Australia. Invented in 2002, the Zork is made of polyethylene and has a round top with a short stopper plunger that can be pulled out by hand, avoiding the need for a corkscrew. It’s 100 percent recyclable and reusable; the company also touts the “pop” that the closure gives off pawhen opened. The cost is comparable to screwcaps, according to the manufacturer, and the Zork can ing be applied using standard bottling ustequipment with some part adjustments. (The Zork SPK closure, for n sparkling wines, was released in 2010, but has not yet reached the U.S.) In 2009 Don Sebastiani & Sons of Sonoma, became the first American wine producer to use the Zork, for their
Project Paso wines, and in 2012 they will close about 3 million bottles of Project Paso and Pepperwood Grove wines with the Zork, according to Donny Sebastiani, president and CEO of Don Sebastiani & Sons. “The cost is more or less a push,” says Sebastiani. “The decision to move to Zork was based on offering unique benefits to the consumer, not on saving costs. It’s better than cork because first, there is no potential for cork taint; second, it’s easier to open and reseal; third, it does not require a corkscrew to open; and fourth, it doesn’t break or crumble.”
GREEN SIDE OF CORK One new aspect of the cork issue in the past five years is the green marketing movement. Environmental awareness among consumers has been growing and “green strategies” are common among corporations. As backlash against cork grew, the cork industry began an eco-friendly marketing campaign in 2010, funded by the Portuguese government, Portuguese Cork Council and the Cork Quality Council. In 2009 the Rainforest Alliance and Forest Stewardship Council began recognizing wineries that use cork from “responsibly managed” cork forests. But the environment doesn’t seem to be a major factor for winemakers, nor does cost. The cost of midrange natural corks and synthetics are relative relatively comparable, and screwcaps are less expensive than both after the initial investment in b a screwcap bottling machine, says di Co Dinn, director of winemaking for Hogue C Cellars in Washington State. For most, winemaker opinion an and marketing strategy are the deciding factors in choice oof closure. While most screwcap wines are designed to look just like cork-finished bottles, the new plastic Zork invites browsers to notice it.
Calling in the Scientists: PlumpJack teams with UC Davis to test closures in controlled study The PlumpJack Group and the University of California at Davis have announced the undertaking of an joint two-year study on the comparative effectiveness and quality of screwcap wine closures—the first of its kind since PlumpJack began using screwtops more than 10 years ago. “Our eager participation in this study reflects our commitment to creating premium wines that provide both a viable closure for long-term aging and quality retention, and greater accessibility for our customers,” said John Conover, general manager of PlumpJack and CADE wineries. “The results of the study will also provide our industry overall with valuable information as we look for ways to be more environmentally sustainable without sacrificing quality or John Conover of PlumpJack driving up costs.” All wine closure methods are designed to provide an airtight barrier to keep out oxygen, which can negatively affect aging and taste. The “Bottle Aging—Closure and Variability Study” will use scientific methods—including the new CT scanner invented by UC Davis researcher John Boone, which was used last fall to measure rates of density in natural and synthetic corks, using dedicated computed tomography. All three closure methods—natural ral corks, synthetic corks and screw caps—will be studied. The test batch h will be 200 bottles of 2011 CADE Sauuvignon Blanc. All bottles will be regu-larly monitored by spectral analysis for changes in color. Through the use of oxygen sensors placed inside, test bottles will be chemically analyzed on a regular basis for changes in composition and color. Lastly, the wines will be tasted to determine if the quality has been compromised. The results will be published at the end of 2013.
After facing problems with natural cork in the ’80s and ’90s, Hogue started using synthetic corks in 1997. However, says Dinn, “We found over time we saw premature aging, oxidation, and difficulty with extraction.” So in 2001 Hogue put together a study to compare cork and screwcap and tasted the wines for three years. “It became apparent that screwcaps were best for our wine, both red and whites,” says Dinn. Dinn has no regrets about Hogue’s decision to replace the synthetic corks with screwcaps beginning with the 2004 vintage. For Lisa Ehrlich, VP of marketing for Purple Wine Company in California, the closure decision is a mix of environmental and marketing considerations, and cork dominates. About 5 to 8 percent of their approximately 1 million case production is under screwcap and the remaining production is closed with natural cork. “The price/value ratio for cork is great and it seems like the corks we use are incredibly reliable,” says Ehrlich. “We get really good feedback from our trade customers. One of the key pieces is that our trade customers aren’t asking for synthetics. We tend to listen to distributors and key retailers and how things are workin for them.” But Ehrlich working would consider synthetic corks for cer certain brands. “If I had a project that I thought synthetics would work for—to do a color som or something fun—then I would request it,” she says.
MIXED RESULTS Consum Consumer attitude towards alternative closures is starting to ternati shift, as a well. A 2012 study by Merrill Research and Nomacorc of core wine consumers (defined as drin drinking one bottle per week,
and representing 93 percent of all wine purchases) showed a more open attitude toward other closures. The research showed that the type of closure is not driving their purchase; the difference in closure performance is not well understood; wines under screwcap are seen as cheap wine; and natural cork is seen as appropriate for a “special” wine. But the Cork Quality Council points to a 2011 study conducted by Sensory & Consumer Insights which found that when asked how likely they would be to purchase wine according to closure type, 94% of consumers surveyed indicated they would be more likely to purchase wine with a natural cork, 72% said they would purchase wines with a synthetic closure, and only 45% indicated a willingness to buy wines with screwcaps. It’s not just American producers confronting the pros and cons of various closures. The acceptance of screwcaps in Australia rivals that of New Zealand. Interestingly, Penfolds of Australia announced in May that they would offer a choice of cork or screwcap (previously their entire production except Grange was under screwcap), citing damaged wine being returned from export markets. While alternative closures are a welcome option for New World producers, many Old World wine regions remain committed to cork, and some are prohibited from using anything but. For example, by law, Italy’s DOC wines must be sealed with cork. One high-profile Burgundy producer to make a shift, Domaine Laroche, has bottled its Chablis wines for the U.S. market under screwcap since the 2003 vintage, and has been tracking aging variation of the wines.
ON/OFF ATTITUDES On-premise reaction to non-cork closures seems to depend on the type of customer being served. Elli Benchimol, beverage director for Chef Geoff’s, with four locations in the Washington, D.C. area, sees different reactions depending on restaurant location. “The D.C. customers are mostly students and theater-goers and are super open. We offer some very fun, eclectic by-the-glass offerings and I love screwcaps,” says Benchimol. “If I am choosing between two wines for my by-the-glass program of equal quality and price, I will take the screwcap over the cork closure in a second. It saves crucial time for my bartenders at the service bar and that’s a hospitality issue.” But at another location, with more sophisticated clients, Benchimol sees more resistance. “The baby-boomer generation, those approaching retirement, and those getting into wine as collectors still have the view that Stelvin closures mean that a wine is cheap,” she says. “It’s not the case, but it isn’t our job as sommeliers to correct them, but only to enlighten through tastings and special offerings.” Retailers are seeing mixed reactions to non-cork closures. For Jim Barr, retail wine specialist at K&L Wine Merchants in California, there is little customer pushback. K&L reaches over 500,000 customers in the U.S. “We are seeing a much more sophisticated clientele then the average wine and spirits store. But when closures like the screwcap and the glass stopper from Germany first started there was some questioning,” says Barr. “But the vast majority of the customers we sell wine to are totally accepting. In fact, they like the screwcap and are tired of bringing back corked wine.” Barr says corked wine is still “a major problem.” Dan Amatuzzi, wine director at EATaly in New York City, sees his customers asking about the various
Nomacorc, the leading synthetic cork, is made from a low-density plastic also used in milk cartons.
closures. “We teach a lot of classes and that is definitely the most common question. People are curious about which closures are better or worse,” says Amatuzzi. “People are looking for answers and the problem is there are no answers.” EATaly collects and donates natural corks to local artists. “We like to bring awareness to cork and the environmental benefits of it,” says Amatuzzi. Bob Calamia, wine buyer for Binny’s Beverage Depot in Chicago, thinks acceptance of closures depends on the consumer. “No one comes in and asks for screwcaps; they either understand and accept it or they don’t,” says Calamia. “There is resistance to it in certain segments and with certain customers. For those that buy wine less frequently there is still the ‘cheap’ stigma.” Calamia adds that wines bought as a gift are almost always finished with cork. While the closure debate rages on, the science behind the closures and the marketing issues seem to be in constant battle. “A lot of producers are reluctant to risk their brand equity with something new and different,” says Purple Wine Company’s Ehrlich. This will ensure that the closure debate may continue for years to come while consumers get more educated or until the results of the wine studies—especially when it comes to aging wine—give more definitive answers. ■
Vineyards of Philippe Caharel in Savenièrres (left) and Louis-Marie Blanchard in Vouvray (right) both yield Chenin Blanc, but the grapes are made into wines of drastically different styles.
The Other Blanc Still Somewhat Obscure, Chenin Blanc has a Bright Future According to Diverse Advocates BY JIM CLARKE
There’s nothing newfangled about it, of course; the Loire Valley has been cultivating Chenin seriously since the 15th century (that’s right—the 15th). Today the region has over 5,400 acres of Chenin planted, and the grape is featured in no less than 25 separate appellations within the Loire Valley, the most recognized being Vouvray and Savennières. Those wines don’t necessarily build awareness of the grape in wine drinkers, though: “We do not produce ‘grape varietal’ wines in France,” says Evelyne de Pontbriand, winemaker at Domaine du Closel in Savennières.
“We produce ‘landscape taste’ wines with the most adapted tool—which is the local grape varietal. This is a totally different approach.” Even if the grape name isn’t getting through, the wines are: Loire Valley wines exports to the U.S. were up 43% in 2010 over 2009 (that does include wines made from other varieties; Chenin-only statistics are not available). “The quality is there, more and more,” de Pontbriand adds. “Loire Valley wines and Chenin Blanc in particular have never been so good, in general. So reliability is not the problem.”
Slippery Style But consistency—stylistic consistency— is. Loire Valley Chenin Blanc ranges from light-bodied to full, bone-dry to sweet, even sparkling (seven separate Loire appellations use Chenin in bubbly). In South Africa, some winemakers ferment and age it in oak barrels in a manner akin to Chardonnay. Ken Forrester, chairman of South Africa’s Chenin Blanc Association, says they are trying to develop an indication system similar to the International Riesling Foundation’s Sweetness Scale, which could help consumers understand in what style a Chenin was made in before they purchase it. Kiona has gone ahead and simply used the IRF scale, where their Chenin falls in the medium-dry category. Their Chenin ice wine—a unique dessert wine, as most dessert Chenins are botritized rather than naturally frozen—is fully sweet, though balanced by what Williams calls, “off-the-chart acidity.” And therein, he adds, lies
Photographs Courtesy of Loire Valley Wine Bureau
any people aren’t familiar with it,” says JJ Williams, sales manager for Kiona Vineyards and Winery in Washington. “If they taste it and don’t read the label, they think it’s Riesling.” In Santa Barbara, Foxen Winery co-owner Dick Doré calls it “one of the most underappreciated grapes out there.” It’s not Sauvignon Blanc. Not Pinot Blanc. It’s Chenin Blanc, and it’s making its case.
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Chenin’s secret: it holds onto its acidity whether picked early or late. In all of its guises, Chenin Blanc also retains its identity as a very aromatic grape, often with floral or mineral notes alongside evident fruit. The fruit foundation is also the reason that even when vinified dry, the wine can trick tasters into perceiving it as sweet.
Fans Around the Globe South Africa is home to 53% of the world’s Chenin Blanc vineyards, even though acreage has been receding over the past ten years. Molly Choi, executive VP for sales & marketing at Cape Classics, a leading South African importer, has high hopes for the grape. “My ultimate goal is to have it rival Pinot Grigio, where consumers ask for it varietally. When explaining what it is, something that has always worked well is referring to it as ‘Pinot Grigio with muscles, in a hula skirt’—it’s similarly approachable and quaffable, but has more tropical elements and oomph.” Stellenbosch winemaker Bruwer Raats would like to see a little less stylistic variety. He faults some producers in the warmer regions for “picking it too ripe, trying too hard—too obvious, too big. It provides instant gratification in the market, but I’d like to see a bit more restraint, more finesse.” Nonetheless, he feels it should become the country’s signature variety, likening it to Malbec in Argentina.
Bruwer Raats is among many South African winegrowers who believe that Chenin Blanc should become the nation’s signature wine.
Identity Issues Stylistic range is not Chenin’s only challenge; it still has identity issues to deal with. Paumanok Vineyards on Long Island grows the state’s best-known (and, as of now, only) Chenin Blanc. Winemaker Kareem Massoud says that aside from wine geeks and professionals who are in the know, the average consumer who has heard of Chenin generally associates it with sweet jug wines from California’s Central Valley—a mainstay of the 1970s. “Chenin was a jug wine source for many years,” says Dick Doré, but a great deal of it was ripped out when Chardonnay became popular and commanded higher prices. Even today much of California’s 7,200 acres of Chenin Blanc is overcropped—yielding as much as nine tons per acre—and still goes into sweet blends. Foxen is one of a handful of Californians making a drier style; “We initially encountered a lot of market resistance and were told by retailers it’s a hand-sell,” says Doré, “but we’ve made a name for it gradually over the years.” Washington only has 207 acres of Chenin Blanc —one third what it had in 1993—but Williams says that while “most wineries don’t know how to sell it, those that
do make it sell the snot out of it.” Dry Creek Vineyard, which makes what is likely the best-distributed and most-awarded American Chenin Blanc, has been undaunted by the grape’s underdog status for 40 vintages. Winery president Kim Stare Wallace admits the wine (theirs is sourced in Clarksburg and labeled “Dry Chenin Blanc”) is still “somewhat of a handsell, but once someone tastes it, they are sold, as there simply isn’t a better white wine out there for the price.” She attributes their success to the fact that it’s not treated as a “poor man’s Chardonnay” at Dry Creek Vineyard; it has been made consistently in a crisp, Loire-inspired style, never barrel-aged or blended. She is optimistic about Chenin’s future: “Flavor-wise, it appeals to knowledgeable wine drinkers as well as novices, which is nice. Not too many wines can bridge that gap.”
Food Factor Chenin Blanc’s food-friendliness is a big help. Kareem Massoud’s father Charles calls it “a great island wine,” well suited to seafood, especially Long Island’s shellfish like oysters, clams or Peconic Bay mussels. “We have found an increased popularity in Japanese, Mexican and Chinese restaurants,” says Sarah Hwang, assistant director of sales and marketing at Domaine Huet, producer of Vouvray in dry, demi-sec and sweet styles. She credits this affinity to the wine’s racy acidity. Pontbriand notes that it is more than acid driving the wine: “I would add that Chenin Blanc has some bitterness in its flavors, and that bitterness has practically disappeared from our food and drinks except for tonic water and dark chocolate. However, it is coming back with some cocktails. It is going to be the fashionable taste of tomorrow.” ■
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46 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
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$44.10 $30.95 $13.15 $20.40 $14.75 $5.65 $16.90 $12.20 $4.70 $97.60 $74.10 $23.50 $36.10 $26.70 $9.40 $29.70 $20.75 $8.95 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $32.25 $22.85 $9.40 $11.65 $ 3.65 $8.00 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $22.00 $15.40 $6.60 $31.00 $21.60 $9.40 $16.90 $12.65 $4.25 $28.70 $20.20 $8.50 $35.45 $25.10 $10.35 $25.70 $19.10 $6.60 $16.85 $13.10 $3.75 $19.35 $13.70 $5.65 $47.45 $33.35 $14.10 $20.90 $14.30 $6.60 $17.60 $12.90 $4.70 $20.15 $10.75 $9.40 $26.50 $17.65 $8.85 $36.60 $29.10 $7.50 $43.30 $32.00 $11.30 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $20.00 $14.35 $5.65 $10.80 $7.05 $3.75 $13.20 $9.40 $3.80 $16.90 $13.15 $3.75 $14.30 $10.05 $4.25 $8.75 $4.05 $4.70 $69.00 $54.90 $14.10 $93.45 $69.95 $23.50 $103.95 $80.45 $23.50 $64.90 $46.10 $18.80 $16.40 $11.70 $4.70 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $23.90 $17.30 $6.60 $57.60 $41.65 $15.95 $26.95 $18.95 $8.00 $21.25 $15.60 $5.65 $25.40 $20.70 $4.70 $24.60 $19.90 $4.70 $20.55 $12.10 $8.45
6060e 6060L 6064B 9617B 9627B 9674B 9674D 9674L 9679B 9670B
Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark 46 Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute rare Breed Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Season Oak WOODSTONe MiCrO-BOUrBON
0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B 2110D 3513B
Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's green Jack Daniel's green gentleman Jack
5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B
Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux
$ 14.60 $ 35.20 $ 32.55 $ 77.80 $ 30.85 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 34.15 $ 77.95 $ 88.20
90.0 90.0 94.0 101.0 110.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 100.4 94.0
3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B 4988L 4988D 4997B 8307B
gentleman Jack gentleman Jack george Bickel Old 48 george rickel Old #8 george Dickol 12 geo. Dickel Barrel Select Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Prichards Tenn Whiskey
$ 20.40 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 30.30 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 28.25
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
0090B 1503B 5117B 8308B 9631B 9633B
Old Overholt Bulleit 95 rye Jim Beam richards rye Whiskey Wild Turkey rye Whiskey Wild Turkey russels reserve
tenneSSee WhiSkey
$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70
$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40
$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30
$ 50.25 $ 35.05 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 20.40 $ 30.30 $ 42.15 $ 35.65 $ 34.35
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 94.0 80.0
$ 13.20 $ 20.20 $ 16.70 $ 43.05 $ 15.15 $ 31.70
80.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 101.0 90.0
rye WhiSkey
aUgUST 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 47
Wild Turkey Rye 81
$ 19.35
$ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30 $ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 10.40 $ 20.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 33.70 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 31.85 $ 10.40 $ 12.60
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 00.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.
Blended Whiskey 0026D Old Thompson 0026L Old Thompson 0113B Kessler 0113D Kessler 0113L Kessler 0122B Beam's Eight Star 0122D Beam's Eight Slar 0122L Beam's Eight Star 0152B Seagram's 7 Crown 0152D Seagram's 7 Crown 0152L Seagram's 7 Crown 0199D Senator's Club 0199L Senator's Club 1477B Brewriver I Got Friends Wh Blended 2100D Calvert Exlra 2137D Imperial 3701L Gold Award 3972D Hailer's S.R.S. 3972L Halters S.R.S. 4089D Guckenheimer 4089L Guckenheimer 5262B J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry 5266B Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb 5378B Kessler Traveler 6343L Mccormick 9668B Ohio Blended Whiskey 8887B Seagram's 7 Traveler 8890B Seagram's 7 Dark Honey
Whiskey 0281B Jameson 0281D Jameson 0281B Jameson 0282B Bushmills 0282L Bushmills 0908B Black Bust( 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt 1520B Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt 2074B Clonlarf 2268B Connema Ra Single Malt 3003B Feckin 4895B Irishman Original Clan 5075B Jameson Gold 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. 5081B Jameson 18 Yr. 5083B Jameson 12 Yr. 5085B Jameson Tin 5212B John Power & Son Gold 5384B Kilbeggan 5388B Knappogue Castle 12 6574B Midleton 6576B Michael Collins Blended 7721L Paddy 8294B Powers 6383B Redbreast 8384B Redbreast 12 8476B Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey 9026B Slane Castle 9317B Tullamore Dew 9317L Tullamore Dew
$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 64.90 $261.15 $ 86.70 $ 41.35. $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 18.90 $ 33.70 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 77.95 $ 36.15 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 28.05
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
Canadian Whiskey 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176E 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189E 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1542B 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D
Seagrams Vo Seagrams Vo Seagrams Vo Lord Calvert Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Macnaughton Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Traveler Black Velvet Reserve Black Velvet Reserve C C Dock 57 Blackberry Cabin Fever Maple Flv. Canadian Bay Canadian Bay Canada House Canada House Canadian Club Reserve 10 Canadian Club Traveler Canadian Gold Canadian Gold Can. Club Sherry Cask Canadian Hunter Traveler Canadian Ltd.
48 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
11.75 23.55 17.40 14.50 7.00 14.90 8.85 8.75 19.30 12.25 16.65 1165 22.30 9.25 16.75 7.90 17.55 8.60 11.40 7.90 11.40 22.30 15.85 16.85 13.60 8.70 6.60 12.75 14.05 11.45 14.05 8.60 16.70 6.45 14.05
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0
1735L Canadian Ltd. 1748B Canadian Mist Traveler 1749D Canadian Reserve 2055B Classic 12 2389B Crown Royal Black 2389D Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask No.16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 4699L Northern Light 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount 8050B Pendleton 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V.0. Gold 8923B Seagram's V.0. Traveler 9648B Windsor Traveler 9652B Windsor Supreme 9652D Windsor Supreme 9652L Windsor Supreme 9656B Wiser's Deluxe
$ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 15.85 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 48.75 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
Scotch Whiskey 0201B Pinch 15 Yr. 0202B Dewar's 0202D Dewar's 0202E Dewar's 0202L Dewar's 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 0204L Johnnle Walker Red 0206D Usher's Green 0208B Lauder's 0208D Lauder's 0208L Lauder's 0212B Grant's 0212D Grant's 0213D Old Smuggler 0213L Odsmuggler 0215B Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215D Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215L Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0225B Cully Sark 0225D Culty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 0238B J&B Rare 0238D J&B Rare 0238L J&B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 0239D Grand Macnish 0239L Grand Macnish 0241D Highland Mist 0241L Highland Mist 0246D Inver House 0246L Inver House 0249D J.W. Dant 0253B Ballanline's 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 1491B Buchanan Special Reserve 1655E Makers Mark 200Ml 2004B Chiv Regal Salute 21 Yr 2005B Chiv Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr. 2052D Clan Macgregor 2052L Clan Macgregor 2078B Clynelish 2488B Dalmore 1981 Amoroso 2489B Dalmore 1263 King Alex Iii 2490B Dalmore 18 2493B Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve 2672B Dewar'sfounders Reserve 2673B Dewar's Signature 2674B Dewar's Sp. Res. 12 Yr. 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr. 3609B Glen Grant 5145B John Barr Red 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5225B Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 Anniv. 5229B Johnnie Waiker Gold 5406B King Robert II 6395B Mclvor 7980D Passport 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8853D Scoresby 9188B Famous Grouse 80 9188D Famous Grouse 80
$ 29.70 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 37.95 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 21.90 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 32.15 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 34.25 80.0 $ 70.25 80.0 $ 43.90 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 24.05 86.0 $ 7.30 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.05 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.90 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 1198.30 84.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 143.35 86.0 $108.50 80.0 $ 51.10 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 210.65 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 81.70 80.0 $ 12.35 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 40.65 80.0
Single Malt / Scotch 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr.
$ 36.10 86.0
0020B Aberlour Abunadh $ 60.50 119.4 0031B Aberfeldy $ 30.95 80.0 0032B Aberfeldy 21 $ 128.95 80.0 0103B Ardmore $ 36.10 92.0 0107B Ardbeg 10 Yr. $ 38.70 92.0 0114B Ardbeg UIGEADAIL $ 64.90 108.0 0375B Auchenloshan3wood $ 51.80 86.0 0377B Auchenlashan Classic $ 26.50 80.0 0379B Auchroisk $ 24.75 80.0 0493B Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. $ 59.65 95.0 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. $ 44.90 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. $ 137.55 86.0 1481B Bowmore Legend $ 21.25 80.0 1488B Bunnahebhain $ 47.45 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1751B Caol Ila 12-Yr. $ 49.10 86.0 1759B Cardhu $ 37.75 86.0 2355B Cragganmore $ 50.85 80.0 2491B Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. $ 117.60 90.0 2495B Dalmore 12 Yr. $ 43.05 80.0 2498B Dalwhinnie $ 56.10 66.0 2500B Dalwhinnie Distill Edition $ 65.90 86.0 3606B Glenliddich 12 Yr. Reserve $ 35.20 80.0 3607B Glen Garioch $ 16.35 86.0 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr. $ 50.85 86.0 3615B Glen Spey $ 162.55 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Solera 15 Yr. $ 46.55 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancient 18 Yr. $ 67.50 86.0 3632B Glenfarclas 17 Yr. $ 69.65 86.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15 Distillery Ed. $ 51.80 102.0 3635B Glenfarclas 21 Yr. $ 80.45 86.0 3639B Glenlivet 25 Yr. $ 322.25 86.0 3640B Glenlivet 18 Yr. $ 73.60 86.0 3641B Glenlivet 12 Yr. $ 36.10 80.0 3641D Glenhivel $ 72.90 80.0 3641L Glenlivel12 Yr. $ 45.50 80.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 21 Yr. $ 130.30 86.0 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Year Old $ 34.35 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. $ 44.80 80.0 3647B Glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. $ 51.80 112.4 3649B Glenmorangielasanla $ 43.05 92.0 3654B Glenlivelldadurratriumph $ 69.25 96.0 3655B Glenmorangie Finealta $ 69.25 86.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 43.05 92.0 3658B Glenmorangtenectar D'or $ 56.15 92.0 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 40.45 80.0 3699B Glenrothes $ 67.75 86.0 4291B Highland Park $ 36.95 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18 $ 86.70 86.0 5207B J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch $ 44.55 111.6 5231B Johnnie Walker Green $ 55.35 86.0 5507B Lagavulin Distillers Ed. $ 86.90 86.0 5508B Lagavulin $ 75.60 86.0 5542B Laphroaig 18 $ 70.40 96.0 5543B Lephroaigcask Strength $ 55.45 115.6 5544B Laphroalg $ 37.85 86.0 6012B Macallan Cask Strenglh $ 56.15 117.6 6013B Macallan 12 Yr. $ 47.45 86.0 6013D Macallan 12 Yr. $ 94.75 86.0 6013E Macallan 12 Yr. $ 47.55 86.0 6016B Macallan 18 Yr. $ 139.05 86.0 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. $ 38.70 80.0 6016B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. $ 69.75 86.0 6019B Macallan Shackleton Rare $ 147.75 86.0 6024B Macallan Anniversary $ 623.20 86.0 6025B Macallan 30 Yr. $1,104.05 86.0 6344B Mcclellands Islay $ 20.85 80.0 6346B Mcclellands Highland $ 20.65 80.0 6747B Oban Distillers Ed. $ 78.20 86.0 6748B Oban $ 63.25 86.0 7700B Oyo Whiskey $ 39.85 92.0 8306B Prichards Single Malt Whsk $ 43.05 80.0 8983B Singleton $ 34.40 80.0 9063B Speyburn $ 23.80 86.0 9064B Speyburn Braden Orach $ 16.90 80.0 9145B Talisker $ 56.45 91.6 9148B Talisker Distiller Edition $ 60.65 91.6 9150B Tamdhu $ 19.50 80.0 9150B Tamdhu $ 19.50 80.0 9240B Tomatin Scotch 12 $ 19.50 80.0 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label $ 58.15 94.0 9671B Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky $ 103.95 93.0 Other Whiskey 0876B Bernheim Original Wheat 1840B Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine 3526B Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 5255B Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon
$ $ $ $
27.35 17.75 10.10 17.75
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
16.90 16.00 7.05 24.05 18.65 29.00 27.80 64.20 24.00 36.35 25.60
90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
Brandy 0051B Alize Cognac Vs 0084B Ansac Vs Cognac 0089B Bela Osa 0341B Asbach Uralt Brandy 0453B Metaxa Five Star Brandy 0456B Courvoisier Vsop Cognac 4Yr 0461B Hennessy V S 0461D Hennessy V S 0461E Hennessy V S 0461L Hennessy V S 0462B Martell Vs Cognac
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
0463B Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463D Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463E Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463L Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0464B St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0464D St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0469B Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469D Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469L Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0470B Christian Brothers Brandy 0470D Christian Brothers Brandy 0470L Christian Brothers Brandy 0479B Lairds Apple Jack 6Yr 0480B Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480D Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480L Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0481B Coronet Vsq 0481D Coronet Vsq 0481L Coronet Vsq 0482B Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482D Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482L Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0483B Paramount Cherry Brandy 0483D Paramount Cherry Brandy 0488B Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488D Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488L Paramount Apricot Brandy 0490B Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy 0668B Arrow Blackbrry Bdy 0682B Dek Apricot Bdy 0696B Paramount Peach Bdy 0711B Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy 0863B Navip Slivovitz 8Yr 0874B Remy Martin Louis X111 0877L Bertagnolli Grappino 1577B Calvados Bld Grnd Appl Bdy 1618E Christian Brothers Amber 200Ml 1623B Conjure Cognac 1623E Conjure Cognac 1625E Courvoisier Vs 200Ml 2Yr 1629E E & J Vs 2 200Ml 1630E E & J Vsop 200Ml 1642E Hennessy Vsop 200Ml 1644E Hennessy Vs Flask 1665E Paul Masson Vs 200 3Yr 1666E Paul Masson Vsop 200Ml 4Yr 1669E Remy Martin Vs 200Ml 1670E Remy Martin Vsop 200Ml 1671E Remy Martin 1738 Accor 2018B Christian Bros Frost White 2020B Christian Bro Grn Rsv Vsop 2023B Christian Bro Honey 2265B Conjure Cognac 2327B Courvoisier C 2335B Courvoisier Xo Cognac 2348B Courvoisier Exclusif 4Yr 2349B Courvoisier 12 2350B Courvoisier 21 2728B Don Pedro Reserva Especial 2850B Dujardin Vsop 2871B E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871D E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871L E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2873B E & J 2873D E & J 2873L E & J 2875B E & J Superior Rs Vsop Traveler 2876B E & J Traveler Bdy 2877B E & J Xo 2954B Excellentia Gold Sliv Brandy 4011B Hardy Vs 4074B Hennessy Black 4074L Hennessy Black 4076B Hennessy Richard 4080B Hennessy Paradis 4084E Hennessy V S 200Ml 4087B Hennessy Vs Historic 4092B Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4092L Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4103B Hennessy X O 4944B J C Cognac Vsop 4998B Jacque Cardin Grape France 5001B Poli Po Traminar Grappa 5486B Korbel 5486D Korbel 5509B Lairds Apple Brandy 100 5510B Lairds Rare Apple Brandy 5512B Lairds Old Apple Brandy 90Mo 5532B Landy Vs Cognac 5871B Leroux Polish Blackberry 6072L Manastirka 6095B Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 6259B Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 6267B Martell Xo 12Yr 6270B Martell Vsop 6525B Meukow V.S. 6545B Metaxa Amphora 7 Star 6603B Moletto Grappa D'nebbiolo 7816B Paramount Ginger Brandy 7976B Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7976D Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7993B Presidente Brandy 8354B Raynal Napoleon Vsop 8386B Remy Martin Extra 8389B Remy Martin 1738 Accord
$ 35.20 $ 78.15 $ 27.75 $ 47.25 $ 10.60 $ 21.45 $ 10.80 $ 19.90 $ 12.80 $ .9.50 $ .21.45 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 25.60 $ 51.05 $ 33.40 $ 8.15 $ 19.70 $ 9.75 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 10.85 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 10.55 $ 8.20 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $ 1953.60 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 6.80 $ 6.40 $ 2.90 $ 3.15 $ 12.90 $ 7.70 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 7.95 $ 9.40 $ 12.90 $ 10.60 $ 11.65 $ 11.65 $ 25.60 $ 32.55 $ 88.05 $ 24.00 $ 43.05 $219.35 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 13.65 $ 10.50 $ 21.65 $ 12.35 $ 10.65 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 31.75 $ 44.65 $3209.85 $ 688.65 $ 7.95 $ 27.35 $ 45.70 $ 64.70 $156.50 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 28.45 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 20.40 $ 40.20 $ 18.65 $ 13.95 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 23.65 $ 112.85 $121.60 $ 31.75 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 7.40 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 49
8394B Remy Martin Xo Excellence 8405B Remy Martin Vs Grand Cru 8648B Salignac 9736B Zuta Osa
$121.60 $ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35
80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0
Gin 0193L Aristocrat Gin 0303D Fleischmanns Gin 0304D Crystal Palace Gin 0304L Crystal Palace Gin 0305B Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305D Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305E Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305L Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0308B Gordons Gin 0308D Gordons Gin 0308L Gordons Gin 0313B Beefeater Gin 0313D Beefeater Gin 0313E Beefeater Gin 0313L Beefeater Gin 0319D Paramount 90 Gin 0319L Paramount 90 Gin 0320D Calvert Gin 0322B Bombay Gin 0322D Bombay Gin 0322L Bombay Gin 0326B Tanqueray Gin 0326D Tanqueray Gin 0326E Tanqueray Gin 0326L Tanqueray Gin 0327D Glenmore Gin 0327L Glenmore Gin 0329D Booths Gin 0330D Hallers Gin 0330L Hallers Gin 0339B Gilbeys Gin 0339D Gilbeys Gin 0339L Gilbeys Gin 0340L Senators Club Gin 4Yr 0563D Barton Gin 0563L Barton Gin 0962B Bluecoat Gin 1324B Bombardier Military 1327B Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327D Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327L Bombay Sapphire Gin 1369B Boodles British Gin 1476B Brewriver East End Dry Gin 1495B Brokers Gin 1522B Burnetts Gin Traveler 1659E Paramount Gin 1660E New Amsterdam 200Ml 1673E Seagrams Extra Dry 200 1680E Tanqueray Gin 200Ml 1760B Caorunn Gin 3555B Gilbeys Gin Traveler 3728B Nolets Silver Gin 3780B Gordons Traveler 4073B Hendrick's Gin 4073D Hendrick's Gin 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6062B Magellan 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6379L Mc Cormick Gin 6444D Meiers No 94 Gin 6621B Monopolowa Vienna Dry Gin 6690L Mr Boston English Mrkt Gin 6716B New Amsterdam Gin 6716D New Amsterdam Gin 6716L New Amsterdam Gin 7868D Paramount Gin 80 7868L Paramount Gin 80 8235B Pinnacle Gin 8235D Pinnacle Gin 8274B Plymouth Gin 8436B Right Gin 8883B Seagrams Apple Twst Gin 8889B Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8889D Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8900B Seagram Extra Dry Gn Trv 8902B Seagram's Grape Gin 8905B Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905D Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905L Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8914B Seagrams Orange Twist Gin 8995B Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995D Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995L Burnetts White Satin Gin 9072B Smooth Ambler Greenbrier 9153B Tanqueray No 10 9157B Tanqueray Rangpur 9195L 3 Islands Gin 9504B Watershed Distillery Gin 9529D Well Gin 9529L Well Gin 9604B Whitley Neill Gin 9669B Woodstone Creek Gin 9669E Woodstone Creek Gin Rum
50 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 13.25 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.15 $ 30.15 $ 28.85 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 23.90 $ 5.75 $ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 26.45 $ 16.90 $ 28.00 $ 16.90 $ 8.15 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.35 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 12.55 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 25.60 $ 24.75 $ 8.15 $ 9.90 $ 20.55 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 17.10 $ 8.85 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 19.40 $ 5.50 $ 24.65 $ 13.05 $ 7.90 $ 12.65 $ 28.70 $ 5.70
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0
0065B Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065D Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065L Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0077B Admiral Nelson Cherry 0094B Appleton Estate Extra 12Yr 0095B Appleton White Rum 0096B Appleton Estate Reserve 0097B Appleton Special Gold Rum 0098B Appleton Estate 21 0099B Appleton Vx 0099D Appleton Vx 0197L Aristocrat Rum 0355B Atlantico 0390B Bacardi 8 Rum 8Yr 0392B Bacardi Arctic Grape 0394B Bacardi Big Apple 0397B Bacardi Gold Reserve 0400B Bacardi Coco Rum 0401B Bacardi Select Rum 0401L Bacardi Select Rum 0402B Bacardi Gold Traveler 0405B Bacardi Dragonberry 0405D Bacardi Dragonberry 0412B Bacardi Limon Rum 0412D Bacardi Limon Rum 0412L Bacardi Limon Rum 0420B Bacardi O Rum 0420L Bacardi O Rum 0422B Bacardi Oakheart 0425B Bacardi Peach Red 0432B Bacardi Razz Rum 0439B Bacardi Superior Traveler 0441B Bacardi Grand Melon 0444E Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak 0447B Bacardi Torched Cherry 0448B Bacardi Rock Coconut 0501D Mr Boston Light 0501L Mr Boston Light 0502D Mr Boston Dark 0502L Mr Boston Dark 0510B Bacardi 151 Rum 0510L Bacardi 151 Rum 0512B Bacardi Gold Rum 0512D Bacardi Gold Rum 0512L Bacardi Gold Rum 0524B Barbancourt Res. Speciale 0536D Ronrico Gold Rum 0536L Ronrico Gold Rum 0537B Ronrico Silver Rum 0537D Ronrico Silver Rum 0537L Ronrico Silver Rum 0539B Myers Original Dark Rum 0539D Myers Original Dark Rum 0539L Myers Original Dark Rum 0544B Bacardi Superior Light 0544D Bacardi Superior Light 0544E Bacardi Superior Light 0544L Bacardi Superior Light 0547B Bacardi Wolf Berry 0869B Bacardi Anejo 0899B Black Beard Spiced Rum 0947B Blackheart Prem Spiced Rum 0965D Bocador White Rum Florida 0965L Bocador White Rum Florida 1010B 10 Cane Rum 1010E 10 Cane Rum 1494B Brugal Anejo Rum 1550L Calico Jack Spiced Rum 1565B Cabana Cachaca 1578B Calypso Spiced Rum 1656E Lady Bligh Spiced 1755B Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755D Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755E Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755L Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1757B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1757D Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1758B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl 1761B Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1762B Captain Morgan Traveler Rum 1763B Captain Morgan Lime Bite 1766L Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont 1768B Captain Morgan Slvr Spice 1769B Captain Morgan Pvt Stock 1772L Captain Morgan Tattoo 1827D Castillo Gold Label 1827L Castillo Gold Label 1829B Castillo Silver Rum 1829D Castillo Silver Rum 1829L Castillo Silver Rum 1838B Castillo Spiced Rum 1838L Castillo Spiced Rum 2067B Clement Creole Shrubb 2069B Clement Vsop 2315B Coruba Spiced 2388B Crusoe Organic Spiced Rum 2398L Cruzan 151 Prf Rum 2400L Cruzan Black Cherry 2401L Cruzan Bananna 2402L Cruzan Pineapple 2403L Cruzan Blackstrap 2415B Cruzan Estate Diamond 2416L Cruzan Mango 2417B Cruzan Estate Sngl Brl Rum 2418B Cruzan Junkanu Citris
$ 7.30 70.0 $ 15.35 70.0 $ 8.00 70.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 13.25 80.0 $ 60.00 86.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 7.50 70.0 $ 14.80 80.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 17.65 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.85 70.0 $ 13.20 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 14.10 70.0 $ 4.95 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 17.65 151.0 $ 22.80 151.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.95 80.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 19.35 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 15.70 80.0 $ 22.85 80.0 $ 20.05 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 8.80 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 15.85 80.0 $ 12.50 86.0 $ 14.30 93.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 10.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 8.00 70.0 $ 15.35 80.0 $ 12.70 70.0 $ 3.80 72.5 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 28.45 70.0 $ 8.75 70.0 $ 18.30 70.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 31.65 100.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 17.70 94.6 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 17.55 90.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 20.10 80.0 $ 17.75 70.0 $ 16.30 80.0 $ 8.65 80.0 $ 7.05 80.0 $ 16.30 80.0 $ 8.65 80.0 $ 6.50 70.0 $ 8.65 70.0 $ 29.95 80.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 4.25 80.0 $ 29.45 151.0 $ 17.45 151.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 14.95 80.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.85 70.0
2419L Cruzan Coconut 2421L Cruzan Vanilla 2422B Cruzan Estate Dark 2423B Cruzan Estate Light 2423D Cruzan Estate Light 2424L Cruzan Guava 2425B Cruzan 9 2734B Don Q Cristal 2943B Erie Island Silver Rum 3787B Goslings Black Seal 5209B John Mcculloch Rum 5488B Kraken Black Spiced 5488D Kraken Black Spiced 5493L Lady Bligh Banana 5495L Lady Bligh Cherry 5498B Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler 5499B Lady Bligh Spiced 5499D Lady Bligh Spiced 5499L Lady Bligh Spiced 5500L Lady Bligh Coconut 5502L Lady Bligh Mango 5503L Lady Bligh Pineapple 5504L Lady Bligh Vanilla 5505B Lady Bligh 151 Rum 6068B Malibu Black 6069B Malibu Rum 6069D Malibu Rum 6069L Malibu Rum 6071B Malibu Red 6360D Mc Cormick Rum 6360L Mc Cormick Rum 6441D Meiers Gd Label V Islands 6441L Meiers Gd Label V Islands 6442D Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum 6442L Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum 6643D Montego Bay Silver 6651B Mt Gay Xtra Old Rum 6652B Mt Gay Eclipse 6652D Mt Gay Eclipse 6653B Mt Gay Eclipse Silver 6654B Mt Gay Black 6699L Myers's Platinum 7692B Oronoco Platinum Reserve 7722B Panama Jack Spiced 7730L Paramount 151 7788L Paramount Dragon Fruit 7835B Paramount Gold Lbl 7835D Paramount Gold Lbl 7835L Paramount Gold Lbl 7836B Paramount White Lbl 7836D Paramount White Lbl 7836L Paramount White Lbl 7839L Paramount Whipt Creme 8326B Pyrat X O Reserve 8330B Pucker Citrus Squeeze 8331B Pucker Grape Gone Wild 8332B Pucker Sour Apple Sass 8333B Pucker Wild Cherry Tease 8474B Rogue Dark Rum 8475B Rogue 8498B Ron Matusalem Classico 8500B Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva 8502B Ron Matusalem Platino 8533D Ronrico Clipper Spiced Rum 8645B Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum 8645D Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum 8645L Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum 8646B Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr 8881B Seagrams Brazil Citrus Rum 8882B Seagrams Brazilian 9065B Spiced Jack No 94 9229B Tommy Bahama Golden Sun 9230B Tommy Bahama White Sand 9307L Trader Vics Priv Sel Silvr 9530D Well Rum 9530L Well Rum 9570B Whaler's Vanilla 9675B Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof 9729B Zaya Rum
$ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 10.10 $ 9.65 $ 21.95 $ 15.20 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 12.70 $ 9.30 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 13.40 $ 14.30 $ 13.40 $ 24.95 $ 16.70 $ 16.00 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 21.20 $ 16.00 $ 26.70 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 10.70 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 10.70 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 27.35 $ 16.90 $ 18.10 $ 8.80 $ 14.05 $ 15.15 $ 28.40 $ 19.35 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 14.65 $ 8.30 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60
55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 151.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 80.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 60.0 126.0 80.0
Scotch 0018B Aberlour 18 Yr 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr Sm 0020B Aberlour A'bunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 12 Yr 0032B Aberfeldy 21 Yr 0103B Ardmore Scotch 0107B Ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt 1474B Bowmore 12 Yr 0201B Pinch - Haig 15 Yr 0202B Dewars 0202D Dewars 0202E Dewars 0202L Dewars 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0204L Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0206D Ushers Green Stripe 0208B Lauders 3 Yr 0208D Lauders 3 Yr 0208L Lauders 3 Yr 0212B Grants Stand Fast 0212D Grants Stand Fast
$ 86.65 $ 36.10 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70 $ 43.05 $ 39.55 $ 29.70 $ 19.40 $41.45 $ 21.15 $ 27.35 $ 21.15 $ 42.40 $ 27.35 $ 22.25 $ 8.15 $ 17.10 $ 10.35 $ 14.25 $ 31.90
86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
0213D Old Smuggler 0213L Old Smuggler 0215B Chivas Regal 0215D Chivas Regal 0215L Chivas Regal 0225B Cutty Sark 0225D Cutty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr 0238B J & B Rare 0238D J & B Rare 0238L J & B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0239D Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0239L Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0241D Highland Mist 3 Yr 0241L Highland Mist 3 Yr 0246D Inverhouse 3 Yr 0246L Inverhouse 3 Yr 0249D J W Dant Scotch 0253B Ballantines 0281B Jameson Irish Whsky 0281D Jameson Irish Whsky 0281L Jameson Irish Whsky 0282B Bushmills Irish Wsky 0282L Bushmills Irish Wsky 0375B Auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms 0377B Auchentoshan Classic Sms 0493B Balvenie Single 15Yr 0496B Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr 0908B Black Bush Irish Whsky 1481B Bowmore Legend Sms 1486B Bunnahabhain Red Seal 1488B Bunnahabhain 12 Yr 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt 1520B Bushmills 10 Yr Irish 1636E Glenfiddich 45 Combo 1648E Jameson Irish Whsky 1751B Caol Ila 12 Yr Scotch 2004B Chivas Royal Salute 21Yr 2005B Chivas Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr 2052D Clan Macgregor Scotch 2052L Clan Macgregor Scotch 2074B Clontarf Classic Blend 2078B Clynelish 2261B Concannon Irish Whiskey 2355B Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr 2491B Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr 2495B Dalmore 12 2498B Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr 2673B Dewar's Signature 2674B Dewars Spec Rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr 3003B Feckin Irish Whsky 3606B Glenfiddich Spec Res 12 Yr 3607B Glen Garioch 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr 3620B Glenfiddich Soler Rsv 15 Yr 3625B Glenfiddich Ancnt Rsv 18 Yr 3633B Glenfiddich Grand Reserva 3634B Glenfiddich 15Yr Distly Edition 3640B Glenlivet 18 Year 3641B Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3641D Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3641L Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3643B Glenlivet Archive 86 21 Yr 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Yr 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr 3647B Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr 3649B Glenmorangie Lasanta 3650E Glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml 3654B Glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3658B Glenmorangie Nectar D Or 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve 3699B Glenrothes Scotch 4291B Highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr 4296B Highland Park 18Y 4895B Irishman Original Clan Whiskey 4895L Irishman Original Clan Whiskey 5075B Jameson Gold 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. 5081B Jameson 18 Yr 5083B Jameson 12 Yr 5145B John Barr Red 5145D John Barr Red 5207B J. Mcdougals Bladnoch 5212B John Power & Son Irish Gld 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5222B Johnnie Walker Double Black 5225B Johnny Walker Blk 100 Annivesary 5229B Johnnie Walker Gold 18 Yr 5231B Johnnie Walker Grn 5384B Kilbeggan 5507B Lagavaulin Distillers Ed. 5508B Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr 5542B Laphroaig 18 Yr
$ 18.80 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 58.10 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 69.15 80.0 $ 43.00 80.0 $ 18.95 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.70 80.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 16.50 80.0 $ 10.45 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 46.75 80.0 $ 30.70 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 28.90 80.0 $ 49.20 86.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 64.90 95.6 $ 54.40 86.0 $ 48.30 86.0 $147.75 86.0 $ 31.00 80.0 $ 23.00 80.0 $ 87.80 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 58.65 80.0 $ 35.45 80.0 $ 42.80 82.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 44.30 86.0 $191.40 80.0 $218.90 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 17.20 80.0 $ 10.70 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 31.05 92.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 48.30 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 $189.75 86.0 $ 26.45 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 46.60 86.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 68.55 80.0 $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 41.35 80.0 $ 47.40 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 15.50 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 38.80 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 37.85 86.0 $107.00 86.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 26.90 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 173.90 92.0 $ 77.95 80.0 $ 36.95 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 77.45 111.6 $ 16.90 80.0 $203.95 80.0 $39.50 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 74.60 80.0 $ 41.65 86.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 86.90 86.0 $ 71.35 86.0 $ 61.60 96.0
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 51
5543B Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr 5544B Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr 6012B Macallan Cask Strength Sms 6013B Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt 6013D Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt 6016B Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr 6018B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr 6024B Macallan 25 Yr 6025B Macallan 30 Yr 6344B Mcclellands Islay 6346B Mcclellands Highlnd 6395B Mcivor Scotch 6574B Midleton 6576B Michael Collins Blended 6747B Oban Distillers Addition 6748B Oban Single Malt 14 7480B Old Pulteney 12 Yr 7721L Paddy Irish Whiskey 7980D Passport Scotch 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8480B Rogue Malt Whiskey 8383B Redbreast Irish Whiskey 12 Yr 8853D Scoresby Scotch 8983B Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr 9026B Slane Castle 9063B Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr 9064B Speyburn Bradan Orach 9145B Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr 9150B Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr 9188B Famous Grouse 9188D Famous Grouse 9317B Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9317L Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9605B Wild Scotsman 15 Yr 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label
$ 55.45 $ 41.35 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 76.20 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 125.95 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 72.90 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 51.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 33.00 $ 38.40
115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0
$ 17.05 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 13.40 $ 37.40 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 50.05 $ 45.70 $ 41.35 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 25.60 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 28.20 $ 21.25 $ 23.90 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 38.45 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 30.15 $ 36.05 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 12.85 $ 22.60 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 51.80 $ 26.65 $ 43.90 $ 79.05 $ 45.65 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $ 24.60 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 21.75 $ 1556.30
64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0
Tequila 0038L Agavales Tequila Gold 110 0039B Agavero Orange Tequila 0040B Agave Loco 0048B Agavales Gold 80 0050B Alien Tequila Silver 0093L Aqui Vamos Teq Blanco 0371B Asombroso Silver 0372B Avion Anejo 0373B Avion Reposado 0374B Avion Silver 0487B Baluarte Tequila 1544B Cabo Wabo Anejo 1545B Cabo Wabo Blanco 1546B Cabo Wabo Reposado 1628E Cuervo Especial Silver 200 1662E Patron Anejo 1664E Patron Silver 200Ml 1674E Sauza Hornitos Plata 1676E Patron Reposado 1810B Casa Noble Crystal 1846B Cazadores Anejo 1847B Cazadores Blanco 1848B Cazadores Reposado 1857B Centenario Plata 1858B Centenario Reposado 1859B Centenario Rosangel 1860B Centenario Tenampa Azul 1861B Chamucos Blanco Esp Teq 1862B Chamucos Reposado Esp Teq 2280B Corazon Tequila Anjeo 2281B Corazon Blanco 2282B Corazon Reposado 2306B Coronado Tequila 2317B Corzo Reposado 2318B Corzo Silver 2410B Cuervo Especial 2410D Cuervo Especial 2410E Cuervo Especial 2410L Cuervo Especial 2411B 1800 Reposado Teq 2411D 1800 Reposado Teq 2411L 1800 Reposado Teq 2721B Don Julio Anejo 2721E Don Julio Anejo 2722B Don Julio Blanco 2722D Don Julio Blanco 2724B Don Julio Reposado 2725B Don Julio Real 2726B Don Julio 70Th Anniversary 2760B Dos Lunas Silver 2761B Dos Manos Blanco 2883B El Arco Anejo 2884B El Arco Blanco 2885B El Arco Reposado 2891B El Caballo Estrella Mixto 2894B 1800 Coconut Tequila 2899B El Charro Reposado 2900B El Charro Silver 2903B 1800 Tequila Silver 2903D 1800 Tequila Silver 2903L 1800 Tequila Silver 2905B 1800 Select Silver 2907B El Grado Blanco 2908B 1800 Collection Extra Anejo
52 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
2909B El Mayor Anejo 2910B El Mayor Blanco 2911B El Mayor Reposado 2914B El Jimador Anejo 2916B El Jimador Blanco 2916D El Jimador Blanco 2917B El Jimador Reposado 2917D El Jimador Reposado 2926B El Toro Gold 2926D El Toro Gold 2926L El Toro Gold 2927B El Toro Silver 2927D El Toro Silver 2927L El Toro Silver 2937B Espolon Blanco 2940B Espolon Reposado 2996B Familia Camarena Reposado 2997B Familia Camarena Silver 3820B Gran Patron Platinum Teq 4109B Herradura Anejo 4114B Herradura Reposado 4115B Herradura Silver 5240L Cuervo Black Medallion 5243B Cuervo Tradicional 5244B 1800 Anejo 5247B Cuervo Especial Silver 5247D Cuervo Especial Silver 5247E Cuervo Especial Silver 5247L Cuervo Especial Silver 5249L Juarez Silver 5250L Juarez Gold 5253B Cuervo Platino 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5291B Kah Anejo 5292B Kah Blanco 5291B Kah Anejo 5293B Kah Reposado 5497D La Prima White 5497L La Prima White 5501B La Prima Gold Teq 5501D La Prima Gold Teq 5501L La Prima Gold Teq 6001B Luna Nueva Anejo 6002B Luna Nueva Reposado 6003B Luna Nueva Silver 6004B Lunazul Blanco 6005B Lunazul Reposado 6058B Maestro Dobel 6110B Margaritaville Island Lime 6112B Margaritaville Trop Tanger 6117B Margaritaville Last Mango 6118B Margaritaville Teq Silver 6119B Margaritaville Teq Gold 6119D Margaritaville Teq Gold 6345L Matador Gold Teq 6570L Mi Cosecha Gold Teq 6580B Milagro Silver 6584B Milagro Anejo 6585B Milagro Reposado 6586B Milagro Sbr Rep 6588B Milagro Sbr Silver 6642B Monte Alban Tequila 6645L Montezuma Blue 6647L Montezuma White - Mexico 6649L Montezuma Gold – Mexico 6731B 901 Silver Tequila 6863B Voodoo Tiki Anejo 6864B Voodootiki Blue Dragon 6865B Voodootiki Desert Rose 6866B Voodootiki Green Dragon 6867B Voodootiki Platinum 6868B Voodootiki Raposado 7979B Partida Blanco 7982B Patron Anejo 7982D Patron Anejo 7984B Patron Silver 7984D Patron Silver 7985B Patron Reposado 8063B Pepe Lopez Gold 8280B Porfidio Plata 8281B Porfidio Silver 8440D Rio Grande Silver 8440L Rio Grande Silver 8442L Rio Grande Gold 8717B Cien Anos Blanco 8718B Cien Anos Reposado 8719B Sauza Blanco 8719L Sauza Blanco 8719D Sauza Silver 8721B Sauza Tres Gen Plata Teq. 8722B Sauza Tres Gener Anejo 8723B Sauza Extra Gold 8723D Sauza Extra Gold 8723L Sauza Extra Gold 8727B Sauza Conmemorativo 8733B Sauza Hornitos Anejo 8734B Sauza Hornitos Plata 8734D Sauza Hornitos Plata 8737B Sauza Blue Silver 8739L Sauza Giro Silver 8860B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 1 Yr 8861B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 3 Yr 8862B Scorpian Mezcal Reposado 8863B Scorpian Mezcal Silver 8931B Senor Frogs Plata
$ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 10.80 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 18.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 6.30 $ 22.60 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 53.75 $ 40.05 $ 53.75 $ 47.95 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 12.00 $ 23.85 $ 24.45 $ 25.60 $ 33.35 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.45 $ 9.45 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 24.25 $ 51.80 $ 72.45 $ 43.95 $ 93.00 $ 45.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 26.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 13.20 $ 26.40 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 22.00 $ 19.35 $ 30.15 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 12.35
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 110.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 67.0 67.0 67.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
8932B 8942B 9089B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9531D 9531L 9737B
Senor Frogs Reposado Semential Silver Teq Suavecito Blanco Tarantula Azul Tarantula Reposado Tarantula Lime Tarantula Stawberry Sauza Hornitos Reposado Tequila Reposado Tequila Silver Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez Teq Ocho Reposado Las Pomez Teq Ocho Anejo Ext El Vegl Teq Ocho Anejo San Augustn Tequila 30 - 30 Reposado 3 Island White Tequila Tierra's Anejo Tierra's Blanco Tierra's Reposado Tortilla Silver Tortilla Gold Tres Rios Silver Tres Rios Reposado Two Fingers Tequila Gold Two Fingers Tequila White Well Tequila Well Tequila Zapopan Reposado
$ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 38.70 $ 16.75 $ 9.70 $ 12.75 $ 9.95 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 13.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.70 $ 25.80 $ 19.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 16.85 $ 10.00 $ 7.65
80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0
Vodka 0024B Absolut Grapevine $ 16.90 80.0 0027B Absolut Wild Tea $ 16.90 80.0 0028B Absolut Citron $ 16.90 80.0 0028D Absolut Citron $ 33.65 80.0 0028L Absolut Citron $ 22.80 80.0 0034B Alchemia Chocolate $ 14.75 80.0 0036B Absolut Kurant Vdk $ 12.20 80.0 0042B Absolut Apeach $ 16.90 80.0 0042L Absolut Apeach $ 17.25 80.0 0046B Absolut Cherry Kran $ 16.90 80.0 0049B Absolut Orient Apple $ 16.90 80.0 0052B Absolut Berri Acai $ 16.90 80.0 0054B Absolut 100 Black $ 21.25 100.0 0054L Absolut 100 Black $ 17.60 100.0 0056B Absolut San Francisco $ 16.90 80.0 0057B Absolut 80 $ 16.90 80.0 0057D Absolut 80 $ 33.65 80.0 0057E Absolut 80 $ 18.90 80.0 0057L Absolut 80 $ 24.60 80.0 0060B Absolut Pears $ 16.90 80.0 0060L Absolut Pears $ 15.35 80.0 0061B Absolut Peppar Vdk $ 16.90 80.0 0062B Absolut Ruby Red $ 16.90 80.0 0063E Absolut Mini Bar $ 6.75 80.0 0064B Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 16.90 80.0 0064D Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 33.65 80.0 0064L Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 22.80 80.0 0068B Absolut Raspberri $ 16.90 80.0 0069B Absolut Vanila $ 16.90 80.0 0069L Absolut Vanila $ 22.80 80.0 0070L Absolut & Citron Twin Pack $ 42.20 80.0 0074B Absolut Mango $ 16.90 80.0 0194D Aristocrat $ 11.85 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0450B Backon $18.30 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0737B Paramount Cherry $ 6.30 65.0 0737D Paramount Cherry $ 14.85 65.0 0737L Paramount Cherry $ 10.70 65.0 0832B Belvedere Bldy Mary $ 30.85 80.0 0834B Belvedere Pink Grapefruit $ 30.85 80.0 0835B Belvedere Black Raspberry $ 26.15 80.0 0836B Belvedere Vdk $ 26.15 80.0 0836D Belvedere Vdk $ 64.20 80.0 0836L Belvedere Vdk $ 34.15 80.0 0838B Belvedere Vdk $ 30.85 80.0 0840B Belvedere Ix $ 21.20 80.0 0841B Belvedere Cytrus $ 30.85 80.0 0842B Belvedere Orange $ 17.45 80.0 0846B Belvedere Intense $ 29.65 100.0 0847B Belvedere Intense Unfiltered $ 32.60 80.0 0853B Belvedere Lemon Tea $30.85 80.0 0946B Blavod The Black $ 17.20 80.0 0953B Blue Angel Vodka $ 10.80 80.0 0958B Blue Ice Vdk $ 14.30 80.0 0958D Blue Ice Vdk $ 24.95 80.0 1390B Bombora Vdk $ 9.00 80.0 1426B Boru Original Vdk $ 10.80 80.0 1426D Boru Original Vdk $ 18.85 80.0 1475B Brewriver AJ Henkel $ 24.85 100.0 1483B Boyd & Blair $ 16.45 80.0 1523B Burnetts Espresso $ 5.15 70.0 1525B Burnetts $ 8.15 80.0 1525D Burnetts $ 15.35 80.0 1525L Burnetts $ 9.75 80.0 1526B Burnetts Pink Lemonade $ 8.15 70.0 1527B Burnetts Raspberry $ 8.15 70.0 1528B Burnett's Vanilla $ 8.15 70.0 1529B Burnett's Fruit Punch $ 8.15 70.0 1530B Burnetts Sour Apple $ 7.30 70.0 1531B Burnetts Cherry $ 8.15 70.0 1533B Burnetts Blueberry $ 7.30 70.0 1534B Burnetts Strawberry $ 8.15 70.0
1536B Burnetts Orange Creme Vodka 1537B Burnetts Sugar Cookie 1539B Burnetts Watermelon 1540B Burnetts Whipped Cream 1605E Absolut 200 ML 1611E Burnetts Vodka 1640E Grey Goose 200Ml 1641E Grey Goose L'orange 1643E Grey Goose Le Citron 1661E Paramount 100 Vodka 1675E Skyy 200 1676E Smirnoff 100 1677E Sobiekski 200 ML 1678E Svedka Traveler 200 1852B Chambord Flavored Vodka 2009B Chopin 2009D Chopin 2011B Chopin Wheat Vodka 2012B Chopin Rye Vodka 2048B Ciroc Super Premium 2048D Ciroc Super Premium 2048L Ciroc Super Premium 2050B Ciroc Coconut 2050L Ciroc Coconut 2051B Ciroc Peach 2051L Ciroc Peach 2053B Ciroc Red Berry 2053D Ciroc Red Berry 2053L Ciroc Red Berry 2358L Crav Vodka 2385B Cristall Signature Series 2392D Crown Russe 80 Proof Vdk 2392L Crown Russe 2444B Crystal Head 2444D Crystal Head 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vodka 2456B Cupcake Devils Food Vodka 2457B Cupcake Frosting Vodka 2458B Cupcake Original Vodka 2452B Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2452D Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2658B Denaka 2659B Denaka Black Cherry 2778B Double Cross Vodka 2782B Downunder 2893B Ed Hardy 2895B Effen Cucumber 2896B Effen Black Cherry 2897B Effen 2898B Effen Raspberry 2952B Everclear 3011B Finlandia 80 3011D Finlandia 80 3011L Finlandia 80 3014B Finlandia Grapefruit 3016B Firefly Sweet Tea 3016D Firefly Sweet Tea 3019B Finlandia Mango Fusion 3020B Finlandia Tangerine Fusion 3023B Firestarter Vodka 3025B Firefly Mint Tea 3026B Firefly Raspberry Tea Vdk 3028B Firefly Skinny Tea 3031B Finlandia Rasperry 3035B 4 Orange Vodka 3086B Frozen Ghost Vodka 3072L 42 Below Pure 3079B 44 North Huckleberry Vodka 3080B 44 North North Rainer Vodka 3084B Fris 3084D Fris 3084L Fris 3088B Fuzzy 3089B Fris Blueberry Vodka 3097B Galens 3579B Gilbey’s Trvlr 80 3586B Gilbey's Vdk 100 3586D Gilbey's Vdk 100 3691B Godiva Chocolate 3692B Godiva Chocolate 3783B Gordons Traveler 3888B Grand Touring Vodka 3907B Grey Goose 3907D Grey Goose 3907L Grey Goose 3909B Grey Goose La Poire 3910B Grey Goose L'orange 3912B Grey Goose Le Citron 3919E Grey Goose 50Ml Multi-Pack 3968B Hammer & Sickle Vdk 3971B Hangar One Straight 3973B Hangar One Chipotle Chili 3975B Hangar One Kaffir Lime Vdk 3976B Hangar One Mandarin 3977B Hangar One Blueberry 4869B Iceburg Vdk 5000D Gilbey's Vdk 80 5000L Gilbey's Vdk 80 5004D Crystal Vdk 80 5004L Crystal Vdk 80 5013D Fleischmann Royal 5015D Wolfschmidt 5015L Wolfschmidt 5016B Smirnoff #57 100 5016D Smirnoff #57 100
$ 8.15 $ 7.30 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 6.10 $ 2.95 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 6.70 $ 4.20 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 $ 2.70 $ 3.30 $ 16.55 $32.60 $ 53.60 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 31.30 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 33.05 $ 8.70 $ 1165 $ 6.85 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 6.45 $ 5.40 $ 34.30 $ 7.40 $ 23.85 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 14.90 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 19.30 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 17.70 $ 9.70 $ 12.55 $ 19.50 $ 5.80 $ 9.10 $ 15.15 $ 12.55 $ 18.45 $ 15.60 $ 17.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.70 $ 12.55 $ 7.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.65 $ 26.35 $ 21.65 $ 8.20 $ 11.75 $ 21.05 $ 58.95 $ 34.15 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 13.65 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 7.85 $ 14.70 $ 9.15 $ 11.65 $ 7.10 $ 11.55 $ 14.50 $ 8.05 $ 13.00 $ 26.35
70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70. 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 190.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 53
5016L Smirnoff #57 100 5018B Gordons 80 5018D Gordons 80 5018L Gordons 80 5020B Paramount 80 5020D Paramount 80 5020L Paramount 80 5021B Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021D Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021E Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021L Smirnoff No. 21 80 5025D Mr Boston Riva 100 5028D Barton Vdk 5028L Barton Vdk 5029B Barton Traveler 5030L Hallers 80 5033L Tamirov 100 5036D Nikolai 5036L Nikolai 5038B Paramount 100 5038D Paramount 100 5038L Paramount 100 5039B Paramount 90 5039D Paramount 90 5039L Paramount 90 5040B Popov 80 5040D Popov 80 5040L Popov 80 5074B James River Plant Sweet Vodka 5090B Jean Marc Xo Vdk 5106B Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5106D Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5210B John Mcculloch 5258B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon 5261B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Apple Pie 5308B Kamchatka 80 5308D Kamchatka 80 5308L Kamchatka 80 5309B Kamchatka 90 5309D Kamchatka 90 5310L Kamchatka Cherry 5311L Kamchatka Grape 5313B Kamchatka Traveler 5382B Ketel One 5382D Ketel One 5382E Ketel One 5382L Ketel One 5383D Ketel One Citroen 5383L Ketel One Citroen 5385L Ketel One Oranje 5386B Khortytsa Honey Pepper 5387B Khortytsa Platinum 5489B Korski Traveler 5490B Korski 5490D Korski 5490L Korski 5492B Kutskoua 5882B Level 5966B Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher Van 5967B Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg 5968B Lil Blk Drs Classic 5969B Lil Blk Drs Pineapp Hony 6008B Luksusowa 6008D Luksusowa 5013L Fleischmann Royal 80 Proof 6391D Mc Cormick 6391L Mc Cormick 6428B Medea 6460L Meier's Vdk Plastic 6591B Kru Vodka 6620B Monopolowa Potato 6659B Moon Mountain Vodka 6660B Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus 6661B Moon Mtn Wild Raspberry 6718D New Amsterdam Vodka 6718L New Amsterdam Vodka 6741B Ocean Vodka 7336L Mr Boston Vodka 7698B Oyo 7699B Oyo Honey Vanilla Bean 7701B Oyo Stone Fruit 7716B Nutliquor Peanut Butter 7728L Paramount Orange Flv Vdk 7834L Para Ultra Bubble 7834D Para Ultra Bubble 7837L Paramount Vanilla 7846D Paramount Grape 7846L Paramount Grape 7897L Paramount Sweet Tea 7921B Paramount 100 Trvlr 7990B Peachka 7991B Pearl 7992B Pearl Pomegranate 7994B Pearl Cucumber Vdk 7995B Pearl Blueberry Vdk 7996B Pearl Coconut Vdk 7997B Pearl Plum 8074B Peureux 8231B Pinnacle Key Lim Whip 8232B Pinnacle Atomic Hots 8233B Pinnacle Cookie Dough 8234B Pinnacle Coconut 8236B Pinnacle Cake 8237B Pinnacle Cotton Candy 8238B Pinnacle Citrus
54 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
$ 17.70 100.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 16.25 80.0 $ 9.70 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $ 14.45 80.0 $ 8.70 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 21.90 80.0 $ 7.85 80.0 $ 13.75 80.0 $ 13.60 100.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 11.60 80.0 $ 6.85 80.0 $ 4.95 100.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $ 9.05 100.0 $ 16.55 100.0 $ 10.20 100.0 $ 7.50 90.0 $ 15.95 90.0 $ 7.10 90.0 $ 6.90 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 8.05 80.0 $ 17.00 70.0 $ 28.30 80.0 $ 16.95 70.0 $ 17.40 70.0 $ 11.90 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 6.45 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 7.85 80.0 $ 8.90 90.0 $ 16.20 90.0 $ 9.95 70.0 $ 9.95 70.0 $ 6.45 80.0 $ 21.05 80.0 $ 41.25 80.0 $ 20.70 80.0 $ 28.95 80.0 $ 41.25 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 16.00 80.0 $ 15.20 80.0 $ 6.50 80.0 $ 6.50 80.0 $ 11.85 80.0 $ 7.10 80.0 $ 8.90 80.0 $ 20.90 80.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 9.90 65.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 13.30 80.0 $ 7.55 80.0 $ 25.55 80.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 16.85 82.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 14.10 70.0 $ 7.55 70.0 $ 12.25 70.0 $ 18.80 80.0 $ 13.25 70.0 $ 25.60 70.0 $ 6.75 80.0 $ 27.90 80.0 $ 28.85 80.0 $ 28.70 80.0 $ 30.80 80.0 $ 10.70 65.0 $ 10.70 65.0 $ 10.65 65.0 $ 6.00 65.0 $ 14.85 65.0 $ 10.70 65.0 $ 5.55 65.0 $ 8.85 100.0 $ 3.30 70.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 5.20 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 9.90 70.0 $ 21.20 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0 $ 11.95 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0 $ 11.40 70.0
8239B Pinnacle Berry 8240B Pinnacle Butterscotch 8241B Pinnacle Le Double Expresso 8242B Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber 8243B Pinnacle 8243D Pinnacle 8243L Pinnacle 8244B Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8244D Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8245B Pinnacle Raspberry 8246B Pinnacle Grape 8248B Pinnacle Mango 8250B Pinnacle Vanilla 8251B Pinnacle Tropical Punch 8252B Pinnacle 100 8253B Pinnacle Whipped 8253D Pinnacle Whipped 8254B Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8254D Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8255B Pinnacle Orange Whipped 8256B Pinnacle Gummy 8257B Pinnacle Marshmallow 8283B Players Extreme Caramel 8285B Players Extrm Cherry Vdk 8291B Popov Traveler 8293B Prairie Organic Kosher Vdk 8295B Pravda 8321B Proof 105 8323B Purus 8325B Proof 110 8334B Pucker Lemonad Lust Vdk 8336B Pucker Raspbry Rave Vdk 8338B Rain Organics 8338D Rain Organics 8413B Reyka Vdk 8488B Rokk Citrus 8490B Rokk Orange 8492B Rokk 8627D Ruskova Genuine Russian Vd 8631B Russian Standard Original 8631D Russian Standard Original 8854B Skinnygirl Bare Naked Vdk 8855B Skinnygirl Cucumber Vdk 8856B Skinnygirl Island Coconut 8857B Skinnygirl Tangerine Vdk 8880B Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880D Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880L Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8884B Seagrams Apple 8885B Seagrams Black Cherry 8886B Seagrams Citrus 8896D Skol 8896L Skol 8908B Seagrams Rasberry 8910B Seagram's Sweet Tea 8915B Seagrams Platinum 8915D Seagrams Platinum 8930L Senators Club Vdk 8934B Severka 8937B Seven Brothers Vodka 9005L Skyy Infusions Coconut 9006L Skyy Infusions Blood Orang 9007L Skyy Infusions Dragon Fruit 9008E Skyy Infusions Rainbow Pac 9009L Skyy Infusion Pineapple 9010L Skyy Infusion Passionfruit 9011L Skyy Infusion Raspberry 9012B Skyy 9012D Skyy 9012E Skyy 9012L Skyy 9014D Skyy Infusion Citrus 9014L Skyy Infusion Citrus 9016L Skyy Infusion Cherry 9017L Skyy Infusions Ginger Vdk 9018L Skyy Infusion Grape 9022B Smirnoff Black Cherry 9024B Smirnoff Blueberry 9024L Smirnoff Blueberry 9025B Smirnoff Cranberry 9027B Smirnoff Dark Roasted Espr 9028B Smirnoff Melontwist 9029B Smirnoff Lime 9030E Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack 9032B Smirnoff Silver 9032D Smirnoff Silver 9032L Smirnoff Silver 9033B Smirnoff Greenapple 9033L Smirnoff Greenapple 9034B Smirnoff Citrus 9034D Smirnoff Citrus 9034L Smirnoff Citrus 9035B Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist 9036B Smirnoff Traveler 9037B Smirnoff Passion Fruit 9038B Smirnoff Orange 9038D Smirnoff Orange 9038L Smirnoff Orange 9039B Smirnoff Raspberry 9039D Smirnoff Raspberry 9039L Smirnoff Raspberry 9040B Smirnoff Vanilla 9040D Smirnoff Vanilla 9040L Smirnoff Vanilla 9041B Smirnoff Strawberry
$ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 10.50 $ 17.95 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 12.85 $ 12.85 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 17.50 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 6.80 $ 9.65 $ 17.95 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 6.70 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.95 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 5.00 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $17.60 $ 12.55 $ 24.05 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.05 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 15.85 $ 17.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.70 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95
70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 105.0 80.0 110.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0
9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9079L 9093B 9114B 9116L 9122B 9124B 9125B 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9132B 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155b 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B 9227D
Smirnoff Pear Twist Smirnoff Pineapple Twist Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced Root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski Vdk(Glass) Sobieski Vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Sobieski Raspberry Sobieski Raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Smooth Ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Spirit of the Tsars Stawski Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Salted Karamel Stolichnaya Hot Vdk Stolichnaya Sticki Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Choc Razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv Vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd Ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Cranberi Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya Elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya Gala Applik Vd Stoli White Pomegranik Vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Svedka Colada Vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad Vdk Sweet Carolina Rasp Tea Vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Svedka Raspberry Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka Grape Vodka Svedka Cherry Teton Glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of Russia Ultra 3 Islands Vodka 3 Islands Vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive Rootbeer 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive Vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot Espresso 360 3 Olives Rangtang 3 Olives Rangtang
$ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 8.15 $ 19.70 $ 9.75 $ 13.00 $ 9.75 $ 8.15 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.50 $ 9.75 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 159.60 $ 10.05 $ 10.80 $ 9.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 23.40 $ 13.15 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 14.05 $ 51.80 $ 16.00 $ 33.65 $ 25.45 $ 14.10 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 19.65 $ 25.45 $ 10.80 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 8.80 $ 6.90 $ 9.90 $ 15.85 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 13.15 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.85 $ 16.90 $ 98.85 $ 7.35 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 20.25 $ 19.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 15.00 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90 $ 24.95
70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 60.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0
9228B 360 Double Chocolate 9232B Tito's Handmade 9232D Tito's Handmade 9232L Tito's Handmade 9235B 3 Olive Dude Vodka 9235D 3 Olive Dude Vodka 9236B 360 Mandarin Orange 9238B 3 Olive Smores 9367B Ultimat Vdk 9370B U V Cake Vodka 9371B U V Blue Raspberry 9371D U V Blue Raspberry 9372B UV 9372D UV 9372L UV 9373B U V Grape Vdk 9374B U V Pink Lemonade 9375B U V Cherry 9376B U V 103 9377B U V Coconut Vdk 9378B Ursus Punch 9380B Uv Sweet Green Tea 9381B Ursus Blue Raspberry 9382B Ursus Original 9385B Vampyre Red 9428B Vesica Vodka 9445B Van Gogh Acia Blueberry 9446B Van Gogh Dutch Caramel 9448B Van Gogh Double Espresso 9449B Van Gogh Espresso 9450D Vikingfjord 9456B Van Gogh 9456D Van Gogh 9738B Zodiac 9467B Voli Vodka Lyte 9472B Vox 9472D Vox 9472L Vox 9505B Watershed Distillery Vodka 9521B Wave Blue Raspberry Vodka 9522B Wave Pink Lemonade Vodka 9523B Wave Whipped Cream Vodka 9532D Well Vodka 9532L Well Vodka 9565B White Diamond 9672B Cincinnati Micro-Vodka 9673B Cincinnati Vodka 100 9732B Zubrowka Bison Vodka 9738B Zodiac
$ 12.50 70.0 $ 16.00 80.0 $ 28.40 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 24.95 70.0 $ 12.50 70.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 11.65 60.0 $ 11.65 60.0 $16.20 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 11.65 60.0 $ 10.80 60.0 $ 11.65 60.0 $ 8.70 103.0 $ 6.25 60.0 $ 3.70 60.0 $ 6.25 60.0 $ 5.95 80.0 $ 5.15 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 12.25 70.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 17.95 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 18.35 80.0 $ 9.20 80.0 $ 21.30 60.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 33.45 80.0 $ 22.00 80.0 $ 22.00 80.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 12.90 88.0 $ 7.60 88.0 $ 8.00 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 32.10 100.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 18.65 80.0
Cordial 0017B Achaia Clauss Ouzo 0029B Absente Liqueur 0041B Di Saronno Amaretto 0041L Di Saronno Amaretto 0053B Amaretto Gozio 0071B Amarito Amaretto 0124B Root 0125B Snap 0549B Barenjager Honey & Bourbon 0551B Paramount Rock & Rye 0552B Barenjager Honey Liqueur 0557D Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0557L Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0565B Benedictine D.O.M. 0580L Paramount Sloe Gin 0583L Dek Sloe Gin Cordial 0600B B & B D O M Cordial 0608B Drambuie 0662B Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark 0664B Dek Creme De Menthe Green 0666B Dek Creme De Cacao White 0672B Paramount Crem D Men White 0673B Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark 0674B Paramount Anisette 0675B Paramount Crem D Men Green 0691B Dek Creme De Menthe White 0701B Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit 0705B Getreide Kummel 0707B Campari Aperitivo Italy 0717B Paramount Triple Sec 0717D Paramount Triple Sec 0717L Paramount Triple Sec 0721B Southern Comfort 0798B Becherovka 0881B Pernod Anis –France 0887B Tia Maria Coffee 0893B Kahlua Coffee 0893D Kahlua Coffee 0893L Kahlua Coffee 0910B Black Duck Cranberry 0948B Blackmaker Rootbeer 1188B Bols Blue Curacao 1501B Buckeye Raspberry Liquor 1501B Buckeye Blackberry Liquor 1637E Grand Marnier Rouge 1783B Caravella Limoncello Orig 1784B Caravella Orangecello 1815B Casoni Lemoncello 1840B Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine 1853B Celtic Crossing Liqueur 1855B Chambord Royale Cord 1914B Chartreuse Green
$ 15.15 92.0 $ 35.20 110.0 $ 19.40 56.0 $ 25.55 56.0 $ 10.40 48.0 $ 5.55 56.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 11.30 50.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 13.25 75.0 $ 7.45 75.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 10.00 50.0 $ 6.75 60.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 23.90 48.0 $ 7.05 50.0 $ 14.40 50.0 $ 7.40 50.0 $ 14.05 70.0 $17.55 76.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 19.50 53.0 $ 16.90 43.0 $ 33.65 43.0 $ 23.70 43.0 $ 16.00 43.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 12.10 48.0 $ 16.50 48.0 $ 15.70 48.0 $ 10.30 80.0 $ 18.65 64.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 22.00 62.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 19.65 60.0 $ 29.85 46.0 $ 52.10 110.0
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 55
2098B Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098D Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098L Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2101B Galliano L'autentico 2108B Irish Mist 2274B Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq 2405B Licor 43 2405L Licor 43 2503B Danny Devitos Limoncello 2528B Dek Blue Curacao Cordial 2529B Dek Creme De Banana Cord 2566B Dek Creme De Almond Cord 2605B Dek Hazelnut Cord 2613L Dek Orange Curacao Cordial 2614B Dek Peach Brandy 2624B Dek Triple Sec Cord 2624L Dek Triple Sec Cord 2644B Dek 03 Orange 2645B Dek Melon Cordial 2649B Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial 2652B Romana Black 2690B Cointreau Liqueur 2690L Cointreau Liqueur 2691B Cointreau Noir 2788B Drambuie 15 Year 2944B Evan Williams Cherry Resv 2950B Evan Williams Honey Resv 3024B Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 3077B Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry 3092B Amaretto Di Amore 3093B Gantous & Abouraad 3602B Glaros Ouzo 3630B Glengoyne 10 3821B Grangala Triple Orange 3851B Grand Marnier Centcinquant 3852B Grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr 3860B Grand Muriel Orange Liquer 3864B Grande Absente 3902B Green Moon 4000B Harlem Liqueur 4003B Harlequin 3602B Glaros Ouzo 4914B Isle Of Jura Superstition 5054D Jagermeister 5054L Jagermeister 5105B Jeremiah Weed Liqueur 5251L Juarez Triple Sec 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5303B Kahlua Especial Coffee 5315B Kamora Coffee Lqr 5559B Lazzaroni Amaretto Liquer 5560B Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq 5566B Leblon Cachaca 5571B Le Tourment Vert 6000B Lucid Absinthe 6334B Mata Hari Absinthe Bohemia 6567B Metaxa Ouzo Greece 6705L Nassau Royale 6708B Navan 80 6720L N Y Long Island Iced Tea 6734B 99 Apples 6735B 99 Bananas 6736B 99 Grapes 6739B 99 Peaches 7713B Number 12 Ouzo 7715B Nv La Fee Absinthe Verte 7723B Pallini Limoncello 7724B Pallini Limoncello Gift 7729B Paramount Amaretto 7729D Paramount Amaretto 7729L Paramount Amaretto 7735B Paramount Creme De Banana 7824L Paramount Sour Apple 7870D Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7870L Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7901B Paramount Melon 7981L Patron Citronge 7986B Patron X O Cafe 8228B Pimms Cup #1 Gin Sling Eng 8249L Pitu Cachaca 8282B Plomari Quzo 8302B Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn 8324L Punch Abruzzo 8639B Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq 8670B Sambuca Di Amore 8673B Sambuca Romana 8852L Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 8892B Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 9055B Southern Comfort Blk Cherr 9056B Southern Comfort & Lime 9214B Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp 9311B Tuaca Demi Sec 9354B Ty Ku Super Premium Soju 9410B Veev Acai Liqueur 9630B Wild Turkey American Honey 9630L Wild Turkey American Honey 9707B Yokaichi Mugi 9733B Zwack
$ 34.80 $ 72.90 $ 43.90 $ 27.35 $ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 13.75 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 2.25 $ 11.45 $ 12.30 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 41.15 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 33.25 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 39.60 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 16.80 $ 7.90 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.95 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 10.25 $ 24.45 $ 7.40 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 21.40 $ 17.15 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 4.35 $ 25.40 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.90 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 14.05 $ 14.05 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 18.40 $ 23.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.65
80.0 80.0 80.0 84.6 70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 70.0 55.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0
$ 17.85 $ 7.25 $ 12.30 $ 15.15
80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0
Schnapps 0010B After Shock Cinnamon 0676B Arrow Peppermint 0681L Dek Peppermint Snp 0697D Paramount Peppermint Snp
56 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
0697L Paramount Peppermint 0917B Black Haus Blackberry Snp 0917L Black Haus Blackberry Snp 1130B Bols Gold Strike Cinnamon Snp 2588L Dek Hot Damn Snp 2619B Dek Peppermnt 100 2620L Dek Peachtree Schnapp 2625B Dek Old Tavern Rootbeer 2776B Dr Mcgillicuddys Vanilla 2782B Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt 3017B Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3017L Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3709B Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 3709L Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 3736B 99 Blackberries 3737B 99 Black Cherries 4863B Ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp 4870B Il Tramonto 5922B Lightning 101 Cinnamon 6009B Luxardo Triplum 6735B 99 Bananas 7762L Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp 7862B Paramount Peach Sch 7862L Paramount Peach Sch 8263B Pisco Porton 8632B Rumple Minze Berry 8633B Rumple Minze Pepmt 8633L Rumple Minze Pepmt 9054B Southern Comfort 100 9082B So Co Fiery Pepper 9727B Yukon Jack 9727D Yukon Jack 9727L Yukon Jack
$ 9.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.80 $ 16.05 $ 12.30 $ 11.20 $ 12.30 $ 5.65 $ 6.10 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 31.35 $ 10.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.80 $ 16.90 $ 14.05 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.85
50.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
$ 11.75 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 10.80 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 14.95 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 18.45 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 18.45 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 21.25 $ 34.35 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 8.45 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95
80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
Canadian 0076B Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076D Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076L Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0169D Lord Calvert 3 Yr 0170B Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170D Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170L Mc Masters 3 Yr 0174B Canadian Mist Cndn 0174D Canadian Mist Cndn 0174L Canadian Mist Cndn 0175D Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr 0176B Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176D Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176E Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176L Canadian Club 6 Yr 0189B Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189D Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189E Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189L Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 3 Yr 0920B Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 0920D Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk 1627E Crown Royal 200Ml 1704D Canadian Bay Whsky 1704L Canadian Bay Whsky 1716B Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1716D Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 Yr 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr 1730D Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1730L Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1731B Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 3Yr 1733D Canadian Hunter 1735D Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1735L Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1748B Canadian Mist Trvlr 2055B Canadian Club Classic 12Yr 2389B Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask #16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 3071B Forty Creek Barrel Select 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 3 Yr 4699L Northern Light 3 Yr 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount Canadian 8050B Pendleton Canadian 8051B Pendleton Rye 1910 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V O Gold 8 Yr 8923B Seagrams V O Cndn Trv 6 Yr 9084B Spicebox Cndn Spiced Whsky 9648B Windsor Supreme Traveler 3Yr 9652B Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652D Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652L Windsor Supreme 3 Yr
VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES For the Record LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES (Orders Issued June 2012) AKRON: M Z L U Enterprise LLC: service/ storage room was not clean or sanitary; allowed drug sales on premises. $1,000.00 or 10 days ATHENS: Pepson Inc. DBA: Crystal: Sold to 3 people under the age of 21. $1,800.00 or 12 days BRADFORD: Bradford Roofing Systems Inc DBA: Main Street Bar & Grill: sold mixed alcoholic beverages to someone under the age of 2. $1,900.00 or 13 days CENTERVILLE: Cadillac Jacks of Centerville Inc: sold beer/ intoxicating liquor to someone who was in an intoxicated condition; allowed disorderly activity to happen on premises. $800.00 or 6 days CHAGRIN FALLS: SP Greenville Inn LLC DBA: Greenville Inn & Patio: gave away beer in and upon permit premises in connection with their business. $300.00 or 3 days CINCINNATI: Las Copas Restaurant LLC: sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $750.00 or 6 days CLEVELAND: Waterloo Inc DBA: N/A: solicited and/
or allowed soliciting upon permit premises for a thing of value; allowed Improper Conduct: engaged in Sexual activity; operated at an address that was not authorized by permit. $2,500.00 or 15 days RAB Entertainment LLC DBA: Fat Guys Bar & Grill: allowed someone under the age of 21 to sell intoxicating liquor. $550.00 or 4 days Club Center Lounge Inc DBA: Xecutive Lounge 1st FL & BSMT: sold beer and Gin to someone under the age of 21. $450.00 or 3 days COLUMBUS: Wallace Entertainment LLC: permit premises were in unsanitary conditions. $300.00 or 3 days Gall Inc DBA: Hey Hey Bar & Grill: allowed beer to be consumed between hours 2:30 A.M. and 5:30 A.M.; failed to properly label a pre-mixed alcoholic beverage $400.00 or 4 days A & J Sangria LLC: allowed nudity on premises. $500.00 or 5 days After hours Sports Club Inc DBA: After Hours Sports Club: allowed beer to be consumed during 2:30 A.M. - 5:30 A.M. $400.00 or 4 days Celebrity Ventures of Columbus Inc DBA: Eddie Georges Grille 27: alcohol that was being sold wasn’t maintained in potable condition. $200.00 or days SRTA Corp DBA: Bleachers Sports Bar & Patio: allowed beer to be consumed on premises during the hours 2:30 A.M. - 5:30 A.M. $500.00 or 5 days 525 North Park LLC DBA:
Bar 1 & 2 Sugar Lounge & Dance FLR: sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500.00 or 6 days 1455 Harrisburg Pike Inc DBA: Phil N Youngs Tavern: sold intoxicating liquor on permit premises in violation of section 4301.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. $400.00 or 4 days DAYTON: Steven K Ross SR: allowed soliciting for cash; allowed improper conduct (nudity) on premises. $3,000.00 or 20 days DEFIANCE: Short Stop of Ohio LLC: kept for sale beer and/or intoxicating liquor without fully complying with Ohio Revised Code while holding a Division of Liquor Control permit in force at the time. $400.00 or 4 days Short Stop of Ohio LLC: allowed beer and liquor to be delivered to permit premises during the hours 2:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. $600.00 or 3 days DELEWARE: Meyers Stretch Inc DBA: Backstretch: allowed beer to be consumed between 2:30 A.M.-5:30 A.M. $300.00 or 3 days EUCLID: Saranac Lounge LLC: permit premises were in insanitary conditionsinadequate supply of hot and cold water; fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/refrigerators, or utensils were not clean or sanitary; failed to clean receptacles. $300.00 or Revoked
AUGUST 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 57
VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES Cebar Inc DBA: Euclid Tavern: sold intoxicating liquor to two people under the age of 21. $900.00 or 4 days FORT RECOVERY: M O B Enterprises DBA: Wendelin Tavern & Patio: sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500.00 or 10 days GROVE CITY: Polly Inc: sold Whskey to someone under the age of 21 $1,500.00 or 10 days HEATH: Celaya LTD DBA: MI Fiesta: sold two or more servings upon placing an order for an individual drink of any alcoholic beverage. $300.00 or 3 days IRONTON: Jars I Inc: sold to persons under the age of 21. $1,500.00 or 10 days LANCASTER: Minute Bar LLC DBA: Minute Bar & 2nd FL.: Sold beer while permit was not in force. $500.00 or 5 days LISBON: Russell Saadey III LLC: allowed gambling on an electronic video gambling device on premises; allowed gambling on a game/scheme of skill/ chance. $1,000.00 or 7 days MAUMEE: John M Schafer II DBA: Brother Bakers Olde Tavern: did not allow Division of Liquor Control, Department of Public Safety, or an officer of the law to inspect, search, or investigate permit premises while in the lawful performance. $700.00 or 7 58 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY AUGUST 2012
days MIDDLETOWN: Janet L Napier DBA: Do Dahs Tavern: did not allow Division of Liquor Control, Department of Public Safety, or an officer of the law to inspect, search, or investigate permit premises while in the lawful performance. $500.00 or 5 days NORTHFIELD: J SCOR Northfield Ventures LLC DBA: Scorchers Casual Eatery and Draft House: furnished vodka to two people under the age of 21. $1,200.00 or 10 days OBETZ: JUNKYARD Lounge LLC DBA: JUNKYARD Lounge 1st FL & Patio: gave away intoxicating liquor; permit premises were in insanitary condition. $300.00 or Revoked SEBRING: Donald E Conny DBA: Log Cabin Tavern 1st FL: sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,500.00 or 10 days SOUTH ZANESVILLE: R & D Donaldson Inc DBA: South Town Café: allowed gambling and/or wagering on premises for a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $2,000.00 or 10 days TOLEDO: Paris Marina District LLC DBA: Paris Nite Club: Sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $750.00 or 6 days URBANA:
Cars LLC DBA: Catfish Jones: hindered and or obstructed an agent of Division of Liquor Control, enforcement agent of Department of safety and/or an officer of the law from investigating or inspecting their premises; allowed intoxicating liquor and beer to be consumed during 2:30 A.M. – 5:30 A.M. $1,000.00 or 10 days VANDALIA: 794 Northwoods Inc DBA: El Toro: sold beer to someone under the age of 21. $750.00 or 6 days; sold to someone under the age of 21. $1,500.00 or days WADSWORTH: World Karate Inst & Tanning CTR INC DBA: LONGFELLOWS Tavern: sold/furnished beer to someone under the age of 21. $850.00 or 7 days XENIA: Kil Kare Inc: allowed beer sold for consumptions purposes to be removed
from permit premises; furnished beer to someone under the age of 21. $1,000.00 or 7 days YOUNGSTOWN: Daves Somewhere Else Inc DBA: Daves Somewhere else: sold/furnished beer to people under the age of 21. $1,800.00 or 12 days Pregibon Investments LLC DBA: The Youngstown Sports Grille & Patio: sold/furnished beer to someone under the age of 21. $2,500.00
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