Ohio Beverage Monthly - February 2012

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February 2012

R I O J A ’ S NEW CALLING CARD Reservas Emerge to Lead Spain’s Most Famous Wine Region AL SO


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fEBRUaRy 12

20 fEatURES 20 RiOJa’S nEw Calling CaRD Rioja’s Reservas and gran Reservas are emerging as the region’s fastest-growing wines. 24 BEyOnD thE ChOCOlatE MaRtini Brands spotlight america’s chocolate love affair with a host of infused spirits and wines.

28 SpEakEaSy with MikE kEyES Brown-forman’s north american president sits down to discuss a host of industry topics.

DEpaRtMEntS 4 pUBliShER'S MESSagE 6 SUpERintEnDEnt Of OhiO liQUOR COntROl REpORt 7 MESSagE fROM thE OlBa EXECUtivE DiRECtOR 8 & 9 lEgal iSSUES 11 laSt Call 13 EvEntS & BEnEfitS


15 thEBaRBlOggER.COM 17 ChEfS CORnER


32 SMall iS BEaUtifUl what small stores lack in size, they make up for in service and selectivity.

35 ShOpping nEtwORk 38 whOlESalE pRiCE liSt 49 viOlatiOnS

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 3


publisher's Message By philip a. CRaig establishment into the electronic age, then we’ve got some pointers. learn why blogs matter on page 10, the advantages of pOS systems in Chuck Deibel’s column on page 11 and how mobile-friendly your bar is from Barry Chandler on page 15. philip a. Craig, publisher


he february 2012 issue of Ohio Beverage M onthly marks a time of change for the alcohol beverage industry in Ohio. to learn what hB 243 and Jobs Ohio mean to you, you can read my column on page 7. there has also been a great deal of good news for the industry in Ohio. Superintendent Stevenson shares with you the fact that Ohio experienced record sales for spirituous liquor in 2011 on page 6. Because hB 243 is such an important piece of legislation, Dave Raber goes over the highlights of the bill on page 8 and Jacob Evans explains some of the questions that hB 243 has raised for permit holders. if you’ve been slow to bring your

thE fEBRUaRy 2012 iSSUE Of OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly MaRkS a tiME Of ChangE fOR thE alCOhOl BEvERagE inDUStRy in OhiO.

Ohio Beverage Monthly volume 3, no 2 (iSSn 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


philip a. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

general Counsel

Jacob C. Evans, Esq. jevans@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

EDitORial Editor in Chief

aRt & DESign art Director graphic Designer

it’s not too late to save money with one of the Ohio licensed Beverage association’s workers’ c o m p e n s a t i o n g ro u p - r a t i n g program. if you’re not enrolled, you could be throwing money out the door. find out how to become a part of our program in Molly Mckee’s column on page 13. finally, learn how to pick foods that complement one another, not just by taste, but through other characteristics in Chef allen’s column on page 17.

Molly k. Mckee mmckee@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

assistant Designer Ohio art Director

larry lee llee@bevmedia.com Dana Buonincontri dbuonincontri@bevmedia.com Josue Romero jromero@bevmedia.com Megan w. Jordan mjordan@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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lee Stringham lstringham@bevmedia.com 410.519.7034

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william goddard 614.241.2222 wgoddard@ohiobeveragemonthly.com Jody Slone-Spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 jslone@bevmedia.com Jessica Roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117 jroszkowiak@bevmedia.com

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Sylvia prince sprince@bevmedia.com Seth niessen sniessen@bevmedia.com Randye Benvenisti randye@bevmedia.com

Ohio Beverage Journal (iSSn 1065-9846)february 2012, vol. 3 no.2. postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage Monthly, 37 w. Broad St, Suite 480, Columbus, Oh 43215 Ohio Beverage Monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.

September 17, 2012

natiOnal COvERagE, lOCal aDvantagE

the Beverage network publications are serviced by Beverage Media group, inc., 116 John Street, 23rd floor, new york, ny 10038. telephone: (212) 571-3232 faX: (212) 571-4443. www.Bevnetwork.com

4 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012

DECEMBER 2011 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 5


liQUOR SalES REaChED $793.7 MilliOn in 2011 increased wholesale Sales Signals Economic growth By BRUCE D. StEvEnSOn, SUpERintEnDEnt OhiO DiviSiOn Of liQUOR COntROl


he dollar sales of spirituous liquor reached a record level in 2011, totaling $793.7 million. this was an increase of 5.3%, exceeding last year’s total by $40 million. this achievement is due in part to our focus on better inventory management and improved customer service helping us better meet the needs of Ohio consumers. tastes have also become increasingly

Bruce D. Stevenson, Superintendent

more sophisticated, and Ohioans are buying more of the premium products, including the many new items and flavored products. we are especially excited about the 2011 wholesale sales. after a slump in which wholesale dollar sales (liquor purchased by retail permit holders such as restaurants, bars and clubs) decreased three of the past four years, 2011 experienced a 4.7% increase. total wholesale sales reached $244 million, exceeding last year by $10.9 million. this is a positive indicator for Ohio’s economy, showing that Ohioans are again patronizing restaurants and entertainment businesses. according to Jarrod Clabaugh, Director of Communications for the Ohio Restaurant association, their members are noticing the growth. Many restaurants have expanded happy hours and are offering a wider selection of liquor products. Consumers are also enjoying more specialty drinks

6 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012

and pairing their meals with more sophisticated products.

thE DOllaR SalES Of SpiRitUOUS liQUOR REaChED a RECORD lEvEl in 2011, tOtaling $793.7 MilliOn. another positive for Ohio is that dollar sales grew at a high rate than consumption in 2011. we sold a total of 11.4 million gallons of spirituous liquor through our 457 Contract liquor agencies, an increase of 3.9% over the previous year. while our dollar sales are at an all-time high, consumption remains at a lower level than it was during most of the 1980’s. the top 10 selling brands of spirituous liquor in Ohio for 2011 (by gallons sold) were:

3. Bacardi Superior light Rum – 291,559 gallons 4. Captain M organ Spiced Rum – 284,606 gallons 5. absolut vodka – 274,549 gallons 6. Smirnoff vodka – 271,679 gallons 7. Crown Royal Canadian whiskey – 271,497 gallons 8. Jagermeister – 257,774 gallons 9. korski vodka – 231,916 gallons 10. Black velvet Canadian whiskey – 192,244 gallons we’re look ing for ward to a great 2012, as we continue our commitment to improving the efficienc y of our operations and providing excellent s e r v i ce to a l l o u r c u s to m e r s a n d stakeholders.

1. kamchatka vodka – 401,148 gallons 2. Jack Daniels tennessee whiskey – 349,589 gallons

Drunk Driving: there’s no good Excuse!

Columbus, Ohio and purchase, n.y. January 19, 2012 -- the Ohio Division of liquor Control has joined forces with spirits and wines supplier pernod Ricard USa to sponsor televised public service announcements warning consumers about the dangers of drunk driving. the 30-second spots, which aim to dismiss common excuses used to justify drunk drinking, aired on multiple cable stations – including Comedy Central, Spike tv and food network -- throughout Ohio during the week prior to Christmas and the week prior to new year’s Eve. liquor stores in the state also provided signage to reinforce the tv messaging. “Drunk driving is very destructive,” says Bruce Stevenson, Superintendent of the Ohio Division of liquor Control. “Our mission is to promote responsibility, and this partnership with pernod Ricard USa is a good way to do just that,” he said. “the anti-drunk driving ads raise awareness about the many excuses people use to perpetuate the myth that it’s socially acceptable to drink beverage alcohol in excess and then drive. and broadcasting these ads during the weeks before Christmas and new year’s – when so many holiday parties are held -- was an effective way to communicate our responsibility message.” pernod Ricard USa is pleased to partner with the Ohio Division of liquor Control in this campaign,” says David Jackson, vp Control State Operations, pernod Ricard USa. “we encourage responsible enjoyment of our brands by adults, but reject drunk driving and inappropriate consumption in any form.” pernod Ricard USa reminds you to drink responsibly (to learn more, visit www. acceptresponsibility.org).


JOBS OhiO the latest Developments


t the time of publication Ohio was about to embark on a brave new mission . . . Jobs Ohio. By the time you read this Jobs Ohio will have been approved by the Controlling Board and will be a reality. if you don’t know what it is, i am surprised. if you don’t know what it will be doing, join the club. the plan is for all of the spiritous liquor sales profits to go into a fund that will then be used to engage in programs that will import jobs, create jobs or in some other way help find work for Ohioans. a valiant mission indeed! But the actual plans are not publicly known at this time those of us in the alcohol beverage world will play a major role in this process. Every time a cocktail is sold in a bar or a bottle of spirits sold in an agency store the state profits from that sale will go to Jobs Ohio. this means we are all contributing to a better Ohio. But let’s look behind the curtain. here is the effect to our industry; a. no change to the operation of the Ohio Division of liquor Control as it is today. all

By philip a. CRaig

permitting, enforcement, oversight of agency stores, everything will operate the same. B. Revenue will flow to Jobs Ohio from all spirits sales for job creation programs. this will have no impact on the industry at all. C. all beer and wine distribution stays the same. D. all pricing still decided by the Division of liquor Control. E. all decisions on agency Store operations and site selection are made by the Division of liquor Control.

EvERy tiME a COCktail iS SOlD in a BaR OR a BOttlE Of SpiRitS SOlD in an agEnCy StORE thE StatE pROfitS fROM that SalE will gO tO JOBS OhiO..

phil Craig, Executive Director

when you serve a customer, let them know that we are part of the solution. . .Jobs Ohio.

So, Jobs Ohio causes no change in the way you conduct business but hopefully will bring jobs to our state so you have more customers.

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 7


hOUSE Bill 243

important law Changes that May impact you By DavE RaBER


overnor kasich signed hB 243 on December 21, 2011. Several new liquor laws were added and existing laws amended; all of which every permit holders should be aware. the new laws take effect 90 days from the date the governor signed the bill, which is March 20, 2012.

Dave Raber, OlBa legal Co-Counsel

here are some of the highlights contained in the new law: there were changes and additions which will allow beer manufacturers to sell tastings of beer which they produce on the premises. Specifically, a-1 permit holders will be authorized to offer for sale tastings of beer manufactured on premises. tasting sales are restricted to not more than four servings of not more than two ounces to a patron. Distillers holding an a-3a permit may offer for sale a limited amount of spirituous liquor as tasting samples which they produce on the premises. the new law also sets strict controls on selling such tastings; the a-3a permit holder shall not serve more than four tastings samples of spirituous liquor, not to exceed a quarter ounce to a patron per day. agency stores that sell spirituous liquor on behalf of the State of Ohio may now also sell tastings of spirituous liquor at agency stores if a number of restrictions are met. a “tasting sample” is defined as “a small amount of spirituous liquor that is provided

in a serving of not more than a quarter ounce of spirituous liquor and, if provided, not more than one ounce of nonalcoholic mixer to an authorized purchaser and that allows the purchaser to determine, by tasting only, the quality and character of the beverage.” patrons are prohibited from consuming more than four samples of spirituous liquor per day. C1 permit holders who also have been issued a class D8 permit may sell “growlers” of beer. the permit holder may dispense beer from containers that have a capacity equal or greater than five and one-sixth gallons into glass growlers, a glass container not exceeding one gallon, for off premises consumption. the new law prohibits beer growlers to be consumed on the D8 premises. the beer growlers must be cleaned immediately before being filled, securely resealed, marked and transported in the same manner which the current wine law commonly referred to as “Merlot to go” provides.

COntaCt lEgal COUnSEl tO MakE CERtain yOUR nEw BUSinESS plan StRiCtly COMpliES with thE law. the above generally outlines only some of the new laws that will soon take effect. there are some exceptions, so if you are planning to take advantage of any new provisions of law, contact legal counsel to make certain your new business plan strictly complies with the law. an important factor to remember is to always advertise and promote the responsible use of alcohol products.

8 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012


pERMit hOlDER pERSpECtivE iS appRECiatED we want to Represent your views


ith the passage of am. Sub. hB 243, the final provisions of the bill seemed to be good for on-premise liquor permit holders. in general, it upheld the basis of the control state philosophy while balancing economic development efforts in Ohio. included in the bill was a provision that would allow a brewer, who holds an a-1 permit, to not only brew beer, but also allow them to sell the beer for onpremise consumption. to many microbreweries, this was a huge win and an opportunity to further expand their ability to market their products. however, i recently received a letter of concern regarding this provision. it brought forward an interesting perspective: while the changes were appreciated, it did not go far enough. in essence, an individual seeking to be a "brew pub," clearly was helped by not having to buy the additional permit to sell its own beer, however, even with the changes, a brew pub would need to buy additional permits in order to sell wine and spirits. after paying more than $3,900, a brew pub would still have a significant investment in the form of permit fees for wine and mixed beverages and spirituous liquor. whether the a-1 permit should be changed to allow for a brew

By JaCOB EvanS

pub to have privileges for beer, wine and spirits or whether the additional fees are reasonable is a matter of debate and one i would appreciate hearing the input of others.

wE want tO REpRESEnt yOUR viEwS anD thEy Can alwayS BE Changing BaSED UpOn thE ECOnOMy, COMpEtitiOn anD OthER faCtORS. Most importantly, though, is that the input of you, the permit holder, is gREatly appreciated. in this case, while it came after the bill had passed, it allows the OlBa an opportunity to more fully see an issue. while the version that passed was viewed in a full control state microscope, i.e. ensuring that someone does not get a full privileged permit outside the quota as it eviscerates the basis of control and temperance, there is also countervailing arguments. in short, to better represent all permit holders, your input is alwayS appreciated. we fight for you, the permit holder. we want to represent your views and they can always be changing based upon the economy, competition and

Jacob Evans, OlBa legal Co-Counsel

other factors. your view is what shapes the direction and policy of the OlBa. please do not hesitate to reach out and offer your views. as with all ideas, the best generally come from a combination of varying view points . . . . the more insight and background we can get, the better the ideas are for OlBa members and permit holders across Ohio!

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 9


Blurry or Not, Blogs Matter By W. R. Tish


quare one when writing about “blogs” nowadays: define blog. The word itself, representing the contraction of Web and Log, is applied in multiple contexts. The line between classic blogs—which are essentially self-published, independent and free—and all sorts of web content is blurry indeed. True blogs, in practice, are personal, opinionated and free-wheeling; therein lies much of their appeal—and a significant drawback. They provide authentic viewpoints and original ideas; they can also amount to just so much “insider baseball.” While it is easy to dismiss blogs as exercises of ego, it is becoming clearer by the month that wine content online has begun to dwarf traditional (print) wine media. Tastemakers are increasingly digital. Here is a strategic guide to the “blogosphere,” and how to tap into it manageably.

Aggregate for Efficiency One way to deal with the sheer volume and sporadic publishing frequency of blogs is simply to sign up for email roundups that filter the universe of online content and deliver it in bitesize chunks with links. Benson Marketing’s Enews Monitor (daily; sign up at bensonmarketing.com under “services”) and Wine Opinions (weekly; email info@wineopinions. com to request) are both free and do a nice job of spotlighting blog posts along with other online wine news and commentary.

Drill Down and Across Most bloggers “tag” their posts (posts being the term commonly applied to blog articles) with subject key words. When you find a post of interest, click on one or more of the tags at the bottom of that post; this will take you quickly to other posts on the same topic, without having to dig though “archives.” Also, most blogs will have a “blog roll” somewhere on the home page, representing recommended peer bloggers; it is worth clicking through to some, especially if the blog roll appears to be short.

Cyberspace Can Be Local Too Bloggers are people, and they usually have a well-established home base. If you operate a store, it is common sense to be aware of local bloggers of note, including those in related fields (i.e., restaurant bloggers, food bloggers). Active bloggers are tuned in to the local scene and it never hurts to know what they are applauding and/or decrying. For example, Richard Auffrey (passionatefoodie.blogspot.com) and Robert Dwyer (wellesleywinepress.com) are on top of the wine/food scene in Boston. Thea Dwelle covers the Bay Area at lusciouslushes.com; her blog also has a tab featuring wine bloggers by location around the country.

Check ’Em Out Here are some special-interest wine blogs that excel in frequency, depth of coverage and readability.  For a PR-tinged view of wine industry news and trends, Tom Wark’s Fermentation (fermentation.typepad.com)  For in-depth viti/vinicultural interviews and analysis, Ken Payton’s reignofterroir.com

 For all things Italy, Jeremy Parzen’s dobianchi. com and Alfonso Cevola’s On the Wine Trail in Italy (acevola.blogspot.com)  For California hot-button issues and hyperbolic rants, steveheimoff.com  The Feiring Line (alicefeiring.com) – America’s premier natural wine maven, with a literary bent  New York Cork Report (lennthompson. typepad.com) – Led by Lenn Thompson, NYCR covers the state expertly

And for general interest, here are the blogs (in no particular order) that, taken as a whole, deliver more and better wine content than glossy consumer magazines.  drvino.com – Tyler Colman swings easily from incisive reporting and timely commentary to wacky stuff like “impossible food-wine pairings”  winediarist.com – Purposeful wine prose by Mike Steinberger (Slate’s loss is the blogosphere’s gain)  Palate Press – An amalgam of bloggers, representing a potpourri of topical wine issues  Enobytes.com – a far-reaching site, with reviews, news, commentary from a handful of writers  winecampblog.com – Craig Camp writes with the authority of a winemaker (which he is) and passion of a wine lover  blog.wblakegray.com (The Gray Report) – Wide-ranging topics covered with spark and aplomb by W. Blake Gray  vinography.com – Eight years strong, Alder Yarrow has informed and inspired many other bloggers  biggerthanyourhead.net – Memphisbased Fredric Koeppel writes some of the most eloquent wine descriptions anywhere  1winedude.com – The excitable and irascible Joe Roberts recently went fulltime as a wine blogger

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Feb12_IndustryWatch.indd 1

1/16/12 5:02:47 PM

47 PM


laSt Call

the Many advantages of pOS Systems By ChUCk DEiBEl


i and welcome back to the last Call! this month’s topic is pOS Systems. i thought i would provide an actual experience i had to demonstrate how a pOS system can help you manage your operations better and ensure you are making more of the money you should be making. a few years ago i was hired by a bar owner to provide our sales and inventory management service and we did the first audit of the sales and inventory. the bar used a regular manual cash register where the staff indexed in the price of each sale into a department button. this means they would press in the $2.25 by hitting the number buttons and then the beer department button. the staff had no idea we were doing our inventory analysis. the bar went through about 2500 bottles of beer in one week. the regular selling price was $2.25 for domestic bottles (imports were $3.00) and the happy hour price for the domestics was $1.50. they had a pretty busy happy hour, so the average selling price should have been in the $1.80 to $2.00 per beer bottle range overall. after going in the bar for the second time we produced the audit report on the operations for one week. the bar was about 450 bottles of beer short. this meant the bar went through 2500 bottles, but only sold about 2050. But what was equally alarming, if not more so was the average selling price of each bottle was not $1.90 but $1.25 each. So the bar was missing about $900 per week on sales of the missing 450 bottles and about 75 cents for each bottle actually sold or $1,537, for a total amount of $2,437 missing in one week. the beer was being sold for a dime each, 50 cents, $1.00, etc., along with the regular prices of $1.50 and $2.25 and $3.00. this resulted in the low average. this owner thought the $5,000 pos system was too expensive and an unnecessary expense, so they bought a $200 register. So in his effort to save $4,800, he lost that in two weeks. By having a pOS system this wouldn’t have happened. i can’t tell you how many operators i have met that will step over dollars to pick up pennies. after we put in a pOS system; his profit increased by about $2,000 per week. this decision increased his net profit by

$100,000 for a year. a pOS system records the sale by a button that is programmed for a specific price for each item, for the time and the day. the staff can’t over ring and they can’t index in any price they want to. a pOS system also records the tabs directly in the system. this means no lost pieces of paper and you are more likely to record the sales properly. another nice advantage is the end of shift or day processing is much faster and accurate. you can also integrate the pOS system with the credit card processing function and as a time clock. there are many other advantages.

aftER wE pUt in a pOS SyStEM; hiS pROfit inCREaSED By aBOUt $2,000 pER wEEk. a cash register is ok as a way of recording a limited selection of beverages, such as bottles of beer and draft beer. you should program it to have preset prices and lock out the buttons if possible from being able to index in the sale. this could be used in a side or temporary side station in your bar. if you have a pOS system you probably already know about the big differences and advantages over a manual cash register. these days the prices of pOS systems have come down. and they have become so easy to use compared to the way they used to be. programming the pOS system to correctly account for the different ways the drinks are served is an important part of the process. Make sure you are able to account for increased portion serving sizes, such as doubles or for “On the rocks” pour sizes that are greater than your standard pour size. it’s important to make the modifiers “brand specific” and not just a general modifier. too many people charge the same amount of upcharge for a rocks or double pour, when the liquor’s cost can range greatly. Some pOS systems cannot accommodate this issue correctly. Make sure you ask your vendor if their system can do this. if your bar doesn’t serve extra portions of liquor, then this would not be a necessity. there are many out there: Micros,

Chuck Deibel

aloha, two touch, pixel point, Digital Dining, Restaurant Manager, R power and a host of others. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. they generally cost around the same; with a range of plus or minus about $1,000 per station. although many of the manufacturers have different versions and options for their pOS systems, you should interview several. Don’t rush into the decision. you need to give yourself about six weeks from ordering it to when you need the system. Make sure you find out the price of the entire system, including the service agreement over a 5 year period of time. Just as important as the hardware and software is the person selling it and servicing it. Make sure you feel comfortable not only with the pOS system but the company selling it.

when you did your inventory last week, how many shots of Crown Royal were you missing? how many pints of draft beer were you missing? if you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to www.bevinco.com Our clients do know how much.

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 11

WineBuZZ Malbec Gets Cheeky Some industry watchers call Malbec the new Shiraz, thanks to its red-hot sales and consumer-friendliness. As new brands continue to emerge, is anyone surprised to see labels display a little more attitude to complement the Andean altitude? The 100% varietal Battle Axe Malbec, imported by Liquid Brands, is sourced from estate vines that are between 80 and 100+ years old. Vivid rubypurple, the wine delivers intense red fruits, subtle spice and toasty notes from 12 months in new French oak barrels. SRP: $17.99 freakingawesomewines.com


sparkling…red …And sweet!

garnet line is Born AGAin

Targeting Moscato drinkers, Piedmont’s Ricossa Antica Casa, part of MGM Mondo del Vino, is releasing a new sparkling red from the Casorzo DOC in the U.S. market. The new entry, Ricossa “Casorzo” (5.5%-abv), is made from ripe, sweet Malvasia grapes in the low-alcohol (5.5%) style of Moscato. It joins a Ricossa Antica portfolio also including Barolo, Barbera d’Asti, Moscato d’Asti and Gavi wines. SRP: $15.99 touchstone-wines.com

Since its debut under the Saintsbury label back in 1983, Garnet has been a go-to name for people who love value in California Pinot Noir. Now, as part of Vintage Point (makers/ marketers of brands including Hundred Acre, Layer Cake, Luna, Arnold Palmer and others), Garnet has undergone a makeover and line extension. Joining the flagship Carneros Pinot Noir (2010 SRP $20) are a 2009 Monterey Pinot Noir ($15), 2010 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay ($15) and a single-vineyard 2010 Rodgers Creek Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ($30). vintagepoint.com

Moscato + brachetto = MoChetto Given that Moscato and Brachetto vines both thrive in Italy’s Piedmont zone, and given that both are card-carrying sweeties in the bottle, the idea of combining these two grapes in one wine is quite natural. Imported by Napa-based Quintessential and dubbed Mochetto, grapes for the pink, gently sweet and slightly effervescent wine were sourced in the Venezie subzone of the Veneto; alcohol is 5.5%. Each variety’s signature fruit (peach and berry) is perceptible; the 10% portion of Brachetto adds a little richness. SRP: $16.99 quintessentialwines.com

luxury is in the bag for kruG As if Krug Champagne itself were not enough to say “luxury,” the iconic Champagne now has its very own carrying case. The Krug “Flanerie” is handcrafted from supple leather and conceals an insulated sleeve that keeps a pre-chilled bottle of Krug Grand Cuvée or Krug Rosé at perfect drinking temperature. Just the thing for high-end BYO occasions or a special gift. The Krug Flanerie retails for $190 and is in nationwide but limited release, from the same distributors that already carry the bubbly.

12 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012


SavE MOnEy nOw

Recieve a free, no Obligation Quote! By MOlly MCkEE whether you are currently in a group, or did not qualify last year, we ask that you participate in a no-cost, no-obligation group rating review. for more information contact CompManagement at 800-825-6755, option 3 you should have received information in the mail in late august or early September that allowed you to get an estimate of the kind of cost savings that you could expect. if you need that information again, please call the number above. Molly Mckee, OlBa Management team


f you haven’t signed up for a workers’ compensation group-rating program, yet, it’s not too late! the deadline to enroll is february 29, 2012. with the economy waning and all of the negative factors impacting your business these days, one of the smartest things that you as a permit holder can do is to enroll in a workers’ compensation group rating program. the OlBa’s program, administered by CompManagement, is one of the best programs in the state and one of the best reasons to become an OlBa member. you should have already received information in the mail about the OlBa’s 2012-2013 plan year. Oftentimes, the amount that you could save if you participated in the program would more than pay for the OlBa dues that are required to participate, as this program is only available to OlBa members. the Ohio licensed Beverage association offers a workers’ compensation group rating plan that will enable you to secure a cost control method that isn’t dependent upon BwC dividends. this plan is made possible through our partnership with CompManagement, our third party administrator.

if yOU havEn't SignED Up fOR a wORkERS' COMpEnSatiOn gROUpRating pROgRaM yEt, it'S nOt tOO latE! Every year Ohio employers mistakenly choose a group rating plan based solely on the enrollment fee. the problem is the enrollment fee should nEvER be the only factor considered when deciding which group to join. to help eliminate the confusion, CompManagement, inc. has compiled a list of what to look for when comparing quotes. Read the list… and check it twice. it will help you make an informed decision to ensure that you enroll in the best group rating plan.

� is membership in the group declining? � what information is being used in the quote (payroll, rates, and BwC assessments)? � Claims Management Representationfull Service vs. no Service? -Does the staff respond quickly and are they experienced enough to guide on all matters regarding workers’ compensation? -are hearing Representatives provided to attend workers’ compensation hearings? -are Rate analysts available to assist with matters such as overpayment of premiums, adjustment of rates, manual classification(s), and other concerns? -are educational seminars, manuals, and safety programs offered to group members? -is unemployment consultation included? the OlBa has selected CompManagement, inc. as our group plan administrator. Our group rating program can provide eligible employers with discounts up to 80% on workers’ compensation premium in 2012. if you would like to get a quote or discuss our workers’ compensation group rating plan, please call CompManagement’s group Rating Department at 800-8256755 Ex. 3.

hOw tO COMpaRE QUOtES… � who is the sponsoring organization and managing third party administrator? � what is the reputation of the third party administrator? � what is the history of the group credit (this can be verified through BwC at 800-644-6292)? � Size of the group? � how long has the group been in existence?

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 13





Absolut is known for innovation. The two newest members of the Absolut family are Absolut Miami and Absolut Gräpevine. Absolut Miami is the brand’s sixth limitededition, city-inspired flavor; it combines citrus flavors like passion fruit and orange blossom. Absolut Gräpevine offers the true taste of white grape, balanced with notes of dragon fruit and papaya, with no sugar added.

Both the Terramia Moscato Frizzante IGT (Sicily) and the Terramia Prosecco 2010 DOC-Spumante Brut (Veneto) showcase the memorable and sweet side of Italy. With a distinctly European package, these wines are upscale yet appropriate for a wide variety of occasions, including Valentine’s Day, or as an easy apéritif wine. Terramia is marketed nationally by Antares Wine Company.

Patrón Spirits has launched its first brand extension for the successful Patrón XO Café coffee liqueur line. XO Café Dark Cocoa combines Patrón Silver, the essence of coffee and rich chocolate flavor. The chocolate used is of the Criollo cacao variety produced in Mexico’s Tabasco region. Distilled at 60 proof, the liqueur has a smooth, dry finish.




SRP: $21 (both)


SRP: $24.99




Redbreast has announced the arrival of Redbreast 12 Cask Strength, a natural, nonchill-filtered version of Redbreast 12 that goes straight from the cask to the bottle. This is a pure representation of Redbreast 12 Year Old before water is added. The aroma is an explosion of fruits combined with vanilla and pine from the casks, and the finish is long and complex.

Sweet wines are HOT and highly-sought for Valentine’s Day. New Allure Bubbly White Moscato joins the recently released Allure Bubbly Pink Moscato. Allure Bubbly White Moscato is a California wine that is fresh, fun, lively, affordable and sweet! Allure is marketed nationally by Domaine Napa Wine Company.

Imported from Italy, Antica Sambuca is made with all natural ingredients and brings new accessibility to the Sambuca category. Antica Classic has the traditional anise flavor, with a sweet finish; Antica Black is a bold variation infused with licorice root sourced from Southern Italy. Each Antica Sambuca bottle has a proprietary, built-in retractable pourer.

SRP: $65




SRP: $19.99

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hOw MOBilE-fRiEnDly iS yOUR BaR?

adapting your website to Smartphone web Browsers By BaRRy ChanDlER


t will come as a shock to no one that the use of smartphones is at an all-time high. at last check more than 1/3 of american adults own one of the devices. and according to at least one study, 90 percent of owners use their phones as an

experience for those viewing the site on a laptop, but smaller images are probably a good idea. given that the iphone does not support flash, you should probably avoid its use on your site. MakE SURE yOUR StREEt aDDRESS iS EaSy tO USE:

just to figure out when the kitchen closes. keep in mind they could be looking at this in the backseat of a cab or while standing in line for a movie. and keep your front page as basic as possible, allowing a simple menu to guide users to additional content you have available. UpDatE yOUR COntEnt:


people have different requirements when it comes to a restaurant’s website, but address is probably the most common need. when somebody is hunting for your address on his or her phone it’s because they’re a. planning a route, B. are lost, or C. are trying to send the information to a friend. So make your address user-friendly – have it featured prominently, link it to a map service (preferably google) and make it easy to copy-and-paste. in other words, don’t have it saved as an image.

internet portal, with 4 of 5 doing so every single day. which means if you’ve been listening to your friendly neighborhood social media marketing company and doing the right things with facebook, foursquare and twitter, quite a few folks are going to be accessing your website with their phones. and it is up to you to make sure their experience is a good one. here are a few things you can do to ensure those who search you out on their cell phone (i.e. potential customers) are pleased with what they find: DOn’t gO CRaZy with thE iMagES: large pictures take time for a cell phone to process, which means delays as a reader tries to (for example) find your menu. Don’t completely compromise the full

at laSt ChECk MORE than 1/3 Of aMERiCan aDUltS Own OnE Of thE DEviCES. anD aCCORDing tO at lEaSt OnE StUDy, 90 pERCEnt Of OwnERS USE thEiR phOnES aS an intERnEt pORtal, with 4 Of 5 DOing SO EvERy SinglE Day.

nothing will make a customer more angry than if a menu item or happy hour offering they found while hunting for somewhere to stop turns out to be six weeks old. the web is great because it is so easily manipulated – take advantage. also: -Ensure that your menus are viewable in all the major mobile operating systems (iphone, android, Black berr y). after address and hours, menu might the next thing people want to check out on your site. avoiding the pDf format for menus is probably a good idea. -Make sure your menu buttons are large. this will be helpful to the finger-clicking process that goes along with smartphone usage. -Say no to auto-refresh. this adds to download time and hinders the common practice of friends passing a phone back and forth to examine your menu.

plaCE an EMphaSiS On REaDaBility anD SiMpliCity: Make sure there are no clashing colors or fonts which force a smartphone user to blow up a corner of your page five times

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 15

1:40:51 PM

SEASON’SMENU DESSERT FIZZ Created by The Cocktail Guru, Jonathan Pogash


Try Our Sweet Valentine. Recipes !

MALIBU BLACK & GINGER 1 part Malibu Black 2 parts ginger ale Serve over ice in a tall glass.

BLUSHING BERRY 1 ½ oz. Voli Raspberry Cocoa ½ oz. Raspberry liqueur Splash of diet cranberry juice Mix ingredients together and serve over ice in a rocks glass.

16 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012

1 ½ oz. Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka 1 large strawberry chopped 1 tsp. agave nectar ¼ oz. fresh lemon juice 3 oz. Champagne or sparkling wine Handful of mint leaves Muddle the strawberry and mint with agave and lemon. Add Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka and strain into chilled Champagne flute. Top with sparkling wine or Champagne. Garnish with a strawberry slice on the rim.



2 oz. Figenza Fig Flavored Vodka 2 oz. Champagne Muddled raspberries

1 oz. Vision Vodka 1 dash Grand Marnier 1½ oz. cranberry juice ½ oz. fresh lime juice 1 oz. Champagne

Pour Figenza over muddled raspberries in Champagne flute. Top with Champagne.

Combine Vision Vodka, Grand Marnier, cranberry juice and lime in a shaker over ice, and shake to combine. Strain into a chilled Champagne flute, and top up with Champagne. Serve garnished with a cherry.

BOURBON BALL COCKTAIL 2 oz. Evan Williams Bourbon 2 oz. Crème de cacao 1 ½ oz. Hazelnut liqueur Fill a shaker with cracked ice and blend. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with bourbon balls.


SMaRt fOOD paiRingS MakE a Big DiffEREnCE Creating perfectly Balanced Dishes By QUinn M. allEn CSC


eeing as we are in the “valentines D a y ” s e a s o n , i ’m s u r e t h a t everyone is brushing up on their compliments for their significant other. what do these compliments do? they reinforce self esteem, building a more solid person within your counterpart and in turn can result in compliments headed your way to help you do the same, in the end reinforcing the

the eye initially and pulls you in to take a closer look, it is then when you start to examine the plate in the flow that the chef intended. for example, if you haven’t already, have a look at the steak entrée dish. the first thing your eye is drawn to is the steak. “why?” you ask. notice how the steak is the tallest item on the plate and with the help of a sprig of thyme that says “hey, look right here! i’m delicious!!” your eye is captured and the battle is already over before you know it. the texture given by the cross hatched grill marks lures the eye in, a crisp but professional look.

a protein, a starch, and a vegetable, making it very well balanced and complete. these items fundamentally complement each other, and with the help of a little assembly and the proper cooking techniques they build on those complementary characteristics. it is a “from the ground up” operation.

a DiSh iS vERy MUCh likE a wORk Of aRt, thUS thE naME “CUlinaRy aRt.” Quinn allen, CSC

structure that is your relationship. without structure you lose stability and without stability you have nothing holding you together so it becomes easy to fall apart. a complete dish is built in the same manor. all aspects rely on each other to pull a plate together into something spectacular. when dealing with the assembly of a dish you have to consider a few important characteristics of each item you wish to include. these things are, color, texture, shape, taste, and height. a dish is very much like a work of art, thus the name “Culinary art.” we are not cooks, chefs, or back of the house hooligans, we are Culinary artists. Each dish has a focal point that grabs

after the steak you will notice that your eye locks onto the brilliant green given off by the spinach as it contrasts against the bright white of the plate, perfectly cooked and elegantly inter twined to provide a smooth flowing tex ture. then lastly the fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes, the proud caboose of the platter, the appearance to be light yet the weight to be filling. Simple ingredients, cheap, (besides the steak) but when put together the right way, it creates a masterpiece. as you eat this dish you will notice that the natural taste of the spinach will counteract the saltiness of the seasoned steak, and the butter in the mashed potatoes will smooth everything together like the covers on your bed. and diving even further into the analysis, the dish has

now this doesn’t mean that only items that are fundamentally complementar y (say that 5 times fast) can be placed together. if that were the case, we would have never stumbled upon mustard and cinnamon on grilled cheese, or hawaiian pizza. So if you have a dish that doesn’t work, try taking it apart, piece by piece, find out what makes it tick, and then take out the part that causes it to fail. Combinations in the culinary world are endless; the kitchen is a laboratory birthing new ideas by the second, and you don’t need a degree to come up with the next great idea. if you do have a dish that troubles you, write in about it, maybe, just maybe, we can save it. get cooking!

fEBRUaRy 2012 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly 17

18 OhiO BEvERagE MOnthly fEBRUaRy 2012


photograph courtesy of ????????????


Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code ยง2923.126(C)(3), the owner or person in control of these premises has prohibited the bringing of firearms or concealed firearms onto the premises. Any person who knowingly violates this posted prohibition is guilty of criminal trespass, which is a fourth degree misdemeanor.


Excellence is Our Commitment



90 93 2005








Marqués de Riscal one of the top ten most admired wine brands in the world.

R I O J A ’ S NEW CALLING CARD Reservas emerge as fastest-growing wines from Spain’s most famous region BY KRISTEN BIELER


afael Momene of La Rioja Alta noticed a dramatic shift in his portfolio last year: U.S. sales of his Viña Alberdi Reserva wine doubled, and sales of his Viña Ardanza Reserva quadrupled. Priced at $20 and $29 respectively, La Rioja Alta’s Reservas are significantly pricier than its Crianza ($14) yet have become the winery’s fastest-growing wines in the American market.

Momene isn’t alone—dozens of Rioja producers report a similar phenomenon with their Reservas, and the numbers reveal that among aged Rioja wines, Reservas and Gran Reservas are picking up major steam. Rioja’s wines stand out among all others—including those from the rest of Spain—by their extended aging, both in barrel and bottle. Crianzas must be aged 24 months before release, 12 in barrel;

RIOJA’S RESERVAS Reservas must be aged for 36 months, 12 in barrel; and Gran Reservas are required to spend 24 months in barrel and an additional 36 in bottle. (Joven—“young”— wines have no age requirements.) Though overall imports from the region have been rising steadily for years, the growth was driven primarily from Joven and Crianza wines—until now. “The Reserva and Gran Reserva categories compose 20% of our exports but have experienced over 50% growth in the past two years,” reports Ana Fabiano, brand ambassador and trade director of Vibrant Rioja and author of the just-published book The Wine Region of Rioja. While young wines are still fueling important growth in the value sector, when it comes to aged wines, the “consumers are clearly trading up for higher-end aged wines,” says Pia Mara Finkell, Vibrant Rioja director of communications. “More and more bodegas are now making their Reserva their flagship wine—in Rioja, Reserva is where it’s at.”

All photographs courtesy of Vibrant Rioja / Wines of Rioja

PERFE ECT MID DDLE GRO OUND Reservas expertly straddle the line between complexity and freshness. “Reservas offer the most favorable combination of aging, value and quality from Rioja,” says Doug Jeffirs, director of wine sales at Binny’s Beverage Depot in Chicago. While they showcase the refinement that comes from age, they still possess the sultry ripe fruit of a young wine (compared with Gran Reservas which can take on nutty flavors and a tawny color). In other words, Reservas offer exactly what the increasingly sophisticated U.S. market is looking for. “Crianza and Joven are great everyday drinking wines, but the real identity of Rioja shines in the Reservas—they display balance of fruit and oak, polished tannins, acidity and great complexity, all characteristics that consumers appreciate, especially when pairing with food,” says Felipe Gonzalez-Gordon of Gonzalez Byass USA, Inc., owner of Rioja’s Beronia estate (whose Reserva is up 40%).

FAMIL LIA ARITY Y BREEDS TRADE E-U UP The sales surge says a lot more about consumer and trade familiarity with Spain and Rioja than it does about the econ-

The marriage of tradition and innovation is quintessentially captured at Marqués de Riscal’s Ciudad del Vino—“city of wine”—completed in 2006. The Frank Gehry-designed complex includes a hotel, wine therapy spa, restaurant and conference center. Inset: Tempranillo, the grape variety that anchors Rioja.

RIOJA’S RESERVAS WERE UP 44% IN 2011; GRAN RESERVAS WERE UP 90% omy, most believe. “I’m sure the general trade-up trend is contributing, but more importantly, it’s the heightened awareness by customers of Rioja wines, particularly Reservas,” says Jeffirs. “Rioja has always held a special place at the top of the wine world with very few other regions like Bordeaux or Champagne. As soon as people have the proper introduction— or reintroduction—to Rioja, they realize that it offers what no other region can.” According to Joel Feigenheimer, director of purchasing for China Grill, it’s simple: “As Americans become more comfortable with Rioja, they continue to move towards the better crafted Riojas. They are looking for the best combination of quality and value, which these wines deliver.”

ONE-O OF-A A-K KIN ND VALUE E Barrel and bottle aging is expensive, which makes it pretty amazing that most Reservas

fall in the $15 to $30 range. “Rioja wines in general provide some of the greatest value among old world wines,” says Mark Tucker, director of marketing at Vision Wine & Spirits, who represents Rioja Bordon/Franco-Españolas. “Consumers demand value today—they want a $15 bottle of wine that they feel is worth $20 or $25 and this is Rioja’s calling card.” Last year Rioja Bordon’s Reserva leapt ahead as the winery’s best-selling SKU in the U.S. It’s aged about 20 months in oak and at least two years in the bottle—that’s over 3½ years of aging for a retail price of $14-$15. Juan Carlos Llopart, export manager for Rioja Bordon/Franco-Españolas, says “I do believe the American consumer is knowledgeable enough today to compare the quality they are getting with a 2004 Reserva to a New World wine that is aged for a few months at the same price.” There are indeed many 2003, 2004 and 2005 Reservas on the market that cost a quarter of a Burgundy or California Cabernet from the same vintage. “Retailers want to give their customers authenticity and value,” says Fabiano. “It is very difficult to find a wine at this price point that one can drink now or cellar for 5-15 years for a special occasion. Reservas fill this niche.”


RIOJA 101 ■ Located in northern Spain, on both sides of the River Ebro, Rioja is arguably Spain’s most established wine region, having been demarcated as far back as 1787, regulated in 1926, and granted status as Spain’s first and only Denominación de Origen Calificada in 1991. ■ The three main subregions are Rioja Alavesa, Rioja Alta and Rioja Baja. Annual regional production currently stands at 280 to 300 million liters, of which 90% is red. ■ Rioja wines are typically aged in 225-litre oak casks made of American oak, with periodic rackings, followed by further bottle aging. New oak is traditionally not a priority; rather, aging in cask is intended to allow wines to mature and tannins to integrate. ■ The different Rioja wine categories are based on minimum aging periods, which can vary between one and three years in barrel and between six months and six years in the bottle, depending on whether the wine is to be a Crianza, a Reserva or a Gran Reserva. ■ While Rioja reds are ready to enjoy upon release, they tend to plateau and can be held for many years as well. ■ Rioja is based primarily on Tempranillo (which grows widely across Spain), often with Garnacha, Graciano and Mazuelo. ■ Generous in fruit (strawberry), with hints of spice and vanilla, Rioja at all price points is particularly food-friendly, with structure (tannin and acidity) that helps it pair especially well with bold foods.

Sommeliers approve as well. “I love to offer our guests wines that have some good bottle age,” says Joe Campanale, owner/beverage director at New York’s L’Artusi and dell’anima restaurants. “Our guests often comment that it is nice to find a well-aged wine at a reasonable price. With Rioja Reserva, you’re able to find wines that are ready to drink upon release and guests appreciate that.” Sommeliers see the advantage of Rioja wines in their signature food-friendliness (high acid, in-check alcohol levels, elegance), but also from a storage/wine list perspective: “These wines can be placed on a wine list or cellared which is ideal for restaurants,” says Fabiano. Also, while the number of French and Italian restaurants still dwarf Spanish ones, Ricky Febres, national brand director for Marqués de Riscal, notes, “The popularity of tapas has contributed to the growth and appreciation of Spanish wines by the American consumer.”

A STYL LE EVOLUTIO ON? Some see a shift in Rioja wine style that may contribute to their recent enthusiastic embrace by American drinkers. The aging requirements haven’t changed since they were authorized in 1980, but there is a larger stylistic range emerging in the region: Some producers choose to age for longer than required, which imparts a more traditional taste profile, while others go with the minimum time in barrel to maintain more defined fruit flavors. Modern-leaning producers rely on new oak barriques while traditionalists use large, old casks. Collin Williams, CSW and wine buyer for Spec’s Wine, Spirits and Finer Foods in Houston, Texas, sees Rioja producers leaning toward a style that is more appealing to the American consumer: “Oak

regimens, skin maceration and extraction times, even brix levels are shifting to create wines that emphasize fruit rather than wines that are make in an oaky, dusty style.” He adds that the newer style makes them perfect for “Napa Cabernet customers that are branching out.” Fabiano has observed a “stronger understanding of Riojan Tempranillo” on the part of winemakers, particularly evident in the Reserva wines resulting in “more concentration, fruit-forward flavors and complexity” which better meets today’s palate preferences. Jeffirs, too, sees some stylistic shifting (“a bit more modern and refined”) but believes the real change is in the broadening of offerings: “There is tremendous variety from Rioja today—this has been hugely important in appealing to the American palate.” Most producers don’t deny the change: “Can anyone imagine dressing like our parents or grandparents?” asks GonzalezGordon. “Like most things in life, Beronia has evolved and continues to evolve. In the past it was all about acidity—which is why many wines were light and thin. Growers picked earlier and aged longer in barrel, which yielded very different wines than you see in the marketplace today. Rioja has wisely adapted.”

MAXIM MIZ ZIN NG UNTAPPED POTEN NTIA AL Spain is the world’s third largest wine producer, but roughly 70% of Spain’s wines are consumed in Europe—they only command a 5% share of the U.S. wine market. Underrepresentation like this equals tremendous opportunity for growth. “I would say practically every wine consumer is a Rioja consumer—the category offers enough diversity to suit any palate and occasion,” says Gonzalez-Gordon.


The emergence of the new, younger consumer has proved a benefit for the region, as well as the increasing sophistication of the American palate. “We know for a fact that as the wine population grows and the consumer gets more knowledgeable, the more they appreciate the sophistication of the Reserva style of wine,” says Momene. “There is more work to be done on the trade end in three areas: improving distribution, maintaining price stability, and education.”

BACK IN N THE SPOTLIG GHT Has Rioja’s boost been fueled by the growing popularity of Spanish wines across the board? “It’s the other way around,” believes Feigenheimer. “The question should be, ‘How much have Spanish wines benefited from the growing popularity of Rioja?’” Statistics over the last 25 years back him up, says Fabiano, confirming that Rioja has been a real leader in paving the way for other Spanish regions.

RIOJA RESERVA SELECTIONS MURIEL RESERVA 2005 (Quintessential, $20) Crafted from 40-year old-plus vines, this 100% Tempranillo was aged 24 months in French and American oak; it’s round, smooth and velvety with equal parts fruit, spice and vanilla encased in ultra-fine tannins.

All photographs courtesy of Vibrant Rioja / Wines of Rioja

DINASTIA VIVANCO RESERVA 2005 (Opici Wines, $25) Vivanco’s stand-out Reserva is decidedly more modern in style. Sourced from old vines in high-altitude vineyards in the Rioja Alta region, it spends 24 months in oak (50% new French) and 24 more in bottle. Dark, rich, fruit-forward and smooth, it is beautifully balanced and perfect to drink now. RAMÓN BILBAO RESERVA 2006 (W.J. Deutsch & Sons, $17) Ripe blackberry and plum flavors are balanced by mature notes of leather and tobacco in this layered Rioja Alta wine, which spent 20 months in American oak followed by 20 months of bottle aging. The addition of 10% Mazuelo and Graciano adds peppery spice notes. CAMPO VIEJO RESERVA 2006 (Pernod Ricard USA, $14) On the fresher, fruitier spectrum of Reservas, this ruby red wine features bright, tasty cherry

flavors underscored by notes of clove and vanilla. OSTATU RESERVA 2006 (De Maison Selections, $33) Sourced from the estate’s oldest vines (50 years plus), this full-bodied 100% Temranillo spends some time in new French oak and features pronounced ripe fruit laced with hints of anise and soft tannins on the medium-long finish. MARQUES DE RISCAL RESERVA 2006 (Shaw-Ross International, $18) Founded in 1858, Riscal leans more traditional in style with their Reserva; it spent 24 months in American oak and shows terrific elegance to its plush red fruit flavors, subtle oak notes and smooth tannins. Look also for Riscal’s delicious 2001 Gran Reserva which is a favorite of critics ($45). RIOJA BORDON RESERVA 2006 (Vision Wine & Spirits, $14) Bordon’s history goes back 100 years and their wines express a nice middle ground between modern and traditional. Fermented and aged for 18 months in new American oak, this deeplycolored, refined red shows notes of fruit, earth and leather.

REMELLURI RESERVA 2006 (De Maison Selections, $31)

If anything, says Jeffirs, the Spanish wine surge has allowed Rioja to once again take center stage in wine universe: “I think it’s brought some focus back to Rioja. There is a lot of excitement about Spanish wines today, but with many, you don’t know what you are getting until you try them. Rioja has the advantage of being able to combine the new and the old—modern winemaking and a millennium of heritage—without losing its special identity with the consumer.” ■

Founded by monks in the 14th century, Remelluri honors the region’s heritage by cultivating low-yielding old vines, hand-picking all fruit and using natural yeasts and American oak. Refined flavors of spice, chocolate and stewed fruit are supported by polished tannins. BERONIA RESERVA 2007 (San Francisco Wine Exchange, $18) An exceptionally balanced wine with a perfect marriage between maturity and fresh fruit—and a lot of wine for the price. Less overt oak notes make it ideal with food or own its own. Founded in the 1970s the Gonzales-Byass family (makers of Tio Pepe Sherry) purchased the estate in 1982. CASTILLO LABASTIDA RESERVA 2004 (Winebow, $20) The talented Manuel Ruiz crafts this vanilla- and raspberryscented 100% Tempranillo. Stainless steal fermentation and some French oak result in a delicious Reserva with hints of spice and flowers on the palate. RIOJA ANTAÑO RESERVA CHECK VINTAGE (CIV, $12) A real steal for a Reserva, this low-priced red is a blend of blend of 80% Tempranillo with bits of Graciano, Mazuelo and Garnacha; it spends 12 months in American oak and displays the classic Rioja mix

of crushed herbs, plums, dried cherry and leather. CONDE DE VALDEMAR RESERVA 2005 (CIV, $20) A rich, full-bodied Reserva produced by one of the region’s forward-thinking pioneers. It’s packed with spicy cherry and vanilla flavors all held up by bright acidity. Also look for their stunning Gran Reserva ($40), which spends 25 months in French and American oak and showcases silky fruit flavors with hints of nuts and spice. LA RIOJA ALTA VIÑA ALBERDI RESERVA 2005 (Michael Skurnik Wines, $20) Made by one of the most respected and significant producers in Rioja (La Rioja Alta has about 6½ million bottles stored at any one time in its cellars), this possesses the complexity of a wine twice its price. Dense and pure, it offers seductive layers of spicy vanilla, balsamic and wild berries. LA RIOJA ALTA VIÑA ARDANZA RESERVA 2001 (Michael Skurnik Wines, $29) The winery’s top-tier Reserva spends three years in American oak and six in bottle yet remains remarkably bright and balanced. Unlike the Alberdi, it has 20% Garnacha in the blend, and reveals silky flavors of orange peel, leather, spice and earth.

A KISS FROM MOTHER EARTH 2 oz. 360 Double Chocolate 1 oz. Agave Nectar 3 oz. Cream Chocolate Syrup Drizzle chocolate syrup in glass. Shake remaining ingredients with ice and strain into glass. Garnish with Japanese Pocky Sticks.


America’s Love for Chocolate Infuses Spirits and Wine BY JEFFERY LINDENMUTH


or fans of classic cocktails like the pre-Prohibition Brandy Alexander, with its dose of sweet, dark crème de cacao, and for legions of chocolate martini fans cultivated in the 1990s, chocolate and happy hour go together like Romeo and Juliet. The relationship of chocolate and beverage alcohol is clearly built on a passionate foundation, and now a host of spirits and wine producers are spotlighting the romance between the popular couple, injecting the luxurious taste of chocolate directly into the bottle with unprecedented frequency. Here’s how to enjoy, and sell, these decadent drinks, just in time for Valentine’s Day celebration.

vodka shows staying power Sometimes it seems the martini menu is like a box of chocolates, with myriad variations of “chocotinis,” most of which rely on proprietary chocolate vodka for their flavor, often accented with sweet or cream liqueurs. Although the chocolate martini may be more a seasonal specialty than trendy standard these days, the latest incarnations of chocolate vodka

ensure the drink is more than mere novelty, emphasizing sophisticated brands, compound flavors and authenticity of chocolate flavor. For William Grant & Sons’ Stolichnaya, the newly introduced Chocolat Razberi flavor strikes the right balance between traditional and innovative, according to Jill Palais, senior brand manager. “We’ve been seeing a huge trend

in flavored vodka, especially with sweet, indulgent types of flavors, like Swedish Fish, whipped cream and cotton candy doing very well among younger consumer, ages 21-29. We wanted to offer something indulgent, while staying in our premium Stoli style, so a chocolate flavor like Chocolat Razberi is perfect,” says Palais. According to Palais the compound flavor of fruit and chocolate has proven versatile, capitalizing on the confectionery trend with cocktails like the Chocolat Raz Cake Martini and The Tootsie, which combines with orange juice to eerily mimic the flavor of a Tootsie Roll.

CHOCOLATE KISS 2 parts Pinnacle Chocolate 1 part White Crème de Menthe 1 part White Crème de Cacao Shake with ice and strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with a chocolate kiss and mint leaf.

Godiva, a powerful brand in the realm of edible chocolate, retains their line of rich and creamy liqueurs, in flavors of Chocolate, Caramel, Mocha and White Chocolate, while adding two new chocolate vodkas to the mix. Godiva Chocolate Infused Vodka and Godiva Chocolate Raspberry Infused Vodka, inspired by the top-selling Godiva Chocolate Raspberry Truffle, are clear, super-premium flavored vodkas, retailing for about $30/750 ml. With the 80 years of credentials in fine chocolate, the Godiva brand adds value to the flavors and creates a crossover product, with Diageo noting that it appeals to adults who enjoy ultra-premium vodka and quality chocolate. Alchemia Vodka, from the century-old Polmos Bialystock Distillery in Poland, emphasizes naturally-infused raw ingredients, including single-origin chocolate nibs, in its line of flavored vodkas. The somewhat cryptic name of Czekoladowa does not seem to deter chocolate fans from giving the vodka a taste, according to Jourdan Lawlor, Alchemia brand manager. “It ranks number one in sales among the flavors,” says Lawlor, referring to the vodka’s flavored siblings, Imbirowa (ginger) and Wisniowa (wild cherry). “We sample the product at tastings with displays of cocoa nibs and huge chunks of chocolate that absolutely help to draw people to the table and make a memorable impression,” says Lawlor.

chocolate vodka

selec tions

C H O C O L AT E . . . ON THE SIDE Not all wine-friendly chocolate needs to be inside the bottle. Artisan chocolate company BRIX CHOCOLATE (www.brixchocolate.com) formulates chocolates meant to pair with specific wines. Founded in 2008, Brix was created by Dr. Nick Proia, a pulmonologist and wine enthusiast, with the goal of introducing a healthier alternative to the classic wine-and-cheese pairing. The four Brix offerings—Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Extra Dark Chocolate and Smooth Dark Chocolate—are single-origin chocolate from Ghana that highlight red fruit flavors that won’t overwhelm wine. Each is designed to pair with a specific wine type (Smooth Dark is built for sparkling wines and sweet wines, as well as medium-bodied reds, for example). An eight-ounce bar has a retail price of $9.99-$12.99.

Introduced in 2002, Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka continues to be a mixologist favorite for its richly layered, roasted chocolate aromas, derived from a double infusion of real chocolate and Columbian coffee beans, nicely balanc-

ing sweet signature cocktails with its sophisticated hint of bitterness. Van Gogh extended its choco-line in 2011 with a “Rich Dark” iteration, inflected with notes of coffee and nutmeg. Three Olives is another flavoredvodka specialist to join the chocolate crowd. The flavor is a natural for the “Three-O” brand, which emphasizes vodka’s fun, mixable personality and has 17 flavors in its portfolio. Of course, one of the classic handicaps for edible chocolate is its rap as fattening. Voli—producer of low-calorie fruit and fusion flavored vodkas—is in position to cater to the weight-watching crowd with its Raspberry Cocoa flavor, which checks in at 60 proof.

you got your chocolate in my wine And it tastes great… if the wave of chocolate-infused wines is any indication. The current spectrum of chocolate and wine blends casts a broad net, ranging from those that align with creamy liqueurs, to off-dry reds, and some that include a more subtle touch of chocolate, complementing a traditional red wine.

CHOCO-LAT CHERRY BLISS 1 part Choco-Lat 1 part Amaretto Almond Liqueur 1 part Milk ½ part Grenadine syrup Garnish with whipped cream and a cherry.



Hal Landvoigt, winemaker for Washington state–based Precept Wine, uses natural chocolate flavors to craft several red wine and chocolate blends, including Chocolate Shop, a blend of vinifera wine and chocolate that has become the number-one tasting room seller, even outpacing Precept’s many conventional wines. Chocolate Shop and The Chocolate Cellar are also targeted to tap into the burgeoning “sweet red” wine category, with 7% and 8% residual sugar respectively, while Red Decadence offers a drier 5%. “The products we have had the biggest success with, Chocolate Shop and Chocolate Cellar, are really designed to be chocolate flavor forward. Red Decadence and some of the other wines exhibit more of an interplay between the red wine and chocolate flavors. The goal is to create a balanced wine that carries the chocolate flavoring without masking or competing with it,” says Landvoigt. According to Sarah Cline, Chocolate Shop brand manager, most chocolate wine fans purchase off-premise, with the brand excelling in Kroger and Safeway supermarkets throughout the West as well as Cost Plus World Market, Total Wine & More, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market and Bashas’ Grocery. “These chains have seen great success during the ‘chocolate holidays’—Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Our outstanding chocolate sales in our tasting room tells us that Chocolate Shop will be an outstanding offering on-premise as well,” says Cline, noting that restaurants

wine & hybrid

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and wine bars offer fertile ground for chocolate wines. Last Valentine’s Day, Maverick Wine Group introduced Truffle Merlot, a “grown-up version of chocolate wine—a true red wine, with chocolate on the finish,” according to Rhoda Bruner business development manager for Maverick Wine Group. As a varietal wine with some residual sugar, Truffle Merlot is poised to compete with blockbuster red blends with a touch of residual sugar, and the forthcoming line extensions—Truffle Chiffon Chardonnay and Truffle Pink Moscato—seem to reassert that strategy. With about 10,000 case sales for 2011, Bruner believes that number will grow exponentially, with market expansion now at 32 states and representatives equipped to assist with POS and tastings that include Brix chocolate, designed specifically to pair with wine. “We are finding that once we get the wine in the consumer’s mouth, we have repeat buyers,” says Bruner.

Introduced in December 2010, Cocoa di Vine is distinguished by its aromatic white wine base using Torrontés, Pedro Ximénez and Moscato grapes imported from Argentina, as opposed to red wine. “We worked with a creamery to put it together and we tried different many samples before settling on this. The color looked a lot better than the red, and the wine was fresher tasting, more like a Yoo-hoo,” says Don Opici, fourth-generation partner in the family-owned Opici Wines. Exceeding 20,000 case sales in 2011, Cocoa di Vine is a newer entrant with a great deal of interest and impressive growth opportunity according to Opici. With about 90% of sales off-premise, Opici notes that sales appear to be somewhat seasonal approaching their first year in the market, peaking in February and slowing in the summer. Opici’s confidence in the category is so strong that they recently added two new variations of Cocoa di Vine: Chocolate Cherry and Espresso. “Everybody loves chocolate. It does not seem like the category is going away, but rather gaining momentum,” says Opici.

creamy concoctions The other side of chocolate wine departs more dramatically from table wine, utilizing wine more as the alcohol base for creating a creamy chocolate drink, a style with its own legions of and impressive growth. Wine Spectator recently reported that ChocoVine, blended in Holland by Team Products, a division of DeKuyper, shipped 450,000 cases in 2010 and is on track to become a million-case brand in 2011.

MILKY MINT 2 oz. Adult Chocolate Milk k ¼ oz. Creme de Menthe 1 oz. Whipped Vodka Hersey’s chocolate syrup p Muddle Hershey’s Kisses (or Andes Mints), mint leaves and Hershey’ss Chocolate Syrup. Add drink ingredients, shake k strain t i and d pour into a chilled, Hershey’s Chocolate Syruplined martini glass. Top with whipped vodka.

WHIPPING UP new hybrids While chocolate is no newcomer to the liqueur category (crème de cacao is back bar staple under a variety of labels), much of the current chocolate action involves vodka and wine, and recent launches suggest the experimentation is not done yet. Adult Chocolate Milk, created by two old high-school friends reunited on Facebook, invites drinkers to “relive your youth at 40 proof,” capitalizing on nostalgic flavor and fun retro packaging. “It seems to go back to a time in life when things were simple and responsibilities were not such a big deal,” says Nikki Halbur, co-creator and partner in Adult Beverage Company. Adult Chocolate Milk— dairy-based, with chocolate and vodka—is being distributed in 40 states in partnership with W.J. Deutsch & Sons Ltd., and is popular chilled from the fridge, like real chocolate milk, and in candy-inspired cocktails. In an unlikely union, Bottega Gianduia Liqueur, imported by Palm Bay, is made by infusing Alexander Grappa with Gianduia hazelnut chocolate. With its Italian pedigree, this creamy 34 proof liqueur makes it a perfect topping for gelato, although sipping on the rocks is natural as well. If chocolate works with grappa, then it should not be no great a shock to see it also work with tequila. Brand new for the first quarter of 2012, Patrón XO Cafe Dark Cocoa combines chocolate with high-quality Patrón Silver tequila and a touch of coffee in a 60 proof liqueur. “When we looked at how we could build on what makes Patrón XO Cafe so special, chocolate was such a natural fit,” says Ed Brown, president and CEO of Patrón Spirits International. The taste is not as sweet as many other coffee liqueurs, with a smooth yet dry finish. Perhaps a sign that old is set to become new again: cordial specialist DeKuyper has just launched three new liqueurs under its JDK&Sons Crave label—Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Cherry and Chocolate Chili. And the chocolate wine category appears set to expand as E&J Gallo is test-marketing its $11 ChocolatRouge in two variations (Cream and Red) in eight states. No matter how you like your chocolate—in dessert, on the side, or as a liquid indulgence— it’s a flavor trend that shows staying power and seasonal opportunities. ■

With soccer moms talking in terms of cacao percentages and Wine Spectator sampling chocolate-infused wines, chocolate has migrated to the sophisticated mainstream, creating an opening for more casual confectionary flavors in beverage alcohol. Leading that movement is whipped cream, a flavor that has quickly leaped to the front of the pack of White Rock Distilleries’ Pinnacle Vodka portfolio. Pinnacle Whipped (35% ABV, $14.99 retail) topped 750,000 cases when final sales for 2011 were tallied, making it the best-selling flavored vodka in the U.S.

While some veteran vodka producers have resisted adding confectionary flavors like whipped cream, deeming they might seem inconsistent with their current flavor range, Smirnoff has jumped in with both feet, debuting both Smirnoff Whipped Cream (30% ABV, $12.99 retail) and Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow (35% ABV, $12.99 retail) during the holiday 2011 season. Also jumping into the creamy vodka arena: Georgi and Burnett’s. Likewise, beverage alcohol is finding its way into whipped toppings, like Whipped Lightning, a range of flavored whipped cream (including Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Mint and Coconut) infused with grain alcohol

s ele el ecc t i o n s

to achieve 16.75% alcohol by volume and packaged in a pressurized can. According to producer Maple Grove Products, based in Atlanta, Georgia, Whipped Lightning is not a food product, but a beverage alcohol product and therefore features alcohol rather than nutritional labeling. Kingfish Spirits of Shaker Heights, Ohio, offers an alcohol-infused whipped cream under the name Cream (15% ABV). Each 375-ml can yields 26 1-oz. servings in popular flavors like Vanilla and Peppermint. With serving recommendations as a topping for desserts, coffee, mixed drinks and Jell-O shots, whipped cream may prove to be every bit as versatile a partner as chocolate.

SPEAKEASY TBN: Were you worried that Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey would hurt the base brand?

Brown-Forman’s Michael J. Keyes President, North American Region The Beverage Network sat down with Brown-Forman’s Mike Keyes, to discuss the longevity of flavored whiskey, the changing dynamics of social responsibility and opportunities in the crowded vodka category

ON WHISKEY THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: With your long experience in working in the whiskey business, what untapped potential do you see? MIKE KEYES: Whiskey has grown enormously, yet it still gets far less proportional shelf space than vodka. I think many retailers feel that they have to stock every flavor of vodka—even though over 80% of vodka sold is unflavored. Why is it that every new vodka flavor deserves shelf space whether it sells or not, but whiskey has to scratch, claw and fight for it? We’ve got to change the way the industry views whiskey.

TBN: Interestingly though, whiskey, too, is seeing a flavor explosion. MK: Right now, whiskey is one of the most innovative areas in all of beverage alcohol. We’re having tremendous success with a new product from Jack Daniel’s called Tennessee Honey. Remarkably, all flavored whiskies began to perform better when Jack Daniel’s entered this market— it shows that big brands can boost an entire category like a rising tide that lifts all boats. There is also a lot of other fascinating innovation in the whiskey world— white whiskey, for example—but the jury is still out. Flavored whiskey is real: It’s happening in significant volumes.

MK: We were confident that Tennessee Honey would sell, but yes, we were concerned that it could cannibalize the parent brand. The opposite has happened: Honey has helped our brand equity—sales of the base brand have continued to grow. It’s also made it more accessible. Jack Daniel’s has always been blessed with a broad range of demographics—we joke that our consumers are anywhere from LDA (Legal Drinking Age) to DND (“Damn Near Dead”) and they range from “Bikers to Bankers.” We were concerned that Tennessee Honey could detract from Jack Daniel’s masculine image, but it has merely broadened the franchise to include not only more core consumers but female consumers, African-Americans and Hispanics. TBN: You could rightly argue that Southern Comfort was the original flavored whiskey—how do you explain its phenomenal success? MK: Southern Comfort has been so successful largely because of its accessibility to new consumers. When I worked in the Scotch business people always talked about acquiring the taste for Scotch. I don’t know that most consumers have the patience to acquire a taste for anything anymore, and I don’t know if they have to. Southern Comfort Lime, which came out a few years ago, was one of the most successful product launches in our history, and the brand family is well over one million cases. TBN: “Accessible” isn’t a word we would use to describe the brand’s most recent line extension, Fiery Pepper. Who is the consumer for this product? MK: Southern Comfort was born in New Orleans and Tabasco is another Louisiana native, so combining the two seemed like a natural affiliation. The flavor profile is very

A Conversation With Industry Professionals interesting, and while it’s not intended for everyone (people have a love/hate relationship with Tabasco) some consumers are going to really gravitate to the hot, spicy flavor. It’s what we call a challenge product—having a shot of this at a bar becomes a ritual. From a retailer perspective, the co-branding of Southern Comfort and Tabasco makes a powerful union. TBN: There is a lot of innovation at the luxury end of bourbon as well. MK: Absolutely Boutique whiskies are getting the same attention that single malt Scotches were getting a few years ago. We just released the Woodford Reserve Masters Collection, which is a co-pack featuring dual rye offerings—one that has been matured in a new charred cask and one matured in an aged cask. Additionally Woodford Reserve will soon release its first permanent line extension with Double Oaked, an ultra-premium bourbon which has been twice barreled in white oak, creating an exciting new taste profile. BrownForman is the only spirits company that makes all their own barrels; it allows us to experiment with toasting and charring.

ON NEW PRODUCTS TBN: How can retailers balance new product trial with established bestsellers given shelf space limitations? MK: Retailers have new products coming their way daily and it’s overwhelming. In determining which to stock, I would look first for uniqueness: If it’s a new brand, does it have a reason for being? Of course, while every new Brown-Forman product may not hit a home run, we always start with the premise that each brand has a unique selling proposition. Next, I would look at equity: What is the power of the brand that the new product is an extension of? TBN: You are currently launching two new vodka brands—where do you do see opportunity in this crowded category?

MK: Chambord Vodka was released last year and we’ve had some great success with it in the African-American market, particularly with women. We’ve also had some success with it in the GLBT community. On-premise retailers have understood the brand proposition a bit better than the general off-premise market. In March, we will also be debuting Little Black Dress Vodka, an extension of the popular wine brand, which resonated incredibly well with female consumers. TBN: What are the ingredients for a successful new product introduction in the marketplace? MK: When you come out with a new product, the best thing you can do is pick a few markets and concentrate your efforts. It’s very easy to lose your focus and your ability to put resources behind a brand if you launch in too many markets at once. In the future, while you will see some national launches from us (brands like Southern Comfort Fiery Pepper and Tennessee Honey), you will also see many more regional launches. I think we’re going to be more focused and more disciplined with the non-national, more regional, introductions.

ON THE INDUSTRY TBN: We’re starting to see more spirits advertising on TV. How do you think this will impact the industry? MK: The wine, spirits and beer industries treat social responsibility so differently. Beer is protective of its status as “every man’s drink” and the wine industry is protective of its relationship with food. The spirits industry wrestled for a very long time with its identity. For years, spirits suppliers had a gentlemen’s agreement to stay away from television advertising, while beer and wine went on heavy. That really hurt the spirits industry—spirits became known as “hard liquor” and was regarded in the public mind as more of a social problem. Over the last decade,

spirits suppliers are getting on television and leading responsibility initiatives which has really helped normalize spirits to a great degree. I would argue that the most responsible companies in our industry right now are spirits companies. TBN: What do you see ahead for tequila, another category BrownForman has a large stake in? MK: Tequila is kind of like the new vodka—a very competitive, dynamic and growing category. The growth of the Hispanic American population will continue to fuel it. We are well positioned with El Jimador, the #1 premium tequila in Mexico, and Herradura, the #1 super-premium tequila in Mexico, as well as our popular priced Pepe Lopez brand. Tequila is different from other spirits brands; it is more like wine in that the agave crop experiences gluts and shortages like grapes do, which leads to pricing roller coasters. If I was a retailer, I would be looking at which brands can go through these cycles and give me the best opportunity for long-term prosperity. TBN: There is a lot of debate about whether luxury is coming back. What do you see happening? MK: We believe strongly in the luxury business. Most people don’t realize that Brown-Forman is the most premium spirits company in America—85% of our products are over $15. On-premise is a very important place for us so if that business isn’t vibrant, we hurt in a larger way than other competitors. Yet some of our greatest successes in this time period have come from our most expensive brands. Woodford Reserve hasn’t missed a single year of double-digit growth and Sonoma-Cutrer—which is the #1 white tablecloth Chardonnay in America—continues to grow. If you have a product with a unique offering that fills a niche, I still think it’s a very exciting segment. ■




mericans are known for super-sizing just about everything, from hamburgers to SUVs. We’ve come to associate bigger with better, and often make purchase decisions at stores that offer the widest selection at the lowest price. And when it comes to alcohol, large club, grocery and regional chains tend to dominate certain markets. Because they buy in bulk, these retailers often promote leading brands at discounted prices compared to a neighborhood wine and spirits store. Suppliers and distributors also focus more heavily on these “A” stores, as it often makes the most business sense to do so. It is, after all, about volume, right? Not so fast…. >>> Just as consumers began trekking to farmer’s markets to pay more for a justpicked tomato, they also started searching for craft beers, esoteric wines and local spirits. Emulating the shopping experience at a European market—buy what you need, when you need it, from someone

you know—little shops started springing up across the country. Their goal? To get personal with customers and brands. And to present wine based on style, context and taste profile—not ratings. “Everyone deserves a neighborhood place,” declares Randy Clement from

Silverlake Wine LOS ANGELES, CA

“Customer service, no snobbery, no pretense and everyone is welcome. We may own the store, but the people who come here are what define it.” -Randy Clement

Clockwise: Central Bottle photos by Dawn Colquitt-Anderson / Perman by Lara Kastner / Siverlake by George Simian


Silver Lake Wine in Los Angeles. He and his partners opened eight years ago in the artsy, growing Silver Lake neighborhood and doubled the size of the store to 2,500 square feet after three years in business. Getting customers was about shaking hands and creating an environment that was the antithesis of a typical “big box” liquor store. “We hired interior designer Ana Henton to create a cool space and we are also cardboard free.” The aesthetics play an important role—warehouse versus cozy, creating an environment that most people prefer. Clement goes a step further by promising you will never find any brand sold at a chain store on his shelves: “Everything we have is boutique and small production.”

Central Bottle Wine & Provisions

fer a hand-picked selection of around 100 beers and 700 wines. “We carry products we can become intimate with and know the winemakers,” she says. “Larger stores carry more recognizable brands and can move volume this way, while we work with small vendors.” And customers don’t seem to mind. In fact, those who frequent small shops build a rapport with the staff and happily try recommendations based on their suggestions. As Craig Perman of Perman Wine Selections in Chicago explains, there is no advantage in overstocking his shelves: “Rather I taste, search and narrow down the best of the best and give my customers my opinions on the best selections available.” He looks at this as a competitive advantage, often having access to limited-quantity items, or “hidden gems” that aren’t available to mass-market chains.


Perman Wine Selections

Dry Dock Wine & Spirits BROOKLYN, NY

“We have so much to thank for our success, the location of the store in a transitional (groovy!) neighborhood with a large food market just blocks away. But above all, it’s about the people we hire who are passionate about putting the right bottle in the right hands every time.” -Mary Dudine Kyle with co-owner Ron Kyle


“The shop is blossoming in to something that is really customercentric. I feel like a host when we open our doors and we have a party every day! Our staff speaks multiple languages and offers choices to our customers. We are all like family and friends.”

Perman photography by Lara Kastner

-Maureen Rubino with business partner Liz Vilardi

RETAIL GETS INTIMATE With limited space, a common key to success across these stores is their ability to eschew big brands and focus on burgeoning producers, both global and local. Maureen Rubino from Central Bottle Wine & Provisions in Cambridge, MA, works only with small distributors to of-

“Ultimately I think it all boils down to my personal relationships with my customers. When you are a wine consumer you try and find someone you can trust, someone who knows what you like, and you build on the relationship.” -Craig Perman

At the 800-square-foot Dry Dock Wine and Spirits in Brooklyn, the loyal Red Hook neighborhood clientele shops a “meticulously curated” selection. Co-owner Mary Dudine Kyle tries to meet her customers’ needs as much as she can. “We have established ourselves as a destination shop for spirits and unique offerings of small production wines at great prices.” Like the other small stores, she emphasizes the need for spectacular service, citing the lack of individual attention and highly trained staff at larger stores. “We work hard at making your visit fun and memorable,” she says, citing weekly tasting events and a personal account service that tracks customers’ purchase to allow staff to establish a taste profile and easily suggest items to suit their tastes.

SERVICE SELLS With intimate space, hand-selected SKUs and knowledgeable staff, service plays a critical role in repeat business. Stores offer



Little’s Wine & Spirits DENVER, CO

“We taste every bottle that walks through this shop. We can describe it personally to each and every customer. We are able to bring very eclectic varietals and producers because it is a ‘hand-sell’ store.” -Ashley Hausman

tastings and support community events as an important opportunity to build relationships with customers. Little’s Wine & Spirits in Denver also offers in-depth educational workshops and partners with local restaurants for dinner events. Ridgefield, Connecticut’s Cellar XV Wine Market provides free gift-wrapping, while Bauer Wine and Spirits in Boston goes the extra mile (literally) with free delivery and hassle-free shipping in-state. Bauer even has veteran bartenders on staff who work with caterers and corporations looking for advice on food pairings and choosing the right mix for parties. General Manager Howie Rubin sees communication as a factor in keeping customers coming back. Besides weekly email blasts promoting things like a Sampler Case (12 wines chosen by staff at a 15% discount), Bauer maintains a weekly blog with events, pictures and wine picks, as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts.

A constant flow of information is vital, agrees Clement of Silverlake Wine, who has over 30,000 newsletter subscribers: “We are interwoven with our community in all that we do.” Central Bottle is an integral part of their Kenmore Square neighborhood in Cambridge, MA, with an eclectic mix of MIT students, Google executives and residents. When they opened in 2009, they were cautiously optimistic their concept of a Venetian enoteca would be accepted. “We wanted to be a meeting spot where people could hang out, buy wine, have a snack and hang out,” says partner Maureen Rubino. With a special liquor license to serve wine by the glass once a week, she says business is thriving.

Cellar XV Wine Market RIDGEFIELD, CT

“We work very hard, have good employees and a loyal customer base. Plus we try to give the best value we can to the customers at the lowest prices in order to compete with the ‘big box’ stores, chains and the Internet.” -Doug Thompson

Bauer Wine & Spirits BOSTON, MA

“It’s hard work but we are successful because we keep prices as low as we can, we hire the right people for the job and we have a passion for what we do. If you don’t have passion for your job in this business, it shows and people lose trust in you.” -Howard Rubin with Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon Vineyard

For small brewers, distillers and wineries, these stores are sometimes the only marketing vehicle available to sell their products. At the same time, this aspect of discovery is what makes a small store appealing to consumers looking to broaden their palate. It’s a win-wine situation, as the chaotic, unwieldy universe of wines and spirits is reframed on a manageable scale, without losing diversity or compromising quality. “We know what our beer, wine and spirits taste like—period,” points out Rubin, making the daunting task of helping customer choose what to drink just that much easier. The lesson for suppliers and distributors here: Don’t overlook the little guys, especially if you have a unique product with a story to tell. For these small stores, it’s not about discounts or advertising; it’s about providing the customer with something special. ■


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0171L 0850B 0850D 0891B 0911B 1497B 1497D 1497L 1499B 1499D 1650e 1816B 1816D 1816L 2089D 2089L 2094B 2094D 2094L 2099B 2099D 2099L 2105B 2919B 2939B 2946B 2948B 2948D 2948L 2949B 2949D 2949L 2955B 3073B 3074B 3075B 4065D 4065L 4116B 4116D 4116e 4116L 5086B 5087B 5104B 5110B 5110D 5110L 5112B 5122B 5483B 6845L 6880B 7680B 8355B 8356B 8375B 8375D 8375L 8435B 9600B 9632B 9632D 9635B 9636B 9637B 9638B 9638D 9638L 9676L 9680B

MarK TWaiN BeNChMarK BOUrBON 8 Year BeNChMarK BOUrBON 8 Year BirD DOg BLaCKBerrY WhSKY BLaNTON BBN BULLeiT BBN FrONTier WhSKY BULLeiT BBN FrONTier WhSKY BULLeiT BBN FrONTier WhSKY BUFFaLO TraCe BOUrBON BUFFaLO TraCe BOUrBON JiM BeaM 200ML 4Yr WiLD TUrKeY 101 BBN WiLD TUrKeY 101 BBN WiLD TUrKeY 101 BBN BOUrBON SUPreMe rare BLND BOUrBON SUPreMe rare BLND KeNTUCKY TaverN 4Yr KeNTUCKY TaverN 4Yr KeNTUCKY TaverN 4Yr OLD CrOW 3Yr OLD CrOW 3Yr OLD CrOW 3Yr JTS BrOWN 100 eLiJah Craig 12Yr e h TaYLOr Jr SNgL BarreL evaN WiLLiaMS MiLLeNiUM evaN WiLLiaMS BBN evaN WiLLiaMS BBN evaN WiLLiaMS BBN eZra BrOOKS eZra BrOOKS eZra BrOOKS eZra 101 7Yr FOUr rOSeS YeLLOW LaBeL FOUr rOSeS 90 FOUr rOSeS 100 heaveN hiLL OLD STYLe 4Yr heaveN hiLL OLD STYLe 4Yr JiM BeaM 4Yr JiM BeaM 4Yr JiM BeaM 4Yr JiM BeaM 4Yr JeFFerSON’S PreSiDeNT SeLeCT JeFFerSON’S JereMiah WeeD CherrY MaSh JiM BeaM BLaCK 8Yr JiM BeaM BLaCK 8Yr JiM BeaM BLaCK 8Yr JiM BeaM TraveLer 4Yr JiM BeaM DeviL'S CUT KNOB CreeK SNgL BareL rSv OLD CharTer 8Yr OLD CrOW TraveLer 3Yr OLD WhiSKeY river reBeL YeLL reBeL reServe 4Yr reD STag reD STag reD STag riDgeMONT reServe 1792 8Yr WhiTeTaiL CaraMeL FLv WhiSKeY WiLD TUrKeY 80 BBN WiLD TUrKeY 80 BBN WiLD TUrKeY 101 TrvLr WiLD TUrKeY rUSSeLLS reSv 10Yr WiLD TUrKeY KY SPT SNg BrL WiLD TUrKeY 81 WiLD TUrKeY 81 WiLD TUrKeY 81 WOODFOrD rSv DerBY WOODFOrD rSv MST COLL MaPL

0460B 0575B 1370B 2305B 2880B 2947B 5089B 5482B 5482D 5482L 6060B 6060D 6060e 6060L 6064B 9617B 9627B 9674B 9674D 9674L 9679B 9670B

BaKerS BaSiL haYDeNS BOOKerS COrNer CreeK reServe eagLe rare SiNgLe BarreL evaN WiLLiaMS SiNgLe BarreL JeFFerSON’S reServe KNOB CreeK KNOB CreeK KNOB CreeK MaKer’S MarK MaKer’S MarK MaKer’S MarK MaKer’S MarK MaKer’S MarK 46 WiLD TUrKeY 15Yr TriBUTe rare BreeD WOODFOrD reServe WOODFOrD reServe WOODFOrD reServe WOODFOrD reServe SeaSON OaK WOODSTONe MiCrO-BOUrBON

BOUrBON 0014B 0014D 0014L 0035D 0035L 0059B 0059D 0067B 0067D 0073B 0073D 0073L 0075D 0075L 0087D 0087L 0104D 0104L 0108B 0108D 0144B 0144D 0163D 0163L 0171D

aNCieNT age KY STr BBN aNCieNT age KY STr BBN aNCieNT age KY STr BBN aNCieNT aNCieNT age KY aNCieNT aNCieNT age KY earLY TiMeS earLY TiMeS JTS BrOWN 4Yr JTS BrOWN 4Yr OLD graND DaD 4Yr OLD graND DaD 4Yr OLD graND DaD 4Yr eChO SPriNgS 4Yr eChO SPriNgS 4Y r KeNTUCKY geNTLeMaN KeNTUCKY geNTLeMaN TeN high 4Yr TeN high 4Yr OLD FOreSTer 4Yr OLD FOreSTer 4Yr JiM BeaMS ChOiCe 5Yr JiM BeaMS ChOiCe 5Yr MaTTiNgLY aND MOOre 4Yr MaTTiNgLY aND MOOre 4Yr MarK TWaiN

38 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

8.75 17.10 10.50 19.70 11.40 9.65 21.05 4.80 17.10 11.45 25.50 17.85 17.95 10.60 15.35 8.75 16.00 9.45 13.40 26.70 9.05 32.55 9.70 8.85 13.15

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

9.30 7.90 15.80 16.85 39.50 19.55 43.90 21.95 19.50 43.25 5.25 19.35 39.60 28.05 15.80 9.65 7.30 16.20 9.65 7.90 16.70 9.65 9.25 19.50 53.75 18.00 9.90 23.20 11.50 8.75 21.45 12.25 12.25 13.90 23.75 29.80 19.70 11.10 15.85 32.55 9.90 21.10 86.40 27.55 14.60 19.35 37.85 15.40 15.85 22.85 36.95 15.15 7.90 22.05 12.25 16.90 18.45 37.85 25.50 26.35 16.85 14.30 31.05 19.35 28.25 36.50 14.95 34.30 19.40 34.15 77.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 94.0 100.0 86.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 101.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 82.3 90.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 90.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.7 80.0 80.0 80.0 101.0 90.0 101.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 90.4 90.4

$ 36.95 $ 32.55 $ 46.65 $ 27.35 $ 24.60 $ 23.90 $ 46.95 $ 29.05 $ 52.80 $ 35.20 $ 24.65 $ 51.05 $ 14.60 $ 33.45 $ 32.55 $ 77.80 $ 30.85 $ 29.10 $ 59.85 $ 34.15 $ 77.95 $ 88.07

107.0 80.0 126.6 88.0 90.0 86.6 90.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 94.0 101.0 110.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 100.4 94.0




0031B 0034B 0036B 0098B 0103B 0201B 0524B 0539D 0705B 0840B 0877L 0908B 1337B 1483B 1520B 1565B 1570B 1853B 1856B 1859B 2074B 2076D 2105D 2268B 2317B 2348B 2625B 2645B 2652B 2776B 2956L 3003B 3026B 3029B 3631B 3632B 3635B 3636B 4000B 4990B 4995B 5230B 5240L 5260B 5386B 5387B 5486D

Aberfeldy 12 Alchemia Chocolate Absolut Kurant Appleton Estate 21 Ardmore Pinch Haig Rhum Barbancourt Myers Dark Getreode Kml Belvedere 1X Bertagnolli Grappini Black Bush Bombora Boyd & Blair Bushmills Cabana Cachaca Cabin Fever Celtic Crossing Centenario Anejo Centanario Rosangl Clontarf Cluny Scotch JTS Brown Connemara Corzo Reposado Courvoisier Exclusif Dekuyper Rootbeer Dekuyper Melon Romama Black McGillicuddy Eristoff Vod Feckin Irish Firefly Raspberry Florentino Glenfarclas 105 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 21 Glenmore Astr Harlem Liq Jack Daniels Lucchesi Jack Daniels 160th BD J Walker Swing Cuervo Black Junior Johnson Hall of Fame Khortytsa Honey Pepper Khortytsa Platnum Korbel Brandy

Wholesale Wholesale Oct. Nov. SAVE! $44.10 $30.95 $13.15 $20.40 $14.75 $5.65 $16.90 $12.20 $4.70 $97.60 $74.10 $23.50 $36.10 $26.70 $9.40 $29.70 $20.75 $8.95 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $32.25 $22.85 $9.40 $11.65 $ 3.65 $8.00 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $22.00 $15.40 $6.60 $31.00 $21.60 $9.40 $16.90 $12.65 $4.25 $28.70 $20.20 $8.50 $35.45 $25.10 $10.35 $25.70 $19.10 $6.60 $16.85 $13.10 $3.75 $19.35 $13.70 $5.65 $47.45 $33.35 $14.10 $20.90 $14.30 $6.60 $17.60 $12.90 $4.70 $20.15 $10.75 $9.40 $26.50 $17.65 $8.85 $36.60 $29.10 $7.50 $43.30 $32.00 $11.30 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $20.00 $14.35 $5.65 $10.80 $7.05 $3.75 $13.20 $9.40 $3.80 $16.90 $13.15 $3.75 $14.30 $10.05 $4.25 $8.75 $4.05 $4.70 $69.00 $54.90 $14.10 $93.45 $69.95 $23.50 $103.95 $80.45 $23.50 $64.90 $46.10 $18.80 $16.40 $11.70 $4.70 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $23.90 $17.30 $6.60 $57.60 $41.65 $15.95 $26.95 $18.95 $8.00 $21.25 $15.60 $5.65 $25.40 $20.70 $4.70 $24.60 $19.90 $4.70 $20.55 $12.10 $8.45

5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B

TeNNeSSee WhiSKeY 0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B 2110D 3513B 3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B 4988L 4997B

JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S BLaCK JaCK DaNieL'S greeN JaCK DaNieL'S greeN geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geNTLeMaN JaCK geOrge BiCKeL OLD 48 geOrge riCKeL OLD #8 geOrge DiCKOL 12 geO. DiCKeL BarreL SeLeCT JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY JaCK DaNieL'S TeNN hONeY JaCK DaNieL'S SiNgLe BarreL

Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux

$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70

$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40

$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30

rYe WhiSKeY $ 19.50 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 29.80 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 27.35 $ 48.50 $ 34.15 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 19.50 $ 29.80 $ 34.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 94.0

0090B 1503B 5117B 9631B 9833B

OLD OverhOLT BULLeiT 95 rYe JiM BeaM WiLD TUrKeY rYe WhiSKeY rUSSeLS reServe

0026D 0026L 0113B 0113D 0113L 0122B 0122D 0122L 0152B

OLD ThOMPSON OLD ThOMPSON KeSSLer KeSSLer KeSSLer BeaM'S eighT STar BeaM'S eighT SLar BeaM'S eighT STar SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN

$ 13.20 80.0 $ 19.55 90.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 19.35 101.0 $ 25.50 90.0

BLeNDeD WhiSKeY $ 12.55 $ 7.15 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 12.30 $ 6.60 $ 13.00 $ 7.90 $ 9.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 39

0152D 0152L 0199D 0199L 2100D 2137D 3701L 3972D 3972L 4089D 4089L 5266B 5378B 6343L 8887B 8890B

SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeagraM'S 7 CrOWN SeNaTOr'S CLUB SeNaTOr'S CLUB CaLverT eXLra iMPeriaL gOLD aWarD haiLer'S S.r.S. haLTerS S.r.S. gUCKeNheiMer gUCKeNheiMer Jr JOhNSON MiD MOON STraWB KeSSLer TraveLer MCCOrMiCK SeagraM'S 7 TraveLer SeagraM'S 7 DarK hONeY

0281B 0281D 0281B 0282B 0282L 0908B 1519B 1520B 2074B 2268B 3003B 4895B 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5085B 5212B 5384B 5388B 6574B 6576B 7721L 8294B 6383B 8384B 9026B 9317B 9317L


$ 19.95 $ 13.30 $ 13.65 $ 7.95 $ 16.95 $ 112.55 $ 5.70 $ 13.90 $ 7.95 $ 13.00 $ 7.15 $ 17.75 $ 8.75 $ 7.70 $ 9.95 $ 12.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 71.0

$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 51.80 $261.15 $ 75.35 $ 34.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 17.20 $ 33.70 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 64.90 $ 20.35 $ 16.90 $ 25.45

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.50 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 16.65 $ 1165 $ 22.30 $ 9.25 $ 16.75 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 16.85 $ 13.60 $ 8.70 $ 6.60 $ 12.75 $ 14.05 $ 11.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 17.60 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L 9656B

NOrTherN LighT JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT PeNDLeTON riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v.0. gOLD SeagraM'S v.0. TraveLer WiNDSOr TraveLer WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiNDSOr SUPreMe WiSer'S DeLUXe

0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D 0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 1490B 1491B 1655e 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2078B 2496B 2672B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3609B 5145B 5220B 5225B 5229B 6395B 7980D 8327D 8327L 8853D 9188B 9188D

PiNCh 15 Yr. DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S DeWar'S JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNie WaLKer reD JOhNNLe WaLKer reD USher'S greeN LaUDer'S LaUDer'S LaUDer'S graNT'S graNT'S OLD SMUggLer ODSMUggLer ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. ChivaS regaL 12 Yr. CULLY SarK CULTY SarK CUTTY SarK WhiTe hOrSe JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK J&B rare J&B rare J&B rare graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh graND MaCNiSh highLaND MiST highLaND MiST iNver hOUSe iNver hOUSe J.W. DaNT BaLLaNLiNe'S BUChaNaN DeLUXe BUChaNaN SPeCiaL reServe MaKerS MarK 200ML Chiv regaL SaLUTe 21 Yr Chiv regaL 25 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr. CLaN MaCgregOr CLaN MaCgregOr CLYNeLiSh DaLMOre 15 DeWar'SFOUNDerS reServe DeWar'S SigNaTUre DeWar'S SP. reS. 12 Yr. FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr. gLeN graNT JOhN Barr reD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe JOhNNie WaLKer BKL.100 aNNiv. JOhNNie WaiKer gOLD MCLvOr PaSSPOrT QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe SCOreSBY FaMOUS grOUSe 80 FaMOUS grOUSe 80

0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 0375B 0377B 0379B 0493B

aBerLOUr 12 Yr. aBerLOUr aBUNaDh aBerFeLDY aBerFeLDY 21 arDMOre arDBeg 10 Yr. aUCheNLOShaN3WOOD aUCheNLaShaN CLaSSiC aUChrOiSK BaLveNie SiNgLe BarreL 15 Yr.

iriSh WhiSKeY

CaNaDiaN WhiSKeY 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 1749D 2055B 2389B 2389D 2391B 2393B 2397B 4041D 4041L 4699D

SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO SeagraMS vO LOrD CaLverT MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S MCMaSTer'S CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST CaNaDiaN MiST MaCNaUghTON CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB CaNaDiaN CLUB BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT BLaCK veLveT TraveLer BLaCK veLveT reServe BLaCK veLveT reServe CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv. CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDiaN BaY CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDa hOUSe CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer CaNaDiaN gOLD CaNaDiaN gOLD CaN. CLUB SherrY CaSK CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN LTD. CaNaDiaN MiST TraveLer CaNaDiaN reServe CLaSSiC 12 CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL CaSK NO.16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT

40 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

8.45 12.55 14.45 21.25 7.00 13.60 22.15 47.90 11.40 29.25 14.75 11.75 7.90 7.90 17.60 11.45 13.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

SCOTCh WhiSKeY $ 29.70 80.0 $ 20.25 80.0 $ 41.45 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 32.15 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 70.05 80.0 $ 42.40 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 25.60 86.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.05 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 82.30 80.0 $ 70.60 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 208.85 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 72.10 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 39.75 80.0

SiNgLe MaLT / SCOTCh $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

31.70 60.50 30.95 150.00 36.10 38.70 51.80 26.50 24.75 59.65

86.0 119.4 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 95.0

0497B 0504B 1481B 1488B 1498B 1751B 1759B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2500B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3615B 3620B 3625B 3632B 3634B 3635B 3640B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3654B 3655B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 5207B 5231B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6016B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6747B 6748B 7700B 8983B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9671B

BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr. $ 44.90 BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr. $ 137.55 BOWMOre LegeND $ 21.25 BUNNaheBhaiN $ 47.45 BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS $ 48.50 CaOL iLa 12-Yr. $ 46.95 CarDhU $ 37.75 CraggaNMOre $ 45.85 DeLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr. $ 117.60 DaLMOre 12 Yr. $ 43.05 DaLWhiNNie $ 55.30 DaLWhiNNie DiSTiLL eDiTiON $ 65.90 gLeNLiDDiCh 12 Yr. reServe $ 35.20 gLeN gariOCh $ 16.35 gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr. $ 48.30 gLeN SPeY $ 162.55 gLeNLiDDiCh SOLera 15 Yr. $ 45.70 gLeNLiDDiCh aNCieNT 18 Yr. $ 66.60 gLeNFarCLaS 17 Yr. $ 69.65 gLeNLiDDiCh 15 DiSTiLLerY eD. $ 51.80 gLeNFarCLaS 21 Yr. $ 80.45 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 69.25 gLeNLiveT 18 Yr. $ 63.15 gLeNLiveT 12 Yr. $ 34.35 gLeNhiveL $ 72.90 gLeNLiveL12 Yr. $ 44.65 gLeNLiveT arChive 21 Yr. $ 121.60 gLeNMOraNgie 10 Year OLD $ 34.35 gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr. $ 43.05 gLeNLiveL NaDUrra 16 Yr. $ 51.80 gLeNMOraNgieLaSaNLa $ 43.05 gLeNLiveLLDaDUrraTriUMPh $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie FiNeaLTa $ 69.25 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN $ 43.05 gLeNMOraNgTeNeCTar D'Or $ 56.15 gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe $ 40.45 gLeNrOTheS $ 67.75 highLaND ParK $ 36.10 highLaND ParK 18 $ 86.70 J. MCDOUgaLLS BLaDNOCh $ 44.55 JOhNNie WaLKer greeN $ 48.05 LagavULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 86.90 LagavULiN $ 75.60 LaPhrOaig 18 $ 61.60 LePhrOaigCaSK STreNgTh $ 55.45 LaPhrOaLg $ 37.85 MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgLh $ 56.15 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 45.70 MaCaLLaN 12 Yr. $ 90.35 MaCaLLaN 18 Yr. $ 131.20 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr. $ 37.25 MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr. $ 69.75 MaCaLLaN aNNiverSarY $ 623.20 MaCaLLaN 30 Yr. $1,104.05 MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY $ 20.85 MCCLeLLaNDS highLaND $ 20.65 OBaN DiSTiLLerS eD. $ 78.20 OBaN $ 63.25 OYO WhiSKeY $ 39.85 SiNgLeTON $ 34.40 SPeYBUrN $ 23.80 SPeYBUrN BraDeN OraCh $ 15.15 TaLiSKer $ 53.80 TaLiSKer DiSTiLLer eDiTiON $ 60.65 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TaMDhU $ 19.50 TOMaTiN SCOTCh 12 $ 19.50 WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL $ 58.15 WOODSTONe CreeK SiNgLe PeaTeD MaLT WhSKY $ 103.95

0876B 1840B 3526B 5255B

BerNheiM OrigiNaL WheaT CaKFaDDY CarOLiNa MOONShiNe geOrgia MOON COrN WhiSKeY Jr. JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON

0051B 0084B 0089B 0341B 0453B 0456B 0461B 0461D 0461e 0461L 0462B 0463B 0463D 0463e 0463L 0464B 0464D

aLiZe COgNaC vS aNSaC vS COgNaC BeLa OSa aSBaCh UraLT BraNDY MeTaXa Five STar BraNDY COUrvOiSier vSOP COgNaC 4Yr heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S heNNeSSY v S MarTeLL vS COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC reMY MarTiN vSOP COgNaC ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY ST reMY vSOP aUTheNTiC BDY

86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 66.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 102.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 112.4 92.0 96.0 86.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 111.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 92.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 93.0

OTher WhiSKeY $ $ $ $

27.35 17.75 10.10 17.75

90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

16.90 17.75 7.05 24.05 18.65 29.00 27.80 64.20 24.00 36.35 25.60 34.35 85.15 27.75 47.25 9.90 17.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0


0469B 0469D 0469L 0470B 0470D 0470L 0479B 0480B 0480D 0480L 0481B 0481D 0481L 0482B 0482D 0482L 0483B 0483D 0488B 0488D 0488L 0490B 0668B 0682B 0696B 0711B 0863B 0874B 0877L 1577B 1618e 1623B 1623e 1625e 1629e 1630e 1642e 1644e 1665e 1666e 1669e 1670e 1671e 2018B 2020B 2023B 2265B 2335B 2348B 2349B 2350B 2728B 2850B 2871B 2871D 2871L 2873B 2873D 2873L 2875B 2876B 2877B 2954B 4011B 4074B 4074L 4076B 4080B 4084e 4087B 4092B 4092L 4103B 4944B 4998B 5001B 5486B 5486D 5509B 5510B 5512B 5532B 5871B 6072L 6095B 6259B 6267B 6270B 6525B 6545B 6603B 7816B 7976B 7976D 7993B 8354B 8386B 8389B 8394B

PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr PaUL MaSSON graND aMBer 3Yr ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS BraNDY LairDS aPPLe JaCK 6Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COUrvOiSier v S COgNaC 2Yr COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ COrONeT vSQ ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT BLaCKBerrY BrNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT CherrY BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY ParaMOUNT aPriCOT BraNDY DeKUYPer BLaCKBerrY BraNDY arrOW BLaCKBrrY BDY DeK aPriCOT BDY ParaMOUNT PeaCh BDY Mr BOSTON BLaCKBerrY BrNDY NaviP SLivOviTZ 8Yr reMY MarTiN LOUiS X111 BerTagNOLLi graPPiNO CaLvaDOS BLD grND aPPL BDY ChriSTiaN BrOTherS aMBer 200ML CONJUre COgNaC CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier vS 200ML 2Yr e&J vS 2 200ML e&J vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vSOP 200ML heNNeSSY vS FLaSK PaUL MaSSON vS 200 3Yr PaUL MaSSON vSOP 200ML 4Yr reMY MarTiN vS 200ML reMY MarTiN vSOP 200ML reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOr ChriSTiaN BrOS FrOST WhiTe ChriSTiaN BrO grN rSv vSOP ChriSTiaN BrO hONeY CONJUre COgNaC COUrvOiSier XO COgNaC COUrvOiSier eXCLUSiF 4Yr COUrvOiSier 12 COUrvOiSier 21 DON PeDrO reServa eSPeCiaL DUJarDiN vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e & J SUPeriOr rSv vSOP e&J e&J e&J e & J SUPeriOr rS vSOP TraveLer e & J TraveLer BDY e & J XO eXCeLLeNTia gOLD SLiv BraNDY harDY vS heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY BLaCK heNNeSSY riCharD heNNeSSY ParaDiS heNNeSSY v S 200ML heNNeSSY vS hiSTOriC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY vSOP COgNaC heNNeSSY X O J C COgNaC vSOP JaCQUe CarDiN graPe FraNCe POLi PO TraMiNar graPPa KOrBeL KOrBeL LairDS aPPLe BraNDY 100 LairDS rare aPPLe BraNDY LairDS OLD aPPLe BraNDY 90MO LaNDY vS COgNaC LerOUX POLiSh BLaCKBerrY MaNaSTirKa MaraSKa SLivOviTZ KOSher MarTeLL COrDON BLeU COgNaC MarTeLL XO 12Yr MarTeLL vSOP MeUKOW v.S. MeTaXa aMPhOra 7 STar MOLeTTO graPPa D'NeBBiOLO ParaMOUNT giNger BraNDY PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PaUL MaSSON grND aMBr vSOP 4Yr PreSiDeNTe BraNDY raYNaL NaPOLeON vSOP reMY MarTiN eXTra reMY MarTiN 1738 aCCOrD reMY MarTiN XO eXCeLLeNCe

$ 10.80 $ 19.90 $ 12.80 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 25.60 $ 48.40 $ 33.40 $ 8.15 $ 19.70 $ 9.75 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 10.85 $ 9.65 $ 19.70 $ 11.25 $ 10.55 $ 7.90 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $ 1953.60 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 6.80 $ 6.40 $ 2.90 $ 3.15 $ 11.60 $ 7.70 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 6.80 $ 9.45 $ 12.90 $ 10.60 $ 11.65 $ 11.65 $ 25.60 $ 88.05 $ 24.00 $ 43.05 $217.55 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.20 $ 13.65 $ 10.60 $ 21.65 $ 12.35 $ 10.65 $ 10.35 $ 13.40 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 34.35 $ 44.65 $3209.85 $ 688.65 $ 7.95 $ 27.35 $ 40.45 $ 56.00 $139.05 $ 21.25 $ 9.05 $ 28.45 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 20.40 $ 40.20 $ 22.15 $ 13.95 $ 9.55 $ 29.55 $ 22.10 $ 95.40 $112.85 $ 28.25 $ 19.50 $ 24.50 $ 30.00 $ 7.40 $ 12.10 $ 24.05 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 342.85 $ 43.05 $112.85

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 41

8405B 8648B 9736B

reMY MarTiN vS graND CrU SaLigNaC ZUTa OSa

0193L 0303D 0304D 0304L 0305D 0305e 0305L 0308B 0308D 0308L 0313B 0313D 0313e 0313L 0319D 0319L 0320D 0322B 0322D 0322L 0326B 0326D 0326e 0326L 0327D 0327L 0329D 0330D 0330L 0339B 0339D 0339L 0340L 0563D 0563L 0962B 1324B 1327B 1327D 1327L 1369B 1495B 1522B 1659e 1660e 1673e 1680e 1760B 3555B 3728B 3780B 4073B 4073D 6379D 6062B 6379D 6379L 6444D 6690L 6716B 6716D 6716L 7868D 7868L 8235B 8235D 8274B 8436B 8883B 8889B 8889D 8900B 8902B 8905B 8905D 8905L 8914B 8995B 8995D 8995L 9072B 9153B 9157B 9195L 9504B 9604B 9669B 9669e

ariSTOCraT giN FLeiSChMaNNS giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN CrYSTaL PaLaCe giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN SeagraMS eXTra DrY giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN gOrDONS giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN BeeFeaTer giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN ParaMOUNT 90 giN CaLverT giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN BOMBaY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN TaNQUeraY giN gLeNMOre giN gLeNMOre giN BOOThS giN haLLerS giN haLLerS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN giLBeYS giN SeNaTOrS CLUB giN 4Yr BarTON giN BarTON giN BLUeCOaT giN BOMBarDier MiLiTarY BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOMBaY SaPPhire giN BOODLeS BriTiSh giN BrOKerS giN BUrNeTTS giN TraveLer ParaMOUNT giN NeW aMSTerDaM 200ML SeagraMS eXTra DrY 200 TaNQUeraY giN 200ML CaOrUNN giN giLBeYS giN TraveLer NOLeTS SiLver giN gOrDONS TraveLer heNDriCK'S giN heNDriCK'S giN MC COrMiCK giN MageLLaN MC COrMiCK giN MC COrMiCK giN MeierS NO 94 giN Mr BOSTON eNgLiSh MrKT giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN NeW aMSTerDaM giN ParaMOUNT giN 80 ParaMOUNT giN 80 PiNNaCLe giN PiNNaCLe giN PLYMOUTh giN righT giN SeagraMS aPPLe TWST giN SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraMS DiSTiLLerS rSv SeagraM eXTra DrY gN Trv SeagraM'S graPe giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS LiMe TWiSTeD giN SeagraMS OraNge TWiST giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN BUrNeTTS WhiTe SaTiN giN SMOOTh aMBLer greeNBrier TaNQUeraY NO 10 TaNQUeraY raNgPUr 3 iSLaNDS giN WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY giN WhiTLeY NeiLL giN WOODSTONe CreeK giN WOODSTONe CreeK giN

$ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 90.0

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 12.35 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 15.15 $ 33.65 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.00 $ 30.00 $ 22.05 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 21.25 $ 5.75 $ 19.40 $ 40.60 $ 26.45 $ 14.30 $ 15.15 $ 6.45 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.15 $ 28.25 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 29.10 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 22.95 $ 24.75 $ 9.05 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 6.45 $ 17.10 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 19.40 $ 6.45 $ 24.65 $ 12.65 $ 28.70 $ 5.70

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0



42 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

0065B 0065D 0065L 0077B 0094B 0095B 0096B 0097B 0098B 0099B 0099D 0197L 0355B 0390B 0392B 0394B 0397B 0400B 0401B 0401L 0402B 0405B 0405D 0412B 0412D 0412L 0420B 0420L 0422B 0425B 0432B 0439B 0441B 0444e 0447B 0448B 0501D 0501L 0502D 0502L 0510B 0510L 0512B 0512D 0512L 0524B 0536D 0536L 0537B 0537D 0537L 0539B 0539D 0539L 0544B 0544D 0544e 0544L 0869B 0899B 0947B 0965D 0965L 1010B 1010e 1494B 1550L 1565B 1656e 1755B 1755D 1755e 1755L 1757B 1757D 1758B 1762B 1763B 1766L 1768B 1769B 1772L 1827D 1827L 1829B 1829D 1829L 1838B 1838L 2067B 2069B 2315B 2388B 2398L 2400L 2401L 2402L 2403L 2415B

aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON SPiCeD rUM aDMiraL NeLSON CherrY aPPLeTON eSTaTe eXTra 12Yr aPPLeTON WhiTe rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe reServe aPPLeTON SPeCiaL gOLD rUM aPPLeTON eSTaTe 21 aPPLeTON vX aPPLeTON vX ariSTOCraT rUM aTLaNTiCO BaCarDi 8 rUM 8Yr BaCarDi arCTiC graPe BaCarDi Big aPPLe BaCarDi gOLD reServe BaCarDi COCO rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi SeLeCT rUM BaCarDi gOLD TraveLer BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi DragONBerrY BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi LiMON rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi O rUM BaCarDi OaKhearT BaCarDi PeaCh reD BaCarDi raZZ rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr TraveLer BaCarDi graND MeLON BaCarDi MULTi-FLavOreD PaK BaCarDi TOrCheD CherrY BaCarDi rOCK COCONUT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON LighT Mr BOSTON DarK Mr BOSTON DarK BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi 151 rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BaCarDi gOLD rUM BarBaNCOUrT reS. SPeCiaLe rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO gOLD rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM rONriCO SiLver rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM MYerS OrigiNaL DarK rUM BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi SUPeriOr LighT BaCarDi aNeJO BLaCK BearD SPiCeD rUM BLaCKhearT PreM SPiCeD rUM BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa BOCaDOr WhiTe rUM FLOriDa 10 CaNe rUM 10 CaNe rUM BrUgaL aNeJO rUM CaLiCO JaCK SPiCeD rUM CaBaNa CaChaCa LaDY BLigh SPiCeD CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN SPiCe rUM CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 CaPT MOrgaN SPiCeD 100 TrvL CaPTaiN MOrgaN TraveLer rUM CaPTaiN MOrgaN LiMe BiTe CaPT MOrgaN ParrOT BaY COCONT CaPTaiN MOrgaN SLvr SPiCe CaPTaiN MOrgaN PvT STOCK CaPTaiN MOrgaN TaTTOO CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO gOLD LaBeL CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SiLver rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CaSTiLLO SPiCeD rUM CLeMeNT CreOLe ShrUBB CLeMeNT vSOP COrUBa SPiCeD CrUSOe OrgaNiC SPiCeD rUM CrUZaN 151 PrF rUM CrUZaN BLaCK CherrY CrUZaN BaNaNNa CrUZaN PiNeaPPLe CrUZaN BLaCKSTraP CrUZaN eSTaTe DiaMOND

$ 7.30 $ 15.35 $ 8.00 $ 6.45 $ 19.65 $ 11.40 $ 19.50 $ 14.05 $ 60.00 $ 14.25 $ 24.95 $ 7.50 $ 25.60 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 7.50 $ 14.80 $ 14.10 $ 12.35 $ 16.75 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 14.10 $ 24.70 $ 17.65 $ 14.10 $ 17.65 $ 13.20 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 4.95 $ 14.10 $ 14.10 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 17.65 $ 22.80 $ 12.35 $ 22.05 $ 16.75 $ 13.95 $ 16.70 $ 11.25 $ 8.75 $ 19.35 $ 11.45 $ 15.70 $ 22.85 $ 20.05 $ 12.35 $ 22.05 $ 8.80 $ 16.75 $ 15.85 $ 12.50 $ 14.30 $ 14.40 $ 8.20 $ 25.60 $ 10.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.00 $ 15.35 $ 3.80 $ 14.50 $ 28.05 $ 8.75 $ 18.30 $ 17.70 $ 30.75 $ 17.70 $ 14.50 $ 14.50 $ 17.55 $ 14.50 $ 19.15 $ 17.75 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 7.05 $ 16.30 $ 8.65 $ 6.50 $ 8.65 $ 29.95 $ 34.30 $ 4.25 $ 29.45 $ 17.45 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 14.25 $ 14.95

70.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 93.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 72.5 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 90.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0

2416L 2417B 2418B 2419L 2421L 2422B 2423B 2423D 2424L 2425B 2734B 3787B 5209B 5488B 5488D 5493L 5495L 5498B 5499B 5499D 5499L 5500L 5502L 5503L 5504L 5505B 6068B 6069B 6069D 6069L 6360D 6360L 6441D 6441L 6442D 6442L 6643D 6651B 6652B 6652D 6653B 6654B 6699L 7692B 7722B 7730L 7788L 7835B 7835D 7835L 7836B 7836D 7836L 7839L 8326B 8330B 8331B 8332B 8333B 8475B 8500B 8502B 8533D 8645B 8645D 8645L 8646B 8881B 8882B 9065B 9229B 9230B 9307L 9570B 9675B 9729B

CrUZaN MaNgO CrUZaN eSTaTe SNgL BrL rUM CrUZaN JUNKaNU CiTriS CrUZaN COCONUT CrUZaN vaNiLLa CrUZaN eSTaTe DarK CrUZaN eSTaTe LighT CrUZaN eSTaTe LighT CrUZaN gUava CrUZaN 9 DON Q CriSTaL gOSLiNgS BLaCK SeaL JOhN MCCULLOCh rUM KraKeN BLaCK SPiCeD KraKeN BLaCK SPiCeD LaDY BLigh BaNaNa LaDY BLigh CherrY LaDY BLigh SPiCeD TraveLer LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh SPiCeD LaDY BLigh COCONUT LaDY BLigh MaNgO LaDY BLigh PiNeaPPLe$ LaDY BLigh vaNiLLa LaDY BLigh 151 rUM MaLiBU BLaCK MaLiBU rUM MaLiBU rUM MaLiBU rUM MC COrMiCK rUM MC COrMiCK rUM MeierS gD LaBeL v iSLaNDS MeierS gD LaBeL v iSLaNDS MeierS Wh LaB v iSLND rUM MeierS Wh LaB v iSLND rUM MONTegO BaY SiLver MT gaY XTra OLD rUM MT gaY eCLiPSe MT gaY eCLiPSe MT gaY eCLiPSe SiLver MT gaY BLaCK MYerS'S PLaTiNUM OrONOCO PLaTiNUM reServe PaNaMa JaCK SPiCeD ParaMOUNT 151 ParaMOUNT DragON FrUiT ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT gOLD LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiTe LBL ParaMOUNT WhiPT CreMe PYraT X O reServe PUCKer CiTrUS SQUeeZe PUCKer graPe gONe WiLD PUCKer SOUr aPPLe SaSS PUCKer WiLD CherrY TeaSe rOgUe rON MaTUSaLeM graN reServa rON MaTUSaLeM PLaTiNO rONriCO CLiPPer SPiCeD rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiC NavY rUM SaiLOr JerrY SPiCeD TravLr SeagraMS BraZiL CiTrUS rUM SeagraMS BraZiLiaN SPiCeD JaCK NO 94 TOMMY BahaMa gOLDeN SUN TOMMY BahaMa WhiTe SaND TraDer viCS Priv SeL SiLvr WhaLer'S vaNiLLa WraY & NePheW Wh OverPrOOF ZaYa rUM

0018B 0019B 0020B 0031B 0032B 0103B 0107B 1474B 0201B 0202B 0202D 0202e 0202L 0204B 0204D 0204L 0206D 0208B 0208D

aBerLOUr 18 Yr aBerLOUr 12 Yr SM aBerLOUr a'BUNaDh aBerFeLDY 12 Yr aBerFeLDY 21 Yr arDMOre SCOTCh arDBeg 10Yr SiNgLe MaLT BOWMOre 12 Yr PiNCh - haig 15 Yr DeWarS DeWarS DeWarS DeWarS JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer reD 12 Yr USherS greeN STriPe LaUDerS 3 Yr LaUDerS 3 Yr

$ 6.80 $ 18.45 $ 9.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 12.75 $ 9.65 $ 15.20 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 15.35 $ 9.30 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 8.90 $ 13.40 $ 14.30 $ 13.40 $ 24.95 $ 16.70 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 21.20 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 10.70 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 10.70 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 18.10 $ 8.80 $ 14.05 $ 15.15 $ 28.40 $ 19.35 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60

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$ 86.65 $ 33.50 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70 $ 43.05 $ 39.55 $ 29.70 $ 19.40 $ 39.70 $ 21.15 $ 27.35 $ 21.15 $ 42.40 $ 27.35 $ 22.25 $ 8.05 $ 17.10

86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0


0208L 0212B 0212D 0213D 0213L 0215B 0215D 0215L 0225B 0225D 0225L 0227B 0232B 0232D 0232L 0238B 0238D 0238L 0239B 0239D 0239L 0241D 0241L 0246D 0246L 0249D 0253B 0281B 0281D 0281L 0282B 0282L 0375B 0377B 0493B 0496B 0497B 0504B 0908B 1481B 1486B 1488B 1490B 1498B 1519B 1520B 1636e 1648e 1751B 2004B 2005B 2006B 2052D 2052L 2074B 2078B 2355B 2491B 2495B 2498B 2673B 2674B 2999B 3003B 3606B 3607B 3611B 3620B 3625B 3633B 3634B 3640B 3641B 3641D 3641L 3643B 3645B 3646B 3647B 3649B 3650e 3654B 3656B 3658B 3697B 3699B 4291B 4296B 4895B 4895L 5075B 5079B 5081B 5083B 5145B 5145D 5207B 5212B 5220B

LaUDerS 3 Yr graNTS STaND FaST graNTS STaND FaST OLD SMUggLer OLD SMUggLer ChivaS regaL ChivaS regaL ChivaS regaL CUTTY SarK CUTTY SarK CUTTY SarK WhiTe hOrSe JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer BLaCK 12 Yr J & B rare J & B rare J & B rare graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr graND MaCNiSh 3 Yr highLaND MiST 3 Yr highLaND MiST 3 Yr iNverhOUSe 3 Yr iNverhOUSe 3 Yr J W DaNT SCOTCh BaLLaNTiNeS JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY BUShMiLLS iriSh WSKY aUCheNTOShaN 3 WOOD SMS aUCheNTOShaN CLaSSiC SMS BaLveNie SiNgLe 15Yr BaLveNie 14 CariBBeaN CaSK BaLveNie DOUBLeWOOD 12 Yr BaLveNie POrTWOOD 21 Yr BLaCK BUSh iriSh WhSKY BOWMOre LegeND SMS BUNNahaBhaiN reD SeaL BUNNahaBhaiN 12 Yr BUChaNaN DeLUXe 12 SCOTCh BrUiChLaDDiCh rOCKS BUShMiLLS 16 Yr SiNgLe MaLT BUShMiLLS 10 Yr iriSh gLeNFiDDiCh 45 COMBO JaMeSON iriSh WhSKY CaOL iLa 12 Yr SCOTCh ChivaS regaL SaLUTe 21Yr ChivaS regaL 25 ChivaS regaL 18 Yr CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh CLaN MaCgregOr SCOTCh CLONTarF CLaSSiC BLeND CLYNeLiSh CraggaNMOre SNgL MaLT SCOT 12 Yr DaLMOre STiLLMaN 28 Yr DaLMOre 12 DaLWhiNNie SNgL MaLT SCOTC 15 Yr DeWar'S SigNaTUre DeWarS SPeC rSv 12 Yr BLN SCOTCh FaMOUS grOUSe 12 Yr FeCKiN iriSh WhSKY gLeNFiDDiCh SPeC reS 12 Yr gLeN gariOCh gLeNKiNChie 12 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh SOLer rSv 15 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh aNCNT rSv 18 Yr gLeNFiDDiCh graND reServa gLeNFiDDiCh 15Yr DiSTLY eDiTiON gLeNLiveT 18 Year gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr gLeNLiveT arChive 86 21 Yr gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr gLeNLiveT FreNCh OaK 15 Yr gLeNLiveT NaDUrra 16 Yr gLeNMOraNgie LaSaNTa gLeNMOraNgie 10 Yr - 100ML gLeNLiveT NaDUrra TriUM 91 gLeNMOraNgie QUiNTa rUBaN gLeNMOraNgie NeCTar D Or gLeNrOTheS SeLeCT reServe gLeNrOTheS SCOTCh highLaND ParK SNgL MaLT 12Yr highLaND ParK 18Y iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY iriShMaN OrigiNaL CLaN WhiSKeY JaMeSON gOLD JaMeSON viNTage reS. JaMeSON 18 Yr JaMeSON 12 Yr JOhN Barr reD JOhN Barr reD J. MCDOUgaLS BLaDNOCh JOhN POWer & SON iriSh gLD JOhNNie WaLKer BLUe

$ 10.35 80.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 31.90 80.0 $ 18.80 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 58.10 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 69.15 80.0 $ 43.00 80.0 $ 18.95 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.70 80.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 9.55 80.0 $ 16.50 80.0 $ 10.35 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 44.10 80.0 $ 29.80 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 28.90 80.0 $ 49.20 86.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 64.90 95.6 $ 53.45 86.0 $ 46.55 86.0 $143.40 86.0 $ 31.00 80.0 $ 23.00 80.0 $ 87.80 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 29.20 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 58.65 80.0 $ 35.45 80.0 $ 42.80 82.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 44.30 86.0 $156.85 80.0 $218.90 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 17.20 80.0 $ 10.70 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 31.05 92.0 $ 48.30 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 $189.75 86.0 $ 26.45 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 46.60 86.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 68.55 80.0 $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 41.35 80.0 $ 47.40 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 15.50 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 38.80 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 37.85 86.0 $107.00 86.0 80.0 $ 17.65 $ 27.95 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 173.90 92.0 $ 77.95 80.0 $ 36.95 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 77.45 111.6 $ 16.90 80.0 $203.95 80.0

FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 43

5222B 5225B 5229B 5231B 5384B 5507B 5508B 5542B 5543B 5544B 6012B 6013B 6013D 6016B 6017B 6018B 6024B 6025B 6344B 6346B 6395B 6574B 6576B 6747B 6748B 7480B 7721L 7980D 8327D 8327L 8480B 8383B 8853D 8983B 9026B 9063B 9064B 9145B 9150B 9188B 9188D 9317B 9317L 9605B 9606B

JOhNNie WaLKer DOUBLe BLaCK JOhNNY WaLKer BLK 100 aNNiveSarY JOhNNie WaLKer gOLD 18 Yr JOhNNie WaLKer grN KiLBeggaN LagavaULiN DiSTiLLerS eD. LagavaULiN SiNgLe MaLT 16 Yr LaPhrOaig 18 Yr LaPhrOaig CaSK STreNgTh 10 Yr LaPhrOaig SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr MaCaLLaN CaSK STreNgTh SMS MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 12 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN 18 Yr SiNgLe MaLT MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 10 Yr MaCaLLaN FiNe OaK 15 Yr MaCaLLaN 25 Yr MaCaLLaN 30 Yr MCCLeLLaNDS iSLaY MCCLeLLaNDS highLND MCivOr SCOTCh MiDLeTON MiChaeL COLLiNS BLeNDeD OBaN DiSTiLLerS aDDiTiON OBaN SiNgLe MaLT 14 OLD PULTeNeY 12 Yr PaDDY iriSh WhiSKeY PaSSPOrT SCOTCh QUeeN aNNe QUeeN aNNe rOgUe MaLT WhiSKeY reDBreaST iriSh WhiSKeY 12 Yr SCOreSBY SCOTCh SiNgLeTON SiNgLe MaLT 12 Yr SLaNe CaSTLe SPeYBUrN SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr SPeYBUrN BraDaN OraCh TaLiSKer SiNgLe MaLT 10 Yr TaMDhU SCOTCh WhiSKeY 10 Yr FaMOUS grOUSe FaMOUS grOUSe TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND TULLaMOre DeW - ireLaND WiLD SCOTSMaN 15 Yr WiLD SCOTSMaN BLaCK LaBeL

0038L 0039B 0040B 0048B 0050B 0093L 0371B 0372B 0373B 0374B 0487B 1544B 1545B 1546B 1628e 1662e 1664e 1674e 1676e 1810B 1846B 1847B 1848B 1857B 1858B 1859B 1860B 1862B 2280B 2281B 2282B 2306B 2317B 2318B 2410B 2410D 2410e 2410L 2411B 2411D 2411L 2721B 2721e 2722B 2722D 2724B 2725B 2726B 2760B 2761B

agavaLeS TeQUiLa gOLD 110 agaverO OraNge TeQUiLa agave LOCO agavaLeS gOLD 80 aLieN TeQUiLa SiLver aQUi vaMOS TeQ BLaNCO aSOMBrOSO SiLver aviON aNeJO aviON rePOSaDO aviON SiLver BaLUarTe TeQUiLa CaBO WaBO aNeJO CaBO WaBO BLaNCO CaBO WaBO rePOSaDO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver 200 PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver 200ML SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa PaTrON rePOSaDO CaSa NOBLe CrYSTaL CaZaDOreS aNeJO CaZaDOreS BLaNCO CaZaDOreS rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO PLaTa CeNTeNariO rePOSaDO CeNTeNariO rOSaNgeL CeNTeNariO TeNaMPa aZUL ChaMUCOS rePOSaDO eSP TeQ COraZON TeQUiLa aNJeO COraZON BLaNCO COraZON rePOSaDO COrONaDO TeQUiLa COrZO rePOSaDO COrZO SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL CUervO eSPeCiaL 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ 1800 rePOSaDO TeQ DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO aNeJO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO BLaNCO DON JULiO rePOSaDO DON JULiO reaL DON JULiO 70Th aNNiverSarY DOS LUNaS SiLver DOS MaNOS BLaNCO

$39.50 $ 36.85 $ 74.60 $ 41.65 $ 14.30 $ 86.90 $ 71.35 $ 61.60 $ 55.45 $ 34.30 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 71.85 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 120.30 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 60.70 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 44.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 33.00 $ 38.40

80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 96.0 115.6 86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0

$ 15.55 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 12.55 $ 45.30 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 25.60 $ 34.30 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 34.95 $ 22.05 $ 26.45 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 30.15 $ 35.50 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 11.95 $ 21.70 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 21.95 $ 26.65 $ 43.70 $ 79.05 $ 45.20 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0


44 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

2883B 2884B 2885B 2891B 2899B 2900B 2903B 2903D 2903L 2905B 2907B 2908B 2909B 2910B 2911B 2914B 2916B 2916D 2917B 2917D 2926B 2926D 2926L 2927B 2927D 2927L 2937B 2940B 2996B 2997B 3820B 4109B 4114B 4115B 5240L 5243B 5244B 5247B 5247D 5247e 5247L 5249L 5250L 5253B 5254L 5497B 5497D 5497L 5501B 5501D 5501L 6001B 6002B 6003B 6004B 6005B 6058B 6110B 6112B 6117B 6118B 6119B 6119D 6345L 6580B 6584B 6585B 6586B 6588B 6642B 6645L 6647L 6649L 6731B 6863B 6864B 6865B 6866B 6867B 6868B 7979B 7982B 7982D 7984B 7984D 7985B 8063B 8280B 8281B 8440D 8440L 8442L 8717B 8718B 8719B 8719L 8721B 8722B 8723B

eL arCO aNeJO eL arCO BLaNCO eL arCO rePOSaDO eL CaBaLLO eSTreLLa MiXTO eL CharrO rePOSaDO eL CharrO SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 TeQUiLa SiLver 1800 SeLeCT SiLver eL graDO BLaNCO 1800 COLLeCTiON eXTra aNeJO eL MaYOr aNeJO eL MaYOr BLaNCO eL MaYOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr aNeJO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr BLaNCO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL JiMaDOr rePOSaDO eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO gOLD eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eL TOrO SiLver eSPOLON BLaNCO eSPOLON rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa rePOSaDO FaMiLia CaMareNa SiLver graN PaTrON PLaTiNUM TeQ herraDUra aNeJO herraDUra rePOSaDO herraDUra SiLver CUervO BLaCK MeDaLLiON CUervO TraDiCiONaL 1800 aNeJO CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver CUervO eSPeCiaL SiLver JUareZ SiLver JUareZ gOLD CUervO PLaTiNO JUareZ gOLD DSS La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa WhiTe La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ La PriMa gOLD TeQ LUNa NUeva aNeJO LUNa NUeva rePOSaDO LUNa NUeva SiLver LUNaZUL BLaNCO LUNaZUL rePOSaDO MaeSTrO DOBeL MargariTaviLLe iSLaND LiMe MargariTaviLLe TrOP TaNger MargariTaviLLe LaST MaNgO MargariTaviLLe TeQ SiLver MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MargariTaviLLe TeQ gOLD MaTaDOr gOLD TeQ MiLagrO SiLver MiLagrO aNeJO MiLagrO rePOSaDO MiLagrO SBr reP MiLagrO SBr SiLver MONTe aLBaN TeQUiLa MONTeZUMa BLUe MONTeZUMa WhiTe - MeXiCO MONTeZUMa gOLD – MeXiCO 901 SiLver TeQUiLa vOODOO TiKi aNeJO vOODOOTiKi BLUe DragON vOODOOTiKi DeSerT rOSe vOODOOTiKi greeN DragON vOODOOTiKi PLaTiNUM vOODOOTiKi raPOSaDO ParTiDa BLaNCO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON aNeJO PaTrON SiLver PaTrON SiLver PaTrON rePOSaDO PePe LOPeZ gOLD POrFiDiO PLaTa POrFiDiO SiLver riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe SiLver riO graNDe gOLD CieN aNOS BLaNCO CieN aNOS rePOSaDO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa BLaNCO SaUZa TreS geN PLaTa TeQ. SaUZa TreS geNer aNeJO SaUZa eXTra gOLD

$ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 33.95 $ 1556.30 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 16.00 $ 29.30 $ 12.55 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 12.55 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 18.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.10 $ 30.10 $ 6.30 $ 21.70 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 9.25 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 23.85 $ 24.45 $ 25.60 $ 33.35 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.45 $ 9.45 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 24.25 $ 49.80 $ 72.45 $ 42.80 $ 92.45 $ 43.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 13.20

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8723D 8723L 8727B 8733B 8734B 8734D 8737B 8739L 8860B 8861B 8862B 8863B 8931B 8932B 8942B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9737B

SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa eXTra gOLD SaUZa CONMeMOraTivO SaUZa hOrNiTOS aNeJO SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa hOrNiTOS PLaTa SaUZa BLUe SiLver SaUZa girO SiLver SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 1 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL aNeJO 3 Yr SCOrPiaN MeZCaL rePOSaDO SCOrPiaN MeZCaL SiLver SeNOr FrOgS PLaTa SeNOr FrOgS rePOSaDO SeMeNTiaL SiLver TeQ TaraNTULa aZUL TaraNTULa rePOSaDO TaraNTULa LiMe TaraNTULa STaWBerrY SaUZa hOrNiTOS rePOSaDO TeQUiLa rePOSaDO TeQUiLa SiLver TeQ OChO PLaTa LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO rePOSaDO LaS POMeZ TeQ OChO aNeJO eXT eL vegL TeQ OChO aNeJO SaN aUgUSTN TeQUiLa 30 - 30 rePOSaDO 3 iSLaND WhiTe TeQUiLa Tierra'S aNeJO Tierra'S BLaNCO Tierra'S rePOSaDO TOrTiLLa SiLver TOrTiLLa gOLD TreS riOS SiLver TreS riOS rePOSaDO TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa gOLD TWO FiNgerS TeQUiLa WhiTe ZaPOPaN rePOSaDO

$ 26.40 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 22.00 $ 19.35 $ 33.65 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 15.00 $ 9.70 $ 12.75 $ 12.75 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 13.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.70 $ 25.80 $ 19.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 7.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.80 $ 14.75 $ 12.20 $ 16.90 $ 17.25 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 21.25 $ 17.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 18.90 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 15.35 $ 16.90 $ 22.80 $ 6.75 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.80 $ 22.80 $ 16.90 $ 22.80 $ 42.20 $ 22.80 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 25.60 $ 7.10 $ 8.20 $ 14.85 $ 10.70 $ 30.85 $ 30.85 $ 30.85 $ 22.15 $ 64.20 $ 34.15 $ 21.20 $ 30.85 $ 22.15 $ 34.35 $ 20.95 $ 32.60 $ 17.35 $ 14.30 $ 24.95 $ 9.00 $ 10.80 $ 18.85 $ 16.45 $ 5.15

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vODKa 0027B 0028B 0028D 0028L 0034B 0036B 0042B 0042L 0049B 0052B 0054B 0054L 0056B 0057B 0057D 0057e 0057L 0060B 0060L 0061B 0062L 0063e 0064B 0064D 0064L 0068L 0069B 0069L 0070L 0074L 0194D 0194L 0450B 0194L 0737B 0737D 0737L 0832B 0834B 0835B 0838B 0838D 0838L 0840B 0841B 0842B 0846B 0946B 0847B 0953B 0958B 0958D 1390B 1426B 1426D 1483B 1523B


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$ 8.15 80.0 $ 15.35 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 8.15 70.0 $ 2.95 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 4.20 100.0 $ 4.20 80.0 $ 5.25 100.0 $ 3.30 80.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 32.60 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 31.30 80.0 $ 61.45 80.0 $ 35.05 80.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 34.40 70.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 31.30 70.0 $ 61.45 70.0 $ 34.40 70.0 $ 28.70 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 1165 80.0 $ 6.85 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 86.00 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70. $ 16.90 80.0 $ 30.15 80.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 7.30 70.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 23.85 80.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 21.25 75.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 14.05 190.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 19.30 80.0 $ 12.55 75.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 24.95 70.0 $ 12.55 75.0 $ 13.15 75.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 5.80 70.0 $ 10.05 70.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 12.55 75.0 80.0 $ 25.00 $ 21.15 84.0 $ 21.25 70.0 $ 21.25 70.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 11.70 151.0 $ 12.55 151.0 $ 7.40 80.0 $ 8.20 100.0 $ 18.45 100.0 $ 26.35 60.0 $ 26.35 60.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 28.20 80.0 $57.35 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0 $ 34.40 80.0 $ 8.45 80.0 $ 20.20 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0

FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 45

4869B 5000D 5000L 5004D 5004L 5013D 5015D 5015L 5016B 5016D 5016L 5018B 5018D 5018L 5020B 5020D 5020L 5021B 5021D 5021e 5021L 5025D 5028D 5028L 5029B 5030L 5033L 5036D 5036L 5038B 5038D 5038L 5039B 5039D 5039L 5040B 5040D 5040L 5074B 5090B 5106B 5106D 5210B 5258B 5261B 5308B 5308D 5308L 5309B 5309D 5310L 5311L 5313B 5382B 5382D 5382e 5382L 5383D 5383L 5385L 5386B 5387B 5489B 5490B 5490D 5490L 5492B 5882B 6008B 6008D 6391D 6391L 6428B 6460L 6591B 6620B 6659B 6660B 6661B 6718L 6741B 7336L 7698B 7699B 7701B 7716B 7728L 7834L 7834D 7837L 7846D 7846L 7897L 7921B 7990B 7991B 7992B 7994B 7995B 7996B

iCeBUrg vDK $ 7.85 giLBeY'S vDK 80 $ 14.70 giLBeY'S vDK 80 $ 9.15 CrYSTaL vDK 80 $ 11.85 CrYSTaL vDK 80 $ 7.10 FLeiSChMaNN rOYaL $ 11.55 WOLFSChMiDT $ 14.50 WOLFSChMiDT $ 8.05 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 13.00 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 26.35 SMirNOFF #57 100 $ 17.25 gOrDONS 80 $ 8.20 gOrDONS 80 $ 16.25 gOrDONS 80 $ 9.70 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 7.00 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 14.45 ParaMOUNT 80 $ 8.70 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 11.40 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 21.90 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 7.85 SMirNOFF NO. 21 80 $ 13.75 Mr BOSTON riva 100 $ 13.60 BarTON vDK $ 11.75 BarTON vDK $ 7.00 BarTON TraveLer $ 11.60 haLLerS 80 $ 6.85 TaMirOv 100 $ 4.95 NiKOLai $ 13.60 NiKOLai $ 7.00 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 9.05 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 17.10 ParaMOUNT 100 $ 10.20 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 7.50 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 15.95 ParaMOUNT 90 $ 7.10 POPOv 80 $ 6.90 POPOv 80 $ 13.65 POPOv 80 $ 8.05 JaMeS river PLaNT SWeeT vODKa $ 17.00 JeaN MarC XO vDK $ 28.30 JereMiah WeeD SWeeT Tea $ 16.95 JereMiah WeeD SWeeT Tea $ 24.95 JOhN MCCULLOCh $ 11.90 Jr JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON $ 17.75 Jr JOhNSONS MiDNighT MOON aPPLe Pie $ 17.75 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 6.45 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 13.65 KaMChaTKa 80 $ 7.85 KaMChaTKa 90 $ 8.90 KaMChaTKa 90 $ 16.20 KaMChaTKa CherrY $ 9.95 KaMChaTKa graPe $ 9.95 KaMChaTKa TraveLer $ 6.45 KeTeL ONe $ 20.20 KeTeL ONe $ 40.65 KeTeL ONe $ 20.70 KeTeL ONe $ 28.95 KeTeL ONe CiTrOeN $ 40.65 KeTeL ONe CiTrOeN $ 28.95 KeTeL ONe OraNJe $ 28.95 KhOrTYTSa hONeY PePPer $ 16.00 KhOrTYTSa PLaTiNUM $ 15.20 KOrSKi TraveLer $ 6.50 KOrSKi $ 6.50 KOrSKi $ 11.85 KOrSKi $ 7.10 KUTSKOUa $ 8.90 LeveL $ 25.60 LUKSUSOWa $ 9.90 LUKSUSOWa $ 23.20 MC COrMiCK $ 13.30 MC COrMiCK $ 7.55 MeDea $ 25.55 Meier'S vDK PLaSTiC $ 7.40 KrU vODKa $ 16.85 MONOPOLOWa POTaTO $ 12.55 MOON MOUNTaiN vODKa $ 16.95 MOON MTN COaSTaL CiTrUS $ 7.55 MOON MTN WiLD raSPBerrY $ 16.95 NeW aMSTerDaM vODKa $ 13.25 OCeaN vODKa $ 28.25 Mr BOSTON vODKa $ 6.75 OYO $ 27.90 OYO hONeY vaNiLLa BeaN $ 28.85 OYO STONe FrUiT $ 28.70 NUTLiQUOr PeaNUT BUTTer $ 30.80 ParaMOUNT OraNge FLv vDK $ 10.70 Para ULTra BUBBLe $ 10.70 Para ULTra BUBBLe $ 15.35 ParaMOUNT vaNiLLa $ 10.70 ParaMOUNT graPe $ 14.85 ParaMOUNT graPe $ 10.70 ParaMOUNT SWeeT Tea $ 5.55 ParaMOUNT 100 TrvLr $ 8.85 PeaChKa $ 3.30 PearL $ 9.90 PearL POMegraNaTe $ 9.90 PearL CUCUMBer vDK $ 9.90 $ 5.20 PearL BLUeBerrY vDK PearL COCONUT vDK $ 9.90

46 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

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7997B 8074B 8234B 8236B 8237B 8238B 8239B 8241B 8242B 8243B 8243D 8243L 8244B 8244D 8245B 8246B 8248B 8250B 8251B 8252B 8253B 8253D 8254B 8254D 8255B 8256B 8257B 8283B 8285B 8291B 8293B 8295B 8321B 8323B 8325B 8338B 8338D 8413B 8488B 8490B 8492B 8627D 8631B 8631D 8880B 8880D 8880L 8884B 8885B 8886B 8896D 8896L 8908B 8910B 8915B 8915D 8930L 8934B 8937B 9006L 9007L 9008e 9009L 9010L 9011L 9012B 9012D 9012e 9012L 9014D 9014L 9016L 9017L 9018L 9022B 9024B 9024L 9025B 9027B 9028B 9029B 9030e 9032B 9032D 9032L 9033B 9033L 9034B 9034D 9034L 9035B 9036B 9037B 9038B 9038D 9038L 9039B 9039D 9039L 9040B


$ 9.90 $ 26.85 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 10.50 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 12.85 $ 12.85 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 17.50 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 17.95 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 6.70 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.75 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 5.00 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.95 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.40 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95

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9040D 9040L 9041B 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9093B 9114B 9116L 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B

SMirNOFF vaNiLLa SMirNOFF vaNiLLa SMirNOFF STraWBerrY SMirNOFF Pear TWiST SMirNOFF PiNeaPPLe TWiST SMirNOFF WaTerMeLON SMirNOFF WaTerMeLON SMirNOFF WhiTegraPe SOBieSKi SOBieSKi SOBieSKi SMirNOFF SPiCeD rOOT Beer SOBieSKi CYNaMON SOBieSKi vDK(gLaSS) SOBieSKi vaNiLia SOBieSKi CYTrON SOBieSKi KaraMeL SOBieSKi OraNge SOBieSKi raSPBerrY SOBieSKi raSPBerrY SQUare ONe BaSiL SQUare ONe BOTaNiCaL SMOOTh aMBLer WhiTeWaTer SMirNOFF COCONUT SMirNOFF FLUFFeD MarShMaLLOW SMirNOFF WhiPPeD CreaM STaWSKi SveDKa TraveLer SYN STOLiChNaYa BLUeBeri vDK STOLiChNaYa BLUeBeri vDK STOLiChNaYa ChOC raZBeri STOLiChNaYa CiTrOS FLv vDK STOLiChNaYa OhraNJ STOLiChNaYa OhraNJ LiMiTD eD STOLiChNaYa OhraNJ STOLiChNaYa 100 STOLiChNaYa eLiT STOLiChNaYa STOLiChNaYa STOLiChNaYa STOLiChNaYa WiLD CherrY STOLiChNaYa gaLa aPPLiK vD STOLi WhiTe POMegraNiK vDK STOLiChNaYa PeaChiK PLaTiNUM 7X vDK PLaTiNUM 7X vDK PLaTiNUM 7X vDK STOLiChNaYa raZBeri STOLiChNaYa raZBeri STOLiChNaYa STraSBeri STOLiChNaYa vaNiL STOLiChNaYa vaNiL STOLiChNaYa vaNiL TaNQUeraY STerLiNg TaNQUeraY STerLiNg TaNQUeraY STerLiNg SWeeT CarOLiNa LeMONaD vDK SWeeT CarOLiNa raSP Tea vDKa SWeeT CarOLiNa SWeeT Tea vODKa SWeeT CarOLiNa SWeeT Tea vODKa SveDKa raSPBerrY SveDKa vaNiLLa vDK SveDKa vaNiLLa vDK SveDKa SWeDiSh SveDKa SWeDiSh SveDKa SWeDiSh SveDKa CLeMeNTiNe SveDKa graPe vODKa SveDKa CherrY TeTON gLaCier JeWeL OF rUSSia ULTra 3 iSLaNDS vODKa 3 iSLaNDS vODKa 3 OLive CaKe 3 OLive BUBBLe 3 OLive BUBBLe 3 OLive BUBBLe 3 OLive BerrY 3 OLive CiTrUS 3 OLive rOOTBeer 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive graPe 3 OLive OraNge 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive CherrY vDK 3 OLive raSPBerrY 3 OLive 3 OLive 3 OLive 3 OLive ChOCOCLaTe 3 OLive vaNiLLa 3 OLive WaTerMeLON 3 OLive POMegraNTe 3 OLive MaNgO FLv 3 OLive TriPLe ShOT eSPreSSO 360 3 OLiveS raNgTaNg

$ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 8.15 $ 19.70 $ 10.60 $ 13.00 $ 10.60 $ 8.15 $ 10.60 $ 10.60 $ 10.60 $ 10.60 $ 11.50 $ 10.60 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 10.05 $ 10.80 $ 9.45 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 23.40 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 17.80 $ 51.80 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 16.90 $ 25.45 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 19.65 $ 25.45 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 8.80 $ 6.90 $ 9.90 $ 11.50 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 13.15 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.85 $ 87.65 $ 7.35 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90

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9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9235D 9236B 9367B 9370B 9371B 9371D 9372B 9372D 9372L 9373B 9374B 9375B 9376B 9377B 9378B 9380B 9381B 9382B 9385B 9428B 9446B 9448B 9449B 9450D 9456B 9456D 9738B 9467B 9472B 9472D 9472L 9505B 9565B 9672B 9673B 9738B

3 OLiveS raNgTaNg 360 DOUBLe ChOCOLaTe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe TiTO'S haNDMaDe 3 OLive DUDe vODKa 3 OLive DUDe vODKa 360 MaNDariN OraNge ULTiMaT vDK U v CaKe vODKa U v BLUe raSPBerrY U v BLUe raSPBerrY Uv Uv Uv U v graPe vDK U v PiNK LeMONaDe U v CherrY U v 103 U v COCONUT vDK UrSUS PUNCh Uv SWeeT greeN Tea UrSUS BLUe raSPBerrY UrSUS OrigiNaL vaMPYre reD veSiCa vODKa vaN gOgh DUTCh CaraMeL vaN gOgh DOUBLe eSPreSSO vaN gOgh eSPreSSO viKiNgFJOrD vaN gOgh vaN gOgh ZODiaC vOLi vODKa LYTe vOX vOX vOX WaTerSheD DiSTiLLerY vODKa WhiTe DiaMOND CiNCiNNaTi MiCrO-vODKa CiNCiNNaTi vODKa 100 ZODiaC

$ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 21.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 34.30 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 16.15 $ 8.15 $ 16.15 $ 10.60 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 11.50 $ 9.90 $ 3.70 $ 9.90 $ 7.85 $ 7.00 $ 21.25 $ 10.80 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 17.95 $ 14.30 $ 18.35 $ 9.20 $ 21.30 $ 17.60 $ 33.45 $ 22.00 $ 22.00 $ 10.80 $ 17.55 $ 32.10 $ 15.75

70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 103.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0

$ 15.15 $ 35.20 $ 19.40 $ 25.55 $ 10.40 $ 5.55 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.30 $ 24.35 $ 13.25 $ 7.45 $ 28.20 $ 10.00 $ 9.55 $ 28.20 $ 32.65 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 10.55 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 9.90 $ 9.65 $ 3.65 $ 23.90 $ 7.05 $ 14.40 $ 7.40 $ 14.90 $ 20.40 $ 25.60 $ 19.50 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 22.85 $ 16.00 $ 16.90 $ 12.10 $ 23.65 $ 10.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 17.75 $ 19.65 $ 29.85 $ 52.10 $ 34.80 $ 72.90 $ 43.90 $ 30.00

92.0 110.0 56.0 56.0 48.0 56.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 70.0 75.0 75.0 80.0 50.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 54.0 60.0 54.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 70.0 48.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 70.0 76.0 80.0 53.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 64.0 60.0 62.0 80.0 60.0 46.0 110.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 84.6

COrDiaL 0017B 0029B 0041B 0041L 0053B 0071B 0124B 0125B 0551B 0552B 0557D 0557L 0565B 0580L 0583L 0600B 0608B 0662B 0664B 0666B 0672B 0673B 0674B 0675B 0691B 0701B 0705B 0707B 0717B 0717D 0717L 0721B 0798B 0881B 0887B 0893B 0893D 0893L 0910B 0948B 1188B 1501B 1637e 1783B 1784B 1815B 1840B 1853B 1855B 1914B 2098B 2098D 2098L 2101B

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FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 47

2108B 2274B 2405B 2405L 2503B 2528B 2529B 2566B 2605B 2613L 2614B 2624B 2624L 2644B 2645B 2649B 2652B 2690B 2690L 2691B 2944B 2950B 3024B 3077B 3092B 3093B 3602B 3630B 3821B 3851B 3852B 3860B 3864B 3902B 4000B 4003B 3602B 4914B 5054D 5054L 5105B 5251L 5254L 5303B 5315B 5566B 5571B 6000B 6334B 6567B 6705L 6708B 6720L 6734B 6735B 6736B 6739B 7713B 7715B 7723B 7724B 7729B 7729D 7729L 7735B 7824L 7870D 7870L 7901B 7981L 7986B 8228B 8249L 8282B 8302B 8324L 8639B 8670B 8673B 8852L 8892B 9214B 9311B 9354B 9410B 9630B 9630L 9707B 9733B

iriSh MiST COPa De OrO MeX COFFee LiQ LiCOr 43 LiCOr 43 DaNNY DeviTOS LiMONCeLLO DeK BLUe CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK CreMe De BaNaNa COrD DeK CreMe De aLMOND COrD DeK haZeLNUT COrD DeK OraNge CUraCaO COrDiaL DeK PeaCh BraNDY DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK TriPLe SeC COrD DeK 03 OraNge DeK MeLON COrDiaL DeK WiLD STraWBerrY COrDiaL rOMaNa BLaCK COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU LiQUeUr COiNTreaU NOir evaN WiLLiaMS CherrY reSv evaN WiLLiaMS hONeY reSv FireBaLL CiNNaMON WhiSKeY FragOLi LiQUeUr W/STraWBrY aMareTTO Di aMOre gaNTOUS & aBOUraaD gLarOS OUZO gLeNgOYNe 10 graNgaLa TriPLe OraNge graND MarNier CeNTCiNQUaNT graND MarNier CUvee CeNTNr graND MUrieL OraNge LiQUer graNDe aBSeNTe greeN MOON harLeM LiQUeUr harLeQUiN gLarOS OUZO iSLe OF JUra SUPerSTiTiON JagerMeiSTer JagerMeiSTer JereMiah WeeD LiQUeUr JUareZ TriPLe SeC JUareZ gOLD DSS KahLUa eSPeCiaL COFFee KaMOra COFFee LQr LeBLON CaChaCa Le TOUrMeNT verT LUCiD aBSiNThe MaTa hari aBSiNThe BOheMia MeTaXa OUZO greeCe NaSSaU rOYaLe NavaN 80 N Y LONg iSLaND iCeD Tea 99 aPPLeS 99 BaNaNaS 99 graPeS 99 PeaCheS NUMBer 12 OUZO Nv La Fee aBSiNThe verTe PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO PaLLiNi LiMONCeLLO giFT ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT aMareTTO ParaMOUNT CreMe De BaNaNa ParaMOUNT SOUr aPPLe Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea Para LONg iSLND iCe Tea ParaMOUNT MeLON PaTrON CiTrONge PaTrON X O CaFe PiMMS CUP #1 giN SLiNg eNg PiTU CaChaCa PLOMari QUZO PriCharDS SWeeT LUCY BBN PUNCh aBrUZZO SaBrOSO Di CaFe COFFee LiQ SaMBUCa Di aMOre SaMBUCa rOMaNa SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer SChWarTZhOg KraUTer LiQUer ThUNDer 101 PePPerMT SChNP TUaCa DeMi SeC TY KU SUPer PreMiUM SOJU veev aCai LiQUeUr WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY WiLD TUrKeY aMeriCaN hONeY YOKaiChi MUgi ZWaCK

$ 21.55 $ 7.30 $ 17.75 $ 21.95 $ 21.25 $ 10.55 $ 9.90 $ 2.25 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 5.65 $ 10.55 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 39.50 $ 18.95 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 15.15 $ 15.85 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 38.70 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 16.80 $ 7.90 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.40 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 10.25 $ 24.45 $ 7.40 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 8.60 $ 16.00 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 21.40 $ 17.15 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 4.35 $ 28.95 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 23.90 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.00 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 18.40 $ 23.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.65

70.0 48.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.00 $ 11.45 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 20.45

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0

SChNaPPS 0010B 0676B 0681L 0697D 0697L 0917B


48 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

0917L 1130B 2588L 2619B 2620L 2625B 2776B 2782B 3017B 3017L 3709B 3709L 3736B 3737B 4863B 4870B 5922B 6009B 6735B 7762L 7862B 7862L 8263B 8632B 8633B 8633L 9054B 9082B 9727B 9727D 9727L


$ 26.35 $ 16.05 $ 11.45 $ 11.20 $ 11.45 $ 5.65 $ 7.05 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 43.00 $ 10.55 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 16.90 $ 14.90 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.35

80.0 100.0 48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

$ 11.75 $ 23.55 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 14.05 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 16.70 $ 6.45 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 39.65 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 8.45 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

CaNaDiaN 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176e 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189e 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1570B 1627e 1704D 1704L 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L 1748B 2055B 2389B 2391B 2393B 2397B 3071B 4041D 4041L 4699D 4699L 5073D 7726D 8050B 8431B 8431D 8894B 8894D 8894e 8894L 8922B 8923B 9084B 9648B 9652B 9652D 9652L

SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr SeagraMS v O 6 Yr LOrD CaLverT 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr MC MaSTerS 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN CaNaDiaN MiST CNDN MaCNaUghTON CNDN 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB 6 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT CNDN 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT TraveLer 3 Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr BLaCK veLveT reServe CNDN 8Yr CaBiN Fever MaPLe FLv WhSK CrOWN rOYaL 200ML CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDiaN BaY WhSKY CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDa hOUSe CNDN WhiSKeY 3Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB reServe 10 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB TraveLer 6 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN gOLD 4 Yr CaNaDiaN CLUB ShrY CaSK 8Yr CaNaDiaN hUNTer TraveLer 3Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN LTD 3 Yr CaNaDiaN MiST TrvLr CaNaDiaN CLUB CLaSSiC 12Yr CrOWN rOYaL BLaCK CrOWN rOYaL CaSK #16 CrOWN rOYaL eXTra rare CrOWN rOYaL reServe FOrTY CreeK BarreL SeLeCT harWOOD harWOOD NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr NOrTherN LighT 3 Yr JaMeS FOXe ParaMOUNT CaNaDiaN PeNDLeTON CaNaDiaN riCh & rare riCh & rare CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL CrOWN rOYaL v O gOLD 8 Yr SeagraMS v O CNDN Trv 6 Yr SPiCeBOX CNDN SPiCeD WhSKY WiNDSOr SUPreMe TraveLer 3Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr WiNDSOr SUPreMe 3 Yr

viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS FOr The reCOrD LiQUOr CONTrOL COMMiSSiON viOLaTiONS & PeNaLTieS (Orders issued December 2011) aKrON: James r rea enterprises inc. dba Bank Lounge: agent/ employee found guilty in Court of felonious assault and burglary, in violation of §4301.25(a)(1) - $500 or 5 days; 1254 east Tallmadege avenue inc. dba Late Nite Cabaret: employee / agent under the age of 21 consuming beer on the premises; furnishing an employee / agent under the age of 21 - $2,500 or 15 days; 995 Kenmore Blvd inc.: alcoholic beverages held or offered for sale were not maintained in a potable condition; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug possession - $1,500 or 10 days a L L i aN Ce: v FW Po s t 1 036 Corporal Francis Williams: sale of beer to a non-member av O N L a K e : h o l l o p i n c : consumption after hours; sale of beer and/or intoxicating liquor after hours - $300 or 3 days BeLLaire: i talian amer ican Citizens Club dba iaC Club: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; conducting instant bingo without a license or contract; operating an electronic video gambling device; game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; alcoholic beverages held or offered for sale were not maintained in a potable condition - $400 or 4 days BrUNSWiCK: red Onion, inc. dba red Onion Lounge: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; possession of an electronic gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house $400 or 4 days

CaNTON: Tonia hoover dba r & r Tavern: three counts of possession, control or operating of a gambling device; e l e c t ro n i c v i d e o g a m b l i n g device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; single counts of fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers / refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary; conducting instant bingo without a license or contract - $1,200 or 10 days; vFW Post 3747 Walter Sauer: possession of an electronic gambling device; operating a gambling house - $500 or 5 days

Concepts LLC dba L’antibe’s: possession of intoxicating liquor while liquor permit was not in force; sale of intoxicating liquor not purchased from the DoLC or its agent - $300 or 3 days; Columbus garage LLC dba garage Bar: purchase of beer for resale from someone other than an a or B permit holder; possession of beer from an unapproved source - $400 or 4 days; Ohio irish LLC dba McFadden’s restaurant and Saloon: possession of alcoholic beverages in an original container that had been refilled or diluted - $900 or 3 days

CiNCiNNaTi: habits Café inc.: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days; BJs Bar LLC dba Bronz: sale of an unlimited number of servings of alcoholic beverages during a set period of time for a fixed price - $1,000 or 5 days; Sayler Park restaurant & Tavern LLC dba Sayler Park restaurant & Tavern: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days; Braintree Foods inc. dba The Bombay Oven: beer and/or intoxicating liquor sold for on premise consumption removed from the premises - $300 or 3 days; BJs Bar LLC dba Bronz: sale of intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21; furnishing intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21 - $1,600 or 11 days

C r O O K S v i L L e : Wi l l i a m a n d holly houk dba Curt & holly’s Snack Bar: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit; operating a gambling house; fixtures, equipment, tables, counter, coolers/refrigerators, or utensils not clean or sanitary - $300 or 3 days

CLeveLaND: W 9th Street Par tners inc. dba gillespie’s Pub: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition; sale of intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21 - $1,700 or 7 day COLUMBUS: Buckeye Mex LP dba Mad Mex: sale of intoxicating liquor to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days; Chef

DaYTON: Kidd Carp enterprises inc. dba The Big e: two counts of allowing improper conduct, to wit drug possession; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug use – revOKeD; e a S T Pa L e S T i N e : D ow n o n Main Street Bar & grill inc. dba Down on Main Street Bar & grill: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; e l e c t ro n i c v i d e o g a m b l i n g device; operating a gambling house – in violation, no penalty imposed gLOUSTer: Fuzzy investments LLC dba Shingle inn: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21: revOKeD haMiLTON: 314 S 3rd Ltd. Dba J & J Bar & restaurant: two counts of consumption after hours – $400 or 4 days

FeBrUarY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 49

viOLaTiONS&PeNaLTieS irONTON: aL Post 590 Downey Pogue Scott: allowing improper conduct, to wit drug use; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug possession; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug paraphernalia use; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug paraphernalia possession - $200 or 2 days J aC K S O N : J a c k s o n a m ve t s Post 84 dba amvets Post 84: consumption after hours; possession, control or operating a gambling device; electronic video gambling device; game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming - $300 or 3 days LaKeSiDe: Camp runinmuck Campers assn: allowing gambling, to wit an illegal raffle – in violation, no penalty imposed LiMa: eMJ Development inc.: allowing a person other than a person named on the liquor permit to operate the business; operation of the business in a location not named on the permit; assignment, pledge or transfer of liquor permit without the consent of the DOLC - $400 or revOKeD LOraiN: Three Star restaurant inc. dba horst Pub: hindering or obstructing an investigation or inspection; consumption after hours - $500 or 5 days MaLaga: Neal Wittenbrook dba g & N Sports Bar of Malaga: purchase of beer or wine for resale from someone other than a Class a or B liquor permit holder; two counts beer taps improperly marked; possession of beer and/or intoxicating l i q u o r w i t h o u t t h e p ro p e r permit; alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition; failure to label a spigot/apparatus - $2,100 or 7 days; Neal Wittenbrook dba g 50 OhiO Beverage MONThLY FeBrUarY 2012

& N Sports Bar of Malaga: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 $1,600 or 7 days MaYFieLD heighTS: Jer Ton inc. dba Panini’s Bar & grille: sale of alcoholic beverages after 9:00 p.m. at a price less than charged other patrons - $300 or 3 days MiDDLeTOWN: Bucks Sports LLC: three counts of each of the following: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming; one count of illegal possession of eBT - $1,000 or 5 days NeWarK: Newark Downtown Center, inc. dba The Center: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 $1,600 or 10 days OregON: Triple a Proper t y Management LLC dba Burnsy’s Burgers & Brew: check for permit fee not honored by permit holders bank – revOKeD PaiNeSviLLe: anthony C Pace: conducting instant bingo without a license or contract $500 or 5 days PerrYSBUrg: Levis Comedy LLC dba Fat Fish Blue home of the Funny Bone: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days POr TSMOUTh: Frog Willy ’s LLC: consumption after hours; toilet facility not in good repair; alcoholic beverages held or offered for sale were not maintained in a potable condition - $300 or revOKeD reaDiNg: Maloneys Sports Bar

& grill dba Maloneys Sports Bar & grill: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days S P r i N g F i e L D : B e n s Co r n e r Pub LLC: alcoholic beverages not maintained in a potable condition - $200 or 2 days; Daniel C romine dba Whitie’s Tavern: possession, control or operation of a gambling device; possession of an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house; recklessly p er mit t ing p ubl ic g aming ; allowing improper conduct, to wit drug use - $450 or 3 days STreeTSBOrO: Streets Tavern L L C d b a S t r e e t s Ta v e r n : operating a game of chance for profit or scheme of chance; operating a gambling house $1,500 or 12 days TOLeDO: Bancroft group LLC dba Tap house: sale of beer to a minor - $1,800 or 12 days WaShiNgTONviLLe: Jack g. Wa g g l e d b a To w n Ta v e r n : p o s s e s s i o n o f i ntox i c at i n g liquor in a bottle that had been refilled or diluted; two count of possession of an electronic gambling device; two counts of operating a gambling house; - $1,000 or 6 days YOUNgSTOWN: Carl a Jackett dba giacchettas: sale of intoxicating liquor to individuals under the age of 21 - $1,000 or 7 days; Carl a Jackett dba giacchettas: sale of beer to someone under the age of 21 $2,500 or 10 days; Carl a. Jackett dba giacchettas: furnishing spirituous liquor to individuals under the age of 21¬ - $3,500 or revOKeD;

U.S. BEVERAGE ALCOHOL FORUM at the WSWA 69T H A NNUAL CO NV E NT IO N & E XP OSI TI ON The insiders guide to the U.S. beverage alcohol market. A partnership between the U.S. Drinks Conference and Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America.

Thursday, April 5, 2012 12:30–5:00 p.m. Caesars Palace, Las Vegas Cost is included in the WSWA Convention & Exposition registration fee.* Ensure your travel plans allow you to attend the U.S. Beverage Alcohol Forum on Thursday afternoon. Don't miss out! * A one day registration fee is available for the U.S. Beverage Alcohol Forum.

SEMINARS/PANELS TO INCLUDE: Â’ Brand Activation Â’ Distributor Panel Â’ Navigating Brand Entry Â’ Retailer Panel Â’ Social Media Â’ Supplier Panel Â’ Trends

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Â’ Spirits, wine and beer executives and managers with responsibility for introducing and growing brands in the U.S. market. Â’ New product development, marketing, innovation, operations, logistics, purchasing, finance executives, and managers. Â’ Consultants, suppliers, wholesalers, entrepreneurs, and investors to the industry looking for key insights and networking opportunities. For more information and to register visit

wswaconvention.org or call the Convention Hotline at (202) 371-5682.


FORUM SPONSORS The How-To Publication


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california bubbly sweet moscato

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1/6/12 10:14 AM

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