Ohio Beverage Monthly June 2014

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June 2014

WHAT’S ON TAP? Heineken USA Answers the Call with New Beer Innovations


RUM GETS RESPECT Aged & Sipping Expressions Elevate the Category

CALIFORNIA SCHEMING Targeted Wine Branding Heats Up

EASTERN MALT Japanese Whisky Explodes

JUNE14 16


20 FEATURES 16 HEINEKEN: CHANGING THE GAME IN BEER Creativity gives Heineken USA an edge in an increasingly competitive market.

44 FRESH JUICE Vibe Conference lets restaurant chain execs take new ideas for a spin.


20 RUM GETS RESPECT By small steps and giant leaps, rum enters the realm of premium spirits.


30 TARGET PRACTICE Marketing-focused California wine brands create wines aimed at specific consumer groups. 36 CAMPARI’S FAST TRACK Roy Danis, Managing Director at Campari America, talks recent acquisitions and the company’s game plan for the future. 38 EASTERN MALT Japanese whisky is poised to explode in the U.S. market




6 superintendent of ohio liquor control reporT



46 BAR TALK: SHIPS AHOY! Bryan Schnieder runs distinct beverage programs at Fourth Wall Restaurants’ General Assembly and Quality Italian in NYC.


Events & Benefits





JUNE 2014 Ohio Beverage monthly 3

JUNE14 Ohio Beverage monthly volume 6, No 6 (iSSN 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


general Counsel

Philip a. Craig, Publisher

By PhiliP a. Craig


elcome back to the Ohio Beverage monthly! this month the Ohio Division of liquor Control Superintendent Bruce Stevenson reminds you of instore advertising and display regulations on page 6. On page 8 this month i update you on house Bill 499 and the changes it could bring to Ohio Craft Distilleries. get up to date on legal news on page 10, where Dave raber covers the details

molly K. hunter mhunter@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

art & DESigN art Director graphic Designer

of Sub. S.B. No. 173 and on page 11 Jacob Evans updates you on the most common violations seen before the liquor Commission. On page 12 molly hunter recaps OlBa's first Southwest Ohio Bar Expo success. as always, thank you for reading this month’s issue of Ohio Beverage monthly and remember, just reading this magazine keeps you ahead of the competition!

Jacob C. Evans, Esq. jevans@craiggroup.com

EDitOrial Editor in Chief

Publisher's message

Philip a. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

assistant Designer Ohio art Director

larry lee llee@bevmedia.com Dana Buonincontri dbuonincontri@bevmedia.com Josue romero jromero@bevmedia.com megan W. Jordan mjordan@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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lee Stringham lstringham@bevmedia.com 410.519.7034

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National & regional ad Sales

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OPEratiONS Circulation Finance & accounting

Sylvia Prince sprince@bevmedia.com Seth Niessen sniessen@bevmedia.com randye Benvenisti randye@bevmedia.com

Ohio Beverage Journal (iSSN 1065-9846) JUNE 2014, vol. 6 No. 6 Postmaster, send change of address information to Ohio Beverage monthly, 37 W. Broad St, Suite 480, Columbus, Oh 43215 Ohio Beverage monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.

NatiONal COvEragE, lOCal aDvaNtagE

the Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage media group, inc., 116 John Street, 23rd Floor, New york, Ny 10038. telephone: (212) 571-3232 Fax: (212) 571-4443. www.BevNetwork.com

4 OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014



Warm Weather regulations in-Store advertising and Displays By BrUCE D. StEvENSON, SUPEriNtENDENt OhiO DiviSiON OF liQUOr CONtrOl

thE BESt timE tO gEt CUStOmErS tO CONSiDEr a NEW BraND Or PrODUCt iS WhEN thEy’rE alrEaDy iN yOUr EStaBliShmENt

Bruce D. Stevenson,, Superintendent


he best time to get customers to consider a new brand or product is when they’re already in your establishment. in-store advertising and displays are effective ways of letting your customers know about the products that you sell. the regulations for in-store advertising of alcoholic beverages encourage retailers, manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers to work together and take advantage of mutually beneficial marketing opportunities. retailers can accept many different kinds of advertising materials or items from manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers that promote their products and brands. visually interesting items that grab the customers’ attention such as signs, banners, posters, placards, and illuminated devices for display in the windows of your establishment can be accepted by retailers free of charge with no cost limit per item. the warm weather starts to bring advertising outside at some retail businesses. Brand advertisements on the exterior of

6 OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014

the building are prohibited, but can be outside if they are within the defined permit premises (like a deck or patio). things like “window perf,” which are applied from the outside, would not be legal if the sign is displayed on the exterior of the retail permit premises. Ohio revised Code 4301.22(E) prohibits a retail permit holder from displaying on the outside of any licensed retail premises, or on any lot of ground on which the licensed premises are situated, or on the exterior of any building of which the licensed premises are a part, any sign, illustration, or advertisement bearing the name, brand name, trade name, trade-mark, designation, or other emblem of or indicating the manufacturer, producer, distributor, place of manufacture, production, or distribution of any beer or intoxicating liquor. in addition, Ohio administrative Code 4301:1-1-44(D)(1) prohibits billboard advertisement of any brand of alcoholic beverage within five hundred feet of any church, school, or public playground. it is also prohibited on any public or non-public elementary or secondary school property. another common issue that arises is when the weather is warm and a permit holder wants to expand their permit premises to include a deck

or patio. Please remember that any expansion or diminution of the defined permit premises must be approved by the Division, and such approval must be received before using the expanded area as part of your permit premises. requests should be submitted in writing to the Division’s investigative Services Unit using the “request for Expansion/Diminution of Permit Premises” form (form DlC 4248). advertising the products you sell and providing a nice outdoor area for your customers can be very important for your business to be successful. if you’re not sure about any of your advertising activities and need some guidance, or want to expand your permit premises, we are always happy to help. Please contact us via email at webliqr@ com.state.oh.us or call (614) 6442472 for assistance.



house Bill 499

OlBa Watching Carefully By PhiliP a. Craig

aDJUStmENtS tO OhiO a-3a PErmitS WOUlD allOW OhiO CraFt DiStillEriES tO OPEratE mOrE EFFECtivEly aND CrEatE largEr PrOFitS

Phil Craig, Executive Director


he OlBa is watching house Bill 499 very carefully. this proposal would make adjustments to the Ohio a-3a permits that would allow Ohio craft distilleries to operate more effectively and create larger profits. this measure contains changes that would be welcome by all in the Ohio Distillers guild. hB 499 will re-define capacity restrictions from 10,000 to 100,000 proof gallons. this change puts Ohio micro distilleries on a level field with Pa and other surrounding states who help their distilleries flourish. in addition, it gives them an advantage over all other distilled spirits. By increasing the micro-distillery limits hB 499 will award a commission of 25% of the final sale price back to the distillery for sales made by the distillery to a personal customer. this will ensure that the distilling industry will use this new revenue to expand, reinvest and create new jobs. this effect of hB

8 OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014

499 would provide competition licensed Beverage association to our existing Ohio agency Store has been actively involved in the system. discussion of house Bill 499 and the last major house Bill 499 will continue to update you on the adjustment will encourage status of house Bill 499. if you have distillery tourism by allowing for any questions or concerns please on-site consumption by the glass. give our office a call at 1-800-678this will allow micro distilleries to 5995 serve just as Ohio wineries and Ohio breweries have for d e c a d e s . Customers will stay longer, g e n e r a t e g r e a t e r revenue, and potentially order food as well. Proponents say that if Ohio does not make the proposed changes to h.B. 499 micro distillery growth in Ohio will stop and then shrink as operators move Bevinco clients know how many ounces of Crown Royal to other states. and pints of beer were USED vs. SOLD, Do you? let us know For more details, contact Bevinco of Dayton: what your CHARLIE DEIBEL thoughts on 800-891-1012 deibel@bevinco.com this measure are. Lowering pour costs and improving profits since 1987 the Ohio

Make every dropCount!



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OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014 9


Sub. S.B. No. 173

Contains New laws and Changes to Old By DavE raBEr


overnor Kasich signed Sub. S.B. No. 173 on april 10, 2014. Several new liquor laws were added and some existing laws were amended. the changes to the law take effect 90 days from the date the governor signed the bill, which, according to my calculations, is July 9, 2014. as the act makes important changes to Ohio’s liquor laws, it is imperative that all permit holders be made aware of them.

Dave raber, OlBa legal Co-Counsel

to this end, here are some of the highlights contained in the new law. the new law increases the frequency with which the sale of tasting samples may occur at an agency store. Under current law, an agency store may host not more than five tasting events per calendar month. Under the bill, an agency store may host not more than ten tasting events per calendar month, so long as not more than two tasting events take place during the same day and there is not less than one hour between the end of one event and the beginning of another event. in addition, it also requires specified individuals that offer tasting samples to provide notice to the Division of liquor Control regarding the tasting event ten business days prior to the tasting event, rather than five days prior as provided in current law; and requires specified individuals that offer tasting samples to purchase the spirituous liquor from the agency store at which the samples are offered at the current retail price, rather than requiring an agency store to purchase the spirituous liquor at the current retail price and having the specified individuals reimburse the agency store as provided in current law. the bill authorizes specified persons to provide serving samples of and conduct consumer product instruction about, the

10 OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014

products of a manufacturer, supplier, or broker of beer, wine, or mixed beverages. the instruction or sampling must take place on the premises of a C-1, C-2, or C-2x permit holder who holds a D-8 permit and is authorized to sell beer, wine, or mixed beverages for off-premises consumption. in such a circumstance, the person conducting the instruction or providing samples is not required to obtain a retail liquor permit under the liquor Control law. the persons authorized under the bill to conduct consumer The Wholesale Beer & Wine Association of Ohio product instruction or provide serving samples include a Anheuser-Busch Sales of Canton, Canton Iron City Distributing, Mingo Junction manufacturer, supplier, or Mansfield Distributing Co., Mansfield broker of beer, wine, or mixed Anheuser-Busch Sales of Lima Maple City Ice Co., Norwalk beverages, or an agent, solicitor, Beerco, Fostoria or salesperson representing a Beverage Distributors, Cleveland Matesich Distributing Co., Newark manufacturer, supplier, or broker. Bobby Fisher Distributing, Springfield Muxie Distributing Co., Bellaire the bill specifies that wholesale NWO Beverage, Inc., Northwood Bonbright Distributors, Dayton distributors are excluded from this authorization. Ohio Valley Wine & Beer Co., Evendale Brown Distributing Co., Newark the new law also expands the Buckeye Distributing Inc., Columbus Pere Jacques Wine Imports LLC, Solon locations that qualify for a D-8 R. L. Lipton Distributing, Cleveland Choice Brands of Ohio, Mingo Junction liquor permit to include a retail store to which all of the following City Beverage Co., Defiance Southeast Beverage Co., Athens apply: Spriggs Distributring Co., Ironton Classic Brands, Albany • It has been issued a liquor Stagnaro Distributing LLC, Cincinnati Classic Brands, Chillicothe permit authorizing retail sale of Superior Beverage Group, Columbus beer, wine, and mixed beverages Clermont Distributing, Batavia for off-premises consumption (a Columbus Distributing Co., Columbus Superior Beverage Group, Glenwillow C-1, C-2, or C-2x liquor permit); Tramonte Distributing Co., Akron Cutting Edge Selections, Mariemont • It has at least 4,500 Treu House of Munch, Northwood Delmar Distributing, Waldo square feet of floor area; • It is located in a municipal Dickerson Distributing Co., Monroe Tri County Wholesale Distributor, corporation or township with a Glazer's Distributors of Ohio, Columbus Youngstown population of 5,000 or less; and Vanguard Wines, Columbus • It generates 60% of its Hammer Co. (The), Streetsboro sales in non-alcohol related items. Heidelberg Distributing Co., Vintage Wine Distributor, Solon lastly, it allows an F-6 liquor Independence Vintage Wine Distributor, Columbus permit which authorizes the Vintner Select, Mason Heidelberg Distributing Co., Columbus auction of wine at a special event W. Berman & Co., Perrysburg for the benefit of a nonprofit Heidelberg Distributing Co., Cincinnati corporation, to be issued for the Heidelberg Distributing Co., Lorain Wine Trends, Independence same location as an F-8 liquor Heidelberg Distributing Co., Youngstown permit, which allows alcoholic beverage sales at special events Heidelberg Distributing Co., Dayton held on public property. the law, Heidelberg Distributing Co., Perrysburg however, still prohibits an F-6 and House of LaRose (The), Brecksville F-8 permit from being exercised concurrently at the same location. the above generally highlights only some of the changes made THE WHOLESALE BEER AND WINE ASSOCIATION OF OHIO 37 W. Broad Street, Suite 710 Columbus, Ohio 43215 by Sub. S.B. No. 173 that will soon take effect. there are some 614/224-3500 • OHIO WATS LINE 1-800-282-7639 • FAX 614/224-1348 restrictions and exceptions to the conduct now authorized by the act, so if you are planning to take advantage of any new provisions of law, contact legal counsel to make certain your new business plan strictly complies with the law. an important factor to remember is to always advertise and promote the responsible use of alcoholic beverage products. www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


violations Update Part three

Can it really be 2 years since the last update!?!?! By JaCOB C. EvaNS

i Firmly BEliEvE that 99.9% OF all PErmit hOlDErS arE DOiNg thEir BESt tO aDhErE tO OhiO’S laWS

Jacob C. Evans, OlBa legal Co-Counsel


s i look at violations and penalties that are adjudicated at the liquor Control Commission, i always think about what information would help permit holders avoid the violations or make them aware that certain activities are a violation. i thought i had done an article recently, and, after research, discovered it was over 2 years ago (December 2011 and march 2012 for those keeping their Beverage monthlies!). many of the same issues are still just as common: sales to minors; consumption after hours; beverages not maintained in a potable condition. and while the other citations are not new, following is some background on them to better help you avoid a violation.

Sale/Furnishing of alcohol to a minor it should come as no surprise that the sale or furnishing of alcohol beverages to someone under the age of 21 is still the number violation that permit holders are cited for and appear before the Commission. the advice on this is simple: check iDs and do the math! this is perhaps the liquor Commission’s number one concern; it accounted for just over 25% of all violations for march, april and may 2014. hindering/Obstructing an investigation or inspection While not as common, another issue www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com

that appears is hindering an inspection or investigation. When someone has properly identified themselves as being part of law enforcement, it is in your best interest to cooperate with them in your investigation. if a permit holder makes the investigation more difficult, the liquor Commission is not only less likely to be more lenient on any mitigating factors, but may in fact be more punitive.

Selling at happy hour Prices after 9:00 p.m. you should be keeping a schedule of your drink prices. Prior to 9:00 p.m., you can charge less than the regular price. however, at 9:00 p.m., you must go back to your regular price. there can be no more specials, deals, promotions after 9:00 p.m. there are not exceptions for a day of the week or a particular holiday . . . . it is always 9:00 p.m. intoxication Serving an intoxicated person is always a violation that appears before the Commission. a similar violation i have seen of late is an employee working in an intoxicated state! Should you have an intoxicated person on your permit premises, be it an employee or patron, you need to immediately address the situation and work to ensure their safe delivery home.

to work towards the responsible sale of alcoholic beverages. it is your practicing what we preach that proves it is not just a statement but actually a belief. the reality is that the vast majority of establishments are following the law; and many of the establishments that appear before the Commission are trying to follow the law and a mistake was made. however, we must own our mistakes and strive to do better. having represented permit holders before the liquor Commission, lobbying on their behalf in the general assembly and talking with many permit holders, i firmly believe that 99.9% of all permit holders are doing their best to adhere to Ohio’s laws. When you consider the number of on-premise establishments statewide and the actual number of citations and violations, it is clear that permit holders take responsible sales seriously . . . . and i commend you for it!

the Ohio licensed Beverage association has and will continue

OhiO BEvEragE mONthly JUNE 2014 11


Recap of First Ever Southwest Ohio Bar Expo Another Successful Expo!



Molly Hunter, OLBA Management Team


he first ever Southwest Ohio Bar Expo was a great success! We were thrilled to be having our event at the Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati. The casino featured a sprawling 100,000 sq. ft. casino floor full

Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati, Ohio

of excitement, where attendees enjoyed over 2,000 of Ohio’s hottest slot machines. The trade show featured free samples and the latest innovations from a wide variety of companies whose products drive the alcohol beverage industry. The trade show ran from 12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. There were a variety of educational sessions at the show, too. First, a Techniques of Alcohol Management course, this server training course is an educational program developed by the licensed beverage industry for the licensed beverage industry. Attendees learned how to promote safety and responsibility 12 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

in all aspects of alcohol sales and of ingredients, as well as the service. social, artistic and technical Secondly there was a free Do’s components of culinary and and Don’ts of Liquor Law Course. gastronomic phenomena that This course was presented by the lead to new and innovative Ohio Division of Liquor Control dining experiences. He also and the OLBA’s legal counsel. This served attendees a small plate of has been a widely popular event gastro pub tapas food. at the Columbus and Cleveland The Ohio Licensed Beverage shows and now the Cincinnati Association wants to thank you show as well! Attendees were for your help making the first able to get all of their questions ever Southwest Ohio Bar Expo answered by the professionals. a big hit. We look forward to Templeton Rye presented making the Southwest Ohio Bar a special seminar about the Expo an annual event! history of their family recipe. Attendees were able to learn firsthand about the unique prohibition era whiskey from the product’s founders, Keith Kerkhoff and Scott Bush The Horseshoe Providing Wine Cellar Appraisals & Casino conducted Condition Reports for: a flair bartending  Obtaining Insurance demonstration presented by Thomas  Purchase of Cellars Ivey. Thomas Ivey has  Liquidation of Stock spent years on tour  I also work with your accountant on entertaining crowds and it was very exciting Business Valuations to have him with us at International Society of Appraisers the Southwest Bar Expo. Attendees learned Accredited Member since 1999 behind-the-backmoves, multi-pours and bottle-tin sequences and got to taste the drinks they made. The Horseshoe Casino also conducted a Trends in Bar Food demonstration prepared by Chef Michael Cris Drugan ISA-AM : 234-207-8686 Kelly. Chef Michael cris@emeraldartservices.com Kelly explained the chemical reasons being the transformation www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 13

Ohio Licensed Beverage Association 1st Annual Golf Outing Proceeds go to support the interests of permit holders across Ohio!

OAKHURST COUNTRY CLUB Monday, August 18, 2014 1 p.m. 12 p.m.Shotgun ShotgunStart Start

Your registration includes:


Cost: Cost: $75.00 $75.00 or or $300.00 $300.00 per per foursome foursome Please register names of golfers: Please register names of golfers: 1.________________________________ 1.________________________________ 2.________________________________ 2.________________________________ 3. 3. ________________________________ ________________________________ 4._______________ 4._______________ ________________ ________________ 14 OhiO OHIO BEvEragE BEVERAGE mONthly MONTHLY JUNE MAY 2014 14 2014


Cost: Cost: $50 $50

Name_______________________________ Name_______________________________ Business Name________________________ Business Name________________________ Sign to Read__________________________ Sign to Read__________________________

Mail to: Mail to: Ohio Licensed Beverage Ohio Licensed Beverage Association Association 37 W. Broad St., Suite 480 37 W. Broad St., Suite 480 Columbus OH 43215 Columbus OH 43215 800‐678‐5995 800‐678‐5995 Make check payable to: Make check payable to: OLBA OLBA Or register at olba.org Or register at olba.org Deadline is August 11, 2014 Deadline is August 11, 2014 Questions: Contact Molly Questions: Contact Molly Hunter at Hunter at mhunter@olba.org mhunter@olba.org

Photograph Photograph courtesy courtesy of of ???????????? ????????????

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www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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The BrewLock® System preserves the beer’s natural taste and aroma ensuring your beer tastes exactly as in the brewery. Now you can enjoy your Heineken as fresh as in Amsterdam. For more information visit brewlocksystem.com or call your local HUSA representative Please visit: EnjoyHeinekenResponsibly.com Brewed in Holland. Imported by HEINEKEN USA Inc, New York, NY. ©2014 HEINEKEN® Lager Beer.



Patrick Libonate, On-Premise Commercial Marketing Director, with On-Premise Commercial Marketing Managers: Peter Camps, David McPhillips, Mark Lang and Lauri Szymanski


s an international beer leader, Heineken has always looked to project quality and consistency as core values in their flagship product, especially when it comes to the lucrative draught sector. Of all the tradewinds now buffeting the giant brewers of the world, draught quality is among the most problematic for a variety of reasons but hasn’t always received the attention it deserves. That is, until now, as Heineken USA is set to start the roll-out of what potentially could be a breakthrough in quality, consistency and environmentally sound beer delivery. Called BrewLock, the new system was designed to solve some large and small issues relating to draught beer delivery by the Heineken Global team in Amsterdam, according to Patrick Libonate, On-Premise Commercial Marketing Director for Heineken USA. “Delivering consistent, quality draught beer is a worldwide challenge, and BrewLock addresses many of these obstacles,” says Libonate. “It’s very important to us that we are able to deliver the same beer everywhere, the best possible draught beer, without changing anything about the beer we make.”

NEW ANSWER TO OLD PROBLEMS As Libonate notes, BrewLock focuses on solving the thorny issue of delivering draught beer at the right level of carbonation. The first major difference is the keg—100% recyclable, single-use, 20-liter plastic containers, packed in easily stackable, rectangular cardboard boxes. The keg itself has two chambers—an outer PET shell that also provides protection from accidental puncture

and the inner bladder which contains the beer. By pressurizing the area between the two, beer is forced through the draught lines by a customized air compressor and arrives at the tap as close to brewery quality as is currently possible, say Heineken officials. “Inconsistency is the biggest challenge among draught beers,” says Libonate. He envisions most of Heineken USA’s brands eventually being available in this package if the roll-out goes as well as expected. (Standard kegs will continue to be available for the foreseeable future, he pointed out, and the company is also exploring larger format sizes.) While standard keg systems use complicated, and sometimes expensive, gas and regulator systems to get beer through to the tap, the BrewLock system relies on normal atmospheric air to squeeze the inner wall of the keg and push beer through the lines. For operators, such an upgrade brings them one step closer to a foolproof draught system, as no gas actually comes into contact with the beer, which means no concerns over too strong or weak pressure or improperly mixed gas. Heineken officials also expect that BrewLock will reduce draught system failures by half overall, and with kegs that weigh 25% less than stainless steel barrels and take up a much smaller footprint in a cooler, they anticipate savings and greater ease of handling all along the supply chain. Easier keg changing and simpler connections are promised as well. There’s also the matter of untapped beer left in the keg, a major issue and potential source of loss that can undermine the financial incentive of draught beer for operators. BrewLock, the company insists, will


almost totally eliminate the problem. On average, the current yield for operators is anywhere between 85 and 90% from a standard keg. “With BrewLock, users will get 99% or more of the beer out of the keg,” Libonate says.

GOOD THING IN A SMALL PACKAGE For distributors and Heineken USA, the smaller draught package also potentially opens up the market of smaller operators who declined draught beer fearing they couldn’t recoup the cost of gas line installation or wouldn’t serve enough beer to justify ordering large kegs. Pizza shops, small casual dining outlets, even small outlets at busy golf and resort locations, now seem logical targets for draught expansion. Libonate says not only will small operators who previously declined to serve draught beer find BrewLock compelling; feedback from large accounts indicated appreciation of the beer’s quality enough to consider taking it on, he said. And the resulting beer seems to be hitting the right spot; so far in test markets, Heineken reports about a 10% sales bump. The potential for space saving also intrigued some large scale operators, he said, who are considering multiple serving areas for draught. With the battle for tap handles getting fiercer as craft beers

develop their local markets, BrewLock is also seen as an aid in the tap handle fight for the Dutch brewer. The BrewLock system—set Inspiring the team: to roll out via distributors in New Heineken USA York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, President and CEO Dolf van den Brink at Florida and Illinois—will be the recent National available only for Heineken and Distributors Conference in Houston. Newcastle Brown Ale, at least initially. The company is using a phased approach to introduce the technology to new states over the new few months and expects to fully expand to a national level in October. Easy to stack in a cooler, easier to handle and maneuver, the system also promises a smaller carbon importance of proper draught service footprint all along the supply chain, and segued into programs to teach on-premise perhaps will eventually resolve the longoperators how to build draught systems standing distributor issue of lost kegs. better and serve draught beer at a higher No change is cost-free, but Heineken quality level. Operational flaws—preUSA estimates that changing over to pouring draught beer into plastic pitchers BrewLock will typically top out at $500 or for swifter service, using plastic glasses or, so for most operators, and that the change worse, improperly cleaned mugs—have can be done quickly. long challenged quality draught service, If the response at Heineken USA’s and Heineken has been addressing annual National Distributors Conference them with distributors and on-premise was any indicator, BrewLock is an idea accounts. BrewLock is their latest move whose time has come none too soon. to make sure the beer they brew is the Of all the exhibits, the BrewLock booth beer customers receive. serving Heineken and Newcastle Brown Ale was the busiest, as distributors flocked TARGET CONSUMERS to examine how the draught system Meanwhile, the company recently worked and to taste the net result. announced a series of product releases, Only the results of the roll-out of marketing efforts and strategic moves BrewLock will be able to determine the they hope will capitalize on recent breaknext step for the company’s draught through successes and current trends. strategy. Previous initiatives to educate Key to Heineken USA’s current all along the supply chain about the approach is the identification of the type of consumer most important for the various Heineken brands to target Now that’s progress: BrewLock assumes its position in for their newest marketing, advertising the evolution of beer storage and service—from jug to barrel to steel keg…to BrewLock. and promotional efforts. Heineken USA’s marketing leaders have identified their target consumers as highly social and high-energy people who seek out extraordinary experiences and occasions. At the company’s National Distributors Conference, Heineken USA President and CEO Dolf van den Brink pointed out that their target consumer is “more Red Bull than Starbucks, more GoPro than Whole Foods.” In other words, not the type to chat over their

beverage choice, but rather people who find beverages to be something that amplifies their lifestyle. Currently, these consumers favor imported beer and clear spirits, said marketers, but beer overall is underrepresented among them, and that’s where Heineken USA hopes its latest efforts will help them succeed. Van den Brink pointed out that the beer business as a whole was facing some serious questions, and that creating beers to appeal to drinkers who had moved to spirits required innovation, although there were major bright spots for the company last year; for instance, according to Nielsen, the impressive growth of Tecate Light (up 42% in 2013) and Dos Equis (up more than 21%), as well as, in the burgeoning cider category, Strongbow’s nearly 67% increase.

STILL MORE INNOVATION For Heineken itself, beyond BrewLock, innovation includes the introduction of the 8.5 oz. slim can that the company terms a million case opportunity with a nine market out-of-home push in June, along with a 15% increase in media buys and a focus on building the power of the brand’s sponsorship of the Champions League, the major European soccer competition whose final is the largest watched sporting event in the world. For Dos Equis, said to be the fastest growing brand in the top 20 on-premise, growth is potent even in markets like Texas, the brand’s biggest. To expand Dos Equis’s reach and develop one of Heineken’s stated goals to take back share from


beers are on the market already, this is the first imported Mexican version in the U.S.; A Essentially a LOOK it launched in April at retail in 11 states, pressurized INSIDE mostly southern and western, in 24 oz. bag-in-canister cans and 8 oz. can 12-packs. system, BrewLock provides 99% Also along those lines, the company yield of product, compared to has introduced in some markets 85-90% from standard kegs. The Desperados, a brew blended with tequila savings in waste prevention help barrel-aged lager and lemon. A LatinBrewLock users quickly recoup the inspired European import, Desperados modest set-up costs. will be offered at first in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and North Carolina. Officials termed its performance in Europe, especially France, a resounding success, and for the on-premise, distribution will be focused on nightclubs and bars. Based on the explosive success of the cider market in the U.S., the company is debuting Strongbow Gold Apple and [cardboard [full] [half] [empty] housing] Strongbow Honey & Apple hard ciders (they will be phasing out their original BrewLock tap handles echo the innovaiton’s recipe). In a new clear bottle, both sleek design. Strongbow Gold Apple and Strongbow Honey & Apple are 5% ABV. Among other seasonal brands to be pushed and promoted this summer is Amstel Radler. The popular European style beer-based beverage differs from most radlers and shandys on the market in that it is a mix of beer with lemon juice, as opspirits, the company introduced the Dos posed to lemonade. Amster Radler is availEquis Dos-A-Rita Lager Margarita, a 7.2% able in select markets through August. alcohol by volume (ABV) Mexican beer Other initiatives to build on momenmixed with lime and agave and targeted at tum include, from June through August, Margarita fans. The flavored or mixed beer the inclusion of Dos Equis Azul (a seasegment is showing a high rate of growth, sonal, brewed with wheat, spice and againdicating that consumers are more open ve nectar) in the Beers of Mexico pack, to experimentation and variety Via while from October to December, it beyond regular beer. While packaging will be a bock version called Dos Inother Margarita-aligned tweaks and innovative variations vierno. Newcastle Brown Ale fans of established brands, will also find Newcastle Bombshell Heineken continues to refresh their from April through July; Newcastle portfolio. Werewolf from August through October; and Newcastle Scotch Ale from November through March 2015. All things considered, as important as BrewLock is to the flagship brand, the company is clearly committed to spreading the attention around. Heineken USA executives continue to push back against the rising craft tide, keeping quality, consistency and bold innovation at the forefront. ■




rom its balmy Caribbean cradle, where it was consumed in copious amounts by seafarers, to the blenders of every beach bar in America, rum has ably fulfilled its calling as a fun-loving, tropical spirit. But in a category as diverse as rum— which can be white, gold, spiced, flavored, overproof or aged—the frolicking frat boy persona that makes rum such a mixable and loveable spirit also means rum has occasionally struggled to be taken seriously, failing to realize the prices and sipping prestige that other spirits categories include. However, a current wave of super-premium rums and upsell options, hailing from both small entrepreneurs and category leaders alike, suggests that rum, as a whole, may finally be getting some overdue respect. “Rum is the last category to premiumize,” says Tom Herbst, Vice President Marketing for Rum, Diageo. “Rum has characteristic challenges and opportunities, driven by its easygoing vacation values. We love those values because they make rum what it is. What we are trying to do across many of our rum brands is take that spirit, the exotic and fun side, and export it into more occasions.” Diageo’s portfolio includes spiced rum juggernaut Captain Morgan and Guatemala’s Ron Zacapa, as well as Pampero and Myer’s. As a cateogry, rum is showing important signs of maturity: an uptick in brand offerings, extension of flavored iterations; an influx of affiliated celebrities; and a burgeoning high end. Taken together, these factors have rum on the upwardly mobile track.

CALLING ALL COCKTAILS The cocktail call is the holy grail of premiumization. While few drinkers would think to order a Manhattan

OPPOSITE PAGE: Clockwise from top left, Diplomático barrels, Brugal Extra Dry, Screech, Blackwell, Captain Morgan White and Appleton sugarcane fields.

Utilizing processes that resonate with Scotch and bourbon drinkers appears to a popular strategy for winning these savvy consumers to the acceptance of aged rum. or a vodka martini without naming their brand, generic calls for “rum and Coke” and “daiquiri” are still the norm, even as Gosling’s has succeeded in trademarking their toehold on the Dark ’n’ Stormy cocktail and Bacardi has restaked its claim to the Cuba Libre via memorable advertising. Ron Zacapa is eyeing inroads among whisky drinkers, especially in classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned and Manhattan, where an aged rum like Zacapa 23 with its solera aging, can fill in for other brown spirits. “It adds an exciting twist to those drinks,” says Herbst. Blackwell Rum, the eponymous entry from Jamaica’s Island Records founder Chris Blackwell, is positioned to offer an upsell in classic cocktails that use dark rum, like Planter’s Punch. Previously priced around $30 at retail, Blackwell struggled to compete with much older rums at the same price

Captain Morgan White Mojito cocktail

point. With a new distribution partner (MHW) and a more accessible $24.99 SRP, Blackwell will be better positioned as a cocktail call and upsell, according to Geoff Curley, U.S. sales and marketing director. He counts the Black Storm, made with ginger beer, and the Goldeneye, a 2:1 mix of pineapple juice and Blackwell, as other cocktail opportunities. In white rum, Captain Morgan White and Brugal Extra Dry (the latter aged two to five years in former bourbon casks then charcoal-filtered to remove color) are both priced slightly above category leader Bacardi, around $20 at retail, suggesting that white rum upsells may require baby steps when it comes to an entrenched cocktail classic like Bacardi Superior. Panamanian newcomer Selvarey also ages their white rum in bourbon casks and filters out the color. The resulting three year old rum shows a sippable complexity and richness most white rums don’t possess, yet still remains mixable.

PURE LUXURY Utilizing processes that resonate with Scotch and bourbon drinkers appears to a popular strategy for winning these savvy consumers to the acceptance of aged rum. It’s a natural direction for Brugal, with the The Edrington Group of Scotland (The Macallan and Highland Park) as majority stakeholders. “Edrington is a company who respects the quality and virtues of wood and aging spirits. They found in Brugal a company with some of the same values,” says Brian Avenius, brand director. “From taking the finest cut of the distillation to the wood program,


GETS RESPECT Miami Beach and Del Posto in New York, as well as off-premise accounts where there were waiting lists to purchase the rums. The original release included just 6,000 bottles, with more coming in September. “Appleton 50 Year Old is incredibly cheap at $5,000,” says Andrew Floor, senior marketing director for dark spirits


Bacardi has recently flexed their muscle with an innovative collection of four sipping rums under the name Facundo. they are applying the same systems used for the world’s finest single malts.” It should come as no surprise then that Brugal’s Papa Andrés, aged in three types of wood (first-fill Sherry oak casks that are hand-selected by the Master of Wood for The Macallan; Ex-Pedro Ximenez Sherry casks; and first-fill White American oak), rivals the price of luxury Scotches, retailing for $1,200. “Papa Andrés is a recurring marque, like Louis XIII. We do it because it just feels right,” says Avenius, noting all profits go to the Brugal Foundation to promote education in the Dominican Republic. Rum category leader Bacardi has recently flexed their muscle with an innovative collection of four sipping rums under the name Facundo, in tribute to company founder Facundo Bacardi. The intriguing collection of four rums offers a breadth of style and price, from $45 to $250, inviting consumers to rethink not just rum but Bacardi, whose Superior has been the benchmark white rum since preProhibition. The Facundo Collection is available from top retailers in Miami and New York City, including Fontainebleu

While the vast majority of rum is distilled from molasses left over from the production of sugar, Rhum Agricole is made from the free-run juice of sugarcane (like Cachaca from Brazil). Crafted in the French West Indies, Rhum Agricole is described by many as the purest expression of rum on earth. They are made throughout the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean Islands, but the majority hail from Martinique where production is tightly regulated by AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controlee) and Aged Rhum Agricoles must be aged for at least 3 years in barrel. Rhum J.M., imported by Domaine Select Wine Estates, is one of the island’s best, sourcing sugarcane from the nutrient-rich soils at the base of the island’s active volcano. Rhum Clement releases a wide range of Agricole expressions, from their V.S.O.P. (aged for four years in Limousin barriques and bourbon barrels) to their Single Cask, aged for 8 years in French oak and bottled at cask strength. Haiti’s Barbancourt uses the same processes to craft their various expressions, including the 3 Star, aged for 4 years, and the 5 Star, aged for 8 years, as well as a white.

at Campari America, alluding to the fact that Scotch of this age is typically far pricier. Robb Report named Appleton Estate 50 Year Old Jamaica Rum as world’s top spirit, further validating rum’s ascent to luxury status. While Appleton 50 may be at the pinnacle of the portfolio, with the acquisition of the Appleton range just over one year ago, Campari America is committed to applying quality cues across the range. An important recent step in that evolution is the sleek upgraded bottle for Appleton Estate 21 (SRP $150), which will eventually be applied to the rest of the line. Rum may have been held back from the quality ascent of bourbon and Scotch partly by its relatively lawless production— a diverse category with little in the way of geographical boundaries or legal requirements. Ron de Venezuela, however, has an established D.O. with quality and aging requirements applied to rums including Santa Teresa, Pampero and Diplomático, among others. Imported by Domaine Select Wine Estates, Diplomático is focused on getting their super-premium rums into the mouths of people who appreciate barrel-aged spirits, with participation at events like WhiskyFest. The brand’s top shelf Ambassador is priced at $240.

WITH AGE COMES BEAUTY With little connecting the rums of the world in terms of codified geography and production methods, age remains perhaps its most important factor in terms of solidifying a more upscale reputation.


A unique fusion of Mango and Orange Rums



Which makes sense given spirits aficionados’ familiarity with age statements on varied whiskies—and the acceptance that aged examples connote higher quality and greater complexity. Yet by comparison with Scotch, age-statement rums are relative bargains. Some well-made and attractively priced labels include The Real McCoy and Cockspur from Barbados, Pusser’s (Tortola, British Virgin Islands), English Harbor (Antigua), Ron Abuelo and Debonaire in Panama. One exceptional example is Banks Rum, which blends more than 20 rums (from Trinidad, Jamaica, Guyana, Indonesia and beyond) of varying ages. Age is not always spelled out, but nonetheless intrinsic to certain rums. For example, Zacapa 23 and Santa Teresa 1796 both use enriching solera systems to recycle rum reserves when casks are

tapped for bottling. Serralles’ Don Q uses the term Gran Añejo for its aged rum. And Pyrat, the critically acclaimed brand owned by Patrón, uses the Cognac-like XO to designate its dark rum averaging about 15 years of age. Mount Gay opts for a more straightforward approach, designating its blend of rums aged eight to 15 years old as Extra Old. Cruzan makes Aged Dark, Aged Light and a Single Barrel that melds rums aged five to 12 years and then given an extra year in new oak. As an interesting aside (and selling point), it’s worth noting that rum barrels, being aged in warm climates, will lose more “angel’s share” through evaporation than will whiskies aged in cool, misty Scotland, so rums arguably achieve mature complexity at an earlier age.

SPICED GROWS UP Whereas vodka’s neutrality always made it a prime infusing candidate, rum’s flavoring history has extended naturally from its sugary roots. Spices—such as

cinnamon, vanilla, clove, nutmeg, ginger, rosemary, anise and pepper—have proven reliable and flexible. Signs of the spiced subcategory maturing include: the emergence of some leading call brands, such as Kraken, Admiral Nelson’s and Sailor Jerry; overproof and upscale extensions from category leaders; and entry into the spice arena by the spirits world’s largest players— witness Bacardi with Oakheart, and Gallo with Shellback, both of which have shown rapid market penetration. Immensely popular as a youthful demographics subset, spiced rum, too, is growing up according to Herbst: “Captain Morgan consumers are looking to upgrade within rum, he says, and Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum, a black strap rum with a higher proof competes well with whiskey.” In even closer alignment with whiskey are the limited edition Captain Morgan offerings, including last year’s Sherry Oak Finish and the



ne of rum’s challenges is sorting out not just the players, but also the styles. White rum (aka silver or light), named for its clear appearance, has a milder flavor profile marked by general sweetness; ideal for mixing in cocktails. Golden (aka amber) rums are aged longer and display a darker hue as well as some wood character; commonly used in long drinks. Dark rums are typically aged for three to 12 years in barrel and take on both a darker color and stronger flavor with hints of

spice or molasses. Often used in cooking thanks to its richer flavor. Spiced rums, which gain character through the introduction of spices while the rum is aging, tend to be are darker in color; typically used in cocktails and shots. Cheaper expressions are darkened with caramel. Flavored rums are infused with different flavors, commonly tropical/ citrus fruits. Can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks or in cocktails. Aged/Sipping/Luxury rums are usually savored neat or in premium cocktails.



Icon Brand: Bacardi Superior

Icon Brand: Bacardi Gold

Ones to Watch: 10 Cane Appleton White Banks Rum Brugal Extra Dry Captain Morgan Ron Matusalem Platino Shellback Vizcaya Cristal

Ones to Watch: Appleton Special Gold Blackwell Gosling’s Mount Gay Eclipse

Buy a stranger a good drink and they will be a stranger no longer. ~Hoti~

The enlightened ultra-premium dark rum. pyratrum.com @PyratRum Be enlightened. Drink responsibly. 漏 2013 Patr贸n Spirits Company, Las Vegas, NV. 40% Alc./Vol.


GETS RESPECT forthcoming Captain Morgan 1671 finished in Panamanian oak. Spiced rum is being further validated by craft distillers’ embrace, like Portland Distilling’s release of Below Deck Spiced Rum, priced around $20, and craft brewer and distiller Dogfish Head of Delaware, who applies beer traditions to flavor their Wit Spiced Rum, a triple-distilled rum aged on Curaçao orange peel and coriander. Vanilla, a natural player of the spiced school of rum, is showing signs of sublime upscale expressions, as seen in Dzama from Madagascar (with a whole vanilla bean in each bottle) and Pink Pigeon from Maritius (with a touch of orange peel).

SPINNING THE FLAVOR WHEEL Tropical flavors have long excelled in the rum realm. Malibu’s fusion of coconut and rum set the stage for a veritable franchise of spinoffs, including RTDs and even the tequila-spiked Malibu Red. Coconut has had other success stories as well, such as the recent launch of Alizé Coco; and after its first year on the market, Blue

Chair Bay’s top iteration is Coconut (and Banana arrives in June). Caribaya has carved out a sold niche with its tropical flavors. Meanwhile, Bacardi’s extensive flavored line-up—which started with Limón in 1995 and has now embraced peach, berries, apple and more—has proven that rum can extend beyond the tropical, and definitely has more potential for fruit infusion than whiskies. Rum cocktails have become a staple of Ready To Drink (RTD) products, with many big and small brands alike offering up Daiquiris, Piña Coladas, Mojitos. Captian Morgan has played off that theme with an RTD Long Island Iced Tea. These rum-tinged

products check in at proofs well below the norm for most flavored rums, which, like their flavored vodka counterparts, are usually in the 60 to 70 proof range. One notable exception: Rum Jumbie, whose “Splash” flavors include coconut, pineapple, vanilla and mango, aims for a happy middle ground at 48 proof. Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how some or the more unusual rum flavors work. In particular, Panama-based Selvarey (whose ownership includes musical artist Bruno Mars) recently took a Chairman’s Trophy for its Cacao rum; and from Jamaica by way of Newfoundland, Screech is first to market with a Honey rum. ■




Icon Brand: Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum

Icon Brand: Appleton 21

Icon Brand: Diplomático “Ambassador Selection” Cask Strength

Ones to Watch: Blackheart Brinley Gold Shipwreck Captain Morgan Black Spiced Cruzan No. 9 Dogfish Head Wit Spiced Rum Kraken Ron Diaz Grand Reserve Spiced Sailor Jerry

Ones to Watch: Angostura 1824 Barbancourt 15 Reserve du Domaine Brugal 1888 Cruzan Single Barrel Diplomático Ambassador Matusalem Gran Reserva Solera 15 Ron Abuelo 12 Year Old Ron De Barrilito 3 Star Sea Wynde Santa Teresa 1796

Ones to Watch: Appleton 50 Year Old Black Tot “Last Consignment” British Royal Naval Rum Diplomático Papá Andrés Facundo Exquisito Facundo Paraíso Ron Zacapa XO Solera Grand Reserve

INSPIRED BY THE ISLAND LIFE OF MULTIPLATINUM SINGER-SONGWRITER KENNY CHESNEY PB&B 1 1/2 oz. BCB Banana Rum 1 oz. BCB Coconut Rum 1 cup vanilla ice cream 1 tsp. peanut butter

DIRECTIONS: Blend in a blender and serve in tall glass. Garnish with whipped cream and cherry.

Blue Chair Bay Banana Rum 26.5% ABV imported and bottled by Fishbowl Spirits, Rochester, NY.

Cheryl Indelicato created HandCraft with a strong tilt toward busy women; the brand’s website also details her support of breast cancer research, prevention and awareness, plus entertaining tips. Dave Matthews and Constellation launched The Dreaming Tree wines in 2011, but the wellknown musician’s connection to wine goes back further: he has owned Blenheim Vineyards in Virginia since 2000.



efore there was wine marketing, there was wine marking. Greek vendors marked their amphorae as a way to remind buyers who had provided them with such good juice. Marketing efforts have advanced since then, but compared with most consumer goods, wine-selling strategies have tended to be product-focused more than consumer-targeted. In the past few years, however, some California marketers have adjusted their approach, developing wines not for everyman, nor pitched through the time-honored score/price/region/varietal method. Instead, they did what many 21st century entrepreneurs do: Start with an audience, and create wines expressly for them. Wines are not widgets, to be sure, but appealing directly to a set of potential buyers is timeless strategy.

As a retailer, knowing which wines are aiming at which consumers can be the key to deciding which to stock, which to stack, and how to make sure the leave the store in the hands of someone who will remember the wine and return for more.

LADIES FIRST Many of these freshly minted wines target the active and powerful but sometimes overlooked demographic of women. These brands posit wine purchasing as a lifestyle choice. Take HandCraft: The lightly-oaked brand sprung from the mind of third-generation family member Cheryl Indelicato. “Of paramount importance was honoring her family’s Italian heritage and California home, as well as crafting a collection of wines for everyday enjoyment that are approachable and versatile across the

menu,” says Christine Lilienthal, VP of Marketing, DFV. Diageo has also mined the female mindset with multiple new labels: Butterfly Kiss, Rose‘N’Blum and Girl Go Lightly (the latter featuring lower alcohol and no oak, HandCraft two features also considered is presented as “California wines with a dash of Italian varietals.”


Knowing which wines are tailored for which shoppers can be the key to deciding which to stock, and which to stack. attractive to many female wine drinkers). You can also add a crop of lightly sparkling wines: DFV’s Sequin, Constellation’s Ooh La La, Barefoot’s Refresh. Not surprisingly, others are on their way. America’s best known morning winesipper, The Today Show’s Kathy Lee Gifford, partnered with Monterey’s Scheid Family Wines for Gifft—a Chardonnay and red blend depicting Gifford’s favorite place to enjoy wine with friends—her garden gazebo.

TATTOO YOU? Some wines are not for everyone. And that’s fine, especially if they are designed with a clear target in mind. A perfect example: Ed Hardy wine. Actually just a fraction of the overarching brand of the legendary tattoo artist Don Ed Hardy, whose business is predominantly in apparel and accessories, Ed Hardy wines are not targeting wine drinkers—they are designed for people who embrace America’s burgeoning tattoo culture. This demographic segment is actually much larger than many people think. According to the firm’s research, more

Just like the brand’s fashion items, Ed Hardy Sangria is designed to appeal directly to tattoo enthusiasts.

than a third of Americans aged 2640 have at least one tattoo; and $1.7 billion is spent annually on tattoos in the U.S. Graphically, the wines jump, the Ed Hardy wine labels have resonated even beyond their target market. “The wines are aimed at Millennials, 21 to 30,” says Gene J. Schaeffer, Vice President at Luneau USA, marketers of the Ed Hardy wines, “but a lot of other wine shoppers are picking it up”—especially Ed Hardy Sangria, the top-selling SKU. Perhaps forbidden fruit appeal is at play? Bottom line: Ed Hardy wine—not unlike Ed Hardy shirts, footwear and fragrances— clearly strikes a chord with a sizable swath of American consumers.

FAN POWER A passionate, well-defined fan base represents a ripe target when it comes to marketing. Constellation’s label The Dreaming Tree, for example, was designed with Dave Matthews Band fans in mind. The brand’s Sonoma County winemaker Steve Reeder explains, “They are an essential part of our brand and this vital community breathes life into the Dreaming Tree story on a daily basis.” Reaching 300,000 cases last year, the wine trades squarely on Matthews’ name recognition, although not targeting specific gender or age brackets within the very loyal and engaged consumer base. Wines include Cabernet, Chardonnay, Crush Red and, most recently, a white blend called “Everyday” (named after a Dave Matthews Band song). “We saw a market opportunity to deliver an easy, accessible white wine; one that doesn’t have a certain type of personality like that of a Chardonnay,” notes Reeder.

PUTTING TABLE WINE ON THE RIGHT TABLES Entwine, a partnership between Food Network and Wente Vineyards that hit 175,000 cases in its first year, focused on solving food and wine pairings for the network’s devotees. Pure consumer interest drove brand development, says marketing director Stefanie Jackel. As she tells it, enough Food Network consumers pushed the channel for help with identifying “approachable” wines that the network auditioned various California vintners. Wente was the best fit, and together, representatives from the network and the winery developed four food-friendly varietal wines— opting for a generic California AVA, avoiding regions viewed as too geeky for these customers. Labels and web copy avoid winespeak; Entwine Cabernet Sauvignon, for example, is “rich, fruity and herbaceous—like eating raspberry jam off a sprig of thyme.” Food pairings are similarly homespun. Entwine Chardonnay is recommended with potato chips, and the Merlot with mac and cheese, pizza and meatloaf. Nothing says brands can’t target specific trade sectors, too. Cecchetti Wine Company created Backhouse as a brand that would fit a need on-premise (in some states it has now moved to off-premise as well.) Roy Cecchetti, founder and CEO, explains, “We decided there was a niche to fill, as a lot of restaurants shy away from mass market wines that are widely avail-


The House of Stolichnaya™ introduces an innovative non-alcoholic mixer: Stoli™ Ginger Beer. Made from pure cane sugar and fresh ginger extract, it brings the ideal balance of sweet and spice to any cocktail. Start with Stoli™ Ginger Beer, available as a 4-pack of sleek 8.4 oz. premium cans.


Stoli Group USA LLC. New York, NY. 2014 Spirits International B.V.


able.” The winery, which Cecchetti calls a high-volume, low-margin enterprise, also has had success with the streamlined packaging and direct style of Line 39, a six varietal line that targets novice wine drinkers and consistently garners praise from the wine press for quality at its price point. For him, that is more important attribute. “The consumer of these wines doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to understand varietal differences and AVAs and terroir— they want consistency and value,” says Cecchetti. Jackel concurs, and cautions that there is definitely a limit to how far a wine concept or label will go: “If the wine isn’t good there is no consumer loyalty in this category. If the proof isn’t in the package consumers will leave you and buy something else in a heartbeat.”


“We think the consumer wants something that is easy to pronounce, and easy to remember.”

Backhouse aims at restaurant pros; Entwine aims at amateur chefs

Target branding can work at higher price points as well. 90+ Cellars, a negociant label that sources from around the world, but particularly California, is all about perceived value of high rating for (relatively) low price. Their modus operandi: repurpose wines that have achieved critical success but had trouble selling (and their makers don’t want to tarnish their own label by cutting price). Co-founders Kevin Mehra and Brett Vankoski put the finished wine under their label at a deep discount, appealing to knowledgeable buyers who watch ratings and their budgets. “We’re trying to simplify and build trust among people who know a little about wine, make it easy for them and reduce anxiety about buying,” says Vankoski. Colorcoded labels denote price points, which start at around $10 but climb up to reserve and collector’s levels. They recently launched a $19 Pinot Noir from a wellknown Sonoma producer that usually sells at around $45.

But like any other brand with high volume aspirations, these brands still need support, whether through marketing, promotion, rebates, tastings, or other methods, says Roberta Backlund, wine manager at Hazel’s Beverage World, Boulder, Co. “You can’t just put these wines on the shelf and expect them to sell themselves. There are a lot of big suppliers with excess juice looking for ways to sell it, and these brands can come and go quickly.”


Of all the wine-market targets out there, Millennials perhaps remain the most coveted—and slippery. Rarely does a month go by without a fresh crop of analysis of how people aged 21 into their early thirties shop. But that is a huge age span, considering relative life (and drinking) experience, further complicated by huge differences in disposable income and the fact that Millennials are going to be influenced by a range of factors other than the products beckoning from shelves. There is no shortage of contenders for Millennial attention. Consider Be, from Treasury, targeting younger women (alas, so did Vin Parfait, but that didn’t work); DFV just launched Belle Ambience; Constellation has Thorny Rose; Diageo has Stark Raving (for guys). But are these types of graphic/conceptdriven wine apt to backfire among consumers who famously don’t like to be pandered to?

The thinking at Bronco Wine Company, maker and marketer of dozens of labels, is that simplicity still rules when it comes to wine branding. Pointing to a bottle of Carmenet, owner Fred Franzia says, “The way we lay it out makes it very easy to read, to understand. That’s the way labels should be. It should be easy for the consumers to find out what they want to find out, and not complicated.” He calls talk of terroir “counterproductive”—and a big reason why French are selling less wine in the U.S. Some of Bronco’s best-known brands include Forest Glen, Red Truck, Allure, Salmon Creek, Coastal Ridge, Fat Cat Cellars and Picket Fence. Were any designed with a target consumer in mind? No, says Franzia, but they share a basic clarity in both verbiage and graphics. “We think the consumer wants something that is easy to pronounce, and easy to remember,” he emphasizes. It surely also helps that Bronco wines not only clean and welcoming outside but easy-drinking inside—and well-priced, to boot. Of course, “easy-drinking” is a term that can be applied to a great many California wines. Ditto “flavorful,” “affordable,” “fruit-forward” and “food-friendly.” Worn smooth by a couple decades of contemporary California wine marketing, such terms are sometimes meaningless. On the other hand, when these consumerfriendly wine attributes are aligned with casual imagery, snoot-free positioning and competitive pricing, the combination has proven to be a pretty reliable formula for brand success. ■




ith a flurry of recent acquisitions, Campari America has quickly become a player in all major spirits categories. At the WSWA Convention in Las Vegas, we sat down with Roy Danis, Managing Director, Campari America, to find out how the company’s strategy will play out.

ON THE COMPANY THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: Your career includes stints at Seagram, Diageo, Pernod Ricard USA, Deutsch Family, Aveniu and José Cuervo. What is unique about Campari America?

ROY DANIS: For Campari’s first 130 years of operation, it was a one brand company. In the early 1990s, the company went on a buying spree which continues to this day. This means we are not a mature, highly developed company. We are just getting started, and that is really exciting.

ON THE BRANDS TBN: “Buying spree” is no exaggeration. Can you talk about Campari’s most recent additions: Bulldog Gin, Forty Creek and Averna Liqueur? RD: Bulldog was the perfect brand to get us into the gin category. It’s extremely clean and mixable—it has been called the most mixable gin available because it isn’t too juniper-heavy. The black bottle really jumps out on the back bar, and we’re seeing a lot of interest both on- and offpremise for this brand. We compete now in Canadian whisky with the acquisition of Forty Creek. It’s a



Also, no other company I have worked for has been so U.S.-centric. Our parent company, Gruppo Campari, has stated publically that the U.S. is a top priority market. They will not purchase any brand without ensuring it will add value to the U.S. business and strengthen our route to market.


“THERE IS A LOT OF ACTION IN THE SUPER-PREMIUM SEGMENT—AND NOW WE HAVE GREAT ENTRIES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT.” 300,000-plus case brand in Canada and currently sells 80,000 cases in the U.S., positioned just below Crown Royal in value. There is so much talk about bourbon that lots of people don’t realize the Canadian whiskey category is around the same level at 16 million cases in the U.S. With the Averna acquisition, Campari now becomes the one-stop shop for the greatest collection of Italian aperitifs in the industry. TBN: In 2012 Campari purchased the Jamaican rum brand Appleton. How is this brand performing? RD: We made the $400 million-plus investment in Appleton because we really believe in this category and the brand. This is the 4th largest selling super premium rum, and it’s big in Canada, but has tremendous room for growth in the U.S. TBN: Now that Campari has taken back distribution of Aperol in the U.S. and purchased Averna, your portfolio is the country’s leader when it comes to aperitifs. RD: Thanks to the mixology community, aperitifs are getting lots of attention right now. Aperol has been growing steadily, as a result of the Aperol Spritz, the Prosecco-based cocktail of which it is the star ingredient. When a server brings a tray of Aperol Spritzes to a table, everyone starts ordering them. Campari, which is a massive brand worldwide, had

been static at 50,000 cases in the U.S. for a long time, but now that mixologists have adopted it, we are seeing sales go through the roof. We are on target to sell 100,000 cases in the next several years. The popularity of the Negroni cocktail has fueled this nicely. Italian aperitifs and digestifs are growing at double digits in the U.S. Adding Averna to our list of iconic brands like Campari, Aperol, Cinzano, Cynar and Frangelico gives us an incredibly strong calling card in the on-premise. TBN: Flavored vodkas have started to slow down. How do SKYY infusions continue to outperform the category? RD: We have not chased the candy, confection flavor trends—these flavors did well for a while but aren’t growing any longer. All the numbers show our flavor portfolio, SKYY Infusions, outpacing the category, because we believe the quality for the money is unbeatable. That said, only 20% of our vodka business is flavors, and we want to keep it that way. We feel that the flavor consumer is more fickle and that having a strong base brand is a better business model. TBN: Flavors have become an exciting growth segment for whisky as well, with Wild Turkey’s American Honey a leader. RD: I get a kick out of brands claiming they created the flavored whisky business. Wild Turkey began producing

honey-flavored whisky in the 1970s! We acquired American Honey in 2009 along with the base brand, and the entire franchise is enjoying great success. American Honey provides a gateway for people who are not ready to drink whisky straight. We launched Wild Turkey Spiced (86 proof) last fall with the goal of attracting the spiced rum drinker who might want something a little more sophisticated.

ON THE FUTURE TBN: You recently announced a restructuring at Campari America. How will this benefit your go-to-market strategy? RD: Our company has grown dramatically in recent years yet we were still stuck in the geographic division model. With a larger portfolio, we wanted to become more customer-centric, so I created a SWS-dedicated sales team headed by Dan Vanderbilt and an RNDC/Independent-dedicated sales team headed by Jock MacDonald. This set-up really adds value by allowing us to be in sync with our wholesalers’ priorities. TBN: What can we expect to see from Campari America in the future? RD: We are still very active in acquisition mode, and you will continue to hear news from us. If you look at categories like gin and rum which are flat, you see a lot of action in the super-premium segment—and now we have great entries to take advantage of that. We have grown extremely fast in a short time, but while Campari is the sixth largest premium spirits company globally, we don’t have that ranking in the U.S. With all the right brands in the right categories, and a very supportive parent company, we are catching up quickly. ■ Interview conducted and written by Kristen Bieler at The Seahorse Lounge at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, NV. Photographed by Michael Gaskell just prior to the start of the WSWA Convention.



ome of the most celebrated, top-scoring and highly allocated whiskies in the world today hail not from Scotland, but Japan. Which is sort of amazing, considering most American consumers didn’t know Japan even produced whisky five years ago. “When I began selling Japanese whisky in the U.S., everyone assumed it was made from rice,” recalls Mike Miyamoto, Global Ambassador for Suntory Beam, which owns three of the country’s ten distilleries.

Relative to Scotland’s 500-year-old whisky tradition, Japan’s industry is in its infancy, beginning in 1923 when Shinjiro Torri, who owned a liquor importing company, saw an opportunity to create whisky for the Japanese palate. As “the Japanese didn’t drink whisky and there was no market for it,” reports Miyamoto, “it was a very bold move.” Torri built his distillery, which later become the Suntory Company, in Yamazaki, a suburban area famous for its water quality. He appointed Masataka

Taketsuru, who had studied distilling in Scotland, as his master distiller. (Taketsuru left 11 years later to found his own distillery, Nikka.) Torri and Taketsuru based their style on Scottish pot-still distillation recipes, so Japanese whisky tastes more similar to Scotch than any other brown spirit. Even today, most Japanese distillers source their barley from Scotland. And yet there is something undeniably Japanese about them that can be hard to put a finger on at first.

WOOD, WATER & EARTH One key difference is the use of Mizunara oak, in addition to traditional American and Spanish barrels, which imparts distinctive notes of incense and sandalwood. “Japanese distilleries began using Mizunara when they were unable to get enough Spanish oak during the war,” says Gardner Dunn, Suntory Beam Brand Manager, East Coast. “But they continue to use it today because of the sweet spice flavors it imparts, along with a floral, waxy finish.” Whisky in Mizunara barrels matures slower and evaporates more quickly, which also results in a more concentrated—and costly—final product. Japanese terroir makes its imprint as well. “Scotland doesn’t have four distinct seasons, but we do,” says Miyamoto. “Look at the Scottish Highlands—it is windswept and barren. Our Hakushu distillery is surrounded by lush greenery,




©2014 Beam Suntory Inc., Deerfield, IL USA. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Jim Beam® Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 40% Alc./Vol. ©2014 James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clermont, KY.


I n t r o d u c i n g

Crafting the Spirits that Stir the World

A s t h e w o r l d ’s t h i r d l a r g e s t p r e m i u m s p i r i t s c o m p a n y,

we look forward to a future of exciting growth with you, our valued trade partners


Japanese distillers place more emphasis on terrior than their Scottish counterparts, and aspire to more delicate, less peaty taste profile.

Suntory’s mountaintop Hakushu facility, known as the “Forest Distillery,” is also a bird sanctuary, and the grounds include panoramic views and walking paths.

cherry blossoms and wild lilies—you can taste the notes of mint and flowers in the whisky.” Hakushu, located in the mountains outside Tokyo, is one of the highest distilleries in the world—its water source is fresh snow melt. “A lot of Scotch distilleries don’t believe in the influence of environment as much as the Japanese do,” says Dunn. “The water, the minerals, the surroundings where these whiskies are produced and aged give them tremendous complexity and depth.” Though Japanese whiskies are now taking off in the U.S., they are—as they have always been—crafted for the Japanese palate. “The Japanese find many single malt Scotches too strong in flavor, and too smoky,” explains Miyamoto. “Our whiskies are more approachable and delicate, with subtler flavors.” The Japanese also don’t believe in drinking without food, Neyah White, Suntory Beam Brand Manager, West Coast, adds: “For this reason, Japanese whiskies are made to complement a wide range of foods; they have a lighter, more flexible taste profile. The Japanese have no patience for any flavors out of balance.”

tant, but nowhere are blenders as celebrated as in Japan,” says White. “They provide direction for the cooperage, the distillers, and set the priorities for 20 years into the future. Blenders have incredible resources and get massive respect.” The result of this rigor is huge consistency in taste profile from year to year, and layers upon layers of flavor. “Leave it to the Japanese to take something invented in the West and make it better,” says Stephen Yorsz, cocreator of Leave Rochelle Out of It, a whisky bar on NYC’s Lower East Side with one of the best Japanese whisky line-ups anywhere. “There is a delicacy to Japanese whisky which you sometimes see in Highland Scotches. Today I see a lot of Scottish single malts which have become blatantly Americanized with excess wood and sweetness—I call this ‘Scotch bubblegum’—yet the Japanese malts are always incredibly pure and refined.”

OLD BEFORE THEIR TIME Interestingly, Japanese whisky seems to achieve complexity and balance years before many other whiskies. “Because the raw distillate is so pure, and the wa-

ter sources so pristine, Japanese whisky can take on this ethereal quality very young,” says Kelly Levison, spirits manager at Domaine Select Wine Estates, which recently began importing Chichibu Japanese Whisky. “One reason some distilleries age for so long is to mask imperfections,” explains Levison. “The Japanese have a certain way of doing things that is very precise and flawless.” Ichiro Akuto, the grandson of the founder of the famous Hanyu distillery, built the Chichibu distillery in 2007 northwest of Tokyo where the winters are cold and the summers hot and humid—a climate which also accelerates maturity. Only tiny quantities of Chichibu’s 3-year-old single malts (aged in bourbon and Mizunara barrels) are available in the U.S. and they sell out as soon as they arrive—at $250 a bottle. “One restaurant told me he wouldn’t pay this much for an 18-year-old single malt Scotch, but he would have no problem selling a 3-year-old Japanese whisky for the same price,” says Levison. The Japanese only export about 10% of their production, and less than 10,000 cases make it to the U.S. each year. It is a brilliant marketing strategy: By only exporting their very best whiskies, the Japanese quickly established a reputation as an impeccably top-quality producer. The price points are high (the Yamazaki 12-, 18- and 25-year-olds are $65, $200 and $1,600 respectively, for example) but it hasn’t slowed sales. “At Rochelle’s we specialize in affordable whisky, and I do believe Japanese whisky really delivers for the price,” says Yorsz. “To have a really well-thought out, balanced, smooth, floral whisky for under $50 wholesale, or a 3-year-old whisky that drinks like a 12-year-old, is unique. Across the board, they are competitive at their price points. And when they run out of stock, they don’t jack up the prices.”



Distilleries in Japan take a meticulous, scientific approach to blending, and believe that it can take a dizzying number of different whiskies to achieve the perfect blend. “Blenders are always impor-

Distilleries are innovating too, and a greater diversity of expressions is reaching American shores. Suntory’s Hakushu 12 Year Old is a peated whisky—one of the only made in Japan—

JAPANESE WHISKY and last year the distillery released the Hakushu Heavily Peated. Older expressions, like the Hakushu 18 and the Yamazaki 25 are hitting the market. Even the ultra-traditionalist, Nikka Distillery—famous for their dry, subtle style, compared with Suntory’s generally sweeter, rounder profiles—unveiled a non-age stated whisky called Coffey Grain ($70) distilled from corn and aged in ex-Bourbon casks. Imported by Anchor Distilling Co., Nikka only sends several thousand cases of their whiskies to the U.S. Refreshingly, the relatively sudden rise to fame is not the result of big marketing budgets. “They don’t subscribe to the marketing gimmicks that other brands go for—no bogus back story or talk about ‘hand bottling,’” says Yorsz, “and yet most serious whisky drinkers today know about Japanese whisky, and request them by name. Yamazaki is a huge call brand.” It doesn’t hurt that

Japanese distilleries export only their best whiskies, about 10% of overall production, which helped quickly establish a reputation for impeccable quality. Suntory was named Distiller of the Year for the third time in a row at the International Spirits Challenge awards. At the 2012 World Whisky Awards, Yamazaki 25 Year Old was crowned World’s Best Single Malt and Nikka won for Blended Malt. “There was so little Japanese whisky available here just a few years ago, it was impossible to do a survey” says

Gardner. “But today it is a real category—not a novelty or an oddity.” Suntory’s recent $16 billion purchase of Beam Inc. will only help Japanese whisky gain a greater foothold in the U.S. market. “I recently overheard a bartender say that you can’t open a bar and pretend to be serious about whisky and not carry Japanese whisky,” says Gardner. “The category has arrived.” ■




@ SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY Justin Timberlake’s NYC barbeque restaurant.

Tequila 901 Comes Calling


Teamed with Sauza, Justin Timberlake’s Sauza 901 Stars at Southern Hospitality BY KRISTEN BIELER


901ONDERFUL Southern Hospitality, New York City Nick Mautone

ustin Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee, by-and-large American whiskey-drinking territory. While he is a whiskey drinker, his favorite go-to spirit is tequila— so much so that he went to Jalisco, Mexico, to create his own several years ago: the ultrasmooth, triple-distilled 901, named for his hometown area code, as well as the time of night when the party really starts. >>

ONCA L L SAUZA 901 COCKTAILS ➊ MEXICAN JULEP 1½ oz. Sauza 901 Tequila Dash of DeKuyper Triple Sec 1 oz. Lime Juice ¾ oz. Agave Nectar 2 Sprigs of Mint 2 Slices of Cucumber Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously.


In January, he joined forces with the tequila pros at Casa Sauza to co-brand Sauza 901 and ensure availability nationwide. “This is not simply a celebrity endorsement, but a partnership with a passionate brand founder who is incredibly involved,” explains Gary Ross, Senior Brand Director for Tequila at Beam Suntory, who adds that Sauza 901’s flavor profile—super smooth with light peppercorn, herb and smoke notes —remains unchanged.


flavorful agave boost. In his Mexican Julep, he swaps out the traditional bourbon and sugar in favor of Sauza 901 tequila and agave syrup and adds muddled cucumber for additional freshness—a perfect summer drink if ever there was. Timberlake’s favorite drink? The Mexican Mule. Mautone fashions Southern Hospitality’s version with lots of freshsqueezed lime juice, spicy ginger beer and floats half a lime on top. One sip, and you may never go back to the Moscow Mule again. ■

Given the super-premium price point ($29.99) and Justin tie-in, it’s primarily an on-premise play. In fact, if you head to Timberlake’s three-year old NYC barbeque restaurant, Southern Hospitality, you’ll see a back bar lined with dozens of American whiskies, yet a lot of tequila being poured as well. Consulting mixologist Nick Mautone appreciates the “suppleness” in Sauza 901, which works brilliantly in cocktails. “While you have the smoothness from the triple distillation, you still get the benefit of that pure agave flavor which still shines through—it’s the best of both worlds,” he explains. His riff on the house signature, the 901derful, involves fresh muddled mint, raspberries, orange juice and dark agave syrup, which gives the tequila an extra-

1½ oz. Sauza 901 Tequila 3 oz. Ginger Beer chilled 1 Lime, halved Fill a highball glass with ice. Squeeze lime over ice and drop 1 half in the glass. Add Sauza 901 and Ginger Beer. Stir well.

➌ 901ONDERFUL 1½ oz. Sauza 901 Tequila 6 Raspberries 2 Sprigs of Mint 1 oz. Fresh Orange Juice ¾ oz. Simple Syrup 3 oz. Club Soda In the bottom of a cocktail shaker place 3 raspberries,1 sprig mint and simple syrup; muddle thoroughly. Add Sauza 901 and OJ. Shake vigorously. Add ice halfway up highball glass: add remaining mint and berries then fill with ice. Strain 901onderful into prepared highball glass and top with soda.

➍ GUAC IN A GLASS 1½ oz. Sauza 901 Tequila ¾ oz. DeKuyper Triple Sec 1 Tbsp. Guacamole 3 Sprigs of Cilantro 1 oz. Simple Syrup 1 oz. Lime Juice

Nick Mautone, consulting mixologist, oversees the beverage program at Southern Hospitality.

In the bottom of a cocktail shaker place cilantro, avocado and syrup; muddle well. Add ice, Sauza 901 and lime juice. Shake vigorously. Strain into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice.



LEFT: Talking cocktails on tap, from left: Kathy Casey, Kathy Casey Food Studios & Liquid Kitchen; Matthew Meidinger, Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group; Brandon Wise, Imperial and Portland Penny Diner; and Dänny Ronen, Liquid Kitchen. ABOVE: MW and MS Doug Frost led a comparative tasting of draft and bottled wine which had most of the audience impressed.



t’s a difficult time for chain restaurant beverage executives. Even though beverages are an inarguable profit center for most restaurants, chains routinely restrict development of more forward-thinking concepts when times get tight. And amid the slow economic recovery from the Great Recession, chain restaurant traffic and sales have limped along. So it’s no surprise that attention at the recently concluded Vibe (Very Important Beverage Executive) Conference in Las Vegas was being paid to ideas that could generate incremental sales, develop beverage upgrades, and enhance the image of drinks at chain restaurants. And the ideas being discussed include many relevant angles for the rest of the beverage alcohol trade.

EMERGING HISPANIC MARKET Among the topics top of mind was the emergence of the young Hispanic population as an important force in dining and drinking out. Already, beer brands

like Dos Equis and Tecate have shown that Mexican beers thrive here when both Anglo and Hispanic consumers are engaged. Donna Hood Crecca, senior director of Technomic’s adult beverages resource group, pointed out that spending power of Hispanics—mostly young, more male than female, primarily Mexican in origin—is likely to increase by half in about five years, from $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion. And while Hispanics only make up 15% of legal age drinkers today, that, too, will continue to change. Current estimates indicate that the percentage will grow to 18% by 2025, 21% by 2035, and so on nationally. Some regions will see far speedier growth. Also notable, Technomic research found that Hispanics in general are big beer drinkers, especially when it comes to imports and Mexican brands, though they also consume domestic, light, flavored malt beverages and cider more than the general population. As a group, they are more likely than the general population to consume rum and tequila,

and perhaps surprisingly, they are also more likely to have ordered wine in a restaurant in the past month.

TRENDS ON CHAIN MENUS According to Bill Pecoriello of the research firm Guest Sciences, restaurant traffic still struggles to return to prerecessionary levels. But there have been some changes in the beverage mix on-premise. Among beer, notably craft is up (2.2%) and cider (up 5%), no surprise. But not only did premium light beer suffer there (down 2%), so too did imports, down 0.4%. Dos Equis, Angry Orchard, Lagunitas IPA, Redd’s Apple Ale, Goose Island IPA, Stella Artois and Modelo were among the gainers, according to Pecoriello. Meanwhile vodka may control about a third of spirits share overall but it is increasingly losing share to brown spirits on-premise. Six of the top ten spirit gainers last year were brown—Jameson, Maker’s Mark, Woodford Reserve, Macallan, Bulleit and Fireball. Tito’s and

Deep Eddy vodkas, Hendrick’s Gin and Don Julio Tequila were the other big gainers on-premise according to Guest Sciences’ figures. Craft spirits are beginning to make significant inroads, and if Tito’s Vodka is included in the figures, the craft group is up just under 4% in volume and dollars.

ADJUSTING TO POST-BOOMER DEMAND At his presentation regarding the need for chains to change their ways of doing beverage business, Warren Solochek, vice president client development at the research firm NPD Group, said chains suffer most in that younger customers don’t behave like Baby Boomers, returning again and again to the same operator. Instead, they want to experience more, and favor places that serve a more interesting range of beverages. In particular, they want beer to be craft and draft as opposed to bottled. More

imports, too, especially the unusual, and they seek more bourbon and whiskey (categories chains have long found difficult to sell), and fewer juice-based drinks. They want a broader range of varietal wines, in red and white. As an example of the growing gap between chains and independent restaurant beverage offerings, Solochek listed the top descriptors taken from beverage menus between 2009 and 2013. At independents, honey lemon, molé, mixed berry, serrano and cobbler were the most frequently found terms, while at chains, it was skinny, sweet tea, honey, white wine and twisted.

TAPPING INTO WINE… AND COCKTAILS Doug Frost, Master of Wine and Master Sommelier, offered an opportunity to sample the same wines served from two different format—directly from the bottle and from a draft system. Wines

served from the draft system were generally found to be at least as good and in a majority of cases better tasting, fresher and more lively, according to an informal show of hands in the room. It’s a controversial topic among purists, but cocktails that are pre-batched and bottled or served from a tap system are increasingly appealing to operators interested in swift service and efficiency. A pioneer in the process, Kathy Casey of Liquid Kitchen, pointed out that the operational requirements of pre-batched draft and bottled cocktails need to be well-examined in advance, including careful recipe development, draft line creation and maintenance, equipment tweaks and other start-up costs. But once the format is in place, excellent profit potential awaits. One example from her panel: the Imperial in Portland, Oregon, serves ten gallons per week of Vieux Carré cocktails, a level difficult to achieve if each drink were made to order. ■




lover Club and Monkey Bar alum Bryan Schneider runs the beverage programs at bustling General Assembly and 57th Street steakhouse Quality Italian, two disparate concepts in Alan and Michael Stillman’s father-son empire, Fourth Wall Restaurants.

THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: General Assembly and Quality Italian draw in completely different demographics and are guided by separate cocktail menus. How do you view the two? BRYAN SCHNEIDER: If you aimed an arrow at the heart of Manhattan, I think the bullseye would be Quality Italian. I can’t imagine a better place in the world to have a steakhouse. You have tourists from myriad hotels wandering in on a tip from a concierge and whole offices coming in for drinks on the boss’s corporate card. General Assembly is further downtown, so it has a much younger crowd and there is a lot more interest in our specialty cocktails. TBN: Do you have a unified approach for helming two very different bars? BS: Bartenders respond well to organization. Everything has to have its place, both for aesthetics and workability. I have developed a blueprint for my bar layouts that combines the best elements of all the bars I have worked behind, from the placement of sinks to how shakers should be arranged.

TBN: Are uptown customers less exploratory? BS: What seemed strange, novel or “downtown” a few years ago is now the standard to be part of the conversation of New York. I do think there is a little less attention span for exotic ingredients uptown, though, and wording on a menu usually needs to be simple and concise. A good majority of our guests are conducting some kind of business while they dine, so they don’t necessarily have the time or desire to learn about the history of Genever or what the solera aging process is all about in the same way as at a destination bar downtown.

ian liqueurs and sweet vermouth that we make in-house with grappa, a number of herbs and spices and an Italian white wine. TBN: How did your background at Clover Club prepare you for this next chapter? BS: Working under Julie Reiner was a pivotal point in my career. A big part of the success of that bar is the amount of creativity that Julie encourages among her staff. They are expected to come up with the majority of drinks for the menu, and the level of interest and professionalism they put forth every day because of that was impressive.

TBN: What are the best-selling cocktails at each place?

TBN: How have you had to adapt to this high-volume bar life?

BS: The far and away top-selling cocktail at General Assembly is the Loose Cannon. It combines tequila with lime, fresh-pressed celery juice and an elixir that we make in-house by macerating several dozen herbs in high-proof vodka. We serve it over ice cubes that we make by freezing the juice pressed from whole jalapeños. It’s garnished with ribbons of celery, so the whole drink is stunningly green—even the ice—which makes the cocktail spicier as the cubes melt. At Quality Italian one of the more popular drinks is a spin on a Manhattan we call a Midtown. For that one we combine barrel-strength bourbon with some Ital-

BS: What Clover Club didn’t prepare me for was the intensity of working in Midtown. The culture is so different and so much more complicated. Not everyone from the craft bartending world is suited to work in Midtown, just as some Midtown bartenders would be utterly helpless behind a craft cocktail bar in Brooklyn. But I think Midtown definitely benefits from the influence of the craft culture, and the craft cocktail world benefits too as there are more opportunities now for bartenders to expand into leadership roles. It’s been great working for a larger restaurant group that is willing to take risks by expanding their cocktail program. ■

PRES E N T I N G GRE Y G O O S E ® L E M E LON T H E FRU I T OF KI N GS The precious Cavaillon melon of France. Exceptionally sweet and so extraordinarily delicious, kings are said to have traded royal treasure for a taste .





ewfoundlanders proudly consume more rum per capita than any other Canadian province—or U.S. state or territory, and Screech is the go-to brand. Now the makers of Screech, Rock Spirits, have partnered with M.S. Walker, which is poised to expand distribution from eight to 22 states by year’s end. The portfolio also recently expanded with two new flavored offerings, Honey and Spiced.

World War II -era bottles of Screech Rum

be heard far and wide, and brought curious locals to discover the source. Knowing it was the rum that caused such a screech, the name stuck. Screech Rum is distilled and barrel-aged in Jamaica. By aging the rums in Jamaica, it allows for a richer, fuller flavor profile, maintaining the rum’s key marques and authenticity. Greg Kerr, Director of Operations at Rock Spirits, explains, “Rock Spirits is a bottler based in Newfoundland since the midPROUD MARITIME PAST 20th century. We receive the rum that has Back in the 1790s, Newfoundland was been cask-aged in Jamaica, and then blend part of a lucrative trade, sending salt cod and filter it in small batches.” Rock Spirits down to Jamaica and receiving ships filled makes about 20,000 cases a year of the 80 with cask-strength rum in return. Gary proof Newfoundland Screech Rum, with Shaw, VP, Director Control States at M.S. half going to the local market. Walker, says, “These rums are true to their A proud brand tradition Caribbean origins and also that Kerr says began in the pay homage to the seafaring 1970s is the Screech-In. The trade between Newfoundtradition was started by a loland and the islands.” cal to make mainlanders into Not surprisingly, the honorary Newfoundlandunique Screech name harers: One must recite a creed, bors a great back story. Durkiss a cod fish (an old fishing ing World War II, many tradition for good luck) and U.S. servicemen were statake a shot of Screech. tioned at the base at PleasNEWFOUNDLAND FLOWER antville in St. John’s, NewfoundRUM RENAISSANCE land. The commanding officer of 2 oz. Screech Rum 1 oz. St. Elder Natural Shaw says that Screech Rum the first detachment was offered Elderflower Liqueur has recently gone through a a shot of the locals’ favorite ¾ oz. Fresh Lime Juice complete renaissance. “The entipple. Seeing his host take a Shake with ice and tire line has just completed a shot in one gulp, the officer did strain into a cocktail visual brand refresh to upgrade the same. His loud howl could glass.

and update our look,” says M.S. Walker’s Shaw. “The new packaging focuses on both Screech’s nautical heritage and its true craft nature.” M.S. Walker launched the new packaging in the U.S. in January. Recent recognition with a Double Gold from the San Francisco International Spirits Challenge and a 92 point “Excellent” rating from the 2014 Ultimate Spirits Challenge “have helped position Screech Rum as one of the finest rums on the market,” says Shaw. This spring, Screech moved into the flavored rum category as well, releasing not only a Spiced variation, but also the market’s very first honey-flavored rum. “We knew honey as a flavor was gaining traction in brown spirits, so this felt very organic,” says Kerr. To make Screech Honey Rum, the brand’s same high-quality, oak-aged Jamaican rum base is infused with natural honey extract and natural vanilla, with no added sugar. Screech Spiced Rum is a blend of 4 to 8 years aged Demerara (Guyana) Rums, as our base, according to Shaw, which is then infused with a select blend of natural spices and no added sugar. Both expressions are 70 proof and are intended to lend themselves well to cocktails. Shaw says, “Our plan is to emphasize the high quality and uniqueness of our Screech flavored Rums, and be active with tastings as well as mixology contests to promote all our Screech Rums.” ■













Oak-Aged Jamaican Rum infused with natural honey flavors, prepared with no added sugars.

A masterful blend of 4-8 Year Demerara Rum from Guyana & Natural Spices, prepared with no added sugars. Our original, award winning Oak-Aged Jamaican Rum.


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THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: Compared to Stranahan’s, Tincup is a bigger brand. So you need to think more strategically—not just from a technical distilling perspective. What has this transition been like? JESS GRABER: It was the next evolution in my style of whiskey. Stranahan’s was always craft; there was only a certain amount I could make. We knew we wanted Tincup to be different, and it really is. Stranahan’s is made from malted barley, Tincup is corn and rye. Proximo had a lot of the ideas for how to succeed on a larger

scale, starting with the package. And now I am meeting with a lot more groups, whereas Stranahan’s was more one-on-ones. Also, distributor meetings are more important. The whole project has been a very collaborative effort. TBN: Tell us more about the package. JG: At Stranahan’s we have on display an old glass bottle we found on the site. It’s a big, rectangular, embossed bottle of what was once “Dr. Stanley’s Liver Invigorator.” Even has a blue tint. Starting with this as a model, we came up with the hexagonal, embossed bottle for Tincup. I think it was a great way to tie the whiskey to its Colorado roots.

TINCUP American Whiskey Launch in New York City.

TBN: Who is the Tincup drinker? JG: The most natural group is males 25 to 55—they already account for twothirds of whiskey market. But we also think Tincup appeals to women in the 30 to 50 age group. Overall, we are looking for somebody that’s mature but still likes to have fun. People who get outdoors, explore. And when they go out with friends, they try something new and different. That’s one thing we’re well aware of: whiskey drinkers will try other whiskies. It’s not the same as with other spirits, like vodka, where consumers are more locked in with brands. Whiskey drinkers can have a favorite and will still try other brands. Happily. So we are trying to entice with good packaging, marketing and a unique story. TBN: You’ve been doing a lot of personal visits to bars across the country. What is your approach? JG: It’s a combination of good cities and whiskey-centric bars. Dallas, Houston, Austin, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, New York—all are good whiskey cities. We’re not inventing new whiskey drinkers—we are going to places they already enjoy.



ith brown spirits on a roll—craft, bourbon and flavored in particular— it’s no surprise that we are seeing a flurry of new brands. But the challenge for any new whiskey is how to balance quality, supply and price—and then to bring it to market efficiently. Jess Graber, who proved his distilling chops with the Colorado craft brand Stranahan’s, has joined forces with Proximo Spirits to launch Tincup. Essentially a bourbon, Tincup has a spicy dollop of rye, plus a progressive yet retro package that stands out in the crowd. Graber took time out from a tour introducing Tincup in major urban markets to offer more insight to the new project.


FUN FACT Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey began when George Stranahan’s barn caught fire. Jess Graber, a volunteer firefighter, raced over, but was too late to save the structure. When the fire settled, the two men discovered a shared passion for whiskey. Stranahan offered space in his Flying Dog Brewery, and over a 10-year period, Graber grew the brand from a single barrel to 10,000.

JG: On-premise, [bartenders] don’t really use the cup; they put a pour spout on it. We don’t fight it. They know what they want to do and how they want to sell it. The embossed hexagon bottle, though, makes it pretty manly and makes it stand out. There is also some blue on the Tincup label; there is not much blue out there. The bottle is easy to grip and hold on to as well. Offpremise Tincup has a good shelf presence. It’s the only other whiskey besides Stranahan’s that has the cup. TBN: What message is communicated by calling Tincup “American Whiskey”? JG: What we are trying to convey is, in actuality it is a bourbon. It’s still amazing in this day and age how many people are confused about bourbon…how it’s made where it comes from. So part of what we are doing is bourbon, or cornstyle, whiskey. I feel that a lot of modern whiskies have a homogenized character. We want to generate some interest by being different. I went back to the 1960s for inspiration, and gave Tincup a higher rye content. We also wanted to be transparent about the process. We wanted people to know that we are going across the

country to make this whiskey. The distilling takes place in Indiana. But the whiskey is cut with water from Colorado, which is important. Our water has a lot of minerals, and has a clean taste. It mixes with the whiskey very well. Gives it a good mouthfeel and texture, on top of real bold flavor. TBN: Where does Tincup fit, stylistically, in the range of whiskies one typically finds in a retail shop?

JG: Once again we go back to the fact it’s a bourbon. So it’s gonna taste like a bourbon but has a spice due to high rye content. Tincup is priced to be competitive with premium whiskies in US. Knob Creek, Maker’s Mark, Buffalo Trace. We want to be regarded in that category. I’m not picking on Jim Beam or Jack, but we are tryring to go a little higher in marketplace than those. TBN: What are some trends you are sensing in whisky consumption right now? JG: Whiskey is on fire right now, which is almost predicatable. Industry tends to go in cycles. But it’s more than just whiskey’s turn. The farm to table attitude is very strong—people want something made in America that they can trust. And when they go out, they are sipping cocktails more than before.

TBN: What are your thoughts on mixability for whiskey in general, and Tincup specifically? JG: Tincup has opened my mind up with respect to mixing whiskey. I am not a big cocktail guy, and am against just mixing it with Coke or something, but at so many of the bars I’ve been to lately, they bring in three or four bartenders, and they each have their own amazing way of approaching whiskey drinks. I had a Tincup Mule, mixed with ginger beer, at the end of one long hot day. That was a real eye opener. ■

TINCUP AT A GLANCE The Name: Tincup was an old mining town in Gunnison County, Colorado, sonamed for the tin cups the miners often used. Tincup Whiskey’s closure is an actual tin cup, which can be used for sipping and sharing. Launched: Q4 2013 Distiller: Jess Graber Mash bill: 64% corn, 32% rye, 4% malted barley Barrel aging: New charred American White Oak Bottling: Bottled at 84 proof in Colorado, using pure Rocky Mountain water Character: Aromas evoke citrus, black pepper and ginger snaps; on the palate, rye spice, cinnamon and caramel SRP: $27.99/750ml Distribution: Owned and marketed by Proximo; initial markets include Colorado, Arizona, California, Illinois, New York, Texas and Washington


&PROMOTIONS GREY GOOSE LAUNCHES LATEST FLAVORED VODKA, LE MELON Le Melon—the latest innovation from Grey Goose, crafted by Cellar Master Francois Thibault— captures the natural essence of the luxurious and fragrant Cavaillon melon grown in France’s Provence region. The launch is supported with print, digital and an experiental summer program featuring the signature cocktail, the Melon Mule, a play on the classic Moscow Mule.

SAUZA TEQUILA DEBUTS SPARKLING MARGARITA WATERMELON Sauza Tequila recently launched the newest addition to its successful RTS Sauza Sparkling Margarita line, Watermelon. Offering a bubbly twist on classic margaritas, the sparkling Watermelon has a base of Sauza Silver Tequila and offers bold melon flavor and a sweet lime finish. Watermelon joins a portfolio that includes Original Lime, Wild Berry and Mango Peach variations. 9.95% ABV. facebook.com/SauzaMargaritas



SRP: $29.99

SRP: $12.99

RÉMY MARTIN CELEBRATES 80 YEARS WITH PACKAGING REDESIGN Rémy Martin has unveiled upgraded packaging for its flagship Cognac, Rémy Martin VSOP. The new packaging is both a tribute to the arrival of VSOP to the U.S. 80 years ago and a salute to founder Paul Emile Rémy Martin. The new packaging features a richer signature red label with the brand’s iconic centaur symbol at the center of the green frosted bottle.

COASTAL STYLE FOR J.W. MORRIS WINES Like coastal living, J.W. Morris wines are for enjoyment—of food, friends and family, and every day; perfect companions for sipping by the seaside, when grilling outdoors or anytime casual dining. The complete J.W. Morris portfolio of wines includes Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Moscato and White Zinfandel. All the varietals are available in 750ml and 1.5L sizes. J.W. Morris Winery is marketed nationally by Bronco Wine Company.

remymartin.com SRP: $40

BURNETT’S VODKA EXPANDS PORTFOLIO WITH THREE NEW FLAVORS The latest additions to Burnett’s Flavored Vodka line-up are Ruby Red Grapefruit, Mango Pineapple and Red Berry. Like all of Burnett’s Flavored Vodkas, these three are quadruple distilled, triple charcoal filtered and made using natural flavors. These latest entries to the Burnett’s portfolio expand the line-up to 37 offerings. The new flavors started hitting stores in May. 70 proof.


SCHMITT SOHNE’S FÜNF WINES NOW AVAILABLE IN FOUR-PACKS Fünf, a popular Schmitt Sohne brand, now comes in shatter-proof PET 187ml bottle four-packs, with Stelvin closure. Fünf wines are available nationwide, in Riesling, Sweet Red, Moscato and Red Sangria. These light, fresh wines are now more convenient options for summer entertaining wherever glass bottles are discouraged.


funfwines.com | schmittsohnesales.com

SRP: $10.99/750ml

SRP: $7.99/4-pack


&PROMOTIONS MILFLORES WINES OFFER SPRING IN BOTTLE FORM Milflores wines are refreshing Spanish wines in irrestistably pretty floral-inspired bottles. The white, red and rosé are produced at the historic Bodegas Palacio winery in Laguardia, Rioja Alavesa. The wines are crafted to be enjoyed while young, yet deliver mature characteristics. The portfolio includes a Red, made from Tempranillo grapes; a White, made from Viura grapes; and a 100% Tempranillo Rosé. Imported by Vinum International; distributed nationally by Bronco Wine Company.

WILLIAM GRANT & SONS RELEASES FIRST CHILE LIQUEUR: ANCHO REYES Ancho Reyes was recently launched in the U.S. by William Grant & Sons. Created by Licorera Ancho Reyes y CIA, this is the first ancho chile liqueur ever, born of Mexico’s beloved poblano pepper. The liqueur starts with a neutral base spirit made from cane in Veracruz and presents spicy notes as well as earthy ones. Ancho Reyes Chile Liqueur is recommended neat or as a versatile part of cocktail creations. 80 proof.

anchoreyes.com broncowine.com

SKINNYGIRL’S LATEST OFFERINGS ARE PERFECT SUMMER LADIES Skinnygirl Cocktails is shaking things up for summer with two new entries in the ReadyTo-Serve collection: Skinnygirl Sweet’arita and Sparkling Margarita. Sweet’arita offers notes of sweet lime, orange and tequila. Sparkling Margarita is an effervescent take on the margarita, with a hint of sweetness and aroma of lime. Both are less than 100 calories a serving and 19.9 proof.

SRP: $32.99

OPICI WINES PRESENTS LALUCA PROSECCO LaLuca is a proprietary label created by Opici Wines in celebration of a new addition to the Opici family. This Prosecco comes from Treviso, in the Veneto region of Italy and celebrates all the Opici name represents: legacy, lineage and love. LaLuca Prosecco is in a creamy, off-dry style and can retain effervescence for days if properly stored.

facebook.com/Skinnygirl skinnygirlcocktails.com


SRP: $12.99/750ml

SRP: $12.99

LUNA DI LUNA RELAUNCHES ICONIC WINE COLLECTION Italian wine brand Luna Di Luna, part of Enoitalia, SpA, has a new look and a revamped portfolio. Imported into the U.S. by Enovation Brands, the relaunch is being supported by an integrated marketing plan. New bottles have a 3-D label that utilizes micro-lens technology. The updated portfolio of Italian blended varietal wines now includes a Prosecco D.O.C. in a sleek blue bottle.

INNIS & GUNN INTRODUCES FIRST TRIPLE-HOPPED IPA Scottish brewer Innis & Gunn has released Toasted Oak IPA, the newest member of its core range. Toasted Oak IPA recently took Silver at the World Beer Championships. Pale gold in hue, this beer offers aromas of grass, pines and grapefruit, with rich vanilla flavors from the 41 day maturation in oak. Full-bodied, but crisp. 5.6% ABV.

lunadilunda.com SRP: $9.99 info@enovationbrands.com 305-466-6880

innisandgunn.com SRP: $9.99/4-pack



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4/23/14 3:30 PM

14 3:30 PM

Ohio Wholesale Price List Cuyahoga County Permit holders add $.60 per 750 ml bottle. $.80 per liter bottle and $1.40 per 1.75 liter bottle.

Ohio Wholesale Price List JUNE 2014 Division of Liquor Control Price List D = 1.75 liter L = liter B = 750 ml Please note: All the following information is provided for reference only, please contact your spirits wholesaler to confirm all information. STANDARD



Grain Alcohol 2952B Everclear 2959B Everclear Lightning 2962B Everclear 151 2962D Everclear 151

$ 15.70 $ 16.85 $ 14.25 $ 26.60

190.0 90.0 151.0 151.0

Blend 0026D Old Thompson 0026L Old Thompson 0113B Kessler 0113D Kessler 0113L Kessler 0122B Beams Eight Star 0122D Beams Eight Star 0122L Beams Eight Star 0152B Seagrams 7 Crown 0152D Seagrams 7 Crown 0152L Seagrams 7 Crown 0199D Senators Club Bbn 0199L Senators Club Bbn 2100D Calvert Extra Blended Wsky 2137D Imperial 3032B Firefly Apple Pie Moonshine 3036B Firefly Cherry Moonshine 3037B Firefly Wh Lightn Moonshine 3094B Ful Throt Sloonshine Apple 3095B Ful Throt Sloonshine BLKBR 3096B Ful Throt Sloonshine Peach 3098B Ful Throt Sloonshine Platinum 3701L Gold Award Blended Wsky 3972D Hallers S R S Bln Wsky 3972L Hallers S R S Bln Wsky 4089D Guckenheimer 4089L Guckenheimer 5252B J Johnson Mid Moon Blackberry 5256B J Johnson Mid Moon Cranbery 5378B Kessler Traveler 576B Bastille Hand Crafted 6343L Mc Cormick Blended 7674B Smoky Tenn White Lightn 7675B Ole Smoky Tenn Moon - Orig 8890B Seagrams 7 Dark Honey 8891B Seagrams 7 Crw Stone Cherry 9667B Woodstone Creek Barrelhous 9667E Woodstone Creek Barrelhous 9668B Woodstone Creek Blended 9677B Woodstone Creek WH Dog WSK

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$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

9.05 16.65 11.50 20.55 11.50 10.45 22.25 4.80 17.50 11.45 25.50 18.40 18.40 11.05 15.60 9.35 16.20 9.45 16.85 35.05

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0144B Jim Beams Choice 5Yr 0144D Jim Beams Choice 5Yr 0163D Mattingly And Moore 4Yr 0163L Mattingly And Moore 4Yr 0171D Mark Twain 0171L Mark Twain 0850B Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year 0850D Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year 0883B Big House Bourbon Straight 0885B Big House Tupelo Honey 0891B Bird Dog Blackberry Whsky 0892B Bird Dog Peach Whsky 0905B Black Maple Hill Small Bat 0911B Blanton Bbn 1478B Brewriver Turkey Bottom Bbn 1482B Bowman Brothers BBN 1497B Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky 1497D Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky 1497L Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky 1499B Buffalo Trace Bourbon 1499D Buffalo Trace Bourbon 1650E Jim Beam 200Ml 4Yr 1816B Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 1816D Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 1816L Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 2073B Cleveland Black Reserve 2075D Cleveland Christmas 2089D Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd 2089L Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd 2089B Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd 2094B Kentucky Tavern 4Yr 2094D Kentucky Tavern 4Yr 2094L Kentucky Tavern 4Yr 2099B Old Crow 3Yr 2099D Old Crow 3Yr 2099L Old Crow 3Yr 2104B Old Forester Signiture 2105B Jts Brown 100 2105D Jts Brown 100 2889B Early Times Bourbon 2919B Elijah Craig 12Yr 2922B Elijah Craig Barrel Proof 2938B E H Taylor Jr Straight Rye 2939B E H Taylor Jr Sngl Barrel 2946B Evan Williams Millenium 2948B Evan Williams Bbn 2948D Evan Williams Bbn 2948L Evan Williams Bbn 2949B Ezra Brooks 2949D Ezra Brooks 2949L Ezra Brooks 2955B Ezra 101 7Yr 2961B Evan Williams 1783 3022B Firefly Sweet Tea Bourbon 3070B Four Roses Barrel Strng 3073B Four Roses Yellow Label 3074B Four Roses 90 3075B Four Roses 100 4065D Heaven Hill Old Style 4Yr 4065L Heaven Hill Old Style 4Yr 4116B Jim Beam 4Yr 4116D Jim Beam 4Yr 4116E Jim Beam 4Yr 4116L Jim Beam 4Yr 5086B Jefferson’s President Select 5087B Jefferson’s 5088B Jefferson's Pres Select 5089B Jefferson's Reserve 5104B Jeremiah Weed Cherry Mash 5110B Jim Beam Black 8Yr 5110D Jim Beam Black 8Yr 5110L Jim Beam Black 8Yr 5112B Jim Beam Traveler 4Yr 5112D Jim Beam Traveler 4Yr 5122B Jim Beam Devil's Cut 5122D Jim Beam Devil's Cut 5142B John B Stetson KY Str BBN 5204B John J Bowman BBN 5208B John L Sullivan Irish 5478B Knob Creek Rye 5483B Knob Creek Sngl Barel Rsv 5889B Lexington Bourbon 5981B Lock Stock & Barrel Rye 6845L Old Charter 8Yr 6879D Old Crow Reserve 6880B Old Crow Traveler 3Yr 6920B Old Forester Birthday 7680B Old Whiskey River 7696B Oyo Double Cask Wheat 8020B Pearse Lyons Reserve 8300B Prichards Double Chocolate 8187B Phillips Union Vanilla Wsk 8301B Prichards DBL Barreled 8355B Rebel Yell 8356B Rebel Reserve 4Yr 8357B Rebel Reserve Cherry 8358B Rebel Reserve Honey 8375B Red Stag Black Cher 8375D Red Stag Black Cher 8375L Red Stag Black Cher 8377B Red Stag Hny Tea 8378B Red Stag Spiced 8435B Ridgemont Reserve 1792 8Yr 8473B Rogue Chipotle Spirit 9260B Town Branch Bbn 9355L Undo's Bourbon 9533D Well Whiskey 9533L Wellwhiskey 9600B Whitetail Caramel Flv Whiskey 9630D Wild Turkey Amer Hony 9632B Wild Turkey 80 Bbn 9632D Wild Turkey 80 Bbn 9635B Wild Turkey 101 Trvlr 9636B Wild Turkey Russells Resv 10Yr 9637B Wild Turkey Ky Spt Sng Brl 9638B Wild Turkey 81 9638D Wild Turkey 81 9638L Wild Turkey 81 9676L Woodford Rsv Derby 9677B Ridge Runner White Dog Whiskey 9678B Woodford Reserve DBL Oaked 9680B Woodford Rsv Mst Coll Mapl 9683B Woodford Rsv MC Classic 9684B Woodford Rsv MC Straight 9077B Smooth Ambler OOld Scout

$ 9.05 $ 35.10 $ 9.70 $ 9.30 $ 13.15 $ 9.30 $ 8.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 16.85 $ 16.85 $ 43.05 $ 46.45 $ 66.05 $ 25.60 $ 21.50 $ 45.70 $ 23.70 $ 22.10 $ 43.25 $ 5.25 $ 20.40 $ 41.50 $ 29.80 $ 29.90 $ 32.55 $ 16.15 $ 9.70 $ 8.15 $ 8.00 $ 16.20 $ 9.65 $ 7.90 $ 16.70 $ 9.65 $ 18.60 $ 5.40 $ 9.20 $ 16.00 $ 20.35 $ 34.35 $ 61.15 $ 53.75 $ 18.00 $ 12.55 $ 20.55 $ 14.10 $ 10.75 $ 20.55 $ 12.35 $ 12.75 $ 15.85 $ 10.45 $ 43.45 $ 13.90 $ 23.75 $ 29.80 $ 20.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.65 $ 32.50 $ 10.95 $ 21.10 $ 86.40 $ 27.55 $ 105.05 $ 49.65 $ 14.60 $ 21.05 $ 37.75 $ 15.40 $ 16.65 $ 29.05 $ 21.95 $ 41.25 $ 24.70 $ 43.05 $ 14.30 $ 34.25 $ 37.75 $ 25.55 $ 92.00 $ 15.15 $ 21.15 $ 7.90 $ 38.60 $ 22.05 $ 70.30 $ 33.45 $ 51.80 $ 9.05 $ 51.80 $ 12.50 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 17.55 $ 37.85 $ 25.50 $ 17.55 $ 17.55 $ 27.35 $ 36.00 $ 29.20 $ 29.40 $ 19.90 $ 9.60 $ 13.40 $ 31.05 $ 3.95 $ 16.95 $ 17.75 $ 23.80 $ 36.50 $ 15.10 $ 31.85 $ 18.40 $ 36.70 $ 45.75 $ 47.30 $ 45.05 $ 86.50 $ 86.50 $ 35.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 95.0 93.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 94.0 132.0 100.0 100.0 86.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 101.0 86.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 82.3 94.0 90.2 90.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 84.0 100.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 86.0 101.3 80.0 86.0 80.0 97.0 86.0 120.0 80.0 90.0 70.0 90.0 80.0 90.6 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.7 80.0 80.0 90.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 101.0 90.0 101.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 90.4 90.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 90.4 99.0

Specialty Bourbon

Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 59

Ohio Wholesale Price List 0460B Bakers $ 0575B Basil Haydens $ 1370B Bookers $ 2305B Corner Creek Reserve $ 2880B Eagle Rare Single Barrel $ 2880D Eagle Rare Single Barrel $ 2947B Evan Williams Single Barrel $ 5089B Jefferson’s Reserve $ 5482B Knob Creek $ 5482D Knob Creek $ 5482L Knob Creek $ 6060B Maker’s Mark $ 6060D Maker’s Mark $ 6060E Maker’s Mark $ 6060L Maker’s Mark $ 6064B Maker’s Mark 46 $ 9617B Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute $ 9627B Rare Breed $ 9674B Woodford Reserve $ 9674D Woodford Reserve $ 9674L Woodford Reserve $ 9679B Woodford Reserve Season Oak $ 9670B Woodstone Micro-Bourbon $

39.50 107.0 35.10 80.0 50.05 126.6 27.35 88.0 27.35 90.0 54.60 90.0 23.90 86.6 46.95 90.2 29.85 100.0 57.10 100.0 35.10 100.0 26.35 90.0 57.10 90.0 15.50 90.0 36.85 90.0 31.60 94.0 77.80 101.0 31.75 110.0 30.80 90.4 61.05 90.4 35.85 90.4 77.95 100.4 88.20 94.0

Tennessee Whiskey 0066B Jack Daniel's Black 0066D Jack Daniel's Black 0066E Jack Daniel's Black 0066L Jack Daniel's Black 1646E Jack Daniel's Tenn Hony 2110B Jack Daniel's Green 2110D Jack Daniel's Green 3513B Gentleman Jack 3513D Gentleman Jack 3513L Gentleman Jack 3515B George Bickel Old 48 3515B George Rickel Old #8 3523B George Dickol 12 3524B Geo. Dickel Barrel Select 4986B Jack Daniel's SGL BRL Ducks 4988B Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988E Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988L Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4988D Jack Daniel's Tenn Honey 4992B Jack Daniel's MSTR Distiller 4997B Jack Daniel's Single Barrel 5062B Jailers Premium Tenn Whisk 8307B Prichards Tenn Whiskey

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

19.45 39.30 14.90 31.60 7.00 16.90 33.65 28.30 51.00 35.85 15.90 15.90 20.20 20.20 40.20 20.35 14.90 31.60 44.90 25.60 40.20 22.75 34.35

Rye Whiskey 0090B Old Overholt 1503B Bulleit 95 Rye 1503L Bulleit 95 Rye 2920B Elias Staley Rye 5070B James E Pepper 1776 Rye 5092B Jeffersons Rye 5117B Jim Beam 5118B Jim Beam Honey 8308B Richards Rye Whiskey 9098B Staley Rye Whiskey 9138B Templeton Rye 9631B Wild Turkey Rye Whiskey 9633B Wild Turkey Russels Reserve 9641B Wild Turkey Rye 81

$ 14.05 $ 21.50 $ 23.70 $ 44.05 $ 25.60 $31.10 $ 17.55 $ 19.30 $ 43.05 $ 57.10 $ 34.35 $ 7.65 $ 34.35 $ 19.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 94.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 86.0 94.0 86.0 80.0

80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 100.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 101.0 90.0 81.0

Blended Whiskey 0026D Old Thompson $ 12.70 80.0 0026L Old Thompson $ 7.15 80.0 0113B Kessler $ 8.75 80.0 0113D Kessler $ 17.55 80.0 0113L Kessler $ 12.30 80.0 0122B Beam's Eight Star $ 7.00 80.0 0122D Beam's Eight Slar $ 13.20 80.0 0122L Beam's Eight Star $ 7.90 80.0 0152B Seagram's 7 Crown $ 10.40 80.0 0152D Seagram's 7 Crown $ 20.85 80.0 0152L Seagram's 7 Crown $ 13.75 80.0 0199D Senator's Club $ 13.65 80.0 0199L Senator's Club $ 7.95 80.0 0576B Bastille Hand-Crafted Whsk $ 23.85 80.0 1477B Brewriver I Got Friends Wh Blended $ 33.45 87.0 2100D Calvert Exlra $ 16.15 80.0 2137D Imperial $ 12.70 80.0 3033B Firefly Caramel Moonshine $ 16.90 60.0 3034B Firefly Peach Moonshine $ 16.90 60.9 3701L Gold Award $ 5.70 80.0 3972D Hailer's S.R.S. $ 14.20 80.0 3972L Halters S.R.S. $ 8.25 80.0 4089D Guckenheimer $ 13.40 80.0 4089L Guckenheimer $ 755.0 80.0 5260B J Johnson Mid Moon Hall Fa $ 9.95 80.0 5262B J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry $ 16.30 100.0 5266B Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb $ 16.30 00.0 5378B Kessler Traveler $ 8.75 80.0 6343L Mccormick $ 8.05 80.0 9668B Ohio Blended Whiskey $ 31.85 80.0 8887B Seagram's 7 Traveler $ 10.40 80.0 8890B Seagram's 7 Dark Honey $ 12.60 71.0 Whiskey 0281B Jameson $ 21.25 80.0 0281D Jameson $ 46.75 80.0 0281B Jameson $ 28.95 80.0 0281E Jameson Irish Whiskey $ 17.00 80.0 0282B Bushmills $ 18.45 80.0 0282L Bushmills $ 29.80 80.0 0908B Black Bust( $ 32.30 80.0 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt $ 58.65 80.0 1520B Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt $ 36.35 80.0 2074B Clonlarf $ 9.10 80.0 2268B Connema Ra Single Malt $ 29.10 80.0 3003B Feckin Irish Whiskey $ 13.15 80.0 4895B Irishman Original Clan $ 23.70 90.0 5075B Jameson Gold $ 69.05 80.0 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. $261.15 92.0 5081B Jameson 18 Yr. $ 86.45 80.0 5083B Jameson 12 Yr. $ 47.305 80.0 5085B Jameson Tin $ 20.35 80.0 5212B John Power & Son Gold $ 21.25 80.0

60 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

5384B Kilbeggan $ 19.30 80.0 5388B Knappogue Castle 12 $ 33.70 80.0 6574B Midleton $ 130.30 80.0 6576B Michael Collins Blended $ 21.25 80.0 7719B Paddy Devils Apple $ 16.85 70.0 7721B Paddy Irish Whiskey $ 16.85 80.0 7721L Paddy $ 23.35 80.0 8294B Powers $ 12.10 80.0 6383B Redbreast $ 43.05 80.0 8384B Redbreast 12 $ 77.75 92.0 8476B Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey $ 34.35 90.0 9026B Slane Castle $ 20.35 80.0 9317B Tullamore Dew $ 20.35 80.0 9317L Tullamore Dew $ 28.00 80.0 9317D Tullamore Dew $ 44.10 80.0 9321B Tullamore Dew 10 $ 42.95 80.0 Canadian Whiskey 0076B Seagrams Vo 0076D Seagrams Vo 0076L Seagrams Vo 0169D Lord Calvert 0170B Mcmaster's 0170D Mcmaster's 0170L Mcmaster's 0174B Canadian Mist 0174D Canadian Mist 0174L Canadian Mist 0175D Macnaughton 0176B Canadian Club 0176D Canadian Club 0176E Canadian Club 0176L Canadian Club 0189B Black Velvet 0189D Black Velvet 0189E Black Velvet 0189L Black Velvet 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 0915B Black Velvet Cinnamon Rush 0920B Black Velvet Reserve 0920D Black Velvet Reserve 1542B C C Dock 57 Blackberry 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv. 1704D Canadian Bay 1704D Canadian Bay 1716B Canada House 1716D Canada House 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 1730D Canadian Gold 1730L Canadian Gold 1731B Can. Club Sherry Cask 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 1735D Canadian Ltd. 1735L Canadian Ltd. 1748B Canadian Mist Traveler 1749D Canadian Reserve 2055B Classic 12 2389B Crown Royal Black 2389D Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask No.16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 2399B Crown Royal Maple Finished 2399L Crown Royal Maple Finished 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 4699L Northern Light 5073D James Foxe 7712B Paddy Bee Sting 7726D Paramount 8050B Pendleton 8051B Pendleton Rye 8415B Revel Stoke Spiced Whiskey 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V.0. Gold 8923B Seagram's V.0. Traveler 9097B Sortlege 9152B Tap 357 9648B Windsor Traveler 9652B Windsor Supreme 9652D Windsor Supreme 9652L Windsor Supreme 9656B Wiser's Deluxe

$ 12.00 $ 24.50 $ 17.85 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.25 $ 12.25 $ 15.25 $ 1165 $ 22.30 $ 9.25 $ 16.70 $ 7.85 $ 17.50 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.85 $ 10.75 $ 10.80 $ 22.30 $ 15.80 $ 17.55 $ 12.70 $ 8.70 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 14.95 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 18.45 $ 6.85 $ 13.60 $ 9.25 $ 8.75 $ 9.25 $ 18.45 $ 26.05 $ 52.00 $ 70.25 $115.90 $ 43.00 $ 20.85 $ 31.05 $ 14.90 $ 8.70 $ 12.70 $ 8.60 $ 12.70 $ 18.60 $ 15.35 $ 19.50 $ 30.00 $ 10.80 $ 7.75 $ 14.90 $ 20.85 $ 47.85 $ 31.00 $ 30.55 $ 15.65 $ 5.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 15.15

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 81.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Scotch Whiskey 0201B Pinch 15 Yr. 0202B Dewar's 0202D Dewar's 0202E Dewar's 0202L Dewar's 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 0204L Johnnle Walker Red 0206D Usher's Green 0208B Lauder's 0208D Lauder's 0208L Lauder's 0212B Grant's 0212D Grant's 0213D Old Smuggler 0213L Odsmuggler 0215B Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215D Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215L Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0225B Cully Sark 0225D Culty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 0238B J&B Rare 0238D J&B Rare 0238L J&B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 0239D Grand Macnish 0239L Grand Macnish

29.70 21.20 42.30 21.15 28.00 22.70 44.95 29.55 22.25 8.15 17.10 10.60 14.40 29.20 19.50 11.95 27.10 63.15 39.30 14.25 29.25 21.05 12.55 35.25 70.95 45.10 18.95 36.40 24.05 8.00 16.95 10.45


Ohio Wholesale Price List 0241D Highland Mist 0241L Highland Mist 0246D Inver House 0246L Inver House 0249D J.W. Dant 0253B Ballanline's 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 1491B Buchanan Special Reserve 1655E Makers Mark 200Ml 2004B Chiv Regal Salute 21 Yr 2005B Chiv Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr. 2052D Clan Macgregor 2052L Clan Macgregor 2078B Clynelish 2226B Collingwood Canadian 2488B Dalmore 1981 Amoroso 2489B Dalmore 1263 King Alex Iii 2490B Dalmore 18 2493B Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve 2672B Dewar'sfounders Reserve 2673B Dewar's Signature 2674B Dewar's Sp. Res. 12 Yr. 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr. 3609B Glen Grant 5145B John Barr Red 5145D John Barr Red 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5225B Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 Anniv. 5229B Johnnie Waiker Gold 5406B King Robert II 6395B Mclvor 7980D Passport 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8853D Scoresby 9081B Springbank 10 9100B Smith & Wolensky 22 9188B Famous Grouse 80 9188D Famous Grouse 80

$ 17.10 $ 10.45 $ 17.10 $ 10.45 $ 10.80 $ 13.10 $ 30.75 $ 68.40 $ 8.75 $ 156.85 $ 200.10 $ 51.70 $ 17.05 $ 10.70 $ 49.85 $ 22.12 $ 1198.30 $ 200.10 $ 143.35 $ 108.50 $ 69.10 $ 190.95 $ 27.30 $ 11.30 $ 30.00 $ 4.10 $ 22.30 $ 211.90 $ 36.85 $ 83.45 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 23.20 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 17.45 $ 50.05 $ 128.00 $ 19.45 $ 37.05

80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 98.0 80.0 80.0

Single Malt / Scotch 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr. $ 38.60 86.0 0020B Aberlour Abunadh $ 54.55 119.4 0031B Aberfeldy $ 44.10 80.0 0032B Aberfeldy 21 $ 150.00 80.0 0085B Anthony's 22 SGL Cask Seri $ 128.00 98.0 0103B Ardmore $ 36.10 92.0 0107B Ardbeg 10 Yr. $ 43.85 92.0 0114B Ardbeg UIGEADAIL $ 64.90 108.0 0375B Auchenloshan3wood $ 51.90 86.0 0377B Auchenlashan Classic $ 26.50 80.0 0379B Auchroisk $ 153.75 116.2 0493B Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. $ 77.80 95.0 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. $ 48.30 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. $ 156.10 86.0 1481B Bowmore Legend $ 23.65 80.0 1488B Bunnahebhain $ 33.35 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1751B Caol Ila 12-Yr. $ 51.75 86.0 1759B Cardhu $ 40.30 86.0 2355B Cragganmore $ 53.40 80.0 2491B Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. $ 117.60 90.0 2495B Dalmore 12 Yr. $ 47.45 80.0 2498B Dalwhinnie $ 58.60 66.0 2500B Dalwhinnie Distill Edition $ 67.35 86.0 3606B Glenliddich 12 Yr. Reserve $ 36.85 80.0 3607B Glen Garioch $ 16.35 86.0 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr. $ 48.30 86.0 3615B Glen Spey $ 162.55 100.8 3619B Glenfiddich Malt Master $ 69.25 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Solera 15 Yr. $ 46.55 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancient 18 Yr. $ 76.20 86.0 3632B Glenfarclas 17 Yr. $ 69.65 86.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15 Distillery Ed. $ 22.65 102.0 3635B Glenfarclas 21 Yr. $ 80.45 86.0 3639B Glenlivet 25 Yr. $ 314.10 86.0 3640B Glenlivet 18 Yr. $ 77.95 86.0 3641B Glenlivet 12 Yr. $ 36.00 80.0 3641D Glenhivel $ 77.05 80.0 3641L Glenlivel12 Yr. $ 46.40 80.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 21 Yr. $ 134.35 86.0 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Year Old $ 31.65 86.0 3645D Glenmorangie 10 Year Old $ 59.70 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. $ 42.95 80.0 3647B Glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. $ 56.15 112.4 3649B Glenmorangielasanla $ 44.80 92.0 3654B Glenlivelldadurratriumph $ 56.15 96.0 3655B Glenmorangie Finealta $ 69.25 86.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 40.35 92.0 3658B Glenmorangtenectar D'or $ 51.80 92.0 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 49.80 80.0 3699B Glenrothes $ 67.75 86.0 3836B Grand Macnish 15 Sherry $ 30.08 80.0 3837B Grand Macnish 150th Anniv $ 14.25 80.0 4291B Highland Park $ 39.60 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18 $ 86.50 86.0 5207B J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch $ 44.55 111.6 5231B Johnnie Walker Green $ 57.10 86.0 5507B Lagavulin Distillers Ed. $ 86.90 86.0 5508B Lagavulin $ 79.95 86.0 5542B Laphroaig 18 $ 70.40 96.0 5543B Lephroaigcask Strength $ 57.95 115.6 5544B Laphroalg $ 43.90 86.0 6012B Macallan Cask Strenglh $ 77.80 117.6 6013B Macallan 12 Yr. $ 49.05 86.0 6013D Macallan 12 Yr. $ 111.90 86.0 6013E Macallan 12 Yr. $ 56.25 86.0 6016B Macallan 18 Yr. $ 173.55 86.0 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. $ 41.25 80.0 6018B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. $ 82.15 86.0 6019B Macallan Shackleton Rare $ 147.75 86.0 6021B Macallan Fine Oak $ 130.00 86.0 6023B Macallan "M" Decanter $ 3916.10 86.0 6024B Macallan Anniversary $ 695.75 86.0 6025B Macallan 30 Yr. $1,479.05 86.0 6344B Mcclellands Islay $ 20.15 80.0 6346B Mcclellands Highland $ 20.15 80.0 6746B Oban Malt 21 YR. $ 341.85 86.0 6747B Oban Distillers Ed. $ 69.45 86.0 6748B Oban $ 74.65 86.0 7700B Oyo Whiskey $ 39.85 92.0 8306B Prichards Single Malt Whsk $ 43.05 80.0 8983B Singleton Single Malt $ 34.40 80.0 9063B Speyburn $ 21.25 86.0


9064B 9145B 9148B 9150B 9150B 9240B 9606B 9607B 9657B 9658B 9666B 9671B

Speyburn Braden Orach Talisker Talisker Distiller Edition Tamdhu Tamdhu Tomatin Scotch 12 Wild Scotsman Black Label Wild Scotsman Royal Lochnagr Wisers 18 Wisers Legacy Woodstone CRK Sherry Cask Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky

$ 16.90 $ 58.20 $ 67.65 $ 10.10 $ 19.50 $ 25.60 $ 58.15 $ 24.25 $ 20.90 $ 38.70 $ 135.75 $ 103.95

80.0 91.6 91.6 80.0 80.0 86.0 94.0 92.0 80.0 90.0 94.0 93.0

Other Whiskey 0876B Bernheim Original Wheat 1840B Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine 3526B Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 4868B Ikkomon Shochu 5255B Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon 9099B Straitsville Spec Moonshin 9686B XXX Shine

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

22.50 17.75 9.30 34.60 17.75 23.90 16.85

90.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 80.0 90.0 88.8

Brandy 0051B Alize Cognac Vs 0084B Ansac Vs Cognac 0089B Bela Osa 0341B Asbach Uralt Brandy 0453B Metaxa Five Star Brandy 0456B Courvoisier Vsop Cognac 4Yr 0461B Hennessy V S 0461D Hennessy V S 0461E Hennessy V S 0461L Hennessy V S 0462B Martell Vs Cognac 0463B Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463D Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463E Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463L Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0464B St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0464D St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0469B Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469D Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469L Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0470B Christian Brothers Brandy 0470D Christian Brothers Brandy 0470L Christian Brothers Brandy 0472B Arrow Ginger Brandy 0479B Lairds Apple Jack 6Yr 0480B Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480D Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480L Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0481B Coronet Vsq 0481D Coronet Vsq 0481L Coronet Vsq 0482B Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482D Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482L Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0483B Paramount Cherry Brandy 0483D Paramount Cherry Brandy 0488B Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488D Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488L Paramount Apricot Brandy 0490B Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy 0668B Arrow Blackbrry Bdy 0682B Dek Apricot Bdy 0696B Paramount Peach Bdy 0711B Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy 0863B Navip Slivovitz 8Yr 0874B Remy Martin Louis X111 0877L Bertagnolli Grappino 1577B Calvados Bld Grnd Appl Bdy 1618E Christian Brothers Amber 200Ml 1623B Conjure Cognac 1623E Conjure Cognac 1625E Courvoisier Vs 200Ml 2Yr 1629E E & J Vs 2 200Ml 1630E E & J Vsop 200Ml 1642E Hennessy Vsop 200Ml 1644E Hennessy Vs Flask 1665E Paul Masson Vs 200 3Yr 1666E Paul Masson Vsop 200Ml 4Yr 1669E Remy Martin Vs 200Ml 1670E Remy Martin Vsop 200Ml 1671E Remy Martin 1738 Accor 2018B Christian Bros Frost White 2020B Christian Bro Grn Rsv Vsop 2023B Christian Bro Honey 2265B Conjure Cognac 2327B Courvoisier C 2335B Courvoisier Xo Cognac 2348B Courvoisier Exclusif 4Yr 2349B Courvoisier 12 2350B Courvoisier 21 2728B Don Pedro Reserva Especial 2850B Dujardin Vsop 2871B E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871D E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871L E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2873B E & J 2873D E & J 2873L E & J 2875B E & J Superior Rs Vsop Traveler 2876B E & J Traveler Bdy 2877B E & J Xo 2954B Excellentia Gold Sliv Brandy 4011B Hardy Vs 4074B Hennessy Black 4074L Hennessy Black 4076B Hennessy Richard 4080B Hennessy Paradis 4081B Hennessy Paradis Impe 4084E Hennessy V S 200Ml 4087B Hennessy Vs Historic 4092B Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4092L Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4103B Hennessy X O 4944B J C Cognac Vsop 4998B Jacque Cardin Grape France 5001B Poli Po Traminar Grappa 5486B Korbel 5486D Korbel 5509B Lairds Apple Brandy 100 5510B Lairds Rare Apple Brandy

$ 16.90 $ 15.10 $ 7.05 $ 24.05 $ 19.45 $ 29.05 $ 28.70 $ 66.65 $ 25.85 $ 37.85 $ 27.35 $ 35.90 $ 81.45 $ 27.70 $ 47.15 $ 10.75 $ 23.15 $ 10.80 $ 22.25 $ 12.80 $ 9.90 $ 20.55 $ 13.20 $ 8.15 $ 16.90 $ 25.55 $ 50.95 $ 33.25 $ 6.90 $ 17.90 $ 9.70 $ 9.90 $ 19.70 $ 11.50 $ 9.90 $ 10.85 $ 9.90 $ 19.70 $ 11.50 $ 10.55 $ 8.15 $ 10.55 $ 9.90 $ 6.45 $ 18.25 $2436.50 $ 15.40 $ 36.75 $ 2.95 $ 27.10 $ 8.50 $ 6.40 $ 3.30 $ 3.65 $ 13.40 $ 6.05 $ 2.90 $ 3.30 $ 8.55 $ 9.85 $ 12.90 $ 10.80 $ 11.20 $ 11.65 $ 28.20 $ 32.50 $ 105.40 $ 24.00 $ 43.90 $ 219.60 $ 5.80 $ 19.85 $ 11.65 $ 23.15 $ 12.75 $ 10.60 $ 22.25 $ 12.75 $ 10.60 $ 10.35 $ 12.50 $ 20.40 $ 25.20 $ 33.40 $ 44.95 $3306.85 $ 726.60 $2610.55 $ 8.20 $ 27.35 $ 49.05 $ 68.90 $160.45 $ 11.50 $ 9.05 $ 23.75 $ 9.05 $ 12.10 $ 25.60 $ 26.10

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 75.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 61

Ohio Wholesale Price List 5512B Lairds Old Apple Brandy 90Mo 5532B Landy Vs Cognac 5548B Larresingle Armagnac XO 5570B Le Reviseur VSOP 5871B Leroux Polish Blackberry 6048B Maison Rouge Vsop 6072L Manastirka 6095B Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 6099B Maraska Pear Liqueur Krusk 6259B Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 6267B Martell Xo 12Yr 6270B Martell Vsop 6525B Meukow V.S. 6545B Metaxa Amphora 7 Star 6603B Moletto Grappa D'nebbiolo 6615L Montenegro Lozova Rakija 7816B Paramount Ginger Brandy 7976B Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7976D Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7993B Presidente Brandy 8354B Raynal Napoleon Vsop 8386B Remy Martin Extra 8389B Remy Martin 1738 Accord 8394B Remy Martin Xo Excellence 8404B Remy Martin V 8405B Remy Martin Vs Grand Cru 8648B Salignac 9234B Tom's Foolery Applejack 9736B Zuta Osa

$ 24.75 $ 12.05 $ 82.40 $ 43.05 $ 9.55 $ 22.15 $ 29.55 $ 23.65 $ 23.65 $ 117.20 $130.30 $ 28.15 $ 20.40 $ 24.70 $ 34.35 $ 9.90 $ 8.15 $ 12.05 $ 24.00 $ 13.40 $ 12.50 $ 342.85 $ 43.85 $138.70 $ 35.05 $ 29.50 $ 17.75 $ 35.80 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 56.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 90.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 92.0 88.0 88.0

Gin 0193L Aristocrat Gin 0303D Fleischmanns Gin 0304D Crystal Palace Gin 0304L Crystal Palace Gin 0305B Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305D Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305E Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305L Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0308B Gordons Gin 0308D Gordons Gin 0308L Gordons Gin 0313B Beefeater Gin 0313D Beefeater Gin 0313E Beefeater Gin 0313L Beefeater Gin 0319D Paramount 90 Gin 0319L Paramount 90 Gin 0320D Calvert Gin 0322B Bombay Gin 0322D Bombay Gin 0322L Bombay Gin 0326B Tanqueray Gin 0326D Tanqueray Gin 0326E Tanqueray Gin 0326L Tanqueray Gin 0327D Glenmore Gin 0327L Glenmore Gin 0329D Booths Gin 0330D Hallers Gin 0330L Hallers Gin 0339B Gilbeys Gin 0339D Gilbeys Gin 0339L Gilbeys Gin 0340L Senators Club Gin 4Yr 0380B Aviation Gin 0563D Barton Gin 0563L Barton Gin 0843L Beer Barrel Saloon Gin 0962B Bluecoat Gin 1324B Bombardier Military 1327B Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327D Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327L Bombay Sapphire Gin 1369B Boodles British Gin 1476B Brewriver East End Dry Gin 1495B Brokers Gin 1522B Burnetts Gin Traveler 1659E Paramount Gin 1660E New Amsterdam 200Ml 1673E Seagrams Extra Dry 200 1680E Tanqueray Gin 200Ml 1760B Caorunn Gin 2508B Dancing Tree Spicebush Gin 3555B Gilbeys Gin Traveler 3728B Nolets Silver Gin 3780B Gordons Traveler 3904L Greenalls Gin 4073B Hendrick's Gin 4073D Hendrick's Gin 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6062B Magellan 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6379L Mc Cormick Gin 6444D Meiers No 94 Gin 6621B Monopolowa Vienna Dry Gin 6690L Mr Boston English Mrkt Gin 6716B New Amsterdam Gin 6716D New Amsterdam Gin 6716L New Amsterdam Gin 7868D Paramount Gin 80 7868L Paramount Gin 80 8235B Pinnacle Gin 8235D Pinnacle Gin 8274B Plymouth Gin 8436B Right Gin 8883B Seagrams Apple Twst Gin 8889B Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8889D Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8900B Seagram Extra Dry Gn Trv 8902B Seagram's Grape Gin 8905B Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905D Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905L Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8912B Seagrams Peach Twisted Gin 8913B Seagrams Pineapple Gin 8914B Seagrams Orange Twist Gin 8995B Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995D Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995L Burnetts White Satin Gin 9072B Smooth Ambler Greenbrier 9153B Tanqueray No 10 9157B Tanqueray Rangpur 9195L 3 Islands Gin 9356L Undo's Gin 9504B Watershed Distillery Gin 9529D Well Gin

62 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

7.10 12.70 12.40 7.10 8.75 17.45 6.50 13.10 9.75 19.85 12.35 15.10 31.85 7.55 24.15 16.15 8.85 13.20 16.00 30.95 23.65 18.80 39.45 17.05 24.35 12.40 24.80 19.85 12.70 7.10 7.00 16.70 10.80 4.05 25.60 12.45 7.20 8.15 21.20 5.75 19.45 40.55 27.15 17.75 27.75 16.85 5.95 4.20 2.95 3.30 4.35 25.60 30.80 7.90 38.30 3.25 18.85 29.90 59.70 13.35 26.45 13.35 7.70 17.10 12.55 7.00 14.95 20.55 14.95 13.55 8.00 8.75 17.55 30.70 21.25 9.90 10.80 20.55 8.75 3.45 8.75 18.80 8.20 8.75 8.75 8.15 5.95 15.35 9.70 31.85 26.35 19.40 3.15 20.70 24.65 13.05

9529L 9604B 9669B 9669E

Well Gin Whitley Neill Gin Woodstone Creek Gin Woodstone Creek Gin

$ 7.90 $ 6.05 $ 28.70 $ 5.70

88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0

$ 7.30 $ 12.70 $ 8.00 $ 7.30 $ 19.65 $ 14.75 $ 20.05 $ 14.75 $ 41.20 $ 16.50 $ 24.95 $ 8.00 $ 25.60 $ 17.75 $ 11.65 $ 7.50 $ 14.80 $ 11.65 $ 10.75 $ 16.25 $ 10.75 $ 11.65 $ 24.90 $ 11.65 $ 24.90 $ 17.10 $ 11.65 $ 6.35 $ 14.25 $ 24.90 $ 11.65 $ 11.65 $ 41.60 $ 11.65 $ 10.75 $ 11.65 $ 4.95 $ 11.65 $ 24.90 $ 7.90 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 13.60 $ 7.50 $ 17.75 $ 23.20 $ 10.75 $ 20.55 $ 16.25 $ 10.20 $ 16.70 $ 11.40 $ 8.75 $ 19.35 $ 11.45 $ 15.70 $ 22.85 $ 20.05 $ 10.75 $ 20.55 $ 8.80 $ 16.25 $ 11.65 $ 8.45 $ 16.00 $ 12.50 $ 8.00 $ 11.65 $ 16.00 $ 14.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.20 $ 10.75 $ 14.25 $ 42.95 $ 14.25 $ 20.40 $ 8.75 $ 10.65 $ 12.70 $ 10.95 $ 3.80 $ 4.90 $ 14.50 $ 27.55 $ 18.90 $ 18.80 $ 29.30 $ 18.95 $ 33.30 $ 18.95 $ 18.35 $ 22.20 $ 14.50 $ 14.95 $ 17.45 $ 17.55 $ 15.85 $ 21.85 $ 18.20 $ 13.70 $ 13.55 $ 8.65 $ 7.30 $ 13.555 $ 8.65 $ 6.50 $ 8.65 $ 29.95 $ 34.30 $ 4.25 $ 29.45 $ 17.55 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 14.25 $ 14.95 $ 6.80 $ 18.45 $ 9.85

70.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 70.0 93.0 53.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 72.5 92.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.6 94.6 70.0 70.0 100.0 90.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 151.0 151.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 70.0

Rum 0065B Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065D Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065L Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0077B Admiral Nelson Cherry 0094B Appleton Estate Extra 12Yr 0095B Appleton White Rum 0096B Appleton Estate Reserve 0097B Appleton Special Gold Rum 0098B Appleton Estate 21 0099B Appleton Vx 0099D Appleton Vx 0197L Aristocrat Rum 0355B Atlantico 0390B Bacardi 8 Rum 8Yr 0392B Bacardi Arctic Grape 0394B Bacardi Big Apple 0397B Bacardi Gold Reserve 0400B Bacardi Coco Rum 0401B Bacardi Select Rum 0401L Bacardi Select Rum 0402B Bacardi Gold Traveler 0405B Bacardi Dragonberry 0405D Bacardi Dragonberry 0412B Bacardi Limon Rum 0412D Bacardi Limon Rum 0412L Bacardi Limon Rum 0420B Bacardi O Rum 0420L Bacardi O Rum 0422B Bacardi Oakheart 0422D Bacardi Oakheart 0425B Bacardi Peach Red 0427B Bacardi Pineapple Fusion 0430B Bacardi Oakheart On Premis 0432B Bacardi Razz Rum 0439B Bacardi Superior Traveler 0441B Bacardi Grand Melon 0444E Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak 0447B Bacardi Torched Cherry 0447D Bacardi Torched Cherry 0448B Bacardi Rock Coconut 0501D Mr Boston Light 0501L Mr Boston Light 0502D Mr Boston Dark 0502L Mr Boston Dark 0510B Bacardi 151 Rum 0510L Bacardi 151 Rum 0512B Bacardi Gold Rum 0512D Bacardi Gold Rum 0512L Bacardi Gold Rum 0524B Barbancourt Res. Speciale 0536D Ronrico Gold Rum 0536L Ronrico Gold Rum 0537B Ronrico Silver Rum 0537D Ronrico Silver Rum 0537L Ronrico Silver Rum 0539B Myers Original Dark Rum 0539D Myers Original Dark Rum 0539L Myers Original Dark Rum 0544B Bacardi Superior Light 0544D Bacardi Superior Light 0544E Bacardi Superior Light 0544L Bacardi Superior Light 0547B Bacardi Wolf Berry 0844L Beer Barrel Saloon WH Rum 0869B Bacardi Anejo 0899B Black Beard Spiced Rum 0919L Black Roberts Spiced Rum 0947B Blackheart Prem Spiced Rum 0954B Blue Chair Bay Coconut Milk Rum 0965D Bocador White Rum Florida 0965L Bocador White Rum Florida 1010B 10 Cane Rum 1010E 10 Cane Rum 1468B Brugal Especial Extra Dry 1469B Brugal 1888 1494B Brugal Anejo Rum 1496B British Navy Pussers Rum 1550L Calico Jack Spiced Rum 1565B Cabana Cachaca 1578B Calypso Spiced Rum 1578D Calypso Spiced Rum 1656E Lady Bligh Spiced 1672E Sailor Jerry Spiced NVY Rum 1755B Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755D Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755E Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755L Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1765D Captain Morgan Spice Barrel 1757B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1757D Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1758B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl 1761B Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1761L Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1762B Captain Morgan Traveler Rum 1763B Captain Morgan Lime Bite 1764B Captain Morgan Spiced Ltd Edition 1766L Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont 1768B Captain Morgan Slvr Spice 1769B Captain Morgan Pvt Stock 1772L Captain Morgan Tattoo 1773B Captain White Rum 1827D Castillo Gold Label 1827L Castillo Gold Label 1829B Castillo Silver Rum 1829D Castillo Silver Rum 1829L Castillo Silver Rum 1838B Castillo Spiced Rum 1838L Castillo Spiced Rum 2067B Clement Creole Shrubb 2069B Clement Vsop 2315B Coruba Spiced 2388B Crusoe Organic Spiced Rum 2398L Cruzan 151 Prf Rum 2400L Cruzan Black Cherry 2401L Cruzan Bananna 2402L Cruzan Pineapple 2403L Cruzan Blackstrap 2415B Cruzan Estate Diamond 2416L Cruzan Mango 2417B Cruzan Estate Sngl Brl Rum 2418B Cruzan Junkanu Citris


Ohio Wholesale Price List 2419L Cruzan Coconut $ 6.80 55.0 2421L Cruzan Vanilla $ 6.80 55.0 2422B Cruzan Estate Dark $ 9.90 80.0 2423B Cruzan Estate Light $ 9.90 80.0 2423D Cruzan Estate Light $ 10.75 80.0 2424L Cruzan Guava $ 6.80 55.0 2425B Cruzan 9 $ 10.10 80.0 2734B Don Q Cristal $ 9.65 80.0 2739B Don Q Gold $ 9.65 80.0 2742B Don Q Gran Anejo Rum $ 51.80 80.0 2936B English Harbour $ 27.45 80.0 2943B Erie Island Silver Rum $ 21.95 80.0 3027B Flor De Cana Extra Seco $ 13.40 80.0 3030L Flor De Cana Anejo Oro $ 16.70 80.0 3046B Flip Flop Silver Rum $ 8.05 80.0 3047B Flip Flop Spiced Rum $ 8.05 70.0 3787B Goslings Black Seal $ 15.20 80.0 4735B Hooks Black Spiced Rum $ 15.00 70.0 5209B John Mcculloch Rum $ 22.10 80.0 5488B Kraken Black Spiced $ 15.10 94.0 5488D Kraken Black Spiced $ 24.90 94.0 5493L Lady Bligh Banana $ 8.85 48.0 5495L Lady Bligh Cherry $ 8.85 48.0 5498B Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler $ 6.40 72.5 5499B Lady Bligh Spiced $ 6.40 72.5 5499D Lady Bligh Spiced $ 11.80 72.5 5499L Lady Bligh Spiced $ 8.85 72.5 5500L Lady Bligh Coconut $ 8.85 48.0 5502L Lady Bligh Mango $ 8.85 48.0 5503L Lady Bligh Pineapple $ 8.85 48.0 5504L Lady Bligh Vanilla $ 8.85 48.0 5505B Lady Bligh 151 Rum $ 13.40 151.0 5506L Lady Bligh J-Pack Gift $ 13.40 60.2 6068B Malibu Black $ 11.35 70.0 6069B Malibu Rum $ 11.35 48.0 6069D Malibu Rum $ 24.90 48.0 6069L Malibu Rum $ 17.45 48.0 6071B Malibu Red $ 11.35 70.0 6073B Malibu Island Spiced $ 12.50 60.0 6115B Margaritaville Jamican SPI $ 12.55 70.0 6115L Margaritaville Jamican SPI $ 18.00 70.0 6120B Margaritaville Prem Dark $ 12.55 80.0 6121B Margaritaville Prem Silver $ 12.55 80.0 6360D Mc Cormick Rum $ 14.05 80.0 6360L Mc Cormick Rum $ 8.05 80.0 6441D Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 14.45 80.0 6441L Meiers Gd Label V Islands $ 8.25 80.0 6442B Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 4.80 80.0 6442D Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 14.45 80.0 6442L Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum $ 8.25 80.0 6643D Montego Bay Silver $ 14.05 80.0 6651B Mt Gay Xtra Old Rum $ 9.90 86.0 6652B Mt Gay Eclipse $ 16.85 80.0 6652D Mt Gay Eclipse $ 29.25 80.0 6653B Mt Gay Eclipse Silver $ 13.40 80.0 6654B Mt Gay Black $ 16.55 80.0 6655B Mt Gay 1703 Old Cask Selec $ 90.85 86.0 6657B Mt Gay Black Barrel $ 23.80 86.0 6699L Myers's Platinum $ 11.05 80.0 7692B Oronoco Platinum Reserve $ 25.00 80.0 7718L Paladar White Rum PVT Label $ 8.25 80.0 7722B Panama Jack Spiced $ 25.40 70.0 7730L Paramount 151 $ 19.30 151.0 7788L Paramount Dragon Fruit $ 10.60 80.0 7835B Paramount Gold Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7835D Paramount Gold Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7835L Paramount Gold Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7836B Paramount White Lbl $ 7.30 80.0 7836D Paramount White Lbl $ 14.45 80.0 7836L Paramount White Lbl $ 8.25 80.0 7839L Paramount Whipt Creme $ 10.60 80.0 8296B Portside Dist Hop Rum $ 21.30 80.0 8297B Porside Distill Spiced Rum $ 23.40 100.0 8299B Porside Distill Vanil Maple $ 23.40 80.0 8326B Pyrat X O Reserve $ 21.20 80.0 8329B Pyrat Cask 1623 $ 102.60 80.0 8330B Pucker Citrus Squeeze $ 8.80 70.0 8331B Pucker Grape Gone Wild $ 8.15 70.0 8332B Pucker Sour Apple Sass $ 8.15 70.0 8333B Pucker Wild Cherry Tease $ 8.15 70.0 8474B Rogue Dark Rum $ 27.35 80.0 8475B Rogue $ 14.20 80.0 8493B Ron Abuelo Anejo $ 13.50 80.0 8494B Ron Abuelo Anejo 7 Anos $ 21.30 80.0 8495B Ron Abuelo Anejo 12 Anos $ 28.30 80.0 8498B Ron Matusalem Classico $ 16.90 80.0 8500B Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva $ 7.75 80.0 8502B Ron Matusalem Platino $ 5.95 80.0 8533D Ronrico Clipper Spiced Rum $ 14.05 70.0 8645B Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 16.85 92.0 8645D Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 30.10 92.0 8645L Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum $ 21.05 92.0 8646B Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr $ 16.85 92.0 8881B Seagrams Brazil Citrus Rum $ 3.45 70.0 8882B Seagrams Brazilian $ 3.45 80.0 8957B ShellBack Silver $ 9.90 80.0 8958B Shellback Spiced Rum $ 9.90 80.0 9065B Spiced Jack No 94 $12.30 94.0 9080B Spirits Of Yellow Springs $17.65 44.0 9229B Tommy Bahama Golden Sun $ 9.15 80.0 9230B Tommy Bahama White Sand $ 9.15 80.0 9307L Trader Vics Priv Sel Silvr $ 10.60 80.0 9357L Undo's Rum $ 20.60 80.0 9358L Undo's Spiced Rum $22.30 80.0 9530D Well Rum $ 14.65 88.0 9530L Well Rum $ 8.30 88.0 9570B Whaler's Vanilla $ 6.20 60.0 9675B Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof $ 19.10 126.0 9711L Ypioca Cachaca Crystal $18.45 78.0 9729B Zaya Rum $ 25.60 80.0 Scotch 0018B Aberlour 18 Yr 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr Sm 0020B Aberlour A'bunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 12 Yr 0032B Aberfeldy 21 Yr 0103B Ardmore Scotch 0107B Ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt 0111B Ardbeg Galileo 0115B Ardbeg Ardbog 0201B Pinch - Haig 15 Yr 0202B Dewars 0202D Dewars 0202E Dewars 0202L Dewars 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr


$ 86.65 $ 38.70 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 22.00 $ 44.70 $ 82.35 $ 86.50 $ 29.70 $ 19.40 $ 42.40 $ 21.15 $ 28.05 $ 22.35

86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 98.0 104.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

0204D Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 44.15 80.0 0204L Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr $ 29.15 80.0 0206D Ushers Green Stripe $ 22.25 80.0 0208B Lauders 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0208D Lauders 3 Yr $ 17.10 80.0 0208L Lauders 3 Yr $ 10.35 80.0 0212B Grants Stand Fast $ 14.25 80.0 0212D Grants Stand Fast $ 31.85 80.0 0213D Old Smuggler $ 18.80 80.0 0213L Old Smuggler $ 11.45 80.0 0215B Chivas Regal $ 25.55 80.0 0215D Chivas Regal $ 61.40 80.0 0215L Chivas Regal $ 38.55 80.0 0225B Cutty Sark $ 16.00 80.0 0225D Cutty Sark $ 33.60 80.0 0225L Cutty Sark $ 21.10 80.0 0227B White Horse $ 12.55 80.0 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 35.10 80.0 0232D Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 69.15 80.0 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr $ 44.80 80.0 0238B J & B Rare $ 18.95 80.0 0238D J & B Rare $ 36.35 80.0 0238L J & B Rare $ 23.70 80.0 0239B Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 8.15 80.0 0239D Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 17.50 80.0 0239L Grand Macnish 3 Yr $ 10.60 80.0 0241D Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 16.65 80.0 0241L Highland Mist 3 Yr $ 9.75 80.0 0246D Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 16.50 80.0 0246L Inverhouse 3 Yr $ 10.45 80.0 0249D J W Dant Scotch $ 9.85 80.0 0253B Ballantines $ 13.40 80.0 0281B Jameson Irish Whsky $ 22.70 80.0 0281D Jameson Irish Whsky $ 48.35 80.0 0281L Jameson Irish Whsky $ 31.45 80.0 0282B Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 18.45 80.0 0282L Bushmills Irish Wsky $ 29.80 80.0 0375B Auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms $ 49.20 86.0 0377B Auchentoshan Classic Sms $ 24.75 80.0 0493B Balvenie Single 15Yr $ 77.80 95.6 0496B Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask $ 57.75 86.0 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr $ 49.05 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr $156.45 86.0 0848L Beer Barrel Saloon Scotch $ 10.85 80.0 0908B Black Bush Irish Whsky $ 31.00 80.0 1474B Bowmore 12 Yr $ 34.25 80.0 1481B Bowmore Legend Sms $ 23.00 80.0 1486B Bunnahabhain Red Seal $ 88.70 80.0 1488B Bunnahabhain 12 Yr $ 47.45 80.0 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch $ 31.55 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1516B Bushmills Irish Honey $ 19.40 80.0 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt $ 61.55 80.0 1520B Bushmills 10 Yr Irish $ 36.35 80.0 1635E Glenlivet Tri Pack $ 51.80 82.0 1636E Glenfiddich 45 Combo $ 29.60 82.0 1648E Jameson Irish Whsky $ 7.65 80.0 1751B Caol Ila 12 Yr Scotch $ 44.30 86.0 2004B Chivas Royal Salute 21Yr $191.40 80.0 2005B Chivas Regal 25 $218.90 80.0 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr $ 43.05 80.0 2052D Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 17.05 80.0 2052L Clan Macgregor Scotch $ 10.60 80.0 2074B Clontarf Classic Blend $ 17.60 80.0 2076D Cluny Scotch $ 10.75 80.0 2078B Clynelish $ 31.05 92.0 2261B Concannon Irish Whiskey $ 19.50 80.0 2355B Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr $ 48.30 80.0 2491B Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr $ 117.60 90.0 2495B Dalmore 12 $ 36.10 80.0 2498B Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr $ 52.70 86.0 2671B Dewars Highlander Honey $ 21.20 80.0 2673B Dewar's Signature $189.75 86.0 2674B Dewars Spec Rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch $ 27.20 80.0 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr $ 23.90 80.0 3003B Feckin Irish Whsky $ 16.90 80.0 3606B Glenfiddich Spec Res 12 Yr $ 36.95 80.0 3607B Glen Garioch $ 16.35 86.0 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr $ 52.60 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Soler Rsv 15 Yr $ 48.20 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancnt Rsv 18 Yr $ 76.00 86.0 3633B Glenfiddich Grand Reserva $ 147.75 80.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15Yr Distly Edition $ 51.80 102.0 3640B Glenlivet 18 Year $ 82.15 86.0 3641B Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 36.10 80.0 3641D Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 68.55 80.0 3641L Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr $ 43.75 80.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 86 21 Yr $120.70 86.0 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Yr $ 34.25 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr $ 47.45 80.0 3647B Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr $ 60.50 112.4 3649B Glenmorangie Lasanta $ 44.95 92.0 3650E Glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml $ 15.50 89.2 3653B Glenmorangie 18 $ 86.50 86.0 3654B Glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 $ 69.25 96.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 43.05 92.0 3658B Glenmorangie Nectar D Or $ 53.40 92.0 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 38.80 80.0 3699B Glenrothes Scotch $ 67.75 86.0 3835B Grand Macnish 12 $ 17.75 80.0 4291B Highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr $ 39.50 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18Y $ 86.50 86.0 4895B Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 23.20 80.0 4895L Irishman Original Clan Whiskey $ 18.80 80.0 5075B Jameson Gold $ 69.25 80.0 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. $ 287.35 92.0 5081B Jameson 18 Yr $ 77.95 80.0 5083B Jameson 12 Yr $ 45.55 80.0 5145B John Barr Red $ 11.40 80.0 5145D John Barr Red $ 16.15 80.0 5207B J. Mcdougals Bladnoch $ 77.45 111.6 5212B John Power & Son Irish Gld $ 25.60 80.0 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue $ 203.95 80.0 5222B Johnnie Walker Double Black $ 40.40 80.0 5225B Johnny Walker Blk 100 Annivesary $ 36.85 80.0 5229B Johnnie Walker Gold 18 Yr $ 81.70 80.0 5230B Johnie Walker Swing $ 37.90 80.0 5231B Johnnie Walker Grn $ 50.50 86.0 5384B Kilbeggan $ 14.30 80.0 5507B Lagavaulin Distillers Ed. $ 86.90 86.0 5508B Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr $ 79.95 86.0 5542B Laphroaig 18 Yr $ 74.65 96.0 5543B Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr $ 55.45 115.6 5544B Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr $ 41.35 86.0 6012B Macallan Cask Strength Sms $ 51.80 117.6 6013B Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt $ 43.05 86.0 6013D Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt $ 86.00 86.0 6016B Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt $ 112.20 86.0 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr $ 34.35 80.0

Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 63

Ohio Wholesale Price List 6018B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr 6024B Macallan 25 Yr 6025B Macallan 30 Yr 6344B Mcclellands Islay 6346B Mcclellands Highlnd 6395B Mcivor Scotch 6574B Midleton 6576B Michael Collins Blended 6747B Oban Distillers Addition 6748B Oban Single Malt 14 7480B Old Pulteney 12 Yr 7721L Paddy Irish Whiskey 7980D Passport Scotch 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8480B Rogue Malt Whiskey 8383B Redbreast Irish Whiskey 12 Yr 8853D Scoresby Scotch 8983B Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr 9026B Slane Castle 9063B Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr 9064B Speyburn Bradan Orach 9145B Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr 9150B Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr 9182L Teachers 9188B Famous Grouse 9188D Famous Grouse 9317B Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9317L Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9327B Tullibardine Sovereign 9328B Tullibardine500 9605B Wild Scotsman 15 Yr 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label

$ 82.35 $ 686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 130.70 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 74.65 $ 25.60 $ 18.65 $ 23.10 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 42.55 $ 51.65 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 17.65 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 42.95 $ 56.05 $ 17.95 $ 19.60

86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 92.0 94.0

Tequila 0038L Agavales Tequila Gold 110 $ 17.95 64.0 0039B Agavero Orange Tequila $ 18.60 110.0 0040B Agave Loco $ 28.40 71.0 0048B Agavales Gold 80 $ 14.20 80.0 0050B Alien Tequila Silver $ 37.40 80.0 0093L Aqui Vamos Teq Blanco $ 9.50 80.0 0371B Asombroso Silver $ 8.95 80.0 0372B Avion Anejo $ 38.45 80.0 0373B Avion Reposado $ 38.45 80.0 0374B Avion Silver $ 38.45 80.0 0487B Baluarte Tequila $ 10.15 80.0 0849L Beer Barrel Saloon WH Tequila $ 10.85 80.0 1544B Cabo Wabo Anejo $ 38.70 80.0 1545B Cabo Wabo Blanco $ 25.55 80.0 1546B Cabo Wabo Reposado $ 31.65 80.0 1628E Cuervo Especial Silver 200 $ 5.50 80.0 1662E Patron Anejo $ 8.00 80.0 1664E Patron Silver 200Ml $ 14.65 80.0 1674E Sauza Hornitos Plata $ 5.25 80.0 1676E Patron Reposado $ 15.50 80.0 1810B Casa Noble Crystal $ 34.95 80.0 1811B Casa Noble Anejo $ 49.80 80.0 1812B Casa Noble Reposado $ 43.95 80.0 1846B Cazadores Anejo $ 29.90 80.0 1847B Cazadores Blanco $ 16.85 80.0 1848B Cazadores Reposado $ 21.20 80.0 1857B Centenario Plata $ 25.55 80.0 1858B Centenario Reposado $ 21.05 80.0 1859B Centenario Rosangel $ 9.60 80.0 1860B Centenario Tenampa Azul $ 16.85 80.0 1861B Chamucos Blanco Esp Teq $ 38.45 80.0 1862B Chamucos Reposado Esp Teq $ 42.65 80.0 2280B Corazon Tequila Anjeo $ 34.35 80.0 2281B Corazon Blanco $ 21.25 80.0 2282B Corazon Reposado $ 25.60 80.0 2306B Coronado Tequila $ 10.70 90.0 2317B Corzo Reposado $ 43.05 80.0 2381B Cruz Del Sol Reposado $ 44.80 80.0 2382B Cruz Del Sol Silver $ 43.05 80.0 2318B Corzo Silver $ 36.00 80.0 2410B Cuervo Especial $ 17.50 80.0 2410D Cuervo Especial $ 31.85 80.0 2410E Cuervo Especial $ 13.75 80.0 2410L Cuervo Especial $ 23.60 80.0 2411B 1800 Reposado Teq $ 24.70 80.0 2411D 1800 Reposado Teq $ 35.30 80.0 2411L 1800 Reposado Teq $ 29.75 80.0 2650B Del Maguey Vida $ 29.45 84.0 2681B Diosa Almond $ 34.25 50.0 2682B Diosa Mango $ 34.25 50.0 2710B Don Eduardo Anejo $ 30.00 80.0 2720B Don Julio 1942 $109.20 80.0 2721B Don Julio Anejo $ 52.70 80.0 2721E Don Julio Anejo $ 26.65 80.0 2722B Don Julio Blanco $ 44.80 80.0 2722D Don Julio Blanco $ 36.75 80.0 2724B Don Julio Reposado $ 46.55 80.0 2725B Don Julio Real $263.50 80.0 2726B Don Julio 70Th Anniversary $ 53.55 80.0 2758B Dos Lunas Teq Anejo $18.65 80.0 2759B Dos Lunas Teq Reposado $17.15 80.0 2760B Dos Lunas Silver $ 31.75 80.0 2761B Dos Manos Blanco $ 7.75 80.0 2762L Dos Oros Reposado $ 20.40 80.0 2763L Dos Oros Blanco Teq $ 20.40 80.0 2883B El Arco Anejo $ 50.75 80.0 2884B El Arco Blanco $ 43.70 80.0 2885B El Arco Reposado $ 50.75 80.0 2891B El Caballo Estrella Mixto $16.00 80.0 2894B 1800 Coconut Tequila $ 24.70 70.0 2899B El Charro Reposado $12.55 80.0 2900B El Charro Silver $12.55 80.0 2903B 1800 Tequila Silver $ 23.80 80.0 2903D 1800 Tequila Silver $ 35.30 80.0 2903L 1800 Tequila Silver $ 29.75 80.0 2905B 1800 Select Silver $ 29.90 100.0 2907B El Grado Blanco $ 12.35 80.0 2908B 1800 Collection Extra Anejo $ 1556.30 80.0 2909B El JUNEor Anejo $ 30.00 80.0 2910B El JUNEor Blanco $ 21.25 80.0 2911B El JUNEor Reposado $ 17.10 80.0 2914B El Jimador Anejo $ 8.10 80.0 2916B El Jimador Blanco $ 16.00 80.0 2916D El Jimador Blanco $ 28.35 80.0 2916L El Jimador Blanco $ 20.15 80.0 2917B El Jimador Reposado $ 16.00 80.0 2917D El Jimador Reposado $ 28.35 80.0 2913B El Tesoro Platinum $ 35.10 80.0 2921B El Tesoro Repasado Teq $ 39.50 80.0 2926B El Toro Gold $ 10.80 80.0 2926D El Toro Gold $ 23.15 80.0 2926L El Toro Gold $ 15.80 80.0

64 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

2927B El Toro Silver 2927D El Toro Silver 2927L El Toro Silver 2931B El Zarco Gold 2931L El Zarco Gold 2932B El Zarco Silver 2932L El Zarco Silver 2937B Espolon Blanco 2940B Espolon Reposado 2957L Exotico Blanco 2958L Exotico Reposado 2996B Familia Camarena Reposado 2997B Familia Camarena Silver 3521L Gavilan Gold Tequila 3522L Gavilan White Tequila 3820B Gran Patron Platinum Teq 4109B Herradura Anejo 4111B Herradura Rep Col Cog Fins 4112B Herradura Colec De La Casa 4114B Herradura Reposado 4115B Herradura Silver 4119B Herradura Reposado Barrel 5237B Cuervo Tradicional Silver 5240L Cuervo Black Medallion 5243B Cuervo Tradicional 5244B 1800 Anejo 5245B Cuervo Rsva De La Famila 5247B Cuervo Especial Silver 5247D Cuervo Especial Silver 5247E Cuervo Especial Silver 5247L Cuervo Especial Silver 5249L Juarez Silver 5250L Juarez Gold 5253B Cuervo Platino 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5291B Kah Anejo 5292B Kah Blanco 5291B Kah Anejo 5293B Kah Reposado 5497B La Prima White 5497D La Prima White 5497L La Prima White 5501B La Prima Gold Teq 5501D La Prima Gold Teq 5501L La Prima Gold Teq 6001B Luna Nueva Anejo 6002B Luna Nueva Reposado 6003B Luna Nueva Silver 6004B Lunazul Blanco 6005B Lunazul Reposado 6058B Maestro Dobel 6110B Margaritaville Island Lime 6112B Margaritaville Trop Tanger 6117B Margaritaville Last Mango 6118B Margaritaville Teq Silver 6119B Margaritaville Teq Gold 6119D Margaritaville Teq Gold 6342L Matadoe White Teq 6345L Matador Gold Teq 6570L Mi Cosecha Gold Teq 6580B Milagro Silver 6582B Milagro Teq Sbr Anejo 6584B Milagro Anejo 6585B Milagro Reposado 6586B Milagro Sbr Rep 6588B Milagro Sbr Silver 6642B Monte Alban Tequila 6645L Montezuma Blue 6647L Montezuma White - Mexico 6649L Montezuma Gold – Mexico 6731B 901 Silver Tequila 6863B Voodoo Tiki Anejo 6864B Voodootiki Blue Dragon 6865B Voodootiki Desert Rose 6866B Voodootiki Green Dragon 6867B Voodootiki Platinum 6868B Voodootiki Raposado 7678B Olemeca Altos Plata 7684B Olmeca Altos Reposado 7690B Oro De Jalisco Silver 7978B Partida Tequila Reposado 7979B Partida Blanco 7982B Patron Anejo 7982D Patron Anejo 7984B Patron Silver 7984D Patron Silver 7985B Patron Reposado 8063B Pepe Lopez Gold 8280B Porfidio Plata 8281B Porfidio Silver 8440D Rio Grande Silver 8440L Rio Grande Silver 8442L Rio Grande Gold 8717B Cien Anos Blanco 8718B Cien Anos Reposado 8719B Sauza Blanco 8719L Sauza Blanco 8719D Sauza Silver 8721B Sauza Tres Gen Plata Teq. 8722B Sauza Tres Gener Anejo 8723B Sauza Extra Gold 8723D Sauza Extra Gold 8723L Sauza Extra Gold 8724B Sauza Tres Gen Reposado 8727B Sauza Conmemorativo 8733B Sauza Hornitos Anejo 8734B Sauza Hornitos Plata 8734D Sauza Hornitos Plata 8737B Sauza Blue Silver 8738L Sauza Giro Gold 8739L Sauza Giro Silver 8742B Sauza Extra Anejo 8860B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 1 Yr 8861B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 3 Yr 8862B Scorpian Mezcal Reposado 8863B Scorpian Mezcal Silver 8931B Senor Frogs Plata 8932B Senor Frogs Reposado 8942B Semential Silver Teq 8970B Siete Leguas Reposado 9089B Suavecito Blanco 9169B Tarantula Azul 9170B Tarantula Reposado 9171B Tarantula Lime 9172B Tarantula Stawberry 9173B Sauza Hornitos Reposado 9176B Tequila Reposado 9177B Tequila Silver 9178B Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez

$ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 12.55 $ 11.00 $ 12.55 $ 11.00 $ 21.20 $ 21.20 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 16.85 $ 16.85 $ 9.35 $ 9.35 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 77.80 $ 77.80 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ 34.15 $ 19.45 $ 9.10 $ 19.45 $ 25.55 $ 92.85 $ 17.50 $ 31.85 $ 5.35 $ 23.60 $ 10.35 $ 10.35 $ 42.95 $ 8.25 $ 53.75 $ 40.05 $ 53.75 $ 47.95 $ 8.50 $ 17.90 $ 10.65 $ 5.30 $ 15.95 $ 9.50 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 14.25 $ 14.25 $ 42.95 $ 10.80 $ 4.15 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 22.25 $ 10.25 $ 10.25 $ 12.00 $ 25.55 $ 86.70 $ 29.10 $ 27.30 $ 60.50 $ 44.70 $ 16.90 $ 7.85 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 34.25 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 29.30 $ 14.75 $ 10.15 $ 51.70 $ 63.05 $ 43.85 $ 94.50 $ 45.60 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 14.05 $ 19.35 $ 26.35 $ 30.70 $ 39.55 $ 14.05 $ 26.35 $ 19.35 $ 26.40 $ 17.55 $ 22.80 $ 20.15 $ 30.15 $ 16.95 $ 9.65 $ 9.65 $ 132.05 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15 $ 8.60 $ 4.70 $ 38.45 $ 42.95 $ 38.70 $ 15.00 $ 7.80 $ 8.05 $ 5.25 $ 21.10 $ 14.75 $ 14.00 $ 38.70

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Ohio Wholesale Price List 9179B Teq Ocho Reposado Las Pomez $ 47.45 80.0 9180B Teq Ocho Anejo Ext El Vegl $130.35 80.0 9181B Teq Ocho Anejo San Augustn $ 50.85 80.0 9184B Tequila 30 - 30 Reposado $ 11.80 80.0 9185B Tanted Cocoa Tequila $ 34.35 80.0 9187B Tanted Jalepeno Tequila $34.35 80.0 9189B Tanteo Tropical Tequila $34.35 80.0 9199L 3 Island White Tequila $ 4.10 80.0 9222B Tierra's Anejo $ 14.00 80.0 9223B Tierra's Blanco $ 25.80 80.0 9224B Tierra's Reposado $ 14.65 80.0 9252L Tortilla Silver $ 8.35 80.0 9253L Tortilla Gold $ 8.35 80.0 9272B Tres Agaves Anejo $ 32.60 80.0 9273B Tres Agaves Blanco $ 23.90 80.0 9274B Tres Agaves Reposado $ 28.20 80.0 9308B Tres Rios Silver $ 10.20 80.0 9309B Tres Rios Reposado $ 20.15 80.0 9363B Two Fingers Tequila Gold $ 9.45 80.0 9364B Two Fingers Tequila White $ 9.45 80.0 9358L Undo's Tequila $25.50 80.0 9531D Well Tequila $ 16.85 88.0 9531L Well Tequila $ 10.00 88.0 9610B Wild Shot Reposado $ 41.35 86.8 9611B Wild Shot Silver $ 39.60 86.8 9737B Zapopan Reposado $ 7.65 80.0 Vodka 0016B Absolut Cilantro $ 14.85 80.0 0024B Absolut Grapevine $ 14.85 80.0 0027B Absolut Wild Tea $ 14.85 80.0 0028B Absolut Citron $ 14.85 80.0 0028D Absolut Citron $ 33.60 80.0 0028L Absolut Citron $ 20.95 80.0 0034B Alchemia Chocolate $ 14.75 80.0 0036B Absolut Kurant Vdk $ 6.55 80.0 0042B Absolut Apeach $ 14.85 80.0 0042L Absolut Apeach $ 17.25 80.0 0046B Absolut Cherry Kran $ 14.85 80.0 0047B Absolut Hibiskus $ 14.85 80.0 0049B Absolut Orient Apple $ 14.85 80.0 0052B Absolut Berri Acai $ 14.85 80.0 0052D Absolut Berri Acai $ 33.65 80.0 0054B Absolut 100 Black $ 21.25 100.0 0054L Absolut 100 Black $ 17.60 100.0 0055B Absolut Chicago $ 16.60 80.0 0056B Absolut San Francisco $ 16.90 80.0 0057B Absolut 80 $ 16.60 80.0 0057D Absolut 80 $ 33.60 80.0 0057E Absolut 80 $ 19.55 80.0 0057L Absolut 80 $ 25.40 80.0 0060B Absolut Pears $ 14.85 80.0 0060L Absolut Pears $ 10.65 80.0 0061B Absolut Peppar Vdk $ 17.55 80.0 0062B Absolut Ruby Red $ 14.855 80.0 0062L Absolut Ruby Red $ 9.65 80.0 0063E Absolut Mini Bar $ 6.75 80.0 0064B Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 17.55 80.0 0064D Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 33.60 80.0 0064L Absolut Mandrin Vdk $ 20.95 80.0 0068B Absolut Raspberri $ 14.85 80.0 0068L Absolut Raspberri Vodka $ 14.65 80.0 0069B Absolut Vanila $ 14.85 80.0 0069L Absolut Vanila $ 20.95 80.0 0070L Absolut & Citron Twin Pack $ 42.20 80.0 0074B Absolut Mango $ 14.85 80.0 0074L Absolut Mango $ 9.65 80.0 0080B American Harvest Organic $ 20.35 80.0 0194D Aristocrat $ 11.85 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 6.80 80.0 0450B Bakon Vodka $16.45 80.0 0194L Aristocrat $ 7.10 80.0 0737B Paramount Cherry $ 3.50 65.0 0737D Paramount Cherry $ 15.30 65.0 0737L Paramount Cherry $ 10.60 65.0 0832B Belvedere Bldy Mary $ 16.85 80.0 0834B Belvedere Pink Grapefruit $ 23.80 80.0 0835B Belvedere Black Raspberry $ 28.25 80.0 0836B Belvedere Vdk $ 25.55 80.0 0836D Belvedere Vdk $ 51.00 80.0 0836L Belvedere Vdk $ 35.40 80.0 0838B Belvedere Vdk $ 25.55 80.0 0838D Belvedere Vdk $ 51.00 80.0 0838L Belvedere Vdk $ 35.40 80.0 0840B Belvedere Ix $ 9.90 80.0 0841B Belvedere Cytrus $ 25.50 80.0 0842B Belvedere Orange $ 11.80 80.0 0845L Beer Barrel Saloon Vdk $ 8.05 80.0 0846B Belvedere Intense $ 17.40 100.0 0847B Belvedere Intense Unfiltered $ 28.15 80.0 0853B Belvedere Lemon Tea $ 19.45 80.0 0854B Belvedere Mango Passion $ 23.80 80.0 0946B Blavod The Black $ 9.65 80.0 0953B Blue Angel Vodka $ 5.15 80.0 0958B Blue Ice Vdk $ 14.30 80.0 0958D Blue Ice Vdk $ 27.55 80.0 1337B Bombora Vdk $ 10.80 80.0 1390B Bombora Vdk $ 9.00 80.0 1390L Boomerang $ 4.50 80.0 1426B Boru Original Vdk $ 10.80 80.0 1426D Boru Original Vdk $ 18.85 80.0 1475B Brewriver AJ Henkel $ 24.60 100.0 1479B Brewriver DL Billingheimer $ 19.85 80.0 1483B Boyd & Blair $ 8.95 80.0 1513B Burnetts Citrus $ 6.40 70.0 1515B Burnetts Sweet Tea Vodka $ 6.40 60.0 1523B Burnetts Espresso $ 5.15 70.0 1524B Burnetts Candy Cane $ 5.40 70.0 1525B Burnetts $ 7.30 80.0 1525D Burnetts $ 13.55 80.0 1525L Burnetts $ 9.70 80.0 1526B Burnetts Pink Lemonade $ 6.40 70.0 1527B Burnetts Raspberry $ 6.40 70.0 1528B Burnett's Vanilla $ 6.40 70.0 1529B Burnett's Fruit Punch $ 7.30 70.0 1530B Burnetts Sour Apple $ 9.05 70.0 1531B Burnetts Cherry $ 6.40 70.0 1533B Burnetts Blueberry $ 4.50 70.0 1534B Burnetts Strawberry $ 6.40 70.0 1535B Burnetts Blue Raspberry $ 6.40 70.0 1536B Burnetts Orange Creme Vodka $ 6.40 70.0 1538B Burnetts Strawberry Banana Vodka $ 6.40 70.0 1537B Burnetts Sugar Cookie $ 7.30 70.0 1539B Burnetts Watermelon $ 6.40 70.0 1540B Burnetts Whipped Cream $ 6.40 70.0 1541B Burnetts Pumpkin Spice $ 6.40 70.0


1605E Absolut 200 ML $ 6.10 80.0 1610E Belvedere 200 ML $ 6.80 80.0 1611E Burnetts Vodka $ 2.95 80.0 1619E Ciroc Coconut $ 8.00 70.0 1620E Ciroc Luxury $ 8.00 70.0 1621E Ciroc Red Berry $ 8.00 70.0 1622E Ciroc Peachy $ 8.00 80.0 1640E Grey Goose 200Ml $ 7.30 80.0 1641E Grey Goose L'orange $ 7.30 80.0 1643E Grey Goose Le Citron $ 4.80 80.0 1657E New Amsterdam Peach 200ML $ 2.95 70.0 1658E New Amsterdam Berry 200ML $ 2.95 70.0 1661E Paramount 100 Vodka $ 4.20 100.0 1675E Skyy 200 $ 4.30 80.0 1676E Smirnoff 100 $ 5.25 100.0 1677E Sobiekski 200 ML $ 2.45 80.0 1678E Svedka Traveler 200 $ 3.30 80.0 1852B Chambord Flavored Vodka $ 10.00 75.0 1983B Chilled Dill Pickle Vodka $ 20.05 70.0 2009B Chopin $ 23.80 80.0 2009D Chopin $ 37.95 80.0 2011B Chopin Wheat Vodka $ 16.85 80.0 2012B Chopin Rye Vodka $ 16.85 80.0 2013E Chopin Petite Set $ 4.25 80.0 2047B Ciroc Amaretto $ 29.95 70.0 2048B Ciroc Super Premium $ 29.95 80.0 2048D Ciroc Super Premium $ 64.10 80.0 2048L Ciroc Super Premium $ 36.15 80.0 2050B Ciroc Coconut $ 29.95 70.0 2050L Ciroc Coconut $ 36.15 70.0 2051B Ciroc Peach $ 29.95 70.0 2051L Ciroc Peach $ 36.15 70.0 2053B Ciroc Red Berry $ 29.95 70.0 2053D Ciroc Red Berry $ 64.10 70.0 2053L Ciroc Red Berry $ 36.15 70.0 2135L Imperia Vodka $ 34.15 80.0 2071L Clique Vodka $ 7.45 80.0 2358L Crav Vodka $ 28.60 80.0 2385B Cristall Signature Series $ 6.85 80.0 2392D Crown Russe 80 Proof Vdk $ 11.75 80.0 2392L Crown Russe $ 6.85 80.0 2444B Crystal Head $ 49.50 80.0 2444D Crystal Head $ 77.10 80.0 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vodka $ 5.75 70.0 2456B Cupcake Devils Food Vodka $ 5.75 70.0 2457B Cupcake Frosting Vodka $ 5.75 70.0 2458B Cupcake Original Vodka $ 5.75 70. 2452B Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka $ 16.85 80.0 2452D Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka $ 30.10 80.0 2509B Dancing Tree Vodka Grain $ 29.90 80.0 2510B Dancing Tree Vodka Grapes $ 29.90 80.0 2516B Deep Eddy Cranberry Vodka $ 16.00 70.0 2658B Denaka $ 6.45 70.0 2659B Denaka Black Cherry $ 5.40 70.0 2662B Devil Springs $ 13.40 160.0 2778B Double Cross Vodka $ 30.85 80.0 2782B Downunder $ 7.40 80.0 2784B Dragon Breath Vodka $ 16.50 80.0 2893B Ed Hardy $ 23.85 80.0 2893L Ed Hardy $ 20.35 80.0 2887B Effen Salted Caramel $ 20.35 75.0 2895B Effen Cucumber $ 20.35 75.0 2896B Effen Black Cherry $ 20.35 75.0 2897B Effen $ 20.35 80.0 2898B Effen Raspberry $ 22.15 80.0 2928B Epic Coconut Vodka $ 8.15 70.0 2929B Epic Peach Vodka $ 8.15 70.0 2930B Epic Vodka $ 8.15 80.0 2952B Everclear $ 15.10 190.0 2956L Eristoff Vodka $ 7.55 80.0 3011B Finlandia 80 $ 13.40 80.0 3011D Finlandia 80 $ 24.90 80.0 3011L Finlandia 80 $ 19.25 80.0 3014B Finlandia Grapefruit $ 13.40 75.0 3016B Firefly Sweet Tea $ 15.15 70.0 3016D Firefly Sweet Tea $ 9.25 70.0 3019B Finlandia Mango Fusion $ 5.95 75.0 3020B Finlandia Tangerine Fusion $ 13.40 75.0 3021B Finlandia Wild Berries $ 5.65 70.0 3023B Firestarter Vodka $ 19.50 80.0 3025B Firefly Mint Tea $ 5.80 70.0 3026B Firefly Raspberry Tea Vdk $ 6.30 70.0 3028B Firefly Skinny Tea $ 15.15 60.0 3031B Finlandia Rasperry $ 13.40 75.0 3035B 4 Orange Vodka $ 7.15 80.0 3048B 4 Orange Vodka $ 30.85 80.0 3082B Fris Citrus Vodka $ 8.75 70.0 3083B Fris Orange Vodka $ 8.75 70.0 3084B Fris Vodka $ 8.75 70.0 3084D Fris Vodka $ 16.15 70.0 3084L Fris Vodka $ 11.35 70.0 3086B Frozen Ghost Vodka $ 9.00 80.0 3072L 42 Below Pure $ 11.75 84.0 3079B 44 North Huckleberry Vodka $ 21.25 70.0 3080B 44 North North Rainer Vodka $ 21.25 70.0 3084B Fris $ 8.75 80.0 3084D Fris $ 16.20 80.0 3084L Fris $ 10.60 80.0 3088B Fuzzy $ 25.60 80.0 3089B Fris Blueberry Vodka $ 4.40 70.0 3097B Galens $ 13.40 151.0 3579B Gilbey’s Trvlr 80 $ 7.40 80.0 3586B Gilbey's Vdk 100 $ 8.20 100.0 3586D Gilbey's Vdk 100 $ 18.45 100.0 3691B Godiva Chocolate $ 6.60 60.0 3692B Godiva Chocolate Raspberry $ 6.60 60.0 3783B Gordons Traveler $ 8.20 80.0 3888B Grand Touring Vodka $ 4.25 80.0 3906B Grey Goose Cherry Noir $ 25.55 80.0 3906L Grey Goose Cherry Noir $ 34.95 80.0 3907B Grey Goose $ 25.55 80.0 3907D Grey Goose $ 52.75 80.0 3907L Grey Goose $ 34.95 80.0 3909B Grey Goose La Poire $ 25.55 80.0 3909L Grey Goose La Poire VDK $ 14.90 80.0 3910B Grey Goose L'orange $ 25.55 80.0 3910L Grey Goose L'Orange VDK $ 14.90 80.0 3911L Grey Goose Gift $ 55.30 80.0 3912B Grey Goose Le Citron $ 25.55 80.0 3912L Grey Goose Le Citron VDK $ 14.90 80.0 3919E Grey Goose 50Ml Multi-Pack $ 8.45 80.0 3968B Hammer & Sickle Vdk $ 16.85 80.0 3971B Hangar One Straight $ 25.55 80.0 3973B Hangar One Chipotle Chili $ 25.55 80.0 3975B Hangar One Kaffir Lime Vdk $ 25.55 80.0 3976B Hangar One Mandarin $ 25.55 80.0 3977B Hangar One Blueberry $ 25.55 80.0 4869B Iceburg Vdk $ 4.10 80.0 4932B Ivanbitch Peach Vodka $ 8.15 80.0

Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 65

Ohio Wholesale Price List 4933B Ivanbitch Vodka 5000D Gilbey's Vdk 80 5000L Gilbey's Vdk 80 5004D Crystal Vdk 80 5004L Crystal Vdk 80 5013D Fleischmann Royal 5015D Wolfschmidt 5015L Wolfschmidt 5016B Smirnoff #57 100 5016D Smirnoff #57 100 5016L Smirnoff #57 100 5018B Gordons 80 5018D Gordons 80 5018L Gordons 80 5020B Paramount 80 5020D Paramount 80 5020L Paramount 80 5021B Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021D Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021E Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021L Smirnoff No. 21 80 5025D Mr Boston Riva 100 5028D Barton Vdk 5028L Barton Vdk 5029B Barton Traveler 5030D Hallers 80 5030L Hallers 80 5033L Tamirov 100 5036D Nikolai 5036L Nikolai 5038B Paramount 100 5038D Paramount 100 5038L Paramount 100 5039B Paramount 90 5039D Paramount 90 5039L Paramount 90 5040B Popov 80 5040D Popov 80 5040L Popov 80 5074B James River Plant Sweet Vodka 5090B Jean Marc Xo Vdk 5106B Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5106D Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5107B Jeremiah Weed Peach Tea 5210B John Mcculloch 5258B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon 5261B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Apple Pie 5308B Kamchatka 80 5308D Kamchatka 80 5308L Kamchatka 80 5309B Kamchatka 90 5309D Kamchatka 90 5310L Kamchatka Cherry 5311L Kamchatka Grape 5313B Kamchatka Traveler 5382B Ketel One 5382D Ketel One 5382E Ketel One 5382L Ketel One 5383D Ketel One Citroen 5383L Ketel One Citroen 5385L Ketel One Oranje 5386B Khortytsa Honey Pepper 5387B Khortytsa Platinum 5489B Korski Traveler 5490B Korski 5490D Korski 5490L Korski 5492B Kutskoua 5882B Level 5966B Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher Van 5967B Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg 5968B Lil Blk Drs Classic 5969B Lil Blk Drs Pineapp Hony 6008B Luksusowa 6008D Luksusowa 5013L Fleischmann Royal 80 Proof 6391B Mc Cormick 6391D Mc Cormick 6391L Mc Cormick 6428B Medea 6460L Meier's Vdk Plastic 6591B Kru Vodka 6620B Monopolowa Potato 6659B Moon Mountain Vodka 6660B Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus 6661B Moon Mtn Wild Raspberry 6713B New Amsterdam Citron 6714B New Amsterdam Coconut 6715B New Amsterdam Berry 6718B New Amsterdam Vodka 6718D New Amsterdam Vodka 6718L New Amsterdam Vodka 6719B New Amsterdam Peach Vodka 6721B New Amsterdam Orange Vodka 6722B New Amsterdam Pineapple Vodka 6741B Ocean Vodka 7336L Mr Boston Vodka 7677L Opulent Vodka 7698B Oyo 7699B Oyo Honey Vanilla Bean 7701B Oyo Stone Fruit 7716B Nutliquor Peanut Butter 7728L Paramount Orange Flv Vdk 7834L Para Ultra Bubble 7834D Para Ultra Bubble 7837L Paramount Vanilla 7846D Paramount Grape 7846L Paramount Grape 7897L Paramount Sweet Tea 7921B Paramount 100 Trvlr 7990B Peachka 7991B Pearl 7991D Pearl 7992B Pearl Pomegranate 7994B Pearl Cucumber Vdk 7995B Pearl Blueberry Vdk 7996B Pearl Coconut Vdk 7997B Pearl Plum 7998B Pearl Wedding Cake 7999B Pearl Applee Pie vodka 8001B Pearl Peach Vodka 8002B Pearl Red Berry Vodka 8074B Peureux 8230B Pinnacle Blueberry 8231B Pinnacle Key Lim Whip 8232B Pinnacle Atomic Hots 8233B Pinnacle Cookie Dough

66 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

$ 8.15 $ 14.70 $ 9.15 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 11.65 $ 14.50 $ 8.05 $ 13.30 $ 27.00 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 16.25 $ 9.70 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.85 $ 11.65 $ 21.00 $ 7.85 $ 14.05 $ 13.60 $ 11.85 $ 6.80 $ 6.00 $ 12.10 $ 7.05 $ 4.95 $ 13.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.05 $ 17.05 $ 10.60 $ 8.15 $ 16.15 $ 7.10 $ 6.90 $ 13.65 $ 8.05 $ 17.00 $ 19.85 $ 16.95 $ 8.95 $ 5.65 $ 11.90 $ 16.30 $ 16.30 $ 6.45 $ 13.65 $ 7.85 $ 8.90 $ 16.20 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 6.45 $ 21.90 $ 43.80 $ 20.90 $ 31.15 $ 43.00 $ 31.15 $ 31.15 $ 14.10 $ 15.20 $ 6.40 $ 6.40 $ 12.70 $ 7.10 $ 8.90 $ 9.65 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 23.20 $ 6.70 $ 6.55 $ 13.30 $ 7.65 $ 11.45 $ 6.70 $ 12.50 $ 7.85 $ 3.75 $ 3.75 $ 3.75 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $18.80 $13.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 25.60 $ 6.75 $ 17.55 $ 24.60 $ 26.35 $ 26.35 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 10.60 $ 5.00 $ 3.15 $ 15.30 $ 11.00 $ 5.55 $ 9.05 $ 3.30 $ 8.15 $ 16.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 5.20 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.15 $ 8.95 $ 10.75 $ 10.75 $ 11.65 $ 10.75

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8234B Pinnacle Coconut $ 10.75 70.0 8236B Pinnacle Cake $ 10.75 70.0 8237B Pinnacle Cotton Candy $ 10.75 70.0 8238B Pinnacle Citrus $ 10.75 70.0 8239B Pinnacle Berry $ 10.75 70.0 8240B Pinnacle Butterscotch $ 6.75 70.0 8241B Pinnacle Le Double Expresso $ 5.75 70.0 8242B Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber $ 10.75 70.0 8243B Pinnacle $ 10.75 80.0 8243D Pinnacle $ 19.65 80.0 8243L Pinnacle $ 14.05 80.0 8244B Pinnacle Cherry Vdk $ 11.65 70.0 8244D Pinnacle Cherry Vdk $ 17.90 70.0 8245B Pinnacle Raspberry $ 10.75 70.0 8246B Pinnacle Grape $ 10.75 70.0 8248B Pinnacle Mango $ 10.75 70.0 8250B Pinnacle Vanilla $ 10.75 70.0 8251B Pinnacle Tropical Punch $ 10.75 70.0 8252B Pinnacle 100 $ 12.30 100.0 8253B Pinnacle Whipped $ 10.75 70.0 8253D Pinnacle Whipped $ 19.65 70.0 8254B Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped $ 10.75 70.0 8254D Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped $ 18.80 70.0 8255B Pinnacle Orange Whipped $ 11.65 70.0 8256B Pinnacle Gummy $ 11.65 70.0 8257B Pinnacle Marshmallow $ 11.65 70.0 8259B Pinnacle Peach Vodka $ 10.75 70.0 8260B Pinnacle Rainbow Sherbet $ 10.75 70.0 8261B Pinnacle Strawberry Shortc $ 10.75 70.0 8262B Pinnacle Pomegranate $ 11.65 70.0 8264B Pinnacle Orange $ 10.75 70.0 8283B Players Extreme Caramel $ 5.35 70.0 8283L Players Extreme Carame; $ 4.55 70.0 8285B Players Extrm Cherry Vdk $ 5.35 70.0 8285L Players Emtrm Cherry Vdk $12.05 70.0 8291B Popov Traveler $ 6.90 80.0 8293B Prairie Organic Kosher Vdk $ 11.70 80.0 8295B Pravda $ 6.20 80.0 8321B Proof 105 $ 8.60 105.0 8323B Purus $ 16.90 80.0 8325B Proof 110 $ 8.85 110.0 8334B Pucker Lemonad Lust Vdk $ 8.15 70.0 8336B Pucker Raspbry Rave Vdk $ 8.15 70.0 8338B Rain Organics $ 15.15 80.0 8338D Rain Organics $ 24.95 80.0 8339B Pucker Watermelon $ 8.15 70.0 8340B Pucker Primal Peach $ 8.15 70.0 8413B Reyka Vdk $ 16.85 80.0 8488B Rokk Citrus $ 3.05 70.0 8490B Rokk Orange $ 4.95 70.0 8492B Rokk $ 4.00 80.0 8627D Ruskova Genuine Russian Vd $ 16.20 80.0 8631B Russian Standard Original $ 15.15 80.0 8631D Russian Standard Original $ 24.95 80.0 8634B Russian Standard Platinum $ 19.50 80.0 8854B Skinnygirl Bare Naked Vdk $ 14.90 60.0 8855B Skinnygirl Cucumber Vdk $ 14.90 60.0 8856B Skinnygirl Island Coconut $ 12.90 60.0 8857B Skinnygirl Tangerine Vdk $ 14.90 60.0 8858B Skinnygirl White Cherry VD $ 14.90 60.0 8880B Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk $ 18.80 80.0 8880D Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk $ 16.15 80.0 8880L Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk $ 12.35 80.0 8884B Seagrams Apple $ 4.35 80.0 8885B Seagrams Black Cherry $ 6.25 70.0 8886B Seagrams Citrus $ 9.05 80.0 8896D Skol $ 13.15 80.0 8896L Skol $ 7.15 80.0 8908B Seagrams Rasberry $ 9.05 80.0 8910B Seagram's Sweet Tea $ 9.90 70.0 8915B Seagrams Platinum $ 10.80 100.0 8915D Seagrams Platinum $ 21.40 100.0 8930L Senators Club Vdk $ 4.95 80.0 8934B Severka $ 9.60 80.0 8937B Seven Brothers Vodka $ 28.30 80.0 8981L Skyy Infusions Vanilla Bean $ 16.70 70.0 8982L Skyy Infusions Georgia Peach $ 16.70 70.0 9005L Skyy Infusions Coconut $ 16.70 70.0 9006L Skyy Infusions Blood Orang $ 16.70 70.0 9007L Skyy Infusions Dragon Fruit $ 16.70 70.0 9008E Skyy Infusions Rainbow Pac $ 5.00 70.0 9009L Skyy Infusion Pineapple $ 16.70 70.0 9010L Skyy Infusion Passionfruit $ 16.70 70.0 9011L Skyy Infusion Raspberry $ 16.70 70.0 9012B Skyy $ 12.50 80.0 9012D Skyy $ 24.90 80.0 9012E Skyy $ 14.40 80.0 9012L Skyy $ 18.40 80.0 9014D Skyy Infusion Citrus $ 24.90 70.0 9014L Skyy Infusion Citrus $ 16.70 70.0 9016L Skyy Infusion Cherry $ 16.70 70.0 9017L Skyy Infusions Ginger Vdk $ 5.40 70.0 9018L Skyy Infusion Grape $ 16.70 70.0 9019L Skyy Moscoto Vodka $ 16.70 70.0 9020L Skyy Wild Strawberry Vdk $ 16.70 70.0 9021L Skyy Orange Vodka $ 8.35 70.0 9023L Skyy Vodka 90 $ 14.50 90.0 9022B Smirnoff Black Cherry $ 12.25 70.0 9024B Smirnoff Blueberry $ 12.25 70.0 9024L Smirnoff Blueberry $ 14.90 70.0 9025B Smirnoff Cranberry $ 12.25 70.0 9027B Smirnoff Dark Roasted Espr $ 13.00 100.0 9028B Smirnoff Melontwist $ 8.20 70.0 9029B Smirnoff Lime $ 12.25 70.0 9030E Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack $ 3.85 70.0 9031B Smirnoff Mango $ 11.95 70.0 9032B Smirnoff Silver $ 13.10 90.4 9032D Smirnoff Silver $ 26.15 90.4 9032L Smirnoff Silver $ 16.95 90.4 9033B Smirnoff Greenapple $ 12.25 70.0 9033L Smirnoff Greenapple $ 14.90 70.0 9034B Smirnoff Citrus $ 12.25 70.0 9034D Smirnoff Citrus $ 25.75 70.0 9034L Smirnoff Citrus $ 14.90 70.0 9035B Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist $ 12.25 70.0 9036B Smirnoff Traveler $ 11.65 80.0 9037B Smirnoff Passion Fruit $ 12.25 70.0 9038B Smirnoff Orange $ 12.25 70.0 9038D Smirnoff Orange $ 25.75 70.0 9038L Smirnoff Orange $ 14.90 70.0 9039B Smirnoff Raspberry $ 12.25 70.0 9039D Smirnoff Raspberry $ 25.75 70.0 9039L Smirnoff Raspberry $ 14.90 70.0 9040B Smirnoff Vanilla $ 12.25 70.0 9040D Smirnoff Vanilla $ 25.75 70.0 9040L Smirnoff Vanilla $ 14.90 70.0 9041B Smirnoff Strawberry $ 12.25 70.0 9041L Smirnoff Strawberry $ 14.90 70.0


Ohio Wholesale Price List 9042B 9043B 9044B 9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9062B 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9069B 9070B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9079L 9083L 9085B 9088B 9090B 9092B 9093B 9094B 9095B 9101B 9111B 9112B 9114B 9116L 9122B 9124B 9125B 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9132B 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9143L 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155B 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9162L 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B 9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9235D 9236B 9237B

Smirnoff Pear Twist Smirnoff Pineapple Twist Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced Root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski Vdk(Glass) Sobieski Vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Smirnoff Peach Sobieski Raspberry Sobieski Raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Square One Cucumber Square One Organic Vodka Smooth Ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Spirit of the Tsars Sobieski Black Cherry Smirnoff Kissed Caramel Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Smirnoff Iced Cake Smirnoff LT Mango Pass Sor Stawski Smirnoff Rasp Pomeg Sorbet Smirnoff Root Beer Float Soyomo Svedka Orange Cream Pop VD Svedka Strawberry Colada V Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Salted Karamel Stolichnaya Hot Vdk Stolichnaya Sticki Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Choc Razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv Vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd Ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Cranberi Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya Elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya Gala Applik Vd Stoli White Pomegranik Vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Svedka Colada Vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad Vdk Sweet Carolina Rasp Tea Vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Svedka Raspberry Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Citron Vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka Grape Vodka Svedka Cherry Teton Glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of Russia Ultra 3 Islands Vodka 3 Islands Vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive Rootbeer 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive Vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot Espresso 360 3 Olives Rangtang 3 Olives Rangtang 360 Double Chocolate Tito's Handmade Tito's Handmade Tito's Handmade 3 Olive Dude Vodka 3 Olive Dude Vodka 360 Mandarin Orange 3 Olive Super Cola


$ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 14.90 $ 12.25 $ 9.05 $ 17.05 $ 12.35 $ 9.25 $ 5.05 $ 9.05 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 12.25 $ 11.50 $ 12.35 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 5.90 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $159.60 $ 11.45 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 5.80 $ 12.25 $ 12.25 $ 25.55 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.45 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 26.25 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 23.40 $ 6.55 $ 26.25 $ 17.75 $ 6.55 $ 51.80 $ 17.75 $ 34.45 $ 26.25 $ 6.55 $ 16.90 $ 7.50 $ 10.30 $ 26.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 15.15 $ 26.25 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 8.40 $ 26.25 $ 9.85 $ 10.80 $ 23.75 $ 14.55 $ 4.10 $ 5.00 $ 10.75 $ 5.50 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 7.60 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 9385 $ 8.90 $ 9.85 $ 16.85 $ 15.10 $ 98.85 $ 6.40 $ 4.75 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 10.85 $ 15.20 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 24.90 $ 22.80 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 24.90 $ 22.80 $ 15.10 $ 16.85 $ 22.25 $ 22.80 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 8.45 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 15.10 $ 10.80 $ 15.10 $ 8.95 $ 11.30 $ 16.85 $ 31.10 $ 21.90 $ 16.85 $ 24.90 $ 12.50 $ 11.25

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9238B 3 Olive Smores $ 16.85 70.0 9239B 360 Buttered Popcord Vdk $ 8.75 70.0 9239B 360 Buttered Popcord Vdk $ 8.75 70.0 9246B 360 Huckleberry Vodka $ 11.30 70.0 9247B 3 Olive Tarts $ 16.85 70.0 9248B Vesica Vodka $ 7.10 80.0 9360L Undo's Vodka $19.10 80.0 9367B Ultimat Vdk $ 25.55 80.0 9370B U V Cake Vodka $ 9.05 60.0 9371B U V Blue Raspberry $ 9.05 60.0 9371D U V Blue Raspberry $ 14.45 60.0 9372B UV $ 9.05 80.0 9372D UV $ 14.45 80.0 9372L UV $ 10.60 80.0 9373B U V Grape Vdk $ 9.90 60.0 9374B U V Pink Lemonade $ 9.05 60.0 9375B U V Cherry $ 9.05 60.0 9376B U V 103 $ 4.00 103.0 9377B U V Coconut Vdk $ 2.45 60.0 9378B Ursus Punch $ 2.80 60.0 9380B Uv Sweet Green Tea $ 2.45 60.0 9381B Ursus Blue Raspberry $ 3.15 80.0 9382B Ursus Original $ 4.20 80.0 9383B U V Whipped Vodka $ 9.05 60.0 9384B U V Chocolate Cake VDK $ 9.05 60.0 9385B Vampyre Red $ 6.20 80.0 9386B U V Candy Bar $ 9.05 60.0 9387B U V Salty Watermelon $ 9.05 60.0 9388B U V Peach $ 9.05 60.0 9428B Vesica Vodka $ 7.10 80.0 9428D Vesica Vodka $ 18.80 80.0 9445B Van Gogh Acia Blueberry $ 16.00 70.0 9446B Van Gogh Dutch Caramel $ 5.70 70.0 9447B Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate $ 16.00 70.0 9448B Van Gogh Double Espresso $ 16.00 70.0 9449B Van Gogh Espresso VDK $ 16.00 70.0 9450D Vikingfjord $ 17.95 80.0 9451L Van Gogh Blue $ 22.20 80.0 9456B Van Gogh Vodka $ 14.30 80.0 9456D Van Gogh $ 18.35 80.0 9457B Van Gogh Pineapple VDK $ 16.00 70.0 9738B Zodiac $ 9.20 80.0 9461L Van Gogh Wild Appel $ 20.20 70.0 9463B Van Gogh Vanilla VDK $ 16.00 70.0 9467B Voli Vodka Lyte $ 21.30 60.0 9472B Vox $ 17.55 80.0 9472D Vox $ 33.40 80.0 9472L Vox $ 22.00 80.0 9488L Wasabe Brand Sake Vodka $ 8.25 70.0 9505B Watershed Distillery Vodka $ 22.00 80.0 9521B Wave Blue Raspberry Vodka $ 5.40 60.0 9522B Wave Pink Lemonade Vodka $ 5.40 60.0 9523B Wave Whipped Cream Vodka $ 5.40 60.0 9532D Well Vodka $ 12.90 88.0 9532L Well Vodka $ 7.60 88.0 9565B White Diamond $ 4.20 80.0 9672B Cincinnati Micro-Vodka $ 18.65 80.0 9673B Cincinnati Vodka 100 $ 32.10 100.0 9672B Cincinnati Micro-Vodka $ 18.65 80.0 9690B Y Town Vodka $ 30.55 80.0 9732B Zubrowka Bison Vodka $ 18.65 80.0 9738B Zodiac $ 16.85 80.0 9695B Yacht Club Vodka $ 25.60 80.0 Cordial 0017B Achaia Clauss Ouzo $ 8.60 92.0 0029B Absente Liqueur $ 35.20 110.0 0041B Di Saronno Amaretto $ 18.60 56.0 0041L Di Saronno Amaretto $ 26.85 56.0 0053B Amaretto Gozio $ 10.40 48.0 0071B Amarito Amaretto $ 5.80 56.0 0124B Root $ 25.55 80.0 0125B Snap $ 25.55 80.0 0126B Art In The Age - Rhubarb $ 25.55 80.0 0381B Avion Espresso $ 19.50 70.0 0549B Barenjager Honey & Bourbon $ 20.35 70.0 0551B Paramount Rock & Rye $ 11.65 50.0 0552B Barenjager Honey Liqueur $ 24.35 70.0 0557D Barton Long Island Ice Tea $ 13.25 75.0 0557L Barton Long Island Ice Tea $ 7.55 75.0 0565B Benedictine D.O.M. $ 29.90 80.0 0580L Paramount Sloe Gin $ 10.40 50.0 0583L Dek Sloe Gin Cordial $ 2.95 60.0 0600B B & B D O M Cordial $ 29.90 80.0 0608B Drambuie $ 34.25 80.0 0662B Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark $ 11.45 54.0 0664B Dek Creme De Menthe Green $ 11.45 60.0 0666B Dek Creme De Cacao White $ 11.45 54.0 0672B Paramount Crem D Men White $ 9.90 50.0 0673B Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark $ 9.90 50.0 0674B Paramount Anisette $ 9.90 50.0 0675B Paramount Crem D Men Green $ 9.90 50.0 0679B Creme Yvette $ 26.10 55.5 0691B Dek Creme De Menthe White $ 11.45 60.0 0701B Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit $ 9.90 50.0 0705B Getreide Kummel $ 11.65 70.0 0707B Campari Aperitivo Italy $ 24.75 48.0 0717B Paramount Triple Sec $ 7.05 50.0 0717D Paramount Triple Sec $ 14.40 50.0 0717L Paramount Triple Sec $ 7.40 50.0 0721B Southern Comfort $ 14.90 70.0 0721D Southern Comfort $ 29.80 70.0 0721L Southern Comfort $ 21.00 70.0 0724B Bols Creme De Menthe Green $ 12.10 60.0 0798B Becherovka $ 8.15 76.0 0881B Pernod Anis –France $ 25.60 80.0 0887B Tia Maria Coffee $ 16.85 53.0 0893B Kahlua Coffee $ 17.45 43.0 0893D Kahlua Coffee $ 33.60 43.0 0893L Kahlua Coffee $ 23.70 43.0 0910B Black Duck Cranberry $ 16.00 43.0 0948B Blackmaker Rootbeer $ 16.90 70.0 0993B Bols Amaretto Liqueur $ 12.10 56.0 1023B Bols Creme De Cacao Brown $ 12.10 50.0 1166B Bols Blackberry Liqueur $ 12.10 70.0 1199B Bols Orange Curacao $ 12.10 60.0 1188B Bols Blue Curacao $ 12.10 48.0 1408B Borghetti Divero Caf Esprs $ 16.30 50.0 1501B Buckeye Raspberry Liquor $ 16.50 50.0 1504B Buckeye Blackberry Liquor $ 16.50 50.0 1637E Grand Marnier Rouge $ 10.30 80.0 1783B Caravella Limoncello Orig $ 16.90 64.0 1784B Caravella Orangecello $ 16.90 60.0 1815B Casoni Lemoncello $ 22.00 62.0 1840B Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine $ 12.50 80.0 1851B Cedilla Liqueur De Acai $ 30.00 50.0

Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 67

Ohio Wholesale Price List 1853B Celtic Crossing Liqueur $ 19.65 60.0 1855B Chambord Royale Cord $ 29.80 46.0 1914B Chartreuse Green $ 52.10 110.0 2045B Cinerator $13.40 91.1 2097B Grand Marnier Cherry $ 30.00 80.0 2098B Grand Marn Cordon Rouge $ 32.15 80.0 2098D Grand Marn Cordon Rouge $ 73.20 80.0 2098L Grand Marn Cordon Rouge $ 43.95 80.0 2101B Galliano L'autentico $ 25.60 84.6 2108B Irish Mist $ 21.55 70.0 2235B Combier D'Orange $ 22.00 80.0 2274B Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq $ 8.80 48.0 2405B Licor 43 $ 18.60 62.0 2405L Licor 43 $ 21.90 62.0 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vdk $ 5.75 70.0 2503B Danny Devitos Limoncello $ 7.15 60.0 2504B Dancing Tree Coffee Liqueur $ 29.90 50.0 2528B Dek Blue Curacao Cordial $ 11.45 54.0 2529B Dek Creme De Banana Cord $ 11.45 56.0 2566B Dek Creme De Almond Cord $ 10.55 56.0 2605B Dek Hazelnut Cord $ 11.45 56.0 2613L Dek Orange Curacao Cordial $ 12.30 60.0 2614B Dek Peach Brandy $ 3.20 70.0 2624B Dek Triple Sec Cord $ 7.45 48.0 2624L Dek Triple Sec Cord $ 7.90 48.0 2644B Dek 03 Orange $ 20.20 48.0 2645B Dek Melon Cordial $ 10.55 46.0 2649B Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial $ 11.45 45.0 2652B Romana Black $ 15.30 80.0 2690B Cointreau Liqueur $ 31.20 80.0 2690L Cointreau Liqueur $ 41.95 80.0 2691B Cointreau Noir $ 31.65 80.0 2705B Domaine De Canton Ginger $27.30 56.0 2788B Drambuie 15 Year $ 51.70 86.0 2797B Grand Marnier Cherry $ 36.50 80.0 2852B Dumante Verdenoce $ 26.65 56.0 2890L Early Times Mint Julef $ 11.35 60.0 2944B Evan Williams Cherry Resv $ 9.90 70.0 2950B Evan Williams Honey Resv $ 9.90 70.0 2960B Evan Williams Cinnamon RSV $ 9.90 70.0 2978B Fernet Branca $ 23.00 78.0 2994B Fabrizia Limoncello $ 13.40 54.0 3024B Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey $ 16.00 66.0 3024D Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey $ 29.85 66.0 3024L Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey $ 20.10 66.0 3077B Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry $ 33.25 48.0 3092B Amaretto Di Amore $ 9.00 45.0 3093B Gantous & Abouraad $ 16.00 100.0 3602B Glaros Ouzo $ 10.75 90.0 3630B Glengoyne 10 $ 39.60 86.0 3821B Grangala Triple Orange $ 20.85 80.0 3851B Grand Marnier Centcinquant $144.80 80.0 3852B Grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr $116.90 80.0 3857B Grand Marnier Rasp-Peach $ 32.15 80.0 3860B Grand Muriel Orange Liquer $ 18.60 80.0 3860D Grand Muriel Orange Liquer $ 33.60 80.0 3860L Grand Muriel Orange Liquer $ 21.90 80.0 3864B Grande Absente $ 33.60 138.0 3902B Green Moon $ 5.50 90.0 4000B Harlem Liqueur $ 3.20 80.0 4003B Harlequin $ 16.90 80.0 3602B Glaros Ouzo $ 10.60 90.0 4914B Isle Of Jura Superstition $ 43.05 86.0 5054B Jagermeister $ 20.35 70.0 5054D Jagermeister $ 42.40 70.0 5054L Jagermeister $ 25.45 70.0 5055B Jagermeister Shot Cooler $122.00 70.0 5105B Jeremiah Weed Liqueur $ 10.95 100.0 5251L Juarez Triple Sec $ 6.95 60.0 5254L Juarez Gold Dss $ 7.95 80.0 5303B Kahlua Especial Coffee $ 16.85 70.0 5306B Kahlua Midnight $ 17.45 70.0 5315B Kamora Coffee Lqr $ 12.55 53.0 5529B Liquore Strega $ 18.65 5558B Lazzaroni Infinito Liq $ 18.65 48.0 5559B Lazzaroni Amaretto Liquer $ 18.65 48.0 5560B Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq $ 18.65 48.0 5566B Leblon Cachaca $ 23.80 80.0 5571B Le Tourment Vert $ 7.75 100.0 5933B Limoncello Di Capri $14.40 64.0 6000B Lucid Absinthe $ 47.30 124.0 6006B Luxardo Marschino $ 29.35 80.0 6011B Luxardo Amaretto $ 24.20 54.0 6106L Margaritavill Calypso Coco $ 14.00 50.0 6116L Margaritavill Passion Fruit $ 14.00 50.0 6334B Mata Hari Absinthe Bohemia $ 34.30 120.0 6567B Metaxa Ouzo Greece $ 16.00 80.0 6705L Nassau Royale $ 6.50 67.0 6708B Navan 80 $ 12.20 80.0 6720L N Y Long Island Iced Tea $ 7.55 65.0 6734B 99 Apples $ 13.40 99.0 6735B 99 Bananas $ 13.40 99.0 6736B 99 Grapes $ 8.60 99.0 6739B 99 Peaches $ 13.40 99.0 7713B Number 12 Ouzo $ 16.05 86.0 7715B Nv La Fee Absinthe Verte $ 21.25 76.0 7717B Nuvo Lemon Sorbet $ 28.10 50.0 7723B Pallini Limoncello $ 19.60 52.0 7724B Pallini Limoncello Gift $ 21.40 52.0 7729B Paramount Amaretto $ 6.40 50.0 7729D Paramount Amaretto $ 15.30 50.0 7729L Paramount Amaretto $ 8.20 50.0 7735B Paramount Creme De Banana $ 7.15 50.0 7824L Paramount Sour Apple $ 7.95 43.0 7870D Para Long Islnd Ice Tea $ 13.55 72.5 7870L Para Long Islnd Ice Tea $ 7.50 72.5 7901B Paramount Melon $ 2.45 44.0 7981B Patron Citronge $ 21.20 80.0 7986B Patron X O Cafe $ 24.70 70.0 7986D Patron X O Cafe $ 49.25 70.0 7987B Patron X O Cafe Dark Cocoa $24.70 70.0 8072B Pernod D'Absinthe $ 56.15 136.0 8228B Pimms Cup #1 Gin Sling Eng $ 14.25 80.0 8249L Pitu Cachaca $ 13.25 80.0 8282B Plomari Quzo $ 15.60 84.0 8302B Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn $ 23.90 70.0 8305B Prichards Lincoln Cty Ligh $ 16.00 90.0 8324L Punch Abruzzo $ 31.80 90.0 8639B Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq $ 7.30 48.0 8670B Sambuca Di Amore $ 11.65 84.0 8673B Sambuca Romana $ 20.90 84.0 8852L Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer $ 17.15 73.4 8892B Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer $ 31.30 60.0 8998B Slow and Low $ 19.15 84.0 9055B Southern Comfort Blk Cherr $ 14.90 70.0 9056B Southern Comfort & Lime $ 10.25 55.0 9061B Southern Comfort Traveler $ 14.90 70.0 9078B Solerno Blood Orange $ 29.05 80.0 9082B So co Fiery Pepper $ 6.50 70.0

68 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

9146b Sweet Revenge Liqueur $ 16.85 77.0 9214B Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp $ 10.75 101.0 9311B Tuaca Demi Sec $ 23.65 70.0 9354B Ty Ku Super Premium Soju $ 9.95 48.0 9362B Twenty Grand $ 25.55 80.0 9410B Veev Acai Liqueur $ 25.60 60.0 9630B Wild Turkey American Honey $ 18.40 71.0 9630D Wild Turkey American Honey $ 30.95 71.0 9630L Wild Turkey American Honey $ 23.70 71.0 9659B Woodstock Hot Licks $ 13.05 70.0 9707B Yokaichi Mugi $ 19.20 50.0 9733B Zwack $ 19.65 80.0 Schnapps 0010B After Shock Cinnamon $ 17.85 80.0 0676B Arrow Peppermint $ 8.15 54.0 0681L Dek Peppermint Snp $ 12.30 60.0 0697D Paramount Peppermint Snp $ 15.30 50.0 0697L Paramount Peppermint $ 9.70 50.0 0917B Black Haus Blackberry Snp $ 21.05 80.0 0917L Black Haus Blackberry Snp $ 26.80 80.0 1130B Bols Gold Strike Cinnamon Snp $ 16.05 100.0 2588L Dek Hot Damn Snp $ 12.30 48.0 2619B Dek Peppermnt 100 $ 11.40 100.0 2620L Dek Peachtree Schnapp $ 12.30 43.0 2625B Dek Old Tavern Rootbeer $ 3.00 45.0 2776B Dr Mcgillicuddys Vanilla $ 4.20 48.0 2782B Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt $ 10.80 48.0 3017B Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp $ 16.90 100.0 3017L Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp $ 21.95 100.0 3709B Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp $ 21.05 87.0 3709L Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp $ 26.80 87.0 3736B 99 Blackberries $ 13.40 99.0 3737B 99 Black Cherries $ 13.40 99.0 4863B Ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp $ 16.90 101.0 4870B Il Tramonto $ 15.50 60.0 5922B Lightning 101 Cinnamon $ 10.75 101.0 6006B Luxardo Maraschino $ 25.40 80.0 6009B Luxardo Triplum $ 26.30 78.0 6011B Luxardo Amareto $ 20.65 54.0 6335B Masteron's Straight Rye $ 55.85 90.0 6735B 99 Bananas $ 13.40 99.0 7762L Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp $ 8.40 44.0 7862B Paramount Peach Sch $ 9.30 44.0 7862L Paramount Peach Sch $ 10.00 44.0 8263B Pisco Porton $ 30.70 86.0 8298B Portside White Rum $ 21.30 80.0 8632B Rumple Minze Berry $ 4.45 100.0 8633B Rumple Minze Pepmt $ 26.80 100.0 8633L Rumple Minze Pepmt $ 26.80 100.0 8975B Sinfire $ 15.15 70.0 9054B Southern Comfort 100 $ 18.40 100.0 9054D Southern Comfort 100 $ 35.05 100.0 9082B So Co Fiery Pepper $ 8.40 70.0 9727B Yukon Jack $ 14.75 100.0 9727D Yukon Jack $ 26.15 100.0 9727L Yukon Jack $ 20.85 100.0 Canadian 0076B Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076D Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076L Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0169D Lord Calvert 3 Yr 0170B Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170D Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170L Mc Masters 3 Yr 0174B Canadian Mist Cndn 0174D Canadian Mist Cndn 0174L Canadian Mist Cndn 0175D Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr 0176B Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176D Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176E Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176L Canadian Club 6 Yr 0189B Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189D Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189E Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189L Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 3 Yr 0920B Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 0920D Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk 1627E Crown Royal 200Ml 1704D Canadian Bay Whsky 1704L Canadian Bay Whsky 1716B Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1716D Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 Yr 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr 1730D Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1730L Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1731B Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 3Yr 1733D Canadian Hunter 1735D Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1735L Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1748B Canadian Mist Trvlr 2055B Canadian Club Classic 12Yr 2389B Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask #16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 3071B Forty Creek Barrel Select 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 3 Yr 4699L Northern Light 3 Yr 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount Canadian 8050B Pendleton Canadian 8051B Pendleton Rye 1910 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V O Gold 8 Yr 8923B Seagrams V O Cndn Trv 6 Yr 9084B Spicebox Cndn Spiced Whsky 9648B Windsor Supreme Traveler 3Yr 9652B Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652D Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652L Windsor Supreme 3 Yr

$ 12.00 $ 24.50 $ 17.85 $ 15.30 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.25 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.85 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 10.75 $ 22.25 $ 17.55 $ 7.45 $ 12.70 $ 5.85 $ 6.40 $ 13.55 $ 14.90 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 18.40 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.75 $ 8.75 $ 18.40 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $117.35 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.60 $ 12.70 $ 15.30 $ 19.45 $ 29.90 $ 7.30 $ 14.05 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 7.50 $ 16.90 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

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Violations&Penalties For the Record

LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES for on premise retailers (Orders Issued May 2014) AKRON: Fire & Ice: sold beer in and upon the permit premises when permit does not authorize Sunday beer sales - $300 or 3 days BAINBRIDGE: Valley Fresh IGA: did sell beer in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $1,500 or 10 days CINCINATI: Cincys on Sixth 1st FL & Patio: did sell beer in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $750 or 6 days CLEVELAND: K K Tricks Night Club: allowed and/ or engaged in improper conduct - $600 or permit revoked, operated permit business at an address and/or place unauthorized by the permit - $300 or permit revoked; Dot & Beanies Tavern Inc: delivered beer and/or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises between the hours 2:30 A.M. and 5:30 A.M. - $800 or 4 www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com

days, alcoholic beverages were not maintained in a potable condition $300 or 3 days; Peeka A Boo Club: allowed and/ or engaged in improper conduct - $500 or 5 days

DANVILLE: Lyons Den: did sell beer in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $5,000 or permit revoked

COLUMBUS: Large Bar 2159 LLC: encouraged and/or condoned the excessive use and/or consumption of alcohol beverages, offered to sell, furnish and/or deliver to any person or group of persons in and upon the permit premises an unlimited number of alcoholic beverages, encouraged and/or allowed in and upon the permit premises any game or contest that involves the drinking of alcoholic beverages - $1,200 or 6 days, sold, furnished and/ or delivered any alcoholic beverage at a price less than the regularly charged price - $500 or 5 days; Gordys: failed to maintain a schedule of prices on the permit premise for all drinks of alcoholic beverages to be sold, furnished, delivered and/or consumed - $500 or 5 days; Dublin 2210 Corp: failed to display permit in a conspicuous place on the premises and produce same upon request, permit premises were not in a sanitary conditions, alcoholic beverages were not maintained in a potable condition -$300 or 3 days

DAYTON: Catering Gold Inc: allowed and/or engaged in improper conduct - $7,500 or permit revoked; Cell Block: assaulted, incited others to assault, hindered and/or obstructed an agent from making an investigation, inspection and/or search or the permit premises – $500 or 5 days; Shags: sold intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises on a Sunday - $300 or 3 days EASTLAKE: El Palenque Mexican Restaurant: paid with a check that was not honored by the permit holder’s bank and/or financial institution due to insufficient funds $300 or 3 days FAIRPOINT ST CLAIRSVILLE: Plateks Nite Club: did sell intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $750 or 6 days, permitted and/or allowed in and upon the permit premises gaming or wagering on a game and/or scheme of skill and/ or chance - $1,500 or 5 days Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014 69

Violations& Penalties FINDLAY: El Tequila: sold intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises on a Sunday - $300 or 3 days GROVE CITY: PRD Enterprises LTD: alcoholic beverages were not maintained in a potable condition - $300 or 3 days HUBBARD: Downtown Coffee Café & Patio: allowed beer and/or intoxicating liquor to be consumed in and upon the permit premises between the hours of 2:30 A.M. and 5:30 A.M. - $300 or 3 days IRONTON: Melini Cusina Ristorante: sold, furnished and/or delivered any alcoholic beverage at a price less than the regularly charged price as established by the permit’s price list -$300 or 3 days MASSILLON: Tremont Pub: sold intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises on a Sunday $800 or 4 days SALEM: Fernengels Tavern: did sell beer and/ or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twenty-one years of age - $1,500 or 10 days; Mikes Penn Ave Grille LLC: did sell and furnish beer 70 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JUNE 2014

and/or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twenty-one years of age $1,500 or 10 days SANDUSKY: Cheap Seats Bar & Grill: assaulted, incited others to assault, hindered and/or obstructed an agent from making an investigation, inspection and/or search or the permit premises $500 or 5 days WADSWORTH: Casa Del Rio: furnished beer or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $1,800 or 12 days WARREN: Blue Magoos Tap & Grill: allowed a person not on permit to operate the business, employee as only person on the permit failed to operate the business, purchased beer, wine and/or mixed beverages from someone other than a Class A and/ or B permit holder for resale in and upon the permit premises - $500 or permit revoked WELLSVILLE: My Bar 1st & 2nd FL & Patio: sold, furnished and/or delivered any alcoholic beverage at a price less than the regularly charged price as established by the

permit’s price list - $300 or 3 days WICKLIFFE: Wickliffe Italian-American Club Inc: sold, kept and/or possessed beer and/or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises without the proper permit – 300 or 3 days WILLOWICK: Polito Zabkar Inc: sold intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises on a Sunday - $1,000 or 10 days YOUNGSTOWN: The Brickhouse Tavern & Patio: did sell beer and/or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twenty-one years of age - $1,500 or 6 days; Split Level: did sell beer and/or intoxicating liquor in and upon the permit premises to someone who was then and there under twentyone years of age - $1,500 or 10 days ZANESVILLE: Fat Boyz: purchased beer, wine and/or mixed beverages from someone other than a Class A and/or B permit holder for resale in and upon the permit premises, permit premises were not in a sanitary conditions, alcoholic beverages were not maintained in a potable condition - $400 or permit revoked www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com


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As the industry’s original non-profit event event, Tales of the Cocktail® contributed more than $400,000 last year, which has already been invested back into the spirits community through scholarships, financial aid, and the Cocktail Apprentice Program.®


JULY 16-20, 2014

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