Ohio Beverage Monthly - 2012

Page 1

July 2012


VODKA Even ‘Neutral’ Ones Are Aiming for Impact




Still Crazy for Zinfandels


Apéritifs & Digestifs

From The Creators Of PATRÓN , A Perfect Balance Of Wheat, Rye & Potato. Please drink responsibly. © 2012 The Patrón Spirits Company, Las Vegas, NV. 40% Alc./Vol.


6/1/12 10:23 AM

July 12

20 features


20 tHe flavors of vodka discerning bartenders and consumers seek vodka’s character.

4 PuBlisHer's message 6 suPeriNteNdeNt of oHio liQuor CoNtrol rePort

44 42 wiNd from tHe east eastern european wine’s star is ascending.

30 30 tHe New seCret iNgredieNts aperitifs & digestifs have brought a fresh dimension to cocktail-making. 36 sPeakeasy witH mark BreeNe rémy Cointreau usa’s chief marketing officer talks about the return of luxury. 38 selliNg orgaNiC as organic wine consumption increases, the selling gets personalized.

48 tastiNg CorNer: iN tHe ZiN ZoNe rosy or red, Zinfandel remains a wine to be reckoned with.

7 message from tHe olBa eXeCutive direCtor 8 legal issues 11 last Call 13 eveNts & BeNefits 17 CHefs CorNer 18 tHeBarBlogger.Com 51 sHoPPiNg Network 54 wHolesale PriCe list 65 violatioNs


July 2012 oHio Beverage moNtHly 3


Publisher's message By PHiliP a. Craig

Philip a. Craig, Publisher


ummer is in full swing and with that we bring you the information you count on from the ohio

Beverage monthly.

we start off with Bruce stevenson’s monthly column on page 6. Bruce recaps the 75th annual NaBCa convention. on page 8, dave raber covers rule 49 which is a rule that all bar owners should be familiar with. my column this month details the new opportunity to partner with charities. through the hard work of the olBa, you now have the ability to recoup some of the expenses you incur when engaging in charitable fundraising. Be sure to read the details on page 7.

Chuck deibel, author of the last Call column, talks this month about financial terms and how important it is to use the correct lingo when talking finances. the 11th annual Buckeye Bar expo is coming up on september 17th ! if you are an olBa member you'll get free admission! . find out all the details on page 13!

tHe 11tH aNNual BuCkeye Bar eXPo is ComiNg uP oN sePtemBer 17tH ! our Bar Blogger, Barry Chandler, tells you on page 18 why sometimes its not the best idea for a bar owner to start a blog. finally, Chef Quinn allen discusses gearing your menu around summer tastes. thank you for reading this month's issue, and remember that simply reading ohio Beverage monthly keeps you ahead of your competition!

BlueCoat giN Boru vodka CeltiC HoNey liQueur four roses yellow laBel four roses small BatCH four roses siNgle Barrel gosliNg's BlaCk seal 80 JeffersoN's JeffersoN's reserve kNaPPogue Castle luksusowa PalliNi limoNCello taraNtula aZul XXX sHiNe

4 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012


Philip a. Craig pcraig@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

general Counsel

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editorial editor in Chief

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ohio art director

larry lee llee@bevmedia.com dana Buonincontri dbuonincontri@bevmedia.com Josue romero jromero@bevmedia.com megan w. Jordan mjordan@ohiobeveragemonthly.com

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lee stringham lstringham@bevmedia.com 410.519.7034

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July Post-off sPeCials 0962B 1426d 1853B 3073B 3074B 3075B 3787B 5087B 5089B 5388B 6008B 7723B 9169B 9686B

ohio Beverage monthly volume 3, No 7 (issN 1065-9846) www.ohiobeveragemonthly.com

william goddard 614.241.2222 wgoddard@ohiobeveragemonthly.com Jody slone-spitalnik 212.571.3232 ext. 101 jslone@bevmedia.com Jessica roszkowiak 212.571.3232 ext. 117 jroszkowiak@bevmedia.com

oPeratioNs Circulation finance & accounting

sylvia Prince sprince@bevmedia.com seth Niessen sniessen@bevmedia.com randye Benvenisti randye@bevmedia.com

ohio Beverage Journal (issN 1065-9846) July 2012, vol. 3 No.7 Postmaster, send change of address information to ohio Beverage monthly, 37 w. Broad st, suite 480, Columbus, oH 43215 ohio Beverage monthly is published monthly for $20 per year and $28 for (2) years.

NatioNal Coverage, loCal advaNtage

the Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage media group, inc., 116 John street, 23rd floor, New york, Ny 10038. telephone: (212) 571-3232 faX: (212) 571-4443. www.BevNetwork.com

Monday, September 17th

i k s w o n a K y n n e K g n i r u t a e F t r a e h l e e t S r e Form . . . h t i W w o N t Guitaris


o i t a P e h T n O e n i h S Party r o n i a R , m p 0 3 : 6 12:30 583 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215



NatioNal alCoHol Beverage CoNtrol assoCiatioN (NaBCa) aNNual CoNfereNCe

NaBCa’s 75th anniversary of Bringing together the 17 Control states By BruCe d. steveNsoN, suPeriNteNdeNt oHio divisioN of liQuor CoNtrol

Bruce d. stevenson,, superintendent


ommerce director david goodman and i recently had the opportunity to participate in the National alcohol Beverage Control association (NaBCa) annual conference. this year marked the NaBCa’s 75th anniversary of bringing together the 17 control states, alcohol industry representatives, and other stakeholders. the longevity of this organization is an affirmation of the success of the control state philosophy of finding the best practices to ensure the safe and responsible manufacture, distribution and sale of alcohol products. working closely with NaBCa helps us stay in tune with changes in the industry and understand how they affect ohio. this year’s conference featured guest speakers such as

6 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012

former Pennsylvania governors tom ridge and edward rendell, and tulane Business school Professor Peter ricchiuti, who provided valuable expertise and insight on a variety of topics directly impacting the alcohol industry. one topic of discussion was the changing landscape for control states, particularly the transition to a privatized system occurring in washington state, and the on-going debate over privatization in other states like Pennsylvania. Panelists discussed the impact of this issue on the liquor industry, the control states and consumers.

workiNg Closely witH NaBCa HelPs us stay iN tuNe witH CHaNges iN tHe iNdustry aNd uNderstaNd How tHey affeCt oHio. we heard from industry experts about the importance of innovation, modernization and collaboration between the industry and the control states. speakers addressed myths about control state systems which illustrate areas where states could benefit from operational improvements. these include: continuing to

increase efficiency by working with manufacturers and suppliers, providing better selection of products in the right markets, locating stores/ agencies in areas that are convenient for shoppers and improving customer service with better employee training. NaBCa has been an invaluable resource for the ohio division of liquor Control for many years. the information we’ve received and relationships developed through NaBCa enables ohio to be a leader in efficiency and innovation among control states and in the liquor industry. we’re proud to be a member of an organization dedicated to helping us develop the tools to better fulfill our mission and serve all ohioans.




ow that HB 386 has been signed into law (June 11, 2012) and is now in effect, we are receiving a steady stream of calls about how to engage in the legal sales of instant bingo pull tab tickets with our Charitable Partners.

Please, make sure that you follow the law and work with your OCMA coin machine vendor and only well-respected charities who have been working with the OLBA on efforts that benefit all of our members. As we have written in this column before, OLBA worked hard to get this done. We worked with groups like the Ohio Coin Machine


Association (OCMA), ticket distributors, and many charitable organizations. Our hard work paid off and now it’s important that we conduct these sales properly. The question we get most often is: “How do I get started?” Our response is simple: work with your local Ohio Coin Machine Association (OCMA) member. Over the years we have found that our best friends are those who are with us in a pinch. I think you will agree that our OCMA partners have been there with us. In fact, OCMA was very helpful in helping pass this important legislation, again, along with ticket distributors and our charitable partners. So before we go any further . . . thanks to them for helping to make this a reality! We will be talking about HB 386 for a long time. Your leaders at the OLBA worked very hard over the last four years to help make this happen. We need to conduct this endeavor correctly and with the utmost professionalism. If you have any questions about

Phil Craig, Executive Director

this program, please contact the OLBA office at 800-6785995. For questions about the charities thanked in this article, contact Russ Miller at the Ohio Children’s Foundation at 614461-1939. Please, make sure that you follow the law and work with your OCMA coin machine vendor and only wellrespected charities who have been working with the OLBA on efforts that benefit all of our members. Thanks again to all that helped make this a reality.

We would like to pay a special thanks to the charitable organizations that worked so hard in conjunction with all of our partners to achieve this victory. Thanks to all of you: •Voices for Ohio’s Children •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland •Adopt A Class •Children’s Hunger Alliance •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Erie-Seneca Counties •Ohio Children’s Foundation •Council on Child Abuse of Southern Ohio •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lorain County •Horizon Education Centers •Advocates for Kids •Big Brothers Big Sisters of Summit-Medina Counties

•Elyria Charities •Easter Seals/Youngstown Speech and Hearing Center •RePlay for Kids •Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Miami Valley •Family and Community Services, Inc. •Greenleaf Family Center •ProKids •Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth •Ohio CASA •Cleveland Speech and Hearing Center

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage monthly 7



Important For All Permit Holders! By Dave Raber

t is important for all permit Ilaws holders to realize that all regulating a liquor

permit business remain in effect seven days a week and twenty-four hours each day. The time of day when permit holders may lawfully sell and/or allow consumption of alcohol beverages on the permit premises is clearly stated in the statutes and

Dave Raber, OLBA Legal Co-Counsel

rules of the Ohio Liquor Control Act. All sales and consumption of alcohol on a permit premises is prohibited between 2:30am and 5:30am. This prohibition applies to all permit classes. However, the type of class permit that a permit holder is issued will determine when sales and consumption may lawfully be made. All sales, delivery and consumption of alcohol must cease at 1:00am if you hold a class C1, C2, C2X, D1, D2, D2X, D3. I have only included permits subject to quota restrictions. However, persons issued a D1, D2, D3 with a D3A, or if you are a holder of a class D5 permit, then the sale of alcohol beverages are permitted until 2:30am. Many citations have been issued to permit holders for serving after hours when law enforcement peered through the front windows, after 2:30am, and observed permit holders cleaning the premises while consuming an alcohol beverage. This is

not permitted. Even though the bar is closed and not one patron is consuming alcohol, the prohibition includes the permit holder, the permit holder’s agents, or employees from also consuming alcohol. A permit holder is prohibited from closing its doors to the public in order to engage in conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by law. Thus, it is wise for all onpremises permit holders to establish a “last call” at a time which will provide sufficient time for all patrons to responsibly finish their drinks and be out of the premises within the legal hour. It is not unlawful to have patrons on the premises past the legal hour, but if a permit holder chooses to allow patrons on the premises after the legal hour, they should have all the alcohol beverages collected from those patrons. Off-premises permit holders should lock their refrigerator doors, if possible. If there is product on the shelves, then all C1, C2 permit holders must adequately train their employees on the “after hours” rules to make certain that no alcohol sales occur after 1:00am. This would also be an excellent time to refresh all employees to check ID’s to prevent underage sales. If you find yourself in a situation where law enforcement knocks on the door to your premises past the “legal hour,” do fully and immediately cooperate. Once the officer has presented his credentials, do not hinder the investigation. I have heard the Liquor Commissioners state on many occasions to permit holders that they take hindering charges very seriously and will not tolerate any conduct from permit holders which hinders an investigation.

8 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012


legislative reCess

several items wrapped up to Be aware of By JaCoB C. evaNs


he legislature wrapped up several items before heading home for campaign season in June. while many of the issues they finished up will impact your life in various ways, there were a couple of issues that directly impact your business that you should be aware of.

wHile maNy of tHe issues tHey fiNisHed uP will imPaCt your life iN various ways, tHere were a CouPle of issues tHat direCtly imPaCt your BusiNess tHat you sHould Be aware of as you are undoubtedly aware, a revision to ohio’s charitable gaming laws was done in amended substitute House Bill 386. the changes in the bill relating to charitable gaming laws now allow charities to maximize their efforts by allowing them to place their bingo games in more than 5 locations in the county in which they are located and by allowing them to reimburse the owner of the premises for certain expenses the owner may encounter when conduct the

bingo game on the charities behalf. these changes allow for a charitable organization to work with more locations, not just because of the change in the number of outlets they are allowed to work with, but also because now business owners are not losing money by helping raise money for charities. this is a real opportunity for charities and local businesses to work together for a higher purpose. another change that you should be aware of reinforces current law. Currently, it is illegal to sell used kegs or other items that belong to the brewery. amended substitute senate Bill 193 now also places the burden on the scrap dealer when accepting items such as kegs or pallets that have a brewery logo on them. the scrap dealer will now be

Jacob evans, olBa legal Co-Counsel

required to keep a registry of who is selling such products to them. should you have any questions about these bills, or other issues, please do not hesitate to contact the olBa state office. we are here to support you and your business!

september 17, 2012 July 2012 oHio Beverage moNtHly 9



BE IN OW! THE KN Hendrick’s Gin seT for QUirky roAd TriP

The deliberately peculiar Hendrick’s Gin has kicked off a series of “Voyages into the Unusual.” for three nights in five cities, a cast of characters is creating an explorer’s Lounge, a botanist’s den and an Apothecary. A signature “hendrick’s Traveling Punch” will be modified to fit the best local seasonal ingredients in each port of call. The first two stops were houston and san francisco in June; Next up Chicago (sept. 25th), Philadelphia (oct. 16th) and New york City just in time for halloween. hendricksgin.com

siNgLe MALT sCoTCh wiTh ‘avenGence’? hot on the heels of blockbuster The Avengers, Highland Park has launched Thor. only 1,500 will reach the U.s., housed in a wooden frame echoing a Viking long ship and clocking in at an appropriately powerful 104 proof. Notes of ginger, stewed plums, fresh mango and cinnamon add complexity. Thor is the first of a planned series of four unique whiskies. No, the next will not be hulk; the others, like Thor, will take inspiration from legendary Nordic gods. srP $199 highlandpark.co.uk

casa noble reLeAses sANTANA CoLLeCTor boxes Casa Noble, a boutique distillery that recently partnered with legendary musician Carlos Santana, has created two new collector boxes for their Crystal and reposado tequilas. The sets celebrate santana’s first four albums, released from 1969 to 1972. each showcases the album artwork and includes two tulip glasses with a bottle of either Casa Noble’s Crystal (srP $39.99) or reposado ($49.99) tequila. Casa Noble represents more than 200 years and seven generations of distilling; their tequilas are known for their delicate balance of spiciness and sweetness. casanoble.com

Jim beam PLANs A roCkiN’ sUMMer building on its music legacy and commitment to our nation’s troops, Jim Beam is staging a string of six live concerts this summer, featuring kid rock, daughtry, david gray, darius rucker, bush and Train. extending beyond the concerts, Jim beam is also offering cover songs recorded by its Live Music series artists. songs being covered come from Rolling Stone’s list of the “500 greatest songs of All Time” and are being offered as downloads exclusively via Jimbeam.com/LiveMusicseries. specially marked bottles of Jim beam, Jim beam black, red stag and devil’s Cut bourbons have all the details.

Trio of New AbsiNThes TAkes The ‘Green Fairy’ Upscale five years ago, Viridian Spirits and historian T. A. Breaux helped lift the U.s. ban on absinthe, and Viridian’s Lucid became the first brand legally available here since 1912. Viridian is now releasing three limited-quantity, ultra-premium replications of absinthes made with historically accurate ingredients. Jade C. F. Berger originally produced switzerland, is characterized by a bold bouquet, full body and distinct herbal notes. Jade 1901 is a tribute to the best known pre-ban absinthe with an appetizing herbal aroma and a smooth, lingering aftertaste. Jade Esprit Edouard is a faithful reproduction of one of the most famous and highly regarded belle Époque absinthes. srP $49.99 each viridianspirits.com

As part of the 2012 Live Music Series, Jim Beam presented Operation Homefront with a check for $100,000 onstage at Kid Rock’s concert in Boston, the first show in the 2012 series.

10 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012

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41 AM


last Call

How to speak financial By CHuCk deiBel


his month class is in session and we are going to review the accounting and financial terms and phrases used in the industry. i see a lot of different words used and sometimes they are used in an improper situation. i used to teach accounting at Columbus state in Columbus and believe we all have to be “speaking the same” lingo. definitions for financial reporting and analysis reveNue & sales – the measured value in dollars or units for which a business distributes or transfers it’s goods or services. i.e. we sold $450.00 of beer. or, we sold 225 bottles of beer. financial statements usually show dollars, not units. eXPeNses – assets that are used to generate the sales for the business. assets – tangible and intangible property which the business owns to operate. liaBilities – assets and expenses which have been incurred or are owned by the business but not yet completely paid for, in other words debt. Cost of goods sold – the cost of the product used in the effort to generate sales. it’s usually measured in dollars and it can be measured in units. it’s calculated by adding the purchases to the beginning inventory and subtracting the ending inventory from that number. it really should be called the Cost of goods used as the receipt of the money for the sale of the inventory is not guaranteed. Cost of goods sold PerCeNtage - aCtual – (Pour Cost %, liquor Cost are Hospitality industry terms). the cost of the goods sold is divided by the sales for the same period of time. it’s a ratio (relationship) between the two numbers. Cost of goods sold PerCeNtage – ideal this is calculated by dividing the cost of the product sold, plus the cost of comps by actual sales. gross margiN or gross Profit – the value of the Cost of the goods sold is subtracted from the gross sales. this number is what’s left over to cover the general and adminstrative expenses for the business.

gross margiN PerCeNtage – this is calculated by dividing the gross Profit (gross margin) by the sales. it is usually the inverse of the Cost of goods sold Percentage.

we all Have to Be “sPeakiNg tHe same” liNgo geNeral & admiNistrative eXPeNses – these are ongoing expenses which are necessary for the business to operate but are not the cost of the inventory. they are often fixed or do not fluctuate with the changes in sales. they will often occur whether the business is open or not open. Net Profit - the amount of dollars left over after subtracting the general & administrative expenses form the gross Profit. income taxes may be a part of this number. Net Profit PerCeNtage – the ration of the Net Profit divided by the gross sales. iNveNtory CoNtrol – this involves knowledge of the inventory quantities used, and the use of Pars, rotation of product, correct order quantities, cost knowledge and proper inventory and sales controls and protection. Par – the quantity of inventory desired to be on hand to meet the expected sales demand for an ordering cycle. it is usually based on past usage of a particular product. most operators use a “fixed Par”. this means it’s the same number every week. a par based on a moving average or some analysis of past current history is better. Profit CoNtrol – this is the use of procedures and analysis techniques that cause for the correct number of units of inventory to be used in relation to the sales and vice versa. Post-use analysis involves comparing actual results to theoretical results. Balance sheet – the financial report that lists the values of the assets, liability’s and owners equity of the company on a specific date. it usually only contains dollars and not units. income statement – the financial report that provides the amount

Chuck deibel

(activity) of sales and expenses for a Period of time for a business. the difference between the sales and expenses determines the amount of profit or loss in dollars for the business. the statement is usually divided between expenses directly related to the product or service being offered for sale (inventory or billable hours) and expenses that are “general” to the operations of the business. (such as rent and utilities). i hope this helps you understand some of the terms better. if you are interested in receiving a more indepth view, give us a call or write me at deibel@bevinco.com. see you soon!

when you did your inventory last week, how many shots of Crown royal were you missing? How many pints of draft beer were you missing? if you can’t answer those questions you should give us a call at 800-891-1012 or go to www.bevinco.com our clients do know how much.

July 2012 oHio Beverage moNtHly 11

September 17th Educational Seminars

Techniques of Alcohol Management 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. $25 OLBA MEMBER

$60 Non-Members

Presented by: Max Sorensen, OLBA State TAM Coordinator

TAM teaches servers to be more responsible in their day-to-day activities. Learn to recognize the signs of intoxication and how to deal with patrons who become intoxicated. Learn the scientific processes that take place when a person becomes intoxicated and how Ohio Law dictates your response in certain situations.

Do’s and Don’ts of Liquor Law 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Free! Presented by: Bruce Stevenson (Invited), Ohio Division of Liquor Control

Don’t let ignorance of the law be an excuse for not following it. Come find out what is legal and what’s not at this always popular informative seminar.

Turn Your Bouncer Into A Host 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Free! Presented by: Robert C. Smith, Nightclub Security Consultants

Security guards duties normally include checking identification at the door, stopping intoxicated guests from entering the bar and stopping fights between guests. However, far too often the employees who are given the job to keep people safe are seen as rude, overbearing and heavy handed. This training session will give attendees useful tips to change the way they hire, train, use and discipline their security employees so they are truly apart of of the hospitality industry.


Emerging Trends in the Bar and Restaurant Industry 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Free! Presented by Barry Chandler, barblogger.com

Join Barry Chandler of thebarblogger.com, as he moderates a panel of experts from the Ohio Beverage Monthly. Learn and discuss the latest trends in: • Social Media • Security • Charitible Gaming

• Menu Selection • Inventory Control Panelists include: Barry Chandler, The Bar Blogger Robert Smith, Nightclub Security Consultants Quinn Allen, CSC Chuck Deibel, Bevinco

Increasing Sales From Behind the Bar and Beyond 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Free!

Presented by: Dr. Steven Stovall, Wilmington College

Do you know your bar should be making more money, but you’ve tried everything you can think of and your profit margin just isn’t growing? Learn new ways to increase your bar’s sales through suggestive selling techniques that you can teach every member of your staff from your bartenders to your managers.

Marketing Techniques and Promotions for Today’s Customer 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Free!

Presented by: Dr. Angela Mitchell, Wilmington College

If trying to figure out what motivates the Millenial generation has been a complete mystery to you, then don’t miss this seminar. Dr. Mitchell will help you get into the heads of today’s twenty-something and help you come up with real strategies that you can use and tactics that work! You’ll be speaking their language, and in turn, selling them more product before you know it.

583 East Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215



2012 BUCKEYE BAR EXPO Put September 17th On Your Calendar!

Sabbath, Aerosmith, Journey, and Van Halen. BluKuda is a high-energy cover band playing anything from current rock/pop to popular bar classics that will keep the dance floor filled.

Molly McKee, OLBA Management Team


f you haven't done so already, mark your calendars for the 11th Annual Buckeye Bar Expo which will take place at The Bluestone on Monday, September 17th. The Bluestone is a huge old church located at 583 E. Broad Street in Columbus that has been renovated to accommodate concerts and other large events. The Expo features all of the new products and promotions from suppliers of the alcohol beverage industry. Owners and their employees are welcome to sample the new products as well as, learn about new innovative techniques to help their businesses succeed. There will also be multiple bars all throughout the facility. We will be offering several new seminars and all new entertainment at this year's show! The day's entertainment kicks off with the Party on the Patio at 12:30 p.m. The Party on the Patio runs concurrently with the expo. There will be musical entertainment, door prizes, and everyone's favorite event: the search for Ohio's Favorite Bartender. This year we have four bands that are all very talented and play great music. Chillin Sun is an aggressive hard rock band that has shared the stage with Shinedown, Fuel, Breaking Benjamin, and Saliva. Luxury Brown is an incredibly talented band that plays a variety of music styles including dance, jazz, R&B, pop, Motown, and more. Mr. Miyagi is an 80's rock band that covers AC/DC, Kiss, Black

The Expo features all of the new products and promotions from suppliers of the alcohol beverage industry. Along with the entertainment, there will also be flair bartending demonstrations and seminars tailored to bar and/or restaurant owner('s) and their staff. We also will be offering Techniques of Alcohol Management also known as TAM. There will be several new seminars offered to our attendees. "Techniques of Alcohol Management" will be presented by Max Sorensen and will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. TAM teaches servers to be more responsible in their dayto-day activities as well as learn the scientific processes that takes place when a person becomes intoxicated and how Ohio Law dictates your response in certain situations. "The Do's and Don'ts of Liquor Law" will be presented by The Ohio Division of Liquor Control and will be from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Don't let ignorance of the law be an excuse for not following it. Come find out what is legal and what's not at this always popular informative seminar. "Turn Your Bouncer Into A Host" will be presented by Robert C. Smith and will be from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Security guards' duties normally include checking identification at the door, stopping intoxicated guests from entering the bar and stopping fights between guests. This training session will

give attendees useful tips to change the way they hire, train, use and discipline their security employees so they are truly apart of the hospitality industry. "Emerging Trends in the Bar and Restaurant Industry" will be presented by Barry Chandler, Robert Smith, Quinn Allen, and Chuck Deibel and will be from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join Barry Chandler of thebarblogger. com, as he moderates a panel of experts from the Ohio Beverage Monthly. Learn and discuss the latest trends in social media, security, charitable gaming, menu selection, and inventory control. "Increase Sales From Behind the Bar and Beyond" will be presented by Dr. Steven Stovall and will be from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Learn new ways to increase your bar's sales through suggestive selling techniques that you can teach every member of your staff from your bartenders to your managers. "Marketing Techniques and Promotions for Today’s Customer" will be presented by Dr. Angela Mitchell and will be from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dr. Mitchell will help you get into the heads of today's twenty-something and help you come up with real strategies that you can use and tactics that work! You'll be speaking their language, and in turn, selling them more product before you know it. Hotel Accommodations for The Buckeye Bar Expo have been made at the Holiday Inn Columbus Downtown - Capitol Square. This hotel is within walking distance to the Bluestone. Reservations can be made by calling 614-2213281. Mention the O.L.B.A. for the standard room rate of $94.00. Booth Space is limited but there are still a number of good booth positions available. If you are interested in exhibiting or attending, you should call (800)678-5995 or visit buckeyebarexpo. com. Tickets for The Buckeye Bar Expo are just $10 and we hope to see you there!

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 13


Breezette breaks the normal Provence rosé mold, aiming for lifestyle appeal over traditional chateau name on the label.

A still from Wild Turkey’s first TV ad in 157 years.

Summer Trends on Tap Rosés get cheeky; spirits hit the airwaves; sweet reds still rolling By W. R. TiSh

Rosés… What’s in a Name? Shakespeare once famously challenged us to examine the meaning of a name, choosing a rose as his metaphor: “What’s in a name?” asked Juliet, “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?…” But as we hit the heat of summer, let’s consider the fate of a rosé by any other name. I refer here to the apparent trend of Americans not simply embracing crisp dry rosé wines, but more and more often rosés emblazoned with proprietary names. Just as the 1990s saw a spate of pet names get attached to red blends (many

Meritage, but many not) as producers wrestled to gain attention within a burgeoning category, it appears that proprietary names are proliferating among seasonal pink wines. And the names are sprouting up on rosés from all over the globe. From Provence, Château d’Esclans “Whispering Angel” is well established; Turquoise Life “Breezette” is brand new, emphasizing the lifestyle aspect of this warm-weather quaff. Empson USA brings in a delightful rosato made by Lombardy producer Costaripa called RosaMara. From Chile, Montes makes an almost-garnet Syrah rosé called Cherub,

with catchy Ralph Steadman artwork. Out in California, Bonny Doon was ahead of the curve with the “flying cigar” rosé, Vin Gris de Cigare. Red Truck gives the green light to dry rosé summer sipping with its Pink Truck label, and boutique winery Lasseter dubs its rosé “Enjoué.” Oregon’s Domaine Serene grabbed “R” for their rosé label. On Long Island, Wolffer Estate is a perennial leader in rosé production, with the estate bottling complemented by a reserve-level “Grandioso.” And Croteaux Vineyards may take the pink cake, with more than half a dozen fancifully named rosés, including “Jolie,” “Chloe,” “Paris” and “Sauvage.” From a category standpoint, the spurt represents a sign of maturity. Rosés have become summer staples, and the effort suppliers are making to make their respective bottlings more memorable is a sign of pink’s ongoing power. Yet another sign of pink power, albeit not dry: Beringer and Diageo have just released sweet pink wines. Beringer’s new pink wine is a blend of Moscato and White Zinfandel. Diageo has played off the brand name Rosen-

14 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012

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industrywatch blum to create Rose ‘N’ Blum. It may sound a little hokey, but if a name can stick in the mental hard drive of the people who try and like the wine, more power to them.

Eyes on the Booze Tube Yes, we are thick in the Digital Age, but TV is still America’s most popular medium for entertainment. Far from replacing TV, the Internet has empowered many marketers to use videos as part of integrated marketing plans that include TV, websites and social media. Youtube and other Web-based video platforms allow ads aired on TV to be viewed (and/or re-viewed) and shared by fans via the Web. This bonus, as well as the fact that broadcast networks have made it easier for spirits brands to create national campaigns, has helped fuel significant growth in spirits advertising on television. According to Ad Age, spirits spending on TV increased by 23% between 2005 and 2010. Jim Beam is a real TV power player circa 2012, with spots for Maker’s Mark, Devil’s Cut, Hornitos, Pucker and Skinnygirl. Diageo, which spent $17 million on Captain Morgan in 2011, also advertises Ketel One and Johnnie Walker. Brown-Forman returned to television with Southern Comfort, after going all online in 2009. Taking their first-ever plunges into TV are Jägermeister (Sidney Frank) and Wild Turkey (Campari America). The Wild Turkey “Give ’em the Bird” campaign—with 15- and 30-second spots running on ESPN, Comedy Central, Spike, TNT and TBS—is expected to garner 150 million impressions on TV alone, not including online views. Jimmy Russell, master distiller at Wild Turkey, jokes that when bourbon was first distilled on Wild Turkey Hill in Kentucky in 1855, “the most popular form of communication was shouting down the road.” For retailers and bartenders, the upshot of this bump in TV advertising is simple: exposure for these brands

If a catchy name can stIck In the mental hard drIve of a wIne lover,then more power to that brand. will put them consciously and subconsciously on the minds of consumers. By making the facings for these brands prominent on shelves and back bars, you can essentially put those big ad buys to work for you.

More Sweet Reds Our June cover story on Sweet Reds drew a spike of online traffic. It also spurred a number of phone calls and emails from suppliers who wanted to make sure we knew that they are riding the Sweet Red Express as well. Both of these effects point to the strength of this potentially explosive category. Admiral Imports has tapped Brazil, bringing in Dom Bosco, made (since 1947!) from Isabel Bordeaux grapes by Cereser, one of the largest beverage companies in Latin America; SRP is $5.99 (there is a white as well). Aveníu Brands just announced the debut of Mermelada, a “sassy” sweet red blend of Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes grown and estate-bottled in the Costers del Segre region of northeastern Spain (SRP $11.99). The mix of grapes here is a vivid reminder that a sweet red wine—unlike Moscato, which is naturally limited by grape supply—can be developed from assorted varieties (including those typically associated with dry wines), making the overall category much more fertile for new products than Moscato is. Another brand to watch: Papi, imported from Chile’s Maule and Central valleys by Simone International. Papi has a Cabernet Sauvignon (12.5%

ABV) and Merlot (12% ABV), both positioned as “softly sweet” to indicate that the wine is not overbearingly sweet. Simone VP of Marketing and Sales Heather Gonci says the wines have “just that right amount for a soft and smooth finish.” SRP for the Papi wines: $7.99-$8.99/750ml; $13.99$14.99/1L. Papi is primarily distributed in New York and New Jersey as of now, but Gonci indicates that they are expanding quickly. And finally, would you believe there is actually a brand called Sweet? Sweet 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon (SRP $8.99; California appellation)—from Coastal Wine Brands, a division of DFV—has ABV of 13% and a 20% dose of Cabernet Franc and Petite Sirah in the blend. Northeast Division Manager Mark Vanston notes, “It is a national brand that was introduced last year and it is trademarked as the brand Sweet. That gives it great market positioning to attract the consumers looking for sweeter wines. In the trade we use the term ‘sweet’ for fortified and late harvest, but consumers use the term for softer, more approachable style wines.” ■

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arouNdoHio witH rNdC

Giant Eagle 202 in Columbus, Ohio with display of Absolut 4th of July with Paul Crouse

Joannie Karabogias and Ali Mccarty are pictured with Jon Cappozoli from Pernod Ricard

Summer display with Absolut and Malibu at Agency Store 993, Joe's Beverage North Royalton with Stephanie

16 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012

Dan Flannigan from Minottis Bay Village with Absolut 4th of July

Three Olives Summer Display at 743 Dublin Wine Cellar in Dublin, Ohio with Brian Scalabrine


CooliNg dowN for tHe summer: ideas to keep your menu Cool and fresh By QuiNN m. alleN CsC


ell ohio the summertime is here, just when we were getting done complaining about how cold winter is, the clouds part, the sun comes out, and now it is just way too hot. But at least as ohioans we know that we will always have something to complain about and we will do it to the best of our

Quinn allen, CsC

ability. However the heat can be fended off to a certain degree (no pun intended). there are several clever ways to beat the heat in the kitchen to keep your menu cool, refreshing, and in constant demand. so be prepared, the dog days are coming, and i’m not talking about the annual family cook out (pun intended). there are certain things that come to mind in the winter months that warm you up as you eat, for example, most restaurants are more likely to sell more soups than ice cream in the winter months, so you would think it would be vice versa in the summer. well that may be the case if you continue to serve your 5 alarm tomato soup and your sizzling french onion.

However there is a cooler side to the soup industry, ladies and gentlemen. allow me to introduce you to gazpacho! gazpacho is a vegetable based soup native to andalucia and Portugal. this veggie soup usually consists of raw vegetables such as tomato, onion, bell peppers, cucumber, and garlic. the vegetables are rinsed, chopped, and then added to a base of pureed tomatoes, olive oil, and wine vinegar (i prefer rice wine, or red wine).

tHere are several Clever ways to Beat tHe Heat iN tHe kitCHeN to keeP your meNu Cool, refresHiNg, aNd iN CoNstaNt demaNd. the refreshing quality of the cold temperature and the light nature of a vegetarian soup make this dish ideal for the summer months. No one is going to have a bowl of chili and then run a 5k. However gazpacho can be a snack or a meal if desired. the ingredients above are the most basic form of gazpacho, there are countless ingredients to be exchanged or added to personalize your own recipe. even the tomato base can be taken out of the equation and replaced with pureed watermelon for a delicious watermelon gazpacho, my personal favorite. the key to keeping food sales up in the summer time is to control your portions. on occasion people will want their large steak

and mashed potatoes for dinner, but leave that to the steak houses. see all those people running around the block, they need to eat too, and chances are when they are trying on their bathing suit in the mirror after every meal, they aren’t looking to gain a pound just by eating lunch. small plates and fresh appetizers are a great way to go when entertaining customers during the ninety degree days of the summer. Now just because you are offering smaller portions doesn’t mean you will be sacrificing profit. two ways around this are to put more labor into each small dish to make it more flavorful, and to make small portioned items a la Carte so that the customer can order more than one of the same item if need be, or they can sample several different items so that your menu gets better exposure. some ideas for small plates are fish tacos, pita and hummus, and shrimp ceviche dishes. when it comes down to it, the best way to beat the heat is with an ice cold beer, but sadly enough the human body relies on calories to keep functioning, so take advantage of the season with all of the local produce and fresh ingredients available to you in your area. there are countless recipes out there that can change a restaurant/bar in the summer. find a recipe that appeals to your dynamic, execute it extremely well, and watch the seats fill up, and the money roll in. always remember in a business, you get out what you put in, if you’re not evolving, you are falling behind, stay focused, stay passionate, and get CookiNg!!

July 2012 oHio Beverage moNtHly 17


a Bar Blog must Be CoNsisteNt wHy Bar owNers sHould Never start a Blog

platform to share information that hopefully helps business owners identify new ways to grow their business. in doing so, i got in front of many industry decision makers and influencers that helped spread my reach. for a 9 month period, i blogged once or twice a day for 9 months. solidly. within the first year of running this blog, i had enough content to turn into a book! there is no disputing that a blog can create a new audience for your business, open you up to potential news coverage, build trust and loyalty as you blog about real-life incidents or behind the scenes activities at your business, however, and this is a very big “However”, of all of the thousands of bar and restaurant owners that i have interacted with in the past 10

years, i can’t count more than a handful of owners who would have the time, the expertise, the interest or the discipline to be able to maintain a blog. a blog is like any other activity we enter into to grow our business, and i too have been guilty of this, it only works if it is regular and consistent. many owners get swept up in the hype and urgency being pushed upon them by well meaning (sometimes) consultants who tell them they must have a blog! it would be preferable to never have started blogging then to create one blog post, advertise it and link to it from all of your marketing material, only to never blog again. worse again is when i see owners write what they think is a blog, but is really just a lengthy sales pitch each week. fail! it oNly works if it is regular aNd CoNsisteNt. all your customers see is something you started and never finished. you didn’t need this kind of perception about you or your business. instead of taking the time to learn how to blog, learn how to share it and how to write effectively, consider doing the following instead: - first concentrate on making sure that your product and service are top notch. there’s no point blogging a bout a terrible business! - focus on building a community of customers

around your social channels like facebook & twitter which will have a much greater reach. - share interesting behindthe-scenes photos and news on facebook & twitter instead of a blog. - invite local bloggers to a blogger-only party in your business to sample your food and drinks. they are the experts at blogging and you’re the expert at cooking! do this right and you’ll get far more exposure from tHeir blog posts. - use a service like venueseen. com to monitor the photos that are being taken in your business. you might be surprised what you see! if you have tried to blog or are currently blogging and you have a different perspective, we’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Don't Miss My Seminar... Emerging Trends in the Bar and Restaurant Industry Coming Up At the 2012 Buckeye Bar Expo! September 17, 2012 2-3 pm - FREE! More info at buckeyebarexpo.com

Photograph courtesy of ????????????


hen i started blogging in 2009, i had one goal in mind: to get in front of more potential customers for my services. i used the blog and continue to use the

By Barry CHaNdler

18 oHio Beverage moNtHly July 2012



Free n e t u l G Naturally tatoes o P m o r f Distilled

CRAFTED FROM THE CRYSTAL CLEAR GLACIAL WATERS OF NORWAY Vikingfjord Vodka ©2012 Kobrand Corporation, New York, NY. 40% ALC. BY VOL. Distilled from Potatoes. Please enjoy responsibly.


VODKA By Jack Robertiello

Marzipan. Brazil nut. White pepper, rye bread, lemon cream, butterscotch. No, these are not the latest flavored vodka releases, though no one would be surprised if any were on their way to market. They’re just a few of the aromas and flavors that vodka distillers, brand ambassadors and marketers mention when making the point that the sensory characteristics of their brands are worth singling out. It’s about time. As aisle after liquor store aisle is taken over by the steady parade of vodka brands and flavors, premium and super-premium brands that have lived on marketing and advertising success now find that discerning bartenders, spirit buyers and consumers want a little more information about what a spirit is made from, how it’s made and what to expect on the palate. Traditionally, vodkas have been seen in three major groups: the clean, light Scandinavian style; the more oily and

flavorful Polish style; and the smooth but pungent Russian style.

DISTINCT DIFFERENCES But suppliers increasingly see the need for finer points of differentiation among the slew of brands. “Consumers will try your spirit if it has a great look and the branding is excellent, but to get brand loyalty you need to deliver something different and unique,” says Olivia McNeal, VP of technical innovation at Diageo. “I would love to see the day

when you could walk up to a vodka shelf and see tasting notes and reviews as you would on the wine shelves.” In Sweden, bringing flavor and character back to vodka has been the longtime goal of Thomas Kuuttanen, owner and distiller of Purity Vodka. His elaborate custom-made still was a result of his search for a way to make a vodka complex in flavor and aromas, full-bodied and filled with grainy richness and a spectrum of aromatics. Poised in the higher-priced tier, Purity combines luxury imagery with a market approach dedicated to featuring the brand’s flavors and aromas. He’s not alone; many vodka entrepreneurs are pushing the sensory qualities of their products. It’s a smart move given the enormous amounts spent by major companies on luxury imagery and scene-makers.

As the base materials of vodkas— traditionally wheat, rye and potato, but now including grapes, corn, quinoa, soy, milk, even oranges—increase, the flavors and aromas each delivers can help a brand stand out in a crowd. This is especially true at the higher price points, where brands strive to go beyond multiple distillations and filtrations to emphasize qualities that put the lie to the U.S. rules that call vodka “odorless, colorless and flavorless.” “With us, what Grey Goose is made of and what effect it has on the spirit is something we always spoke about,” says Grey Goose Brand Master Jason Druckenmiller. “But now that people are really demanding info about ingredients and distilling techniques, and with the vodka category bigger than it ever has been, it’s increasingly important.”

Subtle differences in traditional vodka become more critical at higher price points, and for enthusiasts who drink vodka chilled or on the rocks. Claire Smith, head of spirit creation and mixology for Belvedere, says communication about vodka keeps evolving as the consumer becomes savvy about the differences between brands: “We try to look more at texture and mouthfeel and secondary flavor characteristics, comparing various vodkas based on tex-

tural delivery and then we talk about the character of rye.” What are considered subtle differences are masked when vodka is consumed with fruit juices or mixers, but as a significant number of consumers drink unflavored vodka on the rocks or chilled, these differences become more apparent. With such a narrow set of contributing components—water, raw material and distillation—each plays a part, and making the case beyond is important, especially at a higher price point. Take, for example, Tito’s, a pot still vodka. Its bold and assertive taste profile is widely credited with creating a space in the market for theoretically neutral vodkas that are considered more flavorful. Distiller and owner Tito Beveridge says the combination of their base-product corn and the pot still distillation gives


the brand its own unique characteristics. He calls it “smooth, with a roundness to its body…with a hint of vanilla and a slight caramel note, a very subtle sweetness and a dash of pepper at the end.”

Base ingredients can impact vodka taste profile, but so can distillation methods.

CLARIFYING THE MESSAGE Making clear these stylistic differences to retailers and bartenders is a key step as vodka brands proliferate. Steve Chasen, on-premise director of trade marketing for Pernod Ricard, says that for Absolut, it’s important to re-engage directly with the trade “now and for the foreseeable future about the product itself.” “It has become incredibly competitive and we need to speak to the bartender— that’s our gatekeeper and we need to keep relevant to those guys.” To do so and to continue the shift of Absolut from an imagery-driven brand to one relevant to the discerning sipper, Pernod Ricard has gone as far as developing a transportable miniSwedish village that will visit major markets to show in real terms the importance of distillation and source ingredients (in this case, wheat) in the taste profile of Absolut. The company will also trim its main marketing focus to three flavors— original, Citron and Mandarin. Chasen hinted at increasing the number of vodka brands Pernod sells in the U.S. while developing a portfolio management program in the next year. The company also owns Luksusowa and Wyborowa vodkas. While making clear to consumers and the trade the general flavor profile of the




base ingredients—rye vodkas tend to be spicier, potato vodkas creamier and richer—those ingredients can’t tell the whole story. As Finlandia’s master taster Markku Raittinen notes, even an expert confronted with six different wheat vodkas would be challenged by the range of styles. That’s the result of distillation methods, he says: “The more sophisticated the distillation, the less impact aroma will have; in the more rough or handcrafted processes, aroma plays a huge role. “Finlandia is made to be the most pure, light and even crispy vodka, and we like to have as little taste as possible,” he says. The six-row barley they employ, also used in beer and whiskey making, has little oil and other flavorful elements. For Grey Goose, which just introduced a Cherry Noir flavored iteration, the drive for an elegant vodka has convinced them that soft winter wheat from Picardy, France, with a long growing season, provides a wheaty, almondy even pastry quality to its flavor; but managing the distillation so that the spirit is subjected to less heat is also key.

McNeal says the sensory characteristics of Diageo’s three major vodkas differ significantly: Smirnoff is neutral, with what she describes as “slightly grainy, viscous, with floral and citrus peel with a very clean finish.” Ketel One, made from wheat, has more graininess, as well as hints of fennel and white pepper on the nose. In Ciroc, the best-known grape vodka, sweetness is more notable. “With Ciroc, we wanted to bring character into vodka in a way that was still neutral. We describe it as smooth, round, lightly sweet notes of lemon cream, citrus pie and a bit of spice and green notes on finish.” As Raittinen notes, the growth of grape and corn as source ingredients has helped open consumers to the idea of vodka as more than neutral. Belvedere’s Unfiltered expression has also pushed the envelope, made from the specific type of Dankowski rye and then left unfiltered. “Made from the same basic grain, the two vodkas are quite different, both demonstrating the breadth of flavors you get from rye,” says Smith. “That for me is one of the most interesting things that you can use to show how small changes can matter so much.”

FLAVOR PARADE ROLLS ON The numbers are stark: according to Technomic’s 2012 SpiritsTAB report, vodka overall grew 6.8% in volume in 2011 to reach 64.2 million 9-liter cases, and now accounts for more than 32% of total spirits volume. Imports grew 13

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percent, while domestics just 3%, with imports now accounting for 49% of total vodka volume. On a dollar basis, vodka was $11.5 billion in 2011, now 28.5% of total spirits retail dollars. That helps explain the continuing rush to market of new brands and flavors. What follows is only a slice of what’s available in terms of new or different, but it seems if you can imagine a source or flavor for vodka, it’s available. Trying to expand the market is Voli, a French vodka making a splash for its association with Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie, a part owner of the brand. It’s also touted as lower-calorie, and is available in Original, Espresso-Vanilla, Orange-Vanilla, Raspberry-Cocoa and newly released Mango-Coconut. Lower-calorie/alcohol vodkas have been expanding the range of vodkas in the market: at 31% alcohol by volume, Figenza, made with figs from Greece and Turkey and distilled three times, is offered by importer Carriage House as stand-alone cocktail or ingredient in cocktails. Among the leading brands, new introductions in flavor lead the pack, with latest iterations including honeysuckle, waffle and lemon tea, the latter being the newest addition to Belvedere’s Macerated collection. Belvedere Lemon Tea is their second vodka based on a drink (the first was Boody Mary) and is distilled with eight ingredients including black and green teas, ginger, chamomile, lemongrass, honey and lemon.


360 Glazed Donut


Lower-calorie/ alcohol bottlings— some flavored, some not—have expanded the range of vodkas in the market. In case anyone was worried that suppliers would run out of new vodka flavors, Van Gogh put that fear to rest with a veritable two-flavor breakthrough. Their PB&J qualifies as a veritable magic trick: the aromatics favor peanuts over raspberry, but on the palate the roles seem reversed. Van Gogh’s other recently launched flavors include Cool Peach, Rich Dark Chocolate, Dutch Caramel and Blue Triple Wheat. Three Olives straddles vodka’s traditional side—the name honors the classic martini, garnished with three olives— and the thoroughly modern side, with 20 flavor variations ranging from cola and root beer to Rangtang (orange-tangerine) and bubble gum. Reinventing old flavors works as well. Stolichnaya is widely considered the originator of the flavored vodka category, and the brand has gone back to its roots for their two newest flavors. They’ve remixed the classic pepper-flavored Stoli

(Pertsovka) as Stoli Hot, made with jalapeños, and honey-flavored Stoli (Okhotnichya) as Stoli Sticki. Latest from off-premise brand Burnett’s is Burnett’s Maple Syrup Vodka, the newest innovation in their flavored franchise which now totals 28 flavors, one of the largest in the industry. “Once again, Burnett’s has introduced a unique flavor that complements our more traditional set of flavored vodkas,” notes Senior Brand Manager Reid Hafer. “Maple Syrup is a creative means of delivering a well-known flavor profile without extending the franchise into the esoteric.” Sobieski—the fastest vodka brand to sell one million cases in a year in the U.S., introduced three flavors—Espresso, Cynamon and Bizon Grass—into its growing portfolio late last year, joining the product line-up including Orange, Karamel, Raspberry, Cytron and Vanilia. Bizon Grass will be available in limited supply nationwide and is a unique herb-flavored vodka based on the Polish spirit now making a return to the U.S. retail market. Skyy has added to its flavored line Skyy Infusions Coconut, made with real coconuts to create a light, refreshing flavor complemented by aromas of citrus and Tahitian vanilla bean. Skyy Infusions Coconut joins the brand’s existing line of flavors, which includes Dragon Fruit, Blood Orange, Pineapple, Ginger, Cherry, Grape, Citrus, Raspberry and Passion Fruit.

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BURNETT’S Maple Syrup

CROP Cucumber



GEORGI Whipped Cream

GREY GOOSE Cherry Noir


Svedka Vodka is the fastest growing top-10 spirits brand and second largest imported vodka brand in the U.S.—and the first brand to introduce the concept of “cheap chic” into the vodka category. The original is distilled five times and made from Swedish winter wheat, resulting in a smooth, clean taste. Svedka Vodka is available in flavors, each 35% alcohol by volume: Citron, Raspberry, Clementine, Vanilla, Grape, Cherry and just-launched Colada. Of course, the current champ of flavors may be Pinnacle, with their envelope-pushing hits such as Whipped Cream, Cake and Cookie Dough along with a slew of fruit flavors and Atomic Hots. For proof that future growth in the vodka category will prominently feature flavors, look no further than Beam recently purchasing Pinnacle from White Rock Distilleries for more than $600 million. Pinnacle’s 2012 sales are expected to top 3 million cases. Just as intriguing are the flavors from Georgi—the recently introduced Popcorn and Waffle joining Blueberry, Bubble Gum, Candy Cane, Cherry, Coconut, Espresso Coffee, French Vanilla, Vanilla, Grape, Green Apple, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Peach, Raspberry, Watermelon and Whipped Cream. Brand reps are quick to point out that Georgi Whipped Cream does not have “imitation” on the label.



MOON MOUNTAIN Wild Raspberry

UV has taken a literally colorful approach to flavors; Lemonade is in vibrant pink bottle, Sweet Green Tea is cool pale green, Orange is orange, Cherry is red, Chocolate Cake is brown, and so on, right through Blue (raspberry). The line is a reminder that shelf space in the flavored vodka sub-niche is as competitive as any spirit category. Other vodkas which have focused on the neutrality of their original nonflavored variety have stepped into the flavor sweepstakes. Vikingfjord Vodka, made from potatoes and Arctic glacial water, is steeped in Norwegian tradition with a neutral, silky balanced finish and creamy mouthfeel. Vikingfjord now offers Citrus (lemon) and Apple (green apple) iterations, soon to be followed by Chocolate & Raspberry and Chocolate & Chili. Similarly, New Amsterdam, which started out as a five times-distilled and three-times-filtered neutral vodka, is adding Peach and Red Berry. Crop Harvest Earth Vodkas are making progress in the organic niche, as a certified organic, artisanal vodka produced from American grain. Crop has also found success staking out more savory flavors: Crop Organic Cucumber Vodka captures the essence of freshly sliced cucumbers while Organic Tomato Vodka conveys the flavor of a vine-ripened tomato. Also in the organic niche is Moon Mountain Vodka, made using all organic

ingredients grown in Minnesota and Indiana distilled using a small batch copper pot. Their flavors—Moon Mountain Wild Raspberry made with organic raspberries and pomegranate seeds—and Moon Mountain Coastal Citrus made from lemons and Yuzu fruits—enter the mixed flavor sub-niche as well. By contrast, USDA Certified Organic American Harvest is staying out of the flavor parade; their vodka is handcrafted in small batches from winter wheat grown on a family owned and sustainably managed American farm, and from water from aquifers deep beneath Idaho’s Snake River plain. Similarly, Kanon Organic Vodka, from Sweden stresses simplicity, thanks to a single distillation (the heads and tails of the production process are recycled into bio-gas for local buses). Some vodkas are standing firm. Notably, Ultimat, which mocks flavors in one of their recent ads—“We don’t do flavors you find at carnivals. We don’t do flavors you find in ice cream. We do one flavor— vodka.” The brand has focused much of its efforts on social media, with the launch of The Social Life Audit, a first-of-its-kind app that examines Facebook profiles to form a detailed analysis about one’s actual social life. It’s an extension of the brand’s “Find Balance, Find Ultimat” campaign which takes an irreverent look at the social lives—or lack thereof—of hardworking professionals.

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PINNACLE Chocolate Whipped


SKYY Coconut

SMIRNOFF Whipped Cream

SOBIESKI Bizon Grass




ith flavors dominating the new entrants to the vodka category, it has become more important than ever for all vodkas to have a point of distinction…a calling card, so to speak. Origin is a time-tested hook. Russian Standard plays up its Russian identity, both modern (via a $60 million state-of-the-art distillery in St. Petersburg) and ancient (adhering faithfully to Dmitri Mendeleev’s 1894 formula for vodka based on a four-tier production protocol pairing the finest raw ingredients with the most exacting systems. Success of the Russian Standard Original paved the way for the super-premium Platinum and ultra-premium Imperia. Vektor is another ultra-premium vodka banking on Russian roots. Its pedigree includes a formula from the 15th century, seven-times distilled from the finest Russian wineter wheat, then birchwood-filtered. Speaking of national pride, Americana Vodka aligns itself with icons of American life—baseball, apple pie, jazz, diners, folk art—and is made at America’s oldest distillery. One Roq goes a step further, positioning itself as both All-American and one of the first gluten-, sodium- and sulfite-free brands of premium vodka, made of Colorado mountain spring water and 100% Iowa corn, crafted via rare glass fivecolumn stills. In super-premium Bootlegger




21 New York Vodka, named for the 21st Amendment that repealed Prohibition, the American accent goes micro-local, as the spirit is proudly handmade in the Empire State. America and Russia, of course, have not cornered the market on distinctive roots. Double Cross, for instance, is the pride of Slovakia, taking inspiration for its logo from the Slovakian flag. One of the more successful and enduring hooks belongs to Iceberg Vodka, which has claimed to be the “world’s purest vodka” since 1994, when they began using water from glaciers off the coast of Newfoundland, said to be 7,000 times more pure than tap water. In a sea of labels, familiar names can make a huge difference. Cupcake and Little Black Dress are two national brands that have extended from vodka into wine. Cupcake’s flavors seem perfectly in sync with the confection-inspired brand identity: Chiffon, Frosting, Devil’s Food, Ginger Snap and Very Berry. Similarly, Little Black Dress evokes that “night on the town” boldness, with Pineapple Honey, Black Cherry Vanilla and Blueberry Pomegranate. Skinnygirl Vodka, of course, is an extension of the RTD cocktail line created by Real Housewife turned libation mogul Bethenny Frankel. Launched earlier this year by Beam, the “Bare Naked” version is joined by three flavors: Island Coconut, Tangerine and Cucumber. All share the low-calorie hook so aptly captured in the brand name. 360 Vodka balances a healthy sense of fun (they released their latest flavor,

Glazed Donut, on National Donut Day) with environmental consciousness; the brand bills itself as “the planet’s first ecofriendly vodka.” One recent environmental program involved planting indigenous trees on 40 acres of the land around the distillery in Weston, MO. Going up the luxury ladder is a popular path to distinction. Absolut Elyx, a new handcrafted vodka launching later this year, also has a unique production process. All the raw materials used to make Absolut Elyx come from within a 15-mile radius of the production facility. Also, Elyx is distilled in a vintage copper still that dates back to the 1920s. Considering the explosion of flavors in the past few years, it is not unreasonable for suppliers and resellers to be concerned about flavor overload. One way of standing out in the crowd: make the bottle itself as provocative as the flavors inside. A perfect example of this approach is Wave Vodka’s lineup with packaging that is practically fluorescent. And KRU Vodka dispenses with the bottle completely; it goes for the sporty canister look, in a range of shatterproof sizes from 1.75L down to a handy 200ml, each with a handy carrying strap. Is there still room for vodka variations? Of course there is. To wit: brand-new Exclusiv Rosé Vodka; it’s raspberry vodka blended with sweet Rosé Moscato wine, resulting in a pink 32% ABV spirit. With flavor, color, lower alcohol, a trendy twist (Moscato) and a far-flung origin (Moldova), Exclusiv Rosé has one pretty heady calling card. ■

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The New Secret Ingredients:

Frank Cisneros at Campari's Count Negroni Birthday Bash at Manhattan Cocktail Classic.

The Amaris cocktail at Amor y Amago features housemade dry vermouth.

Apéritifs & Digestifs No longer obscure, vermouths, quinquinas and amaros become a bar menu wild card

By Brandy Rand


ith romantic stories of secret formulas concocted in remote European villages and handed down through generations, most apéritifs and digestifs had no place in America until very recently. Rediscovered by bartenders and importers who traveled abroad and came back enamored by the distinctive flavors, these once obscure elixirs are becoming an important part of cocktail culture. Most European aperitifs are made from a wine base fortified with herbs, spices and other botanicals. The one we know most commonly is vermouth. Cocktail manuals of the 1930s and ’40s listed French Vermouth (dry) and Italian Vermouth (sweet) as an ingredient in nearly every recipe. Yet slowly through the decades, consumers began to favor wine and sweeter drinks. By the time the martini craze came back in fashion in the 1990s, vermouth was all but forgotten as an essential part of the drink itself. Other aperitifs like Dubonnet and Lillet (called quinquinas with the bitter addition of quinine) were not being used by Americans as a pre-dinner apéritif to

DIGESTIFS, A LESS THAN SEXY TERM, BECOME MORE APPEALING WHEN INCORPORATED INTO COCKTAILS. open up the appetite ritualistically as the French and Italians did. Nor were we capping off our meals with digestifs, or amaros (Italian for “bitter”) like Cynar or Fernet-Branca. Thankfully, the past few years have changed that, with a revival of craft cocktails due to curious connoisseurs who embraced authentic products from yesteryear—but couldn’t easily find them in the United States. One person that came to the rescue (and is adored by many a bartender) was Eric Seed, who founded Haus Alpenz in 2005 and began importing or recreating obscure brands from the pages of history. Suddenly, Cocchi Americano and Bonal were new ingredients to play with, adding a fresh dimension to cocktail-making. Many bartenders have been using these brands to put a spin on classic cocktails,

substituting Maurin Quina for Campari in a Negroni or using amaros in whiskey-based drinks. At Bellocq at The Hotel Modern in New Orleans, Neal Bodenheimer says apéritifs are the center of their entire cocktail program. His staff tastes through their expansive vermouth and fortified wine selection like regular wine, developing a usage strategy for each. Nearly all of the cocktails at Cocotte in Portland, OR, utilize aperitifs or amaros; examples include the La Nella Moda (Bulleit Rye, Amaro Ramazzotti, Dolin Rouge, Fee Brothers Aromatic Bitters) and the Mère (Hendrick’s Gin, Dubonnet Rouge, lemon). Co-owner Levi Hackett notes that aperitifs have an extra advantage for mixolgists: their lower alcohol content encourages people to try a few cocktails and still enjoy wine with dinner. Digestifs, a less than sexy descriptive term, become more appealing when incorporated into cocktails or simply called by their Italian term, amaro. As a selfdescribed early-adopter of amaro, Bodenheimer says the rise in bartender usage of these brands corresponds with the integration of homemade ingredients in cocktails and the fact that “people are drawn toward things they know the least about.”

Apéritifs & Digestifs

Reaching End Users For consumers, the language of aperitifs and digestifs is being learned by tasting them. More frequent usage on menus takes the fear out of ordering. And for a brand like Averna, framing this ancient bitter liqueur in a new light is part of a decidedly modern approach. With social media and hipster events in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Averna is hoping to be included in the bar repertoire as more than just a digestif. Journeyman in Somerville, MA, offers an amaro section as part of the after-dinner drink menu, where patrons can choose a flight of three 1 oz. pours to sample a range. And New York City’s Amor y Amargo (Love and Bitters) is dedicated to bitters and vermouths, even offering a house made vermouth on tap in the Spanish style. Cocktails range from the classic Americano (house made sweet vermouth, Campari and water, carbonated and served on draught) to the Française Four-Play (Cognac, yellow Chartreuse, Lillet, Bonal). While many European brands are still niche, some of the better-known ones are hoping to expand their consumer bases by keeping things simple. Lillet, for example, recently debuted a rosé version; it is being promoted straight, on the rocks, with a slice of grapefruit in place of the flamed orange peel popularized to accompany Lillet Blanc. Aperol, one of the fastest-growing spirits on the market, is aiming to put its signature Aperol Spritz on the tip of the tongues of Americans from coast to coast. Keys to the effort: brand ambassadors helping bars create the perfect pour (3 parts Prosecco,

At Bellocq in The Hotel Modern New Orleans, aperitifs are at the center of the cocktail program.

2 parts Aperol, 1 part soda, over ice in a rocks glass or oversize wine glass); extensive social media (42,000 Facebook fans); and a marketing push to promote Aperol Spritz as a happy hour staple, via “mini sunset parties.” One sure sign of success: imitation. The low-calorie, low-alcohol bright orange Aperol Spritz has prompted several pre-formulated versions. Infinium, importer of Fernet-Branca, is aiming outside the on-premise box for their amaro, sponsoring a Facebookdriven battle of the bands competition in Florida, Austin, Atlanta and Chicago. Local bands can upload videos of original performances; the three with the most Facebook votes will advance for a chance to play live at the Fernet-Branca after-show during the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago in July.

Uncommon Goods Regularly stocked and stirred brands include Aperol, Campari, Lillet, FernetBranca and the wide array of vermouths such as Martini and Rossi, Noilly Prat, Cinzano, Dolin and Carpano Antica. Below are some lesser-known, but increasingly popular aperitifs and digestifs. ■

✜ Amaro Lucano CATEGORY: Amaro, 30% ABV PROVENANCE: Pisticci Scalo, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1894 TASTE PROFILE: A recipe with 37

herbs with dominant flavors of cinnamon, mint, cardamom and licorice SERVED: As an aperitif with ice, lemon rind and soda or neat, as a digestif; a complex addition to cocktails IMPORTER: Marsalle Company

✜ Amaro Montenegro CATEGORY: Amaro,

23% ABV Bologna, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1885 TASTE PROFILE: Over 40 herbs with light orange peel flavor; sweet at first then turns mildly bitter and botanical SERVED: As a digestif or in cocktails like Jackson Cannon’s Adriatique: 1 oz. Amaro Montenegro, 1 oz. fresh squeeze orange juice, ½ oz. Aperol. Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. IMPORTER: Vias Imports PROVENANCE:

✜ Averna Amaro, 32% ABV Sicily, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1868 TASTE PROFILE: More than 60 herbs, roots and fruit peels with notes of flowers, licorice, chocolate and semi-bitter citrus rind SERVED: Chilled or on ice after dinner, or in cocktails like Jacob Grier’s Averna Stout Flip: 2 oz. Averna, 1 oz. stout, 2 dashes Angostura bitters, 1 egg, fresh nutmeg. Combine Averna, stout, and bitters in a cocktail shaker. Stir in egg, add ice, and shake vigorously. Double-strain through a fine sieve into a wine glass and garnish with freshly grated nutmeg. IMPORTER: Domaine Select CATEGORY:


✜ Bonal Gentiane-Quina CATEGORY: Quinquina,

16% ABV France FIRST PRODUCED:1865 TASTE PROFILE: Made by an infusion of gentian, cinchona (quinine) and herbs of the Grand Chartreuse mountains in a Mistelle (fortified wine) base SERVED: Neat or with a twist; can be used in place of sweet vermouth in cocktails. IMPORTER: Haus Alpenz PROVENANCE:

Amor y Amor Photograph Courtesy of Noah Fecks / Bellocq Photograph Courtesy of The Hotel Modern, New Orleans

At Amor y Amaro, Avery Glasser concocts the Bittermens line of bitters and crafts his own vermouth, which is served on tap.


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Please Drink Responsibly. SMIRNOFF Frozen Flavored Malt Beverage. ©2012 The Smirnoff Co., Norwalk, CT. PARROT BAY Frozen Flavored Malt Beverage. ©2012 Captain Morgan Co., Norwalk, CT.

Apéritifs & Digestifs

Staying in front of mixologists is becoming a priority in the aperitif/digestif category. In May, Campari sponsored the first-ever Campari “Best Aperitivo” Cocktail Competition in conjunction with the U.S. Bartenders’ Guild (USBG). Morgan Schick of Jupiter Olympus in San Francisco won for his Fiore di Melo, deemed the best among fresh-mixed cocktails by the 29 regional finalists representing USBG chapters from across the U.S. The final competition was held at The Shanty in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, during the Manhattan Cocktail Classic. “Morgan Schick did an amazing job of creating a cocktail that stimulates the appetite without overwhelming the palate,” said judge Tony Abou-Ganim. After the competition, the winner was announced at Campari's Count Negroni Birthday Bash, which was held at the adjacent New York Distilling Company. Guests were given prop mustaches in honor of the Count, a high-flying Italian aristocrat who invented the Negroni cocktail in the early 20th century.

Fiore di Melo

by Morgan Schick INGREDIENTS

1 oz. Campari 1 oz. Hibiki 12 Year Old Whisky ½ oz. Oroloso Sherry 1 barspoon Honey Syrup (1:1 honey & water) Sparkling Cider Combine ingredients, except sparkling cider, in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Strain into a flute or martini glass. Top with sparkling cider and garnish with a lime peel.

✜ Maurin Quina

CATEGORY: Quinquina,

CATEGORY: Quinquina,

18% ABV PROVENANCE: Thuir, France FIRST PRODUCED:1873 TASTE PROFILE: Created by macerating South America quinquina bark with coffee, bitter orange, colombo and cocoa in Muscat Mistelles, which is then matured in oak casks. SERVED: On the rocks with a lemon twist as an aperitif. IMPORTER: Haus Alpenz

✜ Cardamaro CATEGORY: Amaro, 17% ABV PROVENANCE: Piedmonte, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: TASTE PROFILE: Wine-based infusion

of cardoon (a relative of the artichoke) and blessed thistle, then aged in new oak for six months. Milder than most amari, with a nutty, spiced fruit profile that is a cross between a sweet vermouth and a Madeira. SERVED: On the rocks with a twist or in cocktails. IMPORTER: Haus Alpenz

✜ Cocchi Americano CATEGORY: Quinquina,

16.5% Asti, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1891 TASTE PROFILE: Made from a base of Moscato d’Asti fortified with a little brandy, flavored with cinchona, gentian and citrus, then laid down for a year. It’s acknowledged by many to be the closest replica to the nowdefunct Kina Lillet (a staple in the classic Vesper recipe). SERVED: On the rocks with an orange twist or with a splash of soda; or in cocktails. IMPORTER: Haus Alpenz PROVENANCE:

✜ Cynar CATEGORY: Amaro, 16.5% ABV PROVENANCE: Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1952 TASTE PROFILE: An infusion of13

herbs and plants, predominately the artichoke (Cynara scolymus), from which the drink derives its name SERVED: Seen as both an aperitif and digestif; can be served on the rocks, with sodas or mixed with orange juice (a European favorite). Often substituted for Campari in cocktails. IMPORTER: Campari America

16% ABV France FIRST PRODUCED: 1884 (The iconic green devil on the label was created by an Italian artist in 1906) TASTE PROFILE: A base of sweet white wine fortified with an infusion of wild cherries and quinine in a neutral grape spirit; then cherry brandy, lemon and cherry juice are added to give a sweet, distinctive cherrymarzipan flavor SERVED: Tyler Dow’s Mauroni: 1 oz. gin, 1 oz. Maurin Quina, 1 oz. Carpano Antica, 2 dashes grapefruit bitters. Combine all ingredients with ice and stir until chilled. Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with a flamed orange peel. IMPORTER: Preiss Imports PROVENANCE:

✜ Punt e Mes CATEGORY: Vermouth,

16% ABV Turin, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1870 TASTE PROFILE: A fortified wine base infused 40 herbs and spices with slightly bitter chocolate notes; a cross between sweet vermouth and Campari SERVED: On the rocks, but most often used in place of sweet vermouth in cocktails like the Manhattan or cocktails IMPORTER: Infinium Spirits PROVENANCE:

✜ Ramazzotti CATEGORY: Amaro,

30% ABV Milan, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1815 TASTE PROFILE: Made from a blend of 33 herbs and roots, with notes of gentian, orange, cardamom; slight root beer and vanilla taste SERVED: Straight or on the rocks as a digestif, or adds herbal complexity to cocktails IMPORTER: Pernod Ricard PROVENANCE:

✜ Santa Maria Al Monte CATEGORY: Amaro,

40% ABV Genoa, Italy FIRST PRODUCED: 1892 TASTE PROFILE: Often compared to FernetBranca; a bitter, herbaceous liqueur with notes of ginseng and strong menthol SERVED: Neat or in cocktails. IMPORTER: Vias Imports PROVENANCE:

Campari Photograph Courtesy of Belathee Photography


✜ Byrrh Grand Quinquina


A little dose of madness can lead to extraordinary things! We celebrate doing things differently with great passion. STARK RAVING wines… they’re crazy good!

CRAZY GOOD WINES Drink Responsibly. ©2012 Rosenblum Cellars, Sonoma, CA


Rémy Cointreau’s Mark Breene SVP & Chief Marketing Officer The Beverage Network sits down with Mark Breene to discuss the return of luxury, Cognac’s potential in the U.S. and the importance of authenticity.

THE BEVERAGE NETWORK: Rémy’s portfolio is all about luxury. Have you seen the return to superpremiums that many economists talk about? MARK BREENE: Absolutely. We are entirely in the luxury space—our range starts at about $30 and goes up to $2,500 for the Louis XIII Rémy bottling. As the economy has picked up, consumer confidence has increased and we are seeing greater spending on superpremium brands. Just look at last year: In 2011, spirits grew about 2.9% in volume, but the superpremium segment grew by double digits, so there is no doubt luxury is coming back. After all, why do people consume spirits? They love the variety, the style and the sophistication. The more you move up the scale towards luxury, the more you get the things that people are looking for. TBN: Are you seeing this return to consumer spending happening both on- and off-premise?

MB: Our portfolio is growing in both channels, particularly now that the onpremise has come back so strongly. Full service restaurants back up to prerecession levels which is great to see. In fact, we are not only getting more people going to the on-premise, but we see them spending more every time they go—particularly on luxury cocktails. This has been a huge factor in the growth of the cordials category, for example.

ated in 1874, and we are working to build that awareness. One thing we do is share some of the original cocktail books— many are 100 years old—and they all call for Cointreau. It’s one of the only brands historically called out by name. We also have a trade program called Bartender Engagement, which educates bartenders on how to make great cocktails. TBN: How do you get the cocktail craze to translate to the off-premise?

ON CORDIALS & COGNAC TBN: You mentioned cordials. After years of decline, the category is indeed showing growth, but only at the premium level, correct? MB: Yes, the value segment continued to decline in 2011, but the overall category is growing thanks to very strong growth by some luxury cordial brands, such as Cointreau. In addition to onpremise recovery, another big trend contributing to the category increase is the reemergence of classic cocktails. Cointreau has been at the heart of so many classic cocktails since it was cre-

MB: It’s more challenging for sure. Consumers are very adventurous with food choices and are willing to experiment in the kitchen with trying new recipes, but we have found that they are hesitant to try creating their own cocktails. So we developed a consumer-targeted program called Rendezvous where in literally in 15 minutes we can teach people how to make three simple but really great classic cocktails. We help them gain confidence for at-home entertaining. TBN: What about Cognac. It’s on fire in Asia, but what opportunities do you see here?

Photograph by Andrew Kist


A Conversation With Industry Professionals

WE ARE NOT ONLY GETTING MORE PEOPLE GOING TO THE ON-PREMISE, BUT WE SEE THEM SPENDING MORE EVERY TIME THEY GO—PARTICULARLY ON LUXURY COCKTAILS. MB: Certainly we see the potential in the U.S. as enormous as well. We are looking at places where we can bring new consumers to the market. For example, Hispanic consumers aren’t the traditional consumer for Rémy, but we know Mexican-Americans enjoy drinking status-driven brands and we know that brandy is a big category for that demographic, so it’s not an enormous stretch to say that they would enjoy drinking Rémy in the U.S. Similarly, we are reaching out to Vietnamese-Americans. Cognac is huge in Asia, and brands like Rémy 1738 do really well there, so that gives us the opportunity to promote it here to that ethnic group. The other opportunity we see is bringing innovation to the category. Last year we launched Rémy V, a clear eau de vie from the house of Rémy, which is rolling out nationally now. It’s a mixable white spirit which enables us to bring more consumers to the category. Priced the same price as the VSOP ($39.99) we are currently selling every bottle we can get right now. Though Rémy skews slightly male, Rémy V skews female, so it’s helping us bring more balance to the portfolio. TBN: With the various age statements, Cognac can be complicated. Have you seen overall consumer and trade knowledge increase? MB: People definitely are more educated, but there is still a ways to go and we think that is our job. We have found the best way to increase education is to engage consumers and trade, so we’ve launched a program called The Heart of Cognac. It’s

a 45-minute program that brings the experience of being in Cognac to the U.S. and we are offering it to retailers, wholesalers and consumers around the country.

ON THE INDUSTRY TBN: Innovation seems to be a particular priority for Rémy right now. How important is innovation to success in the U.S. marketplace? MB: The numbers easily reveal how critical innovation is in the U.S. market and we want to be part of that. American consumers are wonderfully open to trying new things. Tradition is important, but when they see new things, they want to try them. We have an innovation team in France currently, but we are creating an innovation team in the U.S. because we believe successful innovation has to be created in local markets. And we’re always learning as we go. For example, we launched Cointreau Noir a few years ago we learned that while consumers loved the liquid, we weren’t doing the best job with the package, so we’ve repackaged and repositioned it and are rolling it out again in a few months. TBN: Rémy USA has also taken a new, more aggressive approach to advertising. MB: Our communication always evolves as consumers do. We will talk to our consumers wherever they are, so we’ve shifted our communication strategy— and we’re investing more than we ever

have in the past, which is a sign of our confidence in the upside of the market. We’re running our first ever national TV ad campaign for Rémy Cognac, which hit in June with the tagline “Things are Getting Interesting.” Yet as more consumers move to digital media outlets, we are also heavily spending on sites like ESPN.com, BET.com—any place we can speak with young men, our target audience. TBN: Rum is a category that Rémy has become increasingly invested in. Where do you see rum headed? MB: People have been talking for many years about rum taking off, and we believe this will happen, but we must drive it. Rum is incredibly unique in that there is really something for every palate—there are rums that taste like vodka, those that taste like whisky, then all of the flavor variants. With our Mt. Gay brand, we have a growing number of super premium offerings—Mt. Gay Black 100-proof, and XO and 1703 Old Cask Selection. Our newest brand, Brugal, offers a uniquely dry Especial white, which isn’t sweet like most white rums and perfect for people with a dry palate. TBN: What do you feel is the most important element a brand can possess in today’s market? MB: Authenticity. I see it as part of the luxury trend returning. Consumers want to learn about brands more than ever before—the stories behind them, how they are made, who the cellar master at the distillery is. We are looking for more ways to tell stories around our heritagerich portfolio at sampling events and through educational programs to trade and consumers. This is something we look for in brands we acquire or develop as well, and we see tremendous opportunities in categories that we don’t currently play in. I suspect if we sit down in a year from now, I’ll show you how far we’ve gone from the portfolio we have today. ■

Grgich Hills is one of Napa Valley’s leaders in green viticulture, using no artificial fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides; in fact, their 366 acres of estate vines are certified as both organic and biodynamic. Pictured here: Cabernet Sauvignon vines in the Rutherford AVA.





reen living is on the rise. Alongside increased consumer awareness of local, sustainable and organic food, organic wine consumption is rising incrementally. As a market minority, but one with growing

appeal, how should organic wine be presented to the consumer? As it turns out, the answer is highly personal. No longer a fringe domain of hippies, organic is becoming more and more mainstream as consumers embrace products that reflect a growing concern for the environment and personal health—a collective concern that has become one badge of an upwardly mobile lifestyle. Sales in the United States of organic food and beverages grew 7.7% in 2010 over the previous year, and certified organic cropland in the U.S. averaged 15% annual growth from 2002 to 2008. Despite this growth, organic food and beverages accounted for only 4% of total

sales in this category in 2010. But organic shows no signs of slowing its climb. With an agreement signed February 15 that makes the U.S. and EU certified organic programs interchangeable, we should see an uptick in organic labeling and a greater presence for organic food and wine in the market. Organic’s image has risen along with its market presence. Organic used to be “that brown, spotty pear,” says Meredith Giles, brand manager at Fetzer Vineyards, which owns Bonterra, the number one selling wine in the U.S. that is made

with organic grapes. Back in 1987, when Bonterra first began farming organically, organic food and wine both had a terrible reputation. “We feel like it’s been almost a 180 since we started,” she says, referring to better growing and production techniques that have allowed a more mainstream embrace of organic food and wine.

Meredith Giles of Bonterra

Still, the organic wine market is split. On one hand are specialist importers and retailers and a growing group of dedicated customers. On the other hand are a tiny market segment and a vast population of would-be consumers who haven’t gotten the message. And looming in between is the creeping wariness of “greenwashing,” as in exaggerated claims of eco-friendliness. With most wholesalers and retailers in the country selling primarily conventional product, the choice of how to sell organic wines often comes down to personal philosophy. Five key points stand out from conversations with tradespeople around the country.

DON’T ASSUME THE CONSUMER KNOWS ORGANIC. “I’ve never stopped to think about organic wine, which is funny because I usually buy all organic stuff,” says a Scottsdale, AZ, shopper. Whether to educate the consumer about organic wine or sell to the majority that is unaware or unconvinced is a decision based on market and personal buy-in. “When people are on board, they’re on board,” says Bart Hopkins, wine buyer at 67 Wine in Manhattan, where organic and biodynamic wines are instantly identifiable by their green shelf labels. The shop has developed a following of customers who know they carry and identify organic wines, although these comprise only about 4% of the shop’s SKUs. Jim Oliver of Glazer’s, a wholesaler selling into 14 states in the central South and Midwest, takes a very different approach. Oliver is senior vice president of the company’s fine wine program. In his experience, people understand organic lettuce, but when it comes to wine there is “a tremendous amount of confusion about what is organic.” Oliver believes the wines should be sold by quality alone, and Glazer’s doesn’t track organic sales as a separate category. “There’s more to the story than just that,”

As part of the ecosystem at Bonterra in Mendocino, a flock of sheep is guided around the estate, essentially to mow the grass.

he says, pointing out how much conscientious farming is happening outside of organic labeling.

SELL GOOD WINE. Hopkins and Oliver may take different stands on organic, but they agree on one thing: wine should be sold first as good. Retailer Ed Paladino, co-owner of E&R Wines in Portland, OR, estimates that 10 to 15% of his wines are organic but says it’s only once a month that he gets a customer looking for it. The shop doesn’t label the organic wines, although its website, to be launched this summer, will. Instead, says Paladino, they hand-sell

Crop covers, such as these poppies at Bonterra, help maintain soil balance and attract beneficial insects.

the wine based on the characteristics most important to the customer: “Is it good, will I like it, will it go with the food I’m having?” After that, organic is a bonus. Meredith Giles at Bonterra turns this approach on its head. Bonterra’s message is that organic grapes make better wine, with “pure, more intense flavors.” In theory, Ed Paladino agrees. He sees “a greater purity in these wines, if they’re well made. They have more life; they’re really more exciting.” But he’ll sell them based on those features, not an organic label alone.

COVER ALL THE CATEGORIES. “Have a [selection] that covers the major offerings, the major varietals, at different price points,” suggests Mike Mulderig, VP of wine buying for Total Wine & More, which has 78 stores and counting, mostly in the Southeast and Southwest. Mulderig stresses that Total Wine isn’t a destination for organic, although they’re “enthusiastic” about it. He sees organic wines as a function of the major offerings that should be represented in any store. Because of the large size of their stores, Total Wine rotates “green” stock through a 4- or 8-foot dedicated section titled “green friendly” in addition to shelving the wines in standard regional sections. (Mulderig doesn’t think this focus would work as well in smaller stores.) All sustainable, organic, biodynamic and sulfite-free wines are labeled according to the wording used on the bottle, no matter where they appear in the store. “Green-friendly” wines—350 to 400




here are five terms in common use to designate “green” wine. The first three may appear on wine labels if the vineyards have been certified and the contents of the bottle conform to USDA standards. Many small farmers opt not to pay for certification, and are referred to as “practicing” rather than certified. Made with Organic Grapes The wine must be made with at least 70% organically farmed grapes, defined as grapes that have been grown without the use of most synthetic substances (such as synthetic fertilizer and pesticides) as specified by the USDA. Organic Wine The wine must be made with at least 95% organically farmed grapes and no sulfites may be added during winemaking. Because most winemakers consider SO2 a crucial preservative, this term is quite rare. Biodynamic® The grapes are organic and have been farmed according to a holistic method that considers the farm a self-sustaining living organism that produces almost everything it needs to thrive, and operates according to natural cycles. Certification is overseen by the Demeter Biodynamic Trade Association. Sustainable Not a legal term, but a set of best practices that promote energy efficiency, the health of soil, air and water, and other factors. Natural Natural wine starts with organic or biodynamic grape-growing, but also uses the fewest possible additives and technological manipulations during the winemaking process. Not a legal term. Advocates sometimes define the essence of natural winemaking as “nothing added, nothing taken away.” It is not a legal term, which in turn is one reason it has become increasingly controversial.


UNDERSTAND THE TERMINOLOGY. Regardless of personal philosophy, wholesalers and retailers who understand the different shades of green will be better able to engage and educate the consumer, and create fluent conversations with growers and winemakers. Meredith Giles stresses that “it’s important to be clear about what’s going into the product.” This especially applies to the sustainable category, which “is so broad and emcompassing that there aren’t many hard and fast rules.” Hopkins doesn’t identify sustainable wines in the store, and avoids labeling organic or biodynamic wines unless they’re certified. He prefers to be rigorously truthful, citing efforts by major corporations to relax organic standards.

Violet Grgich of Grgich Hills Estate

Jim Oliver at Glazer’s may care little about the fine points of organic terminology, but he makes a point of visiting producers to find out firsthand how their wines are farmed and made. Jenny Lefcourt, co-owner of the natural-wine importer Jenny & François, points out that buyers are much more interested in these details today. “Ten years ago people didn’t know what it means for a wine to be made with indigenous yeast,” she says.

GET THE HUMAN STORY. “In a wine shop, everything is pretty anonymous,” Jenny Lefcourt says. It helps to tell stories. “Some of the best stores are interested in meeting winemakers and communicating what they are doing to their customers.” Forging an identity for the wine helps sell both conventional and organic, but as Bart Hopkins puts it, “It’s interesting when you hear the human side of why people [produce organic wine].” He remembers talking with Violet Grgich, of Grgich Hills Estate in Napa Valley, who said that before they converted to certified organic and biodynamic growing, she wouldn’t want to let the kids play in the vineyards after the grapes had been sprayed. Whether it’s for the land, better health or better flavor, growers and winemakers—like consumers—each have their own reasons for choosing to go green. Finding common ground between stories is one of the most compelling ways to sell. ■

Wind east from




hen two Feteasca Neagra varietal wines from Romania received high marks and recommendations in the 2012 Ultimate Wine Challenge in New York recently, not much notice was taken. But for winemakers and reps from

former Soviet Bloc countries, the respectable showing is another small step in their effort to increase awareness and interest in the wines coming from a vast area of Eastern Europe. Not many wine buyers, sellers and sommeliers have shown much interest in the indigenous and internationalstyle wines coming from the region, but a recent willingness by producers to market and promote their wares has started to erase the image of pre-1990 Eastern Europe as a source of indifferent bulk wine.

“There’s no lack of interest, that’s for sure, in the last year or two. People are looking for new and exciting things, wines that are novelties but especially the authenticity you can find,” says Cliff Rames, a sommelier who represents Wines of Croatia in the U.S. A combination of trends has spurred a slow increase in awareness of these wines:

Photography courtesy of Cliff Rames

By sheer geography, geology and climate, there is no reason that countries such as Croatia, pictured here, cannot compete favorably in the global wine arena.


the growing importance of the U.S. as a wine export market; the evolution of the wine business in the post-Soviet nations; in some cases the entrance into the Euro zone and its accompanying financial and trade support; and the overall investment and improvement in modern techniques. As nations including Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and the new states of the former Yugoslavia—Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro— shook off the shackles of a command economy, many winemakers rejected over-cropping, bulk production and sloppy techniques, says Frank Dietrich, owner with his wife Zsuzsanna Molnar of Eastern European import specialist Blue Danube Wine Company. Along the way, improved wines and traditional varietals have been encountered by an influx of Western tourists who, just as in Italy in the 1980s, have embraced these nation’s culture and history and returned with a taste for what they drank there. “These are countries that have an enormous history far more meaningful than 50 years of Communism, including with wine,” Dietrich points out. He notes a steady improvement in the wines he samples and in customer interest, and sees promise in the evolution in wines made from Furmint, Plavac Mali and Feteasca Regala, among other varietals. Sitting in a broad swath southeast of Austria and east of Italy on the same latitude as Bordeaux, this region has been producing wine since the time of ancient Greece. Ironically, Rames cites the recent Greek efforts

in U.S. promotion and marketing as an example of what’s needed to expand U.S. interest.

OFF-PREMISE HESITANCE Still, few retailers have taken large positions on these wines. Neb Mrvaljevic, a Montenegro native who co-owns the wine bar House Red Vinoteca in Chicago and partners in the importing company Vino and Spiritus, carries a handful of Croatian, Serbian and Istrian wines, which he says are becoming easier to sell. “New technology and greater investments have really improved these wines quite a bit, and that will only continue,” he says. Additionally, he says, in markets like Chicago, younger consumers and buyers are more interested in taking risks and are less likely to prejudge wines based on origin; the hegemony of France/ Italy/California doesn’t automatically interest them. The number of returning tourists has helped considerably, says Ann Stephens, Eastern European wine buyer for Hi-Time Wine Cellars in Orange County, CA, mainly to make sense of geography and what’s made there. “There are a increasing number of people who have traveled to the former Yugoslavia and come back looking for wines from Croatia and Slovenia, but it still takes a lot of handselling and introducing people to the concept,” she says. Stephens especially looks to take on crisp and minerally white wines with little or no oak aging from the region, but is interested as well in the range of styles available from indigenous grapes.

eastern euro WINES

PRICE & DISTRIBUTION HURDLES Confronting the lingering prejudices about the region takes concerted efforts, says Gillett Johnson of International Vines, who is aiding Select Wines of Europe in its quest to strengthen Romanian wines in the U.S. Many of these wineries are unfamiliar with the idea of steady marketing support, clear and descriptive labels explaining the region and varietals, and the complexity of the U.S. market. Importation and distribution issues are a mystery to many, and interested consumers often have trouble locating the wines at retail. Some countries—notably Croatia—have programs in place to inform the trade. But then there’s price. “People always somehow think that all wine should be cheap,” says







Macedonia ITALY


Rames. “Ten dollars from some of better wines from some of these countries, including Croatia, is an unreasonable expectation.” But as Stephens of Hi-Time notes, “Some of the delicious, simple wines I can retail for around $12, but others need to sell at $24 and customers rebel.” If the regions and varietals are mostly unknown, they remain difficult to move.



While many wineries in the enormous Eastern European region produce international-style wines, mostly Chardonnays and Cabernet Sauvignons, U.S. advisers seem convinced that developing the reputation of their indigenous varietals will be key to success here. Here is a quick guide to the major producing countries and the leading varietals:


urrou urrounded by Italy, Austria and Croatia, Slovenia could rank Croa among the finest white wine territory in the world, though few here know it. (The country’s cool climate means that whites account for 80 percent of the Slovenia’s production.) Its wine history is long and storied, though not consistently excellent, but the move from mostly cooperative bulk production to quality-minded smaller vintners is now unleashing the nation’s full potential.


Pullus is at the forefront of the Slovenia’s transformation. Though the Pullus winery (known as Ptujska Klet) dates back to 1239, these wines are clean and modern in look and style, right down to the eye-catching labels and screw cap closure. Slovenia is the rare old world country which does just as well with international grapes—Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio— as it does with its fascinating array of indigenous varieties, and Pullus

produces excellent versions of each which are wildly popular domestically but just starting to take off here (its Welschriesling took home the Best in Show award at last year’s San Francisco International Wine Competition). Pullus wines are aromatic and terroirdriven above almost all else. Made in the northwest, where warm summers are followed by cool winters, they benefit from hand-harvesting, minimal oak and zero oxidation, which preserve the freshness and acidity beautifully.

Photographs by Cliff Rames

a must-stock slovenian wine

Old-school plowing is still at work in Croatia.


■ More than 17,000 registered wine

Eastern Europe, has increased its U.S. presence through efforts like Great Wines of Romania, a consortium of six major producers. The consortium includes Murfatlar, which has more than 8,200 acres under vine. Another, Senator, produces Monser Feteasca Neagra 2009 Dobrogea, one of the two wines given a strong recommendation at the recent Ultimate Wine Challenge. From Romania, look for wines made from Feteasca Negra, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala and Babeasca Neagra among the leading varietals.

producers in Croatia produce 61 million liters, with 60 indigenous varietals. DNA testing has now demonstrated that Plavac Mali is genetically linked to Zinfandel. The majority (67%) of wine produced is white and from the interior of the country, and major local varietals include Grasevina and Malvazija Istarska.

Photography courtesy of Cliff Rames

■ Slovenia has more than 28,000 win-

eries making between 80 and 90 million liters annually. More than 75% of the country’s production is white wine, and almost all is consumed domestically. Slovenia’s winemaking tradition has been influenced by Austria to the north and Italy to the west. Most of Slovene grapes are familiar varieties, especially from the part of the country close to Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy; look for Pinela, Rebula, Refosco, Welschriesling and others.

■ Hungary, which still holds a place

in international consciousness for its sweet Tokaji wines, has attracted increasing attention for the dry versions of the varietal base of Tokaji: Furmint. Some producers are trying to reclaim the reputation of Egri Bikaver, the hearty red blend from the north. ■ Homer in The Odyssey cited the

wines of Thrace, now part of Bulgaria and Macedonia, as among the best. In addition to many international varietals, Dimyat, Muscat Ottonel, Pamid, Gamza and Red Misket are widely grown there today. ■





LeSutra is a new sparkling liqueur—launching in August—with a Chardonnay base, infused with premium vodka. Available in four natural flavors including Blueberry, Strawberry, Grape and Peach, LeSutra can be served alone or added to a variety of spirits for inventive cocktails. Hit music producer Timbaland is a partner in the brand, helping spread the word on LeSutra. Shaw-Ross International is the supplier-partner.

Bivio in Italian means “fork in the road.” Winemaker Marco Galeazzo creates richly textured, balanced wines that seamlessly integrate Old and New World styles, the hallmark of Bivio Italia Wines. Bivio Prosecco is a fresh, dry wine with a fruity and floral fragrance, harmonious taste and fine persistent bubbles. A versatile choice for food pairings on all occasions, Bivio Prosecco is marketed nationally by 585 Wine Partners.

Belgian Waffle and Popcorn are the 17th and 18th flavors added to the Georgi Vodka portfolio. These two new flavors lend themselves well to mixing in cocktail creations like Brunch Martinis made with Georgi Belgian Waffle (Blueberry Waffle Martini, Strawberry Waffle Martini, etc.) and the Crackerjack Martini made using Georgi Popcorn.

drinklesutra.com adam@lesutra.com / 631-396-2460



SRP: 375ml $19.99; 750ml $29.99


SRP 1L: $10.99-$12.99




Southern Comfort Bold Black Cherry is a mix of Southern Comfort infused with natural cherry flavor. The new addition follows on the heels of flavor additions including Southern Comfort Lime and Southern Comfort Fiery Pepper. Designed to appeal to a broad age range, this 70 proof spirit pairs easily with cola.

Roscato, a new entry in the popular sweet red category, is a delicately sweet, gently fizzy wine from northern Italy’s Lombardy region. This wine is made from native local grape varieties Croatina, Teroldego and Lagrein. At 7% ABV, Roscato is excellent as an aperitif or paired with spicy foods and rich tomato sauces.

Anheuser-Busch’s Michelob Ultra has a new addition—Michelob Ultra Light Cider. Made from crisp apples, Ultra Light Cider is gluten-free; it features a third fewer calories (at 120 cal/serving) and a mellow sweetness. Michelob Ultra Light Cider is available nationwide in six-packs of 12 oz. clear glass bottles.




SRP: $16.99

SRP: $11.99

SRP: $7-$8





Malibu has extended its line of pre-mixed cocktails with a new lower-calorie option, Caribbean Cosmo Light. This blend of Malibu Coconut with lime, orange and cranberry, is a tropical take on the traditional cosmo, and only 100 calories per 4 oz. serving. Malibu Caribbean Cosmo Light is the first in the line to come in a biodegradable 1.75L pouch and replaces the previous Caribbean Cosmo offering.

Pinot Grigio is white when bottled and served, but until recently the grapes were not white on the vine. After a Bronco Wine Company employee heard of a single mutation of a Pinot Grigio plant producing white grapes, the winery’s viticulture team worked on the new varietal which is so special a patent was issued for the Tehachapi Clone Pinot Grigio, a clean and fresh wine, perfect for summer.

Giorgio & Gianni Sweet Red Lambrusco is poised to take advantage of the explosively popular Sweet Red category. The Lambrusco is a juicy, fruity, easy-drinking red with a pleasant sparkle on the finish. Its fashionable packaging is meant to catch attention. Imported by F.X. Magner Selections.




SRP: $19.99


SRP: 750ml $5.99; 1.5L $9.99

NEW LOW-CAL BAR MIXES FROM FRANCO’S DELIVER CONSISTENT COCKTAILS Franco’s, known for consistent quality in bar mixes, has introduced two new dry mixes, Low-Cal Lemon and Low-Cal Lime. Both flavors are sugar-free, contain no preservatives and come in a moisture-proof poly foil pouch. Producing a long, creamy head, these mixes are meant for quality Collins, Margaritas, Sours and Daiquiris.

SAMUEL ADAMS DEBUTS BARREL ROOM COLLECTION The Samuel Adams Barrel Room Collection offers Belgian-inspired barrel-aged beers. The collection includes New World (10% ABV), Thirteenth Hour (9% ABV), Stony Brook Red (9% ABV) and American Kriek (7% ABV). Each is unique, but all incorporate a special ale, Kosmic Mother Funk, blended into each at varying levels. Aged in wood and packaged in 750mL cork-finished bottles.

SHATTER GRENACHE MADE IN FRANCE BY TWO TOP CALIFORNIA WINEMAKERS Dave Phinney of Orin Swift and Joel Gott (Joel Gott Wines) collaborated to create the new Shatter Grenache in France’s Roussillon region. Made from Grenache grapes allowed to fully mature in the native black schist soil, the resulting wine is deep garnet, with rich cherry notes and a hint of soft oak. Shatter is imported and distributed by Trinchero Family Estates.





SRP: $9.99

SRP: $30


Zinfandel has established itself as a household wine name—and boasts the largest official fan club of any grape in the world: ZAP.

In the Zin Zone Rosy or Red, Zinfandel Remains a Wine to be Reckoned With


infandel enjoys a colorful if complicated identity. It’s red (though deep purple might be more precise). It’s white (though actually pink when labeled “white”). It also red-white-andblue, as in America’s grape (though Califonians might argue the credit is really all theirs). And there’s gold in Zinfandel’s identity, as in the grape’s historical debt to the Gold Rush. Beginning in the late 1840s, besides panning for bullion nuggets, these crazed gold-diggers—many of them Italian immigrants—cleared hillsides and planted Zinfandel vines in and around Sutter’s Mill (now Amador County), where this precious metal was first discovered in 1848.

A century later, Zinfandel found itself not so much in a Gold Rush as an Iron(y) Age. In the 1970s, an infamous “stuck” fermentation at Sutter Home Winery led Bob Trinchero to bottle the first sweet, pink “White Zinfandel,” practically a polar opposite to its hefty red iteration. Were it not for the wild success of White Zin, who knows how many of California’s ancient Zinfandel vineyards might well have been ripped up and replanted? Irony #2: Zin’s All-

American imprimatur took a hit when advanced DNA research by UC-Davis professor Carole Meredith (stretching from 1993-2001) linked Zinfandel’s genetic makeup to both Crljenak Kaštelanski in Croatia, and Primitivo in Puglia, Italy’s boot heel. Historical twists and turns aside, Zinfandel has firmly established itself as a household wine name, and a staple on wine store shelves and restaurant lists. In 2011, total sales of Zinfandel wines—

blush and red combined—hit 21.3 million cases, accounting for approximately one in ten bottles of all California varietal wines sold in the U.S., according to Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates, a firm that tracks American wine industry trends. While 2011 sales of white Zinfandel fell approximately to 16 million cases from 2010’s 17-million case level, red Zinfandel sales held steady at 5.3 million cases. Trinchero Family Estates, whose portfolio includes best-selling Sutter Home White Zinfandel as well as estate-bottled Zinfandels from the family’s vineyards in the Amador appellation, is not overly concerned about the recent intrusion of Moscato. James Nunes, managing director of brand marketing at Trinchero, says, “We believe, overall, White Zinfandel will continue to be a big segment of the wine market.” Citing year-to-date Nielsen data through early March 2012, given Moscato’s meteoric 56%

Photographs Courtesy of Wayde Carroll



rise in retail sales versus an overall gain of 3.7% in total U.S. wine sales over the same period, Nunes adds, “Moscato has expanded the customer base in America, while taking some sales from all categories.” On the other hand, Beringer, owned by Treasury Wine Estates, is aiming to flip the situation into a fresh opportunity by introducing a White Zinfandel Moscato, line-priced at $6.99-$7.99. The new blend debuts this summer, targeting women and Millennials; Treasury hopes to sell about 200,000 cases over the coming year.

Zin Power If Moscato is the cloud gathering above White Zinfandel, high ABV (alcohol by volume) might be considered the storm brewing over the red. Noted wine merchant Darrell Corti of Corti Brothers in Sacramento, CA, bemoans the fact that alcohol levels have been steadily rising, with a few Zins having hit a mind-boggling 18% in recent times. Corti says, “It’s very difficult to find a Zinfandel under 13.5% alcohol.” He reports that Zinfandel sales at Corti Brothers are less than 10 years ago, the reason being “there are less expensive alternatives like Barbera or Petite Sirah.” Nevertheless, Corti says that he still sells many Zinfandels from Amador, including Sobon Family and Jeff Runquist wines, as well as the Ridge Vineyards Lytton Springs from Dry Creek Valley in Sonoma. To some, red Zin’s relatively high alcohol levels are anything but an impediment to their enjoyment. Brittany Kirkpatrick, sommelier at Del Frisco’s Grille in New York City, which is a new, more approachable steakhouse concept of the Dallas-based Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse, says, “Winemakers who are really good at making Zinfandel know how to craft wines that can handle high-alcohol levels.” She personally sells two-to-three bottles of full-bodied, 14+% ABV Zins a night. Steakhouses are ideal locales for pushing powerful Zinfandels to confirmed Cab enthusiasts, suggests Kirkpatrick. She informs dedicated Cab drinkers that a brawny Zin will more than stand up to a great rib-eye or porterhouse steak. Favor-

TASTINGCORNER ZIN-LICIOUS VALUE With its signature intensity of flavor, zinfandel accounts for great values. Here are ten consistently good examples under $20 SRP:

UNDER $10 SRP ■ Bogle g “Old Vine” ((California))

■G Gnarly l H Headd “Old Vi Vine Zi Zin”” ((C (California) lif i )

■ Ravenswood Vintners Blend “Old Vine” (California)

■ Rosenbl Rosenblum m Cellars Vintner’s Cuvée C ée (California)

The 21st annual ZAP festival in San Francisco drew more than 10,000 purple-tongued enthusiasts over four days. Events included seminars as well as a huge walkaround.

ing Zins from Dry Creek Valley in the Sonoma appellation, Kirkpatrick also lists Zins from A. Rafanelli, Ravenswood and F. Teldeschi, among others. Del Frisco’s Grille list also features four single-vineyard wines from Turley Wine Cellars, from the 2009 Cederman Vineyard at $85 to the muchtouted 2009 Hayne Vineyard at $195.

Still Crazy for Zin

■ Trinchero “Zinfatuation” (Amador)

$12-$20 SRP ■ Dry Creek Vineyard “Heritage” (Dry ( yC Creek ee Valley) a ey)

■ Napa Cellars ((Napa Valley) y)

■ Quivira Vineyards (Dry ( y Creek Valley) y)

■R Rodney d Strong S “Knotty “K Vines” Vi ” (Northern Sonoma)

■ Zin 91 “Old Vine” ((California))

Red or blush, Zinfandel remains a perennial favorite with retailers who believe in it. At ArlingtonWine & Liquor, Poughkeepsie, NY, Fine Wines Manager Bob Brink reports, “We carry about 50 different red Zins, and six to ten White Zinfandels, with Sutter Home at $4.99 being the top seller followed by Beringer at $5.99. Zins, red and white, are popular all year long, but we make great efforts to promote these wines during the summer barbecue season.” Commenting on the specter of high alcohol, Brink says, “People buying red Zins know pretty much by now they are getting a wine with high alcohol levels.” Cedric Martin, owner of Martin Wine Cellar, a quartet of leading wine, spirits, beer and gourmet food stores Louisiana, says that after a few years of declining sales, red Zinfandel is “coming back and coming back strong,” The reason is twofold, he says: “It is a combination of some prices coming down and of people liking big, higheralcohol Zins at 15% or so, because even at that level, these Zins have a

soft mouthfeel, and many of them are lush and round.” Red Zin lovers are known for their fanatical devotion. Indeed, its official varietal fan club, ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates & Producers), is now 3,200 members (trade and consumer) strong. The nonprofit group stages an annual Zin festival in San Francisco that draws more than 10,000 purple-teethed enthusiasts over four days. As of 2012, the “Zappers” are also going on the road, sponsoring Zin-fueled tastings in New York City and Orlando, FL. Perhaps no single winery has done more to inspire their passion than Ravenswood, founded by Joel Peterson in 1976 in Sonoma County. While the winery and brand were purchased by Constellation in 2001, Peterson is still totally hands-on, overseeing a production that ranges from high-end single vineyards to the popular-priced Vintners Blend. True to its credo of “No Wimpy Wines,” Ravenswood has never made a White Zin. Meanwhile, although it is possible the White Zinfandel segment in 2012 may soon cede its ranking as the fifth largest-selling U.S. varietal type after Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Grigio/Gris to surging Moscato wines, sales of both rosy and red Zinfandels remain extremely significant for retailers and restaurateurs. To paraphrase an old miner’s saying, “There’s still plenty of gold in them thar hills.” ■


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$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

8.75 80.0 16.20 80.0 10.60 80.0 90.0 19.70 11.40 90.0 9.65 80.0 21.05 80.0 4.80 86.0 17.10 86.0 86.0 11.45 25.50 86.0 17.85 86.0 80.0 17.95 10.60 80.0 15.35 80.0 8.75 80.0 16.00 80.0 9.45 80.0 16.90 86.0 35.10 86.0

0144B Jim Beams Choice 5Yr Jim Beams Choice 5Yr 0144D 0163D Mattingly And Moore 4Yr 0163L Mattingly And Moore 4Yr Mark Twain 0171D 0171L Mark Twain 0850B Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year 0850D Benchmark Bourbon 8 Year 0891B Bird Dog Blackberry Whsky 0911B Blanton Bbn 1497B Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky 1497D Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky Bulleit Bbn Frontier Whsky 1497L 1499B Buffalo Trace Bourbon 1499D Buffalo Trace Bourbon 1650E Jim Beam 200Ml 4Yr 1816B Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 1816D Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 1816L Wild Turkey 101 Bbn 2089D Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd 2089L Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd Bourbon Supreme Rare Blnd 2089B Kentucky Tavern 4Yr 2094B 2094D Kentucky Tavern 4Yr Kentucky Tavern 4Yr 2094L 2099B Old Crow 3Yr 2099D Old Crow 3Yr 2099L Old Crow 3Yr 2105B Jts Brown 100 2919B Elijah Craig 12Yr 2939B E H Taylor Jr Sngl Barrel 2946B Evan Williams Millenium 2948B Evan Williams Bbn 2948D Evan Williams Bbn 2948L Evan Williams Bbn 2949B Ezra Brooks 2949D Ezra Brooks 2949L Ezra Brooks 2955B Ezra 101 7Yr 3022B Firefly Sweet Tea Bourbon 307oB Four Roses Barrel Strng Four Roses Yellow Label 3073B 3074B Four Roses 90 Four Roses 100 3075B 4065D Heaven Hill Old Style 4Yr 4065L Heaven Hill Old Style 4Yr 4116B Jim Beam 4Yr 4116D Jim Beam 4Yr Jim Beam 4Yr 4116E 4116L Jim Beam 4Yr 5086B Jefferson’s President Select 5087B Jefferson’s Jeremiah Weed Cherry Mash 5104B 5110B Jim Beam Black 8Yr 5110D Jim Beam Black 8Yr Jim Beam Black 8Yr 5110L Jim Beam Traveler 4Yr 5112B 5122B Jim Beam Devil's Cut 5208B John L Sullivan Irish 5478B Knob Creek Rye 5483B Knob Creek Sngl Barel Rsv Old Charter 8Yr 6845L 6880B Old Crow Traveler 3Yr 7680B Old Whiskey River 8300B Prichards Double Chocolate 8355B Rebel Yell 8356B Rebel Reserve 4Yr 8375B Red Stag Black Cher 8375D Red Stag Black Cher 8375L Red Stag Black Cher 8377B Red Stag Hny Tea 8378B Red Stag Spiced 8435B Ridgemont Reserve 1792 8Yr 9533D Well Whiskey 9533L Wellwhiskey 9600B Whitetail Caramel Flv Whiskey 9630D Wild Turkey Amer Hony 9632B Wild Turkey 80 Bbn 9632D Wild Turkey 80 Bbn 9635B Wild Turkey 101 Trvlr Wild Turkey Russells Resv 10Yr 9636B 9637B Wild Turkey Ky Spt Sng Brl 9638B Wild Turkey 81 9638D Wild Turkey 81 9638L Wild Turkey 81 9676L Woodford Rsv Derby 9677B Ridge Runner White Dog Whiskey 9680B Woodford Rsv Mst Coll Mapl

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

9.05 33.45 9.70 8.85 13.15 9.30 7.90 15.80 16.85 43.05 20.20 43.90 21.95 19.50 43.25 5.25 17.60 39.60 28.95 16.40 9.95 8.20 7.80 16.20 9.65 7.90 16.70 9.65 9.25 19.50 53.75 18.00 9.90 20.55 13.25 10.10 22.30 12.70 12.75 15.15 43.45 13.90 23.75 29.80 19.70 11.10 15.85 33.45 9.90 21.10 86.40 24.95 14.60 17.60 39.60 15.40 15.85 22.85 20.40 33.45 36.95 15.15 7.90 22.05 51.80 12.70 16.90 16.70 37.85 25.50 16.70 16.70 25.60 19.90 9.60 16.85 31.05 14.30 31.05 19.35 28.15 36.50 15.80 32.55 19.40 34.15 45.75 77.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 94.0 100.0 86.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 101.0 70.0 100.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 82.3 90.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 90.0 80.0 90.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 93.7 88.0 88.0 80.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 101.0 90.0 101.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 90.4 90.0 90.4

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

36.95 32.55 46.65 27.35 25.60 23.90 42.75 29.05 52.80 35.20 24.65 51.05

107.0 80.0 126.6 88.0 90.0 86.6 90.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 90.0

Specialty Bourbon 0460B Bakers Basil Haydens 0575B 1370B Bookers 2305B Corner Creek Reserve 2880B Eagle Rare Single Barrel 2947B Evan Williams Single Barrel Jefferson’s Reserve 5089B 5482B Knob Creek 5482D Knob Creek Knob Creek 5482L 6060B Maker’s Mark 6060D Maker’s Mark



0031B 0034B 0036B 0098B 0103B 0201B 0524B 0539D 0705B 0840B 0877L 0908B 1337B 1483B 1520B 1565B 1570B 1853B 1856B 1859B 2074B 2076D 2105D 2268B 2317B 2348B 2625B 2645B 2652B 2776B 2956L 3003B 3026B 3029B 3631B 3632B 3635B 3636B 4000B 4990B 4995B 5230B 5240L 5260B 5386B 5387B 5486D

Aberfeldy 12 Alchemia Chocolate Absolut Kurant Appleton Estate 21 Ardmore Pinch Haig Rhum Barbancourt Myers Dark Getreode Kml Belvedere 1X Bertagnolli Grappini Black Bush Bombora Boyd & Blair Bushmills Cabana Cachaca Cabin Fever Celtic Crossing Centenario Anejo Centanario Rosangl Clontarf Cluny Scotch JTS Brown Connemara Corzo Reposado Courvoisier Exclusif Dekuyper Rootbeer Dekuyper Melon Romama Black McGillicuddy Eristoff Vod Feckin Irish Firefly Raspberry Florentino Glenfarclas 105 Glenfarclas Glenfarclas 21 Glenmore Astr Harlem Liq Jack Daniels Lucchesi Jack Daniels 160th BD J Walker Swing Cuervo Black Junior Johnson Hall of Fame Khortytsa Honey Pepper Khortytsa Platnum Korbel Brandy

6060e 6060L 6064B 9617B 9627B 9674B 9674D 9674L 9679B 9670B

Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark Maker’s Mark 46 Wild Turkey 15Yr Tribute rare Breed Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Woodford reserve Season Oak WOODSTONe MiCrO-BOUrBON

0066B 0066D 0066e 0066L 2110B 2110D 3513B

Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's Black Jack Daniel's green Jack Daniel's green gentleman Jack

Wholesale Wholesale Oct. Nov. SAVE! $44.10 $30.95 $13.15 $20.40 $14.75 $5.65 $16.90 $12.20 $4.70 $97.60 $74.10 $23.50 $36.10 $26.70 $9.40 $29.70 $20.75 $8.95 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $32.25 $22.85 $9.40 $11.65 $ 3.65 $8.00 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $22.00 $15.40 $6.60 $31.00 $21.60 $9.40 $16.90 $12.65 $4.25 $28.70 $20.20 $8.50 $35.45 $25.10 $10.35 $25.70 $19.10 $6.60 $16.85 $13.10 $3.75 $19.35 $13.70 $5.65 $47.45 $33.35 $14.10 $20.90 $14.30 $6.60 $17.60 $12.90 $4.70 $20.15 $10.75 $9.40 $26.50 $17.65 $8.85 $36.60 $29.10 $7.50 $43.30 $32.00 $11.30 $34.35 $24.00 $10.35 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $10.55 $7.55 $3.00 $20.00 $14.35 $5.65 $10.80 $7.05 $3.75 $13.20 $9.40 $3.80 $16.90 $13.15 $3.75 $14.30 $10.05 $4.25 $8.75 $4.05 $4.70 $69.00 $54.90 $14.10 $93.45 $69.95 $23.50 $103.95 $80.45 $23.50 $64.90 $46.10 $18.80 $16.40 $11.70 $4.70 $18.65 $13.95 $4.70 $23.90 $17.30 $6.60 $57.60 $41.65 $15.95 $26.95 $18.95 $8.00 $21.25 $15.60 $5.65 $25.40 $20.70 $4.70 $24.60 $19.90 $4.70 $20.55 $12.10 $8.45

5510B 5532B 5929B 6110B 6428B 6582B 6584B 6586B 6615L 6651B 6655B 6660B 6705L 6708B 7897L 7901B 7978B 7979B 7982D 8187B 8329B 8500B 8502B 8632B 8717B 8884B 8923B 9073B 9093B 9123B 9137B 9139B 9142B 9158B 9159B 9170B 9184B 9195L 9196L 9197L 9199L 9222B 9224B 9378B 9445B 9488L 9535B 9604B 9605B 9606B 9607B 9657B

Lairds Rare Landy VS Liquor Strega Margaritaville Lime Medea Milagro Sbr Anejo Milagro Anejo Milagro Sbr Lozova Rakij Mt Gay Extra Mt Gay 1703 Moon Mtn Citrus Vod Nassau Royal Navan 80 Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount Melon Partida Reposado Partida Blanco Patron Anejo Phillips Vanilla Pyrat 1623 Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva Ron Matusalem Plata RumpleMinz Berry Cien Anos Blanco Seagrams Apple Vod Seagram VO Traveller Smooth Ambler Vod Stawski Vodka Strathisla Stoli Applik Stoli Pommegran Suntori Yamazaki Sweet Carolina Lemonade Vod Carolina Raspberry Tarantula Reposado 30-30 Tequila Reposado 3 Island Gin 3 Island vodka 3 Island Rum 3 Island Tequila Tierra Anejo Tierra Reposado Ursus Punch Van Gogh Acia blueberry Wasabe Sake Wellers Reserve Whitley Neil Gin Wild Scotsman Wild Scotsman Black Wild Sctsmn Royal Loch Wiser's Delux

$ 14.60 $ 33.45 $ 32.55 $ 77.80 $ 30.85 $ 29.10 $ 59.85 $ 34.15 $ 77.95 $ 88.10

90.0 90.0 94.0 101.0 110.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 100.4 94.0

3513D 3513L 3515B 3515B 3523B 3524B 4988B 4988L 4988D 4997B 8307B

gentleman Jack gentleman Jack george Bickel Old 48 george rickel Old #8 george Dickol 12 geo. Dickel Barrel Select Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Tenn honey Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Prichards Tenn Whiskey

$ 20.40 $ 42.15 $ 14.45 $ 30.30 $ 16.90 $ 33.65 $ 28.25

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

0090B 1503B 5117B 8308B 9631B 9633B

Old Overholt Bulleit 95 rye Jim Beam richards rye Whiskey Wild Turkey rye Whiskey Wild Turkey russels reserve

tenneSSee WhiSkey

$56.15 $18.65 $30.85 $10.80 $38.70 $73.15 $34.35 $47.45 $24.95 $34.35 $86.65 $16.95 $18.75 $34.80 $10.70 $9.05 $44.80 $43.05 $110.05 $23.15 $220.10 $25.60 $12.55 $20.45 $15.85 $9.05 $11.75 $25.60 $14.30 $38.70 $16.90 $16.90 $43.05 $12.55 $12.55 $13.45 $19.30 $9.75 $10.60 $7.10 $9.75 $29.95 $27.35 $7.00 $16.00 $28.95 $19.65 $21.10 $51.80 $58.15 $67.50 $39.70

$40.20 $13.95 $21.45 $8.00 $27.45 $54.35 $24.45 $33.35 $17.40 $23.05 $63.15 $12.25 $14.05 $24.45 $7.40 $6.20 $31.65 $28.95 $86.55 $15.60 $154.30 $18.10 $8.80 $14.30 $11.15 $6.70 $8.45 $18.10 $10.05 $29.30 $12.20 $12.20 $30.85 $8.80 $8.80 $9.70 $13.65 $7.40 $8.25 $4.75 $7.40 $18.70 $19.35 $4.65 $11.30 $22.35 $14.95 $16.40 $37.70 $43.10 $47.75 $28.40

$15.95 $4.70 $9.40 $2.80 $11.25 $18.80 $9.90 $14.10 $7.55 $11.30 $23.50 $4.70 $4.70 $10.35 $3.30 $2.85 $13.15 $14.10 $23.50 $7.55 $65.80 $7.50 $3.75 $6.15 $4.70 $2.35 $3.30 $7.50 $4.25 $9.40 $4.70 $4.70 $12.20 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $11.25 $8.00 $2.35 $4.70 $6.60 $4.70 $4.70 $14.10 $15.05 $19.75 $11.30

$ 50.25 $ 35.05 $ 15.90 $ 15.90 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 20.40 $ 30.30 $ 42.15 $ 35.65 $ 34.35

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 94.0 80.0

$ 13.20 $ 20.20 $ 16.70 $ 43.05 $ 15.15 $ 31.70

80.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 101.0 90.0

rye WhiSkey

JULY 2012 OhiO Beverage MONThLY 55


Wild Turkey Rye 81

$ 19.35


Blended Whiskey 0026D Old Thompson Old Thompson 0026L Kessler 0113B 0113D Kessler 0113L Kessler Beam's Eight Star 0122B 0122D Beam's Eight Slar 0122L Beam's Eight Star Seagram's 7 Crown 0152B 0152D Seagram's 7 Crown 0152L Seagram's 7 Crown Senator's Club 0199D Senator's Club 0199L 2100D Calvert Exlra 2137D Imperial 3701L Gold Award 3972D Hailer's S.R.S. 3972L Halters S.R.S. 4089D Guckenheimer 4089L Guckenheimer 5262B J Johnson Mid Moon Bluebry 5266B Jr Johnson Mid Moon Strawb Kessler Traveler 5378B 6343L Mccormick 9668B Ohio Blended Whiskey Seagram's 7 Traveler 8887B 8890B Seagram's 7 Dark Honey

$ 12.55 80.0 $ 7.15 80.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 12.30 80.0 $ 6.60 80.0 $ 13.00 80.0 $ 7.90 80.0 $ 10.40 80.0 $ 20.85 80.0 $ 13.75 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 16.95 80.0 $ 112.55 80.0 $ 5.70 80.0 $ 13.90 80.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 13.00 80.0 $ 7.15 80.0 $ 17.75 100.0 $ 17.75 100.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 7.70 80.0 $ 31.85 80.0 $ 10.40 80.0 $ 12.60 71.

Whiskey Jameson 0281B Jameson 0281D 0281B Jameson Bushmills 0282B 0282L Bushmills 0908B Black Bust( 1519B Bushmills 16 Yr. Single Malt Bushmills Loyr. Single Malt 1520B 2074B Clonlarf 2268B Connema Ra Single Malt 3003B Feckin 4895B Irishman Original Clan 5075B Jameson Gold 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. Jameson 18 Yr. 5081B 5083B Jameson 12 Yr. 5085B Jameson Tin 5212B John Power & Son Gold 5384B Kilbeggan 5388B Knappogue Castle 12 6574B Midleton Michael Collins Blended 6576B 7721L Paddy 8294B Powers 6383B Redbreast 8384B Redbreast 12 Slane Castle 9026B 9317B Tullamore Dew 9317L Tullamore Dew

$ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 28.95 $ 20.15 $ 28.00 $ 21.60 $ 58.65 $ 25.10 $ 9.10 $ 29.10 $ 13.15 $ 14.80 $ 60.50 $261.15 $ 75.35 $ 34.30 $ 18.65 $ 16.00 $ 18.90 $ 30.60 $117.20 $ 16.90 $ 28.05 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 64.90 $ 20.35 $ 18.65 $ 25.45

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Canadian Whiskey 0076B 0076D 0076L 0169D 0170B 0170D 0170L 0174B 0174D 0174L 0175D 0176B 0176D 0176E 0176L 0189B 0189D 0189E 0189L 0909B 0920B 0920D 1542B 1570B 1704D 1704D 1716B 1716D 1725B 1729B 1730D 1730L 1731B 1733B 1735D 1735L

Seagrams Vo Seagrams Vo Seagrams Vo Lord Calvert Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Mcmaster's Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Canadian Mist Macnaughton Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Canadian Club Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Black Velvet Traveler Black Velvet Reserve Black Velvet Reserve C C Dock 57 Blackberry Cabin Fever Maple Flv. Canadian Bay Canadian Bay Canada House Canada House Canadian Club Reserve 10 Canadian Club Traveler Canadian Gold Canadian Gold Can. Club Sherry Cask Canadian Hunter Traveler Canadian Ltd. Canadian Ltd.

56 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

11.75 23.55 17.40 14.50 7.00 14.90 8.85 8.75 19.30 12.25 16.65 1165 22.30 9.25 16.75 7.90 17.55 8.60 11.40 7.90 11.40 22.30 15.85 16.85 13.60 8.70 6.60 12.75 14.05 11.45 14.05 8.60 16.70 6.45 14.05 8.60

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0

1748B Canadian Mist Traveler Canadian Reserve 1749D 2055B Classic 12 Crown Royal Black 2389B Crown Royal Black 2389D 2391B Crown Royal Cask No.16 Crown Royal Extra Rare 2393B Crown Royal Reserve 2397B 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood Northern Light 4699D 4699L Northern Light 5073D James Foxe Paramount 7726D 8050B Pendleton 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare Crown Royal 8894B 8894D Crown Royal Crown Royal 8894E 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V.0. Gold Seagram's V.0. Traveler 8923B 9648B Windsor Traveler Windsor Supreme 9652B 9652D Windsor Supreme 9652L Windsor Supreme Wiser's Deluxe 9656B

$ 6.75 $ 9.25 $ 15.85 $ 24.80 $ 51.10 $ 70.25 $114.15 $ 40.40 $ 14.50 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.45 $ 12.55 $ 14.45 $ 21.25 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 22.15 $ 48.75 $ 11.40 $ 29.25 $ 14.75 $ 11.75 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.60 $ 11.45 $ 13.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Scotch Whiskey 0201B Pinch 15 Yr. Dewar's 0202B Dewar's 0202D 0202E Dewar's Dewar's 0202L Johnnie Walker Red 0204B 0204D Johnnie Walker Red Johnnle Walker Red 0204L 0206D Usher's Green 0208B Lauder's 0208D Lauder's Lauder's 0208L 0212B Grant's 0212D Grant's 0213D Old Smuggler Odsmuggler 0213L 0215B Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215D Chivas Regal 12 Yr. Chivas Regal 12 Yr. 0215L 0225B Cully Sark 0225D Culty Sark 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 0232D Johnnie Walker Black Johnnie Walker Black 0232L 0238B J&B Rare 0238D J&B Rare J&B Rare 0238L 0239B Grand Macnish 0239D Grand Macnish 0239L Grand Macnish 0241D Highland Mist 0241L Highland Mist 0246D Inver House 0246L Inver House 0249D J.W. Dant 0253B Ballanline's 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 1491B Buchanan Special Reserve 1655E Makers Mark 200Ml 2004B Chiv Regal Salute 21 Yr 2005B Chiv Regal 25 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr. 2052D Clan Macgregor 2052L Clan Macgregor Clynelish 2078B 2488B Dalmore 1981 Amoroso 2489B Dalmore 1263 King Alex Iii 2490B Dalmore 18 2493B Dalmore Cigar Malt Reserve 2672B Dewar'sfounders Reserve Dewar's Signature 2673B 2674B Dewar's Sp. Res. 12 Yr. 2999B Famous Grouse 12 Yr. 3609B Glen Grant 5145B John Barr Red 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5225B Johnnie Walker Bkl.100 Anniv. 5229B Johnnie Waiker Gold 6395B Mclvor 7980D Passport 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8853D Scoresby 9188B Famous Grouse 80 Famous Grouse 80 9188D

$ 29.70 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 37.95 80.0 $ 21.15 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 21.90 80.0 $ 43.25 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 22.25 80.0 $ 8.30 80.0 $ 18.00 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 32.15 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 11.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 59.85 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 34.25 80.0 $ 70.25 80.0 $ 43.90 80.0 $ 18.95 86.0 $ 40.65 86.0 $ 24.05 86.0 $ 7.30 80.0 $ 17.50 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 9.95 80.0 $ 17.05 60.0 $ 11.00 60.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 26.35 80.0 $ 66.75 80.0 $ 7.00 80.0 $156.85 80.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 17.10 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 49.85 92.0 $ 1198.30 84.0 $ 200.10 80.0 $ 143.35 86.0 $108.50 80.0 $ 51.10 80.0 $ 189.75 86.0 $ 29.10 80.0 $ 28.25 80.0 $ 38.70 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 208.85 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 72.10 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.30 80.0 $ 16.20 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 17.45 80.0 $ 16.45 80.0 $ 40.65 80.0

Single Malt / Scotch 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr. 0020B Aberlour Abunadh

$ 31.70 86.0 $ 60.50 119.4

0031B Aberfeldy $ 30.95 80.0 0032B Aberfeldy 21 $ 128.95 80.0 0103B Ardmore $ 36.10 92.0 0107B Ardbeg 10 Yr. $ 38.70 92.0 0375B Auchenloshan3wood $ 51.80 86.0 0377B Auchenlashan Classic $ 26.50 80.0 0379B Auchroisk $ 24.75 80.0 0493B Balvenie Single Barrel 15 Yr. $ 59.65 95.0 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr. $ 44.90 86.0 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr. $ 137.55 86.0 Bowmore Legend $ 21.25 80.0 1481B 1488B Bunnahebhain $ 47.45 80.0 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks $ 48.50 92.0 1751B Caol Ila 12-Yr. $ 49.10 86.0 1759B Cardhu $ 37.75 86.0 2355B Cragganmore $ 50.85 80.0 2491B Delmore Stillman 28 Yr. $ 117.60 90.0 Dalmore 12 Yr. $ 43.05 80.0 2495B 2498B Dalwhinnie $ 56.10 66.0 2500B Dalwhinnie Distill Edition $ 65.90 86.0 3606B Glenliddich 12 Yr. Reserve $ 35.20 80.0 3607B Glen Garioch $ 16.35 86.0 $ 50.85 86.0 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr. 3615B Glen Spey $ 162.55 86.0 3620B Glenfiddich Solera 15 Yr. $ 46.55 80.0 3625B Glenfiddich Ancient 18 Yr. $ 67.50 86.0 3632B Glenfarclas 17 Yr. $ 69.65 86.0 3634B Glenfiddich 15 Distillery Ed. $ 51.80 102.0 3635B Glenfarclas 21 Yr. $ 80.45 86.0 3640B Glenlivet 18 Yr. $ 73.60 86.0 3641B Glenlivet 12 Yr. $ 34.35 80.0 $ 72.90 80.0 3641D Glenhivel 3641L Glenlivel12 Yr. $ 45.50 80.0 3643B Glenlivet Archive 21 Yr. $ 121.60 86.0 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Year Old $ 34.35 86.0 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr. $ 43.05 80.0 3647B Glenlivel Nadurra 16 Yr. $ 51.80 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 3649B Glenmorangielasanla 3654B Glenlivelldadurratriumph $ 69.25 96.0 3655B Glenmorangie Finealta $ 69.25 86.0 $ 38.70 92.0 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban $ 56.15 92.0 3658B Glenmorangtenectar D'or 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve $ 40.45 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 3699B Glenrothes 4291B Highland Park $ 36.95 86.0 $ 86.70 86.0 4296B Highland Park 18 5207B J. Mcdougalls Bladnoch $ 44.55 111.6 5231B Johnnie Walker Green $ 48.05 86.0 5507B Lagavulin Distillers Ed. $ 86.90 86.0 5508B Lagavulin $ 75.60 86.0 Laphroaig 18 $ 66.00 96.0 5542B 5543B Lephroaigcask Strength $ 55.45 115.6 Laphroalg $ 37.85 86.0 5544B 6012B Macallan Cask Strenglh $ 56.15 117.6 6013B Macallan 12 Yr. $ 47.45 86.0 Macallan 12 Yr. $ 94.75 86.0 6013D 6013E Macallan 12 Yr. $ 47.55 86.0 6016B Macallan 18 Yr. $ 139.05 86.0 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr. $ 38.70 80.0 6016B Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr. $ 69.75 86.0 Macallan Shackleton Rare $ 147.75 86.0 6019B Macallan Anniversary $ 623.20 86.0 6024B $1,104.05 86.0 6025B Macallan 30 Yr. 6344B Mcclellands Islay $ 20.85 80.0 6346B Mcclellands Highland $ 20.65 80.0 Oban Distillers Ed. $ 78.20 86.0 6747B 6748B Oban $ 63.25 86.0 7700B Oyo Whiskey $ 39.85 92.0 8306B Prichards Single Malt Whsk $ 43.05 80.0 8983B Singleton $ 34.40 80.0 9063B Speyburn $ 23.80 86.0 Speyburn Braden Orach $ 15.15 80.0 9064B 9145B Talisker $ 56.45 91.6 9148B Talisker Distiller Edition $ 60.65 91.6 Tamdhu $ 19.50 80.0 9150B 9150B Tamdhu $ 19.50 80.0 9240B Tomatin Scotch 12 $ 19.50 80.0 9606B Wild Scotsman Black Label $ 58.15 94.0 9671B Woodstone Creek Single Peated Malt Whsky $ 103.95 93.0 Other Whiskey 0876B Bernheim Original Wheat 1840B Cakfaddy Carolina Moonshine 3526B Georgia Moon Corn Whiskey 5255B Jr. Johnsons Midnight Moon

$ $ $ $

27.35 17.75 10.10 17.75

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

16.90 17.75 7.05 24.05 18.65 29.00 27.80 55.45 24.00 36.35 23.90 35.20 78.15

90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Brandy 0051B Alize Cognac Vs 0084B Ansac Vs Cognac 0089B Bela Osa 0341B Asbach Uralt Brandy 0453B Metaxa Five Star Brandy 0456B Courvoisier Vsop Cognac 4Yr 0461B Hennessy V S 0461D Hennessy V S 0461E Hennessy V S 0461L Hennessy V S 0462B Martell Vs Cognac 0463B Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463D Remy Martin Vsop Cognac

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 76.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

0463E Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0463L Remy Martin Vsop Cognac 0464B St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0464D St Remy Vsop Authentic Bdy 0469B Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469D Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr 0469L Paul Masson Grand Amber 3Yr Christian Brothers Brandy 0470B 0470D Christian Brothers Brandy 0470L Christian Brothers Brandy 0479B Lairds Apple Jack 6Yr 0480B Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480D Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0480L Courvoisier V S Cognac 2Yr 0481B Coronet Vsq 0481D Coronet Vsq 0481L Coronet Vsq Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482B 0482D Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0482L Paramount Blackberry Brndy 0483B Paramount Cherry Brandy 0483D Paramount Cherry Brandy 0488B Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488D Paramount Apricot Brandy 0488L Paramount Apricot Brandy 0490B Dekuyper Blackberry Brandy 0668B Arrow Blackbrry Bdy Dek Apricot Bdy 0682B 0696B Paramount Peach Bdy 0711B Mr Boston Blackberry Brndy Navip Slivovitz 8Yr 0863B 0874B Remy Martin Louis X111 0877L Bertagnolli Grappino 1577B Calvados Bld Grnd Appl Bdy 1618E Christian Brothers Amber 200Ml 1623B Conjure Cognac 1623E Conjure Cognac Courvoisier Vs 200Ml 2Yr 1625E 1629E E & J Vs 2 200Ml 1630E E & J Vsop 200Ml 1642E Hennessy Vsop 200Ml 1644E Hennessy Vs Flask 1665E Paul Masson Vs 200 3Yr 1666E Paul Masson Vsop 200Ml 4Yr 1669E Remy Martin Vs 200Ml 1670E Remy Martin Vsop 200Ml 1671E Remy Martin 1738 Accor 2018B Christian Bros Frost White 2020B Christian Bro Grn Rsv Vsop 2023B Christian Bro Honey Conjure Cognac 2265B Courvoisier C 2327B 2335B Courvoisier Xo Cognac 2348B Courvoisier Exclusif 4Yr Courvoisier 12 2349B 2350B Courvoisier 21 Don Pedro Reserva Especial 2728B 2850B Dujardin Vsop 2871B E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871D E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2871L E & J Superior Rsv Vsop 2873B E & J 2873D E & J 2873L E & J 2875B E & J Superior Rs Vsop Traveler 2876B E & J Traveler Bdy 2877B E & J Xo 2954B Excellentia Gold Sliv Brandy 4011B Hardy Vs 4074B Hennessy Black 4074L Hennessy Black 4076B Hennessy Richard 4080B Hennessy Paradis 4084E Hennessy V S 200Ml 4087B Hennessy Vs Historic 4092B Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4092L Hennessy Vsop Cognac 4103B Hennessy X O 4944B J C Cognac Vsop Jacque Cardin Grape France 4998B 5001B Poli Po Traminar Grappa 5486B Korbel 5486D Korbel 5509B Lairds Apple Brandy 100 5510B Lairds Rare Apple Brandy Lairds Old Apple Brandy 90Mo 5512B 5532B Landy Vs Cognac 5871B Leroux Polish Blackberry Manastirka 6072L 6095B Maraska Slivovitz Kosher 6259B Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 6267B Martell Xo 12Yr 6270B Martell Vsop Meukow V.S. 6525B Metaxa Amphora 7 Star 6545B Moletto Grappa D'nebbiolo 6603B 7816B Paramount Ginger Brandy 7976B Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr Paul Masson Grnd Ambr Vsop 4Yr 7976D Presidente Brandy 7993B 8354B Raynal Napoleon Vsop 8386B Remy Martin Extra 8389B Remy Martin 1738 Accord 8394B Remy Martin Xo Excellence

$ 27.75 80.0 $ 47.25 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 21.45 80.0 $ 10.80 80.0 $ 19.90 80.0 $ 12.80 80.0 $ 9.50 80.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.50 80.0 $ 15.15 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 51.05 80.0 $ 33.40 80.0 $ 6.90 80.0 $ 19.70 80.0 $ 11.50 80.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.25 75.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 10.85 75.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 19.70 75.0 $ 11.25 75.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 8.20 60.0 $ 10.55 70.0 $ 9.65 75.0 $ 6.45 70.0 $ 18.25 100.0 $ 1953.60 80.0 $ 15.40 84.0 $ 36.75 80.0 $ 2.95 80.0 $ 27.10 80.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 6.40 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.15 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 7.70 80.0 $ 2.90 80.0 $ 3.30 80.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 9.40 80.0 $ 12.90 80.0 $ 10.60 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 25.60 80.0 80.0 $ 32.55 $ 88.05 80.0 $ 24.00 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $217.55 80.0 $ 5.80 80.0 $ 19.85 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 23.20 80.0 $ 13.65 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 21.65 80.0 $ 12.35 80.0 $ 10.65 80.0 $ 10.35 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 25.20 80.0 $ 31.75 86.0 $ 44.65 86.0 $3209.85 86.0 $ 688.65 86.0 $ 7.95 80.0 $ 27.35 80.0 $ 45.70 80.0 $ 64.70 80.0 $156.50 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 9.05 80.0 $ 28.45 80.0 $ 9.05 80.0 $ 12.10 80.0 $ 20.40 80.0 $ 40.20 80.0 $ 18.65 80.0 $ 13.95 80.0 $ 9.55 70.0 $ 29.55 90.0 $ 23.65 80.0 $ 95.40 80.0 $112.85 80.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 19.50 80.0 $ 24.50 80.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 7.40 65.0 $ 12.10 80.0 $ 24.05 80.0 $ 13.40 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 342.85 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $112.85 80.0

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 57

8405B Remy Martin Vs Grand Cru 8648B Salignac Zuta Osa 9736B

$ 25.60 $ 16.90 $ 29.35

80.0 80.0 90.0

$ 7.10 $ 12.70 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 17.95 $ 6.50 $ 13.25 $ 9.75 $ 19.85 $ 12.35 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 7.55 $ 9.40 $ 16.15 $ 8.95 $ 14.95 $ 15.15 $ 30.15 $ 28.85 $ 17.80 $ 38.10 $ 17.05 $ 24.25 $ 12.30 $ 7.00 $ 19.85 $ 12.30 $ 7.10 $ 7.70 $ 16.70 $ 10.65 $ 4.05 $ 12.30 $ 7.20 $ 23.90 $ 5.75 $ 18.65 $ 39.75 $ 26.45 $ 14.30 $ 14.30 $ 6.45 $ 4.20 $ 2.95 $ 3.30 $ 4.35 $ 25.60 $ 7.70 $ 42.65 $ 3.25 $ 30.00 $ 59.85 $ 13.25 $ 26.45 $ 12.85 $ 7.60 $ 16.50 $ 12.55 $ 7.00 $ 10.80 $ 18.80 $ 15.00 $ 12.85 $ 7.85 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 25.60 $ 24.75 $ 9.05 $ 10.80 $ 20.55 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 9.05 $ 17.95 $ 8.20 $ 9.05 $ 6.45 $ 15.35 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 19.40 $ 5.50 $ 24.65 $ 13.05 $ 7.90 $ 12.65 $ 28.70 $ 5.70

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 94.6 94.6 94.6 94.6 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 86.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 90.4 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 84.0 80.0 85.2 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 88.0 80.0 80.0 94.4 87.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.4 82.4 70.0 94.0 94.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.6 82.6 94.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 80.0 94.0 94.0

Gin 0193L Aristocrat Gin 0303D Fleischmanns Gin Crystal Palace Gin 0304D 0304L Crystal Palace Gin Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305D Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0305E 0305L Seagrams Extra Dry Gin 0308B Gordons Gin 0308D Gordons Gin 0308L Gordons Gin Beefeater Gin 0313B 0313D Beefeater Gin Beefeater Gin 0313E Beefeater Gin 0313L 0319D Paramount 90 Gin 0319L Paramount 90 Gin Calvert Gin 0320D 0322B Bombay Gin 0322D Bombay Gin Bombay Gin 0322L 0326B Tanqueray Gin 0326D Tanqueray Gin Tanqueray Gin 0326E 0326L Tanqueray Gin 0327D Glenmore Gin 0327L Glenmore Gin 0329D Booths Gin 0330D Hallers Gin 0330L Hallers Gin 0339B Gilbeys Gin 0339D Gilbeys Gin 0339L Gilbeys Gin 0340L Senators Club Gin 4Yr Barton Gin 0563D Barton Gin 0563L 0962B Bluecoat Gin 1324B Bombardier Military 1327B Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327D Bombay Sapphire Gin Bombay Sapphire Gin 1327L 1369B Boodles British Gin 1495B Brokers Gin 1522B Burnetts Gin Traveler 1659E Paramount Gin 1660E New Amsterdam 200Ml 1673E Seagrams Extra Dry 200 Tanqueray Gin 200Ml 1680E 1760B Caorunn Gin 3555B Gilbeys Gin Traveler Nolets Silver Gin 3728B 3780B Gordons Traveler 4073B Hendrick's Gin 4073D Hendrick's Gin 6379D Mc Cormick Gin 6062B Magellan 6379D Mc Cormick Gin Mc Cormick Gin 6379L 6444D Meiers No 94 Gin 6621B Monopolowa Vienna Dry Gin 6690L Mr Boston English Mrkt Gin 6716B New Amsterdam Gin 6716D New Amsterdam Gin 6716L New Amsterdam Gin Paramount Gin 80 7868D 7868L Paramount Gin 80 8235B Pinnacle Gin Pinnacle Gin 8235D 8274B Plymouth Gin 8436B Right Gin 8883B Seagrams Apple Twst Gin 8889B Seagrams Distillers Rsv Seagrams Distillers Rsv 8889D 8900B Seagram Extra Dry Gn Trv 8902B Seagram's Grape Gin 8905B Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905D Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8905L Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin 8914B Seagrams Orange Twist Gin 8995B Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995D Burnetts White Satin Gin 8995L Burnetts White Satin Gin 9072B Smooth Ambler Greenbrier 9153B Tanqueray No 10 9157B Tanqueray Rangpur 9195L 3 Islands Gin 9504B Watershed Distillery Gin 9529D Well Gin 9529L Well Gin 9604B Whitley Neill Gin 9669B Woodstone Creek Gin 9669E Woodstone Creek Gin Rum 0065B Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0065D Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum

58 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

$ 6.45 70.0 $ 13.60 70.0

0065L Admiral Nelson Spiced Rum 0077B Admiral Nelson Cherry 0094B Appleton Estate Extra 12Yr 0095B Appleton White Rum 0096B Appleton Estate Reserve 0097B Appleton Special Gold Rum 0098B Appleton Estate 21 0099B Appleton Vx 0099D Appleton Vx 0197L Aristocrat Rum 0355B Atlantico Bacardi 8 Rum 8Yr 0390B Bacardi Arctic Grape 0392B 0394B Bacardi Big Apple Bacardi Gold Reserve 0397B 0400B Bacardi Coco Rum Bacardi Select Rum 0401B 0401L Bacardi Select Rum 0402B Bacardi Gold Traveler Bacardi Dragonberry 0405B 0405D Bacardi Dragonberry 0412B Bacardi Limon Rum Bacardi Limon Rum 0412D 0412L Bacardi Limon Rum 0420B Bacardi O Rum Bacardi O Rum 0420L Bacardi Oakheart 0422B 0425B Bacardi Peach Red 0432B Bacardi Razz Rum 0439B Bacardi Superior Traveler Bacardi Grand Melon 0441B Bacardi Multi-Flavored Pak 0444E 0447B Bacardi Torched Cherry 0448B Bacardi Rock Coconut Mr Boston Light 0501D 0501L Mr Boston Light 0502D Mr Boston Dark Mr Boston Dark 0502L 0510B Bacardi 151 Rum 0510L Bacardi 151 Rum Bacardi Gold Rum 0512B 0512D Bacardi Gold Rum 0512L Bacardi Gold Rum 0524B Barbancourt Res. Speciale 0536D Ronrico Gold Rum 0536L Ronrico Gold Rum 0537B Ronrico Silver Rum 0537D Ronrico Silver Rum 0537L Ronrico Silver Rum 0539B Myers Original Dark Rum 0539D Myers Original Dark Rum Myers Original Dark Rum 0539L 0544B Bacardi Superior Light 0544D Bacardi Superior Light 0544E Bacardi Superior Light Bacardi Superior Light 0544L 0547B Bacardi Wolf Berry 0869B Bacardi Anejo Black Beard Spiced Rum 0899B 0947B Blackheart Prem Spiced Rum Bocador White Rum Florida 0965D 0965L Bocador White Rum Florida 1010B 10 Cane Rum 10 Cane Rum 1010E 1494B Brugal Anejo Rum 1550L Calico Jack Spiced Rum 1565B Cabana Cachaca 1578B Calypso Spiced Rum 1656E Lady Bligh Spiced 1755B Captain Morgan Spice Rum Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755D 1755E Captain Morgan Spice Rum 1755L Captain Morgan Spice Rum Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1757B 1757D Capt Morgan Spiced 100 1758B Capt Morgan Spiced 100 Trvl 1761B Captain Morgan Blk Spiced Rum 1762B Captain Morgan Traveler Rum 1763B Captain Morgan Lime Bite 1766L Capt Morgan Parrot Bay Cocont 1768B Captain Morgan Slvr Spice 1769B Captain Morgan Pvt Stock 1772L Captain Morgan Tattoo 1827D Castillo Gold Label 1827L Castillo Gold Label 1829B Castillo Silver Rum 1829D Castillo Silver Rum 1829L Castillo Silver Rum 1838B Castillo Spiced Rum 1838L Castillo Spiced Rum 2067B Clement Creole Shrubb 2069B Clement Vsop 2315B Coruba Spiced Crusoe Organic Spiced Rum 2388B 2398L Cruzan 151 Prf Rum 2400L Cruzan Black Cherry 2401L Cruzan Bananna 2402L Cruzan Pineapple 2403L Cruzan Blackstrap 2415B Cruzan Estate Diamond 2416L Cruzan Mango 2417B Cruzan Estate Sngl Brl Rum 2418B Cruzan Junkanu Citris 2419L Cruzan Coconut

$ 8.95 70.0 $ 6.45 60.0 $ 19.65 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 13.25 80.0 $ 60.00 86.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 24.95 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 7.50 70.0 $ 14.80 80.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 24.70 70.0 $ 17.65 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.85 70.0 $ 13.20 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 14.10 70.0 $ 4.95 70.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 12.55 70.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 13.60 80.0 $ 7.50 80.0 $ 17.65 151.0 $ 22.80 151.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.95 80.0 $ 16.70 80.0 $ 11.25 80.0 $ 8.75 80.0 $ 19.35 80.0 $ 11.45 80.0 $ 15.70 80.0 $ 22.85 80.0 $ 20.05 80.0 $ 11.65 80.0 $ 22.05 80.0 $ 8.80 80.0 $ 16.75 80.0 $ 13.40 70.0 $ 15.85 80.0 $ 12.50 86.0 $ 11.65 93.0 $ 14.40 80.0 $ 8.20 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 10.75 80.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 8.00 70.0 $ 15.35 80.0 $ 12.70 70.0 $ 3.80 72.5 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 28.45 70.0 $ 8.75 70.0 $ 18.30 70.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 31.65 100.0 $ 18.10 100.0 $ 17.70 94.6 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 17.55 90.0 $ 14.95 70.0 $ 20.10 80.0 $ 17.75 70.0 $ 16.30 80.0 $ 8.65 80.0 $ 7.05 80.0 $ 16.30 80.0 $ 8.65 80.0 $ 6.50 70.0 $ 8.65 70.0 $ 29.95 80.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 4.25 80.0 $ 29.45 151.0 $ 17.45 151.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 14.25 80.0 $ 14.95 80.0 $ 6.80 55.0 $ 18.45 80.0 $ 9.85 70.0 $ 6.80 55.0

2421L Cruzan Vanilla 2422B Cruzan Estate Dark Cruzan Estate Light 2423B 2423D Cruzan Estate Light 2424L Cruzan Guava Cruzan 9 2425B 2734B Don Q Cristal 2943B Erie Island Silver Rum 3787B Goslings Black Seal John Mcculloch Rum 5209B 5488B Kraken Black Spiced Kraken Black Spiced 5488D Lady Bligh Banana 5493L 5495L Lady Bligh Cherry Lady Bligh Spiced Traveler 5498B 5499B Lady Bligh Spiced Lady Bligh Spiced 5499D Lady Bligh Spiced 5499L 5500L Lady Bligh Coconut Lady Bligh Mango 5502L Lady Bligh Pineapple 5503L 5504L Lady Bligh Vanilla 5505B Lady Bligh 151 Rum Malibu Black 6068B 6069B Malibu Rum 6069D Malibu Rum Malibu Rum 6069L 6071B Malibu Red 6360D Mc Cormick Rum Mc Cormick Rum 6360L 6441D Meiers Gd Label V Islands 6441L Meiers Gd Label V Islands Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum 6442D 6442L Meiers Wh Lab V Islnd Rum 6643D Montego Bay Silver Mt Gay Xtra Old Rum 6651B Mt Gay Eclipse 6652B 6652D Mt Gay Eclipse 6653B Mt Gay Eclipse Silver 6654B Mt Gay Black Myers's Platinum 6699L Oronoco Platinum Reserve 7692B 7722B Panama Jack Spiced 7730L Paramount 151 7788L Paramount Dragon Fruit 7835B Paramount Gold Lbl Paramount Gold Lbl 7835D 7835L Paramount Gold Lbl 7836B Paramount White Lbl 7836D Paramount White Lbl 7836L Paramount White Lbl 7839L Paramount Whipt Creme 8326B Pyrat X O Reserve Pucker Citrus Squeeze 8330B 8331B Pucker Grape Gone Wild 8332B Pucker Sour Apple Sass Pucker Wild Cherry Tease 8333B 8474B Rogue Dark Rum 8475B Rogue 8500B Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva 8502B Ron Matusalem Platino 8533D Ronrico Clipper Spiced Rum 8645B Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum 8645D 8645L Sailor Jerry Spic Navy Rum 8646B Sailor Jerry Spiced Travlr 8881B Seagrams Brazil Citrus Rum 8882B Seagrams Brazilian 9065B Spiced Jack No 94 9229B Tommy Bahama Golden Sun Tommy Bahama White Sand 9230B 9307L Trader Vics Priv Sel Silvr 9530D Well Rum Well Rum 9530L 9570B Whaler's Vanilla Wray & Nephew Wh Overproof 9675B 9729B Zaya Rum

$ 6.80 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.10 $ 6.80 $ 10.10 $ 9.65 $ 21.95 $ 13.65 $ 22.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 12.70 $ 9.30 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.00 $ 13.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 22.30 $ 16.70 $ 14.30 $ 14.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 14.05 $ 21.20 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 13.40 $ 21.25 $ 9.25 $ 34.40 $ 25.40 $ 19.40 $ 9.75 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 7.30 $ 14.45 $ 8.25 $ 9.75 $ 21.85 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 27.35 $ 27.35 $ 18.10 $ 8.80 $ 14.05 $ 15.15 $ 24.95 $ 19.35 $ 15.15 $ 3.45 $ 3.45 $ 12.55 $ 9.15 $ 9.15 $ 10.60 $ 14.65 $ 8.30 $ 6.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.60

55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 55.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 94.0 94.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 151.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 151.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 70.0 80.0 94.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 60.0 126.0 80.0

Scotch 0018B Aberlour 18 Yr 0019B Aberlour 12 Yr Sm 0020B Aberlour A'bunadh 0031B Aberfeldy 12 Yr 0032B Aberfeldy 21 Yr 0103B Ardmore Scotch 0107B Ardbeg 10Yr Single Malt 1474B Bowmore 12 Yr 0201B Pinch - Haig 15 Yr 0202B Dewars 0202D Dewars 0202E Dewars 0202L Dewars 0204B Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0204D Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0204L Johnnie Walker Red 12 Yr 0206D Ushers Green Stripe 0208B Lauders 3 Yr 0208D Lauders 3 Yr 0208L Lauders 3 Yr 0212B Grants Stand Fast 0212D Grants Stand Fast Old Smuggler 0213D

$ 86.65 $ 33.50 $ 54.55 $ 44.10 $150.00 $ 26.70 $ 43.05 $ 39.55 $ 29.70 $ 19.40 $ 39.70 $ 21.15 $ 27.35 $ 21.15 $ 42.40 $ 27.35 $ 22.25 $ 8.15 $ 17.10 $ 10.35 $ 14.25 $ 31.90 $ 18.80

86.0 86.0 119.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 92.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

0213L Old Smuggler 0215B Chivas Regal Chivas Regal 0215D 0215L Chivas Regal 0225B Cutty Sark Cutty Sark 0225D 0225L Cutty Sark 0227B White Horse 0232B Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr 0232D 0232L Johnnie Walker Black 12 Yr J & B Rare 0238B J & B Rare 0238D 0238L J & B Rare 0239B Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0239D Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0239L Grand Macnish 3 Yr 0241D Highland Mist 3 Yr 0241L Highland Mist 3 Yr 0246D Inverhouse 3 Yr 0246L Inverhouse 3 Yr 0249D J W Dant Scotch Ballantines 0253B 0281B Jameson Irish Whsky 0281D Jameson Irish Whsky Jameson Irish Whsky 0281L Bushmills Irish Wsky 0282B 0282L Bushmills Irish Wsky 0375B Auchentoshan 3 Wood Sms 0377B Auchentoshan Classic Sms Balvenie Single 15Yr 0493B Balvenie 14 Caribbean Cask 0496B 0497B Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yr 0504B Balvenie Portwood 21 Yr Black Bush Irish Whsky 0908B 1481B Bowmore Legend Sms 1486B Bunnahabhain Red Seal Bunnahabhain 12 Yr 1488B 1490B Buchanan Deluxe 12 Scotch 1498B Bruichladdich Rocks Bushmills 16 Yr Single Malt 1519B 1520B Bushmills 10 Yr Irish 1636E Glenfiddich 45 Combo 1648E Jameson Irish Whsky 1751B Caol Ila 12 Yr Scotch 2004B Chivas Regal Salute 21Yr Chivas Regal 25 2005B 2006B Chivas Regal 18 Yr Clan Macgregor Scotch 2052D 2052L Clan Macgregor Scotch 2074B Clontarf Classic Blend Clynelish 2078B 2355B Cragganmore Sngl Malt Scot 12 Yr 2491B Dalmore Stillman 28 Yr 2495B Dalmore 12 Dalwhinnie Sngl Malt Scotc 15 Yr 2498B 2673B Dewar's Signature 2674B Dewars Spec Rsv 12 Yr Bln Scotch Famous Grouse 12 Yr 2999B 3003B Feckin Irish Whsky 3606B Glenfiddich Spec Res 12 Yr 3607B Glen Garioch 3611B Glenkinchie 12 Yr 3620B Glenfiddich Soler Rsv 15 Yr 3625B Glenfiddich Ancnt Rsv 18 Yr 3633B Glenfiddich Grand Reserva 3634B Glenfiddich 15Yr Distly Edition 3640B Glenlivet 18 Year 3641B Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3641D Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3641L Glenlivet Single Malt 12 Yr 3643B Glenlivet Archive 86 21 Yr 3645B Glenmorangie 10 Yr 3646B Glenlivet French Oak 15 Yr 3647B Glenlivet Nadurra 16 Yr 3649B Glenmorangie Lasanta 3650E Glenmorangie 10 Yr - 100Ml 3654B Glenlivet Nadurra Trium 91 3656B Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3658B Glenmorangie Nectar D Or 3697B Glenrothes Select Reserve 3699B Glenrothes Scotch Highland Park Sngl Malt 12Yr 4291B 4296B Highland Park 18Y 4895B Irishman Original Clan Whiskey 4895L Irishman Original Clan Whiskey 5075B Jameson Gold 5079B Jameson Vintage Res. 5081B Jameson 18 Yr 5083B Jameson 12 Yr 5145B John Barr Red 5145D John Barr Red 5207B J. Mcdougals Bladnoch John Power & Son Irish Gld 5212B 5220B Johnnie Walker Blue 5222B Johnnie Walker Double Black 5225B Johnny Walker Blk 100 Annivesary 5229B Johnnie Walker Gold 18 Yr 5231B Johnnie Walker Grn 5384B Kilbeggan 5507B Lagavaulin Distillers Ed. 5508B Lagavaulin Single Malt 16 Yr 5542B Laphroaig 18 Yr 5543B Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 Yr

$ 11.45 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 58.10 80.0 $ 38.55 80.0 $ 16.85 80.0 $ 33.55 80.0 $ 21.10 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 33.35 80.0 $ 69.15 80.0 $ 43.00 80.0 $ 18.95 80.0 $ 36.35 80.0 $ 23.70 80.0 $ 7.30 80.0 $ 16.95 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 16.65 80.0 $ 9.75 80.0 $ 16.50 80.0 $ 10.45 80.0 $ 11.75 80.0 $ 12.55 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 46.75 80.0 $ 30.70 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 28.90 80.0 $ 49.20 86.0 $ 24.75 80.0 $ 64.90 95.6 $ 54.40 86.0 $ 48.30 86.0 $147.75 86.0 $ 31.00 80.0 $ 23.00 80.0 $ 87.80 80.0 $ 47.45 80.0 $ 29.85 80.0 $ 48.50 92.0 $ 58.65 80.0 $ 35.45 80.0 $ 42.80 82.0 $ 6.80 80.0 $ 44.30 86.0 $156.85 80.0 $218.90 80.0 $ 43.05 80.0 $ 17.20 80.0 $ 10.70 80.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 31.05 92.0 $ 48.30 80.0 $ 117.60 90.0 $ 36.10 80.0 52.70 86.0 $189.75 86.0 $ 26.45 80.0 $ 23.90 80.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 16.35 86.0 $ 46.60 86.0 $ 43.95 80.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 139.00 80.0 $ 51.80 102.0 $ 60.50 86.0 $ 31.75 80.0 $ 68.55 80.0 $ 43.75 80.0 $120.70 86.0 $ 34.35 86.0 $ 41.35 80.0 $ 47.40 112.4 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 15.50 89.2 $ 69.25 96.0 $ 43.05 92.0 $ 56.15 92.0 $ 38.80 80.0 $ 67.75 86.0 $ 37.85 86.0 $107.00 86.0 $ 17.65 80.0 $ 26.90 80.0 $ 56.15 80.0 $ 173.90 92.0 $ 77.95 80.0 $ 36.95 80.0 $ 11.40 80.0 $ 20.55 80.0 $ 77.45 111.6 $ 16.90 80.0 $203.95 80.0 $39.50 80.0 $ 36.85 80.0 $ 74.60 80.0 $ 41.65 86.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 86.90 86.0 $ 71.35 86.0 $ 61.60 96.0 $ 55.45 115.6

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 59

5544B Laphroaig Single Malt 10 Yr 6012B Macallan Cask Strength Sms 6013B Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt Macallan 12 Yr Single Malt 6013D Macallan 18 Yr Single Malt 6016B 6017B Macallan Fine Oak 10 Yr Macallan Fine Oak 15 Yr 6018B Macallan 25 Yr 6024B 6025B Macallan 30 Yr Mcclellands Islay 6344B 6346B Mcclellands Highlnd Mcivor Scotch 6395B Midleton 6574B 6576B Michael Collins Blended Oban Distillers Addition 6747B 6748B Oban Single Malt 14 7480B Old Pulteney 12 Yr 7721L Paddy Irish Whiskey Passport Scotch 7980D 8327D Queen Anne 8327L Queen Anne 8480B Rogue Malt Whiskey 8383B Redbreast Irish Whiskey 12 Yr 8853D Scoresby Scotch Singleton Single Malt 12 Yr 8983B 9026B Slane Castle 9063B Speyburn Single Malt 10 Yr Speyburn Bradan Orach 9064B Talisker Single Malt 10 Yr 9145B 9150B Tamdhu Scotch Whiskey 10 Yr 9188B Famous Grouse Famous Grouse 9188D 9317B Tullamore Dew - Ireland Tullamore Dew - Ireland 9317L 9605B Wild Scotsman 15 Yr Wild Scotsman Black Label 9606B

$ 41.35 $ 51.80 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $131.20 $ 34.35 $ 76.20 $686.05 $1217.60 $ 20.15 $ 20.15 $ 11.65 $ 120.30 $ 21.25 $ 69.45 $ 72.90 $ 25.60 $ 28.05 $ 22.30 $ 18.45 $ 9.75 $ 36.10 $ 44.80 $ 17.45 $ 34.40 $ 20.35 $ 20.40 $ 16.90 $ 51.10 $ 19.50 $ 19.80 $ 37.15 $ 20.40 $ 28.05 $ 33.00 $ 38.40

86.0 117.6 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 80.0 91.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 92.0 94.0

Tequila 0038L Agavales Tequila Gold 110 0039B Agavero Orange Tequila 0040B Agave Loco 0048B Agavales Gold 80 0050B Alien Tequila Silver 0093L Aqui Vamos Teq Blanco 0371B Asombroso Silver 0372B Avion Anejo 0373B Avion Reposado 0374B Avion Silver 0487B Baluarte Tequila 1544B Cabo Wabo Anejo 1545B Cabo Wabo Blanco 1546B Cabo Wabo Reposado 1628E Cuervo Especial Silver 200 Patron Anejo 1662E 1664E Patron Silver 200Ml 1674E Sauza Hornitos Plata Patron Reposado 1676E 1810B Casa Noble Crystal 1846B Cazadores Anejo 1847B Cazadores Blanco 1848B Cazadores Reposado 1857B Centenario Plata 1858B Centenario Reposado Centenario Rosangel 1859B 1860B Centenario Tenampa Azul Chamucos Reposado Esp Teq 1862B 2280B Corazon Tequila Anjeo 2281B Corazon Blanco Corazon Reposado 2282B 2306B Coronado Tequila 2317B Corzo Reposado 2318B Corzo Silver 2410B Cuervo Especial 2410D Cuervo Especial 2410E Cuervo Especial 2410L Cuervo Especial 2411B 1800 Reposado Teq 2411D 1800 Reposado Teq 2411L 1800 Reposado Teq 2721B Don Julio Anejo 2721E Don Julio Anejo 2722B Don Julio Blanco 2722D Don Julio Blanco 2724B Don Julio Reposado 2725B Don Julio Real 2726B Don Julio 70Th Anniversary 2760B Dos Lunas Silver 2761B Dos Manos Blanco 2883B El Arco Anejo 2884B El Arco Blanco 2885B El Arco Reposado 2891B El Caballo Estrella Mixto 2894B 1800 Coconut Tequila 2899B El Charro Reposado 2900B El Charro Silver 2903B 1800 Tequila Silver 2903D 1800 Tequila Silver 2903L 1800 Tequila Silver 2905B 1800 Select Silver 2907B El Grado Blanco 2908B 1800 Collection Extra Anejo

60 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

$ 17.05 $ 18.65 $ 25.75 $ 13.40 $ 37.40 $ 9.50 $ 19.30 $ 47.45 $ 43.05 $ 38.70 $ 19.55 $ 38.70 $ 30.00 $ 31.75 $ 5.50 $ 16.40 $ 14.65 $ 5.25 $ 15.50 $ 19.30 $ 28.20 $ 21.25 $ 23.90 $ 18.35 $ 21.05 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 $ 42.65 $ 34.35 $ 22.00 $ 25.60 $ 10.70 $ 30.15 $ 36.05 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 12.85 $ 22.60 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 51.80 $ 26.65 $ 43.90 $ 79.05 $ 45.65 $263.50 $ 61.50 $ 31.75 $ 13.40 $ 50.75 $ 43.70 $ 50.75 $16.00 $ 24.60 $12.55 $12.55 $ 24.60 $ 33.65 $ 29.80 $ 30.00 $ 21.75 $ 1556.30

64.0 110.0 71.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0

2909B El Mayor Anejo 2910B El Mayor Blanco 2911B El Mayor Reposado 2914B El Jimador Anejo 2916B El Jimador Blanco 2916D El Jimador Blanco 2917B El Jimador Reposado 2917D El Jimador Reposado 2926B El Toro Gold 2926D El Toro Gold 2926L El Toro Gold 2927B El Toro Silver 2927D El Toro Silver 2927L El Toro Silver 2937B Espolon Blanco 2940B Espolon Reposado 2996B Familia Camarena Reposado Familia Camarena Silver 2997B 3820B Gran Patron Platinum Teq 4109B Herradura Anejo 4114B Herradura Reposado 4115B Herradura Silver 5240L Cuervo Black Medallion Cuervo Tradicional 5243B 5244B 1800 Anejo 5247B Cuervo Especial Silver Cuervo Especial Silver 5247D 5247E Cuervo Especial Silver Cuervo Especial Silver 5247L Juarez Silver 5249L 5250L Juarez Gold 5253B Cuervo Platino Juarez Gold Dss 5254L 5291B Kah Anejo 5292B Kah Blanco Kah Anejo 5291B 5293B Kah Reposado 5497D La Prima White La Prima White 5497L La Prima Gold Teq 5501B 5501D La Prima Gold Teq 5501L La Prima Gold Teq 6001B Luna Nueva Anejo Luna Nueva Reposado 6002B 6003B Luna Nueva Silver 6004B Lunazul Blanco 6005B Lunazul Reposado 6058B Maestro Dobel 6110B Margaritaville Island Lime 6112B Margaritaville Trop Tanger Margaritaville Last Mango 6117B 6118B Margaritaville Teq Silver 6119B Margaritaville Teq Gold Margaritaville Teq Gold 6119D 6345L Matador Gold Teq Mi Cosecha Gold Teq 6570L 6580B Milagro Silver 6584B Milagro Anejo Milagro Reposado 6585B 6586B Milagro Sbr Rep 6588B Milagro Sbr Silver 6642B Monte Alban Tequila Montezuma Blue 6645L 6647L Montezuma White - Mexico 6649L Montezuma Gold – Mexico 901 Silver Tequila 6731B 6863B Voodoo Tiki Anejo 6864B Voodootiki Blue Dragon 6865B Voodootiki Desert Rose 6866B Voodootiki Green Dragon 6867B Voodootiki Platinum 6868B Voodootiki Raposado 7979B Partida Blanco 7982B Patron Anejo 7982D Patron Anejo Patron Silver 7984B 7984D Patron Silver 7985B Patron Reposado 8063B Pepe Lopez Gold 8280B Porfidio Plata 8281B Porfidio Silver 8440D Rio Grande Silver 8440L Rio Grande Silver 8442L Rio Grande Gold 8717B Cien Anos Blanco 8718B Cien Anos Reposado 8719B Sauza Blanco 8719L Sauza Blanco 8721B Sauza Tres Gen Plata Teq. 8722B Sauza Tres Gener Anejo 8723B Sauza Extra Gold 8723D Sauza Extra Gold 8723L Sauza Extra Gold 8727B Sauza Conmemorativo 8733B Sauza Hornitos Anejo 8734B Sauza Hornitos Plata 8734D Sauza Hornitos Plata 8737B Sauza Blue Silver 8739L Sauza Giro Silver 8860B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 1 Yr 8861B Scorpian Mezcal Anejo 3 Yr 8862B Scorpian Mezcal Reposado 8863B Scorpian Mezcal Silver

$ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 17.10 $ 21.25 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 10.80 $ 23.15 $ 15.80 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 15.80 $ 19.50 $ 19.50 $ 17.40 $ 17.40 $173.55 $ 40.45 $ 34.35 $ 34.35 $ 18.95 $ 18.60 $ 28.10 $ 16.95 $ 32.75 $ 6.30 $ 22.60 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 41.95 $ 7.95 $ 53.75 $ 40.05 $ 53.75 $ 47.95 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 5.30 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 40.55 $ 32.65 $ 30.00 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 43.05 $ 10.80 $ 6.95 $ 11.65 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 23.20 $ 10.25 $ 12.00 $ 23.85 $ 24.45 $ 25.60 $ 33.35 $ 43.05 $ 15.60 $ 7.15 $ 9.45 $ 9.45 $ 34.35 $ 47.10 $ 16.55 $ 21.25 $ 16.55 $ 29.00 $ 33.55 $ 24.25 $ 49.80 $ 72.45 $ 42.80 $ 89.50 $ 43.70 $ 10.55 $ 47.25 $ 24.50 $ 17.40 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 11.15 $ 9.05 $ 13.20 $ 19.40 $ 60.90 $ 39.60 $ 13.20 $ 24.65 $ 19.40 $ 17.60 $ 22.00 $ 19.35 $ 30.15 $ 16.00 $ 9.30 $ 17.35 $ 35.85 $ 14.85 $ 16.15

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 110.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 50.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 67.0 67.0 67.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

8931B 8932B 8942B 9169B 9170B 9171B 9172B 9173B 9176B 9177B 9178B 9179B 9180B 9181B 9184B 9199L 9222B 9223B 9224B 9252L 9253L 9308B 9309B 9363B 9364B 9531D 9531L 9737B

Senor Frogs Plata Senor Frogs Reposado Semential Silver Teq Tarantula Azul Tarantula Reposado Tarantula Lime Tarantula Stawberry Sauza Hornitos Reposado Tequila Reposado Tequila Silver Teq Ocho Plata Las Pomez Teq Ocho Reposado Las Pomez Teq Ocho Anejo Ext El Vegl Teq Ocho Anejo San Augustn Tequila 30 - 30 Reposado 3 Island White Tequila Tierra's Anejo Tierra's Blanco Tierra's Reposado Tortilla Silver Tortilla Gold Tres Rios Silver Tres Rios Reposado Two Fingers Tequila Gold Two Fingers Tequila White Well Tequila Well Tequila Zapopan Reposado

$ 12.35 $ 14.10 $ 38.45 $ 15.00 $ 9.70 $ 12.75 $ 9.95 $ 21.10 $ 32.60 $ 30.00 $ 43.05 $ 47.45 $130.35 $51.80 $ 13.65 $ 6.45 $ 18.70 $ 25.80 $ 19.35 $ 8.35 $ 8.35 $ 19.60 $ 20.15 $ 12.55 $ 11.65 $ 16.85 $ 10.00 $ 7.65

80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 88.0 88.0 80.0

$ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 14.75 $ 12.20 $ 15.15 $ 17.25 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 21.25 $ 17.60 $ 16.90 $ 15.15 $ 32.80 $ 18.90 $ 24.60 $ 15.15 $ 15.35 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 6.75 $ 15.15 $ 29.30 $ 24.60 $ 15.15 $ 15.15 $ 24.60 $ 42.20 $ 15.15 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $18.30 $ 7.10 $ 6.30 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 22.15 $ 22.15 $ 26.15 $ 26.15 $ 64.20 $ 34.15 $ 21.20 $ 22.15 $ 17.45 $ 29.65 $ 23.90 $ 22.15 $ 17.20 $ 10.80 $ 14.30 $ 24.95 $ 9.00 $ 10.80 $ 17.30 $ 16.45 $ 5.15 $ 7.30 $ 13.60 $ 8.85 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 7.30

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

Vodka 0024B Absolut Grapevine 0027B Absolut Wild Tea 0028B Absolut Citron 0028D Absolut Citron 0028L Absolut Citron 0034B Alchemia Chocolate 0036B Absolut Kurant Vdk 0042B Absolut Apeach 0042L Absolut Apeach 0049B Absolut Orient Apple 0052B Absolut Berri Acai 0054B Absolut 100 Black 0054L Absolut 100 Black 0056B Absolut San Francisco 0057B Absolut 80 0057D Absolut 80 0057E Absolut 80 0057L Absolut 80 0060B Absolut Pears 0060L Absolut Pears 0061B Absolut Peppar Vdk 0062B Absolut Ruby Red 0063E Absolut Mini Bar 0064B Absolut Mandrin Vdk 0064D Absolut Mandrin Vdk 0064L Absolut Mandrin Vdk 0068B Absolut Raspberri 0069B Absolut Vanila 0069L Absolut Vanila 0070L Absolut & Citron Twin Pack 0074B Absolut Mango 0194D Aristocrat 0194L Aristocrat Backon 0450B 0194L Aristocrat Paramount Cherry 0737B 0737D Paramount Cherry 0737L Paramount Cherry Belvedere Bldy Mary 0832B 0834B Belvedere Pink Grapefruit 0835B Belvedere Black Raspberry 0836B Belvedere Vdk 0836D Belvedere Vdk 0836L Belvedere Vdk 0840B Belvedere Ix 0841B Belvedere Cytrus 0842B Belvedere Orange 0846B Belvedere Intense 0847B Belvedere Intense Unfiltered 0853B Belvedere Lemon Tea 0946B Blavod The Black 0953B Blue Angel Vodka 0958B Blue Ice Vdk 0958D Blue Ice Vdk 1390B Bombora Vdk 1426B Boru Original Vdk 1426D Boru Original Vdk 1483B Boyd & Blair 1523B Burnetts Espresso 1525B Burnetts 1525D Burnetts 1525L Burnetts 1526B Burnetts Pink Lemonade 1527B Burnetts Raspberry 1528B Burnett's Vanilla 1529B Burnett's Fruit Punch 1530B Burnetts Sour Apple 1531B Burnetts Cherry 1533B Burnetts Blueberry 1534B Burnetts Strawberry 1536B Burnetts Orange Creme Vodka 1537B Burnetts Sugar Cookie

1539B Burnetts Watermelon Burnetts Whipped Cream 1540B 1611E Burnetts Vodka 1640E Grey Goose 200Ml 1641E Grey Goose L'orange 1643E Grey Goose Le Citron Paramount 100 Vodka 1661E Skyy 200 1675E Smirnoff 100 1676E 1678E Svedka Traveler 200 1852B Chambord Flavored Vodka Chopin 2009B 2009D Chopin 2011B Chopin Wheat Vodka Chopin Rye Vodka 2012B 2048B Ciroc Super Premium 2048D Ciroc Super Premium Ciroc Super Premium 2048L Ciroc Coconut 2050B 2050L Ciroc Coconut 2051B Ciroc Peach Ciroc Peach 2051L 2053B Ciroc Red Berry Ciroc Red Berry 2053D 2053L Ciroc Red Berry 2358L Crav Vodka Cristall Signature Series 2385B 2392D Crown Russe 80 Proof Vdk Crown Russe 2392L Crystal Head 2444B 2444D Crystal Head 2455B Cupcake Chiffon Vodka Cupcake Devils Food Vodka 2456B 2457B Cupcake Frosting Vodka 2458B Cupcake Original Vodka Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2452B 2452D Crystal Spirits Buckeye Vodka 2658B Denaka Denaka Black Cherry 2659B Double Cross Vodka 2778B 2782B Downunder 2893B Ed Hardy 2895B Effen Cucumber 2896B Effen Black Cherry 2897B Effen 2898B Effen Raspberry 2952B Everclear 3011B Finlandia 80 3011D Finlandia 80 3011L Finlandia 80 Finlandia Grapefruit 3014B 3016B Firefly Sweet Tea 3016D Firefly Sweet Tea Finlandia Mango Fusion 3019B 3020B Finlandia Tangerine Fusion Firestarter Vodka 3023B 3025B Firefly Mint Tea 3026B Firefly Raspberry Tea Vdk Firefly Skinny Tea 3028B 3031B Finlandia Rasperry 3086B Frozen Ghost Vodka 3072L 42 Below Pure 44 North Huckleberry Vodka 3079B 3080B 44 North North Rainer Vodka 3084B Fris Fris 3084D 3084L Fris 3088B Fuzzy 3089B Fris Blueberry Vodka 3097B Galens 3579B Gilbey’s Trvlr 80 3586B Gilbey's Vdk 100 3586D Gilbey's Vdk 100 3691B Godiva Chocolate 3692B Godiva Chocolate 3783B Gordons Traveler 3888B Grand Touring Vodka 3907B Grey Goose 3907D Grey Goose 3907L Grey Goose 3909B Grey Goose La Poire 3910B Grey Goose L'orange 3912B Grey Goose Le Citron 3919E Grey Goose 50Ml Multi-Pack 3968B Hammer & Sickle Vdk 3971B Hangar One Straight 3973B Hangar One Chipotle Chili 3975B Hangar One Kaffir Lime Vdk 3976B Hangar One Mandarin 3977B Hangar One Blueberry 4869B Iceburg Vdk 5000D Gilbey's Vdk 80 5000L Gilbey's Vdk 80 5004D Crystal Vdk 80 5004L Crystal Vdk 80 5013D Fleischmann Royal 5015D Wolfschmidt 5015L Wolfschmidt 5016B Smirnoff #57 100 5016D Smirnoff #57 100 5016L Smirnoff #57 100 5018B Gordons 80 5018D Gordons 80 5018L Gordons 80

$ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 2.95 $ 9.50 $ 9.50 $ 6.70 $ 4.20 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 $ 3.30 $ 16.55 $ 23.90 $ 42.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 31.30 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 35.70 $ 32.20 $ 63.25 $ 35.70 $ 28.70 $ 8.70 $ 1165 $ 6.85 $ 43.05 $ 86.00 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 6.45 $ 5.40 $ 34.30 $ 7.40 $ 23.85 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 14.90 $ 12.55 $ 24.95 $ 19.30 $ 12.55 $ 15.15 $ 17.70 $ 9.70 $ 12.55 $ 16.90 $ 5.80 $ 9.10 $ 16.90 $ 12.55 $ 15.60 $ 17.40 $ 21.25 $ 21.25 $ 8.15 $ 16.20 $ 10.60 $ 25.60 $ 11.70 $ 12.55 $ 7.40 $ 8.20 $ 21.65 $ 26.35 $ 21.65 $ 8.20 $ 11.75 $ 21.05 $ 58.95 $ 34.15 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 28.25 $ 13.65 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 25.60 $ 7.85 $ 14.70 $ 9.15 $ 11.65 $ 7.10 $ 11.55 $ 14.50 $ 8.05 $ 13.00 $ 26.35 $ 17.70 $ 8.20 $ 16.25 $ 9.70

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JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 61

5020B Paramount 80 5020D Paramount 80 5020L Paramount 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021B Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021D 5021E Smirnoff No. 21 80 Smirnoff No. 21 80 5021L Mr Boston Riva 100 5025D 5028D Barton Vdk Barton Vdk 5028L 5029B Barton Traveler 5030L Hallers 80 Tamirov 100 5033L 5036D Nikolai Nikolai 5036L 5038B Paramount 100 5038D Paramount 100 5038L Paramount 100 Paramount 90 5039B 5039D Paramount 90 5039L Paramount 90 Popov 80 5040B 5040D Popov 80 5040L Popov 80 James River Plant Sweet Vodka 5074B 5090B Jean Marc Xo Vdk 5106B Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea 5106D John Mcculloch 5210B 5258B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon 5261B Jr Johnsons Midnight Moon Apple Pie Kamchatka 80 5308B 5308D Kamchatka 80 Kamchatka 80 5308L 5309B Kamchatka 90 Kamchatka 90 5309D 5310L Kamchatka Cherry 5311L Kamchatka Grape Kamchatka Traveler 5313B 5382B Ketel One 5382D Ketel One 5382E Ketel One 5382L Ketel One 5383D Ketel One Citroen 5383L Ketel One Citroen 5385L Ketel One Oranje 5386B Khortytsa Honey Pepper 5387B Khortytsa Platinum Korski Traveler 5489B 5490B Korski 5490D Korski 5490L Korski 5492B Kutskoua 5882B Level 5966B Lil Blk Drs Blk Cher Van Lil Blk Drs Blubry Pomeg 5967B 5968B Lil Blk Drs Classic 5969B Lil Blk Drs Pineapp Hony Luksusowa 6008B 6008D Luksusowa 5013L Fleischmann Royal 80 Proof 6391D Mc Cormick 6391L Mc Cormick 6428B Medea 6460L Meier's Vdk Plastic Kru Vodka 6591B 6620B Monopolowa Potato Moon Mountain Vodka 6659B 6660B Moon Mtn Coastal Citrus 6661B Moon Mtn Wild Raspberry New Amsterdam Vodka 6718L 6741B Ocean Vodka 7336L Mr Boston Vodka 7698B Oyo 7699B Oyo Honey Vanilla Bean 7701B Oyo Stone Fruit 7716B Nutliquor Peanut Butter 7728L Paramount Orange Flv Vdk 7834L Para Ultra Bubble 7834D Para Ultra Bubble 7837L Paramount Vanilla 7846D Paramount Grape 7846L Paramount Grape 7897L Paramount Sweet Tea Paramount 100 Trvlr 7921B 7990B Peachka 7991B Pearl 7992B Pearl Pomegranate 7994B Pearl Cucumber Vdk 7995B Pearl Blueberry Vdk Pearl Coconut Vdk 7996B 7997B Pearl Plum 8074B Peureux 8231B Pinnacle Key Lim Whip 8232B Pinnacle Atomic Hots 8233B Pinnacle Cookie Dough 8234B Pinnacle Coconut 8236B Pinnacle Cake Pinnacle Cotton Candy 8237B 8238B Pinnacle Citrus 8239B Pinnacle Berry 8240B Pinnacle Butterscotch 8241B Pinnacle Le Double Expresso 8242B Pinnacle Kiwi Strawber

62 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

$ 7.00 $ 14.45 $ 8.70 $ 11.40 $ 21.90 $ 7.85 $ 13.75 $ 13.60 $ 11.75 $ 6.75 $ 11.60 $ 6.85 $ 4.95 $ 13.60 $ 7.00 $ 9.05 $ 17.10 $ 10.20 $ 7.50 $ 15.95 $ 7.10 $ 6.90 $ 13.65 $ 8.05 $ 17.00 $ 28.30 $ 16.95 $ 17.40 $ 11.90 $ 17.75 $ 17.75 $ 6.45 $ 13.65 $ 7.85 $ 8.90 $ 16.20 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 6.45 $ 21.05 $ 41.25 $ 20.70 $ 28.95 $ 41.25 $ 29.85 $ 29.85 $ 16.00 $ 15.20 $ 6.50 $ 6.50 $ 11.85 $ 7.10 $ 8.90 $ 20.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.10 $ 23.20 $ 6.75 $ 13.30 $ 7.55 $ 25.55 $ 7.40 $ 16.85 $ 12.55 $ 14.10 $ 7.55 $ 12.25 $ 13.25 $ 23.90 $ 6.75 $ 27.90 $ 28.85 $ 28.70 $ 30.80 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 $ 10.65 $ 6.00 $ 14.85 $ 9.75 $ 5.55 $ 8.85 $ 3.30 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 5.20 $ 9.90 $ 9.90 $ 21.20 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40

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8243B Pinnacle Pinnacle 8243D 8243L Pinnacle Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8244B Pinnacle Cherry Vdk 8244D 8245B Pinnacle Raspberry Pinnacle Grape 8246B Pinnacle Mango 8248B Pinnacle Vanilla 8250B 8251B Pinnacle Tropical Punch 8252B Pinnacle 100 Pinnacle Whipped 8253B 8253D Pinnacle Whipped 8254B Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped Pinnacle Chocolate Whipped 8254D 8255B Pinnacle Orange Whipped 8256B Pinnacle Gummy Pinnacle Marshmallow 8257B Players Extreme Caramel 8283B 8285B Players Extrm Cherry Vdk 8291B Popov Traveler Prairie Organic Kosher Vdk 8293B 8295B Pravda Proof 105 8321B 8323B Purus 8325B Proof 110 Pucker Lemonad Lust Vdk 8334B 8336B Pucker Raspbry Rave Vdk 8338B Rain Organics 8338D Rain Organics 8413B Reyka Vdk 8488B Rokk Citrus 8490B Rokk Orange 8492B Rokk 8627D Ruskova Genuine Russian Vd 8631B Russian Standard Original 8631D Russian Standard Original 8854B Skinnygirl Bare Naked Vdk Skinnygirl Cucumber Vdk 8855B Skinnygirl Island Coconut 8856B 8857B Skinnygirl Tangerine Vdk 8880B Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880D Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk Seagrams Extra Smooth Vdk 8880L 8884B Seagrams Apple 8885B Seagrams Black Cherry 8886B Seagrams Citrus 8896D Skol 8896L Skol 8908B Seagrams Rasberry Seagram's Sweet Tea 8910B 8915B Seagrams Platinum 8915D Seagrams Platinum Senators Club Vdk 8930L 8934B Severka Seven Brothers Vodka 8937B 9005L Skyy Infusions Coconut 9006L Skyy Infusions Blood Orang Skyy Infusions Dragon Fruit 9007L 9008E Skyy Infusions Rainbow Pac 9009L Skyy Infusion Pineapple 9010L Skyy Infusion Passionfruit Skyy Infusion Raspberry 9011L 9012B Skyy 9012D Skyy Skyy 9012E 9012L Skyy 9014D Skyy Infusion Citrus 9014L Skyy Infusion Citrus 9016L Skyy Infusion Cherry 9017L Skyy Infusions Ginger Vdk 9018L Skyy Infusion Grape 9022B Smirnoff Black Cherry 9024B Smirnoff Blueberry 9024L Smirnoff Blueberry Smirnoff Cranberry 9025B 9027B Smirnoff Dark Roasted Espr 9028B Smirnoff Melontwist 9029B Smirnoff Lime 9030E Smirnoff Flavor Twist 5 Pack 9032B Smirnoff Silver 9032D Smirnoff Silver 9032L Smirnoff Silver 9033B Smirnoff Greenapple 9033L Smirnoff Greenapple 9034B Smirnoff Citrus 9034D Smirnoff Citrus 9034L Smirnoff Citrus 9035B Smirnoff Pomegranate Twist 9036B Smirnoff Traveler 9037B Smirnoff Passion Fruit 9038B Smirnoff Orange 9038D Smirnoff Orange 9038L Smirnoff Orange 9039B Smirnoff Raspberry 9039D Smirnoff Raspberry 9039L Smirnoff Raspberry 9040B Smirnoff Vanilla 9040D Smirnoff Vanilla 9040L Smirnoff Vanilla 9041B Smirnoff Strawberry 9042B Smirnoff Pear Twist 9043B Smirnoff Pineapple Twist 9044B Smirnoff Watermelon

$ 10.50 $ 17.95 $ 13.15 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 12.55 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 18.80 $ 11.40 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 12.85 $ 12.85 $ 6.90 $ 16.85 $ 17.50 $ 8.20 $ 16.90 $ 8.25 $ 12.55 $ 12.55 $ 14.30 $ 24.60 $ 11.25 $ 9.65 $ 6.80 $ 9.65 $ 17.95 $ 16.90 $ 30.15 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 17.60 $ 9.05 $ 18.80 $ 12.35 $ 6.70 $ 6.25 $ 9.05 $ 13.00 $ 6.95 $ 9.05 $ 9.90 $ 10.80 $ 21.45 $ 4.95 $ 9.60 $ 28.30 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 5.00 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $15.85 $ 14.20 $ 24.05 $ 14.40 $ 18.40 $ 24.05 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 15.85 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 13.00 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 3.85 $ 12.85 $ 24.45 $ 16.70 $ 11.95 $ 14.60 $ 24.85 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.40 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 24.85 $ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 105.0 80.0 110.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 90.4 90.4 90.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0

9044L 9045B 9046B 9046D 9046L 9047B 9048L 9049B 9050L 9051L 9057L 9060L 9066B 9066L 9067B 9068B 9073B 9074B 9075B 9076B 9079L 9093B 9114B 9116L 9128B 9128L 9129B 9130B 9131D 9131B 9131L 9133B 9134B 9135B 9135D 9135L 9136B 9137B 9139B 9143B 9144B 9144L 9144D 9149B 9149L 9151B 9154B 9154D 9154L 9155b 9156B 9156D 9156L 9158B 9159B 9160B 9160D 9161B 9162B 9163B 9164B 9164D 9164L 9165B 9166B 9175B 9186B 9192B 9193L 9196L 9197L 9200B 9201B 9201D 9201L 9202B 9203B 9204B 9205B 9205D 9205L 9207B 9208B 9208D 9208L 9209B 9210B 9210D 9210L 9211B 9213B 9215B 9216B 9217B 9219B 9220B 9227B 9227D 9228B 9232B 9232D 9232L 9235B 9235D

Smirnoff Watermelon Smirnoff Whitegrape Sobieski Sobieski Sobieski Smirnoff Spiced Root Beer Sobieski Cynamon Sobieski Vdk(Glass) Sobieski Vanilia Sobieski Cytron Sobieski Karamel Sobieski Orange Sobieski Raspberry Sobieski Raspberry Square One Basil Square One Botanical Smooth Ambler Whitewater Smirnoff Coconut Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow Smirnoff Whipped Cream Spirit of the Tsars Stawski Svedka Traveler Syn Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Blueberi Vdk Stolichnaya Choc Razberi Stolichnaya Citros Flv Vdk Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya Ohranj Limitd Ed Stolichnaya Ohranj Stolichnaya 100 Stolichnaya Elit Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Wild Cherry Stolichnaya Gala Applik Vd Stoli White Pomegranik Vdk Stolichnaya Peachik Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Platinum 7X Vdk Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Razberi Stolichnaya Strasberi Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Stolichnaya Vanil Svedka Colada Vodka Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Tanqueray Sterling Sweet Carolina Lemonad Vdk Sweet Carolina Rasp Tea Vdka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Sweet Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka Svedka Raspberry Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Vanilla Vdk Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Swedish Svedka Clementine Svedka Grape Vodka Svedka Cherry Teton Glacier 3 Olive Loopy Jewel Of Russia Ultra 3 Islands Vodka 3 Islands Vodka 3 Olive Cake 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Bubble 3 Olive Berry 3 Olive Citrus 3 Olive Rootbeer 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Grape 3 Olive Orange 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Cherry Vdk 3 Olive Raspberry 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive 3 Olive Chococlate 3 Olive Vanilla 3 Olive Watermelon 3 Olive Pomegrante 3 Olive Mango Flv 3 Olive Triple Shot Espresso 360 3 Olives Rangtang 3 Olives Rangtang 360 Double Chocolate Tito's Handmade Tito's Handmade Tito's Handmade 3 Olive Dude Vodka 3 Olive Dude Vodka

$ 14.60 $ 11.95 $ 9.90 $ 16.20 $ 12.35 $ 13.00 $ 10.60 $ 9.90 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 12.35 $ 11.50 $ 12.35 $ 11.50 $ 30.00 $ 16.20 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 11.95 $ 159.60 $ 10.05 $ 9.85 $ 9.45 $ 16.00 $ 25.45 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 23.40 $ 13.15 $ 25.45 $ 14.05 $ 51.80 $ 16.00 $ 33.65 $ 25.45 $ 14.10 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 10.30 $ 8.15 $ 11.50 $ 16.20 $ 16.00 $ 25.45 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 19.65 $ 25.45 $ 9.90 $ 11.40 $ 22.85 $ 14.00 $ 8.80 $ 6.90 $ 9.90 $ 15.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 9.85 $ 18.80 $ 13.15 $ 9.85 $ 9.90 $ 9.85 $ 16.85 $ 16.90 $ 87.65 $ 7.35 $ 4.75 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 20.25 $ 19.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.89 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 24.60 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 22.30 $ 21.95 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 15.00 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 16.90 $ 12.50 $ 16.90 $ 24.95 $ 12.50 $ 16.00 $ 28.40 $ 21.10 $ 16.90 $ 24.95

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9236B 360 Mandarin Orange 9367B Ultimat Vdk 9370B U V Cake Vodka U V Blue Raspberry 9371B U V Blue Raspberry 9371D 9372B UV UV 9372D UV 9372L 9373B U V Grape Vdk U V Pink Lemonade 9374B 9375B U V Cherry U V 103 9376B U V Coconut Vdk 9377B 9378B Ursus Punch Uv Sweet Green Tea 9380B 9381B Ursus Blue Raspberry 9382B Ursus Original 9385B Vampyre Red 9428B Vesica Vodka 9445B Van Gogh Acia Blueberry 9446B Van Gogh Dutch Caramel 9448B Van Gogh Double Espresso 9449B Van Gogh Espresso 9450D Vikingfjord 9456B Van Gogh 9456D Van Gogh 9738B Zodiac 9467B Voli Vodka Lyte Vox 9472B 9472D Vox 9472L Vox Watershed Distillery Vodka 9505B 9521B Wave Blue Raspberry Vodka Wave Pink Lemonade Vodka 9522B 9523B Wave Whipped Cream Vodka Well Vodka 9532D 9532L Well Vodka 9565B White Diamond Cincinnati Micro-Vodka 9672B 9673B Cincinnati Vodka 100 9732B Zubrowka Bison Vodka 9738B Zodiac

$ 12.50 70.0 $ 34.30 80.0 $ 9.05 60.0 $ 9.05 60.0 $ 17.95 60.0 $ 8.15 80.0 $ 17.95 80.0 $ 10.60 80.0 $ 10.80 60.0 $ 10.80 60.0 $ 9.05 60.0 $ 8.70 103.0 $ 6.25 60.0 $ 3.70 60.0 $ 6.25 60.0 $ 5.95 80.0 $ 5.15 80.0 $ 21.25 80.0 $ 9.90 80.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 12.25 70.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 16.00 70.0 $ 17.95 80.0 $ 14.30 80.0 $ 18.35 80.0 $ 9.20 80.0 $ 21.30 60.0 $ 17.60 80.0 $ 33.45 80.0 $ 22.00 80.0 $ 22.00 80.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 7.30 60.0 $ 12.90 88.0 $ 7.60 88.0 $ 8.00 80.0 $ 17.55 80.0 $ 32.10 100.0 $ 16.90 80.0 $ 15.75 80.0

Cordial 0017B Achaia Clauss Ouzo 0029B Absente Liqueur Di Saronno Amaretto 0041B 0041L Di Saronno Amaretto 0053B Amaretto Gozio 0071B Amarito Amaretto 0124B Root 0125B Snap 0549B Barenjager Honey & Bourbon Paramount Rock & Rye 0551B 0552B Barenjager Honey Liqueur 0557D Barton Long Island Ice Tea Barton Long Island Ice Tea 0557L 0565B Benedictine D.O.M. 0580L Paramount Sloe Gin 0583L Dek Sloe Gin Cordial 0600B B & B D O M Cordial 0608B Drambuie 0662B Dek Creme De Caca0 Dark Dek Creme De Menthe Green 0664B 0666B Dek Creme De Cacao White Paramount Crem D Men White 0672B 0673B Paramount Crm D Cacao Dark 0674B Paramount Anisette Paramount Crem D Men Green 0675B 0691B Dek Creme De Menthe White 0701B Paramount Crm D Cacao Whit 0705B Getreide Kummel 0707B Campari Aperitivo Italy 0717B Paramount Triple Sec 0717D Paramount Triple Sec 0717L Paramount Triple Sec 0721B Southern Comfort 0798B Becherovka 0881B Pernod Anis –France 0887B Tia Maria Coffee 0893B Kahlua Coffee 0893D Kahlua Coffee Kahlua Coffee 0893L 0910B Black Duck Cranberry 0948B Blackmaker Rootbeer 1188B Bols Blue Curacao 1501B Buckeye Raspberry Liquor 1501B Buckeye Blackberry Liquor Grand Marnier Rouge 1637E 1783B Caravella Limoncello Orig 1784B Caravella Orangecello 1815B Casoni Lemoncello 1840B Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine 1853B Celtic Crossing Liqueur 1855B Chambord Royale Cord 1914B Chartreuse Green 2098B Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098D Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2098L Grand Marn Cordon Rouge 2101B Galliano L'autentico 2108B Irish Mist 2274B Copa De Oro Mex Coffee Liq

$ 15.15 92.0 $ 35.20 110.0 $ 19.40 56.0 $ 25.55 56.0 $ 10.40 48.0 $ 5.55 56.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 11.30 50.0 $ 24.35 70.0 $ 13.25 75.0 $ 7.45 75.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 10.00 50.0 $ 6.75 60.0 $ 30.00 80.0 $ 34.35 80.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 11.45 54.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.45 60.0 $ 9.65 50.0 $ 11.65 70.0 $ 23.90 48.0 $ 7.05 50.0 $ 14.40 50.0 $ 7.40 50.0 $ 14.05 70.0 $17.55 76.0 $ 25.60 80.0 $ 19.50 53.0 $ 15.15 43.0 $ 30.15 43.0 $ 22.85 43.0 $ 16.00 43.0 $ 16.90 70.0 $ 12.10 48.0 $ 16.50 48.0 $ 15.70 48.0 $ 10.30 80.0 $ 18.65 64.0 $ 16.90 60.0 $ 22.00 62.0 $ 17.75 80.0 $ 17.90 60.0 $ 29.85 46.0 $ 52.10 110.0 $ 30.40 80.0 $ 72.90 80.0 $ 43.90 80.0 $ 27.35 84.6 $ 21.55 70.0 $ 7.30 48.0

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 63

2405B Licor 43 2405L Licor 43 Danny Devitos Limoncello 2503B 2528B Dek Blue Curacao Cordial Dek Creme De Banana Cord 2529B 2566B Dek Creme De Almond Cord 2605B Dek Hazelnut Cord Dek Orange Curacao Cordial 2613L Dek Peach Brandy 2614B 2624B Dek Triple Sec Cord 2624L Dek Triple Sec Cord Dek 03 Orange 2644B 2645B Dek Melon Cordial 2649B Dek Wild Strawberry Cordial 2652B Romana Black 2690B Cointreau Liqueur 2690L Cointreau Liqueur Cointreau Noir 2691B Drambuie 15 Year 2788B 2944B Evan Williams Cherry Resv 2950B Evan Williams Honey Resv Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey 3024B 3077B Fragoli Liqueur W/Strawbry 3092B Amaretto Di Amore 3093B Gantous & Abouraad 3602B Glaros Ouzo 3630B Glengoyne 10 3821B Grangala Triple Orange 3851B Grand Marnier Centcinquant 3852B Grand Marnier Cuvee Centnr 3860B Grand Muriel Orange Liquer 3864B Grande Absente 3902B Green Moon 4000B Harlem Liqueur 4003B Harlequin 3602B Glaros Ouzo 4914B Isle Of Jura Superstition Jagermeister 5054D Jagermeister 5054L 5105B Jeremiah Weed Liqueur 5251L Juarez Triple Sec 5254L Juarez Gold Dss 5303B Kahlua Especial Coffee 5315B Kamora Coffee Lqr 5559B Lazzaroni Amaretto Liquer 5560B Lazzaroni Maraschio Liq 5566B Leblon Cachaca 5571B Le Tourment Vert Lucid Absinthe 6000B 6334B Mata Hari Absinthe Bohemia 6567B Metaxa Ouzo Greece 6705L Nassau Royale 6708B Navan 80 6720L N Y Long Island Iced Tea 6734B 99 Apples 99 Bananas 6735B 6736B 99 Grapes 99 Peaches 6739B Number 12 Ouzo 7713B 7715B Nv La Fee Absinthe Verte Pallini Limoncello 7723B 7724B Pallini Limoncello Gift 7729B Paramount Amaretto 7729D Paramount Amaretto 7729L Paramount Amaretto 7735B Paramount Creme De Banana 7824L Paramount Sour Apple Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7870D 7870L Para Long Islnd Ice Tea 7901B Paramount Melon 7981L Patron Citronge 7986B Patron X O Cafe Pimms Cup #1 Gin Sling Eng 8228B 8249L Pitu Cachaca 8282B Plomari Quzo 8302B Prichards Sweet Lucy Bbn 8324L Punch Abruzzo 8639B Sabroso Di Cafe Coffee Liq 8670B Sambuca Di Amore 8673B Sambuca Romana Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 8852L 8892B Schwartzhog Krauter Liquer 9055B Southern Comfort Blk Cherr 9056B Southern Comfort & Lime 9214B Thunder 101 Peppermt Schnp 9311B Tuaca Demi Sec 9354B Ty Ku Super Premium Soju 9410B Veev Acai Liqueur 9630B Wild Turkey American Honey 9630L Wild Turkey American Honey 9707B Yokaichi Mugi 9733B Zwack

$ 16.85 $ 21.10 $ 13.75 $ 11.45 $ 11.45 $ 2.25 $ 11.45 $ 12.30 $ 4.15 $ 7.45 $ 7.90 $ 20.20 $ 10.55 $ 11.45 $ 14.35 $ 30.40 $ 41.15 $ 18.95 $ 51.80 $ 10.80 $ 10.80 $ 15.15 $ 33.25 $ 9.00 $ 16.00 $ 10.60 $ 38.70 $ 20.85 $187.60 $116.90 $ 18.65 $ 33.60 $ 16.80 $ 7.90 $ 16.90 $ 10.60 $ 21.25 $ 42.40 $ 25.45 $ 10.95 $ 6.40 $ 8.50 $ 18.65 $ 12.55 $ 20.20 $ 20.20 $ 25.60 $ 7.75 $ 51.80 $ 34.30 $ 15.85 $ 10.25 $ 24.45 $ 7.40 $ 13.40 $ 13.40 $ 8.60 $ 13.40 $ 16.05 $ 21.25 $ 19.60 $ 17.15 $ 6.45 $ 15.15 $ 8.20 $ 7.15 $ 7.95 $ 13.55 $ 7.50 $ 4.35 $ 25.40 $ 24.75 $ 14.25 $ 13.90 $ 15.60 $ 19.50 $ 31.80 $ 6.45 $ 11.65 $ 20.90 $ 16.75 $ 31.30 $ 14.05 $ 14.05 $ 10.75 $ 23.70 $ 21.25 $ 25.60 $ 18.40 $ 23.70 $ 15.35 $ 19.65

62.0 62.0 60.0 54.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 60.0 70.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 46.0 45.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 66.0 48.0 45.0 100.0 90.0 86.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 138.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 86.0 70.0 70.0 100.0 60.0 80.0 70.0 53.0 48.0 48.0 80.0 100.0 124.0 120.0 80.0 67.0 80.0 65.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 86.0 76.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 43.0 72.5 72.5 44.0 80.0 70.0 80.0 80.0 84.0 70.0 90.0 48.0 84.0 84.0 73.4 60.0 70.0 55.0 101.0 70.0 48.0 60.0 71.0 71.0 50.0 80.0

$ 17.85 $ 7.25 $ 12.30 $ 15.15 $ 9.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.35 $ 16.05

80.0 54.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 80.0 80.0 100.0

Schnapps 0010B After Shock Cinnamon 0676B Arrow Peppermint 0681L Dek Peppermint Snp 0697D Paramount Peppermint Snp 0697L Paramount Peppermint 0917B Black Haus Blackberry Snp 0917L Black Haus Blackberry Snp Bols Gold Strike Cinnamon Snp 1130B

64 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

2588L Dek Hot Damn Snp Dek Peppermnt 100 2619B 2620L Dek Peachtree Schnapp Dek Old Tavern Rootbeer 2625B Dr Mcgillicuddys Vanilla 2776B 2782B Dr Mcgillicuddys Mentholmt Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3017B Firewater Hot Cinamon Shnp 3017L 3709B Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 3709L Goldschlager Cinnamon Shnp 99 Blackberries 3736B 3737B 99 Black Cherries 4863B Ice 101 Peppermint Schnapp 4870B Il Tramonto 5922B Lightning 101 Cinnamon 6009B Luxardo Triplum 99 Bananas 6735B Paramount Butterscotch Shnapp 7762L 7862B Paramount Peach Sch Paramount Peach Sch 7862L 8263B Pisco Porton 8632B Rumple Minze Berry 8633B Rumple Minze Pepmt 8633L Rumple Minze Pepmt Southern Comfort 100 9054B 9082B So Co Fiery Pepper 9727B Yukon Jack Yukon Jack 9727D 9727L Yukon Jack

$ 12.30 $ 11.20 $ 12.30 $ 5.65 $ 6.10 $ 10.80 $ 16.65 $ 21.50 $ 20.45 $ 26.35 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 16.65 $ 15.50 $ 10.75 $ 26.30 $ 16.00 $ 8.05 $ 9.30 $ 10.00 $ 34.35 $ 10.55 $ 21.05 $ 26.35 $ 16.90 $ 14.05 $ 14.75 $ 26.15 $ 20.85

48.0 100.0 43.0 45.0 48.0 48.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 87.0 99.0 99.0 101.0 60.0 101.0 78.0 99.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 86.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 70.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

$ 11.75 $ 24.05 $ 17.40 $ 14.95 $ 7.00 $ 14.90 $ 8.85 $ 8.75 $ 19.30 $ 12.25 $ 15.30 $ 11.45 $ 22.00 $ 9.25 $ 16.30 $ 7.90 $ 17.55 $ 8.60 $ 11.40 $ 7.90 $ 10.80 $ 22.30 $ 13.10 $ 7.45 $ 13.60 $ 5.85 $ 6.60 $ 13.65 $ 12.30 $ 11.65 $ 14.05 $ 8.60 $ 14.95 $ 6.45 $ 13.60 $ 13.60 $ 8.60 $ 8.75 $ 17.60 $ 25.60 $ 61.45 $114.15 $ 41.25 $ 18.65 $ 14.45 $ 8.45 $ 12.70 $ 8.40 $ 12.65 $ 15.35 $ 19.50 $ 34.35 $ 7.00 $ 13.60 $ 21.05 $ 47.90 $ 28.50 $ 30.15 $ 14.75 $ 8.45 $ 14.30 $ 7.90 $ 7.90 $ 17.15 $ 10.95

80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 82.6 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0

Canadian 0076B Seagrams V O 6 Yr Seagrams V O 6 Yr 0076D 0076L Seagrams V O 6 Yr Lord Calvert 3 Yr 0169D Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170B 0170D Mc Masters 3 Yr Mc Masters 3 Yr 0170L 0174B Canadian Mist Cndn 0174D Canadian Mist Cndn 0174L Canadian Mist Cndn Macnaughton Cndn 3Yr 0175D 0176B Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176D Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176E Canadian Club 6 Yr Canadian Club 6 Yr 0176L 0189B Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189D Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0189E 0189L Black Velvet Cndn 3 Yr 0909B Black Velvet Traveler 3 Yr 0920B Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 0920D Black Velvet Reserve Cndn 8Yr 1570B Cabin Fever Maple Flv Whsk 1627E Crown Royal 200Ml Canadian Bay Whsky 1704D 1704L Canadian Bay Whsky 1716B Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1716D Canada House Cndn Whiskey 3Yr 1725B Canadian Club Reserve 10 Yr 1729B Canadian Club Traveler 6 Yr Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1730D 1730L Canadian Gold 4 Yr 1731B Canadian Club Shry Cask 8Yr 1733B Canadian Hunter Traveler 3Yr 1733D Canadian Hunter 1735D Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1735L Canadian Ltd 3 Yr 1748B Canadian Mist Trvlr 2055B Canadian Club Classic 12Yr 2389B Crown Royal Black 2391B Crown Royal Cask #16 2393B Crown Royal Extra Rare 2397B Crown Royal Reserve 3071B Forty Creek Barrel Select 4041D Harwood 4041L Harwood 4699D Northern Light 3 Yr 4699L Northern Light 3 Yr 5073D James Foxe 7726D Paramount Canadian 8050B Pendleton Canadian 8051B Pendleton Rye 1910 8431B Rich & Rare 8431D Rich & Rare 8894B Crown Royal 8894D Crown Royal 8894E Crown Royal 8894L Crown Royal 8922B V O Gold 8 Yr 8923B Seagrams V O Cndn Trv 6 Yr 9084B Spicebox Cndn Spiced Whsky 9648B Windsor Supreme Traveler 3Yr 9652B Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652D Windsor Supreme 3 Yr 9652L Windsor Supreme 3 Yr

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES For the Record LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES (Orders Issued April and May 2012) AKRON Downtown Co Inc dba Brubakers Pub: hindered or obstructed an investigation or inspection; allowed the delivery of alcohol to permit premises between the hours of 2:30am-5:30am; furnished beer to intoxicated patron - $400 or 4 days; Lorenzo Entertainment Inc dba Lux Nightclub: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 6 days. ASHLEY Popsters LLC dba Popsters: sold, kept, and/or possessed alcohol for sale on premises; sold, kept, and/or possessed alcohol for sale on premises $200 or 2 days. ATHENS Robert C Wolf & Constance Thayer Wolf dba Smiling Skull Saloon: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $1,000 or 10 days. CANTON Mark & Frances Mills dba Friendly Corner Tavern: hindered and/or obstructed an investigation and/or inspection; allowed alcohol to be consumed between the hours of 1:00am-5:30am; failed to display permit on premises; allowed disorderly activity to occur on permit premises - $500 or 5 days. CINCINNATI Casey Jrs Inc dba Casey Ds: sale of beer to underage patron; furnished beer to someone under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days; Tan Brothers Enterprises Inc dba Rong Tans: sold beer to patron under the

age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 $1,800 or 12 days; Breunigs Entertainment Inc dba Golden Nugget: allowed drugs to be possessed on permit premises; allowed drug paraphernalia to be possessed on permit premises - $2,500 or REVOKED June 21, 2012; PNK Ohio LCC dba River Downs Racetrack: operated business at an address and/or location other than that authorized to your permit; sold spirituous liquor on premises for consumption off the permit premises - $400 or 4 days. CIRCLEVILLE Tuscan Table LLC dba Tuscan Table: sold alcohol on premises while permit was under suspension; sold, kept, and/or possessed beer on the premises; sold, kept, or possessed alcohol while permit was not in force; sold, kept, and/or possessed intoxicating liquor on permit premises; sold, kept, and/ or possessed beer and/or intoxicating liquor on permit premises while permit was not in force - $500 or 5 days. CLEVELAND BL Restaurant Operations LCC dba Bar Louie: sale of beer to individuals under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days; RJL Waterfront Holdings I LTD dba Bar 1 & 2: sale of beer to individuals under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21; allowed underage patron to possess/consume intoxicating liquor - $450 or 3 days; 13208 Caine Inc dba Caine Tavern: sold beer upon premises to a person who is not a member of your organization - $200 or 2 days; JBJJ LCC dba The Nauti Mermaid: sale of beer to individuals under the age of 21; furnishing beer to someone under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days; MS Debbie LLC dba Victory Lap Cafe: alcohol held or offered

for sale was not maintained in a portable condition - $300 or 3 days; Flextron LLC dba Gotcha Inn: sold intoxicating liquor to patron under the age of 21; furnished intoxicating liquor to patron under the age of 21 - $450 or 3 days: Hicks Tavern Inc dba N/A: allowed consumption of alcohol between the hours of 2:30am5:30am; unsanitary fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/refrigerators, and utensils; allowed improper conduct upon permit premises - $800 or 4 days; 18 EUC Lastchance Inc dba N/A: inadequate supply of hot/ cold running water; toilet facility without complete privacy; sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21; sold intoxicating liquor to patron under the age of 21; furnished intoxicating liquor to patron under the age of 21 - $2,000 or 8 days. CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Heinika LTD dba N/A: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days. COLUMBUS Chang & Yee LLC dba Chi Thai Patio: allowed alcohol to be consumed on premises between the hours of 2:30am5:30am - $200 or 2 days; CalPal LLC dba Dream Girls: allowed solicitation for anything of value; allowed improper conduct to occur on premises - $1,500 or 10 days; CalPal LLC dba Dream Girls: kept and/or possessed alcohol in original container that was being refilled; unsanitary fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/refrigerators, and utensils; alcohol held or offered for sale was not in portable condition; had, kept, and/or possessed alcohol with improper labels on premix dispensing container $1,500 or 6 days; Large Bar 2159 LLC dba N/A: operated two bars where alcohol is sold

JULY 2012 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY 65

VIOLATIONS&PENALTIES for consumption on premises; allowed alcohol that was sold for consumption on premises to be removed off premises - $300 or 3 days; Espana LLC dba Spain Night Club: allowed the consumption of alcohol on permit premises between the hours of 2;30am-5:30am $300 or 3 days; Ethio LLC dba N/A: alcoholic beverages held or offered for sale were not in a portable condition - $200 or 2 days. EUCLID SRI Lakshmi Enterprises Inc dba Paradise Pub: allowed disorderly activity to occur on premises - $200 or 2 days. GALLIPOLIS Elizabeth I Vansickle dba Bladen Landing & Patio: allowed alcohol to be consumed on permit premises between the hours of 1:00am5:30am; sold alcohol on permit premises between the hours of 1:00am-5:30am $300 or 3 days. LAKEWOOD 11926 Madison Inc dba Flying Rib: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $1,750 or 10 days; Merry Arts Pub & Grille Inc dba Merry Arts Pub: sold beer to patrons under the age of 21; furnished beer to patrons under the age of 21 - $900 or 7 days. LANCASTER Kris E Kern dba Coachs Corner: allowed beer to be consumed on permit premises between the hours of 2:30am-5:30am $200 or 2 days. MARION D Jerew Inc. dba N/A: multiple counts of possessing or operating a gambling device; multiple counts of advertising a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit without a license; multiple counts of possessing an electronic video gambling device; unsanitary fixtures, equipment, tables, counters, coolers/ refrigerators, or utensils not 66 Ohio Beverage MONTHLY JULY 2012

clean or sanitary; alcohol held or offered for sale were not in portable condition; allowed drug paraphernalia to be possessed on premises REVOKED June 14, 2012. ORWELL Carol Presjak dba Creekside Inn: conducting instant bingo without a license; operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming $500 or 5 days. PARMA HEIGHTS 6405 Pearl Road LLC dba N/A: sold, and/or furnished, and/or delivered beer at two for the price of one - $300 or 3 days. SEBRING Birdies Rec Inc dba Birdies Recreation: possessing or operating a gambling device; operating an electronic video gambling device; operating a game of chance or scheme of chance for profit; operating a gambling house; recklessly permitting public gaming $800 or 4 days. SPRINGDALE Bistros of Ohio & Kentucky dba TGI Fridays: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days. SWANTON Free Bird LLC dba The Free Bird Lounge: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $1,500 or 10 days. TOLEDO Mitchell Associates LLC dba The Bar: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $750 or 6 days; 715 Monroe St LLC dba N/A: allowed consumption of intoxicating liquor on permit premises between the hours of 2:30am-5:30am; allowed the delivery of intoxicating liquor on permit premises between the hours of

2:30am-5:30am; sold, offered to sell, and/or possessed intoxicating liquor in original container that was diluted, and/or refilled; allowed illegal possession upon permit premises; allowed solicitation upon permit premises for a value of cash; allowed drug sales to occur upon permit premises; allowed multiple counts of improper conduct upon permit premises $30,000 or REVOKED June 21, 2012. WAKEMAN Judy E Bement dba Crossroads Tavern: allowed alcohol to be consumed between the hours of 2:30am-5:30am - $500 or 5 days. WELLSVILLE Joseph Pappas dba Joe's Drive Thru: sold, offered to sell, and/ or possessed intoxicating liquor in original container that was diluted, and/or refilled - $600 or 3 days. WHITEHALL AL Post0490 Comrade Whitehall. dba N/A: sold beer upon premises to a person who is not a member of your organization; allowed beer to be removed from premises $300 or 3 days. WILLOUGHBY WHB Klub Inc dba 1899 Pub: sold intoxicating liquor on permit premises - $300 or 3 days. WILLOWICK Polito Zabkar Inc dba N/A: sold intoxicating liquor to underage patron - $1,200 or 4 days. YOUNGSTOWN Aseel Inc dba Austintown Beverage Center: sold beer to patron under the age of 21; furnished beer to patron under the age of 21 - $3,000 or REVOKED June 21, 2012.

Cheers to another 10 years.

t, 2013 July 17th-21s New Orleans, LA

Thank you for being a part of our historic 10th Anniversary Tales of the Cocktail®. We hope the five days of education and celebration quenched your thirst for all things cocktail and that we’ll see right back here in New Orleans as we embark upon our next ten years at Tales of the Cocktail® 2013.

Tales of the Cocktail salutes the generous spirit of their sponsors: 10 Cane Rum, 1792, 360 Vodka, 42Below Vodka, A. Smith Bowman Distilling, Aberlour a’bunadh Single Malt ch Whisky, Absinthe Cream, Absolut Vodka, Adult Chocolate Milk and Moonshine, Akvinta Vodka, Amargo Chuncho Bitters from Peru, American Beverage Marketers, American Distilling Institute, Anchor Distilling Company, Angostura Bitters, Angostura Rum, Appleton Estate Jamaica Rums, Armagnac, Aromatic Pimento Bitters, Auchentoschen, Avenue Pub, Averell Damson Gin, Averna, Aveze Gentiane Liqueur, Bacardi, Bacardi 8, Bacardi Rum, Bacardi USA, Bad Dog Bar Craft bitters, Bailey’s, Balvenie 14 Year Caribbean Cask, Barbancourt Rhum, Barefoot Wines, Balvenie Scotch, Banks 5 Island Rum, BarSmarts, Barsol Pisco, Beam Global, Becherovka, Beefeater 24, Beefeater Gin, Belvedere Vodka, Benedictine, Berentzen Liqueur, Beverage Media, Bissap Breeze, Bitter End Bitters, Bitter Tears, Bittered Sling, Bittermens, Bitters Old Men, Black Velvet Reserve 8-year aged Whisky, Black Velvet Whisky, Blackbull Blended Scotch Whisky, Blackwell Rum, BNIC, Bols Blue Curacao, Bols Creme de Cacao, Bols Genever, Bols Sole Gin, Bombay Sapphire East Gin, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Bonal, Bootlegger 21 New York Vodka, Botran Rum, Boyd and Blair Vodka, Branca Distilleries, Breckenridge Bitters, Breckenridge Bourbon, Breckenridge Distillery, Breckenridge Vodka, BroVo Spirits, Buffalo Trace, Buffalo Trace Bourbon, Bulleit Bourbon, Bulleit Bourbon and Rye, Bulleit Rye, Camara National de la Industria Tequilera, Campari, Camus Cognac, Caorunn Gin, Cardinal Glass, Caribou Crossing Canadian Whisky, Carnival Cruise Line, Chartreuse, Chefwear, Chinaco Tequila, Chichicapa, Citadelle Gin, Clément, Coca Cola, Cointreau, Combier Distillery, Corazón, Combier’s Elixir, Combier’s Kummel, Corsair Distillery, Corsair Triple Smoke American Single Malt Whiskey, Corsair Artisan, Crescent City School of Bartending, Cuca Fresca Cachaca, Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky, Cynar, Dallas/Texas Tasting Room, Dancing Pines Distillery, Death’s Door Spirits, Deep Eddy Vodka, Del Maguey Mezcal, Demitri’s Bloody Mary Mix, Dewar’s, Diageo, Diplomatico Rum, Dirty Sue, Disaronno, Distillery No. 209, Domaine de Canton, Domaine Select, Don Julio Tequila, Don Q Añejo Aged Rum Puerto Rico, Don Q Gran Anejo, Dos Maderas 5+5 PX Rum, Drambuie, Drink Me Magazine, Drinkupny.com, Driscoll’s Berries, Dry Fly Distilling, Dry Sack Sherry, Dry soda, Eagle Rare, Edinburgh Gin, El Dorado Rum, Employees Only, Encanto Pisco, Elite, Espresso Parts, Excellia Tequila, EU, Fee Brothers, Few Spirits, Feni, Fever-Tree, Few Spirits, Fidencio Mezcal, FIJI Water, Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, Fonseca Porto, Four Roses Bourbon, Frederick Wildman & Sons, G’Vine Gin, George Dickel, George Dickel No. 12, George Dickel Tennessee Whisky, Glace Luxury Ice, Glenfarclas, Glenfiddich, Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey, Glenlivet & Chivas, Gonzalez Byass, Gosling’s Rum, Grand Marnier, Grey Goose, Haus Alpenz, Haus Alpenz / France, Haus Alpenz / Italy, Heaven Hill Distilleries, Heaven Hill Whiskies, Hendrick’s Gin, Hennessy, Herbsaint, Highwest Distillery, Hirsch Selection, Hirsch Small Batch Bourbon, House Made Bitters, Hudson Whiskies, Hum Spirits, Imbibe Magazine, Imbue Vermouth, In the Mix Magazine, Indie Spirits Tasting Room, Illegal Mezcal, iSi North America, Jägermeister, Jameson, Jefferson’s Bourbon, Kahlua, Kappa Pisco, Ketel One Vodka, Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey, Koval Distillery, Laird and Co., Laird’s Applejack 7 year old, Laird’s Applejack Brandy, Laird’s Applejack Brandy 12 year old, Larceny, Leblon Cachaca, Licor 43 and ORIGINAL Moonshine, Lillet, Lillet Rose, Lillet Rosé Aperitif, Lirette Selections, Local Wine & Spirits, Louis Royer Cognacs, Lounge Attire, Lounge Attire Premium Cocktail Cranberries, Lunazul Tequila, Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur, Luxardo Marsca Cherries, Macallan Scotch, Macchu Pisco, Mandarine Napoleon, Marie Brizard, Martell XO Cognac, Martin Miller’s Gin, Martini, Martini & Rossi, Master of Whisky, Merlet Crème de Cassis, Merlet Spirits, Metaxa 5 Star, Mezcales de Leyenda, Michter’s Whiskey, Middle West Spirits, Midori Melon Liqueur, Milagro Tequila, Monin, Monkey Shoulder, Montanya Distillers, Mount Gay Rum, Moutai, Mutineer Magazine, National Honey Board, New Holland Artisan Spirits, Noilly Prat, Nonino, Nonino Amaro, Offbeat Magazine, Old New Orleans Rum, Old Pulteney Single Malt Scotch, Ole Smokey Moonshine, Olmeca Plata Blanco Tequila, Osocalis Distillery, Oxley Gin, PAMA, Partida 100% Organic Agave Nectar, Partida Anjeo Tequila, Partida Blanco Tequila, Partida Reposado Tequila, Peach Street Distillers, Pechuga, Perfect Puree (Meyer Lemon Concentrate, Key Lime Concentrate and Mandarin/Tangerine Concentrate), Pernod Absinthe, Pernod Ricard, Pernod Ricard USA, Peychaud’s Bitters, Philadelphia Distilling, Piedmont Distillers, Pierre Ferrand 1840 Cognac, Pierre Ferrand Cognac, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao, Pig’s Nose Scotch Whisky, Pink Pigeon, Pisco Porton, Pisco Tasting Room, Plymouth Gin, Prohibition Distillery, Purity Vodka, PURUS Organic Wheat Vodka, Quady Winery, Redemption High Rye Bourbon, Redemption Rye, Redemption Whiskeys, Regan’s Bitters, Remy Cointreau, Ricard, Reyka, RHUBY, Rhum J.M VSOP, River Parish Disposal, ROOT, Rothman and Winter, Rouses, Royal Canadian Small Batch and Caribou Crossing, Rum For All, Sailor Jerry Rum, Samaroli Evolution, Sandeman Port, Santa Teresa Rum, Santo Domingo Albrradas, Saveur, Sazerac Co., Sazerac Rye, Scrappy’s Bitters, Secrets in Lace, SerendipiTea, ShakeStir, Sidney Frank Portfolio, Sheep Dip, Siembra Azul Tequila, Siete Leguas, Slow and Low Rye, SNAP, Smooth Ambler, Solerno, Spare Room, Spicebox Whiskey, Spirit of Italy, Square One Spirits, Stoli, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Suntory, Sutton Cellars, Tanqueray Gin, Tanqueray London Dry Gin & Tanqueray TEN, Tequila Ocho, Terra Spice, Tobacco Free Living, Truvia® natural sweetener, Tuthilltown, Ultimate Spirits Challenge, United States Bartenders Guild, Vanberg & DeWulf Beer, Varnelli, VeeV, Vektor Vodka, Vermont Spirits, Victoria Gin, Vita Mix, Vida, Vya vermouth, WhistlePig Straight Rye, Where Y’at, Wild Turkey, Willet Distillery, William Grant & Sons, Wines of France, Yelp, Zacapa Rum, Zaya Rum, Zico


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8.75“ W X 11.125“ H




8.5“ W X 10.875“ H











15 Lombard St., San Francisco, CA 94111 p: 415.659.3900 f: 415.659.3903 www.bakerstadvertising.com

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