McCallie Magazine -- Fall 2013

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Battles for Chattanooga The Civil War Sesquicentennial and the historical significance of the location of McCallie School

2013 Faculty Fellows Connecting the Long Blue Line Connell’s Casting Call FA L L 2 0 1 3

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y w h at ’ s n e w

History Lessons In conjunction with the 150th anniversary

of the Battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga in 2013, the required summer reading for Middle School-aged students focused on Civil War era-themed books. All Middle Schoolers had to read “Abraham Lincoln & Frederick Douglass: The Story Behind an American Friendship” by Russell Freedman as well as a grade-level book plus two additional books of their choosing. Required grade-level books included “The Red Badge of Courage” by Stephen Crane (eighth grade), “Chasing Lincoln’s Killer” by James Swanson (seventh grade) and “Soldier’s Heart” by Gary Paulsen (sixth grade). On Reading Day, guest speaker Chris Young, an education specialist with the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, spoke to the Middle School, and Dr. Anthony Hodges and his son Jeb (pictured left) demonstrated Civil War-era weaponry. g

“Man’s Chief End is to Glorify God and to Enjoy Him Forever” The McCallie School Mission McCallie School is dedicated to preparing young men to make a positive difference in their world. By fostering their intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional development, the school seeks to inspire and motivate them to: »»strive for excellence »»seek truth »»live honorably »»act responsibly »»help others


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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C O N T EN T S

Battles for Chattanooga Commemorating the Civil War Sesquicentennial and the historical significance of the location of McCallie School.


Feature 12 » FIRST


4 Creative in the Cold

English teacher Erin Tocknell writes of her summer research trip to Iceland

» Campus


6 Faculty Fellows 2013

Meet the sixth class of McCallie’s Faculty Fellows program

8 Connecting the Long Blue Line

Lee Burns ’87 has been hired as headmaster and will begin his role on the Ridge in the summer of 2014

9 Faculty Spotlight

A former boarding student who returned to teach math is now department head

10 Connell’s Casting Call

Look for this teacher and coach in the upcoming movie “Foxcatcher”

» Alumni

Ne ws

11 Reunion Weekend 2013

View a photo gallery from the annual event which drew alumni from the ’3s and ’8s years

16 Class Achievements

Eleven alumni were honored with Alumni Achievement Awards during Reunion Weekend 2013

» Class



20 Births/Weddings/News

Read the latest updates from your classmates

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The McCallie Magazine is published by McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | | | The name “McCallie School,” the McCallie School logo and the McCallie School seal are all trademarks/namemarks of McCallie School. All materials appearing in the McCallie Magazine, including photography, are ©1996–2013 by McCallie School. Reprint or electronic reproduction of any such material for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of McCallie School. Permission to use written material (not photographs) is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as McCallie is credited. | Photography by David Humber, McCallie staff and contributed photos. | For information about McCallie Magazine and to obtain permission to reproduce trademarked and copyrighted material, contact the McCallie School Public Affairs Office at (423.624.8300) or by writing the Public Affairs Office, McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | McCallie School fully supports all anti-discrimination laws and does not engage in any unlawful discrimination.

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y l e tt e rs

F i rst P e rso n

One of a Kind

Creative in the Cold

Dear Editor: The death of Miles McNiff on June 21 saddens the hearts of 44 years of McCallie boys, from the Class of 1962 through the Class of 2005, the year he retired. In English class, Miles never said a novel, poem or play was good; his presentation told you it was. The book lay on the desk. Miles walked in and picked it up. He had no notes and sometimes stood on the desk. He then enlivened every callow mind by his true-to-life reading of the text and his quick comments about its characters. Hear him read “The Odyssey,” “Hamlet,” Frost’s “Out, Out” or the end of the first chapter of “All the King’s Men.” We knew from an authority that literature could be a light. Sometimes Lucky Strike or Pall Mall cigarettes also lay on the desk and further illuminated the subject. The teacher would tap the ash as he listened or read. Mr. McNiff ’s overall approach was authoritarian, hardly collaborative, but he sometimes tailored his approach to the situation. When I worked in admissions and he was academic dean, he made the occasional know-it-all visitor realize he did not know it all. A prideful announcement of a father’s academic provenance might be met by the dean’s provenance: Taft, Yale, Trinity, McCallie. That is: no one was going to assert superiority at the expense of The McCallie School. But right when he knew it would do some good, he could be merciful. Botched footnotes he might label “incomplete.” “You did have one very good line here,” he told a tentative summer-school poet. Every boy needs men besides his father to criticize him but encourage him. McCallie has had hundreds of such men. Mr. McNiff was one, and one of the best. g – George Hazard Jr. ’64 Columbus, Miss.

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“It’s like you’re throwing a party and there’s a set of drums and someone has to learn how to play them. It’s kind of the punk rock mentality. Just pick up an instrument and play what you can.” – Andri Magnuson, author of “Dreamland”

“Icelandic loves verbs.” – Runar Vignisson, Professor of Creative Writing, University of Iceland

Upper School English teacher Erin Tocknell used a study grant to spend part of her summer in Iceland. First Person allows a teacher, administrator or student to present a unique perspective on life at McCallie.

I became interested in Iceland after

reading “The Geography of Bliss,” which a student-led group had chosen for their McCallie summer reading. American author Eric Weiner devotes a chapter of the book to describing Iceland as a place steeped in creative energy. As a writer and teacher who spends her days trying to awaken such energy in her students, I was intrigued. What makes Iceland’s populace one of the happiest in the world? What drives so many of them to create? After 26 days of hostels, hikes, bus rides, museums and geothermal pools, all accompanied by vigorous conversation and roughly 117 cups of coffee, I figured out that Icelanders do indeed love their verbs. Collectively, these are not people who wonder if their ideas are good enough, if they’re talented enough or if there’s someone who’s already doing it better. If they want music, they make it. If they want art, they create it. If they have an idea for a book, they write it. (One in 10 Icelanders has published a book). Most Icelanders feel like they are both benefitting from and contributing to a vibrant creative culture. I took a ferry to Grimsey Island, the only part of Iceland above the Arctic Circle. Nondescript ranch houses were clustered

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together in the village, and the thought of all 75 residents huddled inside during windy, dark winters made me feel desperately lonely. I wanted my own porch where I could watch the sunset and drink sweet tea. Lacking that, I headed to Gallery Sol. Gallery Sol doubled as a coffee shop. It was staffed by four women and open only when the ferry was in. A woman who spoke only Icelandic took my order for a waffle with cream and “einn kaffi” - one coffee. I sat down in a room lined with knit sweaters, mittens, hats and scarves, all elaborately and beautifully patterned. While I sipped my kaffi, ferry passengers wandered in to order food or ask one of the women to sign the document which certified they had crossed the Arctic Circle. Whenever someone purchased a sweater or mittens, the women shared the name of whomever had made it and some small detail about her life. Life on Grimsey was not as forlorn as it had first seemed to me. It had a rhythm to it, and within that rhythm, the women of the island had developed both an art and an outlet for it. Later, I did some grocery shopping and fell into a conversation with the teenaged cashier about life in Grimsey as opposed to life in a city like Reykjavik or Akureyri. “We find our own things to do here,” she told me, “and we are totally free.” Now that I am back, I’ve been thinking of ways to bring some Icelandic sensibility into my classroom. The most important thing really has been the verbs. I want my students to do and not worry about whether they are the best or even qualified. So far, this means that they have hand-drawn maps of their lives and acted out portions of Hamlet from memory. In America, we tend to push our young people toward specialization, and that has its place, but I learned this summer that sometimes you just have to embrace the punk rocker within and see where all that creation leads. g

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C A M P U S NE W S

A C A D EMIC S Five seniors were named National Merit Semifinalists for the 2013-14 school year. This prestigious academic honor places these students among the top one percent, or roughly 16,000, of the more than 1.5 million juniors who took the Preliminary SAT last year. McCallie’s 2013-14 National Merit Semifinalists are Roger Lee, Hixson, Tenn.; Peter Lugthart, Rocky Face, Ga.; Matt McCall, Signal Mountain, Tenn.; John Eric Milller, Rocky Face, Ga.; and Philip Zeiser, Signal Mountain, Tenn. McCallie boasts 32 National Merit Semifinalists in the last five years. “These boys have positioned themselves at the head of the class of all high school students nationwide,” Headmaster Kirk Walker ’69 said. “McCallie is extremely proud of their hard work and dedication.” All semifinalists will now be considered for National Merit Finalist status and could be one of about 8,000 students across the nation to earn National Merit Scholarships to the college or university of their choice. Additionally, 16 McCallie students were recognized as Commended Students by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

FA CULT Y McCallie welcomed 10 new teachers

and staff members for the 201314 school year. Two newcomers are McCallie graduates. Bryan Sansbury ’03 teaches Upper School Latin, and Joel Bradford ’07 works with the Upper School core studies program and serves as an assistant football coach. Other new teachers joining the faculty this year include Chris Edge, Middle School history; Cole Hamilton, Middle School English; Bryon McCague, Upper School math; and Nancy Olenchek, Upper School honors chemistry. New staff additions are Javis Dennis, athletic equipment manager; Risa Miller (GPS ’90), administrative assistant to director of boarding admission; Caroline Walker (GPS ’04), assistant director of annual giving; and Cindy Youngblood, administrative


(Front L-R) Caroline Walker, Risa Miller, Nancy Olenchek. (Back L-R) Bryon McCague, Javis Dennis, Bryan Sansbury ’03, Chris Edge, Joel Bradford ’07, Cole Hamilton

assistant to the athletic director. Several staffers received title changes including Tim Chakwin, Upper School English to Dean of Residential Life, and Sumner McCallie, Dean of Residential Life to Academic Dean. g

For full coverage of events around campus, visit


SER V ICE (L-R) Philip Zeiser, Matt McCall, Peter Lugthart, Roger Lee, John Eric Miller

L I T ER AT UR E Acclaimed author and journalist Rick Bragg visited campus Aug. 23. Mr. Bragg’s “All Over but the Shoutin’” was required summer reading for Upper School students this year. The book details his difficult upbringing in rural and impoverished North Alabama as the son of an abusive alcoholic father and outlines the sacrifices his mother made for him and his brothers. Mr. Bragg proved to be as good an orator as he is a writer, capturing the attention of students and staff in the Chapel. He spun humorous personal stories to offer a better understanding of the setting and characters in the book. He joined John Lambert’s Autobiographical Self class and stressed to future writers in the room that stories are universal. He explained that human beings are not bland and have imperfections, and that’s what draws people to characters and stories. Mr. Bragg won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 1996 while working at the New York Times. He has written four other books and also writes a column for Southern Living magazine.

Seven students and two faculty members

traveled to Mongolia this June representing McCallie’s Habitat for Humanity Chapter. The group was based in the capital city of Ulaan-Batar, and the home build took place 30 miles northwest of the city. Working in the hilly region of Mongolia, the crew constructed the one-room family home using foam concrete or cellular lightweight concrete. Among other construction skills learned, the student

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team was responsible for digging foundations, mixing mortar, laying block, pouring concrete and cutting and mounting heavy Styrofoam blocks used for insulation. The home dedication ceremony featured a traditional Mongolian barbecue followed by words of appreciation from the family’s leader. The McCallie team left the family with a small gift – a framed photo of the group in front of the completed house with the inscription “Built with much love and appreciation for the example of a strong family. May this house become a wonderful home.” McCallie team members were John Hooper, Daniel Kim, Franklin Maxwell, James Morgan, Hongrui Miao, Alex Oberlander, Gordy Shoots and faculty members John Green ’84 and Ken Henry. g

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C a mp u s l i f e

Faculty Fellows 2013 The McCallie Faculty Fellows

program annually rewards outstanding educators at the school who make a positive impact on both the academic and character development of their students. Former Board of Trustees Chairman Ed Michaels ’60 proposed his plan for the development of a faculty fellows program several years ago, and it was born in 2008. It is designed to acknowledge outstanding faculty members during their professional review year. A committee selects the Fellows from the review pool and awards each a $2,500 supplement per year for four years, funded through an endowment established by Mr. Michaels. McCallie’s faculty is evaluated every four years, so the fellowship selection process was built into the existing review process. All teachers are eligible for the honor in conjunction with their review year. Faculty are evaluated based on classroom observations, class surveys, a professional improvement plan, department input, response to strategic questions, a personal teaching portfolio and nominations from alumni and parents. The sixth Fellows class includes seven outstanding instructors: Cary Hubbard, Cleve Latham, David Mouron, Randy Odle, Ed Snodgrass, Adam Tolar and Frank Watkins. Mr. Latham, Mr. Odle, Mr. Snodgrass and Mr. Watkins are receiving the honor for the second time.

Cary Hubbard

Cleve Latham

David Mouron ’73

faculty member since 1999

faculty member since 1974

faculty member since 1995

On this honor affirming what he does daily – “The fact that part of this selection is a result of the thoughts and consideration of alumni, parents and students is humbling. I love what I do. I don’t feel like I’m necessarily doing anything special other than sharing stuff that I think is very cool. I get excited about shooting water rockets or deriving the quadratic formula by completing the square and sharing those with students. Also, I consciously try to teach them things I wish someone would have taught me at their age – how to face difficult situations and persevere, or how to approach a problem from the best angle. What means the most to me as a teacher is when former students say things like “your class was very challenging, but now I understand why you did things the way you did. It made things easier.’”

His goals each day as he enters his classroom – “My goals are to create or facilitate a memorable experience for as many students as possible. I hope the boys leave my classroom with the conviction that something of value happened so they will be eager to return the next day.”

On this honor affirming what he does daily – “The evaluation process focuses on improvement. I made a conscious effort to improve my student ratings over the last evaluation. I especially focused on presenting the material in clear and understandable ways, and on making connections with real life situations every day in every class. I doubted that my efforts to improve would make a difference in my ratings, but to my surprise, they made a significant difference. The change in the ratings affirmed that efforts to improve do make a difference in student learning and perception of the courses. They also show that every teacher can improve, no matter how long he has been teaching.”

Middle School Math

On his teaching style – “I have adopted the Flipped Classroom model in my Algebra classes. I feel this gives each student a way to learn at his own pace, allowing him to adopt his own personal educational plan for progressing through the material. I believe the student will learn more if the education is tailored to his own style and pace. The flipped model allows each student to be where he needs to be in the material. At the same time it allows me to help those who need more assistance while not holding back those who are ready to face the next challenge. I firmly believe that the education of each individual student needs to be front and center.”

Upper School English

Has his teaching style changed since he first began teaching – “It has changed, evolved, imploded, and circled back around continuously to accommodate the culture, the students, the research about educating boys, and my own interests. I sit more than stand, I ask more questions than I answer, I read more and write more and get my students to do the same. But I suspect the essential core of what guides me as a teacher is both indescribable and inviolable.” On character development fitting into his daily teaching routine – “We read literature that explores the human condition. Consequently, class discussions invariably cover issues of character. Invariably, those discussions spill over into the students’ writing.” One positive thing about McCallie that he would tell prospective students – “I would say that 99 percent of the faculty and students are here because they want to be, and that makes for a very happy and productive environment.”

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Upper School Science

On character development fitting into his teaching methods – “I try to model character and a strong work ethic in everything that I do. I am in the classroom ready to begin when the bell rings. Every day, I try to be thoroughly prepared for class and expect the same of the students. I strive to be consistent in applying rules and policies, and try to treat every student fairly. I constantly encourage the students to support their ideas with reasons and examples, and to think for themselves. In the laboratory, I emphasize the importance of collecting data honestly, even when the results are contrary to what is expected.”

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y CAMPUS LIFE

Randy Odle

Ed Snodgrass ’73

Adam Tolar ’96

Frank Watkins

faculty member SINCE 1995

faculty member since 1985

faculty member since 2006

faculty member since 1987

Has his teaching style changed since he first began teaching – “I don’t think my style has changed much. I’ve always been an informal lecturer, an advocate of visual aids and a lover of class discussion. Maybe I’ve grown more demanding through the years. Kids have to grow up faster now than they used to. Technology and social media have quickened the growth process but also made it more likely for immature mistakes to be public and permanent. I thus probably expect and enforce more mature behavior and decision-making than I did back in the 90s. I think I’ve also gotten better at explaining that “being good at history” is a skill that might take some time, but can be cultivated and increased.”

One positive thing about McCallie that he would tell prospective students – “McCallie students live in a community that values doing well and doing your duty. The school motto, “Honor, Truth, Duty,” says we understand that doing homework, working toward a goal in athletics or activities is a school norm not an exception. An education at McCallie is challenging both for the students and the teachers. There is an earned satisfaction when you stretch to make a goal.”

On his reaction to his selection – “When your cell phone rings in the summer, and the Caller ID indicates a call from the Headmaster, there are a multitude of ideas going through your head, and the Faculty Fellow award was not among those initial thoughts for me. But in all seriousness, I am extraordinarily humbled by the honor because I know the high standard of classroom excellence that occurs all over campus throughout the various subject areas and levels. I work with some amazing people, and I’m flattered to receive this recognition as part of that group.”

His goals each day as he enters his classroom – “My primary goal is to have students communicate their own personal reality with me and others and thereby gain greater control over a new language system. I can only achieve this by triggering students’ emotional receptors. A classroom devoid of emotion is a dreadful, moribund desert. I hope to be totally present to the students in the class before me at any given time - focused, engaged and connected with the pulse of that particular group of people.”

On this honor affirming what he does daily – “I am grateful for the opportunity to work with these guys in a variety of ways. Classroom teaching, coaching different sports and dorm life have allowed me to get to know a diverse group of students and colleagues. We ask a lot of these young men and of ourselves. Which is why so many relationships here endure beyond graduation. If these guys trust you – not to be confused with always liking you, but trust you have their best interests at heart – they will push themselves out of comfort zones and do amazing things. I think, as teachers and coaches, we all live for that moment when, after plenty of failure and perseverance, something finally clicks for a student. Keeping in touch with former students is an important reminder of why we do what we do. I work each day with people who help these young men achieve those moments, and it makes me want to constantly reevaluate and improve myself as well.”

On character development fitting into his teaching methods – “I hope more than anything else it is modeled by my behaviors and my treatment of students. I strive to be very consistent in the standards that I set with regard to being emotionally and intellectually honest, hardworking and just. I apply these standards as much to myself as I do to students. I do not like hypocrisy, and I know that students despise it in their teachers. However, I am not a goody-two-shoes! There is a vein of subtle irreverence in me that, I think, gives me the kind of edge that keeps students alert and on their toes. Apart from my role as coach of the Spanish language to my students, I try to present an image of someone who does not take himself too seriously. I love jokes with sharp irony and I use them often to teach the subtle and not so subtle elements of language.” g

Upper School History

On character development fitting into his daily teaching routine – “For me, character is largely about personal motivation to get better. It’s too easy to be mediocre because mediocre is comfortable. Teenagers often have many of their needs taken care of by someone else, and they generally want to avoid people seeing them fail at a task. Thus it is easy for them to avoid academic risk. But attending McCallie, being a part of this environment, is a privilege. And if a boy risks acting like he must earn that privilege, then he will be better for it – and so will the rest of the community. The same applies to me as well. It’s a privilege to work at McCallie, so I must do more than go through the motions. Hopefully my students see that I’m preparing for class, taking risks on new courses or activities and attempting to improve my own historical skills and knowledge.”

Upper School Bible

On character development fitting into his daily teaching routine – “Every class period brings up a character lesson. Students at McCallie feel comfortable and open to discuss topics and situations that in some settings would be very sensitive or politically incorrect. In my classes, we realize that we are maturing in our opinions about morals and the way we live. Students examine their own family and community norms. They learn about historical moments where a person’s character made the difference in the outcome of society. In my discipline, they study sacred texts to see how religions seek to bring order and a moral stance to life’s complicated situations.”

Upper School English

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Upper School Spanish

Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y C a mp u s l i f e

Connecting the Long Blue Line With the pending retirement of Dr. R. Kirk Walker ’69, one man emerged as the sure successor in the headmaster’s role. The interest in the position was extensive.

The qualities of the top candidates were extraordinary. As McCallie School’s Board of Trustees conducted a national search to find the next headmaster following Dr. Kirk Walker’s (Class of 1969) retirement announcement, one name became a fixture at the top of all lists including that of the search firm. Arthur Lee Burns III ’87 was named McCallie’s next headmaster on July 1, 2013. The selection came from a unanimous recommendation of the Headmaster Search Committee, and his term will begin in the summer of 2014. Mr. Burns is the eighth individual to hold the title of McCallie School headmaster or co-headmaster. Dr. Walker’s retirement is effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year. Mr. Burns is in his 14th year as headmaster of Presbyterian Day School in Memphis, Tenn. PDS is a Pre-K through sixth-grade all-boys school of more than 600 students. “Lee Burns understands McCallie as an institution in both its historical Arthur Lee Burns III ’87 context and for its potential to lead in today’s educational environment,” committee chairman Elliott Davenport ’78 says. “He has spent his career dedicated to the principles and values that guide our school’s mission. We look forward to welcoming Lee back to the Ridge and leading us into an exciting new era.” Mr. Burns’ roots with McCallie run deep, and generations of alumni know him and his family well. He is a third-generation alumnus whose grandfather, “Major” Arthur Lee Burns ’20, served McCallie students from 1925 to 1972 as a teacher, Foreign Language Chair, Dean of Students and Associate Headmaster. As a student at McCallie, Mr. Burns achieved at the highest levels academically and was elected to numerous key student leadership organizations including the Senate, the school’s honor council, and as president of Keo-Kio, the school’s senior leadership organization. He was also a standout tennis player at McCallie and has earned state and national tennis recognition. After graduating cum laude from Dartmouth College, he began his professional career as an educator working in the McCallie admission office prior to earning his master’s in educational administration from Harvard University. Mr. Burns understands the benefits and power of an all-boys educational environment and has spent his career in the service of all-boys schools. Prior to his appointment at PDS, he served as a teacher, coach and administrator at Christ School, an all-boys boarding high school in North Carolina. He has co-authored “Flight Plan,” a book about the journey from

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boyhood to manhood that is a source of instruction and encouragement for boys, their parents and other adults who work with boys. His accomplishments and status as a leader in the independent school field are recognized nationwide. He is a member of the Country Day School Headmasters Association and the Visionary Heads Group. He recently served a two-year term as President of the Elementary School Heads Association, a group of some 250 heads of K-6 and K-8 independent schools across the country. He also served as a task force member to help the National Association of Independent Schools develop “Principles of Good Practice for Middle School Education” and has been a regular presenter at an impressive list of national conferences. Mr. Burns makes academics and teachers a priority. He serves as Chairman of the Board of the Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence in Memphis, an institute which provides professional development for public and independent schools. PDS and the Institute have recently partnered with the Harvard Graduate School of Education to host their “Project Zero” teacher training program in 2014. He and his wife Sarah have three children, Betsy (10), Arthur (9) and Preston (3). g

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McCallie School Headmasters Spencer J. McCallie / Dr. Park McCallie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Dr. Park McCallie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Dr. William L. Pressly, Dr. Robert L. McCallie ’29, Dr. Spencer J. McCallie Jr. ’28_ _


Dr. Robert L. McCallie ’29, Dr. Spencer J. McCallie Jr. ’28_ _


Dr. Spencer J. McCallie Jr. ’28_ _


Spencer McCallie III ’55 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1974-99 Dr. R. Kirk Walker ’69_ _ _ _ _ _


Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y CAMPUS LIFE


Spotlight Q

Tom Makepeace ’71 was a boarding student who returned to McCallie to teach math. In his 37th year as a member of the faculty, he now serves as the Math Department Chair.

What were the circumstances that brought you to McCallie to teach?

While a freshman at the University of North Carolina, Houston Patterson ’43 hired me to be a counselor for McCallie’s Summer School and Summer Camp program. The program involved classes in the morning for the kids and camp activities in the afternoon and weekends. I was counselor and instructor for the outdoor activities: climbing, caving, canoeing, backpacking and scuba diving. This was my introduction to teaching. I enjoyed watching the campers learn new skills and overcome the mental challenges of believing that they could not do difficult or uncomfortable things: make a hard move on a climb, squeeze through a small space in a cave or paddle through a rapid without turning over.


What drew you to the education field?


What do you think makes McCallie unique?

I had never considered becoming a teacher until Curtis Baggett ’65 asked me to fill in for him in his eighth grade math class during my second summer at McCallie. I taught his class for a week while he was out of town on school business. I had fun helping the students understand the math and how it worked. We did more than just arrive at the correct answer.


Is there any pressure being a faculty member who is also an alumnus?


Is it easier to teach boys math these days than when you first started in 1976?

The pressure for me does not come from being an alumnus but from wanting to teach at the very high level established by former McCallie math teachers and my mentors such as John Pataky ’49, Houston Paterson ’43 and Lance Nickel.

It is not necessarily easier or harder to teach boys these days, but it is very different. They have so many distractions: constant communication with family and friends by text messaging or cell phone, Facebook pages that they think need constant updating, and TV and games on their computers. I have to make the math as important as, and hopefully as interesting as, their distractions. Teaching has become much more complicated. I have learned so much about learning and about math in general, that teaching is just more involved. When I started teaching,

I presented the material just as I saw it, understood and worked the problems with no concept that there were other, equally correct ways to approach it. I have learned not only to accept but to celebrate when a student comes up with his own unique way to view a concept or to solve a problem. For a few of the very best cases of this, I have made posters that hang on the wall. I name the idea after the student, “So-and-so’s Theorem.” They really like this.


I do not know of just one moment. Anytime a former student tells you that you made his McCallie experience better or that you made a difference in his life, that makes the job worthwhile. One instance that stands out is when a former student and swimmer reported that a comment I had made about finding a job that you love and doing it to the best of your abilities led to his job as an Episcopal priest. g

We are open to our students 24 hours a day, seven days a week almost 365 days a year if students need us. I have helped students work math problems not only in class or backwork but also over the phone on nights and weekends. Our students become part of the McCallie family which will be there for them while they are here as well as after they have graduated and moved on, in good times and bad, whenever they need it. Weddings to illness to funerals, your McCallie brothers will show up to help you celebrate, to help you heal or to grieve with you.

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What has been your most rewarding moment in this profession?

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Honor|Tr ut h|D ut y CAMPUS LIFE

Connell’s Casting Call

Middle School science teacher and wrestling coach emeritus Gordon Connell secured a bit part in the upcoming movie “Foxcatcher” starring award-winning actor Steve Carell.

McCallie wrestling coach emeritus Gordon

Connell thought he had done it all when it came to the sport of wrestling. Winning state, national and world titles, coaching state champions, competing internationally, working for the NCAA and USA Wrestling and receiving induction into halls of fame. But he never had to portray a wrestler. By the spring of 2014, Coach Connell will be able to say he has done that too. He will make his silver screen debut in the Sony Pictures movie “Foxcatcher,” playing a wrestling opponent for one of the movie’s main characters, John du Pont, played by Steve Carell. The wrestling community knows the story of Mr. du Pont, an eccentric heir to the DuPont chemical fortune who fancied himself a championship-caliber wrestler. Mr. du Pont was found guilty in 1997 of murdering Dave Schultz, a U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist in freestyle wrestling. Mr. du Pont died in prison in 2010. The movie is based on Mark Schultz’s autobiography. Mark, the younger brother of Dave, was an Olympic champion wrestler in his own right. The Schultz brothers and other athletes trained at Foxcatcher, a training facility on the du Pont estate.

Coach Connell’s connections to the wrestling community led to his small role in “Foxcatcher.” Dave Bennett, Connell’s corner coach at a past veteran’s master’s tournament, recommended him for a part in the movie to another former wrestler who had a hand in the casting. “They already had someone who had auditioned, but they didn’t like him,” said Coach Connell, a science teacher and wrestling coach at McCallie since 1980. “They didn’t think he knew wrestling. They needed someone in their 60s because this scene was at a veteran tournament. They told me to send a video clip the next day.” Coach Connell’s eyes widened, and he got to work. He and Luther Killian ’68 sparred in McCallie’s wrestling room while Head Coach Mike Newman and assistants David Levitt ’94 and Cody Cleveland ’05 filmed the session with an iPhone. After a few days without word from the film crew, Coach Connell took a proactive stance and offered to drive to the shoot on his own dime. The nine-hour drive to Pittsburgh, Pa., on Dec. 12, 2012, was almost not worth it, he says. The other extra that had auditioned for the part of an American wrestler who faces Mr. du Pont in a national tournament was already on site. While both were in costume, it was the other actor, Larry Cahill, who was working the scene, play-acting on the mat with Mr. Carell’s character, Coach Connell says. Finally, director Bennett Miller (“Moneyball”) told Coach Connell to step on the mat and give it a try. All he needed was a chance. The part was his. “It’s interesting,” he says. “When you do something as long as I have, you just do it. So I wrestled with the guy, then the director asks me to do it again. I never came off the mat. I was just doing my thing.” The filming lasted nine hours. Coach Connell’s big finale required real acting. The scene called for him to be pinned, something he says has never happened to him in his wrestling career. Coach Connell

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was to appear as if he was giving up in the match with du Pont. That’s when the pin is made. Mr. Carell’s arm is raised in victory, and they shake hands. Coach Connell walks off the mat dejectedly then is secretly handed an envelope with $1,000 inside. “Carell didn’t know a lick of wrestling,” Coach Connell says. “He didn’t have to. I knew John du Pont. I watched him wrestle. He was pathetic; a wanna-be. He’d buy his way into everything. He poured his money into USA Wrestling and funded the veteran’s world championship so he could win. “He was using five-year-old moves. He ended up breaking his wrist.” Coach Connell will not receive a Screen Actors Guild card for his cameo which only paid $99, roughly two tanks of gas for his trip. But he is eager for his family and friends to see him on the big screen with Mr. Carell, who won a Golden Globe Award in 2006 for Best Actor in a TV comedy series, “The Office.” Other recognizable actors in the film include Channing Tatum (Mark Schultz), Mark Ruffalo (Dave Schultz) and Sienna Miller (Nancy Schultz). “One time I did this move, and he just slipped and fell three feet straight on his back,” says Coach Connell who admits to a new-found admiration for Mr. Carell and his talents. “I thought I had hurt him and blown the whole thing. Then he rolled over and we just did what we’d been doing. I said ‘that was classic du Pont.’ He was such a wimp he would have done exactly the same thing. I was very impressed with Carell. His mannerisms for du Pont were like the man I remembered.” A brief exchange with the actor prior to the final scene of the day led to a nugget for Carell that he says he could use while on the movie’s promotional trail. “He asked me how long I had been wrestling,” Coach Connell says. “I told him 49 or 50 years, and until today, I had never been pinned. He laughed and said ‘I’m going to use that line. That’s the first thing I’m going to say on the talk shows.’” g

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Alumni from the “3s and 8s” years, from 1968–2008, returned to McCallie on October 3-5 to see old friends, reconnect with classmates and catch up with their former teachers and mentors.

2 1. Will Haisten ’96 with wife Marcie and children.


2. (L-R) Philip Lawson ’03, Whitney Lawson, Ryan Paris ’03, Sydni Paris and Buck Daniel ’03. 3. (L-R) John Fogarty ’73, Dixon Lewis ’73, Blake McBurney ’73 and Fred Finney ’73.


4. (L-R) Ryan Sparks ’98, Graham Swafford ’98, John Thompson ’98, Jody Wilcher ’98 and Jonathan Ebersole ’98. 5. (L-R) Dr. Andrew Trotter ’68, B.B. Branton ’68, Craig Tillery ’68, Gary Davis ’69 and Ches Alper ’68, winners of the Reunion Weekend golf tournament played at Lookout Mountain Golf Club. 6. Morris Thuku ’93 (left) and Charlie Anderson ’93 (right).




7. (L-R) William May ’08, Jason Jones and John Wells ’08. 8. The Class of 1968 reunion party at the Mountain City Club.

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The Battles

for Chattanooga

Battle of Missionary Ridge, Copyrighted 1886 by Kurz & Allison Art Publishers. Held at Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

As I stand near Bragg Reservation on Missionary Ridge, it is a beautiful and clear fall day. The tall oaks and tangled brush prevent me from seeing directly down the edge of the ridge into the valley. But after reading and researching about the Civil War and the Battles for Chattanooga, my mind easily creates images of a time 150 years ago when the Battle of Missionary Ridge proved to be the turning point in the War Between the States. I picture the valley shrouded in smoke from countless campfires. Some smoldering from Union camps hidden in the woods. Others seen in plain view by Confederate scouts from their location atop the Ridge. I see Lookout Mountain standing as majestic as it does today, itself the setting of another central battle the day before Missionary Ridge. I see trains and steam engines, some hitched to cars hauling food and supplies, others transporting troops into or out of the city.

I also see soldiers – cold, hungry, tired, injured. Many not knowing what the next day will bring. Victory? Defeat? Death? Warm clothes or a warm meal? For some, history is just a subject, a phase, a dirty word. However, I find it fascinating that one of the major events which shaped our country occurred on, around and near the grounds where McCallie School has stood since 1905. As historians, reenactors and tourists from all over converge on Chattanooga this fall for the Civil War Sesquicentennial in Tennessee, McCallie Magazine commemorates these historical events that transpired in our own backyard. What follows is a summary of the Battle of Missionary Ridge, intended to provide a sense of the historical significance of the location of McCallie School.

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– Jeff Romero, Editor


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In 1863, 150 years ago, the population of

Chattanooga was 2,500. As it does today however, Chattanooga served as a gateway to Atlanta and the Deep South, as well as to Knoxville, Nashville and points North, East and West. It was a major railway hub in the Railroad Age; thus it held immense importance to both the Confederate and Union armies during the U.S. Civil War. The Battles for Chattanooga – Lookout Mountain (Nov. 24) and Missionary Ridge (Nov. 25) – proved to be a turning point in the War, allowing the Union access into Georgia, Gen. William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” and eventually, victory for the North. Two months earlier, the South realized perhaps its greatest victory in the War Between the States. The Battle of Chickamauga (Sept. 19-20, 1863) was the bloodiest two-day battle in the conflict. While the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) produced more casualties in sheer numbers, the loss of life at Chickamauga to both sides, comparatively speaking, was more devastating. “No battle of the war, relative to time and numbers, was more bloody (sic) than Chickamauga,” says historian and professor James Lee McDonough in his book “Chattanooga – A Death Grip on the Confederacy.” By most historians’ accounts, the two months’ time between Chickamauga and the next two battles was critical in terms of preparation for what was to come. Many historians also agree that Chattanooga was both won and lost by tactical blunders from the respective leaders of the two sides. Following the Battle of Chickamauga, the Union’s Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. William Rosecrans, fell back to the city and made camp. Gen. Braxton Bragg, commander of the Rebel forces, moved to occupy Lookout Mountain and relocated a considerable number of troops onto Missionary Ridge in Chattanooga, east of the city and northeast of Chickamauga, successfully blocking supply lines. Riding high after the Confederacy’s victory at Chickamauga, Gen. Bragg seemed content to rest on his laurels on the ridge overlooking the city. Gen. Rosecrans, who was soon replaced by Gen. George Thomas, began to devise a series of defenses and means to receive supplies. The Rebels controlled the railroads and the Tennessee River in and out of the city,

and Gen. Bragg’s plan was to starve the Union soldiers while keeping them in sight in the valley. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, commander of western Union forces, was promoted to lead commander of the Union army by President Lincoln and made his way to the area. In late October, he ordered a successful raid on Brown’s Ferry on the Tennessee River west of the city which opened up supply lines for the Gen. Braxton Bragg (left), Northern troops. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (right) With supplies slowly replenished and soldiers Monuments and cannon align Bragg Reservation refueled, Gen. Grant and his on Missionary Ridge just above McCallie School. leadership staff strategized to pressure the South from Missionary Ridge to gain a stronghold on the city. On the other side, Gen. Bragg was confident that the geography and the terrain of the Ridge gave his troops a distinct advantage, and he reportedly did not order the building of barriers on or near the Ridge until the morning of Nov. 23. “While his opponent Bragg was content to react to Grant’s moves, Grant was a commander who sought to manage rather than be managed by events,” says Enter Gen. William T. Sherman and his historian Wiley Sword in his article “Hell men. The two generals, Grant and Sherman, in the Heavens” from the Fall 2013 issue of were on the same page strategically and had Hallowed Ground magazine, published by mutual respect for one another. Bad roads the Civil War Trust. and uncooperative weather delayed Gen. Gen. Grant’s plan for the Federals was Sherman’s arrival to Chattanooga, thus to capture the north end of the Ridge stalling Gen. Grant’s plan on the north side and send other troops around Lookout of the Ridge in mid-month. Mountain and across the valley to capture Gen. Grant grew impatient. Thinking the south end of the Ridge. On Nov. that Gen. Bragg had plans to leave the area 5, upon learning of some Grey troop before Gen. Sherman’s entire unit arrived, movement to help the Southern cause in he ordered nearly 25,000 soldiers across Knoxville, Gen. Grant sent Gen. Thomas the valley on Nov. 23 where they overtook to attack the northern tip of the Ridge in a small knoll called Orchard Knob and the hopes the Rebel divisions would return to Rebels’ first line of defense near the foot of Chattanooga. The attack never occurred, as the Ridge. The next day, Lookout MounGen. Thomas did not follow orders. tain was captured by Union forces.

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“. . . what was once thought to be an impregnable Confederate line atop Misionary Ridge was swiftly destroyed.” WILEY SWORD

At first glance from atop the Ridge on Nov. 23, Gen. Bragg thought he was witnessing Union drills and formations. He could see the legions marching in the valley below. Soon he realized Orchard Knob had been captured, and the proximity of the enemy forced him to revise his plan. He ordered new breastworks, bunkers and trenches built. Historians note that these barricades were built on the topographical crest of the Ridge as opposed to the military crest, a strategic nono. Positioning troops on the Missionary Ridge: Assault on the Confederate Center, military crest of the slope of a Afternoon, Nov. 25, 1863. Map by J.L. Moon Jr. hill or ridge allows for maximum “Chattanooga – A Death Grip on the Confederacy” observation and direct line of fire all the way to the base. This monument on Orchard Knob On Nov. 24, Gen. Sherman honors the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry. crossed the Tennessee River and ascended Orchard Knob is less than a mile from what he thought was the northern tip of the entrance to McCallie. Missionary Ridge. It was in fact an adjacent hill that sat on its own. Gen. Cleburne’s orders from Gen. Bragg were to defend the northern end of the Ridge. The numbers indicated an unfair fight: 30,000 men for Sherman, 4,000 under Cleburne. The Battle of Missionary Ridge began at daybreak Nov. 25. Despite the discrepancy in troops, Gen. Cleburne fought off Gen. Sherman several times. Realizing his mistake in geography and not knowing how many Rebel troops Gen. Cleburne had at his ready, Gen. Sherman became apprehensive and eventually pulled back from the Ridge. Gen. Grant’s next move was to order Gen. Hooker, leader of the North’s victory at Lookout Mountain, to attack the southern end of the Ridge. But a burned bridge delayed those plans. After two blunders, Gen. Grant sent Gen. Thomas Wood’s and Gen. Phillip Sheridan’s divisions to attack the Confederate rifle line at the base of the Ridge at what is now Dodds Avenue, the main thoroughfare at the entrance to McCallie. The strategy was to put pressure on the center of the Ridge.

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The Confederates were not without their missteps. Lt. Gen. William Hardee ordered rifle units at the base to retreat at sight of the Union men. He also mounted all his artillery at the crest. With the enemy retreating and unfriendly fire falling from above, Union soldiers continued forward, following the Rebels up the slopes and climbing for safety over what is now the McCallie campus. Viewing the action from Orchard Knob, Gen. Grant wondered who had ordered the charge. Despite the miscommunication, Union divisions overtook the Rebels at the crest of the midsection of the Ridge, commandeering artillery and forcing the Greys to scramble over the opposite slope. This was the beginning of the end for the Southerners on Missionary Ridge. “In the spreading panic and terror, what was once thought to be an impregnable Confederate line atop Misionary Ridge was swiftly destroyed,” says Mr. Sword in “Hell in the Heavens.” With Chattanooga in the hands of the Federals, the doorway was opened for the Union’s move South and soon, an end to the War in April 1865, some 16 months after Missionary Ridge. As historians note, the Battles for Chattanooga were not without tactical errors on both sides. “The Union won this battle despite its generals,” said historian Brooks D. Simpson at the Tennessee Civil War Sesquicentennial Symposium. “The Confederates lost because of its generals.” “Despite the high stakes, the story of the Chattanooga Campaign and the incredible attack at Missionary Ridge has remained over the years as one of the most overlooked and misunderstood of all Civil War events,” Mr. Sword says in his article. “Many consider Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge simply a part of the natural chain of events guided by that military mastermind, U.S. Grant; the reality was anything but.” g

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McCallie School and the Civil War The McCallie family was

Relatives in the Ranks

already prominent in Chattanooga at the time of the Civil War. Thomas Hooke McCallie (right) was a Presbyterian minister and the only minister to remain in town during the years of the Civil War, according to Barry Parker ’63 in his book “McCallie: A Century of Inspiring Boys and Building Men.” Military leaders from both sides were guests in Rev. McCallie’s home during the occupation of the city including Gen. Bragg and Gen. Grant. The Sunday congregation at his First Presbyterian Church at Market and Seventh Streets would vary between Confederate and Union soldiers. “On the first Sunday of September (1863), the pastor preached to a house filled with gray coats, soldiers and officers of the Confederate Army, with a scattering of citizens here and there,” Rev. McCallie wrote in his memoirs held at the Chattanooga History Museum. “On the second Sunday, we had a crowded house again, but it was blue coats – officers and soldiers of the Union Army, and probably not 10 citizens and church members in the house.” As written by Todd South of the Chattanooga Times Free Press in its Sesquicentennial commemorative issue, Rev. McCallie opposed the South’s plan to secede from the Union but could not abandon his home. From his house near what is now Memorial Auditorium, Rev. McCallie could see the Battle of Missionary Ridge unfold. In 1882, Rev. McCallie and his wife Ellen bought 80 acres on the side of the Ridge. Two of their sons, Park and Spencer, founded McCallie School in 1905 on the family farm.

Two current McCallie administrators – Associate Headmaster and Upper School Head Kenny Sholl and Dean of Student Life Bob Bires – have determined through research that each have ancestors who fought in the Battles for Chattanooga. Dean Sholl’s great-great maternal grandfather William Hamilton Logan fought for the Confederacy at Chickamauga, Orchard Knob and Missionary Ridge. After the Union captured Orchard Knob, Mr. Logan’s regiment, the 28th Alabama, repositioned itself on what is now the north end zone of Spears Stadium on the McCallie campus. On the day of the attack on Missionary Ridge, the 28th was assigned an area on the Ridge near Shallowford Road, just to the north of McCallie. Mr. Logan was hit with a spent mini ball, but somehow made it back safely to his regiment. Dean Sholl’s great-great paternal grandfather Digory Wroath Sholl, an English immigrant and a member of the 52nd Ohio, fought with Gen. Sherman in the Battle of Missionary Ridge on the north end of the Ridge. That winter, he married a local North Georgia girl, which was against army regulations, and he was hung by his thumbs as punishment. Penny Sholl, Dean Sholl’s wife, had a great-great paternal grandfather, Robert Harvey Lindsay, who fought with the 47th Alabama in the Battle of Chickamauga. Mervin Barber, the great-great grandfather of Dean Bires, served the Union in Gen. Howard’s Eleventh Corps. He arrived in Lookout Valley on Oct. 28, 1863, was part of the capture of Orchard Knob and participated in the Battle of Missionary Ridge. In the Classroom

In July, the history department hosted a teacher’s conference on teaching history with a concentration on the Civil War. The event featured speakers and experts who specialize in Chattanooga-area battles, sites and events. McCallie incorporated the Civil War Sesquicentennial across nearly all its curriculum in November. The school unveiled a plaque (photo below) on Nov. 20 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Missionary Ridge. In the Upper School, the history department taught a range of interesting topics including the strategic role of Chattanooga as a railroad hub, a discussion of the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbolic object and retraced the battle up the Ridge. English focused on poetry from the period, and foreign language conducted a series on the different cultures represented in the two armies. The various math classes spent time working on formulas for the trajectory of bullets, cannon balls and shells while trying to determine the actual military crest of the Ridge. Required summer reading in the Middle School featured Civil War era-themed books, and a guest from the National Military Park educated the younger students on the local battles and weapons of the period. g

A view of Chattanooga circa 1863. Rev. Thomas Hook McCallie’s church, First Presbyterian, is marked with an arrow at left.

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Retired McCallie teacher and Civil War historian Steve Bartlett (center) gives a Battlefield tour during McCallie’s recent history conference.

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Class Achievements McCallie’s Alumni Achievement Awards are presented annually to graduates who have shown outstanding accomplishments in a chosen career and distinguished themselves professionally. Alumni are eligible to be nominated after their 15th reunion and are selected in accordance with their reunion-year cycle. This award focuses solely on career accomplishment without consideration of service to McCallie or other service endeavors. This year’s honorees represent the Classes of ’68, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93 and ’98. They were recognized during Reunion Weekend Oct. 3-5 on campus.

M. Zane Birdwell ’98

Stanley M. “Skip” Brock ’68

Dr. Joseph B. Cofer ’68


CEO, ServisFirst Bank


Career accomplishments and community involvement – Zane Birdwell is a producer and director at John Marshall Media, the world’s largest independent producer of audiobooks. He has had the pleasure of working with a wide range of notable actors, including Meryl Streep and Jeff Daniels. In 2010, he was awarded a Grammy Award for his work with Michael J. Fox’s best-selling memoir “Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist.” The Brooklyn, N.Y., resident currently serves as a member of the New York chapter of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences and is also a committee leader of the Audio Publishers Association. McCallie’s impact on his life – “In addition to a solid academic foundation, McCallie enabled me to develop confidence and communication skills which have served me professionally, creatively and personally. I am very grateful for the experiences I had and for the people I met there.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Skip Brock joined the law firm of Balch & Bingham in 1975 and practiced corporate law. In 1995, he formed Brock Investment Company, a private venture capital firm. In 1997, he financed a leveraged buyout of Express Oil Change, LLC and joined its board. He co-founded ServisFirst Bank in 2007, which is now a $3.1 billion commercial bank in Birmingham, Ala., and is Chairman of the Board. A Birmingham resident, Skip served as tournament director from 2002-2012 of the Vulcan Cup, a 300-team youth soccer tournament with participants from 15 states and Canada which raised over $2 million for the Birmingham United Soccer Association. McCallie’s impact on his life – “By age 14, I had dug a large hole for myself in my local public school system. McCallie gave me a fresh start in a structured, principlesbased environment where I was held accountable for my mistakes and given credit for my achievements. It was not my idea to come to McCallie, but I bought into the program and, during my three years here, changed the course of my life very much for the better.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Dr. Joseph Cofer is the 2013-14 Chairman of the American Board of Surgery. From 1996 through June 2013, he has trained and graduated 64 surgeons, 14 who currently practice in the Chattanooga area. He is past president of the Association of Program Directors in Surgery, the national organization of the 256 surgery training program directors in the U.S., and the Chattanooga Hamilton County Medical Society. Dr. Cofer was instrumental in forming Project Access, a function of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Medical Society, which has treated more than 13,000 Hamilton County socio-economically disadvantaged patients and provided over $104 million in care to date. He also helped form the Tennessee Surgical Quality Collaborative and performed the first liver transplant in the state of South Carolina. The Chattanooga resident also served as a U.S. Navy flight surgeon for four years. McCallie’s impact on his life – “Principles of honor, truth and duty become ingrained in your being if you spend six years at McCallie School, and this passionate desire to serve with honor in all capacities, be truthful at every step, and do your duty whenever asked drives your life and you really can’t help it. It makes you who you are. It defines what you do and how you comport yourself. And this is a good thing.”

(L-R) Rev. W. Edward Snodgrass III ’73, Dr. C. David Sherrill ’88, Morris Thuku ’93, Robert Huffaker Jr. ’78, Dr. Andrew Trotter Jr. ’68, Luther Killian ’68, Dr. Joseph Cofer ’68 and Allen McCallie ’73. (Not in attendance: M. Zane Birdwell ’98, Stanley “Skip” Brock ’68 and Timothy Gulick ’83)

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2013 Alumni Achievement Award Winners

Timothy K. Gulick ’83

Robert F. Huffaker Jr. ’78

Luther Killian ’68

Allen L. McCallie ’73





Career accomplishments and community involvement – Tim Gulick has worked with teenagers and young adults for the past 20 years. His goal is to provide resources and training for youth leaders in the Spanish-speaking world, and he has done so by founding and supervising www. As part of his ministry, Mr. Gulick has started a college-level institute for youth ministry, produces videos, offers training courses at conferences, has co-written books and curriculum, and is a mentor and coach. Living 10 years in Mexico and five in Argentina, Mr. Gulick is currently living out of a suitcase for his role on a rapid deployment team for OC International, a worldwide ministry organization. McCallie’s impact on his life – “McCallie was by far the richest educational time of my life. The whole experience – classes, sports, assemblies, art and friendships – I loved it. “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever,” I was taught this at home, at church and at McCallie. Annette and I have made it part of our personal purpose statement and pray most days that God will provide us with all that we need to live it out. May He do the same for McCallie.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Rob Huffaker entered the insurance business in 1982 and built the family agency’s employee benefits division into the largest in the region. Currently he leads BB&T’s employee benefits operation for the State of Tennessee and was appointed to the president’s council to assist BB&T’s senior leadership in directing their employee benefits practice, processes and capabilities nationwide. He has received numerous industry awards. The Lookout Mountain, Tenn., resident has served on the National Advisory Council for United Health Care and on both of Blue Cross of Tennessee’s agent advisory councils, as well as the Boards of McCallie, First Things First, The Generosity Trust, Chattanooga Men’s Ministry and the Salvation Army. McCallie’s impact on his life – “McCallie School is still a significant part of my life. From my earliest memories of running around the football field with other adolescents during halftime of Big Blue games to being encouraged by “Big ’Un” and “Yo” that I could do it, to remembering the wise words and encouragement of Dr. Spence to think ahead, McCallie has made a lasting impact on me. The friends, teachers and administrators of the school have shaped me and are still molding me. Honor, Truth and Duty still encourage me to be more and better than I would be. The school’s motto of man’s chief end being to glorify God and enjoy him forever still focuses my efforts and musings. Thank you McCallie community.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Luther Killian has been a teacher and coach for 41 years including 15 at McCallie. He teaches math, coaches wrestling and is faculty advisor to the sophomore leadership society TEPS and the recycling group. He earned a master’s degree in counseling and has worked in several traditional high school and middle school settings as well as with adolescents in a psychiatric and drug treatment hospital. The former McCallie Grayson Medal winner has received the faculty award at three different schools, including the Lipscomb Faculty Award at McCallie. He is a member of the Tennessee Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame as well as an executive board member. McCallie’s impact on his life – “My McCallie experience directed me to a career in education and provided the mentors and role models I use to this day. They taught goal setting, work ethic, commitment, loyalty and character carrying me through many challenges of life. As a member of the McCallie faculty and father of a graduate, I know firsthand that we have some of the finest educators and role models a parent could hope for. The school continues to balance a dynamic curriculum while remaining true to the vision of the founders educating boys toward men of character and substance. Fifty years ago, McCallie motivated and inspired me to become a better student. McCallie had a dramatic influence on who I am today and continues to motivate me to seek who I can become tomorrow.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Allen McCallie has practiced law with Miller & Martin’s Chattanooga office since 1980. His focus is real estate, conservation, non-profit and public/private partnership law. His community activity includes the Tennessee Aquarium, the Tennessee RiverPark, Coolidge Park, Renaissance Park, Miller Plaza as well as conservation organizations such as the Tennessee River Gorge Trust, North Chickamauga Creek Conservancy, Lula Lake Land Trust, Lookout Mountain Conservancy and the Trust for Public Land. He received the top award for volunteer leadership in 2013 by the national office of the Trust for Public Land. A former McCallie Board member, Mr. McCallie has also served on boards for the Tonya Memorial Foundation, the Lyndhurst Foundation and the Southern Environmental Law Center. McCallie’s impact on his life – “My six years at McCallie provided all of the essentials upon which to build a good life; great education opportunities; memorable teachers and coaches (like Sack Milligan, Yo Strang, Miles McNiff, Bob Bailey, Henry Henagar, Capt. Tate, Pierre Wagner and many others); exposure to new ideas and new thoughts; and an Honor System which established the foundation for all life’s dealings. And best of all, friendships that stay with you for the rest of your life.”

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2013 Alumni Achievement Award Winners

Dr. C. David Sherrill ’88

W. Edward Snodgrass III ’73

Morris K. Thuku ’93

Dr. Andrew H. Trotter Jr. ’68



School Founder/Headmaster

Religious Studies

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Dr. David Sherrill is a professor of chemistry and biochemistry and of computational science and engineering at Georgia Tech. The resident of Mableton, Ga., is also co-director of the Center for Computational Molecular Science and Technology at the university. Dr. Sherrill has published over 130 peer-reviewed articles on the development and application of new theoretical methods and new algorithms in computational quantum chemistry. His publications have been cited more than 7,400 times, and he has given nearly 100 invited lectures in 13 countries. He received Georgia Tech’s highest teaching award in 2006. McCallie’s impact on his life – “McCallie set a very high bar academically that served me well as an undergraduate at MIT and throughout the rest of my career. Its emphasis on character development has also had a profound influence on my life. I am deeply grateful to all my teachers at McCallie for their excellent instruction and their dedication both inside and outside the classroom.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Ed Snodgrass has taught Biblical archaeology, Bible and world religions at McCallie for 28 years. In 1993, he was named the Joseph Glenn Sherrill Chair of Bible. Now the department chair for Bible, Ethics, Leadership and Wellness, he began as campus minister and directed community service, led the Missionary Committee and organized the first Habitat for Humanity home build by the school. He has served as a dorm head for North Hutcheson and as a dorm advisor for Maclellan and Burns. He also spent time coordinating the Day Sports Camp, started the McCallie Investment Society and revived sailing as an afternoon activity. McCallie’s impact on his life – “McCallie gave me confidence to live out my values. I admired the genuine sacrifice and interest that the adults offered to students. The spiritual lessons stuck, and I knew while in college that I wanted to give back in the same way Maj. Burns, Rocky, Ed Lewis and dozens of others gave to me. McCallie men may practice many different careers, but I believe we all have engrained deep within that Honor, Truth and Duty.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Morris Thuku is the co-founder of the Tennessee Institute of Information Technology in his homeland of Kenya. He serves as headmaster of the school which provides computer literacy and information technology education to those who can afford it and full scholarships to those who cannot. Mr. Thuku is also co-owner and coach of Alice in Africa Baseball, a baseball academy with more than 100 kids from underprivileged upbringings. He manages tours for Alice in Africa Safaris and Tours, a social entrepreneurship that combines wildlife conservation with eradicating poverty amongst the Masaai tribe and all Kenyan communities. McCallie’s impact on his life – “By being the very first African student to attend McCallie, I was pleasantly surprised and humbled to be received by the entire school with love and appreciation. I had no clue how deep this bond would run and how it would change my life. I made enduring friendships with students and teachers that I cherish to this day. My McCallie experience has been invaluable to me. It was the seed of a scholarship education at McCallie that made my brother Andrew and me register the Thuku School and offer scholarships to needy and gifted African kids. As the model for our school, McCallie continues to play an integral part in expanding and sustaining us through financial and moral support. After my relationship with God, McCallie is the most powerful and influential factor in making me who I am today.”

Career accomplishments and community involvement – Dr. Drew Trotter is the Executive Director of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers, a nationwide network located at 17 colleges and universities in North America and Europe. Prior to that, he served for 22 years as Executive Director and President of the Center for Christian Study. He is published in several national and Christian publications on the subjects of film and popular culture and in the field of Biblical studies. The Charlottesville, Va., resident is a well-respected Bible teacher and has lectured and preached throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. McCallie’s impact on his life – “When I think of my days at McCallie, a variety of images rush into my mind: Major Burns leading us in the Alma Mater, wrestling in a packed gym against Baylor, eating a hot fudge sundae in the Canteen, debating characters and themes in English with Mr. James or Mr. McNiff. McCallie gave me some of my dearest friends; friends still, 45 years after graduation. It gave me some of my greatest examples of coaches, teachers and leaders; names that deserve respect: Spencer, Morgan, Wunderlich, Tessman, Bondurant, Henagar, Cochran. It gave me opportunities in so many different areas – music, athletics, academics, spiritual guidance, leadership with a variety of organizations. How can one measure the full value of this abundance of life-enriching people, relationships and circumstances?” g

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Small Screen Reality

Dr. David Park McCallie ’40, 1921-2013 Dr. David McCallie ’40, the last son of the

Tim Smith ’85 (left) and an assistant as seen on “The Pitch.” Breensmith Advertising in Atlanta was featured in the AMC network reality show “The Pitch.” “The Pitch” pits two advertising firms vying to win an account. It documents the creative work agencies encounter to develop a campaign and gain the business. At the end of the show, the prospective client chooses one of the companies it feels will best market the brand. Breensmith president and co-founder Tim Smith ’85 were featured in the opening episode of season two of “The Pitch.” College Hunks Hauling Junk was the account up for grabs. The Breensmith team’s pitch, Hunks & a Dolly, where “Stress-Free is Guaranteed,” was selected by the College Hunks partners. Mr. Smith has worked in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco before settling in Atlanta. His agency has won five Gold ADDY Awards.

Alumni App McCallie Men share a unique brotherhood. The connection lasts a lifetime and spans generations. This unique bond stretches from coast to coast and around the entire world. EverBlue, the McCallie Alumni Network app for smartphones and tablets, is a free and powerful tool created with only one real purpose: to enhance the alumni connection to one another and to your alma mater. Alumni can connect to McCallie through news generated by the school web site or from instant connections to various McCallie accounts in social media, including Facebook and Twitter. They can connect with classmates or other McCallie alumni through a wide assortment of impressive features. For someone who has recently moved or seeking a new job, he can locate alumni in a new city or with a similar professional background in a few simple steps. Alumni can be found by searching for McCallie Men by name, industry, school or class. Signing up for EverBlue is free and is listed in app stores as “McCallie School Alumni Mobile.”

school’s founders, passed away Oct. 7, 2013 at the age of 92. Dr. David was the youngest son of Professor Spencer Jarnagin McCallie. He was a physician, community leader, husband, father, grandfather, author, family patriarch and former McCallie trustee. On the first day of Bible class taught by his father, the Headmaster, David was called to the front of the class and paddled by “Professor,” just to make the point that no student in his school carried special privileges. Dr. David graduated from Princeton University (1944) and received his MD from the University of Pennsylvania (1947). He served in the U.S. Navy before completing postgraduate work at Penn. Dr. David returned to Chattanooga in 1952 to practice medicine. In later years, he practiced internal medicine and was joined by his son “Dr. Jack” in 1987. The McCallie Medical Group ultimately became one of the founding practices of Beacon Health Alliance in the 1990s, with the senior Dr. McCallie serving as its initial President and CEO. Dr. David was extremely involved in the Chattanooga community. He served as Chief of Medical Staff for both

Dr. David Park McCallie '40

Erlanger and Memorial Hospitals, and in 1969, he was President of the ChattanoogaHamilton County Medical Society. McCallie School held special importance in Dr. David’s life. He was born on campus and raised by the headmaster and the head librarian (his mother), was a seven-year student and father of four graduates. He served as school physician for many years, and he also spent several terms on the Board of Trustees, two terms as Chairman, and was later elected as Trustee Emeritus. In 1985, he was honored as the school’s Distinguished Alumnus, and he continued his active interest and involvement in school matters until his death. g

Honoring a Friend Jeff Ligon ’86 was a man of faith and honor.

He earned the respect of his McCallie classmates; which is why many chose to remember him after his death by establishing an endowed fund in his honor: Members of the Class of 1986 the Jeff Ligon ’86 Memorial Fellowship. Dr. Ligon passed away from a brain tumor Feb. 1, 2012. He was a strong Christian who enjoyed travel and intellectual pursuit. Leaders of the Class of 1986 established the fund to award an annual travel stipend to a sophomore or junior. Interested students must apply for the award and show their intent for intellectual stimulation, cultural exploration and the opportunity for service on the proposed trip. “Jeff was my dearest friend,” says Krue Brock ’86. “He was at the top of the class academically, an excellent swimmer and he could laugh, listen and engage in conversation. He wasn’t average. He was excellent in all areas which made him stand out. In honoring him, we wanted to do something for others that involved being active and included a service component.” The first Ligon Fellow will be awarded in February 2014, near the two-year anniversary of his death. g

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Fall 2013


Gordon Parker Murray was born to Margaux and Gordon Murray ’89 on August 8, 2013.

Births&Weddings Births 80s-00s To Shawn Campbell ’88 and Amy, a son, Kasten William, on May 15, 2013. To George Crews ’92 and Corrie, a daughter, Scarlett Laci, on July 24, 2013. To Tommy Heys ’92 and Meredith, a daughter, Eva Fiametta, on August 11, 2013. To M. Craig Smith ’96 and Emily, a son, Gillen, on June 28, 2013. To Ryusuke Shimada ’96 and Akane, a daughter, Ruriko, on July 13, 2013. To Dallas Chapman ’97 and Allan, a daughter, Elizabeth Hollan "Liza" on October 16, 2013. To Matt Rabil ’98 and Catherine, a son, Charles Matthew, on June 11, 2013. To James “Jimmy” Sobeck ’99 and Katie, a son, Wesley Alexander, on August 16, 2013. To Adam Smith ’01 and Kelly, a daughter, Maddison Kate, on March 8, 2012. To Andrew M. Mutter ’01 and Anna, a son, Tennessee Wisehart, on May 10, 2013. To Nick Bradford ’02 and Elizabeth, a daughter, Anna Blake, on September 12, 2012. To Jack Silberman ’03 and Shannon, a son, Smith Lawson, on July 9, 2013. g

To John Kimball ’94 and Mira, a son, John Martin III, on May 30,2013.






Wyatt Connell is the son of Lee Connell ’03 and his wife Jessica. He was born on July 24, 2013.


Dr. Josh Worthington ’00 married Erin McKown on August 10, 2013 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Pictured from left to right are the following GPS and McCallie students/alumni: Mary Madison McBrayer ’14, Jonathan McKown ’14, Bethany Scott Gray ’01, Erin ’01, Josh, best man Dr. Matthew Hitchcock ’00, Wil Stiles, Dr. David McKown ’73, Robert Stiles, Jr. ’90, Grant McKown ’13 and father of the bride Lane McKown ’75.





Chris Tull ’68 and Molly Burton were married on June 1, 2013. In attendance were McCallie alumni David Tull ’70 and Bill Branstrom ’59. The happy newlyweds are pictured in front of the Manhattan skyline.

Weddings 60s-00s Andy Mims ’92 to Tricia King on April 6, 2013. John E. Bugg ’95 to Kelly Elizabeth Bryant on July 27, 2013. Christopher “Scott” Kent ’97 to Margaret Leah “Marlea” Thompson on June 15, 2013. Charles Battle ’99 to Emily Dawson on June 22, 2013. Samuel A. Blakemore ’01 to Shaundra Lynn Harris on April 20, 2013. Lee Coan ’03 to Martha Suzanne Driskell on October 22, 2011. Web Raulston ’03 to Elizabeth “Liz” Alley on June 16, 2012. Samuel J. Neely ’03 to Rebecca Saunders on June 1, 2013. Haddon C. Kirk ’03 to Jill Alexandra Volpe on October 12, 2013. J. Goodrich Wright III ’04 to Alyson “Aly” Smith on June 22, 2013. David C. "Duke" Battles, Jr. ’08 to Emily Ann Fuller on June 8, 2013. Doug Chapin ’08 to Addie Martin Jenkins on June 23, 2012. Russ Purdy ’08 to Ann Simmons Trapp on October 12, 2013. g












Julian Kirk ’92 married Kristin on June 30, 2013. This joyous occasion was attended by Sendil Krishnan ’92, Dan Updyke ’92 and Santhosh Chandra ’93 along with GPS alumnae Amy Whittimore Mahone ’92, Margaret Hebert Updyke ’92, Beth Gaston ’92, Elizabeth Berman Lovell ’94, Molly Molina Crawford ’94 and Annie Palmer ’96.

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Josh McKinney ’07 and Brittne Rene Canada tied the knot on June 8, 2013.


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Class Updates 1940s-1950s

Edward M. Fisher, Jr. ’73 chaired a TireRack Street Survival teen driving school in Huntsville, Ala., this past summer. The class objective was to teach teens the driving skills needed to prevent accidents.

Alex Lankford ’45 and his wife celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary in December. He still practices law, though not as hard, he says.

Long Blue Line Abroad

Paul Renfroe ’74 published his first book, “Christian, What Are You? Removing the Blindfolds.” It is meant to open scriptures to the reader and to see what God says you really are.

Hugh Dayton Huffaker Jr. ’48 was awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Richmont Graduate University in July 2013 based on his individual stewardship, commitment to the university and lifelong service.

Dean Smith, retired head basketball coach at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in August by President Obama. The Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award in the United States. Coach Smith is the father of Scott Smith ’76 and grandfather to Brian Smith ’14.

Jim Lyle ’49 and his wife Lillian celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 29, 2013. J. Robert “Bob” Sims Jr. ’59 was recently announced as a 2013-14 presidential nominee for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Having worked with Exxon (now ExxonMobil) for over 30 years, he now serves as a senior engineering fellow with Becht Engineering Co. Inc.

Jeff Brown ’77, an attorney with Charlotte-based Moore & Van Allen PLLC, has been elected to serve on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Board of Trustees by the university’s Board of Governors. He will serve the school from 2013 to 2017.

1960s-1970s Jim Wann ’66 received the John L. Haber ’70 Award from his alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, before a performance at the New York Carolina Club in May. His writing and performing credits include “Diamond Studs,” “Pump Boys and Dinettes” and “King Mackerel & the Blues are Running.” Rick Barger ’67 began his new post as president of Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, on September 1, 2013. He also serves as founder and executive director of the Haitian Timous Foundation, a non-profit that is part of the Haitian grass-roots movement.

San Francisco-based architecture firm WRNS Studio was recently awarded the top overall firm ranking by Architect Magazine. Bryan Shiles ’77 is a firm partner at the 60-person studio which boasts one of the highest net-revenue-peremployee numbers in this year’s survey while staying committed to sustainability and design excellence.

1980s-1990s Charles Lee ’83 is scheduled to begin recording a classical piano album that will include select pieces from the music of Mozart, Scarlatti, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Gershwin and even an orginal composition. He is also currently in preproduction on two film projects being developed through Olorin Productions.

Olympic Ties Created in Botswana Hill Carrow ’73, CEO of Sports & Properties, Inc., has been asked by the United States Olympic Committee to assist in the organization and management of the 2014 Africa Youth Games in Gaborone, Botswana, as lead consultant. Carrow, right, is pictured in Gaboronoe with Regina Vaka, Chairman of the Africa Youth Games Organizing Committee, and the Honorable Shaw Kgathi, Botswana National Minsiter of Youth, Sports and Culture.

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On a recent trip, Alex Kent ’12 found a McCallie cap nailed to the roof of Foxy’s restaurant in the Great Harbour, British Virgin Islands. The cap’s owner, Calvin Wells ’72, purchased the hat at his 40th reunion in October 2012 and purposely left it behind during a trip in April. Mr. Kent was able to connect with Mr. Wells through McCallie’s EverBlue app. To find out more about EverBlue, see the note on page 19.

Derek Littlefield ’87 recently wrote and coproduced a nationally-airing television commercial for Cadillac entitled ”Standard.” The spot showcases the Cadillac SRX and highlights several of its standard amenities that make everyday life easier. Andrew West ’89 was activated on August 1, 2013 as Gunnery Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. He is currently stationed at Camp Lejeune, N.C. In November, he will be deployed to Afghanistan for seven months. Vice President of Atlanta-based Parker Executive Search Rodes Cole ’89 was appointed to Emory University’s 2013-14 Board of Visitors where he will serve a three-year term. He graduated from the university in 1993 and now specializes in high-level assignments. Mike Procter ’91, co-founder of Chickamaugabased Old Mill Kettle Corn, recently announced that the company will start offering its product in retail stores across the nation through a partnership with Heartland brands, a subsidiary of McKee Foods. Chris Culpepper ’94 completed a trauma surgery fellowship this past summer at the University of Kentucky. H. Denton Worrell ’96 started studying law at Wake Forest University. He graduated from the University of Virginia in 2001.

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Notes continued . . .

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Fall 2013

A book on the life of Arthur L. Burns ’20 is being written. The authors are requesting your favorite stories about “Maj.” Please submit your fondest memories by January 31, 2014 to OR

On May 20, 2013, the parents of Justin Mutter ’99 and Andrew Mutter ’01 celebrated the graduation of two sons, both from University of Virginia graduate programs. Justin graduated from UVA’s School of Medicine and has begun a family practice residency at Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville, N.C. Andrew graduated from UVA’s School of Law and is an associate at King & Spaulding in Atlanta.

All in the Family


DeForest Spencer ’74, Dick Spencer ’51 and Scott Spencer ’03 recently celebrated Dick’s 80th birthday. The three men represent three generations of McCallie Men.

Richard Lowrance ’00 has been accepted to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., for an MBA program in finance and nanotechnology commercialization.

Craig Fuller ’97 was named CEO of the Year in the North American divison by British magazine Finance Monthly. The recipients recognized by the magazine represent key leaders from internationally respected companies who are exceptionally forward-thinking businessmen. Craig serves as CEO for Chattanooga-based TransCard, the leading provider of prepaid products to financial institutions of all sizes. Robert Page ’97 received his MBA on August 17, 2013 from Penn State’s Smeal College of Business.

Gerry Wallace IV ’01 completed his first year at Ross University School of Medicine. He and his wife live on Dominica in the West Indies. After teaching second grade with Teach for America for two years, Travis Cole Starkey ’03 was promoted to program director. He was then relocated to New Orleans where he served as director of curriculum and instruction to an independent school affected by Hurricane Katrina. He now resides in North Carolina and continues to work with T.F.A. as a teacher and as manager of leadership development.

Henry Henegar 913 Mount Olive Road Lookout Mountain, GA 30750

In addition to working for Pro Acoustics, Cooper Bechtol ’03 also works as a private consultant/ contractor for Sound Design. His newest project, to build a sound system for Amped, a night club on the famous Sixth Street in downtown Austin, Texas, has state-of-the-art sound and lights. It has been his biggest solo design to date. Representing Great Britain, Michael Bingham ’04 placed second in the 400-meter race at the European Indoor Track and Field Championships. Tyler Bandy ’04 and brother Judson Bandy ’06 cofounded HangZone, a mobile app development company, in November 2012. Last June, they released a new free puzzle game, Fizzy Factory, to the Apple app store. The game has been well received with over 1,300 downloads in the first two days of release. Daniel Kovacs ’05 graduated from U.S. Army Officer Candidate School this past May as a 2nd Lieutenant. Julian Dossche ’05 and his wife Rachel have moved to Shanghai, China, where they will open the new USFLOORS CHINA office as head of operations for the next three years. Josh McKinney ’07 obtained “white coat” status in pursuit of his doctoral degree in dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

Joedance Film Festival Honors Joe Restaino ’08

David C. “Duke” Battles, Jr. ’08 received his master’s of taxation from the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University and is now working at Ernst & Young. Austin Thomas Starkey ’08 graduated from Miami University of Ohio in May 2012 with a bachelor of science in accounting. He works for Porter, Keadle & Moore in Atlanta as a staff auditor after passing the Certified Public Accounting test. Members of the Charlotte Alumni Chapter steering committee sponsored the Filmmakers Dinner on the eve of the recent Joedance Film Festival. Joedance is in memory of Joe Restaino ’08, who died of bone cancer in 2012. All proceeds from the film festival benefit the Rare and Pediatric Cancer Fund at the Levine Children’s Hospital. On September 13, Joedance representatives presented a check for $20,000 to the hospital. Pictured at the presentation are Ryan Hutcheson ’92, Mike Restaino, Diane Restaino, Matt Mildenberg ’08 and Kelly Crum.

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Crawford “Ford” Charman ’09 recently graduated from Hamilton College with honors in economics. He now works for CitiGroup Global Banking in New York City.

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In Memoriam 1930s-1940s



Milt H. Mitchell ’37 of Brandon, Miss., died October 26, 2010. The retired attorney and former World War II aviation cadet is survived by his wife June, two brothers, George D. Mitchell ’44 and Tom Herron Mitchell ’45, three daughters, two grandsons and a great granddaughter.

Charles Gordon “Chuck” Hollister ’51 of Gaithersburg, Md., died July 18, 2013. The former member of the U.S. Coast Guard and IBM consultant is survived by two brothers, Robert Hollister ’45 and William “Bill” Hollister ’47, a sister, two daughters, a son, an adopted daughter, four grandchildren and a great grandchild.

George H. Kilgore, Jr. ’79 of Franklin, Tenn., died Sepetember 29, 2013. The realtor and longtime businessman is survived by his wife Kathy, a sister, five children, one grandchild and two nieces.

Raymond Bond Walker ’39 of New Orleans, La., died September 22, 2010. The World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps and former partner of Donovan Boat Supples, Inc., is survived by his wife Virginia, two sons and four grandchildren.

Otis Daniel Blake Jr. ’51 of Griffin, Ga., died August 4, 2013. The real estate developer is survived by his wife Nancy and brother Andrew Blake ’53.

1990s-2000s John Shanks ’03 of Chattanooga died September 7, 2013. He is survived by his mother Maxine.

Faculty Charles William “Bill” Webb ’40 of Charlotte, N.C., died August 12, 2013. The World War II Navy veteran, professional consultant and philanthropist is survived by his wife Linda, three sons, Charles Webb ’68, Stephen and David, a step-daughter and two granddaughters.

George Morris ’51 of Knoxville, Tenn., died September 6, 2013. The U.S. Army veteran, pharmacist and active member of Washington Pike United Methodist Church is survived by his wife Libby, four sons, two stepsons, a stepdaughter and nine grandchildren.

James Ralston Wells, Jr. ’42 of Chattanooga died August 6, 2013. The World War II veteran, outdoorsman and community-oriented businessmen is survived by two daughters, a son Ralston Wells ’73 and six grandchildren.

Dr. Paul Wilson Dowell ’55 of Shallotte, N.C., died January 3, 2012. The retired Associate Dean of Arts and Science at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., and lifelong Georgia Bulldog fan is survived by his wife Dru, a sister, three sons, a daughter and five grandchildren.

Robert Webster Ferrell Jr. ’44 of Memphis, Tenn., died March 9, 2013. The World War II and U.S. Navy veteran, co-author of several publications on PT boats, pharmacist and watercolor painter is survived by his wife Elizabeth, a brother, Dr. Clark Ferrell ’46, three daughters, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. C.E. “Buddy” Klumb, Jr. ’45 of Point Clear, Ala., died August 7, 2013. The former president of the North American Wholesale Lumber Association and Klumb Lumber Company is survived by his wife Virginia Ann, two daughters, a son, a stepson and his grandchildren. Clarence Atlee Sweets ’46 of Saint Louis, Mo., died August 13, 2013. The sports enthusiast and World War II veteran is survived by his wife Anne, two daughters, two sons and two grandchildren. John Robert Alba ’48 of Roanoke, Va., died April 19, 2013. The Korean War and U.S. Marine Corps veteran and former co-owner of Information Products Company is survived by his wife Helen, a sister, three sons, two daughters, 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Nathan Elmer Oplinger Jr. ’48 of Ocala, Fla., died August 5, 2013. The retired vice president of BlueCross BlueShield Florida’s Medicare Division is survived by a son and a daughter.

Will Carl Rentz II ’59 of Tampa, Fla., died September 30, 2013. The lawyer and renowned fishermen is survived by his daughter, a sister, a niece, a nephew, two great nephews and a brother. Jacob Oliver Malone ’66 of Augusta, Ga., died August 27, 2013. The former McCallie athletic trainer and Baptist minister is survived by his wife Delores, a brother Dr. Harold Lee Malone, Jr. ’62, as well as extended family and their children. Raymond “Ray” E. Earp Jr. ’67 of Smithfield, N.C., died August 6, 2013. The longtime Smithfield Fire Chief and civil activist is survived by wife Nancy, a sister, a son, a daughter and two grandchildren. Harry Hardin Murdock ’68 of Chattanooga died August 4, 2013. The former University of Tennessee at Chattanooga first baseman, avid sports fan and food services specialist is survived by his son, a brother Chuck Murdock ’70, two sisters, five nephews, two great-nieces and two great-nephews. George R. Wilkinson ’68 of Greenville, S.C., died August 20, 2013. The avid Virginia Tech fan, scholar and wildlife conservation activist is survived by his twin brother William Wilkinson II ’68.

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Former McCallie English teacher and administrator Miles Francis McNiff died June 21, 2013 in Chattanooga. He was 74. Mr. McNiff was respected and beloved by many during his 44-year career at McCallie. In addition to his role as teacher, he also served students as a coach, dorm advisor, class dean, director of student publications, English Chair and Academic Dean. He received many McCallie honors including the Dean James Teacher of English Award, the Houston Patterson Award and the Keo-Kio Lifetime Achievement Award. He was a member of the McCallie community from 1961 to 2005. (See letter on page 3) Stephen Panchaud died November 10, 2012 at his residence in Netanya, Israel. A native of the United Kingdom, he led McCallie’s Upper School orchestra from 1999-2011. Dr. James G. Ware of Chattanooga died March 6, 2013. Dr. Ware taught math at McCallie from 1952-65 and was department chair from 1960-65. He also taught math at UT-Chattanooga for 30 years and was department head for 20 years.

Obituaries are included in McCallie Magazine by class year in chronological order by date of death. Those not included in this issue will appear in the next. The Alumni Office sends email announcements about confirmed deaths to all classmates whose email addresses are updated in our system as soon as the school is notified of them. Stay informed of such things. Make sure the Alumni Office has your updated email address.

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Questions or comments? Feel free to contact McCallie’s Communications Office at 423.493.5615 or 423.493.5716 or e-mail

For the Love of Tennis

The vision of McCallie School tennis coaches past and present became reality Sept. 27 at the opening dedication of the Strang-Voges Tennis Center. The new state-of-the-art facility is named for John Strang and Eric Voges ’81. Mr. Strang began a 50 plus-year teaching and coaching career at McCallie in 1949, and Mr. Voges enters his 28th year as head coach and director of the McCallie tennis program.

The building features six parallel indoor hard courts with stadium seating behind all six courts. The 47,674-square-foot facility also includes a team locker room, a meeting room, two coach’s offices, a kitchen and locker area. The playing surface measures 39,900 square feet, the seating area 4,000 square feet and the office and lounge area 3,774 square feet.

Make a gift every year; make an impact every day. Visit to make your gift today! H e admast er


Dr. R. Kirk Walker, Jr. ’69

Billy T. Faires ’90


comm u n icat io n s

M cCa l l ie M aga zi n e Edi tor

Cha irma n of th e Board

Jeff Romero

S. Elliott Davenport ’78

Lookout Mountain, GEORGIA

Board of of TTrruust steeeess Board

Stanley M. “Skip” Brock ’68

J. Hal Daughdrill III ’73

Alberto J. McGregor ’82

N. Carter Newbold IV ’84

James W. Burns ’89

Dr. G. Turner Howard III ’65

Jon E. Meacham ’87

Dennis Oakley ’72

L. Hardwick Caldwell III ’66

Houston B. Hunt ’76

Conrad R. Mehan ’77

Sanford B. Prater ’66

Robert G. Card ’66

Barry P. Large ’96

R. Kincaid Mills ’88

James M. Ruffin ’80

Bradley B. Cobb ’86

Michael I. Lebovitz ’82

Glenn H. Morris ’82

Joseph A. Schmissrauter III ’75



atlanta, georgia


CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Chattanooga, Tennessee


Nashville, tennessee




Timothy A. Stump ’75


William F. Womble Jr. ’60

winston-salem, north carolina

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