The Madras Chamber
MONTHLY REPORT december 2020
The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry
MONTHLY REPORT - December 2020
The Madras Chamber
7th December 2020
Small Group discussion on Na�onal Electrical Code of India (NEC)
14th December 2020
14th December 2020
Webinar on Ideas to improve TANGEDCO’s Financial Situa�on - Subsidies, Profitability, Improvement Levers and New Tariff Design
18 23thrd December December 2020
5 7
Session on Inco terms 2020 to Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram
22nd December 2020
Discussion on Dra� Rules by the Power Conference on published Tamil Nadu’s Ministry of Labour & Employment on Emergence as a Power Sector Leader Industrial Rela�ons Rules 2020
23rd December 2020
Session on Family Enterprise Con�nuity
Session on E-Invoicing – Procedures and Impact
30th December 2020
Power Conference on Tamil Nadu’s Emergence as a Power Sector Leader
General Commi�ee Mee�ng
Session on E-Invoicing – Procedures and Impact jointly with Hosur Industrial Associa�on
Other Mee�ngs
MONTHLY REPORT - December 2020
The Madras Chamber
5th December 2020 Small Group discussion on Na�onal Electrical Code of India (NEC) Under the auspices of the Energy Expert Commi�ee a small group virtual discussion was organized on 5th December 2020 wherein Mr. Stephen Michael, MD, SM Engineers addressed the session on the following aspects. In order to understand the NEC, a focus group discussion was held. The delibera�ons of the mee�ng were consolidated and the recommenda�on was submi�ed by Chamber. 1.
Broad overview of the dra� NEC
How is it a step forward over the exis�ng one ?
Does it address the concerns of key stakeholders? Especially the consumer from a safety point of view?
What it does not address?
What should be incorporated as a part of our recommenda�on?
We had 14 members from Energy commi�ee par�cipa�ng in the discussion.
7th December 2020 Session on Family Enterprise Con�nuity The Madras Chamber jointly with Deloi�e Haskins and Sells LLP organized a “Session on Family Enterprise Con�nuity” on Monday, 7th December 2020.
The session covered the informa�on on some of the common modes that are adopted for family Enterprise Con�nuity.
Ms. K. Sarawathi, Secretary General gave the welcome remarks and introduced the speakers.
Mr. K. R. Sekar, Partner, Deloi�e Haskins & Sells LLP and Subject ma�er expert set the context. He gave insights about worldwide and India trends in Family Enterprise Con�nuity.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
Mr. Vijay K Dhingra, Partner, Deloi�e Haskins & Sells LLP and Mr. Chandraprakash Surana , Partner, Deloi�e Haskins & Sells LLP Jointly made a detailed presenta�on covering • • • • • • •
Family owned businesses Life cycle stages Three Circle Models Family Business Con�nuity Family Governance Process for planning con�nuity Focus areas and case studies
In the Q & A session Mr K.R.Sekar moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by both the speakers. There were more than 60+ par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.
14th December 2020 Webinar on Ideas to improve TANGEDCO’s Financial Situa�on Subsidies, Profitability, Improvement Levers and New Tariff Design
The Madras Chamber of Commerce, Auroville Consul�ng and WRI India jointly organized a webinar on Ideas to improve TANGEDCO’s Financial Situa�on - Subsidies, Profitability, Improvement Levers and New Tariff Design held on 14th December, 2020.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
The webinar was hosted to discuss ideas to improve the financial health of the Tamil Nadu Genera�on and Distribu�on Corpora�on (TANGEDCO). The webinar covered the significant scope to improve TANGEDCO’s revenue realiza�on by moving to a more ra�onalized tariff structure with increased accountability of supply and service quality and to explore flexible power procurement planning, take measures to move towards dynamic tariff design, and ensure improvements in revenue recovery for TANGEDCO. Featured Speakers of the webinar were 1.
Mr. S Sankara Narayanan, General Manager, Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA)
Ms. K Saraswathi, Secretary General, The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Ms. Ann Josey, Fellow, Prayas (Energy Group)
Mr. S Venkatachalam, Chairman, Expert Commi�ee on Energy, MCCI
Mr. Mar�n Scherfler, Co-founder, Auroville Consul�ng
Ms. Harsha Meenawat, Senior Research Specialist, Energy Program, WRI India
Ms. Sandhya Sundararagavan, Lead, Energy Transi�ons, WRI India moderated the Panel discussion.
There were more than 90+ par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.
14th December 2020 Session on Inco terms 2020 to Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram The Chamber under the auspices of Logis�cs and Educa�onal Commi�ee organized the “Session on Inco terms 2020” to students of Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram. It was a Entrepreneurship Development Cell Ini�a�ve Programme in associa�on with the Ins�tu�on's Innova�on Council (IIC) held on 14th December at 2.00 pm. The objec�ve of the session was to acquaint the students with the Incoterms 2020 and to update their knowledge about the latest changes. Mr. J.Krishnan, Partner, S. Natesa Iyer and Co. who has more than 3 decades of experience in the logis�cs sector were requested by the College to cover aspects of the Entreprenuership. The program was well a�ended by more than 48 students and the feedback was posi�ve.
Mr. J. Krishnan
18th December 2020 Discussion on Dra� Rules published by the Ministry of Labour & Employment on Industrial Rela�ons Rules 2020 Under the auspices of HR & IR Commi�ee, the Discussion on Dra� Rules published by the Ministry of Labour & Employment on Industrial Rela�ons Rules 2020 was organized on 18th December 2020.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
Mr. Anand Gopalan, Co-Chair of the Commi�ee led the discussion on Industrial Rela�ons Rules 2020. He highlighted the changes and explained the provisions in detail for the benefit of the members. The members suggested to have another round of discussion to have more clarity on the rules and proposed to have a small group discussion. We had more than 26 par�cipants a�ending the interac�ve mee�ng.
22nd December 2020 Session on E-Invoicing – Procedures and Impact The Madras Chamber jointly with NACIN under the auspices of GST Expert Commi�ee organized the Session on E-invoicing to update the members on new no�fica�ons, procedures and impacts. Ms. K.Saraswathi, Secretary General gave the welcome address. K.Vaitheeswaran, Chairman, GST Commi�ee set the tone for the session and introduced the speakers for the session Mr. Venugopalan Nair, Asst Director, Training, NACIN and Mr. R.Srivatsan, Addi�onal Asst. Director, NACIN.
Mr. Venugopalan Nair, Asst Director, Training, NACIN made an introductory presenta�on covering the concepts of E invoicing and its nuances. Mr. R.Srivatsan, Addi�onal Asst. Director NACIN made a very detailed presenta�on covering the no�fica�on, need for e invoicing, changes adopted, process and salient features. Mr. R.Gopakumar, Co Chairman of the GST Commi�ee proposed the formal vote of thanks. There were more than 80+ par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
23rd December 2020 Power Conference on Tamil Nadu’s Emergence as a Power Sector Leader
The Madras Chamber, in associa�on with India Energy Forum, organized the 8th Power conference on “Tamil Nadu’s Emergence as a Power Sector leader” on 23rd December 2020. ICRA Analy�cs Limited was the Knowledge Partner and L & T Construc�on, Chennai was the Industry Partner for this Conference. Mr. Srivats Ram, President, MCCI in his welcome address complimented Tamil Nadu for turning around power shortage to surplus with a diverse and healthy genera�on mix. He charted out the programs and representa�ons made related to energy sector by MCCI. He touched on the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 and informed the amendment aims to address cri�cal issues weakening the commercial and investment ac�vi�es in the electricity sector of the country. While we have emerged as a leader in Power, there are a few challenges which we have to overcome in the coming year. Tamil Nadu has overcome many challenges in the past decade and we are posi�ve that we would find suitable solu�ons in the coming years to sustain our posi�on as a power sector leader in all aspects. Mr. Bhambhani, Secretary General, India Energy Forum, Former ED – BHEL spoke about MCCI and India Energy Forum Partnership. He proudly added that IEF Cherish its associa�on with MCCI and this year is the 8th joint program. The IEF Forum represents all ver�cals of energy sector as a whole. The Forum serves as a catalyst for the development of a sustainable and compe��ve energy sector in India. India's energy requirements are enormous and the demand is growing but our resources are limited both in physical and financial terms. He thanked MCCI and wished to con�nue the long standing rela�onship. Mr. RV Shahi, President IEF, Former Secretary, Ministry of Power & Chairman, Energy Infratech Ltd gave the special address. In his address he recollected his early good memories in TamilNadu. He stated TN has all signs of the progressive state and the state of urbanisa�on is best in the country. He added that we have to be proud of the fact that the state is second largest economy a�er Maharashtra and contribute 300 billion dollar to GDP annually.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
In terms of Energy sector, he stated that TN is in comfortable situa�on and cannot be said that that it is a power surplus state. When the Na�onal average is close to 12,000 kilowa� hour per year, TN will have close to 15,000 Kilowa� hour and this indicates that we have to harness the all poten�al of growth. Other proud fact in the state is the nuclear installa�on in Kalpakkam and Kudankulam nuclear power plant. On the renewable energy side, the State had already taken a leap. The area of concern is the financial strength of the electricity board in TN. In the chain of power sector, the weakest link of the chain determines the strength of the chain. In the chain of power and fuel sector we are losing in distribu�on. He suggested that we have to work on the weakness to be a power surplus State. Mr. Sathyajit Suklabaidya Head – Energy & Natural Resource, ICRA Analy�cs Limited Mumbai made a detailed Presenta�on on Tamil Nadu’s Emergence as a Power Sector leader. Op�mizing power purchase cost, reduc�on in Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses, and improving financial stability and regulatory �meliness were some of the ac�on plans suggested for Tamil Nadu power sector to help the State become a leader in the industry. Mr. S. Venkatachalam, Chairman, Energy Commi�ee proposed the formal vote of thanks. The Technical Session I was on “Understanding the Policy Framework “and was Chaired by Mr.HL Bajaj, Chairman, Power Group, IEF and Former Chairperson CEA. Mr Jogendra Behra, Head- Regulatory, Indian Energy Exchange Limited made a presenta�on on Electricity Act 2003 suggested amendments and its implica�ons. Mr.R.Balakrishnan, General Manager & HEAD of MEP Design - EDRC, L&T Construc�on made a presenta�on on Recent Policies and Moving towards Atmanirbhar. The Technical Session – II dealt with “Harnessing the poten�al of Renewable Energy in the TN” was chaired by Mr. K.S. Popli, Former CMD, IREDA & Chairman Renewable Group IEF. The speakers for the technical session II were •
Mr.P.P.Gupta, Managing Director ,Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd., (TEECL)
Mr.Sunil Jain , Chief Execu�ve Officer,
Mr Amit Kumar, Partner ,PWC India
Mr.K.Ganesan,Chief General Manager,Chief of Projects and Business Development(Solar) ,NLC India
Hero Future Energies
Mr. Suryanarayana Rao Co Chairman, MCCI Energy Commi�ee, summed up the proceedings and proposed the vote of thanks. More than 80 delegates including Central / State Government Officers, Industry leaders, Senior officials from PSUs, Senior officials from Renewable Energy providers and other professionals a�ended the mee�ng.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
23rd December 2020 Power Conference on Tamil Nadu’s Emergence as a Power Sector Leader The Madras Chamber jointly with Hosur Industrial Associa�on organized the Session on E-invoicing under GST - Procedures and Impact" on 30th December 2020 for the members of the Hosur Associa�on. Mr S Sankaranarayanan ,Deputy Secretary ,MCCI gave the welcome address and introduced the speakers for the session Mr. Venugopalan Nair, Asst Director, Training, NACIN and Mr. R.Srivatsan Addi�onal Asst. Director NACIN. Mr. Venugopalan Nair ,Asst Director, Training, NACIN apprised the overview and nuances of the E-invoicing under GST - Procedures and Impact .He covered the global perspec�ve and Indian context of invoicing . Mr. R.Srivatsan, Addi�onal Asst. Director NACIN made a very detailed presenta�on covering the no�fica�on, need for e invoicing, changes adopted, process and salient features. He made an in-depth presenta�on covering all aspects of e- invoicing. Mr.Arulanandan,Secretary, Hosur Industries Associa�on proposed the formal vote of thanks There were more than 37 par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.
Other Programs 2nd December 2020 Seminar Series on Interna�onal Day for the Elimina�on of Violence against Women (Unite – to end Violence against women- addressing the issues and challenges) This year’s theme for the Interna�onal Day for the Elimina�on of Violence against Women is “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” Tamil Nadu Government looked into the various facets of violence against women in the State to chalk out issues to be sorted out in making Tamil Nadu a violence free women friendly State and model for others to emulate. Ms K. Sarawathi, Secretary General, MCCI made a presenta�on on POSH and its implementa�on in corporate sector.
MONTHLY REPORT - december 2020
The Madras Chamber
Other Mee�ngs •
GC Mee�ng held on 12th December 2020
President & Vice President Mee�ng with Recons�tuted Chair & Co-Chairman of the Expert commi�ees 2020-21 held on 12th December 2020
Presenta�on to Dr Neeraj Mi�al, IAS on IFSC and GIFT city held on 9th December 2020
Physical Mee�ng with Guidance Bureau and BFSI held on 18th December 2020 ****************