Monthly Report - November 2020

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The Madras Chamber

MONTHLY REPORT november 2020

The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry


MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber


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5th November 2020


Arbitra�on Series “Scope of Sec�on 34 – Some Enigma�c Issues and Unique Principles”

19th November 2020


Session on Excel as an Analy�cal Tool

27th November 2020


MCCI 184th Annual General Mee�ng

General Commi�ee Mee�ng

9th & 10th November 2020 UTC Conference on Making Chennai a Climate Smart City

24th - 26th November 2020 Virtual Showcase of Best Prac�ces in the European Distribu�on System

30th November - 4th December 2020 MCCI Flagship Event - Phygital 2020

Expert Commi�ee Mee�ng



MONTHLY REPORT - November 2020

The Madras Chamber


5th November 2020 Arbitra�on Series “Scope of Sec�on 34 – Some Enigma�c Issues and Unique Principles” Under the auspices of the Arbitra�on Centre, the fourth webinar on the topic “Some Enigma�c Issues and Unique Principles” was organized on th 5 November 2020 between 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Hon’ble Jus�ce M.Sundar, Madras High Court, Chennai was the speaker for the fourth Arbitra�on series. Mr.Anand Gopalan Chairman, MCCI Legal Affairs Commi�ee and Member of Arbitra�on Governing Council gave a brief introduc�on about the Chamber and Arbitra�on Centre.

Mr.Anirudh Krishnan, Advocate & Member of Arbitra�on Governing Council introduced the Speaker. Hon’ble Jus�ce M.Sundar addressed on Scope of Sec�on 34. His address covered the journey of law from 1940 and to the current changes. He cited various case laws and the nuances of sec�on 34. In the Q & A session Mr.Anirudh Krishnan moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Hon’ble Jus�ce M.Sundar. Mr K. Vaitheeswaran, Chairman, MCCI GST commi�ee and Member of Arbitra�on Governing Council proposed the vote of thanks. There were more than 54 par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.


9th & 10th November 2020

UTC Conference on Making Chennai a Climate Smart City

The Chamber launched the Sustainable Chennai Forum (SCF) on November 9, 2011, during our 175th year and through this forum we focus on areas like Energy, Water, Waste Management, Transport and Urban Greening and have conducted Conferences, Seminars and awareness programs on a regular basis. In the last three years, the Chamber has been privileged to host the Urban Thinkers Campus, the first of its kind in Chennai, under the World Urban Campaign, namely “Chennai as a Global City” in 2017, followed by “Roadmap to Zero waste in Chennai” in the year 2018 and “Making Chennai Water Posi�ve” in the year 2019. Our Knowledge Partner was Na�onal Ins�tute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) for all the three Conferences. Further, during the current pandemic, the Chamber took part in the #COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus Series 2 and had a Session on “Housing for All to Create Sustainable and Inclusive Ci�es” with NIUA and other partner organisa�ons.



MONTHLY REPORT - November 2020

The Madras Chamber

The Chamber organized the fourth (virtual) Conference under UTC, on the theme “Making Chennai a Climate Smart City”. The Conference spread across for 2 days on 9th and 10th November 2020 coinciding with the 9th Anniversary of Sustainable Chennai Forum. In the Inaugural Session, Mr.Srivats Ram, President MCCI gave the welcome address and briefed about the ac�vi�es of the Sustainable Chennai Forum. In his address, he added that Climate change (CC) ac�on in India is overseen by MoEF, MoES, NDMA, NIDM, Coali�on of disaster-resilient infra, NIUA etc and it is �me to adopt na�onally agreed upon strategies like the smart ci�es mission, 100 resilient ci�es Na�onal Climate Missions, etc. Hence, this stakeholder consulta�on with speakers from the city, country and other countries is very �mely and relevant to discuss on Making Chennai a Climate Smart City. Ms.Chris�ne Auclair, Head of Advocacy and Campaigns Unit External Rela�ons, Strategy, Knowledge and Innova�on UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya spoke on the UN Habitat ini�a�ves. She men�oned that the Intended Na�onally Determined Spoke Contribu�ons (INDCs) and state ac�on plans on climate change are crucial in this context and such implementa�on is not only the sole responsibility of the na�onal government but also the local govt., civil society, research organisa�ons, private sector among others.

Mr.Hitesh Vaidya, Director, Na�onal Ins�tute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi delivered the special address. Working on the climate-smart city assessment framework 2.0 with the Ministry could poten�ally help us mainstream climate ac�on. It is key that the language spoken on climate ac�on is simple and common, so it is well understood by city level governments where they can relate it to their day-to-day ac�on. Just the smart ci�es mission with local solu�ons would not suffice, scalable op�ons are required which involve ci�zens at every level of design and implementa�on.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr. Raj Cherubal, CEO, Chennai Smart Ci�es Ltd delivered the Key Note Address. Ci�es are 3% of the landmass, 60% of energy consump�on, and 80-90% of carbon emissions. Hence it is all the more important to make them smart. A simple idea of ‘smart’ which encompasses the environment, social, and traveling smartness is sufficient. All services and policies that ci�es provide are to be climate-friendly. TN is the most urbanised state in the country and has great scope in crea�ng examples on being climate-smart and also learn from other best prac�ces. Projects under smart ci�es are to be considered as building blocks for future ac�on – C40 has done a benchmark and found that Chennai has reduced emissions by 3%. World Bank is going to invest in Chennai as part of the city partnership projects. Ms.K.Saraswathi, Secretary General proposed the formal vote of thanks. Day 1: - Urban Thinkers Session 1: Climate Change – Indian Urban Outlook Mr.R.Raghu�amaRao, CEO, GDC, IIT Madras moderated the Session. The topics in this session and the speakers were: Climate Smart City Assessment Framework - Dr Uma Maheshwaran Rajasekar ,Chair Urban Resilience – Global Resilience Ci�es Network Na�onal Ins�tute of Urban Affairs(NIUA), New Delhi. Keeping the Chennai Ecology Intact - Dr.JayshreeVencatesan, Chairperson, Care Earth Trust. Climate Proofing of Indian Ci�es - Mr.Emani Kumar, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI & Execu�ve Director, ICLEI South Asia ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - South Asia. Urban Labs (case studies) - Ms.Vaishali Nandan, Head, Climate Smart Ci�es Project, GIZ-India.

Urban Thinkers Session 2: Disasters, Risk Resilience – Lessons from Recent Disasters Dr Ashwin Mahalingam, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IITM moderated the Session. The topics in this session and the speakers were: Chennai saw that all - Mr.Krishna Mohan Ramachandran, Chief Resilience Officer 100 RC. Managing Chennai’s water resources - Mr.Saravanan Panneer Selvam General Manager – INDO Region, Grundfos. Can Circular Economy be the answer? - Mr Piyush Dhawan,Co-Founder, The Circular Collec�ve. Urban Labs (case studies) Disasters risks management: examples from the Climate Resilient and Inclusive Ci�es project in Indonesia - Ms.Pascaline Gaborit PhD.,Director, Pilot4dev, Belgium.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

Urban Thinkers Session 3: Building Green infrastructure Mr.T.Shivaraman, MD & CEO Shriram EPC Ltd moderated the Session. The topics in this session and the speakers were Green Buildings - Mr.Rajiv Nehru, Director – Product Development & Training, RICS School of Built Environment, Noida. Harnessing the Solar Power through Roof Tops - Mr. Mar�n Scherfler, Co- Founder, Auroville Consul�ng, Pondicherry Sustainable Transporta�on System for Chennai - Mr. K.P. Subramanian, Former Professor of Urban Engineering, Anna University. Moving towards Green Mobility- Mr.Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainable Officer, Mahindra Group. Sustainable Urban Freight – A Case Study - Dr.Gita Krishnan Ramadurai,Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, IITMadras. Urban Thinkers Session 4: Policy and Governance Dr. Ajith Kaliyath, Professor, School of Planning and Development, Sushant University, Gurugram moderated the session. The topics in this session and the speakers were Urban Planning is key - Mr Anand Madhavan, Director – Infrastructure and Public Finance, CRISIL Ltd. Climate Change Financing - Ms.VidyaSoundarajan, Director, Ecological Footprint and Climate Finance, WWF – India, New Delhi. Progressive Policies from U.S. Ci�es for becoming Climate Smart - Dr.Vatsal Bha�, Vice President – Communi�es, US Green Building Council ,New York, USA. UTC OUTCOME - The Roadmap 1. Priori�za�on of issues related to Climate Change: This campus brought out significant issues. The Chamber will engage in a constant dialogue with the Government and other stakeholders to implement the various recommenda�ons and suggested solu�ons. 2. A pla�orm for development of ac�ons plans and strategies to make Chennai a climate Smart City: Through this Campus, the Chamber has brought about partnerships and a strong network between various city stakeholders. Many eminent speakers and organiza�ons have pledged their support through exper�se and knowledge sharing to the Government and this network are formed for con�nued sustainable ac�on for the city.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

3. Iden�fica�on of Technical Know-How/Technology which can be replicated in Chennai’s context will be considered. There are mul�ple organiza�ons working in their own capaci�es. These projects have been successful but have not been scaled up and do not have the outreach. This campus had various successful case studies presented; a network formed for con�nued sustainable ac�on for the city to make it Climate Smart. 4. Ci�zen’s Awareness and behavioral change: Another highlight from the Campus was the need for improved ci�zen engagement and behavioral change. There is a gap and disconnect in planning exercises and co-opera�on of the ci�zens are le� out. Innova�ve methods of engaging ci�zens and crea�ng awareness needs to be worked on. 5. Research and Studies: The Chamber would formalize coopera�on with private sector partners in the network, research organiza�ons / consultants, and city coopera�on/ Department of Environment (Tamil Nadu) to conduct relevant research for the city. Further, the Chamber would also conduct a study on the awareness of Industries on the impact of Climate Change. 6. Capacity Building: The Chamber would involve in crea�ng awareness about the impact of climate change on Industries and support in organizing training programs and capacity building of the Industries which will focus on a) awareness raising on the implica�ons of climate change for Industries, especially MSMEs and b) on the development and implementa�on of capacity building instruments. 7. Chennai Urban Observatory – The Chamber has �ed up with its Partners NIUA and IIT Madras to set up the Chennai Urban Observatory. The urban observatory will provide real-�me spa�al data on various sectors that will enable easy decision-making, The Urban observatory will work on use-case or a prototype to analyze and iden�fy factors responsible for climate change and other environmental aspects. There was more than 100+ par�cipants who took part in the conference and the feedback was posi�ve. Par�cipants from across industry par�cipated the webinar.


19th November 2020

Session on “Excel as an Analy�cal Tool”

The Chamber organized a Session on “Excel as an Analy�cal Tool” on 19th November 2020. Mr. Sankara Narayanan, Deputy Secretary introduced the speaker Mr.V.Srivatsan, Director, Bio Vedas Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Mr.V.Srivatsan handled the session and gave many real-�me �ps to the par�cipants. The Webinar covered the following topics: • A deep dive into Pivot table • Crea�ng meaningful charts and visuals • KPIs using Condi�onal forma�ng • Advanced Filter • Tips and Tricks In the Q & A session the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Mr Srivatsan. Ms.K. Saraswathi, Secretary General proposed the vote of thanks. There were more than 67 par�cipants who took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber


24th - 26th November 2020

Virtual Showcase of Best Prac�ces in the European Distribu�on System Under the auspices of Logis�cs expert commi�ee, the Chamber supported the Antwerp Port Authority’s three day training program on the Virtual showcase of "The European Distribu�on System" from 24-26th November 2020. The objec�ve of this ini�a�ve was to bring together the “Best in Class" i.e. European / Belgian supply chain leaders on a common pla�orm, to share breakthrough concepts and approaches in global supply chains. There were 2 representa�ves from chamber members who took part in the Virtual showcase and the feedback was posi�ve.


27th November 2020

184th Annual General Mee�ng (Virtual AGM)

The 184th AGM of the Chamber was held virtually. In the Business session, the newly cons�tuted commi�ee for the year 2020-2021 was announced. Mr Srivats Ram, Managing Director, Wheels India Limited became the President for the year 2020-2021 with Mr. T R Kesavan, Group President, (Corporate Rela�ons & Alliances),Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd. as the Vice President. In the Public Session, Special Guests were Mr N Muruganandam,IAS., Principal Secretary Industries Department, Government of Tamil Nadu and Dr Neeraj Mi�al, IAS., MD & CEO, Guidance Tamil Nadu Government of Tamil Nadu The Business Session was a�ended by 150+ par�cipants.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

Business Session Mr Srivats Ram, President MCCI chaired the mee�ng and conducted the proceedings. The following resolu�ons were passed in the Business Session. • Annual Report of the year 2019-2020 • Audited Statement of accounts of the year 2019-2020 . • Rates of subscrip�on payable by different classes of members for the year 2020-2021. There is no revision and the exis�ng rates would con�nue as well as the vo�ng rights. • Appointment of the Auditors for the year 2020-2021. M/s RGN Price & Co. would con�nue as auditors for the current year 2020-2021. • The newly cons�tuted General Commi�ee for the year 2020-2021 and the Expert Commi�ees Chair and Co-Chair were announced. Public Session Mr Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, Past President MCCI, made a detailed presenta�on on the important ac�vi�es and the key ini�a�ves that the Chamber undertook in the year 2019-2020. A brief men�on about the fintech Hub-Next genera�on financial hub was highlighted. Mr Srivats Ram, president MCCI in his welcome address briefed about the important ac�vi�es and the key ini�a�ves that the Chamber undertook in the year 2019-2020. The Special ini�a�ves, namely, to make Chennai as a fintech Hub-Next genera�on financial hub and MCCI Arbitra�on Media�on and Concilia�on centre were highlighted. He added that the Chamber was ac�ve and agile during lockdown and many programs were curated to create awareness and for assis�ng members to navigate through the pandemic. The Chamber is working closely with State Government to improve the ease of doing business. The Special Guest, Mr. Muruganandam applauded MCCI ac�vi�es and thanked MCCI for its vital role and construc�ve inputs to the State. He made a special men�on of MCCI Studies and recent focus on Chennai as a fintech hub. He added that the State Government is working on the same and the Chamber’s inputs are considered. The investment promo�on and ease of doing business in Tamil Nadu processes have been simplified and Single window portal to expedite clearances has been implemented .In order to strengthen the Investment promo�on agency in the year 1992, Guidance was formed. In the Last 2 years it is strengthened with 80 working professionals and they provide good facilita�on and support to Tamil Nadu. He added that the grievance redressal by guidance called Biz buddy, which give access to all corporates to fill in their complaints for sor�ng out grievances of the industry is successful and it is monitored at different levels.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

Public Session Mr Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, Past President MCCI, made a detailed presenta�on on the important ac�vi�es and the key ini�a�ves that the Chamber undertook in the year 2019-2020. A brief men�on about the fintech Hub-Next genera�on financial hub was highlighted. Mr Srivats Ram, president MCCI in his welcome address briefed about the important ac�vi�es and the key ini�a�ves that the Chamber undertook in the year 2019-2020. The Special ini�a�ves, namely, to make Chennai as a fintech Hub-Next genera�on financial hub and MCCI Arbitra�on Media�on and Concilia�on centre were highlighted. He added that the Chamber was ac�ve and agile during lockdown and many programs were curated to create awareness and for assis�ng members to navigate through the pandemic. The Chamber is working closely with State Government to improve the ease of doing business. The Special Guest, Mr. Muruganandam applauded MCCI ac�vi�es and thanked MCCI for its vital role and construc�ve inputs to the State. He made a special men�on of MCCI Studies and recent focus on Chennai as a fintech hub. He added that the State Government is working on the same and the Chamber’s inputs are considered. The investment promo�on and ease of doing business in Tamil Nadu processes have been simplified and Single window portal to expedite clearances has been implemented .In order to strengthen the Investment promo�on agency in the year 1992, Guidance was formed. In the Last 2 years it is strengthened with 80 working professionals and they provide good facilita�on and support to Tamil Nadu. He added that the grievance redressal by guidance called Biz buddy, which give access to all corporates to fill in their complaints for sor�ng out grievances of the industry is successful and it is monitored at different levels. He stated that the other important area is to improve Industrial infrastructure. Land banks have to be created with quality infrastructure to a�ract big industries to the State .We have 23 SIPCOT Industrial estates of which 5 or 6 are in and around Chennai. With the new Land Acquisi�on Act, it has become difficult to have large land banks. So alternate ways to acquire the land through private or joint nego�a�on is being explored. The government is also encouraging privae industrial parks and is facilita�ng and incen�vizing such parks. He further added the Government is working on crea�ng land banks in the key districts where demands are high such as Krishnagiri, Coimbatore and Tu�corin . Mr. Muruganandam stated that the Chamber’s recent study on Industrial estates and its recommenda�ons was very useful and the Government took necessary measures to improve the facili�es such as street lights, water facility etc. In most of the parks water supply are been improved through sustainable solu�ons like desalina�on plants on coastal plants and reverse osmosis plants are implemented in and around in Chennai Industrial parks . He added that the Government is working on special electric vehicle parks. Further, a polymer park near Ennore Port is to be set up for plas�c Industries. The Government has sought Government of India’s support in se�ng a pulp drug pharma park in Mannalur and medical appliances park in Oragadum. Work is in progress for se�ng up a Defence park in Solur and Tex�les park in Tirupur apart from se�ng up 5 mega food parks. To create the best ambience and eco system for the Industries, policies are being simplified. With regard to policy framework, Mr. Muruganandam stated that the electric vehicles policy, electronic manufacturing policy, aerospace policy has been announced by the Government to a�ract new investments into the State. The Chamber’s inputs are considered and the new Industrial Policy will be released shortly. Further, the fintech policy for which the Chamber has provided its inputs will be released soon. The Tex�les and food processing policies is also being revamped. Tamil Nadu will be in the forefront with these dynamic and proac�ve Industrial policies.



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

He added that the area for improvement would be on Innova�on ecosystem. Research and Development (R&D) organiza�ons are very less in TN. Most of the R & D companies are in Hyderabad and Bengaluru He requested the Chamber to study the exis�ng system and recommend for enhancing innova�on to maintain the leadership posi�on. He thanked Mr Ramkumar Ramamurthy for his contribu�on and wished Mr Srivats Ram President MCCI. Dr. Neeraj Mi�al thanked Mr Ramkumar Ramamurthy for his steller contribu�on and leadership not only to so�ware industry but to other industries as well. He wished Mr Srivats Ram and Mr.Kesavan. He stated that inspite of the covid 19, the investments con�nue in TN and we are ranked No.1 for the last three years. Biz Buddy, the grievance redressal portal’s processing �me is reduced and plays a vital role in ensuring the ease of doing business. He urged the members to use the portal. Further, he stated that the Government is working on elimina�ng or simplifying the compliance rules and regula�ons to reduce the cost of doing business. The upgrada�on of single window portal leads to covering 37 departments thus making compliances easier for Industries. He added that all this Ini�a�ves of the Government are Intended to improve the business process and to improve the thought leader ship posi�on of TN. He stated that the Government has signed a MOU with Advanced Manufacturing hub with an aim to bring in the Industry 4.0. He invited the Chamber to collaborate with the government to help reach the Industry 4.0 to MSMEs. MSMEs in isola�on cannot do on their own, or gain the advantage, unless they come in supply chain and it should be jointly shared by larger and smaller players. He stated that the Government is establishing alliances for a Knowledge partner and the recent one is with ISB, a high frequency project to predict economic cycle and to know how we grow. Once again, he requested the Chamber to join hands with the Government to enable the State to remain in its leadership posi�on. Mr. T R Kesavan, Vice President proposed the formal vote of thanks.


30th November - 4th December 2020

MCCI Flagship Event - Phygital 2020

Under the auspices of the MCCI IT/ITes Commi�ee, the Chamber organized the second edi�on of the flagship event “PHYGITAL 2020” scheduled as ‘PHYGITAL WEEK 2020” star�ng from 30th November to 4th December 2020 (Virtual event). The objec�ve of this mega event was to highlight the current developments in the disrup�ve technologies and how they could be used to support the aspira�ons of the industry to carry out digital transforma�on in their key business opera�ons. Phygital 2020 had experts from different spheres sharing their knowledge on the new policies followed by presenta�ons and use cases. In the Phygital week, the topics discussed include: • Data Analy�cs • Ar�ficial Intelligence • Block Chain • Cyber Security & •

Social Media



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

In the inaugural plenary Mr Srivats Ram, President MCCI gave the welcome address. He made a brief introduc�on about the Chamber. Phygital is one of the flagship ac�vi�es of the Chamber. Phygital 2020, a combina�on of physical and digital is an event to enable members to understand the importance of latest in Technology, namely, Data Analy�cs, Ar�ficial Intelligence, Block Chain, Cyber Security and Social Media in the present Industrial Scenario. He added that Covid 19 has pushed us to adopt digi�za�on. Work from home was never envisaged at such a large scale but it is now accepted as a new normal. Tamil Nadu which con�nues to be a “Des�na�on of Choice” for IT and IT enabled services in India becomes the first state to come out with Tamil Nadu Safe and Ethical Ar�ficial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and Cyber security policies in the country. The Government by unveiling these policies has plans to build a comprehensive eco-system to derive its maximum usage. Mr Santosh K. Misra, IAS., CeG/CEO,Commissionerate of e-Governance TamilNadu e - Governance Agency, Chief guest for the inaugural plenary made a very detailed presenta�on on emerging technologies for governance and how the Government is using these technologies He added that a�er China, Fintech adop�on of technology in India is phenomenal .Tamil Nadu is the first State in the Country to bring out a clear policy on Tamil Nadu Safe and Ethical Ar�ficial Intelligence policy 2020 and Tamil Nadu Blockchain policy 2020.He explained about Ar�ficial intelligence and Block chain use cases in Health care, Educa�on, Climate change .Similarly, he explained about its usage in other States such as Karnataka, Kerala and Telangana. He stated that the in the other projects through block chain, they are working on remote vo�ng for elec�on commission of India, spam messaging and calling for TRAI, Script Injec�on for Cyber Security. He added it is open to all new or experienced business it to make use of the informa�on presented to Block Chain. The objec�ve is to bring a data driven public policy and the State family database would be launched shortly. This would be a transforma�ve project. Mr Venkat Sitaram, Director & General Manager, Dell Bangalore made a very detailed presenta�on on use case of Dell; how work is been redefined using technology at Dell .Dell was the pla�num sponsor for Phygital event 2020. His presenta�on covered • Enabling a remote culture-the new normal • Empowering work from home for dell employees • How dell can help in technological aspects. Ms K Saraswathi, Secretary General proposed the formal vote of thanks. Technical Session 1 – Data Analy�cs Mr. L. Ashok, Chairman, MCCI IT / ITes Commi�ee moderated the Session. The topics in this session and the speaker were: • Industry Perspec�ve / Panel Discussion– Data Analy�cs & Use Case - Mr Rajan Sethuraman, Chief Execu�ve Officer, LatentView Analy�cs Pvt. Ltd. Technical Session 2 – Ar�ficial Intelligence Mr. Arjun, Director, Risk Advisory Deloi�e moderated the Session. The topics in this session and the speakers were: • Tamil Nadu Safe and Ethical Ar�ficial Intelligence Policy 2020 - Mr. K.Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant, K Vaitheeswaran & Co. • Business Perspec�ve – Ar�ficial Intelligence & Use Case - Mr Sundara Ramalingam N Global Director, NVIDIA



MONTHLY REPORT - november 2020

The Madras Chamber

Technical Session 3 – Block Chain Mr. Sa�sh Saliva�, CEO Inteli�x Solu�ons moderated the session. The topics in this session and the speakers were: •

Tamil Nadu Block Chain Policy 2020 - Mr. R. Vi�al Raj , Partner, Kumar & Raj, Chartered Accountants.

• Business Perspec�ve – Block Chain & Use Case - Mr Suman Kumar Gorla, Technical Manager, Thirdware Technology Solu�ons. Technical Session 4 – Cyber Security Dr. K.Ramasubramanian Director & CEO, Valiant Technologies Pvt. Ltd &Co Chairman MCCI IT/ITES Commi�ee moderated the session. The topics in this session and the speakers were •

Tamil Nadu Cyber Security Policy 2020 - Ms Savitha Kesav Jagadeesan, Senior Resident Partner, Kochhar & Co.,

• Business Perspec�ve – Cyber Security & Use Case - Mr K M Vijayakumar,General Manager, Head – Cyber Security Opera�ons ,Global Informa�on Security,Tata Communica�ons. Technical Session 5 – Social Media Dr. K.Ramasubramanian, Co- Chairman MCCI IT / ITES Commi�ee moderated the session. The topics in this session and the speakers were: •

Business Perspec�ve – Social Media & use case - Mr David Appasamy, Head-Brand & Strategy, Social Beat

Presenta�on by Mr Dhanasingh Vinodh, Business Manager – South Amazon Internet Services Pvt. ltd.

In the Valedictory plenary Mr. L. Ashok, Chairman, MCCI IT/ITes Commi�ee made a detailed presenta�on on the use cases and summed up the event. Ms. K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI proposed the vote of thanks. There were more than 80+ par�cipants and the feedback was posi�ve. MCCI Mee�ng: •

MCCI First GC mee�ng held on 28th November 2020

Energy Commi�ee Mee�ng held on 18th November 2020

Other Small Group Expert commi�ee Mee�ngs.

Other Programs / Mee�ngs: • Workshop on “Enhancing Renewable Energy and Adop�on of Clean Energy Technology with State Develoment policy council held on 12th November 2020. Discussion on Arbitra�on Centre Agreement & Finalisa�on of Arbitra�on Rules and centre fee held on 4th and 13th November 2020 •

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