Monthly Report - October 2020

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The Madras Chamber

MONTHLY REPORT october 2020

The Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry


MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

SCHEDULE OF VIRTUAL PROGRAMS - OCTOBER 2020 5th - 7th October 2020


8th October 2020


Discussion on Labour Codes 2020

16th October 2020

13th October 2020



Session on INCOTERMS 2020

17th October 2020


Session on Exports and Refunds in GST – Challenges and Solu�ons

20th October 2020


Interac�ve Session on Customs Administra�on of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements Rules 2020 - (CAROTAR 2020)

Discussion Mee�ng on FCRA & Companies Amendment Act 2020

30th October 2020

28th October 2020


Arbitra�on 3rd Series - Hybrid Dispute Resolu�on Mechanisms - Med-Arb, Arb-Med, and Arb-Med-Arb


Session on Labour Codes: Decoded for Directors, Entrepreneurs and Professionals

A Smart Business Seminar on the Emerging tools for SME Sustainability in the Post Covid World

31st October 2020


FFT on Work from Home - Forever or Never

General Commi�ee Mee�ng

Arbitra�on Mee�ng



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Discussion on Labour Codes 2020

5th - 7th October 2020

The three labour codes were passed by the Parliament in the month of September 2020. In order to bring awareness about the codes, to understand and to know the impact of these bills on Industries, employers and employees, a discussion mee�ng was organized under the auspices of the HR & IR and Legal Commi�ees from 5th October to 7th October between 4.00 pm and 5.30 pm On the first day, in the Inaugural session Mr Srivats Ram, President MCCI & Managing Director, Wheels India Ltd. proposed the welcome address. He briefed about the role of the chamber and the importance of the labour codes and highlighted as to how the occupa�onal safety, health and working condi�ons





importance at Wheels India and informed that safety is the priority. Topics dealt in the discussion includes:1. Occupa�onal Safety, health and Working condi�ons Code 2020 2. The Industrial Rela�ons Code 3. The Social Security Code 2020 Experts who handled the sessions were:1. Dr. Krishnamurthy, Director,Industrial Rela�ons Ins�tute of India, Mumbai 2. Ms.Uma Rao, VP & Head-HR, M&HCV, Ashok Leyland Ltd. 3. Mr. R. Kalyan,General Manager HR , Ashok Leyland Ltd 4. Mr. Michael Dias,Senior Advocate,New Delhi 5. Mr. Naresh Kumar Pinise� – Group President, Corporate Governance, Deepak Fer�lizers and Petrochemicals Corpora�on Ltd. 6. Mr. S N Murthy,Senior Advocate Bangalore 7. Mr. Suresh Pugalenthi Head HR ,India Opera�ons, Wipro Infrastructure Engineering



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr.Anand Gopalan, Chairman, Legal Affairs commi�ee and Co-Chair, HR & IR Commi�ee moderated the sessions. The Course was a�ended by more than 140 par�cipants. Par�cipants were HR professionals, IR professionals, Lawyers, and other Corporate members / professional. The feedback was posi�ve and there are requests to conduct these courses on a regular basis with the necessary updates.

8th October 2020

Arbitration 3rd Series - Hybrid Dispute Resolution Mechanisms - Med-Arb, Arb-Med, and Arb-Med-Arb Under the auspices of the Arbitra�on Centre, the Chamber organized a session which is the 3rd in the series. Ms. Pushya Sitaraman, Senior Advocate and Founder Trustee, FCDR, addressed on the topic Hybrid Dispute Resolu�on Mechanisms Med-Arb, Arb-Med, and Arb-Med-Arb.

Ms.K. Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the Welcome address.

Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, Advocate and MCCI Governing council member introduced the Speaker Ms. Pushya Sitaraman, Senior Advocate and Founder Trustee, FCDR. Ms. Pushya Sitaraman made a detailed presenta�on on Hybrid Dispute Resolu�on Mechanisms. Types of Hybrid resolu�on processes MED – ARB, ARB – MED and ARB-MED-ARB. Sample of each type of Hybrid resolu�on processes and elaborated on how the Singapore Interna�onal Arbitra�on Centre effec�vely uses the Arb-Med-Arb Clause. In the Q & A session Mr. K. Vaitheeshwaran moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by Ms. Pushya Sitaraman. Ms.K. Saraswathi proposed the vote of thanks. More than 55+ par�cipants took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

13th October 2020

Session on INCOTERMS 2020

The Chamber under the auspices of Logis�cs commi�ee organized a Seminar on Incoterms 2020 on 13th October 2020. The objec�ve was to acquaint the par�cipants with the new Inco Terms 2020 and to update their knowledge about the latest changes. Ms.K.Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the welcome address. Mr. Udayabhaskara Reddy, Chairman, Logis�cs Commi�ee introduced the resource person, Mr. Krishnan and gave an

overview about the

importance of the subject Incoterms. Mr. J.Krishnan, Partner, S. Natesa Iyer and Co. and General Commi�ee member of the Chamber who has more than 3 decades of experience in the logis�cs sector dealt with the subject in detail and made an elaborate presenta�on to the 94 Par�cipants who were from the Industries looking a�er the import / export logis�cs and a few

shipping agencies and the feedback was


16th October 2020

Session on Exports and Refunds in GST – Challenges and Solutions Under GST, exporters are en�tled for benefit by way of refund or rebate. Exporters all across the country are experiencing difficul�es in availing Input Tax Credit (ITC) refunds. In order the understand the challenges and also to provide a solu�on, the Chamber under the auspices of the GST expert Commi�ee organized a Session on Exports and Refunds in GST – Challenges and Solu�ons on Friday, 16th October, 2020 between 04.00 pm to 05.30 pm through Webex pla�orm. Ms K .Sarawathi , Secretary General ,MCCI proposed the welcome remarks and introduced the speaker Mr.K.Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant and Chairman, MCCI GST Commi�ee.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr.K.Vaitheeswaran, made a very detailed presenta�on covering challenges and solu�ons. Followed by the presenta�on we had the Q&A Session. 41 a�endees a�ended the session. Session was very well received and it was a�ended primarily by exporters and manufacturers.

Interactive Session on Customs Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements Rules 2020 (CAROTAR 2020)

17 October 2020 th

The Chamber organized the interac�ve session on Carotar rules & guidelines under the






Commi�ee on 17th October 2020. Ms.K.Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI gave the opening remarks. Mr.




Director, Sanco Trans Ltd. and Chairman MCCI Logis�cs Commi�ee proposed the welcome address









Na�onal Academy of Indirect Taxes and Narco�cs (NACIN),Chennai. He informed many changes are happening in customs and one such is CAROTAR 2020, He added that this interac�ve session will be useful to understand about the rules and also provide an opportunity to clarify any queries rela�ng to it doubts with the experts. Mr.Venugopalan Nair IRS, Asst Director, Na�onal Academy of Indirect Taxes and Narco�cs (NACIN),Chennai made a very detailed presenta�on on the administra�on of rules of origin under trade Agreements Rules,2020. Followed by the presenta�on, we had a panel discussion moderated by Mr Udayabhaskar Reddy. Mr.R.Srinivasa Naik IRS, Commissioner of Customs-Import, Chennai Customs informed that the introduc�on of faceless assessment and carotar are the 2 major changes introduced to ensure ease of doing business.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr. K. Vaitheeswaran, Advocate & Tax Consultant and MCCI GC Member informed that FTA misuse was happening and that was the background for implementa�on of CAROTAR 2020. He suggested systema�c and balancing ac�on will help businesses. Mr.J. Krishnan, Partner, S.Natesa Iyer & Co.,and MCCI GC Member informed rapidity of change that is happening in trade recommends for learning and unlearning. He suggested to the custom imports to appoint a Nodal Officer and to organize frequent mee�ngs for making the process simpler for the businesses. . Mr. Udayabhaskar Reddy moderated the Q&A session. Mr. Ashwin Vijayakumar, Head Supply Chain, Paramount Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd. & Co-Chairman, MCCI Logis�cs Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. 42 par�cipants including importers and exporters a�ended the session and the feedback was posi�ve.

20th October 2020

Discussion Meeting on FCRA & Companies Amendment Act 2020 Ms. K.Saraswathi, Secretary General, MCCI proposed the welcome address. Dr.B.Ravi, Prac�sing Company Secretary, B Ravi & Associates and

Chairman, Company Law

commi�ee introduced the speakers and set the context for the program. Mr. Babu Sankara Subramanian, Prac�sing Company Secretary, V Rajalakshmi &Co, Chartered Accountant, Chennai made a detailed presenta�on on FCRA Amendment 2020. Ms.B.Chandra, Prac�sing Company Secretary, B Chandra Associates, Chennai made detailed presenta�on






Companies Amendment Act 2020. Dr. B. Ravi moderated the Q&A session. Mr V V Naresh, Vice President - Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Intellect Design Arena Limited & Co-chairman, Company Law commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. Discussion mee�ng was well a�ended by more than 53 par�cipants.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

28th October 2020

Session on Labour Codes: Decoded for Directors, Entrepreneurs and Professionals

The Chamber jointly with CEO TSG IR & Labour Compliance Services Private Limited organized a 2 hour Session on Labour Codes; Decoded for Directors, Entrepreneurs and Professionals on 28th October, 2020.

Mr.Anand Gopalan, Barrister, Partner-TS Gopalan & Co., and Chairman of IR Commi�ee


Mr. Aditya Joshi,

Advocate, Pune addressed the session on an overview of how the codes impact businesses.

We had 13 par�cipants from the members of the Chamber, who took part in the Session.

30th October 2020

A Smart Business Seminar on the Emerging tools for SME Sustainability in the Post Covid World

The Chamber jointly with Business Standard organized the Smart Business Seminar on the “Emerging tools for SME Sustainability in the Post Covid World” on 30th October 2020 between 5.00 pm and 6.30 pm through Virtual Webex Pla�orm. The Smart Business Webinar was organized for the SMEs, to create awareness about the emerging tools for their Sustainability in the New Normal. Mr. S. Sarathi, Joint Managing Director, Mando Automo�ve India Pvt.Ltd., (Anand Group) & Chairman Manufacturing Expert Commi�ee proposed the welcome address. Mr. T. E. Narasimhan, Editor, Business standard introduced the speakers and moderated the panel discussion.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr K. E .Raghunathan,Convenor ,Consor�um of Indian Associa�on addressed on S-sales, M –Material and E-Employment (SME) perspec�ves .In order to sustain the business, he suggested that Modifica�on, Op�miza�on, Digitaliza�on and innova�on (MODI) are vital . He urged the SMEs to revisit their business processes, post covid, in order to get to adapt to the changing environment. Mr. Ajay Srinivasan ,Director,CIRIL Research addressed about bank credits and accessibility to SMEs. He emphasized on credit transparency and SMEs financial discipline in book keeping. He suggested that SMEs thinking needs to change and they have to aim to be part of global supply chain. Mr. R. Vi�al Raj, Partner, Kumar and Raj, Chartered Accountants informed that the SME spirit is improving and suggested that thinking out of box will help the SMEs to withstand the changing business model. Future dimensions of work will rely on mobile centric, Internet centric and digitaliza�on. He suggested SMEs to re-strategize and generate innova�ve ideas to grab the opportuni�es in the market. In the Q & A session Mr. Narasimhan moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by panelists. 55+ par�cipants took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.

31st October 2020

FFT on Work from Home - Forever or Never

The Chamber organized the FFT on work from Home - Forever or Never on 31st October through virtual pla�orm under the auspices of the IT/ITES Commi�ee and HR & IR Commi�ee. Mr. Srivats Ram, President MCCI proposed the welcome address and set the tone for the FFT. Prof. Sridhar Narayanan, Adjunct Professor – Finance, Director - Corporate Rela�ons, Great Lakes Ins�tute of Management &Chairman HR & IR Expert Commi�ee introduced the speakers. The session was moderated by Dr .K .Rama Subramaniam, Director & CEO, Valiant Technologies Pvt. Ltd. & Co-Chairman IT/ITES Expert Commi�ee.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Mr. Subhash Panicker, Vice President & Head – HR, Newgen Knowledge Works, Chennai & Ms. Gangapriya Chakraver�, India Site Head & Managing Director, Ford Business Solu�ons addressed for work from home forever and Ms. Aparna Viswanathan Founder and Managing Director, ZOCIO & Dr. C. Jayakumar, Vice President and Head Corporate Human Resource , Larsen & Toubro Limited addressed on work from home never. Mr. Subhash Panicker, Vice President & Head – HR, Newgen Knowledge Works, Chennai addressed on perspec�ves of company ,employee, family, society and economy. He stated with examples how work from home will be forever. Ms. Aparna Viswanathan Founder and Managing Director, ZOCIO addressed on 2 perspec�ves, namely Social enterprise and Educa�on. Ms. Aparna covered the unorganized sector issues and stated that communica�on is shrinking due to work from home and in the long run will not have a good effect on the lives of the individuals. Ms. Gangapriya Chakraver� India Site Head& Managing Director, Ford Business Solu�ons addressed on safety, Cost and Health perspec�ve and elaborated on the advantages of working from home. Changing perspec�ves in terms of organiza�on, work, and technology were also covered. Dr. C. Jayakumar, Vice President and Head Corporate Human Resource ,Larsen & Toubro Limited informed L&T that they have the majority of staff working at site and pandemic has forced them to think differently. He informed that digitaliza�on, Technological enhancement, agility and flexibility are the key drivers .He stated that organiza�ons have to revisit their policies and adapt to changing demands. In the Q & A session Dr. K. Rama Subramaniam, Director & CEO, Valiant Technologies Pvt.Ltd. & Co-Chairman IT/ITES Expert Commi�ee moderated the session and the queries of the par�cipants were clarified by panelists. Mr. L. Ashok, Managing Director, Futurenet Technologies India Pvt.Ltd. & Chairman IT/ITES Expert Commi�ee proposed the vote of thanks. 66 par�cipants took part in the webinar and the feedback was posi�ve.



MONTHLY REPORT - october 2020

The Madras Chamber

Other Mee�ngs:•

MCCI GC mee�ng was held on 10th October 2020

A Small group mee�ng discussion on AGM was held on 6th October 2020

Discussion on Fintech and BFSI training was held on 7th, 17th and 20th October 2020

Discussion on Industrial Policy was held on 16th October 2020

Arbitra�on Centre mee�ng was held on 8th October 2020


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