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Bv Mga Update
The 2023 MGA Season is off to a fantastic start! As always, our weekly Men’s Night events are the most popular aspect of being an MGA Member, not only for golf but for socializing with friends and colleagues after play The MGA Scott Groot Match Play will begin in May with Art Graepel going for a fifth consecutive title The “Race-to-the-Finish” Points Series is underway and results are tracked online our Golf Genius software Be sure to visit the MGA Event portal for up to the minute points series standings, as well as results from all Men’s Night and other MGA events this season If you are interested in joining the MGA, dues for this year will once again be $35 and will be payable through the Golf Shop Once you play in your first event of the season, MGA Dues will be charged to your account We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff, or a BV MGA Board Member We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
President – Wade Stanley
Vice President – Ross Ringler
Treasurer – Rob Burleson

TheGolfStaffhasbeenhardatworkintheoffseasoncreatinganexcellent calendarofeventsforourmembershipin2023Belowyoucanfindalistofthe majoreventsforthisyear,alongwithmaintenancedatesandafewofthelarger eventsourClubwillhostthisseasonCouplesGolfandLadiesNine&Winedates havebeententlistedelsewhereinthisnewsletter
August 7
November 16-18MCGRyderCup(HostedatTheReserve)