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Summer Fun Kids Camps
Summer Fun Kids Camp #2 l July 18-21

Summer Fun Kids Camp #3 l August 15-18
Tuesday-Friday l 8:30am-4:00pm
Fee: $250 per camper
Brook Valley has two more Summer Fun Kids Camps to host this year! Juniors will participate in activities revolving around Golf, Field Days, Swimming, and Arts and Crafts at the club under the guidance of the BV Staff Daily activities will offer a fun, creative environment where kids can have fun being kids! Contact Cortne Hayes for full details of our Summer Fun Kids Camps

*All Member Classifications eligible
2023 Junior Program Highlights
Remaining Semesters:
Semester #3 July-August
Semester #4 September-October
Mondays, June-August
Ages: 10-18
Camp #2 July 18-21
Camp #3 August 15-18
Ages: 5-12
Look for full details of the 2023 Junior Golf Program to be announced very soon If you have any questions, concerns, or requests please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff. We look forward to making 2023 our best year for Junior Golf Activities yet!
OurOperation36ProgramisofficiallyunderwaywithSemester#3 being held the months of July and August Dates and times for Semester #4 look for registration to be sent out soon! If you are unfamiliar with what Operation 36 is all about, we highly encourageyoutousethelinkbelowtowatchashortvideoabout the program. Op36 has become one of the world's most effective programsbasedonacombinationofinstruction,technology,and mostimportantlyplayinintroducingnewgolferstothegame.The goalistoshoot36orbetterinaprogressivedevelopmentalmodel bymakingthisgoalmoreachievableasyourskillleveldevelops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV6UA4lLx Q