Membership&Accounting252-751-1960Ext8013 EventsDirector
Thank you all for sending your friends and family to BVCC! In the past two months, we have had over 20 new members join It is so great seeing new faces around the clubhouse The pool has been busy and we've already had several pool parties to kick off the summer Thank you all for coming out to enjoy! Please continue to take advantage of the events that we offer
Let's welcome all of our new members with a friendly hello when you see them around the club. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas. I am always available by phone or email and my door is always open!
Cortne Hayes, Member Services Director
Clay & Anne Walker with their children Caroline & Davis
Michael & Jessica Hoger with their daughter Julia
Henry & Paula Palmeira
Brendan & Carla Fleming with their son Barrett
Sandra & Chad Warren with their children
Samuel & Grayson
Kyle Raven & Debbie Wisman with their children Jude, Parker, & Reese
John Schoeb & Jennifer Voos with their children Chris, Brandon, Elliot,
Emily, & Isabella
Wiley & Melissa Haithcock with their children Wiley & Parker
Jennifer & Evan Lutz with their children Noah & Porter
Kellie & Ed Gonzalez with their children Eliana & Juliana
Morgan & Paul Sutton with their children Noah & Emersyn
Andrew & Heather Bridgforth with their children Margaret & Virginia
Stuart & Ashley Portbury with their children Katherine & William
Mark Turrone with his children Caroline, Anna, and Landon
Kelsey & Joshua Doggett with their children Gabe, Noelle, & Grace
Brittney & Daniel Moore with their son Braven
Lewis & Ashley Gale with their children Presson & Libby
Austin Schambach
Hunter & Courtney Steed with their children Wesley & Walker
2023 MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: We offer a variety of different memberships to meet all your needs! Please share with your fellow neighbors, colleagues, family and friends the membership opportunities being offered at Brook Valley Country Club All memberships are Family Memberships
Clubhouse and Non-Resident Clubhouse providing access to clubhouse dining and social activities
Providesfullclubamenitiesaccesstopool, diningandsocialactivities
Full Golf, Non-Resident Full Golf, Corporate Full Golf, Junior Golf and Senior Golf providing full club amenities access to golf, pool, dining and social activities
Look who’s talking about Brook Valley CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions below – and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
"2 blonds and a brunette! @upswife1 @golfwife1993 #clubchampionship #bvcc"
"Fun day with Hayden and Candace visiting, putting, and having lunch outside at the Brook Valley Country Club"
"Annual Greg Kennedy Classic! Always one of my favorite days of the year! What a man, what a church, what a legacy."
"Always a great day celebrating the life and legacy of my dad and his belief in the next generation"
/brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc @brookvalleycc
Party! Outdoor grilling, face painting, and a bounce house will all be available!DJJeffwillbehereplayingallthebesttunes!
Wewouldlovetohaveyourfriendsandfamilyjoinusaswehavechicken specialsavailable!Chefwillbecookingupsomedeliciousfriedchicken andsidesforyourenjoyment!
Happy Birthday to our Members in May! Please join us for your complementary birthday meal and McConnell birthday brownie. The a la carte menu is available in addition to the special birthday dinner features We look forward to celebrating with you!
Breakfast Bingo is back at Brook Valley! The whole family is welcome to enjoy our breakfast buffet and encouraged to participate in Bingo! It's going to be a greattime!
BrookValleycontinuestooffer to-go optionsaswellascurbsideorcomeinsideandpickupsoyoucanenjoyinthecomfortofyourownhome. The best way to guarantee your order being ready and available is to call the club. The number is 252-751-1960 dial Ext 8033 when the auto attendantanswersthephone.WehopeyoucontinuetoenjoythedeliciousfoodChefandhisstaffcreateforyou.
Duringthistimeofyear,itissuchatreattocomeouttotheClubforawonderfuleveningout Inorderforourstafftoprovidepremiumservice andamplefoodpreparation,wekindlyaskthatyoucallaheadforreservationsnolaterthan3:00pmonthedayyouwishtodine.Pleaseadhere toourreservationdeadlineswhicharepostedonthewebsiteandinthenewsletter,sothatChefcanmeetproductorderingdeadlines Online reservationsmaybemadeupto24hoursinadvanceoryoumayemailJenniferBakeratjbaker@brookvalleycc.comorDeenaDieckhausat Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
Join us in the Lakeview Room or Lounge for Brisket Night! It's always one of the busiest here at Brook Valley - and you don't want to miss it! The a la carte menu will be available this evening Reservations are a MUST as priority seating is guaranteed to those who have made reservations
Chef's Prime Rib is back on the menu for dinner in August and we look forward to hosting dinner for you, your family, and friends in the Lakeview Room, patio, or as take out Don't forget to make your reservations as guaranteed seating is only available for those who make reservations.
Chef'sPrimeRibisbackonthemenufordinnerinAugustandwelookforwardto hostingdinnerforyou,yourfamily,andfriendsintheLakeviewRoom,patio,or takeout Don'tforgettomakeyourreservationsasguaranteedseatingisonly availableforthosewhomakereservations Thealacartemenuisavailablethis evening
WelcometoKidZone!Bringyourlittleonestoyourhomeawayfromhomehereat the Club A supervised environment will be available downstairs including crafts, dinnerandamovie TheKidZoneisafunplacetohangoutwhileourparentscan enjoy an evening with dinner and drinks at BV The number of kids will be limited to 15 due to the size of the room We do ask that all children are potty trained If you have any questions please contact Deena Dieckhaus at!
Thank you to all of the swimmers and volunteers for making out summer season run so smoothly! Here are a few reminders about our Barracude Swim Team:
Swim Team is only open to Brook Valley Country Club Members
Please have your swimmer practice with their age group If you have any questions or need to attend a different practice, please check with a coach.
Please sign up on the board at the pool if your swimmer can not swim at a meet. This needs to be done by the Monday morning of the meet week. We can not do deck adds to the heat sheet when we start GASSL meets.
For more Swim Team information, please contact:
Carol Carson: carolcarson512@gmail com
Rebecca Houston: rebeccarwhouston@yahoo com
July 18 Home vs KK
July 25 Home vs CORC
Addiitional Home Meet Volunteers:
Please be sure to sign up for timers, judges, and scorekeepers.
Pool Hours | Monday - Sunday | 10:30am-8:00pm
Cabana Hours | Monday: Closed | Tuesday - Sunday: 11:00am7:00pm
Swim tests will be held to determine which kids can swim without the supervision of an adult or swim aids. The lifeguards will test swimmers and provide wrist bands to determine those needing assistance This will be done for safety and enjoyment for all
Adult Lap Swim is available every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10am prior to the pool opening for the day. A waiver must be signed as there will not be a lifeguard on duty at this time.
Sunday: 5:30 - 7:00pm
Monday: 8:00 - 9:30am
Tuesday: 8:00 - 9:30am
Wednesday: 5:30 - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00 - 9:30am
Parents are required to watch their children at all times. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Members are responsible and must be present with their guests at all times (The guest fee for the summer is $5 )
Children who are not potty-trained are required to wear swim diapers (An accident can close the pool for up to 48 hours )
No glass containers are allowed in the pool area at any time Always listen to lifeguards and pool staff. (Rules and directions are given for your safety!)
Help keep the pool area nice by removing your trash and replacing furniture
All floats MUST be approved by the guard on duty
Coolers permitted on Mondays ONLY!
Smoking or vaping is not allowed on the pool deck Smoking is only allowed outside of the fenced area.
For your safety, please adhere to posted pool hours.
Summer Fun Kids Camp #2 l July 18-21
Summer Fun Kids Camp #3 l August 15-18
Tuesday-Friday l 8:30am-4:00pm
Fee: $250 per camper
Brook Valley has two more Summer Fun Kids Camps to host this year! Juniors will participate in activities revolving around Golf, Field Days, Swimming, and Arts and Crafts at the club under the guidance of the BV Staff Daily activities will offer a fun, creative environment where kids can have fun being kids! Contact Cortne Hayes for full details of our Summer Fun Kids Camps
*All Member Classifications eligible
Remaining Semesters:
Semester #3 July-August
Semester #4 September-October
Mondays, June-August
Ages: 10-18
Camp #2 July 18-21
Camp #3 August 15-18
Ages: 5-12
Look for full details of the 2023 Junior Golf Program to be announced very soon If you have any questions, concerns, or requests
please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff. We look forward to making 2023 our best year for Junior Golf Activities yet!
OurOperation36ProgramisofficiallyunderwaywithSemester#3 being held the months of July and August Dates and times for Semester #4 look for registration to be sent out soon! If you are unfamiliar with what Operation 36 is all about, we highly encourageyoutousethelinkbelowtowatchashortvideoabout the program. Op36 has become one of the world's most effective programsbasedonacombinationofinstruction,technology,and mostimportantlyplayinintroducingnewgolferstothegame.The goalistoshoot36orbetterinaprogressivedevelopmentalmodel bymakingthisgoalmoreachievableasyourskillleveldevelops Q
The 2023 MGA Season is off to a fantastic start! As always, our weekly Men’s Night events are the most popular aspect of being an MGA Member, not only for golf but for socializing with friends and colleagues after play The MGA Scott Groot Match Play will begin in May with Art Graepel going for a fifth consecutive title The “Race-to-the-Finish” Points Series is underway and results are tracked online our Golf Genius software Be sure to visit the MGA Event portal for up to the minute points series standings, as well as results from all Men’s Night and other MGA events this season If you are interested in joining the MGA, dues for this year will once again be $35 and will be payable through the Golf Shop Once you play in your first event of the season, MGA Dues will be charged to your account We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the Golf Shop staff, or a BV MGA Board Member We look forward to another exciting year of MGA Golf!
President – Wade Stanley
Vice President – Ross Ringler
Treasurer – Rob Burleson
TheGolfStaffhasbeenhardatworkintheoffseasoncreatinganexcellent calendarofeventsforourmembershipin2023Belowyoucanfindalistofthe majoreventsforthisyear,alongwithmaintenancedatesandafewofthelarger eventsourClubwillhostthisseasonCouplesGolfandLadiesNine&Winedates havebeententlistedelsewhereinthisnewsletter
August 7
November 16-18MCGRyderCup(HostedatTheReserve)
TheEasternNorthCarolinaJuniorLeagueisagreatwaytogetyour juniorsinvolvedintournament-stylematchesplayedatavarietyof localcoursesinEasternNorthCarolina.TheENCJGL,alsoknown asJuniorInterclub,isasummer-long4matchseriesgeared towardshelpingjuniorgolfersdeveloptheirgameandcompetein afunteamenvironment
ContacttheGolfShopformoredetailsortosignyourJuniorupto participate!
BrookValleywilllooktothree-peataschampsinthe2023Northeastern NCSeniorMGAInterclub!Comesupportyourclubbycompetingonthe BrookValleyTeamandhavesomegreatfunandcomraderyatthesame time Theentryfeeforeacheventis$55andincludesgolf,rangeballs, lunch,andprizes AllmenintheGolfingClassage55andolderare eligibletoplay Ifyouareinterestedinplayingorformoredetails, contactamemberoftheGolfShopStafforTeamCaptainsLeoCorbin andJeffGibson
July27 WilsonCC
August14 GreenvilleCC
September7 BelmontLake
October17 Ironwood
Thisyear'sNine&WineEventswillbeginonMarch15witha"Putt andPour"eventonthemainputtinggreenatthebackpatio Afun puttingcoursewillbesetupwithawinebaravailableforalltoenjoy. Riley,Travis,andAustinwillbeavailabletoassistaswellas informallydiscussideasfortheupcoming2023season.
TheEastCarolinaLadiesGolfAssociation,commonlyreferredtobyits morepopulartitle,LadiesEasternLeague,isopentoallBrookValley ladiesintheGolfingClasswithamaximumhandicapof40usedforeach match EventsareheldthesecondThursdayofeachmonthandofferthe opportunitytonotonlyrepresentBrookValleybutalsotoplaymanyof theothercoursesintheareaandmakesomegreatconnectionswith otherladygolfersatthesametime Ifyouareinterestedinplayingor wouldlikemoredetails,contactamemberoftheGolfShopStaffor LeagueRepresentativeJanisHumphrey
July13 LaneTree
August10 WalnutCreek
September7 BrookValley
October12 Wedgewood(Finals)
Thanks to all of our contestants for their participation in the event. As always, our excellent Ellis Maples designed course provided a difficult but fair test to all that played. We applaud each and every one of the players that took on both the course and the competition and offer congratulations to all the Division and Flight Winners.
Your Men's Club Champion for 2023 is Cam Hardison. Cam shot impressive rounds of 68-76 for an even par total of 144 which cleared the field by three shots. Defending champion Jack West put on a great final round push, shooting a one under 71 to place second, along with 2021 champion Adam Hathaway who shot a final round of even par 72 Art Graepel posted rounds of 79-79 for a total of 158 to claim victory in the Senior Club Championship over Don Gobbel, who shot 83-76 for a 159 total Allan Hinds fell just short of the three-peat, finishing two shots back at 160 And last but certainly not least, Mary Beth Corbin posted a total of 29 Stableford Points to win the Ladies Club Championship Dr Corbin played steady golf to edge out Deb Antos (25) by just four points Congratulations once again to you all on your fine play!!
In addition to our overall Champions, we recognized both Gross and Net winners in each Tournament Flights. Use the link below to visit the Club Championship portal and see who the winners for the weekend were.
This year's event will be held August 8-12 and will be a featured event on the 2023 GPRO Tour schedule. This tournament will be 54 holes and will offer a first place prize of $10,000! This event offers a great opportunity for Brook Valley to showcase all our facility has to offer. If you are interested in housing a player for the week, please contact us here at the Club for more information.
Monday, August 7 - HV3 GPRO Tour Pro-Junior
Prior to this year's GPRO Tour Tournament, Brook Valley will be hosting a Pro-Junior to kick off the week's activities benefiting Harold Varner III's HV3 Foundation.
Tuesday, August 8 - GPRO Tour Practice Round
Course opens at 2:00pm / Practice Facility opens at 12:00pm / Clubhouse normal hours
Wednesday & Thursday, August 9 & 10 - GPRO Tour Tournament
Course opens at 2:00pm / Practice Facility opens at 12:00pm / Clubhouse normal hours
Friday, August 11 - GPRO Tour Final Round
Course opens at 12:00pm / Practice Facility opens at 10:00am / Clubhouse normal hours
Thursday-Saturday, September 14-16 | Registration Opens July 1
FORMAT: Match Around (Four Ball Match Play - Round Robin within Flight). Within matches the low ball in the group will play at "scratch" and all other players will receive the difference in strokes. Odd handicaps will receive a "1/2 stroke" on each side.
POINTS : Points in each 9-Hole match are awarded as follows: Winning Hole = 1 point, Halve Hole = 1/2 point, Loss of Hole = 0 points, Win Match = 1 point, Halve Match = 1/2 point.
*Match Point Maximum = 7 points (example 10 to 0 becomes 7 to 0 or 9 to 1 becomes 7 to 1)
FLIGHTS: For the Match Around Format, flights of six will be created by Total Team Handicap Index based on the August 15th, 2022 handicap revision All players will receive 90% of course handicap
TEES: All Players will compete from the Golf Tees Players given permission may play the White Tees under the "Rule of 80" (Age + Course Handicap = 80 or greater).
OVERALL CHAMPIONS: The winners of each Flight will play in a Championship Shoot-Out to determine the 2022 Ellis Maples Invitational Champions.
Thursday, September 14
8:00-3:00 pm Registration and Preliminary Round (Optional)
5:00 pm Skills Contests and Special Events
6:30 pm Contestant's DInner (Contestants and significant others are invited to attend - Country Club Casual attire)
Friday, September 15 7:30 am Player's Breakfast 9:00 am Flight Match #1 11:30 am Flight Match #2
2:00 pm Players' Lunch 3:00 pm Flight Match #3
*A ladies activity will be held on Friday during play!
*Light Appetizers will be served after play Dinner will be "on your own", the Club will close at 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 16
7:30 am Player's Breakfast
9:00 am Flight Match #4
11:30 am Flight Match #5
2:00 pm Players' Lunch
2:30 pm Championship Shoot-Out
6:30 pm Awards Reception (Contestants and significant others, Country Club Casual attire) 7:00 pm Awards Dinner 8:00 pm Awards Celebration with Live Entertainment
ENTRY FEE: $850 per team
*Members with the Brook Valley Golfing Class are eligible to participate in the 2023 Ellis Maples Invitational
New forward / fairway tees have been ordered and will be added to the course during the time frame of the cart path renovation. Once the tees are in place and distances established and measured, course rating and slopes will be established. These tees will offer and option men, seniors, juniors, and ladies to play the course at distance friendly placement and will take some of the forced carry obstacles on the course out of play.
Good news! Both the Cart Path and Tennis Court Renovation Projects are scheduled to begin in the month of July. We are all very excited to see these welcomed improvements to our club! The Cart Path project will begin July 5th. Once the project begins, 9 holes will be closed at a time to allow the construction team both the time and safety to complete the project in an efficient and timely manner. We look for the entire project to be completed within a month's time. With 9 holes closed at a time, you will see a slight disruption in or daily tee times to accommodate players with the ability to turn from their first 9 to their second and be able to play an 18-hole round. Look for an updated course schedule to be released once the project begins.
Construction on the new Tennis and Pickle Ball Courts is scheduled to start the week of July 24th and with good weather our projected completion date is October 1st. We are stating slightly behind schedule, due to heavy rain and weather pushing the contractor behind on a few other projects. Once construction begins, there will be a couple of days where pool traffic will need to be rerouted for the safety of our members These days will be communicated to the membership and we will have a clearly marked path for our members to follow to enter the pool Once completed we will be able to accommodate 20 players playing the courts at one time! With one tennis and four pickleball courts we anticipate the facility to be in high demand Much like booking a tee time, members will be required to make online court reservations through the McConnell Golf App. Reservations are a first come first serve basis and can be made 72 hours in advanced. You can reserve a court for 30-90 minutes at a time. We know everyone is excited, so be ready for a big grand opening party to celebrate the opening of this awesome new facility at Brook Valley Country Club!
The biggest news on the golf course has to be the cart path project By the time this newsletter is out, demolition of existing cart paths should be in progress We were scheduled to start July 5th The contractor has estimated demolition should take 3 to 4 days After demolition, they will start paving. If we are not interrupted by bad weather, or any other challenges, we hope to complete the entire project in under 3 weeks
Due to the nature of the work, it will be necessary to close 9 holes at a time. Please watch for announcements from the Pro Shop as to which 9 holes will be open. It is entirely possible changes will take place from day to day, regarding which side is open or closed. If we need to change half way through the day, in order to keep the asphalt crew moving, that is what we will do Our goal is to complete this project as quickly as possible, with as little interruption to play as possible If they are not working for any reason, we will open all 18 holes
In other news, the aerification of the course in June was a wild success The greens are nearly healed, and are starting to roll true again The fairways, collars, and tee boxes still have signs of aeration, but are also starting to heal and grow vigorously While the aerification process is disruptive, it is absolutely a necessity. This Spring, when we had some signs of thinning in collars, due to winter kill, it quickly became evident that the healthiest surviving grass was in aerification holes. Grass needs compaction relief, exchange of gas, and some oxygen in the root system The more we consistently aerate, over several years, the better the playing surfaces will become
Thank you for bearing with us as we are more of a “work in progress” this summer than a normal summer.While we want to make the course better every year, most of us are looking forward to more turf maintenance next summer, and less cart path project. It won’t be long before this will be a distant memory for all of us The exciting part is watching progress Smoother cart paths will be a blessing to us all Don’t forget to check out the Super’s Corner under the Golf menu on our website. Up to date information about maintenance practices can be found there. Until next time…
See you on the course, Buckley Brockmann Golf Course Superintendent
N p g p y j y p y , including Slammin' Sammy's Pub located in Sedgefield's clubhouse ballroom (entrance located behind No 9 green) and open-air skyboxes on holes
15, 17 and 18 Member charge and credit cards are accepted in all McConnell Golf hospitality areas To reserve your tickets, please complete the Online Ticket Request Form at
We invite you to send us detailed stories about your member experience for our Fall/Winter 2023 edition. To submit a story idea, follow this link ( and complete the form, or email Faith Inman at Thank you for helping us celebrate 20 years of building clubs of the future!
Take in professional tennis with fellow McConnell Golf members at the ATP Tour’s Winston-Salem Open. Tickets are good for both the stadium court and outside courts from 2pm until the last match is completed. McConnell Golf will have its own red zone parking lot area with tents and tables. To register, sign up for the event on the McConnell Golf online calendar Price is $65 per person and includes tailgate beverages and snacks
The first pie I ever made was a key lime pie I remember following the recipe on the back of the key lime juice box I think I ate more of the meringue than what actually ended up on the pie Ever since that moment, I've had a love for that sweet and tart flavor. Please enjoy this little sample of that delicious combination.
1 1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Cornstarch
1 Cup Butter, softened
1 Cup Powdered Sugar, plus more for dusting
2 TBSP Key Lime Juice
3 TBSP Key Lime Zest
Whisk together the flour and cornstarch Set aside
Beat butter and powdered sugar together until light and fluffy Beat in key lime juice and zest Mix in flour mixture just until combined
Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hour
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or spray with cooking spray.
Scoop out cookie dough (about 1 1/2 tablespoons) and form into a ball
Place on prepared cookie sheet and bake for 17-19 minutes or just until tops begin to turn golden
Remove and promptly sift lots of powdered sugar over the top of the cookies Let the cookies cool completely on the cookie sheets before moving
Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week
Even though I'm a cookie monster at home, I placed a call to a love one to find out their favorite cookie I've exhausted what I have in my recipe box of family treats, so make enough for me and your family, and I'll stop by to sample!
3/4 Cup Butter, softened
3/4 Cup White Sugar
3/4 Cup Light Brown Sugar, packed
2 Large Eggs
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
1 1/4 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1 TSP Baking Soda
3/4 TSP Ground Cinnamon
1/2 TSP Salt
2 3/4 Cups Rolled Oats
1 Cup Pecans, toasted
1 Cup Raisins
Preheat the oven to 375° F (190° C) Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone liners
Beat butter, white sugar, and brown sugar in a large bowl until smooth and creamy. Beat in eggs and vanilla until fluffy.
Stir together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt Gradually beat into the butter mixture Stir in oats, toasted pecans, and raisins
Drop teaspoonfuls of batter onto the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes, switching racks halfway through Remove from the oven and let sit on the cookie sheets for 1-2 minutes before transferring cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.
Yields 4 Dozen
Greenville, NC 27858