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Golf News
Golf Course Irrigation Project
Beginning in January we will begin a major irrigation project on the golf course. The current irrigation system is almost 30 years old and we have seen significant deterioration over the years. The project is scheduled to start January 11th and will continue until April. The golf course will not be closed during this process. They will work on one hole at a time and we will play around it. Below is the scope of work that will be completed:
The pump station will be replaced on January 19th tentatively (new pumps, motors and control system ) water will be off for 4-5 days. We are switching over to a two-wire system, so there will be no gray control boxes out on the course. The system has a central control panel that will be in the course maintenance office. The entire system will be controlled via iPad or cell phone. Over 18 miles of wire will be run throughout the golf course.
Every head in the fairways, rough and tees will be replaced with new heads. So, every head will be leveled when they are done. We will have single head control for watering. We will have better control of watering with single head control. Estimate of over 900 sprinkler heads will be replaced. Each head has a 460 microchip in the head, so we have two-way communication. The head talks back to the central and lets the central know when it has activated.

We are redoing the irrigation around the greens with new irrigation, heads and better spacing. We are starting at the course maintenance building and working our way out. Hole 8 will be the first hole and we will decide how we go after hole has been completed. When the contractor is working on that hole that hole will be closed. So, we when we get to the range it may be closed for several days in a row. During the process we will have the course GPS marked: heads, drainage, and with this data we will have a very detailed as built plan.
Tee Choice
Beginning March 1, 2021, we are asking that ALL players choose a tee that they wish to play for the year. This is the tee you are going to play in all events. You may play any tee in your normal groups or daily play. We have been having too many people changing tees based on the event format. This gives the impression of someone cherry picking their tee based on the event plus it is difficult to manage from our side. If you are not going to change your tee, you do not have to do anything. If you are, please contact the Pro Shop and we can make the change.

Locker, Bag Storage & Handicap Fees
All fees will be charged to member accounts this month. Please contact us if you have any changes. Going forward, members will now be charged $35/year to maintain a handicap through the Club.

MGA Tough Pin Day Results

Thank you to all who participated in the MGA Tough Pin Day on Wednesday, December 9th. Below are the top Foursomes. Please visit the PNCC website to see the full results.
1st: Miller, Richard + Haugen, Dennis + Thompson, Gary Total Gross: 72 Purse: $94.00
2nd: Lucey, John + Ferko, Andrew + Larmee, Rod + Skrapits, Lou Total Gross: 74 Purse: $72.00
3rd: Mueller, Mike + Foppiano, Charlie + McNally, Ron + Spray, Greg Total Gross: 75 Purse: $54.00
4th: Capellini, Joe + Wall, Benny + Garrett, Hal Total Gross: 76 Purse: $46.00 T5th:Cusick, Jerry + Oxendine, Earl + Gibson, Wayne Total Gross: 77 Purse: $12.00
T5th: Murray, Phillip + Griffler, Rick + Ferguson, Richard + McCarthy, Jim Total Gross: 77 Purse: $12.00
T5th: Tantillo, John + Hamburger, Steve + Piner, William + Reichard, Don Total Gross: 77 Purse: $12.00
Closest to Pins
#4 Mike Mueller Distance: 9'6" Winnings: $20 #9 Rick Griffler Distance: 14'5" Winnings: $20
Thank You!

Exit Signs
You may have noticed that we no longer have the EXIT signs on the course. This allows for wider dispersion of carts which helps with turf wear.Now that they are gone, please try to take the carts back to the cart path well before entering the greens complex. We still want to stay away from the low areas in front of the greens that are wet. There is no set distance, every hole is a bit different. Try to use your best judgement, we all know where we should and should not take the carts. From everyone on the Golf Staff, we would like to thank you for all the support throughout the year. 2020 has been a unique year to say the least and we are looking forward to 2021. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. Please let us know if we can be of assistance at anytime.
All the major 2021 Club Events are on the calendar portion of the website. So, when planning your year, please refer to the calendar so you can participate in as many events as possible.
2021 Golf Schedule
Turn Window Reminder
Please minimize your time at the turn window as much as possible. Groups are spending a bit too long and causing congestion on the 10th tee. With no phone on #9 tee, feel free to call Porters at 910-686-8145 to order ahead.
Turf Notes

By Chris Parham, PNCC Golf Course Superintendent
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start of 2021! We have some exciting plans to start off the new year at PNCC this month. We will be starting the irrigation upgrades on January 11th. We are going to start from the maintenance shop and work out. Hole 8 will be the first hole we start on then moving through the range, hole one, hole 9 and then head to the back 9. As of now, the only interruption that a member may encounter is some hole closures. Please check with the Pro Shop and they will know what holes we are working on that day. We are hoping this project will be completed by April. The pump station is schedule to be replaced the third week of January, so you may see a few big trucks at the pump house on 14. There will be no hole closure needed for the replacing of the pump station. We will be addressing smaller projects in the first quarter: drainage issues adding and repairing. We will also be running the root pruner throughout the entire property. We will be working on the bunkers which includes adjusting, adding and redistributing sand. This work will improve the bunkers overall playability. I hope everyone is staying safe and ready for a new exciting 2021 at PNCC, see you out on the course!

Ladies 3-Player Playing Lessons
Join our all star instructor Dana Kovich for these small group playing lessons! Register online, via the website calendar, or with Dana in the Pro Shop. Questions? Contact Dana at 686-1177.

Wednesday, January 13th Wednesday, February 10th
Bogey Girls Playing Lesson
Thursday, January 7th & Thursday, January 14th Thursday, February 4th & Thursday, February 11th
Par Gals Playing Lesson

New for 2021,Bogey Girls 2!
Putting School
These lessons are for Bogey Girls who have completed one year and are ready to expand on the skills learned in Bogey Girls 1. They will meet twice a month beginning in March 2021.
Tennis News

2020 Tennis Club Champions
Congratulations to the Porters Neck Country Club 2020 Tennis Club Champions! Not pictured are the Women’s Open Division Champions, Kelly Catino & Adrienne Beatty.

Women’s 6.0 Division Champions
Stephanie Haley & Linda Dodson
Women’s 7.0 Division Champions
Alexis Wall & Ann - Marie Raney
Men’s 6.0 Division Champions
Phillipe Moisa & Larry Scharf
Men’s Open Division Champions
Scott Rogers & Chad Corbin
Congrats, Team Barbour!

Congratulations to team Barbour for winning our intramural 60 & over women’s league. Team Barbour captained by Martha Barbour beat team Garrett (Captained by Ann Garrett) in a tight match with team Barbour winning 2 out of 3 courts. We want to send a big thank you to Ethel Koropatnick and Martha Barbour for establishing the league and managing it. We also want to thank all the captains who were responsible for coordinating their teams. (Alane Savod, Ethel Koropatnick, Ann Garrett and Martha Barbour)
Ball Machine Update
Beginning January 1st 2021,we will be charging for the use of the tennis & pickleball ball machine. Due to the usage of the machines the charge will help offset the maintenance required to keep the ball machine running smoothly and it will allow for new balls to be rotated in. We are keeping with the policy of all other McConnell Country Clubs tennis policy. If you have any questions please email Rafa at Tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub.com. You will have 2 options for pricing to use the ball machines:
Option 1: Any time you use the ball machine for 1hour it will be a $7 Charge.
Porters Neck Tennis Ladder Rankings

The Tennis ladder will run through March 27thThe ladder will be updated every 2 weeks (please email your results to tennispro@portersneckcountryclub.com or hand in your score to the front desk staff member). You can find every players contact information through the club’s website under member directory. If anyone was left off the ladder or wants to join please email the tennis staff. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask the tennis staff.
Women's Singles

Franca Buffalino Alli Luckadoo Kathy Epperly Lorissa Scott Kelly Buffalino Lisa Mondello Dena Daybell Natasha Savage Tracy McMullan Melissa Stilwell Carly Nunalee Grace Breeden KG Sechrist Audrey Weil Paige Warshaw Stephanie Haley Charlotte Balkcum Lilia Wall
Women's Doubles
1. 2. 3. 4. Haley/Dodson Wall/ Raney Buffalino/ Epperly Mondello/ Richards
5.Dameron/ Sechrist
6. 7. 8. 9. Daybell/ Weil Hollingsworth/ Cowen McMullan/ Nunnaly G. Breeden/ KG Sechrist
10. 11. 12. Schoolfield/ O’Kelly Warshaw/ Savage Seidel/ Mauer
13. 14. Luckadoo/Bugbee Bourne/ Lewis
15.Catino/ Catino
16.C. Balkcum/ L. Wall
Men's Singles
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chad Corbin Randy Branston Peter Van Drumpt Philippe Moisa Larry Scharf Cohen Sechrist David Sechrist Jack Mackmull
Men's Doubles
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cowen/ VanDrumpt Corbin/ Rogers Swafford/ Scharf Moisa/ Mackmull Schoolfield/ Vogelsong Seidel/ Jagutis Sechrist/ Sechrist Robinson/ Ryan
Pickleball Ladder Rules & Guidelines
You may only challenge up to 5 spots at a time (ie: #10 can challenge #9-#5) Minimum of 2 matches a month are required or ranking will be dropped Challengers Must provide balls and reserve court Matches are best 2 out of 3 sets with the 3rd set being a 10 point tiebreaker. Ladder Finals will be held on Saturday March 27th If you need help finding a partner let our tennis staff know and we will find you someone.
Weekly Tennis Clinics

All clinics are $25 per player and registration is required. You can register online via the club calendar or by calling 686-8161. Are you new to tennis? Join Rafa or Montana for an orientation! Contact the Tennis office at 6868161.
Ladies 3.0/3.5 Clinic: 9:30 - 10:30 AM Men’s 3.0 / 3.5 Clinic: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Men’s 3.5 &^ Tennis Clinic: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Stroke of the Week: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 PM: These clinics will focus on stroke and will provide instructions on how to improve execution and drills necessary to improve the skill(s) being emphasized. Registration is required and can be done via the website calendar or by contacting Rafa at tennisdirector@portersneckcountryclub.com. A minimum of 3 players per clinic is required. The cost is $25 per player.
Tennis Cardio Clinic
Tuesday’s 6:00 - 7:00 PM. 3 players required to have the clinic. This clinic will focus on technique, strategy, positioning and how to win. You must be a USTA 3.5 or higher rated player to join this clinic. If you have any questions please email tennispro@portersneckcountryclub.com

Men ' s 3.5^ + Tennis Clinic
Fridays 8 - 9:15 AM. Open to all players! Burn some calories while you get plenty of reps! This clinic is intended to get you moving and hitting a ton of balls! Cardio Tennis is a great way to burn calories, improve your conditioning, and footwork around the tennis court. Enjoy high energy music while running games and drills to keep your heart rate up. Minimum 3 Players per clinic.