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McConnell Golf News
Happy New Year!
from all of us at McConnell Golf

As we inch closer to 2023 and the 20th anniversary of McConnell Golf, we invite you to send us detailed stories about your member experience. We also encourage you to share your favorite club memories with others on social media using #MCG20. Submit your stories to Faith Inman via finman@mcconnellgolf.com and include “Memories at MCG” in the subject line for a chance to be featured in our upcoming magazine. We are excited about great things to come in the new year and look forward to making memories with you in 2023!
PLEASE NOTE: Menu Prices are now subject to 20% Service Charge and Local/State Taxes. We appreciate your understanding and are looking forward to serving you at the club!
Advertise in the 2023 Spring-Summer edition of McConnell Golf, The Magazine! This publication is a staple here at McConnell Golf, for the members by the members, and we appreciate your efforts to enhance it each year. We invite you to take part in the magazine with opportunities for full- and half-page ad placement, in addition to basic directory listings starting at just $175 per issue. All advertisers receive a standard listing in the Member Directory. If you are interested in advertising or listing your business in our magazine, please contact your club’s membership director today.

McConnell Golf, The Magazine currently goes to print twice a year with Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter editions. With each edition, we aim to highlight stories from each of our properties as told by our members and staff. This includes member and employee spotlight features, memorable moments and key initiatives held each season at your respective club. Please consider submitting an idea or nominating someone for one of our spotlight features. Submissions can be made via this link or email as you can contact Faith Inman directly at finman@mcconnellgolf.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
From The Baseline

BECK BOND Director of Tennis
JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS We have clinics for all ages!
"MIGHTY MITES" (RED BALL, AGES 4-7yrs.) Days and Times I Wednesdays I 4:15pm - 5:00pm Sundays I 3:45pm - 4:30pm Pricing I PCC Tennis-Members I $13 per person / per session Social / member-sponsored guests I $20 per person / per session
“QUICKSTART” (ORANGE BALL, AGES 7-10yrs.) Days and Times I Mondays I 5:00pm - 6:00pm Wednesdays I 5:00pm - 6:00pm Pricing I PCC Tennis-Members I $15 per person / per session Social / member-sponsored guests I $22 per person / per session
“TOURNAMENT PREP” (GREEN/REGULAR BALL, Ages 10+yrs.) Days and Times I Tuesdays I 5:00pm - 6:30pm Thursdays I 5:00pm - 6:30pm Pricing I PCC Tennis-Members I $23 per person / per session Social / member-sponsored guests I $30 per person / per session

“HIGH PERFORMANCE” (REGULAR BALL, Ages 12+yrs.*) *Our HP Clinics are open to middle + high school Tournament Players. Please note this is a closed clinic and participation is subject to assessment from our pros prior to attending.* Days and Times I Tuesdays I 5:00pm - 6:30pm Thursdays I 5:00pm - 6:30pm Pricing I PCC Tennis-Members I $33 per person / per session Social / member-sponsored guests I $40 per person / per session
Please sign up by emailing bbond@providencecc.com
As we look back at 2022 it is a great time for some reflection. PCC’s tennis community was extremely fortunate for a great year of tennis. With Queen City teams coming first in their divisions, to USTA teams going to states and sectionals, and to having numerous fun tennis socials and events. It has been a great tennis year here at Providence! Our continued goal is to have something for everyone and keep these courts rocking. Whether you are new to the game, or you’re a seasoned veteran we plan on having options for every tennis player at the club. We hope to see you all out at the courts and if there is anything we can do to make your time at the club more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to let us know! Lastly, I would I would like to take some time to reflect on my first full year here. I have never felt more welcomed into a tennis community and I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store!

Adult Tennis Clinis

Come join our pros and get your heart rate up to start your day! This hour long clinic will have you running and gunning as you improve your strokes and get great exercise! SIGN-UP IS REQUIRED!!!

Every Wednesday I 6:30pm - 8:00pm Cost: $20 per Person
Come on out for a fun evening of drills and competition after a long day at work or with the kids! This clinic will focus on hitting lots of balls, doubles strategy, and shot placement.
Friday I 10:00am - 11:00am Cost: $15 per Person
Whether you’re new to tennis or haven’t picked up a racquet in years we have just the clinic for you! This is your chance to come out and learn the game of a lifetime! Our beginner clinic focuses on the basics of the game from learning the strokes, to keeping score, and eventually how to hold a rally with friends!
Tuesday I 6:30pm - 8:00pm Friday I 9:00am - 10:00am Cost: $23 per Person
This clinic is ideal for our 3.0 ladies! This power hour and a half is designed for the intermediate player and combines live-ball drill sessions with situational point play. It’s a perfect opportunity to hone your skills in between matches.
Friday I 11:00am-12:30pm
Cost: $23 per Person Whether you're looking to fine tune your forehand or add some more power to your serve come out and participate in our stroke of the week clinic. In this clinic we will be focusing on one particular stroke each week. After 45 minutes of technical drills we will add it to live ball and game type drills!

Come out and start your weekend on the right foot. Our men's Saturday morning clinic offers an hour of doubles strategy, stroke development, and a great workout.