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Calling all superheroes! Join us for a fun week of strength, power and intelligence Test your superhero knowledge as we learn the stories behind Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man and the Hulk. Design and create your own superhero costumes and write your own hero comics You don't want to miss out on an exciting obstacle course, creating your own invention and drinking aSuperSoliderSerum.PleaseRSVPbyWednesday,July5.
LEGO® comes to life when you turn your creations into radiocontrolled masterpieces - making it move is the same of the game! You will get to engineer everything from machines to animals with LEGO® Bricks and Technic® elements, then incorporate infrared sensors to convert your creation to remote control operation In addition to learning the basic principles of the many ingenious devices that are part of our everyday lives, you will also learn how to magnify or diminish force to move objects at different speeds and in different directions Set your remote to "fun"! Games and crafts will also be part of the camper's daily experience and at the end of the session, each camper will also get to take home a customminifigure!RSVPbyFriday,July21.
Master Chef Camp
AUGUST 8-AUGUST 10 | 9:00AM-3:00PM

Join the team at RCC for a week exploration all about food! Each day the campers will be making a dish themed around a different country and learn the in and out's of cooking! We will get to meet the talented Food & Beverage Team, and even take a visit to explore the main kitchen! So grab your chef hat and get ready to make some food! Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 2
We will be sending you a reminder with the camp agenda, what to bring, the camp menu and other important information a week before each camp We ask that you register your child at least a week before each camp To register your child you may do so online at www raleighcc com We encourage guests to attend with the members so the campers have a better experience with friends.
Campers may also attend on certain days only for a TBD rate There is a 10% sibling discount for members only Each day will be filled with indoor and outdoor activities, swimming, crafts, lunch, snacks and much more!