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The Raleigh Country Club Stingrays season has started off with a bang! T StingraysstartedoffwiththeirfirstwinineightyearsafterbeatingNorthRid byeightpoints.Themeetwasfulloflotsofexcitementandfastswims.The and unders helped get the momentum going with Harrison Gard tak second and Emil DeLeo taking third in the 15 freestyle Then the 7-8 and 9 girls came in swinging The girls 7-8 and 9-10 year olds medley relay won 21 seconds and the boys took second. The 11-12 both boys and girls and 18girlscontinuedthewinningstreakintheirrelaysshortlyafter.The7-8’sy olds continued their success with Graham Hukill taking first in the backstroke and second in the 25 freestyle Hayes Mitcho took home gold the 25 breaststroke and Ward Baum claimed third in the 25 butterfly. On girls side, Harper DeVantier took first in the 25 backstroke by over f seconds The girls killed the 25 butterfly going 1,2,3,5,6 (Quinn DeLeo 1 AveryGard2nd,HarperDeVantier3rd,HazelSmith5th,EvelynHarris6th)T girlsalsowonthefreestylerelaywiththeboystakingthird.CraftBaumled 9-10boystoawininthe25freestylewithLeeHukilltakingsecond Follow that Morgan Lincoln claimed first in the 25 freestyle and Charlotte Rittersha won the 25 backstroke and 25 breaststroke. The 9-10 year olds destroyed freestyle relays with the boys winning and the girls getting first and seco Forthe11-12yearolds,ElizaLindleywonthe50backstrokeandbutterflywith Grayson DeLeo following close behind taking third in 50 backstroke and 50 breaststroke.Trey Spencer took home his first wins of the season in the 50 butterfly and 50 breastroke winning by over five seconds In the 13 and up category, Ainsley Hernandenz claimed second in the 50 backstroke with Emma Bass coming in third Maddie Behrens brought home big points for the Stingrayswinningallthreeofherevents.Howeverthemostexcitingraceofthe night was the boys 11-12 freestyle relay because whoever won the relay won the meet The boys rose to the occasion swimming all best times and winning therelaybytwoseconds.
The Stringrays continued their fast swimming this week against Carolina Country Club The 6 and unders showed lots of improvement with the boys going2,3,4infreestyle(StormGraven2nd,HarrisonGard3rd,EmilDeLeo4th) and the girls going 4,5,6 in freestyle (Cate Mardam-Bey 4th, Caroline Koontz 5th, Carson Crisp 6th) Following the freestyle Emil DeLeo won the 15-yard backstrokeandthenthe15breaststrokewithHarrisonGardtakingsecondand StormGraveninthird.CateMardam-Beyalsotookhomeasilverplacefinishin the15-yardbreaststroke The6andunderboysdecidedtotrysomethingnew andswamamedleyrelayforthefirsttimeanddidamazingtakingfifth The7-8 year olds continued to show success with Thompson Kirby, Townes Wall, Harrison Gard and Henry Maurer throwing down an impressive medley relay with 6 year old Gard swimming butterfly for the first time in his life Harper DeVantier won the 25 backstroke the second week in a row and Avery Gard tookhomeherfirstindividualwinoftheseasoninthe25butterflyouttouching CCC. 9-10 year old Florence Hine out touched CCC to take 1st in the 25 freestyleandagaininthe25butterfly Inthe11-12agegroup,thegroupssaw lots of podium finishes Eliza Lindely claimed two second place finishes in the 50freestyleand50backstrokeandclaimedawininthe50butterflywithFinn Rittershaus following close behind her in second Matthew Fleming saw his first top three finish in the 50 backstroke taking third Finally Trey Spencer upset CCC and beat the top seed in the 50 breaststroke For the 13-14 girls, theythrewdownlotsoffasttimeswithAlexisLincolntakinghometwosecond placefinishesinthe50backstrokeand50freestyle