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Tee It Up

It was a beautiful day for our first Operation 36 9-hole event! As normal, the course is playing tough this time of year, but there were some really good scores. Congratulations to Jack Vance and Tristan McWhinney for advancing to their new yardage! Love seeing our juniors get better every day. What a great weekend for golf! The weather was perfect each day, and the course was in spectacular shape as well. Through 8 holes it was a tightly contested match between Cyrus Stewart and Rand Williams. An eagle on hole 9 from Cyrus is what he needed to get it going on the back nine. In the end, Cyrus Stewart defended his title and is the first to win four consecutive championships at Raleigh Country Club! Thanks to all who played this weekend and congratulations to all the Flight winners.
2022 Men’s Club Championship
Franz Flight Champion: Noi Chay Fazio Flight Champion: Tyler Todd Palmer Flight Champion: Daniel Katzenbach Dye Flight Champion: Nick Overcash Maples Flight: Pick Chay
As always, thank you to Billy Cole and his staff for presenting the course in such fantastic condition all weekend. Thank you to Bonnie Miller, Chef John, and the whole food and beverage staff for their hard work as well as the entire golf staff for a great event.

Dear Membership,

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and looking forward to a festive holiday season over the next two months! As the holidays are fast approaching, please keep the golf shop in mind for any gift ideas. The shop will be full of fall and winter apparel in addition to golf bags, clubs, head covers, etc. You can also visit raleigh.mcconnellgolf.shop as we have other inventory options available online. For special orders and items that are not available in the golf shop, please let us know sooner rather than later to ensure timely delivery. We will also have complimentary gift wrapping available.

Speaking of festive, this year’s golf season has been a fun one for the professional staff. We want to thank the entire membership for your continued support of the golf shop and tournament program.

A fun and exciting Beatles themed Peartree Classic was cut short due to Hurricane Ian. Despite the weather, Billy Cole and his team did a fantastic job with the course setup. The shootout was played from 125 yards on hole 9 with a huge crowd cheering everyone on. After the elimination of nine teams, it came down to Stephen Brown and Justin Willard versus Dr. Bob Wayland and Bryan Mohorn. Dr. Wayland hit a phenomenal shot and his partner Bryan made the putt! Congratulations to Dr. Bob Wayland and Bryan Mohorn for winning the 2022 Peartree Classic! Thank you to everyone who was able to participate in this year’s event. We are looking forward to next year’s event!

Congratulations to all of the Flight Winners!
Hard Day’s Night: Jeff Maness and Sid Gulledge A Day in the Life: Bryan Kiser and Ken Persson Yesterday: Toler Shore and Matt McConnell Strawberry Fields Forever: James Turner and Neil Dyer Let It Be: Stephen Brown and Justin Willard Penny Lane: Bill Bunn and Jim Wright Hey Jude: Sami Mardam-Bey and Michael Rosenberg In My Life: Danny Pollman and Phil Palmeri Come Together: Bob Wayland and Bryan Mohorn I Want to Hold Your Hand: Robert James and Coop Jackson