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A Note From Your Director Of Golf
Wherehavethefirstfourmonthsof2023gone?AsIlookbackontheyear sofar,Icanonlythinkofonewordtodescribeit RAINandMORERAIN!I was speaking to some of my peers within McConnell Golf and it was brought to my attention that we have had weather impact almost every weekendsofarthisSpring I,likemostofyou,havebeenfrustratedwith the weather as we have struggled to find consistency in being able to practiceandplay.
We had a great turnout for our Season Opener back in March, but the weather caused us to have to cancel the Masters Pro Member-Member. ThispastweeksawuscompleteourfirstoftwoSedgefieldCup’s(Men’s Member-Guest) OursecondSedgefieldCupisslatedforthelastweekof September.
May1-8 Duringthistimethegolfcoursewillbeclosedtoallgolfactivities
TheProfessionalGolfStaffwillbeavailabletohelparrangestartingtimes atourSisterPropertiesifanyoneisinterestedinplaying
Please be on the lookout for some more fun and exciting events that we have lined up for you The next time we talk Summer will be in full swing!
Eric Ferguson, PGA Director of Golf
Mcconnell Golf Cart Policy
McConnell Golf Properties will require all golf carts to be returned from the golf course NO LATER than 8:00pm Members and Guests will still be able to rent a golf cart, but must do so by 6:00pm. Members and guests may still play the golf course in the evenings, but will be required to walk after 6:00 pm This will provide a safer environment for our outside service staff and allow them to not be put in a dangerous situation as they complete their nightly duties Members in violation will receive a letter and further action could result in suspension of golf cart privileges
Memorial Day Tournament
9:30am Shotgun | Entry Fee: $60 per player includes Tee Gift, Tournament Prizes, & Memorial Day Cook-out

Format: 2 Person Points Quota
Eligibility: Open to any Full Member-Member, Member-Spouse or SpouseSpouse team. Dependent Members between the age of 21 & 24 may also participate
When entering the event, please inform the staff which tees you intend to play (Blue or White) The deadline to signup is Saturday, May 27 at 12:00pm
Our greens aerification process will take place Monday, May 1 through Sunday, May 7 The golf course will be closed throughout the week and practice facilities will be closed on Monday and Tuesday. The practice facilities will be re-open Wednesday and will remain open through Sunday from 9am – 6pm The Golf Shop will be closed on Monday and Tuesday but will be open throughout the remainder of the week (Wed –Sun) from 9am – 5pm.

May Fitting Dates
Wednesday, May 10 | 1:00pm - 5:00pm CALLAWAY
Friday, May 12 | 11:00am - 4:00pm
All fitting days will be by appointment only Please look for an email approximately2weeksbeforeeacheventtoregister.
Ajga Wyndham Invitational
The AJGA Wyndham Invitational returns to Sedgefield where 72 of the best 13-18 year old Junior Golfers in the world will test the famed 1926 Donald Ross Layout Please remember that all facilities will be CLOSED from 7am-12:30pm Tuesday through Friday Member play will begin each day at 1:30pm. The practice facilities will open at 12:30pm daily for members and guests Please keep in mind that the Cardinal golf course and practice facilities also be available throughout the week If we can assist you with a starting time at another McConnell property, please call the golf shop to speak with a member of the professional staff