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Twenty-four months ago I sat down to pen my article for the January 2020 newsletter. In the article, I discussed closing out one decade and entering a new one full of promise and hope, along with the 100th anniversary of Sedgefield Country Club coming up in 2026. I also referenced The Roarin’ 20s as something we should aspire to in relation to club and membership growth.
If I had a crystal ball back then, I don't think anyone would have believed everything that was about to happen over the next two years. I do not need to recap it all for you here, but I think you get where I am going – to say the past two years have been interesting would be an understatement. A roller coaster of emotions for all of us as we navigated the health of ourselves and our loved ones along with working from home, virtual school, and simply not knowing what the “new normal” would be. While we seem to have some answers, there are still many unanswered questions out there.
What is not in question is the impact the events of the last two years have had on all aspects of the game of golf. I will not get into statistics with you, but it is safe to say that interest in golf has skyrocketed, with most golf courses across the country, and the world for that matter, being a safe haven for social distancing on more than 200+ acres of fresh air. Add in general boredom from those not accustomed to working from home and the families that travel every weekend for sports being stuck at home with nothing to do, all of those factors combined with a booming economy made club membership a “no-brainer” for many, with Sedgefield undoubtedly seeing our fair share of new families joining our club.
Two constants that have not changed in my almost ten years with Sedgefield Country Club and McConnell Golf are one, former members returning to the club and two, new members joining being referred in by current members. In my almost twenty years in this industry, I have always maintained that healthy clubs grow from within, and Sedgefield is no different.
Looking back on the past year I cannot begin to thank you all enough for your assistance with referrals. There was a lot of work, long hours, and even losing my voice some days from talking to so many people about the club – but the majority of those are now members, with the majority of them joining through the referral of other members.
I am looking forward to 2022, and who knows what is in store!?! All I do know is that I am excited for another year at Sedgefield and with McConnell Golf and I am anticipating even greater growth at the club as we continue to solidify Sedgefield as the premier private club in the area and membership within McConnell Golf as the “Greatest Private Club Value From The Mountains To The Coast!”
Best wishes to you and yours for a happy and prosperous new year, and I look forward to seeing you at the club in 2022 and beyond!
Chad Flowers

Grayson Sutherland is at Cardinal by Pete Dye Ross and crew getting the course ready to golf today! Rolling the greens. Always doing a great job. Best greens in town! See you at 12:40 Cardinal!
/TheCardinalbyPeteDye @CardinalByDye @cardinalbydye