2 minute read
Boat Regatta Labor Day Pool Party Taco Tuesday 9:30am Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Sunset Yoga
Sunday Football
Snow cone Sunday Sunday Football 8:00am Aqua Bootcamp 8:45am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Total Body Taco Tuesday 9:30am Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Sunset Yoga
8:00am Aqua Bootcamp 8:45am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Total Body Taco Tuesday 9:30am Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Sunset Yoga
Sunday Football Last day of pool season 8:00am Fitness Camp 8:45am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Total Body Taco Tuesday 9:30 Zumba 5:30pm Sunset Yoga 9:00am Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Total Body Strength 8:30am Aqua Drills 9:15am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Momentum Yoga
9:00am Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Total Body Strength Trivia Nights 8:30am Aqua Drills 9:15am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Momentum Yoga 9:00am Fitness Boxing
Kids Night Out - I Spy 9:00am Fitness Boxing 9:00am Inclusive Yoga 10:00am Aqua Bootcamp
Blood Drive 9:00am Inclusive Yoga 10:00am Aqua Bootcamp
9:00am Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Total Body Strength Trivia Nights 8:30am Aqua Drills 9:15am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Momentum Yoga 9:00am Fitness Boxing Live Music 9:00am Inclusive Yoga 10:00am Aqua Bootcamp
9:00am Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 Aqua Beat & Pulse 5:30pm Total Body Strength Trivia Nights 8:30am Aqua Drills 9:15am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Momentum Yoga Wakefield Campout 9:00am Fitness Boxing 9:00am Inclusive Yoga 10:00am Aqua Bootcamp
9:00am Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 Zumba 5:30pm Total Body Strength Trivia Nights 8:30am Fitness Camp 9:15am Restorative Yoga 5:30pm Momentum Yoga
Pup Play Date Sunday Football
Sunday Football
Sunday Football

Sunday Football
Sunday Football Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday Wine & Cheese Poolside Trivia Nights Kids Night Out - Haunted House Escape Room
Trivia Nights Live Music
Ladies Wine & Design Trivia Nights
Trivia Nights Bourbon, Bushels & BBQ
Halloween Parking Lot Party
The CC at Wakefield Plantation 2201 Wakefield Plantation Drive Raleigh, NC 27614
In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, all McConnell Golf properties will be taking part in a fundraiser benefiting the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Last year, we raised over $3,800 to support the Susan G. Komen Foundation. With Bank of America's

TRIPLE matching, McConnell Golf was able to donate almost $12,000!
BE AWARE. GET INVOLVED. SHOW SUPPORT. Visit www.info-komen.org/goto/MCG to make a donation.

DINE: $1 from every Meyer Filet and MCG Salmon BLT Sandwich order in the month of October will go towards the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
PARTICIPATE: In addition, every McConnell Golf property will be holding their own event to support this cause...look for details in your weekly happenings emails!
WALK OR RIDE: On Sunday, October 17, 9:00am - 1:00pm CST, the nation will come together to all walk the last 10 miles of the Susan G. Komen
3-Day Nation journey together, at the same time, at Pink Bubble Pop-Ups in cities all across the Nation. Don't want to walk? Book a tee time at any
of our McConnell Golf owned properties on Sunday, October 17 and we will donate a $1 from every cart fee to the cause.