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SCOREVIEW NLS - 2016 February


CONTRIBUTORS Beby Dwi Lestari Michael Aaron Romulo Bagus Ronidipta Pradana Sarah Qanita Edwar I Dewa Gede Kevinda Thobias A. Evelyn Suvannarat Abdul Kholiq Nisa Aprilani SCORE Incomers SCORE Outgoers NCRE



NORE & Editor

Meetings Report

Incomers Outgoers

Locals Projects

LCC Merchandise

2 4 21 32 37 1

preface from nore

Hello SCOREpublics!! Assalamualaikum wr . wb . First of all, lets praise to Almighty God 's presence and blessings we can finished this edition of SCOREview .Thanks to the whole contributors, writer and layouter who have helped the publication of this magazine. SCOREview this edition contains a variety of local projects SCORE CIMSA and experience of international meeting from SCORE members. With this SCOREview, I hope all medical students in Indonesia became interested in the field of research and participated in international meetings and also in students exchange. Happy reading!. With love and big blue hugs, your NORE Zharifah Fauziyyah Nafisah National Officer on Research Exchange



preface from editor

Hello SCOREpublics!! Finally we can say, here we are! SCOREview 2016, National Leadership Summit Edtion! Yeah! Thank you to all contributors for your participation to ďŹ nished this magazine. A lot of information that we can get from this SCOREview. Hope you enjoy this magazine. Happy reading! Bagus Ridho Setiadi Media Communication Coordinator Standing Committee on Research Exchange





Beby Dwi Lestari Michael Aaron Romulo




Beby Dwi Lestari Michael Aaron Romulo

Professional and Research Exchange Training 2015 or known as PRET was held on the 16th of September 2015 for five days on Dubai. At first, I thought that the agenda is going to be full with trainings and workshops and it might be monotone. All of my thought suddenly changed when I met the OCs personally and attending the trainings given. For me, this experience is priceless because I am able to meet people from around the world, get to know Middle-Eastern culture, and with the others creating some new innovations to improve IFMSA Exchange Program. I met lots of amazing people from different countries, backgrounds, and even outstanding IFMSA Experience. In EMSS PRET Dubai 2015 there are more than 15 participant and also for about 6 trainer from entire the world such as Bulgaria, Iran, Netherlands, Indonesia, and so on. There are 5 participants from Indonesia Rahmah and Marsya from UI, Michael from UGM, Yayas from UKRIDA and Beby from UNAND.

Really glad to able be the delegates for this international event. Making connections with the OCs and other participants were the best thing ever. It was fun yet challenging at the same time. Honestly, we really like the way the OCs interact with the delegates and the way they treat us with the “Middle-Eastern” hospitality. This kind of hospitality really made us enjoy this experience even more because to be honest, usually OCs tend to have a gap with the delegates, but this didn't happen for EMSS PRET.




Beby Dwi Lestari Michael Aaron Romulo

This PRET really opened our mind for an even bigger point of view about IFMSA and its regulations. We learned lots of new things including the new SCORESCOPE Database, how to earn more recognition from local Medical Faculty or even from the government, how to brand SCORE more, and also how to improve the academic quality of exchange. On the ďŹ rst day of PRET actually there is not any training but we have some activity. It start from the opening, and then we have a dinner. After the dinner we are divided into some group to join a game that already arranged by the committee. Well we have much fun in the very ďŹ rst game and start to know each other. Then, on the second day we have some training and Also one working group session. We are discussing and sharing about our experience in time management and in the end the trainer told her story and also shared how she management her time when she need to do her activity in IFMSA, when she have to study, and so on. After That, we have dinner on the cruise and while havin our dinner we are watching some traditional dancing from Dubai. On the third day, There are 2 training, one swg session, and one workshop. What we like the most is training how to be a good LORE. In this training the trainer is NEO from Bulgaria and she shared her experiences during her activity in SCOPE Bulgaria and she give the tips thats really suitable to try and implement it on our self.




Beby Dwi Lestari Michael Aaron Romulo

And then, on the night we are all going to the Burj Khalifa, Dubai's most iconic destination. We’re really enjoy our time there.

And finally the last day come, on the last day we just have one session of swg and also workshop. In the swg session we got much fun because the trainer ask us to make our own logo for our own hospital in the future. And then we also discuss about how to talk to the company or organization that we want them to be our sponsorship for the trainings activity / meeting. After we finish all swg, it's come to the wrap up and outcomes. We discuss about all the things that we already get esp the small working group because not all the participant can get the material (we choose some) and we ended it with closing. After closing some of participant that already register their self to join the social program are going to the dessert and we enjoyed our time there. So, you can know from PRET we are not only get more knowledge about the exchange but also the other thing that related to the activity in organization especially IFMSA or CIMSA. We’re really looking forward to join another training like PRET in the future. For everyone that wanted to join an international event, don't be afraid to do so, because it is totally worth and the experiences that you can gain is irreplaceable. Keep on being active on SCORE and blue hugs for all of you.




DILI, 7-11 SEPTEMBER 2015 Bagus Ronidipta Pradana





Bagus Ronidipta Pradana


Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities participate in the 68

Session of the WHO Regional Committee Meeting for South East Asia (SEARO) which held in Dili, Timor Leste on 7th to 11th September 2015 by send delegate as one of four IFMSA delegates in WHO SEARO Meeting. The IFMSA delegation consists of; Myself Bagus Ronidipta Pradana (CIMSA-ISMKI Indonesia), Yuji Jeong (RC- Asia Pacific), Yanika Valeeittikul 'Ching' (IFMSA-Thailand) and Tung-Yen Wu 'Gordon' (FMS-Taiwan), actually there is one more delegate from Indonesia, Diannisa Susantono, but herself can't attend the meeting because of another importance which means only four delegates of IFMSA who attend the meeting. IFMSA was invited by WHO to attend the South East Asia Regional Meeting as NGO which have official partnership with WHO. Actually, WHO has partnership with hundreds of NGOs around the world and only few of them acknowledged as official partner, and only few of the 'few official partners' were invited to this meeting, and IFMSA is one of the NGOs that were invited which means IFMSA is acknowledged by WHO as NGO that has importance to attend this high level meeting.





Bagus Ronidipta Pradana

IFMSA is the only NGOs which was invited in the meeting whom its delegates are still in medical school, meanwhile the other NGOs' delegates and the delegates from member states (term in WHO to call the countries) are professionals who have been in their area of works for couple years, which make those professionals curious about us because we only just medical students but have an opportunity to attend such high level meetings and discuss such world class issues, and because we are the youngest participants and haven't yet decided which career path that we want to choose in the future, many of them try to 'brainstorm' us about career path in the public health area – because most of them are public health doctor or clinician but more focus on public health area because WHO tend to deal with public health sectors – by telling their stories and achievements in the public health area, which is interesting for me because it give me new insights about the other area that we can choose as doctors or combine some areas to be focused on not just 'clinician'. th


The meeting was held in 5 consecutive days from 7 September to 11

September and was attended by all of the SEARO member states which consists of 11 countries, which are: Bangladesh, Bhutan, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor Leste as the 2015 host meeting. Each of member states represented by their Minister of Health or by alternative representative if the Minister of Health of that country absent. Indonesia represented by Her Excellency Prof. Nila Moeloek as The Health Minister if Indonesia in the Inaugural Ceremony of the meeting but replaced in the rest of the meeting by Prof. Tjandra Aditama as Head of National Institute for Health Research and Development of Ministry of Health (LITBANGKES) because Her Excellency has to attend meeting in the South Korea.





Bagus Ronidipta Pradana

The first day began with Inaugural Ceremony of the meeting, which opened by the Prime Minister of Timor Leste followed by photo session of all the Member States' Minister of Health with Prime Minister of Timor Leste and Regional Director of Asia Pacific, Dr Poonam Khetapral, and Representative of WHO Headquarters. After the Inaugural Ceremony, all of the Minister of Health did press conference about the meeting, and all of the delegates moved to Ministry of Foreign Affairs where the meeting taken place. In this meeting each of member states, NGOs and the WHO SEARO discussed about program budget, policy and technical topics and focus of Southeast Asia region for the next period ahead. WHO SEARO reviewed their work based on their seven flagship priority areas; Universal health coverage; Prevention of NCDs with focus on best buys; Finishing the task of eliminating diseases on the verge of elimination; Building national capacity for prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance; Scaling up capacity development in emergency risk management in countries; Measles elimination and rubella control; and Ending preventable maternal, New born and child deaths with focus on neonatal deaths. All of the priority areas be discussed in the Ministerial Round Table where all of the Member States Representatives – mostly are Health Minister from each Member States – discussed the topics based on the focus of their Country, and after each sessions of Ministerial Round Table the Regional Director summarized the discussions and the result became consideration of WHO SEARO focus for the next period ahead. Beside the discussion of the focus area, another session which is not less important is the Proposed Programme Budget, which in this session be discussed the budget allocation for Southeast Asia Region based on each Member States needs and the Regional Office needs. The highlight of this year meeting is the declaration of 'Dili declaration of tobacco control', which summarized in 10 points of focus with goals to implement the FCTC in Southeast Asia and to make all of the member states ratified the FCTC in their countries. As additional Information, all of member states in Southeast Asia Region have ratified the FCTC in their countries except one country, which is our beloved Indonesia. Hope with this declaration will ease the implementation process of FCTC in Indonesia.





Bagus Ronidipta Pradana


Next year meeting, which is the 69 session of the WHO Southeast Asia Regional Committee will be held in Sri Lanka follow by Maldives which will be the host for 70th session of the WHO Southeast Asia Regional Committee. In the conclusions, I got many lessons, opportunities, and priceless experiences by attended this meeting. I can meet Minister of Health from each Member States of Southeast Asia Region, talk and have discussions with WHO staff, Indonesia's Ministry of health delegations and NGOs representatives, involved in such a high level meeting where the discussions are at country and regional level, and another priceless experiences that I've never thought I will have as a medical students. Due to this experience, I can prove the fact that even though we are still medical students, there are lot of chances and opportunity that we can gain by actively participate in this lovely organization, because by active in CIMSA and its lovable activities, you will have adventures that you will never imagine before. SO, be active in SCORE and CIMSA guys!!



AUGUST MEETING 2015 Sarah Qanita Edwar



August meeting 2015 ohrid - macedonia Sarah Qanita Edwar

The first time I got in Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia, I had already met a lot of people heading to the General Meeting on the airport. After almost 6 hours on the bus, we finally arrived in near the lake Ohrid, located in Peshtani. The first night, they threw an opening ceremony with an awesome party when we can meet all the participants from around the globe. I met a lot of people, had some chitchats with them and took a lot of pictures. Next day, I attend the president session and SCORE session when they discussed some serious stuffs going on the organization. After dinner, they always offered us to spend the night on parties by the lake. On the third day, they got a cultural night by the lake when we bought our traditional foods (and drinks, of course :p), some of us also wore our traditional clothes. Next day, we attend contract fair, which attended by SCOPE and SCORE representatives, which I mostly enjoy because I got to meet most of NORE and NEO from around the world and took pictures with them. They also provides souvenirs which I collected almost for each country. Overall, I think it was a great experience to meet a lot of people with different cultures in such an exquisite place.





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I Dewa Gede Kevinda Thobias Adiya

The first time I heard about SRT Thailand was from my TNT Region 3. He told and encouraged me to attend such training for my expansion of public speaking and training delivery skills. At first I hesitated to join but then at the last moment I did signed up for the Training for New Trainers SRT Thailand 2015. Thankfully there was position still available and I was fortunate enough to be accepted in the Sub Regional Training Thailand 2015. I was very excited in knowing that I would soon fly to Bangkok for the TNT SRT Thailand 2015 training. First day of the training was filled with greetings and getting to know with each of the other delegates. The delegates was mostly Thais with some Filipino, 2 Chinese and a Taiwanese. Our TNT trainer were from the Middle East; Nessma Mohiy from Egypt and Yameen Hamid for Bangladesh. The TNT modules started out with icebreakers and we soon get the hang of each other. The modules delivered by the TNT trainers were communication, presentation and content themed skills. There was some modules which was very monotonous but thanks to the games provided by our trainers, we soon are energized to absorb the information. After all of the modules was over, all of the delegates was greeted by the head doctors and professor from the Siriraj Hospital. By the second day, all of us now are familiar with the TNT SRT training and I made more friends with the other delegate. By far the training I find the most favorable is the training about “How to know and influence your target audience when delivering a training”. In the module, our trainers trained us about the different types of people we would most likely to encounter when giving a training. There was the mummy, wind-bag, rambler and the homesteader. Some will be active, passive, and interruptive or even confused type of audience. Each of the people need to be given different type of approach in order for the training to be successful. Our trainers then made simulations to enable us to handle such event. This module made me more confident in dealing with disruptive and also to facilitate active people to benefit more from the training which all of us will deliver someday. Time flies when you are having fun and we soon ended the day with an authentic Thai dinner on a river boat cruising down the Chao Phraya River in the middle of Bangkok. The last day was the moment where all of us are tested. We were all told to make and deliver a full training module and will be assessed based on what the audience and trainers think about how we scored. I drew the topic “emotional intelligence” from the random training topic bowl. Thankfully I was not alone in this endeavor, I was then teamed up with Jommp from Thailand and Daisy from China. Thank God it went great and we were all were awarded with the title “IFMSA Trainer” and are now eligible to wear our IFMSA trainer shirt with pride.



Evelyn Suvannarat




Evelyn Suvannarat

MEDICAL PROFESSION AND BEYOND On 12th of September 2015, the seminar “Med-probe” was held in Ukrida Faculty of Medicine. Med-probe stands for “Medical Profession and Beyond”, whose name is inspired by the instrument “probe”. The probe is a medical instrument used to explore the internal organs of the human body. Similarly, this concept is used to apply to medical students and freshly graduated doctors who are still dubious about their future career to “probe” into their own interests so as to gain a sharper picture of their aspirations.

The concept of this event was derived from an annual project, “Career Day: Bonam Your Future” held by the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) of CIMSA UPH. Simply put, Med-Probe is a larger-scale project held by the 3 medical student organizations of Indonesia namely AMSA, CIMSA, and ISMKI. A variety of topics were covered ranging from the role of doctors in research, opportunity careers in non-governmental organizations, to developing specializations such as aviation medicine, and responses from participants were generally well-received. This joint event has undoubtedly bridged deeper connections between the 3 student organizations. On a personal level, it has taught me a few things, particularly the significance of relations with external organizations. I had the opportunity to communicate with students of AMSA and ISMKI and exchanged knowledge on our respective organizations, allowing each other to gain deeper insights into other organizations, and sharing it with our fellow campus friends. Despite the relatively brief amount of time we had in getting to know one another, the teamwork was evident. Last but not least, the greatest satisfaction comes from the positive responses received from the participants – enough to wash the day's fatigue with a sense of accomplishment.



October meeting 2015 Mr. SCOREpublics & Mrs. SCOREpublics

Abdul Kholiq Dyah Anisa Aprilani



October meeting 2015 Abdul Kholiq & Dyah Anisa Aprilani

Hi SCOREpublics!! We're gonna tell you about what we have done in october meeting! When reaching Surabaya, we decided to go to UNAIR. At night was an awesome welcoming party from UNAIR. After that, we all went to Ubaya Training Centre by bus, it takes about 4 hours and maybe more. We had a lot of parallel sessions. In this october meeting, we had 5 paralel session, which every session was super fun! Whoops whoops! In the first season, we introduced ourselves to other member from another local, and then we played games! The game was super fun because we could get to know each other better. After the game, our NORE gave us lesson that certainly very useful. In the second session, our NCRE gave us information about SCORE project. And then, there was a session where SCORE and SCOPE be merged! In this session, the SCORE and SCOPE delegates were discussed about who's gonna be the host of PRET (Professional and Research Exchange Training) and the result was Andalas University will be our host for PRET! (Congratulations UNAND!!) Another parallel session with SCORE was super fun & very beneficial because we get a lot of knowledge :D oh!! And SCORE got their new jingle from the winner of SCORE's jingle competition, congratulations to Syiah Kuala University, the winner of SCORE's jingle competition!!

“At the end of the parallel session, I was little bit confused because I became the winner of "SCORElationship" with the girl from SCORE UB, WOW!” - Abdul Kholiq







University of Brawijaya

I was accepted in a Research exchange in Malang city during the month of August at the department of Histology and Anatomy at the University of Brawijaya under the title : Impact of the medical attire on the confidence level of the expatriate community in Malang. After contacting the LORE and my contact person I was all set for an amazing month in Indonesia ! I arrived a sunday morning at the Surabaya airport where a taxi was sent to pick me up to my host family house, there, I had a warm welcoming by my host and his friends who gave me the best advices to start the month and took me out on my first night ! We also had to chance to meet two other incomings from Portugal and the UK. Since my project wasn't starting until a couple days later, I decided not to waste any of them and by the help of my host I planned my first trip to Balekambang beach, it was on a motorbike and the experience was amazing. On my first trip I got to see empty beaches, rice terraces and already some of the most beautiful landscapes rendered even more beautiful by the motorbike ride. After the first day's marvel ride I had to do that again ! Next destination Madakaripura watefall. A very long ride from Malang usually not done by motorbike but I enjoy the challenge, and once you get out of the city and it's pollution it's simply pure joy. Madakaripura was so beautiful that I planned on getting back there with the incomings. T h a t n i g h t I m e t my o t h e r roommate from Portugal and we went out again with other incomings and our hosts to Batu, a city next to Malang where we ate local specialties, started discovering the culture and got to admire the city from uphill where you can also do paragliding during the day. We had some hot coffee in nice local traditional coffee shops before heading back late at night after a busy day.




University of Brawijaya

My first two days in Indonesia set the tone to what was waiting for me and my expectations where already passed met but now the more serious part has come. Out last flat mate and my project partner from Romania has joined us and we head the the faculty where we meet the LORE and our project tutors to discuss our work. The project doesn't need much job done and is not at all time consuming , that's why we decide to join the other incomings at the hospital and the our project at the same time. We will forever be grateful to the LORE who helped us get into Nephrology so we wouldn't lose our time, thanks to her we got to do our SCORE project and be at the hospital ! After discovering the city it's already the first weekend with the long awaited trip to Bromo ! We thank the local committee who organized everything and took us on the trip for free. Bromo doesn't need much description, it's a must do tourist attraction in Indonesia. The third weekend's social program was Sempu Island. We could finally relax and just lay down and enjoy our time. After a short boat ride and a long walk in the jungle we finally reach the lagoon where the tents are set for us, we jump right away into the water. An advice you will later thank me for : night swim ! At the beginning of the last week was the farewell party, the saddest part of the exchange made much easier for us by the committee who did a great job organizing it. We had so much fun eating food from all over the world, watching traditional dances and performances from all the incomings. After the farewell, I head for Yogyakarta, solo one more time. Yogya is the only city that actual feels like one in Indonesia, thanks to local transportation and sidewalks maybe. It's definitely different from other Indonesian cities, very interesting and so much to see and experience in the this cultural capital . I came back to malang for one last day to great my host family and thank them for the amazing welcome. My special thanks go to Nadia Alfiani Jauza the LORE and Ilham Setiawan my host. Thank you once again for making my stay so easy and making me fall in love with Indonesia and it's unique people. Morocco is waiting for you, you are most welcome !




University of Gadjah Mada

I had my research exchange in Yogyakarta, University of Gadjah Mada in the Department of Pathology Anatomy. I did my research with Marek from Czech Republic. The research was about Breast Cancer. I found this very helpful for my future studies, not to mention the thorough discussions with our supervisor, who explained everything very clearly. We were placed in a students dorm not far from the campus, so I was able to walk to the university. We started with my exchange on 6th of July on Monday. My contact person Michal Aaron escorted ume and my college to the campus and he also showed us around. Then we went to the ofďŹ ce of our tutor, when he greeted us and introduced us to the work plan. Then he showed us the laboratory and we met the staff of the department. The next day we started with the research. Our schedule was not ďŹ xed, we decided the day before when we should come to the campus or maybe that we should met in the evening so we could visit a private clinic. It all depended on the tutor, he always wanted to make sure that we were not bored and he wanted to show us the most interesting cases. I was really pleased because he was willing to teach us and he took his time for it. Our research exchange took 4 weeks. First week we learned everything about FNAB. We got to know how the procedure is performed, how you make sure you take a good sample, how to make a smear, how to stain it and make a slide and also how to recognize the pathology under the microscope. We also examined the patients and did the differential diagnosis. In our second week we learned about the ultrasonography of the breast and mammography. We saw some interesting cases of breast cancer. There was also a lesson on radiology held for for you, you are most welcome !




University of Gadjah Mada

In the third week we helped with gross section and we learned what part of the tissue is suitable for examination. We also had some interesting cases like teratoma, 5kg breast of a 15 year old girl and so on. In the last week we went to Sardjito hospital to the orthopedic department, where we learned about speciďŹ c case of a young girl with spinal tumor. We also learned about molecular pathology in this week. We extracted DNA/RNA from the tissue and performed PCR. In the meantime we went to some case reports with the residents and learned about interesting cases from the dermatological ďŹ eld. Our tutor was always examining us and asking tricky questions, so in every week we had to think a lot and had to do some homework in our dorm. So I can really say that we learned a lot and that we got to know how versatile the work of a pathologist is. My research exchange also had a social part. We were welcomed with a welcome dinner. Where we met a lot of members of CIMSA. They were all nice and willing to help us. During our stay in Yogyakarta we went to some trips around the city and also discovered some good restaurants. We got to know about the culture and history of Java. I have to say I made some great friends in Yogyakarta. I am really grateful for the generosity and kindness that I received. My research experience in Indonesia was amazing, because not only we did the research but we also observed some patients in the clinic. Also the social programs were great and the tutor, dr. Didik is a really amazing guy. I would like to recommend the IFMSA to put more exchange students to Indonesia specially Yogyakarta because of the unique diseases and the advance stages of the diseases that you will encounter more likely than European countries.




University of Sebelas Maret During my stay in Surakarta I have taken part in more than one research project, all of them involving parasitology topics. The most important was the research on helminths and herbal extracts, that gave me the opportunity to work in the parasitology lab and learn how tho extract tannin from the papaya seeds and how to test it on helminths belonging to the Ascaris family. Working there was great because the collegues and tutors (especially mbak Oki and doctor Paramasari) were extremely helpful and supportive, and by working with them I have learnt a lot . Another aspect that intrigued me, and that I am eager to study for the future, is the traditional Jamu medicine, and the acupuncture, that here has lots of interesting applications. This month in Surakarta was an amazing experience, in particular from a human perspective. Here I have always been welcomed and treated as one of them, though I didn't speak the language. And I felt at home from the very ďŹ rst moment to the end of the period. The lodging was great, and very closed to the university campus. The local committee is extremely friendly and supportive, and involved me in interesting activities, organized for the social program. These include going out on trips to amazing touristic spots, going to concerts and dance performances, eating and shopping all together. Among the people that were closer to me, Adam, Gita and Shafa are the three that most supported me and made the exchange so awesome. I sincerely enjoyed my exchange period, and I hope this project will be kept alive and implemented for the future. I recommend the students who want to do this experience to go for it. I suggest them to learn some word of the indonesian language, that makes it easier to tackle with every day life around here. I also suggest to the local commitee for the future to pay more attention to the organisation of the activities, so that permissions are obtained in advance, and no time is lost in for them during the exchange period.




University of Padjadjaran

My research took place at the Institute of Molecular Genetics at Padjadjaran University in Bandung. My tutor, dr Yunia Sribudiani was conducting a project about hypospadia. The aim of this project was to investigate mutations in exon 6 and exon 7 in WT1 gene. I was analysing the DNA of 62 people with hypospadia using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electrophoresis technique. Apart from lab work it was also time for travelling and exploring interesting places. During weekends I visited main attractive places nearby, for example Tangkuban Perahu Volcano and Kawah Putih with amazing sulphuric lake. Once we were participating in cultural evening organised by our Indonesian friend from Padjadjaran University during which we got to know many traditional dishes not only from Indonesia but also from countries of other exchange students. Thanks to my research exchange to Indonesia I've gained a lot of important experience in laboratory work and learned how to work in group. Apart from scientiďŹ c site this travel was unrepeatable chance to visit Southeast Asia and thanks to social program I had a opportunity to deepen knowledge about new culture and habits. I strongly recommend other people to participate in such exchange project. It's a great opportunity to deepen one's knowledge about culture, habits and science level in chosen country.







University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland My name is Dina, and I'm from SCORE CIMSA FK Unpad. This August, I got an opportunity to go research exchange to Poland, at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The city where I went exchange, Olsztyn, is the capital of Warmia and Mazury Province. But, it is a very small city that we can go everywhere by walking. The incoming students who went to Olsztyn are 12 students. 3 students go for SCORE, and 8 students go for SCOPE. They came from different countries like Marocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Hungary, Romania, and Spain. For the research project, I went to Human Physiology Department at the University Hospital, together with a girl from Taiwan and a boy from Turkey. We had to walk from the dormitory to the laboratory for about 20 minutes everyday! We start the project at 9 a.m and finish at 1 p.m. At the laboratory, we learned so many new things. During the first week, we observe the technique to prepare immunostaining for the slides to make the slide looks better when we observe that using immunofluorescence microscope. For the next weeks, our tutor gave us some literatures about one of the research projects, ADHD. Actually, the human physiology department has some research projects at that time, so we worked for 2 research projects, one project about ADHD (attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder), and the other about colon and stomach carcinoma. Beside that, we also prepared the frozen section of the rat's organs (pancreas, liver, testis, adrenal gland, and kidney), cut the tissues using microtome, measuring the pH of the solution, prepared some buffer solution which contain sucrose to store the rest of the rat's organs, and prepared the glass slides using gelatin solution. After that, we started the second project about the stomach and colon carcinoma. We had to calculate tha correct solution of antibodies that needed to do the immunostaining by ourselves, start to do the triple staining with first and secondary antibody, observed the slides using immonofluorescence microscope and tried to count how many plexuses that we found, and we also learned how to use the computer software to analyze the result. Overall, the research projects, the tutor, and my partner were very good.




University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland The IFMSA Poland local committees in Olsztyn were also very good. They arranged the local social program's everyday, like visiting the old town, kayaking, went to a muzeum, and so on. For the weekend, IFMSA Poland provided a national social program to visit Gdansk and Krakow city. I went to Krakow, but not to Gdansk because of the limited quota. Krakow is the most beautiful city in Poland!! The social program there was very great! We visited some muzeums and Wieliczka salt mine, the oldest and greatest salt mine in the world that has becomed a UNESCO's world heritage site. This research exchange program is amazing and become my best experince!! So, just go exchange and you will feel the same!



kezia eveline - UNair

University of Heidelberg, Germany When I was a child, I have always dreamed of studying in Germany. Either because of the inuence of the World Cup or the technology. I am very excited while getting a chance to exchange Heidelberg, Germany with the famous universities with medical faculties. Heidelberg is the famous city for tourist and student. I live in a at area and the students are given the opportunity to study in DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center). DKFZ is the biggest cancer lab in Germany, I was amazed to see so many young researchers who conducted the research. During the exchange in addition to research I learned about my project (researching the effect of p53 on brain tumors), I also learned about the spirit of the researchers there. How do they have an idea, research, present their research. Many also failed but they always do not give up. Thank SCORE CIMSA who helped me to realize my goals.

galuh indiradini - Ub

University of Poitiers, France Before leaving for France, everyone reminds me of the possibility that the nature of the French people will be very different from the Indonesian people. But for me in French, they were very sincere, kind and friendly. I live in a house with 3 Poitiers University student. Every weekend we always go around the city around. I think that there I would not be given the opportunity to do various things, I was wrong. There I was given the opportunity to do a lot of trial and trusted to try a variety of clinical measures. Thank CIMSA and SCORE has helped to realize my dream.







Skripsi Workshop and Training

CIMSA UNPAD Halo CIMSA! apasih hal yang biasanya ditakuti oleh mahasiswa tingkat akhir ? pasti jawaban utamanya adalah SKRIPSI. Ya Skripsi atau minor thesis adalah berupa laporan ilmiah yang harus diselesaikan untuk menjadi syarat kelulusan program sarjana. Oleh karena itu kami SCORE CIMSA FK Unpad mengadakan survei yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa tahun ketiga FK Unpad (sebagai sasaran project nantinya) berkaitan dengan skripsi sebanyak 96 responden yang dipilih menggunakan metode random sampling. Hasil survei menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki minat dan kesadaran yang tinggi akan pentingnya penulisan skripsi (bahkan termasuk melakukan penelitian) dan mengetahui manfaat yang akan mereka rasakan setelahnya, namun dalam praktiknya mahasiswa masih mengalami berbagai kesulitan yang bersifat teknis maupun nonteknis dalam proses penulisan skripsi Oleh karena ini SCORE CIMSA FK Unpad mengadakan Skripsi Workshop and Training dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan skills dasar untuk mahasiswa tahun ketiga FK Unpad mengenai skripsi. Awalnya kegiatan ini akan kita wajibkan bagi seluruh mahasiswa tahun ketiga, tetapi karena proses audiensinya belum memungkinkan dalam segi waktu maka project kami ini dibuka dalam bentuk open registration dan akhirnya peserta yang mendaftar sebanyak hampir 100 orang! S.W.A.T begitu kami menyebutnya diadakan dalam 4 sesi yaitu pada tanggal 12,19 September serta 3,10 Oktober 2015. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui kuliah umum, diskusi dalam fokus grup, workshop serta training. Materi yang disampaikan diantaranya adalah mengenai: · Alur Pembuatan Skripsi · Cara Mencari dan Mengembangkan Ide Penelitian · Proses Pengurusan Izin Etik Penelitian · Pembuatan Bab I dan Bab II skripsi · Research design, populasi, inklusi, eksklusi dan variabel · populasi dan research design, sampling technique, sample size · kuesioner, validasi, dan pengambilan data · Statistik, statistik deskriptif, statistik analitik, research design · input dan pengolahan data menggunakan aplikasi SPSS



Setiap materi dibawakan oleh pembicara yang sangat keren di bidang research mulai dari kaka tingkat dengan segudang prestasi di bidang research, dosen epidemiologi dan biostatistik FK Unpad sampai kami mengundang dr. Sopiyudin sebagai pembicara di acara S.W.A.T ini. Untuk mengetahui kebermanfaatan dari kegiatan ini kita melakukan pre-test dan post-test di setiap sesi kesehatan dan setelah diolah datanya terdapat kenaikan nilai antara pre-test terhadap post-test dengan signiďŹ kan sebesar lebih dari 50%. Diharapkan setelah serangkaian kegiatan S.W.A.T ini berlangsung peserta mampu memahami materi yang telah diberikan dengan cara mampu mempraktikkan materi dengan baik dan memiliki kesiapan yang baik dalam menghadapi tugas akhir berupa pembuatan skripsi. Kegiatan ini berpotensi untuk dilakukan secara rutin setiap tahunnya, bahkan berpotensi untuk diadakan dalam skala yang lebih besar.



ilmuwan cilik



Penelitian merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi suatu negara turut pula diukur dengan adanya penelitian ilmiah dan publikasinya secara internasional. Harus diakui bahwa perkembangan penelitian di Indonesia masih jauh tertinggal dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, bahkan dengan negara-negara tetangga kita di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Fakta tersebut telah mendorong pemerintah dan institusi akademik lainnya untuk berupaya meningkatkan minat para akademisi maupun masyarakat pada umumnya terhadap penelitian ilmiah. Hal ini diwujudkan dalam berbagai perlombaan, beasiswa penelitian, maupun disisipkan dalam kurikulum pendidikan. Sejalan dengan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang di dalamnya termuat poin Penelitian dan Pengembangan, kami sebagai mahasiswa berupaya untuk ikut serta membantu usaha pemerintah dengan memperkenalkan konsep dan metode penelitian ilmiah kepada Siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar kelas 6, SDN Rangkah 7. Siswa-siswa SD akan dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok besar dimana ketiga kelompok akan ditukar menuju pos-pos yang disediakan sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan. Siswa-siswi akan dibagi ke dalam ada 3 pos, antara lain eksperimen, daur ulang, dan ranking dengan durasi waktu per pos 45 menit. Siswa-siswi akan diberikan angket sebelum dan setelah kegiatan berakhir sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan kegiatan Ilmuwan Cilik. Dengan sebuah kegiatan bertajuk Ilmuwan Cilik. Memperkenalkan konsep penelitian ilmiah kepada anak-anak merupakan hal yang sangat esensial. Anak-anak tentu masih memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang amat besar terhadap kehidupan di sekelilingnya dan akan lebih baik jika mereka ditempa untuk bisa mencari tahu halhal yang ingin mereka ketahui dengan berpikir analitis dalam suatu penelitian ilmiah. Selain itu, anak-anak menjadi lebih tertarik dan menyukai sains sertamenjadi lebih peduli lingkungan dengan konsep “Save the World�. Dengan pengenalan dini terhadap penelitian ilmiah, siswa-siswi tersebut akan terbiasa ketika mereka dituntut untuk melaksanakannya di jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi di kemudian hari. Potensi keberlanjutan Ilmuwan Cilik 2015 sangat besar. Perencanaan dan ide dari tujuan project Ilmuwan Cilik 2015 sangat sesuai dengan motto CIMSA “to empower medical students, to improve nation's health�.




Program ini merupakan kegiatan yang dikoordinir oleh Secretary NCRE. Kegiatan ini mulai diadakan pada tahun 2015-2016 sebagai inovasi dari sederetan tugas seorang sekretaris NCRE. Lomba Cerdas Cermat 3 Pilar SCORE CIMSA ini merupakan lomba online mengenai hal-hal terkait Konstitusi, Statuta dan juga Peraturan Internal SCORE, oleh karena itu dinamakan dengan LCC 3 Pilar SCORE. Pada lomba ini memperebutkan reward berupa free Uang kas rutin lokal SCORE dan penghargaan bagi pemenang pertama. LCC 3 Pilar ini akan dilakukan Post NLS 2016 dengan soal Pilihan ganda dan Isian yang akan diupload via Milist SCORE dan Dropbox NCRE-LORE. Pemenang dari LCC 3 Pilar ini akan diberikan penghargaan saat May Meeting 2016. Indikator keberhasilan dari program ini dimana 12 Lokal SCORE dapat mengirimkan jawaban yang telah didiskusikan bersama dengan member yang ada di tiap lokalnya, yang masing-masing lokal hanya diperbolehkan mengirimkan 1 jawaban disertai dengan foto member SCORE lokalnya saat membahas soal LCC 3 Pilar ini yang minimal harus 2/5 dari total member aktif di tiap lokal. LCC 3 Pilar SCORE CIMSA ini diharapkan dapat menimbulkan rasa ingin tahu dan antusias yang tinggi dari member SCORE CIMSA terhadap Konstitusi, Statuta dan juga Peraturan Internal SCORE yang dapat menjadi langkah awal pengenalan yang lebih terarah dengan adanya soal-soal dari LCC 3 Pilar ini serta hendaknya dapat berujung pada pemahaman yang komprehensif.







More info: 085740890880 LineID: solaap SCOREview


LETTER TO SCORE “Semoga makin sipp dan berkembang be the best from all~” - Denny Hartanto to SCORE “Wah, kesan yang banyak bersama SCORE UR. Diawali saat jadi member baru, yang mana cuma ada 4 orang member dan semua nya perempuan. Haha tapi disitu rasa kekeluargaan itu ada. Semua dikerjain bareng - bareng yang engga terlepas dari konflik tentunya heheh. Sekarang kita udah ramai. Anggota keluarga SCORE udah banyak sekarang tapi engga terlepas dari kerja keras semua anggota untuk rekrut anggota baru. Yang pasti SCORE selalu dihati, dan engga akan berpaling ke yang lain hehehe. Semoga sukses SCORE NASIONAL dan UR, sukses buat kita yang akan kedatangan incoming dari Jerman dan Jepang. TOP BANGET daaah” - Yohana Christy Sinurat to SCORE UR “Tetap jaya, kompak dan kreatif” - Nur Afrida Yunita to SCORE “Semoga kita bisa lebih dekat lagi ya, RE :") Kusuka hal yg seru dan gila dari kita. Lebih mengenal, tak usah canggung, tanpa gap, tanpa batas, namun tetap perhatikan norma dan etika :D Semangaaaats!!!” - Ranumi to Blue-Family General “Selalu kompak, tambah kece, we love scoree” - Riefni Silara Dini to SCORE



LETTER TO SCORE “Score? Score itu dunia baru tapi terasa begitu akrab. Karena apa? Disini kita tidak hanya sekedar berorganisasi, tapi kita seperti menemukan 'rumah', member score itu keluarga, masing-masing kita harus belajar memahami isi kepala dengan aneka karakter anggotanya, teman belajar, serta wadag bagi kita semua untuk mencoba bagaimana rasanya berbagi, berbagi pengetahuan, berbagi pengalaman, berbagi cerita dan berbagi rasa. :)” - Melnia Anisya to SCORE “Tetep semangat!!” - Mita to DORE “Perasaan aku selama menjadi member score setahun ini, ga nyesel karena masuk score. Why? Because it's really fun here I made a lot of new friends, went to many new and fun places, did some fun projects, etc. For my dear lore, 4 thumbs up for u. U had been very patient with us, helped us a lot, and drove us to the right path. A really big blue hug from us to you” - One of Member UR to LORE UR



standing committee on research exchange

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