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Something New

THE BOBBA Collection is the name of Lineas graduation collection at Scandinavian Acadamy of Fashion Design (SAFD). The collection is inspired by old myths and legends of the subterranean legendary figures from Bornholm, Denmark. from the book “De Underjordiske” by Valdemar Seier.

“De Underjordiske” is filled with illustrations by the artist Jens Jacob Sabber Jensen. Sabber is known for his fine paper clippings which he cut freehand. In the collection, Linea has translated Sabber’s illustrations from paper to textile, based on the illustrations of the subterranean trolls from Bornholm.


When I contacted Linea to do a photoshoot with her and her designs, she immediately said yes. To begin with, I had the idea of going to Bornholm, doing the shoot in a cave, but it was logistically not an option. My second idea was getting it into a museum to have it stand out from the museum artefacts with white statues matching the black and white design of the clothing. However, that idea did not feel right. Then, I remembered Superkilden in Copenhagen: It had a lot of lines which could give an echo of the design into the background.

The next problem was how could i to make the black and white lined design stand out from the background? I decided to do the photo shoot around sun set. In that way, the darker background and the well-lit model and clothing could stand out more and make the design pop. It turned out amazing!

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