December 2010 / January 2011 Edition

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11 n 20 t e


the great aussie christmas!

+ great food ideas for a fabulous New Years Eve Party!


E M O C L E W 2

It’s so grea t tha t you’re a par t of our Sunday cele bra tion ser vice. As we cele bra te Jesus today, we pray tha t you feel right a t home. We would lo ve for you to join us in the “Meeting Place” after our mor ning ser vice for a cuppa so we can enjo y some grea t coffee and connection!


December leads us to summer holidays and Christmas, and ends with New Years Eve celebrations on the 31st. The question I ask is, “How relevant is Christmas in our modern day?” In many parts of the world it will not have relevance because it is not celebrated in certain nations. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, along with other religions, do not recognise the importance of the birth of Christ. Even many Christians se e Christmas as family, fo od and presents with only a cursory acknowledgment of the day’s real significance. Scro oge declared Christmas to be ‘humbug’; a day of lost business opportunity until otherwise convinced by apparitions. For us as born again Christians, every day is important, because our relationship with God is 24/7 and our love and acknowledgement of Jesus is for everyday not just a special one. Every Christmas brings us closer to the end-time when Jesus returns and Christmas will no longer be celebrated or acknowledged. After all, it’s not so much about a birth, but about a gift t h a t God g ave so that li fe may be e xperi en c ed by al l w h o em brac e t he t r u t h t h a t is revea l e d throug h Je sus Chri st as the on l y H ope. I believe God will be speaking to people (non Christians) this Christmas to open their hearts to hope. You may just be the ‘present’ they are waiting for, to come with God’s love and His words of hope that bring them to a place of personally knowing the Father through the Son. May your Christmas be filled with possibilities and opportunities, to not only have a great time, but to build new relationships and reveal the awesome truth of Christmas to others. With our love and blessings for a brilliant Christmas. PAST ORS ROB AND DENISE



// p.6

p.7 December / Januar y Bir thdays p.8-16 Church Life


// p.16

p.16 p.20-21 p.22-23

My Grea t Aussie Christmas Christmas with the Fam Wha t your Husband/Wife DOESN’T want for Christmas!

p.24 p.26 p.27-35 p.36 p.38

NEW YEARS SPECIAL ‘Twas the Week After Christmas Ne w Years Par ty Food ideas Mo ving in the right direction ‘Pro vidence’ Progress

FAMILY LIFE p.42 p.44 p.46


Missions Upda te Jour nal Readings MCF Calendar // Dec & Jan 2011


/ p.42 5



MCF would like to express our de epest sympathies to both Rena Le e and Chris Mallett on the recent loss of their mothers. Please take time to love and encourage these beautiful ladies as they journey through this difficult season.

Congratulations Congratulations to Milly Hyatt and Nathanael Stevens on their recent engagement. We pray that your marriage will be blessed in every way! Congratulations also go to Bill and Angela Clifford on the birth of their 2nd grandchild, Jay William Mo on, born on the 2nd November to parents Emily and Tony.

New to MCF?

tails? Have you changed your contact dedone recently? s were Weren’t here when the update formfrom the foyer today and Then please pick up an update form bag. return it completed in the offering date with up to This will ensure MCF can keep you r church and everything that is happening in ou community.

December / January

Birthdays! DECEMBER



Bella-Jane Wetzel


Selina Bedville


Andy Steane, Vicky Hodder


Wallis Frampton, Ricardo Davids


Ashea Catlin


Jim MacDonald


Jessica Woolcock


Brian Ruge


Leanne Coppo


Gloria Jopling, Shelby Stubbs


Peter Barnett, Heather Wetzel


Wayne Quilliam


Chantal Smith


Nick Ayre


Ann Holmes, Jennifer Booth-Jones,


Stephen Wilde

Hannah Booker


Wendy Chand


Leo Archer


Jeya Prakash


Bevan Jones, Michelle McLean


Suzanne Mogg


Kym Wood


Colby Grubb


Marlene Stokes


Jenny Zimmerman


Walter Bearham, Aaron Harvey


Louis Oosthuizen, Aaron Deguara,


Toni Woolcock, Nathanael Stevens

Iona Loss


Ps Timothy Spark, Denis Valjak


Jessica Little


Cheryl Greer, Jodie Robertson


Mia Ellul


Gail Evans, Gary Fry, Nicholas Buttle


Kevin Campbell


Paul Dixon


Marcus Stubbs


Max Hyatt


Sarah Findlay


CARE cells lo ving people in word and in...

By Pastor Jill Hyatt Well our Care Cells have be en busy all year and now it se ems that all to o quickly, we are planning our Care Cell end of year celebrations. Lo oking back at highlights, I se e the Bush Dance, Father’s Day Celebrations, many people finding friends, growing in faith and becoming the Harvest Force that God requires. We have one more major event for the year where we have the opportunity to serve and bless our community - this will be our Christmas Carols event on the 5th December. Early next year, we are planning a big CELLabration, believing that 2011 will be a fruitful and successful year.

As you enjoy your families at Christmas, remember that you are a very important part of a Care Cell family ON a MISSION. Have a great Christmas and New Year!


From Ps Jill and all the Care Cell Leaders

hope-filled hampers. We consider it a simple but important priority to organise and give 30 or 40 Christmas Hampers away to women who have had a year that has be en challenging, to say the least. As I spoke to the co-ordinator from the shelter, she shared how these small gifts mean so much. She said that the women fe el that they are not even worth a gift at Christmas but through our Hampers, she is able to remind them that there is a community that care and believe all people are valuable.

Thanks Church for showing God’s love in a real way.

“...the women feel that they are not even worth a gift at Christmas but through our Hampers, she is able to remind them that there is a community that care and believe all people are valuable.�


Z D I K By Cheryl Greer What an exciting time of the year where we can reinforce God’s great love for us to our children. In the Parenting Course recently facilitated by our Church, we talked about how every child is lo oking for a parent to be a coach, an inspirational leader, a trusted mentor, their biggest fan and their greatest comfort. I would add one more desirable quality of a parent, and that is to be their hero and train them up in the ways of the Lord. They will be so grateful as they grow up experiencing that degre e of love and blessing.

Thank you for your love and support during the year! I pray you have a joyous and Christ-filled break.


Over the Christmas period, Teddy Bear Club will have a break from 26th December and recommence on 16th January, so enjoy this festive time with your children in Church. For the older children, there will be Kidsjam on the 12th December and then KICK and Kings Kids will recommence again on the 23rd January.

KIDS SPEAK with Casey, Robbie & Kaison

What does Christmas mean to you? CASEY: It means that it’s Jesus’ birthday. ROBBIE: That it’s Jesus’ birthday. KAISON: Jesus came and it’s co ol!

What do you like to do on Christmas day? CASEY: I like to open presents and have a special Christmas Lunch with chicken. I love the legs! ROBBIE: Eat chocolate toast! We have it on birthdays to o, so because it’s Jesus’ birthday, we have it at Christmas. KAISON: Open my presents! I love our Christmas lunch which is usually pork and salad. My grandma makes the pork. I don’t like the crackling!



NO TURNING BACK highlights of Ignite in 2010... 12

What a truly inspirational year 2010 has be en! Ignite, the young adults ministry of MCF, has stepped up and stepped out this year into the things of God in such an amazing way. From kicking off the year with our new leaders, Pastors David and Sharryn Westbro ok, change was in the air, and it was so exciting. Never before in my six years of being a part of Ignite, have I se en a generation so passionate to reach their city! Red Frogs uptown has be en pivotal in se eing our young adults equipped in reaching their community. It has be en so incredibly humbling to se e them run so hard with the vision of Ignite, to ‘Love God and Love People’ and they are making a strong impact wherever they go. Ignite has also be en out on the Uni campus and res colleges, reaching into the lives of students and have built great relationships that will help us continue our work in 2011. Besides all of the hard work involved in building the Kingdom, Ignite knows how to kick back and have fun! This year we have had many social events such as; Scavengaarrr Hunt, Trivia, BBQ’S, Movie nights, Barefo ot Bowls and our final social for the year, Rock ‘n’ Roll dancing. These events not only give us an opportunity to have fun together, but also allow us to invite our non-Christian friends and the Year 12’s from Rev to come and build connection with us and gain an insight into Ignite and what we are all about. Ignite also had opportunities to serve and grow through Synergy nights with Rev, Extreme Conference and our life changing retreat ‘Catalyst’ in Airlie beach. We are so excited to se e what God has in store for us in 2011 and are ready to change our world for Jesus! Ignite will be having our end of year party on the 17th December, and will be resuming on the 21st January, 2011 for our annual Australia Day party. If you are 18-25yrs, we would love you to come and join us. Please contact the Church office for more details. Have an awesome Christmas & New Year break and we lo ok forward to a brilliant year together in 2011. Ignite Leadership Team



REVVIN’ UP... “Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg...or something like that ...” Christmas time is fast approaching, then it will be gone and another year will begin. Ahhh, the joys of getting older and remembering all those Christmases long ago...

That is exactly what happens at Revolution as well. We celebrate all the Year 12’s who finish scho ol and progress into University or full time jobs in December, which is sad because it is like our children growing up and leaving home ... but then in January, we have all these crazy little Grade 7’s coming into Rev which is like having a new child .... your whole life changes! Youth Ministry is funny, because in one sense you’re saying go odbye to a generation but at the same time, welcoming another. It ke eps us all on our toes ... As we wind down another year, we are already planning 2011 to be bigger and better than ever.

: r e b m e c e D n i h t u R e v Yo Th ursd ay 2n d: Fr ida y 3r d: Th ursd ay 9t h: Fr ida y 10 th : Fr ida y 17th :

Hi gh En d of Ye ar Pa rty @ No rth Revo lut ion wi th Ps Ka t NO Rev No rth En d of Ye ar Pa rty Revo lut ion wi th Ps Tim + r mo re info, se e M as on Boys – XB OX Ni ght. Fo t Fo r mo re info, se e Ps Ka G irl s – G irl s Ni ght O ut.

: y r a u n a J n i h t u R e v Yo e th : iSe e Yo uth Co nfe re nc M on da y 10 th – Fr ida y 14 Tim or Ka t fo r mo re info]] [[S e e Ps ing 2011 Revo lut ion Pr ayer M e et Fr ida y 21st: No rth be gin s fo r 2011 MUN GO US !!!! Th ursd ay 27th : Rev ght of Revo lut ion ...HUG ENi rst Fi : th 28 y Fr ida



In the last 6 we eks at Rev Youth, we have se en 5 healings. Our most recent, (prior to submission of this article),

happened on Friday, 5th November. A student came to youth with his arm in a sling; a friend had be en mucking around and accidentally put his arm out in 2 places. After the preaching, the student prayed for himself asking God to heal his arm because it hurt. Immediately he to ok his arm out of the sling in faith and BAM! His arm was totally healed!! He started swinging it around fe eling no pain at all. Isn’t God go od! Miracles don’t occur when we have opportunity; they occur when we TAKE the opportunity. At youth we have so far se en 5 healings but we are lo oking for more. It’s not that God has His hand on us, because it has always be en there; it is just that we are making it a priority to pray each time we have a conversation with someone, and the healings are simply just happening. Isn’t this how Christians should live, expecting to se e miracles every day? Be a part of The Revolution!!! Ps Tim n Kat


my the great aussie christmas... Two different people share their own stories of what Christmas means to them.


man up. wind down. By Simon Stubbs

Every other day of the year the weight of being a man bears heavy on my shoulders. The expectation I put on myself everyday to be better than I fe el or to perform greater than I am capable of comes only from within. But the anticipation of Christmas Day is somehow different. I can’t put a finger on it. It’s just different. Family and friends will come together for this one day of the year, maybe not in one place but definitely in one heart. Relationships that test the spirit all year can be settled, if not completely, at least for this one day. Phone calls, emails, cards, letters, texts and gifts are sent for maybe only the second time this year with just one purpose in mind, to bless the receiver. And when I receive them there is a strange tingling inside... I can’t explain what acceptance fe els like, I just know it fe els go od. Whether Christmas Day is spent with family in a backyard, with friends in a park or at a dream holiday destination with your wife and/or kids, it is a day where all plans are made to bless others. Turkeys, chickens, prawns, steaks, lollies, decorations, salads, bonbons, music etc are all meant to facilitate a time of love and unity. And on the day everything just se ems right: maybe a gift didn’t work properly, or the BBQ burnt or some other normally world ending event occurs, but it’s all okay. I don’t fe el any ne ed to fix it right now (although tomorrow is another day). No matter what happens it will be alright on Christmas day. Maybe, just maybe, that’s what the Bible meant in Luke 2:14, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, go od will toward men.”


the reason for the season. By Shar ryn Westbrook

There’s a reason why they call December the ‘silly season’! Think about it: We go on a diet in September to fit into that Christmas party dress, only to over indulge at the Christmas table! We buy gifts we can’t afford with money we don’t have, for people who don’t ne ed more ‘stuff.’ In the midst of the mayhem of preparing the many indulgences, dressing the tre e, decorating the house, forging a path through the overcrowded stores, making our selections and joining the enormous checkout queue, the whole ordeal can become overwhelming and rob us of the joy of the season. Recently, I heard about a Santa Claus at the shopping centre who was very surprised when a young lady aged about 20 years old walked up and sat on his lap. Now, we all know that Santa doesn’t usually take requests from adults, but she smiled very nicely at him, so he asked her, ‘What do you want for Christmas?’ ‘Something for my mother, please,’ the girl replied swe etly. ‘Something for your mother? Well, that’s very loving and thoughtful of you,’ smiled Santa. ‘What would you like me to bring her?’ Without skipping a beat she replied, ‘A son-in-law.’


“...let’s not lose sight of the purpose of our celebrations.”

Unfortunately, we know it isn’t quite that easy. But somewhere in the midst of the time we spend, the effort we make and the thoughtfulness we demonstrate, let’s not lose sight of the purpose of our celebrations.

“If God had perceived that our greatest need was economic, he would have sent an economist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, he would have sent us a politician. If he had perceived that our greatest need was health, he would have sent us a doctor. But he perceived that our greatest need involved our sin, so He sent a Saviour.” - D.A. Carson Jesus is still the reason.


Christmas w the fam... What are your plans for Christmas? Jackie Steane: I arrive back in Mackay on Christmas Day after visiting Ps Ne els and the Coetze e family in South Africa and my family in England. We’ll be having a culturally challenging time in Capetown and a climatically challenging time in England! I’ll get to share my experiences from being here for the last 3 ½ years with my family and friends; something to lo ok forward to!

Who would you like to share your Christmas with? Timi Daramola: Somebody who doesn’t know Jesus Christ. That way we could fellowship together. They would se e the love of God and know about salvation and the hope offered to them through a relationship with Jesus.


Editor’s Note: Lo oking forward to hearing the testimony of your time together Timi, because if you’d like to share your Christmas with this person, there’s no reason why that can’t happen!


How do you enjoy spending Christmas Day? Maurice Coppo: We try to make our Christmas day a special day by having ‘Christmas fo od’, gifts and sharing time with family and friends. Fo od is a big part of the day. We cho ose fo od that we normally don’t have during the year and we try to make it all ourselves. ‘Slow fo od’ co oked with love!! Our gifts are usually low in value as we want to ke ep the focus on the true gift of Christmas, God’s only Son, Jesus. Attending MCF Church and singing carols is always a very enjoyable part of the day. Sle ep is also go od.

If you could invite anyone to spend Christmas with you, who would that be and why? Justine Frost: My mum who lives in South Africa. I miss her so much because I haven’t se en her in two years. My sister passed away 6 months ago so Mum is very emotional. It would be lovely for both of us if she was here.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory? Greg Frost: It is go od to be with family, se eing the children opening their presents and enjoying the spirit of Christmas excitement.


Top Ten Gifts Your Husband Doesn’t Want for Christmas 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


Anne of Gre en Gables Collectors editions with 74 minutes of extra fo otage Any knick knack Tickets to the ballet Another new tie A Body Shop voucher New teddy bear pyjamas Vacuum cleaner A we ekend seminar on “Getting in Touch with Your Fe elings”. Pair of leopard skin slippers A nose and ear hair trimmer (OK, well maybe.)

Top Ten Gifts Your Wife Doesn’t Want for Christmas 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

A car wash kit A table saw Paid registration to Wow Sight & Sound Home Theatre Installation Seminar A case of car oil Five year subscription to 4x4 Driving Holidays Custom engraved bowling ball New outboard motor for fishing boat Rambo Trilogy on DVD New satellite dish with sports package Thre e year membership to Weight Watchers clinic




2011 GOOD BYE DIET... By the time it’s New Years Eve we know you’re sick of eating turkey and ham sandwiches left over from Christmas! So, to help you out we’ve got some yummy food ideas for you to welcome in the New Year!


‘Twas the Week After Christmas ‘Twas the we ek after Christmas, And all through the house, Nothing would fit me, Not even a blouse. The co okies I’d nibble, the eggnog I’d taste, All the holiday parties had gone to my waist! When I got on the scales, there arose such a number! When I’d walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I’d remember the marvellous meals I’d prepared; The gravies and sauces and be ef nicely rared. The punch and the rum balls, the bread and the che ese And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.” As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt, And prepared once again to battle the dirt. I said to myself, as only I can, “You can’t spend a summer dressed like a man!” So away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip. Every last bit of fo od that I like must be banished , Until all the additional kilos have vanished. I won’t have an ice cream, not even a lick. I’ll want only to chew on a celery stick. I won’t have hot bread, or pastries or pies I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore, But isn’t that what January is for?


Unable to laugh, no longer a riot, Happy New Years to all, and to all, a go od diet.


Blue Cheese Grapes // contributed by Jason Riley Ingredients • 250g Cream Che ese (softened) • 1 tablespo on of Milk • 2 teaspo ons of Blue Che ese • 500g of se edless Red or Gre en Grapes • 1 1/4 cups (155g) of coarsely chopped Walnuts • 1 tablespo on of chopped fresh Parsley Method 1. Combine cream che ese, milk and blue che ese in a medium sized bowl. Beat with an electric mixer at medium spe ed until smo oth and creamy. 2.

Cover each grape with 1 teaspo on of the cream che ese mixture.


Combine walnuts and parsley in a small bowl. Coat grapes with walnut mixture.


Line a plate with grease pro of paper.


Arrange the coated grapes on prepared plate.


Chill, covered, for 30 minutes.


Drinks Fruit Cup Punch // contributed by Kerry Brannan

(This recipe has come down from my great grandmother, Granny Brownsey) Ingredients • 6 oranges • 2 lemons • 6 passionfruits • 1 tin of crushed pineapple • 1 cup of white sugar • 3 x 1.25L bottles of Ginger Ale • 4 x 1.25L bottles of Lemonade • 1 cup of white sugar • Fresh mint Method 1. To make syrup : Put the juice of 6 oranges, 2 lemons and pulp of 6 passionfruit in a glass container. 2. 3.

Add 1 tin crushed pineapple, 1 cup white sugar and plenty of fresh mint. Bruise the mint and stir the sugar in well. Cover and stand overnight.

Next Day: 4. Remove mint. 5. Put your syrup into a punch bowl and add ginger ale and lemonade. My great granny used to add 2 grated Granny Smith apples and a packet of chopped glace cherries, but I use a tin of fruit salad. Just before serving add crushed ice. (I usually double the amounts of syrup and softdrink so it goes further).


Roast Pumpkin & Pine Nut Salad // contributed by Denise Macdonald Ingredients • 1 x 150g bag Baby English spinach (washed) • 600g Pumpkin wedged or cubed and roasted • 2 tsp olive oil • 1 x 75g bag pine nuts roasted til golden in dry frying pan • 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar & olive oil to dress Method: 1. Line a baking tray and lightly grease with olive oil. 2.

Cut pumpkin into 1-2cm thick, bite-sized pieces. and co ok in preheated 230 degre e oven for 25 mins, turning once. Once co oked, remove from heat.


Meanwhile, heat up a frying pan with no oil and add pine nuts to roast until golden brown.


Add balsamic vinegar & oil into a screw top jar and shake well.


Add all ingredients to a large bowl and toss lightly, dress with vinegar & oil lightly. Serve immediately

Yummy • • •

additions /options Cubed feta che ese Sliced / pitted olives For a more peppery flavour, use rocket leaves


Creamy Sweet Chilli Chicken Pasta // contributed by Jen Booth-Jones This is a really yummy pasta dish that an incredible co ok gave me a while ago when I was stuck for a go od meal that is tasty, quick and so easy to make! NOTE: The amount of pasta, chicken and swe et chilli sauce you ne ed will depend on how many people you are co oking for. Ingredients • Spaghetti Pasta (or any pasta of your choice) • Skinless chicken breast fillets • Swe et Chilli Sauce • 250-500g thickened cream • Oil or Canola spray Method: 1. Co ok pasta and once done, rinse with water and set aside to co ol. 2.

Dice chicken into bite-sized pieces.


Heat up a frying pan with a tablespo on of oil or canola spray and co ok chicken until it starts to have colour. Once that happens, turn the heat down on your frying pan and leave chicken in there to ke ep co oking on a low heat - stirring occasionally.


Meanwhile, pour the cream into a small saucepan and add in as much (or as little) swe et chilli sauce to the cream until the taste is to your liking.


Begin to heat the cream and swe et chilli sauce on a low heat and then gradually bring the heat up to boil. Ensure you stir the cream constantly so that the cream doesn’t burn.


Once the cream and swe et chilli sauce thickens, take the saucepan off the heat and pour the sauce into the frying pan with the chicken.


Add the pasta with the chicken and the cream and combine everything well then serve straight away.




Trifle // contributed by Denise Booth-Jones This is a Bo oth-Jones family favourite! Ingredients: • 1 plain double sponge (preferably a day old) • 1 x 825gm tin peaches (drained, but retain ½ cup of juice to mix with sherry) • 1/3 cup Swe et Sherry (Optional) • 1 Port Wine Jelly # (made up with 1 cup boiling water & 1/2cup of cold water) • Whipped cream • Flaked almonds, grated chocolate or passionfruit, etc for decoration Custard • 3 • 2 • 2 • 1 • 1

cups milk - 3 tablespo ons sugar - 3 tablespo ons custard powder, mixed with 1/2 cup extra milk egg tsp vanilla essence

Make a fairly thick boiled custard using the ingredients above. Allow to co ol. Method: 1. Make your jelly at least 4hrs before you want to start assembling your trifle & your boiled custard about 1hr before. 2.

Cut up cake into approx 2cm squares & layer the bottom, plus 1 row up the side of a 23cm *clear glass salad bowl.


Mix the peach juice and sherry together, and then drizzle approx half over the 1st layer of cake, moistening to your liking.


Next, place peach slices on top of the cake layering them in a decorative manner, followed by half the jelly diced up.


5. Spo on over half the custard and then smo oth out with a spatula.

Repeat the whole process with a 2nd layer of cake, juice, fruit, jelly and custard.


Refrigerate for at least 2 – 3 hrs and then cover with whipped cream. Decorate with flaked almonds/shaved chocolate/ passionfruit (or whatever you prefer).


Refrigerate for at least 2 – 3 hrs and then cover with whipped cream. Decorate with flaked almonds/shaved chocolate/ passionfruit (or whatever you prefer).

* * *

For Christmas you can use both a red & gre en jelly – one for each layer & then chop the remainder up into little cubes & use to decorate the top of the trifle. A clear glass bowl shows off the beautiful layers of your trifle, but is not necessary. You will have some cake & peaches left over 


Kids Food

Freckle Biscuits & Pigs in Blankets // contributed by Charli Dixon Freckle Biscuits

Ingredients • 1 cup SR Flour • 1 cup Plain Flour • 125g butter • 1/2cup sugar • 1 egg • ¼ cup milk • 1 packet freckles Method 1. Mix butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. 2. Add egg, flour and mix well. Add milk if to o dry 3. Knead lightly and roll into balls (alternatively roll into log refrigerate and then slice) 4. Flatten and then push freckle on top. 5. Bake in a 180 degre e oven for 15mins or until lightly browned.

Pigs in Blankets

Ingredients • 1 packet of miniature sausages (Cherios) • Equivalent pieces of short cut bacon rashes to sausages. • To othpicks Method 1. Roll sausage in bacon and use to othpicks to hold bacon and sausage together. 2.


Co ok in a 200 degre e oven for 15 minutes or until co oked.

Tea & Coffee

Snickerdoodles // contributed by Catherine Murison Ingredients: • 2 3/4 cups plain flour • 1/2 teaspo on salt • 2 teaspo ons baking powder • 1 cup soft butter • 1 1/2 cups white sugar • 2 large eggs • 1 teaspo on pure vanilla extract

Coating: • 1/3 cup granulated white sugar • 2 teaspo ons ground cinnamon (Or to make things easier buy pre-made cinnamon sugar)

Method: 1. Preheat oven to 200 degress C (180 fan forced). Line two baking she ets with baking paper. 2.

In a large bowl whisk together the flour, salt, and baking powder.


In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar until smo oth (about 2 to 3 minutes).


Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Beat in the vanilla extract.


Add the flour mixture and beat until you have a smo oth dough.

Coating: 6. In a large shallow bowl mix together the sugar and cinnamon. 7

Roll small balls of dough in the cinnamon sugar and place on the prepared pan, leave adequate space for the dough to spread. Push down slightly to flatten balls of dough.


Bake the co okies for about 8 - 10 minutes, or until they are light golden brown around the edges. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to co ol.



At the beginning of 2010, our family had no idea that we would lose both of Denise’s parents in the month of January. It has be en a challenging year of making adjustments to life without them, disposing of their possessions, attending to legal matters and yes, times of grieving. Does this mean that we have not be en moving in the right direction for 2010? No, because we have hung on to God and trusted that He knows all things and has a way for us to move forward, but it is His way, not how we think it should go.


With Christmas and New Year just a short time away, we will have a we ek or so to slow down, rest and relax and hopefully refresh. It’s a great time to stop and think about your life. A time to reflect on 2010 and then to ask yourself, “What would I like to happen in 2011?” While there are some things that are beyond our control, there is much we can influence by deciding beforehand the choices we want to make and the way we want to live our lives. The pace of 21st Century life steals the ‘quiet times’ from us; the opportunity to think, to pray, to re-evaluate and plan.

“To find the right direction for our life and to make the best choices, we need to involve God in our decisions.” Many people are swept along by the current of life and the question to be asked is, “are they going in the right direction?” Sometimes they ‘arrive’ but it’s not really the place they want to be. Psalm 37:5 says, “Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” To find the right direction for our life and to make the best choices, we ne ed to involve God in our decisions. If we do, we will have success and a sense of achievement, and that will be a blessing we can lo ok back on from the end of 2011. Jesus knew why He came and which direction He was going. When He hung on the cross He could say, “It is finished”, because it was! He had accomplished all He was sent to do. My prayer for you is to know the right direction, to move forward in your life with God’s help and at the end of life, to have no regrets because you lived in God’s will for your life. How exciting is that!








MISSIONS UPDATE Bryan left Australia in a huge step of faith a few months ago – he had nowhere to stay, no visa and no place to work when he returned to China. As he has stepped out, things have be en provided for him and he has had miraculous provision from God and great favour with people. He has now gained employment teaching and is on a trial period for a few months. The job has also come with a furnished flat as well as a monthly allowance for meals and groceries. Due to complications with paperwork Bryan had to enter China on a tourist visa instead of a business visa – he is working on changing this but it is proving a little difficult.

Praise Points: • • •

Safe return to China Provision of a job Provision of a place to stay

Prayer Points: • • •


Continued employment after trial period Provision of a business visa Favour and influence with students


Tithes and offerings can be paid via the internet. Bank details for MCF are: Account number: 69481 8914 BSB: 084 792 Please label your transfer with the appropriate title so we can direct your money to the right area. eg. ‘tithes and offering’, ‘Leroy sponsorship’, or ‘missions’ etc. Cheques should be made payable to: Mackay Christian Family.







Rom 5-8


Rom 9-12


Rom 13-16


Eph 1-4


Eph 5-6 / Ps 119:1-80


Phil 1-4


Col 1-4


1 Tim 1-4


1 Tim 5-6 / Tit 1-3


2 Tim 1-4


Philem / Heb 1-4


Heb 5-8


Heb 9-11


Heb 12,13 / Jude


Jas 1-5


1 Pet 1-5


2 Pet 1-3 / Jn 1


Jn 2-4


Jn 5,6


Jn 7,8


Jn 9-11


Jn 12-14


Jn 15-18


Jn 19-21


1 Jn 1-5


Ps 117,119:81-176 / 2 Jn / 3 Jn


Rev 1-4


Rev 5-9


Rev 10-14


Rev 15-18


Rev 19-22



Gen 1,2 / Luke 1


Gen 3-5 / Luke 2


Gen 6-8 / Luke 3


Gen 9-11 / Luke 4


Gen 12-14 / Luke 5


Gen 15-17 / Luke 6


Gen 18,19 / Ps 3 / Luke 7


Gen 20-22 / Lk 8


Gen 23,24 / Lk 9


Gen 25,26 / Ps 6 / Lk 10


Gen 27,28 / Ps 4 / Lk 11


Gen 29,30 / Lk 12


Gen 31-33 / Lk 13


Gen 34-36 / Lk 14


Gen 37, 38 / Ps 7 / Lk 15


Gen 39-41 / Lk 16


Gen 42,43 / Ps 5 / Lk 17


Gen 44-46 / Lk 18


Gen 47, 48 / Ps 10 / Lk 19


Gen 49, 50 / Ps 8 / Lk 20


Ex 1,2 / Ps 88 / Lk 21


Ex 3-5 / Lk 22


Ex 6-8 / Lk 23


Ex 9-11 / Lk 24


Ex 12,13 / Ps 21 / Acts 1


Ex 14-16 / Acts 2


Ex 17-20 / Acts 3


Ex 21,22 / Ps 12 / Acts 4


Ex 23,24 / Ps 14 / Acts 5


Ex 25-27 / Acts 6


Ex 28,29 / Acts 7



5th 10th

cele bra tion ser vice // 9:30am

Carols @ the Colle ge 5pm Sausa ge Sizzle / 6:30pm Carols

REV Yr 7-12 // IGNITE 18+ 7pm // 7pm

12th CELEBRATION SERVICE // 9:30am & 6pm

Yr 7-12 // 17th REV PARTY!!! 7pm

IGNITE // 18 + Rock n’ Roll dancing 7PM @ Macallister St




cele bra tion ser vice 9:30am onl y



Worship Team CHRISTMAS DAY REHEARSAL on the 46 MCF16TH OF DECEMBER // 6:30pm in the Faith Centre

January NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Invite someone o ver for dinner on a Sunday night when there’s no ser vices


cele bra tion ser vice 9:30am onl y


cele bra tion ser vice 9:30am onl y



iSee Conference

cele bra tion ser vice 9:30am & 6pm

21st cele bra tion ser vice 23rd 9:30am & 6pm

REV Yr 7-12 // IGNITE 18+ 7pm // PARTY 7pm

28th REV & IGNITE // 7pm



MCF Worship Team meets recommences on the 6TH JANUARY // 6:30pm in the Faith Centre


Have a grea t Aussie Christmas!

mackay christian

family church

CREATING HOPE EXPRESSING LOVE GIVING LIFE 9 Quarry Stre et, North Mackay 07 4963 1155

SENIOR EDITOR // Denise Booth-Jones EDITORS // Tiana Fr y SENIOR CO-ORDINATORS // Jennifer Booth-Jones, Ka tharine MacDonald CREATIVE DIRECTOR // Jennifer Booth-Jones DEC/JAN CONTRIBUTORS // Rob Booth-Jones, Amber Clark, Cher yl Greer, Jill Hya tt, Ka tharine MacDonald, Tim Spark, Simon Stubbs, Sharr yn Westbrook FEATURED PHOTOGRAPHY // Crea, Jennifer Booth-Jones, Re becca Wood wor th, Toni Woolcock


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