April / May 2012 Edition

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mackay christian family church

2012 april|may


26% 33% 15% 5%

words by Sharryn Westbrook


At the start of each year, people make New Years resolutions – lose weight, get fit, become more disciplined, eat a better diet, earn more, spend less, pray more, quit a habit, travel more, etc. Wayne Cordeiro, gifted Preacher and author says that 80% of everything you do, anybody could do. That probably comes as a bit of shock to some of us who feel indispensable! Not convinced? The meetings you attend, the phone calls you take, the e-mails you check, the kids soccer game you watch, the home duties you perform, the schedule you keep, anybody could do that. He also says that about 15% of all the things you do could be carried out by someone else with some measure of training, in your place. (1.) ‘Bring it on’ I hear you say! In this day and age, education and training are in abundant supply so it would be reasonable to assume, a person receiving adequate training, knowledge and skill preparation could perform your daily duties with a degree of competence. However, there is apparently at least 5% of everything you do, that nobody else can do. Read on, please…

Only I can choose my attitude. Only I can keep my body healthy. Only I can take responsibility for my spiritual growth. Only I can fulfil my destiny. No one can do these things by proxy; I have to do them myself. Only I can be a wife to my husband David. Only I can be a mum to Madelyn & Josiah. Only I can choose my attitude. Only I can keep my body healthy. Only I can take responsibility for my spiritual growth. Only I can fulfil my destiny. No one can do these things by proxy; I have to do them myself. Here’s the real clincher; it’s for that 5% I will stand before God and give an account of. Ouch! >>


26% 33% 15% 5% In Luke 10:38-42 we read the account of Jesus being the invited dinner guest at Mary and Martha’s home. ‘Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.

Haven’t we all been there; Yanked, from one thing to another, from here to there until we feel very much like a rag doll whose arms are dispoportionally stretched out of shape!

But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (ESV)

Luke describes Martha as being distracted - “pulled about” with preparing the meal. Haven’t we all been there; Yanked, from one thing to another, from here to there until we feel very much like a rag doll whose arms are disproportionally stretched out of shape! I know what you’re thinking; ‘Someone has to do the ‘stuff’!’ And you are absolutely right. 5%. We are both Mary and Martha, and no, I am not suggesting we are


% % %

schizophrenics! There won’t probably every be a time when there are no demands vying for our time and energy. Yet there will always be a deep yearning within us to still our souls. In v42 Jesus reminds us through Martha that when you boil the substance of life down to its basic form and think in terms of time and eternity – not a whole lot is that important. In fact He says that there is only one thing that is essential or truly necessary. And that is to set aside regular time each day, to sit at Jesus’ feet, one on one, reading his Word, meditating on it, hearing His heart. When you think about it, the very substance of our lives flows out from this pivotal place, so if we neglect to take this time, how can we expect to recognize His voice when He speaks to us, or how can we use His Word as our life’s roadmap if we don’t know what His Word says? The Bible is predominantly the way God speaks to us and it comes to life as we begin to apply its truth to situations and circumstance we are facing. Ps Ruth Harvey use to say “The Word of God works if we work the Word”. Cordeiro says “God’s Word, the Bible, is crucially important to our everyday lives. And don’t think obscure religious knowledge here. Think food. Think water. Think air.”(2.) As I read it and mediate upon it, I am challenged and provoked, encouraged, directed and corrected; I cannot remain unchanged, I actually grow up! So, here’s a challenge; why not make it a personal goal this year to read your Bible and journal in your quiet time with the Lord, on a daily basis. There is no substitute for drawing from the richness of His Word. It’s a bit like eating vegetables; you know your body will thank you for making the right choice about what you put into it. You might not notice the effect of a lack of vegetables in your diet immediately, maybe not even next week but eventually, it will be obvious to all that your diet has been inadequate. The same is true of the Word of God. You might be able to ‘wing it’ on your own wisdom and ‘bluff’ your way through life but eventually what you’ve sown will reap a harvest. Get God’s Word into your heart and watch it have an impact upon every facet of your life; it’s all good! 1 Wayne Cordeiro, The Divine Mentor, Minnesota, Bethany House Publishers, 2007 pp. 41-43 2 Ibid, p44


IN THIS ISSUE CONTENTS///////////////////////////// 50 & BETTER......................... CHANGE4CHANGE............. FAMILIES & COUPLES......... YOUNG ADULTS & YOUNG FAMILIES............................... KNOW GOD?........................ KIDS....................................... YOUTH................................... APRIL/MAY CALENDAR.......

P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P14 P15 P16



BUS DRIVERS NEEDED FOR CAMP EAGLE Camp Eagle is designed primarily to give opportunity for the unchurched youth of Mackay, a time and a place to connect with Jesus and the local church. The camp also provides a “real” camping experience where students camp in their own tents, enjoy the camp fire and get involved in activities that build their confidence and encourage them to do well in life. The Camp Eagle ground is only a 10 minute drive from Mt.Pleasant and located at Rowallan Park where Holts and Glendarah Roads meet. As part of the camp program a one day outing is organised so the students can swim in the warmer months and go for a bush walk in the winter. This year there are three opportunities for you to be involved on a voluntary capacity by driving a small 25 seat bus on these outings. You will need a minimum of a LR licence. Below are the dates and times to drive. 1) 2) 3)

Seaforth on Saturday 2nd of June – 7.30a.m. To 5.00p.m. Blue water lagoons on Friday 14th of September – 9.15a.m. To 2.15p.m. Finch Hatton Gorge on Saturday 27th of October. – 7.30a.m to 5.00p.m.

If you have a desire to serve God in this way please phone Nick Ayre on 0422 885 204.


50 & better

SERVING THE HOUSE. March all ready, and WOW our year is up and running , Life groups are enjoying the new relaxed format, with 5 LGs possible more (by the time this article hits the press) enjoying a great time of connection, it is great to see several of our new friends settling in and not only making great friends and growing in the Lord, but serving at MCF. We now have plenty of different ways we are able to serve at MCF. Remembering our Vision is to have people who connect at 3 levels; - at Sunday Celebration Service – connection through worship and the Word - at Life Group – for connection and discipleship - in Service – for connection through Serving and Value. It has been great to see the wonderful response to the Sunday Night Dinners that MCCare have been running. Please come and join us and use this opportunity to donate to the work MCCare is doing.


God Bless You, Pastor Jill







To change the world we need those that want to change the world now and those who know that the world can be changed it just takes time. The first generation are young, full of energy and excited about today. The second generation is deliberate, know what can be done and are focuSed on making sure what has been learnt doesn’t get lost. The transition, though, from one generation to another is with a powerful group of people still fired by the impossible of tomorrow yet focussed on the strength of today. They are committed to gaining the wisdom required for the next generation through drawing on the wisdom of those who have gone before. They are raising the next army of young dynamos and inspiring the next army of wise counsellors. This group, our generation, is the Achievers. Everything we do is learnt from the past to strengthen the future. The greatest area of change in all our life is through this generation. This is an exciting (read that as scary) time of our life. We want, and need, to come together to celebrate our successes and let each of us see the fantastic jobs you are doing during this exciting (scary) time.

So after morning church on the last Sunday of the month we will be meeting at Bridges CafĂŠ on the Riverbank to celebrate with you all. April 29 and May 27 are the next two meetings. We are looking forward to seeing you all there. Until then and as always God bless Simon and Jacquie Stubbs

young adults&young families

If you are between the ages of 18 – 35, then this is what’s coming up over the next few months… 28th April // BBQ at the Beach 26th May // Spicks and Specks (revised edition) And in between, 4 weddings!! WooHoo!! 30th June // Financial Excellence Seminar Pt. 2 Stay tuned for any spontaneous events!!!

We’re so excited about the growth we are experiencing as a Church through this congregation. We have had a blast meeting so many new families and young adults over the last 4 months, and we are anticipating a continual growth as we move forward as a Church. If you would like to be more involved or know more about who we are, then you can come along to one of our amazing Life Groups…Some meet Tuesday nights and others Friday nights. If you would like any more information regarding events or Life Groups than contact 49631155 or email at tspark@mccmky.qld.edu.au We love you Church! Tim & Kat Spark


KNOW GOD words by TIm Spark

In Australia today, roughly 65% of our population claim to believe in God. The difference between “knowing God” and KNOWING God is like a car and a kaleidoscope…they are two totally different things. Knowing about God, only shows that you have a limited understanding purely based on reputation, which is what you have heard other people say about God, and possibly a past experience long ago that you have almost forgotten about. There is a huge difference in believing and knowing. In the book of James, the writer shows how even demons believe in Jesus and that the reason they are so terrified is that they know they can never return to a relationship with Him. There is more to the Christian life then just believing.


Knowing God intimately, right here, right now is the only way for us to live. David in Psalm 63 begins to describe who God is and his opening statement is “O God, you are my God”. He is David’s God, not somebody else’s God, and not a God he heard about but his God. He says “I seek you earnestly, my soul thirsts and my body longs”. David is seeking to find who God is for himself, and he is not satisfied until he finds Him. An easy way to assess where your relationship with God is, is by listening to the names and words you use to address and relate to God. For instance, people who put an “e” at the end of my name don’t know me; they don’t even know how to spell my name. Other people put an “s” at the end of my name when they say Spark, these people


can’t even say my name right. Some call me Pastor Tim which refers to ta title, they know what I do or have heard someone refer to me but they themselves still don’t really know me. Then there are those who call me Tim, these are my friends. We are on first name basis, and we are close and have some good memories. Then there are those who call me Timmy. These people have history with me, we have stories and these experiences usually date back years. Then lastly, there is one special person who has a totally different word to address who I am. This person has exclusive rights to me, they are allowed to climb all over me, touch my face, dribble on me, be with me as much as he wants and ask the most inappropriate questions. He calls me daddy. He will know me better than even those who call me Timmy. You can tell where your relationship with God is by the way you refer to Him. If you still call Him the “big man in the sky”, or “the man upstairs”, or “dear 8 pound 6 ounces baby Jesus”, then you probably don’t know Him very well. But if you refer to God with names such as “comforter”, or “healer”, “provider”, or maybe “friend”, then that is showing the depth of your relationship with Him. Let me encourage you this month, assess how you address God. If you think you can get closer relationally with Him, than do it. Find out who God is for yourself, don’t just take the preachers word or a close friends experience, discover who He is for yourself, it will be the best thing you ever do!!





What an amazing job our parents at MCF are doing! I was greatly encouraged as I saw parents encouraging their children to share their faith with friends and invite them to an outreach event with the KICK team. It was a great success as we had 12 new children that had never been to church before attend our program. I later heard that some went to school on Monday singing one of the songs they learnt on Sunday. This is how we transform Mackay one at a time; reaching out to our friends, sharing and inviting them to events. Great job children and parents! This year has been exciting having our program run from 9.30 – 11.30am. During their morning session, children have a time of fun, worship, learning Scripture through an enjoyable program as well as morning tea, so I hope your children are coming back to you happy and with a better understanding of who God is in their lives. Attending Kids Church is just an extension from home as you encourage daily devotion and prayer in their everyday lives. The Bible says that this is so important. In Deuteronomy 6:7, we are encouraged to teach our children God’s commandments so that they begin to see God in all aspects of life, not just in Church-related things. “Teach them to your children. Talk about them all the time - whether you’re at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning.” As we continue to train our children in the way of the Lord, God will be glorified and our city will be transformed. I remember when Ben was a baby in the bouncer, I would read him the Bible and he would just lay there contented while God’s Word was being spoken. Start them young. Cheryl Greer



Get Wet, Go Wild! It’s BIG, it’s CRAZY and its only

>>>>>>>>>> $5! Wet & Wild

this year will be held on our King’s park campus on the

swing smack splat bullrush, Mackay’s biggest ice-cream Sunday, Job’s boil, the snack shake and so much more! It’s set to be one of the most epic nights of your life! AD oval. Featuring:

Last day of school March 30th 7pm – 9pm cost is $5, you can prepay for tickets at the MCF Info desk or @ RevLive on Friday nights Since RevLive started on the 27th January we have launched 3 REVLife groups, being involved in 3 school camps and seen our RevLive meetings grow from 35 young people to over 70 young people on a Friday night. This term saw the launch of the VIP

lounge, 280 pizza slices disappeared in a matter of minutes, and the creation of ‘the deck!’ Pastors Chris and Katie

RevLive roars to life every Friday night during the school term 7pm @ The Faith Centre 15











APRIL///////// 18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Judg 11,2; Ps 50; 2 Cor 1 Judg 13-16; 2 Cor 2 Judg 17,18; Ps 89; 2 Cor 3 Judg 19-21; 2 Cor 4 Ruth 1,2; Ps 53,61; 2 Cor 5 Ruth 3,4; Ps 64,65; 2 Cor 6 1 Sam 1,2; Ps 66; 2 Cor 7 1 Sam 3-5; Ps 77; 2 Cor 8 1 Sam 6,7; Ps 72; 2 Cor 9 1 Sam 8-10; 2 Cor 10 1 Sam 11,12; 1 Chr 1; 2 Cor 11 1 Sam 13; 1 Chr 2,3; 2 Cor 12 1 Sam 14; 1 Chr 4; 2 Cor 13 1 Sam 15,16; 1 Chr 5; Mt 1 1 Sam 17; Ps 9; Mt 2 1 Sam 18; 1 Chr 6; Ps 11; Mt 3 1 Sam 19; 1 Chr 7; Ps 59; Mt 4 1 Sam 20,21; Ps 34; Mt 5 1 Sam 22; Ps 17,35; Mt 6 1 Sam 23; Ps 31, 54; Mt 7 1 Sam 24; Ps 57,58; 1 Chr 8; Mt 8 1 Sam 25,26; Ps 63; Mt 9 1 Sam 27; Ps 141; 1 Chr 9; Mt 10 1 Sam 28,29; Ps 109; Mt 12 1 Sam 30,31; 1 Chr 10; Mt 12 2 Sam 1; Ps 140; Mt 13 2 Sam 2; 1 Chr 11; Ps 142; Mt 14 2 Sam 3; 1 Chr 12; Mt 15 2 Sam 4,5; Ps 139; Mt 16 2 Sam 6; 1 Chr 13; Ps 68; Mt 17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 Chr 14,15; Ps 132; Mt 18 1 Chr 16; Ps 106; Mt 19 2 Sam 7; 1 Chr 17; Ps 2; Mt 20 2 Sam 8,9; 1 Chr 18; Mt 21 2 Sam 10; 1 Chr 19,20; Ps 20; Mt 22 2 Sam 11,12; Ps 51; Mt 23 2 Sam 13,14; Mt 24 2 Sam 15,16; Ps 32; Mt 25 2 Sam 17; Ps 71; Mt 26 2 Sam 18; Ps 56; Mt 27 2 Sam 19,20; Ps 55; Mt 28 2 Sam 21-23; 1 Th 1 2 Sam 24; 1 Chr 21; Ps 30; 1 Th 2 1 Chr 22-24; 1 Th 3 1 Chr 25-27; 1 Th 4 1 Ki 1; 1 Chr 28;Ps 91; 1 Th 5 1 Ki 2; 1 Chr 29; Ps 95; 2 Th 1 1 Ki 3; 2 Chr 1; Ps 78; 2 Th 2 1 Ki 4,5; 2 Chr 2; Ps 101; 2 Th 3 1 Ki 6; 2 Chr 3; Ps 97; Rom 1 1 Ki 7; 2 Chr 4; Ps 98; Rom 2 1 Ki 8; 2 Chr 5; Ps 99; Rom3 2 Chr 6,7; Ps 135; Rom 4 1 Ki 9; 2 Chr 8; Ps 136; Rom 5 1 Ki 10-11; 2 Chr 9; Rom 6 Prov 1-3; Rom 7 Prov 4-6; Rom 8 Prov 7-9; Rom 9 Prov 10-12; Rom 10 Prov 13-15; Rom 11 Prov 16-18; Rom 12





Tithes and offerings can be paid via the internet. Bank details for MCF are: Account number: 69481 8914 BSB: 084 792 Please label your transfer with the appropriate title so we can direct your money to the right area. eg. ‘tithes and offering’, ‘Leroy sponsorship’, or ‘missions’ etc. Cheques should be made payable to: Mackay Christian Family.

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