February / March 2012 Edition

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mackay christian family church

2012 feb|mar



this is it!

Life is a peculiar thing, as are the recollections we have of yesteryear. Don’t you think it’s amazing that we can access a bank of vivid memories by simply smelling a familiar scent, hearing a particular song, or being in a certain place? As incredible as our memory can be, one moment that I struggled to recall was the day I realised that this life I’m living is actually my life and this was it – there’d be no dress rehearsals, no ‘Take 2’s’ and certainly no re-runs! By the time I figured out this was it, I was well and truly up to my elbows in MY life! The reality is, the game of life is racing by at break-neck speed and if we aren’t careful we’ll blink and the full-time whistle will have blown before we’ve even taken the field. No sooner have we lived one day and then, “voila!” we’re into another one. Just like me, you didn’t request how your life would be played out. None of us got to choose the circumstances surrounding our inception, and more than likely we won’t get to choose the circumstances surrounding our dispatch.

The reality is, the game of life is racing by at break-neck speed and if we aren’t careful, we’ll blink and the full-time whistle will have blown before we’ve even taken the field. However, I have found myself pondering this thought and musing over this possibility. Allow me to explain… What if God had designed us with an in-built expiry date where our vital organs all inherently knew the day and the hour we would finish our race? For example, if we were guaranteed to live 70 years, that’s 25,550 days. So let’s say I am 46 years old, I have already spent approximately 16,790


days of my quota with around 8,760 days remaining before my expiry date. So my wonderings have centred around two primary thoughts; firstly, would I want to know how much time left I had to live and secondly, how would I live differently if I did?

In the light of eternity, what are the decisions and choices I will make in the next 8,760 days that will be of great significance? Precious friends who are facing the imminent passing of a loved one way sooner than expected, frequently remind us to never miss an opportunity to tell those we cherish that we love them, to not take each other for granted and to not sweat the small stuff because life is too short. These precious friends live differently in the knowledge that in a short while their time together with their loved one on earth could soon relegate to memories. So, pertaining to my wonderings: In the light of eternity, what are the decisions and choices I will make in the next 8,760 days that will be of great significance? How will the planet be impacted irrevocably because I was here? What will be my lasting legacy? The truth is our lives are one-of-a-kind. Nobody on the planet has been crafted by God with such precision to detail and uniqueness, and ample gifts in the same way as you.


You have been given the opportunity to make a significant difference at this point in history! Allow this reality to catapult you into the destiny God

has for you. It will empower you to pass the compromising choices you so easily slide into and avoid the mundane script you may have charted as your course. This is your life; how will you live it? Out loud and with intention? Here’s a little rhyme for you:

God has a part for you that only YOU can play! Remember life is too short to waste a single day! And with that said, let’s get on with living! Pastors David & Sharryn Westbrook

God has a part for you that only YOU can play! 5

IN THIS ISSUE CONTENTS/////////////////////////////

50+.............................................................P8 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY............................P10 REVOLUTION YOUTH..............................P12 YOUNG ADULTS & FAMILIES..................P14 RED FROGS..............................................P16 MCF CREATIVE.........................................P18 FEB/MAR CALENDAR..............................P20 JOURNAL READINGS..............................P22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

MCCare update

THANK YOU!!! from Pastor Jill I wanted to take a moment to say ‘thank you’ for your compassion and generosity when we wanted to bless women with special bundles who find themselves in our city’s Domestic Violence shelters at Christmas time. Rachael (left, in the photo) who is one of the workers who came to pick up some of the bundles, was very grateful and asked me to express many thanks and ensure you that your contribution makes a big difference to the women. On top of that, we also sent a couple of our bundles over to the young single mums that reside at the KALYAN Units. They received more bundles of joy when one of the mums had twin boys on Christmas day! It’s so exciting to see how MCCare is bringing positive change to our city and we believe 2012 will be a big year of increasing our influence in our community and ultimately, give God the glory! Thanks again MCF!








Since turning the magical number this year I have discovered being 50 is fun! It wasn’t until I said good bye to my grandchildren who had been living with me the past month or so that I rediscovered many things I loved about being more ‘mature’. For instance, I appreciated: Not having to watch Toy Story 3, 4 times a day… Being excited for bed time …. Simply leaving the house….. (No wet ones, cutting fruit or changing of clothes) Having friends who want to spend time with you in your nice ordered home. Having a nice ordered home! However, the grandbabies are with their Mum and Dad in Toowoomba now and Granny and Pa miss them heaps.

But gosh, I sure am excited about enjoying being a better 50 something with you! So let us, ‘THE OLD and FREE’ make some plans! I will be ringing all you 50‘s and betters to see what sort of fun things we can plan and how we as a congregation can best serve at MCF. God Bless, Pastor Jill Hyatt



CHILDREN’S MINISTRY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Welcome back to an exciting 2012 in Children’s Ministry at MCF. This year we are proud to offer our children the opportunity to be a part of our new program that begins at 9.30am. Parents are welcome to sign their child/ren in before they enter church. Children will have free play and team games, followed by a time of worship in the 2/3 building, they will be guided up to the 4/5 building where they will participate in a bible focus program. The team will escort them back to the 2/3 building where they will have morning tea and play until their parents pick them up at 11.30am. (Teddy Bear Club will also continue serving from 9.30am – 11.30 in the Pre-Prep area where parents will need to sign them in and out.)This will allow you the parents to enjoy a coffee and fellowship with the church family knowing your children have food, are safe and happily playing. How good can you get!! I would like to also encourage you to share God’s love with children just around the corner from you. It only takes ½ hour a week and I am sure there are a group of children needing to hear about how God is real and loves them very much in a school close to you.

We have a seminar coming up on the 13th February where we can train and equip you to do this work. If you are interested please come and see me. I pray that this year will be fruitful, exciting and amazing as you follow God in all that He has for you. Cheryl Greer



MEET////////////// CHRIS & KATIE CAMPBELL Ps. Chris and Katie Campbell have relocated from Calvary Church in Townsville. Ps. Chris served as Ps. David and Sharryn Westbrook’s Youth Pastor for five years at Bribie Island. In that time he saw the youth ministry grow from 3 young people to 70. Katie served as Children’s Pastor to Ps Steve Penny for 5 Years and in that time grew the ministry to well over 120 children. She also is a qualified teacher and has taken the role as director of outside school hour’s care at MCC and will be assisting with teaching later this year.


/ N REVOLUTIO ! CK ON IS BAaw YOUTH esome people, an With great ate praise atmosphere, passion nt, and worship and releofvathe Bible. practical preaching Come get REV’D on @

Friday nights 7pm Faith CentrMe ackay 9 Quarry St, North



CONNECT in REAL LIF We’re excited to announce MCF’s Young Adults ministry is embarking on a new adventure! Instead of our previous Friday night Ignite and 21 programs, we will be focusing our attention on Life Groups which will be happening in different locations and times during the week. Why Life Groups? Well to put it simply, in a world where most 21st Century young adults are time deprived and connect mainly through social media sites, we know that connection over a computer or phone just doesn’t compare when you could spend an hour of your week relaxing and doing life with ten real life people who are savvy, intelligent and fun like you… That’s why we’re switching to Life Groups. In addition to this exciting change and for the first time ever, this ministry will encompass young families. This is an exciting new venture to partner with those who are either over 30 or just starting a family. Our desire is to see young adults and young families in strong, committed relationships with God, others and the local Church because we believe this ministry is vital to the church body! We’re excited about the growth and the impact our young adults and young families will have in MCF and our community in 2012!


Tim and Kat Spark

CT IFE PLACES TO BE and PEOPLE TO SEE... SATURDAY 25TH FEB///////////////////////////////// A morning with special guest Shane Willard Join us for a special morning tea with Shane Willard. He will be teaching on Financial Excellence from the Wisdom of Scripture. This will be a morning you don’t want to miss.


9AM – 12:30PM Free Morning Tea provided Powerhouse Sunday 19TH February to Tim or Kat

SATURDAY 31ST MAR////////////////////////// Picnic in the Park This will be a great time to bring new people, meet new people and hang out with your mates.


4PM Harbour Park (Surf Life Saving Club side)

Feel free to BYO BBQ or bring some munchies to share For more information email: tspark@mccmky.qld.edu.au


RED FROGS UPDATE ////////////// 16

We are extremely excited to welcome in 2012 with a bang as God increases our vision and impact on Mackay! We will be continuing with uptown and university ministries where our goal is to be the practical hands and feet of Jesus to bring God’s light into the heart of our city. If you are interested in volunteering with Red Frogs or simply want to learn more about what we do, you are invited to attend our Vision and Training Night on Monday 13th February 7pm in the Blue Room at Faith Centre. It will be a time of inspiration and preparing for the amazing year ahead! Aaron & Cheree Harvey

WHAT’S ON IN FEBRUARY///////////////////////////// MONDAY 13TH FEB Vision & Training Night Blue room @ 9 Quarry St, North Mackay FRIDAY 17TH FEB Red Frogs Uptown MONDAY 20TH-FRIDAY 24TH FEB CQUni Orientation week For more information contact Aaron & Cheree Harvey


UNITING.C In 2011 Charles Starling, from Edge church, challenged the MCF Worship Team to STRETCH. God has been revealing to us piece by piece in what areas and ways we need to STRETCH.

At MCF we are very blessed with talented people that are passionate and committed to serve God in His House. We know that there are many others in the church body ready to be STRETCHED by joining the various ministries of MCF. This year we aim to develop a stronger and more diverse arm of our Creative Ministries Team! We are inviting anyone who would love to serve God in the areas of

music, drama, sound, lighting, technology and production to come

and join us as we UNITE the creative minds and hearts of MCF. Don’t hold back if you think you don’t have the skill, we will train you! On Thursday, 9th February we are holding a Vision night for our Worship/ Creative Arts Team and YOU are invited. This is your opportunity to see what Creative Ministries are all about and learn how you can be part of this amazing team.


CREATIVE UNITED /////////////////////////////////////////////// Thursday, 9th of February 2012 6:30pm @ POWERHOUSE

CREATIVES “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”













FEB///////////// 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Ex 30-32; Acts 8 Ex 33,34; Ps 16; Acts 9 Ex 35,36; Acts 10 Ex 37,38; Ps 19; Acts 11 Ex 39,40; Ps 12; Acts 12 Lev 1-3; Acts 13 Lev 4-6; Acts 14 Lev 7-9; Acts 15 Lev 10-12; Acts 16 Lev 13,14; Acts 17 Lev 15-17; Acts 18 Lev 18,19; Ps 13; Acts 19 Lev 20-22; Acts 20 Lev 23,24; Ps 24; Acts 21 Lev 25; Ps 25-26; Acts 22 Lev 26,27; Acts 23 Num 1,2; Acts 24 Num 3,4; Acts 25 Num 5,6; Ps 22; Acts 26 Num 7; Ps 23; Acts 27 Num 8,9; Acts 28 Num 10,11; Ps 27; Mark 1 Num 12,13; Ps 90; Mark 2 Num 14-16; Mark 3 Num 17,18; Ps 29; Mark 4 Num 19,20; Ps 28; Mark 5 Num 21-23; Mark 6,7 Num 24-27; 1 Cor 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Num 28,29; Mark 8 Num 30,31; Mark 9 Num 32,33; Mark 10 Num 34-36; Mark 11 Deut 1,2; Mark 12 Deut 3,4; Ps 36; Mark 13 Deut 5,6; Ps 43; Mark 14 Deut 7-9; Mark 15 Deut 10-12; Mark 16 Deut 13-15; Gal 1 Deut 16-18; Ps 38; Gal 2 Deut 19-21; Gal 3 Deut 22-24; Gal 4 Deut 25-27; Gal 5 Deut 28,29; Gal 6 Deut 30,31; Ps 40; 1 Cor 1 Deut 32-34; 1 Cor 2 Josh 1,2; Ps 37; 1 Cor 3 Josh 3-6; 1 Cor 4 Josh 7,8; Ps 69; 1 Cor 5 Josh 9-11; 1 Cor 6 Josh 12-14; 1 Cor 7 Josh 15-17; 1 Cor 8 Josh 18-20; 1 Cor 9 Josh 21,22; Ps 47; 1 Cor 10 Josh 23,24; Ps 44; 1 Cor 11 Judg 1-3; Ps 41: 1 Cor 12 Judg 4,5; Ps 39; 1 Cor 13 Judg 6,7; Ps 52; 1 Cor 14 Judg 8; Ps 42; 1 Cor 15 Judg 9; Ps 49; 1 Cor 16





Tithes and offerings can be paid via the internet. Bank details for MCF are: Account number: 69481 8914 BSB: 084 792 Please label your transfer with the appropriate title so we can direct your money to the right area. eg. ‘tithes and offering’, ‘Leroy sponsorship’, or ‘missions’ etc. Cheques should be made payable to: Mackay Christian Family.

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