September 2010

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Extreme twentyten //celebrating 10 years


E M O C L E W 2

It’s so grea t tha t you’re a par t of our Sunday cele bra tion ser vice. As we cele bra te Jesus today, we pray tha t you feel right a t home. We would lo ve for you to join us in the “Meeting Place” after our mor ning ser vice for a cuppa so we can enjo y some grea t coffee and connection!


“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” [Psalm 34:19 NKJV] Having been in Malaysia and Indonesia recently there is one thing that sticks in my mind. No matter what the differences in those countries and ours, human beings have challenges that they face every day. Some challenges are greater than others but we all face them. For some it is survival by growing and harvesting enough food to live, for others it may be practising a religion in a country that discourages all religion except the state sanctioned religion or it may be a job or family problem. There is a belief in Christianity that Christians should not have problems or face circumstances that intimidate them. How cruel to perpetuate such an obvious deception that leaves Christians with the thought that God doesn’t care about them or their needs because they are having struggles. In fact the reverse is true. God loves us enough to let us have the opportunity to grow by causing or allowing challenges to be a part of our lives. God’s promises to us are not that the trials of life will not afflict us, but that He is there to help us overcome and make it through that trial so we prove His love and presence, while building our faith and character. His promise is peace and joy no matter what. We may not be excited by the difficulties that come our way, but if we will develop the right attitude towards life, we will regard the seeming negatives of life as challenges for us to grow and prove God. The challenges of life can make you bitter or better – it’s your choice. Here’s to a great life of challenges, choices and destiny. In Christ’s love




// p.6

p.7 SeptemberBir thdays p.8-11 Church Life p.12-13 Fascina ting Womans Camp Unveiled


// p.14


// p.30

p.14 Fa thers Day 2010 p.18-19 Unseen Heroes

p.20-25 Extreme Fea tures [through the years, behind the scenes, inter vie w w/ ps ben naitoko]

FAMILY LIFE p. 26 p. 27


Jour nal Readings MCF Calendar // September






register now!




S W E N//New Arrival

On Friday 30th July, Catrien and Louis Oosthuizen welcomed the first addition to their family, a gorgeous baby boy named Nehemiah. Congratulations! We are so happy for you both!


Congratulations to Amy Zimmerman and Robert Gibson who celebrated their engagement with family and friends over dinner on Saturday, 3rd July.


We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Lorraine Croker on her mothers passing on Aug 22nd. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you Lorraine and your family. We also extend heart felt sympathies to Heather Wetzel and her family on the loss of her Dad recently. Please uphold Heather in your prayers.

//Christmas Spectacular “It’s a love story.....” Sunday 5th December 2010 @ 6:30pm Looking for singers, dancers, actors, production crew and people wanting to have fun! First rehearsal weekend Saturday 2nd October Whole cast 9:30am- 12:30pm Auditions for main roles 12:45pm-1:45pm See Amber Clark for more details


Birthdays! BIRTHDAYS 01 02 04 06

– – – –

07 – 08 10 11 15 12 13 14

– – – – – – –

Madeleine Bowater Stewart Alexander Debbie Hutchings Andrew Vigliante, Gabriel Frost Tracy Swadling, Joshua Smith Cheryl Aprato Ps Denise Booth-Jones Kaitlyn Zimmerman Jason Frost Rebecca Chand Bert Place Sharryn Westbrook

17 18 20 21

– – – –

22 23 26 27

– – – –

28 – 29 – 30 –

Ciana Kelly Gatian Vigliante Joy Zimmerman Leanne Ayre, Ava Barton Maurice Coppo Luckie-Jade Wilson Tabby Sopa Peter Hyatt, Kerry Tysoe Jeff Greer, Kristina Woodward Graeme Lodge, Megan Hutchings Lindi Kerrigan, Chriscilla Fouche

To all those celebrating a September birthday, we pray your day will be full of joy and blessings.

H A V E YOU L O S T YOUR B I B L E ?? We have a lot of bibles and clothing items that have been returned. If you are missing something, please see the deacon this Sunday.


Tithes and offerings can be paid via the internet. Bank details for MCF are: Account number: 69481 8914 BSB: 084 792 Please label your transfer with the appropriate title so we can direct your money to the right area. eg. ‘tithes and offering’, ‘Leroy sponsorship’, or ‘missions’ etc. Cheques should be made payable to Mackay Christian Family.

CARE cells By Pastor Jill Hyatt

It has been a wonderful time as I visit every

Care Cell including Adults, Young Adults, Youth and Kids in this half of the year. I am pleased to report that our Care Cells are generally going well and I see that members really do make great connections. They are being discipled through the great bible study material and nurtured by the leaders and they are constantly challenged as to with whom and how they are sharing the Gospel, as well as what fun events they are hosting as a Care Cell. If you have recently joined MCF, or feel you would like to become more involved, please consider becoming part of a Care Cell. We get to serve our Church in many different areas and have lots of fun.


Z D I K what is a dad?

My fathe me th r gave gift a e greatest give a nyone cou nothe ld r pers he be on lie - Jim ved in me , . Valv ano

By Cheryl Greer

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. The month of September is a wonderful time where we can show our love and appreciation to our Fathers. They help make and shape our lives. Jim Wideman, in his book “Connect with Your Kids”, shares how kids don’t spell love, L-O-V-E. They spell it T-I-M-E and M-O-N-E-Y and how it is important that they receive both from you. Children need to spend time with their parents, and Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to do something that will cost only your time. Walking in the park, perfecting their basketball shots, doing science experiments, reading a book with them, or pitching a tent and sleeping in it with them, are just a few ways to spend time with your kids. The money part is easy, Wideman says, as children can easily come up with ways for you to spend it! The important thing is to be involved in your children’s lives from the beginning. What a blessing it is to have such an array of dedicated and loving Fathers in our Church family. May you be greatly blessed and enjoy this special time with your children. On Father’s Day your children will be making something special together down in the Blue Room for you, so enjoy and be blessed. We have an action packed month in children’s ministry so don’t miss out; all primary children are welcome. On the 19th September, we will have Kidsjam where all children will be uniting in the Blue Room for a special holiday activity. Enjoy a safe and happy holiday.



By Mia Ellul

Revolution Youth is for anyone aged 12 – 18 years who wants to know more about God, have fun and get the most out of life. Rev Youth meets every Friday night, 7 - 9pm in Faith Centre and Rev North meets every Thursday afternoon during the school term at North High Community Hall from 3 - 4:30pm. Cell groups run throughout the week on Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday night.

g We have had a fantastic start to Term 3, and things are only gettin from bigger and better from here. Ps Tim & Kat and Jen have returned Malaysia and we are excited for the vision and knowledge (and presents) that they have brought home with them. with September is a big month for us at Rev with the Youth Alive Rally Reggie Dabbs, and of course, gearing up for MCF’s very own youth in to us conference, Extreme. Make sure that you get your registrations ASAP! for Questions?? Check out our website www.revyouth.even ts, or more info on Revolution and all of our upcoming contact Mia Ellul in the Church Office on 49 631 155.

IM PO R TA N T DATE S @ R E V /Fri da y ni gh ts 7p m -9 pm :


Se pt em be r 2 Se pt em be r 3 Se pt em be r 9 Se pt em be r 10 Se pt em be r 16 Se pt em be r 17 Se pt em be r 21 -2 4 Re v No rth wi ll st ar t

Re v No rth Yo ut h Al ive Ra lly wi th Re gg ie Da bb s Re v No rth Re v En co un te r wi th Ps Ti m Re v No rth En d of Te rm Pa rty SY NE RG Y wi th Ps Da ni el Ro ss EX TR EM E YO UT H CO NF ER EN CE ba ck on Th ur sd ay 7t h Oc to be r.


By Catherine Murison

So much is happening in the life of Ignite! Between Friday nights, Red Frogs outreach, Synergy and our socials, we are seeing God do amazing things in and through our ministry.

Red Frogs up town is when the “Red Frog” crew go into the city heart every second Friday night, right in the middle of all the night clubs. We serve food, cordial and of course the famous red frog lolly. We have found so much favour with the nightclub owners and council who really appreciate our presence in the city heart. God is good!


September 3 Youth Alive

September 10

Ps Faylene Sparkes

September 17 Synergy with Ps Daniel Ross

We recently joined together with our younger September 24 brothers and sisters of Rev for a Synergy night with Ps. James Macpherson from Calvary Church. It is so aweExtreme Conference some that we can join together as one family, young and old and worship our King. It was a great night and we cannot wait to do it again! Ahoy me hearrrrties! Why are pirates called pirates? Cause they arrrrrrrre! Mackay was recently overrun by our Ignite pirates as they scavenged the city for buried treasure. Our Digital Scavengaaaarrrrr hunt was a brilliant success! Teams of pirates ran around town with their “maps”, they had to take photos of certain things and bring them back to the “ship” for downloading. Teams got extra points for finding the buried treasure and adding new crew members to their teams. It was a lot of fun and no-one had to walk the plank... we’ll get ‘em next time! We have some exciting things coming up at Ignite and we’d love for you to be a part of it! For more information add us on Facebook “Ignite Mackay”, check out www. or give us a call on 4963 1155. Love, The Ignite Team xx [Ignite is the Young Adults Ministry of Mackay Christian Family Church]

//Red Frogs

September 3 Youth Alive Rally September 10 Uptown City Heart Outreach September 12 Uni Res College Outreach September 24 Extreme Conference

fascinating women. It is true that we had a fascinating time at Ladies’ Camp; yes, we are definitely fascinating creatures, so fearfully and wonderfully made. We girls headed Proserpine way on the last Friday afternoon in June and were greeted by a fun bunch of girls with lollies and treats. This followed by finding our rooms and making them comfy, ok, so comfy might be a bit of a stretch, but we still love Camp Kanga... The food was good and after some jokes and a bit of chatter, (can you imagine this with a group of fifty women), we were introduced to Ps Jane. Ps Jane was quiet and perhaps even a little shy, but gosh, God showed up powerfully (in all the right hats) and ministered to many of us on the altar. Saturday morning saw lashings of bacon and eggs that we didn’t have to do anything to except eat them (women love that) – no cooking, yay! We went on to have a great morning with Ps Jane, and God of course, and then Cheryl Greer shared some parenting wisdom which was fantastic – we all need plenty of that. On Saturday afternoon we had the best time with Jacquie and the girls making the most amazing fascinators with feathers, netting and jewels. It was a pleasant surprise to see just how creative we really are. That night we got to show our creations at the gala dinner and fashion parade. The hosting team had set a special dinner table and there were prizes and entertainment by some very “fascinating” women plus another great session with Ps Jane. Funnily enough, the next morning there wasn’t quite as much bacon but breakfast was still good. Then we packed up and had our last session with Ps Jane. It was such a fantastic camp that Ps Denise and the girls have said we can go again next year. YAY! I CAN’T WAIT.

father’s day 2010. By Simon Stubbs

The grizzled warrior scans the horizon for his intended target, his wise and experienced gaze seeks any tell tale sign of movement. Sensing more than seeing his objective, he slowly draws a sleek arrow from his quiver where it and others have been safely guarded for this very instant. Judging the flight distance, as only one who daily hones these skills can do, the soldier inspects the selected dart that will be used to fulfill his chosen task. Battle scarred fingers run over the arrowhead knowing that many years of trial and error has gone into understanding the exact tip sharpness required to pierce the quarry with the least resistance. These same fingers nimbly check the straightness of a shaft that has been prepared with an attention to the finest detail. If the shaft is not perfectly straight, then the aim of the archer means nothing as the trajectory will be flawed. Once the faultless balance of the shaft has been confirmed, then the hand of the combatant finally glides over the feathers. These small delicate fletches ensure the aim of the arrow is accurate once released from the bowstring.


The true potential of this dart will only be realized if the greatest attention has been paid in the years prior to today. No amount of skill of the warrior will make up for a lack of preparation of his tools. The soldier takes his place in formation with other archers. He sees some younger and less experienced fighters who are unknown to him, yet others are friends of his that have been by his side since they were the novices. Thoughts cross his memory of the hints that the veterans gave him when he first arrived at the battle. He now turns to those new men to give them these same calming lessons that will mean the difference between success and failure once time has refined them. Finally the Commander gives the order to prepare for war. Fingers grip the bow and the arrows are placed against the bowstring. The eyes of resilient men close in on their targets and their breathing is checked. Bows are stretched in readiness for release. Men wait trustingly as the Commander knows the exact time required to let loose these weapons of war. Thousands of arrows are released at once, hurtling away from their launching pads towards their intended targets. Their aim true, they will not miss the target. Fathers; it is an awesome privilege to you prepare your children for the work of God, our Commander. Lovingly watch over their growth. Correct their errors, knowing that lessons learned now will perfect aim later in life.


ys p p hather; fa day 0 1 20

We love you Dad!


Psalm 127 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. 5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate.


unseen heroes. By Tiana Fry

Spencer Radford [Sound Technician for Church, Youth, Muso Practices and Extreme.] 1. Why do you serve God in this way? God has blessed and entrusted me with specific gifts and talents and I don’t want to waste them; my serving God in this way is how I am using and growing them. 2. Why do you think it’s important to serve? I think it is important to serve because each and every one of us make up the body of Christ, so if one of us were to not ‘work’ then the rest of the body won’t function as easily. 3. How do you feel about being involved in an ‘unseen’ ministry? I love it! I don’t believe in an ‘unseen’ ministry, because the One who its all about is the One who is always watching. 4. How long have you been a part of MCF? My whole life, though I have only really been involved in serving for the last 5 or 6 years. 5. What is your heart for MCF? To see this generation of young people know God’s perfect love, and to see a family made up of many generations and nationalities coming together to worship God. 6. What is your definition of an unseen hero? This would be someone who quietly goes out of his or her way to be a blessing to someone else.

Wayne Aprato

[Communion Preparation and a member of MCF’s Prayer Team.] 1. Why do you serve God in this way? Preparing communion is one of the many hands-on tasks that needs to be done in order for the Sunday service to run smoothly. I enjoy doing it and I also like the fact that it’s low profile. My involvement with the MCF prayer team has been humbling, stretching, challenging and extremely fulfilling. I really enjoy being a part of the team because it is a vital ministry and I have some great mentors to learn from and keep me focused. 2. Why do you think it’s important to serve? When we get involved by serving, we become an active part of the body. This enhances our spiritual fitness and we become stronger in our daily walk. 3. How do you feel about being involved in an ‘unseen’ ministry?I’m not usually an “up front” person and I enjoy being able to serve in low profile ministries. 4. How long have you been a part of MCF? Approximately 8 years. 5. What is your heart for MCF? That we would be a people who seek God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength through radical praise and worship and through fervent prayer and that this would bring continued transformation in our lives and in the community.

Dennis Kling

[Setting up Meeting Place on Sunday – Tea / Coffee, Tables / Chairs] 1. Why do you serve God in this way? For the joy of helping others. 2. Why do you think it’s important to serve? If we don’t serve, then nothing gets done, and we have to set an example. 3. How do you feel about being involved in an ‘unseen’ ministry? I do it for God, not man. As I bless others, then God blesses me, and then I can bless others more. 4. How long have you been a part of MCF? About 10 years. 5. What is your heart for MCF? To serve where God needs me. 6. What is your definition of an unseen hero? Someone that serves others, not looking for status.

extreme through the years. By Katharine MacDonald

2010 marks the 10th Anniversary of the

Extreme Conference in Central Queensland and this year is going to surpass our expectations as a team, bringing something new and exciting to everyone that attends. From humble beginnings in 2001 as the Extreme Youth Summit held over two days, to this year’s event that runs from Tuesday night through ‘til Friday night, we, as Extreme, have come a long way! This “place to be” conference has grown into a thriving, exciting and pumping Youth and Young Adults conference that brings groups and individuals from many of the North and Central Queensland Region’s Churches together for a week of worship, connection and mobilisation. In 2001, Extreme was launched by Ps Ben Naitoko under the umbrella of Youth Alive as a Youth Summit for the city. This conference grew in the following years, and in 2005 it launched as an MCF run conference for the district to bring together youth groups from not only Mackay, but also reaching to Townsville, Charter’s Towers, Yeppoon, Emerald and Bowen.


Each year, Extreme has birthed a new season in the individual lives and ministries that have attended it. Over the years, Extreme has been privileged to host some of the world’ s leading youth and Church speakers, such as Jurgen Matthesius, Ben Naitoko, James MacPherson, Paul Geerling, Peter Loosemore, Matt Fielder, Sam Evans & Glynn Barrett who have each brought great words of calling, inspiration and change to the Extreme attendees. This year in 2010 at our 10th anniversary celebration, we believe that today’s generation are going to be ‘Unstoppable’ and we are excited to bring back to Mackay and to Extreme, the founder of this conference, Ps Ben Naitoko, speaking along with Ps Wayne Alcorn, the National President of Australian Christian Churches, Ps James MacPherson, Senior Pastor of Calvary and Kings Christian Churches and Ps Daniel Ross who is returning after his impactive debut in 2009. We are also introducing the ‘Delegate of the Day’, and there is live entertainment in the Meeting Place during lunch each day.We are excited to be changing things around in our elective sessions this year with a broad range of both practical and ministry teaching for those that attend. Get your registration in now; it is only $75pp and this includes lunch each day. Parents, we want to encourage you to come along to our free night meetings and see what is happening at Extreme and in your son/daughters life. See you there... We will be ‘Unstoppable’...



[behind the scenes] By Mia Ellul

Bright lights, huge crowds, inspiring speakers and the tangible presence of God – these are the hallmark traits of Extreme Conference. 4 nights and 3 days of nonstop praise, worship, prayer, impartation, networking and fun, and behind this pristinely polished front that is Extreme, there is a world of hurry and scurry as volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the best possible conference experience for every delegate. For the management team, Extreme starts many months ahead with phone calls, flyers, reservations and planning meetings. The media team soon comes on board with promotional materials to be created and the worship team is formed and practices begin. One month out from conference and things are in full swing; prayer meetings, volunteer training, last minute orders and purchases, band practice and a never-ending flow of emails, phone calls and registrations.


Our worship team is cutting edge and world class and our guest ministry are the best of the best, but it is OUR team that makes Extreme function. It’s the volunteers who come in day after day, put in hour after hour of work and who are first to arrive and the last to leave that make this thing run. They are the unseen head, heart, hands and feet of Extreme. While they may never be on the stage, their ministry is so vital to making Extreme run. 1 Corinthians 12:14 (MSG) puts it this way, “a body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.” Nothing just happens – everything from the sound to the food and even down to the clean carpet has a team member behind it. We’d like to take the time now to thank everyone who works so tireless to make Extreme the AMAZING conference that it is. Your efforts not only bring great glory to God, but are helping to equip a generation to transform their cities and the nations of the world.


ps ben naitoko. With Catherine Murison

Extreme Conference is celebrating its 10th year this

September; it has come from humble beginnings as a Youth Alive Summit to a thriving 3-day, 4-night conference. Ps Ben Naitoko and his wife Trish are the founders of Extreme Conference, running it for five years before handing it over to Ps James Hensley and now Ps Tim Spark. I recently had the opportunity to talk to Ps Ben and ask him some questions about his experiences as the founder and director of the Extreme Conference. The Beginning... Well, I had it in my heart to train and equip Youth Pastors and Leaders and it was during our churches 40-day fast when God really put this conference in my heart. It wasn’t until later that year that God spoke to me in a dream and gave me the name for the conference: Extreme.


Favourite year of Extreme... They’ve all been awesome. My favourite year would probably be the first year. We saw an amazing miracle through the giving. This really confirmed in my heart that Extreme conference was from God. I also really loved my last year of running the conference. I felt so confident that Extreme would continue on and grow healthier and stronger, which it has. Favourite Guest Speaker... We’ve only ever had great speakers. My personal favourite would probably be Ps Jurgen Matthesius. He is an outstanding communicator, very funny and really helped bring the conference to a new level of faith. Biggest thing that went wrong... The biggest drama was when our guest speakers had to pull out at the last minute after all the promo gear had gone out. That has happened more than once. Favourite Extreme (Synergy) song... My all-time favourite Extreme/Synergy song is definitely Glory Groove. Keen to hear that again this year! Funniest memory... Funniest moment was when Andrew ‘Vege’ Vigilante was doing the announcements as “Veg Reagan”. Extreme’s influence.... Extreme has been such an encouragement to Youth Pastors and Leaders and has given opportunity for youth ministries to see God move in their region. They used to think that they needed to be ‘in the city’ to see God move and that’s very untrue. God can move and has moved and will continue to move through Regional areas. The future... I see Extreme going beyond Australia and moving more into Missions. It’ll see people who have attended the conference going out to all nations.







Ezek 15-16 / Ps 70 / Rev 6


Ezek 17-19 / Rev 7


Ezek 20-21 / Ps 111 / Rev 8


Ezek 22-24 / Rev 9


Ezek 25-28 / Rev 10


Ezek 29-32 / Rev 11


2 Ki 25/2 Chr 36/Jer 40-41/Rev 12


Jer 42-44 / Ps 48 / Rev 13


Lam 1-2 / Obad / Rev 14


Lam 3-5 / Rev 15


Dan 1-2 / Rev 16


Dan 3-4 / Ps 81 / Rev 17


Ezek 33-35 / Rev 18


Ezek 36-37 / Ps 110 / Rev 19


Ezek 38-39 / Ps 145 / Rev 20


Ezek 40-41 / Ps 128 / Rev 21


Ezek 42-44 / Rev 22


Ezek 45-46 / Lk 1


Ezek 47-48 / Lk 2


Dan 5-6/ Ps 130 / Lk 3


Dan 7-8 / Ps 137 / Lk 4


Dan 9-10 / Ps 123 / Lk 5


Dan 11-12 / Lk 6


Ezra 1 / Ps 84-85 / Lk 7


Ezra 2-3 / Lk 8


Ezra 4 / Ps 113, 127 / Lk 9


Hag 1-2 / Ps 129 / Lk 10


Zech 1-3 / Lk 11


Zech 4-6 / Lk 12


Zech 7-9 / Lk 13

September 3rd

YOU TH ALI VE RAL LY with Reg gie Dab bs 7pm $15 Nor th Mac kay Hig h Hal l


cel e bra tio n ser vic e 9:3 0am [fami l y sunda y/miss ions sunda y]


t h 1 0IGt hN IT E [7 :3 0 P M ] P1s 2 Fa y le n e R E V Y r 7- 12 [7 P M ] //

S p a rk e s //

9: 30 am & 6p m

17th SYNERGY//

7pm Ps Daniel Ross

cele bra tion th 19 ser vices w/ 9:30am//6pm


Ps Daniel Ross

EXTREME c o n fe re n c e


cele bra tion ser vices w/ Ps Ben Naitoko 9:30am//6pm


next issue: neighbourhoods to coming up in the


CREATING HOPE EXPRESSING LOVE GIVING LIFE 9 Quarry Street, North Mackay 07 4963 1155 SENIOR EDITOR // Denise Booth-Jones EDITORS // Mia Ellul, Tiana Fr y SENIOR CO-ORDINATORS // Jennifer Booth-Jones, Maria Ellul, Ka tharine MacDonald CREATIVE DIRECTOR // Jennifer Booth-Jones, Madel yn Westbrook SEPTEMBER CONTRIBUTORS // Mia Ellul, Cher yl Greer, Jill Hya tt, Ka tharine MacDonald, Ca therine Murison, Simon Stubbs, Tiana Fr y FEATURED PHOTOGRAPHY // Crea, Madel yn Grace Photography


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