April 2011
Kids on the Home Front
Contact your MCAS Beaufort MCFTB MCFTB Director Melinda Henrickson
MCFTB Administrative Specialist Kelly Edens
L.I.N.K.S. Program Trainer Julia Gwynn
L.I.N.K.S. Administrative Specialist Janice Palmer
LifeSkills Program Trainer Roxanne Farr
Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer Christina Swick
Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer Nicole Bright-Hardee
Family Readiness Program Trainer Christopher Eiland
Please visit our websites: http://www.mccssc.com/MCFTB/MCAS.html http://www.facebook.com/mcftb.mcas.beaufort
Every other Saturday 1000-1130 | Laurel bay Youth Center | Ages 6-12 This is a networking group for children experiencing a deployment. Children will have the opportunity to connect with each other while they are completing deployment related craft projects. Please contact Christina Swick to register At 228-6793 or swicker@usmc-mccs.org
MCFTB Office 1283 Geiger Blvd. Beaufort, SC 29904 843-228-6141
Every other Saturday 1000-1130 | Laurel bay Youth Center | Ages 6-12 ***This is a networking group for children experiencing a deployment. Children will have the opportunity to connect with each other while they are completing deployment related craft projects. ***