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MCAS BEAUFORT MARINE CORPS FAMILY TEAM BUILDING MCFTB Director Deanna Simpson 228-6405 MCFTB Administrative Specialist Ashley McCartney 228-6141 L.I.N.K.S. Administrative Specialist Veronica Stephens 228-7362 LifeSkills Program Trainer Becky Salazar 228-7334 Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer Nicole Bright-Hardee 228-7311 Family Readiness Program Trainer Christopher Eiland 228-7495 Please visit our website:
Come take advantage of the New Year by polishing up on you! The New Year, New You series is here to help personally and professionally! To register call the LifeSkills Trainer, Becky Salazar at 228-7334 or email
Marine Corps Family Team Building 1283 Geiger Blvd MCAS Beaufort, SC 29904 (843)228-6141