2011 March "The WIRE" MCFTB MCAS

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March 2011

L.I.N.K.S. Mentor Training information Present Like A Pro You, Me, Us

You can become an L.I.N.K.S. Mentor too!*

Contact your MCAS Beaufort MCFTB MCFTB Director Melinda Henrickson


MCFTB Administrative Specialist Kelly Edens


L.I.N.K.S. Program Trainer Julia Gwynn


L.I.N.K.S. Administrative Specialist Janice Palmer


LifeSkills Program Trainer Roxanne Farr


Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer Christina Swick


Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer Nicole Bright-Hardee


Family Readiness Program Trainer Christopher Eiland


Please visit our websites: http://www.mccssc.com/MCFTB/MCAS.html http://www.facebook.com/mcftb.mcas.beaufort

Every other Saturday 1000-1130 | Laurel bay Youth Center | Ages 6-12 This is a networking group for children experiencing a deployment. Children will have the opportunity to connect with each other while they are completing deployment related craft projects. Please contact Christina Swick to register At 228-6793 or swicker@usmc-mccs.org

Scurry • Taking action now The 4 Change Skills

Hem • Moving beyond fear

Sniff • Anticipating Change

Haw • Imagining real success

*To become a part of the L.I.N.K.S. Mentor Team and receive one of these awesome name badges; you must complete L.I.N.K.S. Training and receive your certificate. Then you must sign up for L.I.N.K.S. Mentor Training to become a volunteer.

MCFTB Office 1283 Geiger Blvd. Beaufort, SC 29904 843-228-6141

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