Abstract: Spasticity is a disorder of the sensorimotor system characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in muscle tone with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex. It is one component of the upper motoneuron syndrome, along with released flexor reflexes, weakness, and loss of dexterity. Spasticity is an important “positive” diagnostic sign of the upper motoneuron syndrome, and when it restricts motion, disability may result. The “negative” signs—weakness and loss of dexterity—invariably alter patient function when they occur. In an upper motoneuron syndrome, the alpha motoneuron pool becomes hyperexcitable at the segmental level. This hyperexcitability is hypothesized to occur through a variety of mechanisms, not all of which have yet been demonstrated in humans. Spasticity caused by spinal cord lesions is often marked by a slow increase in excitation and overactivity of both flexors and extensors with reactions possibly occurring many segments away from the stimulus. Cerebral lesions often cause rapid build-up of excitation with a bias toward involvement of antigravity muscles. Chronic spasticity can lead to changes in the rheologic properties of the involved and neighboring muscles. Stiffness, contracture, atrophy, and fibrosis may interact with pathologic regulatory mechanisms to prevent normal control of limb position and movement. In the clinical exam, it is important to distinguish between the resistance due to spasticity and that due to rheologic changes, because the distinction has therapeutic implications. Diagnostic nerve or motor point blocks and dynamic or multichannel EMG are useful to distinguish the contributions of spasticity and stiffness to the clinical problem. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Spasticity:Etiology, Evaluation, Management, and the Role of Botulinum Toxin Type A, MF Brin, editor. Muscle Nerve 1997; 20 (suppl 6):S1-S13. Keywords: spasticity, upper motoneuron syndrome (UMN syndrome), spasticity pathophysiology, stretch reflex, rheologic properties of muscle, diagnostic nerve blocks, dynamic EMG
Clinicophysiologic Concepts of Spasticity and Motor Dysfunction in Adults with an Upper Motoneuron Lesion Nathaniel H. Mayer, MD
Spasticity and the Stretch Reflex A century ago, Sherrington transected a cat’s brain stem above the vestibular nuclei to produce an animal with increased stretch reflexes and tone in the antigravity extensor muscles.21,22 Despite complete brain stem transection, the cat retained the ability to stand on all fours with rigid legs. Based on the above features, it was said to have “decerebrate rigidity.” Since then, rigidity has been shown to be influenced by afferent impulses as well as by descending signals within the central nervous system. Sherrington himself was able to eliminate rigidity in a limb by cutting its dorsal roots. Although animal “decerebrate rigidity” is not considered analogous to human adult spastic states, Sherrington’s seminal studies of the cat’s myotatic stretch reflex established the model of an afferent-efferent neural circuit as the basis for understanding changes in stretch reflex activity. Sherrington’s model provided strong physiologic underpinnings for later clinical descriptions of spastic signs and symptoms. Peter Nathan’s description of spasticity emphasizes the central role of the stretch reflex as follows: “Spasticity is a conNathaniel H. Mayer, MD Drucker Brain Injury Center MossRehab Hospital 1200 West Tabor Road Philadelphia, PA 19141-3019
dition in which stretch reflexes that are normally latent become obvious. The tendon reflexes have a lowered threshold to tap, the response of the tapped muscle is increased, and usually muscles besides the tapped one respond; tonic stretch reflexes are affected in the same way.”16 Nathan’s description refers to an increase in phasic stretch reflexes (tendon jerks) and tonic stretch reflexes (resistance to passive stretch appreciated by the examiner as muscle tone). The key point is the exaggerated or “positive” nature of the motor response that is elicited by the clinician during examination. For historical reasons, and because hyperreflexia and hypertonias are so useful in pointing to the presence of an upper motoneuron lesion, stretch reflexes are a common starting point for discussions of spasticity, even while recognizing that other associated phenomena often have more impact on patient functioning. An increased stretch reflex may occur because the alpha motoneuron pool at the segmental level is hyperexcitable; or the amount of excitatory afferent input elicited by muscle stretch is increased; or both. The motoneuron pool is considered hyperexcitable if less than standard excitatory input suffices either to bring motoneurons to the firing threshold or to increase their firing frequency. This hyperexcitability may be generated by a change in the balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the motoneuron pool. In an upper motoneuron lesion, it is theorized that inhibitory inputs
KEY POINTS • Alpha motoneuron hyperexcitability may be caused by reduced inhibitory input, denervation supersensitivity, shortening of motoneuron dendrites, or collateral sprouting of dorsal root afferents
Clinicophysiologic concepts of spasticity Muscle & Nerve Supplement 6 1997