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Current State of Concussion Research

What is a concussion? •  A complex pathophysiological process affecXng the brain, induced by traumaXc biomechanical forces

Jason P. Mihalik, PhD, CAT(C), ATC Assistant Professor Department of Exercise and Sport Science The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 7th Annual Sports Related Conference on Concussion & Spine Injury Friday, May 14, 2010 Fenway Park, Boston, MA

Brain injury: a major public health concern

50,000 Deaths

–  Direct blow or impulsive forces transmiZed to head –  Typically results in rapid onset of neurological impairments –  Concussion is a funcXonal—not structural—injury –  May or may not include LOC –  Not idenXfiable on standard imaging (CT, MRI)

(CIS Guidelines, 2009)

Costs associated with TBI •  1.6 to 3.8 million TBI result from sports each year (Langlois et al., 2006 – JHTR) •  $56.3 billion in direct and indirect costs (Langlois et al., 2004 – CDC)

235,000 HospitalizaXons

•  CDC states TBI (specifically its preven5on) must con5nue to be a na5onal priority

1,111,000 Emergency Department Visits ??? Receiving Other Medical Care or No Care (Langlois et al. 2004: CDC/NCIPC)

“I thought mouthguards were designed to prevent concussion”

Can mouthguards prevent concussion? •  Does wearing a mouthguard affect incidence of concussion? –  No significant relaXonship between wearing a MG and incidence of concussion in games or pracXces; type of MG also did not play a role (Momsen et al. UNC Thesis-­‐2004)

•  How effecXve is “brain pad” mouthguard? –  Random clinical trial comparing WIPSS Brain Pad to mouthguard of choice –  Result: no difference in number of concussions between Brain Pad MG and MG of choice (Barbic et al. CJSM-­‐2005)


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