Review of local treatments of spascticty 2002

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Abstract: Spasticity is a velocity-dependent increase in stretch reflex activity. It is one of the forms of muscle overactivity that may affect patients with damage to the central nervous system. Spasticity monitoring is relevant to function because the degree of spasticity may reflect the intensity of other disabling types of muscle overactivity, such as unwanted antagonistic co-contractions, permanent muscle activity in the absence of any stretch or volitional command (spastic dystonia), or inappropriate responses to cutaneous or vegetative inputs. In addition, spasticity, like other muscle overactivity, can cause muscle shortening, which is another significant source of disability. Finally, spasticity is the only form of muscle overactivity easily quantifiable at the bedside. Under the name pharmacological treatments of spasticity, we understand the use of agents designed to reduce all types of muscle overactivity, by reducing excitability of motor pathways, at the level of the central nervous system, the neuromuscular junctions, or the muscle. Pharmacologic treatment should be an adjunct to muscle lengthening and training of antagonists. Localized muscle overactivity of specific muscle groups is often seen in a number of common pathologies, including stroke and traumatic brain injury. In these cases, we favor the use of local treatments in those muscles where overactivity is most disabling, by injection into muscle (neuromuscular block) or close to the nerve supplying the muscle (perineural block). Two types of local agents have been used in addition to the newly emerged botulinum toxin: local anesthetics (lidocaine and congeners), with a fully reversible action of short duration, and alcohols (ethanol and phenol), with a longer duration of action. Local anesthetics block both afferent and efferent messages. The onset of action is within minutes and duration of action varies between one and several hours according to the agent used. Their use requires resuscitation equipment available close by. When a long-lasting blocking agent is being considered, we favor the use of transient blocks with local anesthetics for therapeutic tests or diagnostic procedures to answer the following questions: Can function be improved by the block? What are the roles played by overactivity and contracture in the impairment of function? Which muscle is contributing to pathologic posturing? What is the true level of performance of antagonistic muscles? A short-acting anesthetic can also serve as preparation to casting or as an analgesic for intramuscular injections of other antispastic treatment. Alcohol and phenol provide long-term chemical neurolysis through destruction of peripheral nerve. Experience with ethanol is more developed in children using intramuscular injection, while experience with phenol is greater in adults with perineural injection. In both cases, there are anecdotal reports of efficacy but studies have rarely been controlled. Side effects are numerous and include pain during injection, chronic dysesthesia and chronic pain, and episodes of local or regional vascular complications by vessel toxicity. In the absence of controlled studies, a theoretical comparison of neurolytic agents with botulinum toxin is proposed. Neurolytic agents may be preferred to botulinum toxin on a number of grounds, including earlier onset, potentially longer duration of effect, lower cost, and easier storage. Conversely, pain during injection, tissue destruction with chronic sensory side effects, and lack of selectivity on motor function with neurolytic agents may favor the use of botulinum toxin. Neurolytic agents and botulinum toxin may be used in combination, the former for larger proximal muscles and the latter for selective injection into distal muscles. In the future, neurolytic agents may prove more appropriate in very severely affected patients for whom the purposes of the block are comfort and hygiene. Conversely, botulinum toxin may be better indicated in patients for whom there is hope for functional improvement in the affected limb, since the integrity of sensory afferents is indispensable. Controlled comparative studies between neurolytic agents and botulinum toxin are needed in specific patient populations to help determine the most appropriate applications of each. Š1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Spasticity:Etiology, Evaluation, Management, and the Role of Botulinum Toxin Type A, MF Brin, editor. Muscle Nerve 1997; 20 (suppl 6):S61-S91. Key words: spasticity, muscle overactivity, local anesthetic, lidocaine, bipuvicaine, etidocaine, neurolysis, ethyl alcohol, phenol, botulinum toxin

Traditional Pharmacological Treatments for Spasticity Part I: Local Treatments Jean-Michel Gracies, MD, PhD; Elie Elovic, MD; John McGuire, MD; David Simpson, MD

Introduction: General Considerations in the Decision to Treat Spasticity Patients with damage to central motor pathways often develop weakness associated with abnormal patterns of muscle activity in the paretic limbs and imbalance between some agonists and their overactive antago-

nists.1 Muscle overactivity may lead to contractures, abnormal postures, and pain.2 One cause of muscle overactivity is spasticity, defined as a velocity-dependent increase in stretch reflex activity.3 As discussed below, spasticity has long been treated with both local anesthetic and chemoneurolytic agents. However, the decision to reduce spasticity by these or other means is contingent on first establishing that its reduction has the potential to bring about functional improvements for the patient.

Rationale for Rating Spasticity Department of Neurology, Jean-Michel Gracies, MD, PhD The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY. Center for Head Injuries, (Elie Elovic, MD), JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, Edison, NJ. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, (John McGuire, MD), Chicago, IL. Departments of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, (David Simpson, MD), The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY. Correspondence to: Jean-Michel Gracies, Department of Neurology, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029

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Neurologists have long elaborated methods to rate spasticity.4,5 However, it has never been demonstrated that increased stretch reflex activity by itself is functionally disabling; indeed, several authors have argued against this hypothesis.6,7 Furthermore, it is now accepted by many in the neurological rehabilitation community that other factors are more disabling than spasticity itself,

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KEY POINTS • Pathological reaction to stretch is likely to have significant impact on function • Spasticity is the only form of muscle overactivity quantifiable at the bedside


including co-contraction, permanent tonic contraction of muscles in the absence of any stretch or volitional command (spastic dystonia), weakness associated with slow recruitment and de-recruitment of motor units, and muscle shortening. Hence, one may question the relevance of rating and treating spasticity.6 Further insight into pathophysiology may help justify careful assessment of spasticity. Rating spasticity could be functionally relevant if spasticity reflected in part an enhanced motoneuronal activity that would act in facilitating the efferent path of the reflex. Indeed, increased alpha motoneuronal excitability would result not only in exaggerated stretch reflexes, but also exaggerated responses to any input arriving at the motoneuron. For example, it would also exaggerate other contraction responses of peripheral origin, such as reflexes from cutaneous or vegetative inputs, and inappropriate responses to misdirected descending inputs, such as pathological co-contractions. Clinically, such exaggerated motor responses, regardless of the input origin, are functionally disabling, and are commonly observed in patients affected by lesions to the central motor pathways. While physiological evidence does not exist as yet in patients, animal models have also suggested that enhanced motoneuronal excitability does participate in the pathophysiology of spasticity.8 If intensity of spasticity was proven to reflect, even partly, enhanced motoneuronal excitability, this would definitively legitimize its rating as functionally relevant. So far, however, only indirect arguments point to functional consequences of an enhanced reaction to stretch per se. In populations of hemiplegic patients, it was observed that spasticity was correlated with the degree of functional impairment,7 and it was further demonstrated that unwanted cocontractions are directly facilitated by tonic stretch of the co-contracting muscle.9


Thus, we think it is reasonable to assume that the degree of spasticity may at least help predict the severity of other, potentially more disabling types of muscle overactivity, such as unwanted antagonistic co-contraction. Since these are more difficult to quantify than stretch reflexes on a routine basis,9 it seems relevant to focus at least on assessing spasticity — and accurately monitoring its decrease4 — as an indicator of other, more verifiably disabling types of overactivity and as the only quantifiable form of muscle overactivity at the bedside.

Spasticity: Only One Component in a Pathological Cascade

KEY POINTS • Addressing spasticity implies treating contracture, and addressing contracture implies treating all muscle overactivity

We saw that spasticity may only reflect one of the three main factors which are directly disabling in patients with central nervous system (CNS) lesions: paresis; muscle overactivity in the broad sense of the term, including unwanted co-contractions; and muscle contracture. Furthermore, these factors appear prior to spasticity in the natural history of most cases (see Figure 1). Experimental and clinical studies have established that after any damage to the central motor pathways, contracture can take place within a few days if overactivity is severe and not corrected,2,10,11 or if the muscle, overactive or not, is left immobilized in a shortened position.12 In the case of a cerebral stroke, the first pathological factors affecting muscles in the affected hemibody are immobilization, due to paresis and to environmental conditions (such as hospitalization),13 and nonspastic overactivity, possibly resulting from basal ganglia dysfunction.1,10 These two factors provoke increasing muscle contracture.2,12,13 Data from animal research15,16,17 and more recently from clinical and physiological studies in patients18,19 indicate that contracture participates in the delayed generation of spasticity, in association with rearrangements of spinal reactivity.11 Finally, when a muscle is shortened by contracture, a given change in joint

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Figure 1.

Pathophysiology of Impairment After a Central Nervous System Lesion Damage to higher centers will affect the function of several descending pathways, among which is the corticospinal tract involved with voluntary movement. The resulting immediate paralysis will leave some of the muscles immobilized in a shortened position, which will be the first cause of muscle shortening. Muscle shortening by itself may then be the first generator of spasticity.15-17 The damage to the descending pathways will also provoke an imbalance in spinal reactivity that will undergo rearrangements after a variable period of time. These rearrangements in spinal reactivity will result in abnormal muscle contractions and abnormal reflex responses, some of which will meet the classical definition of spasticity. Then, spasticity and other types of muscle overactivity will continue to aggravate contracture. 40 Note the vicious cycle set up between contracture and spasticity. This reciprocal potentiation has therapeutic implications: spasticity cannot be addressed without treating contracture, and contracture cannot be addressed without treating all types of muscle overactivity.

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angle will stretch muscle fibers relatively more than normal, thus evoking an increased reflex response. Therefore, spasticity appears to be only the final link in the pathophysiological chain affecting movement in these patients, and its drug-mediated decrease in the absence of effects further up the chain is an insufficient argument to claim that such a drug is useful for patients with central damage. As quantitative assessment of nonspastic overactivity is difficult without sophisticated physiological equipment,9 evaluation of any treatment aimed at correcting abnormalities of movement in patients with spasticity must at least include, in addition to spasticity grading, measurement of muscle shortening (passive range of motion), qualitative assessment of disabling co-contractions, active range of motion, and ratings of function that are as reproducible and sensitive as possible. Then treatment of spasticity is really monitoring of spasticity after treatment of muscle overactivity.

Treatment Strategy Before consideration of pharmacological therapies, any peripheral cause of aggravated muscle overactivity requires treatment. Such aggravation may be a consequence of the stimulation of afferents other than the stretch receptors, such as flexor reflex afferents.19a Examples include heterotopic ossification, urinary tract infection, urolithiasis, stool impaction, pressure sore, fracture, dislocation, ingrown toenail, excessively restrictive clothing, or condom drainage appliance. These factors should be treated before any pharmacologic management of muscle overactivity. Treatment of muscle overactivity is appropriate only in those patients who are disabled by muscle overactivity or may become disabled by its main consequence: muscle shortening. It is a prerequisite to ensure that overactivity in a given muscle group is more


disabling than helpful. Muscle overactivity from lesions in the central motor pathways is difficult to treat.20 Available treatments involve physical methods and chemicals administered systemically, regionally or locally. In a number of common pathologies, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, muscle overactivity is not equally spread throughout the body and predominates only in certain muscle groups. For example in the upper limb of hemiplegic patients, overactivity usually affects flexors and pronators.1 In these cases the logical and often more rewarding approach is to use local treatments. In other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury, in which the distribution of spasticity may be more diffuse, regional or systemic treatments may be preferable.

Physical Treatments Since muscle shortening increases spindle sensitivity and spasticity,15,16,17 muscle contracture and muscle overactivity are intertwined. Therefore, physical treatments aimed at lengthening overactive muscles or at maintaining their length are part of local treatment of spasticity.13 Optimal efficacy of any “antispasticity” therapy requires that both abnormalities be addressed simultaneously: a chemical treatment to relax a muscle is combined with a physical treatment to lengthen the muscle. The mainstay of physical treatment is muscle stretch, as early as possible, to prevent muscle shortening.13 Physical therapy sessions commonly involve passive range of motion exercises or short posturing sessions. However, to prevent contractures in the long term, muscle stretch is probably most efficient when applied continuously for several hours each day.21 Rigid or semi-rigid devices, including serial rigid splints, serial casts, and dynamic splints, are helpful for this purpose.18,22,23 Positioning techniques and weight-bearing activities can also be used. The efficacy of prolonged daily mus-

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K E Y P O IN T S • Treatment of spasticity really implies monitoring of spasticity after treatment of muscle overactivity • Local treatment of muscle overactivity is the logical approach when disabling overactivity affects a few individualizable muscle groups • In order for muscle stretch to be efficient, it should be done for several hours each day

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cle stretch is greater when applied to relaxed muscles. Before the emergence of botulinum toxin, two types of compounds were used to provide local muscle relaxation: local anesthetics (lidocaine and congeners), with a fully reversible action of short duration, and alcohols, chiefly ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and phenyl alcohol (phenol), with a longer duration of action. This review discusses these classical chemical local treatments, their physiological action, pharmacology, risks, and indications (see Tables 1 and 2). In the absence of controlled studies evaluating traditional neurolytic therapy vs. botulinum toxin, we propose a theoretical comparison of both methods in the final section.

Local Anesthetic Agents Lidocaine, etidocaine, and bupivacaine are currently the preferred local anesthetics for relaxation of overactive muscles or in physiological research.45,48,49,27 They have replaced procaine, which was first synthesized in 1905 and was in common use up to the 1970s.30,31,33,35 In 1919, Liljestrand and Magnus24 reported that intramuscular injection of procaine reduced the triceps rigidity of a decerebrate cat. However, this fundamental observation was published at a time when most of the scientific community still accepted the response of a muscle to its own stretch as an intrinsic muscle property, and not as a reflex mediated through neurons in the central nervous system. That demonstration only came 5 years later with Liddell and Sherrington.25 Interest in the observations of Liljestrand and Magnus, and their implications for therapy, finally emerged more than 40 years after that, following another major step in the understanding of stretch reflexes: the elucidation of the role of the gamma motoneurons.26

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Definition and Physiology Local anesthetics are drugs that block nerve conduction when applied locally to nerve tissue in appropriate concentrations, and whose action is reversible without causing structural damage to nerve fibers or cells.27 The conduction block decreases or prevents the large transient increase in the membrane permeability to sodium ions, which is normally produced by a slight depolarization of the membrane, especially at the nodal regions. Local anesthetics act on peripheral and central neurons.28 A local anesthetic in contact with a peripheal nerve trunk causes both sensory and motor paralysis in the innervated area. Since ionic mechanisms of excitability are similar in nerve and muscle, these agents also act on all types of muscular tissue. However, several physiological principles determine differences in the rate and scale of the clinical effects on the different affected tissue types: Slight differences in the sensitivity of different fiber types to local anesthetics27 As a general rule, small nerve fibers are more rapidly blocked than large nerve fibers, as was first shown by Gasser and Erlanger.29 In 1957, Matthews and Rushworth reported that muscle proprioceptive afferent and muscle efferent fibers, which are of the same diameter, were equally sensitive to procaine.30 However, the smaller gamma fibers supplying the muscle spindles were more rapidly blocked by the local anesthetic. Franz and Perry suggested that this might be due to the shorter internodal distance of smaller axons, since more nodes would be immediately accessible to the local anesthetic, whereas larger axons would require more time for the anesthetic to diffuse to an equivalent number of nodes.31 The same might account for the slower recovery of small axons at reversal of the process. This “faster� block of the gamma fibers caused some confusion in the neurological32,33,34 and physiological35 litera-

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ture of the 1960s, with several works relying on the erroneous belief of “exclusive” gamma block with local anesthetics. The same confusion appeared regarding the properties of alcohol and phenol32,33,34 (see below). Differences in sensitivity according to impulse transmission characteristics27 Frequency and pattern of nerve impulse transmission also determine the types of nerve that are primarily affected, probably by varying the durations of the open states of sodium channels. For instance, etidocaine has been reported to block somatic motor nerves more than somatic sensory fibers.36 Indeed, the firing frequency of motor neurons rarely surpasses 10 Hz, in both normal subjects and hemiplegic patients. In contrast, the frequency of muscle spindle afferents is about 15 to 20 Hz within intermediate ranges of static muscle stretch, and can go up to more than 40 Hz during a dynamic stretch or a contraction, as measured in microneurographic experiments in normal subjects37 and hemiplegic patients.38 Recent firing history of the nerve The degree of block produced by a given concentration of local anesthetic depends on how much and how recently the nerve has been stimulated.27 Thus, a resting or normoactive nerve is much less sensitive to a local anesthetic than one that has been recently and repetitively stimulated.42 Therefore, a local anesthetic can be expected to have greater efficacy on the overactive muscles that are the target of therapy, and a smaller paralyzing effect on normally active muscles that the anesthetic has reached by diffusion. A similar phenomenon has been suggested with botulinum toxin.43 Effects at the neuromuscular junction Local anesthetics also affect transmission at the neuromuscular junction39,40 by a mechanism that is yet to be clarified.41 To our knowledge, the question of whether this effect is greater or weaker than the conduc-


tion block on muscle afferents and efferents has not been examined. If greater, one may speculate that a threshold dose of local anesthetic could be used as a short-term mimic of botulinum toxin, allowing the clinician to preview the effects of neuromuscular block in order to estimate the value of undertaking botulinum toxin injections.

Pharmacology and Risks Onset of action When a local anesthetic is injected close to a peripheral nerve, its onset of action occurs within minutes (3 minutes for lidocaine, 15 minutes for bupivacaine). The delay of onset is greater when there is a need for diffusion of the agent from its site of injection to its site of action, for example, when a nerve plexus is blocked (the delay of onset of the effect of lidocaine injected about the brachial plexus goes up to 15 minutes).27

KEY POINTS • Local anesthetics act by transiently blocking the sodium channels of motor and sensory nerves, the neuromuscular junction, and muscle

Duration of action The duration of action of a local anesthetic depends primarily on the lipid solubility and the protein binding affinity of the anesthetic. It is also proportional to the time during which the anesthetic is in actual contact with nervous tissues and inversely related to the regional blood flow of the injected site.44 Consequently, procedures that keep the drug at the nerve by reducing local blood flow prolong the period of anesthesia. This also helps reduce its systemic toxicity by slowing its absorption into the circulation. Therefore, in clinical practice, the solution of a local anesthetic usually also contains vasoconstrictors: epinephrine or a suitable synthetic congener, norepinephrine or phenylephrine. However, because of the possibly intense vasoconstriction, epinephrine-containing solutions should not be injected into tissues supplied by end arteries, such as fingers and toes. Risks The risks described below require that resuscitation equipment and personnel

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trained in the management of acute cardiopulmonary emergencies be immediately available when local anesthetic is infiltrated into a tissue. Toxic systemic effects: If local anesthetics inadvertently enter the systemic circulation, they will interfere with the function of all organs in which conduction or transmission of impulses occur. Central nervous system effects begin with central stimulation, including restlessness and tremor that may proceed to convulsions. The mechanism responsible for these effects has not yet been clarified. Benzodiazepines may be used to treat this central stimulation. Stimulation effects are followed by CNS depression, and death can occur due to respiratory failure.27

Precaution in liver insufficiency: Most of the metabolism of local anesthetics occurs in the liver (especially for lidocaine) and the extensive use of a local anesthetic in patients with severe hepatic damage should be avoided.27 Neural toxicity: Animal experiments suggest that local anesthetics also carry a low risk of neural toxicity after perineural injection, which is proportional to the concentration used and to the conduction blocking potency of the compound.47

KEY POINTS • Use of local anesthetics require resuscitation equipment and trained personnel available close by

Choice of the Local Anesthetic

There are a large number of synthetic local anesthetics. They differ by their delay and duration of action, anesthetic power, and associated risks.27 Local anesthetics may be divided into three categories by their duration of action: short (20 to 45 minutes) such The cardiovascular system is usually affected as procaine, intermediate (1 to 3 hours) at higher systemic concentrations than the such as lidocaine and prilocaine, and long central nervous system. Local anesthetics (several hours) such as tetracaine, etidoinjected systemically have a spasmolytic caine, and bupivacaine. Duration increases action on smooth muscle and most cause with the amount of drug injected, but so arteriolar dilatation (though cocaine does does the risk of systemic toxic reactions. not27), likely due to a decrease in sympathet- Therefore, duration of action is more safely ic nerve efferent activity.27 Therefore, a prolonged by the addition of epinephrine decrease in arterial pressure is possible, as (see above).27 As noted above, lidocaine, etiwas shown with lidocaine in animal experi- docaine, and bupivacaine are now generally ments.45 When lidocaine has been injected preferred over procaine. at high doses in patients (100 mg intravenously plus 300 mg intramuscularly), it Lidocaine produces more prompt, intense, has been associated with sudden cardiac long-lasting, and extensive anesthesia than collapse.46 In the heart, local anesthetics act does an equal amount of procaine.50,27 primarily in the myocardium, in decreasing Unlike procaine, which is an ester, lidocaine excitability, conduction rate, and force of is an aminoethylamide and, therefore, has contraction, similar to quinidine. (For these less propensity to provoke reactions of reasons, lidocaine is commonly used to pre- hypersensitivity.27 Systemic side effects charvent ventricular fibrillation at the initial acteristic of lidocaine include sedation and phase of an acute myocardial infarction.46) dizziness. Lidocaine is available as lidocaine hydrochloride (Lignocaine®, Xylocaine®, Hypersensitivity: This major adverse effect others) in dilutions from 0.5% to 4%, with rarely occurs; when it does, it may take the or without epinephrine (1:200,000; 5µ/mL), form of an allergic rash or a fatal anaphylac- which can double the duration of effect.27 tic reaction.27,40 It is encountered most often Dilutions of lidocaine used for infiltrations with local anesthetics of the ester type and blocks are usually between 0.5% and (cocaine, procaine, tetracaine). 2%.48,49 When used without epinephrine, up

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to 7 mg/kg of 0.5 to 2% lidocaine solution (0.7 mL/kg for a 1% solution) can be used for nerve block or infiltration anesthesia.27 Etidocaine (DuranestÂŽ) and bupivacaine hydrochloride (MarcaineÂŽ) are now preferred by many rehabilitation teams for tests of muscle relaxation because their duration of action is greater than that of lidocaine. Bupivacaine is also more potent than lidocaine and can be used in amounts up to 3 mg/kg of 0.25 to 0.75% solution.27 Bupivacaine may be preferred to lidocaine especially to determine if functional improvement may result from long-term chemodenervation, since its longer duration of action may allow more thorough assessment during the anesthetic period. Etidocaine is favored by some clinicians for its propensity to block motor fibers more than sensory fibers.36 Its effects last 2-3 times as long as lidocaine, with about the same induction time. Etidocaine is available in 0.5% and 1.0% solution with or without epinephrine, and in 1.5% solution with epinephrine (1:200,000; 5 Âľ/mL). The maximum dose is 6 mg/kg without epinephrine and 8 mg/kg with epinephrine.

Technical Issues For Use in Patients with Muscle Overactivity Both intramuscular and perineural blocks may be useful. Intramuscular local anesthesia The maximum effect of an intramuscular block may be obtained when the drug is injected within the target muscle in the vicinity of the neuromuscular junctions,51 which is consistent with the known sensitivity of neuromuscular junctions to local anesthetics.39,40,41 Intramuscular blocks are reported to be more painful than nerve blocks at proximal branches or sensorimotor trunks.52 Larger volumes of anesthetic increase the likelihood of spread of the solution to nearby muscles or other structures (nerve trunks) that one may not wish to affect.27


Nerve block anesthesia A mixed peripheral nerve consists of individual nerve fascicles surrounded by an epineurium. The vascular supply is usually centrally located. When a local anesthetic is injected near a peripheral nerve, it diffuses from the outer surface toward the core down its concentration gradient, blocking first the nerve fibers located in the outer mantle of the trunk. These fibers usually innervate more proximal anatomical structures than those situated near the core. The duration of their blockade is also longer than for central fibers because the vascular uptake of the anesthetic usually occurs primarily in the core of the mixed nerve. For both intramuscular and nerve block techniques, the rigorous way of proceeding is to use an exploratory stimulation technique, as for botulinum toxin.51 The same needle that will inject the drug is used to transmit repetitive monopolar stimulation of the targeted nerve or muscle in order to adjust its position. The tip of the needle is directed as close as possible to the nerve trunk by searching for the minimal stimulation required to elicit the appropriate paresthesia or muscle twitches. Similarly, it will lie selectively in the targeted muscle when the best bulk of twitch, as assessed clinically, is obtained in isolation by the minimal possible stimulation. For the most precise localization among muscles, the stimulation area must be as small as possible. Therefore, pulse widths must be as short as possible (0.2-0.5 ms), and needles of small caliber (27G) should be used. These needles are commonly used for botulinum toxin injections and are rigid enough to penetrate even deep limb muscles.

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Indications: Diagnostic Procedures and Therapeutic Tests Intramuscular local anesthesia (lidocaine, etidocaine, bupivacaine) has long been used as a diagnostic tool.53 The short duration of effect of local anesthetic blocks makes them useful as temporary tests, before providing a long-lasting treatment. A local anesthetic block can help answer a number of questions, not only about therapeutic indications but also about the mechanisms involved in the functional impairment: Prediction of functional changes with long-term therapy The fundamental therapeutic question which justifies a short-term block is whether a long-term block of the same muscle or nerve could be functionally useful. To address this question, objective means of functional assessment must be designed before the block. The answer to this therapeutic issue provides insight into the mechanisms involved in the functional impairment. Understanding of impairment mechanisms Regarding the mechanisms of impairment in patients with muscle overactivity, it is not yet known whether the block must be powerful enough to significantly weaken the injected muscle, or whether merely reducing its reflex reactions to stretch is sufficient. Indeed, the experience of authors using alcohol and phenol injections (see below) as well as recent studies with botulinum toxin54 suggest that, regardless of the paralyzing agent, significant weakening of the injected muscle may be required to allow expression of antagonists in spastic patients. The mechanistic questions that a local anesthetic block may help answer include:

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(i) What are the roles played by overactivity and contracture in the impairment of function? By only temporarily paralyzing a muscle without lengthening it, the block may allow the investigator to determine the relative contributions of overactivity and of muscle shortening in the generation of the pathologic posture. (ii) Which muscle or muscles are contributing to the pathologic posture? The example of foot inversion during gait may illustrate this question. As Glenn points out,52 it is logical to assume that in some cases of foot inversion during swing phase of gait in a spastic patient, the deformity results from the inability of the tibialis anterior to overcome overactive or contractured plantarflexors, so that all of its contractile force attracts the foot towards inversion rather than dorsiflexion. In such cases, nerve blocks of pure plantarflexors (soleus and gastrocnemii) could confirm this hypothesis by improving foot posture if the resistance from these muscles is due to overactivity and not to shortening. In other cases, inversion during swing phase is due to overactivity of the tibialis posterior, and blocking this muscle may help confirm this diagnosis.

K E Y PO IN T S • In a patient with focal overactivity, use of a block with local anesthetic may help answer whether a long lasting block could be functionally useful

(iii) What is the level of active performance of the antagonistic muscles once they are free of opposing co-contraction? One may only answer this question if the shortening of the injected muscle is not severe enough to block the range of movement of the antagonists (see preceding question). (iv) What are the contributions of spasticity and contractures in the resistance to stretch? This is a more technical question relating to the interpretation of the clinical examination. It is overlooked by any rating scale that assesses both active and passive tissue reaction by only examining its subjective severity (minimal, more marked, considerable)5 instead of assessing its type (existence of a catch-and-release or a clonus, fatiguable or not, which are specifically produced by muscle contractions in reaction to stretch, and not by passive tissue).4

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Other Uses of Local Anesthetics in Overactive Muscles Local anesthetic blocks have also been used as preparation for casting (plaster or fiberglass) to prevent contractures.52 Placing the extremity in a cast soon after the block will stretch the relaxed muscle, which may inhibit the return of overactivity and help improve the efficacy and tolerability of the cast. However, forceful overactivity may return within the cast so that usually the angle of the cast is adjusted at only 50% of the gain in passive range of motion obtained from the block. To prevent complications such as skin breakdown, the limb in the cast must be carefully monitored. Finally, lidocaine can serve as an analgesic for intramuscular injection procedures when mixed with the medication to be injected. It has been demonstrated to reduce the pain associated with intramuscular injection of antibiotics,55 at the time after the injection and at intervals of 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 6 hours. A similar demonstration for prilocaine has been done with intramuscular injections of propofol, an anesthetic.56 Authors have used lidocaine for this analgesic indication when injecting alcohol into muscles,57,48,58 and for steroid injection around nerves or epidurally.59,60,61 However, in the studies with propofol injections, it was observed that this compound was required in greater amounts when mixed with prilocaine than when mixed with saline. A binding between the algesic part of the propofol molecule and the local anesthetic agent has been postulated to explain this findings.56 This possibility should be considered when using lidocaine mixed with alcohol.48


Local Anesthetics: Summary Local anesthetics block both afferent and efferent messages in a muscle. Their use requires available resuscitation equipment. When a long-lasting blocking agent is being considered, a temporary block with a local anesthetic may be useful to assess the mechanisms of functional impairment and to help predict what improvement may be expected. In order to answer these questions, the block may have to provoke a measurable weakening in voluntary power of the targeted muscles since co-contraction, a phenomenon of primarily descending origin,9 is likely to play a major role in the functional impairment of patients with damage to the central motor pathways.

KEY POINTS • Chemical neurolysis by alcohol or phenol works by destruction of nerve and muscle tissue

Blocks Acting by Structural Damage: Alcohol and Phenol Chemical Neurolysis in Spasticity Glenn52 has defined a nerve block as “the application of chemical agents to a nerve to impair, either temporarily or permanently, the conduction along the nerve,” while chemical neurolysis “is a nerve block that impairs nerve conduction by means of destruction of a portion of the nerve.” Initial reports of chemical neurolysis used as local or regional treatment of muscle overactivity involved injections of 2% to 5% carbolic acid (phenol) intrathecally,62,63,34 perineurally,64 and intramuscularly,65 and of 35% to 45% ethyl alcohol (ethanol), epidurally,66 intramuscularly,57 and perineurally.67,32 As with local anesthetic blocks, these pioneering experiences were encouraged by the speculation that phenol and alcohol would selectively affect small diameter fibers.32,33,34 However, this was later shown to be incorrect.68 While Tardieu performed two controlled studies of chemical neurolysis,69,70 the literature contains mostly anecdotal reports.

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These have indicated that spasticity is relieved following these treatments, with effects lasting from months to years.51,52 Intrathecal neurolysis is now rarely used, but the effects of selective perineural neurolysis are still reported sporadically.52,71 Injections can be made close to a nerve trunk (perineural), called “mixed sensorimotor nerve blocks,” or into the muscle at the motor point, called “motor nerve blocks”52 or “neuromuscular blocks.”51 Perineural injections are considered easier and more effective than intramuscular ones and are usually preferred for proximal muscles or when several muscles are to be injected in the same nerve territory. For example, perineural injections can be used for treating spasticity in muscle groups that are otherwise inaccessible, such as iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum, or paraspinals66 (see below).

ing protoplasm.74 In 1912, May showed in animals that absolute alcohol causes degeneration of neurons with extensive fibrosis and partial regeneration.72 At lower concentrations, axonal destruction was inconstant. Functionally, there was always full recovery of paralysis, and with 50% alcohol, no weakness was seen. Gordon studied 80% alcohol, producing various degrees of neuronal degeneration and surrounding fibrosis.73 Functionally these injections caused some degree of weakness without complete paralysis. Labat, using 48% and 95% alcohol in dogs, also provoked a temporary paralysis with both concentrations lasting usually less than 2 months,75 which was not correlated with the concentration used.

Tardieu et al. applied 35% alcohol into one posterior tibial nerve of healthy cats, with Alcohol Injections the other side left untreated.69,70 The cats were first observed for several weeks: They Ethyl alcohol (“alcohol” hereafter) was the walked, ran, and jumped normally despite first alcohol compound to be studied exper- the block. A midcollicular section was then imentally on nerve cells,72,73 the first used for performed for decerebration. Despite the neuromuscular block,66,69 and the only one preservation of strength in the “blocked” leg assessed in controlled protocols for this before decerebration, there was a diminuindication.69,70 Despite a better safety record tion of spasticity after decerebration resultthan phenol (see below), alcohol has not ing from the nerve block. Furthermore, tenbeen used as extensively for the treatment of sion produced by the stretch reflex was spasticity.52 Local injections of alcohol were reduced, while tension produced by stimuused by neurologists for sympathectomy lation of the tibial nerve was not. (lumbar paravertebral injections) and for the Histological analyses were performed 3 treatment of pain (trigeminal neuralgia, weeks after application of alcohol. On the intractable carcinoma using paraganglionic injected side, there were lesions in the and plexus injections)74 prior to its use in myelin, mostly in small fibers, with no spasticity. We review here its mechanisms of axonal damage.69 Cholinesterase activity in action based on animal research, and its the endplates of the muscle spindles was risks, results, and indications in patients. reduced on the injected side only. The authors did not find any abnormality in the Histological and physiological effects cholinesterase activity in the extrafusal Perineural injections: At low concentrations fibers. Clinically, voluntary movement was (5% to 10%), alcohol acts as a local anesnormal. Tardieu felt that these findings thetic by decreasing sodium and potassium favored a selective effect of 35% alcohol on conductance; at higher concentrations, alco- small diameter gamma motor neurons. hol nonselectively denatures proteins and Conversely, Fisher et al. studied the evoked injures cells by precipitating and dehydratresponse of fibers injected with 35% to 47% alcohol soon after exposure and found that

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the injection had a nonselective effect on the responses of fibers of various diameters.76 Intramuscular injections: When absolute alcohol is injected at doses up to 10 mL/kg into muscle in the hind leg of rats, there is a local dose-dependent coagulation necrosis followed by granulation tissue formation and subsequent fibrosis.77 Biopsies of sites previously injected with 45% alcohol have demonstrated muscle necrosis and inflammatory cells within the damaged areas.78 At lower concentrations, from 20% to 40%, alcohol has still been demonstrated to be myotoxic in animals77,79 with creatine kinase release being inhibited by adjunction of dibucaine, a very potent local anesthetic.79 The destructive effect of alcohol on tissue has led some authors to propose absolute alcohol as a local antitumoral treatment by topical injection for cancer,80 in thyroid or parathyroid nodules,81,82 or as sclerotherapy for venous malformations.83 Adverse effects There have been relatively few reports of adverse effects of intramuscular and perineural alcohol injections as compared to phenol. This may correspond to greater safety of alcohol or to the fact that phenol has been used more extensively in the last three decades, with proportionately more reports of adverse events using this compound. The adverse effects of alcohol injection include: Pain at injection: Ethyl alcohol injected intramuscularly is painful, such that some suggest conscious sedation or general anesthesia.51 Carpenter has reported complications including burning sensation of the muscle and local hyperemia usually lasting less than 36 hours.53,78


Vascular complications: O’Hanlan et al. initially reported several cases of phlebitis, which they ascribed to a poor preparation of the alcohol (“state store” alcohol). They observed no phlebitis when alcohol was prepared in a pharmacy.84 A case of transient spinal ischemia following a deep plexus alcohol injection has also been reported.85 Permanent peripheral nerve palsy: This has been reported for obturator or peroneal nerves.51,52 Skin irritation: This may be secondary to superficial injection. Skin torpid ulcerations have also been reported after alcoholization of peripheral fibers.86 Systemic effects: Patients may exhibit systemic signs and symptoms of intoxication in the immediate postinjection period.51 Painful muscle necrosis: At least one case has been reported when using alcohol concentrated beyond 75%.87 Motor nerve blocks in spasticity: clinical results and indications In the early 1960s, Tardieu and colleagues initially proposed injection of a local chemical neurolytic compound directly into muscle.66,57,69 They injected 45% alcohol into muscles at the motor point in children with cerebral palsy and reported that spasticity was reduced in most cases without affecting voluntary strength. The effect lasted from 6 to 12 months and occasionally as long as 2 to 3 years.66,57,69,70 The treatment was then studied by other authors,84,88,53,78,89 and some modifications in the technique were proposed.109,19,20 O’Hanlan109 used the same dilution of alcohol but did not try to target the motor nerves specifically. He injected large quantities of 45% alcohol (between 10 and 40 mL according to the muscle) into multiple locations within the target muscles of spastic patients. Like Tardieu, O’Hanlan found a significant reduction of spasticity in the 10 cases reported with no loss of volun-

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tary motor power. Sensation was also reported to remain intact.84 Carpenter and Seitz, using 45% to 50% alcohol, popularized this technique under the name “intramuscular alcohol wash.”53,78 The procedure was performed under general anesthesia because of the local pain during injection. These authors obtained their best results with gastrocnemius muscle injecions. The muscle was divided into quadrants and 2 to 6 mL of alcohol were injected into each quadrant. The authors claimed that the treatment eliminated the equinus gait in 128 of 130 children injected. Results from injections into other muscles were not as consistently good. However, the duration of effect was shorter than that reported by Tardieu et al., with a return of equinus posture 7 to 20 days after the gastrocnemius injections. Overall, the effects lasted only from 1 to 6 weeks. Muscle biopsies performed in 6 patients 4 to 6 weeks after the injection revealed a round cell infiltrate without fibrosis. Other indications in intramuscular injections Other indications in intramuscular injections are currently expanding, and this should encourage clinicians to consider alcohol more often for muscle overactivity in spastic conditions. Alcohol has recently been proposed in association with 0.5% lidocaine, in repeated injections as local treatment of dystonia (10% dilution)48 or spasmodic torticollis (99% dilution).58 Its lesional effects on muscular tissue have also been exploited to damage the “reentry circuits” characteristic of Wolff-ParkinsonWhite syndrome; intracardiac injections of absolute alcohol for this indication have been studied in animals90 and used in patients.91,92

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Dilutions used The most common alcohol dilution range used in spasticity until recently has been 35% to 60%.66,84,89However, some now use weaker concentrations in children with spasticity.87 For some forms of dystonia, Kaji recently reported the use of alcohol diluted to 10%, mixed with 0.5 % lidocaine injected intramuscularly.48 Conclusion: alcohol for chemoneurolysis In intramuscular injections, alcohol diluted at 45% or lower seems relatively safe, although it acts by destruction of muscle. Alcohol appears to be more efficient when injected close to the motor point. Little has been reported on the use of alcohol in perineural injections.32,67 Clinical controlled studies are required to assess its value compared to phenol and to botulinum toxin.

Phenol Injections Phenol (benzyl alcohol) is the major oxidized metabolite of benzene, a known human leukemogen and ubiquitous environmental pollutant. Cell damaging properties of phenol were first exploited in antispasticity treatment with intrathecal administration.62,63 Khalili and collaborators64 then performed perineural injections and Halpern and Meelhuysen,65 Delateur,93 and Awad4 pioneered intramuscular injections. Since then, phenol has been used to control muscle overactivity in the upper or lower limbs, mainly in adult stroke or brain trauma patients.51,95,96 However, Spira, and more recently Yadav, reported the successful use of phenol in children with cerebral palsy.97,71

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Metabolism and risks Following oral or intravenous administration in mice, phenol metabolites are phenol sulfate, phenol glucuronide, and hydroquinone glucuronide, with more oxidation of phenol to hydroquinone in males than in females.98 Both phenol and hydroquinone have synergistic effects in myelotoxicity and genotoxicity in the bone marrow of mice.99 To our knowledge, no retrospective or prospective studies have been made in patients about the genotoxic and myelotoxic risk of phenol injections. Histological effects Perineural injections: Like alcohol, phenol denatures protein, causing tissue necrosis. However, some authors suggest that, depending on the concentration of phenol used, the extent of protein denaturation and the subsequent local injury are more complete than those due to alcohol.51 As with local anesthetics and alcohol, the destructive effects of phenol have been also confirmed as nonselective across fiber sizes.68 They correlate with the concentration of phenol applied.68 At 5% in saline, coagulation of peripheral nerves at the site of injection occurs 1 hour following injection, with the axons in the center of the nerve being not or less affected when phenol is dripped onto the nerve. Wallerian degeneration occurs in the weeks following injection and eventually, there is regrowth of most axons.100 However, after administration of only 2% aqueous phenol, damage to the micro-circulation occurs around the nerve, including slugging, oscillation, plasma skimming, and inverted flow.101 This may lead to occlusion of small blood vessels and fibrosis in the injected area, and might account for longterm effects.100,101,102 The tissue-destructive effect of phenol is potent: A case of focal necrosis of the ureter was reported following CT-guided phenol sympathectomy,103 and phenol is commonly used in experimental cardiology to produce


localized heart infarction.104 However, Koman reports that neutralization with alcohol limits damage to surrounding soft tissue when phenol is appled directly to an exposed peripheral nerve.51 This forms the basis of the “open� techniques that have become more frequent in recent years.71,95,96 Intramuscular injections: Intramuscular injections of aquenous phenol in rats and dogs produces neurogenic atrophy of the muscle by 2 months as well as collateral reinnervation and regeneration of muscle fibers. Halpern105 also found local necrosis of the muscle and an associated inflammatory reaction of the fascia and subfascial tissues. The reaction began within days of the procedure in dogs and rats, was intensified by the end of 2 weeks, and then began to resolve. Return to normal of the muscle at 3 months only occurred if the concentration of phenol used was lower than 3%.105 Other sites of injections: Other injection sites for alcohol appear to be dangerous. Since the initial works of Nathan, and Kelly et al.,62,63 subarachnoid administration of phenol has been abandoned in antispastic indications because of the spinal risks associated with this technique. It continues to be used in analgesic indications for intractable cancer pain.106,107 Epidural phenol injections have been used to target otherwise inaccessible proximal muscles (iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum) or lumbar or sacral paraspinal muscles. However, histopathologic changes in primate spinal cord after epidural 3% and 6% phenol administration have recently been systematically studied.108 With both dilutions, damage affected predominantly posterior nerve roots, and there was also direct cord injury. In addition, the authors pointed out the greater difficulty controlling the spread of epidural vs. subarachnoid phenol, and they concluded that the risks of epidural phenol may outweigh the benefits

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relative to subarachnoid administration.108 Finally, the intrinsic complications of any epidural intervention must be considered, especially the possibility of spinal subdural hematoma.109 Lumbosacral paravertebral blocks with phenol carry the risk of accidental intrathecal injection by way of the root sleeves,110 and this could also cause cauda equina or spinal cord injury (see below). Physiological effects Concentrations lower than 3%: With perineural injections of concentrations up to 2% in water, phenol has only local anesthetic properties. It may be faster acting than 2% lidocaine111 and has been used as a topical local anesthetic agent.112 This fast effect probably accounts for the transient anesthesia and weakness that are commonly seen after nerve blocks and can be a confounding effect if the assessment is made too early after the injection. Studies of the action potentials obtained by electrical stimulation after injection of 2% phenol around a nerve show a depression with a biphasic time course.101 A first depression occurs soon after injection, followed by a transient recovery, and then a second depression appears after 30 minutes. The first depression corresponds to the local anesthetic property, while the second depression is considered to be due to circulatory damage of the nerve fibers101 (see above). At very low concentration (0.5%) the local anesthetic effect of phenol is synergistic with that of a local anesthetic of long duration of effect (bupivacaine),116 in contrast with the propofol/prilocaine combination discussed above.56 Clinically, concentrations lower than 3% generally give poor results and require frequent repetition of blocks.114 Hence, the dilution used most usually in clinical indications is 3% to 6%.

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Concentrations above 3%: At concentrations above 3%, there is an almost immediate and then monophasic, constant denervation in EMG studies in humans.111,112,113 This 3% limit is consistent with the pattern of histological results presented above.105 A recent study examined the physiological effect of a 5% aqueous solution of phenol when applied to a rat nerve.115 Axonal degeneration was evident within the injected nerve 2 days following phenol application. By 2 weeks, the innervated muscles had atrophied to almost 50% of control. Reinnervation occurred between 2 and 4 weeks following the nerve block, but at 5 months, maximal tension of the innervated muscle was only 74% of control and the muscle consisted of more fast fibers on average. The authors concluded that the injury to the nerve caused by 5% phenol was chronic and more severe than a crush injury. Differential effect on descending and reflex contraction? With phenol treatment, as with local anesthetics and alcohol blocks, it appears that strength is more often preserved than stretch reflexes.69,70,84 Fisher76,117 has noted that the relative preservation of voluntary strength in the face of marked reduction in spasticity does not have to be the result of a putative immunity of motor neurons to neurolytic agents (a hypothesis which was ruled out histologically,68 see above). Interrupting both efferents (alpha and gamma motor neurons) and afferents (from the muscle spindle) may be enough to have a synergistic effect upon reflex contractions, greater than the effect on contractions of descending origin which bypass the segmental afferent pathway. This may be true even when only interrupting the alpha and gamma efferents, since gamma efferents act functionally as afferents, in that they enhance the messages coming from spindles. Hence partial curarization, which affects only the neuromuscular junction and not afferents, has also been shown to reduce spasticity to a greater degree than voluntary strength,118 and the same phenomenon was

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KEY POINTS • Subarachnoid and epidural administration of phenol carry important risks of spinal lesion. Caution is also warranted with paravertebral blocks • Stretch reflexes are more reduced than strength after local anesthetics, alcohol, and phenol injection


recently observed with injections of botulinum toxin in the upper limb of hemiplegic patients.54 The differential effect on voluntary and reflex contractions may therefore depend largely on the number of paralyzed peripheral neurons, with reflex functions such as spasticity being affected by a relative small reduction in number, and voluntary strength or other forms of “non-afferent� command of movements (including unwanted co-contractions in spastic patients) requiring a quantitatively larger reduction. In any case, the existence of this differential effect may not be of clinical relevance, since only a mild weakening after nerve block may be insufficient to give a functional benefit from the injection under most circumstances.52,54 When correlating histological and physiological effects, it appears that significant effect depends on the use of a concentration higher than 3%, with histological destruction of nerve, as with alcohol. Many side effects observed with phenol injections are the direct consequence of the required histological damage. Adverse effects Apart from the pain during injection, the other tolerance issues are long-term sideeffects and have been an important problem with phenol injections. Pain during injection: The patient usually feels a burning sensation during the injection.52 To our knowledge, this has not been compared in a controlled fashion to the pain experienced during alcohol injections.


Chronic dysesthesia and pain: The incidence of dysesthesia reported after peripheral blocks with phenol has varied from 2% to 32%.52,119,120 The risk seems higher with sensorimotor blocks than with motor blocks52 but the number of patients treated was smaller with the latter technique. Dysesthesias are usually reported from a few days to about 2 weeks after the procedure and are generally experienced as a burning paresthesia exacerbated by light tactile stimulation, often only in a small portion of the sensory distribution of the nerve that was blocked.119 The typical duration is several weeks52,119 but chronic dysesthesia has been reported.120 The etiology is not clear, though it may be associated with abnormal regrowth of sensory axons. A uniformly applied compressive garment such as sock, glove, elastic wrap, or lycra sleeve18,23 may minimize the effects of other superficial stimulation and decrease edema if present. Some authors have attempted to reblock the nerve with phenol.119 Braun and colleagues employed surgical neurolysis to resolve persistent dysesthesia caused by median nerve blocks in 2 patients.121 Sometimes systemic treatment is required.93 There have been only a few published reports of severe, lancinating pain after phenol sensorimotor blocks, including one in the forearm following median nerve block with phenol at the level of the elbow.120 However, the frequency of this side effect may be underestimated since most cases are probably not reported. The same is also true for alcohol blocks.87

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Vascular complications: Peripheral edema, particularly in the lower extremity, may follow chemical neurolysis and is said to usually resolve within a week or two.52 Accidental intravascular injection has not been reported in association with phenol neurolysis, but injections of phenol into the stellate ganglion and into the cervical subarachnoid space for analgesic indications have been associated with infarction in the cervical spinal cord and cerebellum.106 Deep venous thrombosis has also been reported after phenol neurolysis.122 Vascular risks include necrosis of the intima of arteries and veins and thrombotic occlusion of small vessels. This makes the routine precaution of aspirating before injecting even more important with this compound. Other mechanisms that could contribute to deep venous thrombosis in an injected limb include trauma to the vein or loss of muscle pumping action, leaving the extremity more susceptible to stagnation of venous blood. However, these mechanisms exist with injection of any blocking agent. Cutaneous side-effects: Skin slough has been reported after phenol injections.51 Excessive motor weakness: As with alcohol blocks, most patients have preservation of strength.64,119 Aggravation of disability by excessive paralyzing effects is a potential risk with both perineural and intramuscular blocks. As discussed above, the use of diagnostic blocks with local anesthetic agents may help anticipate functional consequences of a more permanent procedure. However, a local anesthetic block may not be equivalent to a block with phenol, especially since it may underestimate the consequences of excess weakness.

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Sensory loss: Permanent functional loss of sensation is a rare occurrence following mixed sensorimotor nerve blocks with phenol.52 Sensory loss is common in the first hours or days following the procedure but this usually resolves.119,52 Wound infection: Phenol is bacteriocidal at the concentrations used for neurolysis (as is alcohol), and local infection at the site of injection has been rarely reported.51,123 Systemic side effects: Overdose with phenol causes tremor,12 convulsions, central nervous system depression, and cardiovascular collapse.52 The amount of phenol routinely used for nerve blocks however, is usually well below the lethal range, which starts at 8.5 g.112 A 10 mL injection of 5% phenol contains only 0.5 g of phenol. To remain within safe limits, no more than 1 g should be injected in one day.52 Overdosage has not been reported in association with phenol neurolysis. However, the possibility of systemic side effects warrants caution in avoiding accidental intravascular injection. The potential of myelotoxic and genotoxic complications has been addressed above. Particular tolerance issues with intramuscular injections: The additional side effects associated with motor nerve blocks are local pain and swelling that may be present for a few days or occasionally longer.65,125 This local reaction can mimic deep venous thrombosis, especially when it occurs in the calf. Induration with tender nodules may appear 1 to 3 weeks after the injection.126 A recent investigation of 9,845 children receiving repeated intramuscular injections of penicillin diluted by only 1.5% to 2% phenol reported 122 cases of “gluteal muscle contracture,� which corresponds to a morbidity of 1.36% for this side effect.127

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Intensity and Duration of Effect Intensity of effect: The literature on the efficacy of phenol consists only of anecdotal reports. It is interesting, however, to compare reports of authors who used different concentrations. Khalili128 used 3% phenol for tibial nerve blocks in a patient with dystonia who developed superimposed spastic right hemiplegia following a neurosurgical procedure. While this resulted in reduced ankle clonus, dystonic and voluntary contraction of the plantar flexors were not affected. Halpern and Meelhuysen, however, reported good efficacy from higher concentration injections on “extrapyramidal” rigidity of sternomastoid and leg adductors in 2 patients with Parkinson’s disease.65 A possible explanation is the higher concentrations used by the Danish authors (3% to 5% used in paravertebral blocks129) than those used by Khalili (only 2% to 3% phenol64,128), which may be high enough to block the descending output to the muscle rather than just the reflexes from afferents within the muscle. Modifications of afferent input to the spinal cord by the block may account for some clinical effects, whether these afferent modifications are due to direct afferent block by the compound or simply to a massive reduction of afferent impulses from a muscle that now does not contract as much. For example, Mooney and colleagues102 found that 2 of 8 patients with upper extremity synergy patterns had global weakening of these patterns following phenol neurolysis of only motor branches of the median nerve. These observations appear consistent with the fact that co-contractions are facilitated by the stretch of co-contracting muscle in spastic patients.9


Duration of effect: The reported duration of clinical effect of phenol injections has been variable, in contrast to some precise physiological data obtained recently.115 The recurrence of overactivity in injected muscles is believed to be due to subsequent regeneration of injured motor nerves taking place after the Wallerian degeneration.51,115 As discussed above, long-term effects may be secondary to muscle necrosis and fibrosis, endoneural fibrosis, or local vascular injury caused by nonspecific protein denaturing within the injection zone.51 Khalili128 reported a duration of efficacy from 10 to 850 days in a series of 94 peripheral nerve blocks using 2% to 3% phenol (average 317 days = 10 to 11 months). Petrillo and colleagues119 reported a slightly longer duration of effect of tibial nerve blocks with 5% phenol (9 to 22 months with an average of 13 months). Katz and colleagues130 found that of 31 effective peripheral nerve blocks out of a total of 56 using 3% phenol, only 9 lasted for longer than 1 month. After intramuscular neurolysis with 5% phenol, Easton et al.126 reported similar variability in the duration of effect, ranging from 1 to 36 months. These are some examples of an abundant and divergent literature.52 There are no controlled comparisons of the effect of the treatment site on outcome. Overall, several factors may influence the duration of effect, but none has been studied in a controlled fashion: - Concentration and volume used for injection102 - Site of the block: intramuscular, peripheral nerve, paravertebral, “intramuscular targeting endplates”93

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- Treatment variables after the block; for example, if the muscle is effectively stretched after nerve block, spasticity may be further controlled and a longer term benefit could ensue15,16,17 - The presence of selective motor control in the muscles supplied by the nerve treated prior to the block may be associated with a longer duration of effect121 - The specificity and sensitivity of the method used to evaluate the degree of spasticity4,5 - Repeat injections: Awad94 and others have reported that the effect of phenol injections may become definitive after 3 or 4 injections. Others do not report a different duration of effect from first injections.120 Technical Issues Selected peripheral nerves can be injected with 4% to 6% aqueous phenol percutaneously or at higher concentrations under direct vision.71 Glycerin may be added to render the phenol more soluble in aqueous solutions.51 Quantities of 5% aqueous phenol injected onto peripheral nerves usually vary from 1 to 10 mL.119 Adjustment of the appropriate position of the needle tip should be done using the same technique of exploratory stimulation as described above for local anesthetics. In children with cerebral palsy, Koman advises general anesthesia for perineural injections in order to expose the target peripheral nerve surgically, and at least deep conscious sedation for percutaneous injections in a safe manner.91 General anesthesia is also recommended by others for intramuscular injections in children with cerebral palsy.131

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Sites of Blocks Perineural: In comparison with motor block, perineural block carries the additional risk of chronic dysesthesia, but may have a longer duration of effect. One must exercise caution in the use of a perineural procedure in a patient for whom a mild pain problem might become the source of significant disability (i.e., secondary gain) or the focal point for the displacement of other anxieties.52 Perineural in lumbosacral paravertebral regions: Taking the risk of chronic dysesthesia may be the only solution for muscles that are difficult to access directly, such as the psoas major because of its size, the quadratus lumborum because of its proximity to the peritoneal cavity and the kidney, and the paraspinal lumbar or sacral muscles.66 To relax these muscles, injection can be made at the paravertebral level,128,129 because the peritoneal cavity is well protected by the combined depth of the paraspinal and psoas muscles.52 Either mixed sensorimotor or motor nerves can be isolated in this area.52 However, this site of injection also carries the risk of accidental intrathecal penetration of phenol110 as discussed above. In addition, a muscle such as iliopsoas is technically difficult to identify and fluororoscopy, ultrasound, or CT guidance may be required. Intramuscular injections - endplate targeting technique: An intramuscular block, by destroying distal nerve branches, may allow easier titration of the weakening effect than a more proximal block of the whole trunk, although the intramuscular procedure may be more painful.131 The identification of small motor branches can be facilitated by the use of charts that depict the usual location of motor points within a given mus-

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cle.132 To optimize the efficacy, DeLateur93 proposed to inject as close as possible to endplate areas. It has been shown that motor endplates do not occur at random in most animal or human muscles.133 Instead, they cluster at characteristic areas within most muscles (the “innervation band”), since the endplate generally lies near the midpoint of any given muscle fiber.134 However, there are exceptions to this rule; for example, there are numerous innervation bands scattered throughout sartorius and gracilis muscles.134,135 Since there is no noninvasive way to determine where the endplate-rich areas are in a muscle, DeLateur used a hollow Teflon®coated injection needle as an electromyographic exploring electrode to find characteristic electrical potentials in the muscle at rest, signifying the immediate proximity of endplates.95 These include the characteristic “endplate ripple” or endplate noise,136,137, 138 a low-voltage increase in irregularity of the baseline of about 10-40 µV;136 and monophasic spike discharges, or diphasic with negative onset, entirely or almost entirely negative in sign, with a random pattern of discharge (as opposed to fibrillation potentials). Buchtal and Rosenthal showed that when the concentric needle was displaced slightly from the area of endplate ripple, the discrete monophasic negative spikes were reached.136 Accordingly, when the monophasic negative spikes are found, the exploring electrode is close to the endplate zone.93 Because the contact of the needle with endplate zones can be painful for the patient, movements of the exploring electrode must be slow and smooth. Finally, xylocaine can be used for skin wheals over each of the approximate cutaneous sites corresponding to endplate areas. Several areas can be explored through a single skin wheal over the predetermined cutaneous area. In addition, it is possible that the deafferentation of the skin also helps reduce clonic fir-


ing of the motor units.93 While DeLateur’s technique is attractive, it has not been replicated by others and its practicality remains to be confirmed. Open nerve blocks: These can be performed to ensure that only motor branches are being blocked, but this involves anesthesia and an incision that might temporarily restrict the use of the extremity.32 Sedation is required if the adult patient is likely to have difficulty tolerating the procedure. In young children or aggressive, brain-injured patients, general anesthesia may be the only way to ensure a proper completion of the block.120,126,131 Anatomic guides may help the practitioner in muscle and nerve localization.110,139,140 Topical phenol and alcohol in other indications Apart from intramuscular use of phenol in spasmodic torticollis,141 exploitation of the tissue destructive effects of phenol and alcohol have included sclerotherapy in hemorroids142 or esophageal varices,143 chemonucleolysis in intradiscal injections as an alternative to surgical treatment for lumbar disc herniation,144 pain relief by retrobulbar injection in cases of blind painful eye,145 subtrigonal injection in hyperactive bladder,146 limb ischemia by sympathectomy,147 proximal gastric vagotomy in refractory ulcers,148 and hyperhidrosis with caudal epidural injection in patients with cervical cord injury.149

Conclusions Patients with damage to central motor pathways causing disabling focal muscle overactivity may benefit from chemical neurolysis by injection of alcohol or phenol into the overactive muscles or their supplying nerves. Whichever blocking agent is under consideration, one may question whether functional benefit from the block depends on significant weakening in the targeted muscle. Local anesthetic blocks may be used to help predict whether long duration

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blocks are warranted, with the same caveat: Without a significant weakening effect, a test with local anesthetic may not bring useful information on the potential for improvement or the mechanisms responsible for a focal motor impairment. In the last three decades, alcohol and phenol blocks have too rarely been performed by the same groups and in the same indications. For each compound, there is a need for placebo-controlled studies to reach firm conclusions on their safety and efficacy. The experience with alcohol mainly concerns intramuscular injections in children, while phenol has chiefly been used with perineural injections in adults. The number of side effects reported with phenol is larger than with alcohol, as is the total number of publications reporting phenol use. Whether the benzyl core of phenol carries an additional myelotoxic or genotoxic risk, especially in children, remains to be evaluated. Physicians who regularly administer blocks emphasize that safety increases with the experience of the clinician and that nerve blocks should not in general be performed by physicians who use them only occasionally, since proper performance of the technique requires training and experience. Comparison with Botulinum Toxin In comparison with botulinum toxin, alcohol and phenol have advantages in their early onset of action and perhaps longer duration of effect, low cost, lack of antigenicity, better stability, and a greater flexibility in the timing of injections. However, their lack of selectivity on motor function, tissue-destructive effect, propensity to cause pain during injection, and adverse effects such as chronic painful dysesthesia, local muscle transformations, or vascular reactions may favor the use of botulinum toxin.

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In current practice, many clinicians use both types of treatment in combination. Alcohol and phenol are usually injected perineurally to block large muscles, for which the effective botulinum toxin dose would approach or exceed the ceiling dose. Botulinum toxin is usually reserved for injection into smaller and more distal muscles that can be targeted selectively. In the future, indications for neurolytic agents and for botulinum toxin may also have to be based on the severity and prognosis of the patient, and the goals of treatment. The absence of histological destruction after repeated botulinum toxin injection and the specific action on efferent fibers may make this the preferable agent where there is hope of recovery of active function of the injected limb. Because of their chronic histological effects and the destruction of sensory fibers, alcohol or phenol may prove more appropriate than botulinum toxin in cases where treating muscle overactivity is performed primarily for hygiene and comfort, i.e., in patients with severe deficits where recovery of intact muscle and sensory perception is not expected. In an economic context where cost effectiveness of therapy is critical, controlled comparative studies between neurolytic agents and botulinum toxin are needed in specific patient populations to determine the appropriate indications for each.

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