McGill Tribune Vol. 4 Issue 22

Page 1

26 March 1985

DU Shines at RMC by John Moot

The McGill Debating Union turned in another strong performance at the Royal Military college Invitational Debating Tournament held March 15-17 in Kingston. McGill sent three teams to the tournament, which is perhaps the most prestigious on the Canadian circuit aside from McGiII's own Winter Carnival tournament. The team of Lindsey Slaughter and Gopal Sreenivasan placed second, losing a closely-fought final to Harvard. the McGill team had to argue the Government side of the resolution " Be it resolved that ail that's yours is mine and all mine yours." They interpreted the resolution such that they had to argue in favour of Canada-U.s. free trade - Ali college debates involve wacky .nterpretations) .

Sreenivasan explained that they had wanted to argue a case in favour of the redistribution of income, but that they had refrained because that case had been already used in the final at the World Championships, held here at McGill. Although the audience was hostile to the free trade proposition, McGill managed to keep the audience vote close (Harvard 83, McGill 67). McGiIllost the judges panel 3-2. Individually, McGill also did very well. Matthew Mendelso,hn was the third place speaker and Bruce Morrison placed tenth. Mendelsohn and Morrison also place fifth as a team. In previous tournaments Ihis term, McGill's team of Suzanne Mehmet and Mark Warner placed second at Dalhousie and Mendelso hn and La wrence Zuckeer won a tournament al Concordia .

Beleaguered ASUS Fights Back ~ Gopal

rrenlvU&n Tht McGiIl Art s and Science L~craduate Society (ASUS) IIU bml in the spotlight a fair 01 lite, what ",i th Iheir elecbOas lIId ail . However , nOI ail orthe li,hl has becn favourable . A Diltly miele lasl week Ihal ASUS events are ked by a lack of studenl inleltlI and enlhusiasm. The article ,enaally ponrayed the .I,Sl; u an inepl organization b does very liule at aIl. .nue hu also been sorne dùcussJon on campu Ihat the "-SUS Iw becn plagued by di fflCUltie. at the vp (Finance) lIOIitioo, ~hich is Ihe number '0 IlOsrtJon at the ASUS after ~ ~tlldent. Apparently, this . iF 1 VP (Finance) , Ben he ~, didn' I work very hard : ~ sed meetings and generalq d Ihe bare minimum reed. The ASUS made an un~r~ attempt earlier tbis to Impeach him. j~ an interview wilh the den lit, oUl&oing ASUS presit Jack Vincelli rC3ponded to of the questions hanging ASUS. to Dally heLief, charged, the ASUS is IlJUch involved in combattUdeIlt apathy . "ASUS pretl~ aood job of arous1 Ih' Intere~t , " he said . rnk Wc had a good year ~ear. A lot of people put a wOrk inlO evenls this


ISked whal the ASUS

accomplished Ih is year, Vincelli menlioned Ihe co-sponsorship of Welcome Week and of Win ter Carnival, Ihe funding and supervision of 32 de parlmental associations, Ihe funding of 15 student journals, and the spon so r s hip of guest s peakers su c h a s Robert Bourassa , Billy Hays, and Peter Newman . Vincelli said that wh en the Doity reporter had asked him the question , he had been "offguard" and very tired because he had been working late on the Grad Bali. Consequently, the impression was created that. lhe couldn ' I name very many thmgs that the ASUS had done . . With respect to studenl I~­ terest, Vincelli Suggested that It isn' t fair to compare the le.vel of interest and in volvemen,t 10 t.he Arts and Science faculues wlth that of faculties ~uch , as Management of Engmeenng. Those faculties are much smaller and their stud~nts ha~e something very pa.rucular :: common, Vincelh argue . ASUS is the largest f.acult y rou on campus, he conunued, !nd i~ is much more diver~.e::a~ other facullY groups.. have does an art history major . in common wilh a biochemlstry " he asked rhetoncally . , 1 k of stu d en t1 Vincelli s,ai~ that f t~~S a:; isn't cohesion IS Just a a anybody' s fault . . . Vincelli was cau tt OUS ID 'Ing tO questions about . h VP respon d Ihe difficulties wlth t e

(Finance). He admitted that there had been problems, but dec1ined to be specifie on the record. He attributed the difficulties in part to an internaI power struggJ ~ in the ASUS over the past few years involving the Alpha Delta Phi (AD) fraternity. Quite a few ADs have been involved in Ihe ASUS in the past, Vincelli explained, and the ADs have come to view the ASUS as "theirs to run". Last year' s VP (Finance), Peter Hoffman, was an AD, Vincelli said . And although he " worked very hard" and " did a good job" , he. was obstruc.tige at times and tned to run thmgs his own way, Vincelli commented . The current VP (Finance) ,

Mikula, is also an AD . Vincelli 'suggested that the difficulties this year stemmed from attempts by the AD faction in the ASUS to exert their influence. However, he wanted to play down the extent of the problem. Ail the work was done anyhow he said. Next year for the first lime there will be no ADs at ail on the ASUS executive, Vincelli observed. A1though three ADs stood for election, none of them were elected. Similar problems should therefore not arise next year according to Vincelli. Said Vincelli: " There's a good council in place for next year. They're ail experienced and have already started to wo rk and to famil iar ize themselves with their jobs."


PGSS Funding W orkshop Wednesday March 27th, 1985 R 8:00 pm the Post-Graduate Students' Society is presenting a Funding Workshop with representatives from t~e three major Research Counctls. Dr. G.M. MacNabb, President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Heather Steele, Director of the Fellowships Division of. t.he Social Sciences and Humaruues Research Council (SSHRC), Dr . Eva Kushner, Vice President of SSHRC, and Dr. Francis Rolleston. Public Af-

fairs Director of the Medical Research Council will ail he present. Each Council will be given an opportunity to speak and, following, there will he an open question peTiod during whieh the audience may addrC3s the representatives. The Workshop will take place at Thompson House, the PostGraduate Center at 3650 McTavish Street (north of Dr. Pen field) . For this special event the House will he open to ail members of the McGill communitv.

Il Council Il by Adeeb Khalid

The Students' Council met in a Special session last Thursday to discuss the restructuring of the Program Board. The matter had been held up from last week' s regular meeting. Tabled were two proposais for the new terms of reference of the Board. The StudSoc executive called for the replacement of the position of over-all chairman by six independent Chairmen directly responsible to StudSoc V.P . (Internai). Yat K. Lo , the moyer of the proposai , hoped this decentralization would promote healthy competition among the committees and result in better services. Drew Young of the Program Board came to the meeting to present an alternative set of proposais since he "found the executive proposaIs unrealistic". His version preserved, to a greal extent, the status quo, since in his opinIon, this year's Board has been very successful and there is no reason to tamper with ils structure. ln order to better discuss the matter, the meeting dissolved itself into a Commiuee of the whole for half an hour of profound deliberations. Ginny Barton wondered whether the executive proposais would not strengthen the StudSoc vis-à-vis the Board. "l! looks preny bureaucratie to me," she said. Andrew Diamond doubted that the competicontinued on paae 10

----- news srooENTS' SOCJETY roNDE» GROUPS

t ...." Mardi 16.1985

• Gm'. - let ioto the j~, afro. &: IÊD fuSion sound of the

Don. AI.las Group"; toniaht &: tom~rrow, 9.00 m' FREE ADMISSION. ~'tk AIley - Talee a Break!! Come on down &: enjoy the smooth cool taste of our imported draft. The Ailey .. . a touch of class. . • Culpal - Join the fun of Improvisational soap opera; every Tuesday 5:15-6:15 in Players' Theatre; admission $ 1.00 Wedaesday, March 17,1985 • Prognm Board &: Women's Uolon _ Present Dr. Henry Morgenthaler "Abortion Today"; L132; 7:30 p.m.; tickets at Sadie's 1 & Il; $2.00 students, $4.00 public. Iimit 2 tickets. J?Cr person! • Playen' Theatre - ExctU~g performances coming soon!! Keep tn louch.

['" What'sWhat


OTHER • Gert's - Lasl cha~ce 10 ca~:~ 9~~ f the "Don Altas Group , . tunes 0 ADMISSION. p.m.; FREE • The Ailey - Special perform~ce.b~ "Michael Lauke"; c1assica1 guttansl, 9:00 p.m.; FREE ADMISSION . Thursday, March 28, 1985 • The Ailey - Move with the tunes and sounds of "Dave J~hanns" play: . ing jazz & popular mustC; 9:00 p.m., FREE ADMISSION. Friday, March 19, 1985 Gert's _ join "John Harracks and I.he Sundance Troupe" for your entertatnment; 1:00-3 :00 p.m.; FREE ADMISSION.


cAMPUS GROuPS Tuesday, March 26, 1985 1t presents a Arab students' So; e Jchoenman on lecture by RalP rism" at L26; "Israel's Sacred Tr:~. public $2.00 7:30 p.m.; students . , Wednesday, March 27, 1985 CI b - presents a . • McGiII Out!~g Kinley" al L26; slide show on .ML c door $1.00 8:00 p.m.; Tickets ~t t dents - $3 .00 pubhc. f upost Grad. Students' Society - I~\ 0 3 major Research Counci s, ~~llowshiPS &: post-Doctoral Fellowships; 8:00 p.m. al Thomson House, 3650 McTavish (Graduate Centre); FREE ADMISSION.




Friday, March • Christian Fellowship - Pre · "End of Year Smg-a-Long Fsen"" .. 7 30 ' · Fellows h Ip ; : p.m.; Pauline'OOQ Bourbonm' è re , n 03 (near p'S41 . f le Métro); f or more tn o. cali 9 33~ • McGiII Poetry Society - prese . a series of readings b~ McGili Stu~tk and staff; James leruts; Alistair Iii~ and Howard Lessler al The Ali . p .m.; 3480 McTavish; FREE AD~n SION. Sunday, March 31st • Presbyterian/ U nited Church Cau pus Ministry - Worship Servict 1 10:30 a .m. (followed by brunc~ SLMartha' s-in-the-Basement, 31l University; all welcome; for more ÎJ "formation, 392-5890. . Monday, April Ist • • Presbyterian/ U nited Church CalD pus Ministry - Drop-in with Chrl Ferguson 10:00 a .m. - 12:00 nOOn Newman Centre, 3484 Peel, 392·5890. • Brown Bag Bible Study with Chm Fer guson, Pre s b yterian 1United Church Campus Chaplain, 12:00 nOOn at the Newman Centre, 3484 Peel 392-5890).

WAOO cr®[B


au ~CJ)W~ Il's your chance 10 brlng ail Ihe besl


enlerlalnmenl and speakers 10 McOl1i nell yearl APPLICATIONS ARE BEING CAllED FOR THE FOllOWING PROGRAM BOARD POSITIONS:

Chairman of Concerts Committee The student holding thÎs position shall orpnize concerts, dances. and comedy events.

Chairman of Speakers Committee

Chairman of the Welcome Week Committee T~e Welcome Week C~~i~man will chair a large committee o( event co-ordinators. Helsht ensure that ail actlvltles planned for Welcome Week are properl y orgamzed and ~n'


The Chalr,,"an of Speakers Comminee shall organtze idlvities such as guest speakers. daytime lecture senes, semlNrs and conferences.

cMe°uC,agllel ma.lmum .panicipation by MeCili .tudent.. e.peciaUy thase .tudents attend,ng 1 or the first lime.

Chairman of Performing Arts Committee

Chairman of Winter Carnival Committee

The student holding this position sha!! organÎze events such as classical ..:..mcerts. dance per· formances and theatrlcal shows.

The .tudent holding thi. po 't' ' 11 be . 1 d '" on Februa 1986 C . . SI Ion WI ln charge of organlzing the SIX (estiva al' Welco~e W ~eagve Ideas (or new Carnival events will be encouraged. As wlth th~ . ee • t e arnival Chalrman will oversee a large comm ittee o( event co-ordinatorS

Chairman of Alternative Programs Committee The Chalrman shall organlze activtheS such as games. contests, and tournaments plus events wh!ch do not fall under the purvtew of the three chalrmen above. Special emphasis will be placed on day-tlme e\tents Note:

Ali of the above pOSitions are considered vcluntary . JOint appli cations Will be entert~ ' ned (rom not more than 2 persans fo r an y one p~l tlon


Commlttee Membership

Enthusiastic and hardworkin d . Ing of these indivldual res . g stu ents are needed to assist the SIX chalrmen in the argan1f of Vlce.Chairman {Finan~lv~ ~o8rar:ns : Experienced students are reQU lred ta (uiMI the r~ e • mitlee membefS w ill ~ a~ ~eb·Chalrman (Pubhcity) (or ea cn of the SIX comm1ttef'S · am se e<:1e y the respective cham'len

Deadllne la no laler Ihan ThurSda, March 281h 1985 al

4:30 pm

11111..11 IDDIIClHon III'R1I .... Il.1l1b11 It the Sludentl' locIet, Be Il '1.11'1 Ilia IICCOn.ell, .ntln Ch.ncello.. DI' Hill ~I~I omee, Union 105, MIO IleT.'llh SI.. lnd ~a omCII. ComPletad IDDlle.tlonl mU11 bllubmlnld'Io LIIIII CODlllad, ODe"ltlOllI ..e~t.ryl , , ..1 ant1 Ioclat, Onlca.


.... Ylt K. Lo -llrmln - lomlnlllni COmmlna8





cClesOay 26 roaRcb 1985


....--:: ~ Morgenthaler To Speak At McGill

., \lcGJII

program Board

!-Ienry Morgemaler's depr public stance on a jl,n~·s nght to an abortion ,.om o>oked pa sionate debate li'> pre of the mo t important ondonheartfelt Issues . d to ay. JI! ental er will give a lecture \f~~fed .. Aboruon T oday" at en on Wednesday, March ri at 7:30 pm in Leacock 132. • HIS career has been long and contToversiai. Morgentaler was bOfD in Lodz, Pol and in 1923 he did his primary and seco ndaIY After ~e­ . , imprisoned ID Auschwitz :d Dachau Prison Camps for 5 Morgemaler went to Gerand Belgium where he did hls Medical studies and in 1953 he graduated in Medicine from the Université de Montréal. Mter doing research for one year al McGiII and a residency 1/ Queen Mary Hospital he

started General Practice in Eastend Montreal. lt was in 1968 that Morgentaler established his first Abortion c1inic in Montreal and was subsequently tried in 1973 on charges of iIIegal abonion. He was acquited by the jury, but the Quebec Court of Appeal substituted a guilty verdict for that acquittai, a decision that was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada, and Morgentaler was sentenced to an eighteen-month jail sentence of which he served ten months. He went to trial again in 1975 on the same charges and was again acquitted by the jury. As a result of Morgentaler's trials, in 1975 the House of Commons passed the Morgentaler Amendment which removed the right of an appeal court to substitute a guilty verdict for a jury's acquittaI. ln 1976, Morgentaler had a

Help Fight Famine

re-trial on the first charge and by Todd Kasenberg was found not guilty once again Cheif Co-ordinator , T h e by the jury. Most recently he Famine Relief Task Force was tried in Toronto in his After the cameras have left, fourth Abortion trIai and the the famine remains. Conditions jury rendered the sa me decision. that aroused widespread media Dr. Morgentaler also has attention and were noted as published a book ca lied Abor- long ago as 1982 have become tion and Contraception, in worse. Twenty-four African French and English and has countries, with a total populareceived nUmerous tion of 150 milion people, are humanitarian awards from such still facing catastrophic food groups as the National Abor- short ages due to a drought that tion Federation of America, is the worst ever recorded o n the The National Abortion Rights continent. At this time, 9 Action League, American million people are facing starvaH umanist Association, and The tion . The cri sis situation Humanist Association of reported by Canadian jourCanada, and organization of nalists will continue at least which he was president in 1972. another 8 to 10 months, when the next harvest will be made. Admission is $2 . 00 for Continuing emergency relief McGiII students with LD. and from all of us is essential. $4.00 for the General Public. Tickets are on sale at Sadies 1 and II and there is a Iimit of two tickets per person.

Canada is contributing significantly, but we can do more. Canada is able to give so much food aid support because we have a large surplus of cereals. Experts have pointed out that there is a world-wide surplus of food - enough to suppl y every person with sufficient caloric intake. It is, however, a matter on entitlement; the rich nations, with 300/0 of the world's population, consume more that 80% of the world 's resources . Political jusifications for not supporting African relief should not sit well when we consider that 9 million people are facing death by starvation. CURE (or College and University Relief Effort) is a contlnutd 00 p8ct 15

Gibson's Brave New ASUS

Can't YOu glve beer away around here? Last week's offer only produced four entries, kind ofmakes you thlnk everyone Is rich . Weil at least one ofthem was correct; hie Dame is Fred M.S. Op p er, and the answer was PHILLIPS SQUARE, )'es on Ste. Catherine's d.lrectly across the street from the Bay. Doesn't anybody go downtown? Thls week's photo Is by far much easler. 1 will even go so far as to saytbatltls OD campus. Most ofyou probably walk by It severa! times a day. P.S. Plcase plck up beer tickets and submlt entries 'to B 19 Student Union Bldg.

by Michael Smart David Gibson sits back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face. The smile is understandable. Gibson has just been elected, by a decisive margin, President of the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society. Gibson is particularly happy because he sees the victory as a chance to put into effect his own, new approach to improving student life at McGill. "Unlike most candidates," he says, "1 entered the race with a definite programme for next year." Student politicians should do more th an look after "recreational activities," Gibson believes. "Ali aspects of student Iife are important." And he feels some aspects have been deficient in recent years. Stu dent apathy concerns David Gibson. While he admits the phrase is a litt le hackneyed these days, he believes he has a new approach to the problem. "1 think it has a lot to do with the common perception of the

current economie situation. We're too often in competition here - for marks and for jobs. That feeling tends to atomise us. The universtiy is no longer a community - it's simply meant to weed." Changing that atmosphere will not happen overnight, Gibson admits. But he docs see ways to make students more confident about their futures and mo(C content with the university experience. • Gibson wou Id first Iike to sec student advising by students established in all departments in the faculties of Arts and Science. "Practically speaking, incoming students are not well advised." Professors are too overworked to counsel on long-term plans, and consequently, students don't know what to expect from their programmes. AIso, Gibson thinks, advising by senior students would combat the sterility of the average university education. "lt .would help students to interact on a contlnutd on paC" 14

,, 1


ay 27th

____ ~I(,.

a D.m. ~

Speaks on

nflbortion Today"

Leacock IJ2 $2.00 (MCGill) $4.00 (General)

Tickets at Sadles 1 and Il and at the door whlle they last! sponsored by program Board and Woman's Union



mcgill CRibc;lrJe

Coesôay 20

~~'C~b~iR~A~R ~~AND~~~~f:~~~e~n~sgi§o~n~~B:o;;:u~ra;;:s;;:s;;:a~P~r~o~m~l~·S~'es~ UNDERGRADUATE SOCIETY

Pr,sld,nt David Glbson Denis Kotsoros

Economic Changes

412 222

by Mark Contos Vic~-Pr,sid~rrt


255 105 100

Kat y Graham Titi Nguyen Alexander Paradissis Philippe Trudeau

The Liberal Oppositi on has often used the health of the provi ncial economy as a point of contention with the Parti Québécois Government and on Tuesday last, Québec Liberal Party Leader Robert Bourassa brought his arguments to McGiIL Speaking to an audience of 150, the former Premier stated that governmen t programs cou Id no longer supply the necessary growth needed to combat unemployment and that a stronger privale sector wou Id be the only unreliable source of new jobs. "To encourage competitive free enterprise" , M . Bourassa argued, "we must cut the size of bureaucracy. Specifically, the speaker advocated selling the unprofitable steel and asbestos crown corporations while reducing the n\lmber of régies in the province and the political attachés placed outside. When asked if cutbacks would affect education, M . Bourassa commented that there were certainly other areas to be slashed , noting the $10 million spent annually on Government publicity and the $65 million absorbed by Radio-


Vlc,·Pr,sident ArlS


Lindsay Glassco


Peler Koromvokis Secr~tary

297 268

Mark larrera Martin Parizeau


253 220 acd aimed acd aimed


R~p"s~rrtativ, 10

Council (2)

Elizabeth Fogler Maria Long Ari Levy Sci~nc~ Repres'rrtativ~

285 280

220 to Council (2)

Susan Baranowski Marie Davis Mathewson

Québec. M. Bourassa fUrth mised to respect the resoIUt,ennOfe~~ the Liberal Spokesman fo~o~mad! M . Claude Ryan whieh 1 utlI, .. ~kr f reeze on tUlllon fees. or 1 To assure that Québec ample revenue, the form;;U~d hn, proposed greater hydro-eleet ' fan.r New York and New Engl n~ sal~~ which lasl year éarned Qu~ Ifllc million. Incidentally, the 1Ji, gover~en.l, also conseious o~ pOlenllal Increase in sales rect III opened a. Hydro-Quebee office'mN~ nu, Y? rk City lO negotiate fu ture d :-"Ith greater expediency. Compeli taIi IS thus becoming quite keen bel': the lWO lea~ers as each wants to apPtll the champlon of hydro-electricity th! symbol of Québec slrength. ' M. Bourassa, however, can 001} co~pet~ as u:ader of the OPposi1i1l whlch IS contIngent upon winning 1 seat in the Assembly. "Jt's not unUlIIiI for a . party leader ta wait" ~ declared. " Levesque took seven ;ean, Ryan, one. l 've been OUl meeting lhe people, putting my house in arder.l'œ ready now, though, for an election,"



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Beacon on the Hill


At; l'f i~ O'PPO$I i/ t;..

J)CFC#S~ M ~"' • . .

by Ravi Danasala . will agree that bums. are lntegral to urban life. They are by theu ~tremely loose clothmg, overpowering breatb and Incomspeech . Unhlee the many students wbo fit tbis description as welI, bums titùe round glasses, n~r do tbey pay huge sums of money for their rags. cao be secn wandenng the streets, amiably requesting quarters from downtown area of Montreal, especially in tbe Immediate vicinity of the tbere is a group of bums who are radically different from the stan__"l''''''''' ln keepin~ witb their surro~ndings, tbey carry an air of 'swanle' profesNo doubt, hlee everyone else m Quebec, tbey are uninoized, under a name Association des Bums du Centre-Ville de Montréal. 1 ran into one of these fellows, 1 was bewildered. He wore, among t\lings, a car coat made of fine suede, desginer jeans and a gold necklace. His was in slyle, ail in place. As he spoke, 1 noticed the wbite, well-kept teeth . HIs opening line is standard. "Excuse me," he said, "do you speak any Engtish?" Wben (said Ihat 1 did, he continued, "Thanle God that someone in lbs infernal cispeaks English." He then told me the stor:'" It he was on a boat from the East ~ tOINard Thunder Bay and he was stu",( for a few days in Montreal. This or one of its many permutations, is the trademark of the professional bums. he continued, could (spare a few dollars to help him out. No doubt, he wanted it a day soon and head to Gibby' s for dinner . shrieked. 1 had been warned tbat Montreal is expensive; tbis, however, was abAnd why, 1 thoughl, did he want to go to Thunder Bay when the revenues bis jacket cou Id get him a return ticket to Rome? Feeling underdressed for the , 1 refused. He insisted, adding that be would return the money to me by because 1 was impressed by his acting and partly because 1 was born in and banded bim fifty cents. 1 then walked borne in a daze and had ' '.lIII0II1II> ln whicb all the bums in the world to wbom 1 bad given a quarter were at me wbile sipping martinis at Palm Beacb. run ioto tbe sarne fellow several times. as weil as a few of his cronies. Sorne bave also had sirnilar experiences. Yet, we keep giving them money. Inherent cornedy of a hobo in Giorgio Armani's clothina which up whatever change we bave. who Iay io front of your car in the Bowery. Other cilies have Only Montreal bas bobos wbo qualify I l ·chlc·.


McGlII Tribune is published by Ihe Siudenis' Sociely of McGiII University. Opinions upressed do not n«essarily represenl Siudenls' Sociely opinions or p·oliey. Tribune <dilori.1 oUiefS are localed in Rooms BI811 9 or Ihe University Cenlre. 3480 MeTavish Sireel, Monlrtal .Qutbec. H3A lX9, lelephone 392-8921. uUers and submissions ,hould be lefl al Ihe editorial orfices or in Ihe T 'b n un. mail box al Ihe Siudents' Soriel) G....r.1 OUier. . The Tribune Adverlising Office is localed in Room 822 of Ihe l'niversil) Cenlre. Il s I.lephone local is 392-8954.

, Edllor-in-Chief: Brian Todd \ ..blonl Edilor: Rovi OurVisula Sporls F.dilor: Frank Young Production Manager: Jaeki Oan)'lchuk Ad Mlnag..: Jack Berr) Enlertainmenl Edilor: Tara Ellis Photo Edilor: Ezra Greenberg Conlrlbulon: Melinda Ham Stuart Aktr Michael KlrasJck JeaD.Ple ... Basllen Ad .. b Khalld Healher Clancy John Moo! Mel.nle Clulow Mike 01'1' Luc Joli-Coeur Leah OUI Mark Conlo' Do. Rosslf.. Peter DuvaU

~)pe"lIi"K a.,d pa.1e-up b) Oail) Type"'l- Mario Emond long , Prinling by PayeUe and Simm; . SI. I.lmhe .... Qutb..,.

Jarne. Gr.. n Harry Guy


Paul Shenher

Michael Smart Gop.1 Sr.. nlv"o. Vince You.g


1147 1239 1279 1499 1450 1499 1799 11299 11232 .1383 11299

MiaMI 1239 EDMOITOI 1279 valCOUVER 1359 S. FRalCISCO 1499 MalCHESTER =~ aTHEIS 1899 TEL aVlv 11299 DELHI KARaCHI S1249 KIISHasa 11499 BalGKOK 11399 ~~~~~~~11i34~9~p'sl.aa.puiRE. .~~1-.1UI9~

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-cbe -CbiRÔ ôirnension

Notes From AlI Over And Over by luart Aker

Il's been about a month since 1 Jast shared my observations with, and vented my hostilities on the students of this fine institution. The reasons for my brief "sabbatical" include everything from studying (which 1 admit must be done occasionally, but onIy as directed by your physical physician) to intoxication (which 1 leave to your personal discretion ... and capacity) . But fear not, 1 have not been completely idJe during this period, and 1 have been diligently gathering information and notes from ail over to include in a "super column". A month' s worth of column. A column's column. This column. First and foremost, let me comment on the joys of Spring Break. Can you remember back that far? The break was fabulous, it was great, it was still too short. What are the chances of getting a Study Month next year1 Why ~idn'~ any of the people seeking electlons ID the past few weeks use this as a platform? They would have won hands down. They also would have won the election. Would any of the winners like to set up a committee, like the "real" government does, to study the feasibility of a FaU Semester break? We need something to help us over the culture shock of using our brains for the first

lime in four months. Alcohol only works temporarily. A Fall Break would show immeasurable improvement, 1 guarantee il. Let me head the committee. Vou can reach me at my office in Gertrude's Pub. If we had a month-Iong winter break, the weather would be nice and warm by the time it was over and we wouldn't have to worry about that inevitable "killer storm" that always cornes right after the present break. That always kills the Florida-thinnedblood in many of the students here. Let's stop this senseless wasting of human life. Speaking of Spring (writing of Spring?), the weather is startng to be terrific. This is agreat time of year ... for love-starved animals everywhere. It has a certain "je ne sais quoi" about il. Actually, 1 do know but l' m not allowed to tell. 1 can tell it's Spring because l'm spending more time in Gert's than 1 am at home. Beer has re-introduced itself to my liver and this is cause for celebration ... both for me, and for the employees at Gert's. It's gotten to the point where 1 just write in " Gert's" as my address on job applications. It's amazing how many potential employers understand this; there must be a lot of us out there looking for

THE OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN If you are having trouble dealing with Faculty, Administration, or Students' Society, and you don't Imow who to tall<. to - tall<. to us.

L -_ _ _--I


Office hoUTs every day University Centre Room 414 392·8921



Yes, it is funny. Yes, Eddy M good. Yes, the girl is gr ilI)lb) No , it is not the year's bes~t I~~ it is not the funniest movie ThoVie. ~ seen. No , it will not rest in aVe ey~ banks forever. Think abou~rt~e~ crashes, wom-out stereot . are tlr violence that funny? Not t~~~ lQIj Besides, th~ popco!n was Stale hi! kid The RadIo McGl1l Marath . n Kidney Foundation of Can;d fO ltht terri fic success, as the previou a "as 1 as the previous high was easil~ su~ Thank you to ail who Or ~ paricipated and donaled. ~1lId thanks are in order for Benie 1Gs~~ he stayed up and on the air fo , 1\ consecutive hours, and helped r fihy raise three times the amount lhat ~ cordia's radio station did. Stayin for fifty hours takes it toll on the b' 1111 however, and this explains sorne O~~ wierdness that was broadcast on Frida) morning (Le. the "attack of the . martians"). Tha~ks for a job weil ~ Bertie. Bertie? Bertie? By the way, don't bother requestinc "Shout" or " Don't You (forget about me)", at the station anymore. Thq were worn out, plain and simple, dur. ing the "all-request" marathon. 1 don't know exactly how many limes they were played, but 1 do know they were played TOO often. Let's leave the .. overkilling" to the commercial radio stations. And fmally , the celebratin' and in· ebriatin' of Old St. Patty's Day has come and gone for another year. This, for me, is a special time of year as 1gel to see geen people walking around, even when l'm sober. It's a nice feeling. Nobody parties better than green people ... nobody. Weil, those are my notes from an over. That is my month' s wonh. 1 don't foresee another long vacation 50 1 will be in another issue before the end of the semester. Perhaps l'II do a Stquel to the Christmas Exarns arùcle. That one got the best response, 50 my response is to seek another response ... or something like that. Thank you for allowing me to vent and to share.

work. . ' h Other signs of Spnng mclude t e disappearance of those awful ankle-toforehead coats. You no 10nger have. ta hear someone's voice to deter~me their sex. You can tell just by loo~m~. And looking. And looking. ThIS. IS followed by the resurgence of skl.rts and mini-skirts around campus whlch of course is accompanied by the resurgence of smiles on ~ale faces everywhere. Things are lookmg up, so to speak. Men must be careful, however, not to treat their necks as "swivels" . This leads to the common springtime ailment known as "skirtlash", which can only be treated by a week spent in bed ... alone. Loo~ , but don't leer. The springtime elections came and went, without causing too much scandalous rumours, and without causing too many students to take the trouble to vote. These people had better not complain about anything next year. On the other hand, it would be nice if ail the candidates didn't promise the same things. Variety is the spice of life, after ail. Maybe as previously suggested, the candidates should have promised to look into the more contentious issues like an month-Iong break. Then we probably would have had a 90070 turnout at the polis, as opposed to ten. Congratulations are in order, though, to all who won. Let's move to the media. About a month ago, we were all -assaulted by the mini-series "Ho\lywood Wives" . This was, without a doubt, the worst piece of trash 1 have ever seen. It wasn't even "fun" trash. It was horrible, smelly, awful, garbage. The "acting" ",as abysmal, the "writing" was ridiculous, the directing was amateurish, and the skin was old. Anybody who sat through this crossed over the !ine of stupidity and iDto the category of masochism. Let's face it, kids, they aren't going to stop programming this garbage until we stop watching it. If they ever decide to realease this, l' m gonna watch the "Godzilla meets Moses" movie on the other channel. "Beverly Hills Cop" is the most over-rated movie of the current season.

PASSAGES PEOPLEPEOPLEPEOPLE, or PERSON (as th. case may be) Tribune Press International

REAPPOINTED, BRIAN FORSYTHE TODD, a.k.a. Kermlt, 21 . lo a second consecutive ltnn as Editor·in-Chief of thé McGiII Tribune. Todd. a native of Guelph, Ontario, is no stranger to the~ world of journalism; he was a newsboy for the prestigous Guelph Mercury for several years. and was named "carrier of the mOOlh" twice in 1977. One of McGiII's "Beautiful People", he join. ed ~he staff of the Trib in the fan of 198~ nsing rl\P,dly through a number of fast track beals to eventually become editor in 1984. Sa,d Trib lifestyles editor, Stephen Hum "Before 8FT came, the Trlb had ail the lest ~ Agncuhure Canada Monlhly Report . No man 15 more loved."



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A Philosopher's Corner eut And Pasted by Leah Out

Note: Due to a slight underabundance of written copy, my superiors here at the Tribune turned to me, a mere production lackey, for my trivial commentary on life. (Even so, 1 have a space requirement to meet, l'm confined to twelve inches.) Newspapers are filthy. "Ah," you say, "an ambiguous statement!" Indeed this is true. Not only is newsprint one of the most grimy, annoying substances to have on your new pants, blank lecture notes (not to mention

your hands and subsequently your face) , the business itself can sometimes get messy . lt' s hard to éonceal errors in a mere twelve to sixteen pages of copy. Everything is laid out, bared before your eyes. Does this just magically occur? "No!" 1 protest vehemently. The printed page doesn't just leap together. (Hopefully it doesn't look that way either.) It' s hard to decide which section should be glutted with ads each week . (Or whether there's enough

A Message From The New Exec Com br James Green Mlke Orr LIIC Joli-Coeur The dust from the elections has settled ... and as next year's executive (James Green - President, Mike Orr _ V.P. Internai , Luc Joli-Coeur V.P. External) we want to ensure that the quality of student life continues to improve at McGiIl. External affairs is an area that fundamentally affects students by way of fces, quality of education, financial aid etc. At Dalhousie University, the students carne up with a novel idea to avoid tuition fee increases (by creating an endowment fund) . This sort of idea often cornes from someone in the University who is not politically active. If this person never tells his 1her elected representatives of the ideas, they will MYer he acted upon. We are convinced that if we make good recommendations to the Federal and Provincial govemments they will give McGiIl its

fair share of funding (especially as 1985 is Year of the Youth). There is no reason why McGill students can't have the best entertainment around . We need good people to heIp and there are hundreds of ways to get involved. You can make student life more interesting and exciting by applying to any of the new Program Board positions. It doesn't end there; an incredible variety of clubs exist and they are just waiting for members. It is a sad but true fact that most decisions made by the executive are made over the summer (in the absence of school work) . This is largely why people feel they are not adequately represented. Given this state of affairs it is of vital importance that we as your elected representatives know what you want - now. lt is not that we have no ideas of our own .. .indeed if we accomplish themall we'lI be the most

successful executive in decades! It is simply that there are areas of the University with which we cannot be intimately familiar . If you see room for improvement in any area of the University, please tell us about it you can make a difference. By bringing a problem to our attention we are that mu ch closer to the solution. Next time you hear a friend bitching about some aspect of McGill University - your University - get him / her to put it in writing and drop it off at the Students' Society front desk in the Union Building (no matter how strong the language!) ln the past there has been a fair amount of disagreement (and even hostility) between Faculty Societies and Students' Council. However, this year people are already expressing their confidence in the elected executive. Perhaps for once we will have a united student body and not let others divide and rule us.

room for the articles wh en they've ail gone in!) ln kindergarten 1 used to hate fingerpainting because it was such an arbitrary form of art. 1 never did learn to draw a straight line without my official Snoopy ruler. So how did 1 get sucked into the world of production? 1 don't know! But someone has got to do it. 1 now have nightmares of predatory picas and antagonistic picas instead of the scary monsters of my official childhoo'd. 1 leave you with one last thought to ponder; is the ink that becomes part of your hands every week an accidental phenomenon or the act of sorne malicious force? Who do you think of when this happens? Most would not imagine that our writers would ask for removable ink. You'd be most a pt to think it the responsibility of the prod.uction staff. Thanks for the recognition . On a closing note, my space is coming to a close, 1 ask only that you send contributions to .. . , but seriously, 1 just wish to express and stress what an integral part we play in this game. Right, Brian? (Y ou can be sure l'Il only be arranging print and not writing it next week!)




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mcgill t;J:zibcAOe


by Don oss 1er Take two sludgeabilly-kindaguys, a drum , a guitar, throw in sorne primai screams and some good boppin ' music and you have a Deja Voodoo (not to be confused with a Wlll1 of Voodoo) . Stars of Montreal' s modem primitivism scene, Deja Voodoo, appeared live and kicking last Wednesday and Thursday al Station 10 Pub on St Catherine St. having heard liule of the band before their performance, 1 was-pleasantly surprised to find their own brand o f mu sic, te rme d "Sludegeabilly" , energetic, witty and plain good fun . Guitarist and vocalist Gerard Van Herk, adorned by a large, plastic tarantula tie, describes "Sludgeabilly" as a hybrid of Rockabilly, Rythm and Blues, Garage Rock , 60's Punk , and finger poppin' cool. Deja

Voodoo denved much of thelr inspiration from anists such as the Cramps and Bo Diddley but their raw, primal sound could hardi y be deemed wholly derivative . Deja Yoodoo is a Montreal duo, formed in 1981, composed of Van Herk and Tony Dewald, who mans the drums (no cymbals) and obscene screams. The band has one album to their name, CEMETARY, as weil as a couple of EP's, including the forthcoming, TOO COOL TO LIVE, TOO SMART TO DIE, released on Midnight records in the U .S. The band has just recently signed a two-year contract with the New York-based Midnight International Records, while their previous releases will still be handled by their own Og label. The Og label a1so carries such local luminaries as Terminal Sunglasses and American Deviees. Yan Herk finds the band's audiences very receptive, and while their touring is limited to the small but nonetheless lively underground and college circuit, the group has built up a loyal following and even publishes its own official newsletter, the Deja Voodoo Train. Van Herk further asserts that it is difficult to break into

t.he Canadian music indus~ry unless you have a commercial approach and some videos t.o your name. 1 was told thls tuneful twosome supports their act by making sandwiches during tbe day. . Deja Voodoo reli~ s heavII'y on audience interaction; thelr live performance is their stronspoint. While the audience was sparse the night 1 saw them, they were nonetheless enthusiastic and varied. What struck me most about the band was its humour, best described as an Qbtuse, hip brand of silliness. Their songs are short and fast, centered around a few rhyming couplets and a dancy hook. Examples include " If Mashed potatoes were Security Guards" and my particular favourite "Don' t Send Me Flowers, Send Me Vegetables Instead" with sampie lyrics: Don' t send me f1owers , Send me vegetables instead .. . Flowers look nice and they smell good too But they taste really funny when you put' em in a stew. ln ail their sets were a string of similar spirited numbers, ended off by the much requested "Raised by Wolves" the tale of a woodland band, its members, products of their primitive beginnings : They learned how to hunt and learned to survive "and boy did they learn to howl" . The evening was also the scene of their latest venture, a film starring the band, titled Sludgeabilly Monsters From Outer Space. Van Herk explained the premise of the film as the adventures of two aliens (the band) sent down to earth in the image formed by their home planet from stray T.V. and radio waves from the 50's earth With a new record, an opene~ for The Violent Femmes last, year, and cinematic immortalization imminent, 1 hope the band receives the attention it deserves. If not, Deja Voodoo ~eems at ease and quite Content ~n the.small, appreciative circuit In whlch they exist.

Sylvia Plath Sur Scène do it so it feels like hell. do it so it feels real. guess you cou Id say l've a calI. It's easy enough to do it in a ccli. Il' s easy enough to do it and stay put. It's theatrical. - Ces vers sont tirés du poème Lady Laz;arus, un poéme composé par Sylvia Plath en 1962, un an avant son suicide. Ils sont mornes et intenses comme les années de la vie de son

auteur. Plath était une artiste qui transformait ses joies et ses angoisses en des poèmes débordant d'espoir et sombrant de noirceur. - Alors voilà que Je t'embrasse, Sylvia, une pièce biographique de cette poétesse, nous détourne de l'essence même de cette artiste. La pièce, présentée au Café de la Place jusqu'au 20 avril, retrace la vie de la poétesse de son enfance précoce, à son mariage tout cassé avec le poète britannique Ted Hughes, jusqu'à son divorce en 1960 et son suicide en 1963. Le tout est présenté en détails qui peuvent à la fois informer et émouvoir le spec-

tateur. - Le problème est que la tité de détails ressemble . la répétition . Les hauts creux alternent à . toucher, que sUllerl'ici,·II""".i les inspirat ions moments peuvent cette pièce fut écrite 696 lettres que Sylvia mère, eUe ne présente qu' une liste de faits et poignée d 'émotions soulever la substance. - En somme la pièce présente une personne qui danse et qui souffre pas une poétesse qui pense spectateur ne peut, comme

1964: A Tillle Machine

by Jacky Danylchuk Cl Friday night's Program mised, centered around songs performer:" John" "as marl Board equ~tion was roughly: from as early as the legendary by a carefully-English accea four mUSlclans from Ohio =? E~ Sullivan Show wh en the and sardonic tone; "Paul" by l !h.e Beatles . The 'Question mark Llverp.o ol group made their ready smile and "George" b! IS In the equation because 99070 debut ln America. "If 1 Feil " 1 shy sideward glances. Fron of the audience was too young :'~el . Fine", "That Bo~" , b ehind his Ludwig drum ~ to ba,ve reliable 1964 memories z ::VISt and Shout" , "Miss Liz- " Ringo" became the fa,ou nv y and other hits were for bis angelically vacant ga~ to c0'!lpar.e to the 1985 event. with melod' d Glm Consldermg this, it was reconstructed rhyth . IC an and rubber wrlsted wave .. al remar.kable how many iudicious . mlc precision that disap mt·cky? Maybe, but effecllve appralsals were circulating in POlnted few. same . 1 al the ballroom. Or maybe not co While music was the central thePerhaps most important y. From recordings, photographs' h n~ern, the audience was also the members of 1964 .we~ books, films and videos th ' BOPlng for a hint of what the acutely aware of their audl eD eatles might have been l'Ike on lact Beatle's image has remaine~ establishing eye COO 1' 0 almost . as accessible to our stage . H ere too, the band an d ge nerauon as il was t carefully reereated h ' responding to requ~tS h W with v I ~to.ry . viting participation IR. the,~ ~~ par~nts' ! white the Beatle~' ;e~~ Complete features Ch ' aguely slmllar ln the end " authenllclty h vaslve Influence on mod . ' nstopher Robin less crucl'al t han the feeling t a popular musie is no ern WIgs and Peter P laIer . w more were notabl gen era II y appreclated an coHars , they we too , twenty years f th' th . an It early B l e s.emblances of the could somehow be a part 0 th' was at the h' . eat es Image 1964 1 popularity. elght of their almed to pr . a so pop-cultural mylh lha l of the grou~S~nt the ch~racters Beatles have become. 1964' s aet, as the name pro- expressio and ~;.e:.:m:.:.u:l:::a~t1::.n~gWlthfl'e~;.!III_........_ __ _ _ _ _;;'

jJ4J (1l IbCJ r)e

eaesôoy 26 mORc b 1985

~~~~~~~~~~~e~n~~~e~R~~~a~in~nD~e~n~~~~9~ Northern Opera Sterile very :nemorable perfo rmance. On the other hand, Susan EYlon-Jones, a McGiII Ma ter' s student , although 10 a econdary role, shone through with extraordinary talent. Her voice, sharp and c1ear as shatlered crystal, sent shivers down one'~ spine. Watch for her name in lights with the Metropolitan Opera Company in a few year . The main downfall of the performan ce lay in the Integration of constituent pans. The lead singers stood like lead soldier in the foreground with the chorus behind them, frozen hke statues as weil. An atlempt at action wa's the addition of four dan cer s fr o m L'Ecole Supérieure de Danse du Québec who flitted in between the ta-

tionary group injecting a park of Iife inlo the cene BUI there really did nOI eem 10 be • definile purpo e. There ... a no communicalion bet ... een any of the pan~. The ~t wa corn po ed of red or blue lit backdrop and black alternatlng grids wtth sorne hldden meanlOg Ali 10 ail, the performance wa flr from enlorallysumulating and fell far from Ihe expeclltion of allrlClln& almost anyone 10 operl Li temng 10 a record Ilh headphone 10 Ihe comfon of your bedroom would hl\'e &1 en 'ou Ihe ame sali f lion . SetIer lu k ne"t lime, . onhern Opera Theatre.

the window of the dying" . lt Nancy Delong sang Dido and was first performed in 1689 in has performed wilh the MonChelsea, England . treal Opera Company in several The st ory line follows that of performances. Her voice had a a typical tragic love story. lt is ri ch resonant quaJity to il. Her set in ancient Greece. Aeneas, a performance demonstrated the young sailor, returns from a only stight show of emolion in battle in Troy and professes his the whole opera. love for Dido, Queen of CarArthur Merhendissian perthage. Meanwhile, the formed Aeneas. He had studied sorceresses who des pise Dido in Paris, Armenia and even at cast a spell on her to ruin her McGill. He has performed with happiness. In the middle of a many companies, several in Royal hunting party - a spirit Courtney B.C. His baritone appears and drags Aeneas off to voice though was nOI especially battle in 1taly. Dido is heart- remarkable. This, combined broken, rejects Aeneas forever with hi s stiff , awkward and commits suicide. movements, did not make for a With such an exciùng and r---------------------~-~---------_:__:_-7":1 tragie plot, one would expect a Iife-sized puppets for the lively and moving opera. Unforcharacters in th e play. The e tunately our expectations puppets, held and manipulated not fulfilled . by casl members 500n lake on The company does have Iife-like qual ities. ~1 cGill strong voices. Highly acclaimed Drama makes no effort to hide professionaJs are combined with ~Ii~~~~~~~~~~ the cast members; they can be fine young MeGiII opera c1early seen moving the pupstudents. The voices are the onpets. lt is to then credit lhal ly highlight of the performance. tbey are able to create the illusion of life in their puppets. The audience cannot help bUI be taken in with the illusion. e Calderon's work move ith a plot of intrigue and iIIu Ion.

~.d. H.m If Salurday night, the Nor011 Opera Theatre presented ~ debul performance of ~ , purcell' s seventeenth ~ opera •• Dido a nd r ",Iu .. in 10)'se Hall. ~ e.,<cilement has SUTthis neophyte com!O""7;birth. The company was ~..n b)' Colin Doroschuk, .,..,~ or' the rock group ~ .,.ithout Hats" , based on . \!elief that almost anyone : cojo)' opera given prop:r ewosure . Unfortunately, thls iere performance did not ~e\' this popular appeaJ. :on. lerilily was the moo d cont'cd Ihrough Ihe black and ,hilC costumes, stark s~t,. e~o­ riJnless acting conlras~mg wnh ;ilperb ret icy-c1ear v.?~ce . "Oido and Aeneas IS the onIl full length opera Henry Purcell composed. He employ~ the haunting libretto of Nathan Tare .,.itb such tines as "Who . e dismal ravens crying, Bèàt



!fIhE 12 ~~~~~I~~~~~


BasicaJly the inlricate plot tums a ro und the character of Segismundo, the son of the King of Poland. Forced to li e in a cave by his father, Segismundo wants nothlO' more than to be free. Basilio.

the King, locl.ed his a... a} in order tO prevent the 'on fulfillment of a prophecy proclaimlng th monSlrous reign of hi on ... ho will cause the murder of his mother. Basilio, hoy, ever. declde to lest the prophec> nd gi\e hi son a chlln.:e to reign . If Segismundo rule, ... i el, and justl . he y, ilI keep the tbrone. if b y Paul Shtnher egi mundo rûle crueUy, he McGiII Drama's production of Calderon de la Barca's 17th Will be removed b, Ba ilio and century mast erpiece Life is a sent back to hi prÎ>on. Moving in and out of Ihe Dream leave one wondering Iike Yeats: is it the dancer or the storyline are the mtrigue of dance? Il is difficult to say various other characters . The wh ether il is the play or the pro- acti\'ities of Ihe others al 0 induction which makes Life is a volve the blurring bety,een illu· sion an d realit)' . This 1\ Dream so enjoyable. The Interpretation given Life reflected in Ihe ro s· exual is a Dream by McGiII Drama i dressin, and hidden ldentities in uni4Ule or dte USé or the play.






Jazz & Popular Music





4 V f J () 114


Thursday, March 28th


,. On Piano

~,.. If. If.







Plus de Sylvia Plath


Soturdoy, April 2Oth, 6 p.m. McGIII Student Union Bollroo~KGM 980 MC's - Stephen Anthony & Leta from

Arst Prlze:



Second Prlze:


é étrer à l'inP n découvrir lÎ1 pour en . lecteur d'un poème, térieur de son a ~ Parmi les plus mIes rouages de sa vie. ui nous révèlent téressantes phrases qe Sylvia était une Plath on découv~e ~~ulu être Dieu". .. fille qui aurait . .ustice à la coméToutefois, ~~r fal~r~ulx l'interprét~­ dienne Chrlsuane geante, parfOIS . de Plath fut enga uon même accapara~te. la mère, jouée - L'interprétau~n de aussi fut bien, par Hu~,uett~ .Ol~fl~y~araissait un peu

neutre . Elle aimait tellerne . . ce que sa fille nt ..t. qu' elle VivaIt on dirait qu'elle vivait à les découvertes et l' _""""". lui ont été coupés lorsqU' Ik soumise aux désirs de SOn rn~ donnant son poste de ' d'université pour devenir IIJ/r famille à plein temps. ! - Je t'embrasse, SylVia est émouvante et bien U'''''PfI!t!. J contre, la surabondance de néglige les profondeurs d'ârne par les poèmes de Sylvia

'1 be d uld necessan Y engendere wo the meeting was healthy. However, . S dSoc generally sy;npatheUc to~~~n t~cott version of reform .

Keating, V.P. (Finance) and of the proposal, embarked of marketing", his eloquent won the day for the executive posals.

coouoa'" 'rom poa' 8


Admission: 82.00 advance at Sadie's; 83.00 at the door . Contescants contact : UZ L·lU, Pro9 ram Board , Union [3-07 , 392-8976

memë~~'~cil Re .. Progr~ms Board <oad.aH 'rom paC' l

coaODaet! 'rom P81e 9

STUDENTS' SOCIETY OFFICE SPACE REQUESTS NOTICE TO All McGlll STUDENT GROUPS (Submlssions will be received trom April 1st untll 4,30 p.m" April 30th, 1985.) Any student group on campus moy request office spoce in the University Centre provlded the group hos been ln operation slnce Jonuory 1st, 1965. According to Council policy odopted September 13th, 1978, the some groups Ineligible to recelve Students' Society funds ore 0150 not ellglble to be given office spoce ln the University Centre.

not detract seriously from the plav Life is a Dream is worth seeing, li ' production that is both profound entertaining. Life is a Dream will tinue Wednesday through March 27-30. It will be playing Morrice Hall Theatre, Morrice 3485 McTavish Street. The lime p .m. with a 1:00 p.m. matinée day. Tickets can be purchased door and co st $5.00 for the public and $3.00 for studems.


Other than a few opening mght )Itters the only real drawback to th~ pr?duc;ion was the staging. The se~ung 10 Morrice Hall is not tiered wlth . the result that sorne have trou.ble seemg. The seating was on both SI des of the staging area. This meant that " be~ause of the use of puppets, the ma)on~y of the audience sometimes found Itself looking at the backs of the cast and not the puppets. Still, these problems do

Clubs Representatives to Council (2) Stephen Hum Aurèle Parisien Daron Westman

14 18 9

Please note che fallowing : • Groups wich office space in 1984/85 will be given • preference . • Scudents' Cauncll reserves che righc co assign office space co any new ad hoc comminee ic may farm up Co che cime oc which space allocation for 1985/86 is approved by Council. • The Joint Management Comminee will review 011 space requescs and , oc ics discrecion, will declde which groups ossigned spoce will have co shore offices. Due to the excremely high demand for office space in the Universio/ Centre, ic would be hlg~ly oppreciated if groups, whlch dld not obsolutely need office spoce, refrain from requescing on office. ln the letter of application for office spoce , pleose include ony comments or recommendotions relating to the physicol condition of the club offices, che odequocy of the furniture and occessories and ony improvements that should be mode.




There is no specific request form for office space ne ' should be typed and addressed .to " the quests . WI.'ch JUStl'fl Cotions, joint Management Cammittee. They should be dei' d mOiled to L 51" C i d 0 Ivere or : e le ope on , peratians 5ecretory Stud ' Society General Office , Room 105, 3480 Melavi 5 ents Montreal, Quebec H3A 1 X9 NO LATER THAN ~.3~eet.


P.M.,TUESDAY. APRil 30TH, 1985.


JI May- 03 Jun02 Jun 20 JUil


150,, _















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23 Sep09 Dcc



509 14 0<1

21 Jun- 12 AugJI Aug 05 Sep

3480 Rue MeT'" Montreal ~14




ScOtt KeOting Cholrmon Joint Management Commlttee


nt Union Basem ent

spOt<"ts Il o




k Young ~ r~o an incredible response 10 my !)le!Ill Uigue previe'" thal appeared uIJO k 1 bave decld~d 10 present my JIll ~~erican League preview this f!IS, M )ou mlY remember, 1 picked ~~tl! and Ihe Padres to finish first ilIJIdr di~1 Ions, wllh Ihe Cubs and ~ Astro chlnenglng. Now for the .4.1,.

Americafl League East

1 TorontO Blue Jays (2nd last !IllOn), True, 1am from Toronto, and IlIOuld sacrifice my first bo~n for the J ys but they are an amazmg team . ~ are solid at every single posioon and they have a strong bench. ~geBeU, Lloyd Moseby, Willie Up.lia'" and Jesse Barfield in the middle cl the lineup? There are no words to deICribe it. The rest of the team can hit 1\ "eU. Still, the Jays strength is their poitching staff. Dave Stieb, Doyle AIeW1der, Luis Leal and Jim Clancy COOlpnse the best slarÙng rotation in


~ o~ baseball. The addition of Bill b I~dill and Gary Lavelle to the

,u pen makes the team unbeatable l ll even bet on it. . ~. Baltimore Orioles (5th). The Onoles ~re not a team that stands pat when thmgs go wrong. The addition of Fred Lynn will give Eddie Murray 10 more RBI's, and the acquisition of Lee L~cy will ~ve the 0' s at least 5 more w~s. Baltimore still has a great pitchmg staff, and that will be enough to keep them ahead of Detroit. 3. Detroit Tigers (1 st). The Tigers are a great team. However, an off season from Dan Petry or Jack Morris or Willie Hernandez will sink the team. No major changes from last year but will challenge to the end. ' 4. New York Yankees (3rd). The Yankees acquired Rickey Henderson during the off-season, and that makes their line-up a nightmare for opposing pitchers. They also picked up a 14-game winner Ed Whitson from the

Padres, but their pitching staff will not stan? up to the punishment that Baltimore, Toronto and Detroit will be routinely delivering. Besides, 1 hate the Yankees. 5. Boston Red Sox (4th). The Bosox have some awesome hitters including three outfielders - Rice, Armas and Evans - who combined for 103 home runs and 349 RBI's. Add Mike Easler a?d. Wade Boggs and you have a great hmmg team . Add a pathetic pitching staff and you have the fifth place Red sox. 6. Milwaukee Brewers (7th). Father Time can wreak havoc on the best of teams. He sure did to the Brewers. 7. Cleveland Indians (6th). Expos fans take heart, there is a worse franchise in baseball. A truly nad team. Americafl League West

1. Kansas City Royals (Ist last year). Not a great team, but good enough to win the weak A.L. West. George Brett should return to form, and that should be enough to send the Royals to the Playoffs. Besides, Dan Quisenberry is worth at least ten wins. 2. Minnesota twins (2nd). Despite . the presence of the horrible reliever Ron Davis - who almost single handedly costs the Twins the West tiUe - Minnesota has a solid pitching staff. The hitters have enough punch to keep them in contention.

3. Chicago White Sox (5th). Only last year the Chisox were touted as being the team of the 80's. What happened? Injuries and age have hurt this team, and the trading of LaMarr Hoyt won't help matters. A good pitching staff if some hurlers can turn it around, but mediocre hitters doom the Sox to also-ran status. 4. Texas Rangers (7th). This is not to imply that Texas is a good team. The bottom four teams in the West are not good at ail. Still, 1 like Buddy Bell at third base and es-Blue Jay Cliff Johnson at DH. A sub-.500 team. 5. Seattle Mariners (5th). A few good young players and nothing else. 6. CaJifornia Angels (3rd). The Angels made the Playoffs a few years ago by paying huge salaries to established stars. The stars are past their peak now, and the Angels must start from scratch. 7. Oakland A's (4th). A three-man team; Dwayne Murphy, Dave Collins and Dave Kingman. Could win 65 if lucky So according to my predictions, it will be the Mets against the Padres in the National League playoffs and the Blue J ays versus the Royals in the American League. In the World Series, the Jays will destroy the Padres in four straight games. Remember, you read it here first.

Ravi's Rebuttal b) RlYt Durvu ula

Though it is not in my contract to stick my nose into sports, 1 feel, for ihis one time only, compelled to stick y nOIe into sports. The reason is the Illide directly above, written by our lIOIld renowned Sports Editor, Frank. Frank is in the unfortunate position of œing a fan of the Toronto Blue Jays. Though bas has admitted to lIlldergoing many treatments, medical, boIistic and otherwise to cure himself of this ailment, notbing has worked. Consequently, we are subjected to such :ternents to the effect that the Jays J 't the best rotation in the league, the iys are going ail the way and the Jays are On a special mission from God (this staternent Was off the record). ~Jeel it is my duty to return sorne ob~y to Our venerable Sports • orl ment (Iike Frank it, too, is ûon ~ renowned) and to offer a predicTh ased .on logic and not passion. "ith e~ltImore Orioles will run away 1983 \0 tIUe this year, as they did in Ior il 1 ey Will bave sorne competition But cast the first half of the season. , as everyone knows, the Birds

(" Birds" referring to the O's and flot the Jays) are traditionally a late season bail club. Carried by the best rotation in the American League, including the two best new arms in the A.L. - Mike Boddicker and Storm Davis, and four .300 hitters in Ripken, Lacy, Murray and Lynn, the Orioles should prove unstoppable. l'II admit the Jays are a very powerfui and diverse club, so l'II give them third place. The resurgent Yankees will capture second, edging out the Blue Jays. The Red Sox with their thunderous offence will hang tough but, wit hout experienced starters, they will drop to fourth. The rest of the American League is a write-off. The National League will be overpowered by the Mets (l agree with Frank on this one), but New York will bow down to the Orioles in six or seven games . Those who know me may argue t~at my years spent in Baltimore and m)' I.nsistence that close friends and famtly ruemorize the names of the four twenty Orioles staff . game Winners on the '71 . cloud my objectivity. ThIS IS n.ot so. Trust me. l'm willing to bet on It.



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. A T1 kets

pril 2nd uditorlum 7 :30 P

00 McGiIIlD $2.00 General Public

tCAe800y 2 6 rtloRcb 11>85

s pOR'ts,---I_ 3_

Ringside At The Athletic Banquet ... rrY



,,""'~nual McGill athleuc was held


friday night at the Chateau poIlaIn Hotel, and this reporter rortunatc tO he one of the mvited Ho",ever [ think that the . mat he in the gym wished to tell jOlIl(lhlng, as [ v. as given a seat at a pOpulated by a gang of rugby ~ Instead of a quiet evening of ... )~ . l' f ~uon on the g ones 0 SPOrt, [ ~ a loud night chanting rugb~ and hurhng abuse at the ski

~~e were many, many awards en out before the dinner of jellied, F Ded eggs and chicken was served. ~ hlghlights of dinner came when an !dentilied student-athlete celebrated

the joy of being . . spreadin his d" young, nch a~d fn by This wa gf Il mner ail over hls chest. the aer~d on ow.ed by an experi:nent ~n mght Th~ am~c"s of roast chlcken 10 of be' . row mess was on the verge Rever~~~m~hu~CO~trollable when the speech. ns erguson gave his After the Rev ' mob d erend s talk calmed the Own, more awards were distributed and th until the w~e smalle~o~~~~yone danced The fOllowing . l' f . IS a ISt 0 the wmners whose names could be heard over the rugby songs. PLA YERS OF THE YEAR Skiing -

Men - Louis Beauchemin Women - Mary White

Most Noble H--Men Chatnps ~ Don

Ho and Rhlno leBlanc Las! wcele was certainly a great time (or those memhers of the McGiIl communit y who are on the side of ,oodness, bravery, strength and justice fot ail, as the Super H-Men won a decisive victory over the universally dtspised Jockey Club in the Men's Open 'A' league finals. The H-Men won their last six games • route to the playoffs. Even so, the _ linished fourth. Something had • he done in order to get the '-eheads through the playoffs. illhough it took a herculeaq effort, die hangovers were kept to a lilimum, and the goal production was lIiIed to a maxim·um. The turning point came wh en the H-Men faced off against the Flying Lesions. In what was toughest, hardest fought played the H-Men emerged lt wasn't pretty, the team in ed the Kansas C ity roller derby team, but they that win, the Super H-Men play the second place Jockey finals were no contest, as the efof Big H, Little H , Yogi Haira , Tony, Bernie, Duncan and the too much for the Jockey deal with. is perhaps a good place to exthe history of the Super H-Men. started 15 years ago when lanin Verigan was being taught of the time-honoured rites of the

Doukhabour culture. lain's father was teaching him the practices of arson and nude protesting. Iain soon tired of torching local buildings and running around in his birthday suit. He realized that he could combine his native heritage with Canadian culture. Yes, hockey became lain's calling. Iain Verigan became the star of his midget hockey team . Unfortunately he had to leave the team when it was discovered that he was not a midgeat. Even at that early age, Iain neutralized opponents by setting them ablaze. Because of this, he became known as "Hosehead" . The rest is, as they say, hi story. Iain has taught an unruly group of guys his style of undisciplined and dirty hockey . Even young Donald Hogarth has learned how to score crucial goals while skating on his ankles. The future looks bright for lain and his disciples. as they will all be playing hockey here at McGill for many years to come.

Fie/d Hockey - Sandra Dial

Footboll - Jaimie Crawford

Rowing - Men - Guy Savard Women - Rita Toporofsky

Bosketboll - Men - Bernie Rosanelli Women - He/ene Co won

Swimming - Men - Eddie Lange Women - Nina Goldman

Rugby - Brian H . Simms V/dIS Auders A word - Soccer and Track

Trock and Fie/d - Orlando Houghton

Lloyd Lazare

Rosco A word (Outst anding Groduoting Femo/e Ath/ete) - Robin Anderson

Soccer - Graham 'Butcher Hockey - Men - Dave Ducharme and Doug Harrison Women - Sara Dougherty

Forbes Trophy (Outstonding Mo/e Ath/ete) - Jaimie Crawford

. 1\c,e Undergradll


ln As. oclatlon

ale ~

dc,Gi\l Rugby Cl ~~. 116 ftJ fJ.,



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14 ---to.O.1I«4 'rom palt 3

level not possible in clas~ . It's difficult to meet people here. It s difficult not to feel processed by the




A similar system is bems.. mdependently initiated in Pohucal Science next September. Gibso~ ~opes this will serve as a test-case for hls .d~, which could be enacted the followmg year. Gibson would also like to see career days that would show student~ that their programmes aren't necessanly the ticket to specific jobs. "Part of the problem is the lack of knowledge of potentiaJ careers. We've got ~o convince students that they're not m a rat here to be educated

to channel more Gibson plans d t 'ru'tt' ated extra. stu en money mto . . , ..-.We' re interested curricuJ~r aCUVIl::\vhO are out doing in fundmg peop 1 es" Gibson ex. by themse v , . . thmgs . it's tbis sort of actlvlly plains. For ~I~, the lives of students. that can ennc self-confessed political II this as part of G.bson, a Th Y student, sees a eor. f tudent government. his phliosOphy? s ood educa"Our opporlumty to get a g ust · d so students m tion has dec1me .' . . f educating take the respon~lbtlity ~hat's what themselves. Bas.cally, we're trying to do." liberal/y."


. photos and pick up a free li fhn froID the follo,w~fe", Thursday March 28th l<J Guess th~ 1 of "The Sluggerff~ (Union Bldg. B.18) 10,0\) the showlngentrl' es to Trib 0 lce r-'.:.:....ïr-..,-:::::---=jI...._


NOTICE OF MEETING STUDENT SENATORS & GOVERNORS to elect three rep",,~ntaflve5 to Students' Councd '"day. M~rch 29 th tq8~. 300 p m Unlvelslty Centre Room 310

NOTES , . student senaror is DOl avaitable, the oUlgoing student scnator for 1 Where the mcomtna . lbe facully invotved wiU he the only ~tem.te. 2. An alternate is NOT eligible for elh'7uO~ling for incoming studcnt goycmors who are 3. Thue will be no replacements to t 15 m unabJeincomiog to attend. ... OnJy student senatars and governOf$ shaH he e1igibJe for selection.

STUDENTS' SOCIETY BUDGET REQUESTS NOTICE TO ALL McGILL STUDENT received April Ist until 4:30 p_m., April 30, 1985.) Budget requests are Iimited to groups directly recognized by the Mc Gill Student's Council (i.e_ organizations c1assified as "Functional Groups", campuswide "Interest Groups" or "Society Activities"). Interest groups must have been in operation since Janua:>,. l , 1985 in order to submit a budget request. Groups submlttmg budget requests will be contacted regaiding their sub~ission ~s soon as is possible. Interest group budget requests must mclude m the revenue column membership fees from not less th an 30 members each paying not less than $2.00 . These membership fees and a signed membership list must be handed in no later th an October 31st, 1985 by an interest group with an approved budget. Certain interest groupS are not eligible to receive Students' Society funds as per Council policy adopted December 7th, 1977 . These include groups with political or religiouS affiliations or beliefs. Any other group which, by the nature of its doctrine , discourages membership by ail except those which adhere to that doctrine, as determined by Stucfents' Council, is also ineligible to receive Society funds . Application for Budget packages may be obtained at the Students' Society General Office. Requests, with justifications, should be typed and addressed to the Joint Management Committaé. They should be delivered or mailed to: Leslie Copeland , Operations Secretary, Students' SOCiety General Office , Room 105, 3480 McTavish Street, Montreal , Quebec H3~ 1X9 NO

LAYER YHAN 4:30 P.M., APRll30YH, 1985. . . ~


Scott keatlng Vice-President (Finance) of McGiII UnIVI!1'.I'hr


de la Montoqne

84 3 -4029

d" M.Ii",,,, ... '

' or·-__D_E_A_N_O_F_S_T_U_D_E_N_T_S--"l The position of Dean of Students at McG~ . University is open for nominations or applicatIOns from interested persons. The post involves a five year term of office commencing as soon as. . possible after May 31, 1985. The Dean mamtams a very close relationship with students, faculty and administration in both academic and nonacademic matters. The office is concerned with the needs and the quality of student life in general! . the coordination and enhancement of the activiUes of the various student services and student residences, the athletics programs, and the provision of aid to individual students who have problems of an academic or personal nature. A curriculum vitae and the names of three refer~s should be addressed to: Dr. S.O. Freedman, ViCePrincipal (Academie), F. Cyril James Building, and must be received by March 31, 1985 .

~------------------------- ~



Randall On Sophisticated Systems

"arto computer ·ck

. clenc~, , ,leJ'IU S" Ie.."lure series, Br an Ra ndell o f the cYl" tle, to McGiII 4th tO 7t h. P ro f~ or • ,eneral lecture on " The phI II~ated Comp uting the Leacock Aud itori um about 300. Randell i$ no tranger to ScIence. He was involved in 19SO'5 ln the de ign o f one o f ~ SI computer programmtng II pr~sor , or compiler , fo r called ALGOL , a forerunand man y other modern 1anl1U'lge•. He has worked in tates for IBM among Ihe de ign o f distnbuted s~tem s ystems which !IIOre than one actual com-

than with the use Th U mer has b ' r. e NIX progrmtools Whic~slcally a toolbox. containing in co ' . can b.e used m Isolation or ways ~Junctlonm ln surprisingly simple

transparent layer of software called the "Newcastle Connection" between the kernal and the user's program. This layer acts as a local telphone exchange. If the user only accesses files or pro-


Randell began his talk of the hist ory of system de ign and computer . He polDted out that the t tcchnology has improved C4lly in Ihe last 20 years, Itle sofMare, or systems technique s have lagged owadays, Ihe disparity reached a1armin, proportions, den one consider sorne of the large compulmg systems that 01 uch things as Anti-Ballistic sy lem . Such computer proare millions of !ines long, and r! fn&htfuUy complex to Ihe point n difficull 10 guaranlee that soflware is correct and safe. To thls md, the tcam al the Universi~ of . ev.castle has been attempting to nd the functionality of comcomputing systems - i.e. exactly Ut a computing system is expected to ~. They abstracted out such issues as cm reüability, or robustness, and security. ln essence, tbe problem of designing 1 COoIplex computing system is one of decomposing the system into prirrutive COmponents, and trying to understand 7\.:. these componems should interact. .... IS the very nature of research in ~puter Science and in other fields. ~ R~dell related a brief anecdote Ut discovering an automated proI!itn. used by architects to untangle ~Jng design issues. Unfortunately el! Input to_the program was so detail. thi! It could only be used by ar~ ecu who had already solved th.e 1IIt~&n prOblems and had no need of by a system. The conclusion reached t~~e pr~ram designers was that it ~ he WIse to wait and sec what the ter scientisl$ could do . on 1 e Ne~castle tcam decided to work dcslgn of computing systems by Cbose & on the work of others. They for the basis of their research a ~;J POpular computing system he c 1 IX, produced by Bell Labs in lry Itc 1970' '. The UNIX opcrating a ~ ~ unu ual in that il i composed arec set of weil understood com~ycnts Interaeting in weil understood . t!y ln Contrast 10 many other cur~ y\tem~, which secm colleco haphaIardly con tructed pro, Often worktng against, rather




photo by Vince Young UNIX is also unusual in that it has been transported to a variety of different computers, from tiny microcomputers, to large supercomputers. We currently have an operating $ystem called UTS, a version of UNIX that runs on the McGiIl Computing Centre's mainframe. One reason for portability, according to Dr. Randell is Ihat UNIX is designed functionally. The operating system is designed around a kernal of operatin.g system programs. The UNIX kernalls defined only by what it does and not how it accomplishes its tasks. Another reason for the popularity of UNIX is the way in which one refers to programs within the operating system. Dr. Randell Iikened UN,IX to a telephone network, . in which a full telephone number IS actually 1 a sequence; country, area code, exch~nge, number. When one wishes to dt al a number at McGill, for example,. one only need dial four digits - wlthm Montreal, seven digits, Telep~o~e numbers are relative locations W1thtn the enviroment of the telephone user, d l't is rare to use the full telephone an b The UNIX operating system num er. h works in a similar way. Each user as a _ local working direetory of. programs, which are normally ail that IS referencd If a program is located elsewwere, eh' special s ntax is used to tell UI;IIX ~:; ta go about finding the desl~ed rogram. This naming. convenuon ~ounds simple, and in fac~ It seems surrising that it is not used m other comp uting systems - telephone excha?ges ~ave been around for a very Ions. um:. What Dr. Randell's team dld, IS sim ply hook up several UNIX .computing systems together, by addmg a

grams on his/her machine, then the "connection" intercepts the request to ilS kernàl, intercepts the reply and sends it back to the first machine. In this way, the entire distributed UNIX system acts as a single system, even though the computers are physicalIy (perhaps even geographically) separate, and the distributed system cou Id itself by embedded in an even larger ç1istributed system, Remarkably,

<onll...d (rom,,",_ 3

absolutely no changes are necessary to the UNIX operating system itself; the "connection" consists of a relatively small program, and the functionality of UNIX is not altered . Having addressed one problem, that of building up a distributed operating system with weil defined functionality, the team next addressed the problem of reliability. The reliability problem is that of keeping the computer system "up" ail the time, and guaranteeing that the answers produced are correct. The engineering community has been using the concept of triple redundancy for many years: the redundancy is enforced by having three computers execute different copies of the same program simultaneously, and a "Majority of Three" rule reigns . The RandeII team added another layer of software to their operating system, whieh ensured that ail th.ree comput ers were working on the same taSk, and allowed consensus to be reached . Like the connection, this software layer is transparent, and is smalt. Dr. RandeII conc1uded his lecture by commenting on the lack of more research in the field of distributed computing in the Academie community, and by discussing other prohlems which could be approached by using the same methods, notably computer security. Future Lecturers: Prof. Ryszard Michalski, from the University of illinois, will be lecturing on April 9 at 8:00, in the Frank Dawson Adams Auditorium, on "Machine Inference and Learning: Research into the Next Generation of Computers" . Professor Gerry Salton, of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale do Lausanne, will be lecturing on April II at 8:00, in the Leacock Auditorium, on "What's New in Automatic Information Retrieval."

Fight Famine

Canada-wide college and university campaign planned for this week. Ali campuses that have decided to participate are members of the CURE network. The Famine R~lief Task Force of Students' Society, established in January of this ycar, has decided to ally itself with other ea,nadian campuses in the fight agamst famine. The fund-raising and edu~tional campaisn currently underway tS the focus fo the Task Force's ~fforts tbis semester, but we plan to be mvolved in the creation of a nation-wide coIlege and university commu~ication network for further co-operauon. The Famine Relief Task Force bas alrcady deliberated and decided ~o direct aIl funds raised at McGIlI through OXFAM-Quebec, chosen because of its reputation, low administrative overhead (in fact, in aid to Ethiopia, there are no admini~trative deductions), and lack of pohucal affiliations or preferences. The Task Force's specific mandate includes information-gatherin~, fundraising and educational funcltons for

the McGiIl community. The Task Force acknowledges that the relief assistance offered by OXFAM-Quebec and others relatively, but this does not take away from the immediacy and importance of solving the present crisis. There is a real need for immediate food, medical and sheIter assistance. Beyond this, long term development strategies, wbich address the root causes of bunger in the developing world must be implemented in order to prevent such tragedy from occurring again. This week, McGilI can make a difference. Queen's University raised more than $10000 in a weck's wortb of effort. We believe we can do better! Drop by the collection 1information tables, locatcd-in the Union building ail week long and in other campua buildings as the week progresses, Joln in a cross-Canada campaign to help fight famine. Pick up a famine fact sheet and ask volunteers about the severity of the famine. Participate in Ihe upcoming educational events that the Task Force co-sponsors. But most im orlantl. ive enerously!





Th t' 1985/86 President, Editor, Chairperson, Co-Ordina.tor .or Chief Offlcer of any McGill Student Club, Society p~bltcatton, Service, Council Committee or Association must reglster wlth the McGill Students' Society NO LATER THAN APRIL 15, 1985, Registration allows McGi11 organizations to: 1. be able to book space in the Union; 2. be able to book space in other campus buildings at McGill rates; 3. receive the summer edition of the McGill Student Leader Bulletin; 4. be kept informed about the leadership seminar in September; 5. receive a copy of the operating manual for club officers.


Campus groups not registered by April 15th will be considered inactive and will lose ail campus privileges until such time as they are reinstated,

----------------------------- - - ------

Student leaders must complete the form below or obtain a " Summer Registration" form from the Student's Society General Office, Union 105, 3480 McTavish Street, complete it and hand It ln BY APRI L 15TH, 1985 to Leslie Copeland , Operations Secretary.

Volunteer Form

----SUMMËrfRËGiS-~(RAffONl""<)RM---ï 1. Organization

_________________________________ 11 1

Campus Address: Building ___________ Room _________ : Campus Telephone Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : 1

2. Your organization is recognized by by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1

(N.B. Only the Students' Society, the 14 facuity and schoal societies and the 1 Students' Athletics Council have the authority to recognize other campus 1 groups.) 3. Name of Chief Officer __________

Summer Address _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Title _________ Apt. _ _ _ _ _ _ __


ProvinceJState (2)

: (1)


1 Volunteer

: l'

(2) _______ (3) ______

~~me and summer address of one member of your organization ~~On~ri~able:


Title _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Summer Address _ _ _ _ _ _ __




: 1


o Activities Night o Concerts/Dances o Guest Speakers o Welcome Week o Winter Carnival o Special Events

1 1

1 1 1 1 1


o Student Directory o McGi11 Tribune o Old McGill (yearbook)

(3) _____

o Check here if you are 10' 1eresled 10. getling ' .IOvolved during Ihe summer.

5, AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION The Students' Society is often asked for the address and phone number of students holding various positions at McGiII. Kindly initial one or more of the following lines authorizing the Society to give the above addresses and phone numbers to those requesting them: 1 a) Student leaders on campus only _ _ _ _ __ b) Any member of the public asking to get in touch with the person holding your position _ _ _ _~_

Summer Telephone Numbers

Interest(s): (Check as many as you wish) 0 BlOOD DRIVE 0 PROGRAM BOARD

(pholography, layoul, wril ing, ed iling or design) D~udent Handbook

Apt. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Postal Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Summer Telephone



14. If you will not be in the Montreal area during the summer please fill in the

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Postal Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Summer Telephone (1) _______

Postal/ZJp Cod. 1

Please indicate any part' 1 • , L' h ICU ar area(s) wlthtn the activities or interests you 1 11 finances, lnetc,) WnlC you would like to work', (eg" pu bl"IClty, 1ogtsbcs, . , 1

1 checked '

1 1

1 1




__ 1




1 1

II_~------------------ :


Hand th is form in at the Students' Society General Office or mail to: Leslie Copeland, Operations Secretary, 3480 McTavish SIre 1 R Montreal, Quebec, H3A lX9. e, oom 105,

Hand in completed form at th S . . to: Leslie Copeland Ope f e tudents' Soctety General Office or mail Montreal, Quebec ~i3A 1':91~;;2~;~~~ry, 3480 McTavish, Room


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