The McGill Tribune Vol. 11 Issue 18

Page 1

P u b l i s h e d b y th e S tu d e n ts ' S o c ie t y o f M c G i l l U n iv e r s it y

V o lu m e 11 Is s u e 1 8 F e b ru a ry 1 1 -1 7 1 9 9 2

In sid e T h is W eek: Students to vote on F E U Q ...again V alentines,

V alentines,

V alentines...

W ere talkin g p erform an ce art M artlet h oop sters dru b fir st-p la ce L av al

1 7


D o y o u f in d th is f u n n y ?

r Nomi îdtions


r the positionsi°f H graduate executif es of the Post < Stuc]ents' Society y( - ' G S S ) one\graduate stJFdent CF^es

Nominations are hereby called for the following PGSS executive positions: ✓

P r e s id e n t

V P A d m in s tr a tio n

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


E x te rn a l F in a n c e In te rn a l U n iv e r s ity A ffa ir s

and the following student representative positions: ✓ ✓

S e n a to r (a c a d e m ic ) S e n a to r (p r o fe s s io n a l)

B o ard o f G o v ern o rs

All regular m em bers of the Post G raduate Students' Society are elibible for nom ination. Elections, if any, will be held on M arch 17-20. N om ination form s and instructions for the candidates can be obtained at Thom pson H ouse (front desk), 3650 M cTavish, and m ust be returned to the Chief Returning Officer (PGSS office, Thom pson H ouse, 3rd floor) by February 25.


Please note that PGSS executives are awarded a yearly stipend

F o r m o r e s ic k h u m o u r p lu s a in fo r m a tio n

w id e v a r ie ty

of n e e d e d

s e r v i c e s o n d is a b i li t y is s u e s , jo in u s fo r :




M onday, Feb. 17, 1992 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Room. 107-108 - Union Building

Includes WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL in the ballroom. info: 931-6343 398-6797 A C C E S S M c G I L L


D E A D L IN E : F E B



February 11-17,1992

The McGill Tribune

Page 3

F E U Q re fe r e n d u m q u e s t io n d e e m e d c o n s t it u t io n a l BY JUDITH WEISSMANN AND BENOIT JACQMOTTE Due to a Student's Society (SSMU) Judicial Board ruling, McGill students will once again vote on SSMU m em bership in

Fédération Etudiante U niversi­

strict students' rights to make

taire du Q uébec (FEU Q ).


A nthropology student Brian Schnarch's proposed referen­ dum question concerning FEU Q m em bership had been rejected bv SSMU Chief R eturning Offi­ cers (CRO s) as

in 1990," C h ou d h ry observed.

cial Board interpretation of A r­

"I definitely hope that students wish to rem ain a p art of FEU Q . I

ticle 17.3 in the current SSMU Consti tu tion, C houdhry warned

"L e t's get on w ith it."

think it is an effective organ iza­

that the Judicial Board set a prece­ dent which would allow student-

tion which McGill students have been involved with since its in­

"The policies of FEU Q are to­ tally in line w ith SSMU posi­ tions," she said. "If people have p ro b lem s w ith F E U Q , they

initiated referenda (SIRs) to chal­

ception, and it has a lot of p oten­

u n c o n s titu ­ tio n a l. T h is d ecisio n w as

lenge the bud getary decisions of SSMU Council.

overturned by

should ad d ress these issues first

The cu rrent constitution does

th e

w ithin the SSM U."

not allow a SIR to interfere with

tial," he continued. S ch n a rch , h o w e v e r, c h a l­ lenged thisassessm entof FEU Q 's policies and perform ance. "FEU Q is represen ting govern­

McGill law student Hélène G agnon, w h o is also FEU Q VicePresident, view ed the referen­ d u m question as a positive chal­

the SSMU budgetary process, bu t C h ou d h ry conceded that this point is unclear in the constitu­

m ent and big business interests, not the interests of students and not the interests of society at


large, " he said.


lenge for both SSMU and FEUQ.

"I think this is a time bomb

SSMU President Scott Mitic

som e kind of

"I think this is a perfect oppor-

w aiting to h appen," he co m ­

d e m o c ra tic

tunity to m ake FEU Q better

m ented. "T h ere has to be a limit

refused to com m en t on the deci­ sion, pending the release of the

know n am o n g the McGill stu­

to w hat a student-initiated refer­ endum can do in term s of alter­

Judicial B oard 's w ritten state­ m ent som etim e this w eek.

Ju d ic ia l

B o a rd

la s t

W ed n esd ay afternoon. "This affirms th at

th ere

p ro cess, even though it is e x ­ tre m e ly

n ar­

dent b o d y ," she said "I believe w e can win [this referendum ],

ro w ," Schnarch

that McGill will stay in the fed­

stated. "It was

eration. W e have provided [stu­ dent] services and victory in political representation, and we

clear that the CR O s and their allies in Student Council had no

S S M U V P M acDonald, F E U Q V P Gagnon,

SSM U VP E xtern al Karla M acD onald felt confident that McGill students w ould recognize the benefits of SSMU m em ber­ ship in FEU Q .

ing, voiced several concerns with the ruling. Referring to the Judi­

coh eren t case and w ere just try in g to re-

ing the financial budgeting p ro­

As a result of the ruling,

ced u re of SSM U." Pointing out that initial SSMU m em bership to FEU Q required a

Schnarch will receive five extra

have con crete results to show McGill students that FEU Q rep­

C ou b cil-in itiated referendum (CIR), C h ou d h ry felt that w ith­

d ays to collect the five-hundred required signatures needed to put the proposed question on the referendum ballot. If the sig­

draw al from the federation fol­

natures are received , McGill stu ­

resents them w ell."

low the sam e procedure.

Sujit C h ou d h ry, w ho repre­ sented SSMU at the Board hear­


McGill student body

m ad e the decision to join FEU Q

dents will vote on the question during the referendum period, M arch 1 0 ,1 1 and 12.


and Brian Schnarch have a chat.

A r t s a n d s c ie n c e c o u n c ils , A S U S v o te to h o ld o n s e p a r a t io n


"W e m ad e a new constitution and a financial agreem en t with

The Arts and Science U nder­ g r a d u a t e S o c ie ty (A S U S ), M cG ill's largest faculty society, will hold a referendum this sem ester which, if passed, would split ASUSinto tw o separate Arts an d S cien ce U n d e rg ra d u a te Societies. Both the A rts and Science C ouncils have written and rati­ fied new constitutions which enable them to form undergradu­ ate societies. A ccep tance of these constitutions will require the voting su p p ort of a m ajority of both A rts and of Science students d u rin g the referendum period. Should both these majorities be obtained, the ASUS will cease to exist, and will be replaced by societies representing the tw o different faculties. Science Council overw h elm ­ ingly supported the procedure, but also felt that the student su p p ort w as crucial.

Arts [council] and passed it unanim ously," explained ASUS VP Science John T h eodoropoulos. "W e thought w e w ould let the students decide [in a referen­ d u m ]." Support from the A rts council was n ot as solid, although the proced u re w as accepted. Last T uesday, m em bers voted 7-1 in favour of the new constitution, but quorum for the A rts council requires the vote of nine m em ­ bers. A sa resu 11, the A rts council asked ASUS to retroactively ap p rove the new A rts constitu­ tion, pending p roper approval. The council reconvened on T hursday with nine m em bers present, but the new constitu­ tion passed by a narrow m argin; 3 m em bers voted again st its acceptance and 1 abstained. ASUS VP A rts E d d ie Look explained w hat he believed to be the source of the opposition.

"W h at [those w ho opposed the split] felt w as that a lot of the events w e w ere doing w ere joint. If w e w ere doing it on o u r own [in sep arate faculties] it would cost m o re ," he said. Chantal Thom as, A rts repre­ sentative to Students' Society Council, con cu rred with Look's interpretation. She also noted that ASUS m ay be perceived to provide strength in num bers. "[Those w ho opposed the split] feel that w e should be m aking a statem en t by keeping the [facul­ ties] together. Theodoropoulos pointed out that som e departm ents, which are represented on both the Arts and Science councils, are con­ cerned about their role in the future should ASUS separate. He noted, how ever, that an y d raw ­ backs caused by the separation w ould be far outw eighed by the ad van tages separation would provide. "In a [Science U ndergraduate

Society] w e felt th a t w e co u ld focus the m onies and energies on science," he said. O th e rs m e n ­ tioned that the tw o faculties are alread y separate in a c a d e m ic terms. "I think that [ASUS] should be split just because I can not see w hy there should be councils for two f a c u ltie s . You w ould not join A rts and Engi­ neering," said De­ p artm ent of English P re s id e n t A S U S President Shawn Khan: last of a dying breed? M elanie Lee, not­ ing that the union betw een A rts con tact m em bers of the A rts and Science m ay be som ew hat council w ho voted against sen d ­ contrived. ing a proposed split to referen­ The Tribune w as unable to dum . V

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P h o to : C ath y Maxwell

re fe re n d u m

F February 11-17,1992

The McGill Tribune

Page 4

S t u d e n t s ’ S o c ie t y s e e k s to d ro p R e d m e n , M a rtle t n a m e s BY RICH LATOUR S tu d e n ts' S ociety (SSM U ) Council passed a m otion last T hursday urging the McGill A thletics' Board to change the R edm en nam e and logo, which som e students feel insults N a­ tives. Council also requested that a contest be held to choose a new com m on nam e and logo for both the m en 's and w om en 's intercol­ legiate sports team s. Senate and Board R epresenta­ tive A lexan d ra Clark supported the m otion tochange the Redmen nam e and logo. She also intro­ duced the am endm ent to give both m en 's and w om en 's team s one nam e. "T h ere is no reason to offend one person on this cam pus, and w e should call [sports team s] som ething not insulting to the [N ative] tradition," Clark told Council. C lark had further com m ent concerning the gender division of team nam es. "T w o nam es m ean that there is an implicit h ierarch y betw een m en 's and w om en's teams. W e should com e together und er a new and better n am e." Athletics Representative Jam es Stew art w as upset that Council included the recom m endation to

change both m en's and w om en's team s at this time. "I w anted to separate the is­ su es," said Stew art. "Instead, C ouncillors w ent w ay o ver­ board. The main issues are the nam e and the logo. SSMU has no p ow er on the A thletics' B oard ." N ative A w areness Coalition (N A C ) m em ber N ed Blackhaw k w as at the m eeting to ad d ress the C ouncillors on the im por­ tance of changing the Redm en team nam e and logo. "The McGill R edm en nam e and logo clearly m isrepresents N ativePeoples," Blackhawk told Council. "I'm hoping SSMU will put its w eight behind this issue. [The Redm en logo] is a d etri­ m en t to M cG ill's su p p osed com m itm ent to ethnic diversity and m ulticulturalism ." Blackhawk noted that the Arts an d S cien ce U n d e rg ra d u a te Society's supported the N A C in its fight to change the nam e and logo. H e added that a petition had been forw arded to the A th­ letics' Board to encourage a change. The Board decided last m onth to introduce a motion to change only the logo of the team , which will be brought forth in M arch. Blackhaw k said the m ove to

change the logo w as a "very enviable step ," b ut that it did not g o far enough. Stew art w as against the rec­ om m endation to change the R edm en team nam e. "T h e A thletics' Board has taken the initiative to separate the issues," said Stew art. "There is a historical con text. 'Redm en' cam e from the colou r of [the athletes'] uniform s." But V P Internal Alex Johnston argued for changing both the nam e and logo. "W e are talking of the current connotation of the nam e. If we base too m uch on tradition, then we could m ake the argum ent that w om en shouldn't be at McGill because they w ere n ot allowed at first." "W e should change the name and the log o," agreed A rts Rep­ resen tativ e C hantal Thom as. "T he least w e ow e the N ative People is respect. By h om oge­ nizing them under this nam e is in no w ay doing that." Blackhaw k w as pleased that SSMU passed the recom m en d a­ tion. "H opefully w e can put this all behind us and concentrate on m ore im portant N ative issues on ca m p u s," he said. y

A c c e s s M c G ill c a lls fo r

N e w SSM U G e n e ra l M a n a g e r h ire d After six m onths of searching for the "p erfect" candidate, Students' Society (SSM U) President Scott Mitic happily an ­ nounced that G uy Brisebois had been selected as the new Students' Society General M anager at last T h u rsd ay's C ou n ­ cil m eeting. "W e are especially excited to have another m em b er of our staff with strong credentials and exp ertise," said Mitic. H e has a m atu re, calm and patient ch aracter which will add d e ­ pendability and stability to Students' Society." The new General M anager replaces Don M cG errigle, w ho w as fired as SSMU Executive D irector over 14 m onths ago. Brisebois will be in charge of m anaging the SSMU office, as well as being a chief ad visor to the SSMU Council. Brisebois will also have increased responsibilities in supervising the U niversity C entre, and, unlike the now -abolished Executive D irector position, will no longer be the official link betw een the University and SSMU. Brisebois, w ho started yesterd ay, h asexten siveexp erien ce in m arketing, finance consulting, publications and ad vertis­ ing. H e w as selected from am on g 120 applicants.

P o ll results on R ed m en a n d d e g re e nam es re le a s e d Students' Society VP U niversity Affairs Rosalind W ard Smith received o v er 245 responses to a poll tw o w eeks ago asking for students' input into tw o proposals to change names. O ne question asked how m any students w anted the McGill R edm en nam e and logo changed. C hanging the nam e w as desired by 118 students, with 99 against. C hanging the logo got support from a m ore substantial 156 people, while 56 did not w ant to see the Redm en logo depicting a native h ead ­ dress changed. "The fact that these figures are so close show that people have different and strong feelings about the issue," said W ard-Sm ith.

in c r e a s e d a w a r e n e s s BY PATRICK GLADNEY A call for increased aw areness from A ccess McGill will be m ade on February 17th in the Union building. The d ay is being o r­ ganized to gain support for the up com in g student referendum w hich asks students to continue p aying tw o dollars per sem ester tow ard s Access McGill. Students have overw helm ingly supported the referendum question twice before, in 1988 and 1990. A ccess McGill is a Students' Society of McGill University (SSM U ) stan d in g co m m ittee w hich p rovides support to dis­ abled students. The com m ittee inform s the students, faculty and staff of the university of the need for su p p ort services, and raises aw aren ess of disabled issues. C hrissy Echols, the ch airp er­ son for A ccess McGill, w anted to ensure w ide recognition of A c­ cess A w aren ess Day. "[T h e event is] open to the

public, not just the students of M cGill," she said. The m oney collected by A c­ cess McGill will continue to purchase equipm ent and serv­ ices for both tem porarily and perm anently disabled students. A m ong other things, the m oney has been used to purchase the red bus w hich serves to trans­ port disabled students around cam pus. The m oney does not go to­ w ard s physical developm ent projects such as ram ps, which are the responsibility of the Physical Plant. "W e d o w hatever has to be d on e," said Meribah Aikens, coordinator for Disabled Student Services. "If a student isaccepted to McGill, w e m ust m ake the n e c e s s a ry a c c o m m o d a tio n s , which include class accessibil­ ity, com puters, note-takers and exten siv e read in g serv ices." Often, special exam arran ge­ m ents m ust be m ade, like find­ ing scribes for those w ho are

unable to w rite exam s for them ­ selves. A m on g the activities and dis­ plays during A w areness Day are w heelchair basketball gam es in the U n ion b allro om , which E chols hopes will be the main d raw . Participation is not lim ­ ited to disabled persons. SSMU VP U niversity Affairs, Rosalind W ard-Sm ith lauded A ccess A w aren ess Day. "[It is] a w ay of bringing atten­ tion to the w hole issue of in­ creasing access for disabled stu­ dents at M cG ill," said W ardSmith. A ccord in g to her, students can attem p t to p ut them selves m en­ tally and physically into the position of som eone with a dis­ ability in ord er to see the diffi­ culties that they face everyday. "[A ccess A w aren ess Day] will m ake people take note of areas w here w e can im p rove at McGill to m ake p eop le's lives easier," she said. V

The second question, which asked if students supported the changing of 'Bachelor 'and 'M aster' d egree nam es to a 'Baccalaureate' and 'M agistariat', received 151 responses in favour of changing the nam es and 92 against. "T he results are not very co n clu sive," adm itted W ard Smith. The poll results will be forw arded to student Senators, w ho will use them in form ula ting opinions on the issu esat SenateBoard C aucus.

C am p u s S a fe ty a u d it in th e w o rks The Dean of Students office, Students' Society (SSMU) and QPIRG are participa ting in a cam pus-w ide safety audit sched­ uled for M arch 10 to im prove safety on M cGill's cam pus. "T o im prove safety at McGill, w e need to start o u t with a com prehensive risk assessm ent," explained W alk Safe C oo r­ dinator Kelly G allagher-M ackay. "The safety audit isa chance for students and staff to survey all the buildings and g rou n d s for d an gers." G allagher-M ackay added that about 70 volunteers will be needed to attend a training session at the beginning of next m onth, and that application form s are currently available at Sadie's, the SSMU inform ation kiosk in the U nion, and at Th­ om son H ouse.

February 11-17,1992

The McGill Tribune

Page 5

M c G ill r e s id e n c e s b u d g e t

sh o w s


m illio n

s h o r t f a ll o n S o lin The McGill Residences' budget

tioned how McGill could pay off the debt. "Solin is alread y very expen­

figures for 1990-91 show a su r­

sive, and theU n iversity is killing

prising one million dollar deficit

us by forcing [Solin residents] to sign tw elve-m onth leases," he said.

for Solin H all, and a continued rise in the residences' adm ini­ stration budget. John Bates, D irector of M an­

He hoped McGill w ould not

agem ent System s con firmed that

pass the co st on to students, and

last y e a r's losses on Solin Hall

w as pleased th atn extyear's3.5% increase in residence fees w as

a m o u n te d to $ 9 9 0 ,0 0 0 . H e blam ed a higher-than-expected vacan cy rate of 8% , poor cost

less than the 5% originally fore­ cast for Solin Hall.

predictions, and high interest rates for the b udget overrun.

the increases in the Central

The budget also show ed that

"W e originally borrow ed the

Adm inistration Budget at the

m on ey at 9.5% on a thirty-year m ortgage, and at that rate of interest, w e will never get our

dow ntow n residences havebeen rising m uch faster than the in­ creases in revenue for the past

debt paid off," he said.

few years.

Bates plans to recom m end to the university's Budget Planning G roup that the loan be renegoti­

W hile the am ou nt of revenue generated from rent has risen from $3.53 million in 8 3 /8 4 , to

ated dow n to 7.5% with a longer

$4.75 m illion in 9 0 /9 1 , an in­

period of interest repaym ent. Solin H all, located near the

crease of 34% , the central ad ­

Lionel Grou lx m etro station, w as

from $302,000 to $604,000.

originally purchased by McGill in 1989. A ccord in g to Kin M ow,

W hen asked about the in­ creases, M ow attributed them to an increase in staff and to the higher costs that w ere incurred

M an ager of R esidence Services, the original estim ate of $12 m il­ lion for the purch ase and reno­ vations of the Solin Building eventually rose to $16 million due

to cost overru n s.

M ow

pointed to this as an oth er reason


the central office w as

com puterized. M ark L u z questioned the use of the m oney in the ad m inistra­ tion.

w hy m ortg ag e paym ents, cu r­

"A s with m ost big b u reau cra­ cies, that m oney is probably not

M ark Luz, President of the

to see the basic residences budget a t Uni versi ty Resid ence Counci 1

said he w as n ot surprised by the size of the Solin deficit, but ques­

A d ark d ay fo r M cG ill resid en ce budgets.

Increases in residence income and expenditures 1984-1991 1 9 8 3 /8 4 (in ,000's)

1 9 9 0 /9 1 (in ,000's)

% change

Incom e Rental incom e




Exp en diture Food services (co-ed )




Food services (RVC)




M aintenance (co-ed)




M aintenance (RVC)




Utilities (co-ed)




Utilities (RVC)




A dm inistration (after deductions for Capital R eserve Fund)




ministration budgethasdoubled

rently a t$ l .3 million per annum , are high. Inter-R esidenceC ouncil and last year's President of Solin Hall,

p h o t o : E r ic B o e h m


well spent. Even though w e get

M eetings, w e d o n 't really know w here an y of that m on ey g oes "

c G ill Le LEGAL INFO about / Landlord/Tenant Law Family Law / Consumer Protection ✓ Student Grievances etc.

C lin iq u e

In fo

ii O in k Call 398-6792 or visit our offices in the University Centre 3480 McTAVISH, B20/B21 Open 10AM-5PM, MON-FRI

ju r id iq u e d e M e G il

February 11-17,1992

The McGill Tribune

Page 6

Students question decision to allow exotic dancers a t Brock BY CATHY DE RUBEIS The Brock Press The February 1st 'sensual' perform an ce at Brock's student pub, Isaac's, by Flex A ppeal, a troupe of m ale exotic dancers, has received m ixed reactions from students. A lthough there w as little p ro­ test before the event, som e stu ­ d en ts are w ondering w hat the m otivation w as for hiring the g rou p and w hat the im plications of h aving the d ancers at Brock will b e . W hen asked about the ration­ ale behind introducing exotic m ale d an cers at Brock, Chris T hom pson, Brock U niversity Students' Union (BUSU) en ter­

tainm ent co-ordinator, feltit w as a "fire under people's b u tts" and prom oted a sa fe environm ent for wom en who had never seen male d ancers before. Thom pson denied that the BUSU executive w as behind his decision and that som e resistance to the d ancers w as exp ected . H e said H ex Appeal w ould not be regular perform ers at Brock and

"n a u g h ty " but fem ale dancers perform ing are considered sex­ ist. Lisa M cLean, BUSU president, said that until there w ere bat­ tered m en 's shelters she w ould be vehem ently against female exotic d an cers perform ing at Brock. Rhonda Sm ith, G ender Issues C o-ordin ator for BUSU, said she had only heard tw o com plaints

that he w anted to m aintain the "sh ock" appeal the perform ers' ap p earance generated. Brock is the first O ntario uni­ versity to h ave Flex Appeal p er­

and both w ere from m ale em ­ ployees at Isaac's. The com ­ plaints w ere with the double standard in allow ing male dan c­ ers but n ot fem ale dancers to

form. The chances that female d an c­ ers will also perform are slim. A ccording to Thom pson, m ale d a n c e r s a re p e r c e iv e d a s

perform . Officially, Smith felt this type of entertainm ent did not belong at Brock and that the dancers w ere hired b ecause of the reve­

nue they w ould generate. A p rotest against the perform ­ ance had been planned by Kevin Gloin, w ho w as particularly upset with BUSU for allowing the d an cers to appear. H ow ever, he felt protesting at the perform ­ ance w ould m ake those atten d ­ ing uncom fortable and this w as not his intent. Gloin w as going to suggest at the last BUSU m eeting that the perform an ce should be can ­ celled, but the m eeting w as not held because it lacked quorum . Student opinion on the danc­ ers' perform ance w as m ixed. Jonika Paulsen, a third-year Philosophy student, felt that if m ale d an cers w ere acceptable perform ing in the Brock Pub,

then the BUSU should allow female exotic d an cers to perform as well, and be w illing to accept any bad publicity that m ight follow such an event. D 'A rcy Rheault, also a third y e a r P h ilo s o p h y s tu d e n t, thought both fem ale and m ale exotic d an cers w ere totally inap­ propriate at a university. H e said a university is a place for higher education, not for exhibi tionism H ow ever, N ancy Stefureak, a third year Politics student w ho a tte n d e d th e p e rfo rm a n c e , thought that although u n iver­ sity w as not a place for m ale d ancers, no h arm w as done and she had a good time. She felt that if m ale d an cers w ere allow ed to perform , fem ale dancers should also be allow ed to perform , y

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m m m sm m w sm m m m





màmm mmm

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M c G ill M A N A G E M E N T

SUMMER SCHOOL ABROAD E a r n M c G ill d e g r e e c re d its a b r o a d th is s u m m e r We are planning to offer a selection of undergraduate management courses to all McGill students this summer in the following locations: F ran ce Ja p a n C hina T hailand C uba

To obtain a brochure with details on locations and courses to be offered, drop by the BCom Office (Room 453, Bronfman Building), or call, fax, or write: Summer School Abroad Program Faculty of Management McGill University 1001 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal H3A 1G5 Tel: 398-4068 Fax: 398-3876

The McGill Tribune

February 11 -17,1992

Page 7

E d ito r ia l

C h a lle n g in g dent opinion. T h e U n iv e r s ity 's b la ta n t strong-arm tactics regard in g in­ corporation will harm the Soci­ ety financially, but politically, SSMU is in good shape. So the question to the candidates re ­ mains: W h at will you do with this organization? If the can d id ate's an sw er to you r question m akes i t sound as if his or her aim is to better adm inistrate existing program s, don't vote for them. Thelast thing SSMU needs right now are M ichael D ukakis-type people who believe that the election should be about "com p eten ce, not ideology". This is not to dis­ parage the value of com petence, but w hat SSMU really needs are som e fresh ideas on how to p er­ form its essential task: getting studentsat McGill to act together,

It's election time at Stu­ d ents' Society again, and along with interm inable ref­ eren d u m questions (includ­ ing yet an oth er referendum on FEU Q ) w e get to elect an ­ o th e ry e a r's SSMU executive. Before you agree to vote for anyone, ask the candidates just one question: If y o u 're elected, w hat will change? Students' Society is, despi te w h at you m ay read here and in the D a ily, a fairly healthy institution politically. The m ere fact that so m uch atten ­ tion is paid it and so m any people petition for it to do things im plies that even if people d o not like w hat it does, it is seen as a valuable institution for involving stu ­ dents and representing stu ­

th e

as a com m u n ity, to fight for their com m on interests. The fundam ental problems that SSMU faces isn't really in­ com p etence at the top (though that d oes m anifest itself occa­ sionally), but ignorance and in­ difference at the bottom . E xecu ­ tives are usually only as good as the quality of inpu t they get from students. W h at is needed more than anything is to inform stu­ dents about issues and en cou r­ age them to participate in deci­ sion-m aking. There should be no effort and expense spared in informing students about Students' Soci­ ety and the w ay the University w orks. There should be no slouching on contacting faculty and dep artm ental societies to find out w hat they w ant and need, rath er than w aiting pas­

sively to see if there is input. There are hundreds of people elected every year on this cam ­ pus to positions of responsibili ty. W hy not get them together tw ice a sem ester in a large a s­ sem bly to get a feeling of w hat the "g rassro o ts" w ants, rather than depend solely on SSMU C ouncil? There are innum erable things w rong with this university which cry o u t for action: the need for safety on cam pu s and in the ghetto, for m ore student space, the inadequate curricula and stifling b u reau cracy w e all face at D aw son Hall. Students w ant to change these things, but they have to be given the m eans to do it. It's up to Students' Society to act. It's up to the candidates to m ake sure it does. SSMU has to

go out and solicit feedback rather than wait for it to com e. It has to becom e a m uch m ore 'educational' institution than it currently is. The benefits are poten­ tially enorm ous in the form of a m ore politically active student body. If candidates asks you for y o u r vote, and you d on 't even know w hat the posi­ tions they are running for entail, ask the candidates w hy you d on 't know about it, and w hat they will d o to m ake sure you know by this time next year. If they can 't an sw er y o u , tell them co m ­ petence isn't the issue. Ignora nee a nd apa thy a re.


W h o n e e d s id e n t it y ? w orld leader in introspective gluttony, several journalists have recently tackled the task of d e ­ fining exactly w hat unites them States. Harper's recently asked "W h o and W hat is A m erican?" and the latest Tim e features an essay entitled "T he Frayin g of A m erica". All of this collective soul-searching south of the b or­ d er leads one to w on d er, "W h at exactly is the Canadian national identity, an yw ay ?" M ost C anadians cringe at the stereotyp e of C anada as a frostencrusted A rctic tundra, criss­ crossed wi th dog-sled tracks and populated by "n ice" people liv­ ing in "safe and tid y" cities. W e all h ave a p retty good idea of w hat C anada is not. And yet, m any of us stam m er w hen

GROUND ZERO BY AD AM STERNBERGH It is the question on everyb o d y 'sm ag azin eco v ers these d a y s : n a tio n a l id e n tity . M aybe i t's the fact that ev ery ­ one's form ing their ow n coun­ try, or the im m inent O lym pic ritual of nationalistic breast thum ping, or just the inevitableintellectual thum b-twid­ dling which com es when Feb­ ru ary is extended by one w hole d reary day. W h atever it is, it seem s to h ave sparked a su rge of nationali Stic navelgazing across the globe. In the USA, certainly the

S ta ff



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Production and Layout Managers

pressed to p rovid e a m ore accu ­ perennially self-assured neigh­ rate description of w hat Canada bours once again anally argue is. the m erits of a virgin President, W ell, let's face it. C anada has w e can boast a Prim e M inister no national identity. N ow , be­ w hose wife has slept with not fore you indignantly grab your only Mick Jagger, b u tG erald oas M aple-Leaf letterhead, letuscon- well! sider w heth er this lack of iden­ Of course, M ulroney is no tity is necessarily a bad thing. w here near as hip, although even R em em ber, the cou n try which he h as a sort of bass-ackw ards m akes room in its heart for na­ ki nd of panache, p rovin g the old tionalism m ay also have to tidy ad age, "it's hip to be squareup the g uest room for som e not- jaw ed". so-distant cousins: bigotry, arro­ N aturally, w e're not quite as gance, an d garish boxer shorts hip as C zechoslovakia, a cou n ­ and ban d anas sham elessly em ­ try headed by the extrem ely hip blazoned with flags and national V aclav H avel. H ow ever, if we rodents. can g et our act together and elect So w hat if w e can 't quite figure the right person... m y vote goes out w ho w e are? A t least we to D egrassi H igh head wri ter Kit know w e're m u ch hipper than H ood. A nyone w ho can get the the USA . After all, while our w ord "P ek in g " onto the sam e

Typesetters ▼Zoe Rolland ▼Deborah Rosenberg ▼Colin Lynch

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Production Assistants

What’s O n Coordinator ▼Lisa Harrison

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▼Debbie Zinman ▼Jennifer Laing ▼Nick Jones Photography ▼Elizabeth Knox ▼Cathy Maxwell ▼Akos Hoffer ▼Ben Jacqmotte ▼Eric Boehm ▼Jeremy Alberga ▼Karen Wyatt Cover Photo ▼Akos Hoffer

netw ork which airs "The Road to A von lea" certainly deserves a crack at ironing out our little C onstitutional entanglem ents. So if som e ignorant person should w addle up to you and ask "So, w hat is C anada a n y ­ w a y ?", just tell them that w e're a m essed -up m osaic and proud of it. H eck, there are w orse things to be than a cou n try in which diverse cultures and lifestyles are resp ected and p reserved . And if o u r glaring lack of nationalistic pride stops us from galloping blindly into every m inor foreign skirmish and proclaim ing ourselves the saviour du jour, well, e'est le C anada.

The McGill Tribune is published by theStudents'Society of McGill Univer­ sity. The Tribune editorial office is located in B01A of the University Centre, 3480 McTavish St., Montréal Québec, H3A1X9. Telephone 398-6789, 398-3666. Letters and submissions shoud be left at the editorial office or at the Students' Society General Office. Deadline for letters is noon Thursday. Letters must be kept to 350 words or less. Comments of individual opinion must be no more than 500 words. All letters MUST contain the author’s name, faculty and year, as well as a phone number to confirm. Letters without the above information will NOT be printed. Other comments can be addressed to the c ha ir of the Tribune Publication Office and left at the Stu­ dents' Society General Office. Views expressed do not necessarily represent Students' Society opinion or policy. The Tribune advertising office is lo­ cated inRm. B22, phone 398-6777. Print­ ing by Chad Ronalds Graphics, Mon­ tréal Québec.

February 11 -1 7 ,1992

The McGill Tribune

C o m m e n t

O p en le tte r to P ro fe sso rs T a y lo r a n d T u lly

A s y o u m a y b e a w a r e , y o u r re c e n tly a n n o u n c e d d e c is io n to b e g in te a c h in g fro m M cG ill's P h i­

o n d ly , w e d e e p ly v a lu e y o u r c o n trib u tio n s to th e q u a lity o f in s tru c tio n in P o litic a l T h e o ry o ffe re d

lo s o p h y D e p a r tm e n t n e x t y e a r h as fo ste re d s o m e

w ith in th e D e p a r tm e n t.

c o n c e rn a m o n g a n u m b e r o f b o th g r a d u a te a n d u n d e r g r a d u a te s tu d e n ts w ith in th e P o litica l S ci­ e n ce D e p a rtm e n t. A s u n d e r g r a d u a te s tu d e n ts o f p o litica l sc ie n c e ,

W e th e r e fo re w o u ld like to e x p re s s o u r c o m m it­ m e n t to m a in ta in in g th e le v e l o f q u a lity a n d r o b u s t­ n e ss w h ic h c u rr e n tly c h a r a c te r iz e s th e P o litica l T h e o ry s u b -d e p a r tm e n t; w e f u rth e rm o r e se e k to

o u r p rim a ry c o n c e rn s te m s fro m tw o c o n v ic ­

a s s u re th a t w e w ill n o t b e p e n a liz e d fo r o u r in te re s t

tio n s. T h e first is th a t th e s tu d y o f p o litica l th e o ry a n d p h ilo s o p h y is e sse n tia l to th e s tu d y of p o liti­ c a l s c ie n c e as a w h o le , a n d th a t, a c c o r d in g ly , th e P o litica l T h e o ry s u b -d e p a r tm e n t is e sse n tia l to

in p o litica l p h ilo s o p h y . In s h o rt, w e w o u ld lik e to fo rm a lly a r r a n g e a n d / o r co n firm th a t all c o u rs e s in p o litica l th e o ry a n d

th e P o litica l S cie n ce D e p a r tm e n t o f M cG ill. S e c ­

m a te cre d its in P olitical S cien ce. W e w o u ld g re a tly a p p r e c ia te y o u r c o -o p e ra tio n to w a r d s this en d . R e sp e c tfu lly ,

Chantal Thomas, Je ff Monachello Stefan Clulow, Jeremy Dolgin Alissa Black, Owen Teo Catherine Brown Susan L. Vivian Kristin Von Eschen Stephen Butler Erin Downey Massimo Savino

p h ilo s o p h y to b e o ffe re d b y th e P h ilo s o p h y d e p a r t ­ m e n t in th e fu tu re d o n o t c e a s e to q u a lify a s le g iti­

L e t t e r s to th e E d ito r C le a r in g u p th e Q P IR C m y s te r y

T h is f i l l e r b o x

O n e in q u is it iv e c u s to m e r

T o th e E d ito r :

I would like to comment on the overall false picture of the article "QPIRG resignations: political or personal?" (Jan 28th), while exposing its other flaws. I was still on the Board when the article was written (though it said I had resigned). Several people who spoke with the reporter were upset be­ cause what they said had been distorted or misquoted. 1 will leave it up to attentive readers to identify the various logical errors (it might make a great lunch-time game). First, the conflicts which led to the resignations were more complex than the article let on. As Andrea Thorpe's comments indicate, they were rooted in an opposition between two fundamentally opposed visions of what Quebec PIRG could be, at a time when the organisation is still struggling to find its identity. (Quebec PIRG has only existed for four years). It isimportant to point out that Aaron and Daron (cited as the "source" of the conflict) have both been active members for several years. Aaron worked closely with the pioneers (QPIRG started as an environmental group), while Daron joined up through the second big PIRG project, Housing. As far back as I can remember (two years) there has been a tension between the Board, which has constitutional power, and controls the budget, and the Projects (especially Housing), which wanted to have more control over their own af­ fairs. Over the years, Daron has argued and struggled for greater project au­ tonomy, and Aaron has always resented it. It is in the shadow of this basic division that the resignations must be seen. It is all the more tragic that the resignations come at a time when a constitution for a national structure is in the final stages of ratification. The current proposal calls for transferring a full half of McGill's budget to the na­ tional board, further centralising the organisation, and further alienating students from the decision making body of the organisation. Jason Prince U 3 A rts

O n e u n s a tis fie d c u s to m e r T o th e E d ito r:

Re- "The Height of Rudeness" (Feb. 4-10). Your facile 'editorial' is so wafflingly general as to be rendered meaningless. What are you talking about? I don't know and I suspect you don't either. Please don't waste ink and your readers' time with this kind of vacuous babble. K la u s A n d e r s U 3 A rts

T o th e E d ito r :

As per your editorial Feb 4: What colour is the sky in your world? A le x a n d e r P le s s U 1 P h ilo s o p h y

re fle c ts th e c r it ic a l a b s e n c e o f one o f our

O n e d is p le a s e d c u s to m e r T o th e E d ito r :

Perhaps if you loosen up during this millenium you [would] see fit to ad­ dress issues that merit the paltry requirements of a Tribune editorial. P.S. Have you ever been to Montréal? P.P.S. Though 90-word sentences are usually deemed ungainly, yours was the highlight of the 'editorial.' A . Jo h a n ss o n U 3 A rts

O l d b o y s a n d th e p e r f e c t b o d y

needed assets: Those o f o u r v o lu n te e rs . J o in th e

T o th e E d ito r:

A.J. McTavish's assertion that the "secrets" of the female body are "re­ pealed" at every turn is exactly the misconception that G wen Jacobs' actions were trying to dispel (Letter to the Editor, Feb. 4-10). The real female body, :hat is the one with non symmetrical breasts, cellulite, and less-than-skeletal aroportions is a mystery to most of us because the only version of it aresented on theT.V. or in magazines is an "official" ideal that isa reality for ’ess than 5% of the population. If one were to see only those images in the media, one would be seriously misinformed and expect all women to be 5'9 md 115 lbs. Public display of breasts m aybe debatable in terms of cultural tradition, aut it is probable that the lifelong insecurity most women have about their aodies would be destroyed if they were able to see every day, all around :hem, that not everyone has a playmate chest. It would no longer be a mystery to them whether or not they were the only ones with one breast a different size or shape from the other. If politicization of everyday action is what it takes to make women realize he bodies thay have are normal and healthy, to stop the epidemics of inorexia, bulimia, and silicone implants, it is certainly worth the "resent­ ment" of a few old boys. R a ch e l C arson U 2 Eng

T rib u n e .

The McGill Tribune

February 11 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2

Page 9 ▼To Joy:Your golden curls captivate me, your blue eyes transfix me helplessly yours, B ▼Two rivers from a source unremembered, exploring alone, running alone, running together to the ocean. 1 care for you, shallow, deep, rocky, still. Jenn ▼RLB Radicalize M i. M . ▼Tralee Tralaa, W ill you be my Bud girl? Chris ▼To Jane M y Goddess of Love, Your Adonis awaits! Love Y ▼Zo-Zo Bird: It's not in Cooper Black, but it is sincere. Have a great V-D! From your o v erw o rk ed , underappreciated co-worker. ▼Olga P: I care for you deeply! Your Favourite Photographer. ▼Erica, We love you! - Your Floor. ▼To Jennifer: I haven't got the time to write a perfect rhyme, but please say you w ill be mine. - Craig ▼Jamie: Hey, what are those burns on m y table? Happy Vandalism Day, love, Catrin ▼To Chris A - W ill you be my Bud man? love T.T. ▼Burns. Ginch. Yup. Bye. ▼Dear ShayneCorson - Even though you don't score on the ice, I'd love to show you how to score off the ice. Bill Wilson ▼To Chock'lit: Light Chock'lit, Dark Chock'lit, You are so fine, W ill you be my Valentine? C.M .M . ▼Carrie and Dana M y Economics sweethearts, H appy Valentine's Day! Love Kenny ▼Chris the newsgeek-you can dic­ tate me anytime. Woo. ▼Claudia,Bella- M iz America you are my drrrream Love Andrea ▼Krista, H appy Early Birthday. Wow. Only 27. Andrea ▼Marni Goldman W ill you marry me? Or would you rather just have lunch? Ryan ▼Sue Nickerson- W e wa nted to pri n t a big picture of you with this, but the other women would be jealous...Trib Newsdesk. ▼Dear Allan, You are my favourite slut. Love, Senorita K ▼Ethan, Let's get friendly. - Another sensitive soul. ▼Bailey - Guys who have to show their feelings for their girlfriends through Valentine's Day classifieds are weenies. So I'm not going to do that. Love Raoul ▼Two young smitten boys, dressed in trousers and ties, chose St. V's day to surprise their girlfriends thru de­ ception and lies - Guys, thanx, Feb 14th 1991 - S+J ▼To: Eric C. Happy Valentine's Day! You're really cut in the morning (so Jen tells me!). Lou. ▼Debbie Z- Sloppy Seconds? Not a Chance!!! You can pinch my bum any ol' time!!! Love, BJ ▼EeWee,I bedew you, you bedew me - it's great! I LOVE Y O U LOVE JOY. ▼Ronni-lyn Pustil - I live for times like this. Love DBZ ▼Dear Norge & Meat, (and Snitz) I Love You. The Blocker ▼To my beautiful fiancee, I love you so much. - Worth ▼Sean, For your long hair, your goatee, and the way you make me feel... I love you very much. Love, Snapper XOXO.

▼To Sufia When justice seems to falter, when the torch of truth, friend­ ship and perversity seems to be ex­ tinguished. There is only one name to call. TH E BUTTLESS W O N DER ▼Paul, oh ye of the bared buttocks and wooly socks. Ronald loves you. ▼Maya, Tea for two and two for tea.... another Valentine's Day! Hope it is happy! L.A. ▼To my ever-cheerful staff, Cut it out. Allan ▼Gabriel - you are so cute! ▼Maja, Still got flipperprints... - C ▼Jo-Hanna: If I let you eat all the bread, w ill you still play with me? J. Garner ▼Maha: Happy VD, and congratu­ lations on your completed thesis! Love, A Lover of Polish Food. ▼Kate, Your vulva and breasts are beautiful XXOO, Much love, Sara ▼Kate-1 too share this opinion! You can share my pre-used stick of gum anytime(nochangesallowed)! Love, BJ ▼Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Oh Joyous Roomate o'mine, oh Joy! ▼Dear K.T. and Shmar, I couldn't help myself - 1luv you truly, madly, deeply. I can't bear seeing you every day, every morning and not being with you. Ditch Raz, go for your roomie. Psyche! Daytona Babies: No chocolate. Jo ▼To my favourite group of dickie birds: Bobsause, Beester, Galitateet, Val-Bréth, Merry M ary, and Smaug, may your v's be wide and full. 1love you beautiful people. Love Jerome ▼Ben, Hug me, kiss me, hug me, hug me, hug me. How's that for incest? Love always, Sara. ▼There once was a tyke, who rode a red tryke. She travelled around and around... Until she found out that she was in love with you. The Tyke Master ▼Katia - Come sail the sea of love with me in m y viking ship. Love E. The blond hippie. ▼For Vuliana:W ill you be mine? Happy St. Valentine's Day from the Fat Dog! Paul Krohen. ▼KristemHope you feel better soon. Don't give up, you still have us - love your friends. ▼Heddi: I'll be giving it to you later. M.D. ▼To Monique, 1 M O O you! Love, Me ▼Lutie: Even though you're going to Fla. and are leaving me behind, I still love you. Happy V-Day, S. ▼Sleaze Anne, To the best roomate in the whole world! Love Dodoune. ▼Tiara-Here's to the great times we have had and w ill have. I hope your Valentine's Day is as wonderful as mine. W ill be with you know who chocolate rules. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Wendy ▼Brian - H ow about a rendez-vous at the "Crystal Loft"? Ee! Ee! Adrienne ▼To:Roger in Comparative Politics We think you're really smart. Happy Valentine's Day From: The girls in the back row. ▼Julia H. You w ill soon be gone, and I won't be able to say good bye in person. I do not begrudge the piece of my heart you stole. Farewell, M . ▼Gloria C - You sparked my inter­

est.... Let's start a bonfire- James J. with you for 11 hours, I'll take ad­ ▼DML + SPB: The roses were white, vantage of... it. A. the salmon pink, what happened ▼Frogamesh! You are the lum p of you ask? Well, what do you think? my life. You give me my flop. Love, Your Frogamatic. S+J ▼Kel, From one witch to another: ▼To Raehan, Roses are R ed/A nd too bad we're cursed, you'll always isn't it true,/They couldn't smell be the sweetest. Literally. I love you, sweeter/Than when I'm with you. Love M uffin. Sar. ▼Weggie, you're still m y fav roomie. ▼Erwan- Who was that shameless Burnt toast forever!! LoveD.L. brunette hanging on you like a cheap ▼Jen: W hy are you in Austalia when suit? So much for Canadian chicks you have commiserating to do? I being uptight, eh? love you and miss you times a m il­ O ur love to all ourtoads. Love, Sandy lion. When are you coming home? & Christy. Happy Saint Jude's Day! Love Me. ▼Lay-Chuh-Luh (a transliteration) ▼T.S + J.H. You know there is chem­ You're the Top s/ You're the Tower istry between us. The Banana- man of Pisa!/ You're the Tops/ You're the Mona Lisa! (I love you so much, wants you. P.M. ▼To all the Vultures on the ski team, I had to use a musical to express it!) Especially Edge. Happy Valentine's Love, Luo-De-Pu. ▼To the students of poli sci 160Day. Love Blondie. ▼To Ginger and Stretch, my sincer- 325D. Keep up the good work and est gratitude. Love Flash. don't forget to DO YOUR READ­ ▼Alissa, I love you when we argue. INGS! Love, Nancy S. Even if you're wrong. (Let’s blow ▼Little One - Do you realize the chunks) -Massimo. bigness? Thanks, buddy. Love, me. ▼Jenny dahlingk, if you ever leave ▼Kates: Watch out... There are a lot production, I promise to shove my of people in your lane. Love, a fast patootsoff the nearest bridge. Lov­ car. ▼To All the T rib Cuties- M y W ay or ingly, Mahss. ▼Oh my dear sweet Danie, I'll never the Highway, Babies!!! Tender Ca­ forget those days we spent together resses- Rude Dude in the MPSA office. If not for those ▼Dear M r Confused: Lots of love on other two people, things might have Valentine's Day. Don'tbeastranger. been different. Next year could be a Miss Patient. lot of fun. We might need a few ▼Mr. Dan Managements want your tension breakers... hard masculine body all over mine. ▼Jason Beck, Take off your mittens ▼Carieobitz, M y Gertz buddy, how and show me your hands. about a butt? Love yah!! ▼Tralee- Trala, To the ultimate in ▼Sexy black goddess of mine. The valentine support, I'm sending you way you wear your cap is driving lots of love, XO Moi! me crazy. I love your funny ways. ▼Mich, You are a really real woman. You're great. Julie Anderson. ▼To the Red Herring Men: It's been ▼Peter K, Please take this hug (O) as great. From all walks of life and we friendship and this kiss (X) as sin­ created mediocrity. - Andrea. cerity; S. ▼Three tuna medical studmuffin ▼1988, McConnell, Room 326 (?): A doctor geeks in #10; two Viking swell V -D for the first person I ever babes w ith metal breast plates want met from Nova Scotia. Love always, to take special advantage of your The W om an From N ova Jersey. feline mascot, providing she avoids pillows. Thinking of you in protec­ (A K A rm. 307) ▼George, You missed your time slot tive headgear- Barry Manilo w ( AK A at the Valentine's booth. As a result, Dave Moore) all of your valentines have been an­ ▼Chucky & Lesley Faye - Training tomorrow, 6:00 am, M ug team, eh? nulled. Allan Tait. ▼To : Cyndiroo (or Cyndarella) Here's to solitary Valentines, IceThanx for being such an awesome Queen & Les not feeling her legs; friend. Here's to the good times that Love Doer. have been and w ill be. Happy Val­ ▼Gerber- How's about coming over to m y place? Stranger things have entine's Day Love, David. ▼Adam A. I love you because you happened (?) I'm really not that kind of girl. Happy Valentine's. are soooo impartial. DG. ▼John Henry Weiss: Invite me back ▼To Jenn H; H ow do you say "Stun­ into the attic sometime, you Love- ning Redhead," in Danish? Happy Valentine's, The Dancing Fool. God. xoxo Barry Wanamaker ▼Oats: Tahm piecho. 'N u ff Said. ▼Moira- You are the Apple of my Eye- BJ Love, Honey Bunches. ▼Dear Elisa-Bo-Beesa-Fo-Feesa. ▼Phil: Since you're in Australia and Have a terrific V -D , and stay away I'm totally jealous, the only thing from those big fish! Love Deb-Bo- I'm going to wish you for Valen­ tine's Day is sand in your under­ Deb. ▼Hey Good-Looking, What you got wear (If you know what I mean.) Miss you! Love Wendy. cooking? I love you, Boatman. ▼Corinne: Repeat after me.. .1believe ▼AB: Love you. Wanna grease me? M. in true love. Anthony. ▼ G N N N N A A A A G B N N N N G G K ▼To the Wall & Casper: Happy VDay. Love, Twig. GAAAAAA ▼Rob, Devon, Roger, Brian, Dave - ▼3rd floor McConnell- You guys are we dream you, we breathe you, we the best - Luv, Kath (Da puke meista) think you... if only you knew. ▼Mimi; Wanna go for a walk? I got ▼Helen M .- Moon me!!! Moon me!!! some money. I won't talk of 'my Moon me!!! Luv, Blue boyfriend,' etc., bummer. Future ▼Kirsten, the next time I'm alone road trips abound-> Holden Tour

'92. ▼Nice boots, babe. -Yours in a red Hyundai, Pateep. ▼Sara Borins: Stay away from other men. Life Partner. ▼Happy Valentine's Day Phi Delts! Love Wanda. ▼Eve: What wold I do without you? Love, Chris T. ▼Tara: For all the wonderful frustra­ tions of 7 years of friendship. I love you! Happy Valentine's YBF LA xx ▼Julie Maggi - You're tooo sexy, just too sexy for your shirt - Love D. Melanogaster. ▼Catrin Morris - This here is the Valentine's Day message you never got. ▼Doll, Cheer up tinse, you're a hit. Happy V-Day, Me. ▼To M s. B e a u tifu l, Y o u 're so sooooooft and warm!! Love Sun­ shine. ▼Liz Unna, Are you OK? Do you need help walking? Brush your hair. ▼Handy Man: I'll tug you anytime. ▼Mikey Cat makes me smile, Can't wait for you to come home! Korky Cat. ▼John Shannon: Found U cute at Champlain - Find you gorgeous at McGill! Too bad I'm so shy... :L. ▼Elizabeth Stupp, I love you so much!!! You are amazing and don't ever forget it!! ▼Hey cutie! HAPPY V A LEN TIN E 'S DAY! Meet me at the beach. Love Schmutes. ▼To the Y asm eister and the Andyman: I may not love the Pixies, but I sure love you! - Roomie #3. ▼M a ry , Love U forever. Pav Bumguck. ▼To C M - Thanks for two of the best weeks! I love you! See you at home for our "happy" day. A. ▼Farah, Congrats! You got yourself a Valentine. Find me one! SOP-less. ▼Lev, You make me hot. SM ▼Hey Virginia, I've been crying all the time; this place is filled with far too mant saints and not enough sin­ ners. Keep the faith, I love you. V2. ▼Happy Valentine's. M ark Harvy. ▼Ronni-Lyn Pustil - Anita was right. I saw your face and I knew we were separated at birth! Love Bella. ▼To all the Men on the M cGill Ski Team. From the Frenchies. ▼Brian, Should I bring the whipped cream and chocolate sauce? Pamela Storr. ▼To : Sam, Kam & Lam. Thanks, congrats. LuvYam. Be mine. ▼Dear Eddie & Winnie- Happy Val­ entine's Day. W ith love and kisses, Michelle. ▼Tralee, -Coffee? - Your not-particularly-secret admirer. ▼Amy, Service my Satan/ Incubate my incubus - Mephistopheles. ▼To my one and only love, Please say you'll be mine on Valentine. Grizzly, We're starving for you. Your dip recipe, that is. -The girls from DeBullion and Coloniale. ▼Stairmasters - Where did I put the . _ _ ? O H YEA- R IG H T BABY! ▼Tralee - or maybe lunch? - your not-particularly-secret-admirer. ▼Pam Storr, M ay the man of your dreams find you today. OG. ▼To Lt. Uhura 'T o Boldly go where few men have gone before." Capt. Kirk.

February 11 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2

The McGill Tribune

Page 10 ▼Monica, Two years after we met, we met again, and my life just hasn't been the same. Thank you & Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Your "Fishy" Friend. ▼Tralee - or an illicit "love-holiday" in the Bahamas - your not- particularly-secret-admirer. ▼Ms. President (PSSA) you NEVER cease to amaze me with your wats!! Have a good one!! ▼Danny W (Treasurer) All the gold in the world could not make me glow like you do. You're one in a m illio n . Love, y o u r confused "friend" ▼To Tsai the Greek God- Happy Valentine's Day- Love Venus & Aphrodite. ▼Dearest JD- The sexiest BMOC! Love ME. ▼Beck: After last night, 1 believe BOTH of your hips. ▼Pat Gagnon: W on't you be my sugar daddy? - Lolita. ▼Ewee- Meet us at Kojak's we can table dance. Love the Tramps. ▼Paul and Edie: Happy Valentine's Day I'm sorry for the mess on the carpet. M im i. VAm y-1 believe we (you) have pro­ gressed to guacamole- Allan ▼Allan-My little wombat of love. You're fired. -Am y ▼George, my friend - you're a pain, but I love you anyways. Smiles, Jenny. ▼To the Coffee Club, Be my Valen­ tine and I'll buy you a coffee! The Caffeine Addict. ▼Mr Dan the pool man Come sink m y eight ball with your cue. ▼DearShekkie Wekkie, Happy Val­ entine's Day! Are you surprised? Love, Cynthia. ▼KG Rub my tum m y and I'll wag my tail. DG ▼Kate- Lick my clubfoot -Byron ▼S.N. Be my poster girl and plaster my picture on the cover of the Pillar M.S. ▼Buddy-just for one minute of the 365 days of the year. ▼Jezz-o: take it easy, cheesy! ▼Hey Cutie, thanx for being the love of my life and I promise I'll start paying you back. Love Zeb ▼Naomi Bella- You would make the best girlfriend. Malta ▼Allan slip us the tongue again K & S ▼Kerry- lick my red hot thighs you rock n' roll Love God in Greek style p.s. love the loincloth ▼Terry, I don't want to build my life around you, but I want to include you in the building of my life. Love always, Weiner. ▼Teddy is Bunny's Valentine! or else... ▼Dear Maggie O'Connell, Thank you for all those female anatomy lessons. I'll never be able to look t peanut butter or whip cream the same way ever again. You're the best. Love Joel Fleischman ▼Fluggy, Happy Valentine's Day to the most amazing Bassist. Forget the shovel or even the crane 'coz this is way to "waaa-suum" to end. I love you, Grace. ▼Chris: You asked, I promised, here it is Happy V-Day. Marge. ▼To the man who likes to wear my nightie, I love you Pookie.

▼K.T. Happy third love day. A ll my love, Pete. ▼To Roger in Canadian History (101 203) We think you're kinda cute. Happy Valentine's Day! From the girls in the back row. ▼Michal, ari ohev atach- Jimi you want food? ▼Bear, For every minute that we are apart, For every Valentine's Day that I've missed, For every romantic moment that we've spent together, I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day and many more. Especially 95 or 9 6 .1 love you Karen. ▼To Gillian, A girl far from homebut not alone, On Valentines DayJim ▼Jen Lokash- You make me smile. Happy V D Love Deb ▼Adrienne B. W ill you be my Valen­ tine? Snoopy ▼Senorita K. Just you, me, and the farm animals... A ▼Jeff Bornsein, Hey baby...can't wait to start I.C.S. and finally see what micropenis looks like. Happy V-Day, your admirers. ▼To days gone past: January 20th, 1989 shall live in infamy. Be my Val­ entine, in spirit? VI want to be a young P.C. O.K. - I just want to be a young P.C. From the one with so much in common ▼Valerie B. - Leave me alone! - BqP V Amina, my beloved roomie -you're cute, but you can't cook. I'll forgive you if you clean my room. Lovingly, Jenny ▼C.L: M y burning love and desire are yours until the last ounce of life force runs through my veins... Do you miss my scent yet? Yours in perpetuum, Russ ▼JoAnne- Don't tease unless you aim to please!!! Rudy V Allan -Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la - A truly splendid Valentine, with a truly smashing sloppy wet slobbery dog kiss. V Yeah I'll be thinking of that when I'm driving to Toronto by myself... Allan ▼Tralee P. - 1 want to take you away from all this insipid meaningless­ ness and bring you to my daddy's deluxe trailer-home park in Ala­ bama. I further promise to always protect you from tornadoes! M y sincerest affections, o Delightful One-


▼Chris A . - 1desire to stroke you like a cat on acid. Disappoint me not, you mistake you- Divine ▼LEVSTER- Let me fondle those sa­ lon curls! Your Aryan Lover ▼To fellow crocodile- we are gone from this hell-hole where people have no minds of their own- long live independent thinkers and down w ith a n yth in g to do w ith postmodernism or any of that shitHappy V D Hope the lifestyle gets back together!! ▼Andi Curtis - I love you so much that I can't believe it myself. So there. M r.X ▼Dear Gill Your luscious N D P body is causing ripples all over campusyour secret adm irer-Happy VDday! ▼To all the men I've lusted after, H A H !!!- I'm taken Phhhlrpü L ▼To my love across the seas- I pine for you and your Scottish accent- Z V Karla M., Julie D., Susan N., Andrea

H.- No more angst and trauma. Re­ lax, sit back, enjoy, and make love to my camera- Affectionately Yours,


▼Dear Big Mam a K - Axl's butt is at the end of the rainbow. Z & L P.S Fridge magnet lust isn't very satis­ fying, is it? ▼Dear Rebecca - we love the way you mix your wardrobe - red jeans and a purple shirt are just not a combination everyone can get away with. Z-L ▼Dear Am y-As a jewel in the snout of a swine, so is a fair woman w ith­ out discretion. Thank you for being so open minded. Love a fair woman without discretion. ▼Emily G.-Bowl cut, bowl cut, bowl cut. Love Sweetie Angel ▼Mass, I love it when you guys ar­ gue too. Lisa ▼Ode to (censored) - oh (censored), oh (censored), you are divine/give me a (censored)(censored) sublime. L&Z ▼William, oh W illiam , class of '5 2 / we desperately want to name the Union Building after you. Love, vari­ ous. ▼Oh-Rob you prodigious poetry pantheon, without you we would be lost, languid, lovelorn, and lacking in many more mixed-up montage messes. Z & L& L Hope you have a vacuous, vague, valerian V alentine's day. ▼Amywoo W ilso nyw oo, Iyw oo loveywoo youywoo, Chrisywoo. ▼Oh Tribune people, a beauteous bunch, thankyou for the computers, thanks a whole bunch. Next time I'll bring my own answering machine. Z ▼Jana - let's hope there are Straw­ berry Daquiries in Czech. I can't belive you're abandoning me here. Lisa ▼ISO: One fabulous babe who an­ swers to the name Sweet Pea. I w ill wait patiently, take abuse, and enjoy being treated like a bath mat. Please respond promptly- H N L ▼To the other half of the controver­ sial couple- Happy Val Day § Pearl ▼To Jacques V. W e need you, come work for us again, we are your M nightmare and we w ill never let you get away. Guess Who?? ▼Jacques - sorry about wielding that nasty red pen... I loved every minute. Lisa ▼To the gorgeous FEN CIN G IN ­ STRUCTOR (you, w ith the (cen­ sored) legs)- We loved the way you wielded your foil- You want to spar sometime?? Your ever faithful fol­ lowers. Happy V D Day!! ▼Catherine P.- M y Little Flower Lily: if you kiss too many boys I w ill have to spank you! Keep it relaxed and deluxe... Heartfelt smooches forever-


▼Sara B. You can foist them on me! Signed affectionately, El Roncho ▼Dear Mass, we love your shower­ ing habits!!!! ▼Dear Kirsten, woof. ▼Sara B.- Just hubs and kisses? In ­ cest is Best ! I hum idly await our M .O. session. M y love and espe­ cially my heart for you always! Kisses ti the end of time- BJ ▼To the hot new bus dude at the BLUE DOG with the tight t-shirts

and the titillating pectorals- Arne?I'll be waiting to catch your eye to­ night... ▼We love the Lambada Class for­ ever!- The "gals" of KKG. - Espe­ cially Y O U John C. ▼To the fellow ad goddess-dr- if i spend one more hour staring at a computer, i w ill turn into a raving lunatic-z- happy V D day. ▼JoHanna B., I dream about deconstructing your aesthetic and ethical sublimity. Be mine! A not-sosecret admirer. ▼Sara, You're like a Pollock paint­ ing: full o' rythmic intensity which I'm just beginning to appreciate. Be my Princess! ▼Young and Hosung, you're great guys, thanks for being there! D.L. ▼Kate G. Dinner for two at Shakey's; Pepperoni pizza on me. -P ▼For Elvis Gratton, mon pompier. Love J. ▼Mack- In celebration of 2 years, cookies and cham pagne are definately in order! Beep Beep Beep ▼Boober Face. Ears were made to be licked. Ed. ▼ToR-I can see your pink paisley tie peeping out from underneath your grey, woolen suit. Love, P. ▼To gary, of gary and the shined butts, I saw you at Station 10 and 1 want to lick the stripes off your pants. A groupie. ▼Liz Brukman, You'remy "sunshine daydream". Oh, "sugar magnolia" come do the hippie tango with me, Love, Gerry Garcia P.S. Pot=cool ▼To the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi, Have a good one. A secret admirer. ▼Scott, Be my mailman. Jon S. ▼Scott, Karla, Alex, Lev: W ill you all be my Valentine? Lots of love, Ros. ▼To Papp'n fresh, w ill you be my Valentine? -Popp'n fresh- P.S. I love you. ▼To SERDOOLA, Happy V day, babe! Luv from your Roomie. ▼Stairmasters, I'm leading a revolu­ tion to get rid of the alarm clock as a Valentine's Day present to you all. W ill you join me? Love Robert Plant. ▼Alex U. The lust continues..When shall it commence? Your Secret A d­ mirer. ▼Bernie and Neil - For Valentine's Day I'll clean the whole apartmentjust joking! Love Deb ▼To my huggabunny/ Annoying m an/R ip Van Winkle: You make me cry, but life is more interesting with you. Happy Valentine's Day ! Love, Your whiney girlfriend. P.S. Please don't lick m y nose! ▼Gord flower - Meet me on second floor Redpath. I'll be wearing 400 pounds and a trailer from Parma. Catch hold of the dream. Trac ▼B.M. You seem to think you're re­ ally hot, the fish in the sea are here to tell you you're not! Happy V.D! ▼To an ugly bookend, in the time I've known you I've blossomed into a debaucherous, b rain -d e ad , od iferous girl by the name of ▼Janice. I owe it all to you Victor. ▼Sue: The blossom of my life ... let's run away and find a whole supply of ----- for maintenance! Have a good one .. . T. ▼To all my friends that I love, Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you have a wonderful day! Lots of love, Lise B.

▼Liz, you're the prettiest girl on M cG ill and Concordia Campi. Love Hairpie ▼Jim, put your hands on me and play me like a bagpipe, and I'll jig in my pants. Celtic Lover. ▼Sharon K. M y heart goes pitter pat­ ter- You leader you- W e should talk more, really- Your fav. VP IA. ▼Moira, What sound does a lark make, love lark lark lark. ▼Pat - N ow what kind of m ilk do you prefer? You hot stud man you. T. ▼To M att- the dancing man from hell! Thanx for the lessons! Happy V day! luv J! ▼Tojustin, Joel,Toeand all thejohns! @ NETW ORK. Happy Valentine'Day, love "Yo" da. ▼Cat-Hey- I know you wanted a romantic Valentine's date but won't a best friend do? Love, E. ▼Goeff, even though you are intel lectually inadequate (ie; you are at Concordia) I'd love to tell you about my dad. He's well endowed. P.S. London guys are all alike. ▼Big Ben, If you put on anothi sound, I will kill you. That goes for that radio-news editor too. ▼To that blonde girl- H oly loafs, what with chunks below and into! lectual adventurers above, I'm glad I live with a neurotic freak like you. You're the greatest chick in the land. P.S. I'm moving out. ▼Dear Edmond and Kitty, H appi­ ness forever! Love Michelle. ▼R.H. But why eat cinnamon-raisin bagels? Love M.S. ▼Dan H. (management) You maki me sweat and pant. When I see you, it's hard for me to control my... ▼Baby, I love you honeybee. ▼Kristen be my love puppy D. ▼Rich, stop getting onto the staff list. W e wouldn't want to think you were a megalomaniac or something. Yours, Mass. ▼Jerkface, Happy V-Day. I want to lick the small of your backand throw pineapple rings onto your nose. Love you- Stupid-face. ▼Weiner, Have a babe-like Valen­ tines Day Love B. ▼Alex, I'll be your editor. You be my lizard. ▼Chris, Preston Manning makes me hot. M. ▼Andi, was I right about the new writer or what? Mass. ▼Colin, the Beta. Your cand excites me....You know who. ▼Bren- Wish we're at Peter Rabbit's Happy Valentine's love D. ▼To the horrible FEUQ Beast, You'll always be mine. Luv K.M. Be my Valmontine? ▼John H. (psychology) Your sexy smile and seductive m outh are enough to make me go wild. You know who. ▼To Ann at St. Ann's Kampus, Glad you're enjoying your first year and doing so well. I don't get to see you very much and please don't ever forget how much I love you. Bill. ▼Otto, Thank-you Guinevere. ▼Guine- Don't thank me, just change yer musical taste- Otto. ▼Network people are so special- It just warms my heart- you guys oh stop. When's the orgy planned?!!!! Nailgun Solo

The McGill Tribune

February 11 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2

P a g e 11 ♦Jacquie: W ell, if we can't be valen­ tines at least we can be roommates (hope is alive). Life is groovy. Here's to doubts and obsessions...jennifa ♦Cat, Ti amo bella. Christy ♦Night and day, you are the one... ♦Bronwen, I'm joking you know, right? Happy Valentine's Day. -a man ♦H ey Ramone, Happy Valentine's Day, good luck growing those avo­ cados, hope yours looks like Jimmy Carter. Love you and suck your ul­ cer- Jeff Cracower ♦To Alex and Easter, a cat couple, cheers- Saloime ♦Weed, I want to flog you, Cutie. ♦Q: M ay our love grow like a fern! XO XO Robert P. ♦Bop Bop Ba Dop: W ill you be mine? Bop ♦M P - You are so beautiful to me. Love D. ♦Dear "Huge score". What can I say- I just want to tie you up and have my way with you! Love Lolita ♦K. MacDonald, I like to watch you when you demonstrate against or play hostess for politicians. You are a love beast. ♦P.O.F. Though we may go our sepa­ rate ways next year, the memory of Sue Cam pbell w ill burn in our throats for ever. Love the first head. ♦Lev, W ill you please balance my love budget? Karla ♦ T o my shnugglebear, I love shnuggling with you. ♦Happy Valentine's Day Sunshine! The past year with you has been pure hell. Let's celebrate with some shnoobies, You can try to pay this time. I love you! your secret admirer. ♦Lee- 200 miles away and more, is far away- come stay with me- forget Saskatchewan- we can be happy wherever we are T(s) ♦To M and Fart, Happy Lovers Day to a perfect match-i f they only knew. ♦Franklin Bob- W ell, here's another one to add to this year's list- I'll probably count them again! Happy non-gift-giving day. Leawood Jen ♦Leawood Jen- yeah ...hope for your sake I don't get jaded...-"W ild" Franklin Bob ♦Lev, oh Lev, When you slash our budgets we get tingly in our dangly bits. -Clubs of SSMU ♦Jennifer - If I didn't meet you, I would think I was dreaming. 1 love your handshake... ♦To the three women in my life: Zoe, Erin, Anais ♦Dear Snuggle Bunny ( Bambi- nor not him eh!) Happy Valentine's to my first true love. You're the only one who I love to drink hot choco­ late and get crumbs in the bed with! ♦Let's keep this relationship as spe­ cial as it has been and and is now! Love Thumper P.S.I like yor heart. ♦Peter K, You make me want to sneeze. XXOO I wait with passion and stare at the sun. ♦To Chris, M y partner in life. When are you going to sleep over and fon­ dle the monsters? ♦To Wayne- To my one and only, my love for you is one so strong, 1 hope that nothing w ill ever go wrong, to start it off I'd love to say stay with me this special day. Kizzy Shadd School ♦Karla, I love you. Alex J

♦To Doris, Aubrey, M arike, Koto, Naomi, Lulu and Irene : you light up m y Saturday night - isn't production wonderful?? Hugs and Kisses, Jenny. ♦To AMORP, You are wonderful, fascinating and enchanting all at once; so have a Happy Valentine's Day, some cake and cookies. Hugs & kisses, EM ♦Grab your dye, your polyester tie, and your Holly Hobbie style...and have a shower with us. ♦Lost me puppy- looking for artsy nook and warm feet. ♦Happy Valentine's Day M ark Lu!! - Sarah Attwood ♦Friends are forever. Happy Valen­ tine's Day to Sarah and Sunya ♦To all the couples 1 know, hope you make it through! ! - the Sea God­ dess ♦Dave N., You are not only a guru of rock. You are a rock of salvation. Let's rock 'n roll. Hugs and kisses, Sara ♦Rosalind, W on't you be my little Suzy Q? I'll give you a clause you'll never forget! Love M .M ♦To my favourite production assist­ ants: Re: Computer breakdowns. I have no idea why they break. H o w ­ ever, I promise to make up for it by kissing your beautiful feet en masse. Okay? Massy-Wassy. ♦Karla, It would only take a pout. Love, Santo's Couch ♦Karla, If you would only ridem e as much as you do your bike ♦M alka-M oom , I love you. Valen­ tine! You are m y treasure! IrkaMoom ♦Sara, tie me up, tie me up, tie me up, please! Your hair. ♦Kate Gibbs- Your beauty is bound­ less. Love J.G. ♦For my Feliche, Phillip and Sweet­ heart. Happy V-Day From the love of your life. Eli XXXO O O ♦Dear Lome, H appy Valentine's Day! I love you. Sharon ♦To Claire and Emma on their Journeyings: On this Valentine's Day, You're so very far away, We just wanted to say. We love you! Hugs, Becky, Sara and Surva ♦Happy Valentine's Day PRO M Ayouarelike totally awesome!!-Someone ♦AB, "baby," (Yes, I know you hate that term....) W ill you love me? I need to know. MS. ♦Monique, Hell hath no fury like the wiles of your love, J.T. ♦Sara B. Happy V D - to the only ditchdigger who can deconstruct Rousseau- Tree. ♦BOB, As fellow Philosopher Kings, we must reign the world to discuss love and life! Happy V-Day! - The Kabbalist ♦Berti, Happy Valentine's Day! Te quiero mucho. I hope we have many more good days together, Love, Kelly ' ♦Dear Belle, Can I be your beast this Valentine's Day? Love, Gaston ♦To my hunky chunky- Loving you always. From your cuticle XXX ♦Hey Rachel. Be mine. Love, your secret admirer. ♦To the one and only Computer babe- Much m ilk and many show­ ers- your big geek. ♦Jen-Salutbelledanseuse! Marlboro Man (as if)

♦H ey Huck- Thanks for making the rumors come true. I'm sooo happy. (Don't forget about these applica­ tions...) As Always, Longing for un­ ion. B ♦T. Jr.- Thanks for being m y coffee buddy, m y spontaneous pal and my friend. Love J. ♦Baggy- H appy Valentine's Day! Watch out- the kissing machine is ready for production! Love Snooks OX ♦ToTalking Vulva: I luvyourswells, no matter what happens to your cover potential... ♦C aroK yle-I'm feeling very heavy .love Shirley and Kate. ♦To Lysandra - Happy Valentine's Day. The hills are alive with the sound of music. Love, Don ♦Dear Doogie Outerbridge-I know the difference between having sex and making love, love Kate ♦Sarah, dahling - men are just an­ noying. EEP! Happy Valentine's Day - Jenny. ♦Every star...a kiss, every star...a wish, come be with me. ♦On this day of hearts and candy: forget not the friendship that began things, give many hugs from be­ hind, kiss the dirt and climb the sky, sing strong songs, feed squirrels, shake pinkies for good luck, keep a memory in every corner of your home, and remember when you're weary, feeling've got a friend. ♦Osh-kosh, Your daily hugs keep me warm. Happy Valentine's Day Luv Shiner. ♦ H ilary dillary doll, I love you cause you're so frank, Love Earnest ♦ H e y 301, H eli Vic, etc...Dudes Extraordinaire Happy Valentine's Day! ♦Don't think you're getting off easy, we gotta party more! Larry ♦Dear Funky Man, A toast of coffee, donuts and love on Valentines Day. Your very special K. ♦Jo-Jo, Your lips are red, my boxers are blue, I've got macaroni and cheese, just waiting for you 326 ♦Petah, Happy Valentine's Day, you spun, fit "babe' oh the places you'll go! Love Cath ♦Steve, never forget that great Polish scientist who discovered magne­ sium in 1928. Meg ♦ DG. S orry about the reputation...much affection...but no hair gel. ♦Gaby, Happy Groundhog Day! I tried to w rite this in sign language but it didn't work. Rich. ♦Scotty Taylor, my favourite goalie, Happy V-Day! E ♦Yo Posse- A Happy Valentine's Day to you. P.S. TTiere's a special party at the potsy, all private parts welcome. Sincerely Pooky. ♦To the great big pieces of brie at 4140, Happy Valentines!!! ♦Hannah Sian I love you for all eter­ nity. anonymous ♦Tralee you w ill not be the excep­ tion, you are a goddess, Let's run away to Frederickton and open a bait and tackle store, just me and you and a few beers. You are my queen, Athos ♦ are a cupid queen, keep on lovin' ♦To the sexy sax player 6th floor Molson: You don't know how spe­

cial you are as a friend. Keep singin'. A secret admirer. ♦Pete- we luf you: Molson. ♦Chrisoula - Greece awaits! Only months to go now!!! Happy Valen­ tine’s Day, partner! Jenny. ♦Laurie, my Valentine, you've made the last few weeks the happiest they could be, love Eric ♦Val, Meegs, Ash, Rosie, Cathy- If you guys weren't all girls then you'd probably be guys and we could go fishing. Love and H appy V-Day Jeffy. ♦ can carry me around on your magic carpet anytime ♦For my favourite little Rube- If I ever try to do what I told you, I'm counting on you to tempt me away from it! Love and kisses, J.S. ♦To Paul Samuel- Dear Paolo Bini please me my Valentine. Norma. ♦ K eren Y ekara, A N I V 'K O L H A V E R A I B'TZARFAT V'ISRAEL, R O TZIM LEGAGGID LA C H YO M V A L E N T IN A SAM EAC H. M E 'O D N E H E N E Y TIL IH Y O T "H AYEDID" S H E H A C H B'SH AN A H A 'A V R A , V 'U L A I A N U N A 'A L U LAARETZ L 'H A R O T L 'C U L A M S H E H A Y A C H A S S H E LA N U O D C H A Z K . B 'A H A V A , Ari. ♦To Clea, Depali and Tara, Happy theatrical Valentines! You're the greatest! The mindless set guy. ♦To myself- R.B. cause I ain't got no lover ♦Kevin, me an you a go ketchy ketchy, shuby shuby tonight. Love San. ♦ A n d i, You are our luscious poohbah. We want to wallow in your bottomless cleft. Your secret admir­ ers. ♦Sihin: I love yoooou for your twisted mind. It's better to have sex on the brain than... ♦Jane Clear-ee, Are you that Ger­ man chick looking for a sub? By the way, your car blew up, theaparment burned down and you're failing eve­ rything. It's ok- we still have bagels and captain Picard- no more wim py phone calls- Viking chick. ♦Nadine Where's my cheesecake? Allan. ♦To the high priestess of aesthetic sublimation. Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb. Love Lars ♦Lars who visits Mars once every year, it's wonderful to have you home. A loving piece of Rhubarb. ♦Andrea T. I love your teeth. Thanks for your irreverance, your political incorrectness and your sweater. M ay we always be drunk and stupid. Love J.D. ♦Nancy Powers, Keep your chin off the ground and keep reaching for the stars! Happy Valentine's Day! Your secret admirer. ♦Apple darling fruit bowl of juicy love- Happy Val from a happy guy ♦Kam ini- we can't make it without you- love Phil, Alex, Luke, etc. ♦Kristin, Your are the sexiest chick I have ever lived with. Schwing! ♦Burke: I hear you know how to package well. I have a package you could handle. ♦ M y dearest Schmi-Bear, W ill you be my Valentine? If you will... you know what I'll give you! Love al­ ways, Dan. ♦ M r. Prosenpenis, Don't apologize,

I like your hair long and your Long Island iced tea strong. Love A. Shep­ herd ♦Dear Anniest, So, do I turn you that way? Memories of brunches and fisting peanut butter cookies. Love Velvet Trixie ♦Stumeister, Thousands of clams thank you for recognizing them and empowering them. Never forget 'Nam. T. ♦Dear Greg - U N C LEN C H !! Love, la production puppets. ♦Noon- This Valentine's Day I wish you a life "like Charlie's Angels-but with men too". Love Jello pudding, P. ♦Am ina - how could you throw me away like that? Have you no heart? Or is it just the weather? I'm hurt and leaf-less. Come and take me back, won’t you? Hopefully yours, M. (Or is it T?) ♦Dear Heli, Dateline Whistler- some time next year? Happy Valentine's Day, love Glo Bunny ♦This is a very personal Valentine's wish to each of the hundred and twenty new Walk Safe walkers. This could be the beginning of a beautiful (all weather, anywhere, anytime) re­ lationship. ♦Peer Gynt: Remembering brick walls and Newhart- Love Agent 99. ♦Kat- You dream girl, you make me whirl, and twirl and all that stuff. T. ♦To Stormin'- Your eternal friend. Happy Valentine's Day. Kisses. Prin­ cess ♦DearChartered Accountant,Hav­ ing you is like getting an O scar-10 inches of solid gold, all in the shape of man. Love Kate. ♦Allan Tait- Stay gold ponyboy. Love Cherry pie with fruit inside. ♦Oh Jen Hall, if only I could whisker away! Love K. G. ♦Peter K.- Shakey's this! O X O K.G. ♦Dear SBX A m illion kisses For Our Incredibly Sexy Tyts! Love KGX ♦Dear Allan-Pay my bill. Love and worms Labaija ♦Dear AJR-Thanx for lovin' me de­ spite m y poppy eyes and pigeon toes. Karin ♦Jimbo-Lots of love and much more to come.yur favorite and only BSB ♦Slag: "no-one, not even the rain, has such small hands." Happy Val­ entine's Day to my brilliant and graceful roommate. Love, Scatter­ brain. ♦Monique, in 1995, Valentine's Day w ill be on a Monday! Hang in, we're almost there! XOXO, the naked man in the bathroom ♦Ed-1 miss you, come back, we'll do breakfast-Julie ♦For JEM: "lots of people talkin' at me tell me what is rig h t/ and lately I just don't know what to do"..Why don't you trouble me? TH E W ALK LIVES! Love, Mange. ♦O.K. I don't know your name but I lust for you from afar. I want you. I do. You make me shiver with antici­ pation. Love, Kirsten. ♦Jen- the chocolate hearts are hollow- Sadie's chick ♦Cute babe- love isn't all you need. Lots of water and C-clamps help. Happy Anniversary ♦Chris the Insect- Thanks for doing me in the back of the mini-van. ♦Let me touch your bum. -Weed.

February 11 -1 7 ,1 9 9 2

T h e M c G ill T r ib u n e

Page 12 ▼Amy- you're Catholic but I love you anyway .-Alex. ▼Massimo- let me vigorously stroke your zoom lens. -Alex. ▼Winston- Your black and white fur makes me hot. -One of the people who feeds you. ▼Dave- oh my Reese's peanut butter cup of lo v e / Cowboy boots and shiny shoe polish / Cannot beat your one-card stud, your ace of spades/ Oh poker face/ You drive me to egg rolls/ Can I ever forget? -Respect­ fully, Aretha. ▼Julie. N IC E BUN. Love, your man in Vienna. ▼I love you Thelma, your Scoobie ▼Hey Scoob. M eet me in Vladivostok? And be my valentine too? Love ya. ▼Hey Nicky - see you soon -be my Valentine in the Dominican, from your pookie Bear. ▼Walk Safe fa ith fu l in MacLennan...lets have a rendez­ vous, M onday to Thursday at 10:45. Cookies on us. Thanks to the regu­ lars. ▼Dearest Mass - let’s produce the night away- meet you in the base­ ment. Love, Jenny ▼Al, Abby, Abbey: To the three A+ girls on Coloniale. Have a Happy Valentine's day! L+A ▼For Kate, Alycia & Labeija- it doesn't get much better than this. Love ?? ▼Southern Ontario; Here's to it, and to it again. We got to it, did it..Let's get to it and do it again..your Brat. ▼Ciao Katerina! Bella Donna, la luna, sym patico. R O M A ..tre n te -tre !! Pantera ▼Dear J.P.- Catch me Uncle Bill. I love you.A.J.R. ▼John my psychology man. 1 love the way your boxers and your., .glow in the dark. < ▼Dearjen-l'm all yours, love Labeija ▼Homer: I'm sorry, Jamaica's outBut I w ill take you to LeRoy's. BUH! Love you. Cheese ▼To my honies! What a lucky guy I am with 5 super honies in my life. Love you. SH A D GC LW JA SH! Happy Valentine's Day. ▼Monty: You can plug me anytime! Happy valentine's Day, love one long blue sock. ▼Zai, let me cover your body with bacon pizza-pops. Come meet m ein theEngineeringCafeteria-ZingZing Zing! Lustfully yours, FREDDY ▼Dear Melvin, Just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's day and wanted to know if you were "up" to doing anything you, Lucie. ▼Guy Brisebois, Where have you been all my life. Welcome aboard. ▼Bret Heisler: I want to slather you in hot oil. Love, your secret admirer. ▼Dearest, when first you saw me you knew I had to be yours. I grow more crazy about you every day and can't get you out of my mind. I prom­ ise to never forget how I feel about you and to be with you wherever you go. You know the words I want to hear. Bites and scratches, Kiki ▼Bry- Surprise! N o w that I'm —■ HO OKed, w ill you be my valentine? Glad you're here, -love SIN ▼My little one, here's to all the good times and all the bad times; may the

good always outnumber the bad. 1 love you the most!! ▼Dear JFK - there is a hole in the back of your head. Love O ily Stone. ▼Anne Fraser- What have you been saying about my boyfriend? What have you been saying about your boyfriend? Are you for real? Sandy ▼Laura- There was only darkness till I met you, but now I see a patch of blue. Norm ▼Molson Hall 3rd, Happy Valen­ tine's Day! You guys are awesome. Party on and remember to keep on smiling. Larry ▼Kirsten, I want to suck your blood. I wonder what the Entity would think of that. Luv, Slush. ▼Cathy, When's our date? Osh-Kosh ▼Dear Angel, Happy Valentine's Day with love. I love you forever. From your warmy ▼To Sara Elisabeth, dear Bear-Bear, please be m y Valentine ▼Brentie-poo, you are the best part of my life and I love slipping around with you. ▼Ewwww, I want to smell your IT moonstone. Love K.J. ▼Katei: All the best to you and the Pman from another prisoner of love. H m m ..we don't see each other much anymore, do we? Let's go get some peanut b u tte r cookies at La Maisonée. ▼To Sas, Ko and Nasty, Remember, a Hard man is Good to find!! I'll miss you next year- Love Melissa ▼Mutant Maeve I love you. Regard­ less, M . ▼To Anne M arie- Dear Ban-Ban please be m y valentine. Dad ▼Lately Dave, you stink!! But you still tickle me pink. Be mine. A notso-secret admirer ▼Hey Rachel, No-o-o-body expects a SSPANISH Inquisition. Sincerely, the Talking Moose. ▼I wuz a wondering if a certain 'boat­ man' would be my valentine, anx­ iously awaiting response. ▼D.L. Let’s go lose our luggage to­ gether. It’s been a while. D.L. ▼Chris P.- the wildm an in me is beating his drum for you. T wo hearts beat as one and so may we. Catrin and Liz w ill understand. Let's run away to London, Ont. It w ill be fun...really. Insatiably, Jamie O. ▼Mr. Brent won'tchabemine? ▼Ms. Nickerson, Be mine forever. Or for two hours. O r for forty m in­ utes. Steamily, A. ▼My Joy, Let us divide and conquer and strive for an even greater love! Bliss + Love, I. Alexander the Great. ▼Brian S., Come to my office and I'll show you a good time. KM . ▼Al gran t-p: I w ill uncover your sin before my redemption. Pecadora. ▼Kris Hancock- thanks for always laughing at m y jokes. I miss you!!! ▼To: KemTon Thousand: I love you very much and I always will. I just want to wish you a happy and pros­ perous valentine. ? ▼G.R. I love you and I did 3 loads of laundry. Love, Boo. ▼Dear Holly-Hobby, I'll trade you a toothbrush for a chocolate bar. I'm not joking. This is serious. Love ? ▼Muffin, you make my heart go boom boom boom. I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday and Happy Valen­ tine's Day! Love Muffaroo.

your eyes of b lu e / To your package ▼D an n y (PSSA )I have alw ays ▼Princess Felix, On M ay 20th I'll we'llbe true. Happy Valentine's Day. wanted you. Meet me in the 4th floor scratch your name on m y arm with Love the 2nd floor babes. a fountain pen. Kermit Norton. lounge and ravage me. Do you ▼San- Love ya babe, Chris. ▼Troy, I like your genes. Anony­ scream when you're excited? I do. ▼Rich, Greg & Adi, Thanks for the ▼Darkman- illuminate me- K. mous. couch, Happy Valentine's Day. Jen. ▼Slayer- Come back to me. I miss ▼Murph - we love the piece of ▼Rob: O.K., you win, I'm saying you. Humphrey. Zucchini stuck in your teeth, S&R. yes...Satisfied? Christine. ▼I wub oo- Becky ▼Kate Gibbs. You can be demure ▼FEUQ loves Brian Schnarch ▼Alex Churchill I want you, check with me anytime. ▼Yo, Kate, is this enough for you? please. Love goddess. ▼Sara B. Keepa way from those other Alex ▼Janis- you mean the sixties to me. boys, love, your life partener ▼LaRAH - You, me & Francisco It's difficult to describe the festering ▼To the Posse- Happy Valentine's Casimir. August. Baby, baby, baby Day to a bunch of crazy locos, From I feel (as I know you do too) since I ▼Dear Van and Joni- I have this the one, the only, Party. met you. I think of nothing but dream of you two falling in love and chunks as I live in fear of malodor­ ▼Scott-1 love you Sheila. adopting me. Love Deb. ous mornings with you, gross girl. ▼Dear Warnie, Did ja maic a sand­ ▼Lev- M y life for the party, Com­ wich for me? love, your roomate. Unflinchingly, Campbell. rade. Chris. ▼Lynn M ark - Get me a glass of ▼Dear Drewchie, I miss frolicking w ater! H a p p y V alentines Day with your nippies, Happy Feb. 14! Love, your ardent admirer Pamarama. V A L E N T IN E ’S D A Y ▼Dear Diana - 1miss you lots. Please ▼Douglas L.G.B.N.A.F. Tonite! Feb (Amy & Allan, Rich & Chris, be my valentine. Love, Pita. 14,1992. The Ladies. (Andrea, Paul, Sara & Kate, ▼T.L. (2 2 /0 8 /9 1 ) Miss ya lots, can’t ▼Dear D a ily , we love you 16,000 Alex & Dave, Greg, Jenny & & wait to be together again. D.L. ti mes. Or maybe it's 14,000. The T rib. ▼BP I want to eat your Melbas and ▼Sternbergh: M aybe you could Mass, Lisa, ZOE, Deborah saunter over to my house and I'll clean you between the toes. and you too Col in. teach you how to dribble my basket­ ▼Karla, there's a reason why I keep Jeanhy, & Anthony, destroying your relationships with balls. Ian et all.... other men, you know...-A ▼RLP- You are so beautiful-Love, ▼Dear Rob- you can light our butts Richard G. WHAT A PLEASURE TO WORK anytime- Love 2 Gert's girls K & Z. ▼Ode to sleep: Chris Westdal, with WITH Y’ALL!!! (even though we deny being Gert's girls!) R I7 F S '.P R IZ F .S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E ▼Beetle hick, you may not be latino but you make me feel like one. That's so important. ▼Jo-Hanna: If I let you eat all the bread, w ill you still play with me? Garner. This time around, contestants must re-write Rapunzel in the style of their favourite ▼Call 398-6823 for a authour. Once again, the judges are looking for accuracy of imitation, as well as a good sense of the original plot (it’s about the woman with the blond hair who...oh, good, if unadven­ you know). turous, time. Walk The following example is an extract from Goldilocks, in the style of Bret Easton Safe Netw ork now Ellis: " I'm looking down at myself and I realize that I'm wearing this really goes door to door 8tacky gingham dress from Montgomery-Ward or something and that I also forgot to midnight Mondayput on my Blahnik sandals and I'm barefoot and I can feel the skin on my feet Saturday. already losing its softness, and then I look at the porridge and I realize it is just that,


The Red Herring

Another Re-Write A Fairy Tale Contest!

▼Dear bestfriend M a d (M S G C C ) H





days,squash in 2 atUT? LoveAGK ▼Chris - not a chance in H e ll. Andrea ▼Andrea. But you mean so much to me. You really do. I mean that. ▼Back off, B u tth ead, the bodacious De­ fender of Democ­ racy is m y breakfast partner. ▼Outside pal, let's take it outside... ▼Andi, Kate, Sara, Jenny, you are my fa v o rite chycks. That's chicks with a Y . Love and geni­ talia, Amy. ▼Alissa, A lissa, Alissa, Alissa, You are so so so so so so so so so so so special to me, I forget my next few word s...M . ▼Elanor, Light that god-dam n match! George.

it's not meusli, it’s not whole-oat Farinha, it's plain porridge, the morons who live here probably grow it themselves, the idiots. Like anything that isn't purchased has any value whatsoever." Big prize to be awarded, just like last year. Entries must be 250 words or less, submitted to the Red Herring Office, Union 406, or our mailbox at the SSMU desk in the Union Building, by Friday, March 15th, 1992. Space permitting (yeah like that'll be a problem), all entries will be printed.

But Don't Stop Reading This Ad ! ...b e ca u se the R e d H e r r in g a ls o p re s e n ts ... The Oh-So-Controversial

K e n n e d y A ssa sin a tio n C o n s p ira c y T h e o ry C o n te st! Now's your chance to come out and "tell the truth" or "defy the Amerikan Military Industrial Complex" or "show Oliver Stone who really knows what's what" or "say what must be said" or whatever. Your thoery must inculde: W h o killed Kennedy

How the m urder was conducted

W h y the assasination took place

Judges will be looking for the most ludicrous yet possible theories. Extra points for involving Pia Zadora and/or W.H. Taft. Please keep your submission down to 300 words. Brevity will count in your favour. Space permitting(see above), most entries will be printed (see below). Anonymity may be arranged for the protection of the particularly politically crafty. Submissions must be reciever by 5:00 pm, Friday March 13th (no it's not a coincidence), at Union 406 or the SSMU desk. Nothing even remotely involving Woody Allen will be printed. ___________________________ ____

I7 ,F .S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !P R IZ E S !

Page 13

D em psey and G reen sa y w h a t th ey m ean W hen Shawna Dempsey de­ voured an entire chocolate cake, mashing it between her stockingcovered legs, the audience knew it was in for a funny show. Dempsey and fellow performance artist Tay­ lor Jane Green performed at the Union ballroom Wednesday night and crowds packed in to see the W e're T a lkin g V u lv a show. The ex­ travaganza reminded women in particular to get to know their bod­ ies, to be proud of their sexuality and to deal with seemingly embar­ rassing subjects w ith humour and honesty. "Wakey, W akey!", said Taylor Jane to the audience in her robotic voice. Her stage presence was a state­ ment in itself, her costume, a compi­ lation of ill-fitting lingerie and oven mitt-covered hands which enhanced her message about ineffective com­ munication. She broke away from the traditional narrative by speak­ ing in a collage form initially in­ tended for the radio. Green claimed to be a "feminist truth teller" and the content of her act revealed her mission. "The newspaper reported that 20% of women have orgasms. One person is getting actively and di­ rectly stimulated and the other per­ son isn't," she said. The audience laughed, both from the humour and to release the ten­ sion since the 'truths' uncovered by Green and Dempsey put people in an uncomfortable position. "Beauty is in the eye of the person who is seeing," she remarked, dis­ m antling a famous cliché. H er act mocked the "cosmetic countercathedrals" in department stores and the m any facets of a society that empha­ sizes the importance of a women's physical appearance. "A sick soci­ ety is deadly serious about: You're not good enough!," she said. Green and Dempsey worked hard to dispel this beauty myth. M edusa and M a ry , Dempsey's ini­ tial monologue, addressed form-

sacrificing archetypes both ancient and modern. Dressed for success and sporting a wig of articulated snakes, Dempsey warned of the dangers of "a woman out of con­ trol", between thighfuls of choco­ late cake. Although the act was hilarious and thought-provoking, the audi­ ence was restless w ith anticipation for The Vulva. After a brief intermis­ sion, Dempsey returned to the stage in her infamous foam costume, the one that images the female vagina. "Whoever we are and whoever we love, we should become familiar with our vulvas. That's why I'm here, to show you around!" she said. The tour was educational. Water came squirting out of the urethra and the talking vulva said, "You all mightbe confused about whichhole is which! Be nice to your vagina, show her some kindness." Dempsey broke all barriers and knew no bounds as she exhibited. Dempsey and Green, in anattempt to make their show unique from conventional theatre arts, incorpo­ rated the audience into their show. Following the program, the audi­ ence was invited to participate in a question and answer period. The topics covered ranged from the seri­ ous to the sublime. Dempsey eluci­ dated upon Erica M 's interest in rotating W e'reTalking VufoaonMuch Music, and Green likened receiving Welfare to the receipt of a Govern­ ment Arts grant. F o llo w in g Wednesday e vening's per­ form ance, the Tribune spoke in d iv id u ­ a lly w ith Shawna D em psey and T a ylo r Jane Green.

T rib u n e- W hat makes you a per­ form er?

Shawna Dem psey-It varies from piece to piece. On a deep level, I've alwayslikedplayingdressup, being someone I can't be in everyday life. From the political standpoint, I usually have something that is re­ ally bugging me. W om en of my generation or older know nothing about their vulvas. They've never

seen it, touched it and they don't know it. It's obscene that we're not told about our bodies. That's porno­ graphic. Trib-W?iaf was the in itia l in s p ira ­ tio n f o r creating the hum an v u lv a ?

S.D.-I was speaking to a woman, a 35 year old lesbian and she didn't know which hole she urinated from, she thought we peed out of the vagina. So I thought- I'll make a giant vulva and show people. T rib -W h a t do you hope to be y o u r m ain message?

S. D .-I want women to feel better about themselves. It is a constant battle for women to feel good about the way they look in our culture because of the way the media is constantly making us feel inade­ quate. I would like my show to be a joyful and affirm ing experience. T rib -T e ll us a b it about the medium you use to express yourself.

Taylor Jane Green-One reason I do the stream of consciousness I do is because of the way we learn in our society. Information comes tous in a patchwork way. I use little chunks all put together in a collage form. I want to break away from T.V. and use it against itself. Instead of using this type of me­ dium to sell products for the sole purpose of making a buck, I want to use it for humanitarian purposes. The way I speak on stage invokes a kind of energy that goes below that head level. It is a trance and ritual kind of feeling which speaks to people on a conscious and uncon­ scious level. It slows down the lis­ tening process because I slow down Shawna Dempsey in M edusa and the speaking process. This gives people time to picture what I'm talk­ ing about. T rib u n e -W W is y o u r m ain mes­ T rib u n e- W hat do you th in k o f the sage? m en's m ovem ent? T.J.G.-I am trying to help women T. J.G.-The men's movement is an get in touch w ith there anger and im p o rta n t counterpart to the sexuality in creative ways. I am also women's movement for gender trying to help men get in touch with detox. However, I must say that the their courage and their compassion Robert Bly's ( Iro n John) and Sam in justice-making ways. I am trying Keen's (F ire in the B elly) forms of the to help both sexes enter a journey of male mo vement continue gender di- transformation in creating a new visive consciousness and a subtle partnership world. Both sexes need form of a male superiority trip. a generous amount of self-love,

p h o to : A k o a H o f f o r


Mary was a woman out of control. courage and compassion to brave the process of patriarchy detox. People are now in process and the idea of a gender dissident human being is new. Tribune-Hoze d oyou w a n t peopleto feel when they w a lk o u t o f y o u r show?

T.J.G.-I want them to be Patriar­ chy-Aware, self-empowered and self-protecting. I consider myself to be a social justice worker. y

Masterpieces from the Guggen heim a real treasure BY K A T E GIBBS Until A p ril 26, 1992, Montréal is the luckiest city in North America. N o t only does it have John Mellencamp at the Forum and the dry land Boat Show at the BigO but it also has the Guggenheim collection. Master­ pieces from the Guggenheim is a lookatdynamichighlightsfrom one of the most comprehensive collec­ tions of Twentieth century art amassed by one man. American iron baron, Solomon R. Guggenheim accumulated a collection so exten­ sive that it is difficult to appreciate that behind these Picassos, M ondri­ ans, and Giacomettis was an indi­ vidual w ith remarkable taste. W hile the permanent house, the radial Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd W r i g h t , u n d e r goes

renovations, Venice, M adrid, Tokyo, Sidney, and finally M ontréal have been awarded an incredible oppor­ tunity. This is the last leg of the international tour. Leaving the more esoteric pieces behind in N e w York City, the signature pieces of Tw en­ tieth Century Cubism, Expression­ ism, and Surrealism have travelled during the last two years. The collection is less of an eso­ teric smorgasbord and more like a who's who buffet. And at five dol­ lars with a student card, it makes for a inexpensive visual feast. The 97 pieces have been organ­ ized so the development of major schools within Modernism can be traced. The earliest work is a Renoir. W oman w ith P arro t (1871) predates the Impressionist brush stroke with which most people identify this Parisian painter. Thecolorsare vivid and the shapes are sharp. The pose

is contrived. In this work, Renoir could not be further from capturing a random moment in time. The most recent piece is Jean Dubuffet's D o o r w ith Couch Grass.. The sheer size of the large canvas and the texture of the layers is a testament to the combination of the formal possibilities of Cubist col­ lages and the dreamy surrealist images by the Abstract Expression­ ists. The theme of the development to wards non-representational T wentieth century painting is enhanced by the inclusion of a selection from the Justin K. Thannhauser Collec­ tion. Although it comprises 10 oil paintings, there is not a lightweight among them: a van Gogh, a pair of Gaugin's Tahitian landscapes, and a sublime Cezanne, S till L ife : Plate w ith Peaches (1879-1880). It is im portant to emphasize that

this exhibition has no prerequisites. It is not necessary to have an art historical education toappreciate the concurrent movements in European and American art. The show has been hung w ith a sensitivity which encourages com­ parison on the part of the viewer. The uniform beige frames are trium ­ phant in their anonymity; nothing rivals the color of the pieces. In the second gallery, Matisse's Ita lia n Woman (1916), Modigliani's N ude, (1918-19) and Brancusi's The M u se (1912) may all be considered com para tivetreatm entof the female form whether figurativeorabstract. The highlight of the event is un­ doubtedly Gallery 6, which contains a mindboggling fifteen paintings by Vasily Kandinsky. The first of the series contains imagery from Rus­ sian folklore. The flattened color addresses the twodimensions of the

canvas in a manner reminiscent of the G augins in G a lle ry 1. Kandinsky's interest in discovering a synthesis betw een m usical rhythms and those in visual art manifested itself in many of his canvases following W orld W ar J. Kandinsky's development is com­ plete w ith works that exemplify his later biomorphic inspirations. Although many of the images appear familiar today, at the time of purchase, Solomon Guggenheim was venturing into the unknown. The beauty of his passion for avant guard art and his extensive fortune is represented within his vast collec­ tion. y The M a s te rp ie c e s fr o m th e G ug­ g e n h e im ru ns F e brua ry 4 to A p r il 26, 1992, Tuesday to S unday, 11a. m. to 6p.m . (u n til9 p .m . Wednesday and Sat­ urday).

February 11 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2

The McGill Tribune

Page 1 4

T h e

f a c ts

BY A R N E JO H A N N S O N A N D N IC K J O N E S T he C e n ta u r T heatre C o m ­ p a n y 's p ro d u c tio n o f Karla and G rif m a d e its M o n tréal p re ­ m ie re F e b ru ary 6 at the C e n ­ ta u r T heatre. U n fo rtu n a tely , th e p ro d u c tio n se em e d m o re like The Facts of Life m eets Fatal Attraction th an the serio u s d ra m a tic e x p lo ra tio n of o b ­ sessiv e a n d a b u siv e love it p re te n d s to be. T he play is a b o u t tw o y o u n g w o m e n , K arla a n d G rif, w h o h a v e sp e n t e ig h t su m m e rs to­ g e th e r a t a n all-girls cam p. T hey sh a re a close frie n d sh ip th ere, totally se p a ra te from th e rest of th eir lives. K arla (Brooke Johnson) is a sw e a rin g , k n ife-toting d r o p ­

o f life

o u t w h o lives a lo n e w ith h er c ru d e , alcoholic a n d ab u siv e fath er D an n y (D ean H aw es). D an n y h a s n e v e r reco v ered from his w ife's lea v in g him . H e lives in the p ast a n d takes o u t his a n g e r a n d fru stra tio n on K arla, w h o m h e loves to rm e n te d ly . G rif (C atherine M acK enzie) is a beau tifu l, rich o rp h a n , raised by h er g ran d m o th e r. She a p p e a rs to be the classic bim bo, g e ttin g d ru n k a n d screw in g th e c a m p lea d e rs of the adjacen t b o y s' cam p. But th ere is, of course, a tw ist; she falls in love w ith Karla. K arla • a d m its to h a v in g lo v ed G rif for years, a n d a l­ th o u g h in itially relu c ta n t, she quickly co n sen ts to G rif's u rg in g for ph y sical c o n su m ­

a b o u t

• S em i L ipstick. •E xtra B enefits C o n d itio n er. 15 m l •D ra m a tic a lly D iffe re n t M o istu riz in g L otion. 15 m l • S erio u s-H o ld H airspray. 25 m l • D iffe ren t L ipstick. •H a ir B rush.







m atio n on the floor of th e cabin. K arla is sh o ck ed th e next m o rn in g w h e n m e t w ith G rif's fu rio u s ac­ c u satio n s of rape. T h e sc e n e e n d s w ith G rif a s sa u lt­ in g K a r la a n d claim in g to h a te her. All th is is n a r­ ra te d th ro u g h f la s h b a c k s - th e p lay itself o p e n s th re e y ears later No little darlings in the cast of Karla and Grif. w h e n K arla a p ­ exp ected re-ap p earan ce. p e a rs u n a n n o u n c e d on G rif's T he flashback seq u en cin g d o o rste p . T hey h a v e n 't seen each o th e r since th a t fateful w o rk s w ell w ith th e stage d a y a t c a m p a n d G rif is evi­ s e p a ra te d in to th re e sets: D a n n y 's living room a n d the d e n tly a n n o y e d a t K a rla 's u n c a m p cabin raised on each sid e of the stage, a n d G rif's p rese n t-tim e a p a rtm e n t in the front-centre. T he scenes slide sm o o th ly from one into the

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som eone. W h en y o u realize th at the to m b o y c h a ra c te r 'Jo' from the in sip id sit-com Facts of Life seem s to h a v e in sp ire d Jo h n so n 's p e rfo rm a n c e, the play becom es excruciating. By the tim e a n y th in g really in te restin g h a p p e n s, a b o u t tw o h o u rs into the play, y o u realize th a t y o u 'v e seen it all

before. Think Fatal Attraction

th at m ak e u p K arla's c o n ­ sciousness. T hough the play is w ell-con­ s tru c te d technically, the ac­ tion is p lay e d too loose a n d the ch aracters s p e n d a lot of tim e w affling. T here is a m a rk e d lack of d ra m a tic in ­ tensity. T he c h aracterizatio n is so b o rin g a n d rep etitiv e that a n y s y m p a th y the a u d ie n c e m a y h a v e for K arla, G rif or D a n n y is lost. B rooke Johnson as K arla is e s p e c ia lly a n n o y in g . H e r d u m b -g u y accent a n d a p e ­ like m o v e m e n ts b ecom e m o ­ n o to n o u sly ted io u s. She is s tra n g e ly -a n d th e n d isa p p o in tin g ly - r e m in is c e n t of

w ith tw o w om en. A c c o m p an y in g this w in n e r of th e 1990 N a tio n a l P lay ­ w ritin g C o m p e titio n -w h ich w o u ld c e rtain ly h a v e m a d e a b e tte r CB C m a d e -fo r-T V m o v ie - is a s e n t i m e n t a l so u n d tra c k to p ro m p t y o u for th e se n sitiv e scenes, ju st in case th e d ra m a d o e s n 't d o it for you. If you are c o n sid e rin g going to see this p lay for an in ten se p o rtra y a l of one w o m a n 's obsessive love for a n o th e r w h o d e n ie s to the w o rld h e r lesbian d esires, d o n 't bo th er. Y o u 'd be b e tte r off looking for sexual sy m b o lism in a g irl's school sit-com . y


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P a g e 15

Dog germs: BY JENNIFER LAING A N orth American tour, Snoopy The Masterpiece com­ m em orates the fortieth anniver­ sary of Charles Schulz's famous Peanuts comic strip. The facts are considerably impressive;Peanuts a p p e a rs in 67 c o u n trie s worldwide. It has been translated from English into 26 languages, and is read by 4.4 billion readers. Unfortunately w hathad tremen­ dous potential as a retrospective of Peanuts' 40-year evolution adds up to a disappointm ent. The exhibition is divided into four parts. The first is composed of brief character sketches of each principle Peanuts personality, followed by a succession of origi­ nal comic strips that illustrate each description. The invitation to experience the true Peanuts charm and hum our was proba­ bly the most successful part of the exhibit. The second part is an addition to the original exhibit. The Musée







des Arts Décoratifs de Paris added a personal touch by ask­ ing fashion designers from across the globe to create custom out­ fits for Snoopy and his sister, Belle. The second room is filled with approxim ately 200 plush Snoopy and Belle dolls m odel­ ling an extensive array of cou­ ture, ranging from L.L. Bean (plaid shirt, jeansand duck boots) to a signature Chanel suit. Although the im pact of step­ ping into a room filled with dressed-up Snoopy dolls has an overw helm ing effect, one is forced to question how this re­ lates to Snoopy as he is known. Asidefroma few fa miliar Snoopy outfits-W orld War I Flying Ace, Joe Cool- most are sim ply mini­ ature renditions of well-known and already familiar designs. In a similar non sequitur spirit, The Montreal M useum of Fine Arts invited 15 internationally renowned architects to provide in terp retatio n s of S noopy's world famous dog house. Ren-

in Montréal a disappointment ditionsof this theme ranged from student union to flying saucer. The dog house models seem m ore an attem pt by the archi­ tects to outdesign one another in terms of imaginative skills rather than create a structure with Snoopy in m ind. W hat use has Snoopy for a Plateau townhouse? The fourth and final part of the exhibition was a room filled with m ulti-coloured bean bag chairs, in which one can curl up to read from a selection of Peanuts comic books or watch one of the famil­ iar anim ated films. This room contains a contrived assortment of Peanuts paraphernalia: Linus' security blanket,W oodstock's nest, and Charlie Brown's kite. To say that the exhibition isn't charm ing, or even innovative, would be erroneous. Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang are, as always, endearing, amusing and self-identifying. Motivating 200 designers to provide Snoopy fashions and 15 architects to

Snoopy hits the keys and the show misses the mark. create personal versions of a dog house is certainly original. Snoopy The Masterpiece will entertain, but as a true tribute to the talent, creativity and crea­

tions of Schulz, the exhibitionfalls short. ¥ Snoopy The Masterpiece is at the The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts until 29 March, 1992.

Su san Fa lu d i : docum enting the b acklash BY L IS A H A R R IS O N If there's anything Susan Faludi's Backlash: the Undeclared W ar A g a in st A m erican Women w ill teach you, it

w ill be to not believe anything you read or see in the media. In this wellwritten exposé, Faludi investigates the ways in which our myth-creat­ ing media has convinced women that if they are unhappy, it is not be­ cause they are not yet equal, it is because they are paying for the advances that feminism has won them. Faludi begins her analysis by exposing some of the common myths, propagated by the media, that have become accepted as 'com­ mon knowledge'. According to Faludi, the “man shortage" that was first reported in the Stanford Advocate was based on a faulty study by the Yale sociology department; the supposedly femi­ nist-inspired no-fault divorce laws in the states were attacked for caus­ ing women to fall into poverty; the

W ANTED Participants for psychology study on music and creativity M ust be 20 years old or more and play at least one musical instrument.

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infertility epidemic and biological clock warned women that they should not put off having children or they would face infertility; and trying to balance w ork and home was giving women increased psy­ chological problems. One example would be the prolif­ eration of articles in the media on "female stress syndrome". Women have supposedly been burning out at work, unable to handle to pres­ sures of combiningcareerand home life. Faludi points out that it is men,

not wom en, who have experienced increased psychological disorders in the last decade. Single, working women are the most mentally healthy demographic group inNorth America today. Faludi's book may appear backbreakingly long, but it is readable and, more importantly, complete. Faludi examines every aspect of the media: journalism, TV, films and advertising. She finds and docu­ ments evidence of an intricate and subtle backlash against feminism. One of the most important rea­

sons for reading Faludi's book is that it w ill explain why women seem to be getting so many crossed sig­ nals w ith regards to what they are supposed to do with their lives. It is distressing to face advertising which presents the purchase and use of women's products as a personal, equal, and informed choice. Graphi­ cally, however, these ads often por­ tray women as children. According to Faludi, the media has co-opted feminist rhetoric and is usingit to its own advantage. A Pulitzer Prize winner, Susan

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Graduate students are now invited to apply for work during the April exam period. Pay will be $23-$27 per half-day session. Those eligible are Canadians, landed immigrants and visa students with valid work permits. If you are interested, application forms are available in your own department or in the Department of French Language and Literature, Room 230, Peterson Hall (3460 McTavish).

F o r m o r e in fo rm a tio n , c a ll 3 9 8 - 6 8 8 4 C o m p le t e d a p p lic a tio n fo rm s m u s t b e re tu r n e d by M a r c h 6 , 1 9 9 2 Professor A. Tichoux, Chief Invigilator, \%. fe Faculties Arts & Science \%fc.



Faludi's Backlash is an excellent piece of investigative journalism. In addi­ tion to well-documented reporting, the author is not afraid to make cynical, but revealing, comments on her subject. Faludi is unfortunately quick to dismiss many well-known feminists, such as Betty Friedan, for making comments that appear to indicate a turn against feminism. She might do better to criticize them for not recog­ nizing a subtle and misleading back­ lash that has been taking place for the past decade. ¥

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February 11 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2

T h e M c G ill T r ib u n e

Sports Page 16

B rig h t lig h ts, big Fo ru m : Redm en re trie ve C orey BY CHRISTOPHER TAYLOR The fifth annual battle at the Forum for hockey's Corey Cup, in which the McGill Redmen de­ feated the Concordia Stingers 42, began at 10:15 Friday night. About m idw ay through the second period. Until then, both teams had been shaking off a powerful sedative someone had slipped in their Gatorade. Team captain M artin Raymond, who com­ bined w ith linem ates G uy Boucher and Patrice Tremblav j for nine points for the night, tried to be positive. "The first period was just ter­ rible hockey," he said. "It was the worst period I've ever seen. I'm sure it was a terrible show; the fans were horrified by it." One reason for McGill's slow start was the ihtim idation of the arena, not the Stingers. Bright lights, big Forum. Skating at the Forum introduced the Redmen to 5,000 fans, the ghosts of Ca­ nadiens past, and intolerable heat, something for which the tundra that is McConnell W inter Arena had not prepared them. To their credit, however, the teams roused themselves in the

second period, and fought hard for bragging rights to the Cup. The R a y m o n d -T re m b la y Boucher trio, one of the top lines in college hockey, decided to hold their own skills competi­ tion, creating a 2-0 lead for McGill. "I think we understand each other on the ice," said Tremblay, the team scoring leader and Q.S.S.F athlete of the week. "I hope it will be like this the rest of the year." M any expected a replay of the previous Friday's Concordia match, a 5-2 bloodthirsty McGill victory: the Red men open a lead, the Stingers get frustrated and go head h u n tin g . This time around, Concordia tried more or less to stay away from the cheap shots, w aitingfor scoringopportunities instead. Surprise: it worked. Just as McGill was beginning to open up and show signs of a creative offensive pow er, C oncordia capitalized on defensive errors to even the game, the Stingers' second goal coming with five seconds left in the second pe­ riod. "It's a game of m omentum , and right there we lost it," said forward Jordy Tedford. "We

have to be ready to play 60 m in­ utes in our own zone. Sometimes we have a few defensive lapses, and that can cost us in a close game like that." McGill Head Coach Jean Pronovost was impressed by Con­ cordia's decision to inflict goals rather than spinal damage. "I never doubted for a mo­ m ent that Concordia had a good team," he stated, though the Stingers are disguising it well with a 5-11-2 record. Pronovost was typically easy-going when asked about the Stinger come­ back. "You have to allow mistakes to be m ade," he said. "I have to keep it positive and make sure that [the Redmen] go into the third period with a positive atti­ tude." The strategy paid off as Trem­ blay, the Fresh Prince of Impor­ tant Goals, scored the winner with 3:17 to play, followed by Stacey McGregor with his ninth of the year. The win brought the Corey C up to the Redmen for the first time since '89, and has them jostling w ith the U of T Varsity Blues for second place in the OU A A East. N ot bad for an unranked team. y

Marlinettes bring home the bacon bigtime

M cGill's synchronized swimming team gave a strongoverall perform­ ance at the OW 1AA championships in Ham ilton last week to bring home the banner and trophy. The Marlinettes swept the solo category w ith their two entries, Jerrilin Spence capturing the gold, and Cyndy Schwartzenhauer the silver. In the duets, JenneferHenaff and Janet Gillis registered a fourth place perform­ ance, while Alitsia Medina and Caroline St. Onge finished tenth. After a day of competition, M cG ill trailed Western by five points, 3136. McGill's championship hopes rested upon Sunday's figuresand team routine events. M cG ill novice Wend y Pollard scored a first just ahead of third-place teammate Paule Charland. Jennefer Henaff and Cyndy Schwartzenhauer collected a 2nd and a 3rd respectively at the intermediate level, and Michelle Elizovand and Jerrilin Spence mirrored those finishes in the senior figures. "Even though we were one point ahead going into the team competi­ tion, we couldn't relax," said Henaff. "We had to give a strong perform­ ance to w in the gold." After the final tally, M cG ill emerged first overall with 82 points, nine ahead of second place Western. Inoverall individual competition, Jerrilin Spence was awarded the Sea Queen trophy for her m edal-winning per­ formances in three events. "This is the most memorable year I've had coaching here," said Head Coach Geraldine Dubrule.'Tve never known such a group of girls." The Marlinettes w ill lose almost half of their A team to graduation this year.

Track team meets with success in Toronto

The M cG ill track team was at the Uni versi ty of Toronto Open this past weekend where Linda Thyer won the 1500 metres easily in a relatively slow 4:47 and Georgia Tzavellas finished third. Catherine Macdonald earned a fourth place finish with a time of 5:42.85. "It went fairly well, but most of the top runners were in the night section," said coach Dennis Barrett, "W e wereup against Queens, Buffalo State, and Laurentian, so for the most part the competition was pretty weak." In the women's 1,000m, veteran runner Maeve M uldow ney collected a first w itha time o f2:59.89. Shotputter Kristen Fry netted a 5th wi th a toss of 11.86m, while bagging a 5.41m long jump good for 2nd spot. M cG ill's best performance in the men's 1500m was turned in by veteran Paul McCabe at 4:10.1 seconds, earning a 4th overall. Steven Shigeishi was 5th with 4:12.65. In the men's 1,000m event, Peter Richmond came 2nd, marking a time of 2.33:86, w ith Christian M urray right behind at 3rd in 2:35.41. M artin Latour finished 1st in the men's long jump, leaping 5.7m, and put forth a 2nd place triple jump of 12.57m. In the men's 4 x 800 relay, M cG ill finished first w ith a time of 809.56 seconds.

Vert et O r soundly defeat Martlets The M cG ill Martlet V olleyball team met the Sherbrooke women's team Wednesday evening, falling in three straight to the V ert et Or, 15-6,15-7, 15-6. ' Sherbrooke is tough, but I think that because we played such a great tournament at Concordia last weekend, the girls let themselves dow n in terms of physical conditioning and mental preparation," said Head Coach Rachelle Béliveau. "They were tired and they couldn't keep up." The Martlets play against the Université de Montréal Sunday, to wrap up the season. "[U de M is] one of the biggest teams in the league," said Béliveau. Because they are so tall, we want to score more than eight points against them. That is our objective for the game." So far, the Martlets have posted a 12-16 match record.

Martlets get their heads together The M artlet Hockey Team saw action twice this past week, splitting the weekend w ith a 2-1 loss to Concordia Friday, and a 3-0 shutout of John Abbott College on Saturday. "We were ahead by one for most of the [Concordia] game Friday, and then ended up losingit,"said Head Coach Geoff Phillips. "W edefinitely lacked a bit of mental strength, but I think we addressed tha t problem. We had a good talk about it, and Saturday we were in the same situation and we Came out and scored two more instead of giving up tw o more." Both Brenda Benson and Kathy M orrison tallied three points in Satur­ day's match-up. The Martlets play against the Lady Stingers Thursday at Concordia. (E rra tu m :L a s t weekthe Tribune credited C h ris t ine Goodyear w ith a s h u to u t versus the Bishop's Lady G aiters. I t was, in fa c t, goaltender N a th a lie Lapenta w ho stym ied Bishop's. The Tribune regrets the e rro r.)

Concordia elected to inflict goals rather than spinal damage.

Page 1 7

Tro u g h t file ts Redm en defense, au g ra tin BY SEAN GORDON There are days in everyone's life w hen things just seem to go well. For athletes, such occur­ rences can be spectacular, but for the great ones they can be positively awe-inspiring. Just ask anyone who saw Mike Trought in action in the Currie Gym on Sunday. Who is Mike Trought? Well, sim ply put, he's the Carleton Ravens' answ er to Michael Jor­ dan. So thorough w asTrought's dom ination in Carleton's 92-85 trium ph over the Redmen, that players and coaches alike were left grum bling to themselves. Well folks, he ended up scoring 48 poi n ts, bu t i t mi gh t ha ve been worse; he missed three layups and a free throw. "We heard that he was on top of his game," said McGill coach Nevio M arzinotto "but what can you do? He was just unconscious; he was hitting from every­ where". The game started o u ta sa tight defensive contest, characterized by poor shooting and turnovers. McGill stayed close because of good rebounding,particularlyby the Redmen forwards, who ter­ rorized the Ravens on the defen­ sive glass all afternoon. The teams traded buckets until the halfway mark of the first half, when defensive specialist Bruce Bird had to sit because of early foul trouble. W ithoutBird,coach Marzinotto elected to go toa half­ court pressure defence, which was successful in slowing down Carleton's half-court set. Unfortunately, it did little to stop the Ravens' fast break. Trought was the catalyst of the break opportunities, and it was am azing that he did n 't leave the game to put out the fire on his shooting hand.

McGill Sexual Assault Centre •;v is open late every Friday until 9 PM C a ll: 3 9 8 - 2 7 0 0

C arleton kept co n v ertin g McGill misses into often easy baskets, parlaying the advantage into a 12-point lead with 6:00 remaining. The Ravens, on the strengths of Trought's torrid shooting (25 first half poin ts) and tightdefence,builtthelead tol6. Just before half, both teams suffered from turnoveritis and the Redmen trimmed the lead to 12 (47-35) at halfrime. After halftime the Ravens built the lead up to 16. Trought con­ tinued his unbelievable shoot­ ing, m aking a m ockery of McGill's attem pts at double teams and traps, and the lead

was 19 with 13:00 left. But then, as TV sportscasters like to say, cue the comeback! , Once again the Redmen refused to die. They attem pted to con­ tain Trought and were effective in keeping the ball out of the Carleton behem oth's hands. McGill chipped away at the lead, and when Todd McDou­ gall jammed a rebound and got the foul, the fans went wild. Trought, however, staved off the R edm en com eback, quickly pum ping in another deuce to make it eight. Soon after, Cam Mathison

m ade a great slashing move to the hole after a turnover to cut it to 4. Trought then m ade two quick jumpers. After a timeout, M athison prom ptly spotted up for an open three pointer and canned it. Carleton widened the margin, but Mathison continued his heroics by draining another three to cut the lead to two. However, it just w asn't to be. Theofficiating tightened up with McGill in the penalty. "I thought there should have been more no-calls," said coach Marzinotto,"I w asn't very happy with the officiating; I mean sometimes you have to let these

guys play!". Cool foul shooting dow n the stretch, particularly by Trought, iced the game for the Ravens, and the final was 92-85. "We just w eren't relaxed when it was close, we tensed up, but that's the m ark of a young team" said Marzinotto. The high scorer for the Ravens was Trought with 48, followed by All-Name team candidate Taffe Charles with 12. The Redmen were led by Todd McDougall who poured in 21, Cam Mathison w ho had 16 and David Jesperson who had 12. V

Martlets roll over Laval on way to finals BY ALISON KORN The Martlets basketball team is on a roll. After defeating both Concordia and Bishop's earlier last week, it extended its win­ ning streak to three with a 60-58 victory over nationally-ranked Laval on Sunday. In less than one week, the M artlets have defeated every opponent in the QUBL, something Coach Chris H unter felt the team needed to prove to itself. "For us, it was a question of showing ourselves that w e're able to beat [Laval], and now it's a question of going ou t there and doing it the next rime we play them. W e're very pleased with wha t we got done tod ay and this week," he said. The McGill win m arks leader Laval's firstdefeat in league play, but it did not come w ithout sus­ pense. Tied 31-31 at halftime, the game was still up for grabs with only 2 m inutes rem aining and another deadlock of 58-58.

Debby Morse gave McGill the decisive edge with a quick steal and hasty basket with barely a m inute and a half to go. Morse led the team with 19 points and was a rebounding dervish at both ends of the court. Jane Ross popped in 18 points whileescaping any real foul trouble, and M artina van der Vlist contrib­ uted 16. "This win is really important for usbecause we wanted to beat [for the first time] a nationallyranked team. If we play as well as we did today, we'll win [next time]. We'll probably see them in the finals," said van der Vlist Part of the M artlets' success came because they were able to break the spell of Laval's impos­ ing Chantal Denis, the league's leading scorer. "We always have to play her tough," adm itted Morse. "We had a couple of new offences and they worked a few times." Laval, ranked seventh in Can­ ada, depends on Denis for the

bulk of its scoring. H unter as­ signed veteran forward Keva Glynn the frustrating chore of obstructing Denis. "We had to do a job on her," he said. "Although Keva is not that tall playing her, she just battles her all game long. " "It [was] like a war zone out there," noted Assistant Coach Linda Macpherson. "We have to persevere, but w e're good at that." The Martlets head into the final two weeks of the season with a second place finish assured. They will play all threeopponentsonce m ore before entering the first round of the playoffs, to be held at home against either Bishop's or Concordia. But the Martlets are looking beyond that. "The road to the Nationals is through Québec City. W e've got

two weeks left before playoffs and we really want to refine what we've been doing," said Hunter. "It's a question now of trying to clean up our execution, and being ready so that w e're at our best at the end of the season in the play­ offs." The QUBL finals will be held at Laval, which has first place secu red, wi th the Québec cham p travelling to UPEI for the CIAU Championships. Last week, and particularly last weekend have given the M ar­ tlets the assurance that they are plausible participants at PEI. Said Macpherson, "This [win] was so im portant for our own psyche. We know we can play with them." Morse put it more precisely. "We know we can beat [Laval] now," she exulted. V

H ille l - J e w i s h S t u d e n t R e s i d e n c e S l o c a t e d in a n o ld V ic to r ia n m a n s i o n i 7

is n o w a c c e p t i n g a p p l i c a n t s f o r


S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 2




Contact MARK or STEVEN # 845-9171 Hillel, 3 4 6 0 Stanley St.

T h e OLD M cG ILL ’9 2 Y e a rb o o k - A rts & L ite ra tu re S e c tio n is c a l l i n g for y o u r v ie w s , sh o rt sto rie s, e s s a y s , p h o to s, p o e tr y , d r a w in g s a n d c o l l a g e s . . . For consideration to be published in the "OldMcGill '92", pleasemake submissions to the "Old McGill" mailbox at the SSMU desk in the Union Building by March 6 1992. All submissions must have your name and phone number on it. C a ll G e ra ld a t 5 9 7 - 0 0 2 0 or S h u b h ra a t 8 4 5 - 6 5 2 4 if y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s

February 1 1 - 1 7 ,1 9 9 2 T h e M c G ill T r ib u n e

sports ’ age 18

Sharks on the h ill:th e natu­ 20 0 0 0 leag u es ral history of Stoneham Physical Graffiti 3Y PAU L C O L E M A N ___________

The M cG ill Alpine Ski Club fan:ies itself to be a veritable animal dngdom of the Québec universities ski circuit. Sharks, seals, vultures, :oyotes, wiggly worms, and even :he odd caribou made cameo ap­ pearances this past weekend at the Tiant slalom event in Stoneham, .wenty minutes outside of Québec City. W hile artisans sculpted Carnaval statuettes on the banks of the Grande Mlée, M cGill's 'unique breed' was carving a little ice of its own on the sunny Laurentian Hills to the north. Stoneham's artistic course com­ prised 42 gates and incorporated a vertical drop of more than 270 freshly snow-covered metres. M c G ill's M arth a M cD ougall

sharked herself a 4th-place finish

Sunday afternoon, w ith teammate M arci Crossan a close fifth. "It was a great day, I'm really happy," said McDougall. " Although out of the medal round, the duo's weekend performance (6th and 5th respectively, Saturday) landed the M cG ill women's team firm ly in first-place overall, while Sandra Cole seized 11th and 9th spots. Unfortunately, Sophie Marcoux's skis were v u ltu re d at the outset of the event, forcing her to race on bor­ rowed skis, and to finish 7th and 11 th for the weekend. After a weekend of GS, M cG ill sat second overall in the combined, while the men languished at a dis­ tant 4th place overall. Tw o circuit stops remain in the season.

A g lo ssa ry o f M c G i l l S k i T ea m te rm in o lo g y

S h a rk e d : a g g ressiv ely defied all c o n te n d e rs to sn a tc h vic:ory from the jaw s of defeat. V u ltu re d : stole, scam m ed , d a rk -sid e d , claim ed th e u n :laim ed. S ealed : re lin q u ish e d , b ask ed in m ed io crity , w a llo w e d in defeat. C a rib o u : tra d itio n a l C arn av al b e v erag e, se rv e d w a rm a n d m ice (N ote: th e ice is b e n e ath y o u r feet). W ig g ly w orm : the best w ay to fit 20+ chilled skiers into one >ki-laden ex ten d o -v an . C oyote: as in 'W ile E.', tea m m ascot._____________________

Right now, the average male plays any given sport better than the average female. The quality of play in m en's leagues is generally higher than the level of competition in w om en's leagues. The proliferation of women in sports, however, is of in­ trinsic value to our society. Any sport enthusiast should have a place to play, regard­ less of his or her sex. That's especially what house league is all about. In a house league format, only an entry fee and regular atten­ dance are required. O rganiz­ ers of each house league loosely monitor the competi­ tive structure and skill level of both the teams themselves, and individuals on those teams. Hence, we have 'A' league, 'B' league, 'C league. Furthermore, there are often three alternatives for every player, depending on his or her level of skill: m en's teams, wom en's teams and co-rec teams. Because the disparity be­ tween gender performance is on the average and not case by case, there's a good deal of overlap in the middle, where some woman can consistently outplay some men. If a woman player is good enough to be beyond the top level of competition in the fe­ male league, perhaps it is best that she play the role of team leader, and pass on some of her know-how to her fellow teammates. Just like what happens in the m en's league. That's not what happens in

If the men had come through the way that they should have, we wouldn't be in second," said head coach/racer Pavel Pochobradski. "If you add up all the points, we're almost 300 behind overall. If every­ th in g goes right, we may come out on top, but it certainly w on't be becau se of the giant slalom .It's going to be tough." M cG ill rode into Québec City on the rebound from a disturbing Rimouski incident that threatened to blemish the jovial nature of com­ petition among Québec circuit squads. A week prior, Rimouski locals had made evident its intoler­ ance of Montréal Anglophones. But he high spirits of Québec's Carnaval prevailed and permeated every aspectof competition over the weekend. Also rebounding on McGill's behalf was Ottawa native M ary Pochobradski, who returned to competitive racing after recovering from knee surgery. Pochobradski twice sat fourth at the break, only to twice more fall in the second run. M cGill's Eric Bedard put together an inspiring run Sunday morning. H e hurtled through the gates to a prelim inary 12th place finish before a spectacular upset at the base of the pitch in the second run ended his race prematurely. A frustrated Gra­ ham Moysey collected 13th and 15th place finishes, and Dave Butterfield posted a 16th and a 13th. "[The course Saturday morning] was a little too straight for my lik­ ing," said Head Coach and competi­ tor Pavel Pochobradski. Setting the pace for the M cGill men, Pochobradski negotiated the course with a highly technical ap­ proach that served him well on the pitch, but cost him slightly after the interim time on the flats. Tocho' came away from Québec with two 7ths. The M cG ill Alpine Ski Team is undecided whether it w ill send a représenta tive to com pete for McGill at the upcoming Can-Am event. V

O vJV ^

M c G ill



B O O K S T O R E 3420 M cTavish • 3*48-7444


m any instances. All too often, skilled females are either ab­ sorbed or defect into m en's leagues. If all the wom en who fancy themselves too good to play with women are funnelled into the m en's leagues, then the future of the wom en's league is comprom ised. There are m any women who want to compete with other women at a substantial skill level, who cannot find equals in the wom en's league if all the good players defect. There is of course, a semivalid flipside to this argu­ ment. Even if a co-rec team were available, m any women would prefer to play with men because the existing unw ritten rules of co-rec play work to exclude wom en from the bulk of the action. Often gameplans are rooted in schemes to move the tide of play up through the males on the team, while the women are regarded as liabilities to be factored out of the course of action. Before women even step onto a playing surface it has been illogically determ ined that they are inferior to their male counterparts, due to stereotypes. The idea of a skilled wom an playing on a team with infe­ rior women has apparently lost its appeal. It7s either not competitive enough, or imbalanced. The most skilled and serious female houseleaguer is draw n only to the m en's league. This is a classical catch-22 scenario that begs an im m edi­ ate solution for both league organizers and athletes alike. Intram ural/houseleague athletes resign themselves to a degree of sportspersonship to begin with, and they are obliged to take one further step into the nineties and work this thing out by leaving attitudes, old and new, out of the sports arena. In a perfect world, w e'd know that someone was not passing you the ball because you are a pylon in general, not because of your gender.

Page 19

te a m

BY JANET MCKETSY The McGill Swim Team swims fast when it's angry. This past Friday night, the swim team completed its final regular sea­ son meet, dueling against the Université de Montréal. The McGill men topped U de M by a score of 113 to 83, while the McGill wom en were edged by a score of 123 to 89. There were a num ber of im­ pressive performances at the meet. Rookie Carolyn Ahmarani had the most inspiring swim, chopping four seconds off her best time in the 100 metre breaststroke and qualifying for the CIAU's in the process. Unfortunately, the big story this weekend was not the swim meet. It seemed that the Swim Team had been left out of the Currie Bugle’s most recent issue, and the team was up in arms. Many of the swim m ers and coaches felt that as one of the m ore successful and hard work­ ing teams on campus, they de­ served at least some mention in the triennial new spaper pub­ lished by the Athletic Depart­ ment. In fact, the swim team is the only Level One team not to have an article in the Bugle this year. "It's not like we need the press to make [swimming] w orth­ while, but it would be nice to think that we were recognized for all of our hard work within our own departm ent," said backstroker Jennifer Lailey. M any of the older swimmers saw the omission of the Swim Team as something more seri­ ous than a simple oversight. One

b o ils

of the senior swim m ers was not surprised by the oversight. "[Swim m ing Head Coach] Frank [Laurin] and Earl [Zukerman, the editor of the Bugle], have been fighting with each other since 1got here , and it's always the athletes who suffer in the end," said veteranTerry Dimock. "It's true that Earl and I don't have the best w orking relation­ ship in the world, but I don't think our personal feelings for

o v e r

a n d

;ach other should interfere with the am ount of press coverage the swimm ers get," said Coach Laurin. Many of the female swimm ers see the omission in a more in­ sidious light. "Itseem sironic that Earl has pictures of us [members at the w om en's swim team] in aur bathing suits all over his affice wall," said Lailey, "but he won't include a story about our athletic achievements in the

T im e : 1 3 :3 0

Speaker: JO C E L/N E COTE-O'HARA Stentor Telecom Policy Chairman and Executive Officer. Ex-Senior Officer for Prime Minister Mulroney’s Office THEME: Women in the Public Sector A speech on the barriers to women in the public

T IM E : 2 0 :0 0

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Bugle." According to Zukerm an, the reason there w asnoarticleabout the swim team in the Bugle has nothing to do with the team it­ self. "Getting inform ation from François about the team is like pulling teeth," he said. "I can't w rite anything about the team if I d o n 't have any information about them." "I did commission my assis­

L a v a l

tant editor to write a story about the Swim Team. Unfortunately, I had to fire him because he w asn'tdoing his job,"Zukerman continued. "I justdon'thave time to run around collecting infor­ mation for a story. If François would be more cooperative, perhaps the Swim Team would get more publicity." The Swim Tea m competes thi s weekend at the QFSS Cham pi­ onships in Quebec City. y

The McGill swimming team is up in arms over the Bugle.

The M cG ill Political Science Students A ssociation Presents: T u e s d a y F e b . 11

b u m

p h o to : K a r o n W y a t t

S w im

W e d n e s d a y F e b . 12 T im e ^ T B A

S pea^U iTH E H O N O U h .O ^E LUCIEN BOUCHARD Leader of the Bloc^Qebecois THEME: The Constitutional Crisis

T im e : 1 3 :3 0

T h u rs d a y F e b . 13 T IM E : 1 2 :0 0

Speaker: WILL IAM CO SGRO VE Quebec Libera! Party Vice President of M ONENCO CONSULTANTS LIMITED THEME: ‘One Quebecer's Vision of Canada" A speech on why young Quebecers should stay in Quebec and why they should participate in politics. ■

Time: 15:30

Speaker: TH E HONOURABLE JEAN CHAREST Minister of the Environment TOPIC: "Unity and Prosperity" A speech on the Constitutional proposals and the importance of the environment in Canada's future!

Speaker: LIC. MA EMILIA FARIAS (+PANEL) Consul General of Mexico THEME: The Mexico-USA-Canada Free Trade Agreement





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A N D R E A ,

A N T H O N Y ,

H IN D Y , J O E L

N A N C Y ,

R O B ,

C A R O L IN E ,

(D U D D Y ),J O N

S E R G IO ,

A , J O N


S T E P H E N ,

T A N Y A , V E R O N IC A •





U n d e r g r a d u a te

U n d e r g r a d u a te D e n tis tr y

S o c ie ty ,

In t e r

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U n d e r g r a d u a te O c c u p a tio n a l

C e n tr e

C o m


a n d

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C o u n c il,

N u r s in g P h y s ic a l a n d

S c ie n c e

M o n tr e a l

S a v o y


R e s id e n c e

F a c u lty ,

A r ts

S o c ie ty ,

E d u c a tio n

S o c ie ty ,

S o c ie ty ,L a w

T h e r a p y ,

U n d e r g r a d u a te T r a u m a

S o c ie ty ,

M c G ill

G e n e r a l F ilm

H o s p ita l

S o c ie ty ,

S o c ie ty ^



S c o tia b a n k

B R flu n

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