ASU Fall 10 - Fall 06 APH 305 Contemporary Architecture ALA 222 Design Fundamentals III ALA 224 Design Fundamentals III Lecture ALA 236 Intro to Computer Modeling ALA 240 Arch and Landscape Arch Construction ALA 221 Design Fundamentals III ALA 223 Design Fundamentals III Lecture ALA 120-M Design Fundamentals I MCC Spring 06 - Fall 03 DCS 120-M Design Fundamentals I DCS 120-M Design Fundamentals I DCS 120-M Design Fundamentals I
Arizona State University Spring 09 APH 305 Contemporary Architecture Created a modern contemporary house, out of a variety of materials, and SketchUp. I then took the concept of overlapping and cantilevered boxes to create different pieces of furniture, with recycled wood, Made a modular desk with a working drawer, tv table, closet shelving, shoe rack, book shelf, and a king size bed.
Arizona State University Spring 09 APH 305 Contemporary Architecture I then took the concept of overlapping and cantilevered boxes to create different pieces of furniture, with recycled wood, Made a modular desk with a working drawer, tv table, closet shelving, shoe rack, book shelf, and a king size bed.
Arizona State University Spring 08 ALA 236 Intro to Computer Modeling Visual analysis, and 3d diagrams of Le Corbusier, Sarabai House, using Atlantis, AutoCAD, REVIT, SketchUp and Photoshop.
Arizona State University Spring 08 Computer rendering using Atlantis, AutoCAD, REVIT, SketchUp and Photoshop, Rem Koolhaus
Bata’s House
Arizona State University Spring 08 ALA 222 Design Fundamentals III Cemetery project, I used Navajo concepts of transformation of life and death to develop new site cemetery and park with historical museum, administrative office and outside pavilion. Created models to scale, water colors, and SketchUp renderings.
Arizona State University Fall 07 ALA 221 Design Fundamentals III Used the design process to develop site plan for a southwest wildlife garden, art gallery, cafĂŠ, and student lounge. Created models to scale, water colors, and SketchUp renderings.
night blooming cereus
chaparro white sage
wildflower blue palo verde old man cactus
Student lounge
Art Gallery
Wildlife Garden
Arizona State University Spring 07 ALA 120-M Design Fundamentals I Visual analysis of Hayden Library used the design characteristics of Ohia Lehua (Hawaiian Flame) a native southwestern flower, to design project into site improvement. Added drive-by cafĂŠ with shaded seating, computer kiosk. Created, a photographed study of site, a study of shadow movements and thermal changes, models to scale, pencil drafting to scale.
Arizona State University Spring 07 ALA 120-M Design Fundamentals I Design simple structure to match landscape, create card board site to scale from topograph map with structure, create pencil drawing of floor plan and sections.
Mesa Community College Spring 06 MCC Stadium Design Redisign MCC Athletic Department, Athletic Stadium Expansion, and Remodel Pressbox, using AutoCad, and SketchUp.