Haven Girl Lookbook Fall 2018

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HAV E N G I R L FA L L 2 0 1 8




Our collection is more than just apparel, it’s a story. We’d love it if you could help us tell this story. After all, what’s a store other than an inspiring collection of clothes.





H a ve n Ch i l d re n c lo t h i n g is h a n d m a d e w i t h lo ve i n Ba l i f o r g i r l s a g es 2 - 1 0 . Ea c h piece is unique, just like the girls who wear it. Our pieces are fun and playful. Hand-embellished, and expressive, HavenGirl is created for girls who want to sparkle. Fun, playful, and sparkly clothing designed for the next generation of c h a n g e . Yo u ca n fe e l g o o d k n o w i n g we a re t a k i n g a c t i o n to empower all girls, not just Havengirls. We c o m b i n e q u a l i t y , fu n c t i o n a l i t y , fa s h i o n , a n d s o c i a l c o n s c i o u s n es s t o c re a t e s o m e t h i n g s p e c i a l , j u s t l i k e y o u r g i r l s . Yo u ca n fe e l g o o d k n o w i n g we o u r t a k i n g action to empower all girls, not just HavenGirls. We donate 10% of proceeds to support girls education.



© Fall Collection 2018 // in-store season guide


This collection draws inspiration from the flora and fauna of the forrest


Every little girls favorite fantasy of having her own unicorn





We’d like to personally welcome you to our family of brands! We created HAVEN children because we’re passionate about using design and fashion to inspire future change makers to embrace their individuality and self-expression. Our model is simple: at HAVEN children, all of our apparel is hand made with love in Bali, Indonesia. Our factories are run by moms for moms who know the importance of teaching future generations the value of hard work and thoughtfulness in where we spend our time. We focus on quality and use sustainable fabrics and dyes to produce original prints sewn into garments that are fun to wear and eco-conscious. We believe we all have the power to make an impact so we commit 10% of every sale to charities which empower future generations to lead better lives. Whether improving access to education or partnering with organizations that take care of our environment, we stand by companies that do good in the world. Whether you are a mother or father buying for your children, or a shop owner curating garments for your business – we create an experience uniquely for you. Our clothes are made for the next generation of change.

HAVEN children


Soft feminine denims, dainty blue botanicals, and bright coral






A mix of both casual and special occasion



pink, combined with earthy greens and neutral khakis, remind us of the natural habtat of these majestic On trend






Inspired by daydream travels to Paris.



classic leopard.



KEEP IN TOUCH Contact HAVEN children havenchildren.com Phone 760.385.6999 Email

: sales@havenchildren.com

Follow Us Facebook : @havengirl Instagram : @havenchildren

Meet our Founder + Designer Briana grew up on the beaches of sunny California but traveled to Bali many times as a c h i l d . S h e wa t c h e d a s h e r fa m i l y b u i l t a s u c c es sfu l a p p a re l b ra n d , m a n u fa c t u re d b y women for women. After graduating from UCSD with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and the birth of her daughter Haven, she was inspired to start a children's clothing l i n e a l o n g s i d e h e r fa m i l y ' s w o m e n ' s b ra n d , a l s o m a n u fa c t u re d i n Ba l i . I nf l u e n c e d b y h e r Ca l if o r n i a c o a s t a l l ifes t y l e a n d h e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l t ra ve l s s h e l a u n c h e d o u r s i g n a t u re brand - novelty, Embellished apparel for the girliest of girls - Havengirl in 2002. In 2 0 0 5 , H a ve n g i r l w o n t h e p res t i g i o u s Da l l a s Fa s h i o n A wa rd , a n d h a s s i n c e b e e n nominated for multiple Earnie Awards, winning one for the 4-6x division. Since then, Briana has expanded with two additional labels: Wyldson, comfy clothes for our wild s o n s i n s p i re d b y n a t u re p ri n t s a s we l l a s o u r t we e n l a b e l , J o y o u s a n d Fre e . Fo u r k i d s and 15 years later, Briana still finds inspiration in her travels to Bali designing for parent company, H A V E N children.


E a c h s e a s o n w e t a ke a j o u r n e y, t h i s s e a s o n i s just the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Follow us @havenchildren for the latest.



havenchildren.com Š Fall 2018

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