McKendree Review for Feb. 10, 2009

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The McKendree Review

Valentine’s Edition Feb. 10, 2009 Smells Like Love Where Were You on Vol. 87, No. 5 By Sarah Adams Staff Writer

that are dissimilar from our own. The explanation for this is that MHC-dissimilar couScent can have a lot to ples would have children with do with how you feel about immunity to a greater range someone. You might like of diseases. The a person’s vaguely The idea of the study of Swiss flowery smell or edge sense of smell biologist Claus away from someone having that strong Wedekind, in who doesn’t seem to of an effect on our which he had have been educated in the uses of deodor- affections is pretty female college exaggerated… students smell ant or a toothbrush. isn’t it? t-shirts worn by You probably rememmale students ber seeing advertiseand found that they preferred ments for Axe body spray in the smells of men with diswhich one whiff of Axe on similar MHCs, lends strength a guy inspires instant desire to the case. This study was in every female in smelling conducted free of cologne and range: bow-chicka-wowother scent products--so much wow! The idea of the sense for the Axe Effect. Strangely, of smell having that strong of an effect on our affections the use of birth control pills in women seemed to reverse is pretty exaggerated…isn’t their preferences and make it? Maybe not, according to some research connecting our them attracted to MHC-similar men. While not all studies mate selection to something called major histocompatibil- of MHC and mate selection show identical results, more ity complex. than one lends support to Major histocompatibility Wedekind’s findings. complex (MHC) is a large The idea of MHC-related group of genes found in most mate selection is not comvertebrates, including, of course, humans. Its main role pletely proven--it isn’t worth breaking up with your has to do with the autoimsignificant other over the mune system, recognizing and protecting the body from smell of his or her unwashed foreign cells. While the body socks. Axe commercials are, of course, made up to pitch a is likely to reject cells that product to you. But as with the MHC identifies as formany things, there seems to eign, recent studies suggest be a bit of truth behind the that we are actually more attracted to people with MHCs fiction.

Index * Features...Pages 2-7 * The Pulse...Pages 8-13 * Sound Off!...Pages 14-15 * Sports...Page 16

Inauguration Day 2009?

By Theresa Schmidt Editor-in-Chief You many have been one of the many people crammed into the Lair or perhaps you were watching at home the historic Inauguration on January 20, 2009. Senior Tony Mitchell had the opportunity to experience the event up close and personal in Washington, D.C. Mitchell was one of 240,000 lucky people to have a ticket to the ceremony and be front-and-center for the action. Stated Mitchell, “It was surreal. I don’t think I’ve ever heard people chant so much… they were chanting, they were screaming, there was a bunch of old people there, they were crying. It was crazy and it was just such a surreal feeling…just to hear him [President Obama] speak in person. He is such a moving speaker.” Mitchell interned in Washington D.C. last summer for his

his friend’s grandmother, a prehome state congressman Sanford Bishop of Georgia through vious North Carolina congresswoman. Unfortunately, the plan a program sponsored by the fell through and Mitchell was Congressional Black Caucus. resigned He was to watchthrilled ing the when ceremony he refrom ceived the Mall a call until fate from intervened his inin a most ternship peculiar coorway. On dinator the day asking before the if he’d Senior Tony Mitchell shows his excitement at Presi- inaugulike to ration, help the dent Obama’s Inauguration in Washington, D.C. Mitchell Caucus and five friends were at a popuwith some pre-Inauguration lar D.C. lounge called Busboys activities. At first assigned to and Poets when “A random sell inaugural calendars over lady came up to me [Mitchthe weekend and help with ell] and my friends…and she registration for the Inaugural Ball, Mitchell connected with a asked us if we were all friends friend from his internship expe- and she gave us five tickets to rience and was able to secure a the inauguration. It was crazy; ticket to the ceremony through Continued on P. 2

Haskins Brings Big Trouble to Little China By Deanne Puloka Staff Writer On the first day of classes for the Fall semester most professors could be found in their classrooms handing out syllabi and playing small ice breaker activities with their students. Dr. William Haskins, professor of Speech Communication, was not amongst them. Instead, he was boarding a 16 hour flight to the People’s

Republic of China. Armed with one heavily packed suitcase he began his journey in St. Louis Lambert airport, leaving his wife, family and friends behind for a five month sabbatical and teaching stint as a visiting professor at Shenzhen University in the city of Shenzhen, about 25 miles from Hong Kong. According to the school website, Shenzhen University was established just 25 years ago, an anniversary Dr. Haskins took part in

while visiting the institution. Situated near Shenzhen Bay in South China, SZU boasts a large 1.44 square kilometer campus that even has its own student-made lake. Significantly larger than McKendree, Dr. Haskins definitely felt the difference. “At first every building looked the same to me, like dormitories with their many floors and I used to get lost all the time on campus.” With the help of his Chinese students who insisted on walking him back from evening classes to his International Dormitory, Dr. Haskins was soon

Continued on P. 3


Vol. 87, No. 5

Greening Your Valentine’s Day

is helpful in a search for local hunger. Other sites offer a gift organic producers in your area. or certificate in recognition of Obviously, when buying a donation; one such fun idea In order to commemorate coffees or chocolates, make is to adopt an animal through special events and times in sure that the label says it is Fair our lives, the human race as a Trade Certified, Animals can be whole habitually gives gifts, and Organic if adopted singly thinks up creative and thought- possible. These Cards and packages or as a famful events in order to celebrate products are not can be nice, but after ily and range more meaningfully, sends mass produced from polar all is lovingly sent and bears to tigers romantic or sentimental letters in the U.S. and or cards in order to convey read, they may fill up to dolphins and the laborers who a message on a deeper level, work to make the landfills and encourage most adopetc. Putting time and thought products deserve tions include a using up resources. into our gift-giving and special a fair share of the Certificate of moments are the ways we can profits. Adoption and express our love and appreciaMake sure that a plush toy of tion for others. However, this if you buy chocolates or other each animal you adopt. process can be quite detrisweet treats, all of the wrapSimple things matter the mental and wasteful if done pings and boxes are recycled most sometimes. You don’t in a haphazard manner. Cards properly. have to spend a lot in order to and packages can be nice, but Find a way to support a let someone know how much after all is lovingly sent and cause that your loved one they mean to you, and you read, they fill up landfills and cherishes. Many organizations don’t have to be cliché. Look encourage using up resources provide gift cards or certificates for places to spend time with which we should learn to for donations, and many people your valentine that are local, simply reduce the production who have passions or who low-budget and high in educaof, and recycle. This Valenvolunteer at all would greatly tional, sustainable and artistic tines, allow yourself to be more appreciate a donation made in value. Naturally beautiful open-minded and consider their name! Does your honey areas such as The Shaw Nature some alternate and more envilove animals? If so, give to Reserve, which is affiliated ronmentally responsible routes PETA or the Humane Society with the Botanical Gardens, are when wooing your loved one. in your area. If your loved one available in our area and offer A great way to say that you is an athlete, consider giving to learning sessions and other accare is classically red roses an organization such as the Na- tivities ( for Valentines Day. Instead, tional Alliance for Youth Sports Many events are open to the do a little research and figure (NAYS). Other great organiza- public at the Schlafly Brewery out where you tions are of course the (, which can buy fresh, Komen Foundation or include tours and free events as organic, and Relay for Life. well as seasonal farmer’s marlocally-grown Give a gift that kets. Schlafly tries to be very flowers which gives back. Many eco-friendly; the Bottleworks are in-season. charitable organizahas a garden located next to the This supports tions have gift shops Brewery! local growor stores where the Whatever you find to bring ers with your money from purchases joy into the occasion this year, The plush sea turtle from business, and is goes to a certain cause be creative, thoughtful and conthe Wildlife Adoption much more efCenter. or charity. For examscious! And most of all... it’s ficient since the ple, www.greatergood. the thought that counts. Some flowers are not shipped from com offers a list of websites sources used in this article was a different climate where they with gift stores that benefit, were originally grown. The causes such as literacy, anialso try website mal rescue, breast cancer and for more ideas.

By Miranda Linneman Staff Writer

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Inauguration Ctd. it was definitely a blessing anyone can become President. because I didn’t have my ticket With high expectations for at the time.” President Obama and constant On Inauguration Day, scrutiny of his actions and Mitchell woke up at 6 a.m. to decisions, is President Obama start standing in line for the stuck in a no-win situation? 12 p.m. ceremony. Originally Mitchell explained, “I think intending to wear a suit with every President has kind of like his pea coat, Mitchell quickly a mandate that they have to scrapped that idea in the face of fulfill. I think it’s just because bitterly cold and windy weathhe’s in the limelight so much er, with a low of 19 degrees and the spotlight and he’s such and a high of 31 for the day. a popular person right now Mitchell was surprised at the people may be quick to critilevel of security: “I heard he cize but I think he’ll do it…Re[President Obama] had bulletalistically, he’s not going to get proof clothing on, but oddly the everything done that the world security to get in to the gates wants him to get done but…I where people had to go through think with time he can get a lot wasn’t as much as I thought done.” it would be. I think it was in Interestingly, Mitchell the back of a lot of people’s claims that President Obama’s minds that the United States is success depends on us as well: one of the countries known for “We have to work together, assassinations. While we were we can’t just be like I’m not there a lot of people were very, working with this President, very excited but also very, very I don’t like him. You have to scared. I’m sure he had a lot realize we have him for four of security around years so you him but to the might as well naked eye it didn’t make the best of seem like there was it. No need to be a lot of security bitter about it, I there.” just think that we According to should all work Mitchell, it was a together and very emotional exembrace him, perience: “For a lot make him feel as of African Americomfortable as can people just that we can so we can he’s the first black get as much done president to have as we possibly and I think a lot of Mitchell with his home state can.” people—especially congressman Sanford Bishop Regardless older people--feel of Georgia. of your feelings like they’ve been about President through a lot, racism in the Obama, Inauguration Day country and how the country’s 2009 was a historic occasion been in the past, but it’s somethat will be difficult to forthing that they can be proud get. Whether gathered in the of to actually have a black Lair or Washington, D.C. like president especially the day Mitchell, be sure to hold on after MLK [Jr. Day]. It was like to the memory of where you it was meant to be.” President were on that day because some Obama’s election also held day future generations will ask special significance to Mitchell and expect you to be prepared because it represented the first to answer that all-important time he was able to vote, and question: Where were you on it also renewed the idea that Inauguration Day 2009?


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Feb. 10, 2009

Haskins in China Ctd. able to get around on his own. to 80 students per class in SZU. years or so. Most people go to “I did a lot of walking. That is In addition to teaching two the library on sabbatical, I went why Chinese are so thin- they undergrad classes, intercultural 9,000 miles away and I don’t walk!” Off campus Dr. Haskins communication and organiregret it at all.” was “simply in shock” at the zational communication Dr. Considered an expert in towering skyline. “I never saw Haskins also taught a graduthe field of Free Speech, Dr. so many tall buildings in my ate level class on intercultural Haskins said he was kindly life!” communication methodology advised to “not talk about Dr. Haskins describes his with 21 students. “It challenged freedom of speech too much” first week in China as “confuall my precepts of teaching.” while in China. But neverthesion to the 8th degree! Students However he overcame the less he expressed his surprise at were always coming to my language barrier, allowing his how seldom the words “comrescue. And so that became students to bring in electronic munist” or “people’s republic” my golden rule- if in need of dictionaries and sending out were mentioned during his a haircut, power visit. “What I heard was “govmassage, point ernment” and “democracy”, or doctor’s presenat least the Chinese version of visit- take tations democracy.” a Chinese before In his time in China Dr.Haskins student.” class so worked on three research When students projects, one dealt with gender Dr. Haskins would differences concerning status first told his have and situational influences on McKendree time to the emotional and social bases students look up of smiling, the second and third Haksins enjoys a traditional morning tea breakfast he was definiresearch papers involve conflict with four Chinese students. going to tions. management strategies regardChina on sabbatical he said “We used a lot of non-verbal ing argumentative and verbal he wasn’t sure what to expect. communication.” Students aggression styles between U.S. “My main objectives were from his communication class university students and Chinese that I teach, learn and experiin Shenzhen who wrote about university students. ence as much of the culture him for the campus newspaper Even when not in a formal as I could, to absorb it like a praised his teaching phiclassroom setting or when carsponge. I’d like to think that I losophy: “We learn from each rying out research Dr. Haskins surpassed my objectives. The other”. found himself constantly learnwhole China experience was a “They were thrilled that I ing and teaching. On Wednesgreat gift. I am very thankful called them ‘scholars’ and day nights Dr. Haskins taught to McKendree for allowing me had a more at “The to go.” At Shenzhen School interactive “One reason I went to China was Language of Mass Communications, Dr. approach Corner”. to be a better teacher because it This Haskins was the first foreign to teaching expert/visiting professor. “They compared to gets stale after a while. It’s been program treated me like a full-time 40 years since I’ve begun teach- brought the tradifaculty member. They really tional Chiing so I need to reinvent myself foreign appreciated me and I really nese style profesevery 10 years or so. Most appreciated them.” He says that of teaching people go to the library on sab- sors and everywhere he went people which might batical, I went 9,000 miles away students were asking to take photos with consist of together and I don’t regret it at all.” him. On his blog “Dr. Bill Goes a profeswith to China”, there are numersor reading Shenzhen ous photographs of his new the textbook out loud to the locals and students. “I would Chinese friends and of his wife students.” teach them English in differLinda’s short visit to China. “One reason I went to China ent ways and I would learn Students of Dr. Haskin’s al- was to be a better teacher Mandarin from them and that ready knew how much he loves because it gets stale after a was a lot of fun. Eventually I to “circle up” for class discuswhile. It’s been 40 years since even had a following where if I sions. Unfortunately this was I’ve begun teaching so I need didn’t show up to the Language not possible while teaching up to reinvent myself every 10 corner right away I would have

a group of Chinese students Number One”. With a plethora knocking on my door.” Thorof healthy teas, herbal masoughly enjoying the whole sage packets and Chinese knots experience, Dr. Haskins also he brought back, Dr. Haskins taught on Christmas Day for has already given his students the first a great time in picture of his life. what it was The like to live school in Shenallowed zhen for a foreign semester. profes Dr. sors the Haskins option to was in not have China class from late that Dr. Haskins and his wife Linda take in the beauti- August to day but ful sights of China. mid Janubecause ary, arriving Dr. Haskins’ graduate students just a few days after the Spring were presenting their papers semester began. And just like he decided to go ahead and China took some getting used continue. “It was very interest- to, he is slowly getting used ing. My students arranged a to being back in Illinois. “I double celebration- the year feel like I am in between two ending and Christmas- at a worlds, like I don’t belong in restaurant in Kiu Meao. It was either. I’ve never seen so many at this party that his students blondes in my life! Or at least presented him with a lucky just in the past five months…” Chinese knot which now hangs And while he is enjoying the in his office in Carnegie Hall enormous amount of attention, (see photo). requests for lunch dates and Dr. Haskins has always intriguing class discussions Dr. loved to tell his classes stories Haskins says he does not want from his childhood, time in to give it all away. On Feb. 25, graduate school etc. and his Dr. Haskins will be presenting trip to China has only enhanced at a Brown Bag discussion and his McKendree students’ class he is inviting everyone to come discussions. He enjoys engagto learn more about his experiing his students in discussions ence in China. about the global economic For more information crisis and technology in China and/or pictures from Dr. as well as sharing funny stories Haskins’ trip to China, viait such as that of his hairdresser www.drhaskinsblog.blogspot. who wanted to be called “Mr. com/.

On behalf of the entire

Review Crew and campus community, welcome home Dr. Haskins!


Vol. 87, No. 5

New Law Provides College Students With a Year of Health Coverage By Tirzah Dawson Staff Writer

2005, at age 22. Mrs. AnnMarie Morse, Michelle’s mother, believed that On Oct. 9, 2008, President seriously ill students should Bush signed H.R. 2851, combe able to have a “brief medimonly known as Michelle’s cal leave” of 12 months where Law, into effect. This law they could ease up on college guarantees college students credits or temporarily quit continued coverage under school without having to worry their parents’ about losing their health insurinsurance. Mrs. None of us can ever ance during a know if we will be Morse found supmedical leave. It will become diagnosed with a seri- port in legislators and some medical effective for ous illness; it is com- organizations to insurance plan year starting on forting to know that present the matter or after Oct. 9, we might not have to to the New Hamp2009. fear losing our health shire legislature. Eventually, the law Michelle’s insurance if an illness was signed by the Law is named does occur. governor. in memory Michelle’s Law of Michelle specifically applies Morse, a Plymouth Unito full-time college students versity student, who was diagnosed with colon cancer. who are already dependents under their parents’ health insurMichelle’s doctors sugance plan. A necessary medical gested Michelle to lighten leave would arise when a stuher college load while she dent is suffering from a seritook chemotherapy. Based ous illness or injury in which on Michelle’s current family they would typically lose his insurance plan, she would or her full-time student status either lose her family’s and thus, lose coverage uninsurance coverage or pay a C.O.B.R.A. premium (at that der family’s health insurance. Before the student undergoes time, $550 a month) if she this process, his or her doctor cut back on college courses. must verify that the student is Because cutting back meant seriously ill and in need of a quitting a full-time student medical leave. status, Michelle continued Under the law, the insurance to enroll full-time as she plan can last up to one year or went through chemotherapy. when the student’s coverage Michelle died in November

under the plan expires. Insurance coverage will continue after the leave is done if the student is still eligible under the plan. If a student does not return to full-time enrollment after a year of absence, it is possible that the insurance coverage will terminate. Although Michelle died as she struggled to maintain her full course load, her story continues to impact college students across the nation. None of us can ever know if we will be diagnosed with a serious illness; it is comforting to know that we might not have to fear losing our health insurance if an illness does occur. AnneMarie Morse has had a strong influence on Michelle’s Law. Her time and perseverance helped create a New Hampshire law that eventually became a national one. To learn more about Michelle’s Law and how it affects medical insurance plans, you can go to the following websites: ALCOS at http://www.alcos. com/news.php?id=107 and Morgan Lewis at MichellesLaw_14oct08.pdf. To read Michelle’s inspiring story, you can visit Michelle’s Law at www.michelleslaw. com.

Theresa’s Quote of the Issue:

“I went up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas and put on my prayers. I turned off the bed , jumped into the light, all because you kissed me goodnight.”

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Teacher Feature By Theresa Schmidt Editor-in-Chief At McKendree we pride ourselves on our small class sizes and the personal attention received, yet how well do we actually pay attention to our teachers? Introducing the new Teacher Feature column, designed to test and strengthen your knowledge of McKend-

ree’s faculty! Each issue we will present an outdated photo and five fun facts about the professor for your guessing and entertainment pleasure. The first person to submit the correct identity of the faculty member will win a gift card to McDonald’s, courtesy of the Lebanon McDonald’s, and will receive recognition in the next issue of the paper. Happy guessing!

*A graduate of UCLA and Northwestern University, this teacher has taught at McKendree for 21 years. *She is a twin and the oldest of six. *She has a Shihtzu named Wolfie and loves french fries and Diet Coke. *She once caused a black-out on the entire north part of the UCLA campus. *She loves CSI shows and is afraid of riding rollercoasters. Do you know the answer to this issue’s featured teacher? E-mail us at for your chance to win. Stumped? Check out our next issue of the McKendree Review to find out the answer or try your luck with a new featured teacher! Most impor-

tantly, seize the opportunity to get to know your teachers personally—nothing enhances a class like exchanging the latest events on your favorite television show, and nothing enriches life like connecting to those around you!


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Feb. 10, 2009

Have You Made-You-Babies Lately? By Theresa Schmidt Editor-in-Chief

couples close to tying the knot may wonder what their children would look like. If your In “How to Lose a Guy in significant other isn’t exactly 10 Days,” it’s Ben Barry’s nightmare: his girlfriend Andie attractive, will those “ugly genes” be passed down to your whips out a photo album and children? Fortunately, there’s says, “I used Photoshop at now a no-mess, no-fuss method work today to composite our of making babies: enter makefaces together to see what our mebabies. kids would com, look like. where five Our family minutes album! You of mousedon’t want clicking to see our will show children?” you what The dramatic your horror music future that plays offspring matches the will look extreme horlike. Simror on Ben’s ply upload face as he stares at the Bethany, Theresa Schmidt’s “baby” with Or- your picture lando Bloom from pictures of and your “his” hidpartner’s picture, choose a eously ugly children. photo frame to display the It may be played off as compicture in and indicate whether ical in the movies, but a lot of

you’d prefer a boy, a girl or to let ‘nature’ choose the sex of your child and voila: a digital baby is born! Don’t have a significant other? Saving yourself for Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? You can make-me-babies with celebrities, too! The fun stretches all the way from television stars to singers to political figures in case you don’t have a partner of your own just yet. From Donald Trump to Elvis Presley to “Sporty Spice” Victoria Beckham, has a wide variety of famous celebrities to help make your dreams come true—all in a sexually safe and responsible way! You can even “make babies” with President Obama, or for a Halloween scare try your genetic fortune with Michael Jackson or Marilyn Manson! No matter who you choose, making babies has never been this much fun before! Just how does a site like this work? According to make-, the site uses to save your picture and your Baby Morphing, a new tech“kids” for frequent visits. The nology site also has devela popular oped by Facebook Luxand applicain which tion, which the facial currently features has 16,498 of both monthly “parents” active users are anaand 655 lyzed and fans. averaged While together you may to create not want the child, Matthew, Theresa Schmidt’s “baby” with Ben to consider Affleck from rather the attracthan by tiveness of mixing the faces or morphing your “children” as a make-orpart of each parent into one break factor in your relationface as other similar sites do. ship, the site could make a fun The technology produces high- Valentine’s Day joke with your quality, high-resolution “bafriends or significant other. bies” that you can save or send However you use it, makeas pictures to friends. Best of promises to all, you don’t have to register provide hours of entertainment to “make babies,” but you have and lots of laughs, so get online that option if you’d like the site and make-you-babies today!

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Vol. 87, No. 5

Omigod, You Guys!:

My Cinemagic Moment By Erica Blair Staff Writer

on Broadway, was asked to come on tour. Laura Bell Bundy! I immediately started hyThere are some events of perventilating, tugging on my such unlikely fortune that they hair, and emitting sounds that could only happen in Hollynormally come from brakes wood. What are the chances, that need to be replaced. Could for example, that Luke Skyit be that the actual Broadway walker, a simple farm boy, star whose animated and lively would become a master Jedi, voice has been belting from my rescue what is left of his father’s soul and essentially save speakers would really be dancthe galaxy? How often does the ing and singing live before my very eyes? Does this happen to championship between rival real people in real life, least of teams come down to one intense penalty goal during over- all me? From the moment we time? And don’t get me started stepped inside the garishly on the improbability of love at ornate theatre, the air buzzed first sight. Sometimes, though, with the exluck hands you cited tension of a surprise that ticket-holders that makes you think suddenly felt as there is a little though they had Cinemagic in won the lottery. We your life, too. quickly found our My friend seats—a mere five Cat and I were rows from the edge on our way to of the balcony— the Fox in St. and impatiently Louis to see flipped through Legally Blonde the Playbill as the Musical. the minutes crept We had made An inside look at Legally plans to attend Blonde the Musical, courtesy of past. At last, the cacophony of the Google Images. the show weeks orchestra warming in advance and up solidified into the first notes were super-psyched that the night had finally arrived. As we of the opening song, the lights dimmed and the curtain rose to were rocking out to the soundallow a cluster of clamoring sotrack, Cat informed me in between songs that the performer rority sisters to commence the pinkest, most bubbly producto play Elle Woods, the main tion to hit the stage. character in the production, When Laura Bell Bundy suffered a foot injury. I was made her entrance to the center more than a little bummed. I haven’t had much success with stage spotlight a few minutes later amid chords parodying the understudies, and Elle Woods is such a vivacious sorority girl halleluiah chorus, the audience with Red Bull running through erupted with applause, cheers and whistles. For the next her veins I was certain that the second-best actress cast for the two and a half hours, she and part would cause the energy on the rest of the cast sang and danced with unwavering spirit stage to plummet. and pizzazz to bring to life the However, Cat proceeded story of a superficial but deterto explain that, until the other mined Malibu-girl that follows actress recovered, Laura Bell Bundy, the original Elle Woods her heart (or stalks her ex-

Page 6

Spring Into Teaching: Teacher Candidate Conference Coming Soon to McKendree!

Registration is now open for the Spring Education Conference sponsored by the Student Illinois Education Association (SIEA)

Who: This conference is open to all students and geared toward education majors. What: We will host a keynote speaker as well as fascinating presenters on topics including Living Library, Giftedness, Drug Awareness, Classroom Management, and Outdoor Learning!

When/Where: “Spring Into Teaching” will be held Saturday, February, 21 from 9am to 5pm in Piper Academic Center.

Why: This is a great opportunity for professional development and exposure to the ideas and

advice of veterans in the education field. Participants will also receive a Certificate of Attendance that will make a great artifact in portfolios, showcasing the drive for professional development!

There are two ways to register*: Registration Process A: 1. Pay with Debit or Credit to the SIEA account in the Business Office. ($15 for members and $20 for nonmembers) 2. Put your receipt, name, contact #, and major in a sealed envelope. 3. Put your sealed envelope in Nancy Stewart’s mailbox by February 6. (Her mailbox is in the faculty secretary’s office on the second floor of Piper.) Registration Process B: 1. Put a check ($15 for members and $20 for nonmembers) made out to McKendree University with “SIEA Conference” in the memo line in a sealed envelope along with your name, contact #, and major. 2. Put your sealed envelope in Nancy Stewart’s mailbox by February 6. (Her mailbox is in the faculty secretary’s office on the second floor of Piper.)** *Registration fee includes lunch, conference materials, and certificate of attendance. Participants are welcome to come late or leave early if need be, but all participants are asked to pay the non-refundable registration fee in its entirety. **No cash will be accepted.

Please contact Lauren Hettenhausen, SIEA President, at with any questions. boyfriend, depending on your point of view) to Harvard Law School. There she learns of the rewarding altruism behind establishing justice, righting wrongs and discovering her own abilities, independence and influence. Even at the curtain call, the cast still graciously accepted the adoration of the audience with the same level of animation and dynamism displayed throughout the entire show. I knew my cinemagic moment was complete when, as if on cue, a thrill went through the crowd as we all leapt to our feet to applaud Laura Bell Bundy in all her sparkling pink glory.

Valentine’s Day Dance at Lebanon Care Center! When: 6:30-8 p.m. on Sun., Feb. 15 *Meet at the steps to Upper Deneen at 6:15* Corrections Box for the Dec. 2, 2008 Issue --Chelsea Arnold’s article “McKendree’s Major Problem” incorrectly stated that Astrology is a subject matter covered in Earth Science, when it is not. Astronomy, however, is.


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Feb. 10, 2009

McK Fact Attack: A Tale of Frenzied Freshmen exit from anywhere, whether it be from chapel services or the dining hall. They were even If you considered McKenrestricted as to which sidewalks dree’s system of New Student they could use. Orientation a hassle when you In 1954, Miley Palmer, then were starting out as a first year a freshman at McKendree, student, you might reconsider recounted how first year males labeling it as such when you were particularly targeted by look at the previous ways upperclassmen during an event McKendree welcomed freshcalled “Hell Week.” During men. this week, all freshman boys In the late 1930’s, all begin- were forced onto the track ning college field at night to students at In Palmer’s case, he defend- guard a football. McKendree ed himself by throwing the At some point were required nearest thing he could find during the night, to buy a green at an approaching junior. It they would be cap from the happened to be a full can ambushed by athletic club of beer, which succeeded upperclassmen, and wear it in knocking the student out whom they at all times had to fight in cold. whether they order to retain were on or the football. In off campus. Green was to Palmer’s case, he defended signify the inexperienced youth himself by throwing the nearest of their wearers and the caps thing he could find at an apcould not be decorated or alproaching junior. It happened tered in any way to make them to be a full can of beer, which less noticeable or give a touch succeeded in knocking the of personality to them. They student out cold. had to be worn every day until In response to the torturous Thanksgiving or until McKenexperiences of “Hell Week,” dree’s Homecoming game, if, Palmer and his roommate that is, the Bearcats were victo- consulted the President durrious. Freshmen were even reing their junior year with the quired to tip their caps to each offer to organize “Help Week” senior they encountered. In this instead. This consisted of way, first year students could teams of freshmen going into easily be distinguished from the streets of Lebanon to assist the upperclassmen and were senior citizens in whatever odd immediately labeled according jobs they could volunteer to do. to their student rank. “Hell Week” was now a thing If you’re thinking, “Well, of the past, and McKendree’s wearing a green cap for a few freshmen initiation program months doesn’t really sound began to take shape into what it that bad,” just wait; it gets is today. With such a history of much better. first-year terrors, NSO becomes First years were forced to an extremely welcoming way attend all pep rallies and had to start off one’s college expeto wait for all the upperclassrience. men to leave before they could

By Stephanie Coartney Associate Editor

The McKendree Review Now Delivers! For a $15 fee, you can receive each copy of The McKendree Review right on your doorstep! With approximately nine or ten issues per scchool year, you’ll never miss out on the latest news and stories from McKendree, so get your issues today! Visit for an application and more information. Those applying after the start of the semester will receive copies of back issues if available; otherwise, the subscription will begin with the next issue’s release.

The Pulse

Vol. 87, No. 5 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more!

Page 8

Fashion Forward: McK Singles Dressing for Your Date

blue suit with some fun red accents. Try suspenders. You can find all sorts of patterns and fabrics. A beautiful red I don’t exactly believe in silk would be great. Also, try “holiday dressing.” Leave a new take on the traditional the Christmas sweaters and cuff link Easter bonnets to your crazy with a pair aunt. Actually, don’t let her of little red wear them either, unless evdevils on eryone already knows she’s them. If crazy! But for Valentine’s you’re a tall Day, show the one you love guy, a modthat, regardless of the kind of ern extended date your man takes you on box toe shoe or no matter what your girl is The active date will give up for, there’s not just a lot of I’m not sayyour legs a love in your heart, but a little ing you have to longer look bit of love in your outfit. match your date and a more Accents of red and pink, if you’re both in contempoeven hearts (as cliché as that training for a trirary shape. seems) are here for more than athlon, but why The idea of just the holiday. Here’s how don’t people infusing a to look like a million bucks dress more ap50’s inspired dress courtesy of Google little humor for the one you love. propriately for images or exaggerworking out these ated visual The casual date days? Why wear torn t-shirts interest to a man’s suit has to “Casual” doesn’t mean and bad leggings when there be subtle. It can modernize sweatpants and a sports jerare so many great athletic wear a stuffed shirt look, but too sey, so even if you go to the options! So if you do go for a much of it just looks cartoongame, dress up a little this run or play some b-ball, either time. Men can simply not go look like the hottie that you re- ish. For the ladies, try a dress wrong on a casual date with a ally are or get your significant layered look. A sports jacket other some great pieces so they that narrows the waistline while floating away from the with a sweater and jeans is look like the hottie they really hips. Make sure if you have essential to are! a larger chest to get a wellany man. The bigfitting convertible bra to wear And you’ll gest mistake under a halter dress. You’ll see great people make see lots of navy as a color opchronowhen purchasgraph ing athletic wear tion for cocktail this season. Adding red as an accent to watches is deciding the a softer neutral like navy, with red difit. For the most als all over part, women buy brown or gray is a modern update to pairing red accents the stores too small a size Devil cufflinks courtesy of Google with black. this spring and men buy too images Regardless of the type of which, by large a size. Get date you have this Valentine’s the way, look great and make what actually fits you the same Day, the best thing you can a great Valentine’s gift! way you would buy your street wear is your confidence. Most women are terrified clothes. So hold your head up high, of yellow and even more throw on a smile and put your terrified of mixing it with an- The formal date best fashion foot forward. other bright color, but it can Now we’re not talking look so beautiful on olive and black tie here, but cocktail. If dark skin tones! This holiday your man is a very traditional and spring, try mixing a rich dresser, update a multi-purpose

By Nicole Neal Staff Writer

yellow with red accents for a strong style. There are many dresses that are 50s inspired in stores now and are flattering to almost all body shapes, but bright color combinations is a modern mix. Note that the strong spring trends are patent flats, a clear bag, and a shrunken cardigan.

Jordan Virgin Jordan is a sophomore at McK who is studying psychology and is interested in counseling and ministry work. His idea of the perfect Valentine’s date would be a walk through Forest Park and a trip to see a Blues hockey game. With a strong sense of his priorities in life, Jordan includes “staying in love with the Lord, helping people whenever [he] can, getting good grades, and having a lot of fun” as his main goals at this point. A class in personality theory is not necessary for this psych major, who describes himself as having a spontaneous and adventurous character. Jordan enjoys spending time outside, reading, singing, and hanging out with friends. One thing most people don’t know about him is that he loves reading and writing poetry. “What can I say?” Jordan smiled. “I am a hopeless romantic.”

jESSICA wITCHER Jessica is a junior majoring in criminal justice who describes herself as “not a picky or hard to please girl” when it comes to her idea of a perfect Valentine’s date. Instead of expecting all the typical gifts of jewelry or flowers, she believes it’s the thought that counts. Jessica’s primary ambitions at this point in life are to earn her bachelors degree and possibly go on to get a masters and doctorate in her chosen field. For fun, she loves to party with friends, make late night Taco Bell runs, and watch all types of movies. Jessica likes shopping, and “when it’s nice out, I love going on adventures, just being spontaneous.” One little-known fact about Jessica is that she is an avid rock ‘n roll fan, which stems from the influence of her father’s guitar playing skills and love for music.

Nominate your single friends for next month’s issue--e-mail us at mckreview@

The Pulse

Page 9 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more! Feb. 10, 2009 Hear It, See It, Read It offers students a little insight into new releases of music, movies and books.

Hear It...

By David Hodges Public Relations Editor R&B:

Anthony Hamilton: The Point Of It All

Anthony Hamilton isn’t quite a household name, but has been well rewarded for his dedication. For his latest album, Hamilton seems to have found energy in his recent validation and continues to make uncompromised soul for The Point Of It All. The Mark Batson-produced, “I Feel Like Falling In Love,” is a feel-good up-tempo track that combines husky vocals with smooth, impressive piano stylings. “Her Heart,” like the album overall, combines romantic R&B sounds with modern flair over soulful instrumentation and affectionate lyrics. It isn’t that Hamilton simply abandons the modern world to keep his timeless sound—his ability to balance the old and the new is a big part of what makes the best of the album work.

Alternative: Antony and The Johnsons: The Crying Light

Antony’s one-of-a-kind tenor is stretched to the point of a whisper on The Crying Light, and though he performed with a series of full orchestras, the new album has more in common with the elegant but decidedly smaller arrangements of 2005’s I Am a Bird Now, which won Antony and The Johnsons the Mercury Award. This deeply introspective album is vast in scope while retaining the intimacy of a concert-hall recital. Of course, Antony has always cut a formidable presence, from his towering physique to the strength of his singing, but The Crying Light presents him in an elemental mind-set, delving into childhood memories like in “Her Eyes Are Underneath the Ground” and his relationship to nature portrayed in “Everglade”.

See It...

Comedy/Action: RocknRolla Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ director Guy Ritchie heads back to the London underworld for this hyperkinetic crime comedy concerning a shady land deal that leaves every schemer in the city determined to get rich or die trying. When a Russian mobster orchestrates a lucrative real estate scam, every criminal in London wants a piece of the action. Greed is the universal language, and everyone from unrelenting crime boss Lenny Cole to street-smart criminal One Two, corrupt accountant Stella, and unpredictable punk rocker Johnny Quid seem to speak it fluently. Starring in the film are Jeremy Piven, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges and Gemma Arterton.

Released Jan. 27, 2009

Comedy/Drama/Romance: Vicky Christina Barcelona Two young American women, Vicky and Cristina, come to Barcelona for a summer holiday. Vicky is sensible and engaged to be married; Cristina is emotionally and sexually adventurous. In Barcelona, they’re drawn into a series of unconventional romantic entanglements with Juan Antonio, a charismatic painter, who is still involved with his tempestuous ex-wife Maria Elena. Set against the luscious Mediterranean sensuality of Barcelona, Vicky Cristina Barcelona is Woody Allen’s funny and open-minded celebration of love in all its configurations. Starring in this film are Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Rebecca Hall and Patricia Clarkson.

Released Jan. 27, 2009

Read It...

The Essential Laws of Fearless Living By Guy Finley Discover the wise and gentle presence of a bright new power that lives within you. The Essential Laws of Fearless Living is a step-by-step guide to realizing your ultimate potential as a human being. Each of its 40 concise sections reveals a fundamental secret of our living Universe, and contains a simple practical technique to help you harness its power to make lasting changes in your life. As you become immersed in the book, and your understanding begins to deepen and flower, a smile will fill your heart as loneliness, stress, anger, and problems are gradually replaced with contentment, ease, compassion, and a freedom that never fades away.

The Lucky One By Nicholas Sparks When U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photograph of a smiling young woman half-buried in the dirt during his third tour of duty in Iraq, his first instinct is to toss it aside. Instead, he brings it back to the base for someone to claim, but when no one does, he finds himself always carrying the photo in his pocket. Soon Thibault experiences a sudden streak of luck-winning poker games and even survives a deadly combat that kills two of his closest buddies. Only his best friend, Victor, seems to have an explanation for his good fortune: the photograph is his lucky charm. Back home in Colorado, Thibault can’t seem to get the photo-and the woman in it-out of his mind. Believing that she somehow holds the key to his destiny, he sets out on a journey across the country to find her.

The Pulse

Vol. 87, No. 5 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more!

Page 10

McK Students Making Music in Ecuador By Chelsea Arnold Staff Writer This May, four Music Education students will have the ‘opportunity of a life-time’ to visit Ecuador and learn about the indigenous music of the Quichua people. The trip gives students the chance to travel and become more aware of music in other cultures as well as how it relates to teaching music in our own culture. While there, students will research, record, transcribe and eventually publish the music they encounter. The concept of this trip came from Dr. Phillip Wilhelm, who began doing educational mission work in 2004. Dr. Wilhelm noticed that the music in the Quichua villages were only from CDs and CD players powered by car batteries. Even with traditional songs and dances, there were not any musicians in attendance. Two years later he returned to Ecuador to collect data for his dissertation. “My trip to collect data for my dissertation was in 2006,” Dr. Wilhelm said. He did research in Tena, where he was staying at the time, and studied what music education was like in the jungle, how it was transmitted through generations and if it was surviving. It turned out that the music wasn’t. Since then, he has been on five trips

and he will make his sixth about the different music and this year with juniors Emily how it affects our culture.” Thoman, Zach Rhines, Emily The total cost of sending Strathman and Justin Titsworth everyone is averaged to around in tow. $2,000 a person, with most of Currently, the agenda is the cost being travel expenses. planned over three weeks, with But, with help from travel conthe group leaving May 5th tacts, the cost is going down. and returning May 27th. They The group began fundraising will begin in Quito, Ecuador’s over Christmas break, but is capitol, learning about foreign also asking SGA for help with school systems and speaking travel expenses. with William Panchi from the “This trip to me is the trip Ecuador National Conservatory of a lifetime because I get to of Music. They will then travel interact with a culture that most to Tena, where Dr. Wilhelm has people will never get to meet,” done a majority of his research. Rhines said. “Also, Dr. WilWhile there, they will learn helm is giving us the chance to the music, publish record it and with him. transcribe it Since I’m for publicaenrolled tion. From in the there, the honors music can program, be integrated I’m goback in the ing to be school curdoing my riculum. project on Thoman the music went on the of the intrip last year Last year’s Ecuador trip; photo courtesy of digenous Emily Thoman. Fach,ty and students, from and is headtribe, and left to right: Hillary Hines, Me, Barbara ing back for VanAusdall (Education Faculty), Lauren honestly Hettenhausen, Robert Studley, Jack Spratte more. She most unstated, “The (Education Faculty), Bethany Hill-Anderson dergrads (Education Faculty). international don’t get research will the chance put us on a different plain and to do their research in their put McKendree higher up on field.” the map. For me though, it’s At the end of their visit in more of the culture, learning Ecuador, the group plans to

organize a concert of the music these trips are being taken from anyone. According to www. they collected, teaching it to, “in 2004, school the children. children of Mascoutah, Illinois “I wanted to be able to and Mondana in work with the the Ecuadorian The international music department rainforest began research will put us on down there to get a relationship a different plain and experience workput McKendree higher under a Schooling with little kids up on the map. For me to-School and showing them though, it’s more of the grant. Mascouhow to read music since that is what I culture, learning about tah educators, students and the different music want to do for my parents visited and how it affects our career as a music the community culture educator,” Strathin 2005, and man said. formalized their specific partThe concert will be the starting point to reintroduce the nership. In 2008, a group of travelers, including faculty and music back into the schools. students from McKendree UniDr. Wilhelm sees this first step versity, provided workshops as the most important one. He has also found another teacher, for teachers, shared in a music Cesar, who wants to bring back concert at Ecuador’s National the indigenous music and keep Conservatory of Music, and it alive. Between the McKend- worked with school children in the classroom, on the farm ree group, Cesar and others in and in the playground. 2009’s attendance, the trip should be quite educational and beneficial group of educators, community leaders and students will set up to everyone. classroom Web conferencing “I’m going on the trip to possibilities, research indigeexpand my knowledge of nous rainforest music and share other cultures and specifically in teacher workshops.” the music that exists there. I You can send your tax believe that preserving their deductible donation directly to music will help their society as the foundation at: The Yachana well as ours,” Titsworth said. Foundation USA, PO Box 35, The Music Education Dept. Mascoutah, IL 62258 or the is also asking for your help same check can be dropped off to make the trip possible. with Dr. Wilhelm. Other inforThrough the Yachana Foundation USA, based in Mascoutah, mation can be found at www. Illinois, donations to help fund

Americans throw away enough office paper each year to build a 12foot-high wall of paper from New York and Seattle, according to the National Recycling Coalition.

What are you doing for the planet?

The Pulse

Page 11 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more!

McK Young Feminists Hold Informed Sex Talks this is not always the case,” Dr. ment to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a Brenda Boudreau, Associate Professor of English and Direc- catalyst that promotes creative As February comes into full- tor of Gender Studies said. events to increase awareness, swing, most people turn their raise money and revitalize the In the previous year, stuattention to Valentine’s Day, dents were very responsive and spirit of existing anti-violence the celebration of love. Indeed, seemed to thoroughly enjoy the organizations. V-Day generdepartment stores and superates broader event, and while markets fill up with red hearts, this year it will attention for “It sounds like an beautiful flowers and delicious not necessarthe fight to infection at best, candies in preparation for the stop violence ily occur on Namaybe a medical holiday. against womtional Condom However, Valentine’s Day instrument: ‘Hurry en and girls, Awareness Day, is not the only event on Feb. nurse, bring me the including the event will 14: it commemorates National give students the rape, battery, vagina!’” Condom Awareness Day as incest, female chance to ask well. genital mutilasome serious ~Exerpt from “The National Condom Awaretion (FGM) questions. Vagina Mononess Day was created in and sexual “I think it’s logues” script. response to the “approxislavery,” said important for mately 19 million new cases of students to be a web page sexually transmitted disease[s] able to discuss sexuality in a from (STD)… contracted every year mature and informed way,” Dr. Last year, the Eisenmeyer in the United States: about half Boudreau added. auditorium was packed with among young people 15-24 If National Condom Aware- students eager to listen, and a years of age,” as written in an few might have been surprised ness Day does not catch your article by Associated Content to hear faculty members sharfancy, then hopefully the VaInc. ing some of the pieces. The gina Monologues, which will In light of these grim McK Young Feminists plan for be shown later that evening, statistics, on Feb. 19, McKenthis year to move the “Monowill. dree’s Young Feminists will logues” to the Hett in hopes to First drafted in 1996, “The sponsor an event with the help Vagina Monologues” is an draw an even larger crowd. of Bethany Place, a non-profit “I was unable to attend episodic play read by various AIDS Service Organization, last year, and I’ve never read female narrators. Eve Ensler, to provide students the opporthe play; however, I think that the playwright, created this tunity to learn accurate sexit is important to talk about piece as a celebration of womrelated information. Through these issues as it stirs up beneen’s sexuality and interviewed demonstramore than 200 ficial controversy. People leave tions and after seeing something like this women. “If your vagina got samples, and begin to ask questions,” “Every dresseed what would it monologue re- junior Erica Blair said. the group hopes to wear?.... The Bethany Placelates to the vaensure that sponsored National Condom gina in some An electrical shock destudents Awareness tables will be set up way, whether vice to keep unwanted understand in Ames on Feb. 19 from 4-6 through sex, strangers away.” the procep.m. and “The Vagina Monoviolence, dures of logues” are tentatively schedmasturbation, ~Exerpt from “The Vagi- birth, etc.” safe sex. uled for the Hett at 7 p.m. that na Monologues” script. Dr. Boudreau “I think evening. For more information all students about the Young Feminists’ said. on campus club or activities, contact club “The Vagina Monologues” should be concerned with prac- is just part of an overarching President Courtney Piroska at ticing safe sex, but obviously or movement initiated by Ensler the numbers of STDs among Advisor Brenda Boudreau at called V-Day. college students suggest that “V-Day is a global move-

By Michael Anderson Staff Writer

Feb. 10, 2009

Public Notice – Higher Learning Accreditation McKendree University is seeking comments from the public about the University in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The University will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit March 15-18, 2009 by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. McKendree University has been accredited by the Commission since 1970. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation including: 1) Mission and Integrity, 2) Preparing for the Future, 3) Student Learning and Effective Teaching, 4) Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge, and 5) Engagement and Service. The public is invited to submit comments regarding the University by mail: To: Public Comment on McKendree University The Higher Learning Commission 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60602 Or you can visit and click on “File Third Party Comments.” Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed; comments cannot be treated as confidential or anonymous. All comments must be received at the HLC by February 16, 2009. If you have any questions about the reaccreditation process, please contact Dr. Dennis Ryan at McKendree University.

February Newman Schedule

2/12: Newman Night--Catholic 101 2/15: Sunday Mass--Father Ben 2/22: Sunday Mass--Music Ministry group from Holy Childhood Parish 2/25: Ash Wednesday

Contact Information

Erin Hammond at Spring Office Hours are 6-10 p.m. on Sun-

days, 1-6 p.m. on Mondays at 2-6 p.m. on Tuesdays.

The Pulse

Vol. 87, No. 5 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more!

You Can’t Buy Love By Christen Roberts Staff Writer Though many guys see Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday, forget it and girls will never let you live it down. As college students, we all have a tight budget, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the national love day! There are ways to save money if you feel creative and care enough. The average Valentine’s date includes dinner, an activity and gifts. Here is a little guide to make the day romantic, special and cheap! Dinner Though taking someone you care about out to a fancy dinner is romantic, it can be rather pricey. By taking time to plan and make a fancy dinner at home, you can save money and even become more romantic since the two of you will ultimately be alone. Showing your loved one how much time and effort you put into the dinner really goes a long way. Important things to remember

would be candles and a lovers themed dessert. And of course, try making it a surprise!

Present Chocolates and flowers are the gifts most associated with Valentine’s Day. This year, Activity give something straight from A Valentine date should the heart. Decide with your not just end after dinner, but a loved one that you are both movie for two is around twenty going to make each other’s dollars! Perhaps rent movgifts this year. Consider ies you and your lover have burning a CD of mixed songs wanted to see for awhile, or if your partner and you enjoy or the guy is up to it, try a nice songs that remind you of each chick flick such as P.S. I Love other. Photo albums, collages You or The Notebook. Scary or frames are also gifts from movies may not the heart. be the first thing You can go Scary movies may not on your mind be the first thing on your to walmart. for a romantic mind for a romantic Val- com to Valentine’s Day, process your but the terror and entine’s Day, but the terror photos and adrenaline might and adrenaline might make have them your date want to snuggle delivered or make your date up just a little bit closer. picked up in want to snuggle up just a little bit the store for closer. only nineAnother activity to consider teen cents each. would be ice skating. At SteinGirls, remember that Valburg Skating Rink in St. Louis, entine’s Day is not just a day admission and skate rental are for guys to show their love only nine dollars. Keep in mind towards you. The love and the rink is outdoors and is open romance is appreciated when until midnight on weekends for returned. And always rememstar gazing. ber, you can’t buy love!

A Special Bearcat Valentine, by Sarah Adams.

Page 12

Brewer Returns to McK to Teach Master’s Course as an internationally known soprano. According to her website,, a few of her accomplishments Christine Brewer, an internationally known opera singer, include appearance and publication of four CDs, a Grammy will be holding a Master’s Award for Best Course at McKendree on Tuesday, Brewer says some of Classical Recording Feb. 17 from 4 the best advice that in 2005, the honor to 6 p.m. in the she can offer stu- of the Royal PhilharHett. Ms. Brewer dents is for them “to monic Society/BBC Radio 3 Listener’s has recently come sing honestly and Award in May 2008, from London to sing from their and performing for where she was hearts with joy.” The Prince of Wales performing and and the Duchess of recording. Cornwall on their recent tour “I will be working with a of the US. This past fall she few of the voice students who visited London, Kuala Lumpur, will be performing music that Malaysia, and Dresden. they are working on this seBrewer says some of the mester. I will critique them and best advice that she can offer give them pointers on interprestudents is for them “to sing tation, style, and some techhonestly and to sing from nique,” she said. The class is a their hearts with joy. This may way for singers to learn about sound like simple advice, but translation of music, how to make greater impact from arias quite often in the pursuit of singing things correctly, the and songs, and a general imjoy of singing gets left by the provement on impact on their wayside.” audiences and in auditions. For more information about Brewer graduated in 1976 from McKendree with a degree the class, contact Dr. Nancy Ypma at nypma@mckendree. in music education. She has edu. since gone on to great fame

By Chelsea Arnold Staff Writer

The Pulse

Page 13 Catch up on the latests campus happenings, entertainment news and more! Feb. 10, 2009

Jack Hanna Charms Acts of Interfaith: Hett Audience Defining Interfaith Pluralism

Group’s t-shirt. Many are worried about participating in the interfaith Interfaith. movement because they do Honestly, what does that not understand the true defimean? nition of “interfaith”. There Does it mean working is an underlying fear that by inside your own faith? Working participating one either puts with other faiths? Setting your their own faith in parentheses, faith aside for something else? that participation will lead to a And when people ask you to free-for-all conversion game, participate in interfaith, what or, and arguably the worst posare they trying to tell you to sibility, conflict will arise bedo? tween doctrines in determining Interfaith is who is and who is definitely something Interfaith draws not right. These are which is riddled with strength from definitely real fears questions, and it is and real outcomes; the core condifficult to know what however, it is the cepts found in questions to ask about requirement of all every religion, interfaith organizathis relatively new sosuch as compas- tions to walk the cial movement. Even sion, love and fine line of bringwhen the questions fairness. are asked, the answers ing all religions are often over-the-top together. and filled with technical jargon Interfaith is neither a which makes little sense. conversion tactic nor a debate So, to start at the beginning, of truth, but rather, interfaith what does interfaith mean? is best defined as something “Interfaith means commitcalled “social religious pluralted people of different religious ism”. While the term may seem and spiritual paths coming grandiose, the principles are together for mutual understand- not: it requires people to willing, appreciation and enrichingly come together, regardless ment,” interfaith enthusiast of differences in beliefs, and Paul Trafford said, which try to build a better society in incidentally is quoted on the cooperation with one another back of McKendree’s Interfaith through service and mutual

By Michael Anderson Staff Writer

understanding. Interfaith draws strength from the core concepts found in every religion, such as compassion, love and fairness; however, that does not imply that the interfaith movement wishes for some sort of universalist ideology (i.e. believing that all religions are right). The interfaith movement respects the idea that each faith tradition has its differences because it is these differences which define one’s faith. Whether one is a Buddhist or a Catholic, Muslim or Atheist, everyone can find some part of their faith, philosophy or way of life which can connect them to participate in the interfaith movement. Again, interfaith is not about faiths learning and preaching, but rather, working with one another and finding common ground to bring us to a new era of living. If you would like to participate in interfaith work, the McKendree Interfaith Group has a meeting every other Wednesday in Bothwell Chapel at 5 p.m. Also, feel free to contact the Interfaith Group’s leader, senior Sara Darnold at for more information.

python, arctic fox and a kangaroo, among others. It was exciting to look around and see people from 8 to 80 years Conservationist Jack old all smiling and enjoying Hanna had the entire audithe show as much as I was. ence engaged during his visit The bearcat, or binturong, to the Hett on Friday, Jan. 23. was definitely a highlight. As Director of the Ohio Zoo Jack called our very own for fourteen years and curPresident rent Director Dennis up Emeritus, on stage Hanna has to hold the always cute little worked with guy. Alanimals. though the Through his bearcat is show at the generally Hett, one found in could see areas such that he has President Dennis gets cozy with McKas Southdeveloped a endree’s mascot, the bearcat, during Jack east Asia, Hanna’s performance at the Hett. real friendDr. Denship with nis was lucky enough to hold creatures of all sorts. The show began with some one on the stage of the Hett. Jack Hanna’s television amazing facts about differshow Into the Wild recently ent animals throughout the won a Daytime Emmy for world; for instance, it’s hard Outstanding Children’s Series. to believe that a human being His appearance at the Hett could crawl through the aorta made it very clear how deservof a blue whale. The first animal Jack’s Into the Wild show ing he was after witnessing first-hand the friendship and brought to McKendree was a respect he gives to creatures penguin: one of the 12 of the of all sorts. Find out more 17 varieties of penguins that is found in warm climates. He about Jack and what he does for animals around the world brought a variety of creatures including a sloth, cheetah cub, at

By Kristie Manning Managing Editor

McKendree University Career/Internship Fair Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. The Hett

Explore oppo


Please dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes. See Career Services in Clark Hall, Room 104 or call x6806/x6805 for additional information and assistance with your resume. The employer list is available at:

Sound Off!

Vol. 87, No. 5 Let your voice be heard! Write to us at

Page 14

Judge Me Not: Let Your Inner Beauty Shine

working. I can’t stand you anymore, society. I can’t cope with the things you put people through; these things aren’t the normal daily problems that one will discuss with another. By Miranda Linneman These are ugly, nasty, aching Staff Writer bruises left upon your con-sciousness; they are left on your Really. I’d like to sit and heart. have a quaint little chat with Sometimes, these open you; society. I’d like to ask you wounds will almost heal, but if history will repeat itself, and then we may remember them, if there will have to be another then we may revisit them. revolution. I would like to ask And one certain issue, femiif it had ever dawned on you nism, is something that rings a that many of your stereotypes, bell--not because of rights and archetypes, and other... types... regula-tions, specifically right have changed lives forever. Not now. Not because I necessarfor the better, but for worse. ily want to speak on equality Basically, devastated lives. I in the workplace, equal-ity in would like to question your the home, what have you... but motives, your incentives, your because I want to talk about the long-term goals. I would give fact that stupid, certain, imposyou quite a run for your money sible expectations are placed as I reason with this downward upon the shoulders of women spiral. How come you decided from birth. Are these expectathat you could be the example? tions of great success, achieveHow come you decided that ment, and moral integrity? things would be the certain Are these ways that they expectations You have to stop seeare? What that women mold did you ing society and all of the should live place me in up to a great when I first untruths it speaks to you. contribu-tion entered this to society or You must see past the science? No. culture, this norm, this way plastic and the imper- These are, in of thinking? fact, mostly Before I could sonal into the genuine physical even speak; expectations and real. I was catthat sociegorized, I was ety deems numbered, and I was grouped impor-tant. A rail thin figure. A according to race, sex, and petite build. Defined muscles whatever other classification but not muscular looking like a you can think of. What I want man... Curvy but not too curvy. to challenge is the idea that we Just the right proportions. are supposed to fit these certain HUGE BOOBS, among other molds, and if we do not, we are things. (Come on... seriously) some how below those that do. These things are not real, they Ethnocentrism spread are not perfect, and they are throughout and egocentrism nothing that will ever be. spread within your ways of That is what I would say to

society... if it were embodied. be all it takes to reverse your So I want to talk to you mindset. There are people in about women. I want to talk this world who will use you, to you about what’s going they will only want things from on. We’ve all struggled, I’ve you and judge you by your struggled. I figure, your keep seeing my The only people who face, or your beautiful girls, name. But the the people who are worth it don’t give only people surround me, who are worth a dime about how and many of it don’t give whom are unbeautiful your outward a dime about happy. They are how beautiful appearance is, by the your outward unsatisfied with the outward ap-pearance is, standard of society, appearance that by the standard because all they can see of society, greets them in the mirror. They is the beauty your heart because all aren’t happy they can see is emits. with the lines of the beauty your their body, the heart emits. curve of their nose. They think We’ve all struggled, we that their hips are too wide, all struggle. I’m learning that their butt is too big... and they more and more every day. The think that they can fix it. people I thought were imperviTruthfully, I thought so. And ous to fears and frustrations some days I think I still can. having to do with their inner But really, you will never be battles turn out to be the ones happy until you work at your that struggle the most. But I heart. You have to stop seeing want you to know, you are society and all of the untruths loved. I want you to know, it speaks to you. You must see don’t change. I want you to past the plastic and the imknow that I have issues too. personal into the genuine and We all do. But we’re all in this real. I know how hard it is, first together. hand. I know how badly you Picking at your body and can want to be a certain thing, your image and yourself until even to the point of hating you fall apart can be the most yourself and wanting it all to devastating trap to fall into. just end. Even to the point of It’s a vicious cycle, and you hurting yourself and starting to will never be able to enjoy the forget about what’s important moment you’re living in. I’ve and starting to for-get how to lived that life, I’ve experienced take care of yourself properly it. I don’t want it for any of and in a healthy manner. Even you, especially my closest to the point of worrying friends friends, and I’m seeing it hapand sometimes family. You pen. I don’t want it to happen, can’t let yourself get to that but what can I do about it point. except say that I’m here and try Society is a LIE. It’s that hard to listen and be there? It’s simple. And while I know this in your own mind; it’s in your is not black and white, I also own willpower. know that a simple realization You have the strength. You about yourself can sometimes can do it.

P.S.- About Boys Boys who care and matter and who are worth the time will treat you like you’re golden. They will note, as my boyfriend did today, how Barbie is disgusting and how fake it all is. They will see the sparkle in your eye and they will notice the smallest, stupidest things about you because you’re worth it. Never tell your-self that you won’t find someone who loves you JUST for you. Because I have. And you will. And when you find that you will see that all of your fretting and worrying can be put at ease, you can finally breathe easy and see the beauty inside your own soul, because you see it inside of someone else as well. Don’t doubt yourself, try your hardest to live true to what you really want and really know and to not be con-ceited and vain and worry if your eyeliner is perfect. You’ll fall in love with someone who loves you be-cause you don’t necessarily want a diamond ring and because you want to travel the country in an RV when you’re an old grandma, if that’s what you choose for your future. You’ll find someone who brings out the best in you, and you will realize that you’re SO worth it. Don’t forget this just because society does.

On behalf of the entire Review Crew, have a happy Valentine’s Day!

Sound Off!

Page 15 Let your voice be heard! Write to us at

Feb. 10, 2009

The Issue of the Issue:

Relationship Etiquette

By Jessica Bell, Staff Writer

Special assistance from Editors Theresa Schmidt, Stephanie Coartney and Kristie Manning The year 2008 showed women breaking barriers and making strides everywhere, with Hillary Clinton’s strong showing in the Democratic Presidential primaries and Sarah Palin’s election as the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican party. Women are becoming more independent than ever: they are buying their own houses and cars, and proving that they do not need a man to pave the way for them. Yet on the other hand, traditional relationship etiquette dictates that a man should drive on a date and pay for the meal, so who should be responsible on a date? With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, it seemed like an excellent time to find out how McKendree students feel about this issue. If it’s true that “Men are from Mars; women are from Venus,” do men and women feel differently about this issue? Read on to find out!

All the ladies say... All the fellas say...

Sophomore Jennifer Bauersachs Since Valentine’s Day is “I prefer being that indepenmore looked on as a day for dent woman because I feel the women and dreaded by like I can show him that I guys then the men are the can take care of myself and usual payers and drivers. As that he doesn’t always have a norm, the guy should be the one who offers to take the girl to pay or pick me up. But if out and choose where to eat he wanted to be that caretaker, I would totally let him. and what to do and paying for everything. Sometimes it I would just give him the opdoesn’t seem fair that women tion because I feel it should get their day and guys don’t, be 50/50 in a relationship.” but women are more romantic than guys.

Junior Erica Blair The important thing to remember about dating is that each party should feel comfortable and respected. This could mean that each person pays his/her own way, they take turns, or one individual takes it upon him/ herself to pay for dates. Every relationship is going to be different. There are no set (modern) rules dictating proper etiquette for dates.

Senior Trisha Rogers “I think that it should be the responsibility of whoever asks the other person out to pay for dinner, whether it’s the girl or guy. So if the girl asked a guy out on a date, she should be prepared to pay her own way. If the guy was a real gentleman though, I think he would pay for both of them.”

Sophomore Henry Siemer “That is a tricky question. I myself normally lean toward the more traditional role of the guy driving, paying—that sort of thing. On the other hand, I can sort of see how especially in college that can be a real drain on a guy’s wallet. If the guy has less money, and he’s always the one paying for the dates, then of course that’s going to mean less dates, or gifts, that sort of thing.”

Junior Scott Best “In the beginning it is nice for guys to pay but I think that both should pay for their separate meals initially. I have had dates where this role is completely interchangeable... It depends mostly on who it is easiest and most convenient for. Men should typically be the main driver because it shows respect, excitement and gives the date a sense of being catered to. But, I am pretty conventional.”

Senior Drew Purcell “Traditional and conservative. It should be the responsibility of the guy to pay and drive and things but I didn’t see it as a harm to feminism. It’s a tradition that doesn’t interfere with society’s changing views of women.”

Freshman Skylar Luster

Freshman Myron Hicks “I think the man should be responsible for paying and driving and all that other romantic stuff. The man is the one trying to pursue, if not already with, the woman so he should do all the necessary things to get her. I’m sure that a woman searching for a male wouldn’t want to be driving the two around and paying for the whole date.

Got an idea for next issue’s issue? Send us an e-mail at mckreview@

*A special thanks to everyone who agreed to particpate in this issue’s “Issue.”

Attention: The McKendree Review Crew and Editors do not neccessarily agree with the opinions expressed in the Sound Off! section of the paper, nor do we claim to represent the views of the entire student body. We do strive, however, to create a public forum for students to express their comments, concerns and opinions. If you have an opinion and would like to share it, please e-mail your ideas or article to The McKendree Review reserves the right to edit or not print any submission.


Vol. 87, No. 5

Women’s Basketball on Winning Streak

By Emily Gavilsky Staff Writer

playing as a team more and hitting our free throws consistently.” The McKendree women’s Garrison said that the team’s basketball team has their goals include having a winning season well under way and has record, making it to the Nationmade quite an impact on the al tournament and having fun. court. The team is currently She also stated, “We need to 13-7 and is play as a led by seteam, get niors Emily physiBest, Julie cal and Garrison, step up Kelsey Park and win and Amantough da Schurgames ing. Park, that are the starting on the point guard, line.” noted that AddJunior Ashley Agee scores against the University the team of Illinois at Springfield during the team’s win ing leadon Jan. 31. has learned ership to from each the team of their losses and the team are Schuring and Best, who knows what they have to work have contributed majorly this on to win. season. Best, a post player who Park stated, “We have had a averages 14.2 points per game couple of slumps but we have has been one of the team’s learned from them and worked main leaders. For the women to through them. Things have be successful, Best believes it gone really well this season in- comes down to the basics. She cluding rebounding and taking stated, “Our team is one of the care of the ball. Some things closest on and off the court. If we need to work on would be we can maintain our bond and

work together, stay positive and make sure we execute the fundamentals that we work on everyday in practice, then we’ll be an unstoppable force.” Schuring added, “We need to stay positive and encourage each other. Basketball is a long season and we are finally clicking, so we need to continue believing in one another and keep on meshing.” Several younger teammates are also filling important roles for the Bearcats. Junior Ashley Agee averages 12.4 points per game, and Katie Fullerton is averaging 6 rebounds per game. Junior Haley Klingelhoefer has added roughly 8 points per game, and Ashley Dressler has been solid on defense. Rounding out the roster are Katie Kovarik, Emily Woodland, Katelin Wiegmann, Kelli Lewis and Kasie Frazier. The team is under Coach Melissa Ringhausen, who is in her 12th season with the Bearcats. The Bearcats will be back on the court for a conference game against Harris-Stowe on Thursday, Feb. 12. Tip-off is set for 5:30 p.m. at MPCC.

The Review Crew

Theresa Schmidt: Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Coartney: Associate Editor Kristie Manning: Managing Editor Heather Belmonte: Assistant Editor David Hodges: Public Relations Editor

Staff Writers

Sarah Adams, Michael Anderson, Chelsea Arnold, Jessica Bell, Erica Blair, Stephanie Coartney, Tirzah Dawson, Emily Gavilsky, David Hodges, Miranda Linneman, Danielle Long, Kristie Manning, James Murphy, Nicole Neal, Deanne Puloka, Christen Roberts and Theresa Schmidt.

Page 16

Men’s Basketball Makes Waves

playing consistently for a full 40 minutes. We need to play more consistently and make our free throws.” The Bearcat’s Men’s The Bearcats see a major Basketball team is having yet impact from sophomore Eric another impressive season, Hobbie, who averages 13.5 currently holding a record points per game along with of 19-4 with an undefeated 7 rebounds. record in conJunior Kenference play. “We are still a young team ny Detmer The 5th ranked with a lot of talent and we plays a huge team in the naare making progress every role on detion is lead by senior captains game. The freshmen have fense, with come a long way since the an average Eric Palm and first couple of games and of 6 boards John Ruesler. we are looking strong for per game Palm, an and 9 points. All-American the end of the season.” Sophomore last season, is Brad Copeaveraging 21 points per game and is shoot- lin is also strong on the court while leading the team with ing 84 percent from the free 7.3 rebounds per contest. throw line. He is optimistic Andy Wolff has tallied 81 about the team’s season and is especially looking forward assists for the season, and first year Sean Rakers adds to making an impact at the roughly 10 baskets per game. National tournament. Also seeing valuable time on Palm stated, “I feel this the court are first year team season is going well so far. members Karrington PetWe are still a young team tiford, Ian Ridge and Kyle with a lot of talent and we Heckert. are making progress every For the 43rd consecutive game. The freshmen have year, Coach Harry Statham come a long way since the leads the team. This year, first couple of games and we are looking strong for the end Statham became the all-time of the season.” He also noted leader in games coached, reaching game number 1,355. that the team has some kinks Statham and the Bearcats will to work out, but if they play look for another conference up to their full potential they win at home against Harrisshould be unstoppable. Stowe on Feb. 12 at 7:30 Ruesler added that the p.m. in MPCC. team needs to “work on

By Emily Gavilsky Staff Writer

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