Student Newspaper of Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
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North Adams, Mass.
Volume 77 ◆ Issue 9
Th u r s d ay, A p r i l 4 , 2 0 1 3
Students, faculty plan for Undergraduate Research Conference By Nick Arena
Managing Editor
Photo by Jack Guerino/Beacon Staff
Sandbags are currently used to help prevent water from pooling in the Campus Center.
College to fight flooding down Church Street and Highland Avenue, which are across from the tunnel leading into the mailroom in the Campus Center. Because both streets are downhill, the water often focuses near the Campus Center. “We have cleaned out the cisterns, we have been doing this for years, but have had a problem,” Stakenas said. “There have been different problems in that level of the Campus Center, but this one is persistent.” Although many prevention attempts have been made, the flooding persists. “We actually got a camera and
By Jack Guerino Staff Writer
The College plans to combat spring flooding in the Amsler Campus Center with a new drain that will redirect water. “This spring or this summer, we are actually going to dig a trench that has a four-inch drain and try to redirect the water,” said James Stakenas, vice president of Administration and Finance. “We have been trying to find a simpler solution, but depending on the strength of the rain, this should keep water out.” Stakenas said when there are heavy rains, the water comes
we snaked all the drains and we found no obstructions. They were built to code, so they are supposed to handle the water,” Stakenas said. Stakenas added that whenever they correct one issue, another one seems to arise. “Every time we fix it we think it’s a permanent fix, and then we get water somewhere else,” Stakenas said. “In the bookstore we sealed up the area because there used to be a trickle of water that came in at the mailroom end, and
Order of succession changed during Monday’s meeting By Chris Goodell Staff Writer BeaconMCLA_EIC MCLABeacon
Photo by Kacie Clark/Beacon Staff
SGA approved club budgets for the 2014 fiscal year; several e-board members from the clubs attended as well. (SAC) received the largest budget at $107,700, although this was almost $10,000 less than
their budget from fiscal year 2013. Performance groups Dance
Photo by Kayla Degnan/Beacon Staff
Dr. Janelle Hobson, associate professor and graduate director of women’s studies at SUNY Albany, sheds light on how technology is being embedded into society. Story on page 3. Company and Harlequin received budgets of $23,450 and $21,150, respectively. The Allegrettos received a budget of $8,322, nearly $6,000 more than they were allotted last year. A total of $62,321 was drawn from SGA reserve funds, a detail debated at length among the senate during the March 25 SGA meeting. Some senators originally questioned whether such a large portion of the reserve fund should be spent in one year. The reserve fund has been accruing since 1998 and has been estimated by SGA President Jason Brown to total approximately $240,000 by the end of the fiscal year.
City looks to revive Conte School
Dance Co. presidents reflect on past work
Baseball takes on Fitchburg State
Friends of North Adams Schools look for voter support
Alexa Hebard and Katie Kelly have big plans for the club
Blazers come home with one win in double header
Arts & Entertainment, page 6
Sports, page 8
News, page 3
CONFERENCE, continued on page 3
Dr. Janelle Hobson: the evolution of technology and social issues
FLOODING, continued on page 5
SGA approves club budgets The Student Government Association (SGA) voted Monday night to approve the budget for the fiscal year 2014 in the amount of $436,121. Of this amount, $126,930 was allocated toward the SGA operating budget, with another $8,000 held for supplemental and emergency funds. The remaining $301,191 was divided among the clubs. According to SGA Treasurer James Wetzel, approximately 70 percent of clubs saw their budget increase from last year. The Student Activities Council
With the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) only weeks away, students are busy organizing and preparing their presentations. According to Maria Bartini, professor of psychology and director of undergraduate research, the committee entered the process of organizing more than 150 abstracts and posters immediately after receiving them, but after 11 years, the process has gotten easier. “We’ve been doing it for a while, so we have a pretty good idea of how to get things done. We’re get-
ting more and more efficient with it and it’s a great group of faculty that is involved and helping out with that,” Bartini said. With the committee jumping into the scheduling process so quickly, some might question how thorough of a selection process the abstracts go through. As it turns out, there is no selection process, according to Bartini. “If they met the deadline, they’re in,” she said. “We don’t turn anybody away, we try to make it fit. If the abstract needs some editing, or they need to tweak it, that’s something we kind
The $62,321 total is a worstcase-scenario estimate; however, according to Wetzel, and the actual amount drawn from the reserve fund will be much less once student activity fees are collected for the next academic year. The budget was passed with little discussion, with 12 senators voting in favor and one abstaining. SGA Constitution Parliamentarian Brycen Waters presented the Constitution Committee’s recommendations for proposed changes to the SGA’s BUDGETS, continued on page 2
News 2-5 Arts & Entertainment 6-7 Sports 8-9 Campus Comment 10 Fun & Games 11 Photo Essay 12
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Public Safety Logs Monday, March 25 2:01 p.m. - Public Safety responded to a medical call in Flagg Townhouses. Subject was transported to the hospital. 2:15 p.m. - Public Safety responded to suspicious activity in the advancement offices, services were rendered. Tuesday, March 26 10:05 a.m. - Public Safety responded to a vandalism act in Venable Hall, report was filed. 12:58 p.m. – Public Safety responded to suspicious activity in Eldridge Hall, issue was investigated. Wednesday, March 27 10:30 a.m. – Public Safety responded to a medical call in Murdock Hall. Subject was transported to the hospital. Thursday, March 28 6:59 p.m. – Public Safety responded to a trouble alarm in Flagg Townhouses, alarm was accidental. 11:14 p.m. – Public Safety respond to a supervisory alarm in Flagg Townhouses, alarm was accidental. Friday, March 29 11:23 p.m. – Public Safety responded to a theft in the Campus Center, report was filed. Saturday, March 30 12:19 p.m. – Public Safety respond to a supervisory alarm in Flagg Townhouses, alarm was accidental. 7:48 p.m. – Public Safety responded to an investigation in the Campus Center, services were completed. 9:06 p.m. – Public Safety responded to investigation within the building, investigation was continued.
Budgets for clubs decided n w o d k a e r B e Th Club Accounting Society Akido Club Allegrettos Anime Club Asian Club Beacon BGLAD Biology Club Black Student Union Cape Verdean Student Alliance Chamber Ensemble Cheerleading Club Christian Fellowship Colleges Against Cancer Computer Society Dance Company Education Club Environuts Equestrian Club Gaming Alliance Good Vibes Harlequin
Current Budget $279 $510 $2,509 $3,977 $1,195 $19,150 $2,136 $2,098 $7,800 New Club
Recommended Budget $520 $1,038 $8,322 $6,152 $2,100 $20,525 $2,020 $2,000 $7,704 $1,150
$357 $7,230 $1,186 $1,762 Tabled $13,495 $628 $6,564 New Club $411 $992 $14,577
$455 $6,658 $1,745 $2,925 $805 $23,450 $570 $2,520 $1,550 $1,450 $3,510 $2,1150
Change in percentage 86.38% 103.53% 231.69% 54.69% 75.73% 7.18% -5.43% -4.67% -1.23% N/A 27.45% -7.91% 47.13% 66.00% N/A 73.77% -9.24% -28.69% N/A 252.80% 253.83% 45.09%
Club History Society Latin American Society Mathematics Society MCSS Nexxus Outdoor Trailblazers Photography Club Pillars Political Science Club Rugby Ski Club SLAM Poetry Society of Music Society of Physics STAGE Student Activities Council Students for Sensible Drug Policy WJJW Writers Guild Yorick
Budget Finance Committee Recommendation Factors: -Club Activity -Size of Club -Budget Details Current Budget $109 $5,561 $803 $4,045 $1,875 $3,043 $1,181 Tabled* All 4 members are seniors $348 $7,456 $5,618 $1,465 $567 $756 $1,947 $116,700
Recommended Budget $1,494 $6,164 $810 $5,000 $1,800 $6,190 $1,250
$12,888 $170 $9,852
$13,800 $200 $14,620
7.08% 17.65% 48.40%
$662 $8,750 $6,942 $1,400 $1,300 $1,270 $2,025 $107,700
Change in percentage 1270.64% 10.84% 0.87% 23.61% -4.00% 103.42% 5.84% N/A 90.23% 17.36% 23.57% -4.44% 129.28% 67.99% 4.01% -7.71%
*Any questions concerning budgets can be addressed Friday 9-11a.m. in the SGA Office, third floor of the Campus Center. SGA, continued from page 1 constitution and by-laws. Among the most significant changes is the proposed addition of a Resident Student Senate Seat, increasing the total number of available senate seats to 21. The proposal also adds a new article outlining the position of student trustee, stating that he/ she is not a member of the senate or Executive Cabinet unless otherwise elected to one of those positions. The student trustee must also maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 under the revised constitution. “The student trustee shall act as a liaison between the Board of Trustees and the SGA,” the article reads in part. The revisions also included a change to the order of succession among the executive cabinet. The proposed order of succession is as follows: president, executive vice president, coordinating vice president, senate chair, treasurer, parliamentarian,
public relations chair, and senate secretary. SGA Elections According to Public Relations Chair Jake Powers, nomination papers for the upcoming SGA elections are due by 4 p.m. on April 8. Elections will be held April 17 and 18. Wetzel said he has been working on a program this semester to implement online voting, but is unsure whether it will be used for the upcoming elections. “It will enable us to hopefully get a higher voter turnout,” Wetzel said. There was some debate on whether or not students should be allowed to vote outside of designated voting areas, as there would be the potential for their votes to be unfairly influenced by outside parties. Wetzel assured that advanced security measures are being discussed and that the program is still in its early phases.
Photo by Kacie Clark/Beacon Staff
Treasurer James Wetzel is working to design a program that can provide an online method for voting in SGA elections.
Weekend Weather 4/4 - 4/7 Thursday, April 4
Friday, April 5
Saturday, April 6
Sunday, April 7
Mostly Sunny High: 54° Low: 31° Precip. Chance: 0%
Rain High: 52° Low: 27° Precip. Chance: 20%
Mostly Sunny High: 48° Low: 33° Precip. Chance: 0%
Showers High: 54° Low: 37° Precip. Chance: 20%
3 City discusses Conte Middle School revival News
Thursday, April 4, 2013
College to host architect presentation of renovations to support the rebuilding efforts By Ryan Flynn
Senior News Editor The recently formed Friends of North Adams Schools held a press conference this past week in Colgrove Park to promote and inform the community on the revival of the Silvio Conte Middle School. A city vote on the $30 million project will be held April 30. Spencer Moser attended and said that he encourages students, as North Adams residents, to vote. “I encourage MCLA students who are registered to vote, [to] get informed and exercise the right to vote,” Moser said. He also said as a North Adams resident, this issue is important to him. “I share a strong desire to improve educational opportunities for youth, particularly in my city and neighborhood,” he said. The college will be hosting an Architect’s Presentation of the renovation on April 17 at 6:30 p.m. in Murdock Hall in order to support the effort. Cindy Brown, vice president of Academic Affairs, also attended and said the school is backing the Conte revival. “The city of North Adams
has an opportunity, which we support,” she said. She also noted that the presentation could be an interesting experience for students. “Anybody should come who’s interested in policy making and government initiative,” she said. Moser added that he has been involved in planning the renovation for a few years and he also thinks a middle school down the street from the college could open up several opportunities for students, such as youth mentoring and educational tutoring. “That would get MCLA students involved in the educational aspirations of our youth,” he said. The city of North Adams was granted an 80 percent reimbursement by the state school building authority, meaning the renovations will cost the city $6.5 million. The project was authorized by the city council, but the voting will be held regardless, due to a petition. “If the voters of North Adams reject state money earmarked for the Conte renovation, project that money will go elsewhere,” according to
Photo by Jess Gamari/Beacon Staff
Due to budget cuts, Conte Middle School was closed down in 2009. “It almost certainly will go to fund another project in another municipality.” Chairwoman Lynette Bond emphasized that winning the vote is crucial. “We cannot let this opportunity slip away,” she said. “Not for our children and our children’s children.” North Adams Mayor Richard Alcombright led the press release
and noted what an opportunity the renovations are. “Conte will create more space for twentieth century education,” he said. Despite the small crowd, everyone was really passionate about the middle school. When asked why she felt so strongly about the renovations, Bond replied “My two kids running around.” Her answer received a
voracious applause. Moser said that there have been a lot of rumors about the downsides of re-opening the school such as the cost, but he noted that it’s not true. “Some people have articulated that it’s a closed process, but it’s a very open process,” he said. Students interested in this process can visit supportconte. com.
Undergraduate Research Conference to take place April 18 CONFERENCE, continued from Page 1 of work on with them right now.” This is one of the key factors making the College’s undergraduate research department so strong, she continued. “There are plenty of other conference avenues where it is going to be a competitive selection process,” she said. “The purpose of the URC is to get students started on research and get them thinking about it.” According to the National Council on Undergraduate Research’s (NCUR) website, only 2,000 students are given the chance to present at the conference. There are a number of MCLA students presenting at NCUR this year, but the process it is a competitive application. “If [students] want to go off
campus and reach a broader audience outside of the MCLA community, that’s when they’ll have to deal with competition,” Bartini said. This is not to say that every single research idea will make it to the URC, she added. “I sometimes get emails from students leading up to the submission process where they’ll tell me their idea, and I might help them shape it or I might say that it’s not really what we’re looking for in terms of independent scholarship,” she said.“The conference is about sharing new knowledge, so you have to be putting some kind of new angle, you have to have done some review of what other people have done, or come up with a new theory or a new spin on someone else’s interpretation, but you need to be contributing new information.”
Given the broad range of the URC, the research can involve anything from new theater techniques, to the mock United Nations being presented at the upcoming conference, she continued. “It wouldn’t be something you’d see at a traditional academic conference, but for our purposes it falls under that really broad definition we have of what scholarship is; it’s certainly student driven. They’re gathering the information. They’re applying it. They’re sharing new knowledge with their classmates,” she said. For some students, the URC is a requirement. Senior Adam Duchemin is one of the art majors presenting an artist talk at the URC. “This is a mandatory thing that we have to do,” Duchemin said. “As a real artist, you have to
actually have a press release and talk about your art in front of the whole public, so this is kind of our baby step to get people into see the gallery opening.” The artist talks are set up so that every art major has the opportunity to present their project, he continued. “There [are] group settings for the group presentations, and all of the senior art majors are put into two groups of art talks and each person gets 15 minutes to present their pieces,” he said. “Mine is mostly about dreams, so I’m presenting how my work transforms into dreams.” According to Duchemin, the preparation for the artist talk is a bit different from that of the average URC abstract. “It’s very different. What happens is you have to take two different classes and they are Senior Art Project and
Advanced Art Lab,” he said. Each of the two classes serves a different purpose in the process, he added. The lab class involves preparing the art, whereas the project class involves the preparation for the artist, such as creating an artist bio, a resume, and a statement. “Everyone has their own job in the class, mine is running the website. We’re also going to have a YouTube account and the Facebook will be up soon,” he said. To see more of Duchemin and his art gallery, visit For more information on the URC and access to the event schedule, visit http://www.mcla. edu/Undergraduate/Exp er ience/undergraduateresearch/ conference/.
Fifth man sues Kevin Clash, former voice of Elmo MCT Campus A fifth man has filed a lawsuit against Kevin Clash, the former voice of Elmo on “Sesame Street,” making sex abuse allegations similar to those of four other plaintiffs. Kevin Kiadii, now 25, of New York, alleges that he was 16 when he and Clash engaged in sexual contact after meeting on a gay phone chat line. According to the lawsuit, Clash initiated contact with Kiadii on the chat line in 2004, invited him to his New
York apartment and sent a luxury car service to pick Kiadii up in Brooklyn. “Upon his arrival, Kevin Clash gave Kiadii alcohol and groomed him with attention and affection,” the lawsuit says. The sex was consensual, the lawsuit says, but “as a 16-year-old child, Kiadii was not emotionally or psychologically prepared for a sexual relationship with a grown man in his forties.” Kiadii’s lawsuit was filed in New York and seeks undisclosed damages. The age of consent in
New York is 17. Kiadii is represented by Miami attorney Jeff Herman, who also represents the four others who have filed lawsuits against Clash since November. Last month, Sheldon Stephens, the first man to allege that Clash had an underage relationship with him, filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Clash, 52, has previously denied all allegations repeatedly through his attorney. Michael G. Berger of New York did not reply to an email Tuesday. Berger has called the previous cases “merit-
less” and has asked a New York judge to throw out the lawsuits, citing the state’s statute of limitations for filing civil complaints over alleged abuses. Clash resigned from “Sesame Street” in late November after Cecil Singleton, a 24-year-old New York native, became his second accuser and the first to file suit against him. Two others filed later; they are identified in complaints only by initials. All five accusers say that the sex was consensual but that they were not old enough to legally consent
to or comprehend the relationships, which they allege took place in New York and Florida and date to 1995. “The allegations in this lawsuit follow the same pattern we’ve seen before,” Herman said in a statement. “Each of these victims alleges that Kevin Clash was a father figure who groomed them with attention before engaging them in sexual contact. By coming forward and standing up for his 16-year-old self, Kevin Kiadii has taken the first step in his healing process.”
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Evolution of society Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk in with technology voices support for gay marriage By Andrew Hodgson
MCT Campus
Staff Writer
It may have been the first time a 50 Cent video was used to educate. The video is an endlessly reproduced rap cliché: sexual innuendos about male power and subtle racial cues. To Janelle Hobson, an associate professor and graduate director of women’s studies at SUNY Albany, every exchange in the video told of a culture that strives to be colorblind and gender-equal, but can’t shed its history. Hobson spoke on Tuesday, Photo by Kayla Degnan/Beacon Staff March 26 in Mark Hopkins Hall. Hobson spoke about women and Hobson’s expertise is the interhistory. section of gender, race, popular while at the same time violating culture and technology. She has written two books on the subject, the bodies of two slave women. In “Venus in the Dark,” and “Body the twentieth century, infamous as Evidence.” The topic of her genetic experiments like the presentation included both the Tuskegee experiments, continued historic backdrop of race, gen- to cast a cloud of racial brutality der, and technology in America, over scientific progress. The differences between toand the twenty-first century meday’s culture and the twentieth dia discourse regarding race and century may seem stark, but the gender. same prejudices apply according The event, sponsored by the to Hobson. women’s studies program to cel“Our bodies are no longer just ebrate March as women’s history meat bodies anymore, they are month, kicked off with Sue Birns, virtual bodies,” she declared to a professor of sociology, anthropolrapt audience. ogy and social work and coordiCue 50 Cent’s music video “Anator of the women’s studies proyo Technology,” featuring Timbagram, leading a discussion about land and Justin Timberlake. The the evolution of technology and video features many exotic female social issues in America, or in her dancers, as most rap videos do, own words how, “power dynambut Hobson points out that this ics offline often get reproduced video is “predicated on the power online.” of the male gaze. ” Many tout the millennial genThrough cameras, the women’s eration as more color-blind and bodies are confined by the male tolerant with more democratic gaze, and video surveillance. In media based on the internet. the internet age, the female body “Can these new millennial that served as a scientific template proclamations erase this probin the previous century is comlematic history of racism in the modified as pornography. development of science and techIn one scene, Timbaland is at a nology?” Hobson asked. holographic screen, appearing to She continued to explain the touch up and mix around movfoundation of her first book, ing images of the females being which explored historical seeds of captured by the cameras. Hobson race and gender issues in Amerjuxtaposes this video with the ica. Beyonce’s “Single Ladies (Put a Throughout the eighteenth and Ring On It). ” This video uses sonineteenth centuries, scientists cial media (Youtube) to create an used African-American subjects empowering message. for studies that led to many breakHobson views these type of throughs, including the Amerithings as the most obvious signs can surgeon James Simms, who of the gender and race dialogue experimented on the bodies of we all participate in every time we slaves Ann Arkha and Lucy, evencheck out Instagram or Youtube, tually inventing the speculum, whether we know it or not. advancing the field of gynecology
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, known throughout his career as a moderate on social issues, today became the second Republican senator to endorse marriage equality under the law for same-sex couples. Kirk’s announcement this morning follows the declaration last month of Sen. Rob Portman, ROhio, who said he had a change of heart after conversations with his gay son. Kirk, a first-term senator from the Chicago area, returned to Congress in January after being gone from the Senate for nearly a year while recovering from a stroke. “Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage,” Kirk said in a statement. “Our time on this earth is limited, I know
that better than most. Life comes down to who you and love and who loves you back -- government has no place in the middle.” Kirk also has parted company with GOP Senate colleagues this year on issues related to gun ownership. As the Senate prepares to take up firearms legislation this month, Kirk has been working to fashion bipartisan legislation that takes aim at gun trafficking. Kirk, who previously opposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, said in a post on his blog that “same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage.” The senator said in his blog post that when he returned to the Senate he promised himself he would return “with an open mind and greater respect for others.” Kirk is Illinois’ ranking Repub-
lican lawmaker. His announcement comes less than three weeks after Portman’s gay marriage announcement. Kirk previously voted to end the policy barring gays from openly serving in the military, known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” He’s a lead co-sponsor of a bill to ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, and has opposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. He also supported Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady after Brady announced his support for samesex marriage earlier this year. When some members of the state central committee attempted to oust Brady, Kirk said Brady had his full support.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
FLOODING, continued from page 1 the last time we got water in there it came in from where the manager’s office is, so it’s migrating.” The bookstore also has flooding issues. Stakenas explained this is because the area used to be an exterior patio before the remodeling of the Campus Center. “Part of the problem we had with water coming into the bookstore was changing an exterior space into an interior Photo by Jack Guerino/Beacon Staff space,” Stakenas said. Sandbags outside of the Campus Center used to He explained that opened areas redirect water during heavy rains. that allowed water and light to flooding three times in the last four pass through the ground from the Sullivan Lounge entrance to the patio had to years, and the amount of water is usually removable with shop-vacs. be covered during the remodeling. Stakenas explained that the college has “When we do get a leak we reinvestigate the whole thing, so in the last two years we done many other things to prevent flooding have resealed all of those exterior openings, and is prepared when heavy rains are and we have applied sealer coat on the coming. “You will notice between the greenhouse pavement outside of the Sullivan Lounge entry way and also between the entry way and Murdock hall we trenched where the sidewalk meets the road, and we put in a and the greenhouse” he said. Stakenas added that even with great new drain there to keep water coming off attempts on sealing the exterior openings of Murdock from coming in that direction,” Stakenas said. “You will notice that in the water still finds a way in “We find a problem, we fix it, and then anticipation of rain, sandbags will come up something else pops up,” Stakenas said. to divert the water into the trap.” Though the Campus Center has flooding “So we are exceptionally frustrated, and frustrated not only for us, but the bookstore issues, Stakenas remains happy about the remodeling and optimistic about future as well.” Stakenas explained that although the fixes. bookstore often floods, no serious damage “It is a remarkably better space despite has occurred. these inconveniences. There is a lot more “It’s been a serious inconvenience, but space for student activities, and the there has been no serious damage,” Stakenas bookstore is a much newer space then it said. “There is a set of bookcases in the back was a few years ago,” Stakenas said. “The of the bookstore where the lower portion marketplace is a much stronger space, and was damaged and Follet is going to come in we will just keep working on it until we get and fix it this summer.” it right. Stakenas said there was only serious
“Game of Thrones” is back with a vengence MCTCampus Anyone who dismisses television viewing as a passive activity clearly hasn’t watched “Game of Thrones.” HBO’s crown jewel requires the sort of OCD focus and possibly the same picture-plastered, color-coded white board that Carrie Mathison used to track down Abu Nazir in Showtime’s “Homeland.” As with the George R.R. Martin series from whence it sprung, “Game of Thrones” has redefined “sprawling epic.” And as Season 3 opens, the sprawl factor is perilously high, with the multitudinous characters -- seven families, people, from seven kingdoms -- scattered all over Westeros, their story lines progressing in an ever-climbing wall of overlapping layers, a citadel of narrative. For those just joining the show, here’s what you need to know: Abu Nazir is about the only one not trying to sit on the Iron Throne. Everyone else, from Dragon mistress and possibly true heir Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) to little crippled Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), is a potential contender; they just have to get through the mud and cold and ravening armies to depose the current despotic brat-king Joffrey (Jack Gleeson), whose murder every viewer is awaiting with morbid eagerness.
Step by grimy, blood- and urinesoaked step, everyone on screen is slouching toward his or her destiny. Because winter is coming, and three-eyed ravens don’t show up to herald an annual white sale. Having made the decision to stay true to the original text, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss challenge viewers just as Martin challenged readers. Each episode juggles half a dozen mini-episodes. In scenes that last but a few minutes, the narrative shifts continually across wood and water and frozen sky, slides in through windows and behind closed doors, snakes between bodies as they sleep and shiver and mate. We see first the grim horror of the blue-eyed White Walkers risen once again beyond the wall where Jon Snow (Kit Harington) learns the ways of the wildings. We then sail to Kings Landing, where denizens battle a similar fear, though now cloaked in silk and courtly menace as Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Cersei (Lena Headey) regroup in wake of temporary victory. Now here’s Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj CosterWaldau) trotting cross-country at the tip of Brienne’s (Gwendoline Christie) sword, and young Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) still trying to return to her home at Winterfell. It’s a lot of story to keep track of,
too much perhaps. An epic quest invariably begins with a host of characters participating in one story line until the molten hammer of a main event (in this case the death of King Robert Baratheon) sends everyone scattering like sparks into the dark. There, each continues his or her journey, meeting Daenerys Targaryen and her protector, Jorah Mormont, are determined to reunite new characters, the mother with her dragons. ‘Game of Thrones’ airs Sundays 9 p.m. at on HBO. discovering new brutality and do a little hacking television will not, though where landscapes, conquering new foes of their own. How important many of its other shows are odd until those who survive the tale is Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen), and prickly in their quirks and return, however many books later, really? And would anyone really qualities, “Game of Thrones” is to one another’s company. miss creepy priestess Melisandre very much of its time, in both Compared to Martin’s “A Song of (Carice van Houten), who always meat and bone. Recapping and Ice and Fire,” J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The seems as if she’s wandered over episodic deconstruction has Lord of the Rings” is compact from “Grimm”? become a national obsession, and and streamlined, the film trilogy No doubt howls of protest will fantasy, which combines a gamer’s even more so. Peter Jackson greet such suggestions, and it does love of journey and gore with a famously jettisoned many beloved seem like critical heresy to fault a literati love of language, has never characters (oh, Tom Bombadil, show for such an admirable mix been more popular. the faithful still mourn), subplots of characters, male and female, So break out the Post-it notes and even entire races from his old and young, weak and strong. and the red string, clear a big place version of Tolkien’s tale. Four The show’s ability to keep so many on the back wall and buy the big episodes into “Games of Thrones,” swords in the air is fascinating in box of colored Sharpies. “Game of it’s difficult not to wonder whether and of itself. Thrones” is back, and we all need the writers shouldn’t adopt a bit HBO has always prided itself on to keep our wits about us. of their characters’ near-universal being willing to go where normal
Arts & Entertainment
Thursday, April 4, 2013
There’s something about Iceland... By Shannen Adamites A&E Editor What do Of Monsters and Men, Bjork, and Sigur Ros have in common? They’re all from Iceland, and they’re all fantastic. Bjork has the vocal power and expertise of Florence Welch, the theatrics of Lady Gaga, and the absurdity of Yoko Ono. She wore a swan dress at the Oscars one year, consisting of a plush swan wrapped around her waist. However, that’s hardly relevant when discussing her music. Her voice goes from sweet to harsh in a matter of seconds, and she can reach a range that could rival Mariah Carey’s. She uses a variety of instruments, from fine synths to pots and pans to brass bands, and somehow, despite her eclectic style, everything blends and flows exceptionally well. Of Monsters and Men are relatively popular amongst indie-folk fans and summer music festival-goers. After gaining recognition in Iceland, the band signed on to an American record label, and their album, ‘My Head is an Animal’ gained much critical acclaim. Of Monsters and Men are chamber pop meets modern folk rock. They are able to seamlessly incorporate a variety of instrumentation from accordions to trumpets and guitars, and their male and female vocalists sound absolutely beautiful together. ‘My Head is an Animal’ has a good mix of lively, adventurous songs, as well as relaxing and ambient tracks. Speaking of ambient, Sigur Ros has some of the most ethereal sounding music I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. While they do have their fair share of nostalgic and optimistic up-tempo tracks, this band seems to wield magic with sound as they create both shimmering masterpieces and haunting, otherworldly arrangements. Their signature sound is achieved through droning, distorted guitars, orchestral elements like glockenspiels, violins and brass, somber piano melodies, and a vocalist with a strong yet delicate falsetto. While most of the lyrics are sung in Icelandic, the language barrier is non-existent. I’m not particularly sure what it is about Iceland that results in such beautiful and diverse music making it into America’s independent, and sometimes mainstream, music scene. I definitely cannot complain, though.
High school peers connect through dance company Dance Company Co-presidents Alexa Hebard and Katie Kelly share experiences By Kaylie Warner A&E Writer
Juniors Alexa Hebard and Katie Kelly joined forces this semester as Co-Presidents of Dance Company. They both have a long history of dance and hope to take the company to a whole new level. “We are both from the same town and high school in Auburn, Mass.,” Hebard said. While this dancing duo was friendly in high school, they were never close. They both agree that dance has brought them together. Kelly is a psychology major and Hebard is a theatre major with a minor in business. “I danced until I was six or seven and then got into cheerleading,” Kelly began. “Cheerleading didn’t quite fit me at MCLA, but Dance Company was a perfect match.” Dance has played a huge role in Hebard’s life, especially since her mother owns a dance studio. “My family is very artistic and dance is important to all of us,” Hebard said. Hebard and Kelly have been devoted members of the club since their freshman year, three years ago. This semester is their time to shine as the newly elected co-presidents. “When I was elected, I gave my speech and ran to the
production that I was in. While I was backstage wondering if I was elected, I got a text from my friend congratulating me on the position. I was so excited because it was what I strived for, but it was nerve-wracking,” Hebard said. Co-presidents have a huge responsibility for the company as they set up shows, communicate to general members, and select the choreographers, amongst other tasks. Despite the workload, they always manage to follow through with flying colors. Kelly was the Vice President of Dance Co. last semester and has some previous knowledge of how to run the company. This was relieving for Hebard, who is new to the e-board. Hebard is very excited for the dance she is currently choreographing and only has one word to describe it: robots. Hebard and Kelly could not be more proud of the members of the company, especially some of the freshmen who are choreographing stunning pieces and pushing the envelope in terms of demonstrating their skills. Hebard is a more contemporary and lyrical dancer, while Kelly prefers hiphop. “Being an actor is another medium for me and lyrical
Photo by Shauna Dacus/Beacon Staff
Hebard and Kelly strive for a spectacular spring performance. pieces are a range of emotions confident that the freshman an expressions without words, class will take it to a great place. which can tie in with acting,” “We have so many wonderful Hebard said. leaders in this company and “Hip-hop is expressive and we know that they will do great fun for me. When I dance I things for the future,” Kelly said. don’t see anyone; it is only me,” The semester is tough said Kelly. for Hebard as she is also Kelly has taken the reins choreographing for ‘The and Hebard is learning a lot Tempest’. Kelly finds dance a from her. When Kelly found motivator and stress reliever. out that Hebard was the other “It helps me do my work and co-president, she was very motivates me because once my excited to work with her for the work is done then I can dance,” semester. Kelly said. In the future, Hebard and Kelly “I wouldn’t want to be hope to have another chance anywhere else,” Hebard said. leading the company, but are Kelly smiled and agreed.
Come and see Yorick’s production of
The Tempest
on 4/11, 4/12, and 4/13
at 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m on 4/13
at Church Street Center Auditorium
Tickets are free
Reserve at
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Arts & Entertainment
Punk night at Home Body to perform tonight The Parlor Cafe By Haley Costen A&E Writer
By Jennifer Nault A&E Writer
Many people gathered at the Parlor Café last Saturday to support punk rock bands from the Berkshire County community including Island Rat, Nice Try Kid, and senior Tyson Luneau’s band, Medicine Man. It was also Medicine Man’s second to last performance before calling it quits. “This is my first acoustic show,” said Joe Haryanto, the singer from Island Rat before taking the stage. Haryanto was the first to perform. He played two cover songs, and two original pieces. Harayanto is a one man band from Hadley, Mass. He and Luneau are also good friends, so he was more than happy to make the drive up here to support and play alongside with him. Medicine man is made up of four members: Luneau on lead vocals and guitar, David Vickery on bass, Kane Gelaznik on guitar and backing vocals, and John Bourgue on drums. Luneau got a job in Oklahoma through the Teach American corporation, and he leaves in June. Before he leaves, the band will be recording one last EP at the end of April called “Dark Love Empty Heart,” which will include a song that they performed on Saturday called “Amy’s two chains. “ They ended their set with a song off of their demo that they were selling for $1, called “Wanderlust.” Their last show is next month in Boston, Mass. “I thought they had a lot of
Photo by Jess Gamari/Beacon Staff
Senior Tyson Luneau of alt. punk/emo band, Medicine Man, performed their second to last show at The Parlor Cafe on Saturday. energy,” Mike Vogt, a junior at the College said about Medicine Man’s performance. “You could tell they were enjoying playing in front of a larger crowd than they are used to.” Nice Try Kid, a Berkshire County pop-punk band, also performed. The band is set to release their first EP next month. “I had a great time,” freshman Shadea Blyther, said. “Who knew the Berkshires had so much talent? The Parlor should do things like this more often.” The Parlor Cafe has open mic nights every Friday night. They will soon have their liquor license, and are trying to book more bands to continue bringing together the Berkshire community through a good cup of coffee and music.
Tonight at 8 p.m., the electro duo Home Body, will play at the Parlor Café. The Northampton based group, which includes Haley Morgan on vocals and Eric Hnatow on keys, blends layered synths and haunting vocal melodies to create a bold sound similar to Bjork and Portishead. “As performers, we really love exploring concepts of ‘body’ through modern dance, fashion, ritual, and sculptors such as Nick Cave,” Morgan said in an email interview. “Our sound is also influenced by Kraftwerk, Brian Eno, and the music our friends make.” Morgan said the band thrives on variety, and that they’ve played everywhere from a horse barn to a vacant lot in Detroit. Tonight’s show is Home Body’s first at the Parlor and came about because they have several North Adams fans. “It’s going to rule really [expletive] hard,” Morgan said “Home Body’s music is at once dark, sexy, bassy and dirty, as well as light, bright, sunny and true,” according to the group’s website. The site added that during live shows, the members wear matching white jump suits and handmade masks, perform choreography, manipulate the lights, and sometimes march into the crowd. Home Body was formed in 2010, five years after Morgan and Hnatow met at a post office and “fell madly in love,”
according to the band’s bio on They have an EP called “Fire Places” and a seven inch vinyl record entitled “Traps,” featuring the tracks “Old World” and “Fall.” The vinyl record is available to download as an album for $4 or be shipped as a record for $7, on their bandcamp page. Home Body’s full length album, “In Real Life,” will be available in record stores and online soon according to the group’s tumblr page. “With swaying synth beats bedecking the background of their music and drums that always seem to be on their toes, their music demands more than a head nod that follows the general beat,” The Free George said of Home Body. “The listener becomes a facet of the music, guided by its wild movement into a frenzy of dance.” The group won last year’s Happy Valley Showdown, an annual battle of the bands competition in Northampton. They were also voted Reader’s Choice for Best Unsigned Band of 2011 by Verbicide Magazine, according to the band’s website. “Home Body is more than a band; they are a fullfledged artistic immersion of the senses,” according to TinyRadars, the Western Mass. record label that released Home Body’s “Traps.” Home Body’s performance at the Parlor Café is part of their “In Real Life North American Tour.” The show is free, but a $3 donation is suggested.
Commentary: Striking a chord at MIT By Lauren Feeney
Special to the Beacon If you haven’t heard of the Allegrettos, then you’ve probably been living under a rock. Composed of a gospel choir and a capella group, the ‘Grettos have raked up the press recently, from their first place win at Lenox’s Caroling Festival to their advancement in ICCA, the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella. Does ICCA ring a bell? If you’ve seen Pitch Perfect, then it probably does. The movie centers around a women’s collegiate a capella group who sing their way to ICCA finals at Lin-
Want to submit an original piece about your artistic experiences? E-mail Shannen Adamites on First Class for more info!
coln Center. It has captured the heart of music lovers and the college generation alike. Instead of living in fiction, however, the ‘Grettos were making sweet harmonies of their own in real life on the ICCA stage. Varsity Vocals, the mastermind behind ICCA, takes pride in providing the only international a cappella tournament to college students. According to the Varsity Vocals Web site, in order to be considered for ICCA, schools must submit an audition tape with three or four songs to Youtube, submit an application form, and pay an entry fee. Every year, the ICCA tournament takes place from January through April in six regions: West, Midwest, South, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and Europe. As one of the groups representing the Northeast Region, the Allegrettos advanced from the ICCA quarterfinal stage to the semifinal stage, with the hopes of advancing to the finals at
New York City’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. I sat in the crowded auditorium at the Kresge Auditorium waiting for the competition to start. A month earlier we came in second place in the ICCA quarterfinals at Berklee College of Music’s Performance Center. The ‘Grettos blew the crowd away with their carefully crafted renditions of Mika’s “Happy Ending,” Sara Bareilles’s “Once Upon Another Time,” and Florence and the Machine’s “Breath of Life.” I knew they would do the same tonight. Wearing blue and gold to represent our school colors, I looked around the sold out auditorium. Friends and family from the other nine competing groups filled the venue’s seats to support their respective singers. Brown University, Skidmore College, Northeastern University, and Umass Amherst were among the night’s competitors. Once we took to the wooden stage to perform their set during the second half of the show,
Gretto supporters burst into applause. I could feel the excitement resonating in the air. With only twelve minutes to perform, the ‘Grettos went straight to work, singing Mika’s “Happy Ending,” CeeLo Green’s “Run,” and Florence + the Machine’s “Breath of Life.” Each song showed strength in the group’s vocals, included great choreography, and showcased brilliant solos from J. Cottle, Jackie Coughlin, and Jasmine Garcia. The audience thought they did a great job as well, if the spirited applauding after their performance was enough. We came in fourth place out of ten, which is a very impressive feat. The number four holds a special place for us. It represents the number the years since the club started, with the founding seniors singing in the club for the last time. Now it’s the place the award-winning group claimed on the semifinals stage. Our journey to ICCA ended on a high note. Acaperfect.
By Kaylie Warner A&E Writer
In This Moment rocks Upstate Concert Hall This past weekend I went to Upstate Concert Hall in Clifton Park, NY. to see In This Moment, my favorite metal band, for the third time. Owl, a local band, was first onstage. They attempted a sort of bizarre blend of Drop Kick Murphys with a screamo/emo/ alternative rock sound. I was a bit confused as to why they were chosen to open for such a heavy band and the lead singer even commented on the audience’s willingness to listen to them. Next was All Hail the Yeti from Hollywood, California. Their sound is reminiscent of Fear Factory and Suicide Silence. While the breakdowns were recycled and basic, they brought the audience to a great energy level to get prepared for In This Moment. Love and Death, a band formed by former Korn guitarist Head, took the stage next, making the crowd crazy. While they played their own material, Head had to turn some attention to Korn, playing songs from when he was in the band such as “Got the Life,” “Blind,” and “Twist.” The first time I saw In This Moment, the only signature item Maria Brink wore onstage was a short, frilly blue dress. Now, In This Moment plays more with props and quick changes. She swapped her dress for a white leotard, garter straps, a short white button up, and sheer stockings. For every song she donned something different, like a dunce cap with “whore” written on it or lace bunny ears. Maria opened up with songs off their new album and played two songs from their second album. Unfortunately, they completely disregarded their first album, “Beautiful Tragedy.” While I enjoyed all of their albums, the first has this raw power to it that makes In This Moment so amazing and unique in the heavy metal world. While I understand that Maria Brink is claiming her sexuality and posing a message that women can be sexy and there is nothing wrong with being a sexual human being, there is another side to it in that sex really does sell. I took issue with the band’s more sexualized route to reach out to people and sell their music. I am all for women claiming their sexuality, but I cannot agree with the band going in that over-sexualized/commercial route, which happens to many bands.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Daniel Nesti: senior leader for Men’s Tennis By Justine Cozza Sports Writer
Kevin Ware’s brutal injury By Ariana Tourangeau
Sports Editor Louisville’s Sophomore and Guard, Kevin Ware, experienced probably one of the worst injuries in sports history during the Midwest Regional Final against Duke on Sunday. In an attempt to contest a 3-point shot by Duke’s Tyler Thorton, Ware jumped up and landed on his leg bending it in half causing the bone to come through the skin. This was actually very horrifying to watch. It bent at what looked like a right angle and buckled underneath him making him fall to the ground. The reaction from the players on the court and on the bench proved how gruesome this injury was. I never even thought it was possibly for a leg to break that immediately and brutally. His bone broke through his skin and he told by phone on Monday “It hurts, but I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine.” What a good sport he is. It’s great that his team won and they are advancing on into the Final Four, but it’s a shame he can’t play with them. Hopefully he will be there to support them and his recovery isn’t too long and treacherous. Ware broke his lower right leg in two places and was taken to the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis on a stretcher during Sunday night’s game. According to “School officials said the leg, broken in two places, was reset and a rod inserted into his right tibia.” According the article on Dr. Reed Estes, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and physician for the UAB football team, said “surgery to stabilize the bones in such cases is usually successful and Ware should return next season.” Kevin Ware was released from the hospital on Tuesday and back on campus for practice that afternoon. According to Ware posted on Facebook “the first step is always the hardest one to take.” Although Ware will be recovering for a year the Cardinals won the Midwest Regional Final on Sunday against Duke with a score of 85-63. With their teammate in mind, the team will advance to the final four starting on Saturday, April 6 against the No.9 seed Wichita State.
Daniel Nesti, a senior commuter from Pittsfield, Mass has been playing tennis since he was eight years old. Nesti is the No.1 player for the Men’s Tennis team alongside sophomore Mitchell Mabardy. “I feel that it is very important to lead by example,” Nesti said. “I like to get the team going, while staying focused and collected.” Nesti was the captain of his high school tennis team, as well, while also playing football, basketball, and baseball. “When I start a set I feel ready and focused, but it’s important to remember to keep a good attitude and have fun,” Nesti said. The men have recently started competing in the North Atlantic Conference (NAC), bringing high hopes for the young team. Nesti won doubles alongside sophomore Taylor Krowitz (98, 7-4) against Thomas College, the NAC opener, according to the MCLA athletics webpage. Though, the men ended up losing both matches
Nesti injured his pectoral muscle before the match. He attempted to power through the pain, even resorting to serving underhand. He was eventually forced to call it quits after the first set, unable to lift his arm. “In tennis you need to be able to adapt,” Mabardy said. “There is a lot of adjusting and heart needed to fight through the pain and that is just what Dan does. He goes beyond what is expected.” Men’s Tennis traveled seven hours this past weekend to play first at Rhode Island College, and then at Thomas College the next day. The team then continued on for another 13 hours from Rhode Island to Maine and back. “Dan has a great way of getting everyone motivated,” Krowitz said. “He’ll help you no matter what, and because of that he is helping make his teammates better.” Men’s Tennis next home game is today against Green Mountain College at 3:30 p.m. To get more information on the team or its schedule, visit http://athletics. schedule.
Photo by Kayla Degnan/Beacon Staff
Senior Daniel Nesti is ranked as the number one player on the Men’s Tennis team at MCLA.
Baseball comes home with win By Chris Oxholm Sports Writer
The baseball team hosted a home double-header against the Fitchburg State Falcons at McLaughlin Field in Leominster on Saturday. The Trailblazers lost game one 2-1, but earned a win in game two, 4-3. This win is the second of the season for the Trailblazers, putting them at a 2-10 record. The win starts them in the right direction in the conference, sitting with a .500 record at 1-1. In game one the Trailblazers started with an early lead when junior short-stop J.T. Ferraro
reached home leaving the inning at 1-0. It wasn’t until the seventh inning when Falcon’s designated hitter Brendan Cutler nailed a home run bringing in himself and teammate Roel Fernandez to take the win at 2-1. Sophomore Tyler Benoit pitched all seven innings. He finished the game with three strike-outs. Falcon pitcher Pat Mercier has an undefeated record so far giving him a 4-0 at the end of the game. Junior Ross Miner pitched a complete game two. He finished with five strike-outs and four walks, earning his first win as pitcher for the year.
Softball on three game winning streak By Nick Swanson Sports Writer
On Monday the softball team traveled to Bay Path, Mass. to battle in a double-header against the Wildcats, taking home the win from both matches. The games were originally scheduled to play at home, but the condition of Zavattaro Athletic Complex was unsuitable due to the weather. Rayelle Pierson pitched a no hitter and led the team to a win with a score of 5-1 to start the day. In the second game the Trailblazers brought in eight runs
alone, between the 4th and 5th innings, which included Megan Boyer’s second two-run home run of the day. The team finished on top with a score of 12-3. Two days earlier, on Saturday, the Trailblazers went to Fitchburg State to compete against the Falcons in a MASCAC doubleheader. The night game was close with an ending score of 4-3, which started the team’s winning streak. The first game of the day was lost with a final score of 6-3. The next game will be on Saturday, May 6 at Worecester State college beginning at 6 p.m.
The Trailblazers were able to collect four runs during the third inning. Chris Preite hit a single with the bases loaded bringing home sophomore Alon Willing from third. Benoit then hit a double, batting in Preite, Ferraro and sophomore Mike Sullivan. The Falcons couldn’t catch up to the Trailblazers, but in the sixth inning, Alex Heroux of the Falcons got home after a double from Aj Silberman. Shortly after, Jeff Bois and Silberman were able to get home as well. “We played a good second game,” junior Joe Vaverka said. “Ross threw really well and everyone stayed cool and worked
with each other, especially when the sixth inning got close.” The Trailblazers now head to Worcester State on Saturday to play the Lancers in a doubleheader. The Lancers have had a rough beginning to the year as well. Currently, they sit at a 5-10 record, 0-2 in the conference. In fact, all teams of MASCAC have had rough beginnings. The only team with an overall winning record is Fitchburg with 8-5-1. The closest record is conference leader Westfield, 7-8. The double-header at Worcester on Saturday begins at 12:00 p.m. Game two is scheduled for 2:30 p.m.
3/24 SUNYIT L, 8-3 L, 1-0
Overall: 2-10 Conference: 1-1
3/30 Fitchburg L, 2-1 Softball: 4/2 Baypath W, 5-1 W, 12-3
Softball: Overall: 7-11 Conference: 1-1 Tennis: Overall: 0-3 Conference: 0-1
3/30 Fitchburg L, 6-3 For schedules visit
Thursday, April 4, 2013
College to hold NCAA Division III celebration By Ariana Tourangeau Sports Editor
MCLA will be participating in the second annual celebration of NCAA Division III week from April 8-14. This week is a chance for student athletes to be recognized more than usual and to promote Division III athletics at the school. The week includes National Student Athlete Day tomorrow, tabling every day in the marketplace during lunch and dinner, home games for the baseball, softball and men’s tennis teams, and a special event on Thursday April 11 in the Campus Center Gymnasium for all student athletes. The themes of the week include Celebrate Student Athletes and Division III Day; Coach to Class and Professor to Practice Day, Mentor Day, Trailblazer Day, and Student Athletic Advisory Day. According to the NCAA, “Division III Week is a positive opportunity for all individuals associated with a Division III institution to observe and celebrate the impact of athletics and of student athletes on the campus and surrounding community.” The week will promote staff and students to come out and support the home games, to wear blue and gold, and to visit the booth in the marketplace during lunch and dinner. Those who participate will have the chance to enter giveaways and win prizes. According to the NCAA, “The event is part of Division III’s Identity Initiative, which was introduced in 2010 to sharpen the division’s identity and to enable schools and conferences to consistently explain why they prefer to compete in Division III.” The initiative has been guided
by a strategic positioning platform, describing Division III as a place where student athletes can “‘Follow your passions and develop your potential’ within an approach that combines rigorous academics, competitive sports and an opportunity to pursue other interests’.” According to Amanda Beckwith, assistant athletic trainer/Women's Volleyball coach, “There will be a special event on Thursday, April 11 at 6 p.m. in the Campus Center Gym for all MCLA student athletes and invited guests from the faculty, staff and administration.” This will be an opportunity for student athletes to mingle with one another, and enable the department to have an athletics group picture, as well as give student athletes the chance to hear from a couple of guest speakers.” In a PSA provided by Amanda Beckwith, “A significant percentage of our students participate in varsity athletics, competing for the love of the game. We are proud to join approximately 450 Division III schools in celebrating the academic and athletic accomplishments of student athletes, as well as their leadership, community service and campus involvement.” Come out and support the Trailblazers in their home games during Division III week. Men’s Tennis will have matches on Sunday, April 7 against Becker College , and Sunday, April 14 against Colby-Sawyer. Baseball and softball will play Southern Vermont College on Wednesday, April 10 and Bridgewater State University on Saturday, April 13.
Knicks surviveWarriors MCT Campus
The smallest player on the court received the kind of treatment from the Madison Square Garden crowd that Kobe Bryant and LeBron James usually hear, and he deserved it. Stephen Curry put on a shooting show that had the place buzzing. The 6-3, 185-pound Curry scored a careerhigh 54 points, the most in the NBA this season, but the Knicks stopped him when it mattered most and pulled out a thrilling 109-105 victory over the Warriors on Wednesday night. Curry scored or assisted on the Warriors’ final 20 points, but the Knicks held Golden State scoreless for the last 2:04. Raymond Felton, who was on the receiving end of most of Curry’s makes, stuffed Curry’s jumper attempt with 1:28 to play and the score tied at 105. It led to a tough jump shot by J.R. Smith with 1:10 to go and a lead the Knicks wouldn’t relinquish. Curry shot 18-for-28 from the field, including 11-for-13 from three-point range, and played all 48 minutes. He hit pull-ups, quick releases and shots coming around screens to become the first player to score at least 50 at the Garden since James did it in 2009 for the Cavaliers. The Knicks tried swarming Curry and taking the ball out of his hands, but when they did he found his teammates for open looks. He also had seven assists. “We closed out,” Mike Woodson said. “We made the defensive stops we had to make coming down the stretch. “We made plays, but boy, you got to tip your hat to Curry. He played great.” Curry’s dizzying night made Carmelo Anthony’s 35-point performance seem pedestrian. Anthony, who didn’t attend the morning shootaround because of a stomach virus, shot 10-for-26. He hit a turnaround jumper with 45.6 seconds left for the game’s final points. Smith had a huge game off the bench with 26 points. He shot 10-for-19 overall, 6-for-11 from three. Tyson Chandler grabbed a career-high 28 rebounds and scored 16 points. The Knicks (34-20) caught a break hours before the game when the NBA suspended Warriors AllStar forward David Lee. The former Knick received a one-game ban for his involvement in Tuesday night’s altercation with Pacers center Roy Hibbert. Golden State also was missing center Andrew Bogut (back spasms). But it almost didn’t matter because of Curry. The Knicks led by 14 in the first quarter, but their inability to contain Curry made the advantage disappear quickly. He scored 23 points in the second quarter, about two more than what he was averaging per game this season. The Knicks led 87-81 after a Pablo Prigioni threepointer 42 seconds into the fourth quarter. But the
Warriors went ahead 90-89 with 8:24 left after five straight points by Curry, on a long three and a driving scoop shot. The Knicks answered with a 9-3 run and led 9893 after Amar’e Stoudemire slammed down an Anthony feed with 6:32 left. The Warriors’ three points in that span came on _ what else? _ a Curry three. Curry wasn’t close to done. With the Knicks swarming, he assisted on the Warriors’ next two baskets and drilled a pull-up three in transition for a 100-99 Golden State lead with 4:41 left. Smith answered with a three-pointer on the next trip to put the Knicks up two. It stayed that way until Curry buried a three off an out-of-bounds play with 3:42 left. Anthony drilled a three to put the Knicks ahead 105-103 with three minutes left. Curry tied it with two foul shots with 2:05 left. He had a chance to give the Warriors a lead with about 90 seconds left when Felton blocked his shot. The Knicks jumped on the Warriors early as their defense and Chandler’s board work sparked a 25-11 start. Chandler grabbed four offensive boards in 10 first-quarter minutes. He pulled down nine defensive rebounds before going to the bench with the Knicks up 12. His three baskets were dunks. Curry scored 12 consecutive points for Golden State in one stretch and led an 18-5 run that gave the Warriors a 40-37 lead with 5:14 left in the half. Curry hit four threes in that run.
Former FGCU basketball coach signs with USC MCT Campus
Shippensburg High School grad and former Florida Gulf Coast coach Andy Enfield has been named the new men's basketball coach at Southern California, the school confirmed late Monday night. Athletic director Pat Haden said Enfield has reached an agreement with the Pac-12 school. He will be introduced on Wednesday. "Those in the basketball world have known of his abilities for a while," Haden said. He said Enfield's success at FGCU wasn't a flash in the pan and that his up-tempo style and stingy defense will be fun for both the Trojans players and fans. "In meeting with Pat Haden, I was very impressed with his vision for the men's basketball program," Enfield said in a statement.
"I am looking forward to bringing an exciting, up-tempo style of play to USC and building the men's basketball brand into one that the fans and basketball community will enjoy and respect." The 43-year-old coach, the son of Bill and Barbara Enfield graduated as class valedictorian from Shippensburg High School in 1987, was 41-28 in his only two seasons as a head coach at FGCU in Fort Myers, Fla. He led the Eagles to a school-record 26 wins this season, including upsets of No. 2 seed Georgetown and No. 7 seed San Diego State as a 15thseed in the NCAA tourney. They lost to Florida last Friday. Enfield's team earned the nickname "Dunk City" for its spectacular dunks and alley-oops. The Eagles scored 70 or more points 25 times this season, and ranked 16th nationally in steals with 8.9
per game. They won the Atlantic Sun tournament, and had the league's player of the year in Sherwood Brown and defensive player of the year in Bernard Thompson. Haden called Enfield "a relentless recruiter and he has integrity and great character. Enfield takes over from interim coach Bob Cantu, who had a 7-8 record after succeeding Kevin O'Neill, who was fired in midJanuary. The Trojans lost their final three games, including a defeat in their first game of the Pac-12 tournament. Starting center Dewayne Dedmon and backup big man James Blasczyk were suspended indefinitely and missed the league tourney following allegations the pair was involved in a melee in Spokane, Wash., during the team's final Pac-12 road trip
of the season. Cantu's status wasn't immediately clear. He has been on the Trojans' staff through four coaching changes and is the longest tenured assistant in the Pac-12. O'Neill had a 48-65 record during 3 1/2 years at the private school known primarily for its powerful football program after going 6-26 last year while setting a USC record for losses. The move is a big step up for Enfield. FGCU has about 11,300 students, plays in a 4,500-seat arena and has only existed for 16 years; USC has 37,000 students, the Trojans play at 10,258-seat Galen Center, and the school has a long tradition of sports success, especially with its nationally ranked football team. The basketball team has long played in the shadow of cross-
town rival UCLA, which hired Steve Alford from New Mexico on Saturday. USC hasn't made the NCAA tournament since 2011. The Trojans are 12-17 all-time, with their best results coming in 2007 and 2001, when they lost in the regionals, and in 1954, when they lost in the national semifinals. Before going to FGCU, Enfield was an assistant at Florida State from 2007-11, where the Seminoles made the round of 16 in 2011. He began his coaching career in the NBA as a shooting coach for the Milwaukee Bucks from 1995-96, and was an assistant with Boston from 199900 Enfield's wife, Amanda, drew attention during the NCAA tournament for her model-looks. The couple has three young children.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
What are your thoughts on the new pope? “I honestly don’t know. I know there’s a new pope, and I’m religious, but I don’t know anything about him. I know there are a lot of qualms about the Catholic Church right now.”
“I’m a Catholic, but not the most awesome Catholic. I don’t have a huge opinion. I’m glad he’s from Argentina, glad it’s a little more diverse this time around.” -Mike Leja, 2013
-Ryan Donovan, 2014
“I actually know nothing about it. I’m not religious. I knew they did elect one though.”
-Tonya Jeffers, 2014
-Alyssa Stevens, 2016
“I actually like him because he seems more laid-back and downto-earth than the others.”
“The only thing that I know about him is that his name is Pope Francis. I think he’s going to be a good pope. It will be interesting to see how he interacts with his followers.”
-Olivia Bolner, 2013
-Amy Modesti, 2014
Compiled by Kacie Clark/Beacon staff
Video games, violence, and children
Beacon Staff In the wake of the tragedies of the past year’s mass shootings, the nation has looked for answers as to how and why these atrocities were committed. Aside from the second amendment debate, there has been another target for policy makers and citizens to blame for the violence: video games. Politicians, such as Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, and Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy, have recently made comments about video game violence, and blamed the industry for the tragic shootings. Senator Alexander was quoted saying, “You know, I think video games is a bigger problems than guns because video games affect people.” Alexander is right, video games do affect people. However, despite all the recent political posturing and attempts at regulating and censoring video games, there are numerous studies, which are of-
ten ignored, that show positive effects of playing video games. The impact games seem to have is on learning and the brain. As John Gabrieli, a neuroscientist at MIT put it, “The games aren’t just hard - they’re adaptively hard. They tend to challenge people right at the edge of their abilities; as players get better and score more points, they move up to more demanding levels of play. This adaptive challenge is ‘stunningly powerful’ for learning.” It is true that there are studies which point to an increase in hostility in children who play violent video games. According to Dr. Brad Bushman, professor of psychology at VU University at Amsterdam, in an article published on, young male children behaved more aggressively to their peers after playing a violent video game than those who did not. Violent video games are made for adults. According a recent
New York Times article, the game industry has faced similar threats of regulation before, and in 1994, introduced the ratings system, much like those for films, that remains in place today. Games made and marketed for adults are rated “M,” or even “AO,” for “mature” (17+), and “adults only” (18+). Games like Call of Duty and Gears of War, are violent, without a doubt. But they are not meant to be played by children. Some companies, such as GameStop, hold rigidly to those ratings, and will not sell “M”rated games to minors. In fact, according to data compiled by the Federal Trade Commission and referenced in the same New York Times article, there is data “crediting game makers for going further than any other media group to shield children from inappropriate material, and pointing out that ‘game makers usually did not market them [adult games] to children.’” Parents need to be the main
regulating force in which games children have access to. Follow the ratings. Do not buy a 10-yearold child an “M”-rated game. Parents need to do their homework and find out about the game their child wants, and preview it. Learn enough about how to play them to become competent enough to find out about the levels of violence and sexuality, and the situations concerning those elements in that specific game. Ultimately, video games are a medium, and cannot be grouped into one category of positive or negative. When it comes to desensitizing children to violence, if parents are concerned, they are the ones who control what games their children are playing. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, parents should sit down and play games with their children, so they have the ability to discuss anything that concerns them, opening up channels of communication about what is appropriate behavior in “real life.”
Same-sex marriage: Why are we still talking about this? By Nick Arena
Managing Editor The discussion of Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act by the United States Supreme Court has brought the legality of samesex marriage back to question. However, let’s forget for a second that preventing someone access to marriage benefits due to their sexual orientation is outright discrimination and look at the fact that some conservatives are now debating whether or not the GOP will support same-sex marriage in the future. Karl Rove, former White House
political advisor to George W. Bush, said that he can envision a 2016 republican presidential nominee who supports same-sex marriage, according to CNN. This is not to say that all democrats are pro-gay marriage and all republicans are opposed, but let’s look at the past few presidential candidates shall we? Mitt Romney opposed same-sex marriage, John McCain did not oppose insurance benefits for gay couples, but was willing to deny marriage rights, and in 2004 George W. came out in favor of a bill banning gay marriage.
The Beacon is published Thursdays during the academic year and is distributed free to the College community. The Beacon is funded by the Student Government Association, the English/Communications department and from ad revenues. Contact information: News desk number: 413-662-5535 Business number: 413-662-5404 E-mail: Web site: Office: Mark Hopkins Hall, room 111 Mission Statement The Beacon strives to provide timely and accurate news of campus and local events.
“Wait! There’s a new pope? I had no idea! I knew one just left. I’m not Catholic so I don’t follow the pope.”
By Kacie Clark
The Beacon
If we’ve gotten to the point where Karl Rove will say that he can envision a pro same-sex marriage candidate coming from the GOP, then why is this still an issue that is being debated by the Supreme Court? If the argument is being made that same-sex marriage will threaten heterosexual marriages then tell me—how? When is the last time a heterosexual couple divorced because their gay counterparts were married? A Washington Post Poll, released March 26, shows us that 58 percent of people think that same-sex marriage should be le-
gal, whereas 36 percent said that it should be illegal. Are we still arguing this because the Westboro Baptist Church is telling us that the America we know and love will descend into eternal darkness if we legalize same-sex marriage? I’d like to think that’s not the case, given that their source on the matter is a few thousand-yearold fantasy novel. This is societal evolution—interracial marriage was once banned, but in 1967 those bans were labeled unconstitutional. I say it’s about time that these bans received the same treatment.
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Fun & Games
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Regular Easter vs. College Easter
Comic by Jackie Coughlin
THE TV CROSSWORD by Jacqueline E. Mathews
Weekly Horoscopes Aries (3/21 - 4/19) Keep on moving forward! It’s one of those days that’s easy to write off if you feel lazy, but you should be able to find a spark within yourself that keeps you on track and energized. Taurus (4/20 - 5/20) You feel terrific as great personal energy comes your way and brings you closer to nature. Even if you’re a hardcore tech-lover or indoors type, you find a way to connect to the earth. Gemini (5/21 - 6/21) Things don’t look good right now - but that just means you either need to try harder or come back in a few days when things are aligned in your favor. Don’t slam your head against this wall! Cancer (6/22 - 7/22) This isn’t a big social day for you - or at least you wish it weren’t! If you must drag yourself out and about, try to just smile and let others take the lead. You’ve got inner journeys to take care of! Leo (7/23 - 8/22) You feel slightly larger than life today - but watch out! Many people are on the lookout for signs of ego, and if you give them what they want, they are sure to turn against you. Stay humble!
1 5 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 35
ACROSS Role on “Two and a Half Men” “Up __ Night” “Cold __” “Beauty and the __” Liquid Long-running adventure series about a collie Dr. Zhivago’s love Boone and Sajak “__. Doubtfire” Actress Thurman Actor Rob __ “__ & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” Très __; very well, in French Past, present or future __ out a living; got by Actor Wyle Actor James Earl __ Meara or Murray “Woe is me!” “Hellboy II: The Golden __”; film for Ron Perlman IJK followers Schwarzkopf’s title: abbr. Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle
36 37 38 40 41 42 43
“NYPD __” Auction lover’s site Actor Peter Headache chaser Ever __; from the time that Actor Katz “You Don’t __”; game show of yesteryear 44 Cabin wall pieces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 30 31
(c) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
33 34 36 37 39 40
DOWN As happy as __ Actress on “Go On” Largest continent “__ and Stacey” Ease up “__ Than Perfect” “__ Vegas” Actor on “The Big Bang Theory” Hatcher and Garr Upper respiratory ailment, for short “__ & Order” “On Golden __”; Henry Fonda movie 180 from NNW Bruce and Brandon Like expensive ground beef Hubbies for Mamie and Tina, once Actor __ Danza “__ That Tune” Long-running series for Catherine Bell Bread spreads Kirstie of “Cheers” Actress McClanahan of “The Golden Girls” Singer Staples “Bill __, the Science Guy” __ Raton, Florida Red Muppet on “Sesame Street” Light switch positions E-mail provider for millions
Virgo (8/23 - 9/22) You’re feeling a bit more critical than usual - but your energy is too good to nitpick! Try to redirect it in a positive, creative direction, so you can look back on the day with pride! Libra (9/23 - 10/22) You’re thinking about the past - and it may not feel that great! That’s okay, most of us have things we’d rather not dwell on. If you can accept it and move on, you’re doing great! Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21) Today is all about willpower - and who wants to win. You may find that you need to push someone out of the way, but it’s likely to be for their own good in the long run. Do what you must! Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21) You have your own way of saying and doing things, and today you need to make sure that you’re doing what comes naturally instead of trying to accommodate other people’s comfort. Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19) It’s a really good time for you to move on autopilot -- any plans you have are sure to work out just fine. If you’ve got nothing going on, then you can at least enjoy the influx of good energy. Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18) You feel somewhat restricted today - so see if you can just embrace that and keep your activities low-key. You know the pendulum will swing toward freedom soon, so why fight it now? Pisces (2/19 - 3/20) You’ve got folks watching out for you that you don’t even know about. It’s a good time for you to ask the universe for assistance and see what comes of it. Things are sure to get really interesting!