4 minute read
George’s Apparel
Manchester georgesapparel.com
Redline Guiding Intervale / redlineguiding.com
Pawquet’s Play & Stay
Londonderry pawquetsplaystay.com
PET GROOMER Mac & Copper’s Pet Supply Outlet Portsmouth macandcoppers.com
Four Your Paws Only North Conway fouryourpawsonly.com
No Monkey Business Dog Training
Concord / nomonkeybusinessdogtraining.com
Spa at Omni Mount Washington
Bretton Woods brettonwoods.com/activities/ spa/overview
M&C Clothing and Gifts
Amherst mcclothingandgifts.com
Ken Jones Ski Mart
Manchester kenjonesskimart.com
TATTOO PARLOR Arrows and Embers Concord arrowsandemberstattoo.com
G. Willikers!
Toys & Books
Portsmouth / g-willikersbooks-toys.myshopify.com
WINE SHOP Wine on Main Concord / wineonmainnh.com
Gondwana & Divine Clothing Co. Concord gondwanaclothing.com
Humble Warrior Yoga Manchester humblewarriorpoweryoga.com
Super-Cool Candy
Beatnik Bookstore

Sheafe Street Books in Portsmouth is what an indie bookstore should aspire to be: a labor of love and intellectual curiosity. This one-man-shop run by Ken Kozick, who lives in the second-floor apartment above the store, specializes in Beat-era literature, simply because that’s what Ken enjoys. But his selection extends way beyond Beatnik; Sheafe Street features a surprising range given its small space, including new, popular hardcovers, New England authors and a thoughtful curation of cookbooks — not to mention first-editions, old paperbacks and other rare versions of beloved classics and lesser-known gems alike. Take your time perusing the charmingly-crooked, overflowing shelves, and you might even spot Petunia (Ken’s cat) darting through the aisles. bookshop. org/shop/sheafestreet
Freeze dried candy is basically just candy with its extra moisture removed, enhancing its sweetness and flavors and giving it a lighter crunch. But why read about it when you can sample it yourself? Granite State Freeze Dried Candy operates a family-owned production facility in Manchester and is known for good customer service (a lot of their orders are for gifts). Their business plan took flight when owner Ed Wachenfeld started sharing his candy obsession on TikTok. Ed’s energy and the colorful array of treats were irresistible. Soon orders were flying in for freeze-dried gummy worms, jelly beans, Jolly Ranchers and such. granitestatefreezedriedcandies.com
Analog Heaven

A visit to a haberdashery was once a right of passage as a youngster matured and needed a suitable set of fashionable garments to wear into the frays of career and courtship. While things have changed — with T-shirts and dungarees now accepted even at church functions — Britches of Concord carries on the grand traditions. And they’ve done so now for two solid generations. Owner Ray Boucher learned the trade from his dad and grandfather, and the store continues to counsel customers and sell measure-to-wear suits for men (and women) along with professional attire, fine caual clothes and sportswear. britchesconcord.com
The digital revolution shows no signs of slowing down, but the human brain is still, essentially, an analog contraption that prefers atoms to electrons. This may explain the resurgence of popularity for vinyl records (and magazines you hold in your hands) and for the existence of Photo Retro of Amherst. Aspiring to be the “destination and source for film and analog photography,” Photo Retro provides darkrooms, studios, classes, supplies and a gallery, all to promote the art and science of “real” photography using film and paper and the economy of vision that was once required before you could take a gazillion images at every single event. (Analog film rolls often held only 24 exposures – can you believe it?) photoretro.biz
Forever Youngsters
The Baby Boom was born with the moves to shake things up and that’s remained the case even while new generations (from X to Z) have lined up to take the generational reins. Now these “movers and shakers” are transforming the realms of senior living options. Best case example: our Lakes Region’s Taylor Community. This retooling of the concept of continuing care works both ways. They provide increased focus on the concerns of aging as residents live longer while also reconnecting seniors to the meaningful joys of their younger years with activities that don’t just entertain but challenge them to experience new growth and learning. Along with fully equipped fitness centers and an on-site pub, Taylor encourages such peak experiences as a Mt.Washington climb in June and their new outdoor pavilion draws townies as well as residents for entertainment, outdoor activities and al fresco dining. Maybe the beat really does go on. taylorcommunity.org
Branded Clothing
The Chaos and Kindness store in Laconia declares that they sell “the softest hoodies and t-shirts” but the F-word messaging on some of them might seem a little harsh. But that’s only for those who don’t “get” the Chaos and Kindness scene of human empowerment. Led by the same crew that brought you the Recycled Percussion shows (that sell out, predictably, wherever they are staged), Chaos and Kindness lives up to its three-word mission statement by showing that, even in this mad world, each person, no matter how humble or dysfunctional, has a stake and can make a positive difference. chaosandkindness.store

Big Green Fashion
When the Dartmouth Ski Team had beautiful custom merino ski sweaters made for them by the New Hampshire business Delaine, they immediately became objects of desire for friends of the Dartmouth Ski Team and alumni. So, Delaine made them available to such insiders via a hidden page on their website. But it turns out we can all show our appreciation for the presence of Dartmouth’s Ivy League glory in our state if we choose, so we’re revealing the link to that “secret” page, below. Just don’t try to bluff a real Dartmouth grad by claiming alumni status unless you know the secret handshake and password.

skidelaine.com/ dartmouth
YouTube Radio
North Conway’s Cold River Radio Show has been celebrating the arts and culture of New England (with an emphasis on New Hampshire artists, authors, comics, storytellers and bands) for the last decade. Now they hope to provide the richness of their live-performance broadcasts to a growing audience, attracted by the sheer brilliance of the talent on tap, via their YouTube channel. “Lots of people say they didn’t really understand the show until they came to see it live at the theater,” says the show’s empresario and chief crooner, Jonathan Sarty. “We believe a strong YouTube channel will change that by giving people a sense of what the show is all about with our high-quality production and exciting performances.” Here’s a link to subscribe to updates when new shows are available: youtube.com/@coldriverradioshow?sub_confirmation=1