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Adventure Farm
The Farm at Wolf Pine Hollow in Hancock has it all — 100-plus acres, barnyard, farmstand, flowers, fruit, produce, events, kitchen, tasting house and even farm stay accommodations. Owners Tom and Ariane offer an authentic and unspoiled FarmLuxe experience where you can smell, taste and touch an agrarian lifestyle with products and experiences crafted for your enjoyment and lasting memories. Whether you are in town for a quick drive by or for a long weekend, this farm will leave you coming back for more pastoral life-meets-modern luxury adventures. wolfpinehollow.com
Family Attraction Center
The self-proclaimed largest attraction center in the Seacoast, Somersworth’s Hilltop Fun Center is cut from the very fabric of a 10-year-old’s wildest summertime dreams. With go-karts, laser tag, mini golf, an arcade and a full bar for accompanying adults, there’s a whole lot of school-breakfun to be had for patrons of all ages. The batting cages also give hitters of all ages and abilities to conquer a mini-replica of the Green Monstah at Fenway Park. hilltopfuncenter.com

Urban Trails
The metropolis of New York wouldn’t be the same without the huge natural space in its heart known as Central Park. Similarly, the sprawling Gate City of New Hampshire would seem a lot less leafy and family-oriented without the Mine Falls Park in Nashua for walking/biking. New Hampshire may be one of the most forested states in the country, but having greenspaces nearby is even more important for those who dwell in our concrete forests. A trip through the 325-acre park includes forest, wetlands, and open fields and provides the forest bathing experience to any city-dweller willing to take a walk and breathe it all in. nashuanh. gov/491/Mine-Falls-Park
Next Level Gaming
While the digital gaming revolution gets blamed for social isolation and even anti-social behavior, it’s part of a world of modern game play where folks gather on tabletops and consoles as well as world-wide networks. It’s that kind of next-level social bonding that informs the mission of The Fourth Place in Hanover. The goal was to “create spaces where people feel at home sharing hobbies and passions, and where everyone is welcome.” That includes an online community, pop-up gaming events, geeky celebrations like Free Comic Book Day and fun sidetrips like their Sticker Club where a $15 subscription supplies a monthly envelope filled with iconic fandom and other club privileges. thefourthplacehanover.com
Kid-friendly Learn & Do

Can you believe it? The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire is officially middleaged, and celebrating 40 years of offering inquisitive kids learning to enjoy the world around them. Look for play groups for kids to makerspaces for anyone plus summer camps, autism-friendly programming and military appreciation with free entry during specified days. The museum includes interactive exhibits like their yellow submarine, where kids can operate the periscope to secretly search the museum above their heads, identify mysterious deep-sea sounds at the listening station, and use sonar to measure the distance of approaching objects. childrens-museum.org
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