MCLEAN COUNTY CLERK COOKBOOK A work in progress! 2013 Recipes shared by McLean County Election Judges and our Staff
McLean County, Illinois is the heart of the Mid-West. With that comes
McLean Illinois is the recipes, heart of the Mid-West. With that and comes love for home-made loveCounty, for home-made home-grown food, life-long memories recipes, home-grown food, and life-long memories of family and friends. We hope you enjoy our small of family and friends. We hope you enjoy our small “cookbook” that is “cookbook” that is growing with new recipes each year.
growing with new recipes each year.
WhatWhat is the County withoutFair the enthusiasm of young people? Here is some of our staff Here who over the years, is the Fair County without the enthusiasm of young people? is some of have all participated the County Fair did this year’sin County Clerk Exhibit our staff who over thein years, have alland participated the County Fairset-up. and did this L-R: Kristin Owens, Exhibit Coordinator Kelsey Troyer, Molly Stokes, Luci Weis, year’s County Clerk Exhibit set-up. & Assistant Director Of Elections, Jacob Hopkins!
L-R: Kristin Owens, Exhibit Coordinator Kelsey Troyer, Molly Stokes, Luci Weis, & Assistant Director Of Elections, Jacob Hopkins!