Enterprise classifieds Friday, June 5, 2020

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PETS Have you lost a pet? Do you want to help shelter animals get back home? Please join the Yolo County Lost and Found Pets Group on Facebook at facebook.com/ groups/yolopets

Planet Plastic: is reduce, reuse, recycle enough?

Dear Annie: I am not optimistic about the plastic pollution of our planet. I remember a time when plastic did not exist and we managed OK with glass, tin cans, foil, paper, cardboard (waxed for dairy) and something called cellophane. Now everything comes in plastic. Even cans have plastic labels, and glass bottles have plastic caps. We were told that recycling was taking care of the problem; now we learn that only a tiny fraction of plastic is ever recycled. Even plastic objects that are used for years will eventually wind up in landfills (billions of lawn chairs?). PLASTIC WILL NEVER GO AWAY. What can we do, Annie? — Plastic Problem Dear Plastic Problem: Environmentalists around the globe have been talking about plastic and how to deal with it. Below are some tips from the Earth Day Network website on how you can reduce your plastic pollution: “Reduce your own plastic waste. Start by using our plastic calculator to track how much you use — then you can take steps to reduce your use and waste. “Like sipping through straws? Get a reusable stainless steel, glass, or bamboo one to use instead of wasteful plastic ones. “Instead of buying water in plastic bottles, invest in a water filter and reusable water bottle(s). Bonus: it’s cheaper in the long run. “Choose clothing and other personal items made from earth-friendly materials instead of microfibers and other synthetic fibers, which pollute our water. (Even more ways to green your style.) “Bring a reusable container to a restaurant with you when you expect to have leftovers. “Refuse straws: It’s as simple as adding, “No straw, please” when requesting beverages at restaurants or cafes. “Refuse beverage tops. (Are you really going to spill?) “Pick up trash in your neighborhood and when visiting parks and beaches. “Recycle the plastics you use and no longer need. “Return single-use bags to grocery stores for them to recycle.” ——— Dear Annie: I am a divorced female in my late 40s. I have been in a relationship for six years. I work full time and am financially independent. My partner takes offense if I do things for myself, such as working out at the gym, getting manicures and brushing my teeth before bed. He accuses me of not wanting to spend time with him. Am I being selfish? — Selfish Sally Dear Selfish Sally: It sounds like you are with Controlling Charlie. There is nothing wrong with going to the gym, brushing your teeth and even getting manicures. In fact, an argument can be made that they are important ingredients of a healthy life. The fact that your boyfriend takes offense to any of this is ridiculous. Make sure you have quality time with him but not at the expense of your health and personal hygiene. If he argues with you, send him packing, and




FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2020

Your Puzzle Solutions (upside down) Sudoku 1


Sudoku 2


Generous reward for return of a tan/ printed overnight bag and contents, lost in downtown area weeks ago. Call Chris 530-756-4986.

be sure to include his toothbrush.

Geri is not the best co-worker Dear Annie: I work with a woman who, for some reason, is absolutely desperate to hoard all the work, all day, every day. “Geri” answers the phone on a half a ring. If something comes out of the fax, then she will run to get it before anyone else can. If you tell her that you’re handling something, then she will pretend not to hear you and walk all over you and the work you’ve already put into the project. If she does not get her way, then she will cry and tell the boss that you are mistreating her. She has one of the brownest noses I have ever seen. At this point, I believe that she has become a human suppository to my boss. She has absolutely no idea how to share and gets very upset when you treat her the same way she treats you. Geri has been nasty to me since Day One. When I’ve told her I don’t appreciate the way she treats me, she tells me that I’d better get used to it. “Quantity, not quality” must be her personal motto. She will, on occasion, share work that comes out of the fax with everyone else in the room except myself (but only after she’s bitten off more than she can chew). She has told me that the reason I don’t like her is that she has “a work ethic.” I would beg to differ. It seems more along the lines of a personality disorder and/or extreme arrogance. I work with quite a few other people who have healthy work ethics. We get along just fine. She also doesn’t believe that she can ever make a mistake. If she does and you catch it, she will instantly blame someone else or say, “What’s the big deal?” She even has made flyers saying that “Geri is the best!” and “Geri is a NICE PERSON!” I can’t wait till she passes them out! I am at the end of my rope. I’d hate to quit because the days that she doesn’t show up are pretty darn good. We laugh; we work; and, get this, we share. The only time she is kind is when she wants something from you, whether it be knowledge or for you to pick her up some food or perhaps complete a task that she feels is beneath her. Please offer me some guidance. — Enough Is Enough Dear Enough: In my years writing this column I’ve heard of all sorts of behavior, but someone making “I’m Great!” flyers — that is a first. Clearly, Geri has some issues that didn’t begin with you, and they won’t end with you. Acknowledging that might help you find some measure of peace with the situation. That’s not to say you should put up with workplace bullying. The first step toward addressing that is

talking to Geri again. Ask what you could do that might make your working relationship smoother. Let her know how her behavior impacts you. Don’t rattle off a laundry list of all her transgressions. Focus instead on the overarching pattern of her taking on so much of the workload. If this peace talk doesn’t bear out results, it’s time to go up the chain of command. Request to meet with human resources (and if there is no HR, then your supervisor). Go into the meeting seeking solutions, not pointing fingers. And again, leave out all the personal animosity you may feel toward Geri. Present only the ways in which her behavior has concretely impacted your work. Whatever happens, try to disengage from her antics as much as possible. “The Geri Show” may go on, but you don’t have to tune in.

Dreadful ‘Dear’

Leads us to a new beginning The past that we are leaving Means a future we are winning Each change that fills the present Sets the stage for our tomorrow And how we meet each challenge Helps determine joy or sorrow In every new beginning Spirit plays a vital part We must approach tomorrow With a strong and steady heart So as we turn the corner Let’s all apprehension shed And fill our heart with confidence As we proceed ahead — Bruce B. Wilmer (1978) Dear Reader: Thank you for sending this poem. It is very uplifting, and, as you say, it is still timely. ———

Happiness takes work, not quick fixes

Dear Annie: Why do strange men call women “dear” as they get a little Dear Annie: older? husband I am in my late 60s but My don’t consider myself an and I have been “old lady.” I dress reason- married for 43 ably — nice jeans/pants years. I have a and a cute top. My hair is good life, or so I I not gray, and I do not look thought. recently found sickly. Yes, I have a few wrin- out that he has kles, but I still feel proud of had an affair. my appearance. I am not When I asked these guys’ mother, wife or him about it, he sweetheart. I am a com- told me that it was only for plete stranger. I have been called “dear” eight months. by cashiers, EMTs, a male And he said the was dentist and others. Many reason women do not take this as a because I would compliment. In fact, it is a not initiate sex. little demeaning. When I Ha, that is a very politely mentioned two-way street. this to a couple of men, I Anyway, I did was met with silence or a some checking look of disbelief. Hopefully, and found out some of these guys will see that it was for your column. Thanks for two years. He has seen her on letting me vent. — Don’t Call Me “Dear” Christmas and Dear Don’t Call Me New Year’s Eve. “Dear”: You assume that And he even “dear” is a term reserved for met with her on elderly women, when I OUR anniveralways thought it was a sary. Then I term of endearment (par- found out that don the pun) for all ages. I he went to see see the intention being key her a few hours in these circumstances. Are after I had these speakers being cour- major lung surteous or condescending? gery. He has cried I’m curious to hear from other readers on this sub- and told me how ject. When a stranger calls sorry he is. And you “dear,” are you compli- how dumb he was for doing mented or insulted? ——— this. Every day Dear Annie: since I found this In these days of the coro- out, he has said navirus, I have been occu- he is sorry. But pied by PUBLIC NOTICE going NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF through PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California Self-Service some paperwork Storage Facility Act, (B&P Code 21700 et. seq.), the undersigned intends to sell at that my public sale by sealed bids only, on the mother 19th day of June, 2020, at 1:00 PM at and I have the Harrison Self Storage facility located saved. We at 2323 Second Street, in the City of County of Yolo, State of California, found this Davis, personal property including but not poem by limited to furniture, clothing, tools and/ Bruce or other household items stored by the following person: Wilmer, which was Customer Name: Kim Stockard written in Unit #: D52A Boxes of Books, Lg Trunk, 1978. I Room Partition, Plastic Stand w/o Drawers wanted to share it Purchases must be paid for with cash or cashier's check at the time of purchase. with your All purchased items are sold "as is" and readers must be removed at the time of sale with because it unit swept clean. Sale subject to prior is just as cancellation in the event of settlement appropri- between owner and obligated party. ate now as Dated this 5th and 12th day of June, it was 42 2020, by Harrison Self Storage. years ago. 2323 Second Street, Davis, CA 95616, (530) 753-6007. “New BeginBond Number: 1016141 nings” Viewing is only allowed between the office Each chapter that hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday and not on weekends. is ending 6/5, 6/12 860

here is my problem. First, he lent her some money — not much, but $400, and she paid back $100. He has been calling her wanting the rest. I found out he called her, and he told me yes, he wants his money. I told him to forget it. Second, he has had back surgery three times. The last one left him with numbness and weakness in both legs. And he now has some kind of erectile dysfunction. So I am wondering if he stopped seeing her to come to me so I can take care of him. We have had sex, but he is different somehow. It is not the same as it used to be, and it really makes me wonder. How do I get over this feeling that he may still be seeing her and talking to her? I found a burner phone with her number on

it. I broke it. I don’t want to go to counseling. Just some easy steps to get over all this garbage. — Sucker-Punched Dear Sucker-Punched: You might not want to go to counseling, but you really don’t have a choice — for your sake, not his. Trust your gut. If you feel that things are different, then chances are things are different. Different can be OK. While change is scary, it can also be wonderful for transformation. But you have to do the work. Figure out what makes you happy and what you want out of life. Hopefully, through therapy, you can learn to forgive your louse of a husband for what he did and move on — with him or without him.



Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Codes sections 3691 and 3692.4, the following conditions will, by operation of law, subject real property to the tax collector’s power to sell.

1) All property for which property taxes and assessments have been in default for five or more years. 2) All property which has a nuisance abatement lien recorded against it and for which property taxes and assessments have been in default for three or more years. 3) Any property that has been identified and requested for purchase by a city, county, city and county, or nonprofit organization to serve the public benefit by providing housing or services directly related to low-income persons and for which property taxes and assessments have been in default for three or more years.

The parcels listed herein meet the one or more of the criteria listed above and thus, will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell on July 1, 2020, at 12:01 a.m., by operation of law. The tax collector’s power to sell will arise unless the property is either redeemed or made subject to an installment plan of redemption initiated as provided by law prior to close of business on the last business day in June. The right to an installment plan terminates on the last business day in June, and after that date the entire balance due must be paid in full to prevent sale of the property at public auction. The right of redemption survives the property becoming subject to the power to sell, but terminates at 5 p.m. on the last business day prior to the date of the sale by the tax collector.

All information concerning redemption or the initiation of an installment plan of redemption will be furnished, upon request, by Chad Rinde, 625 Court Street, Room 102, Woodland, CA 95695, phone (530) 666-8625.

The amount to redeem, including all penalties and fees, as of June, 2020, is shown opposite the parcel number and next to the name of the assessee. PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION

The Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the assessor's map book, the map page, the block on the map, if applicable, and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The assessor's maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the assessor's office. PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED ON JULY 1,2013 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 008-101-013-000 038-160-001-000 060-260-002-000


AMOUNT TO REDEEM $5,523.91 $10,373.56 $8,685.43

PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED ON JULY 1,2014 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 006-561-002-000 014-258-009-000 027-590-024-000 051-010-031-000


AMOUNT TO REDEEM $6,055.09 $7,805.75 $17,530.04 $37,650.73

PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED ON JULY 1,2015 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 006-391-012-000 006-404-019-000 006-581-002-000 008-193-001-000 008-193-067-000 008-302-009-000 008-303-012-000 010-495-023-000 010-495-024-000 014-073-012-000 014-126-022-000 044-020-025-000 045-043-019-000 045-055-010-000 045-373-007-000 045-381-025-000 045-742-007-000 051-182-015-000 058-082-007-000 064-024-014-000 066-270-015-000 067-310-027-000 068-220-018-000 070-145-001-000 066-050-004-000 008-331-010-000 058-091-001-000 027-830-008-000 064-031-008-000 071-435-006-000 030-280-014-000


I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Chad Rinde, Yolo County Tax Collector Executed at: Woodland, Yolo County, California, on May 18th, 2020 Published in: Davis Enterprise: May 24th, May 31st and June 5th, 2020




Public Notices X FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: May 7, 2020 FBN Number: F20200357 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) Corabella’s Restaurant 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 590 N. East Street Woodland, CA 95776 Mailing address: Zinap Food Corporation 438 Bluefield Drive San Jose, CA 95136 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip Zinap Food Corporation 438 Bluefield Drive San Jose, CA 95136 4. Business Classification: Corporation 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Mabelle Hernandez Zinap Food Corporation, Secretary 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5 837 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: May 6, 2020 FBN Number: F20200355 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) Blue Pine Coffins 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 216 F Street, #132 Davis, CA 95616 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip Dean Talbott Newberry 1023 Clark Ct. Davis, CA 95618 And Danielle Scharlin Newberry 1023 Clark Ct. Davis, CA 95618 4. Business Classification: A Married Couple 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: April 22, 2020 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Dean T. Newberry Danielle S. Newberry 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5 840 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PROPERTY TAX DELINQUENCY AND IMPENDING DEFAULT Made pursuant to Section 3351,3352, Revenue and Taxation Code

I, Chad Rinde, Yolo County Tax Collector, State of California, certify as follows:

That at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2020, by operation of law, any real property (unless previously tax-defaulted and not redeemed) that have any delinquent taxes, assessments, or other charges levied for the fiscal year 2019-2020, and/ or any delinquent supplemental taxes levied prior to the fiscal year 2019-2020, shall be declared tax-defaulted.

That unless the property is completely redeemed through payment of all unpaid amounts, together with penalties and fees prescribed by law or an installment plan is initiated and maintained; the property will become tax-defaulted and may be sold subsequently at a tax sale to satisfy the tax lien.

That a detailed list of all properties remaining tax-defaulted as of July 1, 2023, and not redeemed prior to being submitted for publication, shall be published on or before September 8, 2023.

That information concerning redemption or the initiation of an installment plan of redemption of tax-defaulted property will be furnished, upon request by Chad Rinde, 625 Court St., Room 102, Woodland, California 95695, telephone number (530)666-8625.

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct.

Chad Rinde Yolo County Tax Collector

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: May 1, 2020 FBN Number: F20200346 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) FINE WOODCRAFTERS 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 227 Jalisco Place Davis, CA 95616 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip Daniel R. Hutter 227 Jalisco Place Davis, CA 95616 4. Business Classification: Individual 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Daniel R. Hutter 5/22, 5/29, 6/5, 6/12 846 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Manuela R. Collado CASE NO. PB20-95 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Manuela R. Collado A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by: Mindy A. Rosales in the Superior Court of California, County of: Yolo THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that: Mindy A. Rosales be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on July 13, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 9 located at 1000 Main Street, Woodland, CA 95695 Yolo Superior Court Dept.9 Virtual Courtroom (if necessary): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5700091000 ?pwd=eE4weWpZbVBiQWtwOUlVMEhE SFBnZz09 Meeting ID: 570 009 1000 Password: 619187 Conference Call Number (Alternative to Zoom) Primary: (669) 900-9128 Backup A: (669) 219-2599 Backup B: (213) 338-8477 IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Signed: Soohyun King Attorney for the petitioner 1321 Howe Avenue, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95825 916-569-1700 6/5, 6/7, 6/12 854 PUBLIC NOTICE

City of Davis Notice of Public Hearing

Executed at Woodland, Yolo County, California, on May 18th, 2020 The City of Davis City Council will Published in Davis Enterprise on May conduct a public hearing on the project 24th, May 31st and June 5th, 2020. 843 application, as described below, at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME a meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. STATEMENT on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 in the Community Chambers, City Offices, 23 Filed: May 6, 2020 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California. In FBN Number: F20200353 accordance with Executive Order 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) N-33-20 and N-29-20, this meeting AASCUNDEN 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of may be conducted electronically or Principal Place of Business in California. by teleconference, without a physical location from which members of the Business is located in Yolo County. public may observe and offer public 105 Second Street comment. Information on how to Woodland, CA 95695 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), observe the meeting and offer public comment electronically or telephonically Residence Address, State, and Zip will be included in the meeting agenda. Benjamin Robert Pyles Please contact the City Clerk’s Office 105 Second Street or Community Development and Woodland, CA 95695 Sustainability Department for the 4. Business Classification: approximate time this item will be heard. Individual 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact Project Name: University Commons business under the fictitious business Mixed Use Redevelopment Project name or names listed above on: Project Location: April 28, 2020 “I declare that all information in 737-885 Russell Boulevard this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true Property Owner/Applicant: Brixmor information which he or she knows to be Property Group c/o Andrew Gracey California Property Owner I, LLC false is guilty of a crime.) 1525 Faraday Avenue, Suite 350 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Carlsbad, CA 92008 Benjamin Robert Pyles 5/22, 5/29, 6/5, 6/12 845 File Number: Planning Application #1817 for General Planned Amendment

• E-mail your public notice to legals@davisenterprise.net • Be sure to include your name and phone number

#02-18, Rezone/ PPD #03-18, Demolition Services Commission will conduct a #11-18, Development Agreement #02-19, meeting scheduled for Monday, June EIR #04-18 15, 2020 beginning at 7:00 p.m. The City Council will conduct a public hearing Project Description: at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, The proposed University Commons June 16, 2020 beginning at 6:30 p.m. project includes demolition of In compliance with the Shelter in Place approximately 90,563 sq. ft. of the Order, and as allowed by the Governor’s existing University Mall building for Executive Order N-29-20, which allows redevelopment as a mixed-use project. for a deviation of teleconference rules The new development would include required by the Brown Act, Public 264 new multi-family residential units Meetings will be held by teleconference and 136,800 sq. ft. of new retail space, not only until further notice. In-person including the existing 13,200-sq. ft. Trader attendance in Community Chambers will Joe’s building, which will remain at its not be permitted. current location. A three-level, 246,000sq. ft. parking structure would provide The Social Services Commission will 533 garage stalls with an additional 160 review the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, stalls in the surface parking lot. The main the FY 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan structure would consist of five to seven and Proposed Reallocation of Prior Year levels approximately 80 feet in height. CDBG Funds at their meeting on June Two smaller pad buildings are also 15, 2020 and make recommendations proposed. to the City Council. The City Council meeting is scheduled to hear comments The 136,800 sq. ft. of retail space would from the public to aid them in making accommodate shops, restaurants, offices, funding decisions for the use of 2020and other associated uses on the ground 2021 Community Development Block floor and second floor areas. There Grant (CDBG) and the Home Investment would be eight retail areas constructed Partnerships Program (HOME) Program generally within the footprint of the Funds. The City expects to receive existing University Mall and underneath $743,986 in CDBG and $380,846 in HOME the proposed residential units and two funds for the fiscal year 2020-2021. new, free-standing, two-story retail buildings. In addition, the City has $410,263 in prior year CDBG funds which will be proposed The 264 residential units would have 622 for reallocation for fiscal year 2020/2021 bedrooms and up to 894 beds in a mix of to support permanent/transitional unit types. The residential portion of the housing projects for the homeless. project would consist of four residential levels over the three-level parking 2020 One Year Action Plan Funding garage and three residential levels Recommendations Project over two retail levels. The residential Description: units would be arranged around three The CDBG and HOME program grants separate courtyards. The project also federal funds through the US Department includes tree removal and improvements of Housing and Urban Development for circulation, vehicle and bicycle (HUD) to cities in order to implement parking, landscaping, and other site projects that largely benefit very low, improvements. low- and moderate-income persons and households. Planning entitlements include: a General Plan Amendment to create a new Mixed CDBG Program Use land use category and to change the Public Services: designation of the site from Community Proposals recommended for funding Retail to Mixed Use; a Rezone of the site totaling $111,598 will assist with to a Planned Development (PD) for the homeless food, supplies, resources, case uses and development standards; and management and outreach services, Demolition for removal of the existing overnight shelter stays, meals to seniors, structure. The project also includes mental health services, and health a Development Agreement and an insurance enrollment support through Environmental Impact Report. Additional seven agencies. required planning entitlements would be subject to separate review. Public Facilities: Proposals recommended for funding Environmental Determination: totaling $483,591 for City of Davis An Environmental Impact Report Parking Facility ADA Compliance Projects (SCH#2018112044) evaluating the – Flatwork (curbcuts and sidewalks) environmental impacts has been and Yolo Community Care Continuum prepared for the project pursuant to Farmhouse Sewer Project. CEQA requirements and will be reviewed for a recommendation to City Council. The Administration: EIR identified significant and unavoidable Recommended for funding totaling impacts related to transportation, which $148,797 for City of Davis - CDBG Program requires adoption of a statement of Administration and Fair Housing Services overriding considerations. Potentially required by HUD. significant impacts related to air quality, biological, cultural, GHG emissions, Total Projected CDBG Funds: $743,986 hazardous materials, hydrology, noise, and transportation were identified, HOME Program but impacts were reduced to a lessthan-significant level through the Affordable Housing: Funding of implementation of mitigation measures. $285,635 will assist the City in working All other impacts were determined to with Developers to increase affordable be less than significant. The Final EIR housing opportunities in Davis. is available online with other project documents at the project website below. CHDO: Funding of $57,127 will assist a Availability of Documents: Community Housing Development Additional information pertaining to Organization (CHDO) is a private the project is available for review at the nonprofit, community-based, service Department of Community Development organization to develop affordable and Sustainability, Planning Division, housing for the community it serves. This 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California, is a requirement of HUD. 95616. Project documents are also available online at: https://www. Administration: cityofdavis.org/city-hall/community- Recommended for funding totaling d e v e l o p m e n t - a n d - s u s t a i n a b i l i t y / $38,085 for City of Davis - HOME Program development-projects/university- Administration and affordable housing commons. monitoring required by HUD. Staff reports are available through the city’s website at: https://www.cityofdavis. org/city-hall/city-council/city-councilmeetings/agendas. Staff reports for the public hearing are generally available five (5) days prior to the hearing date and may be available by contacting the project planner. Public Comments: All interested parties are invited to participate in the meeting electronically or by teleconference, or send written comments to Eric Lee, Project Planner, City of Davis, Department of Community Development and Sustainability, 23 Russell Boulevard, Suite 2, Davis, California, 95616; or via email at: elee@ cityofdavis.org, no later than noon the date of the meeting. For questions, please call the project planner at (530) 757-5610, extension 7237. The City does not transcribe its proceedings. Persons who wish to obtain a verbatim record should arrange for attendance by a court reporter or for some other acceptable means of recordation. Such arrangements will be at the sole expense of the person requesting the recordation. If you challenge the action taken on this matter in court, the challenge may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence to the Director of Community Development and Sustainability or City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 6/5

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2020 A5

Sherri Metzker, Principal Planner 855 PUBLIC NOTICE

City of Davis Combined Notice of Public Comment Period and Public Hearing for the Adoption of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and FY 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and Proposed Reallocation of Prior Year CDBG Funds Due to recent Shelter in Place Orders, the public hearing and approval for HUD funding and plans were re-scheduled for the Social Services Commission Meeting and the City Council from April to June. The City of Davis Social

Total Projected HOME Funds: $380,846 Public Comment for Five Year Plan, Updated Citizen Participation Plan and Annual Action Plan: The City made available the draft Consolidated FiveYear Plan and One-Year Action Plan for fiscal year 2020–2021, containing funding recommendations and an updated Citizen Participation Plan for a required 30-day public review/comment period on the city’s webpage at www. cityofdavis.org from March 16, 2020 to April 15, 2020. Public comment will still be accepted from all interested parties up to and including the City Council public hearing on June 16, 2020. Consideration of adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Plan, Citizen’s Participation Plan, One Year Action Plan and Proposed Reallocation of Prior Year CDBG Funds will occur at a public hearing during the City Council meeting on June 16, 2020. Remote Public Comments for Public Hearing on Funding Recommendations: All interested parties are invited to comment at the public hearing by submitting written comments to the City Manager’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on the hearing date. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Kelly Stachowicz, City of Davis, 23 Russell Blvd., Suite 1, Davis CA, 95616, or via email to cmoweb@cityofdavis. org. Public Comment may also be submitted by following instructions for public comment on the City Council Agenda, located at www.cityofdavis.org/ councilagendas. Availability of Documents: Proposals, Five Year Consolidated Plan, Citizen’s Participation Plan and One Year Action Plan are posted on the city’s webpage at www.cityofdavis.org. Per the Governor’s Executive Order N-2920, public computers are not available for online viewing, nor are documents available for review at City Hall, as the building closed to the public at this time.

The City does not transcribe its proceedings. Persons who wish to obtain a verbatim record should arrange for attendance by a court reporter or any other acceptable means of recordation. Such arrangements will be at the sole expense of the person requesting the recordation.

Individuals wishing to challenge the action taken on this matter in court are notified that, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to City Manager’s Office prior to the public hearing. Kelly Stachowicz, Assistant City Manager City Manager’s Office 6/5 858 PUBLIC NOTICE

City of Davis Combined Notice of Public Comment Period and Public Hearing for a Substantial Amendment to the FY 2019 Consolidated and Annual Action Plan, amending the Citizen Participation Plan, COVID-19 Waiver Authority, HOME Program Statutory Suspensions and Regulatory Waiver Authority and CARES Act and HOME Funding

The City Council will conduct a public hearing at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 2020 beginning at 6:30 p.m. In compliance with the Shelter in Place Order, and as allowed by the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Brown Act, Public Meetings will be held by teleconference only until further notice. In-person attendance in Community Chambers will not be permitted.

As part of the March 27, 2020 Congressionally passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the City of Davis will receive $437,662 in HUD Round 1 funding, specifically targeted to cities/counties to provide a timely response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds must support low income residents and will be prioritized for services, capital improvement enhancements and to support permanent/temporary housing projects for the homeless. In addition, HUD has approved the implementation of HOME statutory suspensions and/ or regulatory waivers, allowing the City to use up to $328,869 in FY19/20 uncommitted HOME funds for tenantbased rental assistance (TBRA) funds to facilitate urgent housing assistance to Davis families experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. A HUDrequired substantial amendment to the 2019 Consolidated and Annual Action Plan highlighting these actions, including a Citizen Participation Plan amendment, COVID-19 Waiver Authority and HOME Program Statutory Suspensions and Regulatory Waiver Authority, and CARES Act and HOME funding will be presented for approval at the meetings.

Public Comment Notice: Public comment will be taken from all interested parties for a period of 10 days beginning June 5, 2020, up to and including the public hearing at the City Council meeting on June 16, 2020.

Remote Public Comments: All interested parties are invited to comment at the public hearing by submitting written comments to the City Manager’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on the hearing date. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Kelly Stachowicz, City of Davis, 23 Russell Blvd., Suite 1, Davis CA, 95616, or via email to cmoweb@cityofdavis. org. Public Comment may also be submitted by following instructions for public comment on the City Council Agenda, located at www.cityofdavis.org/ councilagendas.

Availability of Documents: The substantial amendment to the 2019 Consolidated and Annual Action Plan including a Citizen Participation Plan amendment, COVID-19 Waiver Authority and CARES Act funding is posted on the city’s webpage at www.cityofdavis. org. Per the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, public computers are not available for online viewing, nor are documents available for review at City Hall, as the building is closed to the public at this time.

By request, alternative document formats are available to person with disabilities. To request alternative document format or to arrange aid or services to modify or accommodate persons with a disability to participate in a public meeting, contact the City Clerk by calling (530) 757-5648 (voice) or 757-5666 (TDD) or emailing clerkweb@cityofdavis.org.

The City does not transcribe its proceedings. Persons who wish to obtain a verbatim record should arrange for attendance by a court reporter or any other acceptable means of recordation. Such arrangements will be at the sole expense of the person requesting the recordation.

Individuals wishing to challenge the action taken on this matter in court are notified that, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to City Manager’s Office prior to the public hearing.

By request, alternative document formats are available to person with disabilities. To request alternative document format or to arrange aid or services to modify or accommodate persons with a disability to participate in a public meeting, contact the City Clerk by calling (530) 757-5648 (voice) or 757-5666 (TDD) or emailing Kelly Stachowicz, Assistant City Manager City Manager’s Office clerkweb@cityofdavis.org. 6/5 859

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