George was surprised to discover the selling price of a small home in his neighborhood, so he sent me the following email: “I know prices are out of control but has the world gone nuts?”
Increasing home prices have surprised many longtime homeowners. While the longterm appreciation rate for California homes has been positive, our market often experiences unpredictable highs and lows. Like a rollercoaster ride, it can be unpredictable and often creates anxiety for both buyers and sellers.
Looking back, the median selling price for a home in El Dorado County in August 2007 was $504,000. Four years later it was $265,000. This month the county’s median selling price is $600,000. There was no home appreciation between 2018 and 2019 when the median price of a county home stayed at $495,000. The next year, however, prices jumped to
$525,000 and then went nuts the following year, increasing $95,000 to $620,000.
The demand for California homes and the shortage of inventory has created the wealthiest homeowners ever. The average homeowner’s equity is more than $300,000. However, our high home prices, about double the national average, is excluding a generation from homeownership. The California Association of Realtors reports only 16% of California households can afford to purchase the $830,620 median-priced home. Buyers have paid whatever the price to live here confident prices will increase further. They could be right but their numbers are declining.
Historically, California has been a destination state. It was where everyone wanted to live. The state’s population growth dating back to the Gold Rush has
always exceeded the housing available. The demand for housing and regulatory limits on new developments drove up prices. The 2008 Great Recession changed that. California was one of the hardest hit states. A record number of foreclosures and lost jobs sparked the beginning of a migration. For the first time, more folks were moving out of state than moving to California from other states. That was OK according to many economists, who assured us the people leaving were the less educated and lower-income earners who didn’t contribute all that much to our economy.
The 2019 U.S. Census was a wake-up call when it reported there was 0% increase in California’s 2018 population. This was a bit more troubling. The pandemic accelerated the demand for homes driving prices up but it also drove more folks out of the state. According to the most recent U.S. Census, California has experienced a decline in population for the third straight year. More troubling is the out-of-state migration isn’t only lowincome wage earners. There is evidence
the folks leaving are some of the state’s wealthiest.
A recent study of IRS data found that $340 million in 2021 tax revenue collection transferred out of California to other states. The state’s Legislative Analysis Office attributes California’s declining state revenue and a $25 billion state budget deficit to its loss of higher wage earners. The most recent state and federal tax revenue numbers confirm that both high and average-income earners have relocated to other states. The most popular, according to the IRS data, are Florida, Texas and Arizona.
Perhaps the declining population is a short-term phenomenon and will reverse itself in a few years. If so, an increasing population will continue to put pressure on home prices. If the declining population continues, the best appreciation years for California homes will be behind us. Future population projections are not optimistic.
4045 sq ft. commercially zoned Historical Building. Construction has started and permitted with the city to convert the shop to retail and access upgrades. The upstairs addition shares the 721 Main Street address, and this part of the building has current remodel plans and a permit that can be assumed by new owners. Rough framed, plumbing and electric are finished, but insulation is not completed. Heat and air system also in. Main building could be anything you want with residential at the second floor with a deck and stairs leading down to a fully fenced 40x49’ private parking lot and year round creek.
Not the sofa — Installing a built-in Murphy bed allows
Every year the migration happens. Flocks of kids leave home for college. In the United States, more than 40% of new college students move away from home. And you know what that means?
Their parents gain a bedroom.
For Gina, who asked me not to use her last name, sending her only child away to college was bittersweet. While she missed having her home, being able to transform her daughter’s bedroom into a home office and private retreat took some of the sting away.
Marni Jameson AtHome
“I wanted to make her room into a place I could use without making her feel kicked out,” said Gina, who shares the two-bedroom, 1,600-square-foot home in Chelmsford, Mass., with her husband.
It’s a tricky transition.
She hired interior designer Debbe Daley, of Portsmouth, NH, to help.
“Sending a kid off to college stirs up a
lot of emotions for both parent and child,” said Daley, who has renovated several empty-nest bedrooms, including her own daughter’s.
“It’s a moment,” she said. “The kids go off and the parents look at this unused space and wonder what to do with it. Leaving the room as it is can be a sad reminder of all the missed activity.”
I must butt in: Folks, homes aren’t museums. They need to change with the seasons of your life. Design your home to suit the life you have now, because living in the past robs you of the present and ultimately of your future. You can’t move forward if you’re standing on the brake.
Back to Daley. “Look at the empty space and reassess how you want it to feel and function,” she said, adding that when her daughter went away n See Jameson, page 6
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“Aging in place” (aka independent living) is the phenomena of older adults remaining in their homes as they age, rather than relocating or moving into an institutional setting.
In fact, about 75% of 50-plus-year-olds would like to stay in their current homes or communities for as long as possible, compared to about half of 18- to 49-year-olds, according to AARP. With age, lifestyle needs change and if staying in your home is important to you, you may have concerns about getting around your home or getting simple tasks done, including personal care.
Whether you’re a future caregiver or a care recipient, nd suggestions below that can help with some of these worries along with easy ideas to ensure you have a functional home.
As you prepare to make this big life step, take the time to sit down and think about the types of help yourself, a partner or a care recipient may need. Everyone’s situation is di erent, so it’s important to take the necessary steps now to avoid future issues.
One way to plan ahead is to talk to a doctor.
O entimes, there may be medical conditions that could a ect or complicate the way one ages in place or even hinder mobility around the house.
If you’re a caregiver, it can prove helpful to
be proactive. While these may be daunting conversations, it’s important to have them with a doctor and discuss best practices for living in your home long term.
Another way to plan ahead is to create an at-home checklist of simple design updates that’ll allow a safe, independent living experience. The easiest way to identify what to change is to walk around the house and take note of anything that could pose a challenge in the near future.
Consider door levers over doorknobs, light switches with a rocker panel versus a toggle switch, or even awningstyle windows to make them easier to open and close. Making subtle changes like these can have long-term impacts on your comfortability and ability to stay put.
If one is already having trouble moving around the house, it may be time to outsource assistance. Some people avoid electric scooters or chairs due to the he y price tag, but what many don’t realize is that some at-home electronic aids are covered by Medicare. Other available resources you can contact if in need of home modi cations or low-cost assistive devices include Administration for Community Living, The National Rehabilitation Information Center and AARP.
If you wish to revamp your space with stylish home furnishings that allow for aging in place, having a consultation with an experienced local home designer, or Certi ed Aging in Place Specialist, is your best bet.
These professionals are trained in meeting the needs of older adults by assisting with aging-inplace home renovations. Whether you need pocket doors to help with mobility between rooms, wider hallways for wheelchairs, or even a single-story house plan with a complete second suite, these designers can help update a home to adapt to a family — instead of a family adapting to a new home.
Resources you can contact for this include Accessible Living, Paul Schumacher Homes and even Care.com.
Aging-in-place updates
don’t always have to look and feel dull. You can make simple tweaks to make any space look presentable and elegant. An easy place to start implementing these tweaks is in the bathroom. Remodel your bath space the easy, a ordable way and t it with the all-new Precept ADA Tub & Shower with Hand Shower by Peerless. Designed for all, this sleek and modern shower trim kit assures everyone has a safe, comfortable showering experience. It also comes in three di erent nishes (chrome, matte black and brushed nickel) to t almost any bath space and design. Its 5-inch tub spout, handle operations, hand shower, hose and 24-inch grab bar are all ADA-compliant to help you create an accessible space without compromising design or functionality.
You can also pair this trim kit with the brand-new accessories within the Precept Bath Collection for a
Plan ahead, tap into resources available to you and look into installing ADAcompliant but stylish that make your home work for you for years to come.
coordinated, uni ed look.
Other easy home agingin-place modi cations could be eliminating hard-to-reach areas like high or low cabinets. Instead, opt for darker hued drawers right under your countertop; this way they’re more accessible and can easily match almost any kitchen décor. Need additional aging-in-place thoughtful kitchen inspiration? Introduce a mobile, adjustable kitchen island with lots of storage to avoid excess meal prepping and standing time.
When thinking through ways to create a safer and age-friendly home environment, take advantage of resources available to you and prioritize updating rooms you utilize the most.
Focus on the basics and create a well-coordinated and accessible space with xtures that don’t compromise on aesthetics or functionality.
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to college, she turned the freed-up bedroom in her rural Massachusetts lo into a design studio. When her daughter came home on weekends, she slept in the ve-foot-tall lo space overhead and used a library ladder to get to it.
“At rst she had reservations,” said Daley, who out tted the area with a bed, pendant lights and small bedside tables that oated o the wall. “But then she thought it was cool, like she was glamping.”
For another family whose son went o to college, Daley turned the boyish room into a posh guest room like you’d nd in a New England B&B. The son loves it.
“Debbe came up with great ideas like removing the bed and putting in a Murphy bed to create space,” Gina said. The Murphy bed stays handsomely folded into the wall until her daughter comes home or a guest visits. This allowed them to add a desk, a bookcase and seating so Gina, a real estate agent, now has a workspace and a place to read or watch television.
But what did Gina’s daughter think?
“She was ne with it,” Gina said. “Her main concern was where her clothes were going to go.” (A girl a er my own heart.)
Her clothes remain in the room’s closet. “Maybe down the road, when she is truly o on her own, I can use the closet for my stu . I believe that will happen,” she said, adding with a laugh, “At least, I hope so!”
Whether you want to turn your oto-college-kid’s bedroom into an o ce, a gym, a recording studio, a library, a cra room, a sauna, a greenhouse or some other fantasy space, here’s some advice from those who’ve been there:
• Embrace the change. “If you do nothing, a er a while the room becomes a weird time capsule,” said Daley, who encourages parents to see the transition as a new chapter in their lives, too. “Consider who you’re becoming now that your child has
moved on and how you might use this dormant space for that new you.”
• Don’t spring it on them. “You aren’t going to change my room are you?” Some kids ask. Talk about it. Involve them in the discussion. Say, “This is what we have planned. But don’t worry, you will always have a place here.” Then make sure they do and that it’s not the family room couch. If they seem anxious, don’t rush it.
• Ask what matters to them most. Before you put their toy box and comic books on the curb, have them tell you what they want to keep (within reason), then gure out a way to temporarily store these belongings.
• Make rooms flexible. When repurposing a kid’s old bedroom, Daley oft en uses pullout couches. “You can nd some really nice ones with end tables,” she said. Turning a wall closet into a workspace can be a plus for college kids coming home. Remove the closet door, install a dropdown desk, add an upper cabinet and an accent chair and you can still have room on the other side for clothes.
• Wait a few months. Kids feel insecure enough when they go away to college without having their room commandeered. Coming home to what’s familiar can help them feel secure as they adapt to a new normal. Wait until a er the rst break before remodeling. “You can’t have them go o to college and come home for Thanksgiving and nd they don’t have a place,” Daley said. Plus, 24% of freshmen don’t nish their rst year of college, so there’s that. “You defi nitely don’t want to move and downsize until you’re sure they’re on their way.”
Marni Jameson is the author of six home and lifestyle books, including “What to Do With Everything You Own to Leave the Legacy You Want,” “Downsizing the Family Home – What to Save, What to Let Go” and “Downsizing the Blended Home – When Two Households Become One.” Reach her at marnijameson.com.
As the world of interior design continues to evolve, homeowners and decorators alike continue to explore innovative ways to elevate their living spaces.
The past few years have welcomed a wave of fresh wall and ceiling trends that aim to transform home decor, including the most recent revival of textured walls and ceilings.
“Homeowners are always looking for fresh and simple ways to incorporate eyecatching elements into their home,” said Raquel Beckett, senior product manager at DAP. “While texture is not a new concept, it is a novel way to effortlessly add a sense of depth and dimension to any room. We are seeing it in everything from accent walls to full covered ceilings.”
One of the simplest and most costeffective ways to add texture to walls and ceilings is with aerosol products. Here’s how to achieve this sought-after look with spray texture:
Select a texture
Choosing the right texture for your walls and ceilings can significantly impact the overall atmosphere of your living spaces. Texture can help hide wall
Some of the most popular spray texture options are knockdown, orange peel and popcorn. Knockdown offers a more subtle and understated approach with a textured surface that features flattened peaks.
It’s an excellent option if you desire a textured look without an overpowering visual effect. Orange Peel is a classic and versatile choice with a texture that mimics the surface of an orange peel.
It’s subtle, yet visually appealing, and suits a wide range of home decors. Popcorn is perfect for those seeking a textured look with a vintage touch. It creates a bumpy, stippled appearance that adds depth and character to ceilings.
Homeowners can easily achieve any of these compositions through aerosol spray texture applications available from local home improvement stores.
Before getting started, take time to properly prep the wall or ceiling area. use a drop cloth or sheet to cover the floor or any furniture, then clean the surface area and allow it to dry completely. n See texture, page 10
In 2015 the state Department of Finance projected the state’s population would reach 50 million by 2060. Last month its revised projections showed no increase in population through 2060. During the last two years, 700,000 more people moved out of state than moved in. The department is projecting state tax revenue will remain virtually unchanged for the foreseeable future.
The loss of a few hundred thousand Californians for a couple of years isn’t likely to have an immediate impact on home prices. However, if it continues, future sellers will face a much different market than those who have already sold their homes and left the state.
Research firm California Community Poll conducted a survey in June that found 4 in 10 Californians are considering moving out of state. If 10% of survey respondents actually left that would certainly solve our housing shortage.
Declining population comes at a bad
time. There are other factors that will affect the immediate and long-term housing demand. Mortgage rates, now above 7%, are at a 20-year high. Typically, when rates go up, home sales go down. The higher interest rate environment is likely to be with us for the foreseeable future.
The Biden administration’s war on fossil fuel will continue pushing up the cost of energy and consumer products. Inflation may have taken the summer off but will return this fall. The Federal Reserve will respond. Interest rates will go higher. California is a land of superlatives. It’s no mystery why millions of people have wanted to move here over the past 200 years. That could be changing. Survey results tell us why. The high cost of housing is at the top of the list. A declining population isn’t a good option for creating affordable housing.
Ken Calhoon is a real estate broker in El Dorado County. He can be reached for questions and comments at ken@kencalhoon.com.
736 Lakecrest Drive, El Dorado Hills
4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Baths | 4 Car Garage
Pool, Spa and Folsom Lake Views
graceful fusion of stately architecture, gentle lines and flowing spaces. in the Summit of El Dorado Hills this showcase creation features living, nature filled valley views, sprawling resort-like backyard and amenities you’ve wished for. Dedicated, second-floor will be your destination for the weekend... no reason to this dream location.
$1,595,000 MlS#223057305
5155 BReese ciRcle, el doRado Hills
Residential lot | Mls# 223043616 | $674,000
Build your dream home in the highly desirable Custom Serrano Community. One of the few remaining lots with unobstructed views of Folsom Lake! Custom Serrano is a prestigious community with a private golf course, 24 hour guarded gates, private club house with restaurant, walking trails and beautiful luxurious custom homes. It is located within the area’s top rated public school district.
645 KanaKa Valley Road, Rescue 10.33 acRes | Mls# 223046888 | $250,000
Gorgeous views of the American River, Sacramento Valley, and Sierra Foothills from this 10 acre lot in Rescue. Private, gated community offers very secluded and peaceful setting. Close to over 600 acres of BLM land with river access. Property has had $150-$200k worth of clearing for fire safety.
558 cRazy HoRse couRt, caMeRon PaRK .66 acRe | Mls# 223068106 | $299,000
Stunning Sierra and valley views! Conveniently located on a private, gated court close to Hwy 50, schools, shopping, and restaurants. Recently surveyed, the water meter and sewer are in and have both been paid for. Electricity to the site. Walking distance to Dave West park With a 2 story home there would views of Marble Valley and the lake below. No HOA or Mello Roos!
2 homes on almost 4 acres! Main home features 1840 sf, 2 bd/2ba, & single story living. Upgraded kitchen with granite counters, newer upgraded cabinets with wine storage, double ovens, electric cooktop, built-in microwave, fridge with ice maker, dining bar, & laminate flooring. Studio apartment above garage features private entrance, full kitchen, bedroom with full bath, & living area with wood burning
Texture Continued from 7
If there is existing texture on the area, be sure to remove it prior to applying the new texture. Lastly, practice the application before jumping in to ensure you are comfortable with the spray applicator to achieve the best results.
Apply texture
use a spray texture product that is easy to apply and will give you a consistent level of texture throughout the area you are covering. DAP’s line of 2-in-1 Wall
and Ceiling Spray Texture is an ideal choice for both pros and DIYers tackling texture.
The aerosol cans feature Aim Tech technology that offers a patent pending 60-degree adjustable nozzle to easily cover vertical, overhead and hard-to-reach areas.
The nozzle also allows you to select a fine, medium or heavy level of texture when sprayed. Hold the can approximately 12 to 18 inches away from
the surface using intermittent bursts, sweeping across the area in a quick, continuous motion.
Finish your project by sanding or painting the textured area. DAP Spray Texture only needs 30 minutes of dry time for water-based formulas and five minutes for oil-based, before you can sand or paint. Be sure to follow your paint manufacturer’s instructions on best results
for applying paint to textured surfaces. If you are applying the texture on the exterior of the home, you’ll need to use an exterior grade paint.
With the new Spray Texture line from DAP, anyone looking to repair their textured areas or spruce up their living spaces can do so easily. For more tips and products to help create your wall or ceiling texture, visit DAP.com/spraytexture.
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See the S tar! $275,000 10448 Wentworth Springs rd 2 1 (1 0) 1064 0.58 222137074 $279,000 2130 Bottle Hill rd 3 1 (1 0) 1008 17.54 223060190 $300,000 10429 Wentworth Springs rd 1 1 (1 0) 792 0.3 223044638 $349,000 2901 Harmony Ln 3 2 (2 0) 982 2.01 223059614 $349,000 2548 Tinsel Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1280 5.34 223053612 $350,000 2470 Buffalo Hill rd 3 2 (2 0) 1866 5 222144502 $359,000 6232 Lower main St 2 3 (2 1) 1340 0.15 223071909 $409,995 2915 Church Street 2 1 (1 0) 1000 0.3 223063133 $450,000 3236 Polly Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1628 5.78 223035979 $465,000 3080-3100 Breedlove rd 3 2 (2 0) 1872 5.41 223074323 $475,000 7021 Fools Canyon rd 3 2 (2 0) 1620 2.51 223060394 $549,000 7266 mount oak Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1981 1 223073115 $550,000 8860 Wentworth Springs rd 3 3 (3 0) 2192 2.16 223052265 $619,500 8944 Wentworth Springs rd 3 3 (3 0) 2405 1.88 223049624 $649,990 1750 Horse Power Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2200 5.79 223034392 $655,555 2681 Buffalo Hill rd 3 2 (2 0) 2854 3.44 223069786 $699,000 6720 Hwy 193 3 3 (2 1) 2557 43.6 223027589 $699,000 2889 Harkness St 4 2 (2 0) 1925 4.13 222125958 $800,000 6220 State Highway 193 0 0 (0 0) 2640 1.83 223002020 $870,000 4001 Steamers Ln 4 4 (3 1) 3877 40 223016561 GreenWooD
Saturday, August 26 & Sunday, August 27, 2023
12-3pm 6921 marsHall road — lotus
Nestled along the South Fork of the American River
This property offers unparalleled river access with steps leading down to the water’s edge, perfect for endless fun on the water! Nature lovers and boaters will be thrilled with its convenient location upriver of the rapid known as “Old Scary,” offering a full day of adventures on the American River with just a few steps out your backdoor. Step inside to discover oak hardwood floors, an open floor plan, and rustic charm. The house is filled with natural light, thanks to abundant large windows throughout the house, creating a seamless blend between home and nature. For artists and creatives, there’s a small studio with large windows looking out over the river. Or, use this space as the perfect work-from-home office! You certainly won’t find yourself short on storage on this beautiful property. The riverfront patio has a beautiful wood pergola and is equipped with electricity and water, setting the perfect stage for hosting festivities or simply enjoying tranquil river views. The lawn, raised garden beds, and ample outdoor spaces (complete with an outdoor shower!) invite you to unwind and bask in the natural beauty of the river and its surrounding rolling hills.
Century 21 SeleCt • Marianne loMax (530) 748-8591
page! $399,900 4540 Paseo Pinar 4 1 (1 0) 1392 3.01 223068050 $409,999 4581 edgewater Dr 5 4 (3 1) 3367 2.09 223074340 $470,000 4530 State Highway 193 2 1 (1 0) 1312 3.02 223060316 $659,000 4430 edgewater Dr 3 3 (3 0) 2451 2 223039876 $699,000 4703 Bear mountain rd 4 3 (3 0) 1975 13.58 223055535 $719,000 1001 Trillium Ln 3 5 (4 1) 2411 4.92 223078748 PLaCerViLLe $254,000 6171 Dark Canyon rd 3 2 (1 1) 1624 1.6 223026516 $449,999 7700 Sheepherder ridge rd 2 2 (2 0) 1304 4.91 223062764 $489,900 6247 Lookout Ln 4 2 (2 0) 2136 1.9 223021826 $490,000 8581 State Highway 193 3 2 (2 0) 2070 3 223069131 $535,000 6906 Bayne rd 2 2 (2 0) 1852 24.09 223066339
Sunday, August 27, 2023
11-2pm 2581 Colin road PlaCerville $1,250,000
Dreams Do Come True.. Located in the city limits of Placerville this stunning Stigall built home is light and bright with open floor plan, huge kitchen and living room that overlooks the salt water pool, view of landscaped yard and surrounding hills. A fantastic 4 bd. 2.5ba, with a large master suite and outside access. Beautiful bath with soaking tub and separate shower. Many special amenities include, Hunter Douglas window coverings with remote controlled blinds in living room. Whole house Generac generator. Wrought iron fencing around back yard. Automatic pool cover the tv has a custom built mount that moves up/down and side to side. Enjoy the good life...
Price Street AddreSS Bd. BA. Sf AcreS LiSting # CooL $365,750 1575 american river Trl 2 2 (2 0) 1472 0.27 223059362 $385,000 4001 Cool Country Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1344 2.44 223070459 $429,000 1730 Cherokee Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1410 0.52 223062588 $450,000 1267 Coon Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1577 0.4 223078912 $469,000 3299 Secret Lake Trl 4 2 (2 0) 1779 0.47 223059276 $479,900 1981 Grouse ridge Ct 2 2 (2 0) 1228 6.72 223071015 $599,900 2401 Deer ravine Ct 3 3 (3 0) 2100 2.32 223061440 $615,000 2039 Pepper Boy Ct 3 2 (2 0) 1807 0.45 223073580 $690,000 4461 meadowview acres rd 3 4 (3 1) 2150 5 223071590 $699,999 3700 Sweetwater Trl 3 3 (3 0) 2044 6.04 223062247 $935,000 4087 Wild Cherry Ct 3 3 (3 0) 2970 10.05 223045036 $1,399,900 4558 Country View Ct 3 4 (2 2) 3050 5 223042930 $1,400,000 2536 Stoney Bar Ct 4 3 (3 0) 2967 6.74 223049413 GreenWooD $375,000 1201 Hiwon Trl 3 2 (2 0) 2667 40 222132801 PiLoT HiLL $439,000 8340 ascension Ln Ln 1 1 (1 0) 1274 10 223072392 $445,000 1240 Hidden ridge Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1152 9.79 223061913 $649,000 536 oak View Court 3 3 (3 0) 1982 5.5 223056583 $890,000 6211 Gallagher rd 2 2 (2 0) 2976 10 223004941 $899,000 7085 Gallagher rd 5 3 (3 0) 2810 10 223061859 $1,549,000 5880 Bridle Trail Ln 4 5 (4 1) 3986 10.08 223037178 $3,200,000 1301 Hound Hollow rd 5 8 (7 1) 10284 40.36 223059813 $3,777,000 1661 Storksbill rd 4 5 (4 1) 4084 40.17 223050046 12901 • Residential Homes • GeoRGetoWn, GaRden valley (Cont.) Price Street AddreSS Bd. BA. Sf AcreS LiSting # 12902 • Residential Homes • Cool, Pilot Hill (Cont.) Price Street AddreSS Bd. BA. Sf AcreS LiSting # 12901 • Residential Homes • GeoRGetoWn, GaRden valley (Cont.) Price Street AddreSS Bd. BA. Sf AcreS LiSting # Advertise Your Listings, Home Prod ucts, & Resources In (916) 502-0387 or wesley@mtdemocrat.com Contact Wes Edwards $275,000 10448 Wentworth Springs rd 2 1 (1 0) 1064 0.58 222137074 $279,000 2130 Bottle Hill rd 3 1 (1 0) 1008 17.54 223060190 $300,000 10429 Wentworth Springs rd 1 1 (1 0) 792 0.3 223044638 $349,000 2901 Harmony Ln 3 2 (2 0) 982 2.01 223059614 $349,000 2548 Tinsel Trl 3 2 (2 0) 1280 5.34 223053612 $350,000 2470 Buffalo Hill rd 3 2 (2 0) 1866 5 222144502 $359,000 6232 Lower main St 2 3 (2 1) 1340 0.15 223071909 $409,995 2915 Church Street 2 1 (1 0) 1000 0.3 223063133 $450,000 3236 Polly Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1628 5.78 223035979 $465,000 3080-3100 Breedlove rd 3 2 (2 0) 1872 5.41 223074323 $475,000 7021 Fools Canyon rd 2.51 $549,000 7266 mount oak Ln 3 2 (2 0) 1981 1 223073115 $550,000 8860 Wentworth Springs rd 3 3 (3 0) 2192 2.16 223052265 $619,500 8944 Wentworth Springs rd 3 3 (3 0) 2405 1.88 223049624 $649,990 1750 Horse Power Dr 4 3 (2 1) 2200 5.79 223034392 $655,555 2681 Buffalo Hill rd 3 2 (2 0) 2854 3.44 223069786 $699,000 6720 Hwy 193 3 3 (2 1) 2557 43.6 223027589 $699,000 2889 Harkness St 4 2 (2 0) 1925 4.13 222125958 $800,000 6220 State Highway 193 0 0 (0 0) 2640 1.83 223002020 $870,000 4001 Steamers Ln 4 4 (3 1) 3877 40 223016561 GreenWooD $399,900 4540 Paseo Pinar 4 1 (1 0) 1392 3.01 223068050 $409,999 4581 edgewater Dr 5 4 (3 1) 3367 2.09 223074340 $470,000 4530 State Highway 193 2 1 (1 0) 1312 3.02 223060316 $659,000 4430 edgewater Dr 3 3 (3 0) 2451 2 223039876 $699,000 4703 Bear mountain rd 4 3 (3 0) 1975 13.58 223055535 $719,000 1001 Trillium Ln 3 5 (4 1) 2411 4.92 223078748 PLaCerViLLe $254,000 6171 Dark Canyon rd 3 2 (1 1) 1624 1.6 223026516 $449,999 7700 Sheepherder ridge rd 2 2 (2 0) 1304 4.91 223062764 $489,900 6247 Lookout Ln 4 2 (2 0) 2136 1.9 223021826 $490,000 8581 State Highway 193 3 2 (2 0) 2070 3 223069131 $535,000 6906 Bayne rd 2 2 (2 0) 1852 24.09 223066339
12902 Residential Homes Cool, Pilot Hill
BeautifuLLy upDateD in a WonDerfuL neighBorhooD
The home has 3 beds + office & 2.5 baths. The spacious and open living room offers loads of natural light. The kitchen is a home chefs dream! Tons of counter and cabinet space, plus large island with built in gas range along with the double ovens. Family room off of the kitchen makes it easy to socialize with guests. Step out into the backyard and relax in the hot tub on the lovely Trex deck built in 2019! Beautifully landscaped backyard, complete with lawn area as well as raised garden beds, stamped concrete patio with fire pit area, concrete walkways all providing plenty of extra space for guests, kids to play, or the family pets to enjoy the outdoors. Retreat to the master suite and enjoy the spacious master bath complete with soaking tub, double sinks, and very generous shower stall. In addition, you will find walk-in closet as well as access to the back deck. 3 car garage offers plenty of storage space for your vehicles as well as your other belongings in the loft space above.
& Dre#02080116 Cheryl Webb (530) 306-0684 • Claudia Webb (530) 344-3037
Enjoy views of the Sierra snowcaps and Cameron Park Lake from this lovely hilltop setting. Immaculate, one owner home with top quality improvements! Beautiful windows, engineered hardwood flooring, plantation shutters, Granite kitchen, vaulted family room, fully remodeled guest bathrooms! Master suite has a jetted tub and retreat area (easily returned to a 4th bedroom). Bay windows, whole house fan, cement tile roof. Private rear deck with pergola; Huge upper back yard, ideal for gardening or a spot to create an outdoor room with a view! Standard insurance available (no Fair Plan needed)! Fantastic location is under 7 minutes to Cameron Park Country Club, Community Center, and Cameron Park Lake! Your own little hideaway in a desirable Foothill community that is above the fog and below the snow! See movie tour: www.sweetlivingincameronpark.com
Janine Waggener (530) 295-5509
Sat, Aug 26 & Sun, Aug 27 • 12-3pm 6921 Marshall Road, Lotus
This property offers unparalleled river access with steps leading down to the water’s edge, perfect for endless fun on the water! Nature lovers and boaters will be thrilled with its convenient location upriver of the rapid known as “Old Scary,” offering a full day of adventures on the American River with just a few steps out your backdoor. Step inside to discover oak hardwood floors, an open floor plan, and rustic charm. The house is filled with natural light, thanks to abundant large windows throughout the house, creating a seamless blend between home and nature. For artists and creatives, there’s a small studio with large windows looking out over the river. Or, use this space as the perfect work- from-home office! You certainly won’t find yourself short on storage on this beautiful property. The riverfront patio has a beautiful wood pergola and is equipped with electricity and water, setting the perfect stage for hosting festivities or simply enjoying tranquil river views. The lawn, raised garden beds, and ample outdoor spaces (complete with an outdoor shower!) invite you to unwind and bask in the natural beauty of the river and its surrounding rolling hills.
Marianne LoMax (530) 748-8591
$625,000 MLS#223069402
eagLe Canyon VineyarD paraDiSe!
This end of the road, private vineyard paradise adjacent to the vineyards of Mira Flores Winery. This 20.71 acre wonderful private setting includes a 7.65 acre vineyard, 1,344 sq foot, 3 bed, 2 bath manufactured residence powered by a Seller owned solar system. Features of the house include a metal roof, bamboo floors, gutter guards, and pull out kitchen shelves. Relax on the deck and enjoy the extensive landscaping and garden setting to go with the long range canyon views. For the farmer and gardener there’s a small orchard, raised bed vegetable garden, multiple sheds and outbuildings for storage, tractors, and farming equipment. There are multiple building sites for a larger residence with potential for a family compound. The vineyard operation is turn key, protected by 11 acres of electrical fencing, and has been historically profitable with labor contribution from the owner. Vineyard is planted to Cab, Zin, and Petite Syrah in equal acreages. 8 minutes to the Pleasant Valley shopping center with Holiday Market (a small super market), Ace Hardware, two restaurants and the Fire Station just down the street. End of the road privacy, high speed Cal Net internet and the vineyard lifestyle on 20 plus acres.... as good as it gets.
Sunday, August 27 • 11-2pm 2581 Colin Road, Placerville
Located in the city limits of Placerville this stunning Stigall built home is light and bright with open floor plan, huge kitchen and living room that overlooks the salt water pool, view of landscaped yard and surrounding hills. A fantastic 4 bd. 2.5ba, with a large master suite and outside access. Beautiful bath with soaking tub and separate shower. Many special amenities include, Hunter Douglas window coverings with remote controlled blinds in living room. Whole house Generac generator. Wrought iron fencing around back yard. Automatic pool cover the TV has a custom built mount that moves up/down and side to side. Enjoy the good life...
JuLie CLark (530) 306-7661
$875,000 MLS#223079712
Stunning VieWS
VIEWS of the Sacto Valley, Coastal Range, Sierra Snowcaps & with a few trees removed the American River below. Own this Terry Stigall home on your own private 17+ ac usable just 8 easy minutes from charming, historic downtown Placerville on all paved roads. Stainless appliances, professional cooktop, granite counters, 2 headed shower, Jacuzzi jetted tub, rock Fireplace, 12’ ceilings, 2 wells, plumbed for BBQroom for horses, grapes, etc. The setting is spectacular.
SaLLy Long JohnS (530) 306-0821
Long JohnS (530) 306-0821