Mountain Democrat, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

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– E S T. 18 51

VOLUME 172 • ISSUE 116 | $1.00




Woman killed in stabbing ■ Boyfriend identified as suspect El Dorado County sheriff ’s officials report a Placerville man has been arrested in the hospital by detectives following the murder of his girlfriend Thursday evening. Responding to a reported stabbing on Prado Vista Court in Placerville shortly after 6:30 p.m. Oct. 5, sheriff ’s deputies discovered the body of Cristina Lee Humlick, 36, who appeared to have died as a result of multiple stab wounds, according to El Dorado Sheriff ’s Office Sgt. Kyle Parker. Deputies also found Humlick’s boyfriend — 43-year-old Michael

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Mountain Democrat



The El Dorado Community Foundation has named Amy Pooley incoming executive director for the El Dorado Community Foundation. Currently serving as the executive director for CASA El Dorado, she will join the foundation with a track record of championing community needs, developing relationships and making positive impacts in the region, states an El Dorado Community Foundation news release. “Amy’s leadership


Mountain Democrat photo by Odin Rasco

El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies work the scene of a reported stabbing on Prado Vista Court in Placerville Thursday, Oct. 5. Thompson — at a neighboring home. Thompson sustained traumatic injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital, EDSO officials stated. Following initial investigation Thompson

was arrested on the suspicion he had killed Humlick. Thompson will be booked into the El Dorado County Jail in Placerville following his release from the hospital, Parker said. There are no

outstanding persons of interest and no threats to the community related to the case at this time, according to Parker. The incident is under investigation and further details are unavailable.

Photo courtesy of EDHFD

An El Dorado Hills Fire Department firefighter knocks down the flames of a grass fire sparked by a Monday evening fatal rollover crash on Highway 50.

One dead in fiery Highway 50 rollover crash

Amy Pooley to lead El Dorado Community Foundation News release

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Odin Rasco Staff writer

over these past two years has been essential to our flourishing organization,” noted CASA El Dorado Board President Steven Schwarzbach. “CASA El Dorado is stronger than ever and we are grateful for her service here. We are excited to see what she continues to do at the El Dorado Community Foundation.” Pooley succeeds Bill Roby, who after 17 years of dedicated service to the foundation, announced his retirement earlier this year. “A past employee of the foundation, Amy has also served as the coordinator for

the Women’s Fund El Dorado,” shared Roby. “I am well acquainted with Amy’s abilities and work ethic. It is with full knowledge of her capacity and talent that makes this transition positive for the foundation, our donors, our nonprofits and for our community.” Pooley’s vision for the foundation includes elevating philanthropy, supporting nonprofits and helping to ensure a vibrant future for El Dorado County. “El Dorado County is my home — I grew up here and chose to raise my children here,” stated Pooley. “I am passionate about ensuring our continued



Krysten Kellum Editor

AMY POOLEY greatness for the future. My drive behind every professional career choice and every volunteer service hour is my dedication to serving this passion. I look forward to elevating ■ See POOLEY, page A6

A crash involving two large vehicles that overturned on Highway 50 Monday killed a Sacramento man and sparked a grass fire that sent flames racing up the hillside on Bass Lake Grade. Driving a 1999 Ford Expedition, Eric West, 55, was pronounced dead at the scene, according to officials with the California Highway Patrol. The Expedition and a 1990 Mallard Sprinter Motorhome collided with both vehicles then rolling over. The driver of the motorhome, Clifton Hiler, 54, also a resident of Sacramento, suffered minor injuries as did a passenger of the Ford, Anthony West, 30,

■ See CRASH, page A7

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of Sacramento. The two were transported to UC Davis Medical Center for treatment. CHP officers continue to investigate what led to the vehicles coming into contact in Highway 50’s westbound lanes just east of the Silva Valley Parkway exit in El Dorado Hills at about 5:37 p.m. CHP’s collision report notes it is unknown if alcohol and/or drugs were a factor in the crash. Jumping on the grass fire, firefighters held the blaze to less than 3 acres with boots on the ground as well as aerial resources, according to information from Cal Fire. Containment lines were quickly established and reports that forward


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