The Davis Enterprise Wednesday, May 13, 2020

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enterprise THE DAVIS


Napolitano takes aim at SAT/ACT testing



aligns with the content UC expects students should have mastered to demonstrate college readiness,” the proposal states. Napolitano’s recNAPOLITANO ommendation is the Done with latest development tests? in a back-and-forth process that began more than a year ago, when a task force was convened to analyze whether requiring the SAT/ACT contributed to inequities in the admissions process. In November, UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ, UC Santa Cruz

Enterprise staff writer

Parallel football universes

University of California President Janet Napolitano recommended Monday that the UC system stop using the SAT and ACT standardized tests as an admissions requirement. Napolitano proposed suspending the tests as a requirement until 2024 and possibly eliminating them after that. Napolitano’s proposal lays out a five-year plan for the elimination of the SAT and ACT. For the next two years, the tests would be optional. In Years 3 and 4, testing requirements would be eliminated for California students. By the fifth year, 2025, a new test would be implemented “that

— Page A7

Chancellor Cynthia K. Larive and UC Provost Michael Brown said they were convinced by research showing performance on the SAT and ACT is heavily influenced by race, family income and parents’ education. “They really contribute to the inequities of our system,” said Christ, who eliminated the SAT requirement at Smith College while serving as the school’s president in 2002. “The initial information that I’ve seen shows that the highest predictive value of an SAT isn’t in how well a student will do in school, but how well they were able to avail themselves of prep material,” Chairman


UCD to hold virtual graduation County nears next stage of reopening BY CALEB HAMPTON Enterprise staff writer

UC Davis will hold a virtual commencement ceremony on Friday, June 12, for the class of 2020. In an announcement last month, which included plans to potentially hold an in-person ceremony at a later date, Chancellor Gary S. May said he was “saddened to share UC Davis Commencement Ceremonies will not take place in the same way as previous years.” In April, UC Davis posted a survey where students slated to graduate this quarter could submit feedback on ways to honor graduates in June. “We are actively looking at alternatives to celebrate our graduates in an appropriate manner,” May said. “We look forward to celebrating together in the best way we can.” On Friday, UC Davis shared details about what the ceremony will look like. Commencement speakers will include May, California Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris, LACCD Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez, and NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson. The event will feature a roll call of graduates, each of whom will be represented by a personalized

Yolo has met all benchmarks but one BY ANNE TERNUS-BELLAMY Enterprise staff writer


Graduates in the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences applaud at their commencement ceremony in 2015. This year’s ceremony will skip the pomp and circumstance, and go online. digital profile. Each profile will include a student’s name, photo and a short message or quote of their choosing. Graduates’ names will be read out “just as it would have been read during an in-person commencement ceremony,” the webpage says. Other ways UC Davis is encouraging graduates and their families to mark the moment include taking graduation photos with digital backgrounds of the campus, sharing posts on

social media with the hashtag #UCDavisGrad, downloading signage for posters, lawn signs and stickers, and shopping online at the UC Davis Bookstore Commencement collection. “This celebration is the first of its kind in the history of our university,” the UC Davis Commencement webpage says. According to May, many graduate and professional schools are also planning remote celebrations. Traditional in-person

Survey reveals virus impact on businesses BY ANNE TERNUS-BELLAMY Enterprise staff writer Half of Davis businesses have experienced a severe reduction in income and 14 percent have shut down completely, a recent survey by the Davis Chamber of Commerce revealed. Over the past two weeks, 124 chamber members responded to the survey asking about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place order on their operations and the results “provide a chilling look at the difficulties Davis businesses are facing,” a

VOL. 123 NO. 58

press release from the chamber noted. Among the findings: ■ 75 percent of surveyed businesses report experiencing a reduction in income, with half seeing the reduction as “severe”; ■ 18 percent reported they had furloughed or laid off most or all of their staff and another 26 percent reported some layoffs or a reduction in staff hours; ■ Two-thirds (66 percent) of businesses reported reducing operating hours, and 14 percent said they have shut down completely;


Business Focus. A8 Dial-A-Pro . . . . A5 Sports . . . . . . . A7 Classifieds . . . . A6 Forum . . . . . . . . A4 The Wary I . . . . A2 Comics . . . . . . . A6 Obituaries . . . . A2 Weather . . . . . . A5

■ More than a third of businesses (37 percent) have turned to online sales and/or delivery options to keep their businesses operational; and ■ 70 percent have applied for some form of federal, state or local assistance with half of those businesses having received funds already and the other half still waiting. The survey also asked chamber members what the city, county and chamber can do to assist them.


ceremonies were postponed due to public health concerns related to the novel coronavirus. “The risk is too great to the community to assemble large gatherings such as UC Davis commencement,” May said. Should conditions allow for it, a traditional ceremony could possibly be held in December. — Reach Caleb Hampton at champton@ Follow him on Twitter at @calebmhampton

WE’RE OPEN! To support the health and safety of our community during this pandemic we are reducing our diagnostic fee from $89 to $49 until further notice. We are also offering FREE technical support by phone and "touchless" service calls. We’re Here For You!


CSU will be online-only in fall 2020 BY CALEB HAMPTON Enterprise staff writer The California State University system will continue to offer almost all instruction exclusively online through fall 2020, Cal State Chancellor Timothy P. White said Tuesday at a meeting with the system’s board of trustees. While most in-person classes will be cancelled, White said there may be some exceptions pending health and safety precautions. Those exceptions could include clinical classes in nursing programs and some science labs. For nearly all undergraduate students, classes will continue remotely in much the same way as they have since campuses closed in late March.

WEATHER Thu Thursday: Partly sunny. Pa Hig High 75. Low 33.

Yolo County has now met all but one of the criteria set by the state for progressing further into reopening the local economy, the Board of Supervisors was told on Tuesday. And county staff indicated Tuesday morning there might be some wiggle room on that last metric: the number of recent COVID-19 deaths. The state requires no deaths in the last 14 days in order for counties to move further into stage two of reopening — a stage that includes dine-in restaurants and shopping malls. As of Tuesday morning, there had been five county residents — all at the Stollwood Convalescent Hospital — who had died in the last two weeks and county staff believed a case could be made to the state, as other counties have done, that with no deaths outside the skilled nursing facility and in the community itself in the last two

weeks, the county had met the intent of that metric. “We want to make the case to the state that that’s what we should be reporting on, and if that’s the case, then we meet the metric of no deaths in the last 14 days,” said Brian Vaughn, the county’s public health director. But just a few hours later, things had changed. Two deaths were reported Tuesday evening in Yolo County, and neither was in a skilled nursing facility, according to the county’s COVID-19 dashboard. Three additional cases also were confirmed bringing to 177 the total number of confirmed cases in Yolo County and to 22 the total number of deaths. That may delay the plans discussed by county supervisors and staff Tuesday for moving forward with submitting a local readiness plan that will lead to resumption of more activities under the state’s Stage 2 of reopening. That readiness plan provides local data on a number of public health metrics, including total

“Our university, when open without restrictions and fully in person, as is the traditional norm of the past, is a place where over 500,000 people come together in close and vibrant proximity with each other on a daily basis,” White said. “That approach, sadly, just isn’t in the cards now as I have described.” Cal State, which serves roughly 480,000 students at 23 campuses, is the largest four-year public university system in the United States and is among the first major schools to cancel in-person instruction for the fall. On Tuesday, The New York Times called Cal State’s decision “the most sweeping sign yet of the effect of the pandemic on American


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Briefly On KDRT: Co-op in the pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has closed or curtailed most stores, with the Davis Food Co-op and other grocers among the few exceptions. So — what has it been like to work in the Co-op the last two months? Has the experience changed as shoppers adjusted to new conditions, are there insights here as more stores plan their own reopenings, and why are flour and toilet paper rarely on the shelves? On the KDRT program “Davisville,” host Bill Buchanan talks with two employees of the Co-op: Madison Suoja, the education and outreach specialist, and Laura Sanchez, the operations manager. “Davisville” is broadcast on KDRT-LP, 95.7 FM Mondays at 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m., and Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. The Co-op interview runs through May 24, and is available online anytime at http:// or on Apple podcasts.

Crash kills motorcyclist A crash killed a motorcyclist on westbound Highway 16 east of County Road 57 at about 11 a.m. Tuesday, CHP Officer Rodney Fitzhugh said. The driver, identified as a Lucerne resident, left the roadway and collided with a tree, Fitzhugh said in a news release. Fitzhugh said it’s unknown whether alcohol or drugs were factors in the crash. Anyone with information is asked to contact the CHP’s Woodland-area office at 530-662-4685.

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Might as well have one more on our side


have been informed by a friend who knows more about these things than I do that tomorrow, May 14, is the feast day of Saint Corona, the patron saint of pandemics. At least that’s what he says. Most people I know, including the guy staring back at me in the mirror every morning, had never heard of St. Corona until recently. That was apparently the case for most Americans as well until the coronavirus slipped into our consciousness several months ago and then began to eventually dominate a significant portion of our lives. Nowadays, if you Google “St. Corona” as millions of people have, you will see all sorts of claims and rebuttals. One interesting and explanatory piece I uncovered in my search for more information on this formerly unknown saint was written by Daniel J. Holmes, a correspondent for Rhode Island Catholic, a 145-yearold regular publication of the Catholic Diocese of Providence. “At the beginning of March,” Holmes writes, “it would have been quite a challenge to find a Catholic who had ever heard of St. Corona,

to say nothing of finding one who had prayed to her.” Indeed. As a cradle Catholic who was baptized the day I was born, I’m mostly familiar with popular saints like St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), St. Francis, St. Faustina, St. Patrick, St. Jude, St. Kateri Tekawitha, St. Joseph, St. Anthony and St. Edith Stein (with her wonderful Davis connection). Adds Holmes, “Since the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, however, the second century martyr has attained a newfound prominence online: social media posts mentioning her have garnered thousands of shares, and several secular news outlets have even gone so far as to proclaim her ‘the patron

saint of pandemics.’ ” Holmes, admitting he is not exactly an expert here, went for clarification to University of Southern California professor Elizabeth Harper, the author of a popular blog titled All the Saints You Should Know. Says Harper, “We really know little about St. Corona besides her name,” and how she died, and the claim that she is the patron saint of pandemics is a bit murky. The belief that she is indeed the patroness of pandemics, however, was given legs by the claim that her final resting place is in Anzu, a town in Northern Italy, a region hard-hit by the coronavirus. Some folks, in fact, claim she is actually the patron saint of treasure hunters, but whether that refers to folks diving for sunken ships laden with gold or those throwing their hard-earned dollars at the California Lottery is unclear. Others claim she is the patron saint of lumberjacks, which would help to explain her popularity in Humboldt County. Then again, whether she’s the patron of pandemics or treasure hunters or lumberjacks, or a little of

each, there’s no harm in seeking her intercession on our behalf. It’s not as if she’s going to answer the phone and say “I’m sorry, that’s not my area, but let me see if I can connect you with someone in that department.” According to Holmes, “What is clear is that interest in and devotion to the saint has increased dramatically over the past several weeks — especially in Rhode Island. A glance at Google trend statistics indicates that searches for ‘St. Corona’ have skyrocketed since the week of March 8, and that Rhode Island has had one of the highest search rates for the term in the entire country.” As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states about praying to saints, ”We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world.” I think pretty much fits our current situation. So, St. Corona, please ask God to end this plague and also to end our many divisions so we can truly begin to love our neighbors as ourselves. Amen. — Reach Bob Dunning at

Pair plead not guilty OBITUARIES to man’s beating Mary N. Lakie-Hermann Oct. 28, 1925 — April 18, 2020

BY LAUREN KEENE Enterprise staff writer While Davis police continue their search for an at-large assault suspect, his two alleged accomplices pleaded not guilty to multiple felony charges Monday during a Yolo Superior Court hearing. Jose Alex Flores Rodriguez, 27, of Davis; and 28-year-old Norma Linda Gentry of Woodland both face counts of burglary, conspiracy and assault with a deadly weapon in connection with the May 5 assault in which police said a Davis man was beaten with a baseball bat and steel pipe inside his K Street apartment. Several of the charges carry enhancements for use of a deadly weapon and infliction of great bodily injury. A third suspect, Davis resident Dominique Ian Krogstad, 23, also was formally charged in the case but had not been located more than a week after the alleged assault. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is urged to contact the Davis Police Department at 530-747-5400. In addition to above charges, Flores faces allegations of criminal threats resulting in great bodily injury, according to the criminal complaint, which also says that all three defendants were armed during the beatdown — Gentry with the baseball bat, Krogstad with the steel pipe and Rodriguez with an “unknown hard object.” Police described the three defendants as “guests” who were inside

the apartment when a verbal argument broke out around 6:30 a.m. then KROGSTAD It escalated At large to a physical confrontation during which the victim was beaten in the head and body, sustaining moderate injuries. Gentry and Rodriguez were arrested two days later at a Woodland home and appeared for their arraignments via video Monday from the Yolo County Jail. Judge Peter Williams ordered the pair back to court June 18 for a preliminary hearing and issued a protective order preventing them from contacting the victim. Their bail, previously set at $50,000 each, was increased to $100,000 for Gentry and $150,000 for Rodriguez, who also has a pending case from March charging him with his fifth drunken-driving offense since 2015. Prosecutors say Gentry also stands accused of violating her probation in two prior cases — a DUI conviction and another case in which she conspired to conceal evidence in a fatal 2015 hit-andrun collision in Woodland, in which she was a vehicle passenger. Meanwhile, Gentry returns to court Wednesday to bid for reduced bail or release from jail on her own recognizance, though Williams advised her court-appointed attorney, “you obviously face an uphill battle at this point.”

Jobe will read his poems Special to The Enterprise This week, Davis Poet Laureate James Lee Jobe will give an online reading of his own poems. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 15, the reading will be posted online at

https://james-lee-jobe. and com/jamesleejobe. These weekly readings are always free of charge and family friendly. Email with any questions.

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Mary Josephine Nelson LakieHermann, 94, passed away peacefully at her home surrounded by family on Saturday, April 18, in Sacramento. Mary is a former resident of Davis and Macomb, Ill. Mary was born in Fergus Falls, Minn., on Oct. 28, 1925, to Alfred John Nelson and Thea Martinson Nelson. She grew up in Fergus Falls and Barnesville, Minn. Mary married William (Bill) Lakie in Barnesville on March 21, 1948. Following Bill’s death, she married George Hermann on Jan. 25, 1993. Mary graduated from Barnesville High School in 1943, and attended Concordia College in Morehead and graduated with a bachelor’s degree with distinction in 1949 from the University of Minnesota, receiving a public health nursing certificate from Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis. Mary was employed as a public health nurse in Alameda County for a number of years and spent her life volunteering with many community and church groups. Mary was a wonderful mother, grandmother, wife and friend to many. Her generosity and kindness were seen in the many people and organizations she worked with and supported. She was a member of the Davis Community Church and a member and elder of the First Presbyterian Church in Macomb, a member of the Presbyterian Women, member of PEO and Anna L Parker book club. She worked on the McDonough District Hospital Auxiliary and was involved in both UCD and WIU University Women. Mary had a great wit and sense of humor, she perfected the art of letter

writing, was a gracious hostess and her recipes are shared by many family and friends. Mary was a voracious reader and enjoyed biographies and books on current and world events. Mary loved spending time with her family and had special times with her grand and great-grandchildren. Mary loved traveling and visited family in Norway and Scotland as well as across the U.S. Her 90th birthday was celebrated in New York City with her three daughters. Mary is survived by her daughters, Susan Lakie, Patricia Lakie, Ann Lakie and Jan (Kevin) Wiehardt; grandchildren, Melanie (Sergio) Gonzalez, Timothy (Marina Jaquez) Peterson, Kirsten (Darren) Clerkin, Andrew Peterson and Sarah Peterson; three great-grandchildren, George Patrick Clerkin, John Joseph Clerkin and Sophie Gonzalez. She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Nancy (Lakie) Moe, nieces and nephews. Mary was preceded in death by her husbands, William (Bill) L. Lakie, George W. Hermann, her parents Al and Thea Nelson, Bill’s parents William (Bim) and Fay Lakie, her brother and sister-in-law, Alfred and Patricia Nelson, and her brother-in-law, Robert Moe. Services will be held at a later date in Sacramento and in Barnesville where she will be buried. Memorial donations in Mary’s honor may be made to one of her favorite charities: Covenant House, Special Olympics or your local food bank. Mary treated everyone with kindness and was an amazing role model for us all.

Peter Charles Richards Nov. 25, 1950 — April 27, 2020

Peter Charles Richards passed away at the age of 69 in Sacramento on Monday April 27, 2020. Pete was born on Nov. 25, 1950, in Los Angeles to Harold Swenson and Elise Morrison. He grew up in Sacramento with his two brothers, Michael and Dean Richards along with his mother Elise Richards and his father Robert Richards. He was interested in history and geography from an early age when he started collecting bottle caps and old coins. He graduated from Sacramento State College with a degree in Geography and his interest in collecting and geography were then combined when he opened his stamp, coin, and collectibles shop in Davis, California. He owned and operated Davis Gold and Silver Exchange for more than 25 years. In his younger days, he enjoyed concerts, playing the guitar, skiing and gold prospecting in the Sierras. Later in his life he liked to travel and especially loved exploring his native California historical towns, and the streams that inspired the Gold Rush. Modern-day prospectors would frequently bring in their gold to his shop and they always received a fair price for their gold and hard work. He had a passion for collecting local tokens, postcards and the history behind them throughout his career. Pete met Lachi Morse one summer day when she walked into his shop to buy stamps for her stamp album. They began dating, then married in 1992, and made their home in Woodland. They had many great road trips together to look at ghost towns, and to explore National Parks and botanical gardens.

They especially looked forward to trips to Hawaii where Pete enjoyed snorkeling with the marine life. They made a great team and he will be irreplaceable. Pete retired in 2013, after receiving a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He then attended local writing classes and went on to write numerous short stories. He also had a sharp wit and could tell a great story. He contributed numerous photographs to a historical book on the city of Woodland and was featured in a KVIE documentary on ALS, “Beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge.” Pete was preceded in death by his father Robert, mother Elise, and cousins Jenny and Bryan. He is survived by his wife Lachi, brothers Michael and Dean, sister-in-law Monica, sister Diane, nephew Travis, niece Chelsea, mother-in-law Lue, brother-in-law Aaron and cousin Jan from the United Kingdom; and other cousins, nieces, and nephews. The memorial service will be held at a later time, once the COVID-19 shelter-inplace orders have been lifted. Arrangements are being handled by the Woodland Funeral Chapel, (530) 666-4200. A special thank you for all the prayers and help from family, friends and neighbors, all the wonderful caregivers who brought comfort and laughter to Pete’s days, the ALS association who were always there for us, and the many doctors, nurses, therapists and specialists from the ALS Multidisciplinary Clinic who guided us through the disease and helped Pete live his best life. Donations may be given to the ALS Association of Sacramento, 916-979-9265.

Obituary policy The Enterprise publishes brief death notices free of charge. These include name, age, city of residence, occupation, date of death and funeral/memorial information. Paid-for obituaries allow for controlled content with the option for photos. Submissions may be made via

From Page One


WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2020 A3

COUNTY: Stage 2 is all about options for moving forward From Page A1 cases and deaths in the last 14 days; testing and contact tracing capacity; hospital surge capacity; and supply of personal protective equipment in skilled nursing facilities. Vaughn laid out the county’s data for the board on Tuesday indicating all of the state’s criteria, with the exception of deaths, had been met. The board agreed and voted unanimously to allow staff to move forward. Next steps would be for the county health officer to attest in writing that the county indeed meets the state’s readiness criteria and for board chair Supervisor Gary Sandy to submit a letter on behalf of the board in support of that attestation. The state provides no final approval; rather, all that is required is the county public health officer’s attestation and the board’s support.

As of Tuesday afternoon, only two California counties — Butte and El Dorado — had completed the process. County Administrator Patrick Blacklock told county supervisors that if all goes according to plan, Yolo County would likely join them in a matter of days, but that was before the two most recent deaths were reported. When the county does eventually meet the criteria to move forward, that won’t necessarily mean all activities under Stage 2 would immediately resume — it simply gives the county the option of moving forward on them. “The attestation just gives us the keys to unlock the door, but it doesn’t set a time schedule for when we open the door,” Blacklock said. “And the board’s prior approval of the Roadmap to Recovery said a slow, methodical approach. So we’re working right now with industries and

SAT: Lack of equity drives decision From Page A1 John A. Pérez told the Los Angeles Times. “And access to that prep material is still disproportionately tied to family income.” In February, after more than a year of research and analysis, UC’s standardized testing task force released a report recommending the university continue to use the SAT and ACT as an admissions requirement. According to the report, the task force “did not find evidence that UC’s use of test scores played a major role in worsening the effects of disparities already present among applicants.” The report also states that the review committee “did find evidence that UC’s admissions process helped to make up for the potential adverse effect of score differences between groups.” In April, the UC Academic Senate, which is charged with determining UC’s admissions requirements, voted unanimously to back the task force’s recommendation to continue using the SAT and ACT. While Napolitano disagreed with the decision,

Senate Chair Kum-Kum Bhavnani reportedly expressed appreciation that Napolitano’s plan includes some recommendations from the task force report, such as developing a new standardized test. “The Senate is pleased that the president’s recommendations are in line with the spirit of our recommendations,” Bhavnani told The Los Angeles Times. “We look forward to working with the university to develop a new content-based test.” The UC Board of Regents is scheduled to vote on the issue on May 21. UC’s decision on whether to retain the SAT and ACT could determine the future of the standardized tests nationwide, as applicants to the 10-campus system represent a significant share of customers for the testing companies. In response to educational disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, UC announced last month that it has temporarily suspended its use of the SAT and ACT standardized tests for students applying in the next admissions cycle.

SURVEY: Business owners hope for outreach on services From Page A1 Many requested ongoing outreach to the community about which businesses remain open and outreach to businesses themselves about emerging assistance programs. “The most urgent request from businesses was to receive clear guidance on how to operate safely within current and emerging conditions,” the chamber reported. To that end, the chamber will partner with both the city and county to host a virtual information session on safe operating practices for Davis businesses. That session will take place at 11 a.m. on Friday.

To register, contact the chamber’s executive director, Cory Koehler, at ckoehler@davischamber. com. “In the challenging days ahead, the Davis Chamber of Commerce will work tirelessly in partnership with our colleagues at the city of Davis, Yolo County and the state of California to continue to provide support and assistance to our local businesses,” the chamber said. “Together we will strive to work through the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and return to a prosperous and healthy community.” — Reach Anne TernusBellamy at aternus@


activities to develop protocols to lower their risk.” County supervisors on Tuesday made clear they would like to continue to move slowly and thoughtfully, and have any significant changes to the local health order be brought back to the board for more discussion. Meanwhile, at the same time the board was meeting, Gov. Gavin Newsom at his daily briefing approved more activities to resume

with county approval and without having to meet the criteria, including pet grooming, car washes and landscaping, as well as outdoor museums. Activities that the county could OK once the readiness plan is submitted include dine-in restaurants and shopping malls. Still not allowed: personal services such as hair and nail salons; gyms; bars; theaters; indoor museums and libraries; public pools,

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testing site: The state requires more than 75 percent of residents live within that distance; 99 percent of Yolo County residents do; ■ Contact tracing: The state requires 15 contact tracers per 100,000 residents; Yolo County as of Tuesday has 37 and plans to go up to 60; ■ Homeless housing capacity: The state requires capacity to shelter at least 15 percent of the homeless community; Yolo County has housed 70 percent of its homeless population so far; ■ Hospital capacity: The state requires the ability of local hospitals to accommodate a 35-percent surge; Yolo County has well over that capacity; ■ Vulnerable populations: The state requires that all skilled nursing facilities have at least a 14-day supply of personal protective equipment; all county skilled nursing facilities do, Vaughn said.

ONLINE: Los Rios CC system also will go virtual From Page A1 higher education.” The Chronicle of Higher Education is keeping a running list of colleges’ plans for reopening in the fall. Most colleges have said they intend to teach in-person classes in the fall, but warnings this week of a possible second wave of infections could prompt many to follow Cal State’s move to continue with remote instruction. Prior to Cal State’s decision, the Los Rios Community College District announced Monday in a message to staff and students that fall courses will take place entirely online. The district includes Sacramento City College and its Davis Center. “We do not take this decision lightly, but by making it now, even though we do not yet know what the public health dynamics will be in August, we will give you the chance to appropriately prepare for online classes in the Fall,” the message stated. According to the message, there will be “extremely limited” exceptions to the online schedule for courses that cannot be taught remotely. The decision affects the district’s 75,000 students at American River, Cosumnes

River, Folsom Lake and Sacramento City. “Above everything else, our top priority is and must always be the safety of our students, faculty and staff,” the Los Rios message stated. “No matter how or where we offer classes and services, we will continue to provide support and resources to help each one of you be successful in your education.” Fall schedules will be out May 22 and registration for continuing Sacramento City College students will begin June 1. UC Davis has not yet announced whether in-person instruction will happen fall quarter. On Friday, Chancellor Gary S. May all but promised that a remote instruction option will be available to all students in the fall, without ruling out the possibility that classes might also be taught in-person. “We anticipate that, with few exceptions, course offerings will be available remotely for students who either cannot be accommodated in physical classroom spaces due to the fall health directives or who need to remain isolated due to pre-existing health conditions or other considerations,” May said. — Reach Caleb Hampton at champton Follow him on Twitter at @calebmhampton.

“Even though we do not yet know what the public health dynamics will be in August, we will give [students] the chance to appropriately prepare for online classes in the Fall.” — Los Rios Community College

Wildlife officials learn Theft of soda can leads more about dead bear to burglary arrest BY LAUREN KEENE Enterprise staff writer “Gilligan,” the black bear that visited to Davis two weeks ago, was a healthy 2-year-old male that weighed in at 170 pounds, according to necropsy results reported to the city of Davis. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife conducted the necropsy after the bear was struck and killed by a vehicle along Highway 113 near County Road 27 on the night of May 2, after several days of lingering around the West Davis Pond area.

First spotted in Davis on the morning of April 29, Gilligan earned his nickname while taking up temporary residence on an island in the pond area. Efforts to humanely capture and relocate him were unsuccessful, however, and the bear eventually made his way north. Gilligan had “moderate fat stores and was considered in good health at death,” which was the result of multiple bluntforce injuries from being struck by the vehicle, according to John McNerney, Davis’ wildlife resource specialist.

BY LAUREN KEENE Enterprise staff writer An allegedly stolen can of soda landed a man in jail on burglary charges, Davis police reported this week. Cole Pacific Gaskell, 33, was taken into custody Friday evening, shortly after someone reported that a man matching his description had jumped a fence into the backyard of a residence in the 400 block of Balboa Avenue, Lt. Art Camacho said. Officers located Gaskell in the 1400 block of F Street, where Camacho said “he had a $4 can of soda” allegedly taken from the

house. “As he was being arrested he made verbal threats against the officers.” Gaskell, a Davis resident, was booked into the Yolo County Jail on burglary charges, Camacho said. The threats allegation will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for consideration of possible additional charges.

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playgrounds and picnic areas; religious services; nightclubs; concert venues and live audience sports. “No county is allowed to go into Stage 3,” noted Vaughn. In order to move further into Stage 2, the county will have to meet the following criteria: ■ Community cases per 10,000 residents in the past 14 days: The state requires no more than one per 10,000; Yolo County had .54 per 10,000 residents, not counting Tuesday’s three new cases; ■ Deaths in the past 14 days: The state requires zero; Yolo County had two on Tuesday; ■ Daily testing capacity: The state requires a minimum of 1.5 tests per 1,000 residents per day; Vaughn estimates Yolo County conservatively has a capacity of 500 tests per day, well above the 330-test threshold; ■ Percentage of population within 60 minutes of a

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Conspiracy theorists are all similar

Startups are M online dating BY LLEWELLYN KING Special to The Enterprise



he lovelorn have computer dating: Cupid is digitized. But computer dating is not just for romantic love anymore. An intriguing new company, founded by two computer professionals, is helping startup companies find love with big enterprises. The results, so far, are wedding bells for a great variety of companies. The matchmaker is ups register and are connected with the all-important “hunterz” — people who have worked for large enterprises and know the lay of the land inside. They are people who have been laid off or have retired or are consultants; they make introductions and direct the startup to the right people and right part of the large enterprise. Sometimes a hunterz is employed by a large entity, but mostly they are or were associated or employed there. The co-founders of are Noam Weisman, a veteran of giant Cisco Systems, and Yuval Shalev, who used to work for Deutsche Telekom, one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies. Weisman told me that things were going well for the matchmaker before the coronavirus crisis, but there has been stratospheric growth since it began. “We have more than 10,000 hunterz on the platform, and we are active in 69 industries in 55 countries,” he told me. Although as a New York-based company, the emphasis is on North America, Weisman said. An example of at work is the successful linkup between Intellivisit, a Madison, Wis.-based virtual health diagnostics company, and Rush Hospital in Chicago. Hunterz made the introduction and Intellivisit found a role at the hospital. Weisman says that kind of linking is happening all the time to the benefit of the large enterprises and the startups. No more banging on closed doors, shooting off emails to unknown players who, as likely as not, will trash them. This way willing startups and willing partners — investors or purchasers — meet each other. “It was great to connect with some of the more innovative startups I have met,” said Kevin Serfass, manager of Global Telecom Partners. “My contacts appreciated me introducing these startups to them as they were looking for such solutions for a while now.” Another hunterz, Othmar Knoll, an executive heath care consultant, said, “Being a fulltime consultant, it was a welcome change of pace to have vendors contact me for my services. Instead of me having to look for new vendors. It was simple and quick.” To my mind is the wave of the future — a wave I have been anticipating. New startups are likely to flood the market as we get to the “new normal.” That presumes that we will not suddenly revert to the status quo ante; that U.S. and global business will be dramatically restructured with new players, technologies and vision. Since the beginning of business linking within the business sphere has been a problem. With Weisman’s company a new kind of efficiency has entered the marketplace. Most of us have heard the plaintive, “Do you know anyone at this company? I think they would love my startup, but I don’t know how to get their attention?” Or the equally sad, “I used to know someone whose wife worked there. Maybe she could help.” As dating went from happenstantial to computer-matching so, too, businesses have always needed to know of each other. The big need the innovation of the small, and the small need the patronage of the big. How many startups with wonderful product ideas have failed and left the field for want of an introduction? Introductions are the oxygen of business and the more efficiently they can be made, the brighter the future looks — particularly at a time when, in so many ways, the future is cloudy. After upheaval, like the current one, there is always innovation. But innovation needs to be known for it to find partners, patrons, purchasers. When I was publishing magazines in New York in the 1960s, the struggle was to get a new magazine displayed on the 110,000 newsstands in the United States. We moreor-less bribed our way onto them. Business has always had the equivalent of the newsstand problem: How do you tell them you are there? Now they can find each other. — Llewellyn King is executive producer and host of “White House Chronicle” on PBS. His email is He wrote this for

any of the same demonstrators wanting California to end all aspects of its COVID-19 lockdown immediately have also been frontline protesters against recent California laws making it slightly more difficult for parents to avoid getting their children vaccinated. And some of the new protests are at least partly organized by anti-vaxx groups like the Freedom Angels Foundation. This can seem surprising: after all, what could be more of an affirmation for vaccines than a disease rampaging precisely because there is no vaccine to stop it? We no longer see once-dreaded scourges like polio and smallpox today — anywhere in the world — only because scientists created vaccines to immunize almost every person against them. If anything should convince rational minds of the good vaccines do, it should be an out-of-control plague loosed upon the world chiefly because we lack either a preventive vaccine or an effective treatment for it, despite President Trump’s many “helpful” suggestions about consuming unproven drugs and even bleach to kill it. The very small but very loud anti-vaccination community has trouble following this logic. Some of its folks march on the state Capitol and other sites these days

bearing signs proclaiming, “COVID-19 is a Lie,” “Social Distancing = Communism” and the like. So far, the California protestors have not trumpeted some of the more outlandish claims made about the coronavirus in other parts of the world and nation. One widely disseminated contention is that 5G cellphone towers caused the crisis. It’s easier for such baseless junk theories to go viral and gain acceptance if they are furthered by celebrities. That happens when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. propounds unproven calumnies about vaccinations. And it happened with the 5G charge about the coronavirus when actor Woody Harrelson posted it on Instagram, even though he noted the idea wasn’t “fully vetted.” But the basic idea behind both the anti-vaccination movement and demonstrations against the coronavirusrelated lockdown is the same: In both cases, protesters insist their individual rights trump any societal needs for safety

LETTERS Two thoughts I am writing to express two thoughts regarding the BrightNight fiasco: ■ The City Council has argued that they had to act quickly because BN had an April 15 deadline. I, too, had an April 15 deadline, as did everyone else. It is called Tax Day. Most of us plan around that deadline. BN apparently didn’t adequately plan for their deadline, and made it a problem for the council. Their failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on the part of the council, and it is unfortunately that the council decided to short circuit the normal process to accommodate BN’s “emergency.” ■ Some of my friends who are “uneasy” with the council’s decision to enter into a noncompetitive, exclusive bid with BN want the council to enter into an exclusive, noncompetitive bid with VCE to receive the power if the solar park is built. What’s up with that? I hope a solar facility is built by whoever offers the city the best deal, but the facility should be free to send the electrons to whoever offers them the best deal. As long as the facility

enterprise A McNaughton Newspaper Locally owned and operated since 1897

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Official legal newspaper of general circulation for the city of Davis and county of Yolo. Published in The Davis Enterprise building, 315 G St., Davis, CA. Mailing address: P.O. Box 1470, Davis, CA 95617. Phone: 530-756-0800. An award-winning newspaper of the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

and survival. It’s part of the longtime American debate over whether there is such a thing as a “social contract,” an implicit agreement that government and society have some obligations to aid their people. For many years, this has been a major difference between Democrats and Republicans, the political pendulum swinging back and forth between them for generations. Democrats created Social Security over Republican opposition in the 1930s and Medicare in the 1960s, essentially saying society is entitled to take some income from younger people to help their elders survive. Decades later, Democrats created the Affordable Care Act, often known as Obamacare, in effect saying society is entitled to tax its members to provide health care for those who don’t have it. Most Republican politicians opposed this from the start; they still do. When challenged, anti-vaxx activists often say or write things like “I’ll do what I want with my children and government should have nothing to say about it.” Never mind the health and lives of millions of other kids their unvaccinated children could infect. Now the anti-lockdown protesters clamor for complete freedom of movement, association and assembly even while medical experts say this would lead to far more infections and

reduces our dependence on sequestered fossil fuels, I don’t care if the power goes into the grid, SMUD, VCE or even PG&E. City council members, your action on this affair may be technically legal, but giving a sweetheart deal to a business that just happened to make what you considered an offer that you couldn’t refuse makes you look tacky and doesn’t inspire confidence. Straighten up and fly right. George Galamba Davis

Bad process The Bright Night agreement is bad process. It is disappointing that four members of the Davis city council decided to proceed with a flawed contracting process, hid the process in closed session, and finally, wrote a condescending and Orwellian op-ed in The Enterprise to justify their actions. As five former Davis mayors have opined, the option agreement should be rescinded and staff directed to open the process up again. The proposal should be let out to bid and city commissions should review it. The four council members who voted for this agreement refuse to answer questions or discuss it in open forum. As

Speak out President Hon. Donald J. Trump, The White House, Washington, D.C., 20500; 202-456-1111 (comments), 202-456-1414 (switchboard); email:

U.S. Senate Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202-224-3841; email: http://feinstein. Sen. Kamala Harris, 112 Hart Senate

Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510; 202-224-3553; email: visit https://www.

House of Representatives Rep. John Garamendi (3rd District), 2368 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515; 202-225-1880. District office: 412 G St., Davis, CA 95616; 530-753-5301; email: visit

Governor Gov. Gavin Newsom, State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-4452841; email: visit

deaths from the virus. Try to stop them and some label the virus a hoax. Or say it’s no worse than the common cold. Ask the 80,000plus Americans whose lives it has already taken about that one. As in many earlier arguments over the social contract, Democratic officials take the lead in plumping for greater adherence to social distancing while many Republicans are reluctant. GOP governors were among the last to enforce the anti-virus tactics that now hold down California’s caseload, while Democrats like California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were among the first. Republican governors have been first to reopen their states, while Democrats are doing it much more slowly. The bottom line: Viewed as part of a very long argument over what government should or should not do for masses of Americans, today’s demonstrations and the irrational claims they sometimes purvey should be no surprise. Logic has rarely been central to this very emotional debate. — Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough, The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It” is now available in a softcover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, visit

I said, I am disappointed that you have acted this way. This is not in the city’s best interest and goes against the basic tenets of open and transparent government. Robert Canning Davis

COVID-19 bogeyman? I acknowledge the horrors of Nazi Germany experienced by so many. But if you feel your constitutional rights and civil liberty are now being stepped upon by our societal response to prevent more infection and death by COVID-19, this frightens me more than the Horst Weinberg’s “bogeyman” virus. I have a right to the safety of my personal health which you can choose to ignore because you have civil rights. This works both ways, you can get sick if that’s your choice but you can’t infringe on my civil rights or liberty by giving me your illness. The idea here is to be civil, as its law definition states, for your actions in our society. I know what I should do to be safe and keep others safe from this disease as my civil duty. Let’s not let our Constitution be interpreted as “me” instead of “we.” John Clark Davis

We welcome your letters Addresses and phone numbers should be included for verification purposes; they will not be published. Limit letters to 350 words. Anonymous letters will not be accepted. We reserve the right to edit all letters for brevity or clarity. Mail letters to The Davis Enterprise, P.O. Box 1470, Davis, CA 95617; bring them to 315 G St.; fax them to 530-756-1668; or email them to newsroom@davis

WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2020 A5


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Weather Davis’ 5-day forecast Tonight


Mostly cloudy


Partly sunny

Low: 54°


75° 53°

82° 56°




Late showers

Showers 73° 53°

72° 51°

80° 57°


Regional weather Tonight’s lows and tomorrow’s highs


Grass Valley / 46/63

Yuba City 52/74


W Winters 54/73

Santa Rosa 46/71 Napa 51/71

Vacaville 57/73

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anci cis San Francisco 53/64

Sa am men ento t to Sacramento 54/76

Davis Da vis vi i 54/75 Fairfield 52/74

OOakland 53/68

JJackson 49/69

kt Stockton 54/77 M Modesto 55/78

San Jose / 52/72

Davis statistics Monday’s temperature High/Low ........ 76°/54° Normal ............ 80°/51° Record high .. 98°(1987) Record low ... 39°(2000)

Air quality index Precipitation Monday ............... 0.01” Season to date .. 11.48” Last season ....... 29.17” Normal to date .. 19.05”


Yesterday: 38

0 50 100 150 200 300


0-50 is good. 51-100 is moderate. 101-150 is unhealthy for sensitive groups. 151-200 is unhealthy. 201-300 is very unhealthy. 301-500 is hazardous. Source:

Pollen Today Grass ...High Trees ...None Weeds .None Molds ..Low

California cities City Bakersfield Chico Eureka Fresno Long Beach Los Angeles Monterey

Today Lo/Hi/W 56/77/Clr 53/67/Rain 49/61/Rain 54/79/Clr 58/72/Cldy 61/75/Cldy 51/66/PCldy

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 55/79/Clr 54/73/Cldy 50/61/Rain 55/80/Clr 58/75/PCldy 58/76/PCldy 52/66/PCldy

City Mount Shasta Oakland Pasadena Redding San Diego San Francisco San Jose

Today Lo/Hi/W 39/53/Rain 53/67/Cldy 55/74/PCldy 48/64/Rain 63/68/Cldy 52/63/Cldy 50/71/PCldy

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 41/57/Rain 53/68/PCldy 54/78/PCldy 48/69/Rain 62/73/Cldy 53/64/PCldy 52/72/PCldy

Today City Lo/Hi/W Sn Luis Obispo 51/71/PCldy Santa Barbara 56/76/Cldy Santa Cruz 48/67/PCldy Stockton 51/74/PCldy S. Lake Tahoe 30/54/Cldy Ukiah 46/64/Rain Yosemite 43/61/Clr

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 50/75/PCldy 52/78/Clr 49/70/PCldy 54/77/PCldy 33/55/Cldy 48/69/Cldy 44/63/PCldy

City El Paso Hartford Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Louisville Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis New Orleans

Today Lo/Hi/W 67/90/Clr 33/60/Clr 72/85/Clr 70/86/Rain 43/60/Cldy 46/70/Rain 58/85/Clr 56/80/Rain 48/61/Rain 56/79/Cldy 73/82/Cldy 37/56/PCldy 44/60/Rain 68/86/Cldy

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 63/90/Clr 36/66/Rain 69/85/Clr 72/85/Rain 53/76/Rain 64/76/Rain 61/89/Clr 65/83/Rain 57/83/Rain 65/82/PCldy 73/81/Rain 48/69/Rain 53/73/Cldy 70/84/Rain

City New York Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland Providence Reno Salt Lake City Seattle Tampa Tucson Washington

Today Lo/Hi/W 41/61/Clr 45/63/Rain 65/85/PCldy 39/64/Clr 67/93/Clr 34/62/Clr 49/62/Rain 36/59/Clr 42/65/Cldy 53/68/Rain 52/64/Rain 67/89/Clr 58/91/Clr 44/67/Clr

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 46/64/Rain 55/78/Rain 65/85/PCldy 46/69/Cldy 67/93/Clr 43/71/Rain 50/63/Rain 39/64/PCldy 43/64/Cldy 51/70/Rain 50/62/Rain 68/88/Clr 57/91/PCldy 48/71/Cldy

National cities City Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta Baltimore Bismarck Boise Boston Charlotte Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit

Today Lo/Hi/W 50/84/Clr 39/61/PCldy 53/79/Cldy 65/85/Cldy 48/62/Rain 38/58/Clr 36/60/Clr 53/76/Cldy 41/59/Cldy 44/79/PCldy 66/83/Cldy 48/79/PCldy 46/59/Rain 30/59/Clr

Tomorrow Lo/Hi/W 50/83/Clr 42/61/Cldy 59/82/PCldy 67/84/Rain 50/61/Rain 41/65/Clr 40/62/PCldy 58/81/Cldy 52/78/Rain 44/73/Rain 69/87/Cldy 46/72/Rain 57/74/Rain 46/72/Rain

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: March 16, 2020 FBN Number: F20200278 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) Center City Automotive 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 300 Madson Place Davis, CA 95618 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip 5Pilot Inc 300 Madson Place Davis, CA 95618 4. Business Classification: Corporation 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: April 1, 2020 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Ron Lautzenheiser, Owner 807 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: April 9, 2020 FBN Number: F20200298 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) SPACESTATION DISTRO 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 1230 Harter Avenue, Suite J Woodland, CA 95776 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip Epic Pros Enterprises, Inc 2940 Arnold Industrial Ave. Suite J Concord, CA 94520 4. Business Classification: Corporation 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: August 21, 2019 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Bejan Farahbakhsh CFO, Epic Pros Enterprises, Inc. 810 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13

1. Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Davis (“City”) invites and will receive sealed Bids up to but not later than May 21, 2020 at 2:00 PM, at the City Clerk’s office of the City Manager, located at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, CA 95616, for the furnishing to City of all labor, equipment, materials, tools, services, transportation, permits, utilities, and all other items necessary for the 66inch Influent Sewer Sliplining, CIP No. 8166 (the “Project”). At said time, Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the City Office. Bids received after said time shall be returned unopened. Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 calendar days after the Bid opening date. 2. Requesting Plans And Specifications Plans and specifications (not including standard specifications and other documents included by reference), and proposal forms, may be obtained by logging on to www.blueprintexpress. com/davis or by calling BPXpress. The cost is $40 per set (plus shipping and handling) and is non-refundable. Any bidder that Reprographics at (916) 7607281 fails to purchase a complete set of plans, specifications and proposal forms from BPXpress Reprographics prior to the bid opening date and time OR is not included on the BPXpress plan holder list shall have their bid deemed non-responsive. In other words, the bidder must purchase the plan set from BPXpress Reprographics AND be on the BPXpress plan holder list to be deemed responsive. The only exception shall be in the event a bidder’s name is not included on the plan holders list but the bidder can produce proof of purchase of the plans, specifications and proposal forms from BPXpress Reprographics with a purchase date that occurred prior to the close of bidding. Any bid produced from plans, specifications and proposal forms obtained from sources other than those purchased from BPXpress by bidder shall be deemed non-responsive. Only bidders on the plan holders list shall receive addenda notifications.

It is the responsibility of each prospective bidder to pay the fee and download and print all Bid Documents for review and to verify the completeness of Bid Documents before submitting a bid. Any Addenda will be posted on www.blueprintexpress. com/davis. It is the responsibility of each prospective bidder to check the BPXpress Reprographics website listed above on a daily basis through the close of bids FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME for any applicable addenda or updates. STATEMENT The City does not assume any liability or responsibility based on any defective Filed: April 22, 2020 or incomplete copying, excerpting, FBN Number: F20200326 scanning, faxing, downloading or printing 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) of the Bid Documents. Information on DRAKE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of BPXpress Reprographics may change Principal Place of Business in California. without notice to prospective bidders. The Contract Documents shall supersede Business is located in Yolo County. any information posted or transmitted by 1205 Drake Drive BPXpress Reprographics. Davis, CA 95616 Mailing address: Bids must be submitted on the City’s 1106 Westfield Terrace Bid Forms. To the extent required Davis, CA 95616 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), by section 20103.7 of the Public Contract Code, upon request from a Residence Address, State, and Zip contractor plan room service, the City Jungwha Ann Jolkovsky shall provide an electronic copy of the David Lyle Jolkovsky Contract Documents at no charge to the 1106 Westfield Terrace contractor plan room. Davis, CA 95616 4. Business Classification: Contract documents will not be available A Married Couple 5. Beginning Date of Business: The for inspection or purchase from the City Registrant(s) commenced to transact by potential Bidders. business under the fictitious business 3. Description Of The Work name or names listed above on: 66-inch Influent Sewer Sliplining, CIP October 1, 1999 “I declare that all information in No. 8166: The work consists of cleaning this statement is true and correct.” the 66” Influent Sewer, sewer plugging (A registrant who declares as true and temporary bypass operations, TVinformation which he or she knows to be inspection of sewer line, excavation for insertion and winching pits, pipebursting false is guilty of a crime.) and inserting 42-inch HDPE slipliner pipe, 6. Signature of Registrant(s): grouting annular space between host Jungwha Ann Jolkovsky 815 and slip liner, installing new maintenance 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20 holes, rehabilitating maintenance holes, abandoning maintenance holes, and PUBLIC NOTICE construction of maintenance access road including all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals, to completely install an operating facility in accordance with the 00 11 16 – NOTICE INVITING BIDS Project Plans and Specifications. 66-INCH INFLUENT SEWER SLIPLINING CIP NO. 8166 All work shall be performed in accordance

with the Contract Documents and all employment of apprentices, hours of applicable laws and regulations. labor and debarment of contractors and subcontractors. 4. Engineer Engineer’s Estimate: $1,250,000 Pursuant to Labor Code sections Project Engineer: Terry Jue 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be 5. Contractor’s License Classification listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a and Subcontractors contract to perform public work must Unless otherwise provided in the be registered with the Department Instructions for Bidders, each Bidder of Industrial Relations. No Bid will be shall be a licensed contractor pursuant accepted nor any contract entered into to sections 7000 et seq. of the Business without proof of the contractor’s and and Professions Code in the following subcontractors’ current registration classification(s) throughout the time it with the Department of Industrial submits its Bid and for the duration of the Relations to perform public work. If contract: Class [A] General Engineering awarded a contract, the Bidder and its Contractor’s License. subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the Department Subcontractor Substitution requests shall of Industrial Relations for the duration be made within 35 calendar days after of the Project. Notwithstanding the the award of the contract. Pursuant to foregoing, the contractor registration Public Contract Code Section 3400(b), the requirements mandated by Labor Code City may make findings designating that Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1 shall not certain additional materials, methods or apply to work performed on a public services by specific brand or trade name works project that is exempt pursuant to other than those listed in the Standard the small project exemption specified in Specifications be used for the Project. Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1. Such findings, if any, as well as the This Project is subject to compliance materials, methods or services and their monitoring and enforcement by the specific brand or trade names that must Department of Industrial Relations. In be used for the Project may be found in bidding on this Project, it shall be the the Special Conditions. Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with 6. Bid Security all labor compliance requirements under Each Bid shall be accompanied by cash, this contract and applicable law in its Bid. a certified or cashier’s check, or Bid Bond secured from a surety company 9. Retention satisfactory to the City Council, the Pursuant to Public Contract Code section amount of which shall not be less than 7201, the City has made a determination ten percent (10%) of the submitted Total that the project described herein is Bid Price, made payable to City of Davis substantially complex, and therefore a as bid security. The bid security shall be retention of 5% will be withheld from provided as a guarantee that within five payment until after the work is complete. (5) working days after the City provides the successful bidder the Notice of 10. Substitution Requests Award, the successful Bidder will enter Substitution requests shall be made into a contract and provide the necessary within 35 calendar days after the award bonds and certificates of insurance. The of the Contract. Pursuant to Public bid security will be declared forfeited Contract Code Section 3400(b), the City if the successful Bidder fails to comply may make findings designating that within said time. No interest will be certain additional materials, methods or paid on funds deposited with City. services by specific brand or trade name The Bid Bond submitted shall be other than those listed in the Standard provided by a surety duly authorized Specifications be used for the Project. by the Insurance Commissioner to Such findings, if any, as well as the transact surety business in the State of materials, methods or services and their California. specific brand or trade names that must be used for the Project may be found in 7. Performance Bond and Labor and the Special Conditions. Material Bond The successful Bidder will be required 11. Award to furnish a Faithful Performance Bond City shall award the contract for the and a Labor and Material Payment Bond Project to the lowest responsive, each in an amount equal to one hundred responsible Bidder as determined by percent (100%) of the Contract Price. the City from the BASE BID ALONE. City Each bond shall be in the forms set forth reserves the right to reject any or all herein, shall be secured from a surety bids or to waive any irregularities or company that meets all State of California informalities in any bids or in the bidding bonding requirements, as defined in process. California Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and that is a California admitted 12. Notice to Proceed This Project, if awarded, will be awarded surety insurer. for a spring start date. Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contract Code of the State of California, 13. Further Information/Questions the successful Bidder may substitute For further information, contact Terry certain securities for funds withheld by Jue, at Questions City to ensure its performance under the will only be considered and answered via email. Questions will not be considered contract. or answered 48 working hours prior to the bid opening. 8. Labor Code Requirements Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1773, City has obtained the prevailing rate 14. Pre-Bid Conference of per diem wages and the prevailing There is no Pre-Bid Conference for this wage rate for holiday and overtime project. work applicable in Yolo County from the Director of the Department of Industrial 15. Bid Documents: All bidders shall Relations for each craft, classification, or completely fill out the Bid Forms type of worker needed to execute this (Section 00 41 43 on pages 17 through contract. A copy of these prevailing wage 38) and shall sign and date each form rates may be obtained via the internet at: where required. Failure to fill out the information or failure to sign where required shall render the bid nonIn addition, a copy of the prevailing responsive. rate of per diem wages is available at —————————————————— Deliver Bids To: the City’s Public Works Department and CITY OFFICES - CITY CLERK’S OFFICE shall be made available to interested 23 Russell Boulevard, parties upon request. The successful Davis, CA 95616-3896 bidder shall post a copy of the prevailing (Building is located on the corner of wage rates at each job site. It shall be Russell Boulevard & B Street) mandatory upon the Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon any *Note* If you choose to mail your subcontractors, to comply with all Labor Bid Proposal via any of the overnight/ Code provisions, which include but express services, the outside envelope are not limited to the payment of not MUST be clearly marked as follows: less than the said specified prevailing wage rates to all workers employed by SEALED BID FOR: 66-inch Influent them in the execution of the Contract,

Sewer Sliplining, CIP No. 8166 DELIVER IMMEDIATELY TO CITY CLERK’S OFFICE Bid Due Date And Time: May 21, 2020 2:00 PM —————————————————— END OF NOTICE INVITING BIDS 817 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Filed: April 9, 2020 FBN Number: F20200299 1. Fictitious Business Name(s) SPACESTATION 2. Street Address, City, State and Zip of Principal Place of Business in California. Business is located in Yolo County. 1230 Harter Avenue, Suite J Woodland, CA 95776 3. List Full Name(s) of Registrant(s), Residence Address, State, and Zip EPIC BROS ENTERPRISES, INC 1230 Harter Ave., Suite J Woodland, CA 95776 4. Business Classification: Corporation 5. Beginning Date of Business: The Registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: July 11, 2018 “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) 6. Signature of Registrant(s): Bejan Farahbakhsh 831 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27 PUBLIC NOTICE

CITY OF DAVIS ORDINANCE SUMMARY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 21, 2020, the City Council of the City of Davis introduced, and on May 5, 2020, the City Council will consider adopting the following entitled ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 2578 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF DAVIS MUNICIPAL CODE ARTICLE 18.05 TO EXTEND THE SUNSET DATE FOR AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE RENTAL HOUSING REQUIREMENTS The adopted ordinance amendment to the inclusionary requirements for multifamily rental housing developments extends the sunset date of the current ordinance through November 30, 2021. The current ordinance would have expired on May 31, 2020. The current ordinance is meant to serve as a bridge that allows City Council to act on multifamily development proposals with a project specific affordable housing plan with less than 35% of the units being designated as affordable housing, while staff prepares a comprehensive update to the inclusionary requirements for multifamily projects for further City Council consideration. Extending the current ordinance would allow further analysis of affordable housing alternatives for various housing development scenarios; allow for completion of the Draft Downtown Davis Specific Plan informing future downtown housing opportunities; and allow for the City to complete an update to the Housing Element. The further analysis funded by SB 2, the Downtown Davis Specific Plan, and the update to the Housing Element would provide for more informed and strategic planning efforts related to inclusionary requirements for multifamily projects. The above summary constitutes the major highlights; to obtain a full understanding of the adopted ordinance, a reading of the document in its entirety may be necessary. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance may be viewed in the City Clerk’s Office, 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California, and/or copies may be obtained at a nominal charge. 5/13 836


State’s D-II fall sports out UC Davis moving ahead, for now BY OWEN YANCHER Enterprise staff writer The California Collegiate Athletic Association, the state’s governing body for Division II sports, has canceled competition for the 2020 fall season — a move that will affect hundreds of student-athletes. Announced via press release Tuesday afternoon, the decision came just hours following California State University Chancellor Timothy White’s announcement that courses for the upcoming fall term will be delivered virtually, with limited exceptions.

The CSU systemwide declaration did not address plans for fall athletics. Conversely, the NCAA announced it will not enforce a uniform return date as schools begin to resume practices and, eventually, competition. Monday, a similar directive was laid out by the Big Sky Conference’s Presidents’ Council, which voted to allow its member schools (which includes UC Davis for football) “to make institutional decisions in accordance with NCAA policies regarding when its studentathletes will resume practice and competition.” As for the Aggies, UCD Athletic Director Kevin Blue told The Enterprise, “We are continuing to plan for fall sports activity, while

also paying attention to publichealth guidelines and discussing (the subject) with our conference colleagues. It is too soon to determine specifics about fall sports.” Meanwhile NCAA President Mark Emmert said in an interview with ESPN, “Normally there’s an agreed-upon start date for every sport, every season. But under these circumstances, now that’s all been derailed by the pandemic. It won’t be the conferences that can do that, either. It will be the local and state health officials that say whether or not you can open and play football with fans.” This past Friday UCD Chancellor Gary May tweeted that “details are still being worked out for fall quarter” by campus

leadership, which plans to have classes to be offered both remotely and in person. During the fall season, the CCAA oversees men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball. Member schools include Chico State, Sonoma State, Humboldt State, San Francisco State and UC San Diego, among others. UCSD, which is transitioning to D-I, is a member of the Western Water Polo Association and counts among its competitors the Aggies two or three times a year. The Tritons are set to become members of the Big West Conference following a probationary period. However, with the exception of football, UCD fall sports have not

yet released their fall schedules. Schools like Chico State, Sonoma State and Cal State Dominguez Hills also typically engage UCD sports teams. Davis’ nonconference football opener against Nevada is slated for Aug. 29 in Reno. Notes: Locally, the Los Rios Community College District, which serves nearly 76,000 students across the Sacramento region (including upwards of 1,000 at its Sacramento City College Davis Center satellite campus) also announced Tuesday that it will “move to a fully online fall schedule.” — Reach Owen Yancher at Follow him via Twitter at @530athletics.

Parallel universes Find the asterisks! Baseball is near* Y

es, it appears that baseball will be back, with some sort of an abbreviated season and a schedule based more on geography and less on competitive fairness. Let’s just say if Roger Maris’ 61 home-run season required a dreaded asterisk next to its listing in the Official Major League Record Book, this whole season will be filled with asterisks. In fact, the term “whole season” is a major misnomer, given that this will be half a season at best. The thinking is that an 82-game season, heavy on match ups like the Giants-A’s, Angels-Dodgers, YankeesMets, Astros-Rangers, IndiansRedlegs, Phillies-Pirates, Cubs-White Sox, Nationals-Orioles, Braves-Twins, Diamondbacks-Padres, Rays-Marlins and Royals-Cardinals will be such a hit with sports-starved America that the TV ratings for such fare will be astronomical. “Like nothing we’ve ever seen before,” as our dear president might say. The Blue Jays and the Tigers and other assorted stragglers will have to make do with a series of intrasquad games. Minor league baseball, however, is probably toast at this point. Avocado toast for those teams in California.


e still don’t know about fans. Governor Newsom has pretty much guaranteed that if there’s any baseball played in California under his watch, it will be held in empty stadiums. Unfortunately, the trend in baseball stadiums these days is that smaller is better, so social distancing is simply not made for such sporting venues. First off, stadium seating is slanted, which means you not only have to be at least 6 feet from the people on either side of you, you also must be at least 6 feet from the people above you and at least 6 feet from the people below you. In reality, though, if we’re really serious about protecting people from this insidious virus, 6 feet won’t be nearly enough if we allow the average baseball fan to cheer at the top of his or her lungs. Scientific studies conducted by the Office of the Baseball Commissioner show that saliva from an irate fan yelling “Kill the Ump” can travel up to 40 feet in a downward trajectory, even further if the outburst is wind-aided. Major League Baseball brass hopes to solve this problem by banning fans from yelling, but allowing them to directly text the offending umpire, who will be required to read at least


UCD’s Sochor, 49ers’ Walsh had unique relationship ■ Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series that puts a spotlight on the relationship between UC Davis football coaching legend Jim Sochor and San Francisco 49ers icon Bill Walsh. Today’s installment looks at how the pair became friends and reveals how Sochor and his Aggies drew from Walsh’s teachings — and how Walsh was drawn to the elements of the UCD program.

But something was cooking on the back burner of the 49ers. A rookie quarterback named BY BRUCE GALLAUDET Joe Montana was emerging. Enterprise sports editor And Walsh’s innovative West In the 1970s, parallel uni- Coast Offense was the perfect verses were creating other- vehicle to lift San Francisco worldly approaches to football. from obscurity. In his third year In the pro ranks, Cincinnati at the helm, Walsh helped San Bengals assistant Bill Walsh was Francisco win its first of five working around the shortcom- Super Bowls ... and along the ings of a weak-armed quarter- way Jim Sochor and Bill Walsh back, tinkering with an offense had become fast friends. that would change the game. Two things cemented that Three time relationship: zones away, UC the proximity of Davis’ Jim the 49ers RockSochor was lin summer turning heads camp to Davis with a program and the arrival that spoke to of Walsh’s son pride, classCraig as a UC room education Davis wide and, of course, receiver. During a quick-strike the strikeoffense. shortened NFL As techniseason of 1983, cians, both coach Walsh coaches were became a reguahead of the lar at his kid’s curve. Neither Aggie games. knew each “We knew other early in when Bill was their careers. around,” says But once they then-UCD fullmet in the late back Dan 1970s, both of Donna Sochor Hawkins, the their football current Aggie fortunes sky- Coach’s wife head coach. “It rocketed into was a lot like national prominence, morph- ‘Elvis is in the building.’ around ing into gridiron lore. here.” “They had a mutual respect One can only image what the for one another,” said Donna discussions were like when the Sochor, who was married to two got together. Jim for 52 years. The coach “My dad would stop in and died in November of 2015 of see Jim on his way to Rocklin,” complications of multiple remembers Walsh’s son, now a myeloma. He was 77. commercial realtor in the “It was always like a meeting South Bay. “My father was very of the minds when they got fond of Jim, and Jim was very together,” Donna told The fond of my father. Coach Enterprise. “They were inter- Sochor brought a brand of footested in more than just football. ball that was very sophisticated. It was really a special relation- A lot of Division II teams didn’t ship. I know it meant so much run sophisticated schemes ... to Jim.” their seasons were won or lost While it isn’t documented on who they recruited.” how Sochor and Walsh first Craig remembers Davis was met, those close to both figure challenged by who could come it was around the time Walsh to campus. Hurdles to clear came to the San Francisco before a player was signed to 49ers in 1979. Davis included lofty entrance At the time, Sochor was well- requirements, no scholarships, established at UCD. He was en a shoestring budget, plus UCD route to a 156-41-5 career was on the quarter system. “That all forced the Aggies to record with the Aggies while Walsh’s first fall in the Bay Area recruit student-athletes,” Walsh saw his 49ers repeat their 2-14 says. “You couldn’t hide behind a semester’s worth of work to mark from the year before.

“They had a mutual respect for one another ... They were interested in more than just football. It was really a special relationship. I know it meant so much to Jim.”

The paths of UC Davis Hall of Fame Coach Jim Sochor, left, and S.F. 49ers head coach Bill Walsh crossed and not only did they form a friendship but also influenced each other’s gridiron ways.


be eligible. You really had to many coaches of the day. “Bill and Jim attacked footput three semesters together. And I remember (UCD athletic ball differently from what a lot director) Joe Singleton and his of coaches did back in the booming voice coming down Woody Hayes era,” recalls Bob the halls at Hickey Gym, saying Biggs, himself 20 years at the ‘12 and 12 and 12 is 36’ while Aggie helm after helping UCD (warning) us about the units we rise above the fray as a quarterback in the early 1970s. had to take. “It was a more cerebral game “Jim was always looking for the athlete who was first pretty for them, the team was much damn good as a student, then more important than the head he’d find a place for them on coach.” Biggs and Craig Walsh conthe team.” cur that the relationship was Walsh hosted Sochor and his staff at the Sierra College sum- give-and-take. “My dad took some things mer workouts, giving the away from Jim’s tried-and-true Aggies back-stage access to all philosophy,” offers Craig, who facets of what the 49ers were doing. UCD had long been played wide receiver at UCD influenced by Tom Landry and from 1980-1982. Walsh was the Dallas Cowboys, who in one of QB Ken O’Brien’s favorthose days camped out at Cal ite targets as the Aggies Lutheran in Thousand Oaks. marched to the National USC, coached by John Robin- Championship game in ‘82. Walsh liked what Davis was son and assisted by former doing, rolling out its quarterUCD player/coach Paul Hackett, also had Sochor’s ear. Hack- backs and in essence setting up ett would eventually wind up an off-shore pocket. He loved with Walsh in San Francisco in how Sochor had all the details 1983, further binding the tie of travel, practice and game management between Davis spelled out. and the 49ers. Conversely, “Jim always Sochor wanted to stay adopted the a half-step 49ers’ scheme. ahead of (By the way, everybody, as don’t call it the did Bill,” says West Coast Hackett, now Offense. retired and Walsh hated living in New the term. After Hampshire. “I all, he estabthink that’s lished the what drove scheme in their relationOhio. There ship. he decided to “There was get the ball on a nice, easy short passes to flow in that his best athrelationship letes in open over a long space when period of Cincinnati time.” quarterback And Virgil Carter exchange, on Bob Biggs was found to and off the Former UCD QB and coach have less than field ... a prolific Sochor and down-field arm.) Walsh loved military history. Like Walsh did, Sochor Sochor drank in World War II began scripting a game’s first 15 while Walsh was a student of plays. At the 49ers, those plays the Civil War. Frequently, the would be repeated over and pair faced off on the tennis over again on what Walsh like court and occasionally there to call “Perfect Thursday.” was a chess match at hand. While Sochor forbid his guys to Both were uber-analytical and put a helmet on the ground, rose above the rah-rah, smashSEE SOCHOR, BACK PAGE them-in-the-mouth styles of so

“(They) attacked football differently from what a lot of coaches did back in the Woody Hayes era. It was a more cerebral game for them, the team was much more important than the head coach.”




SOCHOR: Sharing their winning ideals From Page A7

While Sochor’s accomplishments sparkled, Walsh Walsh, remembers was winning 102 games in Hawkins, was frowning on 10 years with the 49ers. his players putting the ball They both retired after the 1988 season. on the ground. When Sochor went into “My dad had the utmost respect for Jim Sochor. the College Football Hall of Coach Sochor took over a Fame in 1999, it was the program that really wasn’t testimonial from Bill Walsh much (at the end of the that cemented for all time what the 1960s) and Aggie menestablished tradition,” tor meant: states Craig. “Jim The dawn Sochor is of Aggie among the Pride? finest foot“My dad ball coaches was in awe of our time. of Jim’s In making organizathe statetion ... and ment, I his longevinclude all ity of suclevels of cess all Craig Walsh competithose years,” Bill’s son & former Aggie tion: high Craig conschool, coltinues. “He saw how Jim lege and professional. was well-respected on cam“He has continued to pus — and he had a great demonstrate the ability balancing act on campus. to win against the best But it was a perfect place competition, including for a coach to become a Division-I opponents. He coach, then have good suc- has directed what, in my cess.” opinion, is the model proOver the years, UC Davis gram for intercollegiate got the regional nickname football. Jim is a true eduof Quarterback U, won 18 cator, as well as a dynamic straight conference crowns coach. He has sustained a and produced a coaching highly successful program tree that included Oregon’s over the years. Mike Bellotti, TCU’s Gary “Jim has done this with Patterson, Hawkins, former dignity, class and profesWashington and Boise sionalism.” State coach Chris Petersen, A standard that has Hackett and many, many stood the test of time at UC others. Hackett’s son Davis. Nathaniel, who broke into Coming Friday: From coaching as an Aggie line- the Dallas Cowboys’ deep backers assistant in 2003, throws to USC run sweeps is currently Aaron Rodgers’ and on to the throw-itoffensive coordinator in where-they-ain’t 49ers Green Bay. style, Jim Sochor took the “My father and Jim best of the best schemes shared a common goal,” and melded them into the says Craig. “They were Aggie offense. going to be successful at — Reach Bruce Gallaumaking this football thing det at bgallaudet41@ work, and nothing was or call 530going to get in their way 320-4456. Also follow until they got it done the Gallaudet on Twitter: way they wanted it done.” @BGsportsinDavis.

“My dad was in awe of Jim’s organization ... and his longevity of success all those years.”

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DUNNING: Changes Landscapes, Inc. to keep 6 feet away From Page A7 five such texts between innings. Singing of the National Anthem will also be banned, based on research that shows singing expels much more virus than simply breathing. If you leave out the fans, though, with a few tweaks the game of baseball is uniquely suited for social distancing. After all, the pitching rubber is 60-feet, 6-inches from home plate, while the entire 90-feet that the batter must traverse from home to first base is entirely devoid of human contact. The catcher will have to stand 6 feet behind the batter, while the umpire will have to stand 6 feet behind the catcher, which means the paying customers in the seats directly behind home plate may have to be relocated. To avoid physical contact, the first baseman will not be allowed to “hold the runner,” and base stealing will be banned to avoid a runner sliding into the shortstop. All outs will be force outs, thus eliminating the need for one player to “tag” another. The third-base coach will not be allowed to slap the butt of a home-run hitter as he rounds the base and heads for home, and bunts will be forbidden because they tend to draw

the pitcher, the catcher, the third baseman and the first baseman into close contact. Conferences on the mound will be similarly banned. The Houston Astros will, however, still be allowed to use a camera buried in the centerfield fence to steal the catcher’s signals, just as long as the centerfield fence is at least 6 feet from home plate, which it is in all current Major League stadiums. Baseball, of course, is nothing without statistics. Imagine a pitcher winning the Cy Young with a sizzling 10-win season. Or the home-run crown going to a slugger with just 20 blasts out of the park. The reduced number of games might coax folks like Ichiro Suzuki and Pete Rose and Sandy Koufax to see if they have another season or two to give the fans. Heck, we may even see Satchel Paige and Hoyt Wilhelm willing to throw several innings of relief. To keep player interactions to a minimum, games will be reduced to just six innings, with the seventh-inning stretch taking place before the home team bats in the bottom of the fourth. It’s a plan that should work. Indeed, it’s time to play ball. — Reach Bob Dunning at bdunning@davisenter

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